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Sudan declares emergency in Blue Nile state
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Mitzi Gaynor aka Mitzi Gaynor in "South Pacific" aka Kate Brasher in "For Love or Money" aka Alice in "Happy Anniversary" aka Joy Henderson in "Les Girls" aka Martha Stewart in "The Joker Is Wild" aka Patsy Blair in "Anything Goes" aka Jean Harris (aka Countess Louise) in "The Birds and the Bees" aka Katy Donahue in "There's No Business Like Show Business" (age 80)

Bottoms Up!
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/04/2011 1:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Not just the continuing series of "Women Who Bathe," but a part of the more unique series: "Women Who Use the Telephone While Bathing."
Posted by: JohnQC || 09/04/2011 16:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Mitzi was the Hawt!
Posted by: Frank G || 09/04/2011 17:01 Comments || Top||

#4  Back when Men were MEN and women were Ladies. I miss those days.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 09/04/2011 17:14 Comments || Top||

#5  To this day many people find this music magical.
The color film in 1949 of South Pacific was trying to compete with TV which was black and white. My other favorite was Bali Hai. As I recall Bali Hai does exist. Mary Martin and Pinza were another good pair:

Posted by: Dale || 09/04/2011 19:23 Comments || Top||

#6  "Back when Men were MEN and women were Ladies. I miss those days".

Those were indeed. TV was free to view. In the cities you could have about nine stations to watch free. National anthem would start the day.
Hot Shops, Mighty Moes White Towers, Little Taverns and Diners were the fast food chains in my area. Air conditioning wasn't that common either.

Posted by: Dale || 09/04/2011 19:43 Comments || Top||

#7  Dale,

Where I lived, the National Anthem, and the Air Force Choir singing the Lord's Prayer, were played at signoff, midnight or 1:00 am. At 6:00, the test pattern with the Indian head disappeared and the re-run of The Big Picture or an Israeli infomercial began rolling. Then at 7:00 we finally got Mighty Mouse.

And men were Gentlemen when there were Ladies present.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 09/04/2011 20:08 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
13 die in battle for Mogadishu
Well, they actually didn't die for Mog...
[Iran Press TV] At least 13 people, including government forces, have been killed and many others injured in festivities in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Press TV reports.

On Saturday, Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) troops and al-Shabaab
... Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahidin aka the Mujahideen Youth Movement. It was originally the youth movement of the Islamic Courts, now pretty much all of what's left of it. They are aligned with al-Qaeda but operate more like the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban. The organization's current leader is Ibrahim Haji Jama Mee'aad, also known as Ibrahim al-Afghani. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, a Kenyan al-Qaeda member, is considered the group's military leader...
fighters fought a battle in the Wadajir district of Mogadishu, which is controlled by government forces, a Press TV correspondent reported.

According to witnesses, gunnies attacked Somali troops patrolling the area and the ensuing exchange of gunfire lasted about two hours.

Witnesses say they saw 13 bodies in the streets, and the corpse count is expected to rise.

Local residents also said that the government forces prevented efforts to gather the dead bodies and to bring the injured people to a hospital.

Government troops say al-Shaboobs have been chased out of southern Mogadishu, which is reportedly now under government control.

a poor excuse is better than no excuse at all...
locals told Press TV that al-Shaboobs are still in the area and are staging hit-and-run attacks against government troops.

Drought and famine have affected more than 11.8 million people across Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia.

Somalia has been the hardest-hit country in what is being described as the worst drought in the Horn of Africa in 60 years.

According to the United Nations
...a lucrative dumping ground for the relatives of dictators and party hacks...
, a quarter of Somalia's 9.9 million people are now either internally displaced or living outside the country as refugees.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Sudan declares emergency in Blue Nile state
[Al Jazeera] Sudan's government has announced a state of emergency in Blue Nile and said it was appointing a military ruler for the state, the official news agency SUNA.

The desicion on Friday followed festivities between Sudan's army and forces aligned to South Sudan in the area.

Al-Sowarmy Khalid Saad, a Sudanese army front man, said SPLM forces attacked Sudan's army in and around al-Damazin, the state capital, late on Thursday.

The army responded and was now in control, he said.

Khartoum also said it had dismissed the state governor, who is a member of the SPLM's northern branch, and the SPLM condemned the decision to fire the governor.

Malik Agar, Blue Nile's governor, told the Rooters news agency before the decision to relieve him of his post was announced, that "The Sudanese army started the attack on our positions".

He accused Khartoum of planning the attack because it moved soldiers and 12 tanks to al-Damazin shortly before the festivities.

Agar also said the Sudanese government launched air raids on an area around the Blue Nile town of Kormok, and that a woman and a child were killed.

Another SPLM official said four had been killed in aerial attacks, including two women.

Mass flight

Friday's violence prompted what witnesses said was an exodus of people from the capital of Sudan's Blue Nile state, which is home to many supporters of the south's dominant Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Khartoum has previously threatened to disarm southern-aligned fighters in the state.

Witnesses contacted by telephone said thousands of residents decamped al-Damazin, the state capital, where festivities erupted.

An SPLM official said there was a "massive" movement of people but there was no immediate official comment on any exodus.

UN Secretary-General the ephemeral Ban Ki-moon
... of whom it can be said to his credit that he is not Kofi Annan...
voiced alarm at violence.

A UN statement said that Ban was "deeply concerned about the deterioration of the security situation in Southern Kordofan and the eruption of fighting in Blue Nile State,

"The Secretary-General urges the parties to immediately cease all hostilities and allow access to the humanitarian agencies to all affected areas," the statement added.

UN peacekeepers who used to patrol the north-south border are pulling out because Khartoum withdrew its consent.

The mandate for the 10,000-strong blue-helmeted UNMIS force, which is separate from a joint UN-African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
force in Darfur, lapsed on July 9 and has not been renewed.

Barnaba Benjamin, South Sudan's minister of information, told Al Jizz, "It is an unfortunate situation ... There is a peaceful roadmap already agreed".

Benjamin said the south was "not giving support, material or otherwise, to South Kordofan or Blue Nile" and that "all we have is to establish peaceful relations with the Republic of Sudan".

Cross-border tensions

Similar festivities and mutual accusations about who was to blame have led to an escalation in violence in South Kordofan, another state in the north that is on the southern border.

Thousands previously decamped violence in another hotspot, Abyei.

Agar earlier told SUNA festivities erupted on Thursday night between the SPLM-aligned forces at the entrance of al-Damazin and the Sudanese army forces and then spread.

South Sudan split from the rest of the country in July after a referendum on secession, part of the 2005 peace deal that ended decades of conflict between north and south.

The separation was relatively smooth but tensions simmer.

Under the 2005 deal, residents of Blue Nile and South Kordofan were offered "popular consultations" to determine ties to Khartoum but these have not been completed.

"[Khartoum's] objective is to knock out the SPLM-North before they become a serious military force," Chris Phillips of the Economist Intelligence Unit said.

He said Khartoum might see the group as a new secessionist threat to Sudan, which also faces a rebellion in Darfur.

Yasir Arman, secretary-general of the SPLM's northern branch, said in a statement that the Sudanese army attacked the residence of Al-Jundi Suleiman, commander of the joint integrated units in Blue Nile, and then other areas.

One observer who has worked in Blue Nile and the south said southern-aligned forces in Blue Nile were indigenous to the region and, unlike southern army units that had to move south after secession, these units could not be moved out.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

#1  My money is on the South Sudanese.
Posted by: phil_b || 09/04/2011 8:29 Comments || Top||

#2  The photos I have seen of South Sudan's independence day show the crowd waving American and Israeli flags.
Posted by: JFM || 09/04/2011 10:31 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Libyan fighters prepare to take Bani Walid
As files expose ties between Gaddafi regime and US, British intelligence agencies.
Fighters loyal to Libya's new leaders advanced on one of Gaddafi's last remaining strongholds on Sunday, as secret files shed light on his regime's links to US and British spy agencies.

A commander of the fighters said talks over the surrender of Gaddafi's forces in Bani Walid had been scrapped and an assault on the oasis town southeast of Tripoli was imminent.

"Negotiations between Gaddafi's men and our forces have ended. These people aren't serious. Twice they promised to surrender only to go back on their word. In reality they have just been taking advantage of the situation to try to save their skins," said Mohamed al-Fassi, checkpoint commander in the village of Shishan, north of Bani Walid.

The new government's interim interior minister Ahmed Darrat said, "We expect Bani Walid to be freed today or tomorrow."

A spokesman for the National Transitional Council (NTC) governing Libya said the frontline was 15-20 km north of Bani Walid and that troops were waiting for orders to advance.

"Last night Gaddafi's forces tried to move out. Our fighters responded and there were some clashes lasting a few minutes," Mahmud Abdelaziz said.

Abdulrazzak Naduri, the deputy chief of the military council in the town of Tarhuna, said Gaddafi's son Saadi was still in Bani Walid, as were other senior figures of the fallen regime, while son Seif al-Islam had fled.

"The revolutionaries have given an ultimatum to the tribal chiefs in Bani Walid. Either they raise the white flag of surrender or the fighting begins." Naduri said in Tarhuna, about 80 km from Bani Walid.

Meanwhile, regime intelligence files seen by AFP on Saturday seem to document co-operation between the CIA, MI6 and the Gaddafi regime, including the shipping of terror suspects for interrogation.

The cache of documents, obtained by Human Rights Watch from a Libyan security archive, includes details about the secret 2004 seizure from Malaysia of an Islamic militant, who amazingly now commands the revolutionary forces in Tripoli.

The letters include an apparent CIA memo informing Libyan officials about the journey of "Abdullah al-Sadiq" and his pregnant wife from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok, where the US would "take control" of the pair and deliver them to the regime.

Sadiq - called a member of the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group - is said to be the pseudonym of Abdel-Hakim Belhaj, now in charge of the militia of Libya's new rulers in Tripoli.

The documents also show how the CIA, under the administration of George W. Bush, brought other terror suspects to Libya and suggested questions for Libyan interrogators to ask them.

Another file shows a statement from Gaddafi announcing his regime was giving up weapons of mass destruction was arranged with the help of British officials.
Posted by: ryuge || 09/04/2011 07:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  While not quite as spectacular as Napoleon's encirclement of Ulm, it still is sort of entertaining.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/04/2011 14:08 Comments || Top||

Libya's New Leaders Order Provincial Fighters to Return Home
[Tripoli Post] The interim interior and security 'minister' Ahmed Darrad said in Tripoli that fighters from elsewhere in the country, and who had helped to liberate the capital should now go home.

"Starting Saturday there will be a large number of security personnel and coppers who will go back to work," he told AFP. "Now the revolutionaries of Tripoli are able to protect their own city."

"The responsibility for securing Tripoli should be in the hands of the sons of Tripoli," Abdullah Naqir, head of the newly formed military council of Tripoli, said on Friday, adding that they were grateful for the work of brigades from Misrata, Zintan and elsewhere, but said that as soon as they finish organising their own ranks they should go and rest.

Abdurraham al-Keib, who represents Tripoli at the NTC and is a member of the capital's crisis team, told news hounds :"Anybody who is willing to help keep the peace in town and in Libya is welcome,"

But the NTC is not accepting of "a body that builds itself on its own ... It has to go through a process that filters issues and makes sure that, whatever that body is, is part of the planning for a peaceful Libya."

Keib, who is part of Tripoli's crisis management team, admitted that only "a small percentage" of formal police forces have come back to work, in part because they fear for their own safety.

"We are trying to tell them that they will be the source of safety. They will come back," he said.

The demand by the NTC aims at defusing possible tensions between Tripoli's freshly emerged revolutionaries and the scores of hardened fighters who poured in from other towns to topple the Muammar Al Qadaffy
...a reminder that a single man with an idea can screw up an entire nation...
regime that Thursday would have marked the 42nd anniversary of the 1969 coup that brought him to power. He is now a runaway though he shows no sign of surrendering.

The NTC's head of military affairs, Omar al-Hariri, said Libya's national army is being rebuilt as the main guarantor of safety and security in the country, although all rebel groups are welcome to come under its umbrella.

"We've started the creation of a new national army to protect democracy, institutions and innocent civilians and not just to protect certain select individuals," he told news hounds.

Hariri said Libya's national army contains experienced generals and professional units that are capable of playing a critical role in the building of a new and secure Libya.

Abdul Razaq Mukhtar, who heads the capital's crisis team, vowed that the NTC will not rest "until the liberation flag is flying over all Libya."

"We want to prove to the world ... we are very much capable of building our country."

Some of the rebels say that Al Qadaffy and his son Seif al-Islam may be in Bani Walid, southeast of the capital and still held by loyalist troops.

The Islamic fascisti who waged war on Al Qadaffy over six months ago, have been pushing towards the dictator's hometown of Sirte, despite having extended a deadline for the city's surrender.

Officials from the National Transition Council say they are in no rush to assault loyalist-held Sirte and are keen to take control of the city without bloodshed, as such, the head of the NTC, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, on Friday extended the deadline for the loyalists' surrender beyond Saturday for last another week.

In the meantime, the NTC is hoping to negotiate rather than fight the Al Qadaffy loyalists in his hometown of Sirte, with Khaled Zintani, a front man for rebels in the remote mountain town of Zintan, saying: "Military action will be the last option, because after the fall of the capital, we are not in a hurry."

He went on to say that tribal elders in Sirte had asked that a delegation from Zintan be sent to Sirte to help with negotiations. Besides, other reports indicate that an elder from Sabha wants to negotiate on behalf of both Sabha and Sirte though they are hundreds of kilometres apart.

But rebel fighters are gathering at nearby towns in case an attack is needed, with brigades pushing to the town of Wadi Hawarah, just 48 kilometres away. They are very eager to move without delay, as they are living in harsh conditions in the middle of the desert, and in hot weather, sometimes in temperatures of 50 degrees.

The rebels are concentrating on three strongholds still held by Al Qadaffy loyalists: Sirte, Bani Walid and the southern city of Sabha.

Abdul Majid Mlegta, co-ordinator of the Tripoli military operations room, reportedly told Rooters, "someone we trust" had said Al Qadaffy had decamped to Bani Walid, 150km southeast of the capital.

He said Ali al-Ahwal, Al Qadaffy's co-ordinator for tribes, was also in Bani Walid, a stronghold of the powerful Warfalla tribe, Libya's biggest tribe among a population of six million, but many say their loyalty is divided.

"We are capable of ending the crisis but military action is out of the question right now," Mlegta said. We cannot attack this tribe because many of our brigades in Benghazi and Zintan are from Bani Walid. The sons of Bani Walid hold the key."

...back at the cheese factory, all the pieces finally fell together in Fluffy's mind...
according to former Al Qadaffy front man Moussa Ibrahim, now nicknamed 'Comical Moussa', 'downgraded' to Al Qadaffy front man, the former leader's son, Seif al-Islam, who has become hated in the country as much as his father, has reportedly been travelling around close to Tripoli, meeting tribal leaders and preparing to retake the capital.

Ibrahim told Rooters "only yesterday" he was with him, he with Seif. He added: "I move around a lot and I don't have an Internet connection at the moment...

"Actually, only yesterday, I was with Mr Seif al-Islam. I joined him on a tour circling Tripoli from the south..

"We are still very strong."
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Egypt Military Cracks Down on Gaza Tunnels
[An Nahar] Egypt's military has started to close smuggling tunnels to Gazoo, witnesses said on Saturday, amid Israeli warnings of plans by Gazook Islamic fascisti to attack the Jewish state through Egyptian territory.

Witnesses along the 12-kilometre border with the Islamist Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,-controlled Paleostinian enclave said soldiers had begun using earth-moving equipment to seal tunnel openings with rocks and sand.

The military also warned border residents to close any tunnel entrances in their homes to avoid punishment, witnesses said.

The tunnels, used to smuggle everything from cars and cattle to weapons, are estimated to number in the hundreds. Egypt has constructed an underground steel wall along part of the border to cut off the tunnels, with limited success.

There was no immediate comment from Egypt's military, which is overseeing a sweeping campaign in the Sinai Peninsula to uproot Islamist Islamic fascisti behind attacks on police and a gas pipeline to Israel.

Israel's army has beefed up its deployment along the border with Egypt after intelligence warnings of more attacks like last month's ambushes in which gunnies who slipped in from Egypt's Sinai killed eight Israelis.

Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Do the Turx know about this Egyptian blockade of poor, piddyful Gaza?
Posted by: Pollyandrew || 09/04/2011 21:14 Comments || Top||

NTC forces to lay siege on pro-Gaddafi cities
[Al Jazeera] Cities that have not joined the revolution have been given a week's notice to do so, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the head of Libya's National Transitional Council, has said.

At a presser in Benghazi on Saturday, Jalil said his forces would lay siege to pro-Qadaffy
...who single-handedly turned a moderately prosperous kingdom into a dictator's fantasyland...
cities until a deadline for their surrender expires next week.

Jalil said his forces are supplying the cities of Sirte, Bani Walid, Jufra and Sabha with humanitarian aid despite the siege.

He denied media reports that the interim authorities have ordered fighters to leave the capital Tripoli. "No decision has been made by the council to collect weapons from the revolutionaries or send them outside Tripoli," he said.

Investigations are underway to expose any institutional corruption in Libya, he said. "At this time there has been some information on financial corruption within institutions will investigate this matter and report the names," said Jalil.

Al Jizz's Sue Turton reporting from near Bani Walid said she witnessed a group of representatives from Bani Walid negotiating with the Libyan revolutionary fighters. The team from Bani Walid told the Libyan fighters that they want two more days before surrendering their weapons.

"The Libyan fighters are getting quite cross, they are saying we have been negotiating with you for months to lay down your weapons," Turton said. "They are suspicious and are still not completely convinced that this surrender is going to happen."

An NTC military commander said his fighters have given forces in Bani Walid until 08:00 GMT on Sunday to surrender, adding Qadaffy's son Saadi was still there but another, Seif al-Islam, had decamped.

NTC fighters said their forces had established a frontline about 30km from Bani Walid.

The city, along with Sirte on the Mediterranean coast and Sabha deep in the Sahara desert, are the main pockets not under the control of NTC forces.

At a news conference in Tripoli, Ali Tarhouni, the interim oil minister, said there had been no fighting in Bani Walid on Saturday. Asked if Qadaffy was in the town, as claimed by NTC military commanders, Tarhouni said: "As for Qadaffy himself...we know where he is."

Qadaffy's front man dismissed suggestions that Bani Walid was about to surrender and insisted that tribal leaders there were still loyal to colonel.

"Bani Walid is a major city hosting one of the biggest tribes in Libya who have declared their allegiance to the leader and they refused all approaches for negotiation with the Transitional Council," Moussa Ibrahim told Rooters news agency.

Ibrahim, who called Rooters in Tunisia to make a statement accusing the Gulf Arab state of Qatar of promoting Islamist rule in Libya, declined to say where he was speaking from.

Asked about Qadaffy's whereabouts, Ibrahim said he did not know: "But I know very much that he's in the country -- this is for sure... And he's in a safe place surrounded by many people who are prepared to protect him."

Security for Tripoli

Tarhouni also announced the creation of a supreme security council to protect Tripoli.

"This committee represents all those who are concerned for the security of our new capital," Tarhouni, who chairs the newly formed body as well as the NTC's executive committee, said.

In their first meeting, the 17 members of the committee agreed that the capital's security was the general responsibility of the interior ministry, which resumed work on Saturday, and of the police force in particular.

"The main goal is to protect citizens, as well as public and private establishments, and to eliminate what remains of pro-Qadaffy groups, or what is called the fifth column," Tarhouni said.

The committee, which he said includes the majority of the revolutionary groups in the capital, also decided to include "remaining groups" under its umbrella and expected "no problems" in this regard.

"I do not anticipate any problems in other groups joining this committee," Tarhouni said, adding that revolutionary units will temporarily assist police forces in securing the streets of the capital.

These groups, he said, will leave the city as soon as the city's police, which boasts about 7,000 men, can fully take over.

Tarhouni also announced the creation of a new committee charged with centralising prisoners of war in a "safe and secure" location to ensure that their legal and human rights
...which are usually entirely different from personal liberty...
are respected.

Police were back on the streets of Tripoli and business slowly resumed at the end of a week of fighting and festivities.

UN role

...back at the buffalo wallow, Tex and his new-found Indian friend were preparing a little surprise for the bandidos...
a special envoy for the ephemeral Ban Ki-moon
... of whom it can be said to his credit that he is not Kofi Annan...
, the UN secretary general, has arrived in Tripoli.

Ian Martin landed at a military airport as Ban said the world body was ready to assist in re-establishing security after the nearly seven-month uprising that toppled Qadaffy.

"I am here now to discuss with the National Transitional Council how the United Nations
...an organization whose definition of human rights is interesting, to say the least...
can be most helpful in the future," he told news hounds on arrival.

Martin arrived amid questions about the UN's future role in the country, particularly about whether a peacekeeping mission will be necessary.

"I think the future leaders of Libya face a very big challenge, they have already shown the ways in which they are ready to tackle that challenge and it will be the commitment of the United Nations to assist them in any way they ask."
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Detainees join Bahrain hunger strike
[Al Jazeera] A rights group in Bahrain says more detainees are joining a hunger strike to protest ongoing trials from the crackdown on demonstrations for greater rights by the Gulf nation's Shia majority.

A statement on Saturday by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights said the strike now includes nearly 20 doctors who are jugged and face anti-state charges linked to the protests against Bahrain's ruling Sunni dynasty.

The rights group said at least two other prominent activists, Abdul Jalil al-Singace and Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, have also begun hunger strikes in solidarity. The activists were sentenced to life in prison in June.
Nabeel Rajab, a front man for the group, told Al Jizz the detainees are insisting that a trial, if any, should take place in a civil court not a military tribunal.

The trials are scheduled to resume on Wednesday.
Rajab said because little change has come into effect despite promises of reform from the government, there are now renewed protests in the prisons and in the streets.

Zainab al-Khawaja says her father, Abdulhadi, and al-Singace, opposition Haq movement member, stopped eating on Tuesday in solidarity with detainees held at Bahrain's Dry Dock prison.

She said the detainees, who were placed in long-term storage as part of a March crackdown on pro-democracy protests, went on hunger strike against the government's failure to honour promises to release them.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Suicide Bomber Kills 3 Yemen Troops in Aden
[An Nahar] A suicide car boomer killed three Yemeni soldiers in an attack on an army post at the gates of the southern city of Aden on Saturday, a military official told Agence La Belle France Presse.

The bomber died and seven soldiers were maimed in the attack targeting a checkpoint at al-Aalam in northeastern Aden, southern Yemen's main city where al-Qaeda has a strong presence, the official and a medical source said.

The attack came as the army had said it made progress in the past few days in battles with Qaeda-linked fighters who, since the end of May, have been controlling the city of Zinjibar, east of Aden.

A military official said on Thursday that army units advanced towards Zinjibar from two fronts and linked up with soldiers of the 25th mechanized brigade who had been besieged in a stadium east of the city.

Gunmen claiming to be from the group Partisans of Sharia (Islamic law), a Qaeda-linked organization, captured Zinjibar on May 29 and besieged the base of the 25th mechanized brigade at al-Wahda stadium.

They also managed to take temporary control of other villages in the restive southern province of Abyan, of which Zinjibar is the capital.

Meanwhile three soldiers and 12 Islamist Death Eaters were also killed Saturday in battles in a suburb of Zinjibar, a military source and a medical official told AFP.

"The army lost three soldiers during confrontations with gunnies as our units were advancing towards Zinjibar," the military source said.

A medical official at al-Razi hospital in the nearby town of Jaar said his establishment received the bodies of 12 Islamist fighters and that four others were treated for injuries.

The lawless southern and eastern provinces of Yemen have provided safe havens for al-Qaeda Death Eaters to regroup, especially over the past seven months of mass protests across the country against President President-for-Life Ali Abdullah Saleh
... Saleh initially took power as a strongman of North Yemen in 1977, when disco was in flower...
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Lebanese Sheikh Killed in London Mosque
[An Nahar] Sheikh Maymun Zarzur, a Lebanese imam, was killed after leading prayers at the Mohammedan Welfare House in London, the Islamic center said Saturday.

Zarzour was found dead on Friday after leading the early morning Mohammedan (Fajr) prayers at the Islamic community center, Mohammedan Welfare House said.

Police said they had locked away a man at the scene on suspicion of murder.

According to a Moslem Brüderbund official in Leb, Zarzur is Lebanese and from the southern Iqleem al-Kharoub region. He was in his 40's.

Zarzur had been the imam at the Mohammedan Welfare House in north London since 2009.

"Our imam has passed away," the center said on its website. "It is thought that he was killed inside his office. We would like to send our condolences to all the Mohammedans in north London and the UK.

"The sheikh was very friendly and never had an argument with anyone in the community during his career in this mosque."
Other than with the guy who killed him...
Friday's Fajr prayer is listed on the trust's website as being at 04:38am.

Scotland Yard said they had made one arrest. "Police were called by London Ambulance Service at 10:21am on Friday to reports of a man seriously injured at Mohammedan Welfare House in Seven Sisters Road, north London," a spokeswoman said.

The man was pronounced dead at the scene. While detectives await formal confirmation of his identity, they are contacting his family, who live outside Britannia. A post-mortem examination is being arranged, the spokeswoman said.

"A man was locked away at the scene on suspicion of murder. At this stage we are not seeking to make any further arrests."

Police have opened an incident room and are appealing for witnesses.

Officers are working closely with the Mohammedan Welfare House "to reassure the community during this difficult time.

"Inquiries continue to establish the full circumstances and any motive; although we believe the person we have locked away attended the mosque.

"This is not believed to be a race/faith hate crime."

The Mohammedan Welfare House was founded in 1970 and functions as a community center. It is a registered charity with offices, two training centers, a youth center, a library and prayer rooms for men and women.
This article starring:
Sheikh Maymun Zarzur
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He been messin' around with somebody's ol' lady?
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/04/2011 9:17 Comments || Top||

CID arrests suspected terrorist linked to sectarian group
[Dawn] Sindh Police's Crime Investigation Department (CID) on Saturday nabbed a 'terrorist' affiliated with a sectarian organization in Bloody Karachi, DawnNews reported.

Abid Bangash, a suspected terrorist associated with Hizbullah Parachinar, was nabbed when a CID party raided his hideout on Tariq Road, DawnNews quoted SSP CID Fayyaz Khan as saying.

A Kalashnikov and a hand grenade were recovered from his possession.

Police said the suspect was involved in the recent bank robberies through which he assisted his organization financially.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Jhangvi

#1  It's okay for Pakistanis to rob Hindu Indian banks, but if a Shia Hezbollah Pakistani robs a Sunni Pakistani bank, it's game over!
Posted by: American Delight || 09/04/2011 1:53 Comments || Top||

5 militants killed in FR Kohat area
[Dawn] Five members of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) were reportedly killed on Thursday in a shootout with a tribal lashkar in Jawaki area of Frontier Region, Kohat.

Officials said that the TTP men attacked the Jawaki village from the Darra Adamkhel side, but they were soon engaged by the lashkar guarding the area against terrorists.

The lashkar men claimed that five bad boyz were potted in the encounter. However,
a hangover is the wrath of grapes...
government sources did not confirm the killing of TTP men by the lashkar, which had been guarding the mountain between Darra Adamkhel and FR Kohat without taking the security forces into confidence.

The security forces, meanwhile, have set to sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock, in a pestilential prison with a life-long lock two alleged hard boyz from Hangu bazaar and shifted them to unknown place for interrogation, sources said.

In Ghalanai, forces of Evil kidnapped three persons after an attack on the house of a pro-government elder at Qayumabad area of Safi tehsil on Friday.

According to sources, the forces of Evil attacked the house of Malik Atta Khan on Thursday night, injuring a man and woman. Malik Atta remained unhurt. However,
women are made to be loved, not understood...
the attackers took away three other people from the house, the sources said.

The forces of Evil had also attacked several checkposts at Qayumabad and Karer areas of Safi Tehsil the other day.

...back at the chili cook-off, Chuck and Manuel's rivalry was entering a new and more dangerous phase...
a volunteer of the Safi peace committee was killed when unidentified people attacked him in Qalagi area of Safi tehsil.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: TTP

'Iran kills, injures 30 PJAK forces'
[Iran Press TV] A front man for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says 30 members of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) terrorist group have been killed or injured in northwestern Iran over the past two days.

PJAK's recent casualties have been inflicted since Friday afternoon, when the IRGC launched a series of operations against the terrorist group, Colonel Hamid Ahmadi said on Saturday.

"The operations to clear the country's northwestern area of the members of PJAK terrorist group will continue with strength," IRNA quoted him as saying.

He added that the Sargalleh heights have been cleared of PJAK forces.

Ahmadi went on to say that PJAK members are positioned on the northwestern border areas of "Jasusan" and "Qandil."

The IRGC launched the new anti-PJAK operations after the terrorist group refused to clear its forces out of Iran's northwestern areas and killed two local Iranian civilians.

Members of the PJAK terrorist group -- an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) -- regularly engage in armed festivities with Iranian security forces along the country's western borders with Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

Iran has recently deployed 5,000 military forces in the northwest of the country, along its common border with the Iraqi Kurdistan region, to fight counterrevolutionary groups.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Military Court Sentences Karam to 2 Years Hard Labor
[An Nahar] The military court sentenced on Saturday retired Brigadier General Fayez Karam to three years reduced to two on charges of collaborating with Israel, the National News Agency reported.
That's usually a death sentence, isn't it?
Brig. Gen. Nizar Khalil headed the trial in the presence of Representative of the military prosecution office judge Fadi Akiki.

Karam was convicted to three years in prison reduced to two years of hard labor for collaborating with Israel according to article 278 sanctions.

The prosecutor also sentenced Lebanese runaway Elias Karam, who had allegedly introduced Fayez Karam to Israeli officers in Gay Paree, to 10 years in prison in absentia.

"Military prosecutor Fadi Akiki has found retired general Fayez Karam guilty of contacting enemy (Israeli) intelligence... and providing them with political information," a judicial source told Agence La Belle France Presse.

Karam, who collapsed when the sentence was read, was also stripped of all civil rights, the source said.

The verdict did not find Karam guilty of spying for Israel, however.

Seven witnesses were called for testimony: two doctors from Dahr al-Basheq hospital, Roumieh prison warden back them and four officers from the intelligence bureau who interrogated Karam, the NNA reported.

Akiki demanded the court during trial to implement article 278 from sanctions. While defense attorney Rashad Salamah slammed the preliminary investigations that were taken from his client after using force.

The Police Intelligence Bureau tossed in the calaboose in August 2010 Karam, a senior member of the Free Patriotic Movement
Despite its name a Christian party allied with Hizbullah, neither free nor particularly patriotic...
, on suspicion of spying for Israel.

Karam graduated from the military school in 1972 as lieutenant. He held several leadership positions in the army, including head of the counter-terror and spying bureau.

He remained in his post until the Israeli invasion of Leb in 1982 and his imprisonment in Mazze for five months.

Karam quit the military after Aoun was exiled to La Belle France in 1990. He returned with him to Leb in 2005 when Syria withdrew its troops from the country, ending its 29-year hegemony.

More than 100 people have been tossed in the calaboose on suspicion of spying for the Israeli Mossad since April 2009, including members of the security forces and telecom employees.

Several have since been sentenced to death, including one found guilty of aiding Israel during its devastating 2006 war with Hizbullah.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Russia criticises EU ban on Syria oil
[Al Jazeera] Russia disapproves the ban imposed by the European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
on oil imports from Syria, Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister has said.

"We have always said that unilateral sanctions will do no good," the Interfax news agency quoted Lavrov as saying on Saturday.

"This destroys a partnership approach to any crisis ... Sanctions rarely solve anything in general."

The EU on Friday adopted a ban on oil imports from Syria to take effect on Saturday, depriving President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
One of the last of the old-fashioned hereditary iron-fisted fascist dictators. Before going into the family business Pencilneck was an eye doctor...
's government of a vital source of income. The country gets about 28 per cent of its revenue from the oil trade and sells fuel to La Belle France, Germany, Italia and the Netherlands.
The EU also extended its sanctions to four businessmen and three Syrian companies, meaning that member states will be banned from doing business with the named companies - Real Estate Bank, Mada Transport and Cham Investment Group.

The three companies and the four individuals financed or provided financial or economic support to the Syrian regime, the EU journal said.

Deaths reported

...back at the desert island, Bert was realizing to his horror that he'd had only one bottle for one message, and he'd forgotten to include a return address...
activists said security forces continued their crackdown on dissidents on Saturday.

Security forces entered the town of Maarat Hourmi in Idlib governorate, killing three people and wounding five others by random gunfire, an activist said.

Security forces were reportedly searching for Adnan Bakkour, the attorney-general from Hama who, according to a video message, recently resigned in protest against the crackdown.

An activist told Al Jizz thatsecurity forces opened fire on a funeral in Arbeen, a Damascus
...The City of Jasmin is the oldest continuously-inhabited city in the world. It has not always been inhabited by the same set of fascisti...
Hundreds of people had gathered, mourning four protesters said to have been killed on Friday.

"We are living in a vicious circle," the activist, who was present at the funeral, said. "The regime kills protesters then kills those who mourn them."

The Local Co-ordination Committees, which have activists on the ground, said a political activist was also killed in the central city of Hama "when the army opened fire on civilians who were watching the troops."

Activists also reported raids of arrests in various cities across the country.

Prison visits

Also on Saturday, the head of the International Committee of the Red Thingy started a visit to Syria to discuss gaining access for the first time to its prisons, where thousands of activists and other civilians placed in durance vile in anti-government protests are believed to be held.

Jakob Kellenberger was due to hold talks with senior Syrian officials including Assad.

"The ICRC visits detainees in order to assess the conditions in which they are being held and the treatment they receive," the ICRC said in a statement, adding that Kellenberger would also raise the issue of enhanced access to areas of unrest.

"Ensuring that the sick and the maimed have access to medical care will be among the particularly urgent humanitarian challenges to be addressed with the Syrian authorities," the ICRC said.

For prison visits, the ICRC has insisted on its standard terms, including full access to all detention centres, the right to interview detainees in private and make follow-up visits. The ICRC sought access for years to Syrian prisoners but stepped up its requests when the uprising first erupted in March.
Posted by: Fred || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

EU tightens sanctions on Syrian firms
[Al Jazeera] The European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
has tightened sanctions against Syria, extending them to three Syrian companies that include a real estate bank, an investment group and a transport firm, according to the EU's Official Journal.

The additional sanctions, announced a day after the EU banned imports of Syrian crude oil, mean that member states will be banned from doing business with the named companies - Real Estate Bank, Mada Transport and Cham Investment Group.

Four Syrian businessmen, Fares Chehabi, Emad Ghraiwati, Tarif Akhras and Issam Anbouba, were also added to a list of people affected by EU asset freezes and travel bans.

The three companies and the four individuals financed or provided financial or economic support to the Syrian regime, the EU journal said.

"The restrictions on admission and the freezing of funds and economic resources should be applied to additional persons and entities benefiting from or supporting the regime," the EU Journal said.

The EU said the move was as a result of the gravity of the situation in Syria, where thousands of protesters demanding political reforms and the overthrow of President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
One of the last of the old-fashioned hereditary iron-fisted fascist dictators. Before going into the family business Pencilneck was an eye doctor...
have been killed by security forces in a five-month crackdown.

But Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, condemned the sanctions on Saturday.

"We have always said that unilateral sanctions will lead to nothing good. This ruins the partnership approach to any crisis," Lavrov told news hounds on the sidelines of a summit of ex-Soviet states in Tajikistan. "We are against unilateral sanctions."

Assad has brushed off the condemnation of his regime and punitive measures as foreign meddling.

The oil embargo is likely to hit Syria particularly hard as the country gets about 28 per cent of its revenue from the oil trade and sells fuel to La Belle France, Germany, Italia and the Netherlands.

Syria exports some 150,000 barrels of oil per day, with the vast majority going to the European Union.

EU trade front man, John Clancy, said Syria earned 3.1bn euros ($4.4bn) by selling oil to the bloc in 2010.

Oil from Syria amounted to 1.5 per cent of EU's total crude oil imports that year.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/04/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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Sun 2011-09-04
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Sat 2011-09-03
  European Union Lifts Sanctions on Libya
Fri 2011-09-02
  Russia recognises Libya's rebel government
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Mon 2011-08-29
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