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Qaeda coordinator killed in N Caucasus: Russia
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Gladys Louise Smith aka Mary Pickford revisited

America's Sweetheart

Washing that man right out of my hair

Maly Pickfod

Daily Gam Shot

Slipping into something more comfortable

Nightie Night

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/01/2009 2:41 Comments || Top||

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Seventy years ago today
Seventy years ago today, German forces activated Plan White to start the invasion of Poland. Six years later, at least sixty million people were dead.

Posted by: Steve White || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

JDAM - Jihad Death Assistance Munition
August 31, 2009

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/01/2009 14:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So long, suckers!

Man, they can get really close with JDAMs now.
Posted by: DarthVader || 09/01/2009 14:57 Comments || Top||

#2  oh, yeah!
Posted by: abu do you love || 09/01/2009 21:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Those guys ought to thank the JDAM developers for putting in all the painstaking work required to help them meet their maker in an Islamic-approved fashion.
Posted by: gorb || 09/01/2009 21:55 Comments || Top||

#4  yep no shaving req'd - hairless by JDAM, bitches!
Posted by: Frank G || 09/01/2009 22:07 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Mauritanian drug trafficking suspect arrested in Senegal
[Maghrebia] Senegalese security services arrested a drug trafficking suspect wanted by Mauritania under an international arrest warrant, ANI reported on Sunday (August 30th). Seydou Kane has also allegedly been involved in human trafficking and an attempted assassination.
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Qaeda names man who tried to kill Saudi prince
[Al Arabiya Latest] Al-Qaeda on Sunday identified a militant who tried to kill Saudi Arabia's security chief on Thursday as Abdullah al-Asiri, a wanted suspect who entered Saudi Arabia from Yemen.
Another al-Arabiya story, quoted here, said al-Assiri hid the explosives in his bum, which'd kinda explain how he got 'em past security. When she blew, the force of the kaboom was toward the floor, rather than toward the target, while the rest of him splattered the ceiling.
Gave Mr. Methane a run, did he ...
A suicide bomber posing as a repentant militant blew himself up in the Jeddah office of Prince Mohammed bin Nayef in the first known attack on a member of the Saudi royal family since al-Qaeda began a violent campaign in the world's top oil exporter in 2003.

" The hero martyr on the list of 85 wanted persons Abdullah Hassan Tali' al-Asiri, known as Abul-Khair, managed to enter his palace, pass his guards and blow up a package "
Qaeda Jihad Organization in the Arab Peninsula
"The hero martyr on the list of 85 wanted persons Abdullah Hassan Tali' al-Asiri, known as Abul-Khair, managed to enter his palace, pass his guards and blow up a package," said a statement on Islamist websites attributed to the "Qaeda Jihad Organization in the Arab Peninsula."

The statement suggested Asiri was apparently flown to Jeddah from Najran near the Yemeni border after entering from Yemen to give himself up to the Interior Ministry. "He managed to get through all the inspections at Najran and Jeddah airports," it said, accompanied by a picture of Asiri. It was not possible to verify the statement.

Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr al-Qirbi told Al Arabiya that Asiri travelled to Saudi Arabia from the Yemeni region of Mi'rib, stating he wanted to hand himself in.

The bomber was the only casualty. Prince Nayef, who is responsible for battling terrorism in the kingdom, was receiving guests at the end of the day's fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said.

The 23-year-old Asiri nsisted on meeting the prince to give himself up but then detonated his explosives. He also had a brother, Ibrahim, on the wanted list.

The Saudi and Yemeni branches of al-Qaeda merged early this year to form al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. They regrouped in Yemen after a vigorous counter-terrorism campaign led by Prince Mohammed, deputy interior minister, that badly damaged militants in Saudi Arabia.
As Mr. Asiri managed only to commit solo suicide instead of actually taking his enemy with him in a most dramatic fashion (for some reason the "laughing gas" scene from Disney's Mary Poppins comes to mind, as they had their tea bobbing gently just under the ceiling, for which I most heartily apologize), does that mean he will end up roasting his intestines in hell instead of playing with virgin girls and beautiful boys in paradise? What will it do to the number of jacket wallah volunteers when this tale gets out?
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  Any bets this is going to really PO the Prince?
Posted by: tipover || 09/01/2009 0:48 Comments || Top||

#2  And they found him in the grass with a bomb blown out his ....

I bet his name was really Casey.

Posted by: crosspatch || 09/01/2009 0:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Words fail. I sure hope they taped the bomb-making process and will use it as a propaganda ressource with some kind of vid with that silly bosterous arab music, THAT is something I wish to see with my own eyes (I was kinda fond of Jackass).
C4 Buttplug/Dog Penis Dildo : beware the Islamic Warrior™ (he walks funny, but he's da bomb).
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 09/01/2009 2:13 Comments || Top||

#4  what does this mean for the Nayefs and Saudi politics?
Posted by: liberal hawk || 09/01/2009 10:56 Comments || Top||

#5  instead of "Martyr" can we say "Idiot" instead
That will take the GLORY off the deed
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 09/01/2009 13:03 Comments || Top||

#6  suppository wallah
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 09/01/2009 15:05 Comments || Top||

#7  what does this mean for the Nayefs and Saudi politics?

That life just got an awful lot more interesting for any of them involved, or desiring to become involved, in family politics. Let us wish them much joy of it.
Posted by: trailing wife || 09/01/2009 15:06 Comments || Top||

#8  the force of the kaboom was toward the floor, rather than toward the target, while the rest of him splattered the ceiling.

Who did he think he was, the muslim Wernher von Braun?
Posted by: ed || 09/01/2009 15:08 Comments || Top||

#9  Da Prince got the bum's rush.
Posted by: Skunky Glins 5*** || 09/01/2009 19:05 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Qaeda coordinator killed in N Caucasus: Russia
[Al Arabiya Latest] Russian security forces said on Monday they had killed an al-Qaeda "coordinator" and a second rebel fighter in its troubled North Caucasus region of Dagestan.

"A foreign mercenary killed in the special operation has been identified. He is an Algerian national, al-Qaeda's coordinator in Dagestan, known among the militants as 'Doctor Muhammad'," a security official told the RIA Novosti news agency.

" A representative of an international terrorist organization in the North Caucasus tasked to oversee terrorist acts in Dagestan was neutralized during a combat operation "
Security officer
Russian officials said cash from foreign-based radical Islamic organizations is funding the recent surge of violence in Dagestan and the other two North Caucasus regions of Chechnya and Ingushetia in which dozens of people have died.

Earlier this month a suicide bombing in Ingushetia killed at least 24 police officers and injured 136.

"A representative of an international terrorist organization in the North Caucasus tasked to oversee terrorist acts in Dagestan was neutralized during a combat operation," a security officer told Vesti-24 television news channel.

A security source told RIA that the agent also held French citizenship.

Muhammed and a second rebel fighter were killed when police stormed a house in Dagestan's Khasavyurt district bordering Chechnya on Sunday night, Russian news agencies reported.

Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Pakistan forces kill 40 militants in Khyber raids
Government forces destroyed four militant bases and killed 40 insurgents Tuesday in a new offensive near Pakistan's famed Khyber Pass, the main route for supplies to U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, authorities said.

The offensive follows a suicide blast in the region last week that killed 19 police officers at a key border crossing.

Tariq Hayat, the top administrator in Khyber, told reporters 40 militants were killed and 43 arrested. The four destroyed bases belonged to the militant group Lashkar-e-Islam, he said. The death toll could not be independently verified.
Paraded captives does constitute verification for the second part.
Elsewhere in the northwest, the army claimed 105 Pakistani Taliban fighters had surrendered in the Swat Valley. Eight were close aides to Swat Taliban chief Maulana Fazlullah, said Brig. Salman Akbar, the army commander of Kabal town in the valley.
Saves their bodies from being discovered weeks later after "townsfolk" get through with them.
The army launched an offensive in Swat in April that the government says was a success, although no insurgent leaders were killed or captured and pockets of resistance remain. On Sunday, a suicide bombing at a police station killed 17 cadets training. The army says it has killed 45 militants in Swat since that attack.cap
Posted by: ed || 09/01/2009 14:21 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Swat Taliban chief Maulana Fazlullah, "

sounds like he is the next target
Posted by: liberal hawk || 09/01/2009 17:48 Comments || Top||

#2  although no insurgent leaders were killed or captured because they bravely ran away.
Posted by: gorb || 09/01/2009 21:58 Comments || Top||

More bodies in Swat valley
The bodies of 30 suspected militants have been found in Pakistan's Swat valley, local people say.

The bodies all have gunshot wounds and local residents say they are believed to be of militants from Bajnot and other areas near the town of Mingora.
"Legume! Fetch my cape! The game is afoot. And bring my sousaphone!"
Corpses began appearing several weeks ago and more than 150 have been found in the region over the past month.

Security forces deny carrying out extra-judicial killings as part of their anti-Taliban offensive.
But most definitely someone is expressing displeasure with Taliban rudenesses. When people say, "Manners are just about knowing which fork to use," they fail to realize what could happen when they don't.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Maybe the Chinese have entered the game.
Posted by: crosspatch || 09/01/2009 1:19 Comments || Top||

#2  And the family and clan of a lot of victims are still around. These folks ARE into family honor and revenge if i recall correctly.
Posted by: tipover || 09/01/2009 2:47 Comments || Top||

#3  It could even be a fake Al-Q group set-up to rob rich saudi wannabe jihadis.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 09/01/2009 7:45 Comments || Top||

#4  Mohammed McCoy, meet Hussein Hatfield.
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/01/2009 8:18 Comments || Top||

Taliban burn 15 trucks of NATO supplies
Suspected Taliban militants in Pakistan have set fire to about 15 trucks loaded with supplies for NATO forces fighting in Afghanistan.

Officials believe the attackers planted explosives under one of the vehicles carrying fuel. The blast ripped through a whole line of vehicles, engulfing them in flames and completely destroying at least 15 NATO containers.

The US military transports around 75 per cent of its supplies for troops in Afghanistan through Pakistan. Most go through the Khyber Pass in the north, a frequent target for militants. But Chaman in southern province of Balochistan has been largely free from attacks.

Border officials say they are reopening the crossing because of the threat to NATO supplies.
Posted by: Steve White || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Do they train in the Paris suburbs?
Posted by: Glenmore || 09/01/2009 8:19 Comments || Top||

#2  I think the other way around.

StrategyPage sez: Attacks on trucks carrying NATO supplies from Pakistan to Afghanistan have resumed. The cause is not a Taliban attempt to halt these supply movements, but local criminal gangs trying to force customs police to stop searching trucks crossing the border. The customs police have become more diligent lately, as part of a crackdown on smuggling via the two main highways between the two nations.

No sense in becoming the host both Afghan and Pakistani parasites feed from.
Posted by: ed || 09/01/2009 14:07 Comments || Top||

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 09/01/2009 14:08 Comments || Top||

Two troops killed in Kashmir attack
[Iran Press TV Latest] Suspected militants shoot dead two paramilitary troopers and lob a hand grenade into a crowded shopping area in the Indian-controlled Kashmir injuring 12 people.

The two paramilitary troopers were shot from point-blank while patrolling the downtown area of Lal Chowk in the main city of Srinagar.

They were transferred to a hospital where they died of their injuries, said Prabhakar Tripathi, a spokesman for the Central Reserve Police Force.

A few minutes after the shooting, a hand grenade was hurled at another patrol in the Batmaloo area of Srinagar wounding at least four paramilitary troops and eight civilians in Srinagar, the most populous district in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, said Hemant Lohia, a deputy inspector-general.

The wounded were taken to a hospital, but the nature of their injuries was not disclosed. The suspected militants fled the scene after the attacks, police said.

Violence in Indian Kashmir has fallen to its lowest level since militants launched a revolt some 20 years ago. Fatalities have dropped to one per day, from a high of ten fatalities a day in 2001.
Indian effectiveness? ISI keeping their heads down? Pakistani jihadis having more fun getting themselves killed in the Swat valley? A good thing, regardless of the reason.
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Chaman border crossing reopens after blast
[Dawn] The Chaman border crossing with Afghanistan reopened after an administrative dispute culminated in an attack on a line of waiting Nato fuel tankers.

One driver was killed and 16 trucks destroyed when the fuel caught fire.

Taliban militants were suspected in the blast.

The blast ripped through a line of Nato fuel trucks backed up by a two-day closure resulting from a dispute over fruit inspections. At least one driver was killed and 16 trucks destroyed on the Pakistani side of the Chaman crossing, police official Gul Mohammad said.

The border crossing reopened Monday, he said.

Chaman is one of two main crossing points for supplies for American and Nato troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. The foreign troops get about 75 per cent of their supplies through Pakistan.

Pakistani customs officials said their increased and lengthy inspections of Afghan trucks carrying pomegranates and grapes prompted Afghan officials to close the border.

Officials had warned that the closure was a security risk because it left nearly 1,000 trucks, many of them carrying supplies to international troops, exposed. The Taliban's Afghan heartland of Kandahar is just across the border.

Customs and security officials from both sides agreed to end their dispute Monday, Mohammad said.
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Pakistan army kills 30 militants in Swat
[Iran Press TV Latest] The Pakistani army says it has killed at least 30 militants in the troubled Swat valley, situated in the country's restive northwest.

The armed encounter between the militants and the army came just hours after a suicide bomber on Sunday killed 17 police cadets in the town of Mingora in the Swat valley, a Press TV correspondent reported citing military statements late on Monday.

The Sunday bombing at a police academy was the deadliest since the military regained control of the northwestern region in July.

Fighting spread to several areas overnight and continued through early Monday. At least 30 militants were killed in Allahabad and the adjoining areas, Akhtar Abbas, a spokesman in Swat valley told reporters.

A Pakistani service member was also killed in the fierce fighting in Amankot area.
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Iraqi solutions to Iraqi problems - General Ramond T. Odierno
Posted by: Besoeker || 09/01/2009 07:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  One of the bugs of kinder gentler wars. When we bombed the living daylights out of the Germans and Japanese, we pretty much imposed not only the form of government they have today, we also altered hundreds of years of militarism that was a fundamental part of their pre-war cultures.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 09/01/2009 9:38 Comments || Top||

Israeli air strike kills 2 Hamas gunmen in Gaza
GAZA, Sept 1 (Reuters) - An Israeli air strike killed two Hamas gunmen who were on guard duty in the Gaza Strip's northern frontier on Tuesday, the Palestinian Islamist group and medical officials said.
We're guards! Not tryin to hurt nobody!
Israel had no immediate comment on the incident, which would constitute a breach of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire that ended its December-January war with Hamas. Palestinian rocket salvoes since have drawn mostly limited Israeli reprisals.
Ummm... don't the Pali rockets constitute the breach, and the Israeli strike is merely the reprisal?
Posted by: Free Radical || 09/01/2009 17:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Medics: Five Palestinians wounded by Israeli fire near Ramallah
Ma'an -- Five Palestinians were wounded by gunfire from the Israeli army near the West Bank settlement of Bet El, north of the city of Ramallah, Palestinian medics said.

Medical sources said that Israeli forces prevented Palestine Red Crescent ambulances from reaching the scene in order to evacuate the wounded Palestinians, one of whom was said to be in critical condition. Israeli forces reportedly declared the area a closed military zone.

The sources added that, according to a preliminary investigation, the wounded people were thought to be young men from Jalazun Refugee Camp, north of Ramallah.

An Israeli military spokesperson told Ma'an that "three Palestinian gunmen hurled firebombs" at Israeli forces, who opened fire, hitting one of them.
Ah, so the Palestinians were not, in point of fact, innocently wandering past, discussing whether 'tis better to plant larkspur or shasta daisies in the back garden along the fence.
The spokesperson also said that soldiers administered initial medical treatment to the Palestinian on the scene before taking him to a hospital in Israel.
There to steal their organs, no doubt. Let's check the Aftonbladet to read the rest of that story.
Israeli forces are searching the area, the spokesperson added.
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Palestinian Authority

Report: Two projectiles fired from northern Gaza
Ma'an -- Two homemade rockets fired from the Gaza Strip landed near the Erez border crossing on Monday evening, Israeli officials told the newspaper Ma'ariv.
Yes, but on which side of the border? Most of the time those clever Palestinians manage to hit their own people and damage their own houses and fields.
There were no reports of casualties or damage. Palestinian armed groups in Gaza have not yet claimed responsibility for any attack.
That's because Hamas doesn't want another Operation Cast Lead heading in their direction just yet.
The reported attack follows a momentary flare-up in violence in Gaza and its vicinity. Earlier on Monday, Israeli naval forces fired on a Palestinian fishing boat, setting it on fire and injuring one fisherman, Palestinian and Israeli officials confirmed.
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  as long as they keep missing, its good.
Posted by: liberal hawk || 09/01/2009 10:57 Comments || Top||

#2  That's because Hamas doesn't want another Operation Cast Lead heading in their direction just yet.

Do it anyway.
Posted by: gorb || 09/01/2009 22:06 Comments || Top||

Arab Israeli accused of spying on army chief
[Al Arabiya Latest] An Israeli Arab who belonged to the same health club as Israel's military chief was accused on Monday of passing information about him to Lebanese group Hezbollah.

Rawi Fuad Sultani, 23, admitted he met a Hezbollah activist in a summer camp in Morocco one year ago and told him he had information on Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi, who worked out at the same gym as he did in the town of Kfar Saba.

The allegations raised more questions about security around Ashkenazi, two weeks after authorities disclosed that his credit card details and a gun in his office had been stolen by a soldier, now under arrest.

Sultani later met a second Hezbollah agent in Poland and gave him information about access to the health club and security arrangements for Ashkenazi there, the indictment said.
Posted by: Fred || 09/01/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Southeast Asia
Muslim terrorists insurgents confound military in Thailand

Posted by: ryuge || 09/01/2009 06:49 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2009-09-01
  Qaeda coordinator killed in N Caucasus: Russia
Mon 2009-08-31
  Ethiopian troops seize Somali town
Sun 2009-08-30
  Swat suicide kaboom kills a dozen
Sat 2009-08-29
  Suicide kaboom in Chechnya kills two, wounds six
Fri 2009-08-28
  'Surrendering' Qaeda boy tries to boom Prince Nayef, Jr.
Thu 2009-08-27
  Baghdad demands Damascus hands over boom masterminds
Wed 2009-08-26
  'Prince of Jihad' arrested in Indonesia
Tue 2009-08-25
  NKor proposes summit with SKor
Mon 2009-08-24
  Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Probe Terror Suspect Interrogations
Sun 2009-08-23
  Hakimullah Mehsud appointed Baitullah's successor
Sat 2009-08-22
  Karzai, Abdullah declare victory in Afghan vote
Fri 2009-08-21
  Lockerbie bomber home in Libya amid US anger
Thu 2009-08-20
  Maulvi Faqir claims TTP leadership, Muslim Khan replaces Omer
Wed 2009-08-19
  Khatami, Karroubi join Mousavi's Green movement
Tue 2009-08-18
  Maulvi Omar nabbed

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