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British pull out of southern Afghan district
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-Lurid Crime Tales-
IHRC: 2006 Islamophobia Awards - Don't forget to Vote!
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 01:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  IHRC seem to be an Islamic AI or HRW, i.e. doubly unhinged.
Posted by: phil_b || 10/19/2006 1:53 Comments || Top||

#2  Yeah, but didja vote? Lol. IHRC = Islamic Human Rights Commission. Lol.
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 1:56 Comments || Top||

#3  Nice, they DO revel in that victim mentality... and it started right from the start, with old mo' "slandered" by scornful poets and poetesses he had then murdered, or "victimized" by those who didn't believe in him (and whom he thus had a legitimate right to attack and loot).
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 10/19/2006 2:51 Comments || Top||

#4  i don't care anymore.
Posted by: anon || 10/19/2006 3:02 Comments || Top||

#5  Iff Cold War + post-Cold War/USSR DemoLefty attitudes is any measure, the contemp DemoLefties should be PUBLICLY demanding that IRAN + NORTH KOREA get nuklar wepuns-wepoons, NOT harshly wafflely criticizing Dubya-GOP for failing to either stop them from getting nukes, or for trying to stop same from getting same. CLINTON + GORE > NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION MAKES THE WORLD SAFER, CORRECT!?
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 10/19/2006 3:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Damn, someone forgot to nominate the 'burg! ;)
Posted by: Swamp Blondie || 10/19/2006 3:28 Comments || Top||

#7  I have Westophobia. I fear our accomodation of Muslim immigrants places their liberty over our security.

Exactly how should we react to jihad incitement that issues from our colleagues when the Muslim Students Association meet and at mosques or in parking lots of same?
Posted by: Snease Shaiting3550 || 10/19/2006 3:36 Comments || Top||

#8  Why can't we have a 'No One' vote in the elections here?

Heck of a list of modern heroes. Its a good start to my Christmas card list. Thankyou, IHRC.
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 10/19/2006 3:51 Comments || Top||

#9  I voted for No-One in all regions...


Because they're all right!

I recommend voting and voting often

ps: paging Barbara Skolaut, paging Barbara Skolaut if you be around - I just saw a picture of your grandparents getting hitched from 1905 on Tim Blair's blog!

Posted by: anon1 || 10/19/2006 9:37 Comments || Top||

#10  I wish to extend a big RB hat tip to the IHRC for pointing out the so-called islamophobic web site "Harry's Place".

I didn't know it even existed but, inshallah, it'll be bookmarked now !!!
Posted by: Mark Z || 10/19/2006 9:52 Comments || Top||

#11  lol, Mark! Same here, allan be praised!
Posted by: BA || 10/19/2006 10:24 Comments || Top||

#12  And, I love the very last nominee, Tony Blair ("for everything").
Posted by: BA || 10/19/2006 10:24 Comments || Top||

#13  What no Pope ? Is this some kind of Catholic bashing ?
Posted by: wxjames || 10/19/2006 10:25 Comments || Top||

#14  Update to "Harry's Place".

Just made my first visit to Harry's Place. It's not islamophobic and quite mild in my opinion.

I think it safe to say Zenster will feel snubbed he wasn't nominated by the IHRC in the "Americas" category after reading "Harry's Place".

Posted by: Mark Z || 10/19/2006 10:29 Comments || Top||

#15  It appears one may vote as many times as one believes is appropriate to their station in life.

I do believe I'll vote again.
Posted by: Bobby || 10/19/2006 10:48 Comments || Top||

#16  I nominated the IHRC. Not because they're Islamophobic, but because I can't stand an organization of whiny bitches.
Posted by: tu3031 || 10/19/2006 10:59 Comments || Top||

#17  You mean to say that this isn't Scrappleface?!?

What is Islamophobia?
A contemporary and emerging form of prejudice Islamophobia can be described as stereotypes, bias or acts of hostility towards individual Muslims or followers of Islam in general. In addition to individual acts of intolerance and racial profiling, Islamophobia leads to viewing Muslims as a greater security threat on an institutional, systemic and societal level and perceiving their views to be intrinsically problematic, violent or unethical.

Let's face it, the endless stream of Islamic atrocities has forced me to begin "viewing Muslims as a greater security threat on an institutional, systemic and societal level and perceiving their views to be intrinsically problematic, violent or unethical". There ain't no fucking "phobia" about it.

When Muslims start offing their jihadist imams and outing terrorist operatives within their mosques, please let me know. Only then will I consider revising my threat assessment. Until then, Muslims are shit-outta-luck.

I think it safe to say Zenster will feel snubbed he wasn't nominated by the IHRC in the "Americas" category after reading "Harry's Place".

Snubbed? I'm outraged! I suppose I'll have to stop slacking off so much. Thank you for the nod, Mark Z.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/19/2006 13:06 Comments || Top||

#18  Isn't the very act of voting anti-Islamic?
Posted by: gromky || 10/19/2006 14:33 Comments || Top||

#19  Allan be praised, I too have bookmarked that kuffar's blog Harry's Place, may peace be upon him!

Posted by: anon1 || 10/19/2006 21:01 Comments || Top||

#20  I wrote in a vote for the human victims of the religion of puss on United Flight 93.

Let the bastards for pAllah chew on that one.
Posted by: Icerigger || 10/19/2006 21:10 Comments || Top||

#21  I was looking for "all muslims" as an answer. The biggest source/cause of islamophobia are the idiots that practice the religion.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 10/19/2006 23:18 Comments || Top||

British pull out of southern Afghan district
OPERATIONAL SUCCESS: The leader of NATO forces in Afghanistan said the pullout reflected military progress but that forces would return if the situation demands it

British troops have pulled out of a troubled southern Afghanistan district after reaching an agreement with tribal elders, while fighting killed 44 suspected Taliban militants across the country, officials said.
Think: Southern Iraq. Warlords, Militia, same-same.
NATO, meanwhile, said that it is launching a new countrywide operation with Afghan forces to keep pressure on the Taliban through the fall and winter after the worst fighting in five years.
Or you could say after killing the mostest in the shortest.
Mark Laity, a NATO spokesman in Kabul, said on Tuesday the decision to withdraw British troops from Helmand Province's Musa Qala district follows an agreement with tribal elders and the provincial governor, and was supported by President Hamid Karzai.

"There has not been any contact with the Taliban, and they are not involved in this," Laity said.
We know them when we see them. And we search them for Taliban ID cards, just to be sure.
He said the troops would leave Afghan security forces in charge.

Musa Qala has been one of the most volatile regions of Helmand Province, where about 4,000 British troops deployed in the spring have met stiffer-than-expected resistance from resurgent Taliban militants.
But everything's spiffy, now. We have a deal. We know how to do these things, um, better.
General David Richards, commander of the 32,000-strong NATO-led force in Afghanistan, said the redeployment reflects the operation's success.

But "we will continue to go back into Musa Qala if the security situation demands it," Richards said.
Like next week?
At a news conference in London on Tuesday, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the Iraq and Afghanistan missions were important to British and global security.
True enough, Tony.
"If we walk away before the job is done from either of those two countries, we will leave a situation in which the very people that we're fighting everywhere, including in extremism in our own country, are heartened and emboldened and we can't afford that to happen," he said.
I think he gets it.
Elsewhere in Afghanistan, heavy fighting continued on Tuesday.
Lack of Soft Power, methinks. Richards will fix that.
A coalition airstrike killed a suspected midlevel Taliban commander and up to 15 other militants in southern Uruzgan Province.
Crude. Cowboyish.
A NATO statement on the strike did not name the suspected Taliban commander.

Afghan army forces battled insurgents near the eastern border with Pakistan in a clash that killed 24 suspected militants and a soldier, said Defense Ministry spokesman General Mohammed Zair Azimi.

It was not immediately possible to independently confirm the toll.

In Helmand's Garmser district, police killed four suspected Taliban and arrested six others, said Ghulam Muhiddin, the provincial governor's spokesman.

In neighboring Kandahar Province, suspected Taliban destroyed an oil tanker transporting fuel for NATO-led forces and killed its driver, said a police official, General Abdul Raziq.
Oops, not enough Soft Power there.
A rocket hit a house during a nighttime clash between suspected Taliban insurgents and NATO and Afghan security forces in a southern Afghan village, causing civilian casualties, police said yesterday.
But the locals said it was a bomb. Rocket - Talibunny, bury the dead. Bomb - NATO, collect compensation.
One Taliban was also killed and three police wounded in fighting in Helmand Province on Tuesday.
Think Southern Iraq. Big Success.
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 02:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Dobtless we'll be back when fighting season 2007 commences. Sigh..
Posted by: Howard UK || 10/19/2006 3:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Howard - c'mon over, bro. Whatever it is that floats your boat - you can find here, methinks. ;-)
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 3:41 Comments || Top||

#3  I suppose Dunkirk was an early example of turning WWII over to local French Elders? We should remember this stellar British performance when Argentina re-invades the Falklands... some time next year.
Posted by: Slolulet Pheamble9987 || 10/19/2006 6:45 Comments || Top||

#4  On the other hand, root em out, kill a few, and pull out. They file back in. Repeat cycle. Repeat cycle, repeat cycle. War of attrition.
Posted by: wxjames || 10/19/2006 10:19 Comments || Top||

#5  Was the purpose of turning Afghanistan duty over to NATO to show how decrepit the organization has become with the current Euro governments' preference for militaries that are for decoration and parades only? The soldiers are still OK but the commanders are dubious at best.
Posted by: RWV || 10/19/2006 10:51 Comments || Top||

#6  But "we will continue to go back into Musa Qala if the security situation demands it," Richards said.
General Patton on 'tactical withdrawals': "I don't like paying for the same real estate twice."
Posted by: GK || 10/19/2006 14:58 Comments || Top||

#7  On the other hand, what is the point if you can't go after the source in Pakiland?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 10/19/2006 15:26 Comments || Top||

#8  Good point Ebbang. But be careful about asking such questions here.
Posted by: Rafael || 10/19/2006 16:43 Comments || Top||

Taliban demand Italian troops' withdrawl for journalist's release
The Afghan kidnappers of Italian photojournalist Gabriele Torsello have demanded that Italian troops withdraw from Afghanistan if their earlier demand that Italy hand over an Afghan who converted to Christianity was not possible, PeaceReporter reported on Wednesday. "If it's not possible to obtain the Afghan apostate, then we want all the Italian troops out of Afghanistan," the kidnappers demanded in a phone call to an Italian NGO Emergency.

The kidnappers had earlier demanded that Italy handover by midnight on Sunday Abdul Rahman, an Afghan who converted from Islam to Christianity in return for the hostage's release, Reuters reported. Rahman, 41, converted to Christianity 16 years when he was a refugee in Pakistan and worked with a Christian aid group. He was spirited away to Italy in March of this year, where he was granted asylum after having been denounced by Afghan clerics as an apostate, a charge that carries the death penalty in Afghanistan.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yea, go over to leb and shoot at Israel jet overflies
Posted by: Captain America || 10/19/2006 1:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Do they want concessions for NOT shooting a journalist? Isn't that backwards?
Posted by: Oldcat || 10/19/2006 15:55 Comments || Top||

20 civilians among 44 dead in fresh Afghan violence
(KUNA) -- An unspecified number of civilians have allegedly been killed in two separate incidents of bombing and rocket attacks in southern Afghanistan late last night.

Separately, the Afghan government claimed they had killed 24 Taliban fighters following a clash in a border town in the southeastern parts of Afghanistan on Tuesday. Afghan Defence Ministry's spokesman General Zahir Azimi said the Taliban were killed when they attacked ISAF troops in the border district of Bermel Tuesday evening. He said NATO aircraft also took part in the battle that continued for more than four hours. Azimi admitted the killing of only one Afghan soldier in the overnight clash.

In another clash between Taliban and government forces in Helmand, a stronghold of Taliban, a rocket hit a house resulting in the killing of a dozen members of a family. It is not clear whether it was a rocket or a bomb dropped by NATO forces, that bombarded the Taliban positions in the area. Helmand police chief Nabi Jan Mulakhel said the clash erupted in Tajikai area of the Greshk district around 10pm. He said Taliban attacked a police post. The policemen called support from NATO forces, who bombarded positions of the militants. Mulakhel said 15 Taliban were killed in the overnight clash but Taliban rejected his claim as baseless. Purported spokesman for the militia Yousaf Ahmadi said only two of their men were killed. He added 16 policemen were shot dead by the fighters in the ambush.

The recent clash in Helmand took place just 24 hours after a deal, under which the Britsh forces withdrawn from Musa Qala district of the same province. The foreign military and Afghan government said the withdrawal of British troops was followed by an agreement with local elders, who will be responsible for keeping security in the district. They denied any deal with Taliban.

In the neighbouring province of Kandahar, residents say at least eight civilians were killed as NATO aircraft pounded an area in Zerai district of the province. NATO forces denied the civilian casualties and said they had targeted hideouts of Taliban. Mohammad Akhtar, a resident of the Ashgo area, which was bombarded last night, said several houses had been destroyed. He said the dead and injured also included children and women.
And puppies. And kittens. And baby ducks.
But NATO spokesman Major Luke Knitting denied civilian casualties in the bombing. He said they had specific targets and there was no harm to civilian lives or property in the last night bombardment. At a news conference, the spokesman said nine people were killed in the air strike but stopped short of specifically mentioning if they were Taliban or civilians. He said investigations had been ordered into the incident to ascertain the facts.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

2 JMB big turbans in Chittagong jailed for 20 years
Or Eid-al-Fitr, whichever comes first.
A Chittagong court yesterday sentenced two Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) militants to 20 years' imprisonment in a case filed in connection with three bomb attacks in Chittagong last year. The convicts are JMB Chittagong division chief Javed Iqbal, 26, and Cox's Bazar area commander of JMB Naimuzzaman, 22, who carried out the attack on August 17, October 3 and November 29 that left two people including a policemen dead and many injured.

Third Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge Md Ekramul Haq Chowdhury handed down the verdict of the case filed under the Arms Act. The judge in the verdict said Javed was the mastermind of the bomb attacks carried out in Chittagong on August 17 and October 3 and the suicide bomb attack on November 29. Naimuzzaman was a close aide to Javed.

Rapid Action Battalion on December 13 last year arrested the two at a house in Kattali on the northern fringe of the port city with huge amount of explosive materials, different types of bombs and books and pamphlets on jihad in their procession. Three cases were filed against the two with Pahartali Police Station -- two under Explosive Substance Act and one under Arms Act. Both the convicts made confessional statements before a court. The charge sheet of the case under Arms Act was filed on January 21 this year while the charge was framed on August 14. The court recorded the statements of 14 witnesses in the trial before handing down the verdict yesterday. The convicts, however, said they would not appeal against the verdict.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Tales from the Crossfire Gazette©
An outlaw and an alleged robber were killed in "crossfire" during shootouts between their accomplices and the law enforcers in Kushtia and Chittagong early yesterday. The dead are identified as Milon Hossain, 35, a member of the outlawed Biplobi Communist Party (BCP) and Abdus Salek, 42, leader of an organised gang of robbers.
Which, mind you, is not the same thing as being the leader of an organized gang of Biplobi Communist robbers...
It's considered a much higher calling
Our correspondent from Kushtia said that the police arrested Milon at his house in Dhalnagar village under Kumarkhali upazila on Tuesday morning.
[Knock knock!]
"Who's there?"
"It's the RAB! We here for Milo!"
"I ain't here!"
During interrogation at Kumarkhali Police Station, he confessed to having firearms hidden in different areas.
"Owwww! Aaaaiiieeee! Yes! It's true! I have firearms hidden in different areas!"
"What areas?"
"Diff'rent areas!"
Later, police took him to Dhalnagar village to retrieve the firearms.
"Please don't kill me!"
"Too late for that Milon, we've already signed out the shutter gun."
As they reached at Badh Bazar area, 5 kilometres off the Dhalnagar at around 4:30am, the BCP cadres opened fire on them. The law enforcers retaliated resulting in a half an hour-long gunfight.
[BANG! BANG! BANGETY BANG!] "Die, RAB running dog lackies!"
[BANG! BANG! KERPOW!] "Take that, Biplobi commies!"
Milon fell in the line of fire when he tried to escape, police said.
"Don't shoot Biplobi comrades! It is I!... I... I... Aaaaaiiiieee!"
He died on the spot.
"Rosebud!" [rattle!]
Police seized three bullets from the scene.
Must have left the shutter gun back at the cop shoppe ...
Milon was accused in 12 cases, including three for murder.
Wanted on twelve systems, he was...
A total 116 alleged criminals, the highest across the country, have been killed so far in Kushtia since June 2004.
"We're number one, we're number one!"

Meanwhile, UNB from Chittagong reports that Abdus Salek and five others were arrested by the Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) during an operation at Sarol union in Banshkhali upazila Tuesday morning.
"Stick 'em up, Abdus! You, too, you five!"
Following his confessional statement,
"Aaaaiiieee! I confess!"
Rab took him to Kataria village of the same upazila at about 4:30am to recover hidden arms and arrest his cohorts.
"It's 4.30 am! Time to recover the hidden arms! Into the paddy wagon wit' yez, Abdus!"
"Don't kill me!"
"Please don't kill me!"
"Mahmoud, hit him!"
"As soon as they came near the den of Salek, his cohorts opened fire on the law enforcers in a bid to snatch Salek, forcing the Rab men to retaliate," said a police official.
"You may fire when ready, Gridley!"
Salek got caught in the 'crossfire' while trying to escape and died on the spot.
"Feet, don't fail me.....KAPOW!"
"Aaaaaiiiieee! [Thud!] Rosebud! [rattle!]"
The body was sent to morgue for autopsy.
"Dr. Quincy! Pick up the white courtesy phone!"
A member of the notorious Amin Bahini, Salek was also a leader of an organised gang of robbers, police said.
But not an organized gang of Biplobi Communist robbers; he had his standards, he did ...
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Lol. You guys are having waaay too much fun!
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 0:48 Comments || Top||

#2  More fun than ol' Milo and Abdus, at any rate...
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/19/2006 0:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Ya gotta admit it saves all that paperwork of trial, evidence, verdict, appeals ad nauseum.
Posted by: Rich W || 10/19/2006 19:14 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
US House report reveals terrorist across our Southern Border
The link is direct to the document in PDF on the House of Rep web - paraphrased excerpts follow (the document is protected against copy and paste of text, friken idiots in government locked it down)

39 tunnels have been discovered on the southern border.

ICE revealed that many Middle Eastern illegals have been smuggled into cental american countries and then from there up through Mexico into the US.

Hezbollah has already inserted some peopel across the souther border.

Venezuela is issuing real identity documents with false identities for Middle Easterners and terrorists that allow legal entry into the US.

There are no less than 16 primary entry points, and 13 secondary entry points in Texas alone, with 21 rally points INSIDE the state of Texas for routing and smullgling of illegals and drugs. (And those are just the ones we know about)

Weapons caches with full-auto AK-47's and ammunition have been captured at or near the border, and reports of RPGs have become more frequent, and now mortars are being reported.

HUNDREDS of illegals from known terrorist countries have been caught in South Texas alone.

Go to page 28-29 and look at the Arabic military patches that were found on clothing captured in the US in Text near the border, including (in arabic script) "Martyr" "Way to Immortality" and syblos from an Airborne military unit, and a patch depictingthe airliner attacks in NY.

More than 200 from Lebanon alone (with many thought to have Hezbollah ties) came across at a single point in Texas.

Now top that all off with estimates that we only apprehend 10 to 30 percent of the illegals that are crossing our souther border.
Posted by: Oldspook || 10/19/2006 15:29 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  70% to 90% get through. So what you see about captures above is only a fraction of what gets through. Each and every year the numbers get larger.

Do the math. Scared yet? You should be.

Angry at President Bush for delaying the fence in order to kiss-ass with the immigration policy? You should be.

Angry at the Republican Congress (Other than Tancredo and a few others) fro sitting on their ass for 4 years? You should be.

Angry at the Dems for denying the problem and repeating the idiotic mantra "They just want jobs"? You should be.

Pissed at ALL of them because they ignored a vast security issue and preferred to play at politics - putting our nation and our families at risk?

You damn well should be!

Remember that when you vote. But don't make it worse by voting for ven worse candidates - hol dyour nose and then hold them accoutnable! Call and let them know this is their last chance.
Posted by: Oldspook || 10/19/2006 17:00 Comments || Top||

#2  I won't hold my breath waiting for W to take care of this. He and the entire government has failed us. Hes too busy trying it secure Iraq's borders to worry about us. Besides, the public is too busy watching Lost or Dancing with the Stars to do anything about it or care.Instead, they'll cry and lament and argue over memorials after the lawsuits have been filed because victimization is the new American way of life.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam || 10/19/2006 17:06 Comments || Top||

#3  Lawsuits are irrelevant to the dead.

Lawsuits are completely irrelevant in the face of 100K or more dead due to a nuke in a city center.

Bottom line: where will border security get more traction: Speaker Hastert or Speaker Pelosi?

Math breaks down to we need 2700 miles of security. Hastert got 700. Pelosi would have gotten us Zero.

Neither is good enough but one is surely worse than the other.

WAKE UP America before your daughters get gunned down at the mall, or your sons get killed by an IED at thier football game.

Posted by: Oldspook || 10/19/2006 17:39 Comments || Top||

#4  YS, maybe - and Bush and his administration have much to account for - but imagine what's going to happen with Pelosi as House Speaker, Rangel in charge of Finance, and a dozen others in charge of various other important committees.

Just this morning Fox News was reporting the Democrats have already promised to repeal the Bush tax cuts, all of them, to begin a "responsible redeployment" of troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and to begin impeachment proceedings against the President!

If repealing the tax cuts alone isn't scarey enough for you, imagine Hillary as head of Defense Appropriations or as President - these bastards will make that happen!

Imagine a flood of immigrants granted instant voter status - these bastards will make that happen!

Imagine felons granted the right to vote - these bastards will make that happen!


Because I can guarantee you these bastards will be out there voting, voting often, voting under different names, voting dead people, voting fraudulently, voting for the dead, voting for the felons, voting for the illegals, and voting and voting and voting and then claiming the GOP are the crooks attempting to steal the elections!!!

Get out there and vote not matter what! Don't let these bastards steal our country from us - bcause they will!

Posted by: FOTSGreg || 10/19/2006 17:41 Comments || Top||

#5  This is just the tip of the iceburg. We should stop honoring *any* Venezuelan papers particulary passports, birth certificates, and any diplomatic passports and immunity (Embassies, UN, etc...) - this includes their UN delegation. Let Chavez sit on the SC from home.

What will the government do when a city is wasted by a nuke or bioweapon? Doesn't North Korea have a stockpile of them - you don't think Kimmie-boy will hesitate to sell some to Iran do you?

Yet, we are still lying here, spread eagle with an undefeneded (and unwatched) southern border. just waiting to be screwed....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/19/2006 17:43 Comments || Top||

#6  YS, haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back. You were missed. I always like thinking about Yosemite.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/19/2006 17:52 Comments || Top||

#7  I just finished reading this report. It made me feel sick to my stomach, especially the list of half-hearted, limp-wristed, bureaucratic paper-pushing so-called "security-enhancing measures" advocated in its Conclusion.

I've supported Bush from the beginning, even while I was still a Democrat; and I can't imagine anything that could make me vote Democrat ever again, war or no war.

Nonetheless, our government's failure-- indeed, its contemptuous refusal-- to gain absolute, total control over our borders since 9/11 is nothing short of criminally negligent.

"Improving partnerships and information sharing among Federal, State and local law enforcement" isn't going to stop the Mexican Invasion; it won't stop until invaders know, with near-absolute certainty, that to attempt illegal entry into the United States means you will be shot on sight and left to rot in the desert sun.

Damned fucking bureaucrats.


Posted by: Dave D. || 10/19/2006 17:53 Comments || Top||

#8  If you were an Arab coming into the US would you think it easier to come in from the south or north?
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/19/2006 17:54 Comments || Top||

#9  Either one would probably do just fine. Why?
Posted by: Dave D. || 10/19/2006 18:01 Comments || Top||

#10  Depends on which border has the smoother ride for the Nukemobile.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/19/2006 18:06 Comments || Top||

#11  Either one would probably do just fine. Why?

The report focuses on the Souther border, but I'd be much more inclined to use the northern. Canada's much more multi culti, border's much less secure, both into Canada and Canada-US. We tend to ignore the risk there for fear of offending our 51st state which actually has at least one enemy province.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/19/2006 18:14 Comments || Top||

#12  --- New Mexico "is issuing real identity documents [NM state driver's licenses] with false identities" on a routine basis. Not much of a reason to outsource to Venezuela. See 1, 2, and last but not least 3.
--- Our ruling class doesn't consider themselves citizens of the U.S. along with the rest of us. That's the only explanation I can figure out for the bipartisan support for open borders, failure to exercise national sovereignty, and a veritable US government-sponsored invasion [aka "illegal immigration"] into this country during a hot war, supposedly justified by a fear of WMD's used within our borders.
--- It remains to be seen whether anything real results from the "700-mile fence" or whether it is just another one of many pre-election ploys and later on will have been abandoned or never carried out.
---- At present I don't think even a nuked American city will change the massive mental inertia of the majority of the surviving electorate, but the only solution I can think of is to talk this issue up among your friends and neighbors.
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 18:38 Comments || Top||

#13  Ways around a protected PDF file for Windows users:
1) Open PDF file
2) Scroll to page of interest
3) hit "Print Screen"
4) Open "Paint" and paste contents of clipboard into the program. Save the results in a format your OCR program will recognize. I use Textbridge Pro.
5) Open OCR program and the saved image file, process the text, save as whatever text format you want.
6) Post to Rantburg.
I will do a few of these and post results this evening. This is just a more time consuming and tedious way to cut and paste.
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 19:17 Comments || Top||

#14  Nothing significant will change until a major terrorist incident occurs on US soil. Then things will likely change and change fast. People just don't feel threatened right now. If they did they would do something about it. The politicians know that they would be utterley skewered if they tried to really shut down the border. No, it won't happen until tens of thousands of Americans are dead. After that the round ups, deportations and border clamp down will happen with a vengence, and those that argue against it will be shouted off of the stage.
Posted by: remoteman || 10/19/2006 19:22 Comments || Top||

#15  Here's the summary from the page 38:
It is imperative that immediate action be taken to enhance security along our nation's Southwest border. Greater control of the border can be achieved by:
---- enhancing Border Patrol resources, including expanding agent training capacity, and technical surveillance abilities:
---- constructing physical barriers in vulnerable and high-threat areas:
---- implementing state-of-the-art technology, cameras, sensors, radar. satellite. and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to ensure maximum coverage of the Nation's Southwest border;
---- making permanent the `catch and return' policy;
---- expanding the use of the expedited removal policy;
---- establishing additional detention bed space:
---- improving partnerships and information sharing among Federal State. and local law enforcement:
---- building a secure interoperable communications network for Border Patrol and state and local law enforcement; {Currently the people smugglers are breaking existing codes and monitoring law-enforcement communications}
---- mandating a comprehensive risk assessment of all southwest border Ports of Entry and international land borders to prevent the entry of terrorist [sic] and weapons of mass destruction;
---- promoting both international and domestic policies that will deter further illegal entry into the United States: and
---- Enhancing intelligence capabilities and information sharing with our Mexican counterparts {don't take this too far, our Mexican counterparts are part of the problem} and improving cooperation with the Mexican government to eradicate the Cartels.

{are my comments}
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 19:27 Comments || Top||

#16  JHC, makes you want to upchuck for certain. NS. they are coming in from the north also. Canada lets them in freely. You know how many Muzzies are up there. They literally cross with no resistance. I had read about the finding of this Arab material before. They found some on the south side of Rio Grande also. It was Iranian military manuals and clothing buried in shallow mounds just south of the river. Like I've said, stay alert. You can tell if you've got Muzzies living around you. Get plenty of ammo on hand. Stay in practice on your shooting. They will pull something here. They often take 8-10 years between incidents. So something may come down soon. Local cops can't handle much. Most of our military is out of country including a lot of the Guard. It may fall on us old farts to defend the home front. I damn well can still shoot. Better than ever, in fact. Just don't move too swiftly now.
Posted by: SpecOp35 || 10/19/2006 19:31 Comments || Top||

#17  from p. 32
It is especially difficult to provide the total number of Special Interest Aliens entering the U.S. illegally because they pay larger amounts of money ($15.000 to $60,000 per alien) to employ the more effective Mexican alien smuggling organizations and are less likely to be apprehended.

One thing. however, is known for certain --- hundreds of people from countries known to harbor terrorists or promote terrorism are caught trying to enter the United States illegally along the land border. and the massive flow of immigrants and our porous border create various and abundant opportunities for concealment. Given the ever-present threat posed by al-Qa'ida and other terrorist organizations --- a threat that has been underscored by the recent events in London and the vulnerability of our borders --- the need for immediate action to enforce our borders could not be more apparent.

Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 19:36 Comments || Top||

#18  And one more set of people to be pissed at:

The Press. Our democracy requires an informed populace, but the Liberal MSM's hatred of Bush and fear of Conservatives has caused them to downplay or ignore critical issues like Border Security in favor of playing games about immigration policy.

If anything THEY deserve to be the first ones up against the wall -they abrogated their responsibility to hold ALL politicians to account and inform the American people of ALL the facts.

First kill all the lawyers? NO. HANG the editors and reporters from the beams of the destroyed buildings they helped happen with their deliberate bias, distortion and disinformation acting effectively as an arm of the enemy from within.
Posted by: Oldspook || 10/19/2006 19:40 Comments || Top||

#19  S border is far more pourous - some politician the other day showed how he could cross the Rio Grande in broad daylight on an elephant with a Marichi Band playing and nobody from the border patrol would catch him.

WMD are harder to get into Canada. But central america (Hello Hugo Chavez), then on a train to the Mex border, then into the US?

Piece of cake.

Plus thats where vast amounts, MILLIONS of illegals cross.

Thats why the wall has to go in the south first.
Posted by: Oldspook || 10/19/2006 19:43 Comments || Top||

#20  Paid Christmas trips home for illegal immigrants
excerpt from p. 17

The foreign nationals who belong to these gangs often ignore Federal immigration laws, regularly entering the United States illegally. They then travel to the nation's interior cities to join with other gang members and participate in criminal activity. A Federal investigator told Committee staff of a recent interview he conducted with an MS-13 member who described the ease with which he had routinely traversed the Southwest border. The gang member decided to return to his native country of Guatemala to spend Christmas with his mother. To save his own money, he voluntarily turned himself into authorities and was flown home at U.S. Government expense under the expedited removal program, spent the holidays with his family, and returned by illegally crossing the Southwest border. The gang member boasted this process is so easy he has repeated it several times. (53)...
53 Interview by Subcomm. Staff with a Federal investigator (Sept. 19, 2006).

Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 19:48 Comments || Top||

#21  Old Spook, agreed. (although I'm worried about Detroit)

That's ALSO why the Bush administration is working to integrate Mexico and Canada with us into a closer economy and defense umbrella. I know it gets Malkin and others red in the face when they read about the plans for a major north/south highway etc. But there's a good reason for it -- a reason that serves US well.

That smaller border at the south end of Mexico is much easier to defend than our larger one on their north side/our southern border. There are risks in that strategy, but if we ONLY wall off Mexico, that increases the likelihood of them falling to a far-left government which might well be very happy to join forces with the Islamacists.

I really would rather not be in the situation Israel faces on its borders. We need to do what we can right now with the borders we have. But we also should, and can, try hard to push the defensive envelope out to the north of Canada and the south of Mexico.
Posted by: lotp || 10/19/2006 19:49 Comments || Top||

#22  Militarization of the southern border, from the other side
p. 23

The criminal organizations are indeed extremely advanced, well-equipped, and highly adaptable to enforcement measures marshaled against them. In January 2006, ICE agents, along with ATF agents and Laredo Police Department officers seized an enormous cache of weapons in Laredo, Texas. Authorities confiscated two completed improvised explosive devices (IEDs) [sic] materials for making thirty-three more, military style grenades, twenty-six grenade triggers, large quantities of AK-47s and AR-15 assault rifles, 1,280 pounds of ammunition, silencers, machine gun assembly kits, 300 primers, bulletproof vests, police scanners, sniper scopes, narcotics and cash These seizures clearly illustrate the level of violence along the border, especially in Nuevo Laredo and Juarez area...Interview by Subcomm. Staff with Federal law enforcement personnel in Laredo, Tex. (Aug. 23, 2006).

Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 20:00 Comments || Top||

#23  I had the solution for this nonsense a year ago. And it doesn't need the US government at all to implement it.

Pass out flyers in northern Mexico, to Mexicans, offering a bounty for their turning in non-Mexicans trying to cross into the US.

Tiny amounts of money look huge to them. If we offered bounties of between $500-$5,000, freaking insects couldn't get across that border much less non-Mexicans.

All they have to do is use a phone, any phone, and call in when and where the non-Mexican is crossing. In exchange they are given a six digit number.

IT IS LIKE THE FREAKING LOTTERY, except they know that if the guy is caught, they win a minimum of $500! If he is "interesting", they could WIN up to $5,000.

A measely ONE MILLION DOLLARS could result in the apprehension of 2,000 $500 potential terrorists!

And to put this in perspective, for $100, you can buy a professional assassination in northern Mexico. Imagine what $500 looks like to them!

How many private individuals would be able to lay down a bounty pool of $1M to keep non-Mexicans out? $1M isn't even "rich" in the US any more.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/19/2006 20:24 Comments || Top||

#24  lotp, are we talking about the same Mexico? There is no way we do anything with them. They are no more our friend than France or Venezuela. The only deal we should cut with them is under the supervision of an M1A2.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/19/2006 20:44 Comments || Top||

#25  Yeah, we are NS. I didn't say it would be easy or that we aren't taking on huge headaches.

I do think the alternative is NOT one we should rush to embrace. An *actively* hostile, *actively* pro-Islamacist regime on our southern border could potentially tie us up for a decade or more.

No good answers here, due in large part (but not only) to the active opposition from elements within our own country who in their glee to tear down capitalism and national borders are abetting some very very dangerous activity.
Posted by: lotp || 10/19/2006 20:56 Comments || Top||

#26  From p. 27

III. Vulnerability to Terrorist Infiltration

The number of aliens other than Mexican ("OTMs") illegally crossing the border has grown at an alarming rate over the past several years.

Based on U.S. Border Patrol statistics there were 30,147 OTMs apprehended in FY2003, 44,614 in FY2004. 165,178 in FY2005, and 108,025 in FY2006. Most of them were apprehended along the U.S. Southwest border. (100) [Information provided by U. S. Border Patrol to Subcomm. Staff. (Oct. 3, 2006).]

The sheer increase of OTMs coming across the border makes it more difficult for Border Patrol agents to readily identify and process each, thereby increasing the chances that a potential terrorist could slip through the system, Moreover, there is no concrete mechanism for determining how many OTMs evade apprehensions and successfully enter the country illegally.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) pays particular attention to OTMs apprehended by the Border Patrol who originate from thirty-five nations designated as "special interest" countries.

According to Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar. special interest countries have been designated by our intelligence community as countries that could export individuals that could bring harm to our country in the way of terrorism."{101} ["Strengthening Border Security Between Ports of Entry: The Use of Technology to Protect Our Borders: Hearing Before the Subcomm. On Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship and the Subcomm. On Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security of the Senate Comm. On the Judiciary, 109th Cong. (Apr. 28, 2005) (written statement of David Aguilar, Chief, Border Patrol, U. S. Department of Homeland Security).]

Though the majority of overall apprehensions made by the Border Patrol occur in the Tucson sector of Arizona, the Texas border -- specifically the McAllen sector -- far outpaces the rest of the country in OTM and Special Interest Alien apprehensions. Since September 11, 2001, DHS has reported a 41% increase in arrests along the Texas Mexico border of Special Interest Aliens.
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 21:16 Comments || Top||

#27  Open boarders Bush will be the death of us all. I expect the Dhimmicrats to be traitors but why the Repuclicks too?

Posted by: Icerigger || 10/19/2006 21:16 Comments || Top||

#28  #27 - as I wrote above, our ruling class feels superior to us.
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 21:25 Comments || Top||

#29  When active criminal and terrorist enterprises are walking right through our borders, we have an obligation under the US Constitution to provide for the common defense and to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions (Article 1, Section 8).

We do not make pleasant conversation in diplomatic circles with countries that either condone or are unwilling or unable to take care of criminal and terrorist activities in their own countries.

If Mexico cannot stop them, then we will stop them , within our own borders. This means the personnel and materiel needed to do the mission. This is a big deal but not a huge deal. What our leaders lack is a will to do what is necessary. This is going to take a grass roots effort on the part of the citizens. Republicans suck. They suck bad. They are worse than dems because they violated their sacred oaths of office. The Dems lie. That is what is expected of them.

Screw this Canada / US / Mexico greater North American Co-Prosperity sphere. We are a sovereign country. We need to act like one. The Congress and the President need to feel the fury and the anger of the American people.

You want pro-Islamist regimes? Keep up what you are doing now---with the half-assed effort on the southern border. You want to stop pro Islamist regimes. Take out the financers. Kill a few. The rest will retire to the riviera. We are losing this war. We have some serious a$$kicking to do to our enemies. And those enemies include many members of Congress, and others.

I said my piece and counted to three.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/19/2006 21:41 Comments || Top||

#30  Thank you for posting the key bits, Snuns Thromp1484. I shan't sleep well tonight. But at least Mr. Wife and the trailing daughters are working seriously toward their second degree black belts, including weapons. May God watch over all the good people until we fix this situation.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 21:50 Comments || Top||

#31  freudian slip, I hope? Open borders = open boarders? By the way, it's LOSE something not LOOSE something. Study harder. There will be a quiz next week.
Posted by: your 8th grade english teacher || 10/19/2006 21:59 Comments || Top||

#32  I don't know if I got all the key bits, but I got some of them. I figgered out how to extract an image from the PDF, post it elsewhere on the Web, and then here. This is some of the litter the illegal aliens are leaving as they cross our borders.
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 22:01 Comments || Top||

#33  Last comment on this thread for me for tonight (unless someone posts something provocative). This is from the cited PDF, the enemy invasion routes into Texas.
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 22:08 Comments || Top||

#34  secretly agrees with Alaska Paul, except that I think the Dems of which I used to be one are an even bigger threat than the GOP -- which takes some doing
Posted by: lotp || 10/19/2006 22:28 Comments || Top||

#35  I agree w/OS & AP. We should of built the wall most rik-tik. Our congress critters vice Tancredo and a few others are all cowards for quibbling over it. I'm ashamed of them, especially the repubs who squandered opportunity after opportunity to really un-fuck the country. Yep, thanks for increasing spending, not building a wall, & not really supporting the prez wrt gitmo. I've got a big fuck you w/two middle fingers for john mccain as well. One side of the aisle is selling us out for a possible voter population and the other for cheap non-union labor. I say f*ck'em both if they're too afraid of doing the right thing because some illegal migrant friendly idiot might call them a racist.

However, and unfortunately I will hold my nose and vote repub because the dems are straight up asswipes.

Finally we must remember our sovereignty above all else. No compromise. If that means Mexico goes lefty islamonut - so be it - but I don't get that sense. Too many old school catholics still there to put up w/that nonsense. However, even if they did go that route, that probably just simplifies things. Heck, maybe its time to go jeffersonian and have a revolt in our own country and throw the bums out of office.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 10/19/2006 23:14 Comments || Top||

#36  Posted your story link on another site and got this reply back:

FC, I downloaded it with Foxit Reader 2.0. It you click on Tools at the top and the click on Select Text, the hand goes away and you can copy text.

Posted by: FeralCat || 10/19/2006 23:33 Comments || Top||

#37  Foxit doesn't do that. This is the message it gave me when I tried to do what you suggested
Foxit Reader
Sorry, copying text from this document is not allowed.
Reason: the security permission in this document prohibit copying text.
Posted by: Snuns Thromp1484 || 10/19/2006 23:48 Comments || Top||

Attack on Shia shrine foiled
MIANWALI: A terrorist plot to attack Shias at a shrine in Farooqabad town of Sheikhupura district has been foiled, police said on Wednesday. Police said that three members of Sipah-e-Sahaba had confessed that they planned to attack Darbar Khaki Shah in Chak 48 with hand grenades and to kill Shia's gurus.

“Noor Muhammad initially took out a grenade and threatened to blow it up in the van, but police overpowered him. Noor was carrying two hand grenades, one 30-bore pistol, a dagger and 65 bullets.”
Sheikhupura District Police Officer Zarat Kiyani told a press conference that police blocked the Mianwali-Sargodha Highway at Nagni Morr on a tip-off and searched a van coming from Bannu. He said that suspect Noor Muhammad initially took out a grenade and threatened to blow it up in the van, but police overpowered him. Noor was carrying two hand grenades, one 30-bore pistol, a dagger and 65 bullets. The DPO said that two of Noor's accomplices - Abdul Waheed and Rao Saifullah - were arrested later.

He said that all suspects belonged to Hafizabad. The DPO said that the suspects were planning to kill Pir Mustahsab Hussain Shah of Darbar Khaki Shah because he had used derogatory language about the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Kiyani said police had also seized CDs from suspects showing their involvement in terrorist activities. He said two accomplices of the arrested men were still at large.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

U.S. forces release Iraqi cleric's aide
The U.S. military on Wednesday released a senior aide to a pro-government Shi'ite cleric and militia leader after the Iraqi government requested he be freed, the U.S. military and the Iraqi government said on Wednesday.

Sheikh Mazin al-Saedi, an aide to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, had been detained by U.S. military forces during a raid on his Baghdad house on Tuesday along with four men.

"He has been released at the request of the government of Iraq," Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Garver, a spokesman for the U.S. military, told Reuters.

U.S. commanders and officials have been demanding that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki rein in militias and their networks, blamed for some of the worst sectarian violence gripping Iraq.

Garver said Saedi had been detained in security operations U.S. forces are conducting in Baghdad. He would not say if Saedi, who heads Sadr's office in the Baghdad neighbourhood of Shula, had been detained on suspicion of any particular crime.

"At this point we are not making more comments," he said.

"The two governments have been discussing the issue."

In background briefings and in private conversations, U.S. commanders and U.S. government officials have expressed growing frustration at Maliki's inaction against militias.

Maliki, a Shi'ite, has pledged to deal with militias but disbanding them could put him in a precarious situation because they are tied to political parties in his coalition.

Sadr, who heads the Mehdi Army militia that has launched two uprisings against U.S. forces, controls a large bloc of seats in parliament, which makes Maliki dependent on Sadr's support.

News of Saedi's release came as Maliki was in the holy city of Najaf meeting Sadr and other Shi'ite religious leaders.

Asked about the arrest of Saedi and his later release by the Americans, Maliki was vague in his answers.

"We are trying to find political solutions for all crises and that will terminate all detentions and all tension so that things go back to normal," he told a news conference, standing with Sadr.

In an operation codenamed "Together Forward," U.S.-led forces have conducted a series of sweeps in several Baghdad neighbourhoods, but have so far not entered Sadr City, a sprawling suburb that is the powerbase of Sadr and his militias.

In an interview with an American newspaper at the weekend, Maliki said he was opposed to launching sweeps in Sadr City.

"We have told the Americans that we don't mind targeting a Mehdi Army cell inside Sadr City. But the way the multinational forces are thinking of confronting this issue will destroy an entire neighborhood," he told the USA Today.
Pretty clear, no?
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 01:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Time to kick the fucking door down
Posted by: Captain America || 10/19/2006 1:19 Comments || Top||

#2  Nekkid pics?
Posted by: gorb || 10/19/2006 4:04 Comments || Top||

#3  No, I don't think so. I'm rapidly beginning to think it's time to get out of Iraq. We've given these people a chance to get something done. They're not doing it. Maliki, by this act, has clearly shown he's not helping. It's like Vietnam--if the Iraqis aren't willing to help, no amount of American assistance can keep them upright. Maliki could be our Ngo Dinh Diem in Iraq and if that's the case, it's time to bail.
Posted by: mac || 10/19/2006 7:17 Comments || Top||

#4  We're there for us, and for the decent common people there. Not for the politicos jostling for power and ego.
Posted by: lotp || 10/19/2006 7:20 Comments || Top||

#5  lotp, it may be the 10 proverbial righteous (decent) people... but right you are.

We are in Iraq in the right place where we need to be.

Of course, as I were saying for years, Tater should have been titzupped years ago, at the beginning when he just started expanding his Tots membership. That was such a fuckup error of nearly biblixal proportions. Sheer idiocy/incompetence.

Posted by: twobyfour || 10/19/2006 10:18 Comments || Top||

#6  Beep... Beeep... Beeeeep...
Posted by: mojo || 10/19/2006 10:44 Comments || Top||

#7  lotp, think sadr, think milita, think booming innocent people, think floating innocent peoples' bodies in river....k?
Posted by: Captain America || 10/19/2006 12:16 Comments || Top||

#8  But the way the multinational forces are thinking of confronting this issue will destroy an entire neighborhood

What if we just went ahead and did it anyway?
The world press already insists that we've snuffed hundreds of thousands of these people.
Posted by: eLarson || 10/19/2006 13:50 Comments || Top||

#9  And how would our leaving change any of that Captain America? It would only make it 100 times worse.
Posted by: remoteman || 10/19/2006 14:00 Comments || Top||

#10  PM Maliki - either you do your part in dismantling the Shia militias, or the US will pull out, back off, and level your entire little sh$$hole country to bare rock. Your choice.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 10/19/2006 14:29 Comments || Top||

#11  It's time to ask them to ask us to leave.
Posted by: Perfesser || 10/19/2006 14:33 Comments || Top||

#12  Muslims, esp Arab muslims, are not our friends. They sometimes find us temporarily useful idiots to achieve some goal. Without this realization drilled into everyone's head who deals in any way with muslims, there will only be disappointment and disillusion.
Posted by: ed || 10/19/2006 17:30 Comments || Top||

#13  Are you assholes trying to lose this fucking war now? So what if the insurgents are unhappy that he was arrested? Is there something I'm missing here?
These idiots want to fight among themselves more than they want freedom. Time to drop the big one and come home victorious.
Posted by: Cleretle Chinter9270 || 10/19/2006 17:57 Comments || Top||

#14  Remoteman, beam me aboard, I said nutin' about leafing. Gotit
Posted by: Captain America || 10/19/2006 20:33 Comments || Top||

#15  Peace through overwhelming dominance and ass kicking. Mash tater and all affiliated tots. Maliki is a stooge puppet with tater at the controls.
Posted by: Captain America || 10/19/2006 20:38 Comments || Top||

#16  Perhaps Maliki would like us to arm the rump Sunni federation state? STFU or sniper rifles are distributed and we withdraw from the Sunni section
Posted by: Frank G || 10/19/2006 20:43 Comments || Top||

#17  They should have released his body, one piece at a time.
Posted by: Icerigger || 10/19/2006 21:13 Comments || Top||

#18  I would withdraw any security provided to one of these asshat politicians doing us a disfavor. "You're on your own, and by the way, we let it be known your paths of travel and residences" might make some decide to play teamball more
Posted by: Frank G || 10/19/2006 21:19 Comments || Top||

One killed, five injured in two blasts in Mosul
(KUNA) -- One person was killed and five others were injured as a result of two explosions that took place in the city of Mosul, a source at the Kurdish National Alliance said today.

The first explosion took place near one of the alliance's headquarters, resulting in the killing of one of its guards and the injuring of another. The second blast occurred when a roadside bomb went off while a police patrol was passing by in the neighborhood of Nabi Younis, resulting in injuring two women, an elderly person and a policeman. The injured were rushed to hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, Iraqi and multi-national forces arrested 15 terrorists, in addition to seizing a large quantity of arms and taking over a car-bomb manufacturing warehouse. The security operation was part of a military campaign codenamed 'black panther', Iraqi Army commander in Kirkuk Major General Anwar Amin said in a press release.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Six Iraqi soldiers killed, wounded in Kirkuk blast, 13 suspects arrested
(KUNA) -- Three Iraqi soldiers were killed and three others were wounded in a roadside bomb planted on the Kirkuk-Riyadh road south-west of Kirkuk. An Iraqi police source in Kirkuk told KUNA three soldiers were killed and three others were wounded when their patrol was struck by an improvised-explosive device south-west of Kirkuk.

Meanwhile, an Iraqi army source said around 13 terrorists were arrested during an inspection campaign in Al-Huwaija area. Among the arrested, were four top terrorists in the area in addition to the confiscation of a large number of weapons and explosives.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Baghdad unrest leaves five dead, 27 wounded
(KUNA) -- Five Iraqis were killed on Wednesday, including an officer, and 27 were wounded in two booby-trapped car explosions, the detonation of an explosive device, and a mortar shell explosion in Baghdad, while 20 bodies were found in Diyala province. An Interior Ministry source told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that seven Iraqi civilians and a security guard at the Higher Education Ministry were seriously wounded in a booby-trapped car explosion this afternoon. The source said the explosion took place near the ministry's scholarships and cultural relations department, adding that three of wounded were women.

Half an hour later, an Iraqi civilian was killed and 12 others were wounded in a booby-trapped car explosion on Kifah Street, Baghdad. Iraqi police said damage was sustained by tens of shops in the area. And in Maysalon Square, southeastern Baghdad, an Iraqi policeman was wounded when an explosive device targeting his vehicle was denoted.

Meanwhile, mortar shells fell over a residential area in Algeria Square, southeastern Baghdad, killing three people and wounded six others. In Baladiyat, eastern Baghdad, unknown militants opened fire on Police Captain Imad Abbas's vehicle, killing him instantly. Furthermore, the bodies of 20 unidentified people were found in Hashemiyat district, Diyala, brining the total number of bodies found over the past 24 hours to 68.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Lebanon/Israel: Hezbollah Hit Israel with Cluster Munitions During Conflict
Source: Human Rights Watch (through rooters)

Hezbollah fired cluster munitions into civilian areas in northern Israel during the recent conflict, Human Rights Watch reported today. This is the first time that Hezbollah's use of these controversial weapons has been confirmed. Hezbollah's deployment of the Chinese-made Type-81 122mm rocket is also the first confirmed use of this particular model of cluster munition anywhere in the world. Human Rights Watch documented two Type-81 cluster strikes that took place on July 25 in the Galilee village of Mghar.

"We are disturbed to discover that not only Israel but also Hezbollah used cluster munitions in their recent conflict, at a time when many countries are turning away from this kind of weapon precisely because of its impact on civilians," said Steve Goose, director of Human Rights Watch's Arms Division. "Use of cluster munitions is never justified in civilian-populated areas because they are inaccurate and unreliable."

While it is not known when and how Hezbollah obtained these foreign-made cluster munitions, and while Hezbollah used far fewer cluster munitions than Israel did in the recent war, the new findings raise serious concerns about the proliferation of these weapons to non-state armed groups, as well as states.

Human Rights Watch has previously reported on Israel's extensive use of cluster munitions in southern Lebanon during the conflict and has documented civilian casualties caused by these weapons both during the war and afterwards. The UN has estimated that Israel fired as many as 4 million submunitions into Lebanon, which left as many as 1 million hazardous unexploded "duds" still threatening Lebanese civilians and disrupting economic recovery from the war. These submunition duds have caused an average of nearly three civilian casualties a day since the cease-fire.

Cluster munitions endanger civilians in two ways. First, they spread submunitions over a broad area, virtually guaranteeing civilian casualties when fired into populated areas. Second, they leave a large number of duds that become de facto landmines, killing or maiming people well after the conflict.

Each of the Type-81 cluster munition 122mm rockets used by Hezbollah carries 39 Type-90 or MZD submunitions. Each submunition in turn shoots out hundreds of steel spheres, about 3.5mm in diameter, with deadly force. Human Rights Watch discovered evidence of Hezbollah's unprecedented use of this cluster munition in the course of ongoing investigations of the group's attacks on northern Israel during the war that lasted from July 12 until August 14. Israeli authorities had until now prevented publication of details of Hezbollah cluster strikes in Israel, citing security concerns.

Cluster Munitions in Mghar

On July 25, 2006, between 2:15 and 2:30 p.m., according to 43-year-old Jihad Ghanem, a cluster munition landed between three homes belonging to his family in the western part of Mghar village (population 19,000). The attack injured three family members: his son Rami, 8, his brother Ziad, 35, and his sister Suha, 33. Rami's arms bore irregular scars caused by pieces of shrapnel as well as smaller round marks that Jihad said were caused by steel spheres.

Jihad Ghanem, a factory manager, showed Human Rights Watch 3.5mm steel spheres and pieces of metal which he said landed at the scene, and were consistent with the top of Type-90 submunitions. He said he saw in his yard a canister with small weapons stacked on top of each other. This and the relatively light injuries suffered by his son suggest that the submunitions may not have deployed properly.

According to other villagers, the rocket that hit the Ghanem's property was part of a volley of some 10 to 12 rockets that landed in or near Mghar that afternoon, one after the other. Human Rights Watch could not determine how many of the rockets in this volley contained submunitions, but witnesses said that at least one of the other rockets contained cluster submunitions. Amal Hinou, 42, who makes plate-glass products for construction, showed Human Rights Watch pieces of it that he said he collected in an open field in the Hariq area just outside of Mghar. These included several clearly identifiable pieces of submunitions and their casings.

The Type-90 submunitions are easy to identify. They resemble small cylindrical bells with a ribbon at one end. A plastic band full of 3.5mm steel spheres wraps horizontally around the middle of the cylinder. Inside is an armor-piercing "shaped charge." The steel spheres carried by Hezbollah's regular 122mm and 220mm rockets ? that is, those that do not contain submunitions ? are 6mm in diameter.

Israeli police officials told Human Rights Watch that they documented 113 cluster rockets that were fired at Israel during the conflict, causing one death and 12 injuries in all: in Mghar one death and six injuries, in Karmiel three injuries, in Kiryat Motzkin two injuries, and in Nahariya one injury. The police said they discovered the first of these rockets on July 15 in the Upper Galilee village of Safsufa. A total of 113 Type-81 cluster munition rockets would contain 4,407 individual submunitions.

Israeli police also showed Human Rights Watch physical evidence of a submunition from a Type-81 rocket that they said landed in the town of Karmiel and matched the one Human Rights Watch researchers saw in Mhgar.

Police and army officials did not disclose to Human Rights Watch the estimated dud rate of the submunitions from the 113 cluster rockets that they said they had handled.

Legal Analysis

International humanitarian law (the laws of war) obliges warring parties to distinguish between combatants and civilians (the principle of distinction) and, when attacking legitimate military targets, to ensure that the military advantage gained in the attack outweighs any possible harm caused to civilians.

Hezbollah launched cluster attacks that were at best indiscriminate, i.e., they violated the principle of distinction by using unguided and highly inaccurate cluster munition models against populated areas. At worst, Hezbollah deliberately attacked civilian areas with these weapons.

Five countries ? China, Egypt, Italy, Russia, and Slovakia ? produce nine types of 122mm rockets carrying submunitions. At least two other countries, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates, also stockpile them.

In November 2006, the Review Conference of the Convention on Conventional Weapons will decide whether to begin work on a new international instrument addressing the problem of cluster munitions. Although these weapons have been used in recent conflicts, including Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kosovo, a growing number of nations have joined a movement to stop the use of unreliable and inaccurate cluster munitions because of the danger they pose to civilian life during and after strikes.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 10/19/2006 08:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Oh, for the love of small submunitions... Hezbollah's offenses against decency and dignity has nothing to do with the weapons used and everything to do with the intentions in the use thereof. Who cares if they used something roughly classifiable as cluster munitions? It's because they weren't attempting any sort of military use, but simply attacking in hopes of civilian slaughter, that they ought to be denounced.

Miserable technology-obsessed trans-national halfwits...
Posted by: Mitch H. || 10/19/2006 8:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Yes, but it pulls the carpet out of under the feet of those who accuse Israel of war crimes and "disproportionate" response, much more than the "simple" ball-bearing filled rockets.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 10/19/2006 8:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Won't make a difference. Hezbollah will get a pass or a stern finger-wag at worst.

The objective is to keep certain others from having them, hence the report's timing.
Posted by: Pappy || 10/19/2006 10:02 Comments || Top||

#4  This is the first time that Hezbollah's use of these controversial weapons has been confirmed.

It's a good thing they never used controversial weapons before. :|

Good Lord, the Media and HRW are so incredibly dense. The whole cluster-munition meme is as retarded as the WP and DU contraversy.

Posted by: Anon4021 || 10/19/2006 12:03 Comments || Top||

#5  Just pick up the flags. Offsetting penalties.
Posted by: plainslow || 10/19/2006 12:52 Comments || Top||

#6  The objection to cluster bombs will fade away, now that the Third World is using them against the First.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 10/19/2006 13:16 Comments || Top||

#7  The objection to cluster bombs will fade away, now that the Third World is using them against the First.

IIRC, the muslim world has about 4x more men in fighting age than the West... and more generally speaking, western armies tend to be high-tech/low manpower, while third world (and before them, soviet/chicom) ones are mostly high manpower/lower tech.

So, cluster munitions are specifically to counter the ennemy numerical advantage... and in all tranzi/suicidalist logic, they MUST be banned, in the name of Good, of course. Anyway, the westerners must always fight by the book, even followng non-existent tranzis wishy-wishy "laws", while the non-westerner is free to do as he wishes, because he's Oppressed and all.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 10/19/2006 16:19 Comments || Top||

Jordan convicts eight for anti-US plots
A Jordanian military court on Wednesday sentenced eight Jordanian Al Qaeda-linked Islamists to jail terms of between 10 and two years for plotting attacks on US and Jewish targets. Convicted ringleader Ahmad Shbaneh was handed a 10-year jail term, although the prosecutor had demanded the death penalty against him and his co-defendants, three of whom are on the run. Fugitives Ahmad Yassin and Haitham al-Gazzaz were also given a 10-year term, while the other defendants were sentenced to between two and seven-and-a-half years in prison.

The court said it opted for lighter sentences to give the suspects a chance to improve themselves, although the charge of conspiracy to carry out attacks carried the death sentence. Defence lawyers said they would appeal the verdicts. The five defendants who appeared in court chanted Islamic slogans when the verdict was read out, an AFP correspondent in the courtroom said. “Allah is our master. They have no masters,” the five suspects held in a metal cage chanted.

“The charges against us are an honour,” they said in unison, while one of them knelt and kissed the ground.

Before the hearing started, the suspects told reporters, “We are not bloodthirsty but we are determined to safeguard the dignity of Islam”.
Before the hearing started, the suspects told reporters, “We are not bloodthirsty but we are determined to safeguard the dignity of Islam”.

They also condemned US President George W. Bush and his ally British Prime Minister Tony Blair. “Ours is the true religion, not the religion of Bush and Blair,” one of them said. They slammed Bush for having compared between Muslim fundamentalists to fascists.

The suspects had pleaded not guilty at the start of their trial in March on charges of plotting attacks on a police academy southeast of Amman where Iraqi police cadets are being trained by US and international instructors. According to court papers, the suspects also plotted attacks inside Jordan against Americans and Jews. Shbaneh was specifically accused of having enrolled the other suspects into an “illegal organisation” which he is accused of having set up known as “Al-Taefah Al-Mansura” (Victorious Sect).

After the March 2003 US-led war on Iraq, Shbaneh decided “to strike at Americans and Jews and carry out military operations against them inside Jordan,” the charge sheet read. The group was also accused of plotting to send militants to Iraq to train on the use of weapons and explosives, but it did not specify which operations were planned against Jews.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What they are all Mooslems?! What a shock.
Posted by: Icerigger || 10/19/2006 21:11 Comments || Top||

IDF uncovers five weapons smuggling tunnels in Gaza
IDF units operating in the southern Gaza Strip on Wednesday uncovered five tunnels used to smuggle weapons into Gaza.

Earlier Wednesday, as the army moved in force into southern Gaza, Hamas sources reportedly told an independent Palestinian news agency that the IDF had killed two Palestinians near Rafah, one of whom was active in preparing and executing the abduction of Cpl. Gilad Shalit from the Kerem Shalom outpost on June 25. According to Israel Radio, Ashraf el-Muashar had been a senior operative in Hamas' military wing. The report, which has not been confirmed, came on the heels of a recent order issued to the IDF by the diplomatic echelon to begin drawing up plans for a widespread operation in the Gaza Strip in an effort to pressure Hamas into releasing Shalit and to prevent the terror buildup in the Palestinian territory.

Meanwhile, with Kassams still being fired at the western Negev and Hamas claiming to be building up an army, the IDF has set in motion preparations for a massive ground incursion into the Gaza Strip, one that senior officers in the Southern Command claim will be "larger than ever before." On Tuesday, in a sign of what is in store for the IDF, soldiers from the Beduin Reconnaissance Battalion, who were operating along the Philadelphi Route for the first time since the Gaza disengagement, uncovered two tunnels used to smuggle weapons into Gaza from Egypt. One of the tunnels was 12 meters deep. The IDF has found 15 smuggling tunnels since the end of June, when the army intensified activity in the Gaza Strip following the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit.

Capt. Noa Meir, an army spokeswoman, said Israel would continue military operations as long as was necessary to block the flow of arms - which she said included guns, explosives and anti-tank rockets - into Gaza. "The tunnels are part of a production line meant to kill Israelis, and it's our job to stop it," Meir said.

Palestinian Authority officials warned Israel on Tuesday against launching a military operation in Gaza, while Hamas announced that its men said they were prepared to thwart any attempt by the IDF to invade the area. "Such an attack will have grave consequences on security and stability in the entire region," said Nabil Abu Rudaineh, a spokesman for PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. He said the PA has appealed to the US to intervene with Israel to prevent a large-scale attack in the Gaza Strip.

The armed wing of Hamas, Izaddin al-Kassam, announced that it had completed its preparations for a possible confrontation with the IDF. A spokesman for the group warned that "the fighters of the al-Kassam will not have mercy on the cowardly [Israeli] soldiers. Your destroyed tanks will become the eternal testimony of your failure and of your running away from the Gaza Strip."

Hamas leaders denied Israeli charges that their movement had smuggled large amounts of weapons into the Gaza Strip, including advanced anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles. IDF officers have raised fears that advanced Russian-made Kornet anti-tank missiles had been smuggled into Gaza. "These charges are meant to provide an excuse for Israel to invade the Gaza Strip and launch a new aggression on our people," said a senior Hamas official in Gaza City.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Is it now evident that giving up Gaza was a freaking joke?
Posted by: Captain America || 10/19/2006 1:22 Comments || Top||

#2  True, but Israel must learn from that mistake. Attack and annihilate them. Take every weapon and kill or disappear every weapon holder. Wipe Hamas off the face of the earth. The time has come. Claim Gaza for Israeli land and outlaw Islam.
It's time to fight to win.
Posted by: wxjames || 10/19/2006 10:45 Comments || Top||

#3  They gave the Paleos a chance to have their own territory and to act like civilized people. Had they set up an actual civil administration with at least lip service to living in peace with their neighbors they'd have made a good case for a Paleostinian state. From that point they could have negotiated more territory, not only to the pre-1967 borders but beyond -- a corridor between Gaza and the West Bank, for instance.

Instead they gave a detailed demonstation of why Emma Goldman was wrong. We have seen the face of the future Paleostinian state and it is grimacing fearsomely, rolling its eyes, waving automatic weapons, and chanting demands for the blood of infidels.

Piss on them.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 11:23 Comments || Top||

#4  Well I'd say that pretty much sums it up. :-)
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 11:26 Comments || Top||

#5  The esteemed Site Owner left out the non-stop demands for more jyzia funding from the kufrs West.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 10/19/2006 11:39 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
17 killed as Tamil rebels attack naval base in Southern Sri Lanka
(KUNA) -- At least 17 people were killed Wednesday when suspected Tamil rebels attacked a naval base in Southern Sri Lanka. News agency Indo-Asian News Service quoting a spokesperson of the Sri Lankan Navy said,
“15 rebels, one member of Sri Lanka's military and a civilian were killed in the suicide attack in Galle.”
15 rebels, one member of Sri Lanka's military and a civilian were killed in the suicide attack in Galle in Southern Sri Lanka Wednesday. Twenty-six people were also injured in the attack, the news agency said.

Five boats of the rebels disguised as fishing boats approached the Dakshina naval base, south of the capital, Colombo. Three of the vessels were sunk by the Sri Lankan Navy outside the base but two detonated inside the base, the news agency said. A curfew has been imposed on the town of Galle, a popular tourist destination. No tourists were among the injured at the base, which is not located near Galle's hotels and resorts.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

UNIFIL suggests force against Israel
THE commander of UN troops in Lebanon overnight suggested that the rules of engagement for his forces might have to be changed to allow future use of force to stop continuing Israeli air violations of Lebanese air space.

General Alain Pellegrini, commander of the UNIFIL force in Lebanon, told a press briefing here that currently the UN was relying on diplomacy to try to end the violations.

"If the diplomatic means should not be enough, maybe it could be considered other ways," he said, referring to the possible use of anti-aircraft missiles equipping French forces in Lebanon.

But Gen Pellegrini made it clear that such a move would require "new rules of engagement drafted and decided here (at UN headquarters)".

He said the issue of Israeli incursions into Lebanese air space was "of major concern" for UNIFIL.

French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie, who arrived in Washington yesterday for a four-day visit, raised the issue in talks with President George W. Bush's national security adviser, Stephen Hadley.

On a military level "the situation (in Lebanon) is calm but fragile", Ms Alliot-Marie told Mr Hadley yesterday.

She said that it was "important to avoid anything that may seem to revive the violence" such as Israeli air force flights over Lebanese air space.

UN diplomats played down Gen Pellegrini's suggestion and made it clear that there was no plan to change UN rules of engagement in Lebanon.

And Israel's UN envoy Dan Gillerman also cast doubt on Gen Pellegrini's remarks.

"General Pellegrini more than anybody else knows exactly why the UNIFIL force is there. It is not because of Israel," he said.

But Gen Pellegrini insisted that Israeli air violations were a "clear violation" of Security Council resolution 1701 which ended the month-long war between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon in August.

"They are not to be accepted. Every time these occur, we report them first to the Secretary General immediately and we protest to the Israelis," Gen Pellegrini said.

He said that at the moment UNIFIL had "no other means to prevent these kinds of violations" than diplomacy.

But he pointedly said that the French contingent of UNIFIL was currently equipped with "anti-aircraft missiles but only for its self-defense".

"If I have this means to protect my soldiers, I'll use them, in self-defense only," he said.

Asked whether he was suggesting using force to stop the Israeli violations, he said: "This has to be considered".

Gen Pellegrini also touched on reports of continued weapons smuggling from Syria into Lebanon, in violation of Resolution 1701.

"We have not spotted any person with any weapons in the (UNIFIL) area of operation between the Litani River and the Blue Line border demarcation with Israel," the French general said.

He said that if smuggling did occur, "it was outside my area of operation, in the Bekaa Valley, along the border with Syria".

Mr Gillerman meanwhile said Israel was collecting evidence of alleged weapons smuggling from Syria.

"We are in the process of collecting this evidence and verifying it and as soon as we have what I believe will be clearcut and conclusive evidence we will present it," he told reporters.

Gen Pellegrini also said he was pleased with the "rapid expansion" of UNIFIL on the ground. He put the force's current strength at 7200 but said it would not reach its peak of 15,000 which was authorised by resolution 1701.
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Posted by: tipper || 10/19/2006 17:53 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "If we really want to, we can stop the Jooos from pestering the brave and glorious warriors of Hizbullah".
Posted by: Brett || 10/19/2006 18:47 Comments || Top||

#2  'If' they do attack Israeli military with anti-aircraft weapons, then i hope the Israeli's level the entire UN Force in Lebanon and then finish turning the Lebanese clock back another 20 years.
Posted by: Glinegum Glerelet8307 || 10/19/2006 18:59 Comments || Top||

#3  After decades of UN sanctioned terrorism, it's about time they finally showed their true colors. I hope they try and I hope Israel blows them all straight to hell. Including their fucking aircraft carrier. If the Europeans are going to pretend that Hezbollah is conforming to Resolution 1701, they are effectively giving the terrorists free reign to rearm. Preventing Israel from monitoring or prosecuting what they refuse to enforce is nothing but abetting terrorism.

It is difficult to imagine just how satisfying it would be for Israel if they finally got a chance to blow away the military staff of Hezbollah's European pals. Europe has overtly funded Israel's most dire enemies for so long that the IDF must be salivating at a chance to dole out some paybacks.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/19/2006 19:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Somewhere in northern Israel is a map of Lebanon detailing every UN position, weapon and vehicle. The only question is where the map is a list of targets or non-targets.
Posted by: Brett || 10/19/2006 19:19 Comments || Top||

#5  The Israelis could really turn this into a major humiliation for the Europeans by sneaking in some slightly defective surface to air missiles and launching them at Israeli aircraft near the UNIFIL positions.

Then forcefully slamming France in particular with committing "acts of war" against Israel, huffily withdrawing their ambassador, and in their national newspapers declare that any other acts of war would have to be treated as national act of war by France, not UNIFIL acts.

Then immediately afterwards, launch a few more ineffective missiles at Israeli aircraft for all to see.

Then shut the hell up and refuse to talk to the French. They would poop in their collective coulettes.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/19/2006 19:52 Comments || Top||

#6  Oh gawd, if we just had one operational battlewagon to park off the coast. The instant the Frogs did anything but fart grotesquely we could lay down a pattern and obliterate anything within a 1/2 mile box of the coordinates of the launcher. I think ~ 200 16" shells landing on their heads would clear up their thought process.
Posted by: SpecOp35 || 10/19/2006 19:56 Comments || Top||


Then shut the hell up and refuse to talk to the French. They would poop in their collective coulettes.

You kidding? The French would look at it as a chance to return to Jew-killing *AND* get on the good side of their restless Islamic yoots.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 10/19/2006 19:57 Comments || Top||

#8  There is so much wrong with this that it is chilling. General Pelligrini is clearly stating his allegiance with terrorists and mapping his intended assistance to their cause.

The UN is clearly assisting terrorists by ignoring all demands of 1701 as they apply to the islamists, the blind eye (not my table, sorry) to the re-arming and promising to fire on a country defending itself from the actions condemned in 1701. Freaking chilling.
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 10/19/2006 19:59 Comments || Top||

#9  I think that was always the plan: To get a nuclear-armed, Muslim-friendly European power in Lebanon, which would then provide a deterrent against Israeli anti-Hezb strikes .

French anti-aircraft batteries also provide some cover for Syria, too. I wonder what the quid pro quo is?
Posted by: mrp || 10/19/2006 20:06 Comments || Top||

#10  French trade with Iran, specifically oil on preferential terms I would guess.
Posted by: lotp || 10/19/2006 20:14 Comments || Top||

#11  Not sure what quid pro quo.

May be straight blackmail. Europe stands with the muzzies in destroying Israel and the muzzies won't immediately take down their countries from within. Riots can be called on demand - demo France. And muzzies will protect them from the Satans revenge.

Puts the UN against US, Australia, UK and Canada - if the latters can stay the course - in demanding no strike back for destroying Israel - (and now with the nukes to back it up - Pak, Rus, prob Iran, DPRK and who all else). Stand off, they'll believe. They believe Israel will be eliminated as they desire and "united" the muzzzies with include Europe under their umbrella.

So far, Euro's been paying the blackmail. Or just dancing cause it' fun.
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 10/19/2006 20:23 Comments || Top||

#12  I wonder what the quid pro quo is?

Quiet in French cities. Fewer injured French cops. Maybe even fewer raped French women, but I don't think the Muslims would give that up.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 10/19/2006 20:30 Comments || Top||

#13  I think that UNIFIL talks tough against the Israelis because they can. If they talk tough against Hezbollah, they will disappear in the night with their heads going North and their bodies South. Talk like this makes them feel they are real soldiers instead of stooges in blue helmets.
Posted by: RWV || 10/19/2006 20:53 Comments || Top||

#14  I'm with RWV. It must be maid clear---beyond any shadow of doubt---to the French manning these batteries that while an incident may be a great success for their political masters---they, personally, are not going to survive it.
Posted by: gromgoru || 10/19/2006 21:32 Comments || Top||

#15  And when Hezbollah launches a rocket salvo from south of the Litani into northern Israel, what happens then?
Posted by: mrp || 10/19/2006 21:35 Comments || Top||

#16  LOL! The UN threatening to fire on the IDF?! I'd pay to see that one. Blue helmets would fly, kiss the French good bye!
Posted by: Icerigger || 10/19/2006 21:36 Comments || Top||

#17  So the same people unwilling to send troops to fight the rag tag taliban will take on the Israelis?

Idle talk
Posted by: john || 10/19/2006 21:50 Comments || Top||

#18  Shit. Somebody say something comforting, please.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 21:59 Comments || Top||

#19  have a cup of tea TW, they're European. No actual harm or action can follow their threats
Posted by: Frank G || 10/19/2006 22:15 Comments || Top||

#20  Johny

Rubin, interesting that you would dignify all that with the attribution of being an idea?? I've noticed slippage,in recent,mostly alarming ways but now I'll be damned if it's not starting to resemble dementia...

dementia expertize eh little johnny LOL!

EG: "Inforce(sic) Martial Law, shoot to kill(as opposed to trying to talk someone out of it?), summary trials on the spot in the greater Baghdad area (as opposed to summary detention,torture and murder?)."

how bout you and me johny, K-Bars locked in a phone booth? I'll show summary detention and guts. :-)

WHAT?? a sad and sorry excuse for an occupation.

thats a bad attitude johnny, look on the bright side the Palistianian and Sunni numbers are going in the right direction.

WHAT?? a failed democratization effort.

yep the savages and their commie cheerleaders like you J can't handle Democracy yet.

WHAT?? a
inept and totally failed attempt to demonstrate American superiority!!

au contrare johnny asshat boy, our most sacred sons and daughters gave all to try and help lift iraqis from bloodthirsty Saddam regime.

Any sane person would recognize this Johnny as a superior decent thing inspite of the fact that the sick fucks like you cheering for Saddam and the murders like al-Zaquari.

Peace in our time! Free Iraq from oppression!

the only peace you'll everb know is thru death johnny boy, the long dirt nap kinda Peace for you!
Posted by: jumping jehosaphat || 10/19/2006 22:16 Comments || Top||

#21  I adore you, Frank G. Thank you so much!
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 22:34 Comments || Top||

#22  Ima engineer, I think of bad things and plan for them. I create targets for the military, heh.

Throwin this out to you. Let us say that Hizb starts some kind of *ahem* incident. IDF retaliates. UNIFIL Frenchies launch AA missiles at IDF planes. IDF sez, "holy schitskis, WTF are they doing? What will we do? IDF takes out batteries, killing Frenchies. Then Chiraq and Co consider it an act of war and start rattling nukes, despite their histor of being pussies.

Now what happens? I can this thing getting out of hand and France becoming Iran's proxy in the destruction of Israel.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/19/2006 22:40 Comments || Top||

#23  I cannot see Franch launching nuclear weapons against Israel. It forever would cement WWII Vichy as their true intention. Saddest of all, even if France is doing this to appease their domestic Muslim population, they are still only feeding the crocodile. Morons.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/19/2006 23:50 Comments || Top||

Syrian-born terror suspect standing trial
A Syrian-born German terror suspect who is suspected of recruiting September 11 suicide hijacker Mohamed Atta for al-Qaida has been put on trial in Damascus and could face the death penalty, according to a report released Wednesday. The trial of Mohammed Haydar Zammar, 45, opened in a Damascus security court on October 8, according to a report by German ARD public television's main news program, Tagesschau.

Zammar was questioned by German authorities following the September 11, 2001, attacks, but was freed for lack of evidence. He then traveled in October 2001 to Morocco and was captured in December. Zammar is widely believed to have to have introduced Atta and the two other Hamburg-based September 11 pilots - Ziad Jarrah and Marwan al-Shehhi - to leaders of Osama bin Laden's organization in Afghanistan, where they all received training.
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Blue and white are not his colours.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 7:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Does ths beard balaclava make me look fat?
Posted by: Mo || 10/19/2006 8:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Yes. Also, the hairstyle makes him look mildly hydrocephalic, and he really needs a new pair of glasses in a shape that doesn't hearken back to the early 1990s.

Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 11:42 Comments || Top||

#4  Actually, it may not be the hairstyle, but a really bad rug -- the colour and curliness in the top-front don't match the top sides (I don't mean at the temples, which sometimes silvers first in men), and the hairline is a bit odd.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 11:46 Comments || Top||

#5  Whoa. That's dissin', lol.
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 11:47 Comments || Top||

#6  Hey, which way to the Star Wars Convention?
Posted by: tu3031 || 10/19/2006 11:49 Comments || Top||

#7  and he really needs a new pair of glasses in a shape that doesn't hearken back to the early 1990s

That's very hard on me, because I have about the same glasses, originally found at a bus stop back in the early 90's, by the way... and when I let myself go, I have the same hair/beard, different color though... would he be my long-lost Evil Twin, by any chance?
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 10/19/2006 11:50 Comments || Top||

#8  He does have a vaugely simian hairline doesn't he. And I see no evidence whatsoever of a neck.
Posted by: remoteman || 10/19/2006 14:06 Comments || Top||

#9  Silly a5089, you have a very handsome brain. I'm sure you don't look vaguely puzzled by the world as you peer through your glasses trying to understand what everyone else is talking about so quickly. Bestir yourself and get some fashionable new spectacles. After all, you live in France, fashion capitol of the world... even if you are at the back of the beyond in the French Alps. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 17:00 Comments || Top||

#10  Don't fall for it TW. 5089 lives in the French Alps, can afford to eat and drink well and has a reliable dope source. He's a Babe magnet.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/19/2006 17:15 Comments || Top||

#11  I'm guessing the curly hair makes for more efficient cleaning of camel rectums.

Any chance they will hang him in public at Ground Zero?
Posted by: Icerigger || 10/19/2006 21:24 Comments || Top||

Good Morning...
17 killed as Tamil rebels attack naval base in Southern Sri LankaTaliban demand Italian troops' withdrawl for journalist's releaseIDF uncovers five weapons smuggling tunnels in GazaKim makes first appearance since nuke testIndia's law ministry opposes clemency for Afzal GuruTales from the Crossfire Gazette©Iran: Sanctions will wreck chance for compromiseJordan convicts eight for anti-US plots
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Heh. Massive Joi to the world. Melike. 8-0
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 0:03 Comments || Top||

#2  "Bartender! Milk for everyone!"
Posted by: Fred || 10/19/2006 0:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Is it self-serve, I hope?
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 0:23 Comments || Top||

#4  As she sashayed out of the police station, her high heels clicking a staccato rhythm on the hard tile floor, like a one-armed castanet player in a very bad mariachi band, her ample bosom held in check only by a diaphanous blouse, and bouncing at each step like a 1959 tricked out Low-rider Chevy with very good hydraulics---she smiled to herself as she thought of the titillating interrogation from Detective Tipple about the Twin Peaks Melon Heist.

Wayne Spivey, Major, USAF Retired
Huntsville, Texas
Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest 2006
Posted by: Steve White || 10/19/2006 0:48 Comments || Top||

#5  Utterly aplenty
Posted by: Captain America || 10/19/2006 1:13 Comments || Top||

#6  They just don't build them like that any more.
Posted by: Glolusing Wholusing8902 || 10/19/2006 1:29 Comments || Top||

#7  Heh, SW.

GW, sure they do, lol, but she wuz a natural. :-)
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 1:41 Comments || Top||

#8  En Joi!
Posted by: Zenster || 10/19/2006 2:30 Comments || Top||

#9  Joi cooks over da counter position, luvs haut! grrrrrr

Posted by: RD || 10/19/2006 3:14 Comments || Top||

#10  Hey, take a look, I just noticed that that bosom is attached to Joi Lansing!
Posted by: gorb || 10/19/2006 4:06 Comments || Top||

#11  poor girl can't even stand up straight, yet she manages to keep her spirits high. Brings a tear to my eye
Posted by: Frank G || 10/19/2006 8:19 Comments || Top||

#12  Here, let me help you carry those!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/19/2006 8:22 Comments || Top||

#13  Nice rack, but she's got those "crazy aunt in the attic" eyes.
Posted by: mrp || 10/19/2006 10:30 Comments || Top||

#14  Ah, she has eyes? Yes, you're right... didn't notice at first.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 10/19/2006 10:37 Comments || Top||

#15  For some reason, I wanna peek under the hood.
Posted by: .com || 10/19/2006 10:49 Comments || Top||

#16  Sherri's mom?
Posted by: mojo || 10/19/2006 10:59 Comments || Top||

#17  Sherri's mom is a car?
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/19/2006 11:36 Comments || Top||

#18  another sad case

she was a nice person apparently and died in her early 40s; no kids;

her mom outlived her
Posted by: mhw || 10/19/2006 12:44 Comments || Top||

#19  Not to derail this - um - enlightening thread, but, since a thread got off into Mae West territory yesterday [ample bosoms: this post is relevant to this thread], I've been wondering: has Miss West ever graced the cover of the D-S&T-P?
Posted by: xbalanke || 10/19/2006 12:47 Comments || Top||

#20  "The more I see of men, the more I like dogs."
-- Madame de Staël
(later stolen by Mae West)
Posted by: mojo || 10/19/2006 15:40 Comments || Top||

#21  1,2,3,4! Count 'em 4 holes and chrome automams. Serious autoerotica.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/19/2006 17:10 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2006-10-19
  British pull out of southern Afghan district
Wed 2006-10-18
  Hamas: Mastermind of Shalit's abduction among 4 killed in Gaza
Tue 2006-10-17
  Brother of Saddam Prosecutor Is Killed
Mon 2006-10-16
  Truck bomb kills 100+ in Sri Lanka
Sun 2006-10-15
  UN imposes stringent NKor sanctions
Sat 2006-10-14
  Pak foils coup plot
Fri 2006-10-13
  Suspect pleads guilty to terrorist plot in US, Britain
Thu 2006-10-12
  Gadahn indicted for treason
Wed 2006-10-11
  Two Muslims found guilty in Albany sting case
Tue 2006-10-10
  China cancels troop leave along North Korean border
Mon 2006-10-09
  China denounces "brazen" North Korea nuclear test
Sun 2006-10-08
  North Korea Tests Nuclear Weapon
Sat 2006-10-07
  Pakistan admits 'helping' Kashmir militancy
Fri 2006-10-06
  Islamists set up central Islamic court in Mogadishu
Thu 2006-10-05
  Fatah Threatens to Murder Hamas Leaders

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