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'Prince of Jihad' arrested in Indonesia
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3 00:00 Dave UK [14] 
11 00:00 Iblis [13] 
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10 00:00 Procopius2k [20]
1 00:00 Frozen Al [19]
7 00:00 tipper [28]
1 00:00 trailing wife [29]
5 00:00 JosephMendiola [13]
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2 00:00 Rambler in Virginia [29]
1 00:00 Spot [10]
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8 00:00 Skidmark [21]
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3 00:00 JosephMendiola [20]
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48 00:00 Frank G [40]
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2 00:00 ed [11]
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4 00:00 Kelly [5]
2 00:00 JosephMendiola [22]
0 [16]
5 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [6]
7 00:00 trailing wife [22]
4 00:00 Broadhead6 [25]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  King me!
Posted by: Scott R || 08/26/2009 4:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Purina Man Chow
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 08/26/2009 5:06 Comments || Top||

#3  Cleouna "Cleo" Moore you're under arrest for NSFW

Back to the Future

Stool Pigeon

Daily Gam Shot

Points of Order


You trying to give me a poke

Nightie Night

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 08/26/2009 5:15 Comments || Top||

#4  That creechtur in the 5th photo looks like Snowy.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 08/26/2009 7:38 Comments || Top||

#5  I can't get enough. I want Moore!
Posted by: Mike || 08/26/2009 10:47 Comments || Top||

Video -Taliban Bunker Complex Destroyed - Survivors scurry toward civilian areas
Added: Aug 26 2009

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 08/26/2009 14:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well, of course they scurry towards civilian areas! They are civilians after all. I mean, they are not in any army or anything.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 08/26/2009 18:21 Comments || Top||

#2  looks like some caves still exist up there.

D9 time?
Posted by: 3dc || 08/26/2009 21:39 Comments || Top||

Who's the infidels now, bitches
Posted by: tipper || 08/26/2009 00:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  beauty!
Posted by: abu do you love || 08/26/2009 1:43 Comments || Top||

#2  Yes, a beauty indeed!

However the CIC is B. Hussein Obama.

If they're identified will there be disciplinary action for this display of cultural insensitivity?
Posted by: Thrutch the Full Bosomed4200 || 08/26/2009 6:57 Comments || Top||

#3  " Team America " Outstanding !
Posted by: Dave UK || 08/26/2009 9:45 Comments || Top||

JDAM Followed by Serious Secondaries Vid
Posted by: Anonymoose || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  From the same site: FAIL: Colorado DNC Headquarters Vandalized, ObamaCare Protesters Blamed...Woman Arrested Turns out to be Radical Lefty Funded by SEIU....

Oops Comrade. The show trials will be delayed until better Astroturfers can be hired.
Posted by: ed || 08/26/2009 0:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Oops Comrade. The show trials will be delayed until better Astroturfers can be hired.

Ahahah. Btw, "Maurice"??? Someone should tell her parents that if they knowningly chose that first name based on the french Maurice (mebbe it's a regular american first name as well???), they did it wrong, because it's only a male name (english version would simply be Morris), and a rather old fashioned one, though not uncommon. Female version is Mauricette. Means moorish (not "arab", but from the then roman north africa regions, when it was Mauricious), incidentally.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 08/26/2009 2:44 Comments || Top||

#3  You decide: Hippy chick or Nancy boy.

A suspect accused of smashing 11 windows at the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters early yesterday morning is connected to ultra-liberal groups once investigated by the FBI for potential domestic terrorism incidents.

But State Democratic Party Chairwoman Pat Waak was quick yesterday to suggest that the vandalism was over controversy surrounding President Obama’s health care reform proposal. “I just feel like a lot of the hate-rhetoric that’s out there has really not been good for the country and certainly not good for the dialogue on health care, and so I don’t think this was random … I think it was really aimed at us,” she said.

Foot, mouth, insert.

Anyway, Maurice is going to become the belle of the prison ball.
Posted by: ed || 08/26/2009 6:28 Comments || Top||

#4  All sorts o' crazy in those eyes.
Posted by: Jiggs Floluth4117 || 08/26/2009 7:29 Comments || Top||

#5  Was she named after listening to Space Cowboy by the Steve Miller Band?
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 08/26/2009 7:35 Comments || Top||

#6  Maurice in Pat Waak's office? Slammer prep.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/26/2009 7:53 Comments || Top||

#7  they did it wrong, because it's only a male name (english version would simply be Morris)

Here it's mostly a male name as well, a5089. Either the parents were trying to give the baby a non-gendered name -- there was a bit of a movement to do that, so the girls would not be disadvantaged when they started their careers -- or they just thought it sounded pretty, which it does. This is why in America the expectation is that someone named Maurice will be a very large, fairly hostile, black man from the inner city.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/26/2009 7:55 Comments || Top||

#8  Denver cops are saying he's a male, not a female. But then, these days, it's really hard to tell...
Posted by: Old Patriot || 08/26/2009 12:16 Comments || Top||

#9  Some call her the Gangster of Love...
Posted by: mojo || 08/26/2009 12:18 Comments || Top||

#10  Breaking: Denver Vandal Worked for Dem Politician-- Was Arrested at RNC Convention!

Sounds like future Senator/President material.
Posted by: ed || 08/26/2009 14:14 Comments || Top||

#11  Looks like the sort who might genuinely enjoy some hard time.
Posted by: Iblis || 08/26/2009 15:51 Comments || Top||

Blast kills four civilians in Afghanistan
[Dawn] A roadside bomb tore through a car carrying civilians in eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistan border, killing four passengers and wounding five others, the government announced Tuesday.

The incident in the province of Paktia took place on Monday, the interior ministry said, blaming the attack on Taliban-led militants who are waging a deadly insurgency against the US-backed Afghan government.

'The mine was planted by the enemies of the country,' it said.

Roadside bombs, or home-made explosives built of old ordnance, is the weapon of choice for the Taliban and other insurgents in their campaign against the government and around 100,000 Western military forces based in Afghanistan.

The defence ministry said troops captured a militant bomb-making 'expert' in Logar province just south of capital Kabul and confiscated about 300 improvised bombs in a raid on Monday.

The Taliban-led insurgency gripping Afghanistan is now at its deadliest since the 2001 US-led invasion ousted their extremist regime. The war-torn country is on edge, awaiting the results of its second ever presidential poll.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Dozens killed in Afghan explosion
[BBC] A massive car bomb explosion in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar has killed at least 40 people. More than 60 people were also hurt as buildings collapsed in the attack in the centre of the city, doctors said. Earlier a bomb killed four US soldiers, making 2009 the deadliest year for foreign troops since the US-led invasion overthrew the Taliban. No-one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack in Kandahar, which is a stronghold of the Taliban. There have been a number of attacks in the city this year.

The explosion struck close to the offices of the Kandahar provincial council, trapping people under rubble. Windows across the city were shattered by the force of the blast. The area has several hotels and offices of non-governmental organisations. A wedding hall was one of the buildings damaged, along with the headquarters of a Japanese construction company.

Afghans are currently observing the Muslim month of Ramadan and the explosion took place soon after dusk as they broke their fast. Agha Lalai, a member of the Kandahar provincial council, told AFP news agency: "It felt like an earthquake. The power went off and there was a huge explosion. Police have cordoned off the area and are busy with the wounded."

Deputy provincial police chief Mohammad Sher Shah told the Associated Press news agency: "Once again they've killed children, women, innocent Afghans. They are not human. They are animals. You can see for yourself the destruction of this enemy."

There have been a series of insurgent attacks across the country as Afghanistan held its presidential election. The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said there were more than 400 attacks on election day alone, last Thursday.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Horn
One of two French agents in Somalia freed
Appears to be in exchange for a ransom
Or is it the one who escaped, and they're calling it an 'exchange' to save face?
One of two French intelligence agents kidnapped by hardline Islamist rebels in Mogadishu last month has been freed, Somali and French authorities said Wednesday. Officials from a hardline group involved in the kidnapping confirmed the release of one of the hostages in exchange for a ransom.

Information Minister Dahir Mohamud Gele initially announced in a press conference in Mogadishu that both agents had been freed, but within minutes told AFP that only one had been released. "My words are that one of two hostages kidnapped in Mogadishu last month is now in the hands of the government. He is safe and in good health," he said. The government was continuing its "efforts to release the second hostage." He refused to elaborate on the circumstances of the release, saying more details would be made available later.

The pair were snatched by gunmen from their hotel in the war-riven Somali capital on July 14 and quickly separated, to be held by two hardline groups involved in a military offensive against the government. One was believed to be held by the Shebab, an Al Qaeda-inspired group, and the other by Hezb al-Islam, a more political movement led by former Sharif ally Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys.

Initial reports on Wednesday suggested that one of the French agents had escaped and taken refuge in the presidential palace. But officials from Hezb al-Islam and the transitional federal government speaking on condition of anonymity said the first hostage reported free had been released in exchange for a ransom. "Some government forces had been waiting for the release in the Gubta neighbourhood (in southern Mogadishu). He was handed over at around 4:00 am (0100 GMT) this morning," a senior Hezb al-Islam official told AFP.

"The French agent did not escape by himself. Some negotiations had been going on for a while between the government and Hezb al-Islam officials," a government official also said. "The initial ransom demanded was five million dollars but the amount has decreased," the official explained. He said that when talks stumbled, some Hezb al-Islam militants struck their own deal and organised the release without their leadership's authority.

Some sources in the presidential palace told AFP that a second European-looking individual had been seen Wednesday on the compound but no information on the fate of the second hostage was immediately available.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/26/2009 07:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Frenchman 'kills Somali captors'
A French security adviser seized by Islamist militants in Somalia has escaped his captors, officials say. The Frenchman, who was kidnapped from a hotel in Mogadishu along with a colleague last month, reportedly killed three militants as he made his escape.

The fate of the second hostage is not clear. An earlier report that said he was free has now been retracted.
Not just a random Frenchman, then, but a professional. Well done, monsieur!
Posted by: Oscar || 08/26/2009 04:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  And if he had waited and let diplomacy take its course, then none of these people would have had to die. If he's white and he killed blacks, then it's racist hate crime, too.
Posted by: gromky || 08/26/2009 9:07 Comments || Top||

#2  heartwarming story ...

when good captives go bad !
Posted by: Oscar || 08/26/2009 9:37 Comments || Top||

#3  I shall refrain from the " cheese eating surrender monkeys " Viva la frogs.
Posted by: Dave UK || 08/26/2009 9:41 Comments || Top||

#4  Somalia would be a good place to stage a symbolic ARCLIGHT strike. No matter who dies, they probably had ties to SOME rebel group.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 08/26/2009 12:21 Comments || Top||

#5  Never force a Frenchman to eat Afri food!
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/26/2009 17:12 Comments || Top||

#6  A French security adviser seized by Islamist militants in Somalia ... reportedly killed three militants as he made his escape

Good thing he's not American. Eric Holder would have prosecuted him.
Posted by: DMFD || 08/26/2009 21:49 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Ceuta terror cell case begins in Morocco
[Maghrebia] Court hearings began Monday (August 24th) in Morocco for a police commissioner, officer and gendarme accused of belonging to a Salafia Jihadia terror cell dismantled last June in Ceuta, MAP reported. Eight people were arrested in connection with the case, including three Spanish nationals of Moroccan origin. The other five suspects will appear in court next month. The cell allegedly established relations with French terrorist Robert Richard Antoine Pierre, alias Abou Abderrahmane, and other terrorists in Sweden, Morocco and Afghanistan.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Salafia Jihadiya

2 outlaws killed in shootouts
[Bangla Daily Star] Two leaders of outlawed parties were shot dead during 'shootouts' with law enforcers in Kushtia and Magura yesterday.

The dead were identified as Shahinur Rahman Dablu, 36, from Saldah village under sadar upazila of Kushtia and Tabibur Rahman alias Tota from Harishpur village under Shalikha upazila in Magura.
Goodness! Clearly these are real places, that no doubt can be found somewhere on a fine-detail CIA map.
Don't bet on it ...
Kushtia police said the regional unit commander of outlawed Gono Bahini, Shahinur, was accused of extortion, mugging, and looting on the riverways.
Mr. Shahinur is a badman, most definitely.
His mother never loved him, I'm told ...
Acting on a tip-off, separate teams of the Detective Branch and sadar police took position at Milpara Shashan ghat. As the gang led by Shahinur was crossing the Gorai River on boat around 4:30am, the police asked them to stop. The gang then opened fire on the police triggering a half-an-hour long gunfight.
Badmen, all of them, who then disappeared as if they'd never been there.
Police found Shahinur's body on the spot after his accomplices fled. They also recovered one locally-made gun and 15 bullets from the scene.

There are several cases against Shahinur with Kumarkhali and Kushtia police stations.
Elsewhere, in another upazilla, the second very bad man meets his well-deserved end:
In Magura, Tota, a regional leader of outlawed Sarbahara Party, was shot dead at Harishpur.

Police said a joint team of Rapid Action Battalion and police raided a jute field in the area where Tota and his cohorts were holding a secret meeting around 2:00am.
In the middle of a jute field? That sounds uncomfortable as well as unwise.
Tota opened fire on the law enforcers, forcing them to retaliate. The gang members managed to flee the spot. Police recovered a pistol, three rounds of bullets and two sharp weapons from the spot.

Tota is an accused on twelve systems in 14 cases on various charges including murder, toll collection, and kidnapping.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  police raided a jute field

In Bangla, it's all about jute.
Posted by: SteveS || 08/26/2009 16:44 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Somali militants use many tactics to woo Americans
Posted by: Frozen Al || 08/26/2009 18:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Have they tried Fat Farms? It could vastly expand the client base.
Posted by: ed || 08/26/2009 20:55 Comments || Top||

Pillion riding, arms' display outlawed in Balochistan
[Geo News] Section 144 has been imposed in Balochistan on Tuesday. According to Balochistan Home Ministry, Section 144 has been clamped in order to maintain law and order situation in province while pillion riding has been banned across province. Gathering of four or more than four persons and the display of arm have also been banned, sources said.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  I'm presuming that would be firearms, not michelle's fabulous arms or Col. Kurtz' pile of little arms.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 08/26/2009 9:07 Comments || Top||

Forces ambushed in Balochistan, 7 killed in retaliation
[Geo News] Unknown armed miscreants ambushed security forces on Jarwar checkpost near Jafarabad and Sui areas late on Tuesday meanwhile, security forces claimed to have killed at least seven miscreants and arrested as many during retaliatory firing, Geo news reported. According to security forces sources, at least three security men and two police personnel were injured during exchange of fire following militants' attack. Unidentified armed militants opened fired on the security forces deployed at Jarwar checkpost near Sui and Jafarabad areas located on the province's border late on Tuesday, which security forces retaliated, killing as many as seven militants and nabbing as many militants on the occasion, sources informed media. Three security forces personnel and two policemen also sustained injuries amid exchange of fire, sources added. Security forces claimed to have taken the corpses of killed militants under their possession while the arrested militants have been shifted to unidentified places for investigation, sources concluded.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Explosion hits hospital in Quetta
[Dawn] A blast inside a private hospital smashed the windows and glasses of different wards on Quetta's MeCongy road on Tuesday.

The blast also damaged the wall of the hospital's laboratory. Police say unknown persons had planted explosives inside the lab.

The explosives went off causing panic in the area. The explosion was heard far and wide and shook the nearby buildings.

Soon after the blast, paramilitary troops and police officials reached the spot to investigate the incident.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  blast inside a private hospital

It's only fair if everyone has the same medical care, and PRIVATE hospitals are evidence of inequality and will have to be destroyed.
- 7th Centurists and modern 'Progressives'
Posted by: Glenmore || 08/26/2009 9:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Making sure someone doesn't talk, or revenge because someone did? Enquiring minds...

Quetta IS the current capital of Taliban Afghanistan, after all.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 08/26/2009 12:25 Comments || Top||

#3  afaik, the 7th centurists love to blow up public infrastructure as well. In baghdad the attacked teh finance ministry - think they are antitax folks?
Posted by: liberal hawk || 08/26/2009 13:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Like William "Friend of Barack" Ayers?
Posted by: ed || 08/26/2009 13:54 Comments || Top||

Three militants killed, seven arrested: ISPR
[Dawn] Three militants were killed, seven apprehended while 11 local persons (who were forced to take terrorist training) voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Bar Shaur near Chuprial.

According to ISPR, Security forces conducted search operation at Asharbanr near Khawazakhela and killed one militant and apprehended another.

Security forces also conducted search operations at Taghan, Bishbanr near Gat and killed two militants there. A local lashkar demolished three houses belonging to militants at Manja near Tutan Banda.

A huge cache of arms and ammunition was recovered by security forces while conducting a search operation at Kala Kalle.

Security forces also swept through village Saltan, Barjabar near Kanju and apprehended six suspects.--
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Pakistani Taliban admit Mehsud killed in US strike
[Dawn] The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan acknowledged on Tuesday that its top leader Baitullah Mehsud was dead, ending weeks of claims and counter-claims over his fate following a US missile strike on his father-in-law's house earlier this month.

It is the first time that the militant group has acknowledged his death. Two of Baitullah's top aides, Hakeemullah Mehsud and Waliur Rehman, called The Associated Press on Tuesday evening to say that he had died on Sunday of wounds from the Aug 5 strike near the Afghan border.

'He was wounded. He got the wounds in a drone strike and he was martyred two days ago,' Hakeemullah said. Rehman later repeated the same statement.

Both also confirmed an earlier Taliban announcement that Hakeemullah was now leading the Pakistani Taliban, while Waliur Rehman would lead the movement's wing in South Waziristan.

The Taliban had insisted for weeks that Baitullah Mehsud was still alive following the missile strike, while US and Pakistani officials said he was almost certainly dead and a leadership struggle had ensued.

Hakeemullah and Waliur Rehman, who had served as top aides to Baitullah, said they were calling together --- handing the telephone back and forth to each other --- to dispel reports of disunity in the Taliban leadership. They spoke to an AP reporter who had interviewed both and recognised their voices.

'Our presence together shows that we do not have any differences,' Rehman said.

Both men had been named as candidates --- and possibly rivals --- to replace Baitullah Mehsud as chief of the Al Qaeda-linked movement, which is blamed for dozens of terrorist attacks inside Pakistan and also for planning attacks on US troops across the border in Afghanistan.

The 28-year-old Hakeemullah commanded three tribal regions and had a reputation as Baitullah's most ferocious deputy.

He first appeared in public to journalists in November 2008 when he offered to take reporters on a ride in a US Humvee taken from a supply truck heading to Afghanistan.

Hakeemullah claimed responsibility for the June 9 bombing of the Pearl Continental hotel in Peshawar.

He also threatened suicide bombings in Pakistani cities in retaliation for a recent army offensive in the Swat valley, which has been winding down in recent weeks.

The BBC's Aleem Maqbool says the Pakistani government will be pleased that the Taliban has confirmed the death of Baitullah Mehsud.

It has been unable to provide tangible evidence of his death because of the remote and hostile terrain of Taliban strongholds in South Waziristan.

There were also claims that Hakeemullah had been killed in a clash with supporters of Waliur Rehman. The fate of Baitullah Mehsud has also been the subject of intense speculation.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  He may be dead, but his hat will live on in the hearts of pie lovers everywhere.
Posted by: SteveS || 08/26/2009 16:47 Comments || Top||

Three more deaders found in Swat
[The News (Pak) Top Stories] Security forces on Tuesday arrested eight suspected militants, while three more bodies of the Taliban militants were found in Swat, raising the number of bodies found in the valley during the last 24 hours to 22.

Official sources said security forces launched search operation in various parts of Mingora city during which they apprehended eight suspected militants from Rang Mohallah, Malookabad and other areas of the city.

The sources said security forces recovered three more bodies of suspected militants in Dangram area in Manglawar. Meanwhile, ISPR said that 11 local persons forced by the Taliban militants to get military training voluntarily surrendered to security forces in Bar Shawar village in Matta tehsil.

It said security forces while conducting search operation in Asbanr near Khwazakhela exchanged fire with the militants. It claimed one militant was killed and another arrested.The ISPR said that during a similar search operation in Taghan and Bishbanr near Gat the troops killed two militants.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Bomb wounds local official, four other people in Iraq
[Dawn] Iraqi officials say a local official and four other people have been wounded when a bomb attached to a car exploded in Baghdad.

Police say Tuesday's blast targeted the convoy carrying the district administrator of a mainly Shia district in eastern Baghdad.

Police say Issam al-Eboudi was wounded along with three guards and a bystander.

Iraqi officials also raised the casualty toll in Monday's twin bus bombings near the southern city of Kut to 13 killed and 25 wounded. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to release the information.
Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

PA releases 13 more Hamas detainees in Qalqiliya
Ma'an -- The Palestinian General Intelligence Service has released 13 Hamas members from prison in the West Bank city of Qalqiliya over the last three days, a security source told Ma'an.

The source said the release came in accordance with President Mahmoud Abbas' decision to release 200 Hamas detainees from Palestinian Authority custody in the West Bank.

The Preventive Security Service in Qalqilia released 12 detainees on Sunday while the Military Intelligence Service released five on Monday bringing the overall number of detainees released in Qalqiliya to 30.

In a statement released on Hamas-linked websites on Monday, Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said it was too early to judge Abbas' order. The Gaza-based spokesperson also said that implementation of the decision is critical, and called for the release of all political prisoners by the PA.

Hamas is relatively strong in Qalqiliya, where nine people were killed in two deadly shootouts between Hamas and PA gunmen one week in last May and June.

The detention of Hamas members by the Fatah-run PA's security forces has been considered a major sticking point in resolving a two-year divide in Palestinian politics and society that began in 2007. The PA claims that the Hamas members in its prisons were detained for "security reasons," not political motivations.

Last week the Hamas government in Gaza ordered the release of 50 Fatah members and 50 criminals in a similar gesture.

A high-ranking Egyptian general, Muhammad Ibrahim, met with Hamas and Fatah leaders in the West Bank, Jordan, and Syria last week in an attempt to address the political prisoner issue.

A round of Egyptian-brokered Hamas-Fatah negotiations scheduled for this week was postponed with no future date set.

Posted by: Fred || 08/26/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Southeast Asia
'Prince of Jihad' arrested in Indonesia
THE owner of a radical Islamist website who calls himself the Prince of Jihad in his blog postings has been arrested in connection with the Jakarta hotel bombings.
Counter-terror squad officers arrested Muhamad Jibril Abdurahman, alias Muhamad Ricky Ardan bin Mohammad Iqbal, near Jakarta late yesterday and also raided the office of his website, Arrahmah.com, a police spokesman said.

Police believe the Pakistan-educated suspect helped channel funds from abroad to finance the July 17 twin suicide bombings on the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels that killed nine people, including six foreigners.

The source of the funds is not known, but police have said they are investigating whether the money came from al-Qaeda brokers in the Middle East, among other possible donors.

Muhamad Jibril is well-known in Indonesian radical circles as a publicist of extremist material, and is the son of a firebrand Islamist cleric who has been linked in the past to the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) regional terror network.

In addition to the website, he edited a publication called Jihadmagz which espoused jihad or "holy war" against the West.

"He chose his jihad path through working in the media. He felt there were many Muslims who were being suppressed everywhere and there was a war of thoughts," Indonesian extremism analyst Noor Huda Ismail said.

Police said Muhamad Jibril was an accomplice of Saudi national Al Khalil Ali, who was arrested earlier this month on suspicion of smuggling money from abroad to pay for the attacks.

Muhamad Jibril, believed to be aged in his mid-20s, is the son of Indonesian cleric Abu Jibril who was arrested in Malaysia in 2001 on suspicion of being a senior JI member.

The father was deported to Indonesia where he served about five months in jail for using a forged passport. He now runs a website, Abujibriel.com, which also supports radical Islamist groups and spouts jihadist ideology.

"Jihad and terrorism are not something to be afraid of or avoided, because to cause terror to Allah's enemies is the instruction of Islam," said an article by the Prince of Jihad which appeared on both websites after the July 17 attacks.
Posted by: tipper || 08/26/2009 09:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pakistan-educated and Saudi funding is a common theme here/in any sunni terrorism
Posted by: Glavitle B. Hayes4065 || 08/26/2009 13:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Start out by making him the Princess of Jihad, and then get rough.
Posted by: gorb || 08/26/2009 14:27 Comments || Top||

Security tightens as attacks increase in southern Thailand
An army armoured personnel carrier was targeted Wednesday morning in a remote-controlled bomb amush in Yala’s Bannang Sata district as Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva warned of an intensified violence. There were no casualties in the latest incident which has prompted four schools closed for safety reasons.

The violence occurred in the wake of a powerful car bomb outside a restaurant in the Narathiwat provincial seat on Tuesday, injuring 42 people, including a local district chief and a medical doctor. An arrest warrant was issued Wednesday morning for one suspect ‘captured’ by four TV security cameras in Tuesday’s incident in Narathiwat.

Prime Minister Abhisit on Wednesday ordered security to be tightened in the wake of the attacks in the southern border provinces, conceding that he had received an intelligence update on the likely intensification of the insurgent campaign during the holy fasting month of Ramadan. The prime minister said he told officials to maintain their vigilance and that he will meet with security agencies to improve operations to prevent more attacks.

Meanwhile, Deputy Interior Minister Thavorn Senneam, who supervises the southern region, said it was earlier reported of possible car bomb attacks as some vehicles were stolen locally by suspected terrorists insurgents to carry out such an attack. Mr Thavorn also warned that more violence is likely to occur and that intelligence work is needed to be fine-tuned to effectively respond to the situation.

In a related development of Tuesday's car bomb attack in Narathiwat, the police are gathering evidence to seek an arrest warrant for a man in his 20s later identified as Amran Ming, who has an outstanding arrest warrant in relation to the Yi Ngor car bomb attack in June. The suspect was captured by four surveillance cameras at Suan Kluay Restaurant in the municipality. The suspect parked the car outside the restaurant at 12.15 pm as the restaurant was crowded with midday customers, many of whom were civil servants on their midday lunch break, and was picked up by a rider on a motorcycle before the bomb exploded.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/26/2009 06:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

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