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Toe tag for al-Houthi
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3 00:00 98zulu [21]
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2 00:00 Jack is Back [12]
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65 00:00 BigEd [18]
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5 00:00 Lucky [19]
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34 00:00 UFO [28]
"Never Forget!" -- Recommended reading for the anniversary of 9/11
Here's a collection of some of the best writing on 9/11 available online today. Feel free to add to the list in the comments section.

Eyewitness accounts

Daniel Henninger, "I saw it all. Then I saw nothing." Wall Street Journal September 12, 2001

John Labriola, First-person account & accompanying photo essay

Jeff Jarvis, First-person account & audio narrative.

"Tilly" (LGF commenter), First-person account

Little Green Footballs "9/11 Stories" (discussion thread)

Gedeon & Jules Naudet, 9/11 (documentary film)

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mike || 09/10/2004 12:10:08 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Excellent and thanks! This goes on my website.
Posted by: Ptah || 09/10/2004 5:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Thanks, Mike. Excellent compendium.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 7:39 Comments || Top||

#3  The music used in this Flash file haunts me, still.
Posted by: .com || 09/10/2004 8:23 Comments || Top||

#4  .com, I'd never seen "Exhibit 13" before. Thanks for pointing it out.
Posted by: Mike || 09/10/2004 9:30 Comments || Top||

#5  Add today's Victor Davis Hanson to the list; also, National Review has posted a "9/11 archive" of its own.
Posted by: Mike || 09/10/2004 9:51 Comments || Top||

#6  Two more links:

Michele at ASV: Voices .Individual stories are listed in the right column.
My collection: No Ordinary Day
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 09/10/2004 10:14 Comments || Top||

#7  "Never Forget!"

Despite not seeing much of 9/11/2001 images, I haven't forgotten.

And I'm still ticked off about it, too.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 09/10/2004 13:53 Comments || Top||

#8  Had a dream a few days ago. As dreams have a way of morphing all over the place this one stayed on course for quite awhile.

Jihadies invaded the place I was at, that place seemed to be the White House. I got out while the murdering started. As I fled down a hallway I could see, out of a window, the murdered being dumped in a courtyard. Myself and a young boy managed to get to a safe place accross the street, a grassy knowle. SForces were responding around us. The word was that the White House was going to have to be bombed. The boy then went to the gate to warn his mom to get out before it was to late. He was very brave!, I think "Ilushias Stone" really got to me.
Posted by: Lucky || 09/10/2004 14:25 Comments || Top||

#9  Much obliged, Mike.

"Never forget. Never forgive. Never excuse."
Posted by: GreatestJeneration || 09/10/2004 14:33 Comments || Top||

Toe tag for al-Houthi
Get out the box set with gold, emeralds, and a group of angles around it, and let's hope he stays dead.
Put a stake through his heart and bury him in a crossroad to be sure.
Yemeni forces killed anti-U.S. rebel cleric Hussein al-Houthi and dozens of his supporters on Friday, ending over two months of clashes in which over 200 rebels and troops have died.
A look thru the RB archives and the numbers of deaders is probably much higher, but who's counting anyway. The shaykh is dead, long live the shaykh.
Houthi was one of a number of rebel leaders in Yemen, but he represented a considerable target having engaged the security forces over a long period. His group is not linked to al Qaeda.
Cuz he got his orders from Teheran.
The Yemeni defense and interior ministries, in a joint statement, announced that their forces had killed Houthi in a mountainous area north of the capital Sanaa. "Today, all the military and security operations to quell the rebellion launched by the so-called Hussein al-Houthi and his supporters have finished with the killing of Houthi and a number of his aides," the statement said. "President Ali Abdullah Saleh urges all citizens who were affected by the fighting to return to their homes and carry on with their lives," it added.

The government accuses Houthi, leader of the "Believing Youths" group and a Zaidi Shi'ite sect, of setting up unlicensed religious centers and of forming an armed group which has staged violent protests against the United States and Israel. Security sources said Houthi was killed after troops and armored vehicles maintained a three-day siege of a series of caves in the Haidan area of the mountainous Saada province, some 240 km (150 miles) north of the capital Sanaa. His body and those of several aides were found in a cave after an intense bout of fighting early on Friday. Several government troops were also killed, but there was no word on casualties from the defense ministry. Yemen had offered a $54,000 reward for Houthi's capture and in June security forces launched an operation to capture him in the Saada province. Several top Houthi aides were killed in July and August when most of the rebels' strongholds were seized.
Nice work. Now stay dead already!
Posted by: Seafarious || 09/10/2004 6:55:30 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Praise Allan. al Houthi, another smear on a cave wall.
Posted by: Trolling for Allan || 09/10/2004 7:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Good.
Posted by: Liberalhawk || 09/10/2004 9:21 Comments || Top||

#3  Yemeni forces need to pull themselves away from Resident Evil and go kill something that stays dead.
Posted by: BH || 09/10/2004 10:17 Comments || Top||

#4  I seriously hope they killed this "Old Man of the Mountain" murderous bustard. The Yemeni have been in a knock-down-drag-out with this a-hole and his followers since June. And unlike the Paks, they have been more than happy to bring US Special Forces along to play. If this guy is worm food, finally, I hope the Yemenese are swimming in US largesse for their goodness. I know we are building a large naval base there, and I hope we follow up so much that they are breaking wind through fine fabric, as it were.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/10/2004 10:48 Comments || Top||

#5  Yemeni forces killed anti-U.S. rebel cleric Hussein al-Houthi and dozens of his supporters on Friday

Posted by: Liberalhawk || 09/10/2004 12:58 Comments || Top||

#6  Yemen seems to have made a choice and turned the corner. Welcome to civilization and progress, Yemen!
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 13:12 Comments || Top||

Syria hands Turkey senior Kurdish militant
Syria has turned over a senior Kurdish militant and six other rebels to Turkey,strong> in a sign of closer security cooperation between the former rivals, a Turkish security official says.
Time for Kurdistan
Separately, fighting in southeastern Turkey killed three soldiers and three Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels late on Thursday, another official said. Syrian police detained the PKK's Hamili Yildirim, who has evaded capture since 1996, and the others in July as they tried to cross into Turkey from Syria, a police official said on Friday. They were based in a PKK stronghold in northern Iraq and were heading for the Turkish city of Tunceli, where separatist violence has been on the rise, newspapers said. Turkish police have been interrogating the men in a prison in Hatay province, bordering Syria, since taking them into custody on September 4 after weeks of talks with Syria, the official said.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 8:13:04 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'm all for an independent Kurdistan, but if this is true,

"They were based in a PKK stronghold in northern Iraq and were heading for the Turkish city of Tunceli, where separatist violence has been on the rise"

I don't feel sorry for them if they were going to create trouble in Turkey. Terrorists are terrorists.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 9:02 Comments || Top||

#2  One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I used to feel the same way about the PKK, but with Turkey aiding Saddam and Assad, perhaps it's time to reassess, eh Murat?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 9:07 Comments || Top||

#3  Mrs. D - Agree we need to reassess. I've been calling Turkey our enemy since before Erdogan knifed us in the back. But let's keep the moral high ground.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 9:30 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Explosion topples Connecticut church
COLCHESTER, Connecticut -- A powerful blast leveled a decades-old Ukrainian church early Friday, shaking nearby buildings and tossing debris hundreds of feet. No injuries were reported. The cause of the 7 a.m. explosion at St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church was not immediately clear. The brick building had an indoor propane tank for cooking, state police Sgt. J. Paul Vance said. The area was cordoned off and the nearby highway was shut down, Vance said. The pastor and his family were safely evacuated from their adjacent home, said the Rev. Michael Dubovici, of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, the seat of the church's diocese. The church, built in 1955, serves 55 families. Members had been preparing for a Ukrainian festival in Stamford this weekend. Colchester, a town of 4,500, is about 20 miles southeast of Hartford.
Probably the propane tank... Probably.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 1:34:48 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Propane sinks. Happens frequently at Tahoe. Page 2 unless there's evidence to the contrary.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 13:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Thank goodness there were no injuries! Could a propane cooking tank do that?
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:42 Comments || Top||

#3  It could. There was a case in San Francisco a few years ago of a three-story brick building destroyed this way.
Posted by: buwaya || 09/10/2004 14:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Low order explosion. As evidenced by the large pieces of wall that was layed over and the insulation batts that were still hanging over still attached rafters. Also there seemed to be no particular focal point of the explosion. Probably just a valve that was not turned off completely or a leaking connection.
Posted by: Old Fogey || 09/10/2004 14:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Damn those Presbyterians and their holy war!
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 14:54 Comments || Top||

#6  Men's cooking crew drunk as lords again I'll wager.
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 17:46 Comments || Top||

#7  An indoor propane tank? That's just nuts.
Posted by: Parabellum || 09/10/2004 19:47 Comments || Top||

FBI: Terror Thwarted Despite Axed Charges
EFL of an AP article run by Newsmax.
"You should be proud of the excellent investigative work conducted by the JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) in Detroit, and everyone should recognize that their efforts may have prevented another attack," Special Agent in Charge Daniel Roberts wrote last week in an e-mail to his entire office. The e-mail was obtained by The Associated Press. Roberts sent his memo the same day the Justice Department asked a federal judge to dismiss convictions on terrorism counts against Karim Koubriti and other men accused of operating a terror cell in Detroit. The government sought a retrial on lesser fraud charges.

... Justice's court filing questioned the accuracy of trial testimony by FBI agents. Roberts on the other hand said the agents "acted aggressively and worked very hard on this case in an effort to prevent a terrorist attack." FBI officials said Roberts was referring to evidence from Turkish authorities that al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden called off an attack on a Turkish air base used by U.S. forces because security was heightened. Security was raised after sketches of the air base were found in the Detroit men's apartment in September 2001. Roberts described Justice's turnabout as "strictly a legal decision" necessitated by prosecutors' failure to turn over certain documents to defense lawyers during trial.

A lawyer for one defendant expressed surprise Tuesday at the FBI e-mail. "It shocks me that anyone who has seen the government's memo on this case would still think these men are terrorists," said James Gerometta, a public defender who represented Koubriti. The lawyer for former lead prosecutor Rick Convertino, who was harshly criticized in the Justice report, said Tuesday the FBI e-mail supports his client's position. "Consistent with the FBI e-mail, Rick has always believed in the propriety of this case, and nothing in the government's memorandum has changed his viewpoint," attorney William Sullivan said.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 4:03:51 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
MILF member, wife killed
A Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebel and his wife were killed during an encounter on Wednesday at a village in the southern Philippine city of Tagum, the military said on Thursday. The killed was identified as Bakar Jafal Ali and his wife Carmelita, the local military official Lieutenant Colonel Agane Adriatico said in a statement. Adriatico said soldiers belonging to a local infantry brigade were conducting a combat patrol around early Wednesday when they chanced upon more than 25 heavily armed MILF rebels. A firefight, which lasted for 10 minutes ensued. No casualty was reported on the government side.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 12:27:41 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Um... Was the wife a MILF too?
Posted by: mojo || 09/10/2004 0:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Speaking of mojo, looks as if the Philipines has rejoined theirs!
ps, lets hope that 0 casualty figure for the Philipine govt. holds.
Posted by: an dalusian dog || 09/10/2004 3:41 Comments || Top||

#3  The damn Muslims have stolen the good connotation of the word "MILF"
Posted by: Mr. K || 09/10/2004 6:33 Comments || Top||

#4  Mooselimbs I'd Like to Frag?
Posted by: BH || 09/10/2004 10:22 Comments || Top||

#5  Stupid question, but... what is the slang meaning of MILF? I know this is related to "American pie" (which I didn't see), and is obviously sexual. Of course I could google it and spend the rest of the evening surfing on porn sites, but I'm old-fashioned and prefer to ask politely.
Posted by: Anonymous5089 || 09/10/2004 13:11 Comments || Top||

#6  a Mom I'd Like to F*&k
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 13:20 Comments || Top||

#7  Thanks. I'm now a little less ignorant.
Posted by: Anonymous5089 || 09/10/2004 13:31 Comments || Top||

#8  ;-) I try to be that every day...sometimes, however...
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 13:37 Comments || Top||

JI sez they boomed Jakarta
A terror group linked to al Qaeda has purportedly taken responsibility for Thursday's car bombing in Jakarta which killed at least nine people and injured more than 180. An Islamic Web site, www.islamic-minbar.com, has posted a statement attributed to Jemaah Islamiya, the Southeast Asian arm of al Qaeda, claiming the attack as a suicide operation against Australian interests. The blast occurred in central Jakarta just meters outside the heavily fortified gates of the Australian embassy. "We decided to settle accounts with Australia, one of the worst enemies of God and Islam ... and a mujahedeen brother succeeded in carrying out a martyr operation with a car bomb against the Australian embassy", the statement says, according to wire service reports.

Although the claim has not yet been verified, the Internet site is known for carrying extremist Islamic content. "We advise all Australians in Indonesia to leave, or we will make it a grave for them, God willing," the statement added, while advising the Australian government to pull out of Iraq. The statement said the Australian government has ignored previous warnings and taken part "in the war against our brothers in Iraq and supported the invading forces."

"In the case of (the government) not complying with our demands, we will direct numerous painful blows, God willing, against them and the queue of car bombs will not stop. It is the first of a series of attacks. ... We advise Australians in Indonesia to leave this country or else we will transform it into a cemetery for them," the statement said. The text is signed "Jemaah Islamiyah in eastern Asia -- department of information -- Indonesia.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 12:02:48 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli Troops Catch Palestinian With Bomb
Israeli troops arrested a Palestinian man carrying a 22-pound bomb in his taxi after he fled and threw the explosives out of the cab's window, a security official said Friday. Soldiers began chasing the taxi after it tried to evade a roadblock outside the West Bank city of Nablus on Thursday, the official said on condition of anonymity. The man was identified as Ibrahim Abu Zahu. During the chase, Abu Zahu threw the bomb out the cab window, the official said. Troops safely detonated the explosives, the official said. According to the official, the army had beefed up its presence in the area after Israel's Shin Bet security service received a specific warning that an explosive device was to be smuggled out of Nablus by the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 8:23:33 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Come now Fred, Israelis have total control and can stage any scenario to suit their goals, and the fact that the Red Cross is not allowed in is in itself Admission to Sufficient Facts.
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 21:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Gaze at the troll....
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 09/10/2004 22:05 Comments || Top||

#3  UFOOL. The rubber sheet. Don't forget. Thanks.
Sleep tight.
Posted by: The Mossad || 09/10/2004 22:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Fred,

Can this guy be banned for a day tomorrow? Gentle and Murat too.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 22:11 Comments || Top||

#5  Come now Fred, Israelis have total control and can stage any scenario to suit their goals, and..

Hey Terry, shut up already. First Karl Rove is behind those fake documents, and now this? Keep on going, and you'll end up in Atascadero.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 09/10/2004 22:12 Comments || Top||

#6  Pribitch speaks and speaks and speaks when everyone tells him to go away and shut the fuck up. Bet you've got a lotta friends in life too, huh? Your family still acknowledge you? Didn't think so. Loser
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 22:36 Comments || Top||

#7  Palestinian man "carrying a 22-pound bomb". Shocking.
Posted by: Kirk || 09/10/2004 23:39 Comments || Top||

Iraq Militants Threaten to Kill Policemen
A militant group threatened in footage broadcast Friday to kill four policemen from the southern city of Najaf after accusing them of acting against radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The group, calling itself "The Joint Forces to Get Rid of Spies," said it kidnapped the four policemen from Najaf and warned that if authorities do not issue a statement ceasing activities against al-Sadr and his followers they would be killed within 72 hours. It did not specify what sort of activities were problematic. The pan-Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera aired footage showing the four men sitting on the floor as four masked armed men stood behind them. The holy city of Najaf witnessed three weeks of clashes between al-Sadr's Mahdi Army and U.S. and Iraqi troops last month. The fighting ended late August with a peace deal brokered by Iraq's top Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. On Thursday, Iraq troops entered al-Sadr's office in Najaf for the first time since the fighting ended in a raid seen as a show of force against the radical cleric. No weapons were found.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 8:16:26 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sounds like the kind of thing Terrorists would do.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 20:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Sounds like a bad episode of "Starsky and Hutch".
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 20:34 Comments || Top||

#3  hmmm. Guess the Iraqi police won't be taking any Mehdi fighters alive any more, huh?
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 22:46 Comments || Top||

Italians Demand Release of Workers in Iraq
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 20:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Suspected Rebels Bomb U.S. Center in Nepal
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 20:16 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqis Let U.S. Troops Back Into Samarra
For two months, this historic city of commerce and culture was a "no-go" zone for American troops, firmly in the grip of religious extremists, some linked to al-Qaida.
"Kevin, I think we should let them try that Olde Tyme Religion™ for awhile. See how they like it."
"You're a cruel man, sir!"
During that time, residents say they endured a reign of terror, where gunmen snatched men from their homes and killed at least 10 of them as American spies. Finally, city officials cut a deal with the Americans this week to reopen the city in return for an end to attacks. U.S. troops entered Samarra on Thursday for the first time since May 30. They toured the streets for several hours, inspecting damage from fighting in July and August, and meeting with officials to talk about reconstruction. "The past two months have been very critical," said merchant Rasheed Mahmoud. "There was almost no law. Kidnappings were widespread. God willing, things will be better now."
"Please, sir? Can we be occupied again?"
It's too early to tell whether the deal will hold. But if it does, it could serve as a model for easing tensions elsewhere in Iraq where insurgents hold sway. Prime Minister Ayad Allawi already has made overtures to insurgent-controlled cities such as Fallujah and Ramadi, hoping to strike deals that will restore state control, marginalize extremists and enable officials to hold elections by the end of January as planned.
"You guys had enough yet?"
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Iraqi cities like Fallujah would be brought into the fold, either peacefully or by force. "We know what will take place in Fallujah. And that is that it will be restored as something under the control of the Iraqi government eventually. What we don't know is whether it will be done peacefully or by force. But one way or another, it will happen," Rumsfeld said Friday in Washington.
My guess is it'll be by force...
For many people in this city about 60 miles north of Baghdad, the agreement to restore state authority and end the rule of the insurgents didn't come a moment too soon. "The tribal chiefs and others went to the Americans after the city was near total lawlessness," said a portly, bearded Samarra merchant as he chatted with friends in a shop in the city market. "Samarra is now the most dangerous city in Iraq."
"Us Arabs worked hard to make it that way. It was a religious obligation, y'know..."
Like many in Samarra, he spoke on condition of anonymity, still fearful of reprisal should the accord falter and the insurgents again take control. Signs of the turmoil are everywhere in this city of 250,000 people, which served for a time as the capital of the Muslim empire in the 9th century. Most of the major streets have been renamed after insurgents killed by the Americans.
"Butch" Boulevard. "Muggsy" Street. "Greasy Thumb Mahmoud" Way...
A black banner could be seen Friday fluttering atop the 170-foot-tall spiral minaret which is the symbol of Samarra's past glory. It was the banner of Tawhid and Jihad, the group led by al-Qaida-linked terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi that is believed responsible for a wave of kidnappings, beheadings and car bombings in Iraq. Residents said al-Zarqawi's followers began to operate openly after the Americans stopped patrolling Samarra months ago. Al-Zarqawi's gunmen blew up homes of several prominent Iraqis accused of collaborating with the Americans.
"We must reason with them, Mahmoud!"
"I'll get the explosives!"
At least 10 men were slain over the past two months for allegedly spying for the Americans, according to townspeople still too fearful to allow their names to be published. Those deaths were blamed on al-Zarqawi's followers. Last month, residents said, Tawhid and Jihad gangs ransacked a printshop that had published flyers announcing plans by city leaders to negotiate with the Americans. As the social fabric unraveled, others exploited the turmoil to settle old scores with rivals. As many as 100 people disappeared, taken from their homes by gunmen wearing ski masks or Arab scarves. Many of them haven't been seen since. All this was devastating for a city that relies heavily on commerce and visits by religious pilgrims to the tombs of two Shiite Muslim saints.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 8:04:21 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Did the black flag have a skull and crossbones on it?
Posted by: V is for Victory || 09/10/2004 22:18 Comments || Top||

#2  nice strategy. Wall em off and let em kill each other til they get tired..where else have I seen this?..oh yeah, wherever Paleos are
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 22:43 Comments || Top||

#3  LET them back in? As if they could have stopped it... VDH had a comment in his latest missive about the incompetence of arab fighters.
Posted by: Brett_the_Quarkian || 09/10/2004 23:00 Comments || Top||

#4  If the NYC police still have the names of all the anarchists they arrested, it wouldn't bother me if my tax dollars paid for sending them on a field trip to Fallujah. A taste of real anarchy might be just the ticket for our little theorists.
Posted by: Super Hose || 09/10/2004 23:03 Comments || Top||

3 Lebanese Workers Gunned Down in Baghdad
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 19:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

U.S. Troops Lay Seige to Iraqi City
Despite criticism from Turkey and Shiite leaders, U.S. commanders insisted they will the maintain their blockade of Tal Afar for as long as it takes to subdue what they said were foreign fighters holed up there. The campaign was part of a recently launched American effort to restore government authority to lawless areas of the country — either through negotiation or by force. "We are going to apply the necessary pressure to make sure that we are able to root out the enemy," said Lt. Col. Paul Hastings, spokesman for the Army's Task Force Olympia. "How long it takes is really dependent on them."

But the siege of Tal Afar, which the Americans describe as a hub for militants smuggling fighters and arms from Syria, was criticized from within and outside Iraq. A leading Shiite Muslim cleric, Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, said the Americans' use of heavy force in the city caused "catastrophes" that could have been avoided if Iraqis were in charge of security. "Since the first day after (Saddam Hussein's) regime collapsed, Tal Afar had terrorist groups, and this is not new," al-Hakim told The Associated Press on Friday. "The new thing is that the military operations are huge." Al-Hakim leads the biggest Shiite political party in Iraq and is close to Iraq's leading Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.

Turkey also said the United States should end its military operations in Tal Afar quickly, saying the attacks have caused casualties among the mostly ethnic Turks living there. Turkey has asked U.S. officials "not to harm the civilian population and avoid using excessive and non-selective force," Foreign Ministry spokesman Namik Tan said, according to the semiofficial Anatolia news agency.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 6:53:56 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Have we run out of fingers with the Turks yet? They should have thought about this when they refused access. It's time for Kurdistan.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 19:37 Comments || Top||

#2  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: UFO TROLL || 09/10/2004 20:02 Comments || Top||

#3  Tell me the truth, UFOOL. You look under here, don't you?
Posted by: The Mossad || 09/10/2004 20:54 Comments || Top||

#4  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: UFO TROLL || 09/10/2004 21:19 Comments || Top||

#5  I don't have a temper, UFOOL. They removed it surgically when I was in training. All part of the program. Or "pogrom". That's an inside joke over there at headquarters...they're funny guys.
Sleep tight.
Posted by: The Mossad || 09/10/2004 21:28 Comments || Top||

#6  Presumably the advice from Turkey "not to harm the civilian population and avoid using excessive and non-selective force" is based on the Turks' long and sensitive experience in dealing with their own Armenian and Kurdish populations, right Murat?
Posted by: Kirk || 09/10/2004 23:36 Comments || Top||

#7  On foreign soil the invader is under siege.
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 20:02 Comments || Top||

#8  Mossad [GreatestJeneration], using foul language here or on the phone as you did today only gives away your frustration -- you'd be more effective if you learned to control your temper.
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 21:19 Comments || Top||

#9  OK 'Mossad', now that you mention headquarters, please translate from Hebrew in message below the part where the Mossad is mentioned.

for pribich@gte.net; Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:49:38 -0600
Received: from jdl.org.il (A010-0063.RENO.splitrock.net [])
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Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:49:33 -0500
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Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 01:49:32 +0200
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To: Asshole[at]AmericanDefenseLeague.com, pribich@gte.net
Subject: American Defense League http://americandefenseleague.com/
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Re: Your new racist, anti-Semitic website

Congratulations, Boris!

You have been noticed and have now been added to our "Watch and Monitor" list. Please tell us more about yourself. We are very interested. Have a nice life....


Bill Maniaci
Deputy Director, Jewish Defense League


"HaRav Kahane Tsadak"
ki yad al kes Kah, MILCHAMA HASHEM b'AMALEK, m'dor dor ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim Mossad

"'al ta'amod 'al dam re'ekha" (do not stand idle by your brother's blood)

Vlamalshinim al thi Tikvah !!!!!
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 21:46 Comments || Top||

#10  OK 'Mossad', now that you mention headquarters, please translate from Hebrew in message below the part where the Mossad is mentioned.

for pribich@gte.net; Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:49:38 -0600
Received: from jdl.org.il (A010-0063.RENO.splitrock.net [])
by pimout4-int.prodigy.net (8.10.1/8.10.1) with ESMTP id eADNnXK93522;
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:49:33 -0500
Message-ID: 3A107E0C.88D90A23@jdl.org.il
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 01:49:32 +0200
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en,Hebrew
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Asshole[at]AmericanDefenseLeague.com, pribich@gte.net
Subject: American Defense League http://americandefenseleague.com/
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Re: Your new racist, anti-Semitic website

Congratulations, Boris!

You have been noticed and have now been added to our "Watch and Monitor" list. Please tell us more about yourself. We are very interested. Have a nice life....


Bill Maniaci
Deputy Director, Jewish Defense League


"HaRav Kahane Tsadak"
ki yad al kes Kah, MILCHAMA HASHEM b'AMALEK, m'dor dor ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim Mossad

"'al ta'amod 'al dam re'ekha" (do not stand idle by your brother's blood)

Vlamalshinim al thi Tikvah !!!!!
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 21:46 Comments || Top||

Africa: Subsaharan
South Africa makes two fresh arrests on WMD charges
South African police said on Thursday two suspects had been arrested in a probe into violations of laws related to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), just one day after charges were dropped against another suspect. "There were two more arrests on Wednesday related to WMD charges," police spokeswoman Sally de Beer said. "One man was arrested in (the port city of) Durban and one in Johannesburg ... They will definitely appear in court, but we don't know when at this stage. The investigations are continuing," she said. She said the suspects could be held for up to 48 hours before they had to be formally charged.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 6:50:57 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So THAT'S where Saddam hid all the stuff while everyone was looking at Syria! Really DEVIOUS!
Posted by: Bryan || 09/10/2004 19:52 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Jundullah activist caught in Karachi
Police arrested a suspected Islamic militant as he arrived by train in Karachi from Lahore. The man is a suspected member of Jundullah, a group accused of launching an assassination attempt in June against the Karachi corps commander that left 10 people dead, said Raja Umar Khitab, a police officer. He said the suspect was still being questioned. In recent weeks, the police arrested several Jundullah members for their alleged role in the June attack.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 6:43:05 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

14 dead in fresh upsurge of Kashmir violence
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 18:40 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Court arraigns Waheed brothers
An Anti-Terrorism Court Thursday arraigned Cardiologist Dr Akmal Waheed and his brother Dr Arshad Waheed for harbouring Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group Jundullah (God's Brigade) activists. Anti-Terrorism Court Judge Feroz Mehmood read out the pre-framed charges to the brothers in the court, set up inside the Central Prison Karachi.

The two doctors had initially been booked on charges of planning the attack in June on the motorcade of the 5 (Karachi) corps commander, Lt Gen Ahsan Saleem Hyat. The police later dropped the charges, but said they harboured operatives of the Jundullah organisation linked to Al Qaeda. The prosecution claims the Jundullah activists who were arrested in connection with the June 10 attack disclosed during investigation that the Waheed brothers extended financial help to them for their visits to South Waziristan for training by Al Qaeda. The prosecution claims the Waheed brothers also provided medical treatment to Jundullah activist Shahzad Bajwa at Shan Hospital in Gulshan-e-Iqbal. The police says Bajwa had been injured in an attack on a Rangers patrol van on March 19. One Ranger was killed in the attack. They are also said to have provided medical aide to absconding Jundullah activist Qasim at the Model Colony house of fellow activist Ataur Rehman. Qasim was injured in the attack on the corps commander. After the arraignment, the judge set September 14 for further proceedings of the trial, directing the state counsel to produce a list of witnesses it wanted to examine.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 6:39:11 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Blast kills two at space centre
Two people were killed and one injured on Thursday when a bomb exploded in a coastal town in Balochistan, officials said. The explosion in Somyani, 650 kilometres south of Quetta, killed employees of the state-run Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, the officials said without giving further details. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. However, according to APP, the blast occurred when an oxygen gas cylinder exploded in Somyani. The deceased were identified as Mohiuddin and Kashif and the injured as Javed.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 6:35:23 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Any bets the maximum height these research vehicles are meant to atain is the maximum altitude of their ballistic path to New Dehli
Posted by: Cheaderhead || 09/10/2004 23:47 Comments || Top||

Turkey al-Qaida Leader Said Killed in Iraq
Turkish television broadcast a video Friday suggesting that the suspected leader of a Turkish al-Qaida cell blamed for suicide bombings in Istanbul has been killed in Iraq. The video showed a body of a bearded man with a bloody face said to be that of Habib Akdas. A man who claimed to be a Turkish militant was heard in the video saying that Akdas was killed in a bombing raid this week in Iraq's Al-Anbar region. Akdas is suspected of leading the al-Qaida cell that carried out suicide attacks in November against two synagogues, a London-based bank and the British Consulate in Istanbul that killed more than 60 people. Turkish authorities have said that Akdas is believed to have fled to Iraq around the time of the attacks. Turkish media has suggested that Akdas, believed to be in his 30s, may have been involved in the kidnapping of several Turkish workers in Iraq in recent months. Prosecutors say Akdas and two alleged members of his cell met on several occasions with Abu Hafs al-Masri, a former top lieutenant of Osama bin Laden. Al-Masri is believed to have arranged for Akdas and another militant to meet with bin Laden in 2001 in Afghanistan, where he received military and explosives training.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 1:42:10 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Friend of yours, Murat?
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 14:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Friend?! I thought it was MuratII. What a relief.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 14:49 Comments || Top||

#3  So sorry, Murat. Do you have GPS coordinates an address where we can send a JDAM card?
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 14:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Couldn't have happened to a better guy.
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 14:55 Comments || Top||

#5  Didn't Murat once claim there were no al'Qaeda in Turkey?
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 09/10/2004 15:00 Comments || Top||

#6  Does the US get credit for cleaning up Tukey's mess?
Posted by: remote man || 09/10/2004 15:08 Comments || Top||

#7  No muRAT said there were plenty of turkeys in al'Qaeda.
Posted by: anymouse || 09/10/2004 15:38 Comments || Top||

#8  You're welcome, Murat. Gee, anytime. You have any of those jihadi guys you don't want, just send 'em our way and we'll be happy to erase 'em for you.
Posted by: Mike || 09/10/2004 15:43 Comments || Top||

#9  Hey! Leave Murat alone. He's in charge of the funeral arrangements and doesn't have time to chat.
Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 16:35 Comments || Top||

#10  *sniff* I'll miss those little trolls.

Murat (& MuratII) Sept. 10th 2004
Never Forget
Never Forgive
Never Excuse
Posted by: reminiscence || 09/10/2004 18:24 Comments || Top||

#11  Dang it! We lost another toilet attendant?
Posted by: Shipman || 09/10/2004 19:47 Comments || Top||

#12  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:15 Comments || Top||

#13  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:15 Comments || Top||

#14  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:19 Comments || Top||

#15  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:19 Comments || Top||

#16  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:22 Comments || Top||

#17  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:22 Comments || Top||

#18  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:25 Comments || Top||

#19  REPOST of #4 in What al-Qaida did to us

That's right GJ [Mossad], 3000 Americans died while 4000 Zionists were spared because they were warned not to come to work that day. BTW, when you called why did you hang up when I asked who you were? When you call someone names at least identify yourself.

'Mossad' [GJ], you did not "strike a nerve", neither your JDL with their Air Farce nor your [censored string] with their claims to the trademark could, how could you?
Posted by: UFO || 09/10/2004 16:25 Comments || Top||

Demonstrators Protest Against Al-Sadr
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 14:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Second week in a row.

Sistani's back.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 09/10/2004 14:26 Comments || Top||

#2  I heard this on National Limpwristed Radio, I mean NPR, a little earlier. It seems some of the Media are beginning to pick this up. We can always hope.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/10/2004 14:33 Comments || Top||

#3  I saw it on CNN Headline News. Really!
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 15:05 Comments || Top||

#4  Of course, this is how CNN is reporting it:

Thousands of demonstrators supporting and hundreds opposing Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr took to the streets in Iraq on Friday as U.S. soldiers fought insurgents in Baghdad's Sadr City and near Falluja.
Posted by: BH || 09/10/2004 15:30 Comments || Top||

#5  I must have seen an earlier version.

However, considering that its called Sadr City, shouldn't Sadr have been able to get more than a few thousand.
Posted by: mhw || 09/10/2004 15:56 Comments || Top||

Africa: North
MDJT to decide the fate of el-Para
Guess it's time to see who's check cleared ...
Chadian rebels warned on Friday they will soon be forced to decide the fate of a group of Algerian Islamic militants linked to al Qaeda after Algeria failed to negotiate their handover. The rebels had captured the group, including the figurehead of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), Amari Saifi, and a dozen of his followers in northern Chad in March. The rebels -- the Movement for Democracy and Justice in Chad (MDJT) -- said they had tried without success to get Saifi and his followers turned over to Algerian authorities. "We cannot continue like this, so if nothing happens we will be forced to take a clear decision on their fate," said Abubakar Rajab, a MDJT spokesman based in France. He would not elaborate on the decisions the MDJT might take.
Might I suggest something involving blindfolds and cigarettes?
"We again call on Algeria to come and collect them... We haven't had any contact with Algeria since June and I don't understand why it's taking so long. Algeria says it's fighting the war on terror," he said. The Chadian government had complained in June that Algeria was negotiating a handover with the rebels, but Algeria at the time denied any contact with the MDJT.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 12:38:48 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Bangladesh Detains Two Indians With Explosives
Bangladeshi security officials detained two Indians yesterday as they tried to enter the country with explosives hidden in their baggage. Bangladesh Rifles border guards seized four pieces of "brick-shaped" explosives from the Indians at the Chhatak border post, 310 kilometers northeast of Dhaka, the officials said.
I wonder if the Indians happened to be named "Mahmoud" and "Ahmed," rather than "Patel" and "Mukkerjee"?
The border guards also arrested a Bangladeshi believed to be an accomplice of the Indians and took all three for questioning. Officials did not give the names of the men. Bangladesh stepped up security along its porous borders with India and Myanmar after 19 people were killed and 150 wounded in a grenade attack last month on an opposition rally in Dhaka. Two powerful bombs exploded in southeastern port city of Chittagong and southwestern district of Faridpur yesterday leaving six injured, five of them critically. A bomb exploded in Chittagong leaving a child critically injured. Witnesses said the bomb went off around 3-30 p.m. injuring the boy, Muhammad Babul. In Faridpur town, at least five people were injured, four seriously, when a bomb went off at Purba Alipur in the afternoon.
Posted by: Fred || 09/10/2004 10:29:13 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Indians With Explosives". Coming soon on Fox.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 11:00 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm no expert, of course, but wouldn't it have been easier to detain them using guns? ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/10/2004 13:00 Comments || Top||

Taliban sez they can attack at will
Of course, they can be slaughtered in droves, but they don't dwell on that...A rocket attack aimed at Kabul's international airport showed the Taliban have the ability to target anywhere in Afghanistan, the group said on Friday, warning the Americans the country would become their "burial ground." Although the four rockets fell well short or wide of their target, Mullah Dadullah Akhund -- the Taliban's military commander and a member of its 10-member ruling council -- said U.S.-led forces in the country were pinned down in their bases. Mullah Dadullah told Reuters by satellite phone early on Friday that four rockets which struck a crowded residential area in the Afghan capital late on Thursday night had been aimed at the nearby airport, where U.S. forces and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force have a strong presence. Two adults and a child were slightly wounded in the attack, which Kabul's police chief said was an attempt to disrupt Afghanistan's first direct presidential elections on Oct. 9.
I dunno if I believe him. Four rockets, missing their targets and hitting crowded residential areas in Kabul sounds more like Hek's boyz...
The Taliban also claimed on Friday that they had killed five soldiers and captured three in an attack near Tarin Kot, southwest of the capital in Uruzgan province. Governor Jan Mohammed Khan confirmed an attack on an army vehicle, but said government forces had suffered two casualties with two soldiers captured. "Ayman al-Zawahri's statement is based on reality that allied forces in Afghanistan were confined to their military camps because they were scared and afraid and they do not have the courage to fight with the Taliban and other mujahideen," Dadullah said. "Inshallah (God willing) we will make Afghanistan the burial ground for the Americans." The Taliban, who frequently exaggerate the effect of their attacks on U.S. troops, said they had also fired "many rockets" at a U.S. position in Uruzgan on Thursday night causing "a lot of damage to the Americans." Governor Khan said no one was hurt in that incident.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 9:39:29 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "We just haven't really wanted to attack quite yet. That's all. We've been remodelling the cave."
Posted by: Dar || 09/10/2004 10:06 Comments || Top||

#2  It just we're lacking the will. Those crazy Americans will hunt us down and kill us like pigs.
Posted by: mullah Omar || 09/10/2004 10:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Target, they can. But how much bigger than the broad side of a barn must the target be, in order for them to hit it?
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/10/2004 11:01 Comments || Top||

#4  We gotta go home and put our old clothes on first. Don't want to ruin our good Five Times a Day Go To Mosque clothes and piss off Allah.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 11:05 Comments || Top||

#5  The Taliban, who frequently exaggerate the effect of their attacks on U.S. troops

This is coming from Reuters? What'd they do, put the weekend staff on early?
Posted by: Pappy || 09/10/2004 12:24 Comments || Top||

#6  Sure, they can attack at Will, but we're guarding Will. I think he's safe.

And when they do attack at Will, our guys will shoot them down like the morons they are.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 09/10/2004 15:14 Comments || Top||

#7  U.S.-led forces in the country were pinned down in their bases.

Right. Right?

Mullah Dadullah told Reuters by satellite phone early on Friday that four rockets which struck a crowded residential area

Yep, tha's how I'd pin them down in their bases...
Posted by: Raj || 09/10/2004 18:52 Comments || Top||

#8  Must've confused 'U.S.' with 'UN'. Common problem by mullahs...
Posted by: Pappy || 09/10/2004 19:29 Comments || Top||

Pakistan beseiges al-Qaeda base
The Pakistani military has tightened a cordon around a suspected al-Qaeda training base in South Waziristan that it bombed on Thursday. The army says 50 militants were killed in the raid. Local witnesses say there were many civilian casualties. The military said it had also killed another six militants and arrested five in overnight clashes. Checkpoints were set up on roads around the main South Waziristan town of Wana after Thursday's raid on the camp near Dila Khula, a village about 25km (15 miles) to the north-east.

Helicopters flew over Dila Khula, a stronghold of the Mehsud tribe which the government says is sympathetic to al-Qaeda militants. Access to the main market in Wana was blocked. Authorities started demolishing shops there belonging to Ba Khan, a tribal leader from whose area soldiers have allegedly been attacked in recent weeks. Military spokesman Major-General Shaukat Sultan said: "Punitive action means people can be sent to prison, their house or shop can be demolished. This all is done by the political administration." General Sultan said the military had a video showing the training of militants and would show it "at an appropriate time".

The general said the overnight skirmishes were in the Kaniguram area. He said there had been losses to security forces but declined to give any details. One commander of militants, Abdullah Mahsud, told the BBC's Haroon Rashid that they had destroyed several army vehicles near the bombed base and that a number of soldiers had been killed.
Haroon Rashid's a good reporter. He goes around incognito, listening to what the people are really saying...
The militant leader said hundreds of armed fighters were ready for future attacks on military and government installations. He vowed to take revenge for Thursday's killings. Security has also been tightened up after clashes in the North-West Frontier Province capital, Peshawar. Jets and helicopter gun ships had pounded the suspected training camp on Thursday. The military said 90% of those killed were Uzbeks and Chechens, along with some Arabs. However, local residents said bombs were dropped on a morning prayer gathering and the casualty figures were much higher.
... many of them puppies, kittens, and baby ducks...
One journalist said villagers gathered to survey the damage of a first strike, when Pakistani air forces struck a second time. The army denied there were significant civilian casualties.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 9:35:47 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Bombing the swarm? Tsk, tsk...
Posted by: mojo || 09/10/2004 19:47 Comments || Top||

Israel Explodes Bomb Hidden in Tomb, Muslims Angry
Israeli soldiers blew up a bomb hidden by militants in a Muslim cemetery in Bethlehem on Thursday, prompting an outcry by Palestinians who said the graveyard had been desecrated. Israel said the militants were to blame for the damage when troops detonated the bomb concealed in an empty grave. The location is especially sensitive as it is near Rachel's Tomb, a flashpoint West Bank shrine that is one of Judaism's holiest sites. "We didn't desecrate a cemetery. We neutralized a bomb," said army spokesman Jacob Dallal.

But the explosion also destroyed the nearby grave of a 60-year-old Palestinian and rankled the nerves of local people who said the soldiers had violated the sanctity of Bethlehem's only Muslim cemetery. The head of Bethlehem's Islamic Waqf, which oversees the cemetery, said even the presence of a bomb would not justify the army's actions and it should have coordinated with Muslim religious authorities. "This is the first time we see the remains of the dead strewn into the open air. It is a violation of Islamic law, a very serious violation," said Waqf chief Nasr Nawfal. "Even the entry of an Israeli soldier to the cemetery is forbidden."
Which is mighty convenient, since that's where the bomb was...
Witnesses said soldiers had found the bomb hidden inside an empty tomb above ground. The army said it was too dangerous to remove the bomb to detonate elsewhere. But the explosion destroyed the grave of Mohammed Khalil, who died in 2001 of natural causes. A relative said his family had moved his remains to a new grave far away. "It was very painful to see that shameful and appalling scene," said Mustafa Ma'ali, 70. The cemetery abuts Rachel's Tomb, which Jews regard as the final resting place of the biblical matriarch. The site is also sacred to Muslims who say the real Rachel's Tomb is elsewhere and the compound in question contains a revered old mosque, Bilal Bin Rabah, from which they have been barred since Israel captured the West Bank in the 1967 Middle East war. Bethlehem is also holy to Christians, who revere it as the birthplace of Jesus.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) || 09/10/2004 9:23:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If the Temple Mount is destroyed, let's not rebuild it in seven days - agreed??
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 9:35 Comments || Top||

#2  Israeli soldiers blew up a bomb hidden by militants in a Muslim cemetery in Bethlehem on Thursday, prompting an outcry by Palestinians who said the graveyard had been desecrated.

When did the desecration begin again? When the bomb was carried into the tomb maybe? One more example of hypocrisy of the "sacredness" of things from the Muslim world.
Posted by: jules 187 || 09/10/2004 10:14 Comments || Top||

#3  "This is the first time we see the remains of the dead strewn into the open air. It is a violation of Islamic law, a very serious violation,"said Waqf chief Nasr Nawfal

Shut your hypocritical hole Mr.Nawfal.

Far too often, the Israelis have been forced to "see the remains of the dead strewn into the air". The big difference however, lies in the fact that the Israelis weren't dead when the bombs went off ...
Posted by: Dripping Sarcasm || 09/10/2004 10:55 Comments || Top||

#4  only response possible: "STFU"
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 11:14 Comments || Top||

#5  The Paleos are using the only weapon that works sometimes, and that is propaganda. Even that is wearing thin. Want to keep your skull orchard hallowed ground? Quit bringing explosives in and hiding them in graves.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 09/10/2004 12:13 Comments || Top||

#6  "The site is also sacred to Muslims who say the real Rachel’s Tomb is elsewhere and the compound in question contains a revered old mosque,..."

Seems like every Church, Buddist or Hindu Temple, Wiccan Tree, or local McDonald's are located on anicient Mooonbat Mosque's. These clowns are so delusional it's not EVEN funny.

Dripping Sarcasm and jules: Spot on!

Posted by: 98zulu || 09/10/2004 14:01 Comments || Top||

#7  ok is anyone with me too just let israel go ahead and kill all these dumbasses?
Posted by: smokeysinse || 09/10/2004 18:46 Comments || Top||

Chechens offer $20,000,000 for Putin
Threats of terrorism continue in Russia, with Chechen rebels offering $20 million US for President Vladimir Putin's head and police finding a stockpile of explosives in a St. Petersburg cinema. The rebels called Putin a "war criminal" on their websites and said anybody willing to help the "Chechen Republic" can receive the award. It is signed, "the anti-terrorist center of the Chechen Republic," part of rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov's unrecognized government.

The rebels' website also accuses Putin of launching war on Chechnya and blames him for the school attack in the town of Beslan last week, where about 1,200 were taken hostage and at least 326 people died. For its part, Russia criticized some western countries for refusing to extradite Chechen separatists who have not been proven to be involved in terrorist activities. "We consider the political asylum granted to them is totally inconsistent with the spirit of our partnership with the United States and Britain," said Sergei Lavrov, a Russian government spokesman.

The Russian government offered $10 million US on Wednesday for anyone with information on the whereabouts of Maskhadov -- who is in exile -- and another leader, Shamil Basayev. Maskhadov has denied involvement in the hostage-taking and Basayev has yet to comment, but experts say the attack showed all the signs of his leadership. Meanwhile in St. Petersburg, Russia's second-largest city, authorities may have averted another disaster. They found 200 grams of TNT, a shotgun with cartridges, and 900 grams of plastic explosives in a theatre currently under renovation.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 12:19:54 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Isn't 20 million about the price of a nuke? Aren't these guys tempting RasPutin just a little much? Fast way of balancing the books, if you ask me. Nasty bit of brute force math, mind you.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/10/2004 0:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Find the Saudi princes that bankroll millions like this little project and take them out. Put the fear into them or we will always be on the defensive.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 09/10/2004 0:51 Comments || Top||

#3  Alaska Paul, we could just take their oil away and solve the problem without the satisfaction complications of killing them.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/10/2004 1:19 Comments || Top||

#4  I think Vlad is itching for a Dirty Harry moment.
Posted by: BigEd || 09/10/2004 7:42 Comments || Top||

#5  I wonder how much Bush would be worth
Posted by: Murat || 09/10/2004 8:23 Comments || Top||

#6  I remember when your comments had a point, Murat. Must be getting old...
Posted by: Bulldog || 09/10/2004 8:26 Comments || Top||

#7  the kurds are shuld put up bounty to.
Posted by: muck4doo || 09/10/2004 8:27 Comments || Top||

#8  Say the magic word and watch Murat disappear. So...
What was the price on Armenians, Murat? Or did your ancestors do them just for fun?
Bye, Murat.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 9:38 Comments || Top||

#9  #5 I wonder how much Bush would be worth

If you have to ask, you can't afford it.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/10/2004 11:07 Comments || Top||

#10  trailing wife,

But I would like to get the reward for it, i'd bust that tweep death or alive.
Posted by: Murat || 09/10/2004 11:17 Comments || Top||

#11  Hey Murat! I am sure the U.S. Secret Service will be interested in that last posting.....

What is your home address again?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 09/10/2004 11:28 Comments || Top||

#12  You couldn't bust a wet dream, you Turkish pussy.
Posted by: tu3031 || 09/10/2004 11:30 Comments || Top||

#13  TU - don't disparage pussies by equating them with the turk coward.
Posted by: Frank G || 09/10/2004 11:33 Comments || Top||

#14  I don't usually get into the muck...but,

was that "turd" coward...FG?
Posted by: RN || 09/10/2004 11:38 Comments || Top||

#15  Zenster---I don't think that we are ready for that operation, yet. But plans must already be made. Saudi oil is just too important for Europe, Japan, US and others to just let go.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 09/10/2004 11:59 Comments || Top||

#16  Hey! How do you report someone to the secret service? MuratII, you won't be able to get near him.

Before you blow outta here, MuratII, can you promise to tell me what happened to MuratI. Was it the bank bombing that occurred prior to Bush's visit in Turkey?

I'm just wondering, that's all.
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 13:06 Comments || Top||

#17  B: thank you for making that clarification. There is almost no way that this Murat is the original. Oh, and f**ck you MuratII.
Posted by: Secret Master || 09/10/2004 13:20 Comments || Top||

#18  B: Try starting here.
Posted by: Anonymous6385 || 09/10/2004 14:01 Comments || Top||

#19  any way to tell if he's posting from the USA?
Posted by: B || 09/10/2004 14:04 Comments || Top||

#20  I consider our partnership with russia as being inconsistent when they sold saddam weapons and such right before the last gulf war.
Posted by: smokeysinse || 09/10/2004 18:49 Comments || Top||

#21  #20 I consider our partnership with russia as being inconsistent when they sold saddam weapons and such right before the last gulf war.

Please don't leave out Iran, smokey.
Posted by: Zenster || 09/10/2004 21:39 Comments || Top||

Tawhid sez they lost 4 hard boyz in Fallujah
An Internet statement purportedly from an Iraqi militant group headed by al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said four of his fighters were killed in two days of U.S. strikes on the Sunni Muslim town of Falluja. The statement, dated Wednesday and posted on an Islamist Web site on Thursday, said the "mujahideen" had destroyed two U.S. military vehicles in Tuesday night's attack on the rebel-held town. "Four of the mujahideen were martyred in the ... random U.S. bombardment of Falluja on Tuesday," said the statement, which could not be authenticated. "This strike will not go without a strong response."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 12:07:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If they admit to 4, does that mean we killed a lot more?
Posted by: V is for Victory || 09/10/2004 8:07 Comments || Top||

#2  In a major behind-the-scenes report of Fallujah, it was noted that they have become so paranoid about the power of US databases and DNA analysis that they are not taking their wounded to hospital, and are hiding them and their dead. It must suck to be them.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/10/2004 10:52 Comments || Top||

#3  A'moose, a hidden, wounded jihadi is much more likely to quickly become a dead body. Difficult to hide, as they go smelly when the power cuts out to the industrial freezer out back. And in these trouble d times the neighbors will complain about the smell -- not like the old days when they knew when to keep their mouths shut!
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/10/2004 11:19 Comments || Top||

#4  As sick as this sounds...I am glad it sux to be them. I hope their collective last waking thought before they close their eyes at night is total mental, spiritual, and physical pain and regret. And I hope their first waking thought is about the next JDAM. I hope their anguish and despair is so deep that it makes them wonder if allan exists...or if allan is actually Satan in disguise.
Posted by: anymouse || 09/10/2004 12:43 Comments || Top||

#5  If they claim to have destroyed two vehicles it means one of the soldiers lost his mountain bike and they found it and sold it for petty cash.

If they say that we killed 4 ragheads that means that they lost at least a platoon of 'regulars' and twice that number of irregulars.

Soon they will be paving the streets with skulls and claiming that every one was a child shot in the head by Marine Snipers using smart bullets that look strangely like AK rounds . . .
Posted by: Jame Retief || 09/10/2004 14:58 Comments || Top||

US on offensive in Iraq, Ayman sez he's winning
U.S.-led forces launched offensives in three Iraqi rebel strongholds on Thursday on a day Osama bin Laden's deputy ridiculed the U.S. military, saying their defeat in Iraq was just a matter of time. U.S.-led forces killed nearly two dozen insurgents in a town near the Syrian border and bombed targets in Falluja, west of Baghdad, for the third straight day. Troops mounted a major offensive in Tal Afar, a suspected haven for foreign fighters about 60 miles east of the Syrian border in northern Iraq, and went into the tense town of Samarra north of Baghdad, while keeping up pressure on Falluja. The fighting in Tal Afar killed 22 insurgents and wounded more than 70 people, a local government health official said.

Ayman al-Zawahri, the number two figure in al Qaeda, poured scorn on efforts by the United States to quell the insurgency which Iraq's U.S.-backed government says is fueled partly by foreigners linked to al Qaeda. Zawahri appeared in a new videotape aired on the Arabic Al Jazeera television station, taunting Washington by saying fighters had turned U.S. plans for the oil-rich country upside down. "The defeat of America in Iraq and Afghanistan has become just a matter of time. In both countries, if they continue they will bleed to death and if they withdraw they lose everything," Zawahri said, appearing on the tape wearing a white turban with a machine gun at his side. Al Jazeera did not say how it obtained the tape, which was aired two days before the third anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States blamed on bin Laden and al Qaeda.

Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said in footage aired by Al Arabiya television on Thursday Iraq had captured four important al Qaeda figures who had entered the country from abroad. He gave no more details.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Dan Darling || 09/10/2004 12:06:09 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  If this is losing, I'd hate to see how many bad guys we'd kill if we were winning.
Posted by: AllahHateMe || 09/10/2004 8:51 Comments || Top||

#2  I still say that the reason Bush is still doing well in the polls when it comes to Iraq and WoT is that we have strung a honey pot up there and kept them out of the USA. Most rational people realize that 1,000 military combat deaths are a small price to pay to keep the country safe and to eliminate the terrorists in another land. Much like the Germans, French and Brits used Belgium to settle their grudge in WW1.
Posted by: Jack is Back || 09/10/2004 9:51 Comments || Top||

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Fri 2004-09-10
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Thu 2004-09-09
  Australian embassy boomed in Jakarta
Wed 2004-09-08
  Russia Offers $10 Million for Chechen Rebels
Tue 2004-09-07
  Putin rejects talks with child killers
Mon 2004-09-06
  GSPC appoints new supremo
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  Izzat Ibrahim jugged? (Apparently not...)
Sat 2004-09-04
  Russia seals off North Ossetia
Fri 2004-09-03
  Hostage school stormed by Russian forces
Thu 2004-09-02
  16 dead so far in North Ossetia stand-off
Wed 2004-09-01
  200 kiddies hostage in Beslan
Tue 2004-08-31
  Booms in Moscow, Jerusalem
Mon 2004-08-30
  Chechen boom babes were roommates
Sun 2004-08-29
  Boom Kills 9 Children, 1 Adult in Afghan School
Sat 2004-08-28
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