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Pakistan admits 'helping' Kashmir militancy
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6 00:00 Zenster [16] 
4 00:00 Pappy [9] 
8 00:00 hutchrun [20] 
19 00:00 el Jefe [14] 
3 00:00 Frank G [20] 
5 00:00 hutchrun [12] 
11 00:00 JDB [13] 
6 00:00 Frank G [16] 
12 00:00 Old Patriot [18] 
0 [12] 
1 00:00 gromgoru [16] 
2 00:00 Jackal [9] 
10 00:00 trailing wife [12] 
1 00:00 Captain America [9] 
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4 00:00 Lancasters Over Dresden [19] 
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3 00:00 Zenster [21]
9 00:00 phil_b [19]
20 00:00 Jan [19]
3 00:00 Shipman [21]
13 00:00 lotp [8]
4 00:00 Alaska Paul [9]
3 00:00 Anonymoose [7]
5 00:00 Anonymoose [12]
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11 00:00 .com [17]
1 00:00 Hupailing Ebbuns2352 [11]
30 00:00 .com [20]
34 00:00 .com [17]
1 00:00 Captain America [18]
10 00:00 Shipman [8]
1 00:00 Lancasters Over Dresden [10]
8 00:00 Zenster [17]
2 00:00 wxjames [11]
6 00:00 Gleamp Thuns4298 [12]
1 00:00 Lancasters Over Dresden [15]
7 00:00 SteveS [17]
4 00:00 tu3031 [15]
7 00:00 newc [19]
1 00:00 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [26]
0 [15]
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2 00:00 Zenster [14]
8 00:00 Lancasters Over Dresden [11]
2 00:00 Frank G [18]
1 00:00 john [15]
1 00:00 Captain America [12]
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3 00:00 Zenster [10]
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18 00:00 Ernest Brown [17]
3 00:00 Raj [11]
22 00:00 Jackal [8]
1 00:00 trailing wife [14]
10 00:00 anon [20]
14 00:00 Zenster [16]
4 00:00 Lancasters Over Dresden [10]
2 00:00 Zenster [18]
3 00:00 Zenster [11]
11 00:00 DMFD [14]
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1 00:00 Zenster [10]
2 00:00 SpecOp35 [13]
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1 00:00 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [11]
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4 00:00 Charles [9]
6 00:00 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [8]
1 00:00 .com [23]
3 00:00 Zenster [25]
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10 00:00 Thruque Cravirt9377 [11]
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1 00:00 xbalanke [10]
5 00:00 tu3031 [10]
3 00:00 Bobby [7]
8 00:00 Frank G [11]
0 [14]
A Taliban Tragedy of Embezzlement and Comfort
October 6, 2006: A recent embezzlement scandal in the Taliban leadership has led to morale problems in Afghanistan. As a result of this, a rift has developed in the ranks of the Taliban's leadership.

Some Taliban commanders, who are actually leading the fight inside Afghanistan, are increasingly unhappy with the movement's senior leadership back in Pakistan. The frontline Taliban leaders are openly contrasting the hardships and risks they run on a daily basis, with the secure and often luxurious life of the senior leadership hiding out in Pakistan. Their grievances are underscored by the recent scandal, which led to the firing of the Taliban "Minister of Finance," after is was revealed that he was siphoning some of the movement's funds into his private bank account.
Just for safe-keeping, honest ...
How serious the rift is remains to be seen, but apparently representatives of the frontline Taliban recently managed to oust a relative of the movement's leader, Mullah Omar, from the Shura council, a sort-of board of directors. Other changes are being demanded. Part of this is a generational thing. Younger commanders insisted on displacing older ones for this years "offensive" in Afghanistan.

The young guys got beat all to hell by Afghan, American and NATO troops, and are not in a good mood. Rather than blame themselves, it's more comforting to blame other leaders back in Pakistan.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 10/07/2006 00:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The young bucks were calling the shots. I wondered why they stood and fought... and died.
Posted by: Super Hose || 10/07/2006 2:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Hey, it worked on the Palestinians. Let's try it with the Taleban.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 3:30 Comments || Top||

#3  I held deep suspicions a while back when all of a sudden Perv was sweetness and light in North Wazoo, right at the same time as we were beating snot out of the bad boyz in Afghanistan.

My first guess was that it was an effort to herd the Afghan Talibs back to Pak, then tighten up on the border. If it would create bad blood between the Talibs who were getting creamed and their REMFs, well, that's just a bonus.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/07/2006 11:22 Comments || Top||

#4  Rather than blame themselves, it's more comforting to blame other leaders back in Pakistan

How Democratic!
Posted by: Bobby || 10/07/2006 14:48 Comments || Top||

#5  This not a tragedy. It is just the right time for the

Afghanistan and Balochistan should form a legal team to challenge the illegal occupation of Afghan territories and Balochistan by Pakistan in the International Court of Justice. Once the Durand Line Agreement is declared illegal, it will result in the return of Pakistan-occupied territories back to Afghanistan. Also, Balochistan will be declared a country that was forcibly invaded through use of force by the Pakistanis; and with international assistance, Balochistan can regain its independence. It is the right time to act now because the US and Allied forces in Afghanistan are positioned to facilitate the enforcement of the Court’s judgment.

After Pakistan vacates territories belonging to Afghanistan and Balochistan, a new boarder should be demarked amicably to determine Baloch dominated areas to become the new Balochistan, and Pashtun dominated areas to be merged into Afghanistan. And, with the help of the US and Allied forces, the Afghans and the Baloch forces can flush out members of Al-Qaeda and Talebans from their respective countries.

A wise observer once said, “Pakistan is a completely superfluous and artificially created spot on the world map that has become a breeding ground for extremism, and trouble that would be best done away with.”
Posted by: hutchrun || 10/07/2006 22:19 Comments || Top||

Afghan Suicide Bombers Kill 1, Wounds 17
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Two suicide bombers blew themselves up in eastern Afghanistan on Friday, killing themselves and a policeman and wounding 17 other people, an official said.

“The second bomber killed himself and wounded a taxi driver after police stopped to search him at a checkpoint 10 miles southeast of Khost. The attacker was traveling in the taxi coming from neighboring Pakistan...”
The first bomber tried to enter the main police compound in the eastern Khost province, said provincial police chief Mohammed Ayub. The blast, in the city of Khost, wounded eight policemen and eight civilians including two children, Ayub said.

The second bomber killed himself and wounded a taxi driver after police stopped to search him at a checkpoint 10 miles southeast of Khost, Ayub said. No police were injured in the second blast. The attacker was traveling in the taxi coming from the neighboring Pakistan, he said.
From Pakistan you say? Wanna bet his mentor and trainer are in good standing with the ISI?
Posted by: Steve White || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

48 terrorists killed in 'crossfire' in Pabna since 2004
But who's keeping score?
C'mon Steve, what's a couple of listed criminals between friends?
PABNA, Oct 5 (UNB): A total of 48 terrorists were killed in shootouts with RAB and the police in the district in two and half years since early 2004.

At the same time, the law enforcers also recovered a huge amount of arms and ammunition.
Just warms the cockles of my heart, it does. So long, Biplop.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How many in law enforcement died?
Posted by: hutchrun || 10/07/2006 1:01 Comments || Top||

#2  How many in law enforcement died?
In "Crossfires"™? Probably zero.

I also have to wonder about the huge amount of arms and ammunition. Was it just the same dozen weapons again and again?
Posted by: Jackal || 10/07/2006 10:08 Comments || Top||

South Korean troops fire warning shots after North troops enter DMZ
HT to Capn Ed. Looks like the troops are getting edgy....or hungry
Shots were fired Saturday along the heavily armed no man's land separating the divided Koreas as regional tensions mounted in anticipation of communist North Korea carrying out its first atomic bomb test.

On the frontier between North and South Korea, South Korean soldiers fired warning shots after five North Korean soldiers crossed a boundary in the Demilitarized Zone separating the countries' forces, South Korean military officials said.

It was unclear whether the North Korean advance, which happened shortly before noon local time, was intended as a provocation, an official at South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said on condition of anonymity, citing official policy. No one was hurt, and the North Koreans retreated. "It's not clear whether it was intentional or whether it was to catch fish," he said, adding four North Koreans were unarmed and the fifth carried a rifle.

They advanced about 30 yards past the Military Demarcation Line separating the two armies before retreating after South Korean forces fired about 40 warning shots, the official said.
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 09:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  by the way - Mike K caught this (see comment #4) an hour before me ...damn
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 9:33 Comments || Top||

#2  It's a reflection on both Koreas that there is still a 2 country governerance. Can you imagine a North Japan/South Japan? North Vietnam/Etc, An obsolete government holding off the obvious.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/07/2006 10:43 Comments || Top||

#3  Hell yes! I'm pretty fed up with the Dakotas, the Virginnies, and the Carolinas, myownself. Sneaky splitters just wanna have more Senators than is their due, I'll wager... And those postage stamp states, like where Fred lives. Shit, wouldn't make a decent-sized county in Texas. It's a gol-darned conspiracy, methinks. ;->
Posted by: .com || 10/07/2006 10:49 Comments || Top||

#4  .com, you'd love a T-shirt I picked up while doing field service at Texas Instruments in Dallas. On a map of America, all of the states have funny names like "Cold Radio" for Colorado, "All Gone" for Oregon and so forth. The entire Northeast is titled "Damned Yankeeland" and California is labeled "Lunatic Fringe". Meanwhile, Texas itself is depicted as consuming over 50% of the map's surface area.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 10:56 Comments || Top||

#5  Heh, I always liked the TI culture - had a Bell Labs feel to it. I even got to run some awl res simulation test work on their ASC supercomputer back when that was pretty novel. :-)
Posted by: .com || 10/07/2006 11:08 Comments || Top||

#6  Linky no worky, .com. Do you mean this ASC?

You'd love The Computer History Museum, here in Mountain View, California. It is nothing short of jaw-dropping. They have everything from an original salesman's model of a Jaccard Loom to Curta calculators, onboard missile computers, mercury delay lines, analog computers and one or two Crays.

I walked through the collection with their Director, Pam Cleveland, and gave her a running commentary on the collection. She promptly invited me to be a docent for the museum. I'd love to give you a tour if you're ever in these parts.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 11:22 Comments || Top||

#7  Heh - link works for me, just tried it. Yep, that ASC. Better watch it, you'll wear yer horn out, lol. :-)
Posted by: .com || 10/07/2006 11:26 Comments || Top||

#8  Damn, I had not thought of the ugly splits in the US .com. The Dakotas will be one eventually, but there is no way SC can take on the task of bringing their twittery northern cousins into civilization. It's too much to ask.

Posted by: Shipman || 10/07/2006 11:39 Comments || Top||

#9  Better watch it, you'll wear yer horn out, lol.

The tin one, or the solid brass one? Got lots of 'em anyway; Soprano, Alto, C-Melody, Tenor ...
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 11:41 Comments || Top||

#10  Damn a blast from the past. My first real computer job was writing utilities for a TI DS990. They came with no sort utilities or ISAMs and I wrote both for an OEM. They had the largest floppy drive 1 meg dual sided double density.
Posted by: AlanC || 10/07/2006 11:41 Comments || Top||

#11  Heh, the ugliness just keeps spilling over. I agree the Dakotas will prolly reconcile - gotta huddle together to keep warm. :-)
Posted by: .com || 10/07/2006 11:43 Comments || Top||

#12  Zen - I've warned you about being shameless, lol.

AlanC - Seen this link? Seems HP killed it when they bought out the line.
Posted by: .com || 10/07/2006 11:47 Comments || Top||

#13  Logically speaking, it would be correct to separate California into 3 states. It would also be correct to incorporate Delaware into Maryland, and Rhode Island intl either Conn or Mass (I can't spell either name).
However, logic hasn't got a chance against greed. And nobody is even fool enough to make such suggestions. (except the extremely couragous)
Posted by: wxjames || 10/07/2006 12:25 Comments || Top||

#14  Zenster & .com -- Survivor, Texas Style:

The contestants will all start in Dallas, then drive to Waco, Austin, San Antonio, over to Houston and down to Brownsville. They will then proceed up to Del Rio, El Paso, Midland, Odessa, Lubbock and Amarillo. From there they will go on to Abilene, Fort Worth and finally back to Dallas.

Each will be driving a pink Volvo with bumper stickers that read: "I'm gay, I love the Dixie Chicks, Boycott Beef, I voted for Al Gore, George Strait Sucks, Kerry in '04, Hillary in 2008, and I'm here to confiscate your guns."

The first one who makes it back to Dallas alive, wins.
Posted by: exJAG || 10/07/2006 13:46 Comments || Top||

#15  Favorite bumpersticker ever. Seen on a pickup truck in the SF Bay area:

Nuke the gay unborn baby whales
Posted by: lotp || 10/07/2006 13:57 Comments || Top||

#16  College girls who rooms next door:

Save the Powerlines
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/07/2006 14:44 Comments || Top||

#17  I ¢À Baby Seals
Posted by: Shipman || 10/07/2006 17:14 Comments || Top||

#18  Ah well, it's the thought that counts.
Posted by: Shipman || 10/07/2006 17:15 Comments || Top||

#19  ..wouldn't make a decent-sized county in Texas

Gringos are so foolish..we will turn Texas into Norteno Mexus!

happy frijoles
Posted by: el Jefe || 10/07/2006 20:01 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Sailor Testifies About Killing of Iraqi
Follow-up to our recent story about the Awad killing. Nothing new here except the actual testimony.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Now, Pak jihadis target ISI headquarters
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani authorities on Saturday found two rockets aimed at the headquarters of the country's elite intelligence agency, two days after rockets were defused near President Pervez Musharraf's official residence, a senior security official said.

"The rockets were aimed at the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) headquarters" which is located on a main road in the capital Islamabad, the official said on condition of anonymity. "We have defused the rockets. The rockets were Russian-made, similar to the ones found and defused on Thursday near the parliament building," he said.
How fortunate for the ISI!
The official said a mobile phone and a battery was attached to the rockets which were fixed on launchers. "Someone was to ring at the mobile and trigger the explosion," he said.
Seems like someone needs to go to Afghanistan and get some training in the proper use of a cell phone trigger.
The official dismissed an earlier police report that the rockets, found on the city's Shakarparian hills overlooking the ISI headquarters, were dummies deployed in a mock exercise carried out to check security preparations. The capital's police chief, Chaudhry Iftikhar, later said that the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding between security departments.

Saturday's incident followed two earlier security scares. On Thursday two rockets fixed to launchers and hidden in bushes were found at a construction site opposite the president's official residence. A mobile phone was linked by wires to both launchers, apparently as a remote triggering device.

Interior Minister Aftab Sherpao said the rockets were not aimed at a specific target, adding the incident appears to be aimed at creating chaos and confusion in the capital and harassing the general public.

Musharraf arrived by helicopter at an Islamabad conference hall on Thursday to give a speech -- shortly after three heavily guarded but empty motorcades had driven up apparently as decoys.
Posted by: john || 10/07/2006 12:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  While a certain amount of blowback is to be expected.. as Hamid Karzai says, if you keep snakes in your house and train them to attack people, occasionally you will get bitten, that is the nature of snakes.. something is very suspicious abut both Perv and the ISI being targets right after questions are raised about the ISI backing of the Taliban..

Suddenly the ISI is a victim of terrorism?

Posted by: john || 10/07/2006 12:24 Comments || Top||

#2  The official dismissed an earlier police report that the rockets, found on the city's Shakarparian hills overlooking the ISI headquarters, were dummies deployed in a mock exercise carried out to check security preparations

someone didn't get the script
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 12:28 Comments || Top||

#3  Pretty lucky to find the rockets aimed but not fired. This looks like dramatics to make the easily confused forget the Pak Jihadis = ISI.
Posted by: just sayin || 10/07/2006 12:52 Comments || Top||

#4  A rabid dog will bite the hand that feeds it.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 10/07/2006 13:40 Comments || Top||

#5  puppet masters rulz
Posted by: ISI || 10/07/2006 15:29 Comments || Top||

#6  John nails it, I think.

A charade to make ISI look innocent.
Posted by: lotp || 10/07/2006 15:33 Comments || Top||

#7  What John said.
Posted by: gromgoru || 10/07/2006 19:30 Comments || Top||

#8  Another successful Project by the ISI.
Posted by: hutchrun || 10/07/2006 22:22 Comments || Top||

Militants behead soldier in Kashmir
Baramulla: A soldier of Territorial Army (TA) was beheaded by militants in north Kashmir early on Saturday morning, official sources said.

They said a 27-year-old Mohammad Shafi of TA was kidnapped by militants from his house at Brat Sopore in this district late on Friday night.

However, his headless body was found at Brat while his head was recovered from the main chowk of Sopore on Saturday morning.

Shafi was on leave, the sources added.
Posted by: john || 10/07/2006 09:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I've gotta get a map. Damn
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 9:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Militants behead soldier in Kashmir

Depressing ratio map.

Posted by: RD || 10/07/2006 9:51 Comments || Top||

#3  thx RD.
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 10:05 Comments || Top||

Blast and rocket find spark fears of plot to kill Musharraf
Pakistani bomb disposal experts defused two ready-to-fire rockets apparently aimed at President Musharraf hours after an explosion near his home. The Russian made rockets were fixed to launchers and wired to a mobile phone, a likely remote triggering device. They were hidden in bushes at a construction site a third of a mile from parliament and the presidential office in Islamabad's high security zone. The missiles were defused just before General Musharraf addressed a conference commemorating the first anniversary of last year's earthquake at a nearby convention hall.
Quite the fortunate coincidence, isn't it?
“He entered the hall surrounded by half dozen army commandos.”
Pakistan was already on high alert after rumours of a coup swept the country when General Musharraf was out of the country last month and security around him has been visibly heightened. He arrived at tonight’s event by helicopter after three heavily guarded but empty motorcades had swept up as decoys. He entered the hall surrounded by half dozen army commandos.
"Fearless Leader squared his tin hat. His jaw set, his eyes flinty, he waved a hand. 'C'mon, lads! Let them try what they will! I'm safe with youse!'"
Late last night security forces scrambled to an explosion at a park near the Army House in Rawalpindi, which is General Musharraf’s official residence. The blast was reportedly caused by a rocket fire.
Coincidentally reminding us all just how close we are to seeing our beloved Perv wink out of existence, to seeing Qazi or Fazl or Liaqat Baloch take power in Pakland. Oh, where would we be then?
Major General Shaukat Sultan, the very model of a modern major general chief military spokesman said some explosive material was found at the site. The rockets which were pointed towards General Musharraf’s office at the Presidency, were first spotted by workers at the construction site.
Oh, what a fortunate coincidence!
The area was cordoned off by the police and army troops. Police detained more than 80 people, most of them the labourers at the site, for questioning. The President did not refer to either incident in his speech. The two incidents have sparked fears about the President who had survived a series of assassination attempts over the last five years since he aligned himself with the United States in the War on Terror.
Posted by: Fred || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I love the smell of purges in the morning...
Posted by: Cheanter Thugum4248 || 10/07/2006 0:12 Comments || Top||

#2  I love the smell of purges in the morning...

Quite obviously, you've never lived with a bulemic.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 0:37 Comments || Top||

#3  Quick, draft another peace treaty
Posted by: Captain America || 10/07/2006 0:53 Comments || Top||

#4  This is a common trick used by mualim leaders to impress on the `faithful` that `others` are trying to create trouble.
Pervert Mushie is under pressure. Naturally a successful attempt would help Pakistan immensely in the long run.
Posted by: hutchrun || 10/07/2006 0:53 Comments || Top||

#5  Yep, it could have been faked....Perverse is a conspiratory leader from an especially conspiratory islamo culture.
Posted by: Duh! || 10/07/2006 3:01 Comments || Top||

#6  Prolly the easiest defusing they ever had: disconnect the wires that were never connected, pose for pictures/do interviews, then remove the "explosives" that were never contained in the rockets, toss em in the pickup and leave...to get your check from Perv's assistant/PR agent
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 12:26 Comments || Top||

At Least 13 Killed in Pakistan Violence
And a good time was had by all, except the dead guys.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) - A gunbattle between rival Sunni and Shiite Muslims left at least 13 people dead and seven wounded in a remote tribal area of northwestern Pakistan, a government official said Friday.

The violence in the Aurakzai tribal area began late Thursday, when armed men from the two sects tried to enter the shrine of a sufi saint to gain control of it, said Shah Zaman, government spokesman for Pakistan's northwestern tribal regions. He said 13 people died, but it wasn't immediately clear how many were Shiites and how many were Sunnis. "It is a sad incident, and we are trying to control the situation," Zaman told The Associated Press.

Tribal police were sent to the area, he said. Authorities were seeking the help of tribal elders to defuse tensions.

Kamal Shah, a resident of the village of Ziarat, where the clash happened, said both sides used rockets and other heavy weapons.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is a very small drop in the ocean of Paki Land where the popn. is about 150 million. They can afford to and should do much better.
Only then can true islam be determined.
Posted by: hutchrun || 10/07/2006 0:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Kamal Shah, a resident of the village of Ziarat, where the clash happened, said both sides used rockets and other heavy weapons.

And only thirteen killed? Sheesh, they'll never get their NRA memberships that way.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 0:53 Comments || Top||

#3  The game of those aspiring to be purer than pure in a "country" known as 'land of the pure'.

In East Asia, there's a a common axiom that says any name(given to a person or anything else) that is too high flung and high sounding, carries with it bad omen when it becomes too weighty for the object which is particularly unable to live up to it.
Posted by: Duh! || 10/07/2006 3:11 Comments || Top||

#4  A neighborhood clash in which "rockets and heavy weapons" are used?

These guys make the Crips and the Bloods look like bush-league.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 10/07/2006 21:15 Comments || Top||

Iraq oil city shut down in insurgent hunt
THE streets of the northern Iraqi oil city of Kirkuk were deserted yesterday as security forces conducted a house-to-house sweep and arrested at least 150 suspected insurgents. Authorities imposed an indefinite curfew on the city, which fell silent apart from the rumble of armored vehicles and the buzz of helicopters.

Iraqi police and troops launched raids across the city, hunting insurgents and unlicensed weapons in a bid to end a wave of assassinations and bombings.

“So far 150 Iraqis have been arrested. They are suspects or wanted persons. The operation also led to the confiscation of 250 weapons and seven suspicious cars,” said Major General Shirko Shakr, commander of Kirkuk's police. “The operation is still on.”

Kirkuk security officials said the operation involved 14,000 police and soldiers from the 2nd Brigade of the 4th Iraqi Army Division. “These operations are the first of their kind in Kirkuk,” said Captain Emad Jassim Khidr. He said all vehicles and pedestrian traffic had been banned and shops closed during the open-ended curfew.

According to witnesses, the security forces' approach seemed to vary by what neighborhood they were searching or what unit was carrying out the search. In some places buildings were violently stormed while in others, police politely asked for permission to enter. Following each search, residents were given a piece of paper to verify the house had been inspected.

Roads into the city have been closed and in some cases sealed with newly dug trenches to cut down on rebel infiltration. “We are tightening security on these entrances and searching the incoming vehicles,” said Khidr.

The new lock-down tactic is one increasingly being used by coalition forces in troubled cities across Iraq, including Baghdad where trenches and barriers are being built to control access to the capital.

In some cases, whole towns or neighborhoods have been surrounded by massive earthen walls with limited guarded entrances in an effort to halt bombing campaigns by insurgents opposed to the US-backed coalition government.

US military involvement in the operation is minimal, said US officials, and largely restricted to air support and advisory role. “This was an activity planned and directed by the Iraqi government,” said US military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson. “As we are partnered with them in security operations, coalition forces are assisting the effort.”

The operation in Kirkuk came without warning at 6.00pm (1500 GMT) on Friday and angered many residents fearful at the impact on their businesses of the open-ended curfew.
Posted by: tipper || 10/07/2006 12:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hmmm, Iraqis policing their own? Who would have thunk it?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 10/07/2006 16:22 Comments || Top||

#2  According to witnesses, the security forces' approach seemed to vary by what neighborhood they were searching or what unit was carrying out the search. In some places buildings were violently stormed while in others, police politely asked for permission to enter. Following each search, residents were given a piece of paper to verify the house had been inspected

In the name of justice, isn't there some kinda law? These fuckers are profiling. It's wrong here and it wrong there, it's wrong, wrong, wrong every where.

/where's my bong?
Posted by: Shipman || 10/07/2006 17:18 Comments || Top||

#3  doing what the TSA won't
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 17:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Doing what the TSA can't.
Posted by: Pappy || 10/07/2006 22:03 Comments || Top||

Kurdish lawmaker kidnapped and killed in Baghdad
A Kurdish lawmaker was kidnapped in Baghdad and later found dead, a spokesman for the Kurdish bloc in parliament said Friday. Mohammed Ridha Mahmoud, was kidnapped with his driver Thursday afternoon in the northeastern Baghdad neighborhood of Seleikh, said Firyad Rawndouzi, spokesman for the Kurdish bloc.

Mahmoud's Jamat Islamia has four seats of the Kurdish bloc's 53 in parliament. Hours after the kidnapping, both bodies were found shot in the head and chest, Rawndouzi said. "This is a cowardly act of terrorism committed by forces against democracy," he exclaimed.
No telling from this vantage what the impetus was for the killing. Jamat Islami was allied with the Ansar al-Islam hard boyz along the Iranian border prior to the war. Dunno if they've changed sides since, or if this is another organization that's taken the same name. It it's the mullah boyz, no great loss to the civilized world.
Posted by: Fred || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The consequence of coming to Baghdad.
Posted by: gromgoru || 10/07/2006 9:59 Comments || Top||

Danish soldier killed in southern Iraq
COPENHAGEN - A Danish soldier was killed in southern Iraq in connection with a fire fight in the Al Harta region, becoming the sixth soldier from Denmark to be killed in Iraq, the Danish military command said on Friday.

The soldier was part of a force dispatched late Thursday to take on suspected rebels that have been firing rockets and grenades at the Danish and British military camps in southern Iraq. During the firefight he was hit, and seriously wounded and died later of his wounds in a British field hospital, the miltary said.

Denmark has a 530-strong Danish contingent in Iraq. Their mandate was extended earlier this year until next July.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What? No Viking pic?
Posted by: Captain America || 10/07/2006 0:54 Comments || Top||

#2  You want Vikings?

Here are some Vikings!

Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/07/2006 1:00 Comments || Top||

#3  No Viking pic, I didn't want to make it look like I was mocking this soldier's death. I thank him and his mates for their hard work and sacrifice.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/07/2006 1:30 Comments || Top||

#4  For all the risks a small country like Denmark has taken with its Iraq contingent and the Cartoonifada, I think that's very appropriate, Steve. Many much larger nations would do well to follow Denmark's example.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 3:40 Comments || Top||

#5  Rest in Peace. My condolences to the family.

How many of the enemy were killed?
Posted by: Jackal || 10/07/2006 10:12 Comments || Top||

#6  good call, SW
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 10:15 Comments || Top||

#7  What Frank said. Maybe a map of the EU?
Posted by: Shipman || 10/07/2006 10:48 Comments || Top||

#8  Condolences to his family. Sacrifices his all for the rest of us.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/07/2006 11:57 Comments || Top||

#9  Since when does a Viking pic not honor a fallen soldier...sheesh
Posted by: Captain America || 10/07/2006 13:27 Comments || Top||

#10  May he and his family be honoured by his country as they deserve.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/07/2006 20:54 Comments || Top||

Baghdad police find 35 corpses
BAGHDAD - Baghdad police collected 35 corpses over a period of 24 hours, they said on Friday, mostly in the Sunni western half of the city, on an otherwise relatively peaceful day. The bodies -- which were found between 6.00 am (0300 GMT) Thursday and 6.00 am Friday -- bore the tell tale markings of Baghdad’s grim sectarian war with signs of torture and bullet wounds to the head.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Where there's smoke there's fire
Posted by: Captain America || 10/07/2006 0:55 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
Fresh fighting erupts in Sri Lanka
HEAVY fighting erupted today in Sri Lanka with the military reporting the recovery of 22 bodies of Tamil rebels after a Norwegian envoy failed to secure a deal to re-launch peace talks. Government forces repulsed a major Tamil separatist offensive against defence lines in Mankerni in the coastal district of Batticaloa, the defence ministry said.

However, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) denied launching any offensive and in turn accused the military of starting a fresh push into guerrilla territory. "Sri Lankan troops are advancing into our territory and they have moved about one and a half kilometres," LTTE spokesman Rasiah Ilanthiriyan said by telephone from the rebel-held northern town of Kilinochchi.

He said he had no immediate details of the casualties, but added that the LTTE had already lodged protests with Sri Lanka's peace broker Norway and complained to the Scandinavian truce monitors. "Our defence council is going to take a decision on this situation," he said.

The defence ministry said ground forces in the northern peninsula of Jaffna had also today destroyed a rebel fuel depot located at a small islet off the northern mainland. The ministry said fighting in the eastern region was sparked by the Tigers. "We have recovered the bodies of 22 Tiger cadres and they may have suffered more casualties," a military official in the east said by telephone. "We have about five soldiers seriously wounded."
Posted by: Fred || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Debka: Russia Sends Two Chechen Moslem GRU Platoons To Israeli Border
The Muslim commandoes of the Vostok (East) and Zapad (West) battalions of the Russian Army’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) are being sent to guard the 150 Russian military engineers. They arrived in Beirut this week to restore the roads in Lebanon damaged by Israeli bombing.

DEBKAfile reports: Moscow did not consult Israel before stationing Muslim Chechen troops on its border for the first time.

Russian defense minister Sergei Ivanov said openly to Russian media that the deployment of former rebel Chechen troops in Lebanon aimed at “improving Moscow’s image in the Arab and Muslim world.”

DEBKAfile’s military sources: The Russian units are operating independently of the largely-European UN peacekeeping force. Their vehicles fly Russian and Lebanese flags. UNIFIL too was taken by surprise by the posting of Chechen troops to Lebanon. Lebanese prime minister Fouad Siniora was informed but omitted to notify Washington, Paris, Berlin, Rome or the UN.

The Kremlin’s rationale for making Russia the first nation to deploy a Muslim contingent in South Lebanon - albeit outside the UN force – is part of a hard-hitting foreign and domestic policy initiative, which is summed up by DEBKAfile’s sources:

1. The Putin administration wants to demonstrate to Russia’s teeming Muslim community its willingness to step into Middle East conflicts – on behalf of the Muslim-Arab interest. This straw in the wind indicates the Kremlin’s orientation on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

2. Moscow is building another bridge to Tehran through a joint, potentially interactive presence in Lebanon.

3. As a step to promote cooperation with Hizballah, with whom the Chechens, with their long record of extremist Muslim terrorist action against the Russian army, have much in common – in contrast to the European contingents of UNIFIL.

4. The Russian Chechen unit’s cooperation with Hizballah in the parts of Lebanon under its control will pave the way for a Russian Muslim military presence north of Israel which is independent of the UN and not bound by accords to which Israel is a party.

According to DEBKAfile’s military sources, the Israeli government and IDF high command were taken aback by the Russian step, which lends a different and inimical aspect to the international deployment on its northern border. When it signed off onto UN Security Council resolution 1701, Israel never envisaged the measure would open the door for Russian military intelligence to step in and camp on its border, using former Muslim terrorists involved in organized crime.

The Chechen Vostok and Zapad battalions are part of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division that is permanently deployed in Chechnya, in charge of the eastern and western regions. The Zapad battalion is led by Major Said-Magomed Kakiev, the Vostok’s commander is the former rebel Sulim Yamadaev.

This same Yamadaev, the former Chechen rebel commander who won an amnesty and the Hero of Russia award in 2004, is alleged by the Russian media with leading the robbery of the Samson-K meat-processing plant in St. Petersburg on September 15. He and up to 40 of his armed men stayed in the city’s Nevsky Palace Hotel, one of the most opulent in Europe, where he was seen embracing the leader of the local organized crime gang, Vladimir Kumarin.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 10/07/2006 16:40 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Even a rose would smell like shit from the Ruskies.
Posted by: Captain America || 10/07/2006 18:04 Comments || Top||

#2  and i'm sure they are in goood standing with the arab world being a big weapons supplying natin
Posted by: sinse || 10/07/2006 19:03 Comments || Top||

#3  They hope that the croc will eat them last. "Nas mnogo" they say, but with their nosediving birthrates, that is no longer true.
Posted by: twobyfour || 10/07/2006 20:07 Comments || Top||

#4  Somebody's trying to corner the salt market.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/07/2006 20:19 Comments || Top||

#5  Like France, Russia won't be able to buy Muslim goodwill, only sell them weapons. I don't think the Muslims will forget that Russia destroyed the Chechnyan outpost of the Caliphate.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/07/2006 20:57 Comments || Top||

#6  This really tops the charts for political cynicism. RasPutin's Islamic ass-kissing goes beyond all belief. What a pity if Israel is obliged to blow away some of those platoons and engineers. The French must be wetting themselves at this show of conniving triangulation.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 22:13 Comments || Top||

Embassy raid 'planned in Saudi Arabia'
THE attack on the US embassy in Damascus last month was planned in Saudi Arabia and the four Syrians who carried it out had no links to al Qaeda, a Syrian investigation has said. Three of the four assailants, 31-year-old Abdel Raouf Saleh, Bilal Saleh, 25, and Samir Saleh, also 25, were close relatives who followed the teachings of a preacher in Saudi Arabia where they had worked, the Interior Ministry report has said.

They started preparing for the operation in 2004, according to the report. "An investigation into the attack has been concluded. The group planned to blow an embassy door, storm the compound and kill whoever was inside. It had no links with extremist organisations outside Syria," the report has said. "They attended lessons by a Saudi man of religion. Their extremism deepened due to the political situation shaking the region and US bias toward Israel."

The report has said the group "had planned to broadcast a video statement after the operation in the name of Abu Musab Zarqawi Brigade, although they had no link to al Qaeda". It has said they were inspired by Zarqawi, the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq who was killed in a US air strike in June. Syrian security forces killed the four men who attacked the embassy on September 12, in a gun battle that lasted about 30 minutes. A Syrian guard and a Syrian bystander were also killed. Twelve people were wounded. No Americans were hurt.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Those wacky Saudis are at it again. Who gives a shit about al Qaeda? Somehow, the Saudis just keep popping up on radar wherever we turn. Time to bust loose some salvoes on them once we're finished with Iran and Pakistan.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 0:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Saudis travel to Syria to attack an American embassay. Wouldn't it have been more convenient for them to attack one of our embassies in Saudi Arabia?
Posted by: Super Hose || 10/07/2006 1:28 Comments || Top||

#3  Wouldn't it have been more convenient for them to attack one of our embassies in Saudi Arabia?

It would shred their last tatters of any plausible deniability.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 3:01 Comments || Top||

#4  It would shred their last tatters of any plausible deniability.

As long as they've all that oil, nothing can shred their plausible deniability.
Posted by: gromgoru || 10/07/2006 9:57 Comments || Top||

#5  As long as they've all that oil, nothing can shred their plausible deniability.

I call bullshit. Just one more 9-11 and the House of Saud will be a smoking crater. NO sitting president could ignore such provocation.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 10:20 Comments || Top||

#6  Optimist.
Posted by: gromgoru || 10/07/2006 10:22 Comments || Top||

#7  I'll confess that I quite possibly am.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 10:58 Comments || Top||

#8  Are we believing Syria here ?
Not I said the fox.
Posted by: wxjames || 10/07/2006 12:28 Comments || Top||

#9  #2: Saudis travel to Syria to attack an American embassay. Wouldn't it have been more convenient for them to attack one of our embassies in Saudi Arabia?
Posted by: Super Hose

Ummm ... well, they sort of did when they attacked the American Cousulate in Jeddah back around December of '04 or '05, I forget which year exactly.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 10/07/2006 13:51 Comments || Top||

#10  *Consulate*
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 10/07/2006 13:52 Comments || Top||

#11  It was December 7, 2004
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 10/07/2006 13:54 Comments || Top||

#12  One correction to the thread - these were Syrians who had been working in Saudi Arabia, not Saudis. I'd believe they'd been "encouraged" by the wahabbi "holy man" they'd been listening to, so there is still some fault with SA. It's still enema time in the magic kingdom.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 10/07/2006 14:34 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Fred || 10/07/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wasn't she on "Big Valley" or something?

Posted by: FOTSGreg || 10/07/2006 0:03 Comments || Top||

#2  What exactly are you implying about the very strict Ms. Stanwyck, FOTSGreg? ;-)
Posted by: Scott R || 10/07/2006 0:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Nope, no big valley there. Perhaps, Sunken Treasure Chest?
Posted by: Captain America || 10/07/2006 0:50 Comments || Top||

#4  carpet muncher.
Posted by: RD || 10/07/2006 1:51 Comments || Top||

#5  Ummmm....She has a nice shirt?

Fred, if we're going to do this, you might as well bring back Ms. Lamar. I'll take 10 pics of her in a row over one of these any day.
Posted by: Thoth || 10/07/2006 2:19 Comments || Top||

#6  /Being an asshat of course
Posted by: Thoth || 10/07/2006 2:20 Comments || Top||

#7  never saw the attraction in Ms. Stanwyck other than her being Linda Evans' Mom in Big Valley. Seemed like she always played the same character in every pic
Posted by: Frank G || 10/07/2006 8:46 Comments || Top||

#8  She was in "A Night to Remember", the original Titanic movie.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 10/07/2006 8:58 Comments || Top||

#9  never saw the attraction in Ms. Stanwyck

No accounting for taste. I think I know what Fred MacMurray saw. And I'm not talking about My Three Sons. By the time she was on BV, she was past her prime years, though still a very handsome woman.

Born 1907. Film career began as a Fan Dancer in 1927. BV ran 1965 to 1969. That's quite a span for an actress. I'd bet she's #2 to Kate Hepburn, another who tickles my fancy. More there than what meets the eye.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 10/07/2006 9:09 Comments || Top||

#10  Stanwyck could outact a bevy of today's modern female "stars". I particularly liked her role in "The Night Walker". The musical theme kicked ass. Researching this post I found out why. The music was composed by Vic Mizzy who also wrote The Addams Family theme song. Whudda hoot.
Posted by: Zenster || 10/07/2006 10:41 Comments || Top||

#11  Bar was a little on the 'butch' side but a fine actress. I always liked her in Capra's "Meet John Doe".
Posted by: JDB || 10/07/2006 11:19 Comments || Top||

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