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Blasts, heavy gunfire rattle Tripoli
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1 00:00 Thing From Snowy Mountain [9]
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6 00:00 Alaska Paul [23]
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37 00:00 rjschwarz [14]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Kim Cattrall aka Samantha Jones in "S*x and the City" aka Gracie Law in "Big Trouble in Little China" aka Cadet Karen Thompson in "Police Academy (1984)" aka Linda Romanoli in "Meet Monica Velour" aka Jane O'Leary in "The Tiger's Tail" aka Tina Harwood in "Ice Princess" aka Cassandra in "15 Minutes" aka Carla Rainer in "Exception to the Rule" aka Judy McCoy in "The Bonfire of the Vanities" (age 55)

Nekkid as an Egg
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 08/21/2011 0:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Kim also had a role as the girl nicknamed "Lassie" in "Porky's" a teacher who got turned on by the smell in the boy's gym locker and would howl like a dog when doing it.
Posted by: Tyranysaurus Thrigum9014 || 08/21/2011 7:55 Comments || Top||

#3  I wonder were you can purchase those black leather chairs with all the accessories.
Posted by: Dale || 08/21/2011 10:11 Comments || Top||

#4  Chair?
Posted by: CrazyFool in the Philippines || 08/21/2011 10:12 Comments || Top||

#5  I was going to make a comment about the smell of leather chairs, but, no, I refuse to go there. Uh-uh! Not gonna do it! Nope! Not me!
Posted by: AlmostAnonymous5839 || 08/21/2011 11:30 Comments || Top||

#6  #5 I was going to make a comment about the smell of leather chairs, but, no, I refuse to go there. Uh-uh! Not gonna do it! Nope! Not me!
Posted by AlmostAnonymous5839

Perhaps it's just me, but that smell reminds me of a new, fully loaded, F-150.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/21/2011 11:33 Comments || Top||

#7  Mimosas are free in the Club until noon, Besoeker; beer's on tap thereafter.
Posted by: lotp || 08/21/2011 12:24 Comments || Top||

#8  that smell reminds me of a new, fully loaded, F-150.

No wonder Frank likes them so much.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/21/2011 12:34 Comments || Top||

Lawmaker Accused of Drug Smuggling
[Tolo News] Abdul Zaher Qadir, a politician representing Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
in the House of Representatives, has been accused of drug trafficking, a front man for counternarcotics department said on Saturday.

The counternarcotics department has called on Abdul Zaher Qadir, who also leads the coalition to support law, to answer some questions.

The ministry of parliamentary affairs has also been kept informed about the allegation, a front man for counternarcotics department Khalid Mohid said.

"He has been summoned to provide details about the accusations," Khalid Mohid told TOLOnews.

Abdul Zaher Qadir refused to comment about the allegations.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  "He has been summoned to provide details about the accusations," Khalid Mohid told TOLOnews.

Someone missed their payoff check.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/21/2011 11:30 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Indian ship with 21 sailors hijacked from Oman
[Emirates 24/7] An tanker managed by an Indian firm with 21 Indian sailors on board was hijacked on Saturday while at port in the Gulf state of Oman, India's government shipping agency said.

The Directorate General of Shipping said the M.V. Fairchem Bogey, an chemical-oil tanker, was hijacked while anchored in Salalah port. It was not clear if the ship was carrying cargo.

The hijacked vessel is managed by Mumbai-based Anglo-Eastern Ship Management, the statement said, adding that the Indian Navy had also been informed about the hijacking.

The statement gave no further details and there was no immediate comment from Salalah port.

Oman lies at the mouth of the Gulf, a strategic, heavily patrolled waterway which channels a bulk of the world's crude shipments.

Somali pirates behind similar vessel hijackings usually operate in Indian Ocean waters, but in January, a 20,586-tonne Algerian-flagged bulk carrier was seized about 150 miles southeast of Salalah.

The ship, with 27 crew from Algeria, Ukraine and the Philippines, was heading to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from Salalah with a cargo of clinker.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

Somali pirates hijack ship from Omani port
DUBAI/MUMBAI: Somali pirates hijacked a tanker managed by an Indian firm and with 21 Indian sailors on board from an Omani port on Saturday, India’s government shipping agency and a Gulf shipping source said. It is the second such incident in the Gulf Arab state’s waters since January.

The Directorate General of Shipping said the Fairchem Bogey, a chemical-oil tanker managed by Mumbai-based Anglo-Eastern Ship Management, was hijacked while anchored in Salalah port, and the Salalah-based shipping source said the vessel was being loaded with methanol when it was seized.

The port’s operator, APM Terminals, however, said pirates boarded the vessel while it was two miles off the coast of Oman, awaiting a berth, and commandeered it toward Somalia.
Either scenario is pretty brazen.
Tom Boyd, director of external communications at APM Terminals, said there were no reported injuries or deaths among the crew, adding that the Omani government was negotiating with the pirates.

“The Omani authorities are in discussion with the pirates. Government leaders have met this morning at the palace of the Sultan of Oman. At 8:28 a.m. the vessel sailed in the direction of Somalia,” Boyd said.

Somali pirates behind similar vessel hijackings usually operate in Indian Ocean waters, but in January, a 20,586-ton Algerian-flagged bulk carrier was seized about 150 miles southeast of Salalah. The ship, with 27 crew from Algeria, Ukraine and the Philippines, was heading to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from Salalah with a cargo of clinker.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Africa North
End is Very Near for Al Qathafi Regime as Rebels Strengthen Presence in Tripoli
Thousands of Libyans in the eastern city stronghold of the rebels in Benghazi, celebrate the recent gains at Freedom Square, sensing that the end for the regime is close

With operation "Dawn of the Sea Pride", the freeing of Tripoli and therefore the whole of Libya from the Al Qadaffy
...dictator of Libya since 1969. From 1972, when he relinquished the title of prime minister, he has been accorded the honorifics Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya or Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution. With the death of Omar Bongo of Gabon on 8 June 2009, he became the longest serving of all current non-royal national leaders. He is also the longest-serving ruler of Libya since Tripoli became an Ottoman province in 1551. When Chairman Mao was all the rage and millions of people were flashing his Little Red Book, Qadaffy came out with his own Little Green Book, which didn't do as well. Qadaffy's instability has been an inspiration to the Arab world and to Africa, which he would like to rule...
regime ongoing and on the way to succeeding, the beleaguered Libyan leader, pressed as he is from all sides, has urged his supporters, half-heartedly, many believe, to "march by the millions" and to quash the six months-long uprising that has turned full circle in favour of the rebels.

Strong kabooms rocked Tripoli amid fighting between rebels and regime supporters early Sunday morning, with blasts from NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It's headquartered in Belgium. That sez it all....
air strikes heard in the heart of the Libyan capital as early as 4.00 a.m. (CET). Warplanes flew overhead, targeting once again Al Qathafi's residential compound at Ban Al-Azziziyah and other, at the time, identifiable sites.

There was sustained gunfire in the city and festivities in several quarters have been reported between cut-throats and Al Qadaffy forces, among them some of his supporters whom he armed to try and help him to hold on to power, which he has done for almost 42 years.

Al Qadaffy's appeal came as rebels closed in on Tripoli, claiming that the leader's regime was on its last legs.

Al Qadaffy's choice of words was anything but dignified as he tried to push his supporters to help him out of his misery. He said: "We have to put an end to this masquerade. You must march by the millions to free the destroyed towns" controlled by rebels he labeled as "traitors" and "rats."

In his umpteenth audio message carried on state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
, without giving a clue where he was calling from, he went on to say: "These scum enter mosques to cry 'God is great.' They are dirty. They are defiling the mosques."

Most Libyans keep on asking why, if he is so brave, does the Libyan leader not get out of his hole to face the bad turbans. If he has a battle to fight, he should do it himself, by example and get into the front to lead his remaining forces. Analysts believe that Al Qathafi's actions are cowardly. They keep on asking: "How could he pretend the people of Libya, ever so peaceful fight his own wars?

Earlier, cries of "Allahu Akbar" could be heard from mosques in the city's eastern sectors.

Al Qadaffy also accused French President Nicolas Sarkozy
...23rd and current President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. Sarkozy is married to singer-songwriter Carla Bruni, who has a really nice birthday suit...
, whose country has been in the forefront to lead NATO-coordinated air strikes on the his military assets, of recruiting the rebels as "agents" to steal Libya's vast oil wealth.

Referring to the French President he said that to win the upcoming elections, he wants to be able to say to his people: 'Here, I'm offering you Libyan oil' and this is going to be achieved with the help of traitors. But the Libyan people will not allow La Belle France to take its oil or leave Libya to the hands of traitors, he said.

As blasts and gunfire rocked Tripoli after the break of the dawn-to-dusk fast of Ramadan fighting ensued in the eastern neighbourhoods of Souk JJomaa, Arada and Tajura.

Through its front man Moussa Ibrahim, who was recently appointed information secretary, the government insisted it was in charge of the city. He said the situation was under control, adding that pro-regime volunteers had repelled bad turban attacks in several neighbourhoods. He dismissed mounting speculation that the regime was on the brink as a "media attack."

denial ain't just a river in Egypt...
Al Qathafi's speech appears to have done little to assure his supporters that he would still be there, at the helm in a few days from now. It was left to Moussa Ibrahim to try and rally the Al Qathafi supporters as he was driven around streets in Tripoli trying to urge people to make a stand. On the other hand, the rebels gave little notice of the Libyan leader's threats.

...back at the cheese factory, all the pieces finally fell together in Fluffy's mind...
as celebrations broke out in the early morning hours and residents of Benghazi feted at Freedom Sqaure what they understand to be the imminent collapse of the Al Qathafi regime after the important recent gains and also entry into Tripoli, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, who heads the rebels' National Transitional Council, claimed that victory was within reach.

Speaking to news hounds as a flurry of rumours suggested that Al Qathafi was preparing to flee Libya, he said: "We have contacts with people from the inner circle of Al Qathafi. All evidence shows that the end is very near, with God's grace," he said.

He also predicted a "catastrophic" end for Al Qathafi and his inner circle.

Jubilant scenes of celebrations could also be seen in other cities recently captured by the bad turbans, such as Zawiyah, Zliten, Gharyan, Sabratha, Brega and other smaller towns.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 12:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Great. Now we trade in the nutbag we know for nutbags we don't know. Nice going NATO, O et al. Real leadership from behind. I love it when no a plan comes together.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 08/21/2011 13:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Live blog of these events. Blogsofwar tracks tweets from the region.
Posted by: newc || 08/21/2011 14:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Hours not years?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 08/21/2011 14:36 Comments || Top||

#4  Well, he probably should look at dumping his contract phone and getting a tracfone, avoid long-term commitments. Maybe go with Boost mobile instead?
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 08/21/2011 14:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Who gets the sprockets?
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/21/2011 16:40 Comments || Top||

#6  This is over. Now the real problems for Libya begin.
Posted by: newc || 08/21/2011 16:57 Comments || Top||

#7  Skynews has the best coverage.
Posted by: newc || 08/21/2011 17:06 Comments || Top||

#8  Looks like its over and Daffy has fled to an unknown location,
Posted by: phil_b || 08/21/2011 18:11 Comments || Top||

#9  Muammar has left the building.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/21/2011 18:48 Comments || Top||

#10  And, of course, the first thing on my mind is what about the fembots?
Posted by: tu3031 || 08/21/2011 19:33 Comments || Top||


> Libyuhn Rebs claim to have captured Gaddafi's son "most prominent" or "modest" SAIF, whom allegedly was the one whom gave Uncle Muammar the idea to give up his WMDS + NucProgs.
> Gaddafi = Loyalist defenses around TRIPOLI has seemingly COLLAPSED???
> GADDAFI > per se has repor FLED TO ALGERIA???
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 19:36 Comments || Top||

#12  ....Say hi to Nicolae and Elena for us, you murdering lunatic.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 08/21/2011 19:41 Comments || Top||

#13  Presum that the above News is correct, it must be remembered that, despite his anti-US, Israeli stance + Cold War support for terror, Uncle Muammar was one of the most modern, laissez -faire or "progressive" Arab Leaders of his time, espec as per Women's Rights + treatment of non-Muslim Minorities, etc. - OTOH, the Libyuhn Rebels are openly supported by AL-QAEDA, THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, + HEZBOLLAH, ETC. WHOM HISTORICALLY ARE VEHEMENTLY ANTI-US, ANTI-ISRAEL, + PRO ANTI-PROGRESSIVE SHARIA.

Few analysts doubt that iff Radical Islam comes to dominate a post-Gaddafi Libyan Govt., that it will oer time work to RESTART LIBYA'S DRIVE TO DEV NUKES-WMDS IN SUPPORT OF REGIONAL, GLOBAL JIHAD + THE EXISTENTIAL STRUGGLE AGZ ISRAEL.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 19:53 Comments || Top||

#14  Spot on Joe! I fear we're about to harvest some very distasteful Libyan, radical mooslim gratitude. Sometimes the no good SOB you know is better than the no good SOB you don't know. I hope I am wrong.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/21/2011 21:59 Comments || Top||

#15  Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam arrested - ICC

LIBYAN leader Muammar Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam, for whom the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for crimes against humanity, is in detention, the ICC prosecutor says.

"I have received confidential information stating he has been arrested," Luis Moreno-Ocampo told Agence Franc-Presse.

"We hope he can soon be in the Hague" to face judgment, he said, adding that he planned to contact the "Libyan transitional government" later in the day.

Moreno-Ocampo said the ICC "is ready to help Libyans to deal with their difficult past" and ensure that "no crime remains unpunished".

Earlier, the chairman of Libya's rebel National Transitional Council told Al-Jazeera television from Benghazi he had "information that Seif al-Islam has been captured".

Posted by: tipper || 08/21/2011 22:00 Comments || Top||

#16  Well it seems to be over:

Posted by: Dale || 08/21/2011 22:56 Comments || Top||

#17  I want Megrahi dead - painfully
Posted by: Frank G || 08/21/2011 23:32 Comments || Top||

#18  More ...


Rebels repor claim to control MOST = 90%? OF TRIPOLI NEIGHBORHOODS???


Its not a Job, its an Adventure???


D *** NG IT, they have Seif?



D *** NG IT, they don't = may not have Seif[yet]?



* NEWSMAX/FREEREPUBLIC > ANALYSIS: IFF LIBYAN REBELS WIN, CAN THEY RULE?, i.e. prevent Libyuh from descending into chaos.


Methinks its safe to say its not just Al-Qaeda anymore.

* MEMRI.OG > SHARIA MOVEMENT STRUGGLES TO GLOBALIZE CAMPAIGN TO ISLAMIZE WESTERN WORLD, i.e. impose Sharia Law-Rule + replace Democratic States wid Islamic States.

Move along, People, clearly NO JIHAD IN GLOBAL-SCOPE HERE.

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 23:35 Comments || Top||

Uganda Offers Asylum to Qaddafi, Then Denies It
"So we have soft spots for asylum seekers. Gadhafi would be allowed to live here if he chooses to do so."

---Tamale Mirundi, the spokesperson for Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, reported by the AP. Museveni later dismissed the reports as "utter rubbish", according to Uganda paper, The Daily Monitor.

The AP asserts that an "intense diplomatic effort" is underway to find a place for Qaddafi to seek asylum as the NATO coalition continues to intervene in Libya.
What's wrong with offering the Duck of Death residence in 'Hell'?
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Where can you go when you've gone too far? I'm thinking it would be cost effective to set up some sort of Euro-Disney theme park for soon-to-be-retired dictators. Gives them a viable exit strategy, and cheaper than mounting 'kinetic operations' to encourage them to leave.
Posted by: SteveS || 08/21/2011 16:00 Comments || Top||

Report: Qaddafi and Two Sons Have Run Away Fled Libya
Tension have been mounting in Libya today, with rebel forces encircling the capital Tripoli, causing Qaddafi to lose his grip, according to the New York Times.

Now the rumors are turning into reports. NBC New Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel tweeted: "BREAKING: Libyan TV reporting Qaddafi has fled with two sons."

Engel also added: "odd no reports of seif having fled, only hanibam was moatasim," in reference to his sons. Other reports on Twitter are that Qaddafi left "aboard a private aircraft with two of his sons."
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A "rumor" from NBC?

That sounds as good as gold.Yeah?

Get back to us when its confirmed by someone we trust.

Uganda? Nobody takes a bribe like an African. Mildew on the wall and fat people with their sweaty hand out. BUT the monkey stew is delicious.
Posted by: de Medici || 08/21/2011 7:46 Comments || Top||

#2  Vacationing on a Greek isle. All world leader do it in August.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/21/2011 9:13 Comments || Top||

#3  de Medici, do you have to work at being offensive, or is it a natural talent?
Posted by: Barbara || 08/21/2011 9:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Engel also added: "odd no reports of seif having fled, only hanibam was moatasim,"

...Is that some kind of fiendishly clever code phrase?

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 08/21/2011 11:50 Comments || Top||

#5  Ixnay on the odecay.......heh
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 08/21/2011 13:51 Comments || Top||

Former Gaddafi number two flees Tripoli
BENGHAZI, Libya — Former Libyan prime minister Abdessalam Jalloud, who fell out of favour with Muammar Gaddafi in the mid-nineties, has fled Tripoli to rebel-held territory, rebel sources said Friday.

‘He has left Tripoli. He has joined the rebels. For security reasons, we can’t disclose his exact location for the moment,’ rebel military spokesman Colonel Ahmed Omar Bani told AFP.

‘Commander Jalloud has managed to flee Tripoli with his family and arrived Friday in the town of Zintan,’ located in rebel-held territory southwest of the capital, another senior rebel said on condition of anonymity.

Rebel television channel Libya Awalam quoted Jalloud on its news ticker as saying: ‘Gaddafi’s regime is finished.’

Jalloud was a member of the hard core of officers who grabbed power with Gaddafi in 1969 and was long considered the regime’s second-in-command before being gradually sidelined in the nineties.

He was prime minister from 1972 to 1977. Following his dispute with Gaddafi, he had retired from politics altogether and lived under virtual house arrest.

Jalloud is from the influential Megarha clan and has remained a popular figure in Libya.

In October 2010, media controlled by Gaddafi’s son Seif Al Islam had mentioned Jalloud’s name as a possible prime minister to lead the fight against corruption.

His defection to the rebellion is another blow to Gaddafi’s regime, which is under increasing military and diplomatic pressure.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Tunisian Troops Clash with Libyans
[An Nahar] Tunisian troops clashed with a group of armed Libyans overnight in southwest Tunisia, an official said Saturday, as a former Libyan prime minister reportedly made it to Italia after fleeing Tripoli.

Abdessalam Jalloud, who was a former prime minister ostracized from Moammar Qadaffy's
...dictator of Libya since 1969. From 1972, when he relinquished the title of prime minister, he has been accorded the honorifics Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya or Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution. With the death of Omar Bongo of Gabon on 8 June 2009, he became the longest serving of all current non-royal national leaders. He is also the longest-serving ruler of Libya since Tripoli became an Ottoman province in 1551. When Chairman Mao was all the rage and millions of people were flashing his Little Red Book, Qadaffy came out with his own Little Green Book, which didn't do as well. Qadaffy's instability has been an inspiration to the Arab world and to Africa, which he would like to rule...
regime, is thought to have decamped Libya through Tunisia, in another sign that the Tripoli regime may be hanging by a thread.

In the skirmish late Friday, a Tunisian army patrol came under fire from gunnies travelling aboard several 4X4 vehicles with Libyan registration plates in the Douz region, the official said, adding that there were no casualties on the Tunisian side.

The official said the patrol was sent out Friday evening after a local resident reported suspicious vehicles north of Garaat Bouflija, and was fired upon.

Between five and eight Libyan vehicles were involved in the skirmish, which lasted several hours. No one was caught and the attackers were still being hunted Saturday by ground and air forces, the official said.

The assailants were Libyan, the official said, without specifying whether they were loyal to Qadaffy or from rebel forces.

A Tunisian helicopter meanwhile crashed on Saturday in the region close to the Libyan border, killing both the pilot and co-pilot, a military source said.

The helicopter was on mission patrolling the border in an effort to block gangs from entering Tunisia in a possible escape from the conflict in Libya that is beginning to show concrete signs of a rebel victory.

It was across this border that Jalloud, Libya's former number two, is thought to have decamped Libya before heading to Djerba and flying for Italia on Saturday, a senior Tunisian government official told AFP.

He took "a plane for Italia from Djerba airport at 3:40 am (0240 GMT)", an airport official on the resort island told AFP.

The government official said "Jalloud left Djerba airport for Italia at dawn on a Maltese plane with his family".

He could not say how many people boarded the flight.

Libya's state-run JANA news agency downplayed Jalloud's escape, saying he had remained out of politics for some time.

"Jalloud had remained away from politics out of his own free will, and spent most of his time abroad for (medical) care for heart disease," the agency said.

"There is nothing worth mentioning about Abdessalam Jalloud," it added.

Another source in Tunisia said Qadaffy's former close aide arrived in the southern Tunisian town of Remada overnight Friday.

"He surrendered to the Tunisian army before he was taken care of by Qataris," the source said, adding that Italia may only be a stopover before Jalloud settles elsewhere.

Qatar is one of the few Arab countries that is an active partner in the international intervention against the Qadaffy regime and is home to the Free Libya television station which it partly finances.

In the Italian capital foreign ministry front man Maurizio Massari would not confirm or deny the report.

"We are verifying this information," he said.

Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Gaddafi's instability has been an inspiration to the Arab World + to Africa" > Back in the late 1960's, 1970s' + early 1980's, Uncle Muammar's "instability" as Ruler was seen by many in the Arab-Muslim World as being "TOUCHED BY ALLAH/GOD", I.E. HE WAS WORKING OR TRYING TO ACHIEVE A DIVINE PURPOSE/AGENDA.

It began cracking in the Arab-Muslim WOrld when POTUS Reagan ordered the USN to cross the "LINE OF DEATH" IN THE GULF OF SIDRA, + almost totally collapsed after Libya's alleged role in the Lockerbie Bombing came out.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 23:12 Comments || Top||

Libyan Rebels Chief Says Gahafi's End 'Very Near'
[An Nahar] Libyan rebel chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil said on Saturday "the end is very near" for Moammar Qadaffy
...Custodian of Wheelus AFB for 42 long years...
and that it will be "catastrophic," as rebels pushing on the capital claimed to have seized a third key town in 24 hours.

"We have contacts with people from the inner circle of Qadaffy," said the chairman of the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC). "All evidence (shows) that the end is very near, with God's grace."

Abdel Jalil was speaking to news hounds as a flurry of rumors suggested that Qadaffy was preparing to flee Libya.

"I expect a catastrophic end for him and his inner circle, and I expect that he will create a situation within Tripoli. I hope my expectation is wrong," Abdel Jalil said.

"That would be a good thing that will end the bloodshed and help us avoid material costs. But I do not expect that he will do that," Abdel Jalil added.

Earlier, rebels claimed to have captured the strategic eastern oil hub of Brega, a day after saying they had seized two other key towns.

In another blow to Qadaffy, the rebels also said former premier Abdessalam Jalloud, who fell out of favor with the Libyan strongman in the mid-1990s but remains a highly popular figure, had defected and joined their ranks.

Jalloud "has gone to Benghazi yesterday night (Friday)," rebel front man Juma Ibrahim told news hounds Saturday. "I don't know who he met there. He left by car," he added.

Overnight, rebel military commander Colonel Ahmed Omar Bani told Agence La Belle France Presse the ex-premier had managed to flee Tripoli and "has joined the rebels." Another source said his family accompanied him and they stopped first in Zintan.

And a senior Tunisian official said he had flown to Italia with his family from Tunisia aboard a Maltese plane before dawn on Saturday.

Jalloud's defection comes amid rumors that the Libyan strongman himself was preparing to flee as rebels appear to be closing in on the capital.

He was among the officers who grabbed power with Qadaffy in 1969 and was long considered the regime's second-in-command before being gradually sidelined in the 1990s.

Prime minister during the 1970s, he retired from politics following his dispute with Qadaffy and lived under hour arrest.

Libya's Awalam television channel quoted the former premier on its news ticker as saying: "Qadaffy's regime is finished."

On the ground, a top-ranking rebel official said of Brega, "the industrial zone is under our control; all Brega is now under our control."

On Friday they claimed the western refinery town of Zawiyah to be free, the last major barrier as they try to advance on Tripoli from the west.

The refinery is the only source of fuel to the capital, and could leave it without critical supplies.

Insurgents also said they seized Zliten from Qadaffy's forces, hours after saying they were in the town's centre, 150 kilometers east of Tripoli.

Rebels have been seeking to sever Tripoli's supply lines from Tunisia to the west and to Qadaffy's home town of Sirte in the east, hoping to cut off the capital, prompt defections and spark an uprising inside Tripoli.

...back at the chili cook-off, Chuck and Manuel's rivalry was entering a new and more dangerous phase...
a Tunisian defense official said Tunisian troops clashed with a group of armed Libyans overnight in the country's southwest.

An army patrol came under fire from men travelling in several 4X4 vehicles with Libyan registration plates in the Douz region, the official said.

No one was caught and the attackers were still being hunted Saturday by ground and air forces, the official said, adding there were no casualties on the Tunisian side.

With the rebels vowing to take Tripoli before the Mohammedan holy fasting month of Ramadan ends in late August, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini urged the population of the capital to rise up against Qadaffy.

"We hope the people of Tripoli... understand the regime has harmed its own people and will therefore join a process of political change to cut off room for maneuver for Qadaffy's regime," Frattini said.

...back at the Senate, Odius Sepulcher called for war against the Visigoths...
the International Organization for Migration said it was drawing up plans to evacuate thousands of migrants stranded in Tripoli because exit points have been cut off after a spate of rebel successes.

"There are already thousands of Egyptians who are ready for evacuation now, and what we are hearing is that every day there are more and more requests," IOM spokeswoman Jemini Pandya said.

For its part, the International Committee of the Red Thingy reported a "rapid deterioration in the humanitarian situation" in several Libyan towns.

Meanwhile NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A single organization with differing goals, equipment, language, doctrine, and organization....
, in its operational update for Friday, said it had hit targets in the vicinity of Tripoli, Zawiyah and Zliten, including nine military facilities around the capital.

Elsewhere, reports from Brasilia said festivities broke out late Friday at the Libyan embassy in the Brazilian capital between supporters of Qadaffy and his opponents.

And Human Rights Watch
... dedicated to bitching about human rights violations around the world...
announced it had sent a "four-person team" to Tripoli and other sites in western Libya under government control, where "they engaged senior Libyan officials on human rights
...which often intentionally defined so widely as to be meaningless...
in the conflict and visited sites of NATO air strikes where civilians are alleged to have died."

Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Oil minister defects Kadhafi regime
[Emirates 24/7] Libya's oil chief, Omran Abukraa, is in Tunisia after deciding not to return to Libya from a trip abroad, a Tunisian official source said on Saturday, the third apparent defection this week of a senior figure associated with Muammar Qadaffy's
...a proud Arab institution for 42 years...

"Libyan Oil Minister Omran Abukraa did not return to Libya after his mission in Italia, preferring to cut his trip short and go to Tunisia," the Tunisian official source told Rooters.

The report, if confirmed, suggests more senior figures are deserting Qadaffy's government since rebels seized the city of Zawiyah, cutting off Tripoli from the outside world.

A security bigshot, Nasser al-Mabruk Abdullah, flew to Cairo from Tunisia on Monday with his family. Rebels said Abdel Salam Jalloud, Qadaffy's former deputy who is now out of favour with the leader, defected to their side on Friday.

Although Libya does not formally give its officials the title of minister, Abukraa represented Tripoli at an OPEC oil ministers' meeting in June.

He replaced Tripoli's long-serving oil chief Shokri Ghanem, who defected from Qadaffy's government and said he supported the aims of rebels trying to topple him.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Battle outside Tripoli, fighting spills to Tunisia
[Straits Times] Rebels battled for towns on either side of the besieged Libyan capital Tripoli on Saturday, and fighting spilled across the border into Tunisia, where Libyan infiltrators clashed with Tunisian troops.

Tunisian security sources said their forces had intercepted Libyan men in vehicles with weapons and fought them through the night in the desert. They reported several casualties.

The six-month-old war in Libya came close to the frontier this week after rebels suddenly seized the coastal city of Zawiyah just 50km west of Tripoli, surrounding the capital and severing its supply routes.

...Proof that a madman with money will be politely received...
forces west of Zawiyah and near the Tunisian border have been effectively encircled and cut off from their own supply lines. Tunisia has beefed up its army presence in the border area.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Blasts, heavy gunfire rattle Tripoli
[Iran Press TV] Several kabooms and exchanges of gunfire have rocked Libyan ruler Muammar Qadaffy's
...who single-handedly turned a moderately prosperous kingdom into a dictator's fantasyland...
last bastion, the capital Tripoli.

The blasts and gunshots were heard on Saturday night in several areas of Tripoli, after people broke their dawn-to-dusk fast for the Mohammedan holy month of Ramadan, AFP reported.

Tripoli residents said fighting had broken out in the eastern neighborhoods of Soug Jomaa and Arada.

On Saturday, Libyan revolutionary forces took control of the coastal city of Zawiyah, which is located about 50 kilometers (31 miles) west of Tripoli. The development cleared a major hurdle in their march toward the Libyan capital.

Revolutionary fighters said forces loyal to Qadaffy put up little resistance before fleeing their posts in Zawiya's hospital and multi-story buildings around the main square.

In February, Zawiyah witnessed the strongest uprising against the Qadaffy regime in western Libya.

But government forces crushed the uprising in a brutal assault that destroyed the town's main bridge.

Zawiyah is a strategic town for both sides as it straddles the main road to the Tunisian border -- the Libyan regime's main supply line.

There is also an important oil refinery in the city.

Libya has been the scene of intense fighting between government troops and revolutionary forces since a revolution seeking to topple Qadaffy began in mid-February.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How would you like to be a loyal supporter of Colonel Khadaffy right now. Has it ever occurred to you that you might invest in a ball cap with the rebel colors and perhaps a T-shirt to match ?

El Jeffe is on a private jet with a load of real value commodity headed for mildew and monkey meat and you are left holding the bag. Brave puppy. Loyal to "the last". Glory and honor and all that good stuff.

And who really remembers Phoupha Thi today or the retreat across the Plain of Jars by Kong Le's loyal and brave soldiers, or Xieng Khouang...what WAS the name of that town? All dead. And whatever happened to Souvana Phouma or Vang Pao? Or for that matter to the American "technicians" who went over the cliff trying to get to the helipad at Outpost 85? They trusted their leaders at the American Embassy to know what to do at the right time. Kiss 'em all goodbye.

Some few walked out through Pathet Lao lines( that was a trick). But who really cares what happens in Libya fifty years later. Some things never change when you trust the big boyz.
Being loyal.....is a poor coin of the realm.

Loyalty is not a good idea sometimes. Word to the wise.
Posted by: de Medici || 08/21/2011 9:21 Comments || Top||

#2  Hell deMedici I remember, I was with the legions on the Rhine, on the Cafe with Absinthe, Wee Timmy Leary walked muh dawgs. But yes the Plain of Jars, being a graduate of Ball State you can see I know where your coming from. Hell, this is easy, kinda fun tho.

We should have a contest, TW to Judge.

Topic. GeoTemporal History I Done Seen and Think I Remember and Thought I was There and Use First Person Pronouns Describing.

Crossbows, I invented them.
Posted by: S || 08/21/2011 9:34 Comments || Top||

Rebels capture Tripoli airport
[Iran Press TV] Libyan revolutionary forces have reportedly have taken control of Tripoli International Airport as they continue their march toward Muammar Qadaffy's
...who single-handedly turned a moderately prosperous kingdom into a dictator's fantasyland...
last bastion, the center of the Libyan capital. Revolutionary fighters are now in control of Tripoli airport, the Xinhua news agency reported late on Saturday.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Revolutionary fighters are now in control of Tripoli airport"


Gotcher exit strategy ready, Daffy?
Posted by: Barbara || 08/21/2011 15:56 Comments || Top||

10 Hurt as Military Commander Escapes Assassination in Eastern Yemen
[Yemen Post] Ten people were maimed when a military commander survived an liquidation attempt in Yemen's eastern Hadramout province on Friday.

Newsyemen.net quoted local sources as saying that an attacker threw a bomb at the car of Colonel Nasser Al-Marfadi, assistant commander of Military Camp 37 Mica, near a mosque in Al-Qatn district but he was not injured.

Other websites quoted security sources as saying that the attack bore the hallmarks of AQAP and was carried by a member of a terrorist sleeper cell in the province.

In recent years, Al-Qaeda and separatists have carried out deadly attacks and ambushes against military and security offices, convoys, patrols and commanders and their cars assassinating and injuring many in southern and eastern regions.

Meantime, insecurity plagues many parts in the south and the east amid persistent unrest and battles between the army and Al-Qaeda.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  Meanwhile, northeast of Yemen ...


Iff past is prologue, I don't think Iran is gonna like it.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 23:51 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
9 die in Nayarit in Mexico
For a map, click here
Nine unidentified men were found shot to death alongside a road near Tepic, Nayarit early Saturday morning, according to Mexican news accounts.

The victims, six of whom were said to be indigenous Indians, were found in groups of three along the Mora de Laguna to Aguamilpa road, all shot in the head, all spread over a stretch of about 50 meters, and all the victims were blindfolded and handcuffed.

At the scene investigators found several spent AK-47, AR-15 rifle casings as well as .45 caliber ,.38 Super and 9mm spent pistol casings.
Not an RAB operation then, where all you'd find would be three rounds of bullet...
The location around Mora, which is about 10 kilometers due east of Tepic, the state capital of Nayarit, is a known area for cartel safe houses.
Posted by: badanov || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Mexican Army bags 10 bad guys in Nuevo Leon
For a map, click here. For a map of Nuevo leon, click here. For a map of Monterrey, click here. Additional info with a hat tip to Nota Roja
A total of 10 armed suspects were killed by a Mexican Army detachment in a small arms encounter in northern Nuevo Leon Thursday.

An element of the Mexican 7th Military Zone, the unit was dispatched to El Rancho La Escondida in Agualeguas municipality to investigate a citizen's complaint when they came under small arms fire.

Army return fire killed 10 suspects. One soldier was reported wounded.

In the aftermath soldiers seized one kilogram of marijuana, 10 rifles, one handgun, one hand grenade, eight 40mm grenades, 123 weapons magazines, 2,000 rounds of ammunition, two bulletproof vests and five vehicles the suspect were travelling in.
Posted by: badanov || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Militant hideout busted in J&K
Posted by: john frum || 08/21/2011 12:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Armed rebels kill 11 cops in India
(KUNA) -- Armed rebels, better known as "Naxals", killed as many as 11 coppers in India's central state of Chhattisgarh late on Friday, reported the Press Trust of India (PTI) on Saturday.

The killings took place in state's Bijapur district. The Naxals ambushed the police team while the latter were patrolling the area.

The police squad came under heavy fire from the Naxals. Additional security force has been dispatched to the site, the local police sources were quoted as saying. A helicopter has also been requisitioned to evacuate the injured, added the sources.

For the past almost two decades, the Naxals have been quite active in several Indian states like Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.

They claim to be fighting for the cause of landless labourers and generally attack government installations like cop shoppes and government personnel, mainly the security personnel.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Commies

#1  The Govt. patrols set a pattern. The Naxals identify the pattern.
Then the vehicles are held in place by a roadside bomb to disable the lead vehicle and another behind to keep them from backing out. Full assault in a narrow place on the road close surrounded by cover. Assault from all sides with a three to one or better yet a five to one advantage and a heavy machinegun to pin the column down and radio co-ordination for the assault elements. Killer team for mop up. Police the bodies for ID and weapons. Escape route laid out. Fallback plans explained. No prisoners. Hand picked men with specific goals for the assault teams. Rear element of medical for any wounded.

Then planned propaganda followup.
Posted by: de Medici || 08/21/2011 7:58 Comments || Top||

3 troops killed in Kurram
[Dawn] Three security personnel were killed and three others, including a primitive, maimed when their vehicle ran over a landmine in a border area in Kurram Agency
...home of an intricately interconnected web of poverty, ignorance, and religious fanaticism, where the laws of cause and effect are assumed to be suspended, conveniently located adjacent to Tora Bora...
on Friday.

Sources said that the vehicle was going from Tari Mengal area to a border village, Gavi, when it struck the landmine planted on the road. As a result, three personnel were killed on the spot, while two others were maimed. A primitive was also injured in the incident. The dear departed personnel were identified as Samar Khan, Ibrahim and Hawaldar Shah Nawaz, all naib sobedars.

...back at the game, the Babe was wondering why the baseball kept getting bigger and bigger. Finally it hit him...
one person was killed and two others were maimed in a clash between rival groups in Badshah Kot area of Lower Kurram.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Karachi Korpse Kount: 6
[Dawn] Six more people fell prey to the violence in Bloody Karachi since Friday midnight, taking the corpse count to 27 during the last 24 hours, DawnNews reported.

The government has been left struggling for solutions to the worst wave of unrest to sweep the city in 16 years as extra deployments of police and paramilitary officers appear unable to stem the troubles.

Two bodies were recovered from Shadmaan Town while one body was found dumped near the Sakhi Hasan graveyard. One body bearing torture marks was also found in Federal B. Area's block 14.

A passenger bus came under attack by unknown gunnies in Orangi Town's Data Nagar area, resulting in the death of the driver.

Waqar, an employee of Pakistain Air Force (PAF), sustained fatal bullet wounds in the city's Khokharapar area. He succumbed to his wounds while getting treatment at a hospital.

Earlier on Friday, four coppers were killed and more than 25 others injured in a late night ambush on their bus in Korangi, one of several strife-hit areas.

Demands for the army's intervention from the top business bodies of the country's commercial capital increased with 21 deaths in the city on Friday.

In different other incidents, 18 people were either killed in armed attacks or their bullet-riddled bodies were found in different parts of the city.

The independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistain said 800 people have been killed in Bloody Karachi so far this year, compared with 748 in 2010.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

'Failure to stop violence leaves question mark on govt'
[Dawn] Violence in Bloody Karachi has continued with the deaths of seven more people today. The four day corpse count has now reached 79. At the same time MQM leader Raza Haroon has said that 48 hours have gone by without those responsible being tossed in the calaboose, which has left a question mark on the government.

Raza Haroon said that if the government is unable to arrest those involved in kidnappings in the city, then it is a failure on the part of the government.

He also emphasised that the MQM will not leave the people of Bloody Karachi alone. MQM Chief Altaf Hussain and the Rabita Committee in Bloody Karachi have also called for a meeting on the situation in Bloody Karachi.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  Its an Oldie, but always a Goodie.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 23:43 Comments || Top||

Two soldiers killed in Khyber ambush
[Dawn] Suspected Death Eaters ambushed a security convoy in the Khyber tribal region, killing two soldiers and wounding eight, a government official said.

Iqal Khan said the attackers shot at the troops in the tribal region's Akakhel area, which has witnessed Taliban activity in recent years.

It was not immediately clear if there were any Death Eater casualties in Saturday's incident.

The Mighty Pak Army has carried out targeted operations against Death Eater groups in Khyber, but the faceless myrmidons often regroup.

On Friday, a jacket wallah went kaboom!" at a mosque in Jamrud area of the tribal region, killing 51 worshippers.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Five militants, Indian army officer die in Kashmir clash
An Indian army lieutenant and five suspected gun-hung tough guys were killed Saturday in a clash along the de facto border that splits Kashmire between India and Pakistain, the army said.

The fighting erupted in the northern Gurez district when a group of "heavily-armed gun-hung tough guys tried to infiltrate" into Indian-administered Kashmire from the Pak zone of the divided Mohammedan-majority territory, the army said.

"We have killed five gun-hung tough guys so far and the operation is still on," Indian army front man J.S. Brar told AFP.

He said an army lieutenant was also killed and two soldiers injured during "heavy exchange of fire" that started early Saturday.

"By killing the gun-hung tough guys we have foiled a major attempt by gun-hung tough guys to enter (Indian-administered) Kashmire," Brar said.

India says it regularly intercepts gun-hung tough guys sneaking into Indian-administered Kashmire to fight New Delhi's rule in the scenic Himalayan region.

Pakistain denies Indian allegations it helps the Death Eaters cross into Indian-administered Kashmire.

India and Pakistain have fought two of their three wars over Mohammedan-majority Kashmire which each country holds in part but claims in full.

The insurgency against New Delhi's rule has left more than 47,000 people dead since 1989, according to an official count.

The violence has sharply decreased since India and Pakistain started a grinding of the peace processor in 2004. But over the past month, the Indian army has accused gun-hung tough guys of making repeated bids to infiltrate into Kashmire.An Indian army lieutenant and five suspected gun-hung tough guys were killed Saturday in a clash along the de facto border that splits Kashmire between India and Pakistain, the army said.

The fighting erupted in the northern Gurez district when a group of "heavily-armed gun-hung tough guys tried to infiltrate" into Indian-administered Kashmire from the Pak zone of the divided Mohammedan-majority territory, the army said.

"We have killed five gun-hung tough guys so far and the operation is still on," Indian army front man J.S. Brar told AFP.

He said an army lieutenant was also killed and two soldiers injured during "heavy exchange of fire" that started early Saturday.

"By killing the gun-hung tough guys we have foiled a major attempt by gun-hung tough guys to enter (Indian-administered) Kashmire," Brar said.

India says it regularly intercepts gun-hung tough guys sneaking into Indian-administered Kashmire to fight New Delhi's rule in the scenic Himalayan region.

Pakistain denies Indian allegations it helps the Death Eaters cross into Indian-administered Kashmire.

India and Pakistain have fought two of their three wars over Mohammedan-majority Kashmire which each country holds in part but claims in full.

The insurgency against New Delhi's rule has left more than 47,000 people dead since 1989, according to an official count.

The violence has sharply decreased since India and Pakistain started a grinding of the peace processor in 2004. But over the past month, the Indian army has accused gun-hung tough guys of making repeated bids to infiltrate into Kashmire.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Shootout at Quetta passport office; one killed
[Dawn] A person was killed and two others injured in a firing incident that took place outside the passport office in Quetta on Saturday, DawnNews reported.

Police officials confirmed the casualties and said the attack occurred as unknown gunnies opened indiscriminate fire at the gate of the office located on Joint Road.

Subsequently, the injured were shifted to Civil Hospital Quetta. The gunnies managed to escape after the incident.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Indian Army kills 12 terrorists in Gurez Sector of Kashmir
Posted by: john frum || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Al-Qaeda in Iraq: 100 attacks to avenge Bin Laden
BAGHDAD: Al-Qaeda in Iraq has vowed to carry out “100 attacks” across the country, starting in the middle of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, to exact revenge for the death of Osama Bin Laden.

The terror group’s statement was released on militant websites late Friday. It said the attacks will avenge Bin Laden, who was killed by US forces in Pakistan in May, and other slain senior Al-Qaeda leaders.

“By God’s will, the campaign starts in the middle of the fasting month (of Ramadan) and ends by God’s will after 100 attacks exactly,” it said.

The statement said the campaign would include “varied attacks, including raids, martyrdom operations (suicide attacks), roadside bombs, silenced guns and snipers, in all cities, rural areas and provinces” across Iraq.

Monday marked the middle of Ramadan. On that day, a wave of crushing attacks swept across Iraq — from the northern city of Mosul to the southern Shiite heartland. At least 70 people died in suicide bombings, roadside bombs and shootings in what was Iraq’s deadliest day this year.

Al-Qaeda did not explicitly claim responsibility for those attacks in Friday’s statement, but the chaos is widely believed to be the work of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Monday’s violence suggests that Al-Qaeda in Iraq has the ability to resurrect itself and still carry out vicious attacks.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  There is money to be made here. Sell the government some weapons and get them to pay for instructors to teach them how to use them. Sell them the spare parts as well. Five times the original purchase price there at least. Salt the whole thing with a slight topping of Intelligence personnel.

Keep it simmering, just enough to last until about 2024 and watch the Moslems kill each other. Keep your eyes open for anyone who is Shia who is sympathetic to things Farsi. Become his "friend". Al Qaeda? Well, they can be useful if properly played. The Iraqis can spare 70 people here and there, get the names and addresses of the victims and the relatives concerned as well. See if there are any opportunities for recruitment.

And remember the Moslem culture has its advantages. There are always those who can be bought.
Posted by: de Medici || 08/21/2011 8:35 Comments || Top||

Qaida Announces 100-attack Campaign in Iraq
[An Nahar] Al-Qaeda's front group in Iraq said it has launched a campaign of 100 attacks across the country since the middle of August, in a statement seen Saturday by Agence La Belle France Presse

The Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) said the campaign began on August 15, Iraq's deadliest day in more than a year, and would exact Dire Revenge™ for the death of the late Osama bin Laden,
... who is currently taking a long nap in the dirt... urm... water...
who was killed in a U.S. special forces raid in Pakistain in May, and other big shots.

The group did not, however, explicitly claim any of the August 15 violence.

"We have started this stage with an invasion called 'Revenge for Sheikh Osama bin Laden and big shots'," said the statement, posted on the Honein jihadist website.

"The campaign started in the middle of the fasting month and, if God wills, it will end after 100 attacks," it said, referring to the holy Mohammedan month of Ramadan, which runs through August.

"They will include raids, martyrdom operations (suicide kabooms), roadside kabooms, silenced weapons and snipers, in all cities, rural areas and provinces."

On August 15, the day the campaign apparently began, a series of attacks in 18 cities across Iraq left 74 people dead and more than 300 maimed, the deadliest day of violence in the country since May 2010.

The statement did not claim any of the day's attacks, which included suicide bombs, roadside blasts, and shootings.

Separately, leaflets were distributed overnight in south and west Storied Baghdad
...located along the Tigris River, founded in the 8th century, home of the Abbasid Caliphate...
calling for residents to join ISI and fight U.S. forces, an interior ministry official said, speaking on condition of anonymity
... for fear of being murdered...

U.S. and Iraqi security officials say that while ISI is markedly weaker than during the height of Iraq's sectarian war in 2006 and 2007, it is still capable of carrying out spectacular coordinated attacks.

A total of 259 people were killed in violence in Iraq in July, according to official figures, the second-highest figure in 2011.

Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Splodydope detained in Diala
DIALA / Aswat al-Iraq: A jacket walla suicide bomber, wearing an explosive belt, has been detained while trying to explodulate blow himself up on Saturday against a police checkpoint east of Diala Province, a Diala Province’s Police officer reported.

“A Diala Police force has detained on Saturday a splodydope suicide bomber, wearing an explosive belt, in Miqdadiya township, 45 km to the east of Baaquba, the center of northeast Iraq’s Diala Province,” Colonel Ghalib Attiya told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. He gave no further details.

Baaquba, the center of Diala Province, is 57 km to the northeast of Baghdad.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Assassination network arrested in Baghdad
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The anti-terrorism department dismantled the network responsible for assassinating traffic policemen, semi-official Iraqiyah TV channel reported as breaking news.

The TV station reported the arrest of four persons north of the capital, Baghdad. No other details were given.
Like for example, are they Iranian-sponsored Sadrists or disgruntled Sunni Sons of Iraq?
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Dupe entry: Liveblogging of Gaza's War on Israel
From the Muqata web site. A number of graphics here and a video of Iron Dome missile defense system knocking down Grad missiles on Saturday night.

ISRAELLYCOOL also has liveblogging going on.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 08/21/2011 15:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Report: Gaza militants agree to cease-fire
A Hamas official in Gaza has said that all of Gaza's militant groups have agreed to a cease-fire meant to end a three-day assault on Israel's southern communities. The official said Egypt helped broker the cease-fire, which will go into effect on Sunday evening. He says Egypt told the groups that Israel would not halt its airstrikes unless the Palestinian groups stopped shooting first, and that Hamas security personnel would enforce the agreement.

In online messages published in forums linked to Hamas and Fatah, the Gaza Strip government reportedly informed all Palestinian factions about a lull agreement, calling them to stop firing at Israel. According to Islamic Jihad official Ahmed Mudalal, the discussions were based on a draft sent by UN envoy to the Middle East Robert Serry. Mudalal stated that the Palestinian factions do not plan on handing Israel an agreement "free of charge," saying they will demand an immediate halt to Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Mudalal said, "The Islamic Jihad, as well as the rest of the Palestinian factions, are trying to spare our people from the agony of war. However if it's enforced upon them, then the people must show patience and the resistance must protect ithem with all its might."

Meanwhile, Islamic Jihad's Secretary-General Ramadan Abdullah Shallah is supposed to be arriving in Cairo for consultations with Hamas and Egyptian officials, according to a report in Al-Ahram. The report further stated that talks about a possible cease-fire had already started up on Saturday, after Hamas officials claimed they weren't interested in escalating the situation.

Quoting a top-ranking Palestinian official, the report claimed Hamas was trying to convince Islamic Jihad to stop attacking Israel. However Jerusalem officials claimed Sunday they have no knowledge of such plans for a cease-fire or a lull agreement with the Palestinians.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/21/2011 12:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  No, no, no. Hamas agreed, PRC reject.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 08/21/2011 14:35 Comments || Top||

#2  Reports are that Hamas is having budget problems; the Mullahs have cut their subsidy and the Mosl.em Brotherhood in Egypt has also cut their subsidy and the Saudis and Gulf States have been late in paying their subsidies.

Of course Hamas doesn't have a pension problem because any retirees who demand higher payments can be beaten or killed.
Posted by: Lord Garth || 08/21/2011 15:05 Comments || Top||

#3  This has been the pattern of "negotiations" with the Paleostinians since time immemoriaal. One or more of the groups agrees to cease fire. Meanwhile, one ( or more) of the other groups vow to continue Jihad until the last Jew and other infidel is dead.
Posted by: RamblerInVirginia || 08/21/2011 17:28 Comments || Top||

#4  The whole thing seems like a combination of "look at us, we're important!" and an effort to distract the world from the doings in Syria.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/21/2011 18:09 Comments || Top||

#5  Whatzabout the PA in the WEST BANK, espec given MSM-Net Artics claiming that the PA in One is effec NOT IDEO OR OPERATING IN PAR wid the PA in the Other???

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 23:42 Comments || Top||

Palestinian armed groups shower Israeli settlements with missiles
(KUNA) -- Paleostinian Izz Eddin Al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,, grabbed credit on Saturday for launching four Grad missiles on Israeli settlement town of Ovakim, injuring several Israelis.

The Paleostinian wing said in a statement that their fighters launched the four missiles in response to Israeli repeated crimes and aggression, which resulted in killing 15 Paleostinians and injuring dozens others in the past 24 hours.

The group added that it "asserts its readiness to respond to Israeli aggression and idiocy using all means they have." The missile attack is the first response by Hamas since Israeli military began a military campaign two days ago.

Israeli military front man said one of the missiles directly targeted a house, injuring several Israelis.

...back at the secret hideout, Scarface Al sneeringly put his proposition to little Nell...
Paleostinian Salah Eddin Brigades, the military wing of the Paleostinian Popular Resistance Group, grabbed credit for attacking Israeli southern city of Ashkolon, with six Grad missiles.

The Brigades said, in a separate statement, that their artillery group was able to launch two Grad missiles at Israeli occupied Be'r Al-Sabe'.

In another statement, the Brigades said they fired three missiles of the same type targeting the same city, noting that their group returned to their base safely.

On another front, Paleostinian Al-Quds Battalions, the military wing of Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Mohammedan Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the liquidation of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
said that they fired two missiles at Israeli city Kiryat Malakhi.

The group said in a statement that their fighters fired at an Israeli military base with also five mortar rounds.

Islamic Jihad said their attack comes in response to Israeli repeated crimes and aggression in Gazoo Strip.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Time for another Israeli incursion into Gaza, which, following massive rocket attacks in 2008, stabilized the situation for three years.
Posted by: Ralphs son Johnnie || 08/21/2011 1:48 Comments || Top||

#2  One word solution = DAISYCUTTERS
Drop a few near the border area where the rockets are coming from, and tell 'em if even one more rocket lands in Israel a daisycutter an hour will be dropped on their civilian population centers. Put a stop to these rockets real quick.
Let the liberals f**ks and Israel haterz whine.
They are going to anyhow.
So give 'em something to whine about.
Posted by: Mikey Hunt || 08/21/2011 4:35 Comments || Top||

#3  The security cabinet in Israel has said several times that there is no desire for a Cast Lead 2. There is consensus for an extended aerial campaign hitting 3 or 4 targets per day.

Similarly, it is thought that Hamas which could launch about 10-20 longer range rockets/day (200+ short range) does not want to provoke a Cast Lead 2 either. In fact there is some suspicion that Hamas would welcome enough Israeli strikes to wipe out the PRC military wing.

btw, Salah Eddin means "rightness of the believers" or something similar.

Posted by: Lord Garth || 08/21/2011 7:32 Comments || Top||

#4  And the Obama administration said ... crickets ...
Posted by: Cincinnatus Chili || 08/21/2011 9:36 Comments || Top||

#5  ...Myself, I'm thinkin' that the Paleostinians are under a lotta pressure from Hezbollah and the Iranians to start something serious with the Israelis so as to keep them out of any action against Syria. The trouble is that the Paleos know they'll get their butts handed to them if they do, so it might not get much worse than this.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 08/21/2011 9:38 Comments || Top||

#6  Mikey DAISY CUTTERS don't get you the whiskey. I suspect you mean MOAB or perhaps ARCLIGHT or F-150 HDShortRangeNoGlideBomb.

Posted by: S || 08/21/2011 9:40 Comments || Top||

#7  a daisycutter an hour will be dropped on their civilian population centers.

Hurray for massacring civilians! History shows that always works! Just like in Syria! You win the cunt of the day award, Mikey Hunt.
Posted by: gromky || 08/21/2011 9:56 Comments || Top||

#8  And you win the trasy-assed mouth award of the day, gromky.
Posted by: Barbara || 08/21/2011 9:59 Comments || Top||

#9  Yes Lord Garth. Calm steady heads hopefully will prevail,logic versus emotion.
Posted by: Dale || 08/21/2011 10:19 Comments || Top||

#10  Hurray for massacring civilians! History shows that always works! Just like in Syria! You win the cunt of the day award, Mikey Hunt.

Actually, it worked for Hafez Assad. Of course, he killed ten times the number of people. The PLA seemed to have suppressed counter-revolutionary activity pretty effectively via the massacre of over a million landlords right after their victory in 1949. 60 years later, the Chinese army is still called the PLA, and rulers of China are the direct descendants of those who ordered and carried out the massacre.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 08/21/2011 11:33 Comments || Top||

#11  Zhang Fei

Please! No more disparaging comments regarding our Chinese masters. Wal-mart is down slightly from it's Friday, 2:00 high.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/21/2011 11:44 Comments || Top||

#12  The Chinese own 10% of the US debt.

The Brazilians own maybe a percent less. They haven't said anything.

Then again, Brazil isn't a Han-dominated nation (yet) with imperial ambitions.
Posted by: Pappy || 08/21/2011 13:15 Comments || Top||

#13  The Paleos have been too clever by half with upgrading their missile systems. When they were blindly launching their homemade bottle rockets into the desert, the main impact was the PR value, something the Israelis could essentially ignore. Better systems means actually damaging their targets, a sure fire (heh) way to provoke the wrath of the IDF.
Posted by: SteveS || 08/21/2011 15:50 Comments || Top||

Science & Technology
UAV Aerial Collisions
"A few have been seen getting attacked by birds."
Posted by: Uncle Phester || 08/21/2011 08:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I like this wry comment:

"GBSAA will likely be more in demand by potential civilian UAV users. Battlefields have much lower safety standards than civilian air space, what with all those artillery and mortar shells, plus the bullets and rockets." and other stuff.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 08/21/2011 15:46 Comments || Top||

#2  Whoa, the UAVS have been getting attacked by RODAN???

Must be Nesting or Mating Season.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/21/2011 20:25 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Two vendors gunned down in southern Thailand
Two Buddhist vendors were gunned down on a road in Pattani province Friday. Mongkol Jaikla, 30, and his father, Watana Jaikla, 56, were ambushed by gunmen on a remote road at 12:10 p.m.

The two were driving their trucks to sell mattresses and pillows in villages. It appears that they were lured to the spot where gunmen opened fire at them from a roadside. Police report that local people told the two to change direction and that when they made a U-turn and drove back by 500 meters, they were cut down in hail of M16 gunfire. They were also shot in their heads by a .38 revolver at point blank range.

Another vendor gunned down, bomb left at scene
A cosmetics company employee was gunned down in Narathiwat province and his killers are thought to have planted a powerful bomb in his pickup truck targeting police drawn to the scene of the attack.

Seree Rakpan, an employee of the Betterway Company was found dead, his body riddled with bullets, behind the steering wheel of a company pickup shortly before noon on Thursday. The 38-year-old was delivering goods to customers in the village when four men hiding on the side of the road attacked him using M-16 rifles. Police recovered 25 spent M-16 cartridge shells at the scene.

They also found a 20-kilogram homemade bomb in a cooking gas cylinder hidden among the cargo in the back of the truck. It was rigged to detonate remotely by a mobile phone signal. Police believed terrorists militants had placed the bomb and were hiding nearby to detonate it. Mobile telephone signals were jammed in the area while a bomb disposal team used a high-pressure water cannon to deactivate the device.

20 surveillance cameras torched, grocery store bomb blast
Twenty roadside surveillance cameras were set on fire in Pattani province yesterday. The cameras were torched along the Narathiwat-Pattani Road. A local police chief said separatist terrorists insurgents likely set the fires to keep authorities from identifying them in case they stage violent incidents.

In Yala province, a bomb went off at a grocery store on Friday evening. No one was wounded. Police said the blast was caused by a 500g improvised bomb left in a refrigerator at the shop.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/21/2011 08:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Iran sentences US hikers to eight years for spying
[Dawn] Iran has sentenced two American hikers to eight years in prison for illegal entry and spying for a US intelligence agency, state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
said on Saturday quoting an informed judiciary source.

"Shane Bauer ... and ... Josh Fattal, the two jugged American citizens, have been each sentenced to three years in prison for illegal entry to the Islamic Theocratic Republic of Iran," the television reported on its website.

It also said the two have been "sentenced to five years in prison on charges of espionage for the American intelligence agency," without saying when the verdict had been reached.

"The case of Sarah Shourd, who has been sprung on bail is still open," the report said, referring to the third hiker, who is being tried in absentia.

The verdict is expected to further raise tension between Washington and Tehran at a time when the animosity between the two has deepened under the presidency of Mahmoud Short Round Ahmadinejad.

Washington has vehemently denied Tehran's charge that the three were spies and has called on the Islamic republic to release Bauer and Fattal.

According to the report, the two men have 20 days to appeal against the verdict.

The lawyer for the three Americans, Masoud Shafii, told AFP he had not been informed of any decision since their trial ended on July 31.

"Unfortunately, I have not been informed of the verdict officially or unofficially," he said adding that should the two be sentenced. "Naturally, since I truly believe in (my clients') innocence, I will use every opportunity to prove that they are innocent."

The Swiss embassy, which handles US interests in Iran since diplomatic relations were severed in 1980, said it was not in a position to confirm the report.

The last hearing in the case was held behind closed doors without the presence of Shourd who is being tried in absentia. She returned to the United States when she was freed on humanitarian and medical grounds in September, paying bail of around 500,000 dollars.

Bauer and Fattal, both 29, were placed in long-term storage along with Shourd, 32, on the unmarked border between Iran and Iraq on July 31, 2009, with the trio claiming they were hiking in Iraq's northern province of Kurdistan when they innocently strayed into the Islamic republic.

They pleaded not guilty
"Wudn't me."
to spying charges, according to Shafii. Shafii had repeatedly expressed hope for the release of his clients after Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on August 6 he hoped the trial of Bauer and Fattal would lead to their "freedom."

Salehi also said the judiciary would announce the verdict in due course for the case which he added "is being pursued with justice and fairness."

The Saturday report comes after Iran's Prosecutor General Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie said Monday that the verdict of the trial would be issued "soon."

When asked whether there was a possibility of pardoning the three during the Mohammedan holy fasting month of Ramadan, which ends late August, he said he had "not heard such a rumour."After the final hearing in the trial, the families of the jugged Americans called for clemency.

"We pray that the Iranian authorities will show compassion to Shane and Josh and we ask everyone who supports them and cares for them to join us in beseeching the grace of God at this important time," the families said in a statement released in New York.

Shourd, a teacher, writer and women's rights activist, met Bauer, a fluent Arabic-speaking freelance journalist, while helping to organise demonstrations in the US against the war in Iraq. The two moved to Damascus
...The City of Jasmin is the oldest continuously-inhabited city in the world. It has not always been inhabited by the same set of fascisti...
together in 2008.

Fattal, who grew up in Pennsylvania, is an environmentalist and teacher. He travelled in 2009 to Damascus, where he met Shourd and Bauer.
Posted by: Fred || 08/21/2011 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  "Shourd, a teacher, writer and women's rights activist, met Bauer, a fluent Arabic-speaking freelance journalist, while helping to organise demonstrations in the US against the war in Iraq. The two moved to Damascus together in 2008"

Something smells fishy here...
Posted by: Shakey Steve || 08/21/2011 7:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Just went to the sinktrap and read the comment above. i am somewhat confused as to the affront that moved the comment there.

color me VERY confused. I have not failed to spot the 'trouble' on more that 2-3 all told.
Posted by: abu do you love || 08/21/2011 15:15 Comments || Top||

#3  I'm surprised Shakey was sinktrapped.

I thought he (it?) was banned.
Posted by: Barbara || 08/21/2011 15:51 Comments || Top||

#4  When he was banned, his comments were also sinktrapped retrospectively.
Posted by: lotp || 08/21/2011 20:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Y'all are awesome, lotp.
Posted by: Barbara || 08/21/2011 21:10 Comments || Top||

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