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Former Pak MP denies role in terrorist plot
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26 00:00 True German Ally [7]
Caribbean-Latin America
Honduras issues terror alert
Honduras declared a national terror alert and tightened security at foreign embassies after receiving a tip that the al-Qaeda terrorist network is trying to recruit Hondurans to carry out attacks, the Associated Press reported from the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa. Security Minister Oscar Alvarez said Honduras received information three days ago that al-Qaeda was recruiting Hondurans to bomb the embassies of the U.S., U.K., Spain and El Salvador, AP reported. While some residents may have been approached to carry out the attacks on ideological grounds, others may have been offered money, he said, AP reported.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 08/23/2004 4:30:14 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I was waiting for this day to come: the day that Al-Qaida figures out that they can recruit Hispanic leftists to carry out attacks or ally with narcoguerrillas on an ad hoc basis or just hire poor Hispanic common criminals to pull off an attack.
Posted by: Kentucky Beef || 08/23/2004 20:39 Comments || Top||

#2  Spain? Huuuuuhhhhhh...

Thought they were in the clear now. Oh dear.
Posted by: jules 2 || 08/23/2004 20:45 Comments || Top||

#3  You mean like Jose Padilla?
Posted by: ed || 08/23/2004 20:50 Comments || Top||

#4  ?!But we had an understanding, ed!?

Posted by: jules 2 || 08/23/2004 20:55 Comments || Top||

#5  As I said after the Madrid atrocities and the subsequent Spanish (and Honduran) surrender:

Paz en nuestro tiempo, la paz de los muertos.
(Peace in our time: the peace of the dead.)
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy || 08/23/2004 22:03 Comments || Top||

Down Under
'Mystery Aussie' in al-Qaeda plot
FRENCH anti-terrorist prosecutor Jean-Louis Bruguiere claims a mystery man in Australia was connected to the "millennium bombing plot" to blow up Los Angeles airport in 2000. Judge Bruguiere said telephone intercepts had linked a suspect in Sydney to Algerian Ahmed Ressam, who was arrested in December 1999 in Canada before he could cross the US border in a vehicle with explosives, large amounts of money and fake identities. He said the Sydney man was identified during an extensive international sting operation involving his office. The information was passed on to Australian authorities by the French counter-terrorism branch, the DST. But the claim has puzzled local law enforcement officials. The left hand Australian Federal Police refused to comment last night and the right hand NSW police said they had not previously heard of any Australian link. DST liaises with ASIO, which is understood to have dealt with the referral without involving police.

The millennium plot was considered one of the most serious efforts to be foiled by authorities since al-Qa'ida emerged as a global terror menace in the early 1990s. US courts have been told it was planned by the al-Qaeda hierarchy to cause massive symbolic damage at the turn of the millennium. The French were heavily involved in the operation to catch Ressam. "There was an Australian resident involved in this attempt by al-Qaeda," Judge Bruguiere said. "There was a string of false passports in France. We had been following the plan since 1996-1997. As we investigated we discovered an individual located in Sydney, in contact with Ressam, by telephone. This surprised us very much, that there was an individual in Australia preparing for activities in the US. There was also one in Montreal and one in Vancouver. The individual in Sydney was in the same cell as Ressam."

Judge Bruguiere said he was not aware of the fate of the Sydney suspect although sources said last night he had been detained, then deported on immigration irregularities. "Australia may not have been able to succeed in obtaining enough evidence," he said. "It was very important for us to discover this attempt. It provided the first explanation and knowledge of al-Qaeda and it was connected with France." The millennium plot is now widely regarded as the most sophisticated al-Qaeda plan conceived before the September 11 attacks on the US. US intelligence officials have said that, if successful, it would probably have been more devastating than the bombing of the World Trade Centre in 1993.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: tipper || 08/23/2004 10:38:01 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Looks like Anti-war(s)'s group is feeling the heat.
Posted by: ex-lib || 08/23/2004 10:52 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Police defuse another bomb in Thailand's south
Police in Thailand's violence-hit south defused a bomb after a series of blasts outside hotels over the weekend left about a dozen people injured. Security guards discovered the device attached to a motorcycle petrol tank in a parking lot at a hotel in the southern province of Yala and it was made safe by a police bomb team after two hours. "Hotel staff informed us in the early morning that the motorbike had been left and it did not belong to any member of the hotel staff or guests," Colonel Parinya Kwanyuen, commander of Yala police, told AFP. The scare came after three blasts in Yala province late Saturday linked to a Muslim separatist insurgency which erupted in January and has since claimed at least 280 lives. "It's likely that it was the work of the same group who planted the three bombs that exploded on Saturday night because they used the same technique," Parinya added.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) || 08/23/2004 3:30:28 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

60 killed in weekend festivities in Chechnya
More than 60 people were killed in and around the Chechen capital of Grozny during a weekend rebel offensive. 25 policemen, 26 soldiers, three members of the presidential security service and 12 civilians were killed, Reuters quoted a government source as saying on Monday. However, a spokesman of Russian troops in North Caucasus, Ilya Shabalkin, quoted by the agency, mentioned only six Chechen police among the killed, "several losses on the federal side" and fifty rebels. Charity umbrella group SNO quoted by the agency said between 40 and 50 people had died in the raid, which was almost identical in tactics to the neighboring region of Ingushetia in June when 90 people died. Eighteen of the dead were civilians, SNO said. Agencies reported the rebels targeted roadblocks and polling stations set up for the August 29 election.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 08/23/2004 4:42:08 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I wish we would ally with Russia to fight these Chechens. Imagine how kick ass that would be! We could kick some Chechen ass with our merged assets!
Posted by: Kentucky Beef || 08/23/2004 20:42 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Former Pakistani MP denies role in terrorist plot
"Wudn't me."
A former Pakistani legislator on Monday denied accusations by a senior minister that he was involved in an al-Qaeda-masterminded plot to launch suicide attacks around Islamabad earlier this month. Interior Minister Faisal Saleh Hayat had told local Geo television that Javed Ibrahim Paracha was "the main planner" of foiled Independence Day attacks on the parliament, military headquarters, the US embassy, President Pervez Musharraf's residence and his office. Hayat also said that the plot had been masterminded by an Egyptian Qaeda suspect named Sheikh Esa, alias Qari Ismail. Paracha, who was a member of parliament between 1997 and 1999 with the then-ruling Pakistan Muslim League, rejected the accusations and said he was suing Hayat. "I have sued Faisal Saleh Hayat and challenged him to prove allegations he has levelled against me," Paracha said on phone from Peshawar. "I do not have any link with terrorism in any manner," he added.
"Nope. Nope. Not me!"
Paracha belonged to the pro-Taliban party Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam before joining the PML, and now heads an organisation of the Sunni Muslim majority known as the Supreme Sunni Council. He lives in conservative North West Frontier Province.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 08/23/2004 4:10:09 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

4 Uzbek al-Qaeda killed
Pakistani security forces have killed four al Qaeda-linked Uzbek militants in a tribal region bordering Afghanistan, officials have said. Another foreigner and a Pakistani were also captured in the raid on a hideout near North Waziristan's capital town of Miranshah. The operation coincided with a big assault on the other side of the border by US helicopter gunships and hundreds of Afghan and US-led troops. A government official said the men were thought to have been among a large group of militants pursued by the military since March in neighbouring South Waziristan. The latest operations coincided with a visit to Pakistan by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. He is expected to urge Pakistan to step up operations against militants in the border region ahead of his October 9 bid for re-election.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 08/23/2004 4:01:58 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

PPPP condemns murder of Munawar Hussain
Leaders of the Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarian (PPPP) from Multan on Saturday condemned the killing of PPPP activist Syed Munawar Hussain.
What were they supposed to do? Say "We're glad he's dead! Now we can have his stuff!"?
The leaders said that the government was targeting PPPP activists to weaken the party. They said that a right hand of Benazir Bhutto, Munawar Suharward, was killed in Karachi, three PPPP party officials were killed in Fatehjang last week and now Munawar Hussain was shot dead in Chiniot while he was returning after meeting the PPPP Punjab chief Qasim Zia. The leaders demanded immediate arrest of Hussain's killers. The leaders urged unity among party workers to foil the government's 'nefarious designs'. PPPP Central Vice Chairman Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Divisional Coordinator Ahmed Hussain Dehar, District President Khalid Hanif Lodhi, City President Khurshid Ahmed Khan, Provincial Deputy Secretary Information Khawaja Rizwan Alam and Tariq Raza Khan were among the leader.
Posted by: Fred || 08/23/2004 2:35:45 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The PPPP reminds me of P-alliterations:

Promote the prating prim of the prudent promissor
For the premise of the promise was the primogenitor
of the primalaceous program
with the presbyoptic door

The party of the first part
and the party of the next
were partly participled
in a parsley covered text
were you partial to a party
that has parcelled out its parts
to the party of the second
in your polly-tickel heart?
so parlay all your winnings
in a horse that's running dark
with the lights out you may triple in
a homer in the park.

---Churchy La Femme (Pogo comic strip)
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 08/23/2004 15:17 Comments || Top||

#2  All I know are the 6Ps
Prior Preperation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Posted by: Shipman || 08/23/2004 16:30 Comments || Top||

#3  BTW I was in Fargo 3 weeks ago.
It's still damn small.
Posted by: Shipman || 08/23/2004 16:31 Comments || Top||

#4  7 P's
Prior Proper Planning Pevents Piss Poor Performance
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 08/23/2004 16:56 Comments || Top||

#5  Planning?
Hummmmm...... a breakthrough in easy P teaching.
Posted by: Shipman || 08/23/2004 17:06 Comments || Top||

Sadr's Child Soldiers
Struggling to lift a Kalashnikov, a 12-year-old with the Mahdi army militia said he could do anything in battle except fly a helicopter. "Last night I fired a rocket-propelled grenade against a tank," he said. "The Americans are weak. They fight for money and status and squeal like pigs when they die. But we will kill the unbelievers because faith is the most powerful weapon." The boy called himself Moqtada, styled after the rebel cleric whose ranks he joined a month ago having travelled to Najaf from the Shia slum of Sadr City in Baghdad. He said that he hopes for a glorious death.
Likely he'll be maimed. Prob'ly have his arms blown off and end up in a hospital in Chicago being fitted for prosthetics paid for by donations from American servicemen...
There are many more child soldiers in the narrow alleyways of the old city that surrounds the 11th-century Imam Ali shrine, its golden dome marking the mausoleum of Shia Islam's martyred founder and son-in-law of the prophet Mohammed. US armoured vehicles were seen yesterday within 400 yards of the shrine. The American military appears to be moving closer and closer so that a swift all-out assault can be launched. Sheikh Ahmad al-Sheibani, spokesman for Moqtada al-Sadr, the cleric who commands the Mahdi army, yesterday held out little hope of an imminent peaceful solution to the 18-day battle.
I pretty much don't have any hope for a peaceful solution to the 18-day battle, imminent or otherwise. Without the shrine Tater's just a roly-poly schmuck and he knows it. Since he can't give it up, he won't give it up.
The outcome of the siege is crucial to the success of the fledgling government in Iraq and it had been hoped that an offer by the rebels to hand over the keys of the mosque to Shia Islam leaders might break the stalemate.
It's kind of like playing keep-away with a two-year-old...

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: TS(vice girl) || 08/23/2004 12:53:37 PM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I think we need to get a little closer to the Shrine, then pull out. When they celabrate in the streets, then nail them. Won't have to look for them then.
Posted by: plainslow || 08/23/2004 13:02 Comments || Top||

#2  Sheikh Sheibani defended the use of child soldiers in battle. "This shows that the Mahdi are a popular resistance movement against the occupiers," he said. "The old men and the young men are on the same field of battle. The oldest is about 60 and the youngest perhaps 15."

Guess that means the 12 year old mentioned at the beginning of the article is there for shielding? And your parents (last parag.) are encouraging you to hole up with al-Sadr, lil' 14 year old? Too bad there's no version of D-FACS in Iraq to arrest the parent(s) for this type nonsense!
Posted by: BA || 08/23/2004 14:03 Comments || Top||

#3  Little Moqtada agreed. "I am young and there is a time for playing football and enjoying myself," he said. "But there is also a time for death."

Death Cult. Doesn't realize that one (death) pretty much precludes the other -- unless they play a real morbid version of football....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 08/23/2004 14:07 Comments || Top||

#4  They are so dead.
Posted by: Mikey || 08/23/2004 15:14 Comments || Top||

#5  "The oldest is about 60 and the youngest perhaps 15."

This reminds me of Berlin circa 1945: Adolf reviewing his "troops" before the final collapse. Yep, its a "popular resistance movement" all right. Keep pressing. The Muhdis are losing.
Posted by: Zpaz || 08/23/2004 15:29 Comments || Top||

#6  There were also fewer fighters around than in previous days, a sign perhaps that the American tactic of attrition was working

For the tactically challenged, let me put it in this way.

Hit it Marvin:
April a year ago we took a little trip
along with Colonel Russell joined by gentlement from mighty Missisip
We took a lot of bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the smelley arabs in the town of Najaf the Keen.

We fired our guns and the AArbags kept a'comin.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to runnin' on
down the Euphrates to the Shat of el Arab.

We looked down the river and we seen the AArabs come.
And there must have been a hundred of'em beatin' on the drum.
They smelled so high and they made the cell phones ring.
We stood by our Abrahms and didn't say a thing.

We fired our guns and the Aarabs kept a'comin.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to runnin'
on down the Euphrates valley to the Shat of El Arab.

Steve Russell said we could take 'em by surprise
If we didn't fire our rifles til saw them roll their eyes.
We held our fire til we seen their eyeballs well.
then we opened up with mini guns and really gave 'em..well.

We fired our guns and the AAirbags kept a'comin.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to runnin'
on down the Euphrates river to the Shat el-Arab.

Yeah, they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go.
They ran so fast that the news hounds couldn't catch 'em
on down the Euphrates river to the shat el-Arab.
Posted by: Shipman || 08/23/2004 15:48 Comments || Top||

#7  Sadr is now a war criminal. It's agaist the U.N. rules to use child soilders. Now the U.N. has to arrest him. OK it's a joke.

Too bad these kids have no future other than death with teh decision they have made. That is the known result of Islam, the satanic death cult. Thats no joke.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 08/23/2004 18:57 Comments || Top||

#8  I'm convinced that the kids can't be rehabilitated by that point. Kill them, then go kill the adults who indoctrinated them
Posted by: Frank G || 08/23/2004 20:04 Comments || Top||

#9  Death, Glorious Death! I think that's the title of the brochure.
Posted by: tu3031 || 08/23/2004 20:19 Comments || Top||

#10  Look on the bright side of things. If we centerpunch these little halfwit punks before they've even hit puberty, then they'll never have had a chance to spawn. As always, the real problem lies with those who mindlessly pop out these wee cretins like so many sausages. However rewarding it may be on a personal level, chlorinating the gene pool will always remain a rather thankless task.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/23/2004 20:35 Comments || Top||

#11  Hell is being stuck in eternity with horny 72 virgins without ever having reached puberty. Nice one Allah.
Posted by: ed || 08/23/2004 20:54 Comments || Top||

#12  If you are in heaven with 72 virgins . . . and since it is heaven they are going to stay virgins . . . what is the big deal? Puberty or not, nuttin' going on with Allah watching . . .
Posted by: Jame Retief || 08/24/2004 0:07 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Idema Says He Was on bin Laden's Trail
"I'da got 'im, too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!"
An American on trial for allegedly torturing Afghan terror suspects in a private jail claimed Saturday in his first interview from custody that he was hot on the heels of Osama bin Laden and other militant leaders when he was arrested on July 5. Jonathan Idema told The Associated Press he had a note from his Mom official sanction from Afghans and Americans to hunt down terrorists and said he has been prevented from showing the evidence in court. "We would have had (renegade Afghan warlord Gulbuddin) Hekmatyar in 14 days or less. We would have had bin Laden in less than 30 days" had he and his team not been arrested, said Idema, a colorful former U.S. Army soldier who spent three years in jail in the 1980s for allegedly bilking 60 companies out of more than $200,000 in goods.

After initially denying any knowledge of Idema's activities, the U.S. military announced in July that it had received a prisoner from the American and held him for more than a month at Bagram Air Base before deciding that he was not the man Idema said he was. A military spokesman said the military did not realize Idema was working on his own at the time. Idema also convinced NATO peacekeepers to help his group on three raids in the capital of Kabul. The security force said experts found traces of explosives in two houses raided by Idema and his colleagues. Idema, Americans Brent Bennett and Edward Caraballo, and four Afghans stand accused of torturing about a dozen prisoners in their private jail. The Afghan prisoners, including a senior judge and six of his family members, have been released. Idema denied the torture charges.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 08/23/2004 1:12:06 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "But I cuddah been a contenduh!"
Posted by: Zenster || 08/23/2004 1:58 Comments || Top||

#2  Sure he was. Hot on his tail.

This guy is just a scammer who someone didn't do a background check on before hiring. Sad to say, that's about par for the war effort these days.
Posted by: gromky || 08/23/2004 4:59 Comments || Top||

#3  An errand boy. Sent by grocery clerks. To collect a bill.
Posted by: Col. Walter Kurtz || 08/23/2004 11:28 Comments || Top||

CTV: Najaf mosque reportedly hit as standoff goes on
via CTV's Master of Moonbats, Lloyd Robertson
Sun. Aug. 22 2004 11:47 PM ET
Reports from Iraq say U.S. forces have hit part of a holy Shiite shrine in Najaf where rebels have been locked in a two-week standoff with U.S.-led forces.
Ah, the unattributed report from Iraq. And the assumption that the fire was from US forces, known to spray fire randomly in all directions. It's something everybody knows, but Lloyd leaves no doubt unchurned
Yep, them AC-130's are hard to control, why e'ryone knows that.
The report, carried by the Reuters news agency, was from a senior commander of Shiite militants who said the wall of the Imam Ali Shrine was hit by U.S. fire on Sunday night.
Ah, Rooters. And now it's a Senior Commander of Shi'ite militants. Okay, everyone, pull out your handy-dandy Shi'ite militant Chain of Command...
Sheikh Ahmed al-Sheibani, who is also a top adviser to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, said it was hit during fighting.
Second sourcing, I'm sold!
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: .com || 08/23/2004 12:45:24 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Well folks, there you have it. The votes are all in and the winner of the Bullshit Ballet Award goes to..........[drum roll].........

The an Najaf Shrine Negotiation Show!

[golf clap, all they get]
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 08/23/2004 1:47 Comments || Top||

#2  Al-Sadr fighters mortared a police station ...

What! No mention of the US Mission? Whudda slacker!
Posted by: Zenster || 08/23/2004 2:05 Comments || Top||

#3  You're not trying, guys.

Pull back a couple of blocks and send in the warthogs. I'm interested in a little experiment - can a 1300-year-old "shrine" be completely obliterated by lots of high-velocity 1-lb DU slugs?

And don't forget the foo gas...
Posted by: mojo || 08/23/2004 2:12 Comments || Top||

#4  Zenster, that's not just any mission, its the Holy US Mission.
Posted by: Anonymous6151 || 08/23/2004 11:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Tear the whole mosque down and put up a flippin walmart.
-says the sarcastic side of me.
Posted by: JackassFestival || 08/23/2004 21:51 Comments || Top||

#6  "Tear the whole mosque down and put up a flippin walmart"

put up a salt factory, a Kosher salt factory
Posted by: Frank G || 08/23/2004 22:17 Comments || Top||

#7  Issue the following ultimatum:

"We've tried to play nice. We've tried to do this while trying to keep your nice fancy building from getting any more scratches in it. You don't want to play nice, you want to hide behind things. We're tired. You're costing us time, money, sleep, and a nice trip to Disneyland. We're going to give you one more chance. Lay your weapons down, come out with your empty hands over your heads one at a time, and surrender yourselves to us. Otherwise, we're going to dump 100,000 pounds of liquid pig grease on your nice fancy shrine, and set it afire. With you in it, if you're still there. We will continue to dump, lob, and pump pig grease on your shrine until there's nothing left. You have thirty minutes."
Posted by: Old Patriot || 08/23/2004 22:57 Comments || Top||

#8  OP - And they would assume you mean the Arab version of an ultimatum -- which is much like the Saudi version of "surrounding" the bad guys. It'd go right over their pointy little heads. Of course, I do get it. We'd have to do that because our code of honor demands it, but they'd still be stunned beyond belief when it happened, lol!
Posted by: .com || 08/23/2004 23:02 Comments || Top||

Cticis warn of plan to sack 30,000 Iraqi police
Not really sure if "Cticis" is a UK acronym or a tpyo.
AS MANY as 30,000 members of Iraq's new police force are to lose their jobs in a radical shake-up aimed at weeding out troublemakers and officers considered unsuitable for employment. A $60 million (£33 million) fund has been set aside by the interim government in Iraq to pay off the sacked police officers, with the axe due to fall at the end of this month. They will receive an average pay-off of $2,000 (£1,100). But critics of the plan in Iraq say that it risks repeating the mistakes made when the Iraqi army was disbanded after the end of the war in 2003, when 400,000 disaffected soldiers were turned on to the streets with no source of income. Many joined the insurgency against the coalition forces. Yesterday, one senior Iraqi officer, Major Basim Mahmoud Hameed, warned that the same could happen again if police officers are dismissed from their jobs. "It is about their loyalty. Some of them are loyal to Muqtada al-Sadr. They are wearing police uniforms and when we need them to be on our side they are on the side of Sadr or with the terrorists in Fallujah," he said. "If we get rid of 3,000 or 30,000 there will be people who will go to them. If the terrorists put them on their side there will be 30,000 Iraqis who are well-trained, can use weapons and we will create 30,000 enemies to us."
Major Hameed - an aide to Brigadier Andrew Mackay, the Scottish officer given the task of training the new Iraqi police force - believes a better option would be to send the 30,000 unwanted officers on a new training programme in Mauritania or to move them to the new Iraqi National Guard in an attempt to improve their reliability. "At least that would give them another opportunity," he said. "But that is not going to happen."
Posted by: Seafarious || 08/23/2004 12:30:38 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So - hold on - it's better to keep the traitors in our ranks, than to kick them out on the street? Get a clue, having them as police simply makes the problem worse, they'll tip off the enemy about security plans, and they'll be nowhere in the vicinity when car bombs go off at police stations.
Posted by: gromky || 08/23/2004 0:42 Comments || Top||

#2  Or join the asshats...

Posted by: .com || 08/23/2004 0:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Ctisis, I think that's what you can get when you cut yourself on broken glass.
Posted by: BH || 08/23/2004 1:11 Comments || Top||

#4  Reality check: Look at the many ways that Mexico has benefited from having a skilled police force which is rarely subjected to review or vetting.

One word: Federales

I realize that we are in the midst of "draining the swamp." But of what use is it if we continue to arm the 'gators?

As the dismissed officers are shown the door, a sweet whisper in their ear should make mention of how they will be shown the wall, and not a jail cell door, should they be caught breaking the law with their newfound skills.

This is why we properly disbanded the Iraqi army and why this shakeup of the police is needed as well. We have already paid for the army's RIF with our soldiers' blood. How many more casualties should be deemed acceptable before we weed out the turncoats and traitors from within the ranks of these "steenkin' badges?"
Posted by: Zenster || 08/23/2004 1:17 Comments || Top||

#5  So - hold on - it's better to keep the traitors in our ranks, than to kick them out on the street?

Ah, it's that old Arab wisdom in play. Y'know - "Hold your friends close, but your enemies closer"?
Posted by: Pappy || 08/23/2004 1:45 Comments || Top||

#6  Its a typo. For the busy among us, its meant to be "Critics."
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/23/2004 15:26 Comments || Top||

#7  I say retain them but reassign them to building an 'Autobahn' or some other public works project.

Let 'em hump wheelbarrows to earn a paycheck while loyal cops fight crime.
Posted by: JDB || 08/23/2004 22:30 Comments || Top||

U.S. Journalist Held in Iraq Is Released
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - U.S. journalist Micah Garen, who was kidnapped in Iraq more than a week ago, was released Sunday in the southern city of Nasiriyah. Garen spoke to Al-Jazeera television, confirming his release. Garen was interviewed by telephone by the station moments after an aide to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr said the American had been released. Garen thanked al-Sadr's representatives in Nasiriyah and everyone else who worked to secure his release.
"Yeah, thanks Tater, ya fat sack of ... dung!"
Garen and his Iraqi translator, Amir Doushi, were walking through a market in Nasiriyah on Aug. 13 when two armed men in civilian clothes seized them, police said. Doushi also was freed, said an aide to al-Sadr, Sheik Aws al-Khafaji.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/23/2004 12:18:48 AM || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  lots of talk from Sadr's representatives but has anyone heard or seen Sadr recently?

Any chance we've got him in a giggly mood, making phone calls like this one?
Posted by: B || 08/23/2004 5:12 Comments || Top||

#2  He's French, thats like having get out of beheading free card. They probably sat around and smoked 10 or 50 packs of cigarettes and waited for Chirac to pardon him.
Posted by: Anonymous6156 || 08/23/2004 23:31 Comments || Top||

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2004-08-23
  Former Pak MP denies role in terrorist plot
Sun 2004-08-22
  Fatah splinter calls for bumping off Yasser
Sat 2004-08-21
  Tater wants to hand over mosque. Really.
Fri 2004-08-20
  U.S. Arrests Two Suspected Hamas Members
Thu 2004-08-19
  US Begins Major Push against Defiant Sadr
Wed 2004-08-18
  Bombs found near Berlusconi's villa after Blair visit
Tue 2004-08-17
  Tater wants Pope to mediate
Mon 2004-08-16
  Terror group threatens Dutch with "Islamic earthquake"
Sun 2004-08-15
  Terrorist summit was held in Waziristan in March
Sat 2004-08-14
  Tater wants UN peas-keepers
Fri 2004-08-13
  30 Iranians, 2 trucks loaded with weapons captured en route to Sadr
Thu 2004-08-12
  Tater hollers for help
Wed 2004-08-11
  Sadr boyz attack on two fronts
Tue 2004-08-10
  Sudan launches fresh helicopter attacks in Darfur
Mon 2004-08-09
  Tater vows to fight to last drop of blood

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