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Terrs target Iraqi police 47+ Dead
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33 00:00 Zenster [16]
Briton shot dead in Saudi Arabia
A Briton was shot dead in the Saudi capital Riyadh, the latest in a spate of attacks on Western expatriates in the kingdom. An interior ministry spokesman quoted by official media described the victim as a British resident of Saudi Arabia, but did not give his name. He said the incident was under investigation.
Inspector Nayef was dozing when the call came. "Chief," called his trusted assistant, Mahmoud, "there's been a shooting down at the grocery store!"
"A shooting, y'say? Not one of those black fellows again, is it?"
"No, effendi! It was an infidel!"
"An infidel? Who'd he shoot?"
"No, no, effendi! Someone shot him!"
"I suppose we must investigate. Probably nothing to it, though. Get me my cape!"
Witnesses said the victim was gunned down outside a supermarket on Khraiss road at around 5:00 pm (1400 GMT). They said two gunmen shot him with four bullets as he headed to his car in the supermarket's parking lot. The attackers, who were in a car, bravely sped away, the witnesses said. An AFP correspondent saw an ambulance taking away the victim as police questioned witnesses. The motives of the killing were not immediately known, but suspected Al-Qaeda extremists have been blamed for a string of attacks on Westerners in Saudi Arabia. The last fatal attack was on August 3, when an Irish engineer was shot dead in Riyadh. A US diplomatic car came under fire in the Red Sea city of Jeddah on August 30, but no one was hurt.
So that one doesn't count?
The Irishman's killing, later claimed by the Saudi branch of the Al-Qaeda terror network, shattered a lull in the attacks that followed the June 18 killing of the local Al-Qaeda commander. Saudi security forces shot dead Abdul Aziz al-Muqrin, head of "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula", and three associates in Riyadh shortly after they publicized pictures of the beheading of American engineer Paul Johnson, who had been abducted in the capital. The targeting of Westerners began in early May, a year after the militants launched a wave of bombings in Riyadh. Some 90 people have been killed and hundreds wounded in the violence.
Posted by: Anonymous6134 || 09/15/2004 3:05:48 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Homemade bomb confiscated from Grozny resident in Moscow
Police have confiscated a homemade bomb from a Chechen resident in southern Moscow, a source with the city interior department told Interfax on Wednesday. The source said the man was stopped early Tuesday morning on a Moscow street. The 26-year-old Grozny resident was carrying a cardboard box containing some 150 grams of explosives, a battery and a self-made electric detonator. The source said that the detainee was staying in Moscow without registration. An investigation is underway.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) || 09/15/2004 6:04:42 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  what the ??
Posted by: 2B || 09/15/2004 18:39 Comments || Top||

Suspected Islamic militants detained in France
French counterterrorism officials detained five suspected Islamic militants thought to be linked to a Moroccan man with alleged ties to al-Qaida, judicial and police officials said. The raids in Selestat and Colmar in the eastern Alsace region near France's border with Germany took place late Tuesday on orders from two anti-terror judges, Jean-Louis Bruguiere and Jean-Francois Ricard, said police officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The suspects, who were not identified, were taken to counterterrorism headquarters in Paris on Wednesday, judicial officials said.

The five are suspected of having ties to Moroccan Karim Mehdi, who allegedly has links to an al-Qaida cell in Hamburg, Germany - the original base of key Sept. 11 attacker Mohammed Atta. Further details about the five suspects were not immediately available. French authorities placed Mehdi under investigation - a step short of formal charges - in June last year for criminal association with a terrorist enterprise. Mehdi was linked to a thwarted plot to carry out a bombing attack on the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, authorities said.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) || 09/15/2004 7:40:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  two anti-terror judges, Jean-Louis Bruguiere and Jean-Francois Ricard

Doesn't seem like a good thing to me, to name the judges in terror cases. Puts a big target on their forehead.
Posted by: RN || 09/15/2004 8:12 Comments || Top||

#2  today, with our LSM (lamestreammedia) you have to wonder if that isn't the point. Yesterday they were saying that they got a signal from a cell phone.
Posted by: 2B || 09/15/2004 8:52 Comments || Top||

Spain Arrests Suspected Islamic Militants
Police in Barcelona arrested a number of suspected Islamic militants Wednesday in a series of pre-dawn raids, a police spokesman said. The Spanish news agencies Efe and Europa Press quoted judicial and police sources as saying at least 10 people were arrested and most were of Pakistani origin. The police spokesman declined to say how many people were arrested, but said the raids continued Wednesday morning. The spokesman said the detainees were suspected of belonging to a militant Islamic network, but would not say if any of those picked up were linked to the March 11 train bombings in Madrid. Those attacks killed 191 people and were blamed on Islamic militants linked to al-Qaida. Spanish National Radio said the operation was ordered by Judge Ismael Moreno of Spain's National Court, which handles terrorism cases. The radio report said police found no weapons or explosives in Wednesday's raids on homes in Barcelona. But authorities did seize documents, which are being examined.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 09/15/2004 6:47:49 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Belgian terror suspect admits al-Qaeda link
A man standing trial in Belgium on terrorism related activities on Tuesday admitted that he acted as a link between Al Qaeda leaders in Italy and Pakistan and supporters of Osama Bin Laden's network here. Saber Mohammed is one of ten men currently on trial in Brussels for allegedly helping terrorist organisations. Mohammed, an Iraqi, said that shortly after he arrived in Belgium at the end of 2000, two men he met at a Brussels mosque gave him two mobile telephones. He told the court in Brussels that he had been asked to receive calls on the phones and pass on information to the two men.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/15/2004 1:12:29 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Let's fit him for Hanes for Women and free admission to the Olympic naked pyramid pile. Smile...say cheese
Posted by: Capt America || 09/15/2004 3:11 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Kennedy Airport Cops freed lethal-luggage owner
In a shocking security breach, police at Kennedy Airport released a man who had flown a suitcase full of lethal explosives aboard an airliner from the Middle East, authorities revealed yesterday. Port Authority cops seized the Soviet-made military ordnance last month, but let its owner, Shaun Marshall, go - only to learn later the devices could have detonated and destroyed the aircraft, killing everyone aboard.
(What a goof up!)
Authorities had remained silent about the Aug. 19 incident, until it was disclosed yesterday in papers filed in Brooklyn Federal Court. Marshall, a medic with State Department defense contractor DynCorp Inc., apparently told cops he found the weapon on the ground in Afghanistan. He said he thought it was inert and kept it as a souvenir.
How did he know they were inert -- tap the detonators with a small ball-peen hammer?
By the time NYPD bomb squad detectives were summoned to the airport, Marshall, 28, of Riverside, Calif., was en route to Khartoum Los Angeles on another flight. The breach of security began in Dubai when Marshall checked a suitcase containing a Soviet V429 projectile detonating fuse, a 23-mm. Soviet military surface-to-air and air-to-air cartridge and nine bullets aboard a United Arab Emirates jet. Sources said the suspicious contents were detected by X-ray screeners at Kennedy Airport and Marshall was interviewed by doughnut-chewing Port Authority cops. According to the federal complaint, airport cops released Marshall so he could get on a connecting flight home, and then contacted the NYPD bomb squad. "The Soviet detonating fuse and cartridge were ... highly explosive," the complaint states. The FBI was contacted and agents in Los Angeles were scrambled to take Marshall into custody. He was later indicted on charges of recklessly transporting an explosive device on an aircraft. He is scheduled to be arraigned on Friday before Federal Judge Allyne Ross in Brooklyn. A PA spokesman declined comment on how its cops handled the incident.
They're waiting on a documents handwriting public relations expert to tell them what to say.
Retired NYPD Sgt. Chris Brauer of the bomb squad said detonating fuses and shells are transported via air by the military - but never in the same container. "It's dangerous putting them together in a suitcase like that," said Brauer, of Michael Stapleton Associates, a security firm in Manhattan.
See? Now he's an expert!
Marshall faces up to 20 years in prison, if convicted.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 09/15/2004 11:12:22 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sounds to me like an idiot rather than a stooge. Fine him the cost incurred from the moment his toys were discovered (no doubt substantial $$) plus a bit for diverting needed homeland security resources, and send him to jail for 6 months as a warning not to be stupid. I don't have as much problem with him being put on the LA flight -- once he was on the airplane, there was no escape when they concluded they wanted him back, and I assume they checked him carefully for other toys before they let him proceed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/15/2004 12:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Dubai's the money-laundering center of choice for the Russian mafiya.

All the more reason we need that northern Musharraf, aka the President of Russia, to succeed in reforming his criminalized state. If Russia fails, we're screwed.

Why are we wasting so much time with can't-help, can't-hurt Euros? As regards Iran, Russia's the crucial swing state, and it's been swinging Iran's way. Time to get serious about moving them around to our side.
Posted by: lex || 09/15/2004 13:15 Comments || Top||

#3  The problem here is the brain-dead people at the boarding end of his original flight, who let him check as luggage a suitcase full of obvious bombs.
They are the ones who belong in jail.

This guy should just have the word "idiot" branded across his forehead.
Posted by: Lone Ranger || 09/15/2004 20:36 Comments || Top||

Town of Niagara, NY, September 14,th, 2004) - - A security scare
A security scare shut down a busy shopping mall in Niagara County. Customers were evacuated from stores after a suspicious suitcase was left by people who drove off in a car. News 4's Barbara Pinson has the latest from Prime Outlets. The incident forced police to clear employees and visitors at closing time Monday night. Around 9 p.m., someone called Town of Niagara Police, saying three suspicious people left a suspicious looking package at the mall's front entrance, then drove off in a van. The caller described all the woman and two men as being of Middle Eastern descent.

The State Police Bomb Disposal Unit carefully went in to check out the object, and remove what turned out to be a suitcase from the mall entrance. Police say now more than ever, they cannot take chances when they see things like this appear. Police determined the van with Ontario plates was rented. Canadian Customs stopped the van at the border, detained it and interviewed the three people inside. As for the suitcase, something that was not explosive was inside, but it's being kept for further processing.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 09/15/2004 6:20:31 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  . . .all the woman and two men as being of Middle Eastern descent

Posted by: BigEd || 09/15/2004 12:26 Comments || Top||

#2  dry run?
Posted by: 2B || 09/15/2004 12:36 Comments || Top||

#3  eyewitnesses also described people of middle-eastern descent running from the site of the OKC bombing.

Lesson? You can't always rely on eyewitness statements and descent and ethnicity are hard to tell at a glance.

Until proven otherwise, I would discount the description.

Posted by: peggy || 09/15/2004 13:28 Comments || Top||

#4  Sorry Peggy, 2B was right on; a perfectly scripted 'dry run' with accomplices noting reaction times and tallying response numbers. I hope they detain all those in the van until our government feels they are 'clean'.
Posted by: smn || 09/15/2004 22:51 Comments || Top||

US court agrees to al-Qaida testimony
Zacarias Moussaoui, allegedly a 20th hijacker who did not die in the September 11 attacks, is entitled to use imprisoned al-Qaida leaders in his defence, an appeal court in Virginia ruled yesterday. It upheld the government's right to seek the death penalty, but said Moussaoui must be allowed to use statements - believed to come from Ramzi Binalshibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, planners of the attacks in New York and Washington - which suggest he was not involved.

Moussaoui, arrested almost a month before September 11, admits planning a different attack, but insists that he is not guilty of the government's charges. A blacked-out section in the court ruling, entitled Submission of Questions by Moussaoui, has been interpreted as meaning his legal team may now be able to ask the pair specific questions. Government lawyers have argued that any access would compromise national security, and the case has been deadlocked. John Ashcroft, the attorney general, said the ruling was a victory for the government - a decision which, he said in a statement, "once again affirms our belief that the government can provide Zacarias Moussaoui with a fair trial while still protecting national security interests".
Posted by: Steve White || 09/15/2004 12:50:55 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Binalshibh & KSM. Star witnesses for the defense. Might as well roll up your sleeve now, Zac.
Posted by: PBMcL || 09/15/2004 2:02 Comments || Top||

Marine who went missing in Iraq now on full duty at Camp Lejeune
A Marine who was reported abducted in Iraq and later turned up in his native Lebanon was restored Tuesday to full duty, the military said. Medical authorities at Camp Lejeune, where Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun has been since July, declared him fit for full duty late Monday, allowing him to return to the brigade motor pool where he worked before he deployed to Iraq in February. Hassoun, 24, failed to report for duty June 20, and videotape later surfaced showing him apparently kidnapped, blindfolded with a sword hanging over his head. He later turned up at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. It remains unclear how he traveled from Iraq to Lebanon.

More from Roooters:
"Medical authorities declared him to be fit for full duty late Monday, allowing Hassoun to return to duty in the brigade motor pool where he worked prior to his deployment to Iraq last February," the Marine Corps said in a statement from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. But Maj. Matt Morgan, a spokesman at Camp Lejeune, said the Naval Criminal Investigative Service was still investigating the circumstances surrounding Hassoun's disappearance and subsequent release. Officials said earlier that the NCIS was looking into whether Hassoun was abducted by militants in Iraq as suggested by a videotape, whether the abduction was a hoax or whether he had deserted. "The NCIS investigation will determine what, if any, criminal action would be taken," Morgan said in a telephone interview. He said investigators were likely to question Hassoun within days.
I have the feeling we're hearing about 10% of what's there.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/15/2004 12:39:20 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That much,huh? Thanks for the post, Steve. I almost asked yesterday if any RBer knew the status of Hassoun and his case. Still not much out there.
Posted by: GK || 09/15/2004 1:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Scuttlebutt Im hearing in the Marine Corps back channels (some old Gunnys there that still have taps into the Corps - Marines, most all of them they never leave the Corps)...

They suspect it was initially a "kidnapping of the willing", that got unwilling after the Marine figured he was in over his head, and they let him go because he was "an Arab".

Verdict on the email lists from those in the know right now say it will be "not enough evidence" for courts martial to charge him, but there may be enough for Article 15 non-judicial punishment at the company level (non-field grade) - enough to knock him down a notch and leave the Corps when his enlistement is up - or stay if he works really really hard and eats a lot fo sh*t he will have to take, but not enough to drum him out of the Corps.

My personal opinion: Article 15 for derilection of Duty - leaving his guard post. For God's sake, they teach you the Eleven General Orders of Sentry Duty in boot camp (even in the Army in my day)! I had to spit those out upon demand from any drill instructor. I still remember #5: I will quit my post only when properly relieved.
Posted by: OldSpook || 09/15/2004 1:37 Comments || Top||

#3  I remember,OS.And if you couldn't spit the 11 GO's on demand you were in for a very rough time.
Posted by: Raptor || 09/15/2004 10:00 Comments || Top||

#4  As a non-mil person, I'll bite: what are the eleven General Orders?
Posted by: Steve White || 09/15/2004 11:04 Comments || Top||

#5  Marine recruits in boot camp must memorize these General Orders. Woe be unto the unfortunate recruit who can not shout out, verbatim and without hesitation, all eleven of them. Such a recruit will incur a firestorm of wrath from his Drill Instructor. There is sound logic for this rigid training. The eleven General Orders will guide each Marine throughout his years in the Corps:

1. To take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on then alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.

5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.

6. To receive, obey, and pass on the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard only.

7. To talk to no one except in line of duty.

8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9. To call the corporal of the guard in any case not covered by instructions.

10. To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

11. To be especially watchful at night and, during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Posted by: RN || 09/15/2004 11:07 Comments || Top||

#6  Old Spook...thanks for the info...why has he not been subject to discipline for the Article 15? I too believe this is only 10% of the story.
Posted by: jawa || 09/15/2004 11:33 Comments || Top||

#7  Jawa,. Article 15 of the UCMJ covers non-judicial punishments. They can be imposed without Courts Martial, and are generally held for things at the compnay grade for minor discretions that somehow require a heavier hand - or at Command Grade for more serious offenses that result in confinement, loss of pay and rank, and discharge under other than honorable conditions (If my memory serves).

Bascially , if they want him for Derelection fo Duty, the company commander can issue an Article 15 hearing, and impose punishment. After he leaves the unit the Article 15 stays in his records jacket, but has no further bearing on his service - if he busts ass hard enough, he can overcome it.

A field grade article 15, at least in the Army, is a permanent black mark, and your career is likely over even if discharge is not one of the punishments adminstered.

I know, becuase I got one of those company grade ones for Drunk and Disorderly, and Insubordination way back when I was a Corporal (Bar fight in the local ville, officer tired to break it up and I used some choice language on him in fron of witnesses). Needless to say, the punishment was effective but local: confinement to the barracks when off duty, extra duty (mopping floors in the chow hall plus morning shift CQ-runner duty EVERY DAY for a month), and loss of half a months pay taught me a lesson. But I managed to keep my stripes and got promoted when I moved on to my next unit months later and stood for the board.

So if they were done withthis guy and it were just a screw up, nothing would happen or lese they'd use non-judicial company grade punishment. If he messed up by leaving his post but it was an "honest" screwup, then company-grade Article 15 (like the one I got) will be it, otherwise a Field Grade Article 15 if they have enough hard evidence, or Courts Martial if they have evidence of real malfeasance (which I doubt - if they had anything good they would have him in the brig by now).
Posted by: OldSpook || 09/15/2004 15:29 Comments || Top||

#8  Old Spook, as I remember 12 was:

To walk my post from flank to flank and take no s@#t from any rank.
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/15/2004 16:52 Comments || Top||

#9  Yeah, I mentioned #12 by mistake one night during my second week in Boot Camp. Amazing how heavy an M-14 gets during a 'motivation session'....
Posted by: Pappy || 09/15/2004 19:19 Comments || Top||

#10  1. To walk my post until I faint,

2. Salute anything that I can't paint...
Posted by: Fred || 09/15/2004 22:29 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
2 former Abu Sayyaf members killed
Armed men shot dead two former members of the Abu Sayyaf kidnap gang who had changed sides and were helping the Philippine government, police officials said Wednesday. Ali Malabon and Abraham Mubin, both former Abu Sayyaf members, were slain in a suspected safehouse in the southern city of Zamboanga on Tuesday, city director Superintendent Mario Yanga said.

Yanga said identification cards found at the scene indicated that both men had been suspected members of the feared Muslim kidnapping gang, but were later recruited as "agents" against the group by intelligence agencies. Residents told investigators that unidentified men visited Malabon and Mubin at the house just before the sound of gunfire was heard. The unidentified men were then seen rushing out of the house and fleeing on a motorbike. The intelligence agencies could not be reached for comment on whether the two slain men were their "assets."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/15/2004 1:45:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Five-nation anti-terror drill played out at sea
A HEAVILY armed Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) team joined forces with men from four other navies off Pulau Tioman yesterday, to board and search a ship carrying 'illegal arms'. They stormed the slow-moving ship using foldable ladders hooked to its side and headed straight for its bridge - where the captain was - and engine room. The crew was assembled on deck and searched. As they boarded the target ship - a 141m-long British naval supply vessel RFA Grey Rover - a Royal New Zealand Navy helicopter, armed with machine guns, hovered overhead to provide cover.

The action-packed drama marked the first time in 33 years forces from the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) have staged a counter-terrorism exercise at sea. Yesterday's drill was staged for the media and diplomats from the FPDA nations - Australia, Britain, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore - as part of Exercise Bersama Lima (Malay for 'five in unity').
The Indonesians participated too, they played the role of "pirates".

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Steve White || 09/15/2004 12:27:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Colonel Chew Men Leong"

Oh brother. Spit shields up!
Posted by: mojo || 09/15/2004 0:38 Comments || Top||

Kurdish exiles pouring back into northern Iraq city they once fled
Kurds are on the move again in northern Iraq but this time they're not fleeing. As many as 500 Kurds a day streamed into Kirkuk last month in a land rush that took city officials and U.S. troops by surprise. The influx, which has slowed in September, leaves the nascent city government struggling to cope with dozens of refugee camps on once vacant patches of ground. Migrants like 60-year-old Tarek Salman Dawoud say they are reclaiming the ancestral city they were forced to flee under Saddam Hussein's campaigns to make Kirkuk an Arab city and control its oil wealth. ''This is our land. We've been here for thousands of years,'' Dawoud said, standing with other Kurds who shouted in assent. Just behind them, a sea of dusty canvas tents stretched across a few square miles of a former Iraqi air base.

However, U.S. officials say the surge is timed to establish residency ahead of elections slated for January. A strong showing for Kurdish leaders could shift Kirkuk province which sits atop 6 percent of the world's known oil reserves into the orbit of the Kurdish autonomous regions to the north. Arab migrations have shaped this area since oil was discovered here in the 1930s but picked up momentum in the mid-1970s, when Saddam began asserting control over the government. The New York-based Human Rights Watch estimates that 250,000 Kurds, Turkmen and Assyrians were expelled from Kirkuk and other parts of northern Iraq in the 1970s alone. A 2001 U.N. census in the autonomous Kurdish regions counted more than 800,000 displaced Iraqis.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: tipper || 09/15/2004 8:18:40 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Annan: US invasion of Iraq is 'illegal'
Posted by: Anonymous6478 || 09/15/2004 23:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Thus spake Zarathustra: Rantburg invasions by trolls are Illegal.
Posted by: Zarathustra || 09/16/2004 0:08 Comments || Top||

#3  Time to think about partition. Then shift US forces to permanent bases in newly oil-rich state of Kurdistan.
Posted by: lex || 09/16/2004 0:53 Comments || Top||

10 Palestinian children wounded in Paleo (?) bomb explosion
JPost breaking - Reg Req'd
Ten Palestinian children were wounded, three seriously, when an explosive device they were playing with blew up in the Jelazoun refugee camp north of Ramallah Wednesday night. Security officials did not rule out the possibility that a makeshift bomb prepared by Palestinian terrorists exploded prematurely wounding the children. Despite the ongoing closure imposed on the Palestinian territories, the Civil Administration organized the transfer of 5 of the wounded children to the St George Eye Hospital in east Jerusalem
damn Joooos - providing medical help - Zionist kkkonspiracy, right, Boris PriBitch?
Posted by: Frank G || 09/15/2004 5:49:18 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They're just using the kids to take 1 quart blood samples for the bread.

Posted by: Shipman || 09/15/2004 18:22 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
5 college teachers get death threats from islamic militants
Five college teachers have received threat letters from a little-known militant outfit 'Savior of Islam', police said today. The outfit also 'asked' the authorities of the G C College, Silchar, to terminate the service of these teachers by today failing which ''appropriate action will be taken against them''.
Islamically appropriate actions would, of course, involve the use of explosives...
The college authorities have informed the police and Cachar district administration and urged them to provide appropriate security to the teachers. The letter had been handed over to the deputy commissioner of the district in south Assam.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) || 09/15/2004 4:57:40 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Militants in Iraq Release Turkish Hostage
Posted by: Fred || 09/15/2004 16:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Suspected Chechen Women Had Been Detained
Two Chechen women suspected of blowing up Russian passenger jets last month were briefly detained by police before the flights but bribed at least one airline employee to get on the planes, media reports said Wednesday. One of the alleged suicide bombers used an intermediary to pay $34 to a Sibir airlines employee to board a jet, even though she had a ticket for a flight the next day, the Interfax news agency quoted Russia's Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov as saying. She got on the plane two minutes before check-in closed, he said. The same intermediary also took a bribe from the other alleged suicide bomber to get on a Volga-Aviaexpress flight, he said. Ustinov said both the intermediary and the Sibir airline employee have been arrested.
Posted by: Fred || 09/15/2004 4:19:47 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli Naval Unit Knocks off 4 Terrorists in Nablus (yes that is a mountain town)
IDF troops kill 9 militants during clashes in Jenin and Nablus
Nine Palestinian militants and an 11-year-old girl were killed by Israel Defense Forces troops on Wednesday in separate incidents in Nablus and Jenin, the highest single-day Palestinian death toll in the West Bank for more than two years, according to Palestinian reports. Four wanted Fatah militants were killed by undercover Border Police troops in the West Bank city of Jenin. Earlier on Wednesday, five militants were killed during a gun battle with naval commandos in the West Bank city of Nablus. An 11-year-old girl was also killed during clashes following the incident, according to Palestinian reports....
Along with a number of beloved pet goldfish...
I liked the fact that the Israeli Navy works so far inland. Nablus is the biblical town of Shechem and its in a little valley overlooked by some pretty good sized hills. Of course I like even more the fact that terrorists were killed.
Posted by: mhw || 09/15/2004 1:02:28 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Those Cruise missile - smartbombs we've been selling to Israel have been put to good use.

Remote Control "Yassin Procedures"!

11-year old girls. Human Shields of choice of the Cockroach Federation, I see.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/15/2004 13:11 Comments || Top||

#2  If the IDF Navy is looking for a fight I believe the pali navy is based in Jerico. A Captain abu Von Trapp is the commander.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/15/2004 13:51 Comments || Top||


Abu Von Trapp?

Posted by: BigEd || 09/15/2004 15:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Rats! It's a protected link BigEd.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/15/2004 18:24 Comments || Top||

#5  Go Israeli Navy!
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 09/15/2004 20:55 Comments || Top||

Three Beheaded Bodies Found Near Baghdad
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Today: September 15th, 2004 at 3:23:08 PDT
Three beheaded bodies were found Wednesday on a road north of Baghdad, authorities said. There were no documents on the bodies discovered on the road near Dijiel, about 25 miles north of Baghdad, said Col. Adnan Abdul-Rahman, an Interior Ministry official. He said the bodies were all male and had old tattoos. Master Sgt. Robert Powell, a spokesman for the 1st Infantry Division, said troops discovered the bodies of the three civilians along a highway at about 7:26 a.m. "The soldiers secured the area as a crime scene until Iraqi police could investigate," he said. "The Iraqi police currently have custody of the bodies and the identity of the bodies has not been established." The heads were near the bodies, he said.
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 09/15/2004 6:49:17 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Want to be a terror master? You're dead.
You may not have heard that on Monday afternoon the Israel Defense Forces killed terrorist commander Mahmud Abu Khalifa and two of his deputies with a precision hit on their car in Jenin. As they were driving in the center of the West Bank city, an air force helicopter fired a missile at them that was on target. There was no collateral damage or civilian casualties.

Just half a year ago, when the IDF similarly knocked out Hamas chief Ahmed Yassin with a missile strike in Gaza (followed, a few weeks later, by the same treatment for his briefly-serving successor Abdul Rantisi), the world was up in arms. The EU was hopping mad, Turkish prime minister Erdogan called it a "terrorist act" and put Turkish-Israeli relations on ice for a while. The State Department was "deeply troubled."

One wonders, then, why the elimination of a smaller fry like Khalifa didn't evoke a reaction. Is it that being a larger-scale murderer like Yassin gives you a "political" status that makes you sacrosanct? By that logic Claus von Stauffenberg, the German general who tried to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944, was committing a huge crime. Or that, Khalifa being only the latest in a string of Israeli assassinations of terror masters, it's become old hat, just not newsworthy anymore? Or -- the most optimistic interpretation -- that in the wake of events like Beslan, "the world" is less and less in the mood to stick up for terrorists?
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mark Espinola || 09/15/2004 6:43:41 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The Paleos are seething...didn't you hear?
Posted by: anymouse || 09/15/2004 15:47 Comments || Top||

#2  the EU quits bitching when you tell em to shut the F&*k up. It's only when they get a defensive response that it becomes a ritual
Posted by: Frank G || 09/15/2004 15:59 Comments || Top||

#3  This policy needs to be adopted worldwide. All terrorist planners and mouthpieces should have to look over their shoulder if they are out of doors for more than 60 seconds.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/15/2004 16:03 Comments || Top||

#4  in Fallujah, indoors is OK as well?
Posted by: Frank G || 09/15/2004 16:10 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
6 GSPC iced
Algeria's armed forces have killed six suspected Islamic rebels in the west of the country, state radio said on Tuesday, in a drive to wipe out hundreds of rebels still fighting authorities for a purist Islamic state. State radio, citing security sources, said automatic weapons were confiscated in the army sweep late on Monday near the city of Relizane, 300 km west of the capital Algiers.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/15/2004 1:49:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

3 OMON special forces killed in Chechnya
Three Omsk OMON special police troopers were killed and four others wounded when the building where their unit was stationed came under missile launcher fire late on Monday, a source in the district administration told Interfax on Tuesday. The attack took place in the village of Zandak in Chechnya's Nozhai-Yurt District. The wounded men were rushed to the Khasavyurt central district hospital. A search for the attackers is underway.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/15/2004 1:41:59 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Shoot-n-scoot.
Posted by: gromky || 09/15/2004 5:50 Comments || Top||

Beslan hostage-takers trained at a summer camp
Investigators have established new details about some of the terrorists involved in the Beslan school siege, the Vremya Novostey newspaper reports. The bodies of twelve attackers have been identified. As for the bodies of other Beslan terrorists, some of them were identified by Nurpasha Kulayev, the only member of the gang who was arrested, as well as by militants arrested during the raid on Ingushetia in June. According to them, two of the dead terrorists look like Ali Taziyev (known as Magas, also posed under the name of Magomed Yevloyev) and Ruslan Khuchbarov, better known as Colonel. But this is preliminary information, especially given that most of the bodies are disfigured. Most of information gathered by investigators refers to two terrorists - Iznaur Kodzoyev and Vladimir Khodov.

It was established that Iznaur Kodzoyev was wanted by the police for kidnapping and involvement in bandit formations. His father Issa Kodzoyev was the leader of the Justice group. According to intelligence services, this group organized public rallies in Ingushetia back in 1992, calling for a fight against North Ossetia. Iznaur was first spotted by intelligence services in October 1998. "About ten people, including Kodzoyev, were returning from Grozny to Ingushetia. On the Chechen-Ingush border, rebels stopped the cars and kidnapped the whole group. Several hours later, Iznar turned up at home. He said he had escaped, but he did not sound convincing. Suspicion arose that he was linked to militants. But the hostages were released quickly, and Kodzoyev was not arrested," a security officer told the newspaper.

In June, he took part in the raid on Ingushetia. He was thoroughly prepared for the operation. In August 2003, Kodzoyev received training at a rebel camp near the Ali-Yurt settlement. The Federal Security Service knew that Kodzoyev was one of the Beslan school attackers. His wife was found and taken to Beslan. She recorded a video message asking her husband to release the children. The cassette was passed on to the hostage-takers.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/15/2004 1:40:17 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Meanwhile, a group of 20 Chechens was detained at Moscow’s Sheremetevo-2 airport. They were repairing schools in the Moscow region in the summer, Echo of Moscow reports quoting Nikolai Burkov, head of the Moscow region’s Main Department of Regional Security.

these guys won't be getting much sleep tonight. I'm glad to see they are following up on this route!
Posted by: Anonymous6460 || 09/15/2004 5:01 Comments || Top||

Basayev's contacts iced
Police have killed in Chechnya contacts of rebel warlord Shamil Basayev, an army spokesman told Itar-Tass on Tuesday. Policemen who manned a check post near the settlement of Sernovodskoye tried to stop a car in which, according to operational information, a certain Turchayev rode. Turchayev was known to be one of leaders of the August 21 attack in Grozny. Gunmen opened fire on policemen from the car and were killed in a shootout.
"You'll never take us alive, coppers!"
"Hokay. [Bang! Bang! Bangety bang!]"
Me, me! I want to do the honors! ... ... "Ouch! Ouch! Gasp! Rosebud ..."
Two of them, Alikhan Vitayev and Anzor Machiyev, were emirs, or commanders, of a so-called Assinovskaya Wahhabi jamaat. They were contacts of Basayev and members of a band led by Ganiyev, who had been arrested earlier. The army spokesman said the killed rebels were involved in sabotage acts in Chechnya's Sunzhensky district.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/15/2004 1:30:19 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Policemen who manned a check post near the settlement of Sernovodskoye tried to stop a car in which, according to operational information, a certain Turchayev rode.

So all it took was the mindless slaughter of hundreds of school children to make the checkpoint wankers finally notice something small like a car instead of a truck full of armed terrorists.

Day late and a dollar short.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/15/2004 3:11 Comments || Top||

#2  that, and we can only imagine what happened to the guys who were accepting the bribes that allowed this stuff to happen.

Posted by: Anonymous6460 || 09/15/2004 5:03 Comments || Top||

#3  gosh, emirs and Wahhabis?
Posted by: Frank G || 09/15/2004 10:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Emirs and wahhabis and bears! Oh my!
Posted by: Fred || 09/15/2004 16:17 Comments || Top||

Zarqawi bombing body count now up to 73
At least 73 people were killed on Tuesday in a Baghdad car bombing and in an ambush on police in Baquba, claimed by al-Qaeda-linked militants, as fighting flared between US troops and insurgents in Ramadi.

Fifty people perished in Baghdad, 47 of them when a vehicle packed with explosives blew up outside the main police headquarters. Shrapnel tore the crowded district, littering body parts everywhere and leaving pools of congealed blood on the pavement.

Witnesses said that dozens of people were queuing outside the station, which doubles as a police recruitment centre sending shards of shrapnel flying and clouds of smoke into the air. A health ministry spokesman said that 47 people were killed and 114 wounded in the blast, which occurred in the Haifa street area. Two other Iraqis were seriously wounded when another bomb exploded near the planning ministry nearly simultaneously, the health ministry said.

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/15/2004 1:18:26 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Let me see a bunch of muslims murder a bunch of other mostly civilian muslims and the muslim world is out dancing in the street. What a crazy world.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 09/15/2004 1:41 Comments || Top||

#2  these people are like cavemen teleported to the 21st century, but still act like cavemen.
Posted by: 2B || 09/15/2004 9:54 Comments || Top||

Cabinet OKs Payment to Jewish Settlers
Israeli Cabinet ministers approved cash advances Tuesday of up to $115,000 to Jewish settlers willing to leave their homes in the Gaza Strip and West Bank - the first concrete step toward carrying out Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's contentious pullout plan. Sharon wants to pull out of all 21 Gaza settlements and four small ones in the West Bank in 2005, removing 8,500 settlers from their homes. After four years of conflict with the Palestinians, Sharon says the moves are needed to improve security and pre-empt new international peace plans. The prime minister hopes cash advances will entice many settlers to leave voluntarily, averting confrontations between settlers and troops.

Tuesday's 9-1 vote endorsed guidelines that would pay uprooted families a total of $200,000 to $350,000, depending on the size of their homes and how long they lived there, according to data presented to the ministers. In the meantime, cash advances of up to one-third of the final compensation package will be offered from reserve funds, a senior official said on condition of anonymity. He said the funds could be available ``within days.''

Legislation formalizing the guidelines is expected to go to the parliament in November, the official said. Settler leaders bitterly oppose any withdrawal. Yehoshua Mor-Yosef, spokesman for the Settlers' Council, said the vote ``proves this is a destructive, illegitimate government.''
Posted by: Steve White || 09/15/2004 1:06:34 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Thugs Threaten Women in Iraqi Colleges
I can just see feminists rising up in sympathy all across American colleges.
A militant group threatened on Wednesday to attack Iraqi universities if Iraqi authorities continued to permit women to study alongside men, according to a videotape broadcast on the Arab language Al-Arabiya television station. The group calling itself the Islamic Jihad brigade in Iraq demanded that the Iraqi minister of higher education separate men and women at all schools and universities. The video showed one man, his face hidden by a kefiyah, reading a statement. On one side stood a masked man with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. On the other side stood a masked man with a machine gun. 'You must isolate the men from women because of the immoral attitudes existing in the private and public universities,' the man reading the statement said. 'If this is going to be continue, we will hit the colleges and universities.' The group read a statement in front of a banner that read 'There is no God but Allah. Mohammed is the messenger of Allah'.
Yeah, yeah, find them, kill them, make the colleges safe for women.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/15/2004 12:25:37 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Oh, ferchrissakes, Iraq is awash with guns.

Give a bunch of them to the women who don't want to live their lives in a burka under some lowlife's heel, and tell them to have at it. The rest of them can stay home and be ignorant breeding slaves for these losers. Until they die.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/15/2004 1:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Does Muslim male equal total insecurity about educated women and a small penis too?

I would think women would get tired of being forced to marry and breed with mates their loser brothers picked out for them. How about a video from the Fembot Castration Cadres of what happens to lamers who opress women. A rusty butter knife is a good weapon.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 09/15/2004 2:21 Comments || Top||

#3  Is there an ROTC on campus?
Posted by: Capt America || 09/15/2004 3:09 Comments || Top||

#4  Thats it!!! Im officially starting the Womens Liberation Jihadi Brigade. United by a common goal we shall overpower our oppressors through sharp negotiation and sever that which separates us from our male counterparts. Our official slogan: "Off with their Heads!"
Posted by: Lorena Bobbit || 09/15/2004 4:28 Comments || Top||

#5  What kind of Jihad should I start? May I join your brigade Lorena.
Posted by: David Koresh || 09/15/2004 4:43 Comments || Top||

#6  Ooo me too. Space has turned out to be such a bore. Besides, I've already separated myself from my male counterpart.
Posted by: Marshall Applewhite || 09/15/2004 5:36 Comments || Top||

Civilians return to Tal Afar
The extended Shaykh-Lar family were among the hundreds of people who returned to their homes on Tuesday as soon as word spread that the US Army had lifted a two-week siege of this northern town. Residents return after days of fighting between US forces and insurgents. Officials have said 58 people were killed during the 12-day assault on the city of Tal Afar. 'Honest to God, we are still afraid,' said Mr Hussein Shaykh-Lar, 74, an ethnic Turk, as he and his four sons and their families unloaded their belongings from a truck outside their homes in the Qadissiyah neighbourhood. 'Will they bomb us again?' he asked.
Depends -- you going to shoot at us again?
American troops and Iraqi forces overran Tal Afar on Sunday - one of several Iraqi cities they said had fallen into the hands of insurgents - after a nearly two-week siege that forced tens of thousands of residents to flee and left several buildings in ruins. Although no US troops were visible in Tal Afar on Tuesday, their green armoured cars stood atop the low hills that surrounded the city of 250,000 predominantly ethnic Turks known as Turkman. Police vans patrolled the empty streets as people cautiously moved back into the town dotted by ravines and dense and dusty orchards of pomegranates, figs and berries. US commanders said they moved into Tal Afar at the behest of regional officials who lost control of the city. American intelligence believed it had become a haven for militants smuggling men and arms from across the Syrian border. Police commander Major General Mohammed al-Barhawy said all the 'resistance' had either been killed or had fled town, and that police had not apprehended any militants.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Steve White || 09/15/2004 12:09:56 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Explain to me how a man feeds his family selling two cartons of smokes a day. Different economy. I saw stuff like this in Indonesia. The smokes cost a huge percent of annual earning, while (say) housing and food could be dirt cheap.
Posted by: cingold || 09/15/2004 1:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Extending and revising remark:

The smokes __could__ cost . . .

In Indonesia, as I remember, smokes were pretty cheap. But, in Iraq (at least if this story is accurate) it would look like they cost the equivalent of what in the US would be $25 a pack.
Posted by: cingold || 09/15/2004 2:01 Comments || Top||

#3  …they cost the equivalent of what in the US would be $25 a pack.

Damm. Just like California.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 09/15/2004 2:24 Comments || Top||

#4  Police commander Major General Mohammed al-Barhawy said all the 'resistance' had either been killed or had fled town, and that police had not apprehended any militants.

Is that so strange when you bomb only civilian women and children?
Posted by: Murat || 09/15/2004 4:36 Comments || Top||

#5  No as everyone knows only Muslims bomb only women and children. They usually bomb the women and children first in fact. When real fighting men show up they hide like little girls in holy places and with people who have no part of the conflict. Change Muslim for Turkman and it's pretty much the same thing I understand.

Allen be praised!
Posted by: Trolling for Allan || 09/15/2004 5:03 Comments || Top||

#6  Murat: Is that so strange when you bomb only civilian women and children?

Sorry Murat, once again you mistake Jihadi militants wearing burqas and militant midgets for women and children.
Posted by: Ittihad ve Terakki Jemiyeti || 09/15/2004 5:52 Comments || Top||

#7  Like brave Muslim Jihadis, murat, they ran away. What's so mysterious about THAT?
Posted by: Ptah || 09/15/2004 7:40 Comments || Top||

#8  Like Murat, they are girlie-men.
Posted by: Fatwula || 09/15/2004 7:44 Comments || Top||

#9  Green armoured car? Where does DOD expect to fight? Fulda Gap? Can't DOD afford Earl Scheib? After 15 years you'd think everything would be tan.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/15/2004 9:16 Comments || Top||

#10  Hey, Murat. How much damage do you think gramps could've done if the Turks had something like F-16's back in ,say, 1910?
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/15/2004 10:32 Comments || Top||

#11  I knew a Swedish business man who told me that as recently as the 1960's, you could buy a prostitute in Greece for a carton of Kent cigarettes.
Posted by: JDB || 09/15/2004 15:31 Comments || Top||

#12  Good heavens! I wonder what you could get with a carton of Marblerows.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/15/2004 18:20 Comments || Top||

#13  few people who stayed behind were 'very stressed and needed to smoke'. He sold 10 cartons a day, he said. Before the siege, he only managed to sell two cartons a day.

hmmmm I see no confirmation tobacco was the active ingredient in those smokes
Posted by: Frank G || 09/15/2004 18:25 Comments || Top||

Terrs target Iraqi police 47+ Dead
A powerful car bomb killed at least 47 people near a Baghdad police station Tuesday morning, bringing mass casualties to the Iraqi capital for the second time in three days. The day's toll climbed to at least 59 with an ambush on a police van in Baqouba, north of Baghdad. Combined, the incidents showed the insurgents' determination to wreck U.S. efforts to build a strong Iraqi security service. In addition, the U.S. military said Tuesday that three American soldiers had been killed and eight wounded in separate attacks in Iraq in the previous 24 hours.

The car bombing in Baghdad was the worst single attack there in six months, and the blast's deadly power was evident in the debris. A piece of bloody fabric was snagged on barbed wire, and a pile of shoes was stacked nearby, some apparently torn off victims by the force of the explosion. Branches on two nearby trees were broken, and the pavement bore a crater a few feet deep. Nearby, the twisted and blackened wreckage of one car lay on the ground, and several other vehicles were charred in the blast. One car's hood was wrenched back; another vehicle was still smoking. An acrid stench hung in the air. The 47 dead included would-be police recruits and civilians. At least 114 people were wounded, Health Ministry spokesman Saad Al-Amili said.

The bombing came just two days after a series of attacks spiraled into violence that killed roughly 60 people Sunday across Iraq, testimony to the insurgency's ability to mete out repeated blows to security. Tuesday's attacks were the latest on an expanding list of strikes on police targets, following others this year in Mosul, Kirkuk, Basra and elsewhere, including Baghdad. The building of a new police force is a crucial part of the U.S.-led coalition's effort to hand over greater responsibility for security to Iraqis.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/15/2004 12:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [41 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "I hated this job before I even started it,"

Bad news any way you look at it. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
Posted by: Rafael || 09/15/2004 0:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Still they line up for work in security. Talk about brass balls. Of course, economics is the sole motivation, per Newsday. Right?
Posted by: Capt America || 09/15/2004 3:16 Comments || Top||

#3  So is this guy saying young Iraqi men are mercenarires?
Posted by: Raptor || 09/15/2004 10:30 Comments || Top||

#4  Why the hell don't they establish in-depth armed perimeters for recruiting days? This is like the nine-hundredth attack against a crowd of recruits. You'd think they'd know to expect this crap by now, and have snipers in place.
Posted by: Mitch H. || 09/15/2004 13:43 Comments || Top||

#5  All this because of our nice clean 'pinprick' war! There are enough Iraqi men to clean sweep their nation of the insurgents if they wanted to. Problem is, we're treating this war as a man to man war rather than a nation to nation war. They have more men to give, than we have soldiers to lose!
Posted by: smn || 09/15/2004 23:15 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Biased reporting you havent seen any thing (4 Killed in Kashmir)
Freedom fighters shot dead three members of a family including a woman and killed another woman in a house bombing in occupied Kashmir overnight, police claims on Monday. The three family members were shot dead overnight in the southern Poonch district, a police spokesman said, adding the motive was not known. Kashmiri fighters also hurled a grenade at the home of a Communist party activist, injuring his two daughters in the Kulgam area. One of the daughters died in hospital later.
Note the tone of this news brief. Even though the terrorists killed innocent people they are still referred to as Freedon Fighters. And this is a leading newspaper from the Pakiland. Imagine that.
Posted by: Fawad || 09/15/2004 12:00:00 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  maybe it's just a translation thing.
Posted by: Anonymous6460 || 09/15/2004 4:55 Comments || Top||

#2  They sound like murderers to me.
Posted by: Bulldog || 09/15/2004 5:00 Comments || Top||

#3  Savages.
Posted by: Howard UK || 09/15/2004 5:47 Comments || Top||

#4  Islam vs. Communism - I love it!

Who says it's better at the movies? *crunch* *crunch*
Posted by: gromky || 09/15/2004 6:26 Comments || Top||

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Wed 2004-09-15
  Terrs target Iraqi police 47+ Dead
Tue 2004-09-14
  Syria tested chemical weapons on black Darfur population?
Mon 2004-09-13
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Sun 2004-09-12
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Thu 2004-09-09
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Wed 2004-09-08
  Russia Offers $10 Million for Chechen Rebels
Tue 2004-09-07
  Putin rejects talks with child killers
Mon 2004-09-06
  GSPC appoints new supremo
Sun 2004-09-05
  Izzat Ibrahim jugged? (Apparently not...)
Sat 2004-09-04
  Russia seals off North Ossetia
Fri 2004-09-03
  Hostage school stormed by Russian forces
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  16 dead so far in North Ossetia stand-off
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