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20 deaders in battle for Kotkai
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Yemeni rebels to swing
Ten Shia rebels have been sentenced to death in Yemen for involvement in clashes with the army last year. Five more were given 15 years in prison in the latest trial of those captured during fighting north of Sanaa, in which hundreds were killed or wounded.

Upon hearing Tuesday's verdict, the defendants shouted anti-American and anti-Israeli slogans and "Victory for Islam."

They were found guilty of criminal activity, armed resistance to the authorities and belonging to a terrorist organisation. The BBC's Yolande Knell in Cairo says the latter charge is usually reserved for al-Qaeda cases, but it comes at a time of increased tension.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/21/2009 0:16 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Massachusetts: Local man charged with planning terror attacks
A 27-year-old Massachusetts man conspired to kill two prominent U.S. politicians and carry out a holy war by attacking shoppers in U.S. malls and American troops in Iraq, federal prosecutors said Wednesday as they announced his arrest.

Tarek Mehanna of Sudbury sought -- but never received -- training in terrorist camps and worked with others from 2001 to May 2008 on the conspiracy to "kill, kidnap, maim or injure" people in foreign countries and the politicans, authorities said.

The politicians were members of the executive branch who are no longer in office, authorities said. They refused to give their names.

Prosecutors said Mehanna conspired with two other men: Ahman Abousamra, who authorities say is now in Syria, and an unnamed man, who is cooperating with authorities in the investigation.

The three men discussed their desire to participate in "violent jihad against American interests" and talked about "their desire to die on the battlefield," prosecutors said.

Mehanna had "multiple conversations about obtaining automatic weapons and randomly shooting people in shopping malls," Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Loucks said. Their plan was thwarted when they could only get handguns, not automatic weapons, he said. Prosecutors would not say which malls had been targeted.

They also hoped to attack U.S. troops stationed in Iraq.

Mehanna's attorney, J.W. Carney Jr., did not immediately return calls for comment.

Mehanna, a U.S. citizen, was arrested in November and charged with lying to the FBI in December 2006 when asked about the whereabouts of Daniel Maldonado, who is now serving a 10-year prison sentence for training alongside al-Qaida members to overthrow the Somali government.

Mehanna told the FBI that Maldonado was living in Egypt and working for a Web site. But authorities said Maldonado had called Mehanna from Somalia urging him to join him in "training for jihad."

Authorities said Wednesday that Mehanna and his conspirators had contacted Maldonado about getting automatic weapons for their planned mall attacks.
More from AP, via Jihad Watch:
A pharmacy college graduate has made a defiant appearance in federal court in Boston after being charged with conspiring to kill American troops in Iraq and attack shoppers in U.S. malls.

Tarek Mehanna (TEH'-rek meh-HAH'-nah) — a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in Boston, where his father is a professor — initially refused to stand for the judge before the terror charge against him was read at the brief hearing Wednesday. He finally did stand — tossing his chair loudly to the floor — only after his father urged him to do so.

But when the three conspirators were unable to join terror groups in Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan, they found inspiration in the Washington-area sniper shootings and turned their interests to domestic terror pursuits while they plotted the attack on shopping malls, authorities said. Loucks said the men justified attacks because U.S. civilians pay taxes to support the U.S. government and because they are "nonbelievers."

Court documents filed by the government say that in 2002 or 2003, Abousamra became frustrated after repeatedly being rejected to join terror groups in Pakistan — first Lashkar e Tayyiba, then the Taliban. "Because Abousamra was an Arab (not Pakistani) the LeT camp would not accept him, and because of Abousamra's lack of experience, the Taliban camp would not accept him," Williams wrote in the affidavit.

Mehanna and Abousamra traveled to Yemen in 2004 in an attempt to join a terrorist training camp.

Mehanna allegedly told a friend, the third conspirator who is now cooperating with authorities, that their trip was a failure because they were unable to reach people affiliated with the camps. The men, who had allegedly received tips on whom to meet from a person identified in court documents as "Individual A," said half the people they wanted to see were on "hajj," referring to the pilgrimage to Mecca in Islam, and half were in jail.

"They traveled all over the country looking for the people Individual A told them to meet," authorities allege in the criminal complaint.

Abousamra was rejected by a terror group when he sought training in Iraq because he was American, authorities said.
The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, it appears.
Posted by: Delphi || 10/21/2009 12:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  At least they aren't from Vermont.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 10/21/2009 13:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Prosecutors said Mehanna conspired with two other men: Ahman Abousamra, who authorities say is now in Syria, and an unnamed man, who is cooperating with authorities in the investigation.

Cooperating? What a lovely word.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/21/2009 14:24 Comments || Top||

#3  I am getting so sick of reports like this. Two weeks before 9-11, a Canadian IP, under pressure from Bnai Br'th, dropped the website of the Islamic Center of North America (the dawah wing of the Islamic Society of NA), because they were promoting jihad training at Taliban/al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan. (A US IP picked up the account). Five days after 9-11, the US President proclaimed that "islam is peace," after direct Oval Office consultation from the ISNA, a group that remains to this day under State Dept contract, viz consultation on "islamic affairs." (Easily verifiable). If the ISNA had not been perversely exhonerated, then the FBI could have accessed the phone connections to determine how deep was US muslim support for the enemy. That was never done. Fred Pruitt has pointed to the integral relationship between the ISNA and Jamaat-i-Islami (Pakistan). The ISNA's entire American leadership joined the JI in 1998, in inviting Osama bin Laden to attend the JI's convention. Bin Laden was too busy ducking 80 US cruise missiles to attend. Americans are paying for over a decade of selective indulgence of jihad elements. That makes sense to a moron.
Posted by: Bugs Slath3086 || 10/21/2009 15:41 Comments || Top||

Scientist accused of espionage to remain in jail
A federal judge ordered that a Chevy Chase scientist remain jailed on a charge that he tried to pass national secrets to the Israeli government in exchange for $11,000. Stewart D. Nozette, 52, was arrested Monday afternoon on a charge of attempted espionage after authorities accused him of passing classified information to an undercover FBI agent posing as an Israeli intelligence operative. U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson ordered Nozette detained until a preliminary hearing Oct. 29.

Nozette has held multiple government research jobs and gained notice for working on a satellite radar system that detected ice on the moon in 1994. Nozette also conducted research in recent years for the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, authorities said.

The scientist held security clearances as high as top secret and had access to classified material as recently as 2006, authorities said. His access to such material was suspended that year after the NASA inspector general launched an investigation of his firm's billing practices, court records show. From 1989 through 2008, Nozette worked as a consultant for an aerospace firm owned by the Israeli government.

Nozette also was president of a nonprofit group, Alliance for Competitive Technology, that he founded in 1990. The group and Nozette had contracts from 2000 through 2006 to provide technology to the U.S. government, including NASA. In 2006, the NASA inspector general began an investigation of Nozette and his firm based on allegations that they submitted false expense claims, court records show.

Federal authorities searched Nozette's house in February 2007 and seized computer gear and a bong, records indicate. Federal law enforcement officials said that case had been resolved, but declined to discuss it further.

Authorities would not say why they began to investigate Nozette.

In early September, an FBI agent posing as an Israeli intelligence officer called Nozette, and the scientist said he would be willing to work as a spy, authorities said. Over the next few weeks, the agent paid $11,000 in cash, left in two installments in a post office box in the District. Nozette took the cash and questions left by the FBI agent, authorities alleged. He returned, the FBI said, with envelopes containing classified information he recalled handling. That included details about U.S. satellites, early warning systems and defense strategy, the FBI wrote in court papers.

The meetings with the FBI agent were taped. At one point, Nozette said he knew how to handle the Israeli's cash. "You buy consumables," he told the agent, according to a partial transcript of the conversation in a District hotel suite Sept. 4. "Cash is good for anything."
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  an undercover FBI agent posing as an Israeli intelligence operative

Busy little bees they have at FBI.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/21/2009 2:53 Comments || Top||

#2  #1 an undercover FBI agent posing as an Israeli intelligence operative

Pffft, amatuers.
Posted by: Bob Hanssen || 10/21/2009 6:02 Comments || Top||

#3  "...Federal authorities searched Nozette's house in February 2007 and seized computer gear and a bong."

so that's why he needed the money
Posted by: lord garth || 10/21/2009 7:50 Comments || Top||

#4  nice that our "buddies" the isrealis spy on us all the time
Posted by: 746 || 10/21/2009 10:25 Comments || Top||

#5  Which part of "FBI agent posing as" your highly educated intelligence has failed to grasp?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/21/2009 10:41 Comments || Top||

#6  Correct, g(r)omgoru.

This time.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 12:52 Comments || Top||

#7  Which part of "FBI agent posing as" your highly educated intelligence has failed to grasp?

The middle part, probably.

Posted by: gorb || 10/21/2009 13:30 Comments || Top||

#8  Snicker
Don't stare. We don't want to hurt our new chew toy's self esteem.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 10/21/2009 14:52 Comments || Top||

#9  It hasn't yet demonstrated a reason for it to think well of itself, whitecollar redneck.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/21/2009 21:23 Comments || Top||

High court accepts Guantanamo Uyghur case
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Supreme Court tentatively agreed Tuesday to accept an appeal from a group of native Chinese Muslims who had asked to be released into the United States from American military custody at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Release them into Midtown. Or Hollyweird ...
The case may soon dissolve, however, because nearly all the men have been or are expected to soon be sent voluntarily to other nations.

The Pacific island nation of Palau has agreed in recent weeks to take in 12 of the 13 remaining prisoners, U.S. officials have said. Only one man, Arkin Mahmud, is likely to remain held indefinitely at the U.S. naval station at Guantanamo Bay. His lawyer told the Washington Post the man has mental health problems that cannot be treated in the tiny country. Mahmud's brother is among those headed to Palau.

The men are Uyghurs, an ethnic group from western China. They were accused of receiving weapons and military training in Afghanistan. Some of them have been cleared for release since 2003 and several other Uyghurs have been released to other countries. The United States said it would not send them back to their homeland because of concern they would be tortured by Chinese authorities.

The Chinese government has said no returned Uyghurs would be mistreated and has repeatedly warned other countries against taking the men. Beijing officials this summer again urged the United States to hand over all remaining Uyghurs instead of sending them elsewhere. China alleges the men are part of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a group the U.S. State Department considers a terrorist organization, that operates in the Xinjiang region. East Turkestan is another name for Xinjiang.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ION SPACEWAR > WALKERS WORLD: CHINA'S NEW ENEMIES. Un-restive Uighurs, Tibetans; BRAHMAPUTRA DAMS Projects = MATTER OF LIFE + DEATH FOR INDIA + BANGLA/CHIN desperate for water from any source + willing to go hard on its neighbors for same [wage war].

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/21/2009 0:57 Comments || Top||

#2  If they're good guys (hah!), release them in the US.
If they're bad guys, release them in Atlantis.
If it's not clear, release them in China.
Posted by: Glenmore || 10/21/2009 7:53 Comments || Top||

#3  No reason why Turkey can't take them.They are "brothers" after all.
Posted by: tipper || 10/21/2009 12:39 Comments || Top||

#4  "Some problems are best disposed of from a great height - over water."
-- James Mason, "North by Northwest"
Posted by: mojo || 10/21/2009 12:58 Comments || Top||

#5  Foreign jihadis captured in Afghanistan were properly labeled: personna non grata (without claim to legal protection or petition). Let China deal with the Uigs. I am indifferent to their problems. They are lucky to be breathing.
Posted by: Bugs Slath3086 || 10/21/2009 15:54 Comments || Top||

Court denies bail to Kobad Ghandy
NEW DELHI: A Delhi court dismissed the bail plea of Maoist leader Kobad Ghandy on Wednesday and directed the AIIMS to constitute a medical board to determine his fitness for a narco-analysis test, which he strongly opposed.

Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Kaveri Baweja rejected Ghandy’s bail plea saying the charges against him were grave and the investigation in the matter was still at an initial stage
Posted by: john frum || 10/21/2009 17:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Pak-Afghan border must be sealed
RAWALPINDI: The Pak-Afghan border must be sealed on the Afghan side to prevent the cross-border movement of terrorists and the flow of weapons into Pakistan, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Tariq Majid said on Tuesday.

He was talking to United Kingdom Chief of Defence Staff Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup at the Joint Staff Headquarters. The two leaders discussed a host of security-related issues, bilateral defence cooperation and the regional security situation, with a special emphasis on the situation in Afghanistan, as well as the ongoing operation in South Waziristan Agency, the ISPR said.

Gen Tariq appreciated the contributions of British troops in Afghanistan, urging the synchronisation of effort on both sides of the border and sharing of real time intelligence.

Stirrup expressed “solidarity and full support” to Pakistan, but warned against fallout in Balochistan, which borders Afghanistan and Iran.

He later met Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Kayani as well. The COAS briefed Stirrup on the ongoing operation in South Waziristan and the successful operation against the Taliban in Swat.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Pakistan suggested closing the border years ago, but Karzai adamantly opposed it, for the reasons that most goods used in Afghanistan come from Pakistan, and there are many tribes whose territories overlap both countries and would go on the warpath if efforts were made to divide them.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/21/2009 0:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Is sealing that border remotely possible?
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 10/21/2009 0:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Is sealing that border remotely possible?

It would make sealing the US/Mexico border look like a job for a slow week when not much else was happening.
Posted by: phil_b || 10/21/2009 3:59 Comments || Top||

#4  While you can't seal it, you can reduce its permeability a couple of orders of magnitude. As long as you don't get too concerned about collateral damage. But of course minimizing collateral damage and managing public perception is essential to the strategic plan.
Posted by: Glenmore || 10/21/2009 7:57 Comments || Top||

#5  Some people, though not everyone, are awfully fond of landmines in that part of the world...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 10/21/2009 10:42 Comments || Top||

#6  Some people, though not everyone, are awfully fond of landmines in that part of the world...

That what Muslims have women & children for, MM.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/21/2009 10:44 Comments || Top||

#7  I read the Afgan way to clear mines is to run a herd of goats through the area, kinda hard on the goats, and sometimes the herd-boy, but no loss of anything important(Muslims).

Land mines won't work as a pass stopper.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 10/21/2009 13:00 Comments || Top||

#8  Not the goats - they are too valuable. Use wives & children.
Posted by: Glenmore || 10/21/2009 14:37 Comments || Top||

#9  I seem to remember seeing huge signs announcing "mine fields" when I drove through both the Ecuador-Peru and Peru-Chile borders.
Posted by: Bugs Slath3086 || 10/21/2009 15:52 Comments || Top||

#10  Ummm, a bit of propaganda there, signs are cheape than actual mines, I'm NOT going to check.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 10/21/2009 18:32 Comments || Top||


As per internal PAK sources, Author claims that PAKIS may covertly have up to 250 NUCBOMBS, as compared to 60-rising-to-100 nukes described in a US Congressional Research Service [USCRS] Report.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/21/2009 20:38 Comments || Top||

More than 112,000 flee SWA offensive
ISLAMABAD: More than 112,000 people have fled South Waziristan after security forces launched a major offensive against the Taliban in the tribal region, a UN official said on Tuesday.

“Almost 4,477 families, or 32,000 individuals, have got themselves registered since October 13 as against 11,000 families, or 80,500 people, who fled South Waziristan since May,” UN refugee agency spokeswoman Ariane Rummery said.

The latest migration “brings the total number of displaced people to more than 112,000”, she added.

Rummery said the displaced were registered at different distribution points at Tank and Dera Ismail Khan.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Virtually all the Taliban should have escaped by now so you can let the refugees go home.
Posted by: Glenmore || 10/21/2009 7:58 Comments || Top||

Battle for Kotkai intensifies as 20 Taliban killed
TANK: The army killed 20 Taliban on the fourth day of Operation Rah-e-Nijat against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan in South Waziristan, the military said on Tuesday, as troops intensified the battle for control of Kotkai.

The Taliban claimed they killed seven soldiers in an attack, but the army said only four soldiers had been killed in the assault on positions around Kotkai – the hometown of TTP leader Hakeemullah Mehsud and trainer of suicide bombers Qari Hussain. The Taliban casualties have taken the death toll to 91 since the launch of the operation on October 16. “We are consolidating our positions around Kotkai, and control of this town will pave the way for deeper advances towards Makeen and other strongholds of the Taliban,” said military officials.

They said troops battling their way into Kotkai were facing resistance from the Taliban. “Fierce fighting going with the Taliban is in progress... we have to take full control of the town before we move deeper into Taliban territory,” said the officials.

An ISPR statement said security forces were consolidating their positions on Jandola, and extending a security perimeter around Kaskai and Shisanwam. It said Taliban from surrounding heights were engaging forces with rockets and small arms. The army said important heights surrounding Sherwangi had also been secured, and “Taliban are abandoning their positions”. Troops also seized arms and ammunition during the course of the operation’s fourth day. Long-range artillery, helicopter gunships and jet fighters are backing ground troops in the operation, fleeing residents told reporters in Tank and Dera Ismail Khan.

Meanwhile, the Taliban warned Mehsud elders against support to the military. “We call on Mehsud leaders not to support or speak in favour of the government. If any Mehsud tribesman collaborates with the government or speaks in their favour, stern action will be taken against them,” Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq told BBC.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:


Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/21/2009 0:12 Comments || Top||

Mighty Pak Army cuts deal with Taliban factions
DERA ISMAIL KHAN: The army, in the midst of an operation in South Waziristan, has struck deals to keep two powerful, anti-US tribal chiefs from joining the battle against the government, officials have said.
Shouldn't have been hard, they have each other's phone numbers ...
On speed dial.
Under the terms agreed to about three weeks ago, Taliban renegades Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur would stay out of the parts of South Waziristan controlled by the TTP. They would also allow the army to move through their own lands unimpeded, giving the military additional fronts from which to attack the Taliban. In exchange, the army would ease patrols and bombings in the lands controlled by Nazir and Bahadur, two intelligence officials said on condition of anonymity.

US State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said he was unaware of an agreement to keep some militant factions out of the fight for now, but other US officials said the strategy was not surprising or necessarily worrisome. Because the faction loyal to TTP leader Hakimullah Mehsud poses the most direct threat to Pakistan, it is the logical first target, US officials briefed on the offensive said.

Security analysts said the army had little choice but to cut deals with rival Taliban factions to have a chance of success. "If the army opens up multiple fronts, they will be deluged," said Khalid Aziz, a former administrator in the northwest.

Meanwhile, army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said there was no agreement with the two men, but "there is an understanding with them that they will not interfere in this war". He said the army "had to talk to the devil" to isolate its main target.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He said the army "had to talk to the devil"

Good thing that had that direct line in Lahore.
Posted by: gromky || 10/21/2009 5:27 Comments || Top||


* BHARAT RAKSHAK > MAOISTS: IFF TALIBAN ATTACK INDIA, WE WILL FIGHT THEM. CPI will side wid the People of India agz PAK ATLIBAN, as says CPI Politburo Member-CPI Combat Forces Commander KOTESWAR RAO [aka KISHENG].

FYI KISHENG > denotes or warns that CPI has "strong ties" to Ultra-Left movements + alleged Terrorist outfits, includ KASHMIRI MILTERR GROUPS, from at least 36 world countries.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/21/2009 23:46 Comments || Top||

Taliban claims attacks on Islamic university
The Taliban has claimed responsibility for two suicide attacks at one of the world's biggest Islamic universities. The attacks at the International Islamic University in the Pakistani capital Islamabad killed five people and injured many more.

Taliban commander Qari Hussein says all of Pakistan is now a war zone and has vowed to strike again as the Pakistani army continues its offensive into the Taliban's stronghold in South Waziristan.

One bomber struck in a women's cafeteria at the university while the other climbed to the first floor of the Islamic Law department and blew himself up.

Student Faheem Beyg says many of his classmates cannot understand why the terrorists would target an Islamic place of learning. "It was very much frightening," he said. "One blast happened, we saw towards the sky and it became dark, it became just like a yellowish colour and definitely, really, it was astonishing and it was frightening.

"They are killing their brothers. We are their brothers, we are their children and they are killing us. We are here because we are here to study. They are inhuman I think, they are unbelievable what they are doing. What the hell are they doing?"

Security forces have been on high alert. Many schools and colleges had been closed in Islamabad during the past two days because of specific intelligence information they may be targeted.

But student Shokut Ahmed says he will not be frightened away from his studies. "Inshallah, we will keep studying," he said. "We are not afraid of them. We will fight with them by studying, by knowledge."

The battle between the Taliban and the Government is intensifying. The Government admits its troops are making slow progress in the rugged terrain of South Waziristan. The operation could take up to eight weeks.

Waris Sheikh is the father of a student injured in the latest attack. He wants the military to abandon its offensive in South Waziristan. "Surely it should be stopped, otherwise we will be killed for America and for other NATO countries," he said. "This is not opinion of the people to do this attack. This is the opinion of the Government."

The Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, arrived at the scene of the latest blast but he received an angry reception from students who say the Government is failing to protect its citizens from terrorism. Mr Malik only stayed for a few minutes before he was forced to flee. Students threw dirt and bricks at his convoy as he left.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  More!
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/21/2009 2:52 Comments || Top||


* SAME > PAKISTAN SUFFERS REVERSES IN OFFENSIVE AGZ MILITANTS [Should PAK Army take control of Govt = Islamabad?].


Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/21/2009 20:25 Comments || Top||

Al-Qaeda operative nabbed in Karbala
KARBALA / Aswat al-Iraq: Security forces arrested on Tuesday an operative of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) Organization in area west of the holy city of Karbala.

“The operative is wanted for security forces in Babel province,” Major Alaa Abbass, the Karbala police media director, told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. “He is wanted for committing sectarian cleansing crimes.”

Major Abbass said that the operation relied on intelligence tip off. “Security forces prepared a trap to arrest the operative,” Abbass said. “He confessed that he killed policemen.”
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I am sure his shiite muslim brothers will respect his right to due process.
Posted by: Helmuth, Speaking for Grerelet4852 || 10/21/2009 0:49 Comments || Top||

Member of Islamic party arrested in Diala
DIALA / Aswat al-Iraq: Policemen arrested on Tuesday a member of the Islamic party in Khales district for being suspected in joining al-Qaeda group, a judicial source said.

“Policemen waged on Tuesday (Oct. 20) a crackdown operation in Abu Tamr village in Khales, north of Baaquba, where they arrested Harb Hassan Jassem, a member of the Islamic party in Diala,” the source, who asked for anonymity, told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“The operation was launched in light of intelligence information which assert his involvement in implementing several killing operations,” he added.

Baaquba, the capital of Diala, lies 57 km northeast of Baghdad.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

2 U.S. soldiers killed, 4 wounded in Ninewa
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Two U.S. soldiers were killed and four others were wounded in two separate incidents in Ninewa in northern Iraq, the U.S. army said on Tuesday.

“A Multi-National Division - North Soldier was killed and two were wounded when an improvised explosive device detonated near their vehicle in Ninewa province, Iraq, Oct. 19,” the U.S. army said in a statement received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“A Multi-National Division - North Soldier was killed and two were injured in a vehicle accident approximately five miles west of Mosul, Iraq, Oct. 18,” it added.

The deaths raise to 4,351 the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003, including 131 in 2009.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  *gulp*
Posted by: Frank G || 10/21/2009 10:48 Comments || Top||

Good morning!
Posted by: Steve White || 10/21/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  More Morena!
Posted by: Mike || 10/21/2009 6:02 Comments || Top||

#2  Oyez! She of the dark and curly locks. Beeyooteeful!
Posted by: AlmostAnonymous5839 || 10/21/2009 9:09 Comments || Top||

#3  mmmm Firefly
Posted by: Frank G || 10/21/2009 10:00 Comments || Top||

#4  Thanks, Mr. White ... She's one of my favorites -- such a classic look. Fits right in on the DS&TP front cover.
Posted by: ExtremeModerate || 10/21/2009 10:09 Comments || Top||

#5  Looks like they're making her the Lizard Queen in the remake of "V"...

Not too bad with short hair either.

Posted by: mojo || 10/21/2009 12:55 Comments || Top||

#7  I'll be in my bunk.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 10/21/2009 17:26 Comments || Top||

#8  Just lovely.
Posted by: JohnQC || 10/21/2009 17:46 Comments || Top||

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
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Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2009-10-21
  20 deaders in battle for Kotkai
Tue 2009-10-20
  Algerian forces kill AQIM communications chief
Mon 2009-10-19
  South Waziristan clashes kill 60 militants
Sun 2009-10-18
  Battle for South Waziristan begins
Sat 2009-10-17
  Pakistan imposes indefinite curfew in S. Waziristan
Fri 2009-10-16
  Turkish police detain 50 Qaeda suspects
Thu 2009-10-15
  Pakistani Police Attacked in Two Cities; 15 Killed
Wed 2009-10-14
  Italy: Attempted terror attack against army barracks injures soldier
Tue 2009-10-13
  Charges against Hafiz Saeed dismissed by Lahore High Court
Mon 2009-10-12
  Pakistain says 41 killed in market bombing
Sun 2009-10-11
  Pak army frees 30 at army HQ, ending siege
Sat 2009-10-10
  'Al-Qaeda-linked' Cern worker held
Fri 2009-10-09
  B.O. gets Nobel Peace Prize, just like Arafat
Thu 2009-10-08
  Car bomb at India's Kabul embassy
Wed 2009-10-07
  Terrorist cell found in Hamburg. Surprise.

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