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Wally accuses Hezbullies of planning to occupy Beirut
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32 00:00 Alaska Paul [22] 
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1 00:00 Zenster [28]
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6 00:00 Bobby [22]
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5 00:00 Zenster [16]
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4 00:00 Zenster [18]
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4 00:00 DarthVader [14]
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7 00:00 Frank G [24]
8 00:00 McZoid [14]
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2 00:00 JohnQC [20]
3 00:00 Frank G [12]
1 00:00 McZoid [18]
Page 4: Opinion
3 00:00 JohnQC [21]
2 00:00 Zenster [21]
1 00:00 Excalibur [14]
8 00:00 phil_b [28]
1 00:00 PBMcL [16]
1 00:00 Nimble Spemble [16]
1 00:00 SR-71 [12]
4 00:00 Zenster [11]
0 [15]
1 00:00 john frum [17]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
11 00:00 Zenster [29]
1 00:00 Whiskey Mike [16]
2 00:00 Icerigger [13]
5 00:00 Zenster [14]
18 00:00 Frank G [11]
2 00:00 JohnQC [23]
Gunman plotting Eid attack killed in Afghanistan
Afghan police on Friday shot dead a would-be assailant and captured two others as they planned to attack a government reception marking the Muslim holiday of Eidul Fitr, AFP reported officials as saying. The gunmen were intercepted in an exchange of fire a few minutes away from the governor’s office in the western city of Herat, near the border with Iran, police chief Juma Khan Adil said.

“These terrorists were planning an attack on government officials including the governor. We had information about it,” Adil told AFP. An AFP reporter saw the blood-covered body of a man in a four-by-four vehicle at the side of the road in central Herat, a short distance from where officials were celebrating Eid at the governor’s office.

Meanwhile, an explosion killed four policemen and wounded 14 more, including 10 civilians, in a bazaar in southern Afghanistan, Reuters quoted a British military spokesman as saying. He said the blast happened in a bazaar close to a mosque in the town of Gereshk in the province of Helmand.
This article starring:
police chief Juma Khan Adil
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Home Front: WoT
Spc. Rachael L. Hugo

“She saw death, destruction, despair - and a lot of good things, too,” said Kermit Hugo. “Despite it all, she always kept her head held high.”

“A hero is the way I will always see you, a legend in our community,” said her brother Scott Hugo.

“She was just a wonderful, outstanding daughter. You just couldn’t ask for anything better,” Kermit Hugo said.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 10/13/2007 13:12 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This soldier and soldiers like Spc. Hugo has far, far more honor, courage, integrity and especially mental fortitude in the respect to the principles that this nation stands for than those who run this site.

You who manage rantburg.com do not have the ability to do what our brave troops in the field need us to do back in America. Convince and expecially convert skeptics and critics to support them. This site would be a great place to accomplish that mission, but the people here are simply to weak for such a the crucial task here at home.
Posted by: Pheagar the Imposter4243 || 10/13/2007 13:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Instead you insult, ban, and that fails far better people on the battle front who need all the support they can get.
Posted by: Pheagar the Imposter4243 || 10/13/2007 14:00 Comments || Top||

#3  Victory turns skeptics. Were the people banned two days ago mere skeptics, you would have a case.

Admit it, you heard not one syllable of support for military troops in the field from the trolls who were banned. Instead you read what we have heard from them for years: we are Nazis, we hate dark skin people, and we are a hateful people. Did I mention we are Nazis? I believe I did because that is what I have been hearing from those people all this time, repeatedly, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

You call that debate?

Right now, after years of experience with the two men who were banned, your tirade sounds suspiciously like the sanctimonious claptrap we have been hearing from the antiwar left all along.

Posted by: badanov || 10/13/2007 14:12 Comments || Top||

#4  Does this Phaeger person have something to say other than insulting the mods of this website?

I call troll. right here, right now, I'm calling this guy out as a troll.
Posted by: Mike N. || 10/13/2007 14:17 Comments || Top||

#5  I think you're right, Mike N. We tried to explain it to him. Screw him.
Posted by: Abu Uluque6305 || 10/13/2007 14:41 Comments || Top||

#6  Let's see...I've been mobilized once. Am going to volunteer for a second tour to Iraq. My only son is a Marine who will begin his 1st tour in Iraq in January.

Yeah...you're right, Pheagar. We Rantburgers are nothing but a bunch of Nazis who send the sons and daughters of others to do the heavy lift.
Posted by: anymouse || 10/13/2007 14:42 Comments || Top||

#7  Sniff, sniff. Yep, sanctimony.
Posted by: twobyfour || 10/13/2007 14:43 Comments || Top||

#8  In defense of the mods ( and it's not like I'm gonna get a raise or a promotion out of this ) they stay out of things and react only when needed just like football referees ( I'm watchingf the Alabama 17 Mississippi 24 game as I write this ).

The superthread Ar15 and Mike Sylwester perpetuated a day or so ago was a classic case of a discussion thread gone bad due to deliberate hijacking.

Its size alone was a good indicator that things had gotten out of hand.

Ar15 did his best to antagonize Americans by comparing our current policies to that of Nazi German in the 1930s and 1940s never once mentioning the Holocaust and never once making his case in any congent sense. It was simply rhetoric formed with the deliberate intent to antagonize. It was never his intention to debate how better to change attitudes here in the US with regard to fighting for our nation and for freedom. His performance was shameful.

The mods reacted because, and if you read the entire superthread you would know this, things had gotten out of completely out of hand; what was taking place wasn't an exchange or a debate but two men with an agenda pressing their agenda as though their principles, conclusions and thought were above critique and criticism; an agenda that was so perfect and so humane that only insane Nazis and evil people could possibly oppose it.

On every other forum, left or right, Ar15 would not have gotten out so much as a single word before his remarks were deleted or his nym banned. The mods held back long enough to see if the result would be any different and then they saw they were not, and so they reacted, properly.
Posted by: badanov || 10/13/2007 14:56 Comments || Top||

#9  Jeebus, 'mouse! Thank you, and may you and yours be kept safe in times of danger. Bad, good move using the "Ar15" spelling so the knucklehead doesn't even get any satisfaction from being able to search up mention of himself.

RIP Rachael Hugo. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/13/2007 15:03 Comments || Top||

#10  Pheagar the Imposter4243, It's not your site, nor is it mine.

If you don't like it, don't come here. I don't let folks come in to my house uninvited, and Fred doesn't allow folks to take a dump on HIS site uninvited either.

There is NO contract anywhere that says he or the other mods have to put up with your shit. We are here through their courtesy and generosity.

Why is that such a hard concept to understand? Do you have any idea how dense you are? Step back and analyze it for yourself. One hallmark of an intelligent person, rather than one who pretends to be intelligent, is the ability to step back and see yourself as others see you. Call it self-awareness, call it whatever you want, but you don't have it. You need it. Maybe you were never taught. Parents used to teach basic manners, but it seems yours were found wanting.

Oh, and back on topic, God bless Rachael Hugo. Rest in Peace.
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 10/13/2007 15:06 Comments || Top||

#11  Interesting, Badanov. I thought it was a mistake the first time, but Zen hadda explain it.

Rest easy, Spc. Hugo, in The Mansions of the Lord.
Posted by: Bobby || 10/13/2007 15:23 Comments || Top||

#12  The Mansions Of The Lord as sung by the US Armed Forces Chorus, accompanied by the Marine Corps Chamber Orchestra, at end of President Ronald Reagan's funeral service 6/14/2004


Posted by: mrp || 10/13/2007 17:02 Comments || Top||

#13  For Spc. Rachael Hugo: we are not worthy of you. Thank you, ma'am, and God rest your soul in peace.

For 'mouse: thank you, pal. Here's one citizen who really appreciates your service, and that of your son.

For Chuck Simmins: thanks for bringing Spc. Hugo to our attention, Chuck. Your blog is outstanding.

For all re Pheagar: yeah, he's an insulting little progressive (is there any other kind?), but I won't ban him just yet. The Burg needs the occasional chew toy.

For Pheagar: you can insult us and be a troll if you wish. Or you can be a substantive debater, even if you disagree with everyone here. Choice is yours.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/13/2007 17:24 Comments || Top||

#14  This soldier and soldiers like Spc. Hugo has far, far more honor, courage, integrity and especially mental fortitude in the respect to the principles that this nation stands for than those who run this site.

... the people here are simply to weak for such a the crucial task here at home.

Fred is a military intelligence veteran who served as a civilian in the intel world after retirement. He has served long and steadily -- and founded Rantburg right after 9/11 precisely to provide info and rally support for the Long War.

Pappy was badly wounded in Gulf 1, ending his military service (involuntarily). Tell me again about those people on the battlefield who are better than he is.

I am the wife, daughter, cousin, niece and more of veterans, most of whom served full careers and some of whom were awarded honors like the Silver Star for battlefield valor. My family and I have fought the long fight against all sorts of totalitarianisms for generations. I set aside a business career to support the Army in the Fall of 2001. I have family, friends and colleagues whose lives have been or today are at risk on the ground in both Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere as well.

I have buried some I knew who returned in flag covered caskets.

Quit while you're ahead, Pheagar. You either don't have a clue or you are deliberately ignoring info that's been on this site for a long time.
Posted by: lotp || 10/13/2007 17:24 Comments || Top||

#15  And lest I fail to acknowledge other contributions by the mods, Dave D. has crafted ... useful ... widgets. One Steve is a USAF vet. The other Steve and Seafarious serve as well, through the efforts they put into this site.

I haven't even gotten yet to the contributions of our regular commenters, some of whom are in uniform and recently returned from the box. Others are too old to serve but proudly supported the decision of their sons and daughters to serve. Yet others at this site have contributed in indirect ways, through their professional efforts and more.

Meanwhile, Pheager, you sit in a comfortable part of the upper midWest and amuse yourself by posting snide-ities that I doubt you even believe. And each time I watch as another flag draped coffin is lowered into the ground with great respect and love, I will remind myself that that soldier chose to serve -- even on your behalf, unworthy tho you are.

Posted by: lotp || 10/13/2007 17:55 Comments || Top||

#16  Dittoes Steve White,

RIP Spc. Rachael L. Hugo, God Bless Her Family in their grief.. their loss must be overwhelming.. we honor her for she joins our Nations best those who gave all.
Posted by: Red Dawg || 10/13/2007 18:22 Comments || Top||

#17  [Mike Sylwester has been pooplisted.]
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 10/13/2007 18:34 Comments || Top||

#18  There are a lot of vets here on the 'burg. I served as well and I think I can tell on behalf of many of us vets...

Unless you have sacrificed and have been changed by what you have done for this country, you don't know shit about true heroes and what happens over there. So instead of whining about your pathetic loss of access to a privately held and funded site, how about you honor those that served and try to support them as much as possible without being a political partisan bitch.

Posted by: DarthVader || 10/13/2007 19:13 Comments || Top||

#19  Every person you ban or black list (and use profanity against) will vote Dhimmicratic against you. You insure the defeat of our troops. They will banish you and our troops. Ask a true bravo like Spc. Rachael Hugo and they will tell you enemy soldiers of allah who will not communicate unless to demand total capitulation need to be taken out. All others who in the very least attempt to communicate (walk softly), you must have as much power to convince them to be a fellow warrior (carry a big stick).

Comanche - Texas
Posted by: Pheagar the Imposter4243 || 10/13/2007 20:04 Comments || Top||

#20  you can vote Dhimmicrat all you want - it won't be "against" us, it'll be your own stupid self-destructing of that which you claim to hold dear. Fuckwit
Posted by: Frank G || 10/13/2007 20:28 Comments || Top||

#21  Yesterday saw a post regarding banning people at a site that is not a private home, but a world wide site. I stood up for free speech. I stated my stand for the values our troops have fought for. I quoted scripture from the God of the founding fathers of this nation.

In response I was banned until I signed in again today. I was cursed. Not at un-American sites such as Daily Kos. Not at Huffington Post. But at Rantburg. A place that is supposed to stand up for the principles of this nation. Without firing a shot, you at home, are no longer a bastion of the principles our fathers stood for. This generation has lost its sense of those values in the heat of this war. The Father of our fathers is no longer with you.
Posted by: Pheagar the Imposter4243 || 10/13/2007 20:41 Comments || Top||

#22  [Aris Katsaris has been pooplisted.]
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 10/13/2007 20:46 Comments || Top||

#23  What part of "this site belongs to Fred and you are here as a guest, not by right" do you not understand, Ph etc.?
Posted by: lotp || 10/13/2007 20:48 Comments || Top||

#24  Pooplisting you is up to the mods, but as long as you're here, get off your high horse.

You also don't seem to understand that this site is a private home. Fred owns it. We're his guests. Behave nicely, or you'll get thrown you out, too.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/13/2007 20:51 Comments || Top||

#25  This generation? We've got everything from teenagers (the Millenium Generation or the 9/11 Generation, your choice) to great-grandparents (Korean War vets and WWII survivors). Which particular generation do you object to, Pheagar the Imposter4243 dear? When declaring they have lost God's favour, one must clarify who they might be, lest God be confused and smite the wrong one.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/13/2007 20:54 Comments || Top||

#26  Good lord! Get over yourself, Pheagar the Imposter424, will ya?

This is Fred's site, his private space that he provides for discussion, paid from his own pocket. He's got his rules, which are rather heavily on the benevolent side.

Take it or leave it.
Posted by: twobyfour || 10/13/2007 21:01 Comments || Top||

#27  This posting has been used as an excuse for a diatribe by a couple of posters. The post is about Spc. Rachel L. Hugo. She is a hero. She and her family gave all for something in which they believed. The future of the country suffers by having lost Spc. Hugo.
Posted by: JohnQC || 10/13/2007 21:04 Comments || Top||

#28  [Aris Katsaris has been pooplisted.]
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 10/13/2007 21:18 Comments || Top||

#29  Let's not bait the pooplisted, either. Let's forget them and get on with life at the site.

I agree this hijacking is akin to the desecration of a memorial and anything not related directly to honoring Spc Hugo should be sinktrapped, including this comment.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/13/2007 21:22 Comments || Top||

#30  Some popel just don't realize who they are trying to hoodwink here. Me, Pappy and a few others been there done that and dont need the damn T-Shirt.

Stopy trying to pull a thread off topic, and go back to honoring the Specialst that this is SUPPOSED to be about. She looks like most of the ones I know and have trained - good kids, doing hard work and doing it honorably and well.
Posted by: OldSpook || 10/13/2007 21:25 Comments || Top||

#31  My apologies.

Rest in peace, Spc. Hugo. May your memory bring comfort to those who loved you.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/13/2007 22:08 Comments || Top||

#32  A great tribute to Spc. Rachael Hugo, a great soldier and a great lady. It grieves me to see one so young and so inspired to service fall before their time. On the other hand, it is reassuring to see that we have such great dedicated young people in this present day. We are truly blessed as a nation.

Chuck Simmons---many thanks for finding and posting this for us.

mrp---thanks for the link to the moving music.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/13/2007 23:26 Comments || Top||

The Troubling Effectiveness of al-Qaeda's PSYOP On The Pakistani Army
Posted by: 3dc || 10/13/2007 11:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  The misguided understanding that bin Laden and al-Qaeda have of Islam makes it obligatory to fight against those who rule outside of their interpretation of Islam

The writer lost me at that point.
Posted by: Icerigger || 10/13/2007 12:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Icerigger, itsa comma or (long dash, take your pick):

The misguided understanding, that bin Laden and al-Qaeda have of Islam<>, makes it obligatory to fight against those who rule outside of their interpretation of Islam.

I may argue whether thi sentene is true, but at least it is now logical.
Posted by: twobyfour || 10/13/2007 12:50 Comments || Top||

#3  Lemme try again:

The misguided understanding, that bin Laden and al-Qaeda have of Islam, makes it obligatory to fight against those who rule outside of their interpretation of Islam.
Posted by: twobyfour || 10/13/2007 12:55 Comments || Top||

#4  Let it be said that there's nothing quite like a receptive audience.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/13/2007 13:54 Comments || Top||

#5  Of course, what needs to be said:

The understanding, that mulims have of Islam, makes it obligatory to fight against those who rule outside of Islam.

OBL and AQ are simply applying "four legs good--two legs better", so outside them everyone else is an infidel; the muslim infidels would just be eaten last.
Posted by: twobyfour || 10/13/2007 14:20 Comments || Top||

#6  Agreed. My point was that the author doesn't understand that Laden gets it.
Posted by: Icerigger || 10/13/2007 15:13 Comments || Top||

Muslim suspects questioned in Indian shrine bombing
JODHPUR: A Bangladeshi national was among several men being questioned on Friday in connection with the bombing of one of India’s holiest Islamic shrines that left two dead, police said. “One Bangladeshi and five others are being questioned,” a senior police official said on condition of anonymity. No charges had been brought against the suspects, who were detained after a handbag containing a mobile phone was recovered from the blast site in the northern pilgrimage town of Ajmer in Rajasthan state.
A Bangladeshi, you say? Get the Rapid Action Batallion's Ready Response Truncheon Team on a plane.
Police initially said three people were killed late Thursday in the bombing of the Dargah Sharif, or holy Dargah - a Sufi shrine venerated by both Hindus and Muslims. More than a dozen people were injured in the blast, which came just before Muslims celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan this weekend. Hindus are also preparing for their main festive season. India sounded a nationwide alert after the attack, with some officials pointing the finger at hardline Muslim militants allegedly backed by neighbour and arch-rival Pakistan.

Indian officials have previously named a Bangladesh-based militant outfit, Harkatul Jihad al-Islami, as the prime suspect in a series of deadly bombings this year in the southern city of Hyderabad, in which 54 people were killed.
This article starring:
Harkatul Jihad al-Islami
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: HUJI

Constable killed in explosion
Nagpur: A Maharashtra Police constable was killed and another injured when naxalites triggered a landmine explosion in Gadchiroli district on Friday, a senior official said. “The naxals triggered the blast under a patrolling jeep near Hallewada on Etapalli-Kasansur road,” Additional Director General of Police, Anti-Naxalites Operation, Pankaj Gupta, told PTI.

The constable killed in the blast was identified as Nana Kumbhre. The driver of the jeep, who is yet to be identified, sustained a fracture in his hand, Mr. Gupta said.
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Geelani under house arrest
Srinagar: Hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani was on Friday placed under house arrest ahead of a planned protest demonstration by him in Baramulla district, official sources said.
This article starring:
Syed Ali Shah GeelaniHurriyat
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Live bomb found
Ajmer: A live bomb was found near the main gate of the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti here on Friday, a day after a blast killed two and injured 17 at the dargah.
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Taiba

Mohmand Talibs behead 6 'criminals'
Pro-Taliban militants publicly beheaded six alleged criminals and flogged lashed three others on Friday, officials and witnesses said.
But who are we to accuse them of savagery or even barbarism? They haven't even eaten anybody. At least not yet. That we know of, anyway.
In the primitive lawless Mohmand tribal district bordering Afghanistan, rebels chopped off the heads decapitated six members of a kidnap-for-ransom gang after a blood-soaked feud, local government official Miraj Khan said.
Are there any feuds in Pakistain that aren't blood-soaked? Is there anyone in the entire country who's capable of confining bad feelings to trading the occasional dirty look?
The official said the altercation started when militants on Thursday night raided the house of the gang’s chief in connection with the death of one of their colleagues.
He was just one of the guys until he bumped off one of them...
The gang leader opened fire, killing four of the militants. However, they went to the matresses and later killed him and his Mom and Dad and brothers and sisters five of his family members, burned his house down and seized another six of his followers. “The militants on Friday publicly lopped off the heads beheaded all six of them while holding funeral prayers for their own colleagues,” Miraj told AFP.
Gonna have to serve them in the afterlife, are they? That's always a good move, theologically speaking. The Sumerians used to do that, too. The Sumerian crescent moon god was rather appropriately named Sin. We still see his symbolism around here and there, often in Arabia. Other phases of the moon were Nanna the full Moon, and Asim-Babbar, the new moon. Nanna was born to Ninlil when Enlil raped her, which is an old cultural tradition in that part of the world. Ninlil decides the fate of the dead, presumably because she was sullied, however unwillingly. Nin, by the way, is the Sumerian word for "lady." "En" is the word for gent (or "lord"), so Enlil and Ninlil were pretty primal dieties.
Sharia court punishes: Meanwhile, pro-Taliban cleric Maulana Fazlullah’s private Sharia court punished three alleged criminals by lashing them in public, eyewitnesses said. “After the government’s indifference, we have set up our own private Islamic court to dispense justice to the people and today is the beginning of the struggle for a cherished goal (enforcement of Sharia),” Sirajuddin, spokesman for Maulana Fazlullah, told Daily Times after the court’s first Islamic punishment was executed in Swat district.
Hurrah! It's floggings!
According to the spokesman, the three alleged criminals were caught “red-handed” while trying to kidnap two women from Matta Tehsil last month. Shamroz, Bukhtiar and Muhammad Sher were awarded 25, 20 and 15 lashes each, respectively.
Kidnapping your lady love is, of course, known as "romance" in them thar parts.
Maulana Shah Dauran, head of the private Islamic court, read out the crime the three men allegedly committed as well as the punishment they had been awarded, adding that the punishment was “reformatory” and not under the penal code. Eyewitnesses said the three men had neither pleaded guilty nor innocent before they were lashed. Maulana Fazlullah’s armed guards warned the media against photographing or taping the punishment.

District administration concerned: Swat District Coordination Officer Syed Muhammad Javed said the district administration was contacting the cleric to ask him to stop making such punishments. A security official in Peshawar said he had reported to the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal government in September last year that the cleric could pose a serious threat if he were left unchecked, but “the provincial government simply ignored the warnings”.

“The district administration no longer exists.”
Calling justice: Meanwhile, on Thursday, Maulana Fazlullah’s armed brownturbans masked men held a flag march in Khawazakhela Tehsil to announce to the general public that they could be contacted for redress of their problems, because “the district administration no longer existed”.

“These are the cellular phone numbers to contact for any dispensation of justice,” the masked men were quoted as telling the residents. They also warned CD-shop owners to stop their “un-Islamic” business immediately.
This article starring:
Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal
Maulana FazlullahTNSM
Maulana Shah DauranTNSM
Syed Muhammad Javed
local government official Miraj Khan
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Bow down before the ones you serve. You're gonna get what you deserve.
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/13/2007 1:50 Comments || Top||

#2  Beheaded for kidnap for ransom? Muhammed the self-annointed "prophet" kidnapped a tribal lord for ransom. Muslim "sunna" (emulation of el-propheto) is obligatory to the prostrators for "allah."
Posted by: McZoid || 10/13/2007 3:07 Comments || Top||

#3  "Head Like a Hole" - NIN - Sea! Whoda thunk it?
Posted by: Frank G || 10/13/2007 10:24 Comments || Top||

#4  These "holy men" need to learn another lesson in "Cause and effect". We need to bomb 'em back to the Stone Age, then break stones until there's nothing left but sand and crabgrass. Maybe then they'll learn that a 7th Century moon god doesn't trump a 21st Century bomb.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 10/13/2007 14:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Is there anyone in the entire country who's capable of confining bad feelings to trading the occasional dirty look?

Considering their bathing habits, I doubt they've any other kind.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/13/2007 15:11 Comments || Top||

#6  LOL Frank G & Seafarious.
See you two infidel punks in the mosh pit ;-)
Posted by: ryuge || 10/13/2007 18:10 Comments || Top||

Festivities resume in Waziristan
MIRANSHAH: Clashes between security forces and local Taliban resumed in North Waziristan a day after the army allowed tribesmen to bury their loved ones. Political authorities said the Taliban, equipped with automatic weapons, launched attacks and fired rockets at Amin, Banda and Gora graveyard security checkposts on Thursday night in Miranshah, BBC reported. Security forces retaliated and fired artillery shells, however, no loss of life was reported from either side.

Also, two security personnel were wounded when their vehicle coming from Bannu to Miranshah hit a landmine in Baka Khail. They were shifted to Bannu Hospital where they are now stable, hospital sources said. Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Ahmedullah Ahmadi said that according to the decision of the Taliban Shoora, they were not ready for a permanent ceasefire in North Waziristan.
This article starring:
Ahmedullah AhmadiTaliban
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Meanwhile the Pak security forces are on patrol...

Posted by: john frum || 10/13/2007 9:05 Comments || Top||

#2  john frum, are you serious? That's a Pak security patrol? Those guys are sitting ducks. Brave but not very smart.
Posted by: Abu Uluque6305 || 10/13/2007 14:45 Comments || Top||

#3  Menage a trois on a motorcycle?
Posted by: JohnQC || 10/13/2007 21:11 Comments || Top||

#4  the first two guys aren't worried - traditon sez it's the third guy on patrol that gets it
Posted by: Frank G || 10/13/2007 21:13 Comments || Top||

#5  But he looks the happiest of all...
Posted by: john frum || 10/13/2007 21:55 Comments || Top||

CRPF camp attackers shot dead
The night-long gun battle between two “fidayeens” (suicide squad members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba) and the Central Reserve Police Force ended early on Friday morning with the killing of the militants. Three CRPF personnel were injured.

Director-General of Police Kuldip Khoda told reporters that the militants were Pakistani nationals. They were identified as Abu Hashim and Abu Zahid from documents they carried. Two AK-56 rifles, eight magazines, four hand-grenades, 52 rounds of ammunition and a mobile phone were recovered from them.

Mr. Khoda said that the militants’ attempt to sneak into the camp was foiled by alert jawans on Friday evening and they were forced to take refuge in a parking lot. To avoid collateral damage and casualties, the assault was halted by nightfall and it resumed in the morning. One militant was killed early in the fight.

Lashkar-e-Taiba owned responsibility for the attack. Its spokesman Abdullah Gaznavi said two militants of the outfit were killed and one managed to escape. He claimed that five CRPF personnel were killed. The DGP said infiltration from across the Line of Control continued to take place, but the security apparatus in the State was geared up to meet the challenge.
This article starring:
Abdullah GaznaviLashkar-e-Taiba
Abu HashimLashkar-e-Taiba
Abu ZahidLashkar-e-Taiba
Director-General of Police Kuldip Khoda
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Taiba

Bomb in Kurdish town north of Baghdad kills 1 civilian, wounds 17
A bomb planted among toys near a children's playground in a predominantly Kurdish town north of Baghdad killed one civilian Friday and wounded 17 others, including five children, a police officer said. The bomb went off in the morning hours in the town of Tuz Khormato, 210 kilometers north of Baghdad, said police Col. Abbas Mohammed. The explosive device was left in a cart with toys on the sidewalk, some 300 meters from a park where children were playing.
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  Calls for a ceasefire by Sadr, results in bombing children? I really hate Arab logic.... They're probably pissed that school started early, instead of waiting til after the end of Eid. No words for it really.
Posted by: NOLA || 10/13/2007 1:48 Comments || Top||

Baghdad: 4 killed as car bomb explodes near police patrol
A parked car bomb went off near a police patrol at noon Friday in Baghdad's downtown shopping district, killing four people, including two policemen, the police said.

The blast also wounded 15 people, mostly civilians, a police officer said speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not allowed to release the information. Several nearby shops and two cars were also damaged in the explosion. The officer, citing eyewitnesses, said the suspected bomber had parked his car by some clothing stores in al-Rasheed Street in the heart of Baghdad, pretending to go shopping. The attacker managed to flee from the scene, the officer added.
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

IDF arrests four terror suspects in West Bank overnight
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Fatah

Southeast Asia
Four killed as Thai Muslims celebrate Eid
Suspected Islamic terrorists rebels killed four people and wounded two others as celebrations for the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr got underway in southern Thailand, police said Saturday.

Three Muslims were killed late Friday after terrorists militants targeted their car in Yala, one of the jihad insurgency plagued provinces bordering Malaysia, police said. A 50-year-old Muslim man was seriously injured in the same attack, they added. In nearby Narathiwat province, a 47-year-old Buddhist man was gunned down in a drive-by shooting, while his 50-year-old brother was seriously injured, they added.

Thailand's top security official, coup leader Sonthi Boonyaratglin, announced Friday that the government plans to extend emergency rule in the region for another three months. The decree -- up for formal renewal on October 19 -- gives security forces sweeping powers of search and seizure and broad immunity from prosecution. Suspects can be detained for up to 30 days without charge. Rights groups say emergency rule has created a climate of impunity in the region, which has also been under martial law since Sonthi led a coup last year.

"The degree of violence in the attacks has decreased while the frequency of attacks has also lessened," army-installed Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said Saturday in a weekly television interview. "However, the jihad insurgency will last years longer," he added.
Posted by: ryuge || 10/13/2007 06:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

Good morning..
Posted by: Fred || 10/13/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good Lord!

Leave a comment supportive of free speech on the 'Troll' post yesterday morning and I get in tonight to find 50 huffing and puffing comments (exception granted the ketchup comments) about how free speech un-acceptable and being called Mike or Aries (whoever those gentlemen are). Chicago? Never been anywhere near there.

Kruschev would be proud...
Posted by: Pheagar the Impostor4943 || 10/13/2007 1:01 Comments || Top||

#2  Sic Allison on 'em. She's been practicing her "death grip"...
Posted by: mojo || 10/13/2007 1:11 Comments || Top||

#3  She would have also had a very successful career as a urologist.
Posted by: Besoeker || 10/13/2007 1:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Allison Hayes 'cuz Some Like 'em Really Big!

Somehow I don't think I could keep up. But I imagine her b00bs would make great bean-bag chairs.
Posted by: gorb || 10/13/2007 1:30 Comments || Top||

#5  Looks like she is about to grab some dude's n__s.
Posted by: McZoid || 10/13/2007 2:42 Comments || Top||

#6  She would have also had a very successful career as a urologist.
...plz.....plz be gentle mz Allison
Posted by: Red Dawg || 10/13/2007 3:12 Comments || Top||

#7  She would have also had a very successful career as a urologist.

Maybe the prostate exam might be more acceptable if performed by Allison but I have my doubts that anything could improve it much.
Posted by: JohnQC || 10/13/2007 21:08 Comments || Top||

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Sat 2007-10-13
  Wally accuses Hezbullies of planning to occupy Beirut
Fri 2007-10-12
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Thu 2007-10-11
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Wed 2007-10-10
  Gunmen kidnap director of Basra Int'l Airport
Tue 2007-10-09
  Al Qaeda deputy killed in Algeria: report
Mon 2007-10-08
  Tehran University student protest -- 'Death to the dictator'
Sun 2007-10-07
  Support network in Pakistan accused of helping Taliban, others sneak across border to attack U.S
Sat 2007-10-06
  Paleo arrestfest as Hamas, Fatah detain each other's cadres
Fri 2007-10-05
  Korean leaders agree to end war
Thu 2007-10-04
  US-led team to oversee N. Korea nuclear disablement
Wed 2007-10-03
  3 die in explosion at Hamas HQ
Tue 2007-10-02
  Bhutto may allow US military strike
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  Hamas renews call for cease-fire with Israel
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