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Police recover 60,000 kgs of explosives, 6 held
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6 00:00 JosephMendiola [14]
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4 00:00 JosephMendiola [12]
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2 00:00 JosephMendiola [18]
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wihelmina von Osterman aka Raquel Torres

Do not fly upside down

Krusteaz pancake makeup?

Daily Gam Shot

Anyone seen Mom's best Tablecloth?

Art Deco CT Scan

Nightie Night

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 11/09/2009 4:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Raquel: "Choo wouldn't say no to a lady, would choo?"
Groucho: "Why not? They always say no to me."
Posted by: mojo || 11/09/2009 11:10 Comments || Top||

#3  "Lip Stamper"
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 11/09/2009 15:29 Comments || Top||

Eleven-Eleven Campaign for the Vets
Bloggers unite! The Eleven-Eleven Campaign is asking eleven million Americans to donate $11 for programs that provide services to our veterans. Those organizations are:

  • American Gold Star Mothers
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
  • NY State for Vets
    Continued on Page 49
  • Posted by: Steve White || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

    -Lurid Crime Tales-
    Fort Hood shooter was a recent and frequent customer at a local strip club, $50 Lap Dances
    Posted by: 3dc || 11/09/2009 00:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  If memory serves me, the 911 terrorists also supported local strip clubs. A pattern?
    Posted by: Sherry || 11/09/2009 0:45 Comments || Top||

    #2  #1 is correct. I realize these guys are sexually frustrated lacking the necessary sheeps, goats, and camels on the military base....but $50.00 a dance!!!
    Posted by: borgboy || 11/09/2009 0:47 Comments || Top||

    #3  The guy was looking for a wife apparently. Maybe he was too creepy or something.

    These idiots firmly believe in the idea that no matter how badly they behave as muslims, they get to totally short-circuit any judgment process and go straight to the heavenly hall-of-fame if they do the jihad thing. So what's to stop them from being naughty on this side? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. It seems to me to be a conflicted side-effect of the jihad concept which is about the only thing that keeps the imams in business these days. That, or they feel guilty about their behavior and think "Well, I might as well do the Jihad thing, because there is no other way for me to get to heaven." Probably some of both.
    Posted by: gorb || 11/09/2009 0:57 Comments || Top||

    #4  It's part of the ritual wherein "Allah prepares them for victory".

    I read that part of his troubles was also alcoholism, but that he'd gotten a handle on that.
    Posted by: Woozle Uneter9007 || 11/09/2009 1:02 Comments || Top||

    #5  Answers your yesterday Q about his finances, Visitor?
    Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 11/09/2009 2:49 Comments || Top||

    #6  The term 'Assassin' derives from the Arabic word Hashshashin ..., literally "takers of hashish", more commonly called The Order of the Assassins. Their actual name is Nizari. They were active in the costal mountains of the Levant, then moved to Alamut by the Caspian Sea from the eighth to the fourteenth centuries. This group killed members of the Abbasid and Seljuq élite for political and religious reasons, but mostly targeted the Sunni Muslims. - wiki

    Lap dances are generally legal. Hashish is a controlled substance. The popular story is that the grand masters of the cult used drugs and sex to control their agents, sort of a preview of what paradise awaits the assassin for carrying out the bidding of the masters.
    Posted by: Procopius2k || 11/09/2009 7:38 Comments || Top||

    #7  That explains where a large part of his salary as a Major may have went to.
    Posted by: Besoeker || 11/09/2009 8:14 Comments || Top||

    #8  The present day descendants of the Nazari, under the leadership of the Agha Khan, are the only branch of Islam IMHO who can be trusted to not act like barbarians.
    Posted by: tipper || 11/09/2009 10:33 Comments || Top||

    #9  This was on ABC.
    U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.

    Posted by: Deacon Blues || 11/09/2009 10:41 Comments || Top||

    #10  Maybe we should just bug the strip clubs and forget about the mosques?
    Posted by: Cornsilk Blondie || 11/09/2009 15:01 Comments || Top||

    #11  Let's get him well enough for us to shoot him for treason.

    I've known a couple of people like Maj Hasan - ok at their job, but totally screwed up outside of it. Probably had a personality like a cross between a porcupine and a skunk.
    Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/09/2009 15:01 Comments || Top||

    #12  Probably had a personality like a cross between a porcupine and a skunk.
    Old Patriot, with Hasan, this is more likely to be the problem.
    Posted by: tipper || 11/09/2009 17:07 Comments || Top||

    #13  Link didn't work for me Tipper
    Posted by: abu do you love || 11/09/2009 17:50 Comments || Top||

    #14  The Assassins were Ismailis. That group is treated as moderate these days. We need to learn from history: when muslims have the power, their aggression rises exponentially. Islam is the mad-dog of religions.

    Imagine if you had to write a movie of the Fort Hood jihad-massacre, based only on the dhimmi editorials from the print media. You would have to color the Murderer with tints of: maltreatment by the misunderstanders of islam; victim of denial of freedom of conscientious objection to the Asian wars; non-representative of the majority of peaceful muslims; etc ad nauseum.

    The scumbag Murdered for the fake muslim deity. He didn't declare "allah akhbar" to clear his throat. Hold a lottery for the privilege of sending this wild animal to hell; it would make millions.
    Posted by: Elmoluque McCoy1514 || 11/09/2009 17:50 Comments || Top||

    #15  I'm sure such a movie is already being discussed at the parties of Hollywood. It'll make him out to be a victim of 'racist rednecks' (Texas) and intolerant Christians who are the _real_ perps here. And it'll be advertised as 'True story'.

    Islam is the only major religion which practices Human Sacrifices.
    Posted by: CrazyFool || 11/09/2009 18:27 Comments || Top||

    #16  The Assassins were Ismailis. That group is treated as moderate these days.

    It may have something to do with the Mongols nearly annihilating them.

    "The Mongols made first for the Elburz Mountains, where the Assassins lay in wait behind what they believed to be their impregnable fortresses. With extraordinary ingenuity the Mongol generals and their Chinese engineers manoeuvred their artillery up the mountain slopes and set them up around the walls of the fortress of Alamut. But before the order was given to commence firing the Assassins' Grand Master, Rukn ad-Din, signalled that he wanted to negotiate. Hulegu countered that he must immediately order the destruction of his own fortifications; when Rukn ad-Din prevaricated, the bombardment commenced. Under the most devastatingly accurate artillery fire, the walls quickly tumbled and Rukn ad-Din surrendered. Hulegu took him prisoner, transported him to every Assassin castle they confronted, and paraded him before each garrison with the demand for an immediate surrender. Some obliged, as at Alamut; while others, like Gerdkuh, had to be taken by force. Today the spherical stone missiles fired by the artillery teams at the walls still litter the perimeter of the ruins. Whether each 'eagle's nest' surrendered or was taken, the Mongols put all the inhabitants to the sword; even the women in their homes and the babies in their cradles.

    As this slaughter continued, Rukn ad-Din begged Hulegu to allow him to go to Qaraqorum where he would pay homage to the Great Khan and plead for clemency. Hulegu agreed, but when he got to Qaragorum Mongke Khan refused to see him. It was effectively a sentence of death. On the journey back his Mongol escort turned on the Grand Master and his attendants, who were 'kicked to a pulp' . The Persian historian Juvaini commented that 'tine world has been cleansed'. Five hundred years later Edward Gibbon echoed those sentiments, claiming that the Mongols' campaign 'may be considered as a service to mankind'. It took two years for the Mongols to dislodge over 100 'eagles' nests', but in the process they virtually expunged the Assassins from Persia."
    - Storm from the East: From Genghis Khan to Khubilai Khan ^ | 1993 | Robert Marshall
    Posted by: Procopius2k || 11/09/2009 21:02 Comments || Top||

    #17  From #14: victim of denial of freedom of conscientious objection to the Asian wars
    From what I understand, a conscientious objector must object to ALL wars - he doesn't get to pick and choose.
    Besides which, Hasan was a doctor, which makes him a noncombatant. Several conscientious objectors served honorably as Corpsmen.
    Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 11/09/2009 21:32 Comments || Top||

    #18  At least 2 Congressional Medal of Honor winners have been conscientious objectors, so that argument is invalid.
    Posted by: Shieldwolf || 11/09/2009 21:49 Comments || Top||

    17 Taliban killed in fierce Afghan battle
    Afghan troops and NATO jets pounded Taliban positions during a "fierce battle" in southern Afghanistan, killing 17 insurgents, the Defence Ministry said on Sunday. The fighting erupted after Taliban militants fired several mortars at an Afghan army position in the southern province of Zabul, a known Taliban hotspot, the ministry said in a statement.

    "Afghan troops were dispatched after the enemy position was identified and a very fierce battle took place," it said. "During the battle, which was backed by international forces' air support and lasted for one hour, 17 Taliban were killed," the statement said, adding that another militant wounded in the fighting had been captured.

    Militants, mainly remnants of the Taliban regime, have been waging an insurgency to overthrow the US-backed government of President Hamid Karzai since they were ousted from power in a US-led invasion in 2001. The insurgency has intensified each year since then, with 2009 now the deadliest for Afghan security forces and their international military backers who have deployed more than 100,000 troops to defeat the insurgency.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

    Africa North
    Tunisia sentences 8 terror cell members
    [Maghrebia] Tunisia convicted eight men of belonging to a terrorist group and supplying it with arms, Reuters reported on Saturday (November 7th). The sentences ranged from three to 12 years, defence attorney Anouar Kousri said.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

    'Yemeni fighters shot down fighter jet'
    Yemen's Houthi fighters say they have shot down a fighter jet during clashes with government forces in north-western Yemen.

    "Our anti-aircraft batteries shot down a military plane, which carried out bombings in the city of Razeh, near the border with Saudi Arabia," Abdessalam Mohammad, a spokesman for the fighters, told AFP.

    This is while, the Yemeni military said the plane crashed due to technical problems.

    The Sukhoi plane crashed during a raid on suspected strongholds of the Houthi fighters in north-western Yemen, Colonel Askar Zuail on Sunday, a military commander in the north-western Yemeni province of Saada, told DPA by telephone.

    He added that the "plane crashed due to a technical malfunction. The pilot ejected and landed safely."

    This is the third time Yemen has lost an air force fighter jet in Saada since the army began its latest offensive on the Houthi fighters on August 11.

    Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia says it has regained control of its border region of Jabal Dukhan. The area was earlier seized by the Houthis.

    Saudi warplanes have been targeting Houthi positions inside Yemen since Thursday after four Saudi troopers reportedly went missing. Houthi fighters say they captured the Saudi troops inside Yemeni territory.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  Russian made jets without adequate technical support = ejection seat time!
    Posted by: borgboy || 11/09/2009 0:23 Comments || Top||

    #2  It's a good thing the Russian planes have those excellent ejection seats. Do they still give demonstrations of those at airshows, or was enough interest already aroused?
    Posted by: gromky || 11/09/2009 0:33 Comments || Top||

    #3  FYI: German scientists invented the ejection seats for the ME 262...just thought you history buffs wanted to know. I don't know if it was used on the "Komet" or "TA-150" also. anybody have a guess?
    Posted by: borgboy || 11/09/2009 0:57 Comments || Top||

    #4  1990's MAHA-RUSHIE >'CAUSE A BLIMPY [Dagwood, etal.] IS A BEUTIFUL THING!

    "Third time ... technical malfunction" > Whoa, two more = the Yemeni AF Air Maintenance-Repair Ship will be a full-fledged HOUTHI ACE!
    Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/09/2009 1:33 Comments || Top||

    #5  Somebody failed writing class. If you're planning on writing about ground troops and a fighter jet which was shot down, don't confuse matters by calling the ground troops/militia/anti-aircraft crew "fighters".
    Posted by: Mitch H. || 11/09/2009 10:17 Comments || Top||

    #6  Somewhere in all my military experiences I heard that the average Russian aircraft needed maintenance every 20 hours or three missions, or they're a candidate for in-flight failure. The average for US combat aircraft is around 20 missions or 100 hours, and most of the defects corrected are minor.
    Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/09/2009 15:06 Comments || Top||

    Saudi Arabia regains area seized by Yemen rebels
    [Al Arabiya Latest] Saudi Arabia said it had regained control of territory seized by Yemeni rebels in a cross-border incursion last week as the kingdom's deputy defense minister said four Saudi soldiers were missing after fighting between Saudi forces and Yemeni rebels.

    "The situation is calm ... especially in Jabal Dukhan, of which full control has been regained," Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz, assistant minister for defense and aviation, was quoted by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) as saying.

    Four Saudi soldiers were missing, Prince Khaled said, but said they had not been taken prisoner. He also said Saudi security forces had also arrested a number of rebels.

    "There were five missing and one came back. They are missing and not prisoners" of war, Prince Khaled said.

    Houthi rebels inside Yemen said on Saturday that they had captured Saudi soldiers.

    "With Allah's help, the Saudi tyrannical advance into Yemen's territory has been defeated," a statement on the rebels' website said.

    "A number of its troops have been captured and several military vehicles and supplies been seized."

    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

    2 Gono Bahini outlaws held with 8 bombs
    [Bangla Daily Star] Police arrested two top cadres of outlawed Gono Bahini and recovered eight powerful bombs from Shantidanga village in Sadar upazila yesterday night.

    They are Emdadul, 42, son Ibad Ali of Juripara in Sailkupa upazila of Jhenidah and Moinuddin, 30, son of Yusuf Mollah of Pyirapur in Sadar upazila of Kushtia district.

    Acting on a tip-off, detective branch (DB) of police led by ASP Alamgir Hossain raided a banana field of the village at about 11:40pm when a group of the outlawed party cadres was holding a meeting.

    They caught two of them while some other cadres managed to flee. Police recovered eight powerful bombs from the spot.

    Police at a press briefing held at 1:30am at Police Lines said the arrestees have admitted their involvement in the outfit.

    Meanwhile, Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCP-ML) Lal Pataka faction Suja Uddin alias Joy Babu, arrested on Saturday, was taken on a five-day remand yesterday while two journalists--Atiq and Mohsin Ali--were sent to jail in two extortion cases filed against them.

    Suja's father and one brother, arrested in the case, were also sent to jail.

    Chuadanga police on Saturday evening produced Suja and the two journalists before a judicial magistrate court in the extortion case filed by Ramjan Ali, a member of Karpasdanga Union Parishad of Chuadanga.

    Suja Uddin and the two local journalists were arrested from Chuadanga and Meherpur districts on Saturday.

    According to police, Suja using the name, Joy Babu, had been demanding extortion from people in Chuadanga and Meherpur for last several months.

    Following Suja's confessional statement, police picked up Atiar Rahman Atiq and Mohsin Ali from their residences. Both are local correspondents of Chuadanga based daily Mathabhanga.

    Quoting Suja, police said the two journalists were assisting him in collecting toll in their areas and sharing the booty with him.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

    CID identifies 2 Huji men
    [Bangla Daily Star] The Criminal Investigation Department has identified two Huji leaders who helped the August 21 grenade-throwers flee the scene in a white microbus.

    CID officials who would only speak in return for anonymity also said they are on a countrywide hunt for the two--Monir and Idris.

    Meanwhile, CID investigators yesterday quizzed former assistant superintendent of police Munshi Atiqur Rahman, who was investigation officer of the grenade attack case during the BNP-led four-party alliance rule.

    Special Superintendent Meer Shahidul Islam of CID told The Daily Star that Munshi Atiqur, who faces charges of misleading the investigation, came to their Malibagh headquarters in the afternoon and was interrogated for over an hour and a half.

    Shahidul however would not say anything on the line of questioning.

    Contacted, ASP Abdul Kahar Akand, IO of the grenade attack case, too declined to make any comment on the matter.

    Sources close to the investigation said Munshi Atiqur Rahman was grilled mainly over his role during the attack and later in attempts to divert the course of the probe in the August 21 carnage that left 24 Awami League leaders and workers dead and scores injured on Bangabandhu Avenue in 2004.

    On Thursday, former ASP Abdur Rashid and former senior ASP Ruhul Amin were questioned face to face with detained former BNP state minister for home Lutfozzaman Babar.

    The sources said Babar in interrogation claimed the Joj Miah story was the brainchild of Munshi Atiqur Rahman.

    The former state minister also said he was used by the then government to help CID mislead the investigation to save the brother of former BNP deputy education minister Abdus Salam Pintu.

    He maintained he did not know anything about the August 21 plot. As soon as he learned about involvement of Pintu's brother and Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Moulana Tajuddin, Huji leader Mufti Abdul Hannan and some others, he shared the information with the then former prime minister.

    On Friday, CID sent Babar to the Taskforce for Interrogation cell for quizzing and brought him back to its Malibagh office the following day.

    Earlier, CID interrogated Shamsul Islam, former deputy inspector general of the Special Branch, and Mostofa Kamal, SP of the Armed Police Battalion.

    Former IGP Shahudul Huq, former DMP commissioner Ashraful Huda and former additional IGP Farrukh Ahmed too have been summoned for interrogation in the case.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: HUJI

    Biplobi bad boy shovel-ready after shootout
    [Bangla Daily Star] A central leader of outlawed Biplobi Communist Party (Haque Group) was killed in a 'shootout' between his cohorts and police at Defolbaria village in Sadar upazila here early yesterday.
    Was he a new Biplobi or an old Biplobi?
    A haq Biplobi. Not one of the good ones, so to speak.
    The deceased was identified as Sarajit Ghosh, 48, son of Mander Ghosh of Defolbaria village.

    On information, Detective Branch of police cordoned off a field at Defolbaria village where Sarajit and his associates were holding a meeting around 5:00am.
    A good, proletarian choice, but look at the time! Someone must have misfiled the victim's shuttergun and round of bullet after the last time.
    Sensing their presence,
    Nervous systems like over-tuned guitars, this lot has...
    the outlaws opened fire on police prompting them to fire back that triggered a gunfight.
    Because the police have read Miss Manners, and never shoot without a proper invitation.
    Sarajit was caught in the line of fire and died on the spot, police said.
    Amazing how the line of fire always randomly ends up double-tapping behind the right ear. Statistics is a wonderful thing.
    Police constables Ruhul Amin and Swapan Kumar were also injured during the gun battle.
    "No bandaids, just walk on your own feet next time!"
    Sarajit was an accused in a number of cases including seven for murder, police said.
    Wanted on twelve systems, he was, and now .5MT will be happy.
    Police recovered a pipe gun, four rounds of bullet and three bombs from the spot.
    When that shutter gun finally turns up, someone is going to be in deep trouble. It's supposed to go back to it's special place after each use.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  Was he a new Biplobi or an old Biplobi?
    A haq Biplobi. Not one of the good ones, so to speak.

    Now he's a DEAD Biplobi. He now belongs to the largest of the Biplobi groups.
    Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/09/2009 15:09 Comments || Top||

    Fifth Column
    U.S. Officials Confirm Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Sent E-mails to Al Qaeda Associates
    Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 11/09/2009 18:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  Of the American soldiers intentionally killed by fellow soldiers since 9/11, what are the odds that the killer was a muslim American soldier? I calculate 61% in 6 incidents. Somewhere around 2 or 3% of US soldiers are muslim...

    It seems that the statistics indicate that being a follower of Islam might predispose one to kill his fellow soldiers for some reason...but let's not jump to conclusions.
    Posted by: Thor Cheath9956 || 11/09/2009 18:51 Comments || Top||

    #2  per time magazine,

    "..Less than 1% of America's 1.4 million troops are Muslim — and that number is only the military's best guess, since just 4,000 troops have declared their faith in their service records..."

    Of course 4k/1.4M is about a quarter of one percent.
    Posted by: lord garth || 11/09/2009 19:36 Comments || Top||

    #3  That odor of lawsuits is getting stronger all the time.
    Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 11/09/2009 20:01 Comments || Top||

    Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/09/2009 20:32 Comments || Top||

    #5  1) I don't think a member of the military can sue over this but I could be wrong.

    2) Whether 4K or 14K, most (very large majority of) are loyal. We need to be better about finding the ones who aren't.
    Posted by: Steve White || 11/09/2009 20:50 Comments || Top||

    #6  Like reporting the ones who are vehemently against the war in Afghanistan?
    Posted by: gorb || 11/09/2009 21:55 Comments || Top||

    #7  1) I don't think a member of the military can sue over this but I could be wrong.

    The best that the families of the slain can hope for is that the commanders who knew of his opinions and statements can be held liable under the military justice system (dereliction, etc) and spend time in prison. No lawsuits can be filed by those who are injured, not even against the shooter (IIUC).
    Posted by: Jame Retief || 11/09/2009 22:44 Comments || Top||

    Home Front: WoT
    British spies help prevent al Qaeda-inspired attack on New York subway
    British spies have foiled a terrorist plot by a suspected al Qaeda operative to blow up the New York subway. The plan, which reportedly would have been the biggest attack on America since 9/11, was uncovered after Scotland Yard intercepted an email. The force alerted the FBI, who launched an operation which led to airport shuttle bus driver Najibullah Zazi, 24, being charged with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction.

    The Afghan is alleged to have been part of a group who used stolen credit cards to buy components for bombs including nail varnish remover. The chemicals bought were similar to those used to make the 2005 London Tube and bus explosives which killed 52 people. Zazi, from Denver, Colorado, is understood to have been given instructions by a senior member of al Qaeda in Pakistan over the internet. US authorities allegedly found bomb-making instructions on his laptop and his fingerprints on batteries and measuring scales they seized. A phone containing footage of New York's Grand Central Station, thought to have been made by him during a visit a week before his arrest, was also found along with explosive residue. Zazi was also said by informants to have attended a terrorist training camp in Pakistan.

    The alleged plot was unmasked after an email address that was being monitored as part of the abortive Operation Pathway was suddenly reactivated. Operation Pathway was investigating an alleged UK terrorist cell but went awry after the then Met Police counter-terrorism head Bob Quick was pictured walking into Downing Street displaying top secret documents. Eleven Pakistani suspects were arrested immediately after the gaffe but later released without charge. However, security staff continued to monitor the email address which eventually yielded results.

    The British discovery also came at just the right time – the US had threatened to sever intelligence links over the release of Lockerbie bomber Al Megrahi. A British security source told The Sun: "This was excellent work and highlights the fact we produce good information. (The US authorities) were delighted with the intelligence we gave them and believe it helped prevent a catastrophic attack."
    Hmm. Reminds me of those who get a bonus just for doing their job.
    Posted by: Bulldog || 11/09/2009 12:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  Sure glad British intel was 'active' on this one.

    Langley has been relegated to covering their own butts.
    Posted by: Mullah Richard || 11/09/2009 14:00 Comments || Top||

    #2  Nice collar.
    Posted by: Dave UK || 11/09/2009 14:15 Comments || Top||

    #3  Watching each others backs!
    Posted by: gorb || 11/09/2009 21:56 Comments || Top||

    Official: Major Hasan Awake, Speaking to Medical Staff
    Posted by: anonymous5089 || 11/09/2009 12:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

    #1  1) I Hope they are supplementing his IV with the proper `chemicals` to `ease` his talking.

    2) No doubt there is some `Holy Man` aka Imam who he was talking to. We need this guy`s name, so the Army can nab him, and make him `disappear`
    Posted by: BigEd || 11/09/2009 13:23 Comments || Top||

    #2  Is he saying things like "No, please, no more!"?
    Posted by: mojo || 11/09/2009 14:02 Comments || Top||

    #3  Tell him he had to have a transfusion from Porky Pig....
    Posted by: CrazyFool || 11/09/2009 14:22 Comments || Top||

    #4  Make sure he comes down with "swine" flu, let his fever spike a bit, and listen when he babbles. I'm sure the ACLU would consider that "cruel and unusual", but until they take their turn on the front lines, they should have about as much input as a pebble on the top of Pikes Peak.
    Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/09/2009 15:13 Comments || Top||

    #5  His trial could be interesting if he tries to promote a jihadi message by quoting the Koran. A lot of muslims are going to be shifting uncomfortably on their butts.
    Posted by: Apostate || 11/09/2009 17:27 Comments || Top||

    #6  Iff remember my UCMJ + Federal Regs-Caselaws correctly, methihinks the Army-DOD has 90-120 days to charge him under Courts-Martial + begin formal litigation.

    Am I right or wrong???
    Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/09/2009 18:01 Comments || Top||

    #7  Do they have enough vise-grips?
    Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 11/09/2009 20:03 Comments || Top||

    Suspected suicide bomber brought down by 'Sharpshooter'
    [Dawn] Police shot dead a suspected suicide bomber who ran towards a checkpoint on the outer ring of the city on Sunday night.

    Police said a double-cabin 4x4 vehicle had dropped off the man who charged towards the checkpoint near Saddam Chowk on the Margalla Road near the intersection of Sectors E-11 and F-11. He was shouting Allah-o-Akbar and appeared to be wearing a suicide jacket.

    Police believed he was a suicide bomber whose handlers wanted him to hit a 'soft target' after failing to take him to their real target in the capital.

    An eyewitness said he had seen the man's bullet-riddled body lying on the road.

    While police claimed to have killed a terrorist who might have been brought to the city for a major attack, they acknowledged that the double cabin 4X4 vehicle which had two other occupants managed to escape despite the presence of a police squad at the checkpost.

    Deputy Inspector General of Police (operation) Bani Amin told this correspondent that the black vehicle with tinted glasses had come to Sadam Chowk on the exit lane of Margalla Road at around 10pm from F-10.

    The man got down from the vehicle and rushed towards the checkpost at the entry lane of Margalla Raod. The vehicle moved towards Golra.

    A policeman fired a burst with his submachine gun hitting the man in the head and face.

    The DIG said the man died on the spot. Luckily, he added, the bullets damaged his brain and he did not get time to detonate the explosives in the jacket he was wearing.

    He said that the man appeared to be an Afghan in his mid-20s. He received six bullets in his head and face, he added.

    The DIG said that the jacket carrying over eight kilograms of explosives stacked with bullets and pellets.

    He said that the capital was on high alert on Sunday because of reports about serious threats.

    The reports, he said, indicated that the terrorists might attack in capital and a double-cabin vehicle could be used for the purpose.

    The DIG said that seven police personnel had been deployed at the checkpost and the terrorist tried to attack them after having failed to enter the main city.

    The DIG said that a suicide bomber wearing an explosive jacket was bound to detonate it; failing to reach the prime target, he would go for a soft target.

    IG Islamabad Kaleem Imam told Dawn News that the man had been taken out by a sharpshooter.

    But knowledgeable circles here have raised some questions about the police claim.

    At most of the checkpoints in Islamabad at least one policeman is armed with an AK-47 automatic rifle, but hardly anyone has seen a 'sharpshooter' at any of the posts.

    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

    #1  These bomb vest makers have to figure out how a deadman switch operates.
    Posted by: gromky || 11/09/2009 0:30 Comments || Top||

    #2  "He received six bullets in his head and face, he added."

    Special commendation for good shot grouping.
    Posted by: Anonymoose || 11/09/2009 7:41 Comments || Top||

    #3  Shooter was almost certainly close enough to have been seriously hurt if the vest had exploded.
    Handlers are probably afraid of a deadman switch - zombie bomber might slip getting out of the delivery vehicle.
    Posted by: Glenmore || 11/09/2009 7:51 Comments || Top||

    #4  Handlers are probably afraid of a deadman switch - zombie bomber might slip getting out of the delivery vehicle.

    Since drugs are widely used by those who are suicide bombers, this is quite valid.

    It was not unusual, in the height of the attacks in Iraq it was not unusual for there to be two switches in an SVBIED. One was controlled by the driver and one was remote. If the driver looked like he would chicken out, the remote switch would be used.

    A better switch would involve a push/hold. The operator pushes the switch once in the local area and the device detonates when he lets go, either on purpose or when his hand relaxes in death.
    Posted by: Jame Retief || 11/09/2009 23:04 Comments || Top||

    Troops kill three Taliban in Bajaur
    Security forces killed three Taliban on Sunday and arrested another one in an injured condition, while eight others surrendered to security forces in Bajaur Agency. Security forces used long-range artillery in Mamoond tehsil to target Taliban hideouts, killing three Taliban. In Khar, an important Taliban commander surrendered along with his son to security forces. Six other Taliban also surrendered to troops in Mamoond tehsil.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: TTP

    Police arrest 200 suspects
    The law-enforcement agencies are continuing search operation against terror suspects and they arrested 200 persons from different areas of Rawalpindi division and Islamabad during the last 24 hours. According to a private TV channel, the police, Elite Force and other law-enforcement agencies are taking part in the operation. The arrested people include 13 Afghan nationals. Police checked identification documents of 3,000 persons in different areas of Rawalpindi division including Taxila, Wah Cant, Murree, Gujar Khan and Islamabad and arrested 200 suspicious persons.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

    10 Taliban killed in Mohmand
    At least 10 Taliban were killed in a clash in Zachmir Kund area of Mohmand Agency on Sunday, said official sources. The clash erupted when Taliban attacked security forces with sophisticated weapons during a search operation in the area. Two security personnel were also killed in fighting -- which continued for about four hours. Five security personnel were also injured. Meanwhile, troops also defused a landmine in Gongut.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: TTP

    Troops kill 20 Taliban in South Waziristan
    Security forces killed 20 Taliban "over the last 24 hours" and found a huge cache of arms and ammunition, while eight soldiers -- including an officer -- were injured in Operation Rah-e-Nijat in various parts of South Waziristan.

    A statement by the ISPR said on Sunday that troops consolidated their positions around Sararogha, Raghzai and Sagar Langer Gel, killing three Taliban in a clash.

    "On the Shakai--Kaniguram axis, troops fully dominated and controlled the entire axis and conducted a search-and-clearance operation ... in Totai, Langar Khel, Tapparghai, Gutsurai, Gadowai, Bangal Khel and Kund Mela," said the ISPR, adding that a huge quantity of arms, ammunition and explosives was also found.

    "Eight soldiers -- including an officer -- were injured and 12 Taliban were killed ... a factory for manufacturing IED components ... was found in Gadawai," said the ISPR.

    In areas along Razmak and Makeen, troops conducted a search-and-clearance operation. "Taliban fired small arms and rockets in Blanki Sar, Lagar Manza, Kund Mela and Makeen ... 5 Taliban were killed in clash," said the ISPR.

    In Swat, 18 Taliban were arrested and three surrendered to security forces.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: TTP

    Anti-Taliban nazim among 13 dead in suicide attack
    At least 13 people -- including a local councillor heading an anti-Taliban lashkar -- were killed and 44 others injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up in a cattle market in Adezai village on Monday, said hospital sources and police.

    Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) figures showed that 44 injured people and 13 bodies were brought to the hospital, while nine of those injured are said to be in critical condition.

    Peshawar SSP (Operations) Muhammad Karim Khan told Daily Times that 12 people died and 35 were injured. He said that around eight-to-10 kilogrammes of explosives were used in the blast. The bomber struck at around 9:45am when Nazim Haji Abdul Malik and other people stepped out of his vehicle in the cattle market -- 25 kilometres south of the city.

    Abdul was taken to LRH, where he later died -- while his son Noor Malik was injured. A senior lashkar leader was also killed in the attack.

    A handout by the Peshawar DCO said initial reports suggested that the attack was directed against the nazim.

    A police official told Daily Times the legs of the bomber had been found. Police and FC cordoned off the site of the blast, and bazaars in Mattani and Adezai were shuttered.

    The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: TTP

    Police recover 60,000 kgs of explosives, 6 held
    Law enforcement agencies arrested six militants in Dera Ghazi Khan, seizing 60,000 kilogrammes of explosives from two trucks the men were travelling in, a private TV channel reported on Sunday. According to the channel, police sources said they had been told that the men were trying to transport the explosives to Punjab for attacks. All six men have been shifted to an undisclosed location for questioning.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under: TTP

    #1  60,000=66 tons. Those were BIG trucks.
    Posted by: tipover || 11/09/2009 1:35 Comments || Top||

    #2  Big trucks is right. Wonder if they got all of them.
    Posted by: crosspatch || 11/09/2009 2:22 Comments || Top||

    #3  All six men have been shifted to an undisclosed location for questioning.

    Piccie of the tools of trade?
    Posted by: twobyfour || 11/09/2009 5:09 Comments || Top||

    #4  Fertilizer trucks? I understand a lot of the Afghan bombs lately have been McVeigh specials.
    Posted by: Glenmore || 11/09/2009 7:54 Comments || Top||

    #5  That's 30,000 Kg per truck, or about 66,000 pounds. You could get that much in a semi, but don't expect any high-speed maneuvering. That would be pushing the limit for most US highways. I doubt many bridges in Pakistan are designed for that kind of weight.
    Posted by: Old Patriot || 11/09/2009 15:20 Comments || Top||

    Israeli forces shell northern Gaza
    [Ma'an] Israeli shells landed in an open area in the northern Gaza Strip on Sunday, causing panic but no injuries, witnesses said.

    Residents of the area said three shells landed in the Abu Safieyah area east of the city of Jabaliya. The residents added that the shelling was apparently unprovoked.

    One Palestinian living in the area told Ma'an, "The shelling caused fear among the residents who live in these agricultural areas that their houses could be hit by these shells."

    An Israeli military spokesperson confirmed that Israeli soldiers fired mortars at what they believed to be the source of rockets fired into Israeli territory. The military said they were still investigating whether rockets were indeed fired across the border.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

    #1  I think this is unfair to the rest of Gaza.
    Posted by: borgboy || 11/09/2009 1:08 Comments || Top||

    #2  shells landed in an open area

    Must not have been counter-battery fire - Gazans generally launch from schools and hospitals, not open areas.
    Posted by: Glenmore || 11/09/2009 7:56 Comments || Top||

    Gaza armed groups claim blast
    [Ma'an] Two Palestinian armed groups claimed to have detonated a large bomb among Israeli forces West of the Erez border crossing in the northern Gaza Strip on Sunday.

    The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Al-Aqsa Brigades, which proclaims allegiance to Fatah, claimed joint responsibility for the reported blast.

    In a statement the two groups said, "This attack comes as a confirmation that both Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades and Al-Aqsa Brigades will continue in resistance and confronting the crimes of the occupiers, rejecting all the conspiracies that target the Palestinian people and their cause, and in response to the Israeli threats to wage a new war on Gaza."

    An Israeli military spokesperson denied that the reported blast had taken place.
    Posted by: Fred || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: PFLP

    Southeast Asia
    Four killed, four wounded in Thai south
    Suspected Islamic insurgents have shot dead four people and wounded another four -- including an eight-year-old girl -- in Thailand's troubled south, police said Monday.

    Officers Sunday morning found a 34-year-old Buddhist shot dead and his 40-year-old colleague seriously wounded in a jungle in Yala province, where they had been collecting plants to sell at a local market, police said.

    That afternoon, two gunmen on a motorcycle shot a 46-year-old Buddhist policeman working in Pattani province, who died in hospital.

    Later in the same province, a 23-year-old Muslim was killed in a drive-by shooting while he was eating in a restaurant. The gunmen wounded three other people, including an eight-year-old girl, police said.

    On Monday morning a 53-year-old Muslim, the former assistant to a village chief, was shot riding his motorcycle home from a teashop in Narathiwat province. He died in hospital.
    Posted by: ryuge || 11/09/2009 06:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

    Militants behead Philippine teacher
    THE severed head of a school principal who was abducted by Islamic militants in the troubled southern Philippines was dumped at a petrol station, authorities said.

    The head of Gabriel Canizares was found inside a bag at a petrol station on Jolo island at dawn, 22 days after the 36-year-old primary school headmaster was kidnapped, local police chief inspector Usman Pingay said. His body remains missing, police said.

    Authorities had previously said militants from the Abu Sayyaf group, listed by the United States as a terrorist organisation, snatched Canizares from among a busload of teachers near the Jolo town of Patikul on October 18. The Abu Sayyaf demanded a two-million-peso ($A45,000) ransom, which his relatives refused to pay.

    "We shall make them pay for the enormity of this savagery," President Gloria Arroyo's spokeswoman Lorelei Fajardo said in a statement.

    She said Arroyo had ordered "punitive action" to "put an end to the Abu Sayyaf group's heinous and inhumane atrocities."

    "The people of Jolo are condemning this dastardly act," Jolo municipal mayor Hussin Amin said in a television interview aired in Manila.

    The beheading came three days before a visit to Manila by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in which the Philippines said security issues would be a key topic.

    The Abu Sayyaf has been blamed for many of the country's worst terrorist attacks, including the firebombing of a ferry in Manila Bay that claimed more than 100 lives in 2005, and the abduction of American tourists in 2001. One of the Americans was beheaded while another was killed in a military rescue.

    The Abu Sayyaf mostly operates out of Jolo, a hotbed of a decades-old Muslim separatist insurgency, where small numbers of US military advisers are providing training to Filipino counter-terrorism forces.

    Manila said ahead of the Clinton visit on Thursday that it would welcome any help to persuade Muslim separatists to sign a peace treaty to end four decades of low-level rebellion in the Mindanao region.

    "We would welcome Clinton as a representative of our oldest and staunchest friend, the United States. We expect the talks between the two sides to be fruitful and productive," Arroyo spokesman Gary Olivar said.
    Sorry, tipper - Oz beat you to it.
    Posted by: Oztralian || 11/09/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Abu Sayyaf

    Militants Muslims behead Philippine teacher Christian.
    Posted by: Parabellum || 11/09/2009 8:23 Comments || Top||

    #2  Lest we fergit, the TALIBAN told Australia = so-called "Land of OZ" [Net] to either "JOIN MUSLIM ASIA OR PERISH".

    Unfortunately, many FIL includ Politicos repor doubt the LT ability of their Govt to effec resist either of the COMMIE-ISLAMIST, ETC. INSURGENCIES, + AVOID BREAKUP OR TOTE DEFEAT OF THE PHIL AS KNOWN SINCE 1946, ESPEC COME YEAR 2020 OR SHORTLY AFTER, + WIDOUT EXTENSIVE US-INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE.


    Benchmark Year 2012 [IRAN NUC] is only three years away, + Year 2020 only eleven away.
    Posted by: JosephMendiola || 11/09/2009 17:57 Comments || Top||

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      Police recover 60,000 kgs of explosives, 6 held
    Sun 2009-11-08
      Abbas threatens to dismantle PA, declare peace process failed
    Sat 2009-11-07
      Saudi armored force crosses into Yemen to fight Houthis
    Fri 2009-11-06
      Dronezap kills four in North Wazoo
    Thu 2009-11-05
      Islamist major massacres 13 at Fort Hood
    Wed 2009-11-04
      IDF Navy uncover Iranian arms on ship en route to Syria
    Tue 2009-11-03
      30 dead in Rawalpindi kaboom
    Mon 2009-11-02
      Saudi finds large arms cache linked to Qaeda
    Sun 2009-11-01
      Pak troops surround Sararogha, Uzbek terrorists' base
    Sat 2009-10-31
      8 linked to Kabul UN attack arrested
    Fri 2009-10-30
      9-11 suspect's passport found in South Wazoo
    Thu 2009-10-29
      Bloodbath in Peshawar: at least 105 killed in bazaar car boom
    Wed 2009-10-28
      Feds: Leader of radical Islam group killed in raid
    Tue 2009-10-27
      Troops advance on Sararogha
    Mon 2009-10-26
      Afghans accuse US troops of burning Koran. Again.

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