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Police Surround UPS Planes Over Suspicious Packages
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Margaret Nolan aka Dink in "Goldfinger" ( age 67)

- Dink, meet Felix Leiter. - Hello!
- Felix, say hello to Dink. - Hi, Dink.
- Dink, say goodbye to Felix.
Man talk.

Well it aint Pussy Galore!"

On another note:

Katrina Van Tassel has a present for Ichabod Crane.

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 10/29/2010 0:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Looks like Mae has a thing going with Cookie Monster
Posted by: Grampaw Thaitch1274 || 10/29/2010 14:33 Comments || Top||

Afghan Drug Raid Nets $56M of High Quality Heroin
Tip o' the iceberg, I'm sure.
Posted by: gorb || 10/29/2010 01:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If it's "street value", that would be what?, four pounds?
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/29/2010 9:20 Comments || Top||

#2  BBC

Russia and US collaborate in Afghanistan drug raid
Map of Afghanistan

Russian and US agents have taken part in a joint operation to destroy drug laboratories in Afghanistan, the head of Russia's drug control agency says.

More than a tonne of heroin and opium was seized during the raids, which took place on Thursday close to the border with Pakistan, Viktor Ivanov announced.

Mr Ivanov said the haul had a street value of $250m (£157m) and was believed to have been destined for Central Asia.
Posted by: Willy || 10/29/2010 10:01 Comments || Top||

#3  More from APee:
U.S. and Russian special forces have raided drug labs in Afghanistan in an unprecedented collaborative military operation, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow said Friday, destroying what a Russian official said was $250 million worth of heroin and morphine.

Afghan forces also were involved in the raid on four laboratories near the Pakistan border, a U.S. Embassy spokesperson said on customary condition of anonymity.

"This operation significantly damaged heroin manufacturing capabilities ... and at the same time demonstrated the will of the Afghan nation and those allies who are impacted by drug trafficking to take necessary steps to bring stability to the country," the spokesperson said in e-mailed comments. "This was a very significant operation which could not have been done by one nation alone."

Three of the labs produced heroin, while the fourth manufactured morphine for a long-established drugs route into Pakistan and beyond that had been worth an estimated $1 billion to the drug trade, RIA Novosti cited Russia's anti-narcotics chief Victor Ivanov as saying. Ivanov said up to 200 million doses of heroin were seized....Ivanov, who was in Washington for a meeting of a commission on drugs set up by the U.S. and Russian presidents to improve cooperation, says that months ago he provided U.S. officials in Kabul with the coordinates of 175 laboratories where heroin is processed.

He says U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency officials there have told him they are awaiting U.S. military approval to take down the labs.

Russia long has complained that the U.S. and NATO refusal to put in place poppy eradication programs in Afghanistan is contributing to a flood of Afghan heroin into Russia. U.S. officials have argued that destruction of poppy fields would drive Afghan farmers into the arms of the Taliban.

Posted by: Lumpy Elmoluck5091 || 10/29/2010 10:36 Comments || Top||

#4  There is something to be said for seizing the stuff after they have gone through all the trouble to make it and pay the workers. That way they are in debt in a bad way at the end of the year and have nothing to sell to pay for it.
Posted by: gorb || 10/29/2010 10:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Once the heroin supply is at risk, the politicians in the pocket of the mob will begin loudly demanding that we get out.

Posted by: crosspatch || 10/29/2010 17:00 Comments || Top||

5 Afghan policemen killed in attacks
[Iran Press TV] Four Afghan coppers have been killed after a road side bomb planted by a group of Talibs targeted their vehicle in Afghanistan's southern Zabul province.

"The attack took place late Wednesday," Mohammad Jan Rasoulyar, provincial front man, said.

In a related development, a police officer was killed and another was injured in the northern province of Takhar on Thursday, when armed gunnies stormed a border police post.

The ensuing clash lasted for two hours, district chief Mullah Omar told AFP. "The gunnies took another policeman with them," he added.

Roadside bombs, or Improvised Explosive Devices are by far the most lethal weapons Talibs use against Afghan forces, foreign troops as well as civilians.

Ill-equipped and under-trained Afghan army soldiers have largely fallen victim to the climbing Taliban attacks in both urban and rural parts of the country.

Taliban have concentrated their nine-year fight against the US-led forces in Afghanistan's southern provinces of Helmand and scenic Kandahar.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
Somali villagers forced to watch as Al-Shabbab execute 2 girls
[Arab News] An Islamic group that controls much of southern Somalia murdered two girls by firing squad, and hundreds of residents of a town were forced to view the spectacle.

Sheik Mohamed Ibrahim on Wednesday sentenced the girls to death in the town of Belet Weyne for spying for government soldiers fighting the Islamist group Al-Shabaab. The local Al-Shabaab administration appoints judges and the only needed qualifications are that the person must be a man who knows the Koran.

Al-Shabaab is a subsidiary of Al-Qaeda and has carried out several whippings, amputations and executions to enforce its own blood-thirsty interpretation of Islam. This was the first public execution of girls in Belet Weyne, a western Somali town.

Abdiwali Aden, a witness, told The News Agency that Dare Not be Named by phone that Al-Shabaab gun-hung tough guys had walked through Belet Weyne's streets, informing residents about the pending executions by loudspeaker and ordering everyone to attend.

Ayan Mohamed Jama, 18, and Huriyo Ibrahim, 15, were brought before hundreds of residents. Ten masked men opened fire Wednesday on the girls, who were blindfolded, soon after the sentencing. As the girls were shot, they shouted "There is no God but Allah," said a witness who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals.

A woman fainted after she saw the girls being shot, said Da'ud Ahmed, another witness.

An Al-Shabaab official, Sheik Yusuf Ali Ugas, said the girls had admitted to spying. But Sadia Osman, who witnessed the execution, said one of the girls said she was innocent. Ugas also warned residents against using their mobile phones or cameras to document the execution, saying violates of his rule risked amputation.

Human Rights Watch said in an April report that Al-Shabaab imposes "unrelenting repression and brutality." Al-Shabaab, which vows allegiance to Al-Qaeda and whose members include imported muscle, controls large parts of southern Somalia and much of the capital, Mogadishu.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab


ARTIC = Talibs hurt by losses but far from defeated.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/29/2010 0:37 Comments || Top||

#2  The " Human Rights Watch " does a lot of watching.
Posted by: Dave UK || 10/29/2010 4:44 Comments || Top||

#3  As the girls were shot, they shouted "There is no God but Allah,"

Words fail.
Posted by: DepotGuy || 10/29/2010 9:47 Comments || Top||

#4  Photobucket
Posted by: HEU || 10/29/2010 10:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Would someone please ban HEU? It has nothing to contribute. Not even sarcasm!
Posted by: gorb || 10/29/2010 12:09 Comments || Top||

#6  I think the above indicates HEU was indeed being sarcastic with his "North Korea/Best Korea" post yesterday. Also, that he's not a North Korean stooge, protectively wandering the internet looking for enemies of the Kim to insult.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/29/2010 15:22 Comments || Top||

#7  Yesterday was the first time I noticed HEU. I'm mildly interested to see how the HEU story will develop. Will continue to be enigmatic and restrained in his posts?

I predict one of three developments. He will continue on his current path for a while, then get bored and drop off. Or he might suddenly morph into a troll or a sitepest and get super-annoying. Or he might tip his hat with some sort of agenda which will come to dominate his posts. A more unlikely, but possible, scenario is that he will become an interesting regular. That would be nice.

The image that he posted today seems familiar somehow. Maybe part of a series of similar ones with that sort of background. I don't remember where though; it seems like quite a while ago.

So far HEU reminds me of one of those TV poker players who wears sunglasses.
(On a tangential note, WHY is that considered appropriate in a poker game anyway?)
Posted by: ryuge || 10/29/2010 17:38 Comments || Top||

Danish navy destroys pirate boat off Somalia
[Arab News] A Danish warship boarded a pirate supply vessel off the coast of Somalia, captured six suspected pirates and then sank the ship, Denmark's navy said on Wednesday.

The suspects were later put ashore on an inhospitable coast, a Danish naval command front man said.

"They had not committed anything criminal at sea -- they were just on the wrong boat, with the wrong gear at the wrong time," front man Kenneth Nielsen said. "They had equipment on board that could be used in piracy."

The boat was seized on Tuesday by the navy's Esbern Snarre vessel during a NATO patrol along Somalia's east coast, the naval command said in a statement.

The Danish crew confiscated a small number of weapons and a large amount of fuel before setting explosives to the boat and scuttling it, the navy said.

"There is a very strong mandate from the UN so that international navies can confiscate and destroy equipment related to piracy," Nielsen said.

The captured supply boat was larger than the skiffs commonly used by pirates in raids so it could operate far from the coast, he said.

"Scuppering this vessel ... prevents them from conducting piracy in the middle of the Indian Ocean where it is difficult to find suspected pirates," Nielsen added.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

"inhospitable coast" What? Lions? Scorpions? Honey badgers? Tsetse flies? No water for a hundred miles? Enemy clan territory?
Posted by: Richard Aubrey || 10/29/2010 9:44 Comments || Top||

#2  No WiFi, Richard. It will work a hardship on them.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/29/2010 13:50 Comments || Top||

#3  Alaska,
IOW, no Starbucks. Oh, the humanity!
No, wait. Are these pirates or liberals?
Posted by: Richard Aubrey || 10/29/2010 14:30 Comments || Top||

#4  "Danish Navy" still gives an image of dragon head Prows and the Blood Eagle.
Posted by: Angamp the Cheap3522 || 10/29/2010 14:35 Comments || Top||

#5  Viking Navy?

Posted by: Halliburton - Mysterious Conspiracy Division || 10/29/2010 19:48 Comments || Top||

Somali pirates fail to seize French ship
[Iran Press TV] Somali pirates have failed in their attempt to hijack a French-flagged vessel approximately 100 nautical miles southeast of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.
"Aaaar! We've failed, lads!"
An attempt to capture the vessel carrying liquefied petroleum gas called Maido was unsuccessful, the European Union Naval Force said on Wednesday, reported xinhuanet.

The vessel came under attack late on Tuesday with 14 crew members in the Somali basin, the naval force front man, Per Kingvall, said.
"Man the starboard stuns'l! Open fire, me hearties! She's ours! Prepare to board!"
"Pirates had managed to board the vessel, however, later in the evening (Tuesday) they eventually abandoned it, after having been unable to get control over the crew who had locked themselves in the ship's "citadel," Klingvall added.
"Hello? Hello? Anybody here?... Open up in there!"
"No! Go away!"

The 14 crew members have been reported as being safe but their nationalities have not yet been disclosed.
"We can say no more!"
Currently pirates are holding almost 20 vessels and a total of nearly 400 hostages, according to the naval force. The Gulf of Aden is the main sea route between Europe and Asia but has recently become a notorious pirate haven.
All tankers carrying Middle East oil through the Suez Canal must pass through the Gulf of Aden first. However,
The infamous However...
only about 4 percent of the world's daily oil supply is shipped through the gulf.

The attacks launched by pirates targeting vessels are being carried out by increasingly well-coordinated Somali gangs armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

#1  Somali gang should have spoken commands in German. White flags would have risen from the deck...
Posted by: borgboy || 10/29/2010 0:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Did they drop their rifles on the pirates' heads?
Posted by: gorb || 10/29/2010 0:51 Comments || Top||

#3  NEWS KERALA > FORMER COMMANDER [Chief of Staff] SYA SOMALI FORCES [Soldiers] SELL WEAPONS TO ISLAMIST INSURGENTS. Hard-fighting, loyal Somali Govt. soldiers not being properly paid up to three months in USD due mainly to massive + routine internal GOVT = PUBLIC CORRUPTION, i.e. diversion + hoarding, etc. all the $$$. HENCE MANY SOLDATS END UP SELLING THEIR WEAPONS JUST TO SURVIVE + SUPPORT THEIR FAMILIES.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/29/2010 22:14 Comments || Top||

Bahrain prosecutes 27 Shia activists
[Iran Press TV] As many as 27 Shia opposition muscle go to court in Bahrain, which continues to turn a deaf ear to the world bodies faulting the country's rights records.

On Thursday, Bahrain's High Criminal Court tried 25 of the accused in person for allegedly financing and practicing terrorism among other things, AFP reported. Two others were abroad and thus absent from the hearing.

The Shias pled not guilty and bewailed the "torture" and "abuse" and solitary confinement they were forced to suffer.

The Shia opposition refuses to recognize the 2002 constitution and had called for a boycott of the parliamentary elections, which were held on October 23.

The Shias comprise the majority of Bahrain's population. They, however, have long complained about being discriminated against by the government when it comes to employment opportunities and the right to services.

The government is accused of coming down hard on the Shia opposition and human rights
... which are not the same thing as individual rights, mind you...
muscle. It went on an arrest campaign against the protesting Shias in an apparent way to pave the way for widespread fraud in the polls.

Since August, it has jugged more than 250 Shias, including 23 of those who appeared before the tribunal.

The Amnesty International has underscored Manama's crackdown on the Shia opposition figures and rights muscle. The Human Rights Watch and the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED) -- a non-profit body with the stated aim to promote democratic standards in the region -- have also addressed the suppression campaign in the lead-up to the polls.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bahrain's Shias = Iranian tools

no wonder Iran's Press TV is bleating about them
Posted by: Frank G || 10/29/2010 8:40 Comments || Top||

American terror suspect on trial in Yemen
[Arab News] An American who was jugged on suspicion of having links with Al-Qaeda has been charged with the murder of a Yemeni soldier and the wounding of another during a failed escape attempt.

The 26-year-old American of Somali descent, Sharif Mobley, was charged Wednesday by a criminal court for killing one of his guards and wounding another while attempting to escape from a hospital where he was receiving treatment in March.

He was in originally in jug for links to Al-Qaeda.

US officials say Mobley, who grew up in Buena, N.J., traveled to Yemen more than two years ago with the goal of joining a terror group and that the US government was aware of his potential bad boy ties long before his arrest.

Yemeni prosecutors on Wednesday also charged a leading self-rule activist from the formerly independent south in twin kabooms earlier this month in the regional capital Aden.

In a charge sheet read out in court at the second hearing in the trial of five men accused of involvement in the Oct. 11 bombing, prosecutors alleged that lead defendant Faris Abdullah Saleh had fingered Shalal Ali Al-Shaea, leader of the Southern Movement in Daleh province, in a confession.

All five defendants disavowed their testimony to police at the opening hearing on Sunday. Defense lawyer Mohammed Al-Aqla told Wednesday's hearing it had been given under duress.

Prosecutors told the court that Saleh had told investigators that Shaea had given him two bombs to blow up the Al-Wahda sports club in Aden in a bid to sabotage the 20th Gulf Cup football tournament which is due to be held in the city and in nearby Abyan from Nov. 22.

The judge set the next hearing for Nov. 3.

The bombing, which no group has grabbed credit for, killed three people and maimed 14.

It threw doubt on Yemen's ability to stage the Gulf Cup which pits Yemen against Iraq and the six Gulf Arab states.

Aden's security chief Gen. Qiran Abdullah said on Saturday that "all necessary measures... to ensure security in the provinces of Aden, Abyan, and Lahij during the Gulf Cup" had been taken, the Defense Ministry reported.

The Southern Movement is a coalition of autonomist and pro-independence factions that has held repeated demonstrations across the region in recent months.

The south has also seen a rash of attacks by loyalists of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia









Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/29/2010 1:05 Comments || Top||

#2  execute him. We don't want him back
Posted by: Frank G || 10/29/2010 8:41 Comments || Top||

20 Jamaat men held
[Bangla Daily Star] Police nabbed 20 Jamaat-e-Islami men, including former politician Mujibur Rahman, with "bomb making materials" and "anti-state" leaflets from the capital's Mirpur area yesterday.

Officer-in-Charge Kazi Wazed Ali of Mirpur Police Station said after a tip-off police raided a building at Kalwalapara of Mirpur-1 around 11:30am and jugged the Jamaat members.

He added they had recovered six explosive-like substances, bomb making materials, around 200 jihadi books, a sack full of anti-state leaflets, a laptop and some foreign currencies.

"In the building, the Jamaat men were holding a secret meeting in the dead of night as part of their anti-state activities," said the OC.

Arrested Mujibur Rahman, a former MP from Rajshahi, is the assistant secretary general of Jamaat and president of Sramik Kolyan Federation, an associate body of the party.

Mahfuzur Rahman, Jamaat Mirpur thana (west) unit ameer; Kazirul Islam, an executive member of the party; Shafiqul Alam, Khulna city unit nayeb-e-ameer; SA Abdul Hai, Sramik Kolyan Federation publicity secretary; and Abdul Karim, a leader of the party's ward-12 unit, were among the arrestees.

Of the 20, five top-ranked Jamaat men, including Mujibur Rahman, were taken to the Detective Branch headquarters on Minto Road for questioning, sources said.

Deputy Commissioner Mahbubar Rahman of DB-North, however, said they had taken the five into their custody to share the pressure on police lock-up.

...back at the ranch...
a case under the Explosives Act has been filed with Mirpur Police Station against the 20.

Mohor Ali, owner of the six-storey building from where the Jamaat men were jugged, told The Daily Star Mirpur unit Jamaat leader Mahfuzur Rahman had rented a flat on its first floor two years ago to run a coaching centre.

Mohor's son Shakil said, "I heard a meeting was being held in the flat and later police raided it."

Jamaat's acting secretary general ATM Azharul Islam condemned the arrest terming it an undemocratic act.

He said the nabbed Jamaat men were holding a special prayer for Habibur Rahman, a party activist killed on October 28, 2006, in a clash between Jamaat and Awami League-led 14-party alliance.

The Jamaat leader also refuted the police claim that six bomb-like substances had been recovered in the drive.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-e-Islami

Rab shoot 3 robbers
[Bangla Daily Star] Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) shot three alleged robbers at Mugda in the city in the wee hours of today.

The three are undergoing treatment at Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Hospital sources said they are Humayun Kabir, 35, Atikur Rahman, 35, and Lokman, 30. They were all shot in the leg.
"A little higher next time, Sergeant Rafiq!"
"Sorry, sir! My new glasses aren't in yet!"

An official of Rab-3 said a group of molom party (robbers who neutralise their victims by rubbing an ointment on their eyes that makes them water) were preparing to snatch people around 12:15am. Spider senses tingling at the proximity of a Rab patrol team, the gang opened fire, forcing the team to retaliate, the official said.

The three got shot while a few of them managed to flee the scene.
... as though they had never been...
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hmm. I guess they know the location of something RAB wants. There must be some reason they were kept alive with the gentle treatment instead of the RAB's usual hard goodbye.

Also shot in the leg is too vague, it doesn't say if they got a clean shot through the muscle or a kneecapping.
Posted by: gromky || 10/29/2010 0:17 Comments || Top||

#2  The guy yesterday was shot in the leg, too. I'm guessing knee-capping.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 15:58 Comments || Top||

Police probe ''ink cartridge bomb'' on plane
(KUNA) -- British counter terrorism detectives were liaising with colleagues in the United States tonight over reports of suspicious packages on cargo flights, it was revealed here.

Officials are investigating reports of several packages on aircraft in the eastern United States cities of Philadelphia and Newark, New Jersey.

In Britain, parts of East Midlands Airport were sealed off earlier following the discovery of a suspicious package. Police called to a freight distribution building and a number of offices at the Donington site were examining a suspicious package.

Several aircraft, including a United Parcel Service jet in Philadelphia, were moved to a remote location so law enforcement officials can investigate.

A Metropolitan Police front man said reports that a suspected bomb has been found on a flight in London were inaccurate.

Reports in the United States said a suspicious toner cartridge was found on a cargo plane that landed in London on a flight from Yemen bound for Chicago. It has been claimed that tests found no traces of explosives.

A Department for Transport front man said: "We are not aware of anything in London. There is a police operation ongoing at East Midlands airport." A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office said: "We are aware of the incident and it is a matter for the police.

The Department for Transport is taking the lead on this." Police evacuated a distribution centre at East Midlands Airport after a suspicious package was discovered in the early hours today.

Officers announced there was no threat shortly before 10am but put cordons back up again at about 2pm.

A police spokeswoman said: "The package is being re-examined as a precaution and as such the cordons that were originally put in place have been reinstated. This has meant that a freight distribution building and a number of offices have been closed together with internal airport roads - Beverley Road and Argosy Road.

"The airport continues to operate as normal and has been throughout. The safety of the public and emergency personnel remains our priority and we are working closely with the airport and the emergency services. The Department for Transport is taking the lead on this."

Later, Government officials in the United States said a suspicious package in Britain prompted the searches of cargo aircraft.

It was claimed British workers found a toner cartridge which had been manipulated with wires attached to it, and a white powder. Tests for explosives proved negative but concerns about similar devices sparked the alert across the Atlantic.

A front man for Gatwick Airport, which does not operate UPS freight, said there were no problems at the airport.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 16:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

British airport centre of terrorism alert
(KUNA) -- A British airport was at the centre of an international terrorism alert Friday after the discovery of a suspicious package on a cargo flight travelling from Yemen to the US.

An area of East Midlands airport, central England, Britain's largest air freight terminal was sealed off after investigators found a suspicious package containing a toner cartridge on a United Parcel Service plane bound for Chicago, police said.

Tests for explosives proved negative, but concerns remained that the nature of the package meant it could be a test run for a bomb.

The FBI immediately ordered a search of other UPS planes arriving in the US, including another flight via East Midlands airport.

Nothing was found on that plane, at Newark, in New Jersey, and it was allowed to proceed.

Two other cargo flights, via Gay Paree and Cologne, were grounded at Philadelphia and the bomb squad was called out to search a UPS cargo lorry in New York.

The Transportation and Security Administration said authorities were acting "out of an abundance of caution".

"The planes were moved to a remote location where they are being met by law enforcement officials and swept," the TSA said.

Police in the UK said East Midlands airport, near Nottingham, was continuing to operate.

Earlier, it was reported that the plane had been stopped in London.

The Department for Transport here said it was unaware of any incident in London, but knew about the East Midlands incident.

Police evacuated a distribution centre at the airport after the package was discovered in the early hours of this morning. Officers announced that there was no threat shortly before 9am GMT, but put cordons back up again at about 13 hours GMT.

"The package is being re-examined as a precaution and, as such, the cordons that were originally put in place have been reinstated," a police spokeswoman said.

"This has meant that a freight distribution building and a number of offices have been closed together with internal airport roads Beverley Road and Argosy Road.

"The airport continues to operate as normal and has been throughout. The safety of the public and emergency personnel remains our priority, and we are working closely with the airport and the emergency services."
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 16:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

Toner cartridge device at UK airport sparks US security alert
(KUNA) -- A suspicious package on a cargo flight at a British airport sparked a security alert in at least two United States cities Friday night.

Police were called to a freight distribution centre at East Midlands Airport, England, after officials raised concerns during a routine search.

Sources in the United States said workers found a toner cartridge which had been manipulated with wires attached to it, and a white powder.

Tests for explosives proved negative but concerns about similar devices sparked an alert across the Atlantic.

Officials moved two United Parcel Service jets in Philadelphia and a third jet in Newark, New Jersey, away from terminal buildings.

In Brooklyn, New York, police were examining a package from a UPS truck after reports that a possible explosive had been found.

Mike Mangeot, of Atlanta-based United Parcel Service, said the two planes under investigation in Philadelphia came from Cologne and Gay Paree.

A third plane that arrived in Newark, New Jersey, from East Midlands airport was cleared and flew on to UPS' main base in Louisville, Kentucky.

Sources said officers from Scotland Yard's Counter Terrorism Command are liaising with colleagues across the Atlantic. A Department for Transport front man said: "There is a police operation ongoing at East Midlands Airport".

A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office said: "We are aware of the incident and it is a matter for the police.

The Department for Transport is taking the lead on this".

Officers from the Met's Counter Terrorism Command have taken responsibility for the operation from Leicestershire Police.

A Met front man said the package at East Midlands Airport was removed from a flight bound for Chicago from Yemen via Philadelphia.

He said workers called in police when cargo was removed from the aircraft for a routine search and suspicions were aroused.

The front man said: "Following this a number of items have been sent for additional scientific examination".

He added: "We can confirm that explosives experts attended the airport. At this stage there is nothing to suggest any location was being targeted in the UK".

East Midlands Airport said the package was examined this morning and found not to be suspicious.

A cordon was put in place as a precautionary measure, but flights were not affected.

A spokeswoman said: "There are police around the cordon, at the cargo end of the airport, but there isn't a big police presence here.

"There have been no changes at all to the flight schedules".

The airport distribution centre is used by a number of companies, including UPS, Royal Mail and DHL.

Officials in the United States told news hounds they are investigating whether the suspicious packages were a dry run for a mail bomb plot.

It has been claimed the devices were put together in Yemen and destined for synagogues in Chicago but the security services were tipped off.

A spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said: "We are aware of and monitoring reports of potentially suspicious items onboard cargo flights that landed safely at Newark Liberty and Philadelphia International airports.

"Out of an abundance of caution the planes were moved to a remote location where they are being met by law enforcement officials and swept".

Earlier this year, the United States and Britain temporarily closed embassies in the Yemeni capital Sanaa over fears of a terrorist attack.

A Yemen-based offshoot of al Qaeda was suspected of being behind the alleged Christmas Day bomb attempt on a jet flying to Detroit.

Officials in the United States said a second suspicious package, also originating from Yemen, has also been found in Dubai.

...back at the ranch...
an employee who worked in one of the buildings at East Midlands Airport praised the police operation.

Writing on the Derby Telegraph website he said: "I work in one of the buildings. Nothing has been confirmed. Apparently a bomb was found about 10am after the first one from early hours was deemed safe." "DHL, Royal Mail and UPS were evacuated straight away to the Travelodge. Other buildings where evacuated after 1pm.

"The police are doing a brilliant job of keeping everybody safe. No-one is allowed down the roads," he added.

In a related development, Jewish organisations and synagogues in the UK said they were already on high alert and would remain so.

A front man for the Community Security Trust (CST), which deals with security in Jewish buildings, said: "The Jewish community in Britain has been on a high state of security alert for some considerable time now, precisely because of the current threat levels.

"This specific alert today, plus the recent alerts over the last month or so is the reason why we've been on significant security alert for some while.

"The CST is in constant contact with local police about security threats," he added.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 16:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  Meanwhile, overseas, "U.S. Nuclear-Bomb Detector Ignored by Truckers Leaves Shipping Vulnerable"
Two years after South Korea’s busiest port installed a $3.5 million scanner to check U.S.- bound shipping containers for nuclear weapons, the machine sits idle because truckers won’t drive through it due to fears of radiation exposure.

That means about 1.9 million containers left Busan for American harbors last year without U.S.-mandated screening. Singapore and Hong Kong, the world’s busiest and third-busiest ports, also don’t participate. Nine years after the Sept. 11 attacks, less than 1 percent of the 14.5 million cargo boxes reaching U.S. shores are scanned abroad, the government said.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 10/29/2010 21:51 Comments || Top||

#2  hmmm - even remote Border Patrol checkpoints here in San Diego East County have rad detectors. My lab tech came out with his nuke gauge to do soil compaction tests for a reservoir lake flume/pipeline bridge I'm building, and on the way back, spent two hours getting vetted after their on-belt-detectors went off. Didn't help that he was a naturalized citizen, and when they asked where he was born, he said Tijuana (he's a good guy - I felt bad for him)
Posted by: Frank G || 10/29/2010 22:28 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
Mayhem in Nuevo Leon: Mexican Army Bags 1 Bad Guy, Federales Bust 6
Google Translate. For a map, click here.
A detachment of the Mexican Army fought off an attack by armed suspects in the Santiago municipality (county) Wednesday night leaving a toll of one armed suspect dead and contraband seized, according to Mexican news reports.

Also, a Mexican Federal agent patrol on the Monterrey-Saltillo, Coahuila highway arrested six suspected members of the Los Zeta criminal gang transporting weapons and drugs.

In Santiago municipality armed suspects riding aboard a Ford Lobo pickup truck fired on a Mexican Army patrol last night. Return fire killed one suspect and forced three others to abandon their vehicle and flee into the countryside.

Soldiers seized two AK-47 assault rifles, a 9mm pistol, a fragmentation grenade and ammunition for various weapons.

On he Saltillo, Coahuila-Monterrey highway, a patrol of the Mexican Policia Federal stopped a stolen Chevrolet Sonora heading towards Monterrey with six suspects aboard.

The six men told agents they were members of Los Zetas criminal group with orders to transport weapons, munitions drugs and other materiel to Monterrey.

A partial accounting of contraband seized include three AK-47 assault rifles, three AR-15 assault rifles, more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition, 67 magazines for various weapons, 3 handguns, 23 handgun magazines, a grenade launcher, a grenade, a grenade launching tube, a homemade silencer, packaged marijuana, crack cocaine, powdered cocaine,and other material.
Posted by: badanov || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Chihuahua: Coppers Stop Attempted Execution
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Two alleged members of Artistas Asesinos armed group were arrested just before they were to carry out a shooting at a convenience store in Juarez Wednesday, say Mexican news reports.

Alejandro Torres Torres, 25, and Pedro David Barraza Martinez, 27, were arrested by Mexican Federal agents outside the Oxxo convenience store near the corner of calles Pinos Altos and Palomas in the Palomas district, after they dismounted from two vehicles.

Reports say the pair were planning to execute an unidentified individual exiting the Oxxo store.

Seized in the arrest were one AK-47, .40mm caliber handgun, two magzines for .40 caliber handguns, 16 rounds of .40 caliber ammunition, a barrel magazine for an AK-47 assault rifle, 63 rounds of 7.62x39mm rounds for the AK-47 assault rifle, communication equipment, a cell phone, a handwritten note with information of the presumed victim, a Buick sedan, and a stolen Dodge Neon.

Artistas Asesinos is an armed subgroup of the Sinaloa Drug Cartel which operates in Juarez.
Posted by: badanov || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Mayhem in Tamaulipas: Mexican Army Bags 4 Bad Guys, Marines Rescue 8
Google Translate. For a map clock here.
Mexican Marines rescued eight individuals held hostage by Los Zetas criminal gang, while elements of the Mexican Army killed four armed suspects in two engagements in Reynosa, Tamaulipas.

On Tuesday evening, a detachment with the Mexican 8th Military Zone fought armed suspects on boulevard Hidalgo in the Valle Alto district where soldiers killed one suspect.

The next morning a detachment fought an armed group also in Reynosa near the ejido Los Cavazos on calle Hacienda while patrolling the area.

Reports are three were killed in that firefight. The army also seized three rifles, magazines, ammunition and a vehicle following the battle.

Meanwhile, near San Fernando municipality (county), Mexican Marines rescued eight victims of kidnappers held hostage at a safe house Wednesday.

Reports say the victims were held by the Los Zetas criminal gang, and that none of the captors were in the area when the Marines arrived.

Marines also seized a number of contraband including two AR-15 assault rifles, two .22 caliber rifles, 62 magazines, 3,422 rounds of ammunition, six bullet-proof vests, and six vehicles.

San Fernando was the location where 72 immigrants heading for the US were massacred after refusing to pay tribute to a Los Zetas criminal gang. It is located halfwat between Matamoros and Ciudad Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas.
Posted by: badanov || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Nayarit: 15 Die in Carwash Massacre
For a map, click here.
Thirteen members of a drug rehabilitation center and two bystanders were shot to death near a car wash in Tepic, Nayarit, according to various news accounts.

Reports say the victim were from the Alcance Victoria (Victory Outreach) rehabilitation center and were working at the car wash as a part of their recovery program.

Armed suspects drove to the scene aboard two SUV, dismounted with assault rifles and started shooting.

Two bystanders, a fruit vendor and a recently arrived customer were caught in the gunfire and died at the scene.
Posted by: badanov || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

More Mexican Mayhem
23 Die in Northern Mexico

A total of 23 individuals were murdered in ongoing drug and gang related violence that included three undercover Mexican Federal agents shot to death near the US border Tuesday, and afive women massacred on a bus near Porvenir, Chihuahua early Thursday morning.
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  • Three unidentified undercover Mexican federal agents were ambushed in front of the International Bridge in Juarez Tuesday evening, say Mexican press accounts. Inocencio Golpe Acusca, 25, Marco Antonio Beli Mendez, 25 and Gustavo Hidalgo San Juan, 30, were sitting in a Ford Taurus near the corner of Prolongacion Lincoln and Perez Serna when armed suspects aboard a pickup fired on the trio using AK-47, and 9mm and .40 caliber weapons. Reports say a military checkpoint near the bridge was manned but none of the elements there moved to intervene or pursue the shooters.

  • Two men were shot to death Tuesday in Juarez, according to Mexican press accounts. Jesus Muñoz Castañeda, 53, and José Guadalupe Barrera, 50 were aboard a Ford Econoline van when armed suspects aboard a sedan fired on the pair using automatic weapons.

  • An unidentified man was shot to death near downtown Juraez Wednesday, say Mexican news reports. Several 9mm casings were found at the scene. The victim was shot near the corner of 21st and Trías in the downtown district. Three spent 9mm casings were found at the scene.

    In another case, an unidentified man was found in an advanced state of decomposition in the Valle de Granajas district.

  • Two unidentified men were found shot to death in Juarez Wednesday, say Mexican press accounts. The victims were found near their Dodge Neon near the intersection of avenidas Lopez Mateos and Rio Nilo in the Cordova Americas district, with one victim still in the vehicle and other found across the street.

  • Two young men were shot to death in Juarez Wednesday evening, say Mexican press accounts. Juan Miguel Vidal Ramirez, 27, Jesus Agustin Retana Martinez, 24, and Retana Jesus Agustin Martinez, 24 were found near the corner of calles Ejido Los Aros and Ejido Buenaventura apparently shot with a 9mm handgun by several armed suspects.

  • One armed robber was shot to death and his female accomplice arrested in Juarez Wednesday night, say Mexican press accounts. The victim was shot by unidentified armed suspects aboard two pickup trucks near the intersection of calles Tarahumara and Yaquis after the victim used a shot gun in an attempted robbery. His female accomplice was later arrested near the scene by Mexican Federal agents.

  • Three unidentified individuals were murdered Wednesday night in Juarez, according to the Mexican daily La Polaka. One victim was found in the El Marques district gagged with a plastic bag and hands bound. Another victim was found dead in a barrio in Infona Casas Grandes district. A third was found shot to death in the Azteca district.

  • Five women were shot to death and 14 others were wounded in an ambush of a bus near Porvenir, Chihuahua early Thursday morning, say Mexican press accounts. The bus was a carrying female employees of an Eagel ottawa factory in the Valle de Juarez municipality (county) when it was attacked by armed suspects.

  • A man was found dead and in a state of decomposition in Mexicali, Baja California Wednesday, say Mexican press accounts. Juan Antonio Mejia 47 was found on Avenida La Joya in the La Mesa delegation hands bound with a wound on his neck.

  • An unidentified woman was found shot to death in Tijuana, Baja California Wednesday night, say Mexican press accounts. The victim was found in the Arboledas district in the Los Pinos sub-delegation with multiple gunshot wounds. In another crime hours later two unidentified men were found stabbed in the Mariano Matamoros district. Both victims were reported still alive at press time.

  • A man was found shot to death in Torreon, Coahuila Monday night, say Mexican press accounts. Arturo Gomez Sanchez, 33 was found just outside his ex-wife's home just after he left his children to her custody on calle Valle Escondido in the Monte Real district shot six times.
From the Wudn't-Us Department

A "narcopinta" message scrawled in Juarez says the Juarez Drug Cartel armed wing la Linea disclaimed responsibility for the massacre of five women in a factory worker commuter bus Wednesday night near Porvenir, Chihuahua. The message was found on a wall near the corner of calles Venezuela and 2 de Abril early Thursday morning.

In a previous story published in Rantburg.com, it was reported that the Sinaloa Drug Cartel linked armed group Artistas Asesinos was responsible for the Friday night massacre of 14 young people at a party in Juarez. Subsequent reports, although not from the same source, credit Los Aztecas also Sinaloa tied armed group for the massacre. It is unknown as of this post which group is responsible for the shooting, only that one of the two were responsible.
Posted by: badanov || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

The Grand Turk
9 Turkish officers accused of spying
[Arab News] The state-run news agency says a court has brought military spying charges against nine officers suspected of blackmail and transmitting military secrets.
This looks like the purge after they cut ties with Mossad...
The Anatolia news agency says the nine were arraigned by a court in Istanbul early Thursday. CNN-Turk television said prosecutors were still questioning 10 other people, including four more soldiers.

The investigation grew out of a police probe earlier this year into a gang suspected of secretly filming and blackmailing high-ranking navy officers and other officials.

Officials have not commented on the investigation but media reports said investigators have seized CDs containing sensitive military documents that the suspects may have sold to foreign spy agencies.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A purge of the military by any other name.
Posted by: Tyranysaurus Ulugum8972 || 10/29/2010 14:36 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Obama told on Thursday night of potential terror threat from planes -- White House
(KUNA) -- The White House said on Friday that President Barack B.O. Obama was notified late on Thursday night of a potential terrorist threat on two planes in transit to the United States.

"The President directed U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the Department of Homeland Security, to take steps to ensure the safety and security of the American people, and to determine whether these threats are a part of any additional terrorist plotting," said the statement from White House press secretary Minister of Information Robert Washington Bob Gibbs. "The President has received regular updates from his national security team since he was alerted to the threat".

Intelligence and law enforcement agencies on Thursday night discovered potential suspicious packages on two planes in transit to the United States, Gibbs said.

"Based on close cooperation among U.S. government agencies and with our foreign allies and partners, authorities were able to identify and examine two suspicious packages, one in London and one in Dubai," he said. "Both of these packages originated from Yemen".

As a result of security precautions triggered by this threat, the additional measures were taken regarding the flights at Newark Liberty and Philadelphia international airports, Gibbs said.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 16:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  October surprise!
Posted by: Glenmore || 10/29/2010 18:29 Comments || Top||

#2  a 3AM call? Hillary must be so pleased
Posted by: Frank G || 10/29/2010 18:34 Comments || Top||

#3  They probably spent a couple hundred dollars on this "attack," including parts and air freight, and they're costing us much much more money as we run around making sure everything's "safe." It's just another round of low-grade economic warfare, that we pay for to begin with.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 10/29/2010 18:43 Comments || Top||

#4  I'm going with Glenmore's assessment.
Posted by: JohnQC || 10/29/2010 18:46 Comments || Top||

#5  pretty soon we won't even be able to carry-on toner cartridges. The terrorists have won!
Posted by: Frank G || 10/29/2010 19:13 Comments || Top||

#6  A friend from the UK is in the states and tried to carry on a jar of Skippy Peanut butter on a flight from Memphis to Boston that she wants to take back to the UK.

You'd think it was a thermo-nuclear device!!
This is ridiculous!!!!!!!

And, yes her husband (not with her) really likes Skippy.
Posted by: Alan Cramer || 10/29/2010 20:18 Comments || Top||

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/29/2010 21:54 Comments || Top||


ISLAMABAD may lose the $$$ Moullah, MAD MULLAHS NOTSOMUCH.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/29/2010 21:57 Comments || Top||

U.S. fighter jets escort "aircraft of interest" into JFK Airport
(KUNA) -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) reported on Friday afternoon its fighter jets were escorting a passenger plane identified as "an aircraft of interest" into JFK Airport in New York.

Additional details were not immediately available, but the report came on the same day news broke of suspicious packages arriving on planes entering the United States from Yemen.

President Barack B.O. Obama was scheduled to make a statement later in the day on the developments, and White House press secretary Minister of Information Robert Washington Bob Gibbs and Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan planned to follow that with a late afternoon briefing.

Cargo planes and trucks in several U.S. cities were inspected Friday after investigators found suspicious packages in at least two locations abroad, law enforcement sources said.

U.S. officials told Cable News Network (CNN) that they believe al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula was behind the plot.

One suspicious package, found in Britain, contained a "manipulated" toner cartridge but tested negative for kaboom, the officials said. The package had white powder on it as well as wires and a circuit board, a law enforcement source said, and it was shipped from Sanaa, Yemen, with a final destination of Chicago, Illinois. A similar package has been discovered in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, the source said.

Some media reports said Jewish religious leaders in Chicago were informed that synanogues in the United States might have been targeted in the incidents.

Authorities were looking for about 13 other packages shipped from Yemen, a law enforcement source told CNN, and some of them have been found and deemed to not be a threat.

The plot could be a dry run to test Western security, another official told CNN.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it had taken steps to enhance security, including heightened cargo screening and additional security at airports.

"Passengers should continue to expect an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams and pat downs, among others," DHS said in a statement. "As always, we remind the public to remain vigilant and report suspicious activity to local law enforcement."
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 16:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  clearly an evil Juice trick to make Mo's crowd look like terrorists...or something
Posted by: Frank G || 10/29/2010 16:58 Comments || Top||

#2  from the press briefing:
Suspicious packages discovered in Dubai and England in air cargo shipments to the U.S. contained explosive materials and appeared headed for Jewish places of worship in Chicago, President Obama confirmed Thursday afternoon.

Posted by: Lumpy Elmoluck5091 || 10/29/2010 17:11 Comments || Top||

Police Surround UPS Planes Over Suspicious Packages
Homeland Security is conducting sweeps on cargo planes at Newark Liberty International, Philadelphia International and a UPS truck in Queens after a suspicious package was found in the United Kingdom.

DHS was investigating reports of suspicious packages on the planes after a potential explosive device was found aboard a UPS flight that landed at East Midlands Airport in Leicester, England.

Officials found something suspicious on a Chicago bound cargo plane in Birmingham but test results for explosives were negative, according to an FBI source. U.K. officials have been reported to have discovered that a toner cartridge on the plane had been manipulated with wires attached to it and white powder.

Officials said that one of the crew on the cargo plane from Paris called authorities suspecting that a package aboard the plane might have a radioactive makeup. All of the planes had taken off from Yemen.

The flights all landed safely and are being swept by law enforcement. The planes were moved away from other airlines and air traffic continues at both airports.

A UPS truck in Queens is also being swept for a possible device. There are reports of law enforcement activity in Brooklyn associated with the investigation. The Portland, Maine Police Department is also conducting a related investigation.
Posted by: Beavis || 10/29/2010 11:50 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  With a statement of "All of the planes had taken off from Yemen." what could possibly go wrong?
Posted by: IG-88 || 10/29/2010 14:07 Comments || Top||

#2  Numerous reports now of boxes found in America and Yemen, boes headed to "Chicago" synagogues. No explosive material found in any thing but I am sure the President, who just happens to be from Chicago will use this "International" crisis to Wag-The-Dog with national elections only a few days away and many of his desperate, socialist, politician friends needing him to be a hero for them.
Posted by: wr || 10/29/2010 14:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Would be interesting if a serious enough national crisis occured where Mr President "had" to suspend the national elections via "Emergency Executive Order"...
Posted by: wr || 10/29/2010 15:48 Comments || Top||

#4  That young idiot recently charged had, among other things, encouraged others to plant false bombs to desensitize law enforcement officers to the real thing. This could be a similar effort. Yemen means either Al Qaeda or some bright young thing who's been reading too many jihadi websites.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/29/2010 15:50 Comments || Top||

#5  Al Q gets my vote. Binny loves to disrupt elections. The question is, was this the best he could do or a diversion before the main event? I wouldn't want to be flying from now to Wednesday.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/29/2010 15:59 Comments || Top||

#6  The dude said we could absorb an attack, so why worry?
Posted by: swksvolFF || 10/29/2010 18:27 Comments || Top||

Consulate staff attacked in Pakistan
[Iran Press TV] Three people have been injured as unidentified gunnies opened fire on a Japanese consular vehicle in the southern Pak city of Bloody Karachi.

Deputy Consul General Toshikazu Isomura told Kyodo news agency from Bloody Karachi that the attackers fired at the vehicle on Thursday when two employees of the diplomatic mission got out of the car to go shopping after withdrawing cash from a bank.

They were approached by a man who demanded money, according to Isomura. Armed men subsequently opened fire on the occupants of the car.

The gunnies decamped on a cycle of violence after the shooting. No group has grabbed credit for the attack. Police cordoned off the area after the incident and launched an investigation.

Police officials said that it was apparently an incident of car snatching and the attackers managed to run away with $2,400 and 27,000 Pak rupees ($314).

Bloody Karachi police chief Fayyaz Leghari said those injured included two Pak consulate staffers as well as a security guard. The guard has received a gunshot on his hand.

Leghari added that the maimed employees of the Japanese consulate have been taken to hospital. He noted that no foreign national was in the car when it was attacked.

Bloody Karachi, a port city with a population of more than 16 million, has been rocked by a spate of violence in recent weeks that has claimed dozens of lives.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Taliban behead 3 'criminals' for defaming TTP
[Pak Daily Times] Terrorists beheaded three petty criminals allegedly masquerading as the Taliban while stealing and kidnapping for ransom, a local official and residents said on Thursday. The trio were captured two days ago and their bodies had been dumped in the fields in the Yaka Ghaound district of Mohmand, said local administrator Mairaj Khan. The locals of the area said a note was found near the bodies, identifying them as criminals "defaming" the Taliban.

"They were involved in various crimes, including theft, kidnapping for ransom and posing as the Taliban. We killed them so others may learn a lesson from this," the note said.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Four shia traders gunned down in Quetta
[Pak Daily Times] A hit man on Thursday rubbed out four Shias in Balochistan, police said.

The shooting took place in Quetta, the picturesque provincial capital. "The four Shia traders had just closed their shop and left for home when an unknown gunman opened fire on their car and bravely ran away," killing two people on the spot, senior local police official Hamid Shakeel told AFP.

He said the other two people shuffled off the mortal coil on the way to hospital. No one had grabbed credit for the attack, Shakeel added. A second police official, Shaukat Ali, confirmed the incident. The assailants managed to escape from the scene.

Names of the dear departed, who belonged to the Hazara tribe, could not be ascertained. Law enforcers reached the site and cordoned off the area. Police have started the paperwork but haven't done much else and started investigation.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Jhangvi

Curfew in Srinagar scuttles separatist march, 10 injured
[Arab News] A separatist march to the office of United Nations, aka the Oyster Bay Chowder and Marching Society Military Observer Group in India and Pakistain (UNMOGIP) in Srinagar Wednesday was thwarted by a stringent curfew even as 10 more persons were maimed in fresh protester-security force festivities across the Mohammedan-majority Kashmire Valley.

The march had been called by the moderate separatist group All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and supported by the hard-line separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani to protest "the landing of Indian troops this day in 1947" following partition of the Indian sub-continent into India and Pakistain and accession by the state's Hindu Maharaja to India.

Geelani, who is spearheading the ongoing unrest in Kashmir, had asked the people to observe the day as "a black day" and stage peaceful protests.

In a statement Geelani termed Oct. 27 when the first batch of Indian troops landed in Kashmire as "the sorrowful and ominous day in the history of south Asia."

"Since October 1947, India has been holding Kashmire by its military might," Geelani said in a statement.

Thousands of Indian cops and paramilitary troops were spread across the Kashmire capital Srinagar early Wednesday to strictly enforce the curfew.

All the entry points to the city were sealed by coils of razor fitted wire and other barricades.

Roads leading to the UNMOG headquarters located in the posh Sonwar locality of capital city were also sealed by the Indian police and no movement was allowed.

Curfew was also imposed in other towns of Kashmire and security was tightened there as well. Nevertheless festivities between pro-independence protesters and security forces erupted in capital city and other towns, according to police.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Drone strike kills 7 in North Waziristan
[Pak Daily Times] US drones fired missiles at a house in North Wazoo on Thursday, killing seven suspected Taliban beturbanned goons and injuring three others, official said.

The drones fired two missiles at a house in the Mazakhel area, Datta Khel tehsil, 50 kilometres west of Miranshah agency headquarters of North Wazoo agency. The strike is the third in a row during the last 24 hours in North Wazoo Agency.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Iraqi police personnel killed, injured in explosions
(KUNA) -- Four kabooms occurred in Iraq on Thursday, killing two officers and injuring ten people, including civilians.

A senior officer in the Iraqi Police was assassinated on Thursday when a bomb went kaboom! in his car.

A police source told KUNA that unidentified Islamic fascisti planted a bomb in the car of Brigadier Abdulrazzaq Abdulwahab who works at the oil facilities protection department.

The bomb went kaboom! as Abdulwahab was driving his car in Al-Aamil neighborhood, killing him immediately and damaging his car and several close civilian vehicles, he added.

Another bomb went kaboom! in the car of Brigadier Hussein Mahdi Jumaa in the same neighborhood, he said.

Jumaa was injured and was taken to hospital for treatment, he noted.

A third bomb went kaboom! in the car of an employee in the Reconstruction and Housing Ministry in Al-Karrada neighborhood in central Storied Baghdad, injuring him, Iraqi Police said.

In djinn-infested Mosul, a boomer blew up his car, killing a policeman and injuring seven others and one civilian.

...back at the ranch...
another police source said that five unidentified Islamic fascisti wearing military uniforms and driving a civilian car attacked the home of a religious leader in Kirkuk on Thursday.

Another thug was jugged, adding that one of the Islamic fascisti kidnapped two girls and beat feet.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Officer killed, 5 wounded in Baghdad attacks
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: An office was killed and five persons were wounded in the explosions that rattled Baghdad on Thursday, the Baghdad Operations Command said.

“Three sticky bombs and two explosive charges exploded in Karada, al-Jihad neighborhood, al-Mansour and al-Aamel regions, killing an officer and injuring five people,” the BOC said in a statement received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

The BOC stressed on the importance to search vehicles before driving them.
"Great idea! Thanks Muldoon!"
"Yer welcome, Toody."
Posted by: Steve White || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

3 nabbed for attempting to kill civilian near Falluja
ANBAR / Aswat al-Iraq: Three persons were arrested Thursday for attempting to kill a civilian in east of Falluja, a police source said.

The forces managed to arrest three persons, who were beating a civilian and trying to threw him from a house in al-Mula region, al-Karma district, east of Falluja,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“The civilian was carried to a nearby hospital for treatment,” he added.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Arab-Israeli activist admits spying for Hezbollah
[Arab News] A well known Arab writer and political activist Amir Makhoul on Wednesday admitted to charges of spying for Hezbullies.

Makhoul signed a plea bargain with the Israeli prosecution in his case in Haifa District Court. He also admitted to contact with a foreign agent and giving information to the enemy. As a result of the bargain, charges against him now carry a maximum prison sentence of seven to 10 years.

Israeli radio said that the prosecution removed the most serious charge, assisting an enemy in a time of war.

According to the indictment, Makhoul said he handed Hezbullies information on the Israeli Army's Nahshonim training base, and that he attempted, unsuccessfully, to gain knowledge of the Shin Bet (Israeli internal intelligence agency) chief's residence.

Makhoul also was accused of trying to hand over videos of "a terror attack" attempted in a Haifa mall and in general attempting to enlighten the "terror organization" on the weaknesses of the Israeli home front.

The prosecution claims that Makhoul's admission has put an end to accusations of political persecution. "The plea bargain was approved by the highest ranking levels of prosecution, including the state prosecutor. Most importantly Makhoul, who claimed he was being politically persecuted at the beginning of this, now stands in front of the court and admits to the charges attributed to him."

Makhoul served as the head of Ittijah (the Union of Arab Community-Based Associations) -- an umbrella group for Arab NGOs in Israel. He was jugged in May along with Omar Said, an activist with the Arab Balad party.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Israel incursion on outskirts of Rafah
(KUNA) -- Israeli occupying forces, supported by tanks and bulldozers, conducted on Thursday a limited incursion on the north eastern outskirts of Rafah city, South of Gazoo Strip.

Paleostinian sources told KUNA that four tanks and three military bulldozers along with reconnaissance aircraft moved 300 meters into the Suffa crossing, north-east of Rafah.

Israeli forces opened heavy fire towards Paleostinian houses and farmlands in the town, without causing any injuries, it noted.

Yesterday, a Paleostinian resistance fighter was martyred in artillery fire east of Jabalya in northern Gazoo.
Posted by: Fred || 10/29/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Southeast Asia
Thai blast victim donates pension to flood charity
A feel good story amid the daily carnage.
Rawsalee Waedamae, 26, was gunned down about noon yesterday in Yala province while riding on his motorcycle. He died as a result of the drive-by shooting. Police suspect the attack was related to the southern jihad insurgency. And in Narathiwat province, Theerapat Auapala, 40, was wounded in the leg in a bomb blast near the entrance to his palm plantation.

Meanwhile, a woman maimed in a bombing has donated her senior citizen's allowance to flood victims. Aree Chaisongkram, 67, had her leg amputated from the knee down after she stepping on a booby trap while working in a rubber plantation in Narathiwat province on Monday.

She told her son while being taken to hospital that she wanted to donate her monthly state allowance to the Miracle of Life Foundation, established by Princess Ubolratana, to help victims of the floods.

A foundation official said yesterday the princess was touched by Ms Aree's generosity and had admitted her as a patient under her patronage.

Ms Aree said she had planned to make the donation before she was injured. She was watching a fund-raising program on television. She phoned the program and decided to donate her monthly allowance.

" I could not go ahead as planned when I was wounded by the bomb," she said. "But I did ask my son to make the donation for me as I really wanted to help people suffering in the floods."
A joint military and police force raided a house in Yala province and arrested a suspected terrorist separatist militant, said Pol Col Suwat Wongpaibul on Friday. The raid took place early in the morning after police received a tip that the suspect was hiding there.

While searching the house, security forces found Masawpee Kama, 36, sleeping inside. He was wanted on a charge of murdering Nirawding Niya, 34, a territory defense volunteer on Oct 12.

The suspect was sent to No 41 paramilitary camp for interrogation.
No! Not Paramilitary Camp 41!!
NOOOOOOooooo o o o o o o
Posted by: ryuge || 10/29/2010 12:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

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Fri 2010-10-29
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Thu 2010-10-28
  Nigeria intercepts 13 Iran missile containers possibly destined for Gaza
Wed 2010-10-27
  VA Man Arrested for Plotting DC Attacks
Tue 2010-10-26
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