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Missile targets Afghan president palace
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Kabul CIA (?) Attacked - One Dead
An Afghan employee has killed one US citizen and wounded another before being shot dead at a compound believed to house a CIA station, officials say. The incident in Kabul took place on Sunday night at the Ariana hotel.

The BBC's Paul Wood in Kabul says that it is unclear if the gunman was a Taliban recruit or if the shooting happened as a result of a personal dispute which escalated into serious bloodshed because of the presence of weapons.
There would not be so much bloodshed if it weren't for guns. And knives. Bats. Sticks. Stones. Fists. Feet. Anger.
Posted by: Bobby || 09/26/2011 06:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Dumbass reporter, because of the presence of guns... Really??? In Afghanistan? Really?? Oh I forty, muzzles are peace loving and tolerant of all... Spit!!!!
Posted by: 49 Pan || 09/26/2011 9:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Forgot not forty.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 09/26/2011 9:34 Comments || Top||

#3  That comes from 50, Pan.
Posted by: Skidmark || 09/26/2011 9:58 Comments || Top||

#4  Each Afghan male is allowed one AK-47. I'd say there's potential for bloodshed.

Of course the last Canadian to die was killed by an ax weilding Taliban.

Posted by: Frozen Al || 09/26/2011 11:17 Comments || Top||

#5  More ISI shenanigans
Posted by: dk70 the scantily clad || 09/26/2011 20:00 Comments || Top||

Missile targets Afghan president palace
A huge explosion has reportedly taken place near the presidential palace in Afghanistan's capital city of Kabul, injuring at least three people, Press TV reported.

The incident occurred Sunday night when a missile was reportedly launched from an unidentified location, targeting the palace.
Any chance it had Farsi markings?
The rocket attack was followed by gunfire, according to local reports. Other wire reports, however, have quoted Afghan officials as saying that some shots were heard from a compound used by the main US spy network, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Kabul.

Afghan interior ministry spokesman Siddiq Siddiqui said the gunfire took place in Ariana Hotel compound which is part of the US embassy facility in Kabul.

A US official in Washington confirmed that there was an attack on a building used by American officials in Kabul. However, the CIA and the US embassy in Kabul have so far failed to comment on the incident.

The heavily secured building, only blocks away from the Afghan presidential palace, was occupied by the CIA in late 2001 following the US-led invasion of the Asian country, according to former US intelligence officials.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Berlin confirms German killed in Afghanistan
BERLIN: The German government says one of its citizens was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said Sunday an investigation had "confirmed that one of the two people killed in the western Afghan province of Ghor was a German citizen."
One less to cause problems then. Good.
The spokesman did not give his name, in keeping with government policy, and had no further details.

Afghan police said gunmen ambushed and killed a German man and an Afghan man on Saturday.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Afghans accuse Pakistan over fresh border shelling
[Dawn] Afghan authorities on Sunday alleged that hundreds of rockets had been fired into Afghanistan from Pakistain in recent days, killing a child and forcing hundreds to flee their homes.

Interior ministry front man Siddiq Siddiqui did not specify who was behind the cross-border shelling but added: "We call on Pakistain, whoever is behind the attacks, to prevent it immediately." He said that more than 340 rockets had been fired into Afghanistan over the past four days, mostly landing in villages and farmland in the province of Kunar.

Two mosques and dozens of houses had been damaged while about 50 families had to flee their homes, Siddiqui added.

Fazilullah Wahidy, the Kunar provincial governor, separately told AFP that at least one boy had been killed in the attacks.

Cross-border shelling incidents frequently cause tension between Afghanistan and Pakistain.

The border area between the two countries is seen as highly dangerous and a sanctuary for gunnies who launch attacks in Afghanistan.

In June, Afghanistan warned that cross-border attacks could threaten "improving trust and cooperation" between the neighbours unless Pakistain addressed the issue.

Pakistain denies any official involvement in the incidents.

The latest shelling came shortly after the United States called on Pakistain to "break any link they have" with gunnies from the Haqqani network in border districts.

In response, Pak Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani
... Pakistain's erstwhile current prime minister, whose occasional feats of mental gymnastics can be awe-inspiring ...
rejected claims of Pak complicity with the Haqqanis and said that US policy on Afghanistan was in "disarray."
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Suicide attack kills 4 in eastern Afghanistan
[Emirates 24/7] Afghan police say a jacket wallah on a cycle of violence has detonated his explosives outside a local police headquarters, killing four people.

Abdul Rahman, who coordinates security in Paktika
...which coincidentally borders South Wazoo...
province, says two coppers and two civilians died in the attack Sunday in Yahya Khel district near Afghanistan's eastern border with Pakistain.

After the attack, gunnies fired bullets at the police headquarters from two or three directions, but the gunfire ended after 15 minutes and no other casualties were reported.

In Kabul, President Hamid Maybe I'll join the Taliban Karzai
... A former Baltimore restaurateur, now 12th and current President of Afghanistan, displacing the legitimate president Rabbani in December 2004. He was installed as the dominant political figure after the removal of the Taliban regime in late 2001 in a vain attempt to put a Pashtun face on the successor state to the Taliban. After the 2004 presidential election, he was declared president regardless of what the actual vote count was. He won a second, even more dubious, five-year-term after the 2009 presidential election. His grip on reality has been slipping steadily since around 2007, probably from heavy drug use...
appointed a panel of high-ranking officials, led by Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak, to investigate the liquidation of former President Burhanuddin Rabbani
... the murdered legitimate president of Afghanistan...
, who headed the nation's peace council.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
Kids awarded guns, grenades, literature in al-Shabab recruiting drive
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 09/26/2011 21:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Africa North
Mass grave found with 1,270 bodies
[Emirates 24/7] Libyan revolutionary authorities say they have discovered a mass grave containing the remains of 1,270 inmates killed by the regime of Moammar Qadaffy
...a proud Arab institution for 42 years...
in a 1996 prison massacre.
No doubt there will be a good deal more of this. He wasn't a very nice man, the dapper colonel.
The site was found near Tripoli's Abu Salim prison, where the victims were killed on June 26, 1996, after protesting conditions at the facility.

The announcement was made Sunday by Dr. Ibrahim Abu Sahima of the government committee overseeing the search for victims of the former regime.

He says Sherlocks found the grave two weeks ago after getting information from captured regime officials and witnesses.

Officials will ask for international assistance in identifying the remains.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  No doubt there will be a good deal more of this. He wasn't a very nice man, the dapper colonel.

He wouldn't last so long if he were.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/26/2011 1:23 Comments || Top||

#2  No doubt the new regime will be more... circumspect... with its disposals.
Posted by: Pappy || 09/26/2011 10:06 Comments || Top||

#3  So - tidy disposal at sea was either

1 - not an option, as the Libyan navy didn't have the stomach for it, or

2 - the Libyan navy was already disposing of all the bodies it could handle and the army / security forces had to pick up the slack?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 09/26/2011 16:32 Comments || Top||

Gaddafi forces kill 5 in oasis attack
[Emirates 24/7] Forces loyal to Moamer Qadaffy
...who single-handedly turned a moderately prosperous kingdom into a dictator's fantasyland...
attacked the Ghadames oasis southwest of Tripoli at dawn on Sunday, killing at least five new regime fighters, a local official and two witnesses told AFP.

"We came under attack at dawn today from Qadaffy loyalists," Muhandes Sirajeddin, deputy chief of the local council in Ghadames 600 kilometres (370 miles) southwest of the capital, told AFP by telephone.

"Clashes are still under way and so far at least five rebels were killed," he added. Two witnesses in Ghadames, a Unesco World Heritage Site and home to ancient Roman ruins, also confirmed the toll.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He, he, he.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/26/2011 1:23 Comments || Top||

After Huge Gains NTC Makes Tactical Retreat from Sirte
[Tripoli Post] After mounting successful attacks on Muammar Al Qadaffy's
...who single-handedly turned a moderately prosperous kingdom into a dictator's fantasyland...
hometown of Sirte, during which they came as close as half a kilometre from the centre of the runaway leader's former coastal stronghold, the National Transitional Council forces have reportedly made a tactical retreat.

NTC fighters on pick-up vehicles mounted with machine guns raced into the town's centre, backed up by NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A cautionary tale of cost-benefit analysis....
jets, on Saturday, with one of the fighters explaining to Rooters that they faced snipers on the roof of mosques and buildings, including houses. He said that the NTC assault plan has divided Sirte into three zones.

This morning, one of the NTC commanders, Fathi Bafhaaga said that they took area number one and they were fighting in area number two holding the positions until the morning. But journalists at the scene saying it was the deepest NTC fighters had got into Sirte, were unable to verify whether the NTC was holding onto its overnight gains .

In the meantime, NATO said that in the battle for Sirte its planes had hit a number of targets in the city in the previous 24 hours, including an ammunition depot and an anti-aircraft gun. It said in a statement that the air attacks had been mounted to protect civilians from pro-Al Qadaffy forces inside the town.

NTC commanders said earlier that their advance on Sirte has been hampered by the presence of large numbers of civilians, many of whom have decamped in the past week.

Libya's National Transitional Council fighters, using heavy artillery and tanks, and backed by NATO warplanes, on Saturday launched a fierce two-pronged assault on Sirte and managed to reach the centre of Al Qadaffy's hometown, that the Al Qadaffy loyalists have held for months.

The NTC fighters supported by NATO had to battle against mortar, rocket-propelled grenades and snipers during an explosive scene that must have left a lot of casualties but also freed many residents who had been forced to provide a human shield for Al Qadaffy's loyalists.

The NTC were hoping they could capture the whole city by Sunday and declare an end game for Sirte, a city 400km southeast of Tripoli on the country's Mediterranean coast.

In the two-pronged attack from the south and the east of the city, using tanks and pick-up trucks mounted with anti-aircraft guns, the NTC forces cleared away roadblocks set up by the pro-Al Qadaffy forces and drove toward the city centre before putting up their own defences in advanced positions.

Misrata military council spokesperson Abdel Ibrahim said seven NTC fighters were killed and 145 injured. Ambulances had a hard time to carry casualties from the fighting.

In the attack on Sirte, the fighters who had been waiting for weeks to push forward, were reinforced by other fighters who had taken part in the liberation of Al-Jaffra who advanced from the south.

The battle that started Saturday morning raged on in the afternoon when they managed to occupy a key Zafaran roundabout west of Sirte's downtown area.

After more fighting into the evening, there was a lull for the night, but the attack resumed early Sunday before the NTC's so-called tactical retreat.

Frontline fighters are convinced that one of Al Qadaffy's sons, Muatassim, who was reported as having been behind the organization of the his father's loyalists, is holed up in the city's southern outskirts.

NTC operations commander Osama Muttawa Swehly told AFP: "Mutassim is in there. We hear him on the radio giving orders."
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  In short, they can't take it until NATO bombings level it.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/26/2011 1:25 Comments || Top||

#2  I feel conflicted. Almost want to root for Daffy, as I suspect the NTC will be even worse for American interests than the Duck ever was.
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 09/26/2011 1:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Root for the body count + EUros getting their faces rubbed in dirt.
Posted by: gr(o)mgoru || 09/26/2011 3:20 Comments || Top||

#4  attacks had been mounted to protect civilians

The media almost forgot the reason for NATO's involvement.
Posted by: Bobby || 09/26/2011 6:03 Comments || Top||

#5  The media almost forgot the reason for NATO's involvement.

You'd think they'd have it in a macro, like "Somalia is a failed state".
Posted by: Pappy || 09/26/2011 10:08 Comments || Top||

#6  In the meantime, NATO said that in the battle for Sirte its planes had hit a number of targets in the city in the previous 24 hours, including an ammunition depot and an anti-aircraft gun. It said in a statement that the air attacks had been mounted to protect civilians from pro-Al Qadaffy forces inside the town.

Do they have to keep lying? When everybody knows it's a lie? Hasn't their credibility been damaged badly enough already?
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 09/26/2011 13:01 Comments || Top||

#7  You are talking about EUnches so no, they cannot quit lying.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 09/26/2011 18:34 Comments || Top||

Huge Yemen protest demands Saleh trial
[Emirates 24/7] Tens of thousands of people erupted into the streets of Sanaa on Sunday demanding President President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower...
's trial for crimes committed during his decades-long rule, hours before he is expected to make a speech.

The protesters, who set off on from Change Square, the epicentre of the pro-democracy movement in the capital, chanted "Freedom! Freedom! The people want the butcher tried!"

Their demand comes after the bloodiest week Sanaa has seen since mass anti-government protests calling for Saleh's resignation erupted in January, prompting fears of renewed festivities.

In all, more than 170 people, mostly unarmed protesters, have been killed in the capital since last Sunday.

Most of the casualties were anti-government protesters killed when security forces used artillery and gunfire and to disperse demonstrating crowds.

In Yemen's second largest city of Taez, three people were killed and three others were maimed in festivities early on Sunday.

The overnight fighting erupted between armed rustics who have thrown their support behind anti-government protesters and security forces loyal to Saleh.

Two rustics were killed and three others were maimed, a tribal source told AFP, requesting anonymity.

A medical official in Taez said a third man was shot early on Sunday by government troops.

The festivities came a day after Yemeni security forces in Taez, including the elite Republican Guard troops commanded by Saleh's son Ahmed, bolstered their deployment throughout the city and on its outskirts.

The beefed up military deployment came after Saleh's return to Yemen on Friday after a near four-month absence.

He flew in from Soddy Arabia where he received treatment for wounds sustained in a June kaboom at his presidential compound.

Taez has been the scene of intense festivities between government troops and anti-government protesters since calls for Saleh's resignation first began.

In June, influential tribal leaders deployed gunnies to protect the pro-democracy protesters in Taez, leading to regular firefights and bloody festivities between the two sides.

At least eight people have been killed there in the past week, six of them civilians, according to medical officials.

The latest protests came amid renewed calls by the United Nations
...Parkinson's Law on an international scale...
, the United Stares and Gulf leaders for Saleh to step down and transfer power to Vice President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi.

The Gulf Cooperation Council, the sponsors of the Gulf initiative that provides a road map for a peaceful transition of power in Yemen, have been rebuffed by Saleh, who has repeatedly delayed signing the initiative.

On Saturday, GCC ministers condemned the violence in Yemen and echoed US and UN calls urging Saleh to "immediately" sign the initiative.

They also called for "self-restraint, a complete and immediate ceasefire, and for forming a commission of inquiry in the latest events that have cost the lives of innocent Yemenis."

A UN Security Council statement on Saturday called on all sides to "reject violence, including against peaceful and unarmed civilians, and show maximum restraint."

"They called on all parties to move forward urgently in an inclusive, orderly and Yemeni-led process of political transition," it said.

...back at the abandoned silver mine, the water was up to Jack's neck and still rising...
government forces, dissident troops and armed rustics, both pro- and anti-Saleh, remained heavily deployed throughout Sanaa, an AFP correspondent said, raising fears of renewed festivities ahead of Saleh's anticipated speech.

The official Yemeni news agency has said he would make "an important speech to mark the 49th anniversary" of the September 26, 1962 revolution that saw Yemen proclaimed a republic, although no appearance has been officially announced.

Saleh, who has been in power since 1978, traditionally makes his speech on the eve of the anniversary.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Attack on Yemen opposition camp kills 17
[Emirates 24/7] Mortar shells and sniper fire struck an opposition protest camp in Sanaa on Saturday, and President President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower...
's main military rival said the Yemeni leader's return to the country after a three-month absence could spark civil war.

The direction this country will take, after months of unrest and six days of major violence in the capital, may hinge on a speech Saleh is expected to give on state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
on Sunday.

Earlier on Saturday, witnesses and medics said government forces attacked the main opposition protest camp in Sanaa and killed 17 protesters and opposition-allied soldiers.

Hundreds decamped from the midnight attack that lasted until noon on Saturday on "Change Square", the heart of an uprising where thousands have camped for eight months calling for Saleh to give up his 33 years of power.

Saleh's main military rival, General Ali Mohsen, said the president's return was a "major catastrophe" and called on Gulf states and Western powers to stop him from igniting a civil war.

Mohsen, who dealt a blow to Saleh in March by defecting with his troops to the protesters, said in a statement that his forces were in a position to oust the president.

"The pro-revolutionary army is capable of confrontation and can decide the situation and restore the power usurped by this gang (Saleh's family)," said Mohsen.

The fractious Arabian Peninsula nation has been rocked since January by protests demanding Saleh's ouster. President Barack B.O. Obama's administration has called for Saleh to hand over power and arrange for a presidential election by the year-end.

Protest leaders accuse Saleh's administration of corruption, violence against demonstrators and doing nothing to alleviate widespread poverty.

Yemen, one of the region's poorest countries, also faces an insurgency by al Qaeda forces of Evil and has an uneasy truce with Shi'ite fighters in the north and separatism in the south.

Some senior diplomats working behind the scenes to negotiate a transfer of power deal said there were "positive" signs and that opposition political groups seemed ready to work with Saleh on an accord.

Sanaa went quiet on Saturday evening after a day of festivities and shows of force when Mohsen's troops and government forces fired missiles into the air.

Witnesses and protesters said the forces who attacked "Change Square" included the elite Republican Guard and Central Security forces. Interior Minister Muttahar al-Masri denied a raid took place, blaming the violence on "extremists".

"This brutal aggression coincides with Ali Saleh's return from Riyadh," the protesters' National Council said. "This family regime is insistent on dragging the country into a grinding war by attacking Change Square."
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Qaeda Severs Boy's Hand
[Yemen Post] According to residents in the southern Yemeni province of Abyan, alleged al-Qaeda Islamic fascisti would have severed the hands of 2 people, including that of a 15-year old boy.

Eye witnesses told the press that they were summoned to the execution, forced to watch while the Islamists cut off the hands of the accused, using a sword.

They later on paraded around the town with the amputated limb,
warning that theft would not be tolerated under al-Qaeda's rule.

The 2 men had been apparently found guilty of stealing electric cables in Jaar, one of the towns "Ansar al Sharia" group seized a few months back.

Since its revival in activities the radical Islamist group has been claiming to want to create an Islamist state under which the Sharia, or Koranic law would be the only reference.

By severing the hands of the thieves, al-Qaeda enacted a millennia old ruling, stating that an example should be made against thievery as to deter future bandidos from operating.

Several imams have already condemned the move, saying that this interpretation of Islam was biased and taken out of context.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  guilty of stealing electric cables
Mo didn't have electric cables so how could it be a crime to steal some?
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/26/2011 9:28 Comments || Top||

Nato trucks not allowed to enter Dera
[Dawn] District administration on Saturday stopped entry of NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A cautionary tale of cost-benefit analysis....
containers, coming from the Punjab province, in Dera Ismail Khan
... the Pearl of Pashtunistan ...
on account of security reasons.

Deputy Superintendent of Police of Parwa area, Behawal Khan, said the containers carrying NATO supplies should obtain route permits from the concerned authorities to enter the district.

Witnesses said that about 30 loaded lorries coming from Punjab province to Afghanistan via Beautiful Downtown Peshawar were stopped on the Indus Highway near Ramak. The police sent these vehicles back to Punjab province, they said.

Police officials said the vehicles carrying NATO supplies could not use Indus Highway, therefore, their entry in Dera Ismail Khan was banned. He said that due to security reasons NATO containers should use routes prescribed by the authorities.

NATO containers coming from Bloody Karachi either use the G.T. Road or the motorway to cross over into Pakistain via the Torkham border.

...back at the bunker, his Excellency called a hurried meeting of his closest advisors. It was to be his last...
the Gomal University police defused an bomb on an oil tanker carrying fuel to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. Police said two kilogram bomb was planted at a tanker, which was defused by the bomb disposal squad.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  ISI really really wants to experience a B-52 raid...
Drink up all.
Posted by: Water Modem || 09/26/2011 1:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Let's go old school. A B-36 with a couple B83 devices
Posted by: M. Murcek || 09/26/2011 5:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Uh, B53...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 09/26/2011 5:43 Comments || Top||

Four militants killed in Tirah air strike
[Dawn] Security forces on Saturday morning killed four Death Eaters in an air strike in Tirah valley of Khyber Agency.

In a separate incident, police rubbed out a Taliban capo, Jamaluddin, in Akora Khattak area of Nowshera district early on Saturday.

The Tirah Valley official said the strike was carried out on two hideouts of Death Eaters in Serhai near Afghan border. Locals, however, claimed that only a woman was maimed in the strike, which partially damaged the house of Sher Muhammad.

Noor Zahir told Dawn that the area had no sanctuaries of beturbanned goons. He said the air strike targeted innocent rustics not beturbanned goons.

...back at the shattered spaceship, Fffflirgoll the Arcturan slithered stealthily toward the control room, where the humans had barricaded themselves...
a deserted house of an activist of local peace lashkar was partially destroyed by explosives in Akkakhel area of

An official said Death Eaters of the banned Lashkar-i-Islam outfit were behind the attack on Haji Khan.

He said the house was deserted by Haji Khan after the start of military operation.

...back at the precinct house, Sergeant Maloney wasn't buying it. It was just too pat. It smelled phony...
vehicular traffic to Afghanistan came to a halt due to closure of Torkham border after Pak and Afghan guards exchanged hot words over an arrest.

An official said the incident occurred after Pak guards incarcerated an Afghan border guard after he crossed the border.

He said though the incarcerated guard was allowed to return, the border remained closed with officials of the two sides awaiting consent of their bosses to open it. The officials said pedestrians were allowed to use the border.

Transporters, especially those carrying NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A cautionary tale of cost-benefit analysis....
supplies, expressed the fear that Death Eaters might target their vehicles in case of any delay in the opening of the border.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Taliban commander killed
[Dawn] District police officer Nowshera Mohammad Hussain told news hounds that Death Eater commander Jamaluddin, also known as Qari Basit and Janat Gul, was killed in an encounter in Tarkhel area of Akora Khattak early on Saturday, while his four accomplices beat feet.

He said police also seized two hand grenades, one Kalashnikov and scores of rounds.

The DPO said police raided the Tarkhel area on a tip-off that Death Eater commander Jamaluddin, resident of Shahbaz Kali, Kohat, was present there.

He said the slain commander was wanted by Kohat police for the June 2006 bombing, which killed five people.

According to Hussain, Jamaluddin was also wanted by Beautiful Downtown Peshawar police for attack on a police van, which led to killing of three personnel and escape of two Talibs.

The DPO said the Taliban capo was two kidnapping for ransom and killing cases in Akora Khattak.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Firemen held for `storing arms` inside station
[Dawn] Police raided a fire station in Korangi on Saturday, jugged about two dozen officials and claimed to have seized arms 'stored inside the government facility', officials and police sources said.

A bigwig confirmed that the police raided the fire station situated in the industrial area of the town and jugged 22 officials though, he said, most of them were released after initial investigation."Four of the jugged persons are still under investigation as the police have found arms in their possession," said DIG (East) Naeem Akram Barokha. When asked about the reason behind the raid on the local government facility, he said the police moved on a tip-off about the arms and suspects associated with the station.

The police sources, however, said the raid was conducted under the Malir SSP and the police party spent a couple of hours inside the fire station and thoroughly searched it.

"The police jugged all officials present inside the station. But 18 were released after initial inquiries. The details of the arms recovered have not yet been disclosed," said an official privy to the initial investigations.

He said the police searched different facilities inside the fire station and also looked into different equipment on their suspicions as arms carrier.
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  I thought they paraded around town with the severed appendages of thieves - didn't know they stored them at the fire station... oh, nevermind, wrong 'arms.'
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/26/2011 9:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Get that shit outta here! Store it in a mosque where it belongs!
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/26/2011 18:35 Comments || Top||

Karbala kabooms kill 10, maim 85
KARBALA / Aswat al-Iraq: The explosions that took place in Karbala city on Sunday were caused by 2 booby-trapped car blasts and 2 explosive charges, that caused 95 victims between martyrs and injured, the Commander of Central Euphrates Operations said on Sunday.

“Karbala city had witnessed today (Sunday) 4 explosions close to the office of Nationality & Civil Status at the center of the city,” General Othman al-Ghanimy told a news conference, attended by Aswat al-Iraq in Karbala Operations building.

He said the explosions have been caused by using 2 booby-trapped cars and 2 explosive charges, laid under civilian cars, parked in the area of the attack, adding that the first explosion was caused by a booby-trapped car, followed by an explosive charge and then by another explosion when the security forces and ambulance cars arrived to drive the wounded to hospitals, and then another booby-trapped car blew off when other security and ambulance cars arrived.

“The final result, according to al-Husseiny Teaching Hospital in Karbala, has reached 10 people killed and 85 wounded, including 34 security elements, 4 of them officers,” he said.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

'Hizbullah Commander' Arrested in Iraq Could Get Military Tribunal in U.S.
[An Nahar] The B.O. regime is considering a military trial in the United States for a Hizbullah commander now jugged in Iraq, U.S. counterterrorism officials said, previewing a potential prosecution strategy that has failed before but may offer a solution to a difficult legal problem for the government.

While the U.S. hasn't made a decision, officials said a tribunal at a U.S. military base may be the best way to deal with Ali Mussa Daqduq, who was captured in Iraq in 2007. He has been linked to the Iranian government and a brazen raid in which four American soldiers were kidnapped and killed in the Iraqi holy city of Karbala in 2007.

No military commission has been held on U.S. soil since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. President George Bush tried holding a few suspected beturbanned goons at military bases inside the U.S., but each detainee ultimately was released or transferred to civilian courts.

President Barack B.O. Obama has said that, because of changes to the military commissions that give prisoners more rights, he supports them as an option in the fight against terrorism.

But a tribunal for Daqduq probably would draw criticism from both liberals, who say a civilian court should be used, and conservatives, who don't want suspected beturbanned goons brought to the U.S. regardless of the venue.

The Bush administration had planned to prosecute Daqduq in an American civilian court. To prepare for that, intelligence officials questioned Daqduq, then had the FBI restart the interrogation from scratch so his answers would be admissible in court.

In a twist of political irony, however, that plan has been effectively scuttled because of opposition from Bush's own Republican Party.

A decision must be made soon. Daqduq is among a few of the remaining U.S. prisoners who, under a 2008 agreement between Washington and Storied Baghdad
...located along the Tigris River, founded in the 8th century, home of the Abbasid Caliphate...
, must be transferred to Iraqi custody by the end of 2011. U.S. officials fear that if he is turned over to Iraq, he will simply walk free.

This article starring:
Ali Mussa Daqduq
Posted by: Fred || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

#1  I suggest that the best thing would be if he accidentally falls down a flight of stairs... and lands on a stray 9mm cartridge that somehow goes off and lodges a bullet into the back of his head.

Hey, accidents happen!

Or rat poison could end up in his food somehow.

I'm just sayin'....
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 09/26/2011 1:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Transfer him to Ice Station Zebra...
Posted by: Steve White || 09/26/2011 7:43 Comments || Top||

#3  Just him and Rock Hudson. Alone.
Posted by: Durnham Freebody || 09/26/2011 8:40 Comments || Top||

#4   Just him and Rock Hudson. Alone.

Isn't Rock Hudson dead, Durnham Freebody? That could make it even more interesting, I s'pose...
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/26/2011 14:12 Comments || Top||

#5  Transfer him to Ice Station Zebra...

Or we could send him to... Detroit!
Posted by: SteveS || 09/26/2011 14:21 Comments || Top||

#6  Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Posted by: Durnham Freebody || 09/26/2011 21:56 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Bomb injures two policemen in southern Thailand
Two police officers on patrol duty were seriously injured in a bomb explosion on a road in Pattani province on Monday afternoon. The bomb exploded when a pick-up truck used by the two officers ran over it near a local village.

On Sunday night, two unmanned army operational bases in Narathiwat province were set on fire. The first base, of a special operation unit, was at Ban Suwo and the other, of a development unit, in tambon Bacho. The arson attacks were launched simultaneously by terrorists militants at about 9 p.m. Wooden structures roofed with thatch at the two bases were burnt to ashes.
Posted by: ryuge || 09/26/2011 06:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Suicide bombing at Indonesian church injures 22
Followup from yesterday's report.
SOLO, Indonesia: A suicide bomber blew himself up inside an Indonesian church as hundreds of worshippers were filing out after the Sunday service, injuring at least 22 people, police said.

The bomber’s mangled body lay at the entrance of the Tenth Bethel Gospel Church. Around him, screaming people were splattered in blood.

Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo said the low-intensity device appeared to be attached to the man’s stomach.

“We are now waiting for DNA test results to confirm his identity,” Pradopo said. “We hope to reveal it soon.”

A woman working at an Internet cafe near the church in the Central Java town of Solo said the man had visited her shop an hour before the explosion and browsed websites about Al-Qaeda and a local Islamist group. He left a bag behind containing a copy of the Qur’an, a mask and a cellphone charger, Rina Ristriningsih told The Associated Press. She said all of the items had been confiscated by police.

It appeared that the bomber entered the church through a side door, mingled with worshippers, and then, when the service was over, headed out with them. He detonated his device near the entrance, killing himself and wounding at least 22 people, said Pradopo, the police chief.

“Everyone was screaming,” Fani, a witness, told Metro TV. Like many Indonesians she goes by only one name. “I saw fiery sparks and, near the entrance, a man dead on the ground, his entrails spilling out. People around him were splattered with blood.”

Members of the congregation said they did not recognize the bomber.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/26/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

In Syria, defectors form dissident army
Oh this will get interesting real quick...
WADI KHALED, Lebanon -- A group of defectors calling themselves the Free Syrian Army is attempting the first effort to organize an armed challenge to President Bashar al-Assad's rule, signaling what some hope and others fear may be a new phase in what has been an overwhelmingly peaceful Syrian protest movement.

From the comments at the site:

"Many revolutions start with a rumor. Six months ago, who thought the anti-Ghaddafi people would get THAT revolution off the ground?"
For now, the shadowy entity seems mostly to consist of some big ambitions, a Facebook page and a relatively small number of defected soldiers and officers who have taken refuge on the borderlands of Turkey and Lebanon or among civilians in Syria's cities.

Many of its claims appear exaggerated or fanciful, such as its boasts to have shot down a helicopter near Damascus this month and to have mustered a force of 10,000 to take on the Syrian military.

But it is clear that defections from the Syrian military have been accelerating in recent weeks, as have levels of violence in those areas where the defections have occurred.

"It is the beginning of armed rebellion," said Gen. Riad Asaad, the dissident army's leader, who defected from the air force in July and took refuge in Turkey.

"You cannot remove this regime except by force and bloodshed," he said, speaking by telephone from the Syria-Turkey border. "But our losses will not be worse than we have right now, with the killings, the torture and the dumping of bodies."

His goals are to carve out a slice of territory in northern Syria, secure international protection in the form of a no-fly zone, procure weapons from friendly countries and then launch a full-scale attack to topple the Assad government, echoing the trajectory of the Libyan revolution.
I'll bet the Kurds would be happy to help with the slice of territory thing. For a price...
In the meantime, the defected soldiers are focusing their attention on defending civilians in neighborhoods where protests occur, while seeking to promote further defections, he said.

If the group achieves even a fraction of those aims, it would mark a dramatic turning point in the six-month standoff between a government that has resorted to maximum force to suppress dissent and a protest movement that has remained largely peaceful.

There is still scant evidence that the defectors are anywhere close to presenting a serious threat to Assad. Diplomats and activists say it is clear that the Free Syrian Army does have a presence in several locations, including the central city of Homs, the remote northern area of Jabal Zawiya near the Turkish border, and the eastern town of Deir al-Zour.

There have been frequent reports of firefights between defected soldiers and the regular army in these areas, but the numbers involved do not appear to be as large as the Free Syrian Army claims.

"I don't think the numbers are big enough to have an impact one way or another on the government or on the contest between the protesters and the government," said U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford, speaking by telephone from Damascus. "The vast majority of protests are still unarmed, and the vast majority of protesters are unarmed."

There are nonetheless signs that the Free Syrian Army is expanding and organizing as reports of violent encounters increase. The group has announced the formation of 12 battalions around the country that regularly post claims on the group's Facebook page, including bombings against military buses and ambushes at checkpoints.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/26/2011 15:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Turning of the army seems to me the only way to bring down the Pencilneck Regime. Iran will be a tougher nut to crack.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 09/26/2011 16:23 Comments || Top||

#2  In Libya, the defectors quickly captured a large part of the country.

There are several portions of Syria that are predominantly and enthusiastically anti Assad but they are relatively small.
Posted by: Lord Garth || 09/26/2011 17:27 Comments || Top||

Good Morning
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 09/26/2011 11:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Lysette Anthony aka Lyssa in "Krull" aka Lesley Giles (Fake) in "Without a Clue" aka Sam in "Husbands and Wives" aka Lucy Westenra in "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" aka Samantha in "Look Who's Talking Now" aka Dr. Claire Mulrooney in "Tale of the Mummy" aka Sarah Carver in "Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde" (age 48)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/26/2011 12:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Scooter,
You sure know how to increase eyeballs at the DSTP!

Posted by: Frozen Al || 09/26/2011 13:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Thanks Al, I try. I wanted to get a little exposure for the wonderful artwork of Enoch Bolles but sadly there were complaints, so I had to replace our exotic lass of Zanzibar with a more modest image.
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 09/26/2011 14:00 Comments || Top||

#4  Scooter, ask GolfBravoUSMC how to do the hidden image thingie. The image that he posts is safe for work and family -- because a surprising number of the next generation discover the world is more complicated than they thought exploring the page their parent left up -- but the daily gam shot underneath is something more...artistic.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/26/2011 14:29 Comments || Top||

#5  I dunno, those Life Magazine and Nat'l Geo from the '50s & '60s were very educational, no?

Life's Rudy Gernriech (sp?) photo shoot comes especially to mind.
Posted by: AlanC || 09/26/2011 15:29 Comments || Top||

#6  Cleavage is one thing men can look down on and still approve of.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/26/2011 19:42 Comments || Top||

#7  I'm stealing that, Richard.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/26/2011 20:11 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2011-09-26
  Missile targets Afghan president palace
Sun 2011-09-25
  French Envoy Targeted with Eggs, Stones in Damascus
Sat 2011-09-24
  Paleostinians ask UN for statehood
Fri 2011-09-23
  President of Yemen returns home
Thu 2011-09-22
  Series of bombs kills 1, injures at least 60 in Dagestan
Wed 2011-09-21
  Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen kill 29 Shia pilgrims in Pakistan
Tue 2011-09-20
  Murder most foul: Barhanuddin Rabanni assassinated
Mon 2011-09-19
  Fighting erupts in Bani Walid
Sun 2011-09-18
  "Norwegian" held over Danish cartoonist plot
Sat 2011-09-17
  Syrian Forces Kill 46
Fri 2011-09-16
  NTC Fighters Enter Gadhafi Hometown Sirte
Thu 2011-09-15
  US Drone Attack Kills Two Militants in Pakistan
Wed 2011-09-14
  Iran to Free US Hikers or whatever they were for $500,000 Each
Tue 2011-09-13
  Nato headquarters and US embassy under attack in Kabul
Mon 2011-09-12
  Head of New Leadership, Jalil, Arrives Tripoli to Great Welcome

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