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Sudan frees two Islamist leaders...
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Gulf War I
I've put up my notes from Gulf War I. These were put together back in the days when I used to read and watch terriblevision, so they're based on periodicals and (mostly) CNN's coverage.
Sorry about the format — it's an export from a MS Word document. I'll clean up it up a little as I have time (as if!)
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 08:51 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

But whatever for?
Robert Prather (I just loved his Shell Scott novels!), in one of those hipbone-connected-to-the-neckbone arrangements, points to Uppity-Negro.com, who got it from somewhere else, and presents a fairly graphic set of instructions for ladies who want to pee standing up.
Question being, if you're a lady, do you pee standing up? Why would you? And if I'm a gent, why am I asking?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 09:07 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

A little more on those Kandahar arrests...
The Afghan military said the dawn operation Wednesday by 300 Afghan soldiers and militiamen, as well as a handful of American troops, led to the arrests of 95 people who are allegedly followers of Haji Bashir, a pro-Taliban drug dealer from the area.
I'm losing the distinction between "pro-Taliban" and "drug dealer." I guess there could be anti-Taliban drug dealers, though...
But residents of this small town, 30 miles west of Kandahar, expressed shock Friday over the arrests of police officers they said were working for the transitional government of President Hamid Karzai.
Toldja so...
"These people were part of the government. The government paid for their salaries and food. I don't understand how they could do this," said Commander Sakzai, the head of a nearby police station. "When I moved here two months ago, these guys were working at the police station, patrolling the streets, same as us."
Coppers? On the take? Who'da ever thunkit?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Afghan censors yank Indian films, lady singers...
Afghan state radio will no longer carry the songs of female singers and government TV in the capital will stop broadcasting Indian movies, at least if the stations' director has his way. For the first time since the Taliban regime was ousted nine months ago, audio and video entertainment deemed offensive to Islam is being taken off the air.
Okay. Time for us to pack up and go. They can have their rathole back, since they like the fact that it's a rathole...
Abdul Hamid Mobarez, deputy minister of information and culture, said state media director Mohammed Esuq had taken a ``personal decision'' to yank the movie off the air. The move was not state policy and was not sanctioned by the government of President Hamid Karzai, Mobarez said. Esuq was not immediately available for comment.
He was home watching some porn flicks...
Mobarez said Esuq had also banned female singers from state-run radio waves, but the radio station had not heeded the ban. ``We don't agree with what Mr. Esuq has done,'' said Mobarez, who heads a special 10-man committee appointed last month by Karzai to review state media and examine how to make it more appealing to the capital's audience.
"In fact, we think he's a nut..."
``Mr. Karzai gave us the authority to decide what is broadcast and the director of Kabul Radio and TV will have to (obey) our decision.''
"This is Afghanistan, after all. If he doesn't, we'll shoot him. The only reason we haven't yet is that when we do, somebody will shoot us..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So Karzai's neo-Talibanis banned Bollywood. Can Hollywood be next? More reasons why the U.S. should have coalesced with India, Russia and China, last September, and not Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. When will people learn?
Posted by: Allah the Dog Faced God || 09/01/2002 20:43 Comments || Top||

Axis of Evil
Iraq Fires Missiles At US, British Jets
Iraq said on Saturday said it had fired surface-to-air missiles at US and British warplanes overflying the south of the country, forcing them to "flee" to their bases in Kuwait. "Missiles and ground defences opened up on enemy warplanes that staged armed sorties" over 10 localities in southern Iraq, "forcing them to flee to their bases in Kuwait," said a military spokesman quoted by the official INA news agency.
"Yes, Reginald?"
"The Heroic Iraqi Forces are firing missiles at us."
"So they are. Shall we flee?"
"Yes, I believe we should flee."

Baghdad said that allied warplanes patrolling "no-fly" zones over northern and southern Iraq launched a bombing raid for the fifth time in a week. An Iraqi spokesman said the targets were civilian although a US statement insisted they were military.
"Yes, Albert?"
"There are some civilian residences directly below us."
"Oh, good. We should bomb them."

The Iraqi spokesman told INA that it was the second time in as many days that British or US aircraft had struck the same facilities in Al-Kut province, 240 kilometres southeast of Baghdad. He made no reference to any casualties.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqi VP: Persians no better'n Zionists...
Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan has fired off a violent tirade at Iran, accusing Persians of always allying themselves with Zionists against the Arab world. "You will not find a single episode in history when the Persians (Iranians) have cooperated with the Arabs against the Zionists," Ramadan said Saturday night. "At every stage of the conflict between the (Arab) or Muslim nation and the Zionists, the Persians have been the allies of the Zionists."
That statement comes as a real suprise to Hezbollah. They're standing around right now, scratching their turbans, saying "There isn't? What the hell is Lebanon?"
"The designs of the Persians in the Arab world are no less than those of the Zionists, but despite that this country (Iran) remains our neighbour and we have to work towards normalising our relations."
"Until we can kill them all..."
Ramadan had been asked if he foresaw an alliance between Iraq, Syria and Iran against US threats to oust the Baghad regime. "Some people talk about an alliance as if Iran had proposed the idea and was waiting only for us to say yes," the vice president went on. "We should not fool ourselves when talking about such an alliance."
I'll bet it really hurt when he was dropped on his head...
Ramadan recalled that Tehran had refused to return planes which Iraq sent to Iran to spare them damage during the 1991 Gulf war. "Before the 1991 assault, we asked Iran if we could send our planes to them and until now they tell us that the return of these aircraft requires a Seurity Council resolution." Iraq seeks the return of 113 military aircraft and 33 civilian planes, but Iran says it holds only 22 Iraqi vessels.
Somebody stole some of them, the rest fell apart...
Ramadan also accused Iran of encouraging an uprising by Shiites in southern Iraq at the end of the Gulf war. "The damage sustained by Iraqi towns because of their behaviour was more severe than that inflicted by the missiles and bombs the American planes dropped during the attack," he said.
That's because we concentrated on killing Iraqis soldiers and the Shiites didn't.

Saddam was ten years old when, in 1947, he went to live with a maternal uncle in Baghdad. The uncle, Kayrallah Tulfah, would later become mayor of Baghdad. Uncle Kayrallah had a few years previously been cashiered from the Iraqi army for participating in an attempted pro-Nazi coup attempt. This had been put down by the British, leaving him with an abiding hatred for “Imperialism” and other forms of interference with his violent instincts. In 1981 the Iraqi government publishing house distributed a scholarly work written by Uncle Kayrallah entitled Three Whom God Should Not Have Created: Persians, Jews and Flies.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Did you read the subtitle?

Three Whom God Should Not Have Created
Persians, Jews and Flies

The Proper Use of
Organophosphate Pest Control Agents
with a supplement on radionuclear
sterilization to soon published
Posted by: Tom Roberts || 09/01/2002 12:37 Comments || Top||

U.S. force will be required to protect Iraq from Iran...
The United States might have to organize a force of up to 75,000 soldiers to protect a defeated Iraq from Iranian attack. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was told in testimony that the United States would have to ensure the security of Iraq after the elimination of the regime of President Saddam Hussein. The committee was told that Iran could take advantage of a defeated Iraq by trying to settle scores from the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.
Depends on whether they see the 1980-88 enemy as Iraq or Sammy. Most people would say it was Sammy...
Col. Scott Feil, former chief of the strategy division for the Joints Chiefs of Staff, told the committee that the United States requires a military force to maintain order in Iraq and prevent its neighbors from seizing territory.
That'll probably happen, since Arab unity doesn't extend to avoiding kicking a fellow when he's down... Matter of fact, that's the best time to kick him, isn't it?
Feil told the Senate committee the U.S. force must protect key strategic Iraqi areas, such as the disputed Shatt Al Arab waterway and Iraqi oil fields. He said the U.S. military presence must also ensure the disarmament of the Iraqi army and the destruction of nonconventional weapons facilities.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Col. Feil neglected the obvious. Iran should be next on the list after Iraq.
Posted by: Cracker Barrel Philosopher || 09/01/2002 21:08 Comments || Top||

Iran sez for Iraq to get bent...
Iranian deputy foreign minister Mohammad Sadr denounced anti-Iranian remarks by Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan who accused Iranians of always allying themselves with "Zionists" against the Arab world. "The Iraqi authorities should take care not to further aggravate the situation of the Iraqi people and avoid their anti-Iranian remarks", said Sadr on Sunday who is on an official visit in Damascus.
"Instead of jumping up and down and hollering about 'Muslim solidarity' and stuff, we could be saying, 'Yeah, go get 'em, never like them anyway..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 09:27 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

East/Subsaharan Africa
Sudan frees two Islamist leaders...
The Sudanese government has freed two senior leaders of the Islamist opposition but more than a hundred other activists detained over the past week remain in jail. The acting secretary general of the Popular National Congress (PNC), Abdullah Hassan Ahmed, said he and fellow party official Siddeiq al-Ahmar were released on Thursday after a day in detention. "We have not been interrogated and were not told why we were arrested or, later, why we were set free," Ahmed said. But he added that more than 100 of the party's activists remained in detention after a string of police raids over the past week.
Maybe Omar's tired of hearing y'all whistling that same old tired Islamist tune?
The Khartoum authorities have accused PNC activists of staging a series of violent protests in recent days against the continued house arrest of their leader, former parliament speaker Hassan al-Turabi.
See what I mean? Maybe they should try not being indignant all the time, and staging riots...
They have also accused the party of seeking to sabotage a breakthrough peace accord with southern rebels of the Sudan People's Liberation Army signed in Kenya last month.
Since the deal's shakey enough, it doesn't take many indignant Islamists to sabotage it...
Long considered the power behind President Omar al-Beshir's military regime, Turabi was detained in 2001 after falling out with his longtime protector in late 1999. On August 22, Beshir issued an extraordinary decree extending Turabi's detention for another year.
He should count himself lucky. They used to deal with Grand Viziers who'd outlived their utility a little more, uh... stringently.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under:

Fifth Column
Bin Laden called a hero at march
It is not clear what Osama bin Laden has to do with sustainable development, but there were certainly a number of his supporters in one of the marches on the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg today. Muslim protesters under the banner of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee made up a major block at the rear of the civil society march that began at Alexandra Stadium north of the city. Among the chants of "Free, free Palestine" there were also shouts of "Viva bin Laden" and "Phanzi (down with) George Bush".
Thaks for yore support! This is billed as a UN-sponsored summit? And this is the second year in a row that it's turned into an anti-American gooberfest? I think it's past time to withdraw from the UN and leave them to their own spiteful devices.
Said another marcher, Imran Abrahams of Cape Town, "The people love Bin Laden, the poor people of South Africa. He's been deprived of his money, they froze his money, so he can't give to the poor now. The poor people of South Africa, they actually don't like America because America's responsible for a lot of atrocities around the world. So, when the bombing happened it was a joy to the people. But in the other sense it wasn't Bin Laden that did the bombing."
Good. Piss off. Go fend for yourselves.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Much Islamist internet bile comes from "Cape Muslim" sources. After the end of Apartheid, these elements have exploded in enmity against Christians and Hindus. Their demands for "Muslim Personal Law" (read: Talebanism) have already offended native Africans. These extremist proteges of my old enemy, Ahmad Deedat, are setting themselves up for a huge put-down and, having seen these communities first hand in South Africa, I can tell you that few will feel sorry for them.
Posted by: Gollywood || 09/01/2002 20:57 Comments || Top||

Home Front
Drug money funds terror group
Federal authorities have amassed evidence for the first time that an illegal drug operation in the United States was funneling proceeds to Middle East terrorist groups like Hezbollah. "There is increasing intelligence information from the investigation that for the first time alleged drug sales in the United States are going in part to support terrorist organizations in the Middle East," DEA administrator Asa Hutchinson said. DEA officials said the men, most of whom were indicted on drug charges after their January arrests, were smuggling large quantities of the chemical pseudoephedrine from Canada into the Midwest. Officials said the smuggling went through two primary Midwest locations, Chicago and Detroit, and involved several men with ties to Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon and other Middle East countries. Pseudoephedrine is used in some popular cold and allergy medications. It is an essential ingredient in the creation of methamphetamine.
Tell me again the difference between a terrorist and a crook? Oh, that's right. The grenades.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 02:45 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yet another good reason to end the war on drugs! Crimilise it and make it profitable for scumbag terrorists. What exactly is so hard for some people to understand?
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge || 09/02/2002 5:53 Comments || Top||

Middle East
Girl shot dead 'for helping Israelis'
Palestinian crazed killers militants shot a teenage girl dead for “collaborating” with Israel. Rajah Ibrahim, 18, was the second woman in a week to be killed by members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. She was shot in the head three days after being abducted in Tulkarm. Sources said she provided information to Israeli security services that allowed troops to track down and kill the group’s area commander, Raed Karmi, in January. Dozens of men accused of helping Israel to find wanted militants have been shot dead, but Ikhlas Yassin, 35, who was killed a week ago, was the first woman to be killed. She was Rajah Ibrahim’s aunt.
I heard one of the Paleostinians' talking heads on the teevee the other night, explaining how this sort of thing is all the Israelis' fault, because they're occupiers, and they're mean and they hate Paleostinians, who just want to live in peace and blah blah blah. There's a sickness in that society that goes deeper than Islamism, a foulness that has destroyed its soul. When there is a Paleostinian state, and I know it will come someday, it's going to be a state that's founded on this sickness.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 07:25 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

North Africa
Muammar empties Libya's jugs, except for al-Qaeda...
Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi has said his country's prisons are free of political detainees except for members of the al-Qaeda network, in his most explicit acknowledgement of their presence here. "As from the date of this anniversary, Libyan prisons will be empty, with the exception of a group of heretics believed to have links with what is known as al-Qaeda and the Taliban," Kadhafi said in a televised address Saturday marking the 33rd anniversary of the revolution that brought him to power. "So with the exception of the heretics, the prison will be emptied," he said, but clarifying he was not referring to "ordinary" crimes.
Good idea. Keep the murderers and rapists and burglars locked up. You can always toss the political prisoners in jug again later, if they haven't learned their lesson...
The al-Qaeda suspects "were in Afghanistan and returned here and carried out killings in the streets. Some were arrested; some blew themselves up before being caught and others were arrested," he said in his address in the southern town of Sebha where he prepared the overthrow of the Libyan monarchy in 1969 while a young officer. He did not say how many had been arrested or where they were being held.
Hmmm... Important safety tip here: If you're gonna subvert somebody's country and establish a blood-handed autocracy, don't pick a country that's already a bloody-handed autocracy...
On Thursday, the Kadhafi Foundation, headed by the Libyan leader's son Seif al-Islam Kadhafi said it had won freedom for 65 members of the secular opposition detained since the 1980s. He claimed the amnesty meant there were no more political activists in prison, except for "groups whose liberation menaces society," referring to Islamists who had refused to "repent."
Crown Prince Seif al-Islam has been presenting the kinder, gentler face of Libya to the world lately...
In his speech, Kadhafi said Libya was treating its al-Qaeda in much the same way as Washington was treating ones it captured during the Afghan campaign and has detained without trial at a US military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. "We will treat them just like America is treating the others. We watch America, which is now the world leader and gives the signals to the world. Look how it is treating those held in Guantanamo," he said.
I'm not sure I understood him. It's hard to speak clearly with your tongue in your cheek...
"We treat the heretics, who belong to the same group, in the same way. America said: These people do not have the right to defend themselves, nor are we going to give them lawyers. And their human rights will not be respected. It (the United States) is treating them like dogs. In that case, America cannot complain if you give them a similar treatment because it is treating this kind of people exactly that way," he said.
I won't complain, I promise. Sounds about right to me...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 09:21 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
More Papua Shootings, Gunman Killed
Indonesian forces clashed with gunmen and killed a suspected rebel in Papua province Sunday (1/9/02) a day after two American schoolteachers and an Indonesian were shot dead. Provincial police chief Brigadier General I Made Pastika was quoted by the Associated Press as saying a soldier was wounded in the shootout. Both incidents occurred near PT Freeport Indonesia’s vast copper and gold mine in the hinterlands of the province. Indonesian Defense Forces commander General Endriartono Sudarto on Sunday flew to Timika, the nearest town to the mine, for talks with local military chiefs. Provincial military chief Major General Mahidin Simbolon said troops had found used cartridges at the site of the killings from weapons including M-16 rifles and guns that were standard issue for the Indonesian military in the 1970s. He strongly denied the military or police were in any way behind the murders. Eight of the wounded had been flown to the Australian city of Townsville for emergency medical treatment. Six were in a stable condition on Sunday. Among the eight was a 6-year-old girl.
It'll be interesting to learn a little more about who dunnit. Papua's mostly Christian and the rebellion against Indonesia stealing acquiring the area was supposed to be pretty much defunct.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 09/01/2002 08:32 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2002-09-01
  Sudan frees two Islamist leaders...
Sat 2002-08-31
  ''Vote fundo, 'cuz we're not secular...''
Fri 2002-08-30
  Paks nab 12 Harkat gunnies in Peshawar...
Thu 2002-08-29
  Secret Army claims responsibility for attacks...
Wed 2002-08-28
  'Big Aslanbek' is a deader...
Tue 2002-08-27
  Israel arrests PFLP chiefs
Mon 2002-08-26
  Syria, Soddies warn against war with Iraq...
Sun 2002-08-25
  Georgia sends troops into Pankisi Gorge...
Sat 2002-08-24
  Uday sez Jund al-Islam is an Iranian creation...
Fri 2002-08-23
  Paleogunnies iced trying to swarm Gaza town
Thu 2002-08-22
  Abu Sayyaf beheads two Jehovah's Witnesses...
Wed 2002-08-21
  Italians arrest four in plot to blow basilica...
Tue 2002-08-20
  IDF withdraws from Bethlehem...
Mon 2002-08-19
  Abu Nidal titzup
Sun 2002-08-18
  Festivities resume in Ain el-Hilweh...

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