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20 dead in Haifa boom
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Army guns down 17 militants in Kashmir
In a major strike, security forces in Jammu and Kashmir killed 17 terrorists since Friday who were planning to illegally enter India, a defence spokesman said here on Saturday. These included four in Poonch, four in Baramulla, three in Kuzalwal, four in Lolab and two in Udhampur. The infiltrators belonged to the Lashkar-e-Taiba, HuJI and Hizbul Mujahideen. In the operation in Mendher in Poonch, army personnel recovered four rifles and three RPGs from the four killed infiltrators. Security forces and the militants exchanged gunfire for several hours.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 10/04/2003 3:41:03 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In a major strike, security forces in Jammu and Kashmir killed 17 terrorists since Friday who were planning to illegally enter India, a defence spokesman said here on Saturday.

Good. The more of those slimebags that are dropped in their tracks, the better.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/04/2003 23:08 Comments || Top||

Two Bugtis killed in Sui rocket attack
At least 20 armed attackers, reportedly Mazari, attacked Village Dinari-Pat near the Sui-gas field with rockets and hand grenades on Thursday. "They used rockets and two hand grenades to destroy their homes. Resultantly two persons were killed on the spot and another four were injured seriously," said Border military police official Jamal Khan. Those who were killed were identified as Muhammad Amin Bugti and Rehamdil Khan Bugti.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 10/04/2003 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Three arrested after bus shootout
A Customs Intelligence team arrested three men from General Bus Stand after a gunbattle on Friday evening. A police official told Daily Times the police team tried to stop a bus but the driver didn't stop it. "The cops chased the bus, on which two armed men in the bus opened fire, injuring Aslam, Tufail and a passer-by." He said the police team aired a help message and police from nearby stations surrounded the bus at Azadi Chowk. The police shot the bus's tyres out and the driver had to stop the bus. The police arrested Sardar Khan, Azhar Gul and Zabit Khan and confiscated smuggled items including dry fruits, imported cloth, electronics and cosmetics worth Rs 2 million.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 10/04/2003 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Jamali's family home boomed
A powerful bomb sent shockwaves through Rojhan Jamali when it exploded near Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali's family house on Friday. The bomb went off at 2.00pm near a school's boundary wall, a few metres from the prime minister's house, about 300 kilometres south of Quetta. No casualties were reported as the school was closed for Friday prayers. District Police Officer (DPO) Shehryab described it as a "token blast" and said it was aimed at spreading fear among people. However, he ruled out the possibility of it being a terrorist act. A terrorist attack, he said, would have taken place when the school was full of people.
Just a warning, huh?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 10/04/2003 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  District Police Officer (DPO) Shehryab described it as a “token blast” and said it was aimed at spreading fear among people. However, he ruled out the possibility of it being a terrorist act.

Excuse me but isn't spreading fear among people the definition of a terrorist attack?

Seems to me someone needs a new District Police Officer.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/04/2003 10:23 Comments || Top||

Two Iraqi scientists shot after aiding U.S.
Roger Simon caught this one, from CNN...
Two Iraqi scientists were shot, one fatally, after helping the United States search for weapons of mass destruction, according to chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay. Kay, who is leading the weapons hunt, added that there has been more help from Iraqis in the past month since better protection has been provided to those cooperating with the effort. Kay told a group of reporters Friday that one scientist was assassinated with a bullet in the back of the head, and another sustained six bullet wounds, but is alive.
Approached correctly, that could make him even more willing to help...
Iraqis helping the Americans have real "grounds for paranoia," Kay said, and members of the Iraq Survey Group are trying to address that to get the "essential" help of Iraqis to find weapons of mass destruction and programs designed to create them. "Don't be surprised by surprises in Iraq," Kay told reporters.
Roger worries that:
In all this gotcha game surrounding the absence of WMDs... the attempt—as the electoral season draws nigh—to blame this one and that one for exaggerating this and that... as if anybody really knew and could know what was going on inside a monolithic totalitarian state... while side shows go on about CIA agents who may or may not have been outted... people could really get hurt.
I was worrying about the same thing last night. The thing that worries me most in the WoT is that we'll lose our national will to break up the terror machines and stamp them out. It's not, and won't be, a quick process, and it won't be without casualties and counterattacks. If next year is anything but a one-issue election, we're in large trouble.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 10/04/2003 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Who's in trouble? Us Republicans? Now that's a real laugh. The economy is going up, unemployment has gone down this month, the Democrats are yelling like baboons which just make them look like idiots, and the best Democratic Candidate is Howard Dean.

No, I'd so we're in pretty good shape right now, despite the polls. Afterall, Reagan was re-elected with lower numbers than Bush currently has.
Posted by: Charles || 10/04/2003 0:40 Comments || Top||

#2  The fastest way to to lose the WoT is to elect a Democrat to the White House. They'd pull the troops out as fast as possible, just like they did in Somailia. (Which was one of the cited reasons FROM Osama Bin Laden himself that the US lacked the will to fight after a few casualties. This contributed to their implementation of the 9-11 attack.)

Bush's biggest challenge is to mend fences in the international community. As noted the economy is getting better. Although the unemployment rate is currently 6.2% to 6.4%, historically speaking that's still low.
Posted by: Paul || 10/04/2003 8:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Two Iraqi scientists were shot, one fatally, after helping the United States search for weapons of mass destruction, according to chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay.

There is something wrong with the witness protection program for Iraqi scientists. Namely, that there doesn't appear to be one. Just how difficult is it to put these guys in temporary accommodations behind a protective cordon?
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 10/04/2003 8:37 Comments || Top||

#4  Paul: Bush's biggest challenge is to mend fences in the international community.

No -- Bush's biggest challenge is to resist the calls by the Dems, EUs, et al., to "mend fences in the international community", while continuing to give France, Russia, the UN bureaucracy the opportunities to mend the fence that they broke.

If they continue to insist on having it "their way" in the aftermath of the Iraq War, we will find a way to finish the rebuilding process without them. Never forget that one of Bush's strongest principles is that actions have consequences...
Posted by: snellenr || 10/04/2003 10:55 Comments || Top||

#5  Dubya's biggest challenge is to stop treating his war as an economy of force operation. Even if it was a mistake it has to be won.
Posted by: Hiryu || 10/04/2003 12:22 Comments || Top||

#6  snellenr >>> First of all, you mend fences only with allies. France IS NOT an ally.

Secondly, mending fences doesn't mean giving them anything. German and Russian leaders are already turning towards mending fences with us. They realize that they can still benefit from a good relationship with us.

The UN should have zero role in Iraq, especially after their building blew up. They fled like raoches when a light is turned on. So much for determination and seeing things through.

Even prior to 9-11 Bush's style was more master and servant diplomacy. "Do as I say and we'll get along just fine." It wouldn't be tolerated if it was done to the US. At first, I found it refreshing, finally having a strong leader. After awhile it was just too much. I do, however, respect him as a man that says what he means and means what he says.

Aside from that and the fact that we need to field 4-5 more Infantry Divisions I think he's doing a great job.
Posted by: Paul || 10/04/2003 18:29 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
'Terrorist' Nabbed Ahead of Bush Visit to Manila
Philippine and US authorities have arrested an Indonesian suspected of being a Jemaah Islamiya "terrorist" in the southern Philippines ahead of President George W. Bush's visit to Manila, the military said last night. Military and police agents raided a pension house in Cotabato City in Central Mindanao on Thursday and arrested Taufic Rifqi, a member of the Southeast Asian militant group linked to a series of bombings in Bali and Jakarta and in Manila which killed hundreds of people since 2000.
"Hiya, Tewfik. Stick 'em up!"
The military said at least 3 US agents participated in the operation that led to the capture of the JI member. It was not immediately known how the Indonesian terrorist was tracked down, but the military said the foreigner is being interrogated in an undisclosed place.
"Oooch! Ouch! Hey! Stop that!"
The capture of the JI member came barely two weeks before Bush's arrival in Manila. President Gloria Arroyo has ordered the police and military to be in high alert because of reports that Abu Sayyaf rebels, whose group is tied to the Al-Qaeda network, would mount fresh attacks targeting US interests.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 10/04/2003 21:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  nice catch Fred - the P.I. is actually one of the front lines in theWOT - too many people on the take tho'
Posted by: Frank G || 10/04/2003 22:23 Comments || Top||

Military accuses MILF of extortion
THE secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is taking advantage of the present lull in military operations in Mindanao to further their extortion activities on civilians, the military said Friday.
Comes as a surprise, huh? Floored me, too...
Maj. Gen. Raul Relano, Armed Forces deputy chief of staff for civil military operations (J7), said MILF members have been threatening to abduct civilians who refuse to give protection money. "Even teachers who do not receive sufficient wages are being forced by some members of the MILF to pay protection money or else they will be kidnapped," he said. Relano said they were informed of the MILF's extortion activity when a group of teachers from the Alliance of Volunteer Educators came to them to express alarm over the activities of the Muslim group. Investigations done by the military's 44th Infantry Battalion confirmed that since August 4 this year, undetermined copies of extortion letters were sent to teachers working in three public elementary schools in Sibuco, Zamboanga del Norte. "The MILF is requesting a P200 monthly contribution from these teachers," Relano said, adding that the letters presented to the military by the alliance bear an MILF seal and the signature of a certain Commander Suya Arasid, alias Puti Ulo/Batang Dagat.
Got copies of the letters, huh?
MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu, however, denied that their units are involved in extortion. "That's a total lie. That report is fabricated. The MILF has no involvement in that shameful act," he said.
But then, Eid's lips fell off years ago...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 10/04/2003 00:16 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Troops arrest 2 Abu Sayyaf
GOVERNMENT opera­tives arrested two Abu Sayyaf terrorists, one of them listed on the mili­tary's order of battle, in two separate incidents in Sulu province, accor­ding to reports reaching Camp Aguinaldo. Lt. Col. Daniel Lucero, public information chief of the Armed Forces, identified the arrested rebels as Rudymar Bonsing and Salip Abdula, notorious for their involvement in the Sipadan siege in April 2000. Abdula, who has a P150,000 reward on his head, was captured Friday by combined forces of the Army and the Marines in Kajaitan village, Indanan, Sulu. Lucero said Abdula is included in the order of battle of the Department of the Interior and Local Government and the Department of National Defense. His arrest was made possible through intensive intelligence efforts by the military. On Monday elements from the Marine Battalion Landing Team 9 arrested Bonsing, who also uses the name Eudymal Luin, in Taglibi village in Patikul, Sulu. Initial investigation disclosed that Bonsing was a member of the Abu Sayyaf unit under Commander Radulan Sahiron, who has a P5-million bounty for his arrest.
Good going. Catch al-Ghozi yet?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 10/04/2003 00:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Middle East
Israel Hits Back

A Palestinian woman suicide bomber blew herself up in a restaurant in Israel's northern city of Haifa, killing 19 people including three children and sparking new calls in Israel to exile Yasser Arafat.

Reuters has been more up front that BBC that this is a Palestinian bombing & killed children.

Israel hit back swiftly for Saturday's bombing, launching two helicopter gunship missile strikes in the Gaza Strip early on Sunday. There was no word of any casualties in the strikes on a militant's home in Gaza City and the el-Bureij refugee camp.

The Islamic Jihad group said it was behind the suicide bombing at the Maxim restaurant, frequented and owned by both Jews and Arabs, just before the solemn Jewish Yom Kippur fast day.

The suicide bombing provoked an international outcry and some Israeli government ministers openly demanded Arafat's removal. Palestinian leaders urged the world to prevent any assault to oust Palestinian president.

The attack dealt a new blow to a stalled U.S.-backed peace "road map." It was the first since twin attacks killed 15 people on September 9 and the first since Israel's cabinet decided in principle on September 11 to "remove" Arafat.


Police said the dead included three children and a security guard, and that about 50 people were wounded. A number of Israeli Arabs were also thought to be among the dead.

Islamic Jihad named the bomber as Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat, 29, from the West Bank city of Jenin. It said she was avenging the killing of her brother and cousin, Islamic Jihad members, by Israel in a three-year-old Palestinian uprising for statehood.

Arafat condemned the attack and said it would give Israel a pretext to obstruct international peace efforts.

Wow. And he had been working soooo hard to advance peace. Bummer.

Palestinian Prime Minister-designate Ahmed Qurie, whose government is obliged to rein in militants under the road map, urged militants to "fully halt these actions that target civilians." Israel said that was "too little and too late."

Israel blamed Arafat for the violence. "Arafat has become a living obstacle to peace. It is imperative that we get rid of him," Israeli Science Minister Eliezer Sandberg told Reuters.

The Palestine Liberation Organization's executive committee appealed to the world not to permit an Israeli assault to prise Arafat out of his West Bank headquarters, urging it to prevent any "crimes...against President Arafat personally."

"We don't mind if you kill a few people in the camps, but not us."

About 30 Arafat supporters including some foreigners, went to his compound in the city of Ramallah to act as "human shields," witnesses said.

President Bush said the suicide bombing was despicable. He urged Palestinians to "fight terror, which remains the foremost obstacle to achieving the vision of two states living side by side in peace and security."

Britain, France and Germany also condemned the bombing. The United Nations said such attacks harmed the Palestinian cause.
Posted by: rkb || 10/04/2003 7:37:52 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  it's about time someone paid the price for being a "human shield" for human scum like Saddam and Arafish. I'd suggest a hellfire halo for the martyrs
Posted by: Frank G || 10/04/2003 20:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Whomever wrote

"We don’t mind if you kill a few people in the camps, but not us."

may not have been serious but I think this is a very good point

Israel now can carry out some very strong strikes against targets that they would not have been able to do last week and to do so without risk of another UN action (although many people don't give a f**k about UN it does have implications in terms of trade, foreign aid, etc.)

As long as Israel threatens Arafat without expelling him, their theatre of operations is dramatcally increased.
Posted by: mhw || 10/04/2003 20:45 Comments || Top||

#3  Arafat has become a living obstacle to peace.

Mmmm, yes, I know a really simple way to fix that problem...
Posted by: JP || 10/04/2003 21:36 Comments || Top||

#4  The attack dealt a new blow to a stalled U.S.-backed peace "road map."

Can't administer a "new blow" when the entity that was being hit is ALREADY DEAD.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 10/04/2003 22:49 Comments || Top||

IDF kills Metzer attack terrorist
JPost Reg Req'd
Special Forces tracked down and killed Saturday the terrorist who sneaked into a kibbutz last November and gunned down five people including a mother and her two sons as she read them a bedtime story. Security forces have been on the trail of Sirhan Sirhan, a Fatah member, ever since he was able to escape from the attack. They finally caught up with him Saturday afternoon in the Tulkarum refugee camp.
patience and perseverance
A unit from the Border Police undercover unit ambushed him as he rode in a vehicle with two armed accomplices. Sirhan, 20, was killed outright before he could react, but the two others were able to draw their weapons, open fire and flee, military sources said. Sirhan had been high on the wanted list since the attack on November 10 on Kibbutz Metzer in central Israel. At the time, Sirhan belonged to Fatah's Aksa Martyrs Brigade which proudly took responsibility for the attack. But in the interim year, security sources said, Sirhan switched allegiances to the more radical Islamic Jihad.

The ambush of the terrorist was not related to the suicide bombing in Haifa. Revital Ohayon and her sons, Matan, five, and Noam, four, and Tirza Damari and Yitzhak Dori were murdered in the Metzer attack. Meanwhile heavy exchanges of gunfire took place Saturday afternoon between IDF troops and armed Palestinians in the West Bank town of Jenin [Hometown of the female boomer today]. Palestinian sources said that the Israeli army has bolstered its presence at all points in the city.
I bet...any movement in Ramallah, say....near Arafat's hovel?
Posted by: Frank G || 10/04/2003 2:28:49 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Security forces have been on the trail of Sirhan Sirhan, a Fatah member, ever since he was able to escape from the attack. They finally caught up with him Saturday afternoon in the Tulkarum refugee camp.

This guy's namesake gunned down Robert F. Kennedy. I guess he has a lot to live up to. Funny that the original Sirhan Sirhan, also a Palestinian, will outlive his West Bank counterpart in a maximum security cell stateside.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 10/04/2003 14:42 Comments || Top||

#2  I can't imagine a more satisfying mission for an IDF soldier than aerating this bastard.
Posted by: sludj || 10/04/2003 17:03 Comments || Top||

10 Die in Israeli Port Suicide Bombing
A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowded beach restaurant in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa on Saturday, killing at least 10 people and wounding about two dozen, several of them seriously. Police said a gunman was also involved in the attack, but the circumstances were not immediately clear. The attack targeted the popular Maxim restaurant on Haifa's beach promenade on the southern edge of the city. On Saturdays, the promenade is packed with people. Police said the blast was set off by a suicide bomber, who had explosives strapped to his body. Police said 10 people were killed and about two dozen more were wounded.

The attack came despite a blanket closure Israel had imposed on the West Bank and Gaza Strip ahead of the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement, which begins at sundown Sunday and ends at sundown Monday. Such closures are generally imposed during Jewish holidays because of increased concerns about attacks by Palestinian militants in such periods. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Saturday's attack, the first suicide bombing since twin attacks killed 15 people on September 9, near an army base outside Tel Aviv and at a Jerusalem coffee shop. Since fighting broke out three years ago, more than 400 Israelis have been killed in 103 Palestinian suicide bombings.

After the Sept. 9 bombings, Israel threatened to "remove" Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, either through expulsion or assassination, but did not say when it would take action. It is widely believed that a major attack with many casualties could trigger Israeli measures against Arafat. The Palestinian Authority had no immediate comment. David Baker, an official in Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office, said Israel demands that the Palestinian Authority take immediate steps against militant groups. "The bombing in Haifa is another indication that the Palestinian Authority continues to refuse to take even minimal steps against the terrorist infrastructure," he said.
Posted by: Sickened Anonymous || 10/04/2003 9:08:22 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  18 dead now...
Posted by: Anonymous || 10/04/2003 9:31 Comments || Top||

#2  This will continue until Israel makes clear (and
is allowed to make well clear) that every Isreali dead will trigger ten deaths between the Palestinians.
Posted by: JFM || 10/04/2003 9:44 Comments || Top||

#3  Abu Amar? G'bye!
Posted by: Frank G || 10/04/2003 10:07 Comments || Top||

#4  5 children among the dead - where's the Amnesty International outcry? The UN? The ISM bitching and moaning? anyone? hello?........*crickets chirping*
Posted by: Frank G || 10/04/2003 10:15 Comments || Top||

#5  Kahane said it best: TRANSFER.
No Arabs, no terror.
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 10/04/2003 10:23 Comments || Top||

#6  Yassin, then Arafat...

One shot, one kill...
Posted by: badanov || 10/04/2003 10:33 Comments || Top||

#7  Frank G

I don't know where is Anesty International but
I can tell you where is the BBC: preparing the second part of the report they broadcasted two days ago about the trauma suffered by Palestinian children.
Posted by: JFM || 10/04/2003 11:06 Comments || Top||

#8  Is this Arrafart death warrant?
Hope so.
Posted by: Raptor || 10/04/2003 11:23 Comments || Top||

#9  Via LGF:

UPDATE: The murderer was a woman.

The bomber was later identified as woman, who security sources said was a member of Islamic Jihad from the West Bank city of Jenin. She apparently entered Israel between the towns of Baka al-Garbiyeh, which is inside Israel, and Baka al-Sharkiyeh, in the West Bank, in an area in which the separation fence has not yet been completed.
UPDATE: Palestinian spokesliar Saeb Erekat has appealed to “the international community” to make sure that Israel does not defend her citizens against the Palestinian savages:

The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said he appealed to international mediators to ensure that Israel does not retaliate. "We don't want Israel to add fuel to the fire," he said.
Posted by: Frank G || 10/04/2003 11:47 Comments || Top||

#10  I know that I have brought this item up before, but with the US/Israeli population of 47:1, 400 Israelis dying is the equivalent of almost 17,000 US citizens dying from suicide bombings. This would be outrageous and unacceptable to us. It is certainly outrageous and unacceptable to the Israelis.

Arafat wants to corner all the perks and graft and run the show, that's fine. When he owns it, he is responsible. If he does not own it, then he is not responsible and he better stay out of the way. He cannot have it both ways.

The Israeli government better take responsibility for its citizens and bring down the hammer on the terrorists, starting with Arafat. Otherwise it is condoning murder on the installment plan. It is truly heartbreaking. Ball is in your court, Israel.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 10/04/2003 12:28 Comments || Top||

#11  Israel needs to up the cost to the Paleolithic stoneheads by destroying whole VILLAGES, instead of a single house. Force the people out, force them to the nearest border with another Arab country, and force them across, then totally devastate the village they left, so there's nothing they can come back to. It can't make things worse for Israel than they are right now, and can actually force SOME people to acknowledge the PALEOS are the problem.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 10/04/2003 13:22 Comments || Top||

#12  JFM_ re: your 10:1 suggestion. I believe Heydreich (spelling?) used a similar formula in Czechosovakia in WWII, with spectacularly unhelpful results. Use a scalpel,JFM, not a hammer. Everytime, this crap happens, take out the top man and maybe one or two of his buddies.
Don't fall into the trap of terror for terror.
Posted by: Mercutio || 10/04/2003 13:39 Comments || Top||

#13  nice - the female boomer was a Paleo lawyer trained in Jordan, who committed the bombing to avenge the IDF killing of her brother and fiance (who was also her cousin)....Paleo society fever - catch it
Posted by: Frank G || 10/04/2003 14:31 Comments || Top||

#14  Mercutio

The ten to one rule was also used in France. It is not specific to Heydrich: if my memory is any good it was allowed by Geneva convention for occupation forces harassed not by classic guerillas (who disappear in the wilderness) but by people who mix in the population.

But I agree it is not a good idea, despite thinking that the Palis are doing a cold demographic calculation: killing irreplaceable
Israeli women and children does more harm to Isreal than the losses in men (expendable in
a poligamic society) experienced by Palestinians.

A better solution would be akin to the one proposed by old Patriot: each time there is a bombing, N square kilometers of the Palestinian
zone are incorporated permanently into Israel and their inhabitants cast out.
Posted by: JFM || 10/04/2003 14:32 Comments || Top||

#15  JFM _ OK, a bit of a re-evaluation on my part, here after just reading in today's MEMRI posts, that 55% of Palestinians favor the continuation of suicide attacks on Israel.... go with a numeric tit-for-tat, just make sure it's the right 55%.

Posted by: Mercutio || 10/04/2003 19:05 Comments || Top||

#16  More from MEMRI -


Funny, I don't see a problem at all; it just depends on how you define dismantling. If they can't, we will... and all the king's horses, and all the king's men......
Posted by: Mercutio || 10/04/2003 19:12 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2003-10-04
  20 dead in Haifa boom
Fri 2003-10-03
  Suspected Saddam executioner caught
Thu 2003-10-02
  Pakistan kills 12 al Qaeda
Wed 2003-10-01
  Senate Panel OKs Bush $87B Iraq Plan
Tue 2003-09-30
  Jug time for teenage exploding Islamic hookers
Mon 2003-09-29
  AMC's Alamoudi jugged
Sun 2003-09-28
  Afghan Constitution Proposes Muslim State
Sat 2003-09-27
  Guilty plea in Portland
Fri 2003-09-26
  25 bad guyz arrested in Ramallah
Thu 2003-09-25
  Qaeda negotiating with Yemen
Wed 2003-09-24
  Toe tag for al-Rimi!
Tue 2003-09-23
  Izzat Ibrahim negotiating surrender
Mon 2003-09-22
  Hambali's little brother nabbed in Karachi
Sun 2003-09-21
  U.S. Won't back Paleo government run by Arafat
Sat 2003-09-20
  Al-Aqsa shootout Martyrs two

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