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Afghanistan: Boom-free election
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6 00:00 headland [28]
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1 00:00 trailing wife [12]
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8 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [9]
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4 00:00 John QC [10]
3 00:00 OldSpook [23]
5 00:00 hueylong [20]
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3 00:00 B Fischer [9]
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Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
9 00:00 Tennessee Tuxedo [10]
Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Police officers arrested over Russian school siege
Russian authorities have arrested senior police officers from the southern republic of Ingushetia, in relation to the school siege in the North Ossetian town of Beslan last month. More than 300 people, half of them children, died in the siege while hundreds more were injured. Details about how the terrorists seized the school in North Ossetia are still sketchy, but authorities believe they travelled through the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia. Three senior police officers from the Muslim region have been arrested, charged with negligence leading to the tragic events. Two senior officers from North Ossetia have also been accused of the same crime.. But the arrests of the Ingush police officers are likely to further inflame tensions between the two ethnic groups, which have been simmering since a bloody civil war more than a decade ago. There are fears of revenge attacks in the region when the official mourning period for the Beslan victims comes to an end next week.
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 1:03:10 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Bomb blast at the Indonesian embassy in Paris
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 11:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

French police uncertain of embassy blast motive
Posted by: Super Hose || 10/09/2004 04:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

French Trial Watches Bomb Plot Surveillance Tape
A Paris court watched on Friday a surveillance video shot by Islamic militants plotting to bomb a Strasbourg market, in which a commentator brands the French city a modern-day Babylon whose residents would go to hell. Ten men, mainly of Algerian origin, are on trial in the main Paris criminal court charged with associating with criminals engaged in a terrorist enterprise. They face up to 10 years in prison if convicted. The trial is due to run until December. The 20-minute tape shows road entry points to the eastern French city, the area surrounding its historic cathedral, the Christmas market and a local square. Seized by German police in a December 2000 raid on an address in Frankfurt, the tape is one of the key pieces of evidence the prosecution says proves the existence of the plot. "Now we are passing the Franco-German border, thanks to the Lord our God. Here is the French Babylon," comments a voice off camera as the surveillance team enter Strasbourg. The expression is used by Islamist militants to refer to sinful debauchery.

The surveillance video showed stalls from the city's popular Christmas market, which draws hundreds of thousands of local people each year. "Here is the cathedral of the enemies of God. Here are the enemies of God hanging around," the commentary says. The scene switches to a children's fairground ride and a large Christmas tree outside a department store. "Here are the enemies of God. You will go to hell, if God so wishes it," the commentary adds. The film ends with the exit route back to Frankfurt accompanied by Islamic propaganda songs. "The people of Islam are rising up and arming us so that we may fight infamy and the infection of non-belief ... We are the soldiers of God and we do not fear death," says one of the songs.

The prosecution alleges the voice is that of Hicham el Haddad, convicted by a German court in 2003 for his part in the Strasbourg bomb conspiracy along with three others. The trial resumes on Wednesday with the cross examination by the presiding judge of Mohammed Bensakhria, 37, an Algerian accused of helping to mastermind the plot with aides to al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden
Posted by: tipper || 10/09/2004 2:27:10 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Has this tape been broadcast on French and German TV. Don't the enemies of Allah have a right to know?
Posted by: ed || 10/09/2004 10:43 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Feds Arrest Iraqi on Weapons Charges
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Federal authorities said Friday they arrested an Iraqi-born Nashville resident on illegal weapons charges during a sting operation set up after he made threats about "going Jihad."
Going jihad. In Nashville. That's still in Tennessee, right? Bright move, Mahmoud!
Ahmed Hassan Al-Uqaily, 33, was arrested Thursday afternoon as he was putting weapons he had purchased from an undercover agent into his car, according to an affidavit from FBI agent Greg Franklin. Authorities said the suspect paid $1,000 to buy two disassembled machine guns, four disassembled hand grenades and hundreds of rounds of ammunition from the agent, who was working with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. "This arrest demonstrates our ability to thwart potential threats to our communities before an attack can be carried out," U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft said in a statement.
If my name was Ahmed, and I was going to "go jihad," I think I'd pick someplace like Vermont or Rhode Island. Maybe Connecticut, if I could spell it...
According to the affidavit, the investigation began in August after federal authorities were tipped by an acquaintance of Al-Uqaily that he was seeking to buy weapons.
"Hello? FBI? Hey, lissen, that guy al-Ugly, he's jes' lost it! I mean, that boy's crazy!"
According to the affidavit, Al-Uqaily told the acquaintance that he was angry about the state of affairs in Iraq, that he was "going Jihad," and that he was going to blow up something. In conversations over the next few weeks, Al-Uqaily pursued efforts with the informant to purchase machine guns, grenades, handguns and missiles. The informant set up a meeting with Al-Uqaily and the undercover agent, authorities said. "This case underscores the significance of information and assistance provided to law enforcement by the good people of the United States," Assistant Attorney General Christopher Wray said in a statement.
He's probably safer having been caught. Tennessee is not the place for jihad...
The affidavit says that during the later conversations with the informant, Al-Uqaily "expressed animosity towards the Jewish community" and discussed "two Jewish facilities in the Nashville area," but made no specific threats, according to a release from the U.S. Justice Department. Authorities declined to say at a news conference on Friday what two Jewish facilities Al-Uqaily mentioned. "This was a wake-up call to the fact that the system we're been trying to build ... works," said U.S. Attorney Jim Vines. "We're very dependent on the public coming to us to tell us what they know." Al-Uqaily had his initial appearance before Magistrate Judge E. Clifton Knowles on Friday. According to Nashville police, Al-Uqaily was arrested for assault in 1997.
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 12:25:42 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Jihad in Nashville is an easy way to get dragged through the streets by a horse. After they beat you to death with guitars, that is.
Posted by: Charles || 10/09/2004 7:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Yep.
Posted by: El Kabong || 10/09/2004 8:01 Comments || Top||

#3  Yes, Ahmed, those are real guns in the gun racks in the pickups. Word of advice: don't lean on the horn like you do back in WackyStan.
Posted by: .com || 10/09/2004 8:53 Comments || Top||

#4  he was going to blow up something.

like walking around free the rest of his life
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 9:51 Comments || Top||

#5  Hope the feds are giving a rectal exam to Ahmed's friends, family, mosque and imam.
Posted by: ed || 10/09/2004 10:35 Comments || Top||

#6  "ok, talk pal, or it's more banjo music!"

That oughta crack him like an egg.
Posted by: flash91 || 10/09/2004 12:55 Comments || Top||

#7  Mahmoud was not too bright. He just doesn't understand the nuances of our culture here in God's country (Tennessee, that is). Is there a jihadist's Darwin Award??? He just might qualify.
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 13:07 Comments || Top||

#8  Ahm uh-goin' Jiihad.....

Dang! There is a song in there, waiting to be born........
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/09/2004 14:28 Comments || Top||

#9  Got that right AP, perhaps the melody of A Boy Named Abu would work.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/09/2004 15:13 Comments || Top||

#10  Seems like I remember investigating an accident a couple of years ago in Nashville. Guy's name might have been Abu. Was driving at night without lights. Maybe he started his jihad a couple of years ago--either that or just a piss poor driver.
Posted by: John QC || 10/09/2004 22:00 Comments || Top||

#11  Get a rope....
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 10/09/2004 22:38 Comments || Top||

#12  same death wish, same competence
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 22:49 Comments || Top||

#13  Do not go jihad in Nashville. You will end up yeehawed.
Posted by: BH || 10/09/2004 23:28 Comments || Top||

#14  John QC: In Cairo they drive at night with their lights off, "to save the batteries." And then they go the other way down one-way streets, "because its a short cut."
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/10/2004 3:53 Comments || Top||

#15  tw - And, I assume Cairo is much like Saudi, where they don't stop at intersections - they give a short honk... if they don't hear an aswering honk, they don't stop at the stop signs. Stop lights, being used only in the congested traffic areas, as far as I could tell, are mostly obeyed, sorta. If a guy wants to turn right, but there's someone stopped in the right lane, but the left turn lane is open, then they'll go to the left turn lane and then turn right - across the other lanes. It IS with the flow of traffic on the other street, after all. Now for the reverse situation where they're turning left but don't want to wait for a green, well, that gets kinda dicey from the right lane, heh. The hood ornament is more of an aiming reticle, where lanes are concerned - lanes just don't hold the same magic as they do in the West. There's much more, such as double and triple parking and backing up on freeways when they miss their exit, but the whole automotive section of 3rd World Physics can't truly be absorbed in one sitting, so I'll stop.
Posted by: .com || 10/10/2004 4:54 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Police arrest wife of suspected terror mastermind
Police have arrested the wife of one of Southeast Asia's most wanted terror suspects and plan to charge her in connection with last year's suicide bombing at the J.W. Marriott hotel in the Indonesian capital, police said in Saturday. Munfiatun Al Fitri, the second wife of Malaysian militant Noordin Mohammed Top, will be charged with hiding her husband after the Aug. 5 blast in Jakarta, which killed 12 people and injured more than 100, said police anti-terror chief Brig. Gen. Pranowo. "We have arrested Munfiatun Al Fitri as a suspect in the Marriott bombing," said Pranowo. "We caught her Sept. 22 at the Miftahul Huda Islamic boarding school in West Java and she has admitted being the wife of Noordin Mohammed Top." Police said Munfaitun met Noordin in June and married him a day later, believing him to be a good Muslim. Her crime is that she refused to tell police about Noordin's whereabouts despite knowing he was a suspect in the Marriott bombing and other attacks. Authorities suspect that Noordin and another Malaysian, Azahari bin Husin, are key leaders in the al-Qaeda-linked terror group Jemaah Islamiyah which has been blamed for a string of attacks in Indonesia dating back to 1999.
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 11:38:37 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Mufti Jamil killed in Karachi attack
Nazim Aalmi Tahafuz-e-Majlis-Nabuwat and Raees Iqra Rozatul-Atfal Maulana Mufti Mohammad Jamil have been martyred by firing by unknown gunmen in Karachi.
Nice shooting, Unknown Gunmen. Hope you work for the good guys.
Even if you're not, here's a nice doo-hickey to hang on your marksmanship badges!
Secretary Information Jamiat-i-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) Qari Mohammad Usman has said that due to the firing by unknown attackers in Patel Para, Ameer Khatam-e-Nabuwat Sindh Nazir Ahmed Taunsvi died on spot while Mufti Mohammad Jamil was taken to the hospital in a serious condition where he breathed his last and was martyred.
How do you say "Rosebud!" in Urdu?
Mufti Jamil was a member of JUI's general council and was considered a staunch supporter of the Taliban. He established many madrassas educational institutions for children all over the country, which were working under Iqra Rozatul-Atfal. Mufti Jamil went to London to participate in the international Khatam-e-Nabuwat conference during 9/11 but afterwards he was sent to the US where he was under custody for many days and was investigated about links with Al-Qaeda and Taliban. He was released later on.
'Scuse me? This doesn't sound right. Is he one of the detainees released from GTMO, or was that a cover story for the home boyz...
Maulana Jamil was part of the delegation, which went to talk Mullah Omar in Afghantistan after 9/11.
Only their fleas and their Moms will miss them.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/09/2004 1:22:40 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What are the odds that Musharraf is sending out assassination teams to kill these guys?
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 10/09/2004 13:26 Comments || Top||

#2  let the pogroms begin. Hope they stick to the shepards and avoid the sheep.
Posted by: 2b || 10/09/2004 13:27 Comments || Top||

#3  If Musharraf is doing that then Bravo. Good job boys keep it up. Kill every fucking Mullah.
Posted by: Fawad || 10/09/2004 15:15 Comments || Top||

#4  Its all part of Musharraf's "paint every barn with their blood" campaign.
Posted by: an dalusian dog || 10/09/2004 16:49 Comments || Top||

#5  can I be a miniature Soros in that campaign?
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 16:53 Comments || Top||

#6  Tap tap tap - nope, no response.
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 10/09/2004 17:11 Comments || Top||

#7  The Khatam-e-Nabuwat is the group who has spearheaded the anti-Ahmadi movement. Maybe an Ahmadi decided that that non-violent Jihad thing could be ignored just this once.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 10/09/2004 19:17 Comments || Top||

#8  Its all part of Musharraf's "paint every barn with their blood" campaign.

I fully support this campaign to turn older-color decaying barns blood red again. It should be a community project.

Posted by: Charles || 10/09/2004 19:37 Comments || Top||

#9  Mufti Mohammad Jamil is also a director of the Binori Madrassa complex, the heart of Deobandi Jihad, meaning he was an important Learned Elder of Jihad.

I'd find it highly unlikely that the Musharraf government had anything to do with the killing, it is likely either a sectarian killing, or even a killing by Al Qaeda types who regard Pakistan's top Jihadi clerics as sell-outs for not being supportive of the Jihad in Saudi Arabia and Waziristan.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 10/09/2004 20:12 Comments || Top||

#10  Once the mid-East is stabilized can't we require that they get real names such as Jimmy-Tom-Bob-Joe Jones, etc.
Posted by: John QC || 10/09/2004 21:05 Comments || Top||

#11  Perhaps a fatwa on Al-Qaeda is in order, Mr. Maloney?
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 21:18 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
Bedouins detained in connection with Taba boom
Dozens of Bedouin tribesmen have been detained on suspicion they supplied explosives for car bomb attacks at two Egyptian resorts that killed at least 34 people, officials said today.
"Inspector! Here are the usual suspects! Do you want them beaten, eliminated or released?"
Israel's counterterrorism chief, meanwhile, said Israeli tourists in Egypt are still in danger and urged them to return home immediately. Some Israeli officials believe the Al Qaeda terror network was most likely behind the attack, while Egypt says it is too early to point to suspects.
"Let's not be hasty, here."

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 10/09/2004 1:21:41 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

SAS Hunting Party On Zarqawi's Trail
AN SAS hit team was last night hunting down the barbaric killers of Ken Bigley.
The troops and America's crack Delta Force were ordered: "Nail the bastards" after Ken, 62, was beheaded in Iraq. They were closing in on the town of Latifiya, 22 miles south west of Baghdad, where Liverpool engineer Ken is thought to have been killed. Intelligence officers at Britain's GCHQ believe they have identified the area where butcher Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is holed up. Zarqawi is believed to have personally executed Ken and two Americans snatched with him last month.
Well, he keeps saying he did. I don't know if he's putting himself that close to the action. Maybe he's a hand's on type of manager.
An SAS rescue unit has been on standby in Baghdad for a fortnight. Communications between the kidnappers and al-Qaeda sympathisers have been intercepted.
The Brits are very tightlipped about intel like this, they must want this released.
Delta Force — America's counter-terrorist equivalent of the SAS — are leading the operation which has already swooped on 70 members of Zarqawi's group.
Posted by: Steve || 10/09/2004 12:10:25 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  dupe posts - good edits/comments on both - can you combine them?
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 13:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Soundtrack by Ennio Marricone. Directed by Brian de Palma.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/09/2004 13:36 Comments || Top||

SAS and Delta on the hunt!
Consider the source... but the puzzle pieces do fit: intercepts, Delta & SAS, etc
An SAS hit team was last night hunting down the barbaric killers of Ken Bigley. The troops and America's crack Delta Force were ordered: "Nail the bastards" after Ken, 62, was beheaded in Iraq. They were closing in on the town of Latifiya, 22 miles south west of Baghdad, where Liverpool engineer Ken is thought to have been killed. Intelligence officers at Britain's GCHQ believe they have identified the area where butcher Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is holed up. Zarqawi is believed to have personally executed Ken and two Americans snatched with him last month. An SAS rescue unit has been on standby in Baghdad for a fortnight. Communications between the kidnappers and al-Qaeda sympathisers have been intercepted. Delta Force — America's counter-terrorist equivalent of the SAS — are leading the operation which has already swooped on 70 members of Zarqawi's group.
Posted by: OldSpook || 10/09/2004 12:13:07 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  FYI: GCHQ is Britain's "NSA", the SIGINT agency for the nation.
Posted by: OldSpook || 10/09/2004 12:13 Comments || Top||

#2  OS. Does this mean that GCHQ is picking up electronic communications from Latifiya.? Killing or capture of Zarqawi would most likely guarantee W's re-election. There must be some Iraqi that is sympathetic to rolling on him that knows where he is. $25 million is a fair incentive. Let's hope Delta/SAS has good hunting.
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 12:23 Comments || Top||

#3  Good luck boyz!
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 12:23 Comments || Top||

#4  John Q. there are some things that I simply cannot talk about here.
Posted by: OldSpook || 10/09/2004 12:24 Comments || Top||

#5  OS. Respect that.
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 12:27 Comments || Top||

#6  To elaborate a bit (using me as a retired astronomer who specializes in the moon, and a full moon as an exmaple):

If the moon is out and someone online posts an article about it being a full moon, I can then point a finger at the moon for you guys to show you where it is, I can even say "Its pretty bright for being night time" as long as I dont both point and remark about the light. I can even sometimes point out astronomy books (as long as I dont point out specific sections). But I cannot do much else when it comes to the moon. Now, I can remark about distant galaxies that I never studied while I was a professional astronomer, and give my reasoned opinions. I can talk about nearby stars and tacitly use my experience with moon based theories to draw conclusions, as long as I keep it away from the methods anmd sources I used in my reasoning.

But I have to stay away from being too specific or definitive about the moon.

So, thats why I leave things hanging sometimes. And I also check things with friends, which can led to me asking for a post of mine to be removed (and that has happned precisely 1 time). Don't worry that I'm leaking classified info - I dont have direct access to any of that, and if I did, I would not risk posting any of it here (I respect the guys in the field too much to risk them by posting to a blog). SO you get my best opinion and extrapolation based on my experience in reading between the lines.

So, like the old Zen koan warns, dont mistake the finger pointing at the moon, for the moon itself.
Posted by: OldSpook || 10/09/2004 12:38 Comments || Top||

#7  OS. Thanks for the response. I don't have a problem with looking at things around the moon.

On the Zen of single-minded purpose: "Even if the sun were to rise from the West, the Bhodhisattva has only one way."

Looking forward to this as it unfolds...i.e. Delta/SAS having singlemindness of purpose.

I had some experience with teaching but PC drove me nuts--lala land, Alice in Goofy Land. There are a lot of loonies in academia--almost as bad as the MSM--moonbats as they say here.
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 12:54 Comments || Top||

#8  Short version: Think Arnold Schwartzenegger in "Predator". ;o)
Posted by: badanov || 10/09/2004 13:03 Comments || Top||

#9  That is very Zen. We could shorten to just "Kill Z?"
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 13:09 Comments || Top||

#10  "Nail the bastards", while not as poetic, reminds me of a few other expressions.
"Cut down their groves and vineyards and plow their fields with salt."
"Kill them all, for the Lord shall know his own."
"Go forth and kill, my children. Kill for Kali."
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/09/2004 14:16 Comments || Top||

#11  Which Moon?
Posted by: Shipman || 10/09/2004 15:15 Comments || Top||

#12  Sun Myung Moon?
Posted by: Memesis || 10/09/2004 15:25 Comments || Top||

#13  Moon Unit Zappa?
Posted by: lex || 10/09/2004 15:54 Comments || Top||

#14  Good. Nail these bastards. I do hope they take them alive for more intel (then ice them), but I would be very pleased to hear that they have all nice holes in their kneecaps and that the remainder of their short lives will be full of pain.
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 10/09/2004 16:03 Comments || Top||

#15  Isn't Zarqawi a cripple? Thought he originally came to Iraq for an operation (amputated his foot?). Shouldn't be too hard to find him, now that we've isolated his whereabouts to one region.
Posted by: lex || 10/09/2004 16:05 Comments || Top||

#16  go, go, go, task force 626!
Posted by: Mark E. || 10/09/2004 16:39 Comments || Top||

#17  thought you were gonna do a "Speed Racer" thing there, Mark
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 16:43 Comments || Top||

#18  What is this Speed Racer you speak of?
Posted by: G G Gophers || 10/09/2004 17:39 Comments || Top||

#19  This is refreshing to learn. It means where there is one hunter/killer team there must be others. Basically, if these butchers want to use chain saws on people they had better keep looking over their shoulders because our guys are coming for them.
Posted by: Douglas De Bono || 10/09/2004 17:54 Comments || Top||

#20  I'm generally against killing people 'less they really need killing. However, in these circumstances, by their barbarous acts, Zarq and his pals have sacrificed all rights to participate in civilized society. I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with hunting them down like rats at the dump and giving them a bullet to the head.
Posted by: SteveS || 10/09/2004 20:15 Comments || Top||

#21  Bullet in the head is to easy. Saw his head off on pay per-view.
Posted by: incarnate of lee atwater || 10/09/2004 20:42 Comments || Top||

#22  Hey, we deserve to see the chain saw event free on Fox. It should be available in all places where their citizens have had to deal with the bastard Zarq. I would pay if necessary.
Posted by: John QC || 10/09/2004 21:02 Comments || Top||

#23  How about this for a slogan:

Kill ... kill ... kill ... killKillKiLlKILL!!!!
Posted by: Edward Yee || 10/09/2004 21:33 Comments || Top||

#24  Feel the same way Edward Yee. I switched to decaf but I still want to Kill....kill....kill...killKilll.kill...
Posted by: John QC || 10/09/2004 21:36 Comments || Top||

#25  John QC,

What happened? Are too lazy to spell "Citizen"
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 10/09/2004 21:55 Comments || Top||

#26  Yup!
Posted by: John QC || 10/09/2004 22:04 Comments || Top||

#27  Zarqawi could give a rat's a** about politics, his demeaner is more directly compared to Adolf Hitler & Jack The Ripper! When caught, kill him; if found dead, kill him again!! Torture him by putting both eys out, cutting his tongue off, and removing his testicles. Place his body in the center of Fallujah dropped from a Cobra at 500 feet!
Posted by: smn || 10/09/2004 22:16 Comments || Top||

#28  You're a bit over the top.

I'd say just hand Zarqawi over to the families of his victims. After we've extracted all the intel we can from him, and the Iraqi intel service has done the same.
Posted by: OldSpook || 10/09/2004 22:50 Comments || Top||

#29  OS: and a dull, rusty knife?
Posted by: Frank G || 10/09/2004 22:55 Comments || Top||

#30  Frank,

I was thinking more along the lines of a barbecue fork...
Posted by: Fred || 10/10/2004 0:01 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Afghanistan: Boom-free election
Afghanistan's historic presidential election has closed without any of the feared large-scale violence but the vote was thrown into turmoil instead by a boycott called by most of the candidates. All 15 of President Hamid Karzai's rivals said they were withdrawing from the election because systems to prevent illegal multiple voting had gone awry. The move effectively left Mr Karzai as the only candidate in the fray. Election officials nevertheless refused to halt the process, which appeared to have gone smoothly across the rugged Islamic nation despite fears that many Afghans would be too afraid to participate. "Halting the vote at this time is unjustified and would deny these individuals the right to vote," said election official Ray Kennedy.

The impoverished nation was voting to choose its first elected president and perhaps end over a quarter-century of war. It was not immediately clear how much credibility the poll would have after the boycott or whether it would lead to further divisiveness in the country, a patchwork of ethnic groups and often warring tribes held together for the past three years by the US-backed interim government. Fears of sabotage by Taliban militants, who had vowed to disrupt the polls, were overtaken halfway through the voting day when it became clear some workers were using the wrong pen to mark people's fingers after they voted. This meant the ink could just be washed off and the voter could potentially cast a ballot again.

During the campaign, some candidates expressed surprise that as many as 10.5 million out of the country's 28 million people had registered to vote, and said they believed many people had received multiple voter cards. The indelible ink was aimed at preventing them from voting more than once. The decision by Mr Karzai's rivals to boycott the poll was made at an emergency meeting. Eighteen candidates are on the ballot but two withdrew this week in favour of Mr Karzai. Later all but one of the 15 demanded fresh polls and said they would not recognise any government elected on Saturday. The Joint Election Management Body (JEMB), a group of UN-appointed and Afghan election officials who are conducting the poll, said it would investigate the complaints but could not justify halting the vote. "The JEMB is encouraged that the voters of Afghanistan have turned out in large numbers and that the process overall has been safe and orderly," Ray Kennedy said.

Ahead of the poll, security had been the overriding worry for election organisers fearing attacks by Islamic fundamentalist Taliban militants, who vowed to disrupt what they called a US-orchestrated sham. Today there were only scattered reports of election-related violence. In the biggest incident, 24 Taliban insurgents were killed in the central province of Uruzgan after a bombing raid by US aircraft, provincial authorities said. Elsewhere some injuries were reported but no deaths. Polls opened at 7:00am and closed at 4:00pm local time, although those in the queue were allowed to vote later.
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 10:28:44 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  All 15 of President Hamid Karzai's rivals said they were withdrawing from the election...
Oh, that's not good--that's not going to help the legitimacy of this election. I can't believe that ALL FIFTEEN of his rivals withdrew that easily. That really puts a smear on this otherwise significant--and peaceful--event.
Posted by: Dar || 10/09/2004 10:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Its UN supervised. They put their imprimatur on it, its legit, right? I mean how can the LLL terror sympathizers who want the UN to run the world take exception to that? Stay tuned and find out. Whole lot of shakin and spinnin going on.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 10/09/2004 10:53 Comments || Top||

#3  This is probably the lowest violence day the Afghans have seen in the last 1000 years.
Posted by: ed || 10/09/2004 10:55 Comments || Top||

#4  This is the first election for these people. Having it at all is a success. Having it without violence is a major success. It will take many years for a real political process with parties and competitive candidates to emerge.
Posted by: Anonymous5032 || 10/09/2004 11:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Boom Frei!
Posted by: Elsa || 10/09/2004 11:32 Comments || Top||

#6  The Afghan election must give our doom and gloom leftie Demos, the Hollywood elite, and the MSM serious heartburn. These folks are the hate America crowd--they want America to fail.
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 11:54 Comments || Top||

#7  You have the point, JQC. I saw the same thing in the 60s in the Vietnam era in Berkeley. There are people that make things happen, there are people that spout nothing but doom and gloom and depression for all, and there are people that do everything to prevent something good, even flawed as it is, from ever happening. So many of the LLL sit and grandstand, but never contribute to something positive, and therein lies the sickness.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/09/2004 13:16 Comments || Top||

#8  Yo AP. Agreed.
Posted by: John (Q. Citizen) || 10/09/2004 13:27 Comments || Top||

#9  Al Gore has dispatched a crack team of attorneys to challenge the election results, while claiming that he is now the rightful President of Afghanistan.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/09/2004 13:33 Comments || Top||

#10  Yesterday, I was a little gloomy but the Aussie and Afghani elections and Bush's improved debate performance have me in a much better mood today.

This 'boycott' by all 15 opponents on a flimsy pretext reeks of orchestration. Who engineered this? The French? The Paki ISI? The UN? It'll be interesting to find out.

Go Bush! Go Howard! Go Karzai! Go Badgers! Beat Ohio State!
Posted by: JDB || 10/09/2004 14:47 Comments || Top||

Reports Suggest Bigley Murderers Were Close to Capture
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/09/2004 03:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Official: Bigley Tried to Escape
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 12:59:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good for Bigley, and good for Great Britain. Sorry he didn't make it, but he died as a free man. Condolences to my friends across the Pond.
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/09/2004 1:34 Comments || Top||

#2  Thanks... I hope we manage to catch these bastards.
Posted by: Howard UK || 10/09/2004 6:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Here is what pisses me off. The MSM is spinning this, as if the attempted escape killed Bigley. Somehow blaming the escape instead blaming the Islamofacist pagan worshipping terrorists. I am happy to hear that the majority of people are getting their news from the Internet. I hope the ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBC's, would just fall off the cliff soon.

RIP, Bigley. You are a HERO.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 10/09/2004 10:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Word is the SAS is after them. Good. I look forward to hearing about dozens of deaths in the near future.
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 10/09/2004 10:54 Comments || Top||

#5  Poor Bigley but poorer his family especially his lily-livered brother and all his ilk in the UK who see this one man who was not coerced to be there as some kind of nullification of the war on terror. Shame on you.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 10/09/2004 11:09 Comments || Top||

#6  I am especially saddened and disappointed by this news. I fell for the "rope-a-dope" articles that played with us - like a cat with a mouse.

They would never have let Bigley go. It is so much more terrible because of the maybe-maybe not aspect of his killing.

I am truly saddened and sickened by his death - just like the terrorists had hoped. I can only hope that the Delta guys catch them and that it was the capture and toying with Mr. Bigley that leads to Zarqawi's demise.
Posted by: 2b || 10/09/2004 13:06 Comments || Top||

#7  What 2b said. I fell for it too.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/09/2004 15:16 Comments || Top||

#8  Same here. Should know better than to believe anything put out by the MSM as regards unfolding combat operations or terror.
Posted by: lex || 10/09/2004 16:03 Comments || Top||

#9  The spin on this is shameful, as though in some way if he'd just been quiet about it all, he would have survived. Almost all the UK papers today (Saturday) have it on the frontpage and (most) are disgusted by it.

I want our boys to make those fuckers bleed, then for Zarqawi to be captured having had an extreme amount of pain applied to him.

A TV news report came on about Liverpool having 2 minutes of silence, flags at half-mast and the England-Wales game also having a minutes silence, and I had to leave the room as I was getting more wound up and knew I'd lose my temper. It's the feeling of not being able to *do anything* about it.

That's why I want our lads to get medieval on them...
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 10/09/2004 16:25 Comments || Top||

#10  Howard's re-elected in Australia.

National outrage across Britain at the jihadists.

Bush comes back swinging and looks to be coming on strong for Nov 2.

Coalition forces finally taking the gloves off in Samarra and Fallujah.

Anyone else sense a tide turning?
Posted by: lex || 10/09/2004 16:46 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Kashmiri leaders under house arrest
Syed Ali Gilani, the chairman of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, and Shabbir Ahmad Shah, the president of the Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party, were put under house arrest in Srinagar on Friday morning to prevent them from continuing their anti-polls campaign.
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 12:58:07 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Cases against 8 religious leaders
Rawalpindi Police on Friday registered a case against eight religious leaders, including Maulana Samiul Haq and Qazi Hameedullah for making offensive remarks about the president. Other religious leaders named in the case were Maulana Amjad Khan, Maulana Ammanullaha, Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Shah, Maulana Ashraf Ali and Maulana Ali Sher Haideri. According to police, they made offensive statements at the Tauheed-e-Sunnat conference at the Darul Quran and Taleemul Quran near the Gunj Mandi Police station on the night of August 28.
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 12:56:55 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But calling for the murder of Shites, Ahmedis, Hindis, and Christians is not offensive?
Posted by: ed || 10/09/2004 10:53 Comments || Top||

#2  that law is on the books in france also--for the good news--derrida died--or maybe....if i put it in context...he...he...oh well fight the power with your badself mojo
Posted by: SON OF TOLUI || 10/09/2004 16:48 Comments || Top||

Palestinian who allegedly sold land to Jews killed
Gunmen belonging to Fatah's armed wing, Aksa Martyrs Brigades, on Wednesday night shot and killed a Palestinian who had been suspected of selling land to Jews. Sources in Ramallah said three gunmen stormed a local hospital and kidnapped Sami Burnat, 51, a resident of Balin village west of the city. The kidnappers took Burnat to a nearby field, where they sprayed him with bullets, killing him instantly, the sources added. The Aksa Martyrs Brigades issued a leaflet in which it claimed that Burnat had sold land to Jews, but did not elaborate. Burnat had been held in a Palestinian prison in Ramallah and was being guarded by ten unarmed policemen when he was brought to hospital.
Unarmed policemen, eh? Why, it's almost like they ...
Palestinian Authority security sources told The Jerusalem Post that the victim was a member of the Village Leagues, a group consisting of several hundred Palestinians that was established and armed by Israel in 1980 in an attempt to undermine the PLO and encourage a new Palestinian leadership to emerge. They said he was arrested recently by the PA security forces in Ramallah on charges of collaboration with Israel and involvement in land deals with Jews more than 20 years ago. The PA has repeatedly banned Palestinians from selling lands and houses to Jews.

Many Palestinians who were suspected of involvement in real estate deals with Jews have been murdered over the past few decades. The PA Mufti of Jerusalem issued a 'fatwa' several years ago prohibiting Palestinians from selling land to Jews, saying those who violate would be killed.
"We, the muftis, judges, instructors, orators, imams, preachers and all Muslim scholars in Palestine, after a thorough analysis and deep thought about the consequences of selling Palestinian lands to the Jews, come to the conclusion that this would fulfill the objectives of Zionism, which aims at the 'Judaization' of Islamic holy lands, usurping them and expelling people from their homes," read the 'fatwa'.

"Reviewing the 'fatwas' issued by muftis and scholars in Iraq, Egypt, India, Morocco, Syria, Palestine and other Muslim countries, we found out that they have unanimously agreed that it is 'haram' (forbidden) to sell Palestinian lands to the Jews, and to practice brokerage activities or mediation to facilitate selling the lands by any means or under any form.

"We conclude that those who sell land to the Jews — directly or through mediation — and anyone who acts as a mediator in the selling, would not be entitled to the Funeral Prayer for the dead and must not be buried in a Muslim cemetery. We must boycott, scoff at them and not be friendly or close to them even if they were our fathers, children, brothers or husbands."
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 12:14:34 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And these losers are celebrated and embraced by the Euros and the world-wide Left.

Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 10/09/2004 0:33 Comments || Top||

#2  And the same promoters of a Euro superstate in Germany today, during the 1030's early 1940's attacked any German who had any dealings with German Jews.

Today Germany and France look toward creeping things like Arafat as 'Arab leaders', while they attack Israel for securing their public from lunatics hell bent on killing themsleves and taking as many innocent victims with them.

The radical 'Pal' Arabs learned very well from their pro-Nazi Mufti 'hero'.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/09/2004 2:38 Comments || Top||

#3  Really impressive judicial system the Paleos have: Judge, jury, prosecution, defence and witnesses rolled into one. From arresting to charging someone to trial to execution takes three minutes.

And they want a state? They couldn't govern a village with a population of five including the village idiot.
Posted by: Bryan || 10/09/2004 8:22 Comments || Top||

#4  I really hate Tony Robbins for empowering me to get into real estate, in Fatahland. He told me to be confident, he friggin' lied to me. I hate him.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 10/09/2004 10:27 Comments || Top||

#5  The ol' Death for Land clause. Always read the fine print, specially if its got oslo written anywhere on it...
Posted by: Comment Top || 10/09/2004 16:35 Comments || Top||

#6  Palestinian who allegedly sold land to Jews killed

Title should read "Palestinian who sold land 20 years ago to Jews killed" Poor man, he didn't realize those fatwas are retroactive to the Second Day of Creation (when the land was created).
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/09/2004 18:21 Comments || Top||

Iraqi Christians Fleeing to Jordan and Syria
From Compass Direct
A quiet but steady hemorrhaging of Iraq's ancient Christian presence is underway and little is being done to stem the flow. Written threats, kidnappings, bombings and murder by Muslim extremists are driving thousands of Iraq's minority Christian population out of their ancestral homeland, fleeing for safety to neighboring Jordan and Syria. .... A string of church bombings in August and September sent anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000 Christians fleeing the country, according to estimates by Iraqi government and church officials. And they admit that hundreds more families out of Iraq's 750,000 Christians are leaving each week.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) being nowhere near the scene disputes these figures, saying they are too high. But UNHCR offices in Amman and Damascus admit that it is hard to know exactly how many Iraqi Christians are currently in Jordan and Syria. Of the 4,000 Iraqi families officially registered as refugees with the agency in Damascus, more than half are Christians. It is believed that there are larger numbers of Iraqis in Syria because it is cheaper to live there than in Jordan. Iraqi Christians also said they have stronger cultural and spiritual ties to Syria. Syrian authorities estimate there are about 300,000 Iraqis in the country. ....
Moving to Jordan from Iraq I can sorta see. But Syria???

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mike Sylwester || 10/09/2004 12:09:44 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I wish they'd come here instead.
Posted by: 2b || 10/09/2004 13:26 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Voting begins in Afghanistan
VOTING began in Afghanistan today for the first direct presidential election in the country's history. Some 10.5 million registered voters are eligible to select a president from a total of 18 candidates. The vote is taking place under the threat of violence from anti-US militants and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terror network. Around 100,000 armed security personnel, including 27,000 foreign troops from a US-led coalition and NATO, have been deployed to protect more than 10 million registered voters. US-backed President Hamid Karzai, 46, elected by a council of tribal leaders in June 2002, is widely tipped to win.

Afghanistan was set on course for the elections by the US-led invasion in late 2001, after the former Taliban regime refused to hand over bin Laden, wanted for the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the US. Remnants of the eye-rolling, face-making fundamentalist Islamic Taliban movement are waging an insurgency, mainly in the south and south-east of the country, in which hundreds of people have been killed this year. Human rights groups have expressed concern that violence and intimidation will make it difficult for the vote to be free and fair. Fewer than 500 international observers will monitor the vote in 5000 polling stations, and most have declared they will not issue a public judgement. Early results could be announced within days, but a final result could take several weeks. If a single candidate fails to win more than 50 per cent of the vote, a run-off election will be called. Former education minister and prominent anti-Taliban fighter Yunus Qanooni, 47, is seen as Mr Karzai's only serious challenger. Among the other challengers are two former communists from the days of Soviet control in the 1980s; a couple of warlords; five with links to anti-Soviet Islamic fighters; one woman, and a French-speaking poet.

Little attention has been paid to the sort of issues that dominate most elections, with polls showing that the overwhelming majority of Afghans simply want peace after 25 years of conflict. But ethnicity, in the absence of any significant political parties, is expected to play a large part in the way people vote. Mr Karzai is a member of the majority Pashtun tribe, which makes up some 40 per cent of the population of 25 million. Mr Qanooni is from the next largest group, the Tajiks, who comprise around 25 per cent. They are followed by Hazaras with 12 per cent and Uzbeks with 10 per cent. The winner will inevitably face accusations led by Jimmuah Carter and a whole host of celebrity loonies of lacking legitimacy and will first have to work hard to build a political majority, likely along ethnic lines.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/09/2004 12:04:35 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Afghans turn out for first presidential election
I feel so proud right now. Thank you, President Bush, thank you, Coalition forces, thank you to all the people of good will who have been working towards this day.
Voting began in Afghanistan Saturday for the first direct presidential election in the country's history, with queues forming at polling stations despite militant threats to violently disrupt the vote. Around 100,000 armed security personnel, including 27,000 foreign troops from a US-led coalition and NATO, have been deployed to protect more than 10 million registered voters. They are selecting a president from a total of 18 candidates, with incumbent President Hamid Karzai widely tipped to win.
Good luck to all the candidates. If you see two guys on a motorcycle, duck.
The hell with ducking -- shoot back!
Queues formed early at polling stations around the country as voters expressed their delight at being allowed to choose their own leader. About 30 people were waiting outside a mosque in the Noman Abn Sadeeq Microrayon district in the capital Kabul when the polls opened. A 50-year-old unemployed man, Hayam Udin, told AFP: "I came here to elect my president on my own. The election marks the end of warlords and wars in my country."
I'm a little misty, here.
In the southern city of Kandahar, a queue of about 200 voters -- all men except for about seven women -- wrapped themselves in cloaks as they huddled against the cold at the polling station at the governor's residence. "This is the most important day in the history of Afghanistan. Today we have the golden chance to vote that we have been waiting for for so long," said 55-year-old Haji Abdul Salaam.
Freedom. It sure tastes sweet.
In a part of the country where women remain particularly subservient to men, there were 43 polling booths for males and five for females.
That's five more polling booths than were available to me until well after World War One.
In the western city of Herat, roughly equal queues of men and women waited to cast their ballots at the Takiy school polling station. "I was so happy I did not sleep," said Gholam Rezah, 55.
The balance of the article snipped for raining on my parade. I want to celebrate. Cheers to a safe and free Afghanistan!
Posted by: Seafarious || 10/09/2004 11:56:48 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Cheers for Afghanistan here as well. To think this central Asian nation was under one of the most repressive, animal like Islamic regimé since the Dark Ages just a couple of years ago, where females had to wear cloth sacks from head to toe (burkas) under threats of death if they tried to get any form of education.

Now they are not only back in school, but voting plus running for public office in the nation's first national free election! That's the Bush doctine, it spells freedom, not Euro-Kerry appeasement
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/09/2004 2:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Many if not most of us have seen the film "Osama". If you haven't, you really must!

The first feature film from Afghanistan since liberation, it's the story of a young girl who is forced, through the cruelty of the Taliban, to pose as a boy in order to provide for her widowed mother and grandmother. She takes the name Osama. It's a heartbreaking movie and will stay with you for weeks after.

It's available on tape and DVD from Blockbuster, etc. See it. See the breed of bastards that Spann, Tillman, and other heroes gave their lives cleansing the Earth of and you will be doubly proud of our President, our forces, and our allies.

Best wishes to the brave people of Afghanistan and Iraq. I pray democracy and freedom flourish there.

Posted by: JDB || 10/09/2004 4:12 Comments || Top||

#3  "Good luck to all the candidates. If you see two guys on a motorcycle, duck."
"The hell with ducking -- shoot back!"

Chase them into a minefield that's lying around! They're Paks, they don't know about it!
Posted by: Charles || 10/09/2004 7:21 Comments || Top||

#4  Many grandstanding LLL will accuse us of social engineering, but given what was being produced pre-invasion (training of terrorists and opium), the Afghanis have come a long way out of darkness. The task we have taken on is HUGE! We are working to transform a failed nation into something that will stand on its feet and still will preserve what is good in its culture. Nobody would take on that task except us. It would have been easy just to level the place, cut off its transport, water, food production, etc to deny it to the enemy. We took the tougher path, which will pay higher dividends, but will take much extra effort.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/09/2004 13:30 Comments || Top||

Huge truck bomb seized
A fuel tanker rigged as a huge truck bomb was seized on the outskirts of Afghanistan's southern city of Kandahar on Friday on the eve of landmark elections, a spokesperson for Nato peacekeepers said. The tanker was carrying 40 000 litres of fuel and packed with explosives, including several rocket rounds and anti-tank mines, Lieutenant Commander Ken McKillop told AFP. Three Pakistanis were arrested and Afghan security forces had called for assistance in dealing with the truck, he said.
The press keeps sliding right over the fact that most of the goobers who're being killed and arrested as "Taliban" are Paks. Are we the only ones noticing this?
Afghan defence ministry spokesperson General Mohammad Zahir Azimi told a news briefing: "It could have been a very huge explosion. They will try to defuse the bomb otherwise they will detonate the truck." In another sign of trouble ahead for the presidential elections on Saturday, two suspected suicide bombers were arrested in eastern Jalalabad city, Azimi said. "They were arrested while wearing waistcoats packed with explosives," he said. McKillop said the two men referred to by Azimi had been arrested at a bus station while waiting to travel to Kabul. "They had 12 IEDs (improvised explosive devices) in their possession," he said, adding that one was a Pakistani and the other an Afghan.
Posted by: Fred || 10/09/2004 11:40:01 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Once again additional proof the jihadists could NEVER win any election (except maybe in Gaza) so they try and murder their way to total Islamic power.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 10/09/2004 1:05 Comments || Top||

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Sat 2004-10-09
  Afghanistan: Boom-free election
Fri 2004-10-08
  al-Qaeda behind Taba booms
Thu 2004-10-07
  39 Sunnis toes up in Multan festivities
Wed 2004-10-06
  Boom misses Masood's brother
Tue 2004-10-05
  Sadr City targeted by US forces
Mon 2004-10-04
  ETA head snagged in La Belle France
Sun 2004-10-03
  Arafat calls on world to end Israeli campaign in Gaza
Sat 2004-10-02
  109 Terrs Killed in Samarra Offensive
Fri 2004-10-01
  IDF force with 100 tanks enters northern Gaza
Thu 2004-09-30
  Sudan's Bashir accuses U.S. of backing Darfur rebels
Wed 2004-09-29
  Baghdad terr snagged with women's underwear on his head
Tue 2004-09-28
  Johnny Jihad Appeals for Early Release
Mon 2004-09-27
  Hamas: Arab State May Have Helped in Syria Killing
Sun 2004-09-26
  French national killed in Saudi Arabia
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  Sudan foils Islamist coup plot

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