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100 allied aircraft bomb the crap out of Iraqi air defenses...
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Doc earns a vacation...
MIAMI — Israel Haimowitz made a deal with his doctor 15 years ago — get me to 100 and I'll buy you a European vacation. On Thursday, Haimowitz is celebrating his 100th birthday. And Dr. Robert Drimmer and his wife are looking forward to a trip to London next summer. "I hate to take his money,'' Drimmer said, but Haimowitz ''would be mad if I didn't go." Haimowitz, a retired furniture salesman, said it's the least he can do. He credits his longevity and health to drinking two ounces of cognac daily, along with eating five Danish butter cookies.
Way to go, Izzy! I hope he does better than Uncle Bob did, and has as much fun as Cecil. (I attribute my own longevity to waking up every morning. It's worked so far, except for a few days when I've felt dead...)
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 10:55 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Two out of three pieces doesn't make a whole jihad...
Chris Durnell, at the Third Rail, notes:
I'm sure everyone by now knows of the assassination attempt on Karzai. I'm just glad he's OK. Just a little while before head dirtbag Hekmatyar recorded a message for the Afghanis. Something tells me Hekmatyar's message for uprising was to coincide with the assassination of Karzai to make America look weak and feeble. It fits Al Qaeda's profile of killing resistance leaders before major strikes. While I do not think a successful assassination would mobilize Afghanis against the US, it would have given Hek the iniative in this next stage of the war.
The declaration, the boom in the market, and a dead Karzai all in the same day would have been a devastating strike, making The Secret Army of Doom look formidable. Missing on El Presidente — and having the helpful Merkins ice the attempted snuffy on the spot — made them look like blowhards who blow up civilians and screw things up in general. This is not only the sort of tactics, but also the sort of competence, they would bring to any government they'd happen to impose — 'nother words, about what you'd expect from a bunch of Pashtuns.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 12:54 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  According to this, Karzai’s family owns restaurants in Baltimore, Cambridge, and San Francisco. In other reports I’ve seen he has five brothers and a sister right here in good old Vespucciland and they own the restaurants.

According to this, Fred, his family has a place near you!

The rest of the second article is interesting, especially considering the date (9/26/2001). Less that two months later, Hamid arrived back home accompanied by 40-50 Special Forces troops.

Hmmm. Bush may not have been able to name the president of Pakistan during the campaign, but it looks like he ended up naming the president of Afghanistan, no?

Posted by: Mike Cakora || 09/06/2002 18:50 Comments || Top||

#2  Fred:
It looks like Hek is #1 on your skunk-list.
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 09/06/2002 19:10 Comments || Top||

#3  For further discussion of what's happenin see
http://www.davidwarrenonline.com/ for the sept 6 article

Posted by: dorf || 09/07/2002 13:55 Comments || Top||

#4  I agree with your point,except "a bunch of Pashtuns".I think Karzai is a Pashtun--his
hometown is Kandahar.

Posted by: Garland || 09/06/2002 15:46 Comments || Top||

#5  I know. I've been trying to figure that. He's so... atypical.
Posted by: Fred || 09/06/2002 16:44 Comments || Top||

Axis of Evil
100 allied aircraft bomb the crap out of Iraqi air defenses...
The war of words over Iraq heated up with Saddam Hussein's press trumpeting boldly that the country is an "impregnable fortress" while his regime ignored claims that US and British warplanes have carried out a major strike on an Iraqi air defense facility.
Don't want to dwell on it, huh?
The press here was devoid of any reference to claims by London's Daily Telegraph that about 100 US and British aircraft raided an Iraqi air defense installation in the biggest operation over the country in four years. Instead, newspapers limited themselves to carrying an official announcement that warplanes had bombed civilian installations southwest of the capital, without causing any casualties.
Gosh. That's too bad...
The Telegraph said the attack appeared to be a prelude to possible special forces operations, with the aim apparently to remove air defenses to allow helicopters to fly easily into Iraq via Jordan or Saudi Arabia to hunt down Scud missiles before a possible war.
If they go ahead and do this, it's not a good time to be an Iraqi air defense guy. Last Gulf War, rumor had it Sammy executed his AD commanders for their poor showing...
Twelve warplanes dropped precision-guided bombs in the raid, but scores of other support aircraft also took part, the paper said, adding that it was the first time a target in western Iraq had been attacked during air patrols of the southern "no-fly" zone. Britain confirmed the raid but refused to reveal its scope. Despite news that Iraq's defenses had again been breached, the mouthpiece of the country's ruling party warned that "the little Bush must get it into his head that Iraq is united and stands as an impregnable fortress.
Like, ummm... Nineveh was.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 09:28 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think you mean Babylon. Nineveh was Assyrian.
Posted by: Ray || 09/06/2002 12:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Nineveh... Sammy is reconstructing it now.

The fourteenth year [612-611]: The king of Babylonia mustered his army and marched... The king of the Medes marched towards the king of Babylonia. The king of Babylonia [and] Cyaxares marched along the bank of the Tigris and they encamped against Nineveh.

From the month Sîmannu [June] until the month Abu [August] - for three months - they subjected the city to a heavy siege. On the [lacuna] day of the month Abu they inflicted a major defeat upon a great people. At that time Sin-šar-iškun, king of Assyria, died. They carried off the vast booty of the city and the temple and turned the city into a ruin heap.

On the twentieth day of the month Ulûlu [August 15, 612] Cyaxares and his army went home. After he had gone, the king of Babylonia dispatched his army and they marched to Nasibin. They brought the people of Rusapu [modern Kirkuk] to the king of Babylonia at Nineveh. Aššur-uballit ascended to the throne in Harran to rule Assyria.

The fifteenth year [611-610]: In the month Du'uzu [June/July] the king of Babylonia mustered his army and marched to Assyria victoriously. He captured Shu[lacuna], plundered it and carried of its vast booty.

In the month Arahsamnu [November/December] the king of Babylonia took the lead of his army personally and marched against Ruggulitu. He did battle against the city and on the twenty-eighth day of the month Arahsamnu [December 8, 611] he captured it. He did not leave a single man alive.
Posted by: Fred || 09/06/2002 13:26 Comments || Top||

#3  jeez your archives go back a long way
Posted by: Anonymous || 09/06/2002 15:42 Comments || Top||

New Building at Iraqi Nuclear Sites
A team of weapons inspectors, studying satellite photography, have identified several nuclear-related sites in Iraq where new construction or other unexplained changes have occurred since the last international inspections nearly four years ago, a United Nations official said today.
Pay no attention to the contents of those photos. Tariq said there's nothing to worry about, and we know he'd never lie to us... This would seem to be a bit of pressure from the U.N. to let the inspectors back in so the Merkins don't go causing a scene and liberating people...
Experts in New York and Vienna have continued to scrutinize aerial photographs and pore over intelligence reports, even after United Nations inspectors pulled out of Iraq in December 1998 in advance of bombing by the United States and Britain. Officials representing the team of nuclear inspectors in Vienna and a separate team on chemical and biological weapons based in New York said United Nations inspectors are equipped, trained and ready to go to Iraq and could begin their work within weeks if Baghdad gave permission. But they said it would take about a year to complete work to determine whether Iraq was developing prohibited weapons, and then only if Iraq cooperated fully.
Which they wouldn't, since they didn't the last time...
A team of about 15 experts at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna noted the new structures and other alterations in photographs shot by a commercial satellite, said Jacques Baute, the French physicist who is the team leader of the nuclear inspectors. The shots were compared to pictures and information from the sites gathered by inspectors the last time they were in Iraq. He declined to identify exact locations. "We are very curious to see what is under the roof," Mr. Baute said, referring to the new buildings. "There are some activities that could be part of prohibited activities, but we have nothing now that allows us to draw a conclusion.
Wait a couple or three months and ask somebody from the 101st Airborne. They'll probably be happy to tell you.

Thanks to Steve for the headzup!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 01:51 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They are probably more "baby milk" factories.
Posted by: PJ || 09/06/2002 14:21 Comments || Top||

Extremists are 'taken off streets' for minor crimes
About 20 “hardcore” Islamic extremists who are living in Britain and suspected of supporting al-Qaeda have been arrested on minor charges unrelated to terrorism in recent months to take them “off the streets”. The men, which include British nationals, were among several dozen suspects subjected to round-the-clock surveillance by MI5 and Special Branch. They were picked up for offences from credit-card fraud to driving without insurance that were uncovered in the course of that operation. “Even if it means some of them are off the streets only for a few months it will help,” security sources said. The security services first developed the technique in the 1970s and 1980s for use against suspected IRA terrorists.
Guess if you're gonna be a terrorist you'd better be well behaved...
Those now under surveillance, said to be fewer than 50 in all, have been identified as being “actively engaged in extremist causes without breaking the law”. The individuals subjected to these measures are in addition to 11 others, perceived to be the most dangerous, who have been detained without charge using special powers under the Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act, which came into force in December. It covers only foreigners. Those still detained are believed to include Algerians and Egyptians.Nine of the 11 are still in custody — eight at the top security Belmarsh prison in South London and one in Broadmoor psychiatric hospital.
Only one in the loop-loop factory? Seems like there'd be room for more. Probably our definition of "loopy" is still too tight. We wouldn't want to make it as loose as the Sovs used to define it, but I'd think the strong desire to kill people because they don't wear turbans would be about right...
The other two took up the offer available to all to leave the country.
"Get the hell out and don't come back..."
It was also disclosed yesterday that the number of Britons now being held by the Americans at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has risen to 13. They include several from the West Midlands. The official total had been put at seven, but the numbers have been “creeping up” in recent months as more Britons were identified.
What'd they do? Convert?
Evidence from documents seized in Afghanistan, and from interrogation of foreign al-Qaeda fighters detained at Guantanamo Bay, have helped MI5 to uncover the terrorist tentacles that lead back to Britain. Sources said that up to 700 people living in the United Kingdom, many of them British nationals, are known to have undergone some form of training at terrorist camps in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen over the past four or five years. The majority would not have been trained as fully fledged terrorists, but they would have mixed with foreign nationals, some of them directly involved with al-Qaeda and others linked to similar Islamic extremist causes.
"Not trained as full fledged terrorists" means they got rudimentary small arms and explosives training, and got to attend Islamist pep rallies a couple times a day...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 10:48 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front
Ashcroft plan to track aliens hits snag
Three months after Attorney General John Ashcroft said he would enforce an obscure law that requires non-citizens to notify the government when they move, immigration offices have been overwhelmed by 700,000 change-of-address cards. The cards now are in storage here, unread by government workers.
Ashcroft's plan was part of an ongoing effort to improve the monitoring of foreigners in this country, and to help U.S. agents track potential terrorist threats. It has run aground because the troubled Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was unprepared for the avalanche of paperwork created by the plan.
Is that another way of saying "ineptitude"?
Since late July, INS spokesman Russ Bergeron said, his agency has received up to 30,000 change-of-address notices a day. That's up from the 2,800 notices the agency received each month before Ashcroft said he would begin enforcing the 1952 law, which requires non-citizens to notify the government within 10 days of moving or face possible deportation.

Sorry. Got carried away...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 09:40 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And still no one at the INS has been fired. These are the putzheads the Democrats want running Homeland Security. "To professionalize, you must federalize."
.. Tom Daschle
Posted by: Denny Wilson || 09/06/2002 17:46 Comments || Top||

Senate approves plan to arm commercial pilots
The Senate voted overwhelmingly Thursday to allow pilots to carry guns, despite strong objections from airlines and questions raised by the Bush administration.
What? Good sense? In the Senutt? Who'da thunkit?
The House endorsed a similar measure in July, so it appears likely that at least some pilots who volunteer for special training could be allowed to carry weapons as an added security measure.
I heard about that part of it. Y'see, pilots won't be allowed to pack a roscoe unless they can show they've had the special training, but there isn't any money set aside for the special training, so they won't be able to pack rods. Then, five years from now, when all this 9-11 stuff is safely in the past, when we were all much younger, the Million Moms March bunch can point out that nothing ever came of it, except for the copilot who shot himself in the leg, back in 2004, and guns are ucky anyway, so they should be outlawed...
The 87-6 Senate vote attached the proposal to a bill creating a Homeland Security Department. That bill is the subject of political wrangling in the Senate, and a final vote has not been scheduled.
Guess that's why God put two sides on each mouth. Some politicians have three or more, in fact...
The Transportation Security Administration had opposed arming pilots, but in recent weeks it signaled a willingness to compromise. Thursday, the administration outlined conditions under which it could agree to a program.
The more reason for Sec. Mineta to find a nice job in the food service industry. If they called me and put me in charge, which they won't, I'd propose having coppers fly free. Any passenger who could show he/she/it had passed a gun safety course would be allowed to pack no more than two rods of .32 caliber or less. Then I'd put the smoking sections back on the planes so nobody'd use them on anybody but Bad Guys...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 09:48 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Archie Bunker said that they oughta issue everyone a rod when they boarded a plane. That way the hijackers would be outgunned. Works fer me.
Posted by: Denny Wilson || 09/06/2002 17:43 Comments || Top||

Pashtuns Protest Al-Qaida Hunt
Thousands of yokels tribesmen, chanting slogans against Pakistan's President and the United States, protested Thursday in support of villagers refusing to surrender suspected al-Qaida fighters to the authorities. The protest in the city of Bannu came a day after Pakistani army troops stopped putting up with nonsense shelled the remote village of Jani Khel and arrested several card sharks gold brick salesmen clerics for sheltering the eight al-Qaida suspects.
"You can't arrest us! We're holy men! We can do anything we want!"
The area is about 120 miles southwest of Peshawar in the rugged tribal district of the North West Frontier Province, where the authority of Pakistan's federal government has never been widely accepted because the population is so deeply inbred. The eight men were stopped at a military checkpoint on Sunday, but were freed in an ambush by armed tribesmen when they were being transferred to a prison. After negotiations for their surrender broke down Wednesday, troops shelled the house of prominent cleric Maulana Shams ul-Haq and arrested his two brothers. On Thursday, Pakistani officials resumed efforts to persuade the denizens of the Pakistani Ozarks tribesmen to hand over the suspects.
"Don't make us shell you again...!"
In Bannu about 15 miles from the village, the hillbillies tribesmen burned an effigy of President Bush and denounced Pakistan's pro-U.S. president Gen. Pervez Musharraf, residents said. ``I warn Musharraf to immediately release our religious leaders and stop operations against us,'' cleric Maulana Naseeb Shah told the crowd. ``We are not hiding al-Qaida men,'' he said.
"I'm warning you, Perv! Don't make me come down there and turn you into a pillar of salt!"
The villagers say the eight men were members of the ousted Taliban regime in Afghanistan, not foreign fighters for the al-Qaida terrorist network. ``We will not tolerate any kind of attack on our houses and we know how to defend ourselves,'' Shah said.
Personally, I'm in favor of an independent Pashtunistan, as long as there's a 120-foot high wall around it with no doors. These are people whom it would be much better to keep separated from their more civilized betters — which in their case includes people who wear bones through their noses or eat raw blubber...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 11:48 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Separate Pashtunistan? Yes, and break up the rest of that alleged country called Afghanistan. Respect for territorial integrality is a joke, in their case.
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 09/06/2002 19:15 Comments || Top||

Accidental suicide booming in Sanaa...
A Yemeni man was killed and three other people, including a Somali, were wounded when a bomb went off in a southern neighborhood of Sanaa. "Ahmad Saleh, a Yemeni national, was killed when a bomb went off, and three other people, two Yemenis and a Somali, were injured," a police official told AFP at the site of the blast. The explosion occurred at around 1:00 p.m. in the al-Safia neighborhood. One of the injured Yemenis was "in critical condition," the police official said. A relative of Saleh told AFP he did "not rule out" the possibility that the man was killed while "handling" the bomb.
"Godammit, I told him to put that damned cigar out when he was setting the detonators!"
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 09:29 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [5 views] Top|| File under:

Soddy tentacle extends to Azerbaijan...
The Muslim World League (MWL) signed here yesterday a memorandum of understanding with Baku University to enhance cooperation in field of Islamic studies and Islamic civilization. The MoU was signed by MWL secretary-general Dr. Abdullah Al-Turki and Rector of Baku University Abel Mahramov Donta.
"The Party of the First Part, hereinafter referred to as The Wahhabis, agrees to provide to the Party of the Second Part, hereinafter referred to as The Suckers..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 10:56 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Middle East
IDF helis toast Gaza weapons factory, cop shop...
Israeli assault helicopters fired missiles at a Palestinian police station and a factory in the southern Gaza Strip overnight, while two Palestinians were killed in a firefight with Israeli soldiers in the West Bank town of Jenin.
Another day in the Middle East meat grinder...
In the overnight attack, three Apache helicopters fired five missiles at a metal foundry in Khan Yunis. A police station near the factory was damaged in the attack, in which one person was wounded. An Israeli military spokesman confirmed the raid, which he said was aimed at a "factory making weapons."
Maybe they should try producing toasters... Oh. There's not a market for toasters in Paleostine; there is a market for weapons. Gotcha.
Several hours later in the northern tip of the West Bank, two Palestinians were shot dead in clashes that erupted when Israeli forces raided the town of Jenin, Palestinian security sources said. Kamel Silawi, 25, was a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, witnesses said. Samir Kandil, 30, was a member of the Palestinian security services. However, the Ezzedin al-Qassam Brigades, claimed Silawi as one of theirs and vowed to avenge his death, which the group called an "assassination".
Sounds like one of those guys who's a "joiner." He was probably a member of the local PFLP bunch, too. And the DFLP. And the Rotary Club of Ain el-Hilweh...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 09:28 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Lebanon army eases siege of Palestinian camp...
The army eased its siege of a Palestinian refugee camp in eastern Lebanon and negotiated with camp leaders to hand over those who shot dead a soldier in a clash two days ago. The troops, backed by armored vehicles, eased the noose around the al-Jalil refugee camp near the ancient city of Baalbek, allowing residents to enter and leave the small shantytown through checkpoints. Shops and businesses in the camp, home to some 4,000 refugees, also re-opened Friday.
Hey! They can't do that! They're not Israelis...
The army besieged it following a clash on Wednesday with a radical Palestinian faction that left one soldier and three Palestinian civilians dead and 14 others wounded.
Sounds like the Paleos thought they were, doesn't it?
Lebanese authorities have demanded that those who shot at troops during the clash be handed over, something so far rejected by camp leaders, though talks are continuing between the two sides, Palestinians said.
"Hand him over just for shootin' up a few soldiers? Why would we do that?"
Both sides are coordinating with the Syrians, who have colonized control eastern Lebanon.
"Pretty please? Can we? Huh?"
Early Wednesday, fighting erupted when troops stormed into the office of the Fatah Revolutionary Council (FRC) in the camp to arrest a wanted man, in the army's first entry into a Palestinian camp in 32 years.
Starting to get tired of the baloney, are we? Now that Abu Nidal is dead, anyway. Is the rock still on his grave?
They seized a large quantity of assault rifles, ammunition and documents from the FRC office, which was empty at the time.
The elk in the area are just getting out of control. They need thinned...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 01:56 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Sharon pronounces Oslo accords dead, complains of stench...
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon drew more Palestinian anger when he said in a newpaper interview that the 1993 Oslo accords which set up Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority were dead. "Oslo doesn't exist any more," Sharon told Maariv daily, adding that other key arrangement made in subsequent negotiations had also become dead letters.
Statement of the Obvious Alert!
Arafat's top aide, Nabil Abu Rudeina, told AFP: "Sharon's words will only strengthen the state of paralysis and political stagnation which dominate the region and drag the region into more tensions."
"All those explosions, the indiscriminate killings? They're all in accordance with the Oslo agreements. Us Paleostinians have kept our side of the bargain..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/06/2002 09:29 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How do you "strengthen the state of paralysis and ... stagnation" ? Words cannot coherently express what this might actually mean, I'd guess.
Posted by: Tom Roberts || 09/06/2002 13:18 Comments || Top||

#2  I dunno, Tom. I have pretty strong feelings of apathy about that...
Posted by: Fred || 09/06/2002 13:32 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Fri 2002-09-06
  100 allied aircraft bomb the crap out of Iraqi air defenses...
Thu 2002-09-05
  16-year-old Canuck held as Qaeda killer
Wed 2002-09-04
  Mullah Omar, Hekmatyar make kissy face... Rasool Sayyaf invited to join...
Tue 2002-09-03
  Abu Nidal safe under ground
Mon 2002-09-02
  Four accused of plotting against U.S. targets in Europe
Sun 2002-09-01
  Sudan frees two Islamist leaders...
Sat 2002-08-31
  ''Vote fundo, 'cuz we're not secular...''
Fri 2002-08-30
  Paks nab 12 Harkat gunnies in Peshawar...
Thu 2002-08-29
  Secret Army claims responsibility for attacks...
Wed 2002-08-28
  'Big Aslanbek' is a deader...
Tue 2002-08-27
  Israel arrests PFLP chiefs
Mon 2002-08-26
  Syria, Soddies warn against war with Iraq...
Sun 2002-08-25
  Georgia sends troops into Pankisi Gorge...
Sat 2002-08-24
  Uday sez Jund al-Islam is an Iranian creation...
Fri 2002-08-23
  Paleogunnies iced trying to swarm Gaza town

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