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Yasser not dead yet
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Repentant Yemeni al-Qaeda to be pardoned
Yemen will release dozens of detainees suspected of belonging to al-Qaida after they have repented and renounced violence, reports said Monday. The daily September 26, which reflects the government position, said "dozens of people detained for belonging to al-Qaida but who have announced their repentance ... will be among prisoners expected to be released by presidential pardon" before the end of Ramadan. The paper quoted sources as saying those who will be released "have signed a commitment to respect the constitution and laws and to refrain from violence and from harassing foreigners whose countries are linked to Yemen with treaties and agreements." The sources noted only al-Qaida suspects who were not involved in any violent or criminal acts will be released. Hammoud Hattar, head of the government's committee for dialogue with extremists, said between 80 and 90 suspects will be released in the coming few days. The Yemeni government has released 353 al-Qaida suspects in the last two years.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/27/2004 9:17:28 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Repentance fever!
Catch it!
Posted by: tu3031 || 10/27/2004 10:22 Comments || Top||

#2  (Oct 17-04 AP) U.S. military officials say that despite being freed in exchange for signing pledges to renounce violence, at least seven former prisoners of the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have returned to terrorism, at times with deadly consequences.

At least two are believed to have died in fighting in Afghanistan, and a third was recaptured during a raid of a suspected training camp in Afghanistan, said Lt. Cmdr. Flex Plexico, a Pentagon spokesman. Others are at large.

Additional former detainees are said to have expressed a desire to rejoin the fight, be it against U.N. peacekeepers in Afghanistan, Americans in Iraq or Russian soldiers in Chechnya.

Signing a release agreement means nothing...they are soldiers of God not pawns of men.

Kick ass! Taken names! No prisoners!
Posted by: RN || 10/27/2004 10:26 Comments || Top||

#3  He was a good boy and even memorized parts of the Koran in prison, especially the jihad passages.
Posted by: ed || 10/27/2004 10:35 Comments || Top||

#4  Yemen will release dozens of detainees suspected of belonging to al-Qaida after they have repented and renounced violence, reports said Monday.

Ha ha ha. They "repented".

Say, any Yemenis in the market for some transportation infrastructure? I have something to sell at a bargain basement price...
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/27/2004 16:22 Comments || Top||

Al-Qaeda praises Zarqawi
"He's so neat!"
The Saudi wing of Al Qaeda has praised Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the US's top foe in Iraq, saying his pledge of allegiance to Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden would foil "crusader" plans in the region. "This will deprive the people of the cross [Christians] of sleep, thwart their plans and retard their campaign," Al Qaeda Organisation in the Arabian Peninsula said. "They said at the start of their war on Muslims that a main aim was to eradicate Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and now Al Qaeda has spread globally. "No doubt, this is a big indicator that victory is near... and will irk the enemies of Islam who thought that with their war in Iraq they were nearer to uprooting Islam from its last bastions but Iraq turned into hell for them." The praise is contained in the latest issue of the group's web magazine.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/27/2004 3:36:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "No doubt, this is a big indicator that victory is near... "

Ohh boy , delusional or what ? !
Posted by: MacNails || 10/27/2004 8:09 Comments || Top||

#2  They don't say victory for whom.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 9:10 Comments || Top||

#3  "This will deprive the people of the cross [Christians] of sleep...No doubt, this is a big indicator that victory is near... and will irk the enemies of Islam who thought that with their war in Iraq they were nearer to uprooting Islam from its last bastions but Iraq turned into hell for them."

For starters, I sleep pretty well, unlike the guys who have to keep moving every few hours to avoid getting turned into a protein paste. And those big holes in the ground that keep appearing in Fallujah show what happen when you irk the United States Air Force. Frankly boys...you're in deep shit and yer just diggging yourself deeper.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 10/27/2004 9:47 Comments || Top||

#4  Don't even think about irking us.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/27/2004 16:07 Comments || Top||

#5  You wouldn't like us when we're seriously irked...
Posted by: mojo || 10/27/2004 16:41 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Moscow Bank Owner Organized Nord-Ost Hostage Terror
The Nord-Ost hostage-takeover that claimed 130 lives in October 2002 was organized and financed by the owner of Prima-Bank, who was among 52 terrorists appointed by Chechenseparatist leader Shamil Basayev. According to new developments in the investigation into the terrorist attack, the prime suspect thought to have organized the storming of the theater in southern Moscow, where over 900 people were watching the Nord-Ost musical, was known as Abu Bakar. He has been identified as Chechen-born Ruslan Elmurzayev, who headed the economic security service at Moscow's Prima-Bank and was practically its owner, the Izvestia daily reported, citing undisclosed sources. To finance the siege, he took out anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 in loans from his bank, according to the investigation being conducted by the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office. Investigators were able to find the money trail that led to Prima-Bank after identifying the 42 terrorists who were directly involved in the attack on the theater. Tuesday marked the second anniversary of the theater siege, the deadliest after this September's school hostage-takeover in Beslan, where over 330 people died.
Posted by: Steve || 10/27/2004 10:05:25 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Let's see... an ungodly percentage of Russian banks are owned by criminal organizations... the Chechens run the biggest and most ruthless of these groups... the Chechen organizations and the Chechen terrorists cooperate... did I miss anything?
Posted by: Pappy || 10/27/2004 22:38 Comments || Top||

China arrests 65 N. Korean refugees in raid on shelter
Posted by: Steve White || 10/27/2004 1:10:06 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ah yes.... the workers paradise.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/27/2004 9:08 Comments || Top||

#2  That's one way to take care of the homeless.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 9:11 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Abu Jibril sprung
After spending more than three years behind bars in Malaysia and Indonesia, radical Indonesian cleric Abu Jibril is finally a free man. He was released from Central Jakarta's Salemba jail at 12.10am Thursday after a serving a sentence of five months and 15 days for immigration offenses. Jibril alias Muhammad Iqbal Abdul Rahman (47) was first arrested in Malaysia on June 30, 2001, during a crackdown on local militant organization Kumpulan Militan Malaysia and regional terrorism group Jemaah Islamiyah. He was detained for two years under Malaysia's tough Internal Security Act on suspicion of links to terrorism. He was then held for almost a year on immigration violations, before being deported on May 14, 2004.

Jibril was immediately taken into custody upon his arrival in Jakarta. Prosecutors initially accused him of involvement in several bombings in Indonesia but later dropped the charges due to a lack of evidence. Central Jakarta District Court on October 19 sentenced Jibril to five months and 15 days in jail for falsifying his identity, after he confessed to having provided false data to obtain a passport from the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur in April 1999. He had changed his name to Fihiruddin Moqtie bin Abdul Rahman on his identity card and later identified himself as Muhammad Iqbal bin Arrahman to obtain the passport, which also stated he was born in Yogyakarta, whereas his actual birthplace was Lombok island in West Nusa Tenggara province. He also admitted to using a broker and colluding with an embassy official to get the passport.

The cleric was released on Thursday as he had already served more than five months on remand. "Abu Jibril left Salemba jail at 12.10am precisely. He is in good health and feels relieved to be free," his lawyer Munarman was quoted as saying by detikcom online news portal. The lawyer said Jibril's first act as a free man would be to have a pre-dawn meal with members of the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI), which is chaired by his older brother Irfan S. Awwas.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/27/2004 9:26:29 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Muslims suffocate in police trucks
AT least 84 Muslims died - mainly from suffocation in the back of security force trucks - after police and troops broke up a violent demonstration in southern Thailand. Most of the victims died while being taken into custody after officials used water cannon and tear gas to break up the protest on Monday outside a police station in the Takbai district of Narathiwat province. Six were confirmed dead from the clashes on Monday and more than 1000 demonstrators were arrested.

Dr Pornthip Rojanasunan, a forensics expert who works for the Justice Ministry, said yesterday she and a team of doctors conducted autopsies on 78 bodies at an army camp in Pattani province and found 80 per cent of them had perished from suffocation. "We didn't find any dead bodies with broken arms or legs, but between two or three of them had broken necks, which may have been caused from the transportation," she said.

Major-General Sinchai Nujsathit, deputy commander of the Fourth Army, said the victims may have died from suffocation "because we had more than 1300 people packed into the six-wheel trucks". He did not say how many trucks were used.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: tipper || 10/27/2004 4:13:40 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And if they'd stormed the police station, killing policemen/women this would have been 'a great victory for Allan.' Looks like someone has the right idea.
Posted by: Howard UK || 10/27/2004 8:08 Comments || Top||

#2  "...where an insurgency has killed 409 people this year."
I prefer militant radical Muslim insurgents with front entry wounds around the heart and at a higher militant-to-innocent ratio, but this is a start.
Posted by: Tom || 10/27/2004 8:21 Comments || Top||

#3  Gives a whole new meaning to "Keep on truckin'"
Posted by: RN || 10/27/2004 8:22 Comments || Top||

#4  Thai government spokesman Jakapob Penkair said last night the deaths had to be considered in the context of the "bigger picture".

In other words, that's 84 less assholes they gotta worry about.
Posted by: tu3031 || 10/27/2004 8:33 Comments || Top||

#5  The black Toyota of Calcutta?
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 10/27/2004 8:38 Comments || Top||

#6  The black Toyota of Calcutta?
Not funny Chuck, not funny at all.

Speaking as a historian, this story actualy gives me the chills. IIRC, b4 the gas chambers were built at the Extermination Camps in Nazi Germany, the Nazis experimented with trucks/vans rigged with trick exhausts that would vent into the cargo area. Quite a few Jews were killed this way...

Brr... I hope this was realy accidental. We don't need to go down this path, glass parking lot jokes not withstanding.
Posted by: N Guard || 10/27/2004 9:15 Comments || Top||

#7  I guess the Tais' definition of assymetrical warfare wasn't formulated in Brussells --- whatever works.
Posted by: Anonymous6236 || 10/27/2004 16:14 Comments || Top||

#8  Damn I feel terrible.
The black Toyota of Calcutta?
I'm ashamed, I screeched with laughter.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/27/2004 16:16 Comments || Top||

#9  I remember something from an Old Mad about the Black Hole of Cal Cutter.... southron sherrif thing.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/27/2004 16:18 Comments || Top||

#10  Glass parking lot jokes? Who was joking?
Posted by: Tom || 10/27/2004 16:27 Comments || Top||

#11  That happens here sometimes. Coyotes will bring a bunch of new Democrat voters illegal aliens jammed in a moving van and they will sometimes die from heat and suffocation. A very few have been caught and convicted of murder. I do have sympathy for the victims in that case, as they were breaking the law, but not serious enough to die.

I guess it's not good that a government is so careless and callous, but in this case, the sympathy meter is reading 0.0.
Posted by: jackal || 10/27/2004 16:56 Comments || Top||

#12  The carpet-humpers said: "if you don't let us go, we'll hold our breath." The Thais called their bluff.
Posted by: Funky6334 || 10/27/2004 20:02 Comments || Top||

Wife rushes to Arafat's bedside
AILING Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's wife, Suha, is expected to rush to his bedside in the West Bank town of Ramallah today, Israeli public radio reported. It said Suha Arafat, who lives in Paris, was to cross into the West Bank from Jordan over the Allenby Bridge on the Jordan River.
Posted by: tipper || 10/27/2004 8:08:37 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Methinks this is very good news. Well, not for his prospects, of course.
Posted by: Beau || 10/27/2004 20:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Poor shopping prospects methinks. "How ya gonna keep'em down in the Gaza, after they seen Pareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...."
Posted by: borgboy || 10/27/2004 20:23 Comments || Top||

#3  Given the vast distance that separated them, she musta been great at phonesex or he had an enormously long member...
Posted by: borgboy || 10/27/2004 20:24 Comments || Top||

#4  hmmmm. this in not portend well ima thinker.
Posted by: muck4doo || 10/27/2004 20:25 Comments || Top||

#5  **in best Hymnal bass voice**

She gonna cross the River Jordan....
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/27/2004 20:28 Comments || Top||

#6   hmmmm. this in not portend well ima thinker.

For anyone beside Yasser?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 20:34 Comments || Top||

#7  him wife accountant
Posted by: muck4doo || 10/27/2004 20:50 Comments || Top||

#8  him wife gold-digger, mucky
Posted by: Tom || 10/27/2004 20:53 Comments || Top||

#9  Forgot about him Mucky. Yeah, That's the set of humanity harmed. Then there's everyone else who will benefit.

Faster, please.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 20:56 Comments || Top||

#10  She needs to ask for the bank account numbers before he croaks.
Posted by: Laurence of the Rats || 10/27/2004 21:28 Comments || Top||

#11  Cue the tune from "Jeopardy".
Posted by: Matt || 10/27/2004 21:37 Comments || Top||

#12  Suha: "Yassy, honey, what's the bank account password?"

Yasser: "Suuuhaaa...come closer... mumble"

Suha: "Yasser, please, gather your strength, you must tell me the password"

Yasser: "Rosebud"

Suha: "Rosebird?"

Yasser: "mumbles....dies"

Suha: "NOoooooooooooo!"
Posted by: 2b || 10/27/2004 22:11 Comments || Top||

#13  2b LOL
Posted by: Frank G || 10/27/2004 22:46 Comments || Top||

#14  "How is he, Suha?"

"He's still breathing."

"You need to hold the pillow down more firmly, dear."
Posted by: Mike || 10/27/2004 22:48 Comments || Top||

#15  First thing Suha asked for was a facemask. Second was a disinfectant spray after.
Posted by: Brett_the_Quarkian || 10/27/2004 22:51 Comments || Top||

#16  Mike...lol!
Posted by: Elmoling Elminelet3176 || 10/27/2004 23:11 Comments || Top||

#17  I hope he holds on until Oct. 31. Then we can name a holiday after him and hand out candy to children every year after that, we shall call it halloween, Ding Dong the bitch is dead.
Posted by: david || 10/27/2004 23:14 Comments || Top||

arafats health worsens
Yasser Arafat's health deteriorated Wednesday and a team of doctors went to his compound to examine the Palestinian leader, a Palestinian official said. The 75-year-old Arafat had been ill for two weeks, suffering from what Palestinian officials said was the flu. Israeli officials speculated he might have stomach cancer, but two of Arafat's doctors said Wednesday that a blood test, combined with a biopsy of tissue taken from his digestive tract, showed no evidence of cancer of the digestive tract. Late Wednesday, Arafat's condition worsened and doctors were sent to examine him, an official in Arafat's office said. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia and former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas were summoned to the compound to meet with Arafat, the official said. Other Palestinian officials were kept out of his room, the official said.
Posted by: muck4doo || 10/27/2004 4:25:07 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Foxnews breaking:

Arafat unconcious.
Posted by: Anon4021 || 10/27/2004 16:49 Comments || Top||

#2  From the Fox story: Palestinian sources said that he had lost consciousness, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported on its Web site.
Posted by: Spot || 10/27/2004 16:51 Comments || Top||

#3  A crazy idea-slow poisoning by someone in the camp?
Posted by: Jules 187 || 10/27/2004 16:52 Comments || Top||

#4  Arafat unconcious.

For whom does the bell toll, Yasser? It tolls for thee.....
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/27/2004 16:52 Comments || Top||

#5  no raisins an virgins for you!
Posted by: Mac Suirtain || 10/27/2004 16:54 Comments || Top||

#6  I'll bet about now he's wishing he had a nice Jewish doctor to attend to him!
Posted by: PlanetDan || 10/27/2004 16:56 Comments || Top||

#7  Why won't you just DIE, ugly baahstard?

Posted by: Poison Reverse || 10/27/2004 16:58 Comments || Top||

#8  i detect a Jewish holiday coming up, someone get the gefilte fish!!!
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 17:04 Comments || Top||

#9  Thus the age of the ARafish passes into the abyss.
Posted by: Charles || 10/27/2004 17:09 Comments || Top||

#10  Quit teasing me with this! No more posting until he dies!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 10/27/2004 17:11 Comments || Top||

#11  Yup, theres been a denial on the unconsciousness thing, from one of the PA officials.

And of course we dont want to tempt fate by celebrating too soon. (sayeth the Galitzianer)
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 17:13 Comments || Top||

#12  When Arafat finally heads downstairs forever, there will be total inter-Islamic-gang-warfare in Samaria, Judea ('West Bank' & The Gaza Strip, which due to a breakdown of security (what little remains) placing the Gaza re-settlement issue on a long hold (if not resolved prior to Yassir's passing)

Keep one eye on the Temple Mount area in conjunction with everything else transpiring in Israel over the next 2 to 6 months.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/27/2004 17:15 Comments || Top||

#13  Haretz

"Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's health has deteriorated and he is in critical condition, Palestinian sources said on Wednesday night. The sources went on to say that Tunisian doctors were fighting for his life.

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz on Wednesday approved a PA request to allow Jordanian doctors to examine Arafat. Mofaz granted permission to transfer Arafat to a hospital in Ramallah, if need be.

An ambulance and a team of doctors, including the director of the Ramallah hospital, arrived at his headquarters to check on him.

Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo denied earlier reports that Arafat had lost consciousness.

Senior Palestinian officials, including current Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia, former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, and the heads of various Palestinian security forces, are currently in his headquarters.

Arafat spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh told reporters that the Palestinian Authority chairman remains in good health and that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordanian King Abdullah had offered to send medical teams Thursday for follow-up checks."

horseradish, anybody have horseradish?

Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 17:27 Comments || Top||

#14  I am not taking the MK 13 Ululator out of its cosmolene yet, but it IS sitting on my desk, ready to be activated. Soft white t-shirt rags are in the ready to wipe it down..........
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/27/2004 17:34 Comments || Top||

#15  So much for Tunisian doctors....
Posted by: borgboy || 10/27/2004 17:36 Comments || Top||

#16  Arafat spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh told reporters that the Palestinian Authority chairman remains in good health and..

Is this guy related to Baghdad Bob, by any chance?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/27/2004 17:41 Comments || Top||

#17  The rumor is that Arafish has the big A -- AIDS. He swings both ways and is currently shacking up with his long-time bodyguard. That's why he only uses foreign doctors. And yes, I'm serious. Please join me in wishing him Hell.
Posted by: Tibor || 10/27/2004 17:44 Comments || Top||

#18  Bomb-a-rama : No.
This is the health of the leader of the merry men!

Like the old USSR:
Day 1)The leader has a "slight head cold".

Day 2)Regular programming is interupted for a taped playing of Chopin's funeral march.

Day 3)Day long state funeral.

Day 4)The new leader is seen smiling atop Lenin's tomb with the new pecking order on either side.
Posted by: BigEd || 10/27/2004 18:00 Comments || Top||

#19  Jpost:

"Yasser Arafat's wife Suha and daughter Zahwa will visit the Palestinian leader on Thursday. Shaul Mofaz has allowed Mrs. Arafat's entry into Ramallah, Israel Radio reported. "

Reports on BBC that a high Pal official says Arafat is "very, very sick" Pal leadership assembling.

I think this is it folks.

If it were to happen the same time the BoSox win the series, ........
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 18:03 Comments || Top||

#20  Hey #17, that squares with Ion Mihai Pacepa's book Red Horizons, which stated that Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu would provide Arafat with young boys during his stays in the country.

Pacepa was a high ranking Romanian secret police official who defected before the fall of Romania.
Posted by: gb506 || 10/27/2004 18:06 Comments || Top||

#21  Damn that George Bush and this flu shot fiasco... Now Arafat may not be in DC on January 20 for Kerry's inauguration.
Posted by: Capsu78 || 10/27/2004 18:07 Comments || Top||

#22  Yeaaaa!
Wonder what the ramafacations would be if he slipped into a coma for a year before croaking?

Posted by: raptor || 10/27/2004 18:14 Comments || Top||

#23  update AP

"Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) collapsed Wednesday evening, was unconscious for about 10 minutes and remained in a "very difficult situation," Palestinian officials said. A team of Jordanian doctors was urgently summoned to treat the ailing Palestinian leader. "
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 18:17 Comments || Top||

#24  Wonder what the ramafacations would be if he slipped into a coma for a year before croaking?

Not even Suha would kiss him to break the spell.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 18:33 Comments || Top||

#25  The bankbooks! The account numbers! Where are they! WHERE ARE THEY, YOU UGLY OLD FUCK!!!
Posted by: Suha Arafat || 10/27/2004 18:44 Comments || Top||

#26  goddamer! ima forget give em hat tip janeane garafolo blog.
Posted by: muck4doo || 10/27/2004 19:36 Comments || Top||

#27  John Loftus on the John Batchellor show has said the last couple of nights that Yasser likes the "boys" and that he has AIDS. The Israelis have been urged to not kill him because it would be far better if he died in disgrace.

Posted by: TomAnon || 10/27/2004 19:38 Comments || Top||

#28  Al-Qatie Qouric the Perky-Burqa will have to get out that pseudo-Islamic mourning dress she wore on the Today Show the morning after Saddam was captured.
I wonder if she'll cry on the air this time?
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 10/27/2004 20:05 Comments || Top||

#29  The Fish has died/will die in bed, but the Paleos will probably swarm some poor bastard's perfectly good un-rocketed car from force of habit.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 10/27/2004 20:25 Comments || Top||

#30  lol ac!
Posted by: muck4doo || 10/27/2004 20:26 Comments || Top||

#31  Gallstone,eh ? Must be lodged in his throat.
Posted by: crazyhorse || 10/27/2004 20:44 Comments || Top||

#32  The PLO high command will try and delay Arafat's death for as long as the can. Israel has many eyes though. More important, soon after the death of the Mr. Arab terrorist is confirmed the Islamic terror gangs will begin to stake out turf and then the blood bath begins the question is in which direction will the jihadee death cultists extend their wrath, against one another or Israelis? PM Sharon will have to send in more troops to Gaza and wherever Jewish settlements are located in order to protect Israelis.

Israeli internet radio is a top news source to monitor developments. The Near-East tension level is rising.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/27/2004 20:47 Comments || Top||

#33  To be totally cynical:

Arafat dying will bury ANY "October Surprise" crap Kerry and the press have queued up for this weekend.
Posted by: OldSpook || 10/27/2004 21:01 Comments || Top||

#34  Old Spook - Inshallah!
Posted by: better be anonymous on this one || 10/27/2004 21:09 Comments || Top||

#35  Is he on the artificial gill yet?
Posted by: Shipman || 10/27/2004 21:24 Comments || Top||

#36  About 1975 Orianna Fallachi interviewed Arafat for Playboy. I wish I had kept that copy. In the introduction she notes Yassir's bodyguards. All blond East Germans. She insinuates it was a very gay scene there that walked into to interview Arafat.
Posted by: dennisw || 10/27/2004 21:41 Comments || Top||

#37  Yeah. Yasser liked boys. I don't know why we or the Israelis don't use that more to tear him down.

Not too late to humiliate him in death.

I was not looking forward to the ululating in Ramallah when Kerry won. This'll tone down the party.
Posted by: JAB || 10/27/2004 22:14 Comments || Top||

#38  Hmmm...I just noticed a dark shadow cross the moon - maybe the death cart is on it's way.....brrrr...it's soooo cold all of a sudden.......must be scary...entering the hereafter with so many dead ready and waiting to haunt your hereafter.
Posted by: 2b || 10/27/2004 22:19 Comments || Top||

#39  Among Sabra's (native Israelis) & Arabs there were always many rumours about Yassir which many took as fact. He [was] a disgusting, creeping thing, which murdered all those in his way from his time spent in Jordan to Lebanon to Israel.

Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the former head of Romanian intelligence stated the following about Arafat;

"I used to think I knew just about everything there was to know about Rahman al-Qudwa," Arafat's real name, "about the construction engineer who made a fortune in Kuwait, about the passionate collector of racing cars, about Abu Amman," Arafat's nom de guerre, "and about my friend Yasser, with all his hysterics," explained Munteaunu, handing Pacepa his final report on the PLO leader. "But I've got to admit that I didn't really know anything about him."

Wrote Pacepa: "The report was indeed an incredible account of fanaticism, of devotion to his cause, of tangled oriental political maneuvers, of lies, of embezzled PLO funds deposited in Swiss banks, and of homosexual relationships, beginning with his teacher when he was a teen-ager and ending with his current bodyguards. After reading the report, I felt a compulsion to take a shower whenever I had been kissed by Arafat, or even just shaken his hand."

"We are not Afghanistan," said Arafat back in early August of 2002, in an interview published in Al Sharq al Awsat, a London Arabic daily. "We are a mighty people. Were they able to replace our hero Hajj Amin al-Husseini? There were a number of attempts to get rid of Hajj Amin, whom they considered an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 war, and I was one of his troops."

Arafat seldom tells the truth, but, in this case, his facts are correct.

Hajj Amin al-Husseini was the grand mufti of Jerusalem leading up to World War II. He supported the Nazis. He met with Adolph Hitler. He was a strong proponent of the Nazi program for mass murder of the Jews.

In fact, Arafat's hero became a German agent, and the British tried repeatedly to arrest him as a spy.

Perhaps the mufti's "greatest achievement" was the recruitment of tens of thousands of Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania to the German SS. His Arab Legions later participated in the massacres of thousands of partisan Serbs, Jews and Gypsies.

On March 1, 1944, Arafat's hero was in Berlin making a dramatic radio broadcast: "Arabs! Rise as one and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion. This saves your honor."

The Nazi mufti visited numerous death camps and encouraged Hitler to extend the "Final Solution" to the Jews of North Africa and Palestine. In fact, his only condition for recruiting the Arab Legions in the Balkans was a promise from Hitler to wipe out the Jews of the Middle East after the war.

In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the mufti as a war criminal for his role in the massacres. He escaped from French detention in 1946. He then traveled to Egypt where he lived until 1974.

In 2004, Arafat goes to meet his 'hero' in Hell.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/27/2004 22:22 Comments || Top||

#40  Shipman----artificial gill. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/27/2004 22:22 Comments || Top||

#41  2b, Your posting on the "dark shadow cross the moon" when linked with the Muslim lunar calendar which dwelled inside Arafat is so fitting, as well as chilling.

I wonder what this particular date in Islamic history means? Or the number of the current lunar month and how it relates to Arafat?
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/27/2004 22:28 Comments || Top||

#42  I hope his last few days were filled with excrutiating pain.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 10/27/2004 22:37 Comments || Top||

#43  WCRedneck - it would be fitting if ArafRat were to suffer as much pain in his final days as he'd inflicted on Israel over the last three decades. One would have to consider it poetic justice. I have absolutely no sympathy for the 'fish', and will be greatly heartened by knowing he will spend eternity in the hotbox next to the ones reserved for Ted Kennedy and the Georgia peanut-brain. In fact, I believe that having arafart between the other two would be the epitome of hell for all three.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 10/27/2004 23:05 Comments || Top||

Serious deterioration in Arafat's health
Palestinian officials and doctors rushed to the Mukata in Ramallah Wednesday evening amid reports that Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat was seriously ill. A senior PA official told The Jerusalem Post that Arafat, who has been ill for nearly two weeks, was facing difficulties breathing. The official refused to confirm or deny reports that Arafat, 75, had lost consciousness. PA Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei and former prime minister Mahmoud Abbas were among several officials summoned to Arafat's compound. This is the second time Abbas has been summoned to the Mukata in the past week. The officials are still at the Mukata.
Waiting by his deathbed, well, hoping it's his deathbed.
The sources said Arafat's aides have asked for medical teams from Arab countries to arrive in Ramallah by Thursday, most likely from Tunisia and Egypt. Three Tunisian doctors arrived last week and have been monitoring the Palestinian leader. PA officials said this week that Arafat was recovering from flu.
Flu, gallstones, as long as it's painful and lingering
The Palestinian Authority has not yet requested permission from the IDF to allow Arafat to leave his compound to seek treatment, but Israel announced Wednesday night it will allow Arafat to leave the Mukata and seek medical treatment. The director of the Ramallah hospital arrived at the Mukata, Palestinians reported. Muhammed Dahlan is also said to be on his way to see Arafat. Yasser Arafat's latest health problems come at a time of unprecedented political and security instability in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, raising fears that his death could trigger a bloody power struggle among the top brass of the Palestinian leadership.
Fears, hell! It's what we've been praying for.
A day after undergoing an endoscopy test, Yasser Arafat was forced on Tuesday to break his Ramadan fast in order to receive medication and liquids. PA officials who visited Arafat made every effort to play down the severity of his illness, saying he had been diagnosed with a large gallstone and was on his way to full recovery. The officials dismissed as "lies" reports that Arafat was suffering from stomach cancer. Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei said Arafat was not in a life-threatening situation, but needed more time to rest and recover. According to Qurei, Arafat is expected to resume his normal activities "within a few days." However, one of Arafat's aides was less optimistic, saying it was too early to predict when and if he would be back to work. "It could be days or weeks before he resumes his marathon, round-the-clock meetings," the aide added. "I doubt if he will ever be able to work 18 hours a day, as he has done for decades. Clearly, he now needs a lot of medical attention." Arafat's failing health has once again raised the question about the identity of his successor. Arafat has always run the PLO and the PA as a one-man show, refusing to share powers with any official and blocking the emergence of a possible successor.
Fox News sez Yasser's in critical condition. Pray for sepsis...
Posted by: Steve || 10/27/2004 4:16:12 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [35 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How about a little lead poisoning for ol' Yasshole?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/27/2004 16:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Fat Lady, don't fail us now....
Posted by: Thinese Unomotch9553 || 10/27/2004 17:19 Comments || Top||

#3  BTW, i wouldnt count on serious violence when the old terrorist finally passes. Its quite possible some of the thugs and pols will form at least a temporary coalition of sorts, to keep order. Expect minor resistance from the outs, than for things to settle down, till the members of the coalition have their falling out. I bet there are some urgent conversations happening right now, between Shaat, Erekat, Qureia, Abba, Dahlan, Rajoub, etc, not to mention Hamas, Egypt, etc.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 17:36 Comments || Top||

#4  Suha is set up already. Wonder what happened to the investigations of her and her money matters in France? Probably nothing...... Sometimes it seems like Kaptain Karma kicks in slowly for us mere mortals.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/27/2004 17:39 Comments || Top||

#5  BTW, that of course should be Abbas, in the above listing.

I have no idea WHO Abba is having conversations with, and no I havent seen Mamma Mia. Dancing Queen, anyone?
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 17:47 Comments || Top||

#6  Is there any way we can talk old Yasshole in stoppin' off in Cuba to pick up that other old asshole Castro on his way to Paradise?
Posted by: Constitutional Individualist || 10/27/2004 17:51 Comments || Top||

#7  Increase power to the Death Ray!
Posted by: Mike || 10/27/2004 17:53 Comments || Top||

#8  "I can't take him, e's not dead yet..."
Posted by: mojo || 10/27/2004 18:01 Comments || Top||

#9  If this is the "October Surprise", then I'd have to say we've grossly underestimated the powers of Karl Rove.
Posted by: Crinemble Elmaimble9725 || 10/27/2004 18:09 Comments || Top||

#10  I just got an email from a fellow Rantburger, w/r/t the Arafish, to wit:

A few months ago on Lucianne.com, somebody posted a song (sung to "Frosty the Snowman") in response to reports of Arafat's ill health. I remember these lines:

Yasser the dead man,
You have told your final lie.
With the soul of a rat and a rag for a hat
You can kiss your ass goodbye!
Yasser the dead man,
You have killed your final Jew.
The facade is down, you butchering clown,
There's a place in hell for you!
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/27/2004 18:25 Comments || Top||

#11  Could this be our October surprise? How nice of Yasser to frickin' kick off on our account.
Posted by: molokai_man || 10/27/2004 19:01 Comments || Top||

#12  *golf clap*
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/27/2004 19:07 Comments || Top||

#13  He needs a good Jewish doctor.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 10/27/2004 19:26 Comments || Top||

#14  Yasir: Die Already!
Posted by: DanPlanet || 10/27/2004 19:59 Comments || Top||

#15  sonic KERBOOM!
still just kidding.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/27/2004 21:27 Comments || Top||

#16  Let's hope he doesn't live to see the Israelis bulldoze his office. Actually, its nearing dawn there, so he probably doesn't have long.
Posted by: Tom || 10/27/2004 21:32 Comments || Top||

#17  Just think, the Arafish and St. Pancake will be together. Think I will send Suha an email....
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/27/2004 21:34 Comments || Top||

#18  AP, it's more likely that Suha will start sending YOU emails: Dear Sir I received your name as a trustyworthy business associate. My late husband has recently died of (gallstones) (stomach cancer) (lead poisoning)and left a sum of...
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/27/2004 21:41 Comments || Top||

#19  I will do it, as long as it is for the Children (TM)...heh heh. But I draw the line at buying RPGs and lathes. AK-47s are ok. It's a cultural thing, ya know.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/27/2004 22:17 Comments || Top||

#20  LH, you fotgot: Mahmoud, Abdallah, Mohammed, Muanir and Jeff.
Posted by: Brett_the_Quarkian || 10/27/2004 22:41 Comments || Top||

#21  I can't wait to see what happens to the terrorists that have been hiding under Arafat's protection in his compound. After he dies (soon...this is it, 75-year-olds don't have a good record with the flu) their fates will be amusing.
Posted by: Gromky || 10/27/2004 23:21 Comments || Top||

#22  It's a combination of the luner eclispe and the Red Sox winning. Works every time.
Posted by: Steve || 10/27/2004 23:56 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Qaeda-Linked Militants Killed in Pakistan Shootout
Three al Qaeda-linked militants were killed and three were wounded on Wednesday in a clash with Pakistani security forces in a troubled tribal region near the Afghan border, the military said. The incident took place in Azam Warsak area of South Waziristan, when the militants, who were traveling in a van, opened fire at troops at a military checkpoint. "Troops returned fire and killed them on the spot," military spokesman Major-General Shaukat Sultan told Reuters, adding that three militants were wounded. The nationality of the militants could not immediately be ascertained, he said.
"Well, we got a nose that seems Pakistani, but the ears have kind of a Saudi look to them."
The incident took place a day after a rocket attack by suspected militants in the same region killed at least 14 pro-government tribesmen.
Posted by: Steve || 10/27/2004 10:00:23 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Warlock Curses Roadside Bombs
October 27, 2004: The U.S. Army received 132 Warlock radio frequency jammers during the Summer. These $50,000 devices can jam all radio signals used to trigger roadside bombs, and other booby traps. The company that created Warlock, built on an earlier device, Shortstop, that jammed the radio signals used by many artillery and mortar shells, causing the shells to detonate prematurely. Warlock was so successful that the army wants another thousand of them. These will begin arriving next year. The widespread use of Warlock will force the ambushers to detonate their bombs via wire delivered signals. This will make the bombs harder to position, and the guy setting it off more vulnerable to getting caught, or killed. Warlock will not eliminate roadside bombs, but it will make them less effective.
Posted by: Steve || 10/27/2004 9:24:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wonder how well they work on radar guns?
Posted by: Don || 10/27/2004 16:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Or Zionist Death Rays (TM)?
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/27/2004 16:28 Comments || Top||

#3  Hmmmmm. I wonder how it works. Anything that needs a code, I can see how this would stop it.

But I wonder if it would work against really "dumb" triggers. If you had, say, a 220 MHz receiver that simply detected a signal and went "boom." No sequencing or codes. In that case, would not the Warlock set the bomb off? If you are far enough away, that's good. If you are close by, that might be sub-optimal.

Of course, if the Brave Freedom Fighters and Minutemen are simply using what they were allocated by Saddam, that's not an issue. But, if the French were to sell their "best allies" some newer simpler bombs...
Posted by: jackal || 10/27/2004 16:50 Comments || Top||

#4  "Can I get me an RF jammer here?"
Posted by: John Kerry || 10/27/2004 16:58 Comments || Top||

#5  I thought this was a by-product of the Zionist Death Ray technology?
Posted by: Mac Suirtain || 10/27/2004 16:59 Comments || Top||

#6  Need something for the wireline IEDs as well. Some sort of EMP generator? Probably too hazardous.
Posted by: V is for Victory || 10/27/2004 17:54 Comments || Top||

#7  Might not take an EMP. Long wires make *excellent* antennas, which is why the "TURN OFF 2-WAY RADIO" signs near any blasting site.
Posted by: Old Grouch || 10/27/2004 22:04 Comments || Top||

#8  I dont think a 'dumb' trigger such as you describe would work either. Anyone walking by with a transmitter might trigger it during deployment.

On the other hand I am not a demolitions expert.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/27/2004 22:17 Comments || Top||

#9  Jackal, both jammers (for convoys) and spoofers (to set off the bombs) are probably being used. For the dumb triggers, a powerful radio frequency sweep can set off bombs many miles away. For coded signals like car alarms and garage door openers, powerful transmitters at base camp can continuously sweep through all the codes.
Posted by: ed || 10/27/2004 23:45 Comments || Top||

Hard boyz hope to bring down Bush
Leaders and supporters of the anti-U.S. insurgency say their attacks in recent weeks have a clear objective: The greater the violence, the greater the chances that President Bush will be defeated on Tuesday and the Americans will go home. "If the U.S. Army suffered numerous humiliating losses, [Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John] Kerry would emerge as the superman of the American people," said Mohammad Amin Bashar, a leader of the Association of Muslim Scholars, a hard-line clerical group that vocally supports the resistance.

Resistance leader Abu Jalal boasted that the mounting violence had already hurt Mr. Bush's chances. "American elections and Iraq are linked tightly together," he told a Fallujah-based Iraqi reporter. "We've got to work to change the election, and we've done so. With our strikes, we've dragged Bush into the mud."

Mowafaq Al-Tai, a London-educated architect and intellectual, said different types of resistance fighters have different views of the U.S. election. The most pro-Kerry, he said, are the former Saddam Hussein loyalists — Ba'ath Party members and others who think Washington might scale back its ambitions for Iraq if Mr. Kerry wins, allowing them to re-enter civic life. The most pro-Bush, he said, are the foreign extremists. "They prefer Bush, because he's a provocative figure, and the more they can push people to the extreme, the better for their case."
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/27/2004 9:13:33 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Looks like an admission that they can't do anything in the US (knock on wood). I am amazed there was no hit in Greece.

Lot's of folks like WWII comparisons. It looks like Afghanistan was Coras Sea; Iraq, Midway. Can't wait for Leyte. Iran? Syria? Saudtown?

Unfortuantely, there'll be an Iwo and Okinawa coming too.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 9:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Mrs. Davis, the Marines are a lot smarter this time around.
Posted by: Ptah || 10/27/2004 9:50 Comments || Top||

#3  It's pretty obvious from this article (and reams of other documentation, both in the MSM and on the Internet) that even the islamofascists know that sKerry will cut and run at the first opportunity. What clearer proof would anyone need to vote against the dummycritter presidential candidate.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 10/27/2004 22:52 Comments || Top||

Latest Photos From Iraq
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/27/2004 03:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Another Zarqawi thug iced
A U.S. airstrike in Fallujah on Tuesday killed an aide to Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the military said, while Iraqi officials investigated whether insurgents got inside information that helped them kill about 50 U.S.-trained soldiers. The U.S. military said the early morning raid struck a safehouse used by al-Zarqawi's group. U.S. forces have stepped up aerial and artillery assaults on Fallujah in recent weeks in an attempt to root out insurgents. "Recent strikes and raids targeting the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi network have severely degraded its ability to conduct attacks," the U.S. statement said. It did not give the name of the slain al-Zarqawi aide.

Meanwhile, Iraqi officials said there was an investigation underway into the deadly ambush of about 50 U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers Saturday. Defense Ministry spokesman Salih Sarhan said, "The investigation is underway and we are still collecting information. ...The investigation is mainly to know whether there was any information leakage." The attack on the soldiers, who were returning home on leave, occurred on a remote eastern Iraq highway when their buses were stopped by insurgents at a fake checkpoint, according to police and defense officials. Some of the bodies were found in rows — shot execution-style through the head — at a site about 95 miles east of Baghdad, the Defense Ministry said. Other bodies were found on a burned bus nearby.

Iraqi police and soldiers have been increasingly targeted by insurgents, mostly with car bombs and mortar shells. However, the fact that the insurgents were able to strike at so many unarmed soldiers in such a remote region suggested the guerrillas may have had advance word on the soldiers' travel. "There was probably collusion among the soldiers or other groups," Diyala province's Deputy Gov. Aqil Hamid al-Adili told Al-Arabiya television. "Otherwise, the gunmen would not have gotten the information about the soldiers' departure from their training camp and that they were unarmed."
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/27/2004 3:41:21 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That figures that our so called Foreign Service weenies need a union. So who's side are they on - the country's or the unions?
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 10/27/2004 9:50 Comments || Top||

#2  One by one they fall. The bullseye is making the rounds; which one of Zarqawi's band will be next? Stay tuned.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/27/2004 16:18 Comments || Top||

#3  Any chance the FSOs will go on strike? Can't see how that would hurt much.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 16:23 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Waziristan violence round-up
At least 12 persons were killed and five others injured on Tuesday when some miscreants opened firing over a Jirga in Sheikh Ziyarat area in the tribal belt of Pakistan. Authorities, however, place the death toll in the incident at nine. A number of other people were hurt in the blast near the town of Wana. Locals say the death toll is higher. It is not clear who launched the attack on the tribesmen, who had travelled to the Sheikh Ziarat area for a meeting with the Pakistani security forces.

Troops are in the Afghan border area hunting suspected al-Qaeda militants. Correspondents say the security forces have been keen to seek the co-operation of the tribesmen in conducting house-to-house searches in the area. When contacted Pakistan Army Spokesman, Major General Shaukat Sultan said that for last several days, elders of a local tribal Jirga and political administration and security forces were jointly carrying out a search operation in Spinkai Raghzai area of South Waziristan. Today (Tuesday) a rocket was fired from Ziyarat side when the Jirgha was returning after the search operation at noon, martyring at least nine people. The security forces responded the attack by firing. He said nine people were martyred and five others maimed injured when the tribal Jirga came under rocket fire in the area of Spin Kairaghzai, South Waziristan Agency. "The Jirga was on a peace mission in the area", the ISPR chief said, the tribal elders jirga called 'Chalwashay' alongwith the security forces and political authorities were carrying out search operation in Spin Kairaghzai. "They came under fire from the miscreants when they were returning in the afternoon."
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/27/2004 3:39:57 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Yasser to bail from compound?
This is the caption for a photo on the main page of the Khaleej Times on-line. As of 1 AM EDT I couldn't find confirmation elsewhere in this newsrag or elsewhere on line.
Yasser Arafat waves to his supporters during a visit to the West Bank town of Jenin in this May 2002 file photo. Israel has agreed to allow Arafat to leave his compound to receive medical treatment in Ramallah, Israeli media reported on Monday. The decision would permit Arafat to leave his compound in the city for the first time in 2 1/2 years. - AP
Posted by: Steve White || 10/27/2004 12:43:05 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Yasser Has Gallstone
Yasser Arafat has a large gallstone, a Palestinian hospital official said Tuesday, as the weakened Palestinian leader broke his Ramadan fast and underwent more medical tests at the urging of his doctors. The gallstone is not life threatening and can be easily treated, the official told The Associated Press. Palestinian officials have insisted Arafat, 75, was recovering from a lengthy bout of the flu. However, a Palestinian doctor who has examined Arafat recently said he has been inexplicably exhausted in recent weeks. Israeli officials speculated he was suffering from stomach cancer. Teams of Egyptian and Tunisian doctors have examined him in recent days. On Monday, he underwent an endoscopy, or exam of the digestive tract. And he has not led Muslim evening prayers at the makeshift mosque in his compound, as he has done in the past during the fasting month of Ramadan. A hospital official said ultrasound and X-ray machines were brought to Arafat's compound two days ago to perform tests on his chest and stomach. The ultrasound uncovered a 1-centimeter-long gallstone that did not register on the X-ray. Doctors recommended Arafat undergo minor surgery to remove the stone, but he has not yet responded, the source said.
One centimeter gallstone? Wowzers, that's a big one.

"Non-surgical" removal involves an "ERCP": endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram. You drive a special endoscope down the esophagus, through the stomach, into the duodenum, and up to the common bile duct. It's a "side-viewing" scope, and from the side you get a view of the duct. You push out a catheter and inject some radiographic dye into the duct and take a few X-rays. If you can see the stone, you insert a snare catheter -- it's got a retractable wire basket at the end. You try to snare the stone and pull it out of the duct. Alternately you can use a catheter to push the stone out of the duct. Then you inject more dye and take more pics to prove you got everything. Then out you come with the stone. If stone retreival fails, the next alternative is a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

I tell you all this to tell you the following: the ERCP is something that requires a truly skilled gastroenterologist, a good GI endoscopy lab and equipment, and trained nursing. It's well beyond a simple upper GI endoscopy. No way are they going to try this in Yasser's compound unless they're truly nuts. And laparoscopy requires a surgicenter and skilled personnel.

Expect Yasser to be moved soon.
Posted by: Fred || 10/27/2004 10:05:32 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:


Fred, this graphic may come in handy :)
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/27/2004 0:50 Comments || Top||

#2  ffs , die already u lame fooktard . noone likes u and u waste oxygen for decent folk , if there is such a thing in Paleo land
Posted by: MacNails || 10/27/2004 8:13 Comments || Top||

#3  Oh, that's gotta hurt!
Posted by: tu3031 || 10/27/2004 8:27 Comments || Top||

#4  Gives new meaning to "You've got SOME gall!"
Posted by: RN || 10/27/2004 8:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Bust it up with ultra sound and make him pee it out.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 8:41 Comments || Top||

#6  As Martha would say Yasser with a gallstone is a Good Thing™
We can hope it hurts like most of them.
Posted by: dorf || 10/27/2004 9:39 Comments || Top||

#7  Yasser Arafat has a large gallstone

Now how the hell did Sharon get that thing in there?
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 10/27/2004 9:52 Comments || Top||

#8  I rather like the idea of Yasser drowning in his own bile. Fitting, somehow.
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/27/2004 9:55 Comments || Top||

#9  #3 Oh, that's gotta hurt!
I hope so, so very, very much!
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 10/27/2004 10:26 Comments || Top||

#10  strategically what matters is that as the odds of imminent death increase, that forces Pal politicians and others to increasingly look at the political alignment post Arafat mortuum (latin grammar?). So in a sense politically he is dead well before he dies, once its clear he wont live long enough to take revenge on or discipline those who oppose him. This means that as the Israels withdraw from Gaza, there is a greater opening for alternative forces to come into play. This may be why Sharon is so urgent to withdraw from Gaza NOW - he wants it to happen before a (hostile to Israel and peace) successor solidifies power - he wants to let moderate forces in Gaza that Israel has quietly cultivated their chance to grab control while central PA dominance is at its weakest.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 10:27 Comments || Top||

#11  I had one year of pre-med biology, AND stayed in a Holiday Inn a couple months ago - my suggestion? Someone needs to gut-punch Yasser repeatedly over a period of days. That oughtta break something it up. This one's on me Yasser, next visit - I charge. Thx
Posted by: Frank G || 10/27/2004 10:37 Comments || Top||

#12  To bad its not a 7.62mm gall stone
Posted by: Cheaderhead || 10/27/2004 16:07 Comments || Top||

#13  flash

"An ambulance pulled up outside the headquarters of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) on Wednesday and three medics went inside, a Reuters journalist said. "

Earlier Israeli TV said the Palestinian leader's health had deteriorated.

Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 16:21 Comments || Top||

#14  AP

"RAMALLAH, West Bank - Yasser Arafat (news - web sites)'s health deteriorated Wednesday and a team of doctors went to his compound to examine the Palestinian leader, a Palestinian official said.

The 75-year-old Arafat had been ill for two weeks, suffering from what Palestinian officials said was the flu. Israeli officials speculated he might have stomach cancer, but two of Arafat's doctors said Wednesday that a blood test, combined with a biopsy of tissue taken from his digestive tract, showed no evidence of cancer of the digestive tract.

Late Wednesday, Arafat's condition worsened and doctors were sent to examine him, an official in Arafat's office said. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia and former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (!!!!!!LH) were summoned to the compound to meet with Arafat, the official said."

Other Palestinian officials were kept out of his room, the official
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 16:23 Comments || Top||

#15  I think I detect a Jewish holiday coming up:)
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 16:25 Comments || Top||

#16  Hope he tried to pass it in his urine.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 10/27/2004 16:25 Comments || Top||

#17  Well, he's certainly got a lot of gall, anyway....
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 10/27/2004 16:25 Comments || Top||

#18  Appropriate bracha? When it occurs.

Shehechianu, I think.
(Praised are you, oh Lord our G-d, who has sustained us, who has kept us alive, and who has enabled us to reach this day. )

Matzah ball soup, check. Gefilte fish check. Kosher (american) Champagne, check.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 10/27/2004 16:28 Comments || Top||

#19  "An ambulance pulled up outside the headquarters of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) on Wednesday and three medics went inside, a Reuters journalist said. "

No big deal. It was just a weapons delivery.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/27/2004 16:35 Comments || Top||

#20  He would probably have to go to a country with good-quality medical care. Perhaps Israel...
Posted by: jackal || 10/27/2004 16:51 Comments || Top||

#21  LH -- appropriate. I would add the Mourner's Kaddish (praise prayer): Magnified and sanctified be God's name throughout the world...The departed still live on earth in the acts of goodness they have done. Especially appropriate in this case because Arafat hasn't done any acts of goodness, and the prayer allows us to remember all those he caused to be killed over a long and blood soaked life.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/27/2004 21:21 Comments || Top||

Iraqi Rebels Threaten Japanese Hostage
Video posted Tuesday on a militant Islamic Web site in the name of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's group showed what it claimed was a Japanese captive and threatened to behead him within 48 hours unless Japan pulls its troops from Iraq. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi rejected the demand. "I won't withdraw troops," he was quoted as saying by Japan's Kyodo news agency after receiving news of the hostage threat. Underscoring the warning, insurgents made a new threat of nationwide attacks against U.S. and Iraqi forces "with weapons and military tactics they have not experienced before" if American forces try to storm the militant stronghold of Fallujah.

Allawi has told Fallujah leaders that they must surrender extremists, chief among them al-Zarqawi, or face attack. His comments Tuesday appeared aimed at preparing Iraqis for the eventuality of such an attack, which could inflame public opinion in Iraq and elsewhere in the Arab world. In a videotape obtained by Associated Press Television News, militants calling themselves the "factions of the Islamic Resistance Movement in Iraq" warned that if the Americans try to overrun Fallujah, "we swear in the name of God that all armed factions will attack all military and civilian targets of the occupation forces and the interim government." The warning was delivered by a masked gunman dressed in an old-style Iraqi army uniform, flanked by seven other men. The speaker accused the Iraqi government of "aborting a peaceful solution with the people of Fallujah."

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said Wednesday he won't withdraw troops from Iraq despite information a Japanese man has been taken hostage there, Kyodo News reported.
Posted by: Fred || 10/27/2004 10:12:26 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

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Wed 2004-10-27
  Yasser not dead yet
Tue 2004-10-26
  Egypt announces arrests of Sinai bombers
Mon 2004-10-25
  Yasser allowed out for checkup
Sun 2004-10-24
  50 Iraqi Soldiers Ambushed, Executed Near Iranian Border
Sat 2004-10-23
  Raid nets senior Zarqawi aide
Fri 2004-10-22
  U.S. destroys Falluja arms dumps
Thu 2004-10-21
  Anti-Tank Missile Miss Israeli School Bus
Wed 2004-10-20
  Another Cross-Dressing Saudi Busted
Tue 2004-10-19
  Cap'n Hook accused of soliciting to murder
Mon 2004-10-18
  Iraqi cops take down Kirkuk "hostage house"
Sun 2004-10-17
  Soddies wax AQ shura member
Sat 2004-10-16
  Fallujah Seeks Peace Talks if Attacks End
Fri 2004-10-15
  Alamoudi gets 23 years
Thu 2004-10-14
  Caliph of Cologne Charged With Treason
Wed 2004-10-13
  Soddies bang three Bad Guyz

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