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Hakimullah Mehsud appointed Baitullah's successor
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

Armed Men Set Afghan Votes on Fire
[Quqnoos] Unidentified gunmen attacked a vehicle containing with about 4,000 voting papers in the northern Balkh province, killing one IEC employee and wounding seven others

The armed men set the votes on fire in the Nahr-e Shahe district of the relatively stable Afghan province, said provincial director of Afghan Independent Election Commission (IEC), Eng Dur Ahmad.

Taliban insurgents vowed to disrupt the election and carried out more than 70 attacks on Thursday -- only the second time national elections were held -- killing at least 26 Afghans across the country.

The burnt votes were already counted in the field before being taken to the provincial IEC office in Mazar-e Sharif city, the official further said.

No groups, including the Taliban, have claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Balkh Police Department has launched an investigation into the case, but still no arrests have been made, said Balkh Police Chief, Brig Gen Sardar Mohammad Sultani.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  The burnt votes were already counted in the field before being taken to the provincial IEC office

Terrorizing FAIL. If anyone knows how, please send this to the website, so more people can laugh at Taliban ineptness.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 21:39 Comments || Top||

Taliban chop off Afghan voters fingers
[Iran Press TV Latest] Taliban insurgents have reportedly sliced off fingers of some voters in the troubled southern provinces of Afghanistan for casting their ballots on the polling day.

In a news conference in Kabul, observers of the Free and Fair Election Foundation (FEFA) of Afghanistan said that they had witnessed the "illegal and brutal punishments" in southern provinces where Taliban have long thrived.

"Our observers saw two voters whose fingers, with the ink, was cut off in Kandahar. This was on Election Day. This was in the afternoon," said Nader Nadery, the chairman of the group.

The insurgents had warned they would slit throats and chop off fingers of anyone who voted in Thursday's presidential and provincial councils' election. The fingers of Afghan voters were dipped into a bottle of indelible ink; a measure that prevented them from voting multiple times.

Sources said militants made good on pre-election threats by punishing voters in the violence-wracked Kandahar and Helmand provinces. The independent sources also fear the turnout may have been as low as 10 percent and up to 25-30 percent in some southern and eastern provinces due to Taliban intimidation.

The Taliban insurgents conducted more than 130 attacks across the war-ravaged country on election day. However, according to the latest official reports, election day brought sporadic violence in which at least 26 people were killed. There have been reports of militant attacks in 15 provinces.

European Union (EU) observers on Saturday welcomed Afghanistan's elections as generally fair, but not universally free.

Some Afghanistan-based observer groups say they witnessed irregularities, including stuffing of ballot boxes and proxy voting in the country's presidential elections.

Both campaigns of incumbent President Hamid Karzai and his main rival former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah have claimed victory in the Thursday polls.

Abdullah has issued a statement detailing about 40 incidents of alleged irregularities, and claiming that officials pressured people to vote for Karzai.

Analysts believe the result which will emerge in the coming days may not give any candidates a clear majority and force the top two contenders into a runoff race.

A contested and disputed election, meanwhile, could offer the Obama administration with an opportunity to "remake a system of government so dysfunctional that it has enabled a massive Taliban resurgence," Time reported.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  NBPP future tactics? Calling Eric Holder!
Posted by: Frank G || 08/23/2009 1:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Will ObambiCare pay for post-prohibited-vote-casting-finger-chopping-care?

Posted by: USN, Ret. || 08/23/2009 2:44 Comments || Top||

#3  Hopefully,the vast majority of moderate Taliban will raise their voices in protest!
Posted by: Thigum Hitler2093 || 08/23/2009 9:02 Comments || Top||

#4  #3 Hopefully,the vast majority of moderate Taliban will raise their voices in protest!
Posted by: Thigum Hitler2093 2009-08-23 09:02
Isn't term "moderate Taliban" as much an oxymoron as "moderate Muslim"?
Posted by: WolfDog || 08/23/2009 11:05 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
5 killed in violence in Somali capital
[Asharq al-Aswat] Islamic insurgents attacked a government checkpoint in Somalia's capital on Saturday, sparking a gunbattle that killed at least five people on the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

A minibus driver, Iidle Haasan, said he saw five corpses lying in the road after Saturday's attack. The road where the attack started is the supply route for African Union peacekeepers. "Early in the morning Islamist militias attacked our base," Somali Defense Minister Yusuf Mohamed Siad told Associated Press Television News.

Saturday's violence follows a week in which more than 60 people were killed across the country as insurgents and government forces try to hold onto their territory. Many experts fear the country's lawlessness could provide a haven for Al Qaeda, offering a place for terrorists to train and gather strength, much like Afghanistan in the 1990s. The United States accuses al-Shabab of having ties to the terror network, which al-Shabab denies.

Attempts to stabilize the country have failed. Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, a moderate Islamist, was elected president in January in hopes that he could unite the country's feuding factions, but the violence has continued.

And as of June 30, the AU force in Mogadishu had 4,300 troops, from Uganda and Burundi, just 54 percent of its authorized strength of 8,000. Various Islamist groups have been fighting the U.N.-backed government since being chased from power 2 1/2 years ago. The situation is complicated by the continual splintering and reforming of alliances and a tangled web of clan loyalties.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa Subsaharan
Hundreds of Nigerian oil militants surrender arms
[Mail and Globe] Hundreds of Nigerian militants on Saturday surrendered their weapons, mortar bombs and gunboats, as part of a federal amnesty programme that aims to stem unrest in the oil-producing Niger Delta.

The handover by dozens of militant groups was the largest collection of weapons and ammunition since President Umaru Yar'Adua's 60-day amnesty programme began two weeks ago.

"We give up our weapons so that we give peace a chance and for all oil companies and other multinationals to come into our region to develop the place," said Erepamutei Olotu, known as General Ogunbos, during a public handing-over ceremony in the Bayelsa state capital Yenagoa.

Attacks on pipelines and industry facilities along with the kidnapping of oil workers since early 2006 have cost the world's eighth-biggest oil exporter billions of dollars a year in lost revenues and added to volatility in global energy prices.

At the ceremony, former militant leader Ebikabowei Victor Ben, known as Boyloaf, gave a senior government official his flak jacket emblazoned with the logo of Nigeria's most prominent militant group -- the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend).

"As chairman of Mend in Bayelsa state, I hand over this jacket as a proclamation that we have disarmed and stand by our word. We expect the president to stand by his word and develop the Niger Delta," Ben told a crowd of hundreds that included former militants, government officials and security officers.

Ben was among 25 former militant leaders that surrendered more than 500 weapons, dozens of rocket launchers and mortar bombs and 14 gunboats, which were on display at the ceremony.

Ben, whose group handed over the bulk of the weapons collected on Saturday, has warned that failure to develop the Niger Delta would lead to a resumption of violence.

Sceptics question whether the amnesty scheme will buy anything more than a short-term lull in the violence, saying the government has done little to create employment or training opportunities for those who do hand over their guns.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  We expect the president to stand by his word and develop the Niger Delta,

Ha ha ha ha ha! He can't actually mean that. The government had to have bought him off for him to speak a howler like that.
Posted by: gromky || 08/23/2009 0:29 Comments || Top||

Yemen strikes rebel hideouts as revolt continues
Yemen launched air strikes on Shi'ite Muslim rebel hideouts on Saturday as fighting raged in the northern Saada province, military sources said, a day after the country's president renewed a ceasefire offer. "Heavy air strikes were directed on Saturday against Houthi strongholds, inflicting great losses as well as destroying a number of houses in which these elements were hiding," a military source said.

The raids were mounted after the government reiterated its ceasefire conditions to the Houthi rebels, who rejected the proposal last week.

President Ali Abdullah Saleh said that the government "would face this sedition in a decisive way" if rebels rejected peace. "The armed forces are continuing to tighten their grip on the subversive elements in a number of areas," another official source was quoted as saying in the ministry of defence's online newspaper.

A local official in Saada told Reuters a group of Houthis had attacked a local clinic in a failed bid to kidnap a medical worker and plunder medical aid. They then attacked civilian houses before escaping, the official said.

Yemeni forces have used air strikes, tanks and artillery in the offensive described by officials as a determined attempt to crush the revolt, led by Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

The U.S. embassy urged both parties to return to a ceasefire agreement reached last year and demanded both parties ensure the security of local and international relief workers in the region and the safe passage of emergency supplies to refuge camps.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Yemen seizes Iranian-made arms in rebel caches
[Al Arabiya Latest] The Yemeni army has seized Iranian-made weapons used by Shiite rebels who are locked in fighting with government forces in the north of the country, a security official said on Saturday.

"The troops... have discovered six storehouses for weapons that belong to the Huthi rebels and contain some Iranian-made weapons, including machine guns, short-range rockets and ammunition," the official said.

" The troops have discovered six storehouses for weapons that belong to the Huthi rebels and contain some Iranian-made weapons "
Yemeni security official
The official said the weapons were found as the troops advanced on rebel positions in areas near the rugged mountainous city of Saada, where the army launched an offensive called Operation Scorched Earth 12 days ago against the rebels.

Last week, Information Minister Ahmed al-Lawzi indirectly accused Iran of supporting the Zaidi Shiite rebels, who are also known as Huthis, in the fighting.

Witnesses reported that fierce battles were raging in the troubled north as the army stepped up its offensive, killing or wounding dozens of people.

The rebels, who accuse government forces of having killed dozens of civilians, said in a statement that they captured 80 soldiers, while locals said two Huthi leaders were killed in ferocious clashes on Friday night.

Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Another BDR man dies
[Bangla Daily Star] Another member of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) died yesterday, raising the death toll of BDR jawans to 40 since the February mutiny.

Nayek Subedar Mujibur Rahman, 54, passed away at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital (BSMMU) in the city yesterday.

A BDR press release stated that Mujibur of 30 Rifles Battalion at Panchhari, who hailed from Ugli village under Chandpur Sadar, had been suffering from liver cirrhosis and cancer.
Ah-ha! Another cirrhosis!
The press release however did not specify what type of cancer he had been suffering from.

Mujibur was admitted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital on July 1 and later taken to the BDR Hospital on July 15. He was shifted to BSMMU on August 4. His body has been sent to his village home where he will be buried.

The BDR members lost their lives, from health complications including cardiac arrests since the February mutiny. Many also committed suicide.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Dr. Steve, you need to write a paper on this phenomenon of full metal jacketed induced cancer.
Posted by: john frum || 08/23/2009 8:27 Comments || Top||

Purbo Banglar commie killed in encounter with police
[Bangla Daily Star] A regional leader of outlawed Janajuddho, a faction of Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCL-ML), was killed in an 'encounter' between police and his cohorts at Jagannathpur village of Daulatpur upazila in the district yesterday.

The dead was identified as Naharul Islam, 38, of Jagannathpur village.

Acting on a tip off, a team of Daulatpur police raided a field where Naharul's Janajuddho men were holding a clandestine meeting around 4:00am.
The Elk Lodge hall was booked at 4 am?
Sensing the presence of police, they started firing that triggered an hour-long gun battle between the outlaws and police.
And not a single round was recovered ...
But the outlaws fled the scene at one stage ...
... exit, stage right!
... and police found Naharul's dead body on the spot.

Police also recovered one LG, 24 rounds of bullet and two swords from there.
Liquid Gun? Lawyer Gun? Lost Gun?
Err... excuse me: swords? Two of them? Are the police quite certain they didn't raid a little fencing club?
Police said Naharul was one of the most wanted outlaws in the district. He was accused in at least twelve systems 10 cases of extortion and robbery including six for murder filed with Mirpur and Daulatpur police station.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Two Pakistani students arrested in UK raids return
[Dawn]Two Pakistani students arrested over an alleged terror plot in Britain have arrived back home, after deciding to leave the UK voluntarily. Speaking to the media at the airport, the students' lawyer, Amjad Malik said, the students have come back because of the delay in justice, ill-treatment, body searches and unavailability of halal and hygienic food. He said even UK laws were not followed and an unreasonable treatment was meted out to the students alleged in a terror plot. Malik said there were no charges brought at any time against the students and their detention after 28 days was unfair. Abdul Wahab Khan, one of the two students said the students faced hell in UK. He said he was happy nothing was proven against them.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  I wonder if more of them will now leave the UK after their shocking treatement.
Posted by: Dave UK || 08/23/2009 13:17 Comments || Top||

#2  No doubt they'd have been treated better in Saudi Arabia, like the many other Pakistani university students there.

What's that? Only Sunni Saudis are given university places in Saudi Arabia? Pakistanis may labour for low pay, long hours and Saudi abuse because of their untermensch status?

Never mind, then.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 17:15 Comments || Top||

#3  TW,The strange thing the Pakistanis get treated like shit in Saudi but lots of Paki's look up to/want to be like the Saudis.How ironic!
Posted by: Vortigern Elmomoling6516 || 08/23/2009 21:14 Comments || Top||

#4  Too right, Vortigern Elmomoling6516.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 23:30 Comments || Top||

20 houses of militants dynamited in Swat
[The News (Pak) Top Stories] Security forces on Friday blew up 20 houses of the militants and arrested a mastermind behind kidnapping of girls in Swat.

Security forces during their ongoing operation in upper parts of Manglawar area arrested two militants and set up two new checkpoints in the area. Search and clearance operation also continued in Kabal Tehsil and the forces dynamited 11 houses of suspected militants in Tall Dardyal and six in Koza Bandai area. Two houses of militants were also demolished in other areas.

Military sources told The News the forces also rounded up a militant commander Haider said to be a mastermind of various cases of kidnapping of girls and throat-slitting in the valley. Security forces entered Bishamber, Sirtiligram and Panjot areas in Manglawar and took control of these localities. During the ensuing search operation, the personnel of security forces also found two bodies believed to be of the militants on Manglawar-Kas road. The militants, hailing from Mingora, had been shot dead.

Forces also arrested two suspected militants during the routine checking at a check-post on Fatehpur road. The two were shifted to an unknown place for questioning. The military-run Swat Media Centre (SMC), meanwhile, announced that curfew will remain relaxed from 6am to 7pm in Swat.

The residents of the remote villages are facing numerous problems as the roads leading to these areas are still closed.Security forces set up checkpoints on Kokarai-Haji Baba road and imposed curfew in surrounding areas due to which the residents are facing hardships in fetching daily-use items from Mingora and other areas. Forces also closed the Ayub bridge for repair work. The internally displaced persons (IDPs) moving to Kabal and Kanju are now using Shamozai bridge to reach their hometowns.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Two children dead after rocket attack in Landi Kotal
[Dawn] Two children were killed and seven other were injured when militants fired at least a dozen mortars at a military camp in Landi Kotal, officials said on Saturday.

The rocket attack was carried out minutes before iftar, the break of fast, with at least five rockets landing within the army camp.

The other rockets hit a residential area of Landi Kotal, resulting in the death of two children of an Afghan, while two women and five men received injuries when mortars hit houses near Railway station and Agency Headquarters Hospital.

Some houses were also partially damaged, officials added.

Security forces returned fire with attacks on suspected militant hideouts.

A local spokesman of the Taliban Umar Farooq claimed responsibility for the rocket attack and warned of more attacks.

The injured were shifted to a local hospital for treatment.

Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Car bomb kills two Ansar-ul-Islam men in Peshawar
[Dawn] A remote-controlled bomb exploded in a car on Saturday killing a militant spokesman and his driver while wounding five others in Peshawar, police said.

'Two people were killed and five others were injured in the car bombing,' Peshawar police chief Sifwatullah Ghayyur told AFP.

'The bomb was planted in the car and was detonated by a remote control,' he said, identifying the victims as Mubeen Afridi, spokesman for militant group Ansar-ul-Islam which operates in Khyber tribal district near the Afghan border, and his driver.

Police suspect that rival group Lashkar-e-Islam could be behind the bombing, Ghayyur said.

Bomb disposal chief Shafqat Malik said that up to 10 kilograms of explosives were used in the device which was planted under the car.

Sahibzada Anis, the head of district administration, said that the bombing took place on a busy road near the main government hospital, but there were fewer people out due to the onset of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.

Television footage showed the white Toyota car reduced to a pile of mangled steel as investigators collected evidence.

Markets and other businesses were immediately shut down in the area after the blast panicked residents and traders, an AFP reporter at the scene said.

Last year the government launched a major operation against militant groups in Khyber which sent their leaders running into the mountains bordering Afghanistan, after the militants threatened to take over Peshawar.

Militants were also attacking convoys supplying NATO and US troops in Afghanistan passing through Khyber.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar-e-Islami

#1  A remote-controlled bomb exploded in a car on Saturday killing a militant spokesman and his driver

One wonders if the militant spokesman and his driver had planned to become jihadis just then and there.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 17:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Sorry, I meant martyrs, of course.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 17:17 Comments || Top||

#3  "Spokesman 2.0 to the field, prepare 3.0"
Posted by: Frank G || 08/23/2009 18:35 Comments || Top||

Hakimullah Mehsud appointed Baitullah's successor
[Dawn] The Pakistan Taliban have appointed a successor to their feared leader believed to have been killed in a US missile strike, a militant commander said on Saturday.

American and Pakistani officials believe Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief Baitullah Mehsud was killed earlier this month in a missile attack by US drone aircraft in the lawless South Waziristan tribal district bordering Afghanistan. Taliban commanders say Mehsud survived but is seriously ill.

TTP deputy and battle-hardened former teacher Maulvi Faqir Mohammad, who announced on Wednesday that he had taken over as acting chief of the group, said a Taliban shura, or council, had made the appointment. 'A Taliban shura has unanimously appointed Hakimullah Mehsud as successor to Baitullah Mehsud,' he told AFP by telephone. 'The shura meeting continued for two days and was attended by 22 members,' he said.

Residents and intelligence officials in Khar, the main town of Bajaur tribal district, the base of Mohammad, said the militant leader relayed the news of Hakimullah's appointment on his illegal FM radio station. 'The shura has appointed Hakimullah as successor to Baitullah Mehsud. The shura earlier had nominated me as the acting chief but now I will be again deputy chief,' an intelligence official quoted Mohammad as saying over the radio. 'I shall continue to be ameer (chief) of TTP in Bajaur,' Mohammad said.

Pakistani intelligence officials say TTP spokesman Maulvi Omar, who was arrested this month, has confirmed that Mehsud was killed in a CIA strike on his father-in-law's house on August 5. 'Baitullah is alive but he is seriously sick,' Mohammad said, adding: 'God forbid if Baitullah is dead, Hakimullah will be his successor.'

Hakimullah is considered as close aide of Mehsud, and a powerful commander who operates from the Orakzai tribal district, where US drones have conducted several missile strikes.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  "there can be only one true Pie Hat™"
Posted by: Frank G || 08/23/2009 1:23 Comments || Top||

#2  We have his number ... I expect he'll just be watched for now to see how much of a pr*ck he'll be .
Posted by: Spolung || 08/23/2009 4:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Given the hat and name, Spolong, I figure he'll be a really big one - pron-film level.
Posted by: Glenmore || 08/23/2009 9:19 Comments || Top||

#4  "Which one is he?"
"The guy with the nervous look over there..."
Posted by: mojo || 08/23/2009 13:14 Comments || Top||

#5  If he does what Islamabad tells him, somehow the Paki stumble bums won't be able to locate him with a 100 miles.
Posted by: ed || 08/23/2009 15:39 Comments || Top||

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/23/2009 20:32 Comments || Top||

Kanju blast kills 2 security men
[Geo News] At least two security men were killed and two others injured, when two suicide bombers attacked a motorcade of security personnel on Saturday in Swat area of Kanju in Kabal. According to official sources, the security forces were conducting an operation in the Tehsil Kabal area of Kanju, when two suspected men, spotting the security men, fled to a house; the security men gave them a chase. As soon as the security personnel approached them, they blew themselves up, killing two security men and injuring two others.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Pakistani Taliban interrogate Mehsud family
[Dawn] Pakistani Taliban have detained four relatives of their leader Baitullah Mehsud, believed to have been killed this month in a US missile strike, on suspicion of tipping off authorities about his whereabouts, security officials said.
Goddamn! How did that get out? I thought it was a closely guarded secret!
Pakistani and US officials are almost certain that Mehsud, head of the Pakistani Taliban, was killed when a missile fired by a US pilotless drone aircraft hit his father-in-law's house in South Waziristan on the Afghan border on August 5. Mehsud's aides have denied his death.
Some of them have, anyway, some of the time.
But Pakistan and US officials have said the militants appeared to be in disarray after Mehsud's death, with reports of infighting between factions vying to take command.

A senior intelligence official said Mehsud's father-in-law, Ikramuddin Mehsud, his son, one of his brothers and a nephew had been detained by the Taliban on suspicion that they had passed on information about Mehsud's whereabouts. 'They were arrested two days ago and are being interrogated by the Taliban in Sararogha,' on of the intelligence agency officials, who declined to be identified, said on Saturday, referring to a Mehsud stronghold in South Waziristan. Another intelligence official and an influential ethnic Pashtun tribal elder in the region also said the family members had been detained.

Mehsud's second wife, who was Ikramuddin's daughter, and some of his bodyguards were killed in the missile strike. Mehsud had been suffering from a stomach ailment and was lying on a cot on the flat roof of the house while his wife was sitting beside him when the missile struck shortly after midnight, the security officials and tribal elder said.

Numerous people have been detained by the Taliban, and many of them executed, on suspicion of spying since the United States intensified its drone attacks last year.

Driver killed
Earlier, Ikramuddin's brother, Saadullah Mehsud, a paramedic who lived nearby, had been called to provide medical treatment for Mehsud's stomach problem. The missile hit the house shortly after Saadullah had left, arousing Taliban suspicion that he had passed on information, the second intelligence official said. Saadullah was among those detained.

The tribal elder said the militants had shot dead Mehsud's driver, Mohammad Qasim, who was also known as Kashif, shortly after the missile strike, on suspicion of spying.

While Mehsud's aides deny their leader is dead, Pakistani and US officials say the Taliban have shown no evidence that he is alive. Jockeying for power among his commanders has only reinforced the belief that he is dead.

Mehsud's deputy, Faqir Mohammad, this week announced that he was temporarily taking over the command of the Pakistani Taliban alliance of factions because Mehsud was sick and lying low.

US President Barack Obama said on Thursday 'we took out' Mehsud, who was blamed for a wave of bombings in Pakistan, including the 2007 assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

Analysts say the Taliban's reluctance to admit Mehsud's death could be a tactic aimed at averting discord before the leadership question is settled.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Don't all Taliban interrogations end in execution?
Posted by: whatadeal || 08/23/2009 9:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Perhaps the difference is eventually vs. immediately, whatadeal.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 18:21 Comments || Top||

Iraq broadcasts truck bomber video confession
Iraq on Sunday showed a video of a Saddam Hussein loyalist confessing to orchestrating one of two massive truck bombings that killed 95 people and maimed hundreds more in Baghdad four days ago.

"I received a call a month ago from my boss in the (Baath) party Sattam Farhan in Syria to do an operation to destabilise the regime."
Former police chief Wissam Ali Kadhem Ibrahim admitted to plotting Wednesday's attack at the finance ministry, the first of two deadly blasts on the worst day of violence seen in Iraq for 18 months. "I received a call a month ago from my boss in the (Baath) party Sattam Farhan in Syria to do an operation to destabilise the regime," Ibrahim said in the footage, alluding to Saddam's now outlawed political movement.

The 57-year-old suspect said the truck bomb was prepared in Khalis, 80 kilometres (50 miles) northeast of Baghdad, and that he had called a contact in the nearby town of Muqdadiyah to ensure its safe passage to the capital.

Ibrahim, who said he was a chief of police in Diyala until 1995 under Saddam's rule, said he had worked as a lawyer until 2002 but then became a leading Baathist official in the restive province northeast of Baghdad.

Major-General Qassim Atta, spokesman for the Iraqi Army's Baghdad operations, told reporters that Ibrahim was the main person responsible for the attack at the ministry of finance. The second truck bombing on Wednesday occurred just minutes later at the ministry of foreign affairs.
Posted by: tipper || 08/23/2009 14:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "I received a call a month ago from my boss in the (Baath) party Sattam Farhan in Syria to do an operation to destabilise the regime,"

Why doesn't Iraq go after these guys?
Posted by: Penguin || 08/23/2009 17:20 Comments || Top||

#2  my boss in the (Baath) party Sattam Farhan in Syria

Back in the day, President Bush would have handled this very effectively, but President Obama isn't going to lift even his littlest finger to help. The fact that Iraq broadcast the video should indicate the government is figuring out what they should -- and can -- do. The Iraqi army has not been training for external war, after all. On the other hand, how much oil has Iraq been supplying to Syria?
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 18:34 Comments || Top||

Senior Al-Qaeda Leader in Syria to Revive Iraq Network
Posted by: Frozen Al || 08/23/2009 14:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Competing with the Ba'athists, are they? They'd better hurry, because after November 2010, President Obama will no longer control Congress, which means he may no longer be able to continue his offensive charm offensive to win over the bad guys... like Syria.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 18:38 Comments || Top||

#2  I expect that the perfidious Jooooos might supplement their attack on the puppet master Iran with a dose of "STFU and quit f*cking around" to the pencil-necked-geek. Items like this make the World Outrage™ diminish
Posted by: Frank G || 08/23/2009 18:44 Comments || Top||




And now you know once again, Virginia, why Radical Islam likes post-Cold War RUSSIA + CHINA + INDIA, etc.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/23/2009 22:51 Comments || Top||

Hamas to attempt 'reeducation' of detained ultra-Islamists
Ma'an -- The de facto Ministry of the Interior in Gaza will try to "correct" ideologies held by members of Jund Ansar Allah who were arrested after and during gun battles last week, spokesman Eyhab Al-Ghussein said on Saturday.

The ministry said it would seek help from the Union of Muslim Scholars.

Jund Ansar Allah, a radical armed group thought to be ideologically aligned with Al-Qaeda, was at the center of clashes that left 28 Palestinians dead following a Hamas operation against its members in Rafah last Friday.

Al-Ghussein explained that his ministry gave directives to security services to impose order and ease movement during Ramadan. Police will deploy in marketplaces and crossroads to protect residents, he said.

With regard to the Palestinian reconciliation dialogue, Al-Ghussein said "the ongoing detention of resistance activists by the Palestinian Authority security services in the West Bank will not lead to a successful dialogue in Cairo."

He criticized rights groups for keeping silent while human rights are violated in the West Bank and "criminal acts are conducted against citizens," while at the same time making a mountain out of a molehill when there was "a little trouble in Gaza."

Al-Ghussein highlighted that the de facto government recently released 100 detainees as part of its efforts to make the dialogue a success.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  I guess this will consist of a reduction from "kill everyone" to "just kill all Jews"? What would a successful reeducation of an AQ member be by Hamas?
Posted by: gromky || 08/23/2009 0:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Who is going to re-educate Hamas?
Posted by: JohnQC || 08/23/2009 15:50 Comments || Top||

#3  "Just kill all Jews, Christians and Fatahniks," gromky.

How can the ineducable be re-educated, JohnQC?
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 18:42 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Two soldiers killed in attack on checkpoint in Thailand
Terrorists Suspected insurgents killed two soldiers and seriously injured another three in the latest attack in Thailand's troubled south, police said on Sunday.

Around ten gunmen on two pick-up trucks opened fire on a checkpoint in Narathiwat province, where ten security forces personnel were working early Sunday morning. After both sides exchanged fire for five minutes, the terrorists militants threw two bombs at the checkpoint, police said. One soldier was killed at the scene, while another four were seriously injured and taken to a local hospital, where one of them died.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/23/2009 10:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Iran uncovers 'Zionist plot' against defense nominee
Iran says the international reaction to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's nominee for defense minister is a "Zionist plot" to undermine the new Iranian administration.

"[Ahmad] Vahidi was a deputy defense minister and this is a very senior political position," Ahmadinejad's press adviser, Ali-Akbar Javanfekr, told AFP. "Therefore it seems that this is a new trick being planned and is basically a Zionist plot."

His comments came after Argentina expressed outrage Friday over the defense minister-designate claiming that he is wanted in connection with the bombing of the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) Jewish Community Center, which left 85 dead and wounded more than 300 others.

Ahmadinejad's 'tapping' Ahmad Vahidi for the post is "an affront to Argentine justice and the victims of the terrorist attack", the Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Buenos Aires has formally accused Iran of carrying out the attack. Tehran strongly denies any involvement in the bombing.

Vahidi along with six other Iranian officials have been on Interpol's list since 2007 in connection with the bombing.

US officials reacted with concern to Vahidi's nomination as Iran's defense minister.

"If this report is true and if this man is confirmed as a cabinet minister and is wanted by Interpol for his involvement in a terrorist act, of course this would be disturbing," State Department Spokesman Ian Kelly said.

However, Javanfekr dismissed the allegations, asking, "How come they have never brought this up in the past?"

Argentina has the largest Jewish community in the Americas outside the United States.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  I smell an Islamist plot to turn everyone into alans snackbar retards !
Posted by: Spolung || 08/23/2009 4:24 Comments || Top||

#2  Let's see. Wanted by INTERPOL, killed a bunch of innocent people in two countries. Yep, if there isn't a Zionist plot to whack this scumbunny, there should be. Hopefully, it will involved gutting him and stuffing his carcass with bacon.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 08/23/2009 11:58 Comments || Top||

Iranians rocket Pak border town, kill two
[Dawn] A Pakistani government official says Iranian border guards have killed two people in a rocket attack in Pakistan's southwest. Naseer Khan, a local government administrator in Balochistan province, said on Saturday that Iranian guards fired rockets toward the border town of Washkook late Friday, hitting a house and killing a woman and a child inside. Khan said it was unclear why the guards took such action. He did not say how many rockets were fired.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2009 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  I don't see Pakistan fussing over sovereignty when it's Baluchis getting killed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2009 23:41 Comments || Top||

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