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Six Years: Never forgive, never forget, never "understand"!
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26 00:00 JosephMendiola [37] 
8 00:00 trailing wife [20] 
3 00:00 Glenmore [19] 
6 00:00 JosephMendiola [14] 
10 00:00 JosephMendiola [22] 
2 00:00 Nimble Spemble [17] 
4 00:00 Frank G [23] 
4 00:00 WTF [15] 
6 00:00 Zenster [13] 
1 00:00 Jack is Back! [13] 
10 00:00 JosephMendiola [15] 
3 00:00 JFM [16] 
3 00:00 tu3031 [16] 
1 00:00 JosephMendiola [14] 
20 00:00 McZoid [25] 
7 00:00 mcsegeek1 [19] 
9 00:00 Jack is Back! [12] 
68 00:00 trailing wife [94] 
1 00:00 sinse [16] 
1 00:00 Zenster [9] 
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1 00:00 trailing wife [19] 
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1 00:00 Zenster [18] 
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3 00:00 Seafarious [22]
10 00:00 Frank G [23]
2 00:00 xenophon [10]
3 00:00 Abdominal Snowman [37]
4 00:00 Zenster [17]
12 00:00 trailing wife [25]
8 00:00 FOTSGreg [16]
5 00:00 ed [14]
8 00:00 JosephMendiola [26]
0 [21]
12 00:00 Nimble Spemble [15]
3 00:00 USN, Ret. [15]
2 00:00 lotp [16]
25 00:00 Glenmore [13]
11 00:00 twobyfour [27]
8 00:00 trailing wife [19]
3 00:00 Excalibur [11]
3 00:00 Nimble Spemble [15]
2 00:00 Mike N. [14]
1 00:00 sinse [17]
3 00:00 Mike N. [15]
8 00:00 Zenster [18]
7 00:00 FOTSGreg [21]
2 00:00 Excalibur [20]
2 00:00 trailing wife [12]
Page 3: Non-WoT
1 00:00 john frum [17]
20 00:00 JosephMendiola [22]
2 00:00 Red Dawg [12]
2 00:00 tu3031 [13]
5 00:00 Secret Master [27]
5 00:00 ed [12]
2 00:00 SteveS [16]
8 00:00 JosephMendiola [11]
3 00:00 rhodesiafever [16]
14 00:00 alanc [13]
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9 00:00 ed [17]
Page 4: Opinion
6 00:00 trailing wife [22]
4 00:00 trailing wife [22]
2 00:00 FOTSGreg [10]
10 00:00 JosephMendiola [14]
4 00:00 Angie Schultz [19]
9 00:00 3dc [7]
2 00:00 FOTSGreg [10]
4 00:00 Zenster [10]
2 00:00 newc [11]
2 00:00 Nimble Spemble [15]
2 00:00 trailing wife [15]
0 [11]
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7 00:00 Classical_Liberal [23]
3 00:00 gorb [23]
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2 00:00 M. Murcek [13]
15 00:00 McZoid [26]
3 00:00 SteveS [16]
Never Forget: recommended readings for 9/11
Loyal reader and contributor Mike compiled a great reading list on 9/11 this time last year. Please take a look and remember what this is all about.

Never forget.
Posted by: || 09/11/2007 00:16 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  Is there some way, that all these links could be presented to those "notables" in our House of Representatives today... and more important, to our esteemed Senators (well, today) as they biovate to see who gets the best sound bite for these news?

After all, they have had all day and night, to hear the words of the General and Ambassador, and to come up with just the "right" words for the press.

Will any one of them, admit, to their real feelings of Sept 11?

For the first time today, while watching that hearing, I got really, really scared about my country. And tomorrow, as I bow my head, and remember, then I will watch the continuation of those hearings. And I will get even more scared for my nation.

For a day of remembrance and for a day to embrace what it is that is us, ... we will witness the leadership of our Senatorial leadership.

And the boat that carried George Washington across that ice-ridden water, is probably sinking, never to reach land.

I remember, I will not forget. I will continue to pray for my President and my nation. I'm worried.
Posted by: Sherry || 09/11/2007 1:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Lawhawk is worth a look.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 3:02 Comments || Top||

#3  I got up early this morning to do this year's edition. Thanks for covering it for me.
Posted by: Mike || 09/11/2007 5:50 Comments || Top||

#4  Thanks Mike, and feel free to post an updated list.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/11/2007 8:30 Comments || Top||

#5  Just tried to, and it didn't come up. Must be stuck in the bit bucket.
Posted by: Mike || 09/11/2007 10:14 Comments || Top||

#6  The only first-hand account I am interested in reading are actually multiple:

1. The first-hand account of the F-15 jock who drops his GBU precisely ending the life (including after-life) of Binny and Doc and little Adam and all their cave buddies.

2. The first-had account of the Marine Gunny and his crew who take out Sadr and his band of bad boyz and serve his head on a pike to the Mad Mullahs in Tehran.

3. The first hand account of the B-2 crews that lead the first, last and only assault on Tehran, Damascus and Waziristan with surgical "shock and awe" deep and devastating bombing right before Gunny and his crew from number 2 above arrive with Sadr's head on a pike.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/11/2007 11:59 Comments || Top||

#7  Add a number 4 and 5, Jack...

4) The account of the B-1 crews as they drop the biggest nukes in the US arsenal on Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, Jedda, and Dahran, effectively destroying Soddy aRabida.

5) The account of the Marines, Soldiers, and Airmen that effectively destroy every madrassah, mosque, and other breeding ground of islamic hate in Pakiwakiland, and help in the dismemberment and destruction of that ill-concieved and worthless "nation".
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/11/2007 15:12 Comments || Top||

#8  I don't watch those things, Sherry. My wife and I refuse to have cable. Even if we did, I wouldn't watch - I have a chronic pain problem, and when I get angry, I hurt worse. I don't get afraid, though, I get angry - angry that such men can be elected anything above street cleaner in the United States. The only good to come out of these "hearings" is that we now know who the traitors are. I will do my level best to see that these scumbags never get re-elected, or if they do, they will rue the day it happens. The Demoncritic party needs to wither up and die, much as the Whigs did. I'm not much in favor of the Repuglycon party, either, so I guess we need a new one. I'd like to see a political party whose fundamental principle is service to the Constitution as it is written. I could get behind such a party, where now I cannot support any of them, especially the "splinter" parties. I think such a party would find overwhelming support all across the United States.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 09/11/2007 15:18 Comments || Top||

#9  OP:

I agree - we need a Constitution Party or even better a Pro-Islamic Elimination Party based on preserving the Constitution as it was written not as its been interpreted.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/11/2007 15:31 Comments || Top||

Six Years: The limits of attention span
On September 12th, 2001, Mickey Kaus wrote that
Media coverage of the 9/11 attack often emphasizes that it will be a "long time before America gets back to normal," etc. The opposite is likely to be closer to the truth -- we'll get back to normal all too quickly... I suspect the story will be off the evening news by Thanksgiving -- a denial, in a warped way, of the attackers' disruptive goal.
Kaus was wrong, but not by that much. By November, Konduz was about to fall, Johnny Jihad about to be captured, and Tora Bora was a month in the future. Our shattered nation wasn't to turn its attention back to utter bullsquat for at least another three months, when Britney's bosom began to edge out all that obscure stuff in Afghaniland and places like that. It wasn't until April, 2002, that Afghanistan, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda dropped off the front pages of America's major newspapers for the first time - I was watching for it at the time, wondering how long it would take to see a front page without an Afghanistan story. Kaus was right about the phenomenon, wrong about the window.

The public can't really be faulted for their lack of attention span. I may have pointed out in these pages a time or two in the past six years that the biggest mistake the Bush administration has made has been not reminding the public each and every day of why we're at war with Islamism and what the consequences will be if we lose. After a brief period of national cohesion, politix reverted to the "as usual" conditions that represent its natural state. The solid, apparently insoluble core of opposition to everything this country tries to do and everything it stands for was still there, still in business at the same old stand all along: ANSWER, Ramsey Clark, Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and all the allies they've picked up along the way. The day the bombing began in Afghanistan they were in the streets protesting. Since then, they've run an unrelenting campaign of propaganda against the war. They aren't precisely on the side of the Islamists. They're merely against anything the United States does. Winning the war to preserve Western civilization in their eyes would enhance our position; therefore we must be stopped. All civilizations, after all, are equally valid in their eyes.

Gen. Petraeus testified today. I'm on five or six talking points mailing lists, and the memes were pretty crude:
  • Former RNC Chair Directs Petraeus' Surge Spin out of WH Political Shop
  • General Seen as Playing Politics, Lacking Credibility
  • Advisory 10:45 AM at Capitol: WH Iraq Dog and Pony Show
  • Don’t Send Our Kids to Fight an Endless War
  • GOP in Meltdown over Iraq: Endless War Republicans “Welcomed” Back to Washington with More Ads and Political Pressure
  • The White House Iraq Dog and Pony Show
In the days to come we can expect more elaboration on these themes - this take is a single day's email. The theme is "endless war," war than can be ended at any time by action on our part. The action depends on us, not on the other side. The complaints about "endless war" come a mere two days after Binny explained it all for us: Convert or die.

After six years the public's tired. The Fat Lady's voice isn't overtaxed in this war. The headlines look much the same from day to day, week to week, or worse. Last year's headlines could for the most part fit on today's pages: Binny's still in Pakistain; Hamas is still rejecting; the Talibs are still burning their cannon fodder at a rate of 40-50 a day, their supply apparently inexhaustible. Two years ago Jaafari was Iraq's PM and he was ordering all-out attacks on insurgent strongholds. 5,000 Iraqi and 3,500 US troops were sweeping Tal Afar. The year before that Beslan was till fresh and raw.

The progress is there, but usually the public misses it, or misses the significance of it. Worse, the gains are often tenuous, easily reversed, or false alarms. Today the Taliban say they want to negotiate. If true, the end of year after grinding year of war could be in sight for that poor country. Or it could be another false alarm, a false start, the same sort of deal the Talibs across the border worked with Perv and ISI. Hekamatyar, recall, declared a ceasefire a couple months ago. Today he's refusing to talk to the Karzai government unless all the troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan and he gets to rocket Kabul again.

The war's not ours to end. We can stop fighting tomorrow, withdraw our troops, bring them home, demobilize them. It won't change things. Bin Laden declared war on us in 1998, long before we declared war on him. Our not fighting back won't change his course unless we surrender and buy turbans, our women to wear sacks, our culture to vanish, our children to be devoted to jihad.

If we stop fighting now, we'll start up again in a year, five years, ten years. It's a pay-me-now, pay-me-later kind of world. A cowardly United States, hiding behind its borders, trying to conceal itself in its cloak of multiculturalism, will invite the follow-ons to 9-11-01, and the next time the scale of the attack against us will be greater. And having retreated, having shown the white feather, our response and the support it will receive worldwide will be weaker.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [94 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  If you listen carefully, the song in the silence is the ring of hammer on iron in the forges at Damascus.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 0:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Only Islam's extinction will cause my attention span to lapse. NEVER FORGET.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 0:45 Comments || Top||

#3  Yeah, this war could be over pretty quickly, GET IN THERE AND HANDLE IRAN!
Posted by: Dave S. || 09/11/2007 1:04 Comments || Top||

#4  biggest mistake the Bush administration has made has been not reminding the public each and every day of why we're at war with Islamism and what the consequences will be if we lose.

I blame the media for this, rather than Bush. I happen to have a "retirement" job, well, most of what I do all day, is sit in front of a computer, doing, whatever folly I can follow for the day. It might be drawing a re-do of a kitchen, finding the perfect lamp for just that certain spot, but I read, and I follow.

So --- I've read lots and lots and lots of Bush's speeches, published, just after he gives them. He has said the words.... I read them, and they never make it to the news. His words are there. His crime has been in not knowing how to get the attention of the press! But, they were never going to give him their attention anyway.

I can't fault Bush for not saying the words... I fault the press for refusing to report (publish) his words. They just.don't.do.it. Lots of speeches he's given? Can't find them anywhere in the press. Not even an acknowledgement that he gave a speech that day.

I'm sorry. But Bush has said the words, over and over and over and over. But only a few people like me, with time on their hands, in front of a computer, have read them.

The public is tired. I'm tired. My attention span is still here. But I do have to use computer search skills to find the stories... and the words of our President.

Posted by: Sherry || 09/11/2007 2:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Bush has bungled a lot of things behind the scenes. He values loyalty over competence, in an "old boys" style. Not sayign this is all his fault, but he sure is a dumbass when it come to firing dead wood. Example: giving CIA Director Tenet a medal and keeping him on instead of firing him and his staff for incompetence and later, malfesance when htey sabotaged his every move (plame, etc) to move further ahead. Same goes for his moronic refusal to secure out borders - its likely already too late and will cost many American lives due to W's being more comitted to his political pandering to Hispanics and his helping business with cheap illegal labor, over the security of the nation.

Bush is better than the alternatives we have seen, but thats setting the bar pretty damn low, and even then W has bungled it. Right intent much of the time (And seriously wrong some other times like the border bending over for Mexico), piss-poor execution much of the time. Petraeus may save the war yet in Iraq, but it was just barely so due to Bush not firing people for screwing up.
Posted by: OldSpook || 09/11/2007 2:23 Comments || Top||

#6  I'll never forget that day. I liken it to being at Pearl Harbor.

I was driving to work from our apartment at 3rd and C NE on Capitol Hill to my job in Herndon (near Dulles airport). I was running late since I was still a bit jetlagged from a family trip. It was a beautiful day and I had the top down on my convertible. I was still on the road when I heard Robin Quivers (on the Howard Stern show) mention that a plane hit the WTC, then excitedly interjected that a 2nd plane did as well. Being a bit of a geopolitical geek and immediately knew what happened.

After yelling F*** Al Queda to the air around me, I switched to a news station and speed-dialed my wife to tell her to turn on the TV. She did and told me the severity of the damage (i.e. jets not prop planes). I assumed she'd stay home but did not confirm. She had been in London for IRA bombings and at the WTC complex in 1993 so she just figured it was the same and, showing her stiff upper lip, went into her job accross the street from the FBI building. This led to a 3 hour period when we were out of contact (due to saturation of the cellular network) and CNN was reporting innacurately that bombs were going off near our home and her work.

By the time I got to work news of the Pentagon attack had broken. I probably could have seen flight 77 from my car had I looked up. Several of my colleagues were in the reserves and watched TV knowing they would soon be in uniform. A lifelong civilian, stuck 25 miles from a home that was probably saved by the heroes of Flight 93, I figured I could at least go to the Red Cross to give blood. They wouldn't take mine due to the backwaters I had travelled in recently so I returned to work to watch the news. Unlike for most people, it was relatively good. Several of my recently laid off coworkers had been in the tower for training at Morgan Stanley and we assumed they were dead for several hours before learning that Rick Rescorla had rescued them all before returning the building.

I waited a long time to drive home assuming the roads would be closed. Instead, they were wide open and devoid of traffic. The empty Beltway at rush hour is my most surreal memory of the day. I made it home in record time despite avoiding Constitution Ave (which crosses the Whitehouse) and instead taking the beltway to the Annacostia Freeway. Although I had the top up, I caught a whiff of the smoke from the Pentagon on my way to meet my wife at my sister's place.

That night, before bed, I was surfing the web to learn more about how we would react to the attacks. My wife looked at me as asked "are you scared" as fighter jets roared in the sky. My answer was, only that we (meaning the US and the 'West' I hoped would support us) would lose our will. Some link to some article about the already forming 'peace' movement triggered this thought. I am not claiming any sort of prescience.

A week or so later we had an anthrax decontamination tent accross the street from our building. The 24 hour guard posted on our street corner until the New Year led to a zero crime rate for almost 4 months. This trend ended abruptly with a robbery at knifepoint a few hours after the guards were removed.

Unlike those who lived through Pearl Harbor, I have done little more than watch the War on TV and here at Rantburg. I have enjoyed a wonderful life since that day and, like a lot of Americans, have made no sacrifices and contributed very little to the 'war effort', even defined broadly enough to include some of my work.

While I can rationalize my lack of contribution as a function of my age and the nature of the conflict, I believe, upon reflection, that the lack of a shared sacrifice is at the root of the problems Fred mentions.

On this anniversary, I always think of the sacrifices made by the small number of my fellow citizens who wear the uniform. To them, I offer my thanks and highest admiration. The rest of us, especially those now losing their will because this war is taking so long, do not deserve them.
Posted by: JAB || 09/11/2007 2:28 Comments || Top||

#7  September 12 I went to give blood, waited in a long line and was eventually dismissed 'cos they had no use for more blood that day. There were only bodies and healthy survivors. While on line, a friend read NYT's excellent coverage of the death of the Towers, and I read the September 2001 issue of Reader's Digest. Which just happened to have a long article on the execution of Timothy McVeigh.

It occurred to me that day that Tim McV would be a useful person to ask a few more questions of.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 2:35 Comments || Top||

#8  The world including the USA will never be "normal" again. WOT > WAR FOR ANTI-US OWG-SWO, and the only way for the USA-West to keep its values identity freedoms and sovereignty, etc. is to win becuz the WOT > ALSO A WAR TO THE DEATH.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/11/2007 3:39 Comments || Top||


Rarely have you been so right, Joe. This one is for all the marbles. This is not a clash of civilizations, it the the collision of civilization with barbarity. Islam has preordained that one or the other must perish.

Anyone who doubts this needs to ask themselves what part of Islamic tradition should be preserved. Stoning? Beheading? Female Genital Mutilation? Theocracy? Abject Gender Apartheid? Prohibition? Terrorism? Genocide? Sexual Child Abuse? Slavery? Unequal Rights? Mandatory Religious Observance?

Doesn't any single one of these practices exclude a culture from inclusion in the circle of humanity? Again, what part of Islamic tradition should be preserved?
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 4:23 Comments || Top||

#10  "Stoning? Beheading?"

I didn't know you were so opposed to the death penalty.

And as for Female Genital Mutilation, I certainly agree with you regarding its barbarism, however third-world Christians do it as much as Muslims do -- e.g. I am reading that in Ethiopia "Some Coptic Christian priests refuse to baptize girls who have not undergone one of the procedures."

Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 4:45 Comments || Top||

#11  Yeah, this war could be over pretty quickly, GET IN THERE AND HANDLE IRAN!

Please dont forget ALSO those Saudi and Paki bastards who are behind 9/11!!!!!.Ideology and funding is by Saudi, operations heartland is in Pakistan

Recommend read for everyone!!!!!

Posted by: Paul || 09/11/2007 5:13 Comments || Top||

#12  I took pictures of Brooklyn from the WTC in 1991, and still get shivers when the 9-11 videos are shown. I never favored re-building because I feel it would be like setting up the target again.

Fred mentions multi-culturalism. Prior to 9-11, TV wrestling was able to run story lines involving characters like the "Iron Sheik" (a fake Arab, I think). Unindicted co-conspirators like CAIR and the ISNA are now so powerful that producing anything that might demean Muslims is unthinkable.
Posted by: McZoid || 09/11/2007 5:20 Comments || Top||

#13  Never forgive. Some of our then-new-to-us neighbors were on duty in Manhattan that day, as police and fire fighters and EMTs. Some didn't come home.

Never forget. Our daughter was working a few blocks from the towers when the planes hit. It took terribly slow hours until we heard 2nd hand that she was alive, and over 24 hrs until we could speak to her.

Never forget. We had friends serving that day in the wing of the Pentagon that was hit.

Never 'understand'. Oh, I understand -- the real causes and the real danger. Which is why I do not forgive or forget.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 6:13 Comments || Top||

#14  A memory I carry from that week took place on Friday Sept. 14th. It was the memorial ceremony at the National Cathedral in Washington.

At the end of the ceremony the congregation stood and sang The Battle Hymn of the Republic. I had goose bumps on my arms and tears in my eyes.

The emotions I felt then and there were primal. NOW WE MOBILIZE FOR WAR.

When looking back I recall learning there never was a "we" in the sense of a country completely united and undivided. And there was never a "mobilization for war" in the way there was after Pearl Harbor.

And this day still - today - still fills me with an empty sadness.
Posted by: Mark Z || 09/11/2007 6:57 Comments || Top||

#15  I lowered my flag to half staff this morning. Then I thought about the article yesterday on the difference between the liberal mind, able to adapt to ambiguity and complexity, and the rigid conservative mind. I guess it's those adaptable liberal minds that have figured out how to 'understand' (rationalize) the 9-11 attacks, and my poor rigid conservative mind just thinks back six years and builds renewed anger. Not anger at architects or airlines or politicians or police. Anger at these Islamist b**tards who came into my country and blew up my people. This anger may be unhealthy for me, and is certainly un-Christian, but I am not even close to turning my back and (mentally) walking away. To me that's a rationalization of cowardice, an unwillingness to confront evil. My unadaptable brain wants to face down evil and KILL IT.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/11/2007 7:13 Comments || Top||

#16  Bush does, indeed, bear some measure of responsibility for this country's limited attention span. From his January 11, 2007 address to the troops at Fort Benning:
"On September the 11th, our nation saw firsthand the destructive vision of a new kind of enemy, and once again the men and women of Fort Benning answered the call to protect our country from that enemy. You know, I knew that right after the attacks, the American psyche being what it is, people would tend to forget the grave threat posed by these people. I knew that. As a matter of fact, I was hoping that would happen so that life would go on. But the fortunate thing for this country is that those who wear the uniform have never forgotten the threat. You understand the stakes."
Bad move. VERY bad. For people will forget, especially when you invite them to. And when they forget, they lose their sense of purpose and their resolve as well.

As we have.

Posted by: Dave D. || 09/11/2007 7:31 Comments || Top||

#17  i agree sherry, Bush has reminded the nation that we are war with islam many a times and it is the likes of CNN and other MSM that are too scared too air that WE are at war with islam and noit just a few terrorist. In my opinion we should round up muslims like we did the japsnese in WW2 and ship their asses back too the middle east or there for the first time too make their lifetime pilgrimage.Blame the dems for not being reminded every day since they want too kisss their asses like nothing never happened until the spotlight is on them at a memeorial service today. they only remember once a year.
Posted by: sinse || 09/11/2007 7:52 Comments || Top||

#18  Aris

I have a word for you: Collabo!

Posted by: JFM || 09/11/2007 8:13 Comments || Top||

#19  The world will be safe when islam is gone.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/11/2007 9:00 Comments || Top||

#20  JFM, are you calling those Ethiopian Christian priests "collaborators" and spitting on them? If so, I indeed agree that they're collaborators of evil and spitworthy.

If not, I somehow fail to understand the justification of your comment.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 9:13 Comments || Top||

#21  "The world will be safe when islam is gone."

Didn't the word "The Germans" or "The Russians" use to exist in sentences like that, instead of "Islam"? Up to very recently ago?

Unfortunately even after the very last living Germans and Russians were eradicated off the face of the world, the world still isn't safe it seems.

The world has lots of times been "unsafe" without the Islam being involved at all (I am kinda thinking of the Napoleonic Wars, of World War I, World War II, The Cold War, etc, etc) and I'm guessing it will find many new threats even if you could click your fingers and make Islam magically go away.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 9:22 Comments || Top||

#22  You are such an annoyance. Don't you have a mirror to go play with and leave the adults alone?
Posted by: Unutle McGurque8861 || 09/11/2007 9:43 Comments || Top||

#23  Aris: He is spitting at you. So am I.

No equivalence. No excuses. And one day, by God, no evil trolls.
Posted by: Excalibur || 09/11/2007 9:46 Comments || Top||

#24  What exactly annoyed you?

My comparison between the threat of Islam and the threat of Germany/the Soviet Union?

Or my idea that Islam isn't any more of a "final ultimate threat" than those two turned out to be?
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 9:47 Comments || Top||

#25  Well honestly, Excalibur, "equivalence" with the Nazi Germany, or the Soviet Union, or with Coptic Christians supporting FGM, isn't exactly a compliment, so I still don't see why you are so annoyed.

But you may keep on spitting. I wish you had it clear in your minds why you are doing so, though, you seem to be very very confused about that.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 9:50 Comments || Top||

#26  What exactly annoyed you?

that you are an idiot who thinks yourself to be clever.
Posted by: Unutle McGurque8861 || 09/11/2007 9:53 Comments || Top||

#27  The first report I heard of the WTC destruction, noted that there could be as many as 20,000 casualties. That was credible for quite some time. Accurate head counts were not made until companies used off site payroll company records to verify survivals and lost persons. Even then there was the problem of accounting for visitors to the buildings.
Posted by: McZoid || 09/11/2007 9:57 Comments || Top||

#28  Well, that sure puts me in my place and shows me the error of my ways, anonymous person.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 10:01 Comments || Top||

#29  Aris

Not a good day to wind people up!There is no compulsion in Religion(Koran).Spread that message to your Saudi and Paki friends who want a global Caliphate!!!!!
Posted by: Paul || 09/11/2007 10:14 Comments || Top||

#30  Aris - when the islamonazis come for Greece - and they will - we'll be happy to sit at our computers a half a world away and return your "favors." For now, go play in traffic with your mirror.

Never forget. Never forgive. Never "understand."

And remember that paybacks are hell....
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/11/2007 10:17 Comments || Top||

#31  Aris, those two, while certainly not complimentary, were nations to which MAD applied.

That's where the analogy breaks down.
Posted by: Mike N. || 09/11/2007 10:17 Comments || Top||

#32  I don't have any Saudi or Paki friends -- the Reagan administration had several Iranian friends though judging by how it twice sold weapons to them (just after the hostage situation, and in the Iran-Contra scandal), why not begin with them?
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 10:18 Comments || Top||

#33  Barbara, I *hope* that the islamonazis come against Greece, because my main fear is that the axis of global war will be Eastern Orthodox nations (like Russia, Serbia, Armenia and Greece) allied with the islamofascisms and *against* the democracies of the West.

Remember that Russia and Armenia have already allied themselves with Iran in more than one occassion. And Greece is in the Kremlin's pocket.

So yeah, islamonazis fighting against Greece is one of the better options IMO, as my worse fear is Greece and islamonazis fighting side-by-side.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 10:23 Comments || Top||

#34  Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union did not just decide to reform themselves on a whim. It took a substantial application of military, financial, and political power to convince them to change their ways.

As it will be with resurgent Islam.

And probably even now there's some idea germinating somewhere, sheltering safely away under the chaos of our current enthusiasms, an idea that will be the next Threat To Civilization As We Know It.

But knowing those old threats don't exist (altho Soviet Russia doesn't seem to be quite as dead as we thought, and hey, happy Conception Day, Russkies!), and knowing that other threats will arise in time, we are not free to ignore the current realities and pretend that we are not in dire peril.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 10:25 Comments || Top||

#35  Aris, you're being a twit. And worse than a twit - you are deliberately seeking to cause pain on a solemn day for us. Leave off or be filtered out yet again .... this is not the day for it.

No second warnings. Not today.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 10:31 Comments || Top||

#36  Aris, I was writing my comment when you posted your comment #33, and I would like to say that I too would prefer to see Greece allied with the West and not dragged into some whacked-out Iran/Russia axis.

Greece *is* the West.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 10:32 Comments || Top||

#37  I don't have any Saudi or Paki friends -- the Reagan administration had several Iranian friends though judging by how it twice sold weapons to them (just after the hostage situation, and in the Iran-Contra scandal), why not begin with them?

Read the following sites and make your own mind up

Saudi spread hatred world wide.Them,Pakistan(their operations HQ) and Iran will be sorted in due course God Willing!!!!

Posted by: Paul || 09/11/2007 10:35 Comments || Top||

#38  I don't have a great deal of patience with parrying on this day--my inclination is to go for the jugular and rip out the throat.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/11/2007 11:21 Comments || Top||

#39  Aris: today is not the day to needle us here at the Burg. Maybe tomorrow. Not today.

Posted by: Steve White || 09/11/2007 11:35 Comments || Top||

#40  Aris, FOAD. You're trying to score points on a thread about memories of 9-11, and you're doing it by attacking people.

I don't know what image you have of yourself in your own mind -- likely you believe you're a brave, honest, compassionate man who wants nothing but what's best in the world -- but you're acting like one of the world's biggest assholes.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 09/11/2007 11:46 Comments || Top||

#41  Greece has had its share of 'the next great threat approaching from over the horizon', and has had its battles where few stood against many. This one seems to have either understood, forgiven, or forgotten that not too long ago certain neighbors became occupiers and stored gunpowder inside of some of Greece's anceint temples and birthrights. Please don't play with the one who fancies himself both a god and master baiter - he has plenty to do putting out the random fires which are popping up in his part of the world.
As someone who also had family in New York a block away, and another who worked in the Pentegon, this Aris figure only assures me that this act of hate and aggression should be placed into our collective generational memories.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 09/11/2007 12:05 Comments || Top||

#42  Rob, this is not *that* thread, so perhaps I'm only half the asshole you think I am.

But if the whole day is inappropriate for such -- ok, no more comments or replies from me today.

swksvolFF, just FYI the vast majority of ancient Greek temples were destroyed not by Muslims but by the Christians of Byzantium-- Parthenon itself survived that phase (merely turned into a Christian church instead) merely because the residents of Athens went up in arms to defend it from demolition.

And I don't believe the recent fires here were random. I think them an act of political (though non-Islamic) terrorism. But that's a different topic.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris || 09/11/2007 12:55 Comments || Top||

#43  groan. What a twit.

Here Aris, since you are going to give it a rest, I tell you what I'll do for you. About every five minutes, I post a summary of what you would have posted yourself.

Americans and Christians are poopy faces. I am superior to you. Love, Aris

And to any poster who disagrees, I'll post over and over and over again,
"I know you are but what am I, Love Aris " .

There, your job is done. Have a nice day.
Posted by: Unutle McGurque8861 || 09/11/2007 13:29 Comments || Top||

#44  Aris, are you a full, total Greek? You know what I mean.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/11/2007 13:59 Comments || Top||

#45  OK, folks. Let's not let Aris (directly or as a topic) take over our 9/11 threads. Aim your cold fury (or hot anger) at those who threaten our way of life.

And Aris - a reminder. After not being here for a very long while you chose to stomp into this community's gathering place and piss around where others are grieving. Not very classy and not very persuasive.

Also, not tolerated for a single more comment of that tone or type.

Roger that, all?
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 14:15 Comments || Top||

#46  Ignoring the static that Aris has interjected, on that fateful day, we were carpooling to work and the radio, volume turned down low mentioned something about an airplane hitting a building in NYC. my first thought was that it was a replay of the 1945 B-25 hitting the empire state building due to weather (see the book'the sky is falling') if only that were the case. all i want to see now is the sky fall on all those responsible for this new world we are living in, and also on those that refuse to recognize that this is a fight to the death.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 09/11/2007 14:17 Comments || Top||

#47  Fellow RB'ers, I don't know about you, but the biggest surprise to me is that I still feel such anger. It has waned occasionally, but it always comes back, white hot.

Yes I'm angry that many of those responsible for 9/11 are still sucking oxygen, including Bin Laden. Yes, I'm angry toward the left, which has been exposed as nothing but a bunch of America hating traitors.

But I'm also angry at the passivism and forgetfulness that's so common among average Americans. How could you have gone into the voting booth and punched a ticket for Pelosi, Reid and their ilk if you had even one iota of 9/11 anger remaining in your thoughts?

How is it that the muzzies can have such long, uninterrupted, unswerving hatred toward us, always keeping their goal in sight, while we on the other hand lapse into a state of apathy so profound that it renders invisible the traitors in our midst?
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 09/11/2007 14:29 Comments || Top||

#48  I was attending a class in Arlington, VA. The site manager came in and told us that two planes had hit the WTC and one had hit the Pentagon. After that, nobody was paying attention, so the instructor called for a long lunch break until 2 pm. I went back to my hotel room and called my wife to tell her I was OK. After that I just watched CNN running the same tape over and over of the towers falling. I was sure that there would be tens of thousands dead. Later, I went over to the Iwo Jima memorial, where I could see the smoke from the Pentagon. It gave me a very weird feeling - I was stationed at the Pentagon right after Navy OCS in 1970.
Posted by: Rambler || 09/11/2007 14:36 Comments || Top||

#49  I was dropping off some marketing pieces to a real estate company. The receptionist wasn't at her desk, so I took a couple of extra steps into the entry way and could see her watching a television set in the adjacent conference room.

She motioned me in and explained what (little) she knew at the time. I remember being confused at the time--wondering how such an "accident" could take place. I watched the tentative coverage in that office for perhaps 15 minutes, and then went to my office. When I got to my office, my soon to be ex-wife called complaining that she had been "worried" about me (never-minding the fact that she hadn't worried about me at all for much of the previous year). The rest of the day is rather foggy until the evening.

That evening I watched as much television as I could stand. Even at that moment, the "spin" was already beginning--Peter Jennings said several times the equivalent of "we don't know who's behind this and shouldn't draw any conclusions yet". Although largely ignorant of world politics at that time, something about him saying that and how often he did so really bothered me.

I started my own informal "get educated about the world around me" process the next morning. To this day it burns me that the leftist media would have preferred to keep me ignorant of such matters.
Posted by: Crusader || 09/11/2007 14:51 Comments || Top||

#50  Aris, your comments about an axis of Eastern Orthodox + Islam is simply niave. Greece and the Balkands were Islamic nations once and as far as the Islamic world is concerned will be again. Any peace between the two would be like the Hitler Stalin pact, a peace just long enough for each side to sharpen their knives and stab.

That would at least get the Eastern Orthodox nations into the war in a serious way, something many are reluctant to do because they prefer to ignore the problem and let the US do the heavy lifting.

To be honest the Greeks should be building up their military and drawing up plans (political and military) to retake Constantinople and a dozen islands off the Turkish coast because at some point the Turks are gonna turn sour and Greece will be on the front lines (yeah I know, but even more so).
Posted by: rjschwarz || 09/11/2007 15:30 Comments || Top||

#51  I don't know about you, but the biggest surprise to me is that I still feel such anger. It has waned occasionally, but it always comes back, white hot.

If anything, my anger has increased with the intervening years. Just one look at this thread's graphic of the WTC and a searing rage takes hold of me. As I have learned—with deepest thanks to Fred and Rantburg—more about Islam and kept abreast of all its other atrocities, the above image signifies only one thing to me: The Death of Islam.

The 9-11 atrocities must be regarded as the beginning of the end for Islam. While Bali, London and Madrid were all horrific, only Beslan carried forward a similarly evil message. Beslan cemented my determination that Islam must perish.

There has been absolutely nothing to change this perception in the past six years. No crowds of Muslims protesting every new terrorist atrocity, no mass expulsions of jihadis from congregations, no large group arrests of terror plotters from Muslim informers. Not one single indication that the ummah—as a whole—is revolted by such hideous evil.

Yes I'm angry that many of those responsible for 9/11 are still sucking oxygen, including Bin Laden. Yes, I'm angry toward the left, which has been exposed as nothing but a bunch of America hating traitors.

Just as with the Nazis—sadly, less so with communism—Islamic terrorism has provided a properly polarizing lens with which to view the American political sphere. The democratic party and a vast majority of its followers have revealed within themselves such a deep and abiding hatred for everything America has achieved—even as they enjoy these hard-earned fruits—that many of them are rapidly forfeiting their rights to citizenship.

However important it is to address Islamic terrorism, an emerging horizon of internal collaboration with our enemies has begun to assume a new and unexpected urgency. As a patriotic citizen of the USA I am beginning to view this division as not being between Americans but between Americans and America's enemies.

But I'm also angry at the passivism and forgetfulness that's so common among average Americans. How could you have gone into the voting booth and punched a ticket for Pelosi, Reid and their ilk if you had even one iota of 9/11 anger remaining in your thoughts?

Evidently, such people do not have any of that "anger" remaining in their thoughts, that is, unless it's directed at America. Far too many Americans have forgotten the lessons of World War II. This is made even more stupefying in light of the numerous and glaring parallels between Nazism and Islam.

How is it that the muzzies can have such long, uninterrupted, unswerving hatred toward us, always keeping their goal in sight, while we on the other hand lapse into a state of apathy so profound that it renders invisible the traitors in our midst?

Simply put: We have it too easy. This is why each passing day makes it more apparent that another even more heinous atrocity on American soil will be required before our population awakens to the danger of Islam.

The ummah is able to maintain its focus and hatred precisely because Muslims know damn well that America and America alone can defeat and destroy Islam. Islam is the implaccable foe of liberty, individual freedom, democracy, free enterprise, religious freedom and everything that has made America great.

While not enough Americans appreciate this singularly important fact, a huge number of Muslims do and that knowledge drives jihad. I continue to thank the goodness of America's military leadership that it has armed our country with such fine soldiers and an arsenal that—in a single day's time—can resolve this entire issue. We have shown admirable restraint in the face of endless terrorist provocation. Soon enough that restraint will be exhausted by yet another Muslim atrocity and then Islam will be no more. Only then will accounts for the 9-11 atrocity be properly settled.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 15:44 Comments || Top||

#52  The left are my enemy, I shall not rest. Islam is the devil's work and it stands as proof that Jesus knew we had to fight a lifetime against the temptations of the devil. The left are headed to hell arm in arm with Islam. I would gladly speed them along, all of them, I have no more patience, bomb Iran now. I care not about saving their souls, I care only about our souls.
Posted by: wxjames || 09/11/2007 15:45 Comments || Top||

#53  The MAD doctrine still applies, I think. The problem is that it is being applied in a different manner these days.

The Islamofascists seek to destroy us utterly using what the Chinese call "non-conventional" means. The Islamofascists believe that they can bring down our way of life by way of suicide bombs and the sacrifice of thousands of their young men and women against our troops. They literally have no concept of just how deadly non-conventional warfare can truly be.

We, on the other hand, have the capability to literally wipe from existence a substantial portion of the planetary population. Not by use of thousands of our young men and women, though we would rather sacrifice those lives than bow to the truth of the matter - or the possible necessity, but via the use of weapons with which the world has no recent memory or familiarity. The Islamofacsists simply have no experience and thus no concept of just how nasty the weapons in our arsenal are.

In addition, they believe we are too weak, culturally, mentally, religiously, and psychologically, to use every weapon in our arsenal against them. They are absolutely convinced that we will never respond to them with the strength and will which we eventually must demonstrate if we are to survive.

We are caught in a MAD Catch-22. We have the capability to destroy Islam and Islamofascism ultimately and completely such that it will never be a force to threaten the free world ever again. They have the capability to cause us such small hurts that we will spend enormous amounts of blood and treasure trying to defend ourselves from their mosquito bites, destroying our own society and culture in the process.

We can only become the villains in this story, as we have over the last 6 years. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't no matter what choices we make.

If we are remain free, we must be willing to take the war to the enemy in any way, shape, form, and manner possible. We must become cunning, stealthy, cold-blooded, and ultimately fearsomely and fiercely ruthless.

In short, we must become wolves.

The world needs to learn to fear us, to trust us to do what we say we will and back up those statements with the most ruthless of force and the most fearsome of weapons. We have demonstrated that we can be the most merciful, the most compassionate, and the most self-sacrificing nation on the planet. That has gained us allies - and enemies.

Our enemies must learn.

We must become wolves.

Posted by: FOTSGreg || 09/11/2007 16:47 Comments || Top||

#54  We can only become the villains in this story, as we have over the last 6 years. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't no matter what choices we make.

So be it. Islam simply will NOT have it any other way. If this is to be a struggle to the death, then let history record us as the surviving villain.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 17:19 Comments || Top||

#55  A guy called into a local talk show today and said that where he worked they had a moment of silence. He also said that three muslims who worked there that were cutting up, jabbering, and laughing about 911 during this moment of silence. There is no redemption for this cult of hate, evil, and death.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/11/2007 17:25 Comments || Top||

#56  He also said that three muslims who worked there that were cutting up, jabbering, and laughing about 911 during this moment of silence.

I once believed that Americans would never tolerate such offense. I've since learned that not only will some "Americans" (in name only) tolerate such behavior, many will *encourage* it as well.

In a better world, it would not be so.
Posted by: Crusader || 09/11/2007 17:37 Comments || Top||

#57  From a a Rhodesian point of veiw, they can all fuck off and die, including that sack sack of shit, Aris. He come back and tell me I'm bad.

'kin wanker.
Posted by: rhodesiafever || 09/11/2007 18:14 Comments || Top||

#58  He also said that three muslims who worked there that were cutting up, jabbering, and laughing about 911 during this moment of silence.

This is what "parking lot therapy" was invented to treat.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 18:45 Comments || Top||

#59  Eloquently put, o yee who has the fever in Rhodesia.

"They can all fuck off and die". Classic.
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 09/11/2007 18:46 Comments || Top||

#60  Hey, msg, I not as eloquent as some, lol!
Posted by: rhodesiafever || 09/11/2007 19:02 Comments || Top||

#61  Monsieur Katsaris

Last time you came here you began counting Muslim and Christian genocides (putting Nazi and similar atheistic movements in The Christian side) except that in two minites I found hald a dozen Muslim genocides you "forgot". One of them the cleansing of Pontus Greeks around 1955.

Just for that you deserve the collabo word.

But in fact you are evan worse. You want to show how tolerant you are and wide minded you are by supporting a muderous ideology. But in fact jsut like the Vietnam-era protesters you couldn't care less about the people. They arte just toys for yopur little games. I do. I acre not only about the non-Muslims living living under Islamic opressionj but about also about Muslims. About the woman who is beaten and raped by her husband, about the boy who is brainwashed for becoming a suicide bomber, about the enslaved Blacks, about those who don't get decent instruction, about the Bengla-deshi servants and camel jockeys raped in Saudi Arabia, about those who die from polio because a lunatic has said vaccination was haram, about the misery and ignorance who accompany Islam wherever it goes. I want them free of it. The differtnce betwen you and me is that for me they are humans and for you they are just expendable toys.

I would spit on you again but you would soil my saliva.
Posted by: JFM || 09/11/2007 19:20 Comments || Top||

#62  I woke a little early and after breakfast and dressing, hit the computer, just Drudge to see if anything salacious happened. I saw a plane had hit the WTC. Pity. Terrible accident.

I then took the "kids" for a walk. On the way back, a neighbor said "you heard the news?"

"Oh, yeah. Bad accident. What kind of plane was it?"

"It was no accident. A second plane hit the other tower."

"Um. Gotta go!"

We ran back and I hit the news pages. Damn.

I drove in to work. Now, this was the day of the month that the local idiotarians protest outside of work. Usually we just wave, or toss out the after cleaning up after the kids on the walk (never hit any of them. Pity). They weren't there that day. I suspect they had the minimal intelligence to realize it might be dangerous.

When I got into work, some of the other people were there, talking, of course. I went past them into the factory. I stood there for a few minutes blessing the "product." When I got back, I told them. Some of them went and did the same thing. Too bad we weren't allowed to write messages on them.
Posted by: Gary and the Samoyeds || 09/11/2007 21:24 Comments || Top||

#63  Dr. Steve can concur or deny, but IIUC, oftentimes during extreme stress, an opportunistic herpetic or viral outbreak can manifest itself, hence Aris reappears. Don't make him the focal point, he's not worth it. My attention span is not limited by comfort nor anti-war nausea. Keep after them, kill the Taliban and AQ by the scores, daily, if not hourly. Empty the madrassahs into our gunsights, Send the IRGC to die anonymously in Iraq and Lebanon. We WILL prevail with terrible shredding deaths for our enemies. The "strong horse" is us!
Posted by: Frank G || 09/11/2007 21:46 Comments || Top||

#64  I was at work with a vendor when the news came of the second tower getting hit. I escorted the vendor off the worksite, then watched with growing anger for the rest of the day. I knew some canadians, and they were pretty calloused by the next day.

I've often thought about that rapid change from "oh so sorry!" to "get over it!". It was obvious that they simply could not accept the fact that such a thing could deeply hurt americans, as if we had no business caring that damn much about our fellow citizens. At the same time, I felt they kinda knew that we DID hurt deeply, and were therefore terrified that we'd go postal. I think they took their cues from the media, who tried their damnedest to not show any photos from 9/11, and objected mightily if any third party tried to show them in the major media.

I came to the conclusion, today, on 9/11/07, that very few non-americans truly understand how we feel about 9/11/01, and that the few who DO. are more worthy of being Americans than 3/4ths of the Democratic Congressmen now sitting, and half of the constituents who voted for them.

I kinda think we're still in shock at some very deep level that keeps us from getting our hands around it, trying to make heads and tails both of it, and of how we're treated because we're still moved to rage or tears about it.

All I know is that the Muslims seem to be getting the sympathy from non-americans that we deserve. It also seems those muslims are getting that respect because the givers know that if they don't, there'll be hell to pay.
Posted by: Ptah || 09/11/2007 21:58 Comments || Top||

#65  PBS has chosen to commemorate this day with a rousing Pallywood production ... Gaza ER
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 22:51 Comments || Top||

#66  I don't know whether to laugh or cry or vomit.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 22:54 Comments || Top||

#67  vomit
Posted by: 3dc || 09/11/2007 23:02 Comments || Top||

#68  No anger. I don't have the energy for anger. I did that day and the days that followed, and for fear, and grief. But anger faded, and simple determination remains. That much I will always have energy for: we will win, even at the sacrifice of our own souls, that our children and our children's children shall remain free.

I realize that I won't contribute much to the actual struggle. But I've already made my decision. I own the result as much as those who pull triggers and those who aim them.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/11/2007 23:06 Comments || Top||

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Lileks: "I couldn’t answer that one. Not yet. She’s only seven." (buzz.mn)
For my birthday my daughter gave me a deck of cards: Go Ask Dad. Each card has a question about what I liked when I was a kid, what I wanted to be, what music I liked. Every night we read a few cards. Last night’s question: what was the most important event that had taken place in my lifetime?

I couldn’t answer that one. Not yet. She’s only seven.

I remember how still it was after the planes were grounded. When the airlines were grounded the jets came in one after the other over my house; then silence. Silence all day. I remember there was an election; can’t recall what it was for, but off we went to the school to vote. I pushed the stroller up the block, sleepwalking. In the evening we went to the park, as always, and pushed our daughter in the swing. She laughed; she had a grand day. She was one year old. When the sun went down she had a bath and played with yellow rubber ducks and slept sweet untroubled sleep. I sat by the TV with a laptop and watched the news until 3 AM, and then there was nothing but the sound of the lone jet overhead, patrolling the dark. . . .

He's soliciting "where were you" stories in the combox. Go over and contribute.
Posted by: Mike || 09/11/2007 06:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  i was on a job site with no radio ty anything didn't even know it was going on until the woman building the house pulled up crying and told us. needless too say we all took the rwst of the day off to watch the events unfold on television
Posted by: sinse || 09/11/2007 7:20 Comments || Top||

#2  I have to disagree. In our lives there is one event that transcends 9-11. In fact, it rivals World War II as the most important event of the 20th Century.

It was the fall of the Soviet Union, thanks in large part to President Ronald Reagan.

The War on Terror, the freeing of Afghanistan and Iraq, and 30 Million or more people are grand events as well. But they pale in comparison with the freeing of 1 Billion people with the fall of the Soviet Union. The ending of a 30 year threat that could have destroyed much of civilization.

A hundred years from now, the War on Terror will be a minor story of the 21st Century. And the odds are great that it will be eclipsed before this century is out.

But the history of the 20th Century, and in our lives, is set in stone. For it will be near impossible for an event to transcend the fall of the Soviet Union. It truly was the most important event that has taken place in our lifetimes, unless you were alive during World War II.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/11/2007 10:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Monsieur Katsaris

Last time you came here you began counting Muslim and Christian genocides (putting Nazi and similar atheistic movements in The Christian side) except that in two minites I found hald a dozen Muslim genocides you "forgot". One of them the cleansing of Pontus Greeks around 1955.

Just for that you deserve the collabo word.

But in fact you are evan worse. You want to show how tolerant you are and wide minded you are by supporting a muderous ideology. But in fact jsut like the Vietnam-era protesters you couldn't care less about the people. They arte just toys for yopur little games. I do. I acre not only about the non-Muslims living living under Islamic opressionj but about also about Muslims. About the woman who is beaten and raped by her husband, about the boy who is brainwashed for becoming a suicide bomber, about the enslaved Blacks, about those who don't get decent instruction, about the Bengla-deshi servants and camel jockeys raped in Saudi Arabia, about those who die from polio because a lunatic has said vaccination was haram, about the misery and ignorance who accompany Islam wherever it goes. I want them free of it. The differtnce betwen you and me is that for me they are humans and for you they are just expendable toys.

I would spit on you again but you would soil my saliva.
Posted by: JFM || 09/11/2007 17:54 Comments || Top||

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Never Forget, 2007 Edition
Here is the 2007 edition of the "Never Forget" archive. This collection has been assembled over the years, with much input from other Rantburgers. Feel free to add to the list in the comments section.

Eyewitness accounts & actualities

Daniel Henninger, "I saw it all. Then I saw nothing." Wall Street Journal September 12, 2001

John Labriola, First-person account & accompanying photo essay

Jeff Jarvis, First-person account & audio narrative.

"Tilly" (LGF commenter), First-person account

Little Green Footballs "9/11 Stories" (discussion thread)

"The Voices Project" A Small Victory (collection of first-person accounts)

Chuck Simmins, "No Ordinary Day" (collection of weblog postings)

New York Times, Collection of audio recordings from the FDNY radio circuit

Michael Powell & Michelle Garcia, "New tapes give voice to WTC chaos" Washington Post
Audio recordings collected here

Kevin Cosgrove, 911 call from 105th floor of WTC2 (Flash animation)

Gedeon & Jules Naudet, 9/11 (documentary film).

Evan Coyne Maloney, "Crystal Morning" (Video).

Immediate reactions

John Derbyshire, "Steel and Fire and Stone" National Review Online &0151; written within two hours of the first attack.

James Lileks, "The Daily Bleat" 9/12/01

Peggy Noonan, "What I saw at the devastation" Wall Street Journal.

Leonard Pitts, "We'll go forward from this moment" The Ornerey American

"Sgt. Mom" (Sgt. Celia D. Hayes, USAF, Ret.), "I am all right - just in another country" (personal letter)

World Trade Center

Jim Dwyer, Eric Lipton, Kevin Flynn, James Glanz and Ford Fessenden. "Fighting to Live as the Towers Died" New York Times (LRR) &0151; an incredibly detailed reconstruction of the 102 minutes between the first attack and the final collapse.

Editorial, "Common Valor" Wall Street Journal &0151; ". . . in the midst of tragedy we do well to recognize that these firefighters did not lose their lives. They gave them."

Peggy Noonan, "Courage Under Fire" Wall Street Journal &0151; "Three hundred firemen. This is the part that reorders your mind when you think of it. For most of the 5,000 dead were there&0151;they just happened to be there, in the buildings, at their desks or selling coffee or returning e-mail. But the 300 didn't happen to be there, they went there. In the now-famous phrase, they ran into the burning building and not out of the burning building. They ran up the stairs, not down, they went into it and not out of it. They didn't flee, they charged. "

"Mysterious ’Red Bandanna’ Man Is 9/11 Hero" WNBC-TV &0151; The story of Wells Crowther, an equities trader and volunteer firefighter who worked in 2 WTC, and was as much a hero as anyone that day.

Mudville Gazette (weblog), "9/11 Remembered: Rick Rescorla was a Soldier"

Andrew Duffy, "Last Man Standing" Saskatoon Star-Phoenix

Tom Junod, "The Falling Man" Esquire

Steve Fishman, "The Miracle Survivors" New York Magazine

Vincent Druding, "Ground Zero: a Journal" First Things &0151; account of an early volunteer in the recovery effort

Rod Dreher, "The Hole in the Skyline" National Review Online &0151; "Every morning when I open the door to go to work, there is a hole in the sky where the World Trade Center used to be, a memento mori, a reminder of death. Not just the death of the 2,800, but of death itself, and the impermanence of all things human. That hole is the first thing I see in the morning when I leave my house, and the last thing I see at night before I come inside for my supper."

Blue Men Group, Exhibit 13 (Flash animation).

World Trade Center (motion picture).

Bruce Springsteen, "The Rising" &0151; About a firefighter at the WTC. I can't forgive Springsteen his later embrace of moonbattery, but he's a talented songwriter, and this is one time he got it exactly right.

Ann Althouse, "At dawn on September 11, 2007, the fog hides the absence of the Twin Towers" (digital photography).

Flight 93

Dennis B. Roddy, et al., "Flight 93: forty lives, one destiny" Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Karen Breslau, "The Final Moments of United Flight 93" MSNBC

Matthew L. Wald, "Details Emerge on Flight 93" New York Times (LRR)

Dave Berry, "On Hallowed Ground." Syndicated column

Steven Den Beste, "The First Anniversary" &0151; "In America we remember. We remember people who made choices. We remember an unforgivable attack. We remember people who refused to submit, and chose to die well, defiant to the end. We remember two words: Let's roll."

United 93 (motion picture)

Neil Young, "Let’s Roll"

Other Commentary

James Lileks, "The Daily Bleat"
9/13/01 &0151; "The men on the plane decided to attack the hijackers. They learned what had happened in New York with the other hijacked planes; they figured their lives were lost already. They fought back. What it’s like to swallow your terror and act is beyond the imagination of most ordinary folks - but the point is, they were ordinary folks. We’re all on that plane now."
9/14/01 &0151; "The planes are landing again. I saw them fly over the house tonight and I wanted to, and did, cheer. Waved them past. Gnat waved hello as well. It’s a heartening sight."
the week of 9/17-21/01 &0151; "I’m tired of people who can watch 5,000 people from 62 nations burned alive and crushed to death, and think: well, you know you had this coming."
9/11/02 &0151; "We’re going to win. We don’t have any choice."
9/11/03 &0151; "Two years in; the rest of our lives to go."
9/8/06 &0151; "Just so you know: 9/11 reset the clock for me. All hands went to midnight. I’m interested in what people did after that date, and if the movie [The Path to 9/11] shows that before the attack one side lacked feck and the other was feck-deficient, I don't worry about it. It's like revisiting Congressional debates about Hawaiian harbor security in November 1941. Y'all get a pass. The Etch-A-Sketch's turned over. Now: what have you said lately?"

John Derbyshire, "Two years on" National Review &0151; a tribute to "small teams of inconceivably brave men and women, working in strange places, unknown and unacknowledged"

"Wretchard" (Richard Fernandez), "The Shadow of Our Hand" (blog posting)

Larry Miller, "Two Years" Weekly Standard &0151; "That's the choice: Stop, or keep going; keep our promises, or forget we made them; be responsible, or irresponsible; face facts, or ignore them. It's easier to stop, you know. Beating these folks will take a very long time. Decades, probably, and that's if we do everything right."

Steven Green, "Terrorized? Hell No!" VodkaPundit (blog posting) &0151; "Remember, too, our just vengeance. Our president told us, 'I hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.' And they do hear us, in Iraq and in Afghanistan. They hear us, not because we used our weapons to murder their civilians, but to bring down their tyrants. From our loss, we gave them hope. The loss felt in Baghdad and Kabul is that of Sisyphus without his stone. The sound they hear is the ring of freedom. And they hear us, even if only a whisper, in Syria, in Iran, and - yes - they hear us in Saudi Arabia, too."

Deroy Murdock, "'Did you find her yet?'" National Review

Peggy Noonan, "A Heart, a Cross, a Flag" Wall Street Journal &0151; "On Sept. 10, 2001 we were, a lot of us, immersed in a national culture&0151;a big, vivid, full-network, broadband, opens-soon-at-a-theater-near-you culture&0151;that allowed us to live knee deep in distraction. . . . And then Sept. 11 came."
"I Just Called to Say I Love You," Wall Street Journal &0151; "This is what I get from the last messages. People are often stronger than they know, bigger, more gallant than they'd guess. And this: We're all lucky to be here today and able to say what deserves saying, and if you say it a lot, it won't make it common and so unheard, but known and absorbed. I think the sound of the last messages, of what was said, will live as long in human history, and contain within it as much of human history, as any old metallic roar."

Jonah Goldberg, "What's So Funny About Peace, Love & Understanding" National Review &0151; ". . . in a sense, 9/11 didn't expunge cynicism (as we use the word today), it redirected it to where it belongs."

Victor Davis Hanson, "The Great Divide" National Review &0151; "It will require an economist, politician, historian, philosopher, and artist to make sense of the world turned upside down after September 11, which unlike Y2K really did prove to be the abyss between the millennia."
"Lessons in War" National Review &0151; "Bin Laden’s killers tore off a great scab on September 11; at once they exposed to billions the evil of radical Islam and with it the Western world’s shock, fright, and difficulty in confronting it and defeating it. That uncertainty ultimately does not arise from our enemies, but from within ourselves — this strange disease of thinking we fight back too much when we often do too little."

Digital Archives

The September 11 Digital archive

September 11 news.com

The September 11 Web Archive

The Black Day

National Review 9/11 Archive

"We Remember" (Rantburg open thread 9/11/05).

"Instapundit" archive for 9/11/01

Middle East Media Research Institute, The Arab and Iranian Reation to 9/11 (documentary film).

The Last Word

George W. Bush, Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People September 20, 2001 &0151; "The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between them."

Never forgive, never forget, never excuse.
Posted by: Mike || 09/11/2007 09:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The Leonard Pitts column demonstrated that even liberals 'got it' at first. My wife told me within days that we, the People and Nation, would lose that resolve within six months. As usual, she was right, d**n it.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/11/2007 11:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Another good link-filled remembrance here, at the Brothers Judd blog.
Posted by: Mike || 09/11/2007 14:14 Comments || Top||

#3  We changed URLs... my letter should be here
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 09/11/2007 17:08 Comments || Top||

#4  great job and thanks, Mike
Posted by: Frank G || 09/11/2007 22:37 Comments || Top||

28 killed in Afghan attack
A suicide bomber on a motorbike set off his explosives in a crowded area in southern Afghanistan on Monday, and preliminary reports said up to 28 people were killed and about 60 wounded, officials said. The explosion went off in the town of Gereshk in Helmand province. Gereshk district chief Abdul Manaf Khan said about 28 people were killed, including 13 police and 15 civilians. Dr Tahir Khan said 23 people were killed and 59 wounded. The blast came at around 6:30pm in Gereshk’s crowded main square, just before evening prayers. Khan said the explosion went off near a taxi stand.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  The blast came in Gereshk’s crowded main square just before evening prayers.

O brave lions of Islam!
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/11/2007 11:03 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Suicide bomber in deadly Algeria attack was 15 years old
The suicide bomber who rammed a delivery truck packed with explosives into a coast guard barracks in northern Algeria over the weekend, killing 30 officers, was 15 years old, El Watan newspaper said Monday. The report identified the attacker as Nabil Belkacemi, a student from the Algerian capital, Algiers.

Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa claimed responsibility for Saturday's attack on the barracks in the northern coastal town of Dellys, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Algiers. In a statement posted on an Islamic Web site, the group said it was also behind a separate blast Thursday that killed at least 22 in eastern Algeria.
This article starring:
NABIL BELKACEMIal-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Down Under
Bomb threat at US air base in Germany
A US air base in western Germany was the target of a bomb threat last night, sparking a large operation by police and American forces to secure the site, police revealed today. Police in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate said the base had received a call from a man who spoke in German with a Russian or Turkish accent and threatened to attack the air base in Spangdahlem with bombs. He had at least four accomplices.

"After the telephone threat, the American forces informed the police, who moved swiftly with US security forces to protect the air base," the police said

The threat came a day before the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States and roughly a week after German authorities say they prevented major bomb attacks on US sites in Germany by a domestic cell of Islamist militants.

Police said the caller claimed to have a team ready to carry out the attack. "The man, who spoke in German with an accent that could have been Turkish or Russian, threatened to attack the Spangdahlem base with at least four accomplices. During the call, there was mention of 'bombs'," police said.
Posted by: Oztralian || 09/11/2007 02:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  LUCIANNE > POLL > USA deemed by majority pollsters as greatest threat to Turkey???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/11/2007 3:22 Comments || Top||

Turkish bomb 'catastrophe' foiled
Police in Turkey's capital, Ankara, have prevented a large bomb from exploding, the city's governor said. Sniffer dogs detected a van stuffed with explosives in the centre of the city, preventing a "possible catastrophe", Governor Kemal Onal said.

Security had been tightened in the city ahead of the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. Ankara's governor said a large quantity of explosives had been left in the van which had a false licence plate. It was parked in a multi-storey garage in Kurtulus, a densely populated area of central Ankara.

The garage and nearby houses and businesses were evacuated while the police bomb squad worked to defuse the explosives. "The meticulous work of the police averted a possible catastrophe," said Mr Onal. "I do not even want to think about what would have happened if the attack had succeeded."
Oiling their mustaches and signing out the #7 truncheons as we speak ...
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 11:12 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nice work, Ankaracoppers.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 11:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Nice work, Fort Meaders.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 09/11/2007 11:42 Comments || Top||

ETA attacks gov building in failed car bomb attack
Spanish security forces defused Monday an ETA car bomb targeting a government building, officials said, the day after the armed Basque separatist group warned it would "keep striking."

"Fortunately ETA failed with their bomb, which did not explode because of a malfunction," Jose Antonio Ulecia, the top official for the northern Rioja region where the bomb was planted, was quoted as saying by La Rioja radio.

A small explosion, apparently caused by a faulty detonator, occurred late Sunday near the defence ministry offices in Logrono, the capital of Rioja, national radio reported. Nobody was hurt. Security services called to the scene found a car packed with "about 80 kilos (180 pounds) of explosives", Ulecia said, adding that they managed to defuse the bomb at about 7:30 am (0530 GMT) Monday.

A person claiming to speak for ETA had shortly before the blast called the Basque-language daily Gara to warn about the bomb, national radio reported.

ETA, which is blamed for the deaths of 819 people in its 39-year drive for an independent Basque homeland, had Sunday issued a statement vowing to press on with "striking at Spanish state structures on all fronts." The statement -- its first since calling off a ceasefire on June 5 -- was published in Gara and another Basque newspaper, Berria, which often act as the group's mouthpieces.

ETA said attacks against the Spanish government would continue until "there are democratic conditions which allow political schemes to be protected." This was taken as a reference to its demands for self-determination in the Basque regions of northern Spain and southwestern France.

ETA also claimed responsibility for a small blast that occurred as the Tour de France bicycle race went through the northern town of Navarro on July 25, and last month's attack on a police barracks in the northern town of Durango.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front: Politix
From today's spam...
Americans Against Escalation in Iraq


For Immediate Release

September 4, 2007

** Media Advisory **

CONTACT: Dan Spokojny (202) 225-2201 (Rep. Waters) Moira Mack (703) 416-9188 (AAEI)

End the Irresponsible Training and Equipping of Iraqi Security Forces

WHAT: Press Conference on Iraqi Security Forces, hosted by Rep. Maxine Waters, Chair, ‘Out of Iraq’ Caucus, with distinguished Iraq Experts

WHEN: Wednesday, September 5th at 9:00 AM

WHERE: Cannon Terrace (outside of Cannon HOB- Independence and New Jersey, SE). In case of rain, alternate location is 2456 Rayburn.

WHO: Reps. Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee, Jim Moran, Janice Schakowsky, and Pete Stark, with;

Lt. Gen William Odom (Ret.)

Former Director, National Security Agency

Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Dr. Lawrence Korb

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense

Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

Brian Katulis

Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

Senior Advisor, Middle East Progress

John Bruhns

Iraq War Veteran

Americans Against Escalation in Iraq


Assumptions about the ability of our military to train effective Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and “reformed” sectarian fighters as a means to hasten our departure are seriously flawed. Without a unifying central government to which a majority of Iraqis are loyal, we are merely training different factions in Iraq’s multiple civil conflicts.

By continuing to train and equip Iraqis, we risk the danger that weapons provided to them will one day be turned against the United States and our allies in the region, as is already the case in Turkey. There is already widespread evidence of participation by ISF personnel in death squads, kidnappings and sectarian violence across Iraq. Our military’s support for “reformed” sectarian groups and militias that have been responsible for the loss of American lives is a dangerous policy that will come back to haunt us down the road.

These issues are addressed in H.R. 3134, the Responsible Security in Iraq Act. This bill would prohibit the use of federal funds for the training and equipping of Iraqi Security Forces and Iraqi civilians.

All members of the press are invited to attend this press conference. Please contact Dan Spokojny (Rep. Waters, 5-2201) with any questions.

# # # #
Posted by: || 09/11/2007 09:02 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  You won't even have to serve Krispy Kremes and Starbucks to get the press to this show. They will lap it up. Especially putting that treason-meisters Odom and Korb in the spotlight and the obligatory Iraq vet. That makes it more credible than Petraeus since he's Bush's puppet and we all know Maxine doesn't need puppets.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/11/2007 15:38 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Local Fire Leads To Terror Trial For ELF Spokesman
SAN DIEGO -- A radical environmentalist is heading to trial Tuesday on a charge connected to a spectacular blaze in University City in 2003

Earth Liberation Front spokesman Rod Coronado is charged with a single count of distributing information on explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass destruction with the intent that his listeners commit illegal acts of violence. A conviction on the charge could land him in prison for up to 20 years under post-Sept. 11 legislation

Hours after a $50 million condo project burned down in August 2003 in an apparent eco-terror attack, Coronado stood in front of a San Diego audience and explained how to build a homemade Molotov cocktail.

Prosecutors say Coronado, a longtime environmental activist renowned for helping sink whaling ships and destroying mink farms and animal research labs, wanted people to follow in his footsteps -- although they do not link him to the condo project fire.

In court documents, Assistant U.S. Attorney John Parmley wrote that Coronado told his audience "there is no other way to deal with these places than fire" and later told the television program "60 Minutes" that he was "asking for people courageous enough to take those risks for what they believe in."

Now 41 and recently married, the activist says the abrupt shift in America's tolerance for violence and civil disobedience dramatically changed the landscape for environmental activism in a way he didn't recognize until he was charged.

"In today's world, people striving for social change through the mediums that I have chosen are lumped together with the kinds of people who do fly airplanes into buildings," Coronado said recently from his home in Tucson, Ariz.

Jurors hearing the trial before U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Miller will have to decide whether Coronado was simply exercising his First Amendment right to speak publicly about illegal activities or trying to inspire his listeners to go out and commit eco-terrorist acts in the name of conservation.

As a spokesman for the Earth Liberation Front -- a shadowy group named one of the FBI's top domestic terrorism targets -- Coronado was a high-profile advocate of arson and other illegal tactics.

He arrived in San Diego on Aug. 1, 2003, hours after an early morning fire destroyed a five-story, 206-unit apartment complex, an underground parking garage and a construction crane in the University City area. A 12-foot banner left at the scene read: "If you build it, we will burn it. The ELFs are mad."

Flames leapt more than 100 feet in the air as the large apartment building under construction near the intersection of La Jolla Village Drive and Towne Centre Drive burned to the ground.

No one has ever been charged in connection with that fire, the costliest act of eco-terrorism in U.S. history.

At the lecture he gave that night, Coronado demonstrated how to make an incendiary device out of an apple-juice jug after an audience member asked about his tactics in a 1992 arson at a Michigan State University mink research facility, for which he served nearly five years in federal prison.

Coronado says he was simply answering a question, not inciting people to any specific action.

"It was a question about how I personally had carried out a specific action, which I'd already gone to prison for and paid for with four years of my life," Coronado told The Associated Press. "I guess I'm one of those naive Americans who was raised to believe that free speech was a protected right and that our government didn't imprison people for expressing opinions contrary to their own."

He wasn't charged until 2006. By then, he had gotten into trouble with Arizona authorities for disrupting a government mountain lion hunt in 2004 with other members of Earth First!, a group best known for forest protests aimed at halting logging. He was sentenced to eight months in prison for conspiring to impede a federal officer and destroying government snare traps and sensors.

In September 2006, Coronado renounced violence, writing that the "economic sabotage" favored by environmentalists in the 1980s and 1990s should be set aside in favor of building environmentally sustainable communities.

"I almost feel like it's almost more of a disservice when (environmental activists) engage in tactics that might be considered equally unjust," Coronado said. "It's not that I don't recognize their importance historically, but there's just not enough return when we engage in tactics that may feel good at the time but don't gain anything long term."

Coronado's trial begins on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Posted by: Frank G || 09/11/2007 16:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Treat him like any other terrorist - try him, convict him, lock him up until he is really old in a place where the great outdoors will be a dirty exercise yard full of pissed off gang-bangers with shanks...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 09/11/2007 16:34 Comments || Top||

#2  Now 41 and recently married, the activist says the abrupt shift in America's tolerance for violence and civil disobedience dramatically changed the landscape for environmental activism in a way he didn't recognize until he was charged.

Yeah, that's usually the way it works, douchebag!
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/11/2007 16:50 Comments || Top||

#3  We need an example - hang 'im high.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/11/2007 16:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Now 41 and recently married, the activist says the abrupt shift in America's tolerance for violence and civil disobedience dramatically changed the landscape for environmental activism in a way he didn't recognize until he was charged.


"I didn't realize my predations terrorism would piss off so many people."

Just as this turd wants to settle down his crimes pimpslap him back into reality.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 16:57 Comments || Top||

#5  The punishment for ANY act of terrorism should be death. People need to understand that incarceration is NOT a punishment.

Posted by: Silentbrick || 09/11/2007 17:45 Comments || Top||

#6  the abrupt shift in America's tolerance for violence and civil disobedience

What Americans won't (and should never) tolerate are those who confuse civil disobedience with violence and destruction. If you're so obtuse that you can't tell the difference between Martin Luther King Jr. and Abbie Hoffman (or their "historic importance"), perhaps you had better re-evaluate your capacity for sound judgement.

Or to put it more bluntly, buy yourself a *#&* clue, dimwit.
Posted by: ryuge || 09/11/2007 21:22 Comments || Top||

#7  We were talking to a local guy up in British Columbia a few weeks ago, he told us about his friend who was on a 7 day hike across one of the big wilderness areas in Northern BC. Friend took a side trip with a day pack, and when he got back to his camp all his food, his tent and sleeping gear was gone. He had a miserable and exhausting 48 hour forced march to get back to his car. "Who would do that to a stranger?"The ELF or their Canadian equivalent. They don't like people going in there.
They are scum.
Posted by: Grunter || 09/11/2007 21:52 Comments || Top||

#8  People need instructions to make molotov cocktails?
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/11/2007 22:40 Comments || Top||

Hamid Hayat gets 24 years
A federal judge sentenced an American to 24 years in prison for material support to terrorists by attending a paramilitary training camp in Pakistan and lying about it to U.S. officials.

A jury in Sacramento, California, convicted Hamid Hayat in April 2006 for his activities between 2003 and 2005. Federal prosecutors had sought a 35-year sentence and his defense had argued that he should spend no more than 15 years behind bars. "It is because of prosecutions like this that we have prevented another attack against the United States," McGregor Scott, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of California, told reporters. "The threat to our nation demonstrated by the acts of the 9/11 terrorists was brought home with the revelations of Hamid Hayat's actions two years ago," Scott said.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 14:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  Here's hoping that Hamid's fellow inmates take a distinct dislike to his plans for killing all their loved ones. I'm confident that they'll contrive all sorts of creative ways to express their displeasure.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 15:53 Comments || Top||

#2  How is this NOT Treason???
Posted by: doc || 09/11/2007 16:34 Comments || Top||

#3  None Dare Call It Treason. 1964.
Different enemy, same situation.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/11/2007 21:16 Comments || Top||

Militants backtrack on deal to free troops
Militants backtracked on a deal to free more than 260 abducted soldiers on Monday after an army raid on their hideout near the Afghan border left three rebels dead, a tribal elder said, AP reported.

Local authorities and tribal elders believed that the soldiers – who were kidnapped on August 30 in South Waziristan – would be freed on Monday following talks with the militants. However, the militants changed their minds after the army raided their hideout in the region, triggering a shootout that left three insurgents dead, said Masood Ahmed, a local tribal elder. “We could not secure the release of soldiers because of that clash,” he said. Ahmed would not say whether the militants had linked the release of soldiers with any demand. Six of the abducted troops were released last week in what an official said was a “goodwill” gesture to the jirga that was trying to negotiate their release.

Staff Report adds: Military spokesman Major General Waheed Arshad earlier rejected reports that militants led by Baitullah Mehsud had released more than 200 soldiers held captive in South Waziristan. “I don’t know how TV channels and wire service carried the reports of the release of the kidnapped soldiers when nothing really happened,” Gen Arshad told Daily Times over the telephone from Rawalpindi. Security sources here said that the army was building up its presence in areas close to the Mehsud areas and there were reports that military operations could be launched there.

Separately, militants opened fire from their car at a checkpost in the Nawaz Kot area of South Waziristan, and the ensuing gunbattle left five insurgents dead, including militant commander Qari Ehsanullah, said Gen Arshad.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Ten rebels killed in Kashmir
Indian troops killed 10 militants in Kashmir, eight of them after they illegally crossed into the zone from the Pakistani-held side of the divided region, the army said on Monday. “Indian soldiers have shot dead eight militants along the Line of Control since yesterday,” army spokesman Anil Kumar Mathur told AFP, referring to the de facto border dividing Kashmir between India and Pakistan. “We have foiled a major infiltration bid,” Mathur said, attributing the killings to “timely intelligence by military sources”.

Two more militants and an army soldier were killed elsewhere in the region on Monday during two separate gun battles, he added. New Delhi accuses Pakistan of arming and funding Kashmiri separatist militants and helping them cross into Indian Kashmir, a charge denied by Islamabad.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  Ah.. the elusive "rebel" in Kashmir.. born citizens of Pakistan who cross an international border to murder citizens of another state...
Posted by: john frum || 09/11/2007 17:12 Comments || Top||

Safehouse destroyed
Three suspected al-Qaeda insurgent lookouts were killed when an Air Force F-16 jet dropped a joint direct attack munition on a known al-Qaeda safehouse Sept. 7.

An unconfirmed number of suspected insurgents inside the safe house were killed during the F-16 attack.

Following the strike, Soldiers of Company B, 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, executed an air movement into the area to conduct a battle damage assessment, confirm the number of insurgents killed and perform sensitive site exploitation of the targeted house.

Soldiers discovered a weapons cache and a burning truck with multiple munitions on board at the safe house.,
Later, an Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II was called in to destroy the cache and five additional suspected al-Qaeda insurgents who were attempting to remove weapons from the site.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 09/11/2007 09:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  Guess it wasn't so safe after all.
Posted by: Rambler || 09/11/2007 10:50 Comments || Top||

#2  "unconfirmed number" oh please, count the number of goats tied up outside (minus of course the ugly ones) and you have the number of, well you know.
Posted by: Steven || 09/11/2007 11:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Monster.com is going to have new listings for number threes.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/11/2007 11:47 Comments || Top||

#4  Monster.com is going to have new listings for number threes.

Yeah and the ad for suicide bomber calls for a 'self-starter'.
Posted by: WTF || 09/11/2007 21:44 Comments || Top||

Mosque Raid Nets Religious Court Judge
Iraqi Army forces entered the Zayn Al-Abidin mosque in Tarmiyah and detained its leader overseeing the illegal religious court Sept. 8, while U.S. forces provided support.

Sources and local civilians reported that the mosque’s leader had acted as a judge for the Sharia Court in Tarmiyah.

Al Qaeda operatives often establish a Sharia court to “try” individuals for violations of the Wahabist law, an extreme interpretation of the Qur’an.

Detainees are often bound and tortured for several days while awaiting this “trial”, ultimately found guilty and then murdered.

Sharia courts are a practice in rural areas where Al Qaeda operates unchallenged and is used under the guise of their own rule of law.

During a search of the mosque, Coalition forces discovered a box of letters that appeared to be addressed to the Islamic State of Iraq, an Al Qaeda pseudonym, describing what individuals could do for money.

Coalition forces determined the illegal judge posed an imminent threat to the population of Tarmiyah, and he was detained for further questioning.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 09/11/2007 09:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  Hopefully, he will then be detained by the neck until dead, dead, dead.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/11/2007 9:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Stomp Out sharia Now, Always, Forever..
Posted by: M. Murcek || 09/11/2007 10:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Use two ropes, one tight around his dick and balls, the other looser and slightly longer around his neck.

When the first rope pulls loose his privates, then the second rope goes tight.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 09/11/2007 10:54 Comments || Top||

#4  Stomp Out sharia Now, Always, Forever..

So long as shari'a law continues to exist, so will terrorism.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 15:02 Comments || Top||

#5  So long as shari'a law Islam continues to exist, so will terrorism.

There, fixed it.
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 09/11/2007 18:51 Comments || Top||

#6  No harm, no foul. It's sure looking that way, mcsegeek1.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 19:40 Comments || Top||

Insurgents killed; US soldiers injured in Iraqi-US raid
BAGHDAD - At least 12 insurgents were killed and three US soldiers wounded Monday in a helicopter raid on an Al Qaeda hideout, a US military statement said. The insurgents were killed and three were arrested in a joint Iraqi-US force assault on the Al Qaeda hideout on the outskirts of Samarra, 110 kilometres north of Baghdad, according to the statement. A fourth person was identified as a hostage being held for ransom by the insurgents. The three US soldiers were wounded in the operation.

Hamad Hamud Al Qaysi, the governor of the province of Salahaddin, in which Samarra is located, said the leader of Al Qaeda in the province and 13 of his followers were killed in the raid. Al Qaysi named the Al Qaeda leader as Abu-Ubayda Al Jazairi, an Algerian national.
Not a Saudi? Not a Yemeni? Not a Syrian?
Police sources in the province said earlier US troops killed five people and injured four in two separate incidents in Samarra and Tikrit, 180 kilometres north of Baghdad. A US force opened fire on a house west of Samarra, killing two women and injuring four, including a child, Hasan Ahmad from Salahaddin police department said.

In Tikrit, US forces killed three people in two separate incidents, Ahmad said. Two of the casualties were truck drivers who were killed when a US force stormed a house. In a separate incident, a car mechanic was killed by US troops near his workshop, Ahmad said.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  let me guess they where all civilians. funny that for there too be so much violence there are never any bad guys but the US soldiers
Posted by: sinse || 09/11/2007 7:57 Comments || Top||

IAF and ground troops attacked Iranian weapons in Syria'
Israel's alleged incursion into Syrian skies last week included a strike on what was likely to have been Iranian arms transferred to the country, CNN reported on Tuesday afternoon. According to the news network, a ground operation was also part of the overall foray. Neither Jerusalem nor Damascus has confirmed the report.

CNN claimed that the operation was largely aerial but also had comprised of ground components, left "a great hole in the desert." Although CNN did not cite a specific source, the network gave credence to "US government officials." The report said the IAF targets were likely to be weaponry delivered by Syria which was intended for the use of Hizbullah.

Further, the report said the US was pleased with the alleged sortie, which it said, sent a "clear message" to the region.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 09/11/2007 13:40 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  ...left "a great hole in the desert."

heh heh heh...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/11/2007 14:15 Comments || Top||

#2  note the silence....delicious
Posted by: Frank G || 09/11/2007 14:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Now they just need to work on their in-flight refueling...
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 09/11/2007 14:37 Comments || Top||

#4  i'm sure we could help them along the way in the in flight re fueling dept.
Posted by: sinse || 09/11/2007 14:51 Comments || Top||

#5  Q: Given that it didn't seem to work, what should Syria get for its air defense system?

A: A refund.
Posted by: gorb || 09/11/2007 18:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Okay-y-y, so CNN is basically claiming that Israel unilater attacked SYRIA to stop the flow of terror weapons to various Radical-Terror groups becuz Syria is doin' nuthin to stop 'em - IOW, AN ISRAEL-SYRIA-IRAN WAR/CONFLICT HAS [informally]BEGUN???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/11/2007 21:31 Comments || Top||

Sixty-seven Israeli soldiers injured when three missiles launched from Gaza hit their boot camp
Notice: From Sept 11, DEBKAfile reporting_

Sixty-seven Israeli soldiers injured when three missiles launched from Gaza hit their boot camp early Tuesday. Ministers demand effective military action

September 11, 2007, 8:14 AM (GMT+02:00)

Four of the new recruits were seriously injured, two critically, from shrapnel and blast. One of the Qassams exploded in an empty tent in the Zikkim facility north of Gaza; a second outside the mess tent full of soldiers on their last day of basic training. Jihad Islami and the Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility. Israel is pondering a large-scale military response and cutoff of supplies and services to the Gaza Strip. The Israeli air force meanwhile struck missile sites in N. Gaza as Palestinians fired celebratory shots in the mosques.
Posted by: 3dc || 09/11/2007 02:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Jihad

#1  lets all hope that this military action will doo the job and cut their throats once and for all
Posted by: sinse || 09/11/2007 7:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Only if Olmert steps aside or has a testicle transplant.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 8:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Time to shut the lights off and see how they like drinking outta those sewage ponds...
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/11/2007 12:26 Comments || Top||

Fifty wounded in Kassam attack
Posted by: not so new linker || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Jihad

#1  Time to level a few square city blocks of Beit Hanun without warning.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 0:48 Comments || Top||

Ten wounded after Palestinians fire Kassam rocket into Israel
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Jihad

Hamas captive may be 'bargaining chip' says Israeli minister
A Hamas militant seized by Israel in the Gaza Strip last week could be a “bargaining chip” in any prisoner exchange deal for a missing Israeli soldier, an Israeli minister said on Monday. “Yes, of course”, Public Security Minister Avi Dichter told Army Radio when asked whether Mhawesh al-Qadi, could be used as a “bargaining chip” in efforts to free soldier Gilad Shalit from Hamas captors in Gaza. Al-Qadi was seized on Friday by Israeli troops posing as as members of Hamas’ Executive Force security wing. “In the end, terrorists will be released to the Palestinian Authority or to Hamas in Gaza in return for the release of Gilad Shalit,” Dichter said.
I have an idea: grab Haniyeh.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  The one you don't have, ya mean?...
Posted by: mojo || 09/11/2007 17:45 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Manila arrests 3 more militants on resort isle
Philippine troops have arrested three Islamic militants on the resort island of Palawan and a spokesman said on Monday that they had been part of a cell plotting kidnappings and bombings in tourist areas. Troops arrested the three men on Sunday after four members of the cell were taken into custody last week. Military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Bartolome Bacarro said two suspected members of the radical Abu Sayyaf group had been arrested in the town of Espanola, which is dominated by members of the country’s Muslim minority. Hours later, military commandos stormed the house of a Muslim teacher in nearby Puerto Princesa City, seizing blasting caps, electrical wiring and chemicals used for making bombs, an army intelligence official said. The intelligence official said Ustadz Zainudin Gumubat, the head of a local madrasa called the al-Farouk Institute, was also arrested for links to Abu Sayyaf. The Abu Sayyaf, the smallest but deadliest Muslim rebel group in the south of the mainly Roman Catholic country, is blamed for the killing of 100 people in a ferry bombing near Manila bay in 2004, the Philippines’ worst attack.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Abu Sayyaf

US ramps up Iran attack plans after Germany refuses additional sanctions
A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime, FOX News confirmed Tuesday.

Germany — a pivotal player among three European nations to rein in Iran's nuclear program over the last two-and-a-half years through a mixture of diplomacy and sanctions supported by the United States — notified its allies last week that the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel refuses to support the imposition of any further sanctions against Iran that could be imposed by the U.N. Security Council.

The announcement was made at a meeting in Berlin that brought German officials together with Iran desk officers from the five member states of the Security Council. It stunned the room, according to one of several Bush administration and foreign government sources who spoke to FOX News, and left most Bush administration principals concluding that sanctions are dead.

The Germans voiced concern about the damaging effects any further sanctions on Iran would have on the German economy

— and also gave the distinct impression that they would privately welcome, while publicly protesting, an American bombing campaign against Iran's nuclear facilities.
The Germans voiced concern about the damaging effects any further sanctions on Iran would have on the German economy — and also, according to diplomats from other countries, gave the distinct impression that they would privately welcome, while publicly protesting, an American bombing campaign against Iran's nuclear facilities.
spit I grow weary of such 'allies'.

Germany's withdrawal from the allied diplomatic offensive is the latest consensus across relevant U.S. agencies and offices, including the State Department, the National Security Council and the offices of the president and vice president. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, the most ardent proponent of a diplomatic resolution to the problem of Iran's nuclear ambitions, has had his chance on the Iranian account and come up empty.

Political and military officers, as well as weapons of mass destruction specialists at the State Department, are now advising Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that the diplomatic approach favored by Burns has failed and the administration must actively prepare for military intervention of some kind. Among those advising Rice along these lines are John Rood, the assistant secretary for the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation; and a number of Mideast experts, including Ambassador James Jeffrey, deputy White House national security adviser under Stephen Hadley and formerly the principal deputy assistant secretary for Near Eastern affairs.

Consequently, according to a well-placed Bush administration source, "everyone in town" is now participating in a broad discussion about the costs and benefits of military action against Iran, with the likely timeframe for any such course of action being over the next eight to 10 months, after the presidential primaries have probably been decided, but well before the November 2008 elections.

The discussions are now focused on two basic options: less invasive scenarios under which the U.S. might blockade Iranian imports of gasoline or exports of oil, actions generally thought to exact too high a cost on the Iranian people but not enough on the regime in Tehran; and full-scale aerial bombardment.

On the latter course, active consideration is being given as to how long it would take to degrade Iranian air defenses before American air superiority could be established and U.S. fighter jets could then begin a systematic attack on Iran's known nuclear targets.

Most relevant parties have concluded such a comprehensive attack plan would require at least a week of sustained bombing runs, and would at best set the Iranian nuclear program back a number of years — but not destroy it forever. Other considerations include the likelihood of Iranian reprisals against Tel Aviv and other Israeli population centers; and the effects on American troops in Iraq. There, officials have concluded that the Iranians are unlikely to do much more damage than they already have been able to inflict through their supply of explosives and training of insurgents in Iraq.

The Bush administration "has just about had it with Iran," said one foreign diplomat. "They tried the diplomatic process. China is now obstructing them at the U.N. Security Council and the Russians are tucking themselves behind them.

"The Germans are wobbling …There are a number of people in the administration who do not want their legacy to be leaving behind an Iran that is nuclear armed, so they are looking at what are the alternatives? They are looking at other options," the diplomat said.

Vice President Cheney and his aides are said to be enjoying a bit of "schadenfreude" at the expense of Burns. A source described Cheney's office as effectively gloating to Burns and Rice, "We told you so. (The Iranians) are not containable diplomatically."

The next shoe to drop will be when Rice and President Bush make a final decision about whether to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and/or its lethal subset, the Quds Force, as a terrorist entity or entities. FOX News reported in June that such a move is under consideration.

Sources say news leaks about the prospective designation greatly worried European governments and private sector firms, which could theoretically face prosecution in American courts if such measures became law and these entities continued to do business with IRGC and its multiple financial subsidiaries.

If the Bush administration moves forward with such a designation, sources said, it would be an indication that Rice agrees that Burns' approach has failed. Designation of such a large Iranian military institution as a terrorist entity would also be seen, sources said, as laying the groundwork for a public justification of American military action.

Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 17:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under:

#1  and also gave the distinct impression that they would privately welcome, while publicly protesting, an American bombing campaign against Iran's nuclear facilities.

par for the course nowdays. The leaders know what needs to be done but not the spine to stand up to their lefty folks back home and explain it.

If this is a real emergency, please hang up and dial the United States.

The time is coming that we will stop picking up the call for help and just keep looking out for ourselves.
Posted by: DarthVader || 09/11/2007 17:52 Comments || Top||

#2  If the UN imposes sanctions on Iran, it would cut into the sweet deals that Germany is running with Iran.

Just like France and Iraq.
Posted by: Rambler || 09/11/2007 17:54 Comments || Top||

#3  according to diplomats from other countries, gave the distinct impression that they would privately welcome, while publicly protesting, an American bombing campaign against Iran's nuclear facilities.

Pushing America into the role of the World's Policeman™ while simultaneously bemoaning our unilateralism is the very worst sort of moral hypocrisy. During any future onslaughts upon them, these fair weather friends should be left to twist gently in the breeze. When they finally beg for help, make the price so steep such that they will never forget their betrayal.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 18:06 Comments || Top||

#4  How about US economic sanctions on Germany?
Posted by: ed || 09/11/2007 18:11 Comments || Top||

#5  The Germans are being realistic. They cannot do anything without the approval of Brussels, and Brussels will never approve what needs to be done to stop Iran, or even slow them down.

So the BEST thing Germany can do is to put an end to the fiasco and walk away, taking the rest of Europe with it. And this is a valuable thing as far as the US is concerned.

It also means that Iran will no longer be able to get Europe to intercede in its behalf, or stand in the way.

If the US can just get a nice, clean casus belli, then we can follow international law and kick seven bells out of Iran.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/11/2007 18:13 Comments || Top||

#6  That's not the part that angers me - it's the hypocritical public stance.

It's the German press, partly state owned, that preaches hatred of the US and publishes demonstrable (and damaging) lies about us.

There's a reason 49 jihadis were ready to murder Americans in Germany -- and this sort of shit is a good part of that reason.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 19:03 Comments || Top||

#7  I figure the Germans want us to bomb Iran's stuff so they can sell them a set of replacements and double their profit.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/11/2007 19:08 Comments || Top||

#8  Not to mention senior German engineers actively aiding the Khan nuclear proliferation ring.

Germany's been playing both sides of the road for a long long time. And I'm tired of funding and protecting it -- despite the fact the Mr. Lotp has relatives there.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 19:08 Comments || Top||

#9  "If the US can just get a nice, clean casus belli, then we can follow international law and kick seven bells out of Iran."

'moose, if we had radar and optical tracking of a missile from launch in Teheran to nuclear detonation in Washington, DC, the world would STILL not even support real sanctions, never mind military retaliation by the US. There would be some mixed message lip service, tending towards 'the US deserved it'.
We are never going to get approval, and we are never going to get help. We must come up with the will power to face down Satan alone, and do whatever has to be done.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/11/2007 19:13 Comments || Top||

#10  Pull. Out. Of. Nato. Now. Let these cowards defend them selves or convert. No more American $ for Brussels. And tell the Central Euros they can choose between us and Brussels. Including statehood.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 09/11/2007 19:14 Comments || Top||

#11  NS, NATO is dead. It is a gentleman's club (and I use the term loosely), not an defensive alliance.
Posted by: DarthVader || 09/11/2007 19:20 Comments || Top||

#12  We are never going to get approval, and we are never going to get help.

What with Russia and China overtly impeding the fight against terrorism even while Europe covertly facilitates it, America is going to have to go it alone. Either we find the will to believe that we are worthy of survival or commit national suicide.

There is no better time than this somber anniversary of the 9-11 atrocity to recall Abraham Lincoln's address before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois regarding "The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions":
Their's was the task (and nobly they performed it) to possess themselves, and through themselves, us, of this goodly land; and to uprear upon its hills and its valleys, a political edifice of liberty and equal rights; 'tis ours only, to transmit these, the former, unprofaned by the foot of an invader; the latter, undecayed by the lapse of time and untorn by usurpation, to the latest generation that fate shall permit the world to know. This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.

How then shall we perform it?--At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

— Abraham Lincoln —

The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions:
Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois
January 27, 1838
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 19:37 Comments || Top||

#13  This is the "home alone" treatment while your aid and fools gold evil continues to imperil the world. the "German economy ". You screw with this, you die. You shall never rule again.

Screw Germany. It is the worlds Dick Durban. The traitors prose. Your country is afterall where all of the "anti war" propaganda started from? no? The arms and nukes you were selling them? the oil for food?

I have little to say after the two major wars your country started, but I will tell you this. If you go against this now, you will never recover and you can kiss your 38 hour work week goodbye.

Posted by: newc || 09/11/2007 19:42 Comments || Top||

#14  Zen,

Word. On the twisting gently in the breeze.
Posted by: jds || 09/11/2007 20:35 Comments || Top||

#15  If they are afraid for their economy the US could always mull a tarriff on German cars and beer and make tourist visa's manditory for folks coming to the US from Germany.

I don't want to start a trade world but this is crap.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 09/11/2007 20:38 Comments || Top||

#16  Darth,

When the Russkies come rolling to Berlin, you'll see how dead it is. We need to pull out NOW. Sever all commitments to all Euros and reestablish them selectively on a country by country basis. We need to be able to tell them all they're on their own.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 09/11/2007 20:50 Comments || Top||

#17  Russia is done for. It will be a miracle if the territory isn't further divided by the Chinese and muslims. In 30 years the US will have 4 times the population vs 2X today.
Posted by: ed || 09/11/2007 20:56 Comments || Top||

#18  I dunno. I think it is rather clever, Germany taking first steps to say Diplomacy is not working. Hell, they are capitalists right? So, why not fess up and say "Hey, these stupid sanctions are hurting us more than them - damn blackhats don't care about anything normal - lets try (wink wink) something else. Next, perhaps, the French will also agree that sanctions are not working, then the British ... then it's kind of official diplomacy is over and with tacit consent, we can solve the problem.
Posted by: Beau || 09/11/2007 21:00 Comments || Top||

#19  Maybe - but between now and then there is a serious power struggle going on and Putin does not think small.

I agree with NS, reluctantly. I really did not want to write off NATO, but the last year or two has done it for me. Pull us out now. And then fund ship platforms for missile defense.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 21:01 Comments || Top||

#20  #19 was an answer to ed BTW
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 21:02 Comments || Top||

#21  The problem for Putin is that, except for Cuba and Venezuela, the tyrants he can support and trouble he can cause are close neighbors and likely to turn on Russia. From China to Iran to Syria, those weapons he sells can just as easily be sent back via conquering armies or separatist movements. Lots of folks with their eye on Russian land wimmens.
Posted by: ed || 09/11/2007 21:42 Comments || Top||

#22  Russian land and wimmens.
Posted by: ed || 09/11/2007 21:42 Comments || Top||

#23  Culturally, the Germans do this. Having established a decision point, when reached they generally decide. Germany has decided that additional sanctions will not move toward their goal of stopping Iran's nuclear program by negotiation, therefore they will not agree to impose further sanctions. It was established up front that the negotiating team of France, Germany and Britain would attempt to persuade Iran, in lieu of the U.S. invading. The Germans know what result follows, since they established the conditions. Those of you who've dealt with diplomats can say for certain, but I suspect that if diplomats are talking about distinct private impressions, someone authoritative said definitively so in private, with the caveat that it would be denied in public.

Or they should just eat shit and die.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/11/2007 22:39 Comments || Top||

#24  Damn, TW! That's pretty harsh from a usually proper RB'er. But hey I understand. After a 9/11 remembrance day on the Burg, I'm pretty pissed off too.
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 09/11/2007 23:05 Comments || Top||

#25  I grow weary of such 'allies'

You guys got it all wrong. What Germany is doing makes no sense at all because they are about to lose Iran completely as a trading partner.

The only thing that makes sense is that Germany has silently agreed with the US to "break" the sanctions so the US has a really cool excuse to level key parts of Iran now.

Of course, that leaves Iran in a quandry as to what to do with the Germans. But as long as nobody utters a word about this, they should be OK . . . .
Posted by: gorb || 09/11/2007 23:18 Comments || Top||

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/11/2007 23:23 Comments || Top||

Abbsi's wife, holy man lied about his corpse
The army has accused the wife of Shaker al-Absi and Sheikh Ali Youssef of the Islamic Scholars organization, which tried to mediate between the army and the Fatah al-Islam militants of conspiring to mislead the army and help Shaker al-Absi escape Both, the wife of Shaker al-Absi and Youssef identified the alleged corpse of Absi as that of Shaker al-Absi, the leader of Fatah Al-Islam, but the DNA tests proved otherwise. The army intends to pursue legal action against both individuals.

DNA samples were taken from the children of Absi for performing the tests. Some analysts have commented that the children may be illegitimate because Absi has spent most of his life either in jail or away from home. These analysts recommended that the DNA sample should be taken from his brother Adel Razaq al-Absi who is a physician and lives in Jordan.

PLO Sec General, Sultan Aboul Ainain has also accused the Islamic Scholars organization of misleading the Lebanese authorities and the Palestinian leadership by pretending to mediate between the army and Fatah al-Islam to end the fighting , while in actual fact they were raising funds for the Islamist terrorists and using the mediation meetings to deliver these funds.
Posted by: Fred || 09/11/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  DNA samples were taken from the children of Absi for performing the tests. Some analysts have commented that the children may be illegitimate because Absi has spent most of his life either in jail or away from home.

Doesn't this mean that Absi's wife is an adulterer who should be stoned to death?

PLO Sec General, Sultan Aboul Ainain has also accused the Islamic Scholars organization of misleading the Lebanese authorities and the Palestinian leadership by pretending to mediate between the army and Fatah al-Islam to end the fighting , while in actual fact they were raising funds for the Islamist terrorists and using the mediation meetings to deliver these funds.

Stalling for time as they abuse the negotiation process to fund more terrorism. Who could ever magine Muslims doing that!
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 3:11 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
Iraqis captured en route to U.S. -- possibly linked to Al Qaeda
Ten Iraqi citizens with forged passports and documents are in a Peruvian prison after an apparent bid to enter the United States on a flight to Los Angeles, officials here say. An 11th Iraqi man thought to be part of the group is at large. One of the men arrested is thought to have links to al Qaeda, said Peruvian National Police Col. Roberto Lujan, who is leading the investigation.

The plot unfolded on June 21, when three Iraqis entered Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima attempting to board a flight to Los Angeles. Airline officials alerted police after two of the men holding Dutch passports could not speak Dutch. Citizens of the Netherlands are not required to hold a visa to enter the United States. Police detained the suspects and learned that another group of Iraqis had been en route to the airport. "The others were slowed by traffic on their way to the airport," Col. Lujan said. "When they arrived, they apparently saw what was happening and left."

None of the three Iraqis arrested in the airport spoke Spanish. One gave police the name of a 40-year-old Spanish-speaking Iraqi citizen named Rafid Joboo Pati.

Peruvian intelligence units spent several days watching Mr. Pati, who was residing in the upscale Lima neighborhood Miraflores, Col. Lujan said. Others thought to be part of the smuggling ring also were watched. The suspects were not employed during their stay in the high-end neighborhood, authorities said. "Someone was funding them but we do not know who yet," Col. Lujan said, adding that his department is working on the investigation with U.S. officials and Interpol.

On the night of July 17, police raided three apartments where the suspects were living and arrested seven persons, including Mr. Pati. Mr. Pati confirmed that all of the suspects were Iraqis. Two had Dutch passports, two carried Ecuadoran identification and two held Iraqi passports, police said. Mr. Pati carried an Ecuadoran passport, Col. Lujan said. Those detained are brothers Dane-K-Mansour, 26, and Nail Mansour, 29, Mushtaq-y-Hana, 24, Loayi-s-Elda, 29, Jaboo Pati-Rafid, 40, Adelmika Homow, 61, Salema Hazim, 53, Ala Tomina, 30, Istab Hekmat, 28, and Rafid Joboo Pati, 40.
An interesting span of ages.
Authorities found no weapons but seized a laptop computer and cell phones that they turned over to Interpol in France. Interpol advised Peruvian police that two of the Dutch passports were reported stolen last year. "We have been told by Interpol sources in Lima that fingerprints of one of the men carrying a Dutch passport have been sent to Baghdad and is thought to have links to al Qaeda," Col. Lujan said, adding that he could not identify the man for security reasons.

Police said the Iraqis entered Peru on May 11 and passed through the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Ecuador without authorities noticing that their documents were fake.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/11/2007 12:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  Those Peruvian cops are as good as the Turkish. Thanks.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 09/11/2007 13:17 Comments || Top||

#2  We owe you guys one. Any good Peruvian microbrews I can mail-order?
Posted by: Mike || 09/11/2007 13:55 Comments || Top||

#3  kill em
Posted by: sinse || 09/11/2007 14:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Go for the Pisco Sour, the national drink of Peru (and a few other places in Sudamerica, too.)
Posted by: eLarson || 09/11/2007 14:53 Comments || Top||

#5  Little known fact: Chavez airport is now owned and operated by American company. Sort of a Dubai ports deal in reverse.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/11/2007 15:42 Comments || Top||

#6  Though he fell out of favor in Peru, I imagine that many of Fujimori's improvements to their police and military still remain.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/11/2007 15:53 Comments || Top||

#7  Any good Peruvian microbrews I can mail-order?

While not a true micro-brew, Peruvian Cristal lager, is a decent bit of suds. A definite "thank you" is in order for the Peruvian authorities.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 17:12 Comments || Top||

#8  "...Possibly linked to Al Qaeda..."

Unquestionably linked to Islam. Anything beyond that is ultimately just the mere splitting of hairs.
Posted by: Crusader || 09/11/2007 19:12 Comments || Top||

#9  Anything beyond that is ultimately just the mere splitting of hairs.

Sure is starting to look that way. The farce is over.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 20:34 Comments || Top||

#10  HOTAIR/OTHER > Iran may be setting up IRAQI HEZBOLLAH terror group inside Iraq???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/11/2007 21:00 Comments || Top||

Another Bin Laden Brat Comes Into Play
Bin Laden son Hamza rises to al-Qaida cause

ON THE sixth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, Osama bin Laden remains free -- but he could now be joined in his campaign by his son, Hamza.
Another target
Militant sources say while bin Laden's whereabouts are unknown, Hamza has recently come to the tribal belt, the al-Qaida stronghold on Pakistan and Afghanistan's border.
Where dear old dad is probably hiding
The news came from a militant who was formerly in one of bin Laden's camps before 9/11 and maintains links with groups affiliated with him.
Hmmm... did we flip this guy?
Referring to bin Laden by his nom de guerre of "sheik," he said: "Sheik's own son, young Hamza, is now here and he is among friends.
How sweet
"No one has any idea where bin Laden is.
Wait until we find out...
"Two-and-a-half years ago he was in (Afghanistan's eastern province of) Kunar and we do not know where he is now."
When we do find out, there is going to be trouble
Hamza, bin Laden's second son and still in his mid-teens, is thought to be taking a senior role in al-Qaida's growing guerilla network in Afghanistan.
Great- a teenager running the terror network. He should be making pizzas or flipping burgers
Bin Laden is believed to have 27 children. His first son, Saad, in his late 20s, is also playing a key role in al-Qaida.
In Iran
An apparently rejuvenated bin Laden, the Saudi mastermind behind the September 11 attacks, showed in a rare video at the weekend he was not only still alive but also defiantly at large, mocking the "weak" US.
Yep- we are SO weak. Until we unleash an arclight strike.
Despite the taunts, the White House has labelled bin Laden as "virtually impotent".
He can't get his pee pee up
He does not appear to be triggering a new attack against the US with his first message in a year, President George W. Bush's Homeland Security adviser said yesterday.
His little nancy boys are going to take care of that themselves, if they can
"This is about the best he can do," said Frances Townsend. "This is a man on a run, from a cave . . . virtually impotent other than these tapes."
I personally think he is in a nice condo with cable and an Amazon account to buy Chomsky books
Al-Qaida has built a new headquarters for global Islamic extremism in Pakistan's tribal areas six years after the 9/11 attacks, analysts and militant sources say.
The rugged mountainous frontier region, home to conservative Pashtun tribes, was the first port of call for al-Qaida fighters fleeing the US-led invasion of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan in late 2001.
Sissies. Keep running, you will die tired
Apart from videotapes there have been no confirmed sightings since bin Laden's stand against coalition forces on the Pakistan border in 2001.
The Al Quida version of Katie Couric
Posted by: Free Radical || 09/11/2007 06:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  why not just blow the these pastun tribes too hell along with any al queda ppl there. I mean what are they gonna do send out a fatwa? O5r maybe bitch and cry that civilians got killed.
Posted by: sinse || 09/11/2007 8:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Hamza, satan's spawn.
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/11/2007 8:56 Comments || Top||

#3  Which is why his entire clan should have been tarred, feathered and set out to see on a raft instead of being spirited out of the country, the only non-military flight within days of 9/11.

That was a real conspiracy in action; one the Truthers have no use for because of the logic it leads to. War with saudi and mecca razed to the ground.
Posted by: Excalibur || 09/11/2007 9:49 Comments || Top||

#4  Which is why his entire clan should have been tarred, feathered and set out to see on a raft instead of being spirited out of the country, the only non-military flight within days of 9/11.

I would have voted for pushing them out of a helicopter with a lot of chum for 'good luck.'
Posted by: Free Radical || 09/11/2007 10:55 Comments || Top||

#5  Hamza, bin Laden's second son and still in his mid-teens, is thought to be taking a senior role in al-Qaida's growing guerilla network in Afghanistan.
Great- a teenager running the terror network.

He should be making pizzas or flipping burgers.

No doubt he's almost as qualified as the last few who've occupied that spot in the organization chart. Nepotism of this sort rarely marks effective organizations.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/11/2007 12:02 Comments || Top||

#6  Are any of the other children of age to export terror cells? Daughters? Doesn't he have four wives, one of whom he left behind with jihadi-minded family in Yemen? The latest ObL video mentions AQ plans to attack America "from the front and back, from the left and the right". I hope someone has put "Dog" the bounty hunter on these generational terrorists. The previous one mentions capitalists, Congress, the Market districts, the bankers, Hollywood, the media, and several leaders by name and should be considered targets. The monarchies of Europe as well as the friendly ones in the Middle East, and any he would consider defiled by us such as Dubai, and the vital oil installations, and shipping lanes to cripple our economy would also be priorities. A woman calling bin Laden "impotent" on international new shows is only gonna really piss him off, challenging him to act and he has lots of proxies in lots of places, including Iran. Even if he is dead, he has planned a fiery legacy to spread Islamic chaos and annihilate America from beyond the grave. But then Rome fiddled while it burned, too.
Posted by: Danielle || 09/11/2007 12:16 Comments || Top||

#7  This filthy brat should have been dead yesterday along with all bin Ladens.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 20:10 Comments || Top||

#8  At least one Bin Laden brat (his niece) has other ideas...

Posted by: john frum || 09/11/2007 20:19 Comments || Top||

#9  Several of bin Laden's sons and daughters are in AQ and hiding with him. One son, Saad bin Laden, is in Iran as AQ emissary with Saif al-Adel, AQ's military chief.
Posted by: ed || 09/11/2007 20:25 Comments || Top||

#10  IMHO, 'Tis more indicia/evidencia that Osama is actually still alive, not dead albeit OBL may be in a weakened health condition. Also, (1) as a deidcated Islamist whom believes in "the Cause" SALADIN, the Muslim Apocalypse, etal. he as a Leader cannot likely allow himself = Islam, i.e. GOD, to be linked to failure; + (2) the man I know from the Afghan War will want to personally be around to instruct his sons/heirs.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/11/2007 20:58 Comments || Top||

Memories of September 11, 2001
The always excellent Cox and Forkum provide a cartoon about Tuesday, six years ago today, and a story:
In the excellent book Never Forget: An Oral History of September 11, 2001, authors Mitchell Fink and Lois Mathias collected stories from eyewitnesses. Here's an excerpt from what David Kravette, a Cantor Fitzgerald broker, told the authors about his experience at the World Trade Center:
The story follows. Go read.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 01:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Here's a few first-person accounts of how Disney handled the evacuations of The Happiest Place on Earth.
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 2:13 Comments || Top||

#2  At the time, most thought that the worst was yet to come. I actually believed that Anthrax attacks were about to be launched.
Posted by: McZoid || 09/11/2007 5:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Here on Guam I was sleeping next to my sick father's bed - my former sister-in-law tried to wake us up to tell us America had just been attacked and was now at war.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 09/11/2007 5:26 Comments || Top||

#4  It really ticks me off that the dirt bags who ordered this are still alive and well in Pakiwakiland.

Paks should have provided their heads on a silver platter along with Khan's.

Posted by: 3dc || 09/11/2007 7:08 Comments || Top||

#5  It really ticks me off that the dirt bags who ordered this are still alive and well in Pakiwakiland.

Paks should have provided their heads on a silver platter along with Khan's

Dont forget the Saudis are up to their neck in it ALSO!!!!



Posted by: Paul || 09/11/2007 8:26 Comments || Top||

#6  I won't forget the fact that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were the only 2 states that recognized the Taliban. In fact, every major Wahabi cleric fatwahed in defense of Taliban Islam. Shortly before 9-11, members of the Saud royal family were videotaped landing in Afghanistan for a hunting party. Al Qaeda videos reveal terrorist riding in Toyota pickups. Those were given in a Saudi aid project.
Posted by: McZoid || 09/11/2007 10:03 Comments || Top||

#7  Here's what DC-area radio listeners were talking about that week. Scroll up from the bottom for chronologic order)
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/11/2007 10:50 Comments || Top||

#8  I was sleeping in that day (between jobs and very late night athletic undertakings), the girlfriend woke me up with a phone call. It was in time to be watching the tube when the second plane hit the WTC. She worked near the WH - when it was evacuated, staff came and commandeered their offices, she walked up to my place in NW DC. Most beautiful fall day I can remember. We watched TV, I checked the internet and called a few friends, fulminated and paced. We went for a walk and I was stunned to see that a gasoline delivery truck already had a DC police escort as it arrived for a delivery at a station on Wisconsin Avenue. We walked over to the Veep's residence (Naval Observatory) not far away and Massachusetts Avenue was closed, security personnel in full, dark-colored tactical gear were on the street with their heaters, an armored vehicle sat astride the entrance. As we looked skyward at one of the CAP F-16s on the walk back, a couple paused and the woman said something as they looked skyward quizzically, I responded "they're ours, you'll be seeing those for a while". I still recall late nights, parking the car, hearing them circling overhead all that fall into winter.

It all brought me back into the game. After some false starts and a bizarre chapter involving an opportunity with the CIA that didn't inspire me, I clawed my way to Baghdad and had the most satisfying work I've ever had (notwithstanding the frustration). So 9/11 probably changed the trajectory of my little existence forever.

Only thing I'm tired of is the preposterous concept that people could be "tired" at this point, when their involvement usually ends at consuming a small bit of poorly done "news coverage" every other day. Geez.

Oh, the jaw-dropping behavior of the opposition -reaching new lows even this week - is something else I'm tired of. It's to the point that my view of many fellow Americans is starting to change the way my view of many foreigners has changed forever. Ugly and depressing.
Posted by: Verlaine || 09/11/2007 10:56 Comments || Top||

#9  As John Dryden said, beware the fury of a patient man. Lots of Americans have watched and listened as not just the left, but the whole US professional political class, has played patty cake over this. A day of reckoning is coming, and the muzz will have plenty of company in their misery. There will be tears, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments in many a fancy Georgetown townhouse and on many a No. Va. horse farm...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 09/11/2007 11:15 Comments || Top||

#10  Verlaine: thanks for your service there in Iraq. And thanks also for answering my question a couple days back; I didn't get a chance to acknowledge that back then.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/11/2007 11:33 Comments || Top||

#11  9:59am EDST or 2:59PM GMT - I was sitting in a conference room in the City (London). Two Brits and my partner and I. One of my associates came in the room and told us that two planes had crashed into the towers and it looks like terrorism. The Brits excused themselves and left. All the Yanks and local Brits and our other international employees crowed around the big plasma screen TV in the big conference room and watched silently for an hour. I called my wife and told her. She already knew and was glued to the telly. Then later that night the BBC rigged a panel discussion hosted by David Dimbleby. They brought in a dozen or so hard Islamists including women who accused the US of bringing this on or even as an inside job. Our Ambassador was brought to tears (typical of a Clinton appointee). In the next few days, we had a memorial at St. Pauls. Ludgate Hill was chock-a-block with people shoulder to shoulder back to front all the way down to Fleet St. Quite moving but I'll never forgive BBC and it was then that it dawned on me that they were a pawn of the secular progressive humanist anti-Jew anti-America movement that has now been encapsulated into a treasonist cabal of the NYTimes/MoveOnn 5th Column.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 09/11/2007 11:50 Comments || Top||

#12  That morning is when I realized that the Crusades needed to be finished before they get a chance to bring down another Rome.
Posted by: Mike N. || 09/11/2007 12:16 Comments || Top||

#13  A day of reckoning is coming, and the muzz will have plenty of company in their misery. There will be tears, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments in many a fancy Georgetown townhouse and on many a No. Va. horse farm...

Amen! And elsewhere too, not just North Va. On both coasts and wherever the holier-than-thou leftists scurry off to, there will be a serious purge take place.
Posted by: Natural Law || 09/11/2007 13:47 Comments || Top||

#14  I was in San Diego for a CTIA wireless industry conference, staying at a hotel right on the bay. I was down with 3 others and we were in 2 rooms. Just as I was getting up to take a shower the phone rang and it was one of my coworkers calling from their hotel room. "Turn on the TV NOW! Any Channel!!" That got my attention (despite a severe hangover) and I tuned in just in time to see the second plane hit.

We were completely freaked and just watched for an hour without saying much except "We're at war". As soon as we pulled ourselves together we realized we needed to get out of Dodge and try to figure out how to get home to Seattle.

The airports were already closed at this point. Luckily we had a rental car and made the decision to pack up and get on the freeway heading north as fast as possible before anything else happened or panic lead to traffic standstill.

As we were loading up the car we had front row seats to the Navy fleet seriously violating the no-wake rule in San Diego Bay as first a couple missle frigates and smaller cruisers went by, then a carrier and additional support ships - all hauling ass for the open sea not knowing if an attack was inbound.

You could see jets flying CAP over the fleet as they sped out. It was just surreal.

We made it home in two days, listening to the news and trying to make sense of it all. The entire trip we met others frantically trying to get home in rental cars after getting stuck with no return flights. We overnighted in Redding, CA with about a dozen others in the same boat keeping the bar open late so we could drink and talk and try to sort it all out.

Posted by: spiffo || 09/11/2007 14:32 Comments || Top||

#15  I was awake and had the radio on when the first plane hit the WTC. When the second one hit, I woke M'Lady and said that we are being attacked. Once the facts started trickling in, I knew that things were forever changed.

Since that time, and after following events from various sources (RB being up there at the top), I have come to the following conclusions:

1. We should have declared war against those states and entities that attacked us, and provided support to those activities.

2. We needed to be rapid and brutal to our responses. That would be appropriate in our dealings with type of people. They do not respond to reason, love, compromise, and kindness.

3. The US has spent literally billions and I guess trillions on this problem, with treasure we do not have. Not doing no. 2 above cost us dearly in our financial resources.

4. We never go for the sources of the resources for terrorism. This means not dealing with the so-called Royal Family of Saudi Arabia, who does the majority of terrorist financing. Cutting things off at the source lets the others, like Pakistan, the Madarassas, various terrorist groups, etc etc die on the vine. Basic logic.

5. The reason we are wallowing around in this war is that too many of our leaders are financial 'hos of oil ticks, like the Saudis. Nothing is going to happen until we change our leadership. And that is where progress on the war really starts. Like a prerequisite before the college course.

The corruption of our leadership, as well as the Left has rotted and softened this country to the core, and leaves us vulnerable to attacks, like the body losing its immune system. There will always be diseases around, same with outlaws, criminals, and terrorists. If the body is strong, the immune system will neutralize or destroy the invading disease, but if it is weak, the disease will kill the host and eventually die itself.

9-11 brought out this old war against civilization into the open. The verdict is still out. I hope we win. We have a lot of work to do.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 09/11/2007 14:38 Comments || Top||

#16  This from my then-15 year old daughter, written September 12, 2001; if only 'we' still felt that way:

America Under Attack: this headline, among others, was displayed on our television screens throughout the day. The visions of planes crashing into the two World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon (as well as the plane in Pennsylvania) are forever etched into our memories. September 11, 2001...funny how this morning I woke up thinking today was just another day as I dragged myself out of bed. We ask our parents where they were when Kennedy was shot, and ask our grandparents where they were when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. This is the event that truly began the new millennium...that will define our generation. Where were you on the day America was under attack?
Certainly this has invoked intense feelings of patriotism in the people of our country. No longer are we republicans and democrats...liberals or conservatives...we are simply Americans. No longer will we be embarrassed to stand up in class and say the Pledge of Allegiance with our hands over our hearts. This is our country. We can no longer afford to be cowards or to be ashamed. Over 10,000 people died today. Keep that in mind next time you're too busy trying to do your homework to stand and look at the American flag.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/11/2007 14:54 Comments || Top||

#17  fwiw

I recall thinking that the Moslem world would soon awaken to the danger of the extremists and marginalize them.

However it didn't happen this way.

Now I am stuck with realizing that:
1. Subsequent to 9-11, it has been the anti-violence moslems who have been marginalized, not the extremists. No serious and knowledgeable person disputes the fact that terrorism, violence, intimidation and discrimination have deep roots in Islam.
2. We have invested hundreds of billions in trying to stabilize two moslem countries and, although progress has been made, it will require many, many more billions to achieve this stabilization.
Posted by: mhw || 09/11/2007 15:22 Comments || Top||

#18  I was at work. My secretary told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and I actually waited for her to get to the punchline. Unfortunately there was none.

Left work not long after that to crew one of our rescue squad ambulances ready to go to the Pentagon or even PA - but we staged in vain. Too many dead, not enough wounded.

Never forget, never forgive. And keep your powder dry.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/11/2007 17:07 Comments || Top||

#19  2. We needed to be rapid and brutal to our responses. That would be appropriate in our dealings with type of people. They do not respond to reason, love, compromise, and kindness.

I had just suited down and exited the CVD research clean room when a colleague ran up to me and said how a jet airliner had hit the WTC. There was a television in the cafeteria showing both towers burning. My supervisor wisely let us all go home for the day.

A week earlier, I had just returned from a reactor install in Taiwan. My home was being remodeled and my television was in storage. I knew then that I really, really did not want to turn it on and see repetition after repetition of those horrible pictures etched into my memory. I have yet to turn my television set back on.

At the time of the attacks, I participated at another online forum. In my fury, I suggested that we should carpet mullah Omar's home city of Kandahar. Numerous other posters chastised me for wanting America to retaliate against a civilian population.

I still wonder to this day whether Islam might have taken our anger a little more seriously if an entire city had disappeared into smoke and ash as a response to the 9-11 atrocities. I no longer have any illusions about Islam responding to anything but the most brutal and ruthless military force we can possibly apply.

I also have no doubt that Islam will continue to push the envelope of heinous mass-murder until the West's patience and restraint is exhausted and the entire MME (Muslim Middle East) is vaporized in high energy plasma. One thing the past six years of endless Islamic terrorism has taught me is that I shall not rue that hideous day.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/11/2007 17:40 Comments || Top||

#20  Who remembers the following? Teheran University cancelled for the first time, the post Friday Prayers demonstrations. Since the terrorists were given Iran by Jimmy Carter, those demonstrations were characterized by shouts of "Death to America!" Unfortunately, the next week, Teheran again acquired the confidence to start them again. I have always thought that the sickly sweet post-911 exhoneration of Islam, put steel into the enemy's back.

Remember Oprah's fraudulent "Islam 101" show? "Hijack" dogma, which attributed 9-11 to a tiny minority of extremists? The high profile that unknown groups like CAIR an ISNA were handed? Al-Jazeera's cheerleading for Taliban/al-Qaeda? The first "inside job" stories on the WTC collapse? The rush to sign armistices with Taliban-lite in Afghanistan? Saddam Hussein's $25,000 award to the families of suicide bombers?
Posted by: McZoid || 09/11/2007 23:12 Comments || Top||

Good 9-11 morning.
Posted by: || 09/11/2007 00:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Interesting, um, dress...

Yeah, dress. That's it.
Posted by: mojo || 09/11/2007 1:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Why we fight CCXVII

Yeah, I'll fight for her. If foreigners want to threaten her I'll gladly take them out to assure her continued existance. And when I'm done with them, I'll take on all those domestic who will keep me from dragging her back to my cave by the hair!
Posted by: gorb || 09/11/2007 2:32 Comments || Top||

#3  So *that's* what happened to Grandma's best lace tablecloth!

Beautiful woman with quite some ... appeal. No hair dragging, tho, gorb. Leave that sort of thing to the barbarians. Anyway, with the come hither look she's giving you, you won't need to. ;-)

PS: we wymmyns appreciate you strong men.
Posted by: lotp || 09/11/2007 6:06 Comments || Top||

#4  No hair dragging, tho, gorb

Don't worry, it's a "role-playing" thing. >:-P
Posted by: gorb || 09/11/2007 6:46 Comments || Top||

#5  I will invent time travel so Rita can drag me back to her cave.
Posted by: Excalibur || 09/11/2007 10:03 Comments || Top||


Oh rita!
Posted by: Boss Craising2882 || 09/11/2007 11:40 Comments || Top||

#7  Lace. Why does it hate us?
Posted by: mcsegeek1 || 09/11/2007 18:48 Comments || Top||

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  Danish police arrest 8 in terror plot
Mon 2007-09-03
  Afghans bang 120 resurgent Talibs
Sun 2007-09-02
  Nahr al-Bared falls to Lebanon army
Sat 2007-09-01
  Knobby gives up veto in return for consensus on new president
Fri 2007-08-31
  Liverlips plans to form a puppet government in Lebanon
Thu 2007-08-30
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