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16-year-old Canuck held as Qaeda killer
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Bugging the Arabs...
Mark Byron sez "It's not a bug, it's a feature" to the Arab League's whine that "Iraq strike 'would open hell's gates'".
How many functional democracies are there in the Arab world? No, Turk's aren't Arabs. Most of the governments in the Arab world are either military strongmen or hereditary monarchs or a combination of both. Few represent the best wishes of their peoples. If Saddam can be kicked out of power, who's next to go?
If Saddam is kicked out of power, the stage is set for them all to go. That's why they've been uniformly opposed to the War on Terror since 9-12. Even Kuwait is scared.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 06:23 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

The Portadown News
Emily's back to work in Blogburg:
To Mr. G.G., you (long string of censored colorful metaphors), give the lads a kiss for me at the next UFF meeting. I hope you all choke on your nachos.
"Censored colorful metaphors" in original text. Piss off, Mr. G.G.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 07:28 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Nuking Carter...
Don Sensing demolishes one of Ex-President Carter's claptrap statements.
. . . even the smallest nuclear test (necessary before weapons construction) . . . would be suicidal.

Well, no. I would expect that Mr. Carter, having been a nuclear-submarine officer and holding a degree in physics from the US Naval Academy, would be more conversant with the facts, but alas, he is not.

Here is a quiz for the ex-prez:

How many atomic bombs did the US drop on Japan in 1945?
Were the bombs dropped of the same design or of a different design?
How many atomic bombs did the US test before dropping the bombs on Japan?

The answers, of course, are two, different and one, respectively.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 09:12 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Canadian, 16, held as al-Qaeda killer...
A 16-year-old Canadian youth, reportedly tied to al-Qaida, is being held in Afghanistan for the murder of a U.S. Special Forces medic, intelligence sources tell WorldNetDaily.
All of 16, is the kid?
Reports also said the Toronto-born youth, Omar Al Khadr, was badly injured in action that resulted in the death of the U.S. soldier, and that he is being held at U.S. military headquarters in Bagram, north of the capital city of Kabul. Sources said the Canadian government is pressuring Washington for the return of its citizen, while the U.S. government is investigating the death of the Special Forces medic as a potential capital crime.
Yep. The U.S. regards murder as a capital crime. And we're not at war with Afghanistan...
The youth is just now being interrogated regarding the July 28 killing. Injuries sustained in the altercation with the medic had prevented it earlier, sources said. Khadr is the son of Ahmed Saeed Khadr, a Canadian citizen whom the U.S. has accused of having direct ties to Osama bin Laden. The Khadr incident could be an embarrassment for Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, who once interevened on behalf of the father. The father was arrested in 1995 in connection with a bomb at the Egytpian embassy in Islamabad. Chretien pressed Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto to give him due process in Canada.
Now he can go to bat for the kid, too.
Another link via Drudge, who's on a roll today...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 11:46 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

Karzai Survives Assassination Attempt in Kandahar
President Hamid Karzai survived an assassination attempt Thursday by an Afghan security guard who fired on his convoy. The Afghan president’s American bodyguards opened fire in response to the shooting in Kandahar, and three people were killed, including one who was wearing an Afghan military uniform. Their bullet-riddled bodies could be seen outside the grounds of the mansion in a pool of blood.
That's generally where they're located when they've been ventilated...
In Washington, a Pentagon official said an American bodyguard in Karzai’s security detail was wounded but that he didn’t know how serious the wound was.
Hopefully not too bad...
“Terrorists are behind both attacks, there is no doubt about it. And terrorists in this region are led by Osama and his associates,” said Afghan Foreign Minister Abdullah.
There's also free-lance Taliban running around, and The Secret Army of Doom, led by Hekmatyar. That's the one that seems to be campaigning now. Not that there's much difference among them...
The attack in Kandahar occurred as the convoy carrying Karzai and Kandahar Gov. Gul Agha Sherzai was leaving the governor’s mansion. Sherzai, who was grazed in the neck, was released after being treated at the U.S. air base.
Shirzai wouldn't have been that great a loss. But had they succeeded in waxing Karzai, that would have been a different story. Bet he's sure glad he doesn't have any Pashtun bodyguards.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 11:46 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I would guess that this means the Afghans will stop releasing captured al-Qaeda?
Posted by: Anonymous || 09/05/2002 21:57 Comments || Top||

Kabul blast leaves at least 20 dead
At least 20 people were feared dead or critically injured when a major explosion went off Thursday, September 5, close to a government Ministry in the center of Kabul in what witnesses said was a car bomb. A spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force said that the explosion went off in the vicinity of the Ministry of Information and Culture in downtown Kabul just before 3:00pm. "We have no details on casualties. We are sending patrols to the scene," Major Steve Odell said. One casualty of the blast, who was heavily bandaged, told AFP that a station wagon exploded near the Ministry and the Spinzar Hotel. Another witness, Najibullah Aryan, said that he had seen at least 20 people lying on the ground close to the Ministry. "I was coming out of the Culture Ministry when the first blast went off," said Aryan. "There were two explosions. The first was not so big but the second was very large. I saw more than 20 people lying on the ground," he added.
Sounds like The Secret Army of Doom is starting to hit its stride...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 12:07 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  During WWII, the allies decided that any armistice with the Nazis would produce chaos. Hence, the "unconditional surrender" commitment. Prior to the Northern Alliance victories, the U.S. State Department openly promoted Taleban inclusion in a broad-based Afghanistan government. The alleged "war against terror" ended with an armistice, which freed beligerents such as the Taleban Minister of Justice. Someone would have to be brain dead to believe that this pathological indulgence of terrorists, would not leave Afghanistan open to terrorism. One reeps what one sows.
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 09/05/2002 22:50 Comments || Top||

Hekmatyar Calls For Jihad
In a tape recording addressed to the Afghan people, former Afghan prime minister and Islamic Party leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar called on the Pashtun tribes in southeastern Afghanistan to revolt against U.S. troops in the country, and denied any links with Taliban or Al-Qaeda, stressing that: “Our only aim is for foreign troops to quit Afghanistan and for the Afghan people to decide their own future.” Hekmatyar’s call comes just a few days after IslamOnline published a statement it received via e-mail from an Afghan group calling itself "The Secret Army of Doom" ‘The Muslim Mujahedin’s Secret Army’, in which it claimed responsibility for recent attacks against U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and vowed to continue its attacks in retaliation for the U.S. brutal murder of innocent Afghan civilians.
No surprise there. Hekmatyar's made his move. Now's the time to start hunting him down in earnest — and not to have a talk with him.
In the tape recording, made available to the media Tuesday evening, Hekmatyar said: “We announce our full solidarity with the people of the southeastern provinces; we condemn U.S. atrocities against our people; and we call on all Afghans to stand up against Americans like they did with the Russians,” stressing that Afghanistan’s problems could only be solved by popular resistance to the American presence.
"And not by doing dumb stuff like working and raising families..."
The exiled Islamic Party leader explained that Americans are fighting Pashtuns in the provinces of Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Nangarhar, Konar, Kandahar, Helmond, Rozgan “because they realize Pashtuns hold on to their faith, defend religious sanctities and national interests and reject foreign oppression. It is no coincidence,” he continued, “that 85% of U.S. military operations have been in Pashtun areas, where U.S. troops shelled villages, pounded mosques, searched homes for weapons and ammunition, erected checkpoints in public roads, and detained Pashtun leaders and chiefs in its Bagram base or in Guantanamo.”
Hmmm... He's right. It is no coincidence. That's where they keep the most ignorant and xenophobic parts of the population.
Urging Pashtuns to carry on with Jihad, Hekmatyar said: “You set an example with your Jihad against the Russians; do the same with the Americans,” reminding them that the attacks on U.S. troops in Khost and the massive anti-U.S. demonstrations are evidence the people of Paktia are bent on starting Jihad in Afghanistan.
Actually, it's evidence that those are the areas where Hekmatyar's, the Talibs' and al-Qaeda's partisans are to be found.
“If the U.S administration insists there is no Taliban or Al-Qaeda presence in Afghanistan, why then is it adamant on accusing the Islamic Party of links with Taliban?” he asked, himself giving the answer: “The U.S. simply seeks to justify its ways with the Islamic Party in a bid to eliminate it just as it did Taliban. If the Americans were able to topple the Taliban regime, they will never be able to occupy Afghanistan forever.”
Didn't intend to. Probably about the time Hekmatyar's dead and buried and has a big rock on his grave to keep him there, we can leave...
“You can see for your eyes how resistance to the U.S. presence is spreading out. The Russians failed to fight Mujahedin with 120,000 Russian soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Afghan militias. How can a mere 15,000 Americans, with the help of a small shunned group of collaborators, stand against popular resistance?” he told the Afghans.
By killing Hekmatyar? Actually, let us not forget, the Russians did a very credible job of grinding the Pashtun face into the dirt, until the Merkins started handing out Stingers.
Analysts told IslamOnline that Hekmatyar has imitated late Imam Khomeini in his use of a tape recording to mobilize the Afghan people who are largely illiterate, stressing that the means is quite effective and easily widespread in Afghanistan where there are no papers. Finding a connection between Hekmatyar’s address and the statement of ‘The Muslim Mujahedin’s Secret Army’, an expert in Afghan affairs said: “It is very likely Hekmatyar’s Islamic Party is linked to the Secret army.”
No! You don't say? How could that be? We are so-o-o-o-o surprised!

Actually, Hekmatyar presents a simpler problem than the Talibs and al-Qaeda. Even though the Taliban were a Pashtun phenomenon, they claimed to represent all the Muslims in the country, which with the exception of maybe eleven people, was all of them. Al-Qaeda was international — they didn't look at your ethnicity, only at your religion and whether you were willing to kiss Binny's... uh... ring. Hekmatyar represents only the Pashtuns; Uzbeks, Tadjiks, Hazaras, Turkmen, what-have-you need not apply. Nor is he rousing The Masses in the name of some greater principle. Despite the butter he's smearing on the Pashtuns, his agenda isn't so much the advancement of Islam as the advancement of one G. Hekmatyar.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 12:39 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  When was Hek ever not making jihad monkey business?
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 09/05/2002 22:36 Comments || Top||

Axis of Evil
U.S. buildup estimated at 100,000 troops
The United States continues its military buildup in and around the Persian Gulf with analysts estimating up to 100,000 troops within striking distance of Iraq. U.S. military sources and analysts said Washington has sent tens of thousands of soldiers and military personnel to Gulf Arab states, Central and South Asia and the Levant. They said the force includes at least 1,000 military planners who have prepared for a rapid airlift of forces in case Washington decides on a war against Iraq. The U.S. Defense Department has been bolstering its transport ship fleet as well as preparing its air cargo fleet to defend against Islamic insurgents and Iraqi forces, Middle East Newsline reported.
World Net Daily's not the best of all possible sources. Take it for what it's worth...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 11:46 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

US navy sends heavy armour to Gulf
The U.S. Navy has booked a large ship to carry tanks and heavy armor to the Persian Gulf this month as the Pentagon presses home a case for ousting Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, shipping sources said on Wednesday. The U.S. military sealift command chartered a U.S. flagged general cargo ship to sail from the southeast U.S. coast to an unspecified Middle Eastern port in the Persian Gulf for discharge in late September, they said. This is the third shipment of arms and military hardware in a month using commercial shipping, which military analysts say shows the U.S. Navy has probably exhausted the capacity of its own fleet and resorted to the open market.
Wonder if Sammy's getting worried yet...?
The formal tender document, seen by Reuters, shows the ship will carry 67 separate pieces of "track general cargo, containerized cargo and rolling stock" measuring 56,000 square feet (5,202 sq metres), slightly larger than a soccer pitch. Military experts say the dimensions and weight of the pieces specified in the document match almost exactly those of the standard U.S. Abrams battle tank.
Heh heh, and heh!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 12:04 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Come on, guys, let's face it:
Irregardless of whatever rumor, gossip, or whatever you post here, there will be no US attack on Iraq. The deck is hopelessly stacked against us.

And even if the US will attack, the victory that'll be achieved will most likely be a hollow one--what with the combined powerful voices of our "progressive" elites, our Congress,our European (and Arab) "allies," the UN, and the Third World.

And did I leave out Iraq's ol' buddies, Russia and China? What with all the billions of dollars these countries stand to do with Iraq (and with Iran as well), while also sticking it to the American Hegemony?

I don't think Bush is conducting a "bluff"; but the deck is hopelessly stacked--and Bush is no fighter, as we've seen in the first several, months of his Administration. Every time the Democrats and American Left pushes, he appeases and accomodates; to paraphrase the Parable of the Talents in the Good Book, a man who's ghood at doing little things can be entrusted with bigger things; I suppose the opposite applies just as well.

There will be no atttack on Iraq; if one does happen, it will at most end in a hollow "victory" much like the LAST Gulf War.

And, in just the same vein, we might as well accept what common sense has been telling us all along: there will be NO revolution in Iran (in anycase, I'm STILL waiting for the "inevitable" revolution in Red China--remember that? It was supposed to happen---what? Any day now, they keep saying? What with the Internet and all that? If "outdated" Chinese Reds can succeed, then why not the Iranian mullahs?)

The lawsuit against the Fraudis will fail, while the Fraudi lawsuit against America will succeed.

With or without Karzai, the so-called "Government" in Kabul will fall. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda will be resurrected, bigger and badder than ever, complete with even more help from the duplicitous Pakis and Fraudis.

America will finally betray Israel, and we will see a Second Holocaust as the Palestinians and their Arab "allies" procede to crucify that nation. (And, of course, once that's done, the Arab world can go on and crucify the Palestinians...)

I hate to sound so pessimistic, but it's been a year since 9/11; what have we got to show for it? All the achievements (e.g. Afghanistan)are starting to look hollow.

Has anyone heard about this stupid Asian Peace Alliance, planning on starting their Goebellian campaign on the anniversary of the Massacre? What about that stupid new movie at the Venice Film Festival? And the response it garnered? What about that conference in Johannesburg? For the whole year, appeasement- and terrorist-apologetic Goebellianism have issued forth nonstop from the world's "consciousness industry." From our own intellectual, media, and cultural elites, never mind those of the Euros and the rest of the planet; from the official spokesmen and politicians of the EU and UN, from everywhere.

It's not just "ideology" and propaganda. It's not just about Anti-Americanism and Anti-Israelism. There are too many things at stake for too many important people. What with all the oil wealth of the Fraudis and the rest of the Middle East, and all that Russian investment in Iraq and Iran....

Too many people are set out to ensure that this War will end in failure.

Goebbels was right about one thing; and I see it starting to work. It's succeeding. Succeeding to the point that even if the US finally attempts to liberate Iraq it will, in some measure, fail.
If Hussein is deposed, someone just as bad, if not worse, will take his place.

Please, PLEASE, someone, ANYONE--you, Fred, anyone--PLEASE prove me wrong. I want to know that my speculation is wrong.

You people on the blogosphere have done your best; it just ain't good enough. The appeasers, the Anti-Americans, the Islamofascists, the Tranzies, they all posess the high grounds, the strategic areas now... They should've been dislodged by now, this far after the Massacre of 9/11. And now, on the eve of the Massacre's anniversary...

The people in the blogosphere talk amongst themselves as if they're the whole world. But the political/intellectual/cultural world outside the blogosphere remains the same. Nothing's changed.

Did I forget to mention antything? What about our State Department?... Oh, forget it. I give up...

Posted by: AW || 09/05/2002 21:57 Comments || Top||

#2  AW:
There are some circumstantial factors that suggest that an attack on Iraq is inevitable, even though President Bush is lukewarm on the plans. Don't forget that the National Security Act administration places the U.S. President in a functional role, in certain situations. How will the war be conducted? I would predict lightening demolitions of Saddam's entire command structure, followed by landings of a small siege army around Baghdad. Once it became impossible for Saddam to lead, all but a few of his allies would abandon him. I would predict a bloody coup, followed by a surrender.

Things would go a lot better for Americans if some scrutiny was applied to President Bush's strong defense of Shariah governments, in Karzai's Afghanistan and elsewhere. If it is true that he offered a Sharia governed Iraq to the Saudis, in his recent meeting with Prince Bandar, then he should be impeached. On that note, your frustrations are understandable.
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 09/05/2002 23:15 Comments || Top||

Church leaders speak against 'wicked' war
Britain's two most senior churchmen have launched separate impassioned initiatives aimed at preventing war against Iraq. In an article in The Times today the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, writes that a war would have grave consequences, possibly setting the Arab world against the West.
What the hell are they now? What have I missed?
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, has also raised his concerns in a private letter to the Prime Minister.
"Cuz we're against war and stuff, huh huh."
Their interventions are the latest in a number by bishops opposed to action against Iraq — and their comments are increasingly irritating the Government and its advisers. One official said that remarks from some senior clerics suggested they regarded Saddam Hussein as liberal-minded.
If I were to become religious, I'd probably become a Zoroastrian. They believe in good and evil, light and dark. Christians — especially those of the Archbishops' stripe — don't believe in that anymore. Protestantism arose when Luther got cheezed at the Church for selling indulgences; these suckers give them away for free, without even being asked. Maybe that's why there's not much difference between them and druids anymore...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 11:46 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under:

#1  By 1978 the time had come for Maha Ghosananda to help his people. The `walking skeletons', as they were called at the time, who had survived the killing fields were streaming across the border into refugee camps in Thailand. Maha Ghosananda went to set up Buddhist temples in the camps. And as he walked among the refugees he would offer each one, with a bow of his head, a piece of paper with the teaching of the Buddha:
Hatred is not overcome by hatred; hatred is overcome by love. This is a law eternal.
Posted by: sassafrass || 09/06/2002 19:26 Comments || Top||

#2  Don't get the idea that all us Christians believe this twaddle. I certainly don't. The guys here are basically the secular world's house clergy, extremely pliable and around to give moral cover to whatever the secular folks wanted to do. I've always felt that clergymen like these would find nice things to say about National Socialism if they thought the world wanted them to.
Posted by: Chris || 09/05/2002 14:29 Comments || Top||

#3  Bear in mind, these people aren't really Christians. They're basically atheists who just like the whole church concept for some reason I can't fathom. They basically have taken the whole religious aspect out of it, turning it into more of a secular humanist sort of thing.

With a large dash of marxism, since it's in Europe. So you end up with people not thinking that people are evil, only governments/capitalists are (specifically the US)
Posted by: Anonymous || 09/05/2002 15:55 Comments || Top||

#4  Hey, neither us athiests or secular humanists want these morons. Stupidity like theirs knows no religious affiliation.
Posted by: Anonymous || 09/05/2002 16:51 Comments || Top||

#5  Well, us potential Zoroastrians don't want them! Maybe the Hindoos have room...
Posted by: Fred || 09/05/2002 17:10 Comments || Top||

#6  OK, they're professional bureaucrats with no accountability in systems where advancement is based on raising money. Anybody offended now?
Posted by: Mark Morris || 09/05/2002 18:51 Comments || Top||

#7  As Napoleon remarked (when told thet the Pope opposed his plans for conquest):

"The Pope? How many divisions does *he* have?"
Posted by: mojo || 09/06/2002 8:49 Comments || Top||

Fifth Column
No patriotism for Berkeley 9-11 commemoration...
The "Star Spangled Banner" is too patriotic, divisive and political, so organizers of UC Berkeley's day-long tribute to the victims and heroes of 9-11 are excluding it. "God Bless America" is doubly excluded. Not only is it patriotic, but it also mentions God, something else that is taboo next Wednesday.
Then they're not paying tribute to the victims and heroes, are they? They might as well spend the day in the bathroom, exploring their sexuality...
The Sept. 11 Day of Remembrance, sponsored by the Chancellor's office, the student body government and the Graduate Assembly, will also feature student leaders distributing white ribbons, instead of the red, white and blue ones they had originally planned.
'Cuz white's the color of surrender...
"We thought that may be just too political, too patriotic," said Hazel Wong, chief organizer for the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC). "We didn't want anything too centered on nationalism-anything that is 'Go U.S.A.'"
"I mean, those people don't need any encouragement, do they?"
Wong said the event organizers are "trying to steer away" from anything political, and that, she said, includes singing the National Anthem and displaying the red, white, and blue. She said they don't want politics disrupting mourning and grieving.
"No, no. Can't have any of that, not when there's all that good mawk around to wallow in."
Jessica Quindel, president of the Graduate Assembly, a key player in the planning, said the day's events are about more than just grieving. She said the day is, in fact, about politics. And it's not just about Sept. 11, but also the aftermath, including President Bush's response to the terrorist attacks. "We are trying to stay away from supporting Bush," Quindel said. "We don't want to isolate people on this campus who disagree with the reaction to Sept. 11."
"We'd rather isolate the ones who agree, in fact."
Quindel, a self avowed hater of the American Flag, the federal government, and the "Star Spangled Banner," said she is still patriotic. "It depends on your definition of patriotism. Everyone has a different definition," she said.
In my younger days, I used to I knew a fellow who liked to chase loose women and drink large quantities of whiskey. I He was a virtuous, tee-totaling young fellow. It all depends on your definition of virtuous and tee-totaling, doesn't it?
Quindel will be one of two people selecting speakers for short speeches by students during a noontime event on Memorial Glade. Students must pre-register indicating the topic of the comments they wish to make-classifying them into categories of mourning, religious and political. That system doesn't wash with Robb McFadden, director of the California College Republicans. "If Quindel and her Marxist comrades are selecting the speakers, I think there are serious violations of fundamental fairness," he said. "How can we expect freedom of speech to be filtered through such a radical political ideologue?"
Well, you can say anything you want, as long as you say what they say you can...
Scheduled speakers at the Memorial Glade assembly include Chancellor Robert Berdahl, ASUC President Jesse Gabriel, and Quindel. They will likely speak, according to Wong, about peace.
"Peace is the opposite of war"? How about "Give peace a chance"? Oooh! Oooh! How about "Visualize whirled peas"?

Y'know, what really scares me is that someday, somebody's going to give these specimens jobs. Ah, well. Guess it'll give Bill O'Reilly something to talk about...(The article's via Drudge, by the way...)
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 11:49 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is BERKELEY we're talking about. Are we supposed to be scandalized or shocked that they're up to their usual goo-goo, starry-eyed, useful-idiot shenanigans out there? For my own part, what would really have left me open-jawed and astounded would have been if they'd set up a _patriotic_ observance for the day.
Posted by: Joe || 09/05/2002 13:15 Comments || Top||

Middle East
Israelis find 1,350-pound car bomb
Police Thursday intercepted a vehicle carrying an bomb estimated to weight more than 1,300 pounds, Israeli Chief Superintendent Gil Kleiman said.
Gad. Big 'un!
The bomb may be one of the largest recovered inside Israel and could have caused "untold damage" had it exploded in a crowded area. Suicide bombers usually carry 20 to 40 pounds of explosives, Kleiman said. Police have been on a heightened alert on the eve of the Jewish New Year, which begins Friday night. At 2 a.m. border police at a roadblock near Kfar Glikson, northeast of Hadera, chased down two cars that were trying to get away. The cars were abandoned by the time the police reached them; the bomb was found in one of them.
Y'know, they oughta just take that auto and park it in front of Sheikh Yassin's house, put a remote on it, and blow it when they're back in Tel Aviv. They should be out of range there.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 11:46 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Paleos open fire on IDF soldiers from school...
Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip reportedly opened fire at two Israeli soldiers from a crowded school. The soldiers were near a settlement close to a fence the Israelis are building to divide their settlement from the rest of the Gaza Strip, a settlement spokesman said. One officer, a deputy company commander, sustained a serious head injury and his driver was slightly wounded, the Magen David Adom ambulance service reported.
"Hey, Mahmoud! School's in session! Let's go over and pot a few Zionists!"
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 11:46 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli army nabs eight suspected militants in West Bank
The Israeli army arrested eight suspected Palestinian militants in and around the northern West Bank city of Nablus. In Balata refugee camp, troops captured four brothers from the radical Islamist group Hamas and two other brothers from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction.
"They wuz just workin' the family business, and they got arrested for no reason!"
"What business was that?"

Clashes erupted in the camp during the arrests but there were no immediate reports of any injuries.
"No! No! You shan't have our gunnies!"
An Israeli helicopter also opened fire for no apparent reason on Jacob's Well, a Greek Orthodox convent on the edge of the Balata camp. Father Justinos Mamalas told AFP that bullets had damaged the walls of his convent, which had already been targeted by an Israeli gunship at the beginning of the intifada, or uprising, two years ago.
Damn them!
Two more suspected Hamas militants were arrested in the nearby village of Jammayin, witnesses said.
Hmmm... Fairly close to the convent, huh? Like, with a path leading through the back yard?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 08:19 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
Governor of Aceh attacked, police chief killed
Acehnese separatist rebels attacked a convoy of cars carrying Aceh Governor Abdullah Puteh on Thursday in an ambush in Simpang Lebue, Blang Mane, Makmur subdistrict, Bireun, killing the North Aceh District Police chief Adj. Sen. Comr. Sunardi. Local military spokesman Major Zainal Mutaqien told the media in Lhokseumawe that the incident occurred as the convoy was passing Simpang Lebue after the people in the convoy had attended a function to launch a peace promotion program, "Gemma Assalam", in the district.
Hey, what better time to assassinate someone that at a peace promotion program?
Sunardi was hit by a bullet in the back of his head, which passed straight through.
Ow. That was a very short, very intense, headache.
A Free Aceh Movement (GAM) armed gang, believed to be 30 strong, ambushed the convoy as it passed Simpang Leubue, Mutaqien said. The rebels hit the fourth car in the convoy, which carried Sunardi. Governor Abdullah Puteh was in the first car while the second carried the Liliwangsa military chief, Col AY Nasution.
"Armed gang"? What do they have to do to be "militants", like Laskar Jihad?
On Wednesday, unidentified gunmen executed two female students, identified as Ava Novita, 17, and Nurul Aida, 16, who were on a bus heading for their high school, located about seven kilometres from their homes.
Shoulda been wearing their burkas, I guess...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/05/2002 12:01 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2002-09-05
  16-year-old Canuck held as Qaeda killer
Wed 2002-09-04
  Mullah Omar, Hekmatyar make kissy face... Rasool Sayyaf invited to join...
Tue 2002-09-03
  Abu Nidal safe under ground
Mon 2002-09-02
  Four accused of plotting against U.S. targets in Europe
Sun 2002-09-01
  Sudan frees two Islamist leaders...
Sat 2002-08-31
  ''Vote fundo, 'cuz we're not secular...''
Fri 2002-08-30
  Paks nab 12 Harkat gunnies in Peshawar...
Thu 2002-08-29
  Secret Army claims responsibility for attacks...
Wed 2002-08-28
  'Big Aslanbek' is a deader...
Tue 2002-08-27
  Israel arrests PFLP chiefs
Mon 2002-08-26
  Syria, Soddies warn against war with Iraq...
Sun 2002-08-25
  Georgia sends troops into Pankisi Gorge...
Sat 2002-08-24
  Uday sez Jund al-Islam is an Iranian creation...
Fri 2002-08-23
  Paleogunnies iced trying to swarm Gaza town
Thu 2002-08-22
  Abu Sayyaf beheads two Jehovah's Witnesses...

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