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1 injured, 2 missing as Egypt pumps sewage into Gaza tunnel
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7 00:00 USN, Ret. [20] 
5 00:00 Hallibutrton - Mysterious Conspiracy Division [17] 
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2 00:00 European Conservative [23] 
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19 00:00 rammer [15] 
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2 00:00 g(r)omgoru [13] 
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1 00:00 whitecollar redneck [17] 
2 00:00 badanov [15] 
2 00:00 gr(o)mgoru [12] 
7 00:00 whitecollar redneck [15] 
11 00:00 tu3031 [21] 
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15 00:00 JosephMendiola [26]
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2 00:00 Frank G [11]
3 00:00 Dale [18]
3 00:00 Canuckistan sniper [14]
2 00:00 gr(o)mgoru [16]
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1 00:00 Glatle Glealing7009 [19]
1 00:00 Kojack [11]
5 00:00 Spats Shoger4460 [17]
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5 00:00 JosephMendiola [19]
1 00:00 Silentbrick - Halliburton Lost Drill Bit Division [12]
3 00:00 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [13]
3 00:00 tu3031 [10]
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3 00:00 JosephMendiola [21]
3 00:00 European Conservative [26]
2 00:00 European Conservative [33]
0 [12]
2 00:00 Rambler in Virginia [27]
13 00:00 European Conservative [20]
5 00:00 Rambler in Virginia [15]
16 00:00 European Conservative [19]
2 00:00 Skidmark [11]
7 00:00 Alaska Paul [15]
3 00:00 Tom--Pa [12]
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3 00:00 CincinnatusChili [15]
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Page 4: Opinion
1 00:00 Frank G [9]
3 00:00 JosephMendiola [24]
9 00:00 JosephMendiola [13]
11 00:00 SteveS [17]
Page 6: Politix
20 00:00 European Conservative [19]
14 00:00 JosephMendiola [13]
1 00:00 Procopius2k [11]
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [21]
4 00:00 newc [23]
12 00:00 JosephMendiola [27]
Five dead in suicide car bomb in Afghanistan
A suicide car bomber has attacked a bakery popular with police in southern Afghanistan, killing at least five people and wounding 22. The attack took close to the police headquarters in Lashkar Gah, the largest city in Helmand province.

According to eyewitnesses, police were buying bread when attack took place. Two civilians are among the dead. Residents and shopkeepers in Lashkar Gah said that chaos and panic broke out after the explosion.

Lashkar Gah is one of seven initial areas for which security has been given from NATO to Afghan forces.
Posted by: ryuge || 09/27/2011 06:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Afghan debacle.

Very moving.

If you ever post the entirety of a copyrighted article here again, you will be banned.
Posted by: Sping Panda9115 || 09/27/2011 23:08 Comments || Top||

#2  Might be better to just post a link and a snippet, Spring Panda, there seems to be an awful lot of copyright notices attached to the full article you post.
Posted by: European Conservative || 09/27/2011 23:14 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Egypt seizes Gaza-bound anti-aircraft missiles in Sinai
Officials say missiles, launchers were smuggled through Sudan or Libya; seizure comes amid Sinai crackdown against jihad boys, smuggling.

Egyptian security forces said Sunday that they have seized eight anti-aircraft missiles and four shoulder launchers in the Sinai Peninsula, AFP reported. The weaponry entered Egypt either from Sudan or Libya, the officials said, adding that they were probably destined for the Gazoo Strip, according to the report. The smugglers managed to flee before security forces arrived at the location near the Suez canal.

Late last month, Al-Masry Al-Youm reported that Egyptian officials were finalizing plans to combat smuggling from the Sinai Peninsula into the Gazoo Strip. Israel Radio reported the same week that Egypt's army is planning to destroy all tunnels within 14 km. of the border.

High-level Egyptian security sources said that the country was considering establishing a 5-kilometer buffer zone along its border with the Gazoo Strip, and that heavy excavation equipment had been moved to the border in order to destroy smuggling tunnels, according to the Al-Masry Al-Youm report.

Egypt has been in pursuit of elements believed to be connected with acts of sabotage in Sinai, notably, repeated attempts to blow up the pipeline which carries natural gas to both Jordan and Israel. In efforts to restrict the movement of these elements, Egypt has coordinated with Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, to prevent infiltration across the border in either direction, according to a report in Al-Shorouk last month.

The report added that Egypt has made it clear to Hamas that any Paleostinians caught infiltrating into Sinai will be handed over to Egyptian security authorities.

The Egyptian military has reinforced its security along the border with Israel in the aftermath of last month's multi-stage terror attack, emanating from Sinai, in which eight Israelis were killed.
Posted by: || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Hundreds of civilians flee Sirte
SIRTE, Libya: Hundreds of civilians fled Muammar Qaddafi's hometown Monday to escape growing shortages of food and medicine and escalating fears that their homes will be struck during fighting between revolutionaries forces and regime loyalists.

Anti-Qaddafi fighters launched their offensive against Sirte nearly two weeks ago, but have faced fierce resistance from loyalists holed up inside the city. After a bloody push into Sirte again over the weekend, revolutionary fighters say they have pulled back to plan their assault and allow civilians more time to flee.

NATO has kept up its air campaign since the fall of Tripoli last month. The alliance said Monday its warplanes struck eight military targets near Sirte a day earlier, including an ammunition and vehicle storage facility and rocket launcher.

Sirte, 400 km southeast of Tripoli on the Mediterranean coast, is one of the last remaining bastions of Qaddafi loyalists since revolutionary fighters stormed into the capital last month, ending Qaddafi's rule. The fugitive leader's supporters also remain in control of the town of Bani Walid southeast of Tripoli and pockets of territory in the country's south.

Civilians fleeing Sirte Monday described grave shortages of food, fuel, drinking water and medicine.

Forces on the city's outskirts fire tank shells, Grad rockets and mortars toward the city daily with little more than a general idea of what they are targeting. NATO, meanwhile, is operating in Libya under a mandate to protect civilians.
Personal statements at the link. Sounds like a bloody mess.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Fear of being struck? Hmmmm. I wonder who they fear is going to strike them.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 09/27/2011 0:26 Comments || Top||

#2  The quick and the dead. The only way rebel "army" can take Sirte is for NATO to level it first---must be nice being the ones who decide what is or isn't a war crime.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/27/2011 3:59 Comments || Top||

NGO report: 93,000 Copts left Egypt since March
Nearly 93,000 Coptic Christians have left Egypt since 19 March, a report by an Egypt-based Coptic NGO has said. The number may increase to 250,000 by the end of 2011, according to Naguib Gabriel, the head of the Egyptian Federation of Human Rights, which released the report.

The current trend of Coptic immigration endangers the structure of Egypt's population, Gabriel told Al-Masry Al-Youm on Sunday. He urged the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and the Egyptian cabinet to work on curbing the phenomenon.

Gabriel based the data stated in the report on information from Coptic churches and communities abroad.

"Nearly 16,000 migrated to California, while 10,000 moved to New Jersey, 8000 to New York, and 8000 to other American states," according to Gabriel. "Around 14,000 left to Australia, 17,000 to Canada, and 20,000 settled in the Netherlands, Italy, England, Austria, Germany and France."

Gabriel attributed the Coptic emigration to hardline Salafi groups seeking to apply Islamic law, deny Copts senior government posts, and reduce incoming tourism. He also blamed attacks on Coptic churches and the government's failure to bring attackers to justice.
Yup, that would do it...
Coptic author Kamal Zakher said the numbers in the report were exaggerated, but that concern over Coptic immigration is justifiable. Migration procedures take up to a year to complete, so it is illogical to say the January revolution caused the Copts to leave the country, Zakher said.
Mr. Zakher is a former leader of the secular Al-Wafd party so he might be some biased. Then again, he's there and I'm not.
Up to a year means anything between walking out the door without locking it and taking a year to maximize profits on an orderly disposition of illiquid assets. I imagine on digging into the data it will be found that the grandparents stayed behind to do that while the rest of the family left with the liquid assets and a couple of suitcases to wherever would take them.
The head of the Evangelical denomination in Egypt, Safwat al-Bayadi, also voiced his anxiety about Coptic immigration, noting that the continuation of the trend depends on the political forces ruling the country in the future.

Christians form nearly 10 percent of Egypt's population. Following the ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak in February, concerns have been growing among Christians over the mounting political influence of Islamist groups, some of which view Copts as infidels and deny them the right to assume top government posts.

However, Egypt's biggest Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, had stressed Christians' right to the presidency and accepted them as members in its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/27/2011 4:00 Comments || Top||

#2  When the RoP runs out of Jews to purge they have to switch to Christians.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/27/2011 8:49 Comments || Top||

#3  What the Egyptians don't see is that the Copts perform a pretty important function in Egypt, sanitation. To get rid of them will be like NYC expelling all its garbage men.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/27/2011 8:52 Comments || Top||

#4  Copts perform a pretty important function in Egypt, sanitation.

Prior to Egyptian independence they constituted most of Egypt's middle class/intelligentsia.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/27/2011 9:45 Comments || Top||

#5  ARTICLE WAS IN almasryalyoum = egypt today

a recent (2002) entry into the egyptian media market
Posted by: Lord Garth || 09/27/2011 10:21 Comments || Top||

#6  Copts perform a pretty important function in Egypt, sanitation.

There's always Gazan tunnels.
Posted by: AlanC || 09/27/2011 16:01 Comments || Top||

#7  A genuinely abused people yearning to breathe free? We'll take them.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 09/27/2011 19:34 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
Zambia re-names airports - Key first steps at re-writing history.
Appears to be something of a pattern developing. I posted it as WoT Ops, but that chapter is long since closed. I can just see it now, Dulles-Obama International Airport. Or would that be Obama-Dulles....?
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/27/2011 10:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  O'Hare will become Obama.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 09/27/2011 10:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Not O'bama?

I thought he was supposed to be one of the Black Irish.
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 09/27/2011 11:11 Comments || Top||

#3  'Dulles' would be considered too EEEEEVIL a historical character to share the stage with the 'wun'. He didn't take kindly to the international communist community's aggressive policies, thereby forfeiting forever the chance to be remotely associated with the current 'Light Bringer®'.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 09/27/2011 11:52 Comments || Top||

#4  Dude - Your return key is stuck.
Posted by: Hallibutrton - Mysterious Conspiracy Division || 09/27/2011 16:58 Comments || Top||

#5  Oops - thanks mods. Deletion preceded my refreshing.
Posted by: Hallibutrton - Mysterious Conspiracy Division || 09/27/2011 16:59 Comments || Top||

Yemen's defense minister survives assassination attempt
Mohammad Nasser Ahmad Ali, the Defense Minister of Yemen, escaped an assassination attempt by a suicide bomber Tuesday in the port city of Aden, but 10 of his entourage were hurt, a security official said.

"A suicide bomber driving a car packed with explosives drove into the minister's motorcade as he was driving out of a tunnel," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. He added that the minister survived the attack but that 10 people traveling in his entourage were injured.
Posted by: ryuge || 09/27/2011 06:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Caribbean-Latin America
More Mexican Mayhem
So much for the Juarez "Endless Summer" edition.

Back to the body counts. For a map, click here.

31 Die in Northern Mexico

A total of 31 individuals were murdered in ongoing drug and gang related violence in northern Mexican states including two Juarez police commanders murdered over the weekend.

  • One unidentified armed suspect and two Chihuahua state police agents were wounded in a shootout in Meoqui, Chihuahua on Sunday. Several armed suspects carrying AK-47 assault rifles were encountered and fired on by police agents.

  • Two unidentified men were shot and wounded in Hacienda de las Torres colony in Juarez on Monday. The shooting took place near the intersection of calles Azabache and Alazan where armed suspects travelling aboard a Nissan sedan opened fire with assault rifles on the pair. The victims were taken by private car to a local hospital.

  • A newly appointed chief of guards for Juarez was shot to death in his home in Juarez on Saturday night. Simon Saul Estrada Luevano, 36, was found at his home on calle Rivera del Olimpo in the Riberas del Bravo colony shot to death.

  • A commander with the Juarez municipal police was shot to death Sunday night. Lieutenant Roberto Carlos Maldonado Ruiz, 38, was aboard his car on Bulevar Zaragoza after finishing his shift at the Babicora station in southern Juarez when he was shot at 2000 hrs.

  • Four unidentified men were shot to death Sunday morning in Juarez. The victims were at a residence in the Riveras del Bravo colony when they were killed. An unidentified woman who was abducted at the scene was found dead Monday.

  • Three unidentified men were found shot to death in a garage in Morelos Zaragoza colony on Sunday night.

  • Two unidentified men were found shot to death in Chinipas, Chihuahua on Friday night. The victims has been seen travelling aboard a white van near Boca del Arroyo.

  • Two unidentified individuals were shot to death in Chihuahua, Chihuahua at 2000 hrs Friday night. The victims were at a residence in the Vistas Cerro Grande colony when they were shot. More than 60 spent casings for AK-47 assault rifles were found near the scene

  • Two unidentified men were shot to death in Delicias, Chihuahua on Friday afternoon. The victims were handcuffed and shot in front of a school.

  • An unidentified man was shot to death in Delicias on Saturday afternoon. The victim was at a residence on calle De la Haya in the Las Palmas colony when he was pulled from the home and shot to death.

  • An unidentified man was abducted from a local hospital in Delicias, Chihuahua and then shot to death.

  • Four unidentified men were found shot to death near Rosales, Chihuahua on Sunday. Authorities were called to the location to find two men left dead on the road and two inside a vehicle.

  • Three unidentified men were found shot to death in western Chihuahua state on Sunday. The victims were found aboard a Chevrolet Suburban near San Francisco del Oro.

  • Two unidentified men were found shot to death in Nogales, Sonora on Friday morning. The victims were spotted at a location about 250 meters from bulevar Ensueño. Both men had been tortured before they were shot to death.

  • A man in his 20s was found shot to death in Ciudad Obregon on Saturday. Martin Damian Avila Carrillo, 23, was found on Calle Michoacan in the Bahia de Lobos colony shot once in the head.

  • A man police said was involved in transporting drugs into the US was found shot to death near Caborca, Sonora on Friday night. Jesus Edgar Galindo Rivera, AKA El Duende, 21, who lived in Caborca, was found on a desert road in the El Arenoso region near Caborca at about 2000 hrs.

  • A man was found shot to death near Pueblo Yaqui, Sonora on Sunday. Juan Diego Rodriguez Enriquez, AKA El Tomon, 26, was found in near the intersection of calles 18 de Julio and 8 de Marzo in the Tobarito colony in the Valle del Yaqui. He had been shot several times in the chest with an AK-47 assault rifle.

  • Two unidentified men were found dead in a hidden grave in Hermosillo, Sonora late Sunday night. The victims were found in the ejido El Realito. Reports do not say how the victims died.
Posted by: badanov || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Add to the list: "The decapitated body of María Elizabeth Macías, the editor of Primera Hora, a daily based in Nuevo Laredo (in the eastern state of Tamaulipas), was found on 24 September."

At some point the cartels will have to be decapitated and continue to be decapitated until the they no longer are capable of these crimes. A concerted effort such as occurred in Columbia in the 1980s and 1990s. Pablo Escobar was hunted down and tagged and bagged in the way. Our borders need to be closed/controlled so the drug demand for Mexican drugs is crippled.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/27/2011 12:00 Comments || Top||

At some point the cartels will have to be decapitated and continue to be decapitated until the they no longer are capable of these crimes.

That takes political will and a willing military.

At the moment Mexico has only one of those elements in place.
Posted by: badanov || 09/27/2011 20:51 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Animal Rights Group Commits Domestic Terrorism - Arson
Animal rights activists claimed responsibility on Monday for a fire that caused $100,000 in damage to a Boise-area store that sells fur coats and fireworks, authorities said.

No one was injured in the early morning blaze at Rocky Mountain Fur & Fireworks, a retailer in Caldwell, Idaho, about 30 miles northwest of the state capital.

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office, which says it conveys messages for unnamed animal advocates, distributed a statement from a group calling itself the "arson unit" that said it set fire to a store stocked with "chemically treated skins of thousands of tortured animals".

"By oppressing innocent life, you've lost your rights. We've come to take you down a notch. Stay in business and we'll be back," the unit said.

Investigators were taking the arson claim seriously, and it was one of several leads in the case, said Mark Leiser, assistant special agent in charge of the Seattle Field Division of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Leiser said evidence collected at the fur shop by the bureau, the FBI and the Canyon County Sheriff's Office in Idaho would be thoroughly analyzed "before we can make a determination of the veracity of the statement."

A woman who answered the phone at Rocky Mountain Fur & Fireworks, which bills itself as a full-service fur company selling "luxurious fur coats" from chinchilla, mink, rabbit or fox, declined to comment except to say: "We're all OK."

Jerry Vlasak, spokesman for the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, said the arson unit may refer to a branch of the Animal Liberation Front, an underground group of animal activists who promote economic sabotage.

"It has proven effective: Fur stores have closed, fur breeders have closed," Vlasak said, adding that the press office was supportive but not affiliated with the organization behind the claimed arson, the first action of its kind in Idaho.

The press office said on its website it was founded "to communicate the actions, strategies, and philosophy of the animal liberation movement to the media and the public," adding that many of those actions were illegal.

A first offense on a federal arson charge stemming from the destruction of property and involving interstate commerce carries a prison sentence of at least 10 years.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/27/2011 14:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Fur & Fireworks" doesn't sound like a legitimate business.
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 09/27/2011 17:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Jerry Vlasak, spokesman for the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, said the arson unit may refer to a branch of the Animal Liberation Front, an underground group of animal activists who promote economic sabotage.

"It has proven effective: Fur stores have closed, fur breeders have closed," Vlasak said, adding that the press office was supportive but not affiliated with the organization behind the claimed arson, the first action of its kind in Idaho.

The press office said on its website it was founded "to communicate the actions, strategies, and philosophy of the animal liberation movement to the media and the public," adding that many of those actions were illegal.

Sounds to me like "aiding and abetting".
Maybe Jerry should do some time in PMITA federal prison?
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/27/2011 17:21 Comments || Top||

#3  "Fur & Fireworks" doesn't sound like a legitimate business.

It is in the mall right next to "Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms".
Posted by: SteveS || 09/27/2011 17:27 Comments || Top||

#4  "It has proven effective: Fur stores have closed, fur breeders have closed," Vlasak said...

Reason it works so well, maybe? Insurance companies excluding cover for Acts of Terrorism; hard to get to work when your Range Rover is a burning wreck on the driveway, and your chosen profession is a target of, er, yes, terrorists


(A bit old, but interesting to see the way things were drifting then, and that the ALF was even in those days being equated with Middle East/North African "political groups"). More so now.
Posted by: Rhodesiafever || 09/27/2011 17:52 Comments || Top||

#5  I think the fur shop owners hunting Vlasak and making a wig of his scalp would be effective too.
Posted by: Water Modem || 09/27/2011 19:18 Comments || Top||

#6  Besides which fur is organic... unlike the polyester down coats that will still pollute the earth 20,000 years from that one sees these animal lib idiots wearing.
Posted by: Water Modem || 09/27/2011 19:19 Comments || Top||

#7  If the gov't were behind this as a means to scare the population into rejecting animal pelts, could this arson exercise be called: "Flames and Furious?"
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 09/27/2011 23:26 Comments || Top||

Gas pipeline blown up near Pirkoh
QUETTA: Unidentified men blew up a 16-inch diameter gas pipeline near Pirkoh disrupting gas supply from wells to purification plant. An explosive device attached with a gas pipeline which went off with a huge explosion. As a result gas supply to purification plant from well number 28, 40 and 41 were suspended.

A heavy contingent of security forces reached the spot and cordoned off the area. A manhunt has been mounted in the area.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

US Mil handing Iraq Schtuff worth $Billions
Follow-up on Besoeker's comment yesterday:
With just over three months until the last U.S. troops are currently due to leave Iraq, the Department of Defense is engaged in a mad dash to give away things that cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars to buy and build. The giveaways include enormous, elaborate military bases and vast amounts of military equipment that will be turned over to the Iraqis, mostly just to save the expense of bringing it home.

Those bases didn't come cheap. Construction costs exceeded $2.4 billion, according to an analysis of Pentagon annual reports by the Congressional Research Service.
No doubt. Construction is expensive in an active war zone.
Over 2.4 million pieces of equipment worth a total of at least $250 million -- everything from tanks and trucks to office furniture and latrines -- have been given away to the Iraqi government in the past year, with the pace of transfers expected to increase dramatically in the coming months.
We really want to haul the latrines home?
One does presume those latrines are no longer pristine...
Posted by: Pappy || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  F-16's, which I'm sure the local pro-Iran/Shia Boyz will be glad to attempt to reverse engineer + give to Iran once elected to power.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/27/2011 0:09 Comments || Top||

#2  On a lot of equipment, it is cheaper to let it in place than make it complaint with USDA cleanliness regulations to bring it home. And those bases were used for 7 years by US troops, so they are not brand new. Besides which, what are you going to do, dig around the base, lift it up, and haul the whole damned thing out of the country? And the Turks are just as likely to share F-16 technology with the Iranians as the Iraqis are. Besides which, the Iranians have had a hard time reverse engineering a freaking F-5, let alone something as advanced as a F-16.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 09/27/2011 2:16 Comments || Top||

#3  Latrines are going to Egypt for Gaza tunnel combat.
Posted by: Skidmark || 09/27/2011 2:34 Comments || Top||

#4  F-16s? I don't think so.
Posted by: gorb || 09/27/2011 2:36 Comments || Top||

#5  But what about the Abrams tanks? Those should come home.
Posted by: gorb || 09/27/2011 2:37 Comments || Top||

#6  The show must go on.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/27/2011 3:56 Comments || Top||

#7  The war equipment will work precisely as long as proper maintenance is done with proper replacement parts. The desks, office chairs, and white boards have no doubt gotten hard wear, so the true depreciated value isn't anything like the price we paid to import American supplies into an active war zone.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/27/2011 8:26 Comments || Top||

#8  Bottom line is that it is cheaper to give it away than to ship it back, needing extensive repair, refurbishment, etc.

Tanks, especially, are a major pain, and there is a huge backlog at Anniston Army Depot. For the most part, we are phasing out heavy brigades in favor of Stryker units that are faster, cheaper, and about as lethal.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/27/2011 8:49 Comments || Top||

#9  Construction is expensive in an active war zone

Given they're done by contractors in that war zone since we downsized the military from over a couple million to something much smaller - no organic civil engineer units of the numbers found in previous major conflicts in the 20th century. That means paying a premium on labor costs [well above Bacon-Davis Act which includes provisions for paying workers on-site no less than the locally prevailing union wages and benefits paid on similar projects]. As physical property, its' not coming home. Never has. Anyone want to run the numbers on the constructions abandoned after WWII and the Cold War?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 09/27/2011 9:04 Comments || Top||

#10  For the most part, we are phasing out heavy brigades in favor of Stryker units that are faster, cheaper, and about as lethal.

Yeah right, that is until the bad guys begin firing at them with mere 50 cal MGs and there are gazillions of them hanging around.
Posted by: JFM || 09/27/2011 9:44 Comments || Top||

#11  #10 For the most part, we are phasing out heavy brigades in favor of Stryker units that are faster, cheaper, and about as lethal.

Last place you want to be in an IED environment is inside a Stryker, I assure you.
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/27/2011 10:01 Comments || Top||

#12  Well the old 113's tended to look like a collander after an encounter with a Soviet .51 MG so I wonder about the collective wisdom of the Stryker concept. Is it actually more effective or just cheaper?
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 09/27/2011 10:59 Comments || Top||

#13  Is it actually more effective or just cheaper?

I know which I'd pick.
Posted by: Pappy || 09/27/2011 12:52 Comments || Top||

#14  Looks like mostly infrastructure stuff.

Richardson explained that much of that category consists of what they call "FOB in a box." When the Iraqis take over a Forward Operating Base, he said, they also get the things that go with it, such as containerized housing units, water and fuel tanks, air conditioning units, generators, refrigerators, porta-johns, beds and mattresses, office equipment, fences, dining facilities and so on.

According to Lt. Col Melinda F. Morgan, a Pentagon spokeswoman, some 12,490 excess defense items worth $70.5 million have been turned over to the Iraqis, with 7,000 more, worth about $40 million, to go. That category includes such things as older versions of weapons, vehicles, and body armor.

Finally, U.S. forces have also given the Iraqis 1,251 non-excess military items worth $47.7 million, Morgan said. That category includes such items as up-armored Humvees and 50-caliber machine guns, Richardson said.

No mention of "tanks". Or F-16s...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/27/2011 13:41 Comments || Top||

#15  Now just figure that anything we leave in Iraq will find its way to Iran. We messed up in 1991. When we had driven the Iraqis out of Kuwait we should have turned our muzzles on Saudi and said "stick em up".
Posted by: jim || 09/27/2011 14:48 Comments || Top||

#16  Most of this stuff is already hogged out, and inshalla maintenance won't improve it any...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 09/27/2011 17:13 Comments || Top||

#17  And that is the other point, the level of maintenance on well-used equipment is expensive enough to make it cheaper to replace it than keep using and repairing it. And if the Iraqis do the normal Arab level of maintenance on that equipment, it will be unusable in two years.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 09/27/2011 18:06 Comments || Top||

#18  And about the Strykers, they have at least as good of armor as the M113 series and can support bolt on armor that stops 14.5mm rounds. Nowhere do I see that we are getting rid of Bradleys in favor of Strykers, and the Bradleys can stop 30mm fire. And most of the units getting the Strykers are leg infantry units and this is the way to mechanize them.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 09/27/2011 18:11 Comments || Top||

#19  Bah. Strykers are a good way to MOTORIZE our troops. Mechanizing takes a much better vehicle. Strykers are little more than school buses with guns.

All you Rantburgers say a prayer tomorrow morning for the brave soldiers who rode out in Strykers today. Because of them you have slept safely in your bed, even though the vehicle OUR government provided for them was weak and served them poorly.
Posted by: rammer || 09/27/2011 21:03 Comments || Top||

Joint US-Iraqi operation kills soldier in Nassiriya
Thi-Qar / Aswat al-Iraq: An Iraqi soldier has been killed and another soldier was seriously injured in a joint US-Iraqi security operation in al-Fudheiliya township, 15 km to the east of Nassiriya city, the center of southern Iraq's Thi-Qar Province on Monday, a security source reported.

"An American force, supported by a force of Iraq's 10th Army Division's 38th Brigade, had carried out early today (Monday) a joint security operation in the said township, detaining 4 suspected persons, one of them carrying American Nationality,
Was his name Ed Smith, by any chance?
killing an Iraqi soldier and seriously wounding another soldier, in a clash during the detention operation," the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Roadside bomb kills 3 in Iraq
BAGHDAD: A roadside bomb in northern Iraq killed three people Monday, while in Baghdad gunmen wounded two government officials in failed assassination attempts, officials said.

Police Brig. Gen. Sarhat Qadir said the blast struck a car carrying four people near the city of Kirkuk, some 290 km north of Baghdad. One person was wounded in the explosion.

In Baghdad, two government officials were wounded in separate assassination attempts, police and hospital officials said. Gunmen shot judge Munir Hadad in his hand during a drive-by shooting on a highway in central Baghdad. Hadad served as the spokesman for the Iraqi High Tribunal formed to prosecute Saddam and his aides.

Also, senior Finance Ministry official Mohammed Ali Al-Safi was wounded in western Baghdad after assailants opened fire on his car.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hmm.. maybe Iraq needs an Interior Minister or something.. Just saying...
Posted by: American Delight || 09/27/2011 13:57 Comments || Top||

#2  A quiet day.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 09/27/2011 18:09 Comments || Top||

Israeli police arrest Hamas 'lawmaker' in East Jerusalem
JERUSALEM: Israeli police arrested a Hamas lawmaker on Monday who had been sheltering for more than a year in the International Red Thingy Cross (ICRTC) offices in East Jerusalem, a police spokesman said.

Ahmad Attoun had taken shelter in the ICRTC building along with another Hamas legislator and a former Hamas government minister after Israeli authorities revoked their Jerusalem residency permits.

The police spokesman and a security guard at the ICRTC building said paramilitary police disguised as Palestinians had grabbed Attoun at the entrance to the offices and arrested him. The other two Hamas men remained inside the ICRC building.

In a statement issued in June 2010, after Israel ordered them to leave Jerusalem, the three Hamas men wrote: "We as sons of Jerusalem have never left it before ... we emphasize that we will remain here and never leave it." Hamas, locked in a bitter rivalry with Abbas' Fatah movement, won a Palestinian legislative election in 2006. Hamas seized the Gaza Strip in 2007 after a unity government with Fatah collapsed into bloodshed.

The ICRTC has said it told Israeli authorities that international humanitarian law prohibited the forcible transfer of Palestinian residents from their homes, for whatever reason.
I find it hard to believe that international humanitarian law, if such a thing really exists, would willy nilly protect mass murderers, torture-rapists, and other vile specimens, just because of the relationship between the nationality of the arresting officers and that of the arrestees. But the ICRC has never been sensible when juices are involved.
The organization also said it had informed the three Hamas members that ICRTC premises had no special status and the ICRTC could not prevent police entering the building to arrest them.
So it's wrong for police to enter the building to arrest the mook, but the Red Cross folks won't stop the police from entering. Sounds like they covered all their bases.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

1 injured, 2 missing as Egypt pumps sewage into Gaza tunnel
GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- One Palestinian man was injured on Sunday and two others were reported missing after Egyptian authorities pumped sewage inside a Rafah smuggling tunnel running underneath the border with the Gaza Strip, medics said.
Ewwww. What's that smell?
I thought it was you.
I thought it was you.

Palestinian medical sources told Ma'an that a tunnel worker was hurt and two others went missing inside the Rafah tunnel as a result of sewage pumped in from the Egyptian side.
Well, are we gonna go down there and look for them?
Ummmmmm...no. I'm sure they'll turn up.

"Yo, Mahmoud, we got a floater here!"
Two Palestinians were killed and three others injured on Saturday after a gas canister exploded in a smuggling tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip, medics said.
Got a light, Mahmoud?
Why, sur...BOOM!

Egyptian security officials said in early September that they were cracking down on the network of tunnels used by smugglers from the coastal enclave.

Medics say over 160 Palestinians have died in the network of underground tunnels since Israel imposed a siege on the Gaza Strip in 2006.

Under Israel's crippling blockade, the tunnels have provided a lifeline for residents of the coastal enclave.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Great idea. Use as sewage leach fields.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 09/27/2011 0:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Biological or chemical warfare?
wonder how well the desert sands perk?
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 09/27/2011 0:44 Comments || Top||

#3  I can't believe how funny I think that is.
Posted by: Skidmark || 09/27/2011 2:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Imagine if the Juices had tried that.
Posted by: Durnham Freebody || 09/27/2011 2:42 Comments || Top||

#5  Like drawn to like.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/27/2011 4:01 Comments || Top||

#6  On the sands perking, not very well if my drives to work are any indication.
Posted by: hairofthedawg || 09/27/2011 5:35 Comments || Top||

#7  Poor Sewage!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/27/2011 7:22 Comments || Top||

#8  A remarkably effective technique. Can you imagine what Egyptian sewage must be like?
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/27/2011 8:53 Comments || Top||

#9  Pathogen city down there. Normally, one goes through a septic tank to settle the solids, then the clear liquid goes to the leach field. In this case, you have an underground cess pool, a mirror of what is going on above ground.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 09/27/2011 11:05 Comments || Top||

#10  How insulting! That's not sewage. Them's Paleostinians! Although, differentiating between them is an exercise best left to an expert in pathogen microbiology.
Posted by: SteveS || 09/27/2011 15:06 Comments || Top||

#11  Update: They've been promoted. To "martyrs"...

Three Palestinians were pronounced dead on Tuesday morning after Egyptian authorities pumped sewage inside a smuggling tunnel under the Gaza border on Sunday. The ambulance and emergency services committee in Gaza said the three victims were found alive inside the tunnel. They were evacuated to the Abu Yousef an-Najjar Hospital in Rafah but were pronounced dead 30 minutes after arrival.

Gaza medical spokesman Adham Abu Salmiya identified the victims as Fadi Mustafa Ash-Shaer, 20, Firas Ahmad, 18, and Anwar Abu Aradeh, 25.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/27/2011 18:55 Comments || Top||

Egyptian detained in Lebanon for spying for Israel
BEIRUT: The Lebanese Army says it has detained an Egyptian man and his Lebanese wife in southeast Lebanon on suspicion of collaborating with Israel's Mossad spy agency.
They're finding Israeli spies all over the landscape these days. Quite impressive, actually.
An army statement said Monday that the man confessed to accepting money in return for spying and that he traveled to Israel three times since 1999. The army says Lebanese authorities found in his home equipment used for spying and CDs with pictures of security locations.

More than 100 people have been arrested in Lebanon since 2009 on suspicion of spying. Lebanese officials maintain that Israel regularly recruits spies in Lebanon and has penetrated the country's telecommunications networks.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Syrian forces kill 4 defecting soldiers
BEIRUT: Four Syrian soldiers were shot dead on Monday as they tried to escape a military camp and troops sealed off towns in a continuing crackdown on opponents of President Bashar Assad, activists said.

The military campaign has focused on towns and villages north of the city of Homs, where increasing numbers of defectors have been organizing and mounting guerrilla raids on roadblocks manned by troops and gunmen loyal to Assad.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in Britain, said the four soldiers were killed by military police when they tried to flee their post in the northern province of Idlib, which borders Turkey. Another seven soldiers were arrested.

In the town of Rastan, north of Homs, three people were injured when troops opened fire with heavy machine guns mounted on tanks surrounding the town, which lies on the main northern highway leading to Turkey, residents said.

In Homs, a professor at the university’s architecture faculty and an officer at a military science college were shot dead in separate attacks, the Syrian Observatory said. One activist said he believed the men were killed by opposition gunmen because of their support for the government.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/27/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  After the prior sewage article I first read this as "Syrian Forces Kill 4 Defecating Soldiers". Ahh the human mind, what a marvel.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck || 09/27/2011 19:40 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2011-09-27
  1 injured, 2 missing as Egypt pumps sewage into Gaza tunnel
Mon 2011-09-26
  Missile targets Afghan president palace
Sun 2011-09-25
  French Envoy Targeted with Eggs, Stones in Damascus
Sat 2011-09-24
  Paleostinians ask UN for statehood
Fri 2011-09-23
  President of Yemen returns home
Thu 2011-09-22
  Series of bombs kills 1, injures at least 60 in Dagestan
Wed 2011-09-21
  Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen kill 29 Shia pilgrims in Pakistan
Tue 2011-09-20
  Murder most foul: Barhanuddin Rabanni assassinated
Mon 2011-09-19
  Fighting erupts in Bani Walid
Sun 2011-09-18
  "Norwegian" held over Danish cartoonist plot
Sat 2011-09-17
  Syrian Forces Kill 46
Fri 2011-09-16
  NTC Fighters Enter Gadhafi Hometown Sirte
Thu 2011-09-15
  US Drone Attack Kills Two Militants in Pakistan
Wed 2011-09-14
  Iran to Free US Hikers or whatever they were for $500,000 Each
Tue 2011-09-13
  Nato headquarters and US embassy under attack in Kabul

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