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Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the outskirts of Khankendi
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Good Morning

I'm an ex KGB agent who was taught to seduce men - and I can show you how to get any man you want: My five top tips include a mind trick you should play on men
Friday September 22nd, 2023

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson quietly signs $26 MILLION contract with security firm to build migrant camps
Six terrorists involved in Bannu suicide attack killed
Pak Purge: Islamabad court summons
Imran Khan in 'un-Islamic nikah' case
White Nile's volunteers prepare
to join the fight against RSF in Khartoum
DR Congo calls for swift withdrawal of UN peacekeepers
Timbuktu suffocates under jihadist blockade
Senator Menendez charged with corruption

Posted by: Fred || 09/22/2023 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  M*A*S*H: Hawkeye loved her overbite
Posted by: Frank G || 09/22/2023 18:25 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
SNA forces and locals will return back to Elbur and Eldheer after ‘tactical retreat’ from both towns
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/22/2023 00:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Somali National Army continue op against Shaboobs in remote southern Mudug forest
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/22/2023 00:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Ethiopia's military says 462 Al-Shabaab fighters killed in failed Somalia attack
[ShabelleMedia] The Æthiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) announced Wednesday it has killed around 462 al-Shabaab
...... an Islamic infestation centering on Somalia attempting to metastasize into Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and similar places, all ofwhich have enough problems without them...
fighters after a failed attack by the murderous Moslem group.

The ENDF said in a blurb that the fighters were killed in Rabdhure town in southwestern Somalia after they tried to attack an ENDF contingent that was present in that area.

The ENDF disclosed the murderous Moslem group had tried to use 12 jacket wallahs and three explosives-laden vehicles in the failed attack.

The Æthiopian army has previously foiled multiple al-Shabaab attempts to infiltrate eastern Æthiopia to carry out cross-border attacks, read the statement.

Æthiopia has several thousand troops in Somalia as part of the African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) tasked with countering the al-Shabaab threat.
On Wednesday, ENDF recounted the last weekend incident in southern Somalia, in which Al-Shabaab claimed to have killed over 178 Ethiopian soldiers in an ambush. In response, the Ethiopian army dismissed the claims as "innuendos" and promised to give accurate reports.

According to the Ethiopian army, the incident which happened in Rabdhure, Southwest Somalia, saw the militants plan to attack a base by use of 12 suicide bombers. Three explosive-laden vehicles had also been loaded ready for the assault, the army said, adding that the militants were neutralized.

The Ethiopian army has previously foiled multiple Al-Shabaab attempts to infiltrate eastern Ethiopia to carry out cross-border attacks, read the statement. The Al-Shabaab has particularly been targeting security teams in Somalia, and have often been using Improvised Explosive Devices [IEDs] and suicide bombers.

The group has also tried to cross over to Ethiopia but the resilience along the border has kept them at bay, mostly managing to control movements around Dolow in Gedo. Last year, several Al-Shabaab militants were killed inside Ethiopia shortly after crossing over using the Dolow route, Addis Ababa confirmed.

For a long time, Ethiopia has been a close associate of Somalia in the fight against Al-Shabaab, participating directly in the elimination of the group from Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Since then, Ethiopian troops have confirmed themselves in parts of Jubaland and Southwest where they are assisting the national army to restore stability.

Did the soldiers follow the jihadis home?

Posted by: trailing wife || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

#1  I'll believe that number when I see the pile of bodies.
Posted by: Chris || 09/22/2023 8:28 Comments || Top||

#2  "We counted the ears and divided by two"
Posted by: Frank G || 09/22/2023 9:54 Comments || Top||

White Nile's volunteers prepare to join the fight against RSF in Khartoum
[SUDANTRIBUNE] The Governor of White Nile State, Omer al-Khalifa Abdallah, has announced the successful graduation of the first volunteer group as they prepare to join the army in the fight against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the capital, Khartoum.

In response to escalating threats from RSF paramilitary forces to expand hostilities into Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
’s northern and central regions, the army established training camps across the country to militarily prepare young volunteers for combat and safeguard their regions from potential RSF attacks.

During a graduation ceremony for the first group of volunteers at the al-Jabalin locality camps, Governor Omer al-Khalifa stated, "The trained young volunteers represent crucial support for the army in its struggle against the Janjaweed militia in Khartoum." He emphasized the readiness of mobilization camps across White Nile localities to produce more graduates to join the army’s efforts against the RSF.

On April 15, a significant conflict erupted between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, extending across large areas of Khartoum, Kordofan, and Darfur states, displacing 5.25 million individuals from their homes.

Major General Sami al-Tayeb, Commander of the 18th Infantry Division in White Nile State, highlighted that the young men who entered the training camps chose to defend their people and their nation and stand alongside the army in its battle against the rebel militia. He emphasized that the remarkable military parade conducted by the mobilized youth reaffirmed their preparedness to assist the army in the Battle of Khartoum.

The army officially declared the RSF paramilitary group "a rebellious militia against the state".

The ongoing conflict has severely damaged the country’s infrastructure, leading to a 42% decline in the Sudanese economy, as reported by the United Nations
...boodling on the grand scale...
. At the same time, half of the nation’s population desperately needs humanitarian assistance and protection.

Posted by: Fred || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

#1  White Nile population: Claim Arab descent through phoney geaneology. Make poor soldiers. Canon fodder.
Posted by: Jerens Black9355 || 09/22/2023 8:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Can't fight without a fancy name.
Posted by: Skidmark || 09/22/2023 9:58 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Timbuktu suffocates under jihadist blockade
[AFRICANEWS] When jihadists in Mali announced they would blockade the ancient city of Timbuktu, residents thought it was just another intimidation tactic.

But a month and a half later, the tens of thousands of inhabitants remain almost completely cut off from the world with the agonising scenario having become a reality.

Half a dozen witnesses have described to AFP a life of scarcity and fear, as shells have begun to rain down and people increasingly feel in danger in a city where basic necessities are starting to run short.

The al-Qaeda-linked jihadist alliance Support Group for Islam and Moslems (GSIM) announced in a series of messages at the beginning of August that it was declaring "war in the Timbuktu region".

"We thought it was just voice messages to spread fear," said Abdoul Aziz Mohammed Yehiya, a civil society organiser.

"Today, frankly, what we are experiencing is exactly the blockade" they had promised, he said.

Local GSIM commander Talha Abou Hind has warned that any lorries that try to run the blockade and enter the region would be "targeted and set on fire".

A Timbuktu resident who asked to remain anonymous told AFP he had recently returned to the city by road, travelling from the direction of Goundam, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) to the southwest.

Along the way, he said, "I met nothing but heavily armed jihadists with 12.7 mm machine guns on cycle of violences".

"I was practically the only motorbike... there was no activity", he added.

One alternative to the increasingly dangerous road had been the Niger River, which flows a few kilometres south of Timbuktu, offering a transport link between northern towns.

But this option disappeared on September 7 when an attackon a ferry, attributed to jihadists, killed dozens of civilians.

All river boat journeys have now been cancelled until further notice, the company operating them told AFP.

Sky Mali, the only airline serving Timbuktu, has temporarily cancelled its service to the northern city following a shell attack near the airport.

Jihadists have been extending their hold over rural areas around the better-defended towns in northern Mali, likely with the aim of increasing pressure on the central government rather than taking over the towns.

Mali's ruling junta, which seized power in 2020, faces a multitude of security challenges throughout the country. It has been playing down the situation in Timbuktu.

Having refused to call it a blockade, the junta on September 5 finally acknowledged there was a "restriction on the flow of goods" to the city, as well as "soaring prices of basic necessities".
Posted by: Fred || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the outskirts of Khankendi
Posted by: Fred || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

Six terrorists involved in Bannu suicide attack killed
[GEO.TV] The security forces on Thursday bumped off and arrested a number of gunnies that facilitated last month’s attack on a military convoy in Bannu, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) that martyred nine soldiers, the military’s media wing said in a statement.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) announced the killing and arrest of the gunnies in a statement issued after the security forces conducted two intelligence-based operations in KP.

In total, the security forces killed eight gunnies and arrested five bandidos Lions of Islam and their controllers in the operations.

The first operation was conducted in Jani Khel’s general area, in Bannu District, where an "intense fire exchange took place between own troops and terrorists".

In the shootout, six bad boyz were potted and five were arrested.

"These gunnies were involved in numerous terrorist activities against security forces, including facilitation of cycle of violence-borne suicide kaboom on a military convoy at Jani Khel on August 31, 2023, in which nine brave sons of soil laid their lives," the ISPR said.

The other operation was conducted in the general area of Datta Khel, North Wazoo District, where two bad boyz were potted "in a fierce encounter between security forces and terrorists".

During the operation "weapons and ammunition were also recovered from killed terrorists". The sanitisation of the surrounding areas is being carried out to neutralise any other gunnies found in the area, said the ISPR.

The military’s media wing said that residents of the area lauded the operation.

"Security forces of Pakistain remain determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism," said the ISPR.
Posted by: Fred || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under: Pak Taliban (TTP)

Airstrikes eliminate four ISIS terrorists in Kirkuk
[Shafaq News] The Joint Operations Command reported on Thursday that four ISIS members were killed in Arclight airstrike
s carried out by Iraqi F-16 aircraft targeting ISIS positions in "Wadi Zghayton" in Kirkuk province.

Two days earlier, the command had announced a "successful" strike targeting "enemy hideouts" in the mentioned valley.

According to the statement, a force consisting of Kirkuk Operations Command, under the field supervision of the commander of Kirkuk Operations, and elements from the reconnaissance battalion of the Military Intelligence Directorate, as well as military engineering units, headed to the location of the strike.

The statement indicated that the force discovered four bodies of Death Eaters yet to be identified at the targeted location. They also safely detonated four boom belts, destroyed various equipment and gear, confiscated four rifles, and obtained a collection of documents and criminal records belonging to the targeted terrorist group.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Israeli forces shell military ‘structures’ in Golan Heights, drone-zap 2 Islamic Jihadis farther down the border
It was a busy day at the other end of Israel.
[NPASyria] On Thursday, an Israeli army spokesperson stated that Israeli forces had targeted Syrian military structures in the Golan Heights, southern Syria. The spokesperson clarified that the presence of these military installations violated the disengagement agreement between both parties.

The Israeli shelling took place after an Israeli drone attack that resulted in the killing of two members of the Paleostinian Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
movement in the Golan Heights earlier today.

The spokesperson added that army tanks targeted two temporary buildings used by the Syrian forces in the Ain Eltinah area, clarifying that their presence violated the disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria.

"The strike was carried out after IDF [Israeli defense forces] soldiers identified the two structures in the area of the security zone yesterday," the spokesperson said in a statement.

The spokesperson further added that Israeli army will not accept any violation the 1974 agreement.

The agreement signed on May 31, 1974, is considered the final measure taken to end the War of Attrition between both parties, during which combat operations between Syrian and Israeli forces resumed in the Golan Heights. Negotiations were held to achieve disengagement between the two parties under the auspices of the US during the tenure of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The document was signed in Geneva at that time.
Update from the Times of Israel at 10:20 a.m. EDT:
In Syria, the pro-government Sham FM radio station said Israel’s military struck an area on the edge of the Golan Heights in the village of Hadar. It said there were no casualties.

A video published by the Israel Hayom daily showed the strikes.

Earlier Thursday, Syrian opposition media reported that an Israeli dronezap killed two people near the southern Syrian town of Beit Jinn, close to the Israeli border.

It was unclear if the two strikes were related.
More from Al Ahram:
Also on Thursday, Syrian media reported that Israeli drones targeted two people riding a cycle of violence in the Syrian capital of Damascus.

The Britannia-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, said the Israeli strike killed two members of Islamic Jihad, a Paleostinian hard boy group backed by Iran, near the village of Beit Jin in southern Syria.

Islamic Jihad official Ismail Abu-Mujahed denied that any of their operatives were killed in southern Syria.
More from an earlier Times of Israel article:
Two men were killed in an alleged Israeli drone strike in southern Syria on Thursday, media outlets affiliated with Syria’s opposition reported.

According to the reports, the strike took place near the town of Beit Jinn, around 10 kilometers (six miles) from the Israeli border in the Golan Heights.

The two men were reportedly riding on a motorcycle when they were struck by a missile.

They were named in unverified reports as Ali Okasha Abu Jarrah and Zaher as-Saadi Abu Alaa, and their affiliations were not known. Rumors on social media said they were members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, but sources in the terror group told the Lebanese al-Ahed newspaper there was no truth to this.

There was no immediate comment from Syrian authorities or pro-government media outlets on the alleged strike.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/22/2023 00:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Palestinian Islamic Jihad

One dead in infighting between regime elements in Hasaka: Monitor
[Rudaw] At least one soldier of the Syrian army was killed Wednesday when infighting erupted between the army and a regime-affiliated militia, a war monitor reported.

Clashes erupted on Wednesday inside a small pocket in central Hasaka city controlled by Damascus where regime institutions are located, known as the Security Square, between Syrian regime forces and the National Defense Forces (NDF), a pro-regime militia. The rest of the city is under the control of Kurdish forces.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based war monitor, reported that a Syrian government soldier was killed and four others were maimed during the festivities, adding that 16 NDF fighters surrendered to regime forces.

At least five civilians were also injured in the festivities.

Footage published on social media showed military vehicles, including tanks, being deployed inside the Security Square as the sound of gunfire echoed in the skies.

In a video, NDF commander Abdul Qadir Hamo declared a rebellion and the separation of his militia from the Syrian government forces, slamming officials including Defense Minister Ali Mamlouk for demanding a $3 million ransom to prevent Hamo’s removal from his position.

"From now on, you are not affiliated to the state, and none of you are considered elements of the state. Look, they hit you with RPG launchers and slaughter you like an enemy. They are your enemies," Hamo told his fighters in a video statement.

Security forces from the Kurdish administration in northeast Syria (Rojava) began receiving civilians fleeing the violence in the Security Square after the infighting broke out.

Last month, four people were maimed during festivities between the NDF and the prominent Arab Jubour tribe after the former attacked a leader from the tribe.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

SDF announces a military operation against the Turkish-backed armed factions, in retaliation to the Turkish drone attacks against the Women’s Protection Units

Posted by: Fred || 09/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

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Two weeks of WOT
Fri 2023-09-22
  Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the outskirts of Khankendi
Thu 2023-09-21
  Eagle Pass, Texas declares state of emergency with 4,000 streaming across border TODAY
Wed 2023-09-20
  Nonstop shelling in Karabakh, Azerbaijan demands Armenian surrender
Tue 2023-09-19
  Sudanese army, RSF clash in Khartoum, El-Obeid, Zalingei
Mon 2023-09-18
  Sudanese army repels RSF attack on its command centre
Sun 2023-09-17
  Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger establish an alliance of Sahel states
Sat 2023-09-16
  Dubai police recover $1 billion worth amphetamine captagon
Fri 2023-09-15
  Israeli customs finds 16 tons of chemicals for rocket fuel being smuggled to Gaza
Thu 2023-09-14
  At least 40 killed in Darfur as Sudan army chief visits Turkey
Wed 2023-09-13
  Malian rebels say they have captured the town of Bourema
Tue 2023-09-12
  10 Kenya Defence Forces officers feared dead after vehicle ran over IED
Mon 2023-09-11
  22 YEARS
Sun 2023-09-10
  Suspected drone strike kills five in central Somalia
Sat 2023-09-09
  Militant attacks kill 64 people in north-eastern Mali
Fri 2023-09-08
  Al Qaeda Affiliate Claims Responsibility For Killing 53 Members Of Burkina Faso Security Forces

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