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Foreign suspect sought in Bangkok bombing
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4 22:32 JosephMendiola [19]
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3 11:11 trailing wife [14]
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14 22:36 JosephMendiola [22]
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3 20:10 charger [20]
Shelling by Afghan forces kill 3 Pakistani soldiers, claims Pakistan's FO
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] The Pak Foreign Office claimed Wednesday that three soldiers of the country's Frontier Personnel were killed two others were maimed following shelling by the Afghan forces.

The Afghan ambassador in Pakistain Janan Mosazai was called-in to the Foreign Ministry of Pakistain today regarding the shelling and other issues.

"Ambassador of Afghanistan Janan Mosazai was called in by the Foreign Secretary, today, to convey Pakistain's concerns over recent spate of Afghan government's allegations and media campaign to malign Pakistain," a statement by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Pakistain said.

Pakistain's Foreign Secretary stressed that such allegations undercut mutual confidence and affect the environment of bilateral relations that both countries had been working hard to improve. "Pakistain has been acting with maximum restraint and avoiding any blame-game," statement added.

"A strong protest was also lodged on cross-border violations from the Afghan side on 16 and 17 August 2015, which resulted in shahadat of three FC personnel and injuries to two others," the statement said, adding that "The Afghan Ambassador was conveyed that, as a matter of policy, Pak authorities do not initiate fire and return fire only in self-defence."

This comes as the Pak ambassador in Kabul
...the capital of Afghanistan. Home to continuous fighting from 1992 to 1996 between the forces of would-be strongman and Pak ISI/Jamaat-e-Islami sock puppet Gulbuddin Hekmayar and the Northern Alliance, a period which won Hek the title Most Evil Man in the World and didn't do much for the reputations of the Northern Alliance guys either....
was summoned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan (MoFA) following indiscriminate shelling by the Pak forces which left eight members of the Afghan Border Police Forces martyred.

Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Africa North
Four Palestinians abducted by gunmen in Egypt
A very odd tale, indeed.
[IsraelTimes] Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, says bus en route to Cairo intercepted by masked gunnies believed to be IS-affiliated, according to witnesses

Gazoo's Hamas rulers say gunnies kidnapped four Paleostinians in neighboring Sinai after intercepting a bus bound for Cairo airport.

Interior ministry front man Iyad Bezem said in a statement that the kidnapping took place late Wednesday night in the troubled northern Sinai region as the bus headed for the Rafah border crossing into Gazoo.

He said that his ministry had contacted its Egyptian counterpart "to establish the circumstances of what happened and demand that the Egyptians work to protect the victims and release them".

Some of the passengers who arrived safely described the assailants as wearing "Pak-type" clothes and holding laptop computers on which they checked passengers' names before separating the four from the group and taking them away.
Witnesses told The News Agency that Dare Not be Named that several masked gunnies opened fire in the air and stopped the bus half an hour after it rolled into the restive peninsula. They grabbed four youths and expeditiously departed at a goodly pace.

The witnesses -- Paleostinians who were in the bus -- preferred not to disclose their names fearing retribution. They said they believed the gunnies to be from the Egyptian affiliate of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....

Officials said that some of the passengers who arrived safely described the assailants as wearing "Pak-type" clothes and holding laptop computers on which they checked passengers' names before separating the four from the group and taking them away.

Hamas officials are trying to determine who the gunnies are.

North Sinai, where Egyptian security forces are fighting an Islamist insurgency, is a bastion of the Egyptian affiliate of the jihadist Islamic State (IS) group, which is spearheading an insurgency that has swelled since the army's ouster of president Mohammed Morsi in July 2013.

Formerly known as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis
...Supporters of Jerusalem, the current pen name of al-Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula...
, the key jihadist group in the region changed its name to "Sinai Province" when it pledged allegiance to IS in November.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/20/2015 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis

#1  Sounds like the recruiters were making a pick-up.
Posted by: Pappy || 08/20/2015 11:32 Comments || Top||

IS seize, then lose ground in another Benghazi surprise attack
[Libya Herald] This evening the sound of Grad rockets reverberated in Benghazi as the army continued a substantial counterattack after losing considerable ground to a surprise IS thrust from its enclave in Sabri . . .

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Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Mujahideen thwarts IS Derna dawn raid: report
[Libya Herald] An attempt by Islamic State fighters to enter Derna at dawn this morning ended in a bloody battle in which eight of them were killed and another three captured, sources in the town report.

The group, driving in gun mounted Hilux vehicles and armoured cars, are said to have tried to approach the town from the “seven bends” road in the hills behind it but were spotted by a youth unit of the Mujahideen.

In the ensuing gun battle, the unit, reinforced by other Mujahdeen members, also managed to capture two IS vehicles and destroy an armoured car.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Anti-Houthi fighters advance northwards towards Sanaa
[YEMENONLINE.INFO] Gulf-backed forces in Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
are preparing to retake the capital Sanaa after a day of unprecedented victories on Tuesday.

The anti-Houthi
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

74 arrested for Asir bombing in 2 weeks
[ARABNEWS] Within two weeks, 74 arrests -- 64 Saudis, 10 foreigners -- have been made across the Kingdom for the bombing of the Emergency Forces Center Mosque in Asir, according to online media sources.

A day after the Aug. 6 blast, 10 Saudis, along with a Syrian and a Yemeni, were held, followed by the arrests of three more Saudis the next day.

A Pak, a Chadian and a Bahraini were among 13 who were held on the third day of the attack. On fourth day, 11 Saudis were caught, and 19 others -- including a Syrian and an Indian --were nabbed later.

This was followed by the arrests of 10 -- 9 Saudis, one Yemeni. Following it, security agencies netted eight more accused -- six Saudis and two Yemenis.

Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
has a list of 4,488 persons from 42 countries allegedly involved in terrorism. However,
there's more than one way to skin a cat...
the nationality of 23 of them is not established.

The Asir attack occurred as worshippers gathered for prayer at the mosque. There were 15 casualties in the attack claimed by Daesh.

Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Saudi Military Posts Falling apart on Borders with Yemen
[ALMANAR.LB] The Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
army and Popular Committees forces have achieved a qualitative progress on the border with Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
and seized control over new sites oversees the kingdom's territory.
It's amusing the way the Hadi loyalists advancing north are ignored, while the Houthis occupying a few hills looking into Saudi territory are big news.
Army and Committees sources confirmed to AL-Manar TV that the national military has fully controlled the Al-Shurfa area on the border with Saudi province of Najran after storming the military post in the region and its checkpoint.

The sources added that Al-Shurfa is a strategic site overlooking the Najran province, which allows the Yemeni fighters to establish control over it using medium weapons.

In a similar development, the Yemeni army forces and the Popular Committees stormed the Saudi al-Hajer military site and destroyed the control tower inside it after all garrison fled away

Saudi Soldier Killed in Cross-Border Fire from Yemen

[AnNahar] A Saudi soldier was killed in cross-border fire from Yemen on Wednesday, the kingdom's interior ministry said, in the second such incident in a week.

Hamad al-Kaabi was killed after heavy gunfire hit a border post in the southwestern region of Jazan, said the statement published by the official SPA news agency.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Sabuj murder case accused killed in 'gunfight'
[Dhaka Tribune] An accused in two murder cases was killed in what law enforcers termed shootout between his associates and Detective Branch (DB) of police at Jagati BATB Forestry Complex in Sadar upazila early yesterday.

The dear departed, Jakir Hossain,30, son of Abdur Razzak, a resident of Kalbaria village in Mirpur upazila of the district, is an accused in the cases filed in connection with the killing of Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (Jasad) leader Imsail Hossain Panjer and Jubo League
... the youth wing of the Bangla Awami League...
activist Sabuj.

Kushtia DB inspector Sabbirul Islam said tipped off, a team of DB police conducted a drive in the area when a gang of criminals, including Jakir, were holding a secret meeting in the dead of night there at about 1:30am.

Spider senses tingling at the proximity of the law enforcers, members of the gang opened fire on them, forcing police to fire back that triggered a shootout.

Jakir was caught in the line of fire and seriously injured while his other associates managed to flee the scene.
... as though they had never been...

He was rushed to Kushtia General Hospital where on-duty doctors declared him dead.
He's dead, Jim!

The body was sent to the hospital morgue for his appointment with Doctor Quincy.

Police recovered one shutter gun, two sharp weapons and two bullet shells from the spot.

Earlier, Jubo League activist Sabuj, 23, son of Mobarak of Jhalupara of the town, was killed and five others suffered bullet injuries during a clash between two factions of Awami League over joining a Mourning Day Rally at Milpara in the district town on August 15, 2015.

Imsail Hossain Panjer, 56, former vice-president of Mirpur upazila unit of Jasad, was shot to death in a gun attack by miscreants in Mirpur upazila on April 14, 2014.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Blogger murder suspects placed under remand
[Dhaka Tribune] A Dhaka court yesterday placed three suspected members of the banned bad boy outfit Ansarullah Bangla Team on a three-day remand in a case filed over the murder of writer-blogger Avijit Roy.

Metropolitan Magistrate Shahriar Mahmud Adnan passed the order after DB Inspector Md Fazlur Rahman, also investigation officer of the case, produced the three gunnies before the court seeking a 10-day remand.

The remanded are Touhidur Rahman, a British citizen of Bangladeshi origin suspected of criminal masterminding the killing; Sadek Ali Mithhu, who RAB accuses of being involved in murdering both Avijit and Ananta Bijoy; and Aminul Mollik, who reportedly made fake passports to help Ansarullah members flee the country.

The court also rejected a bail petition submitted by Touhidur's counsel ALM Kamal Uddin Hafez. However,
nothing needs reforming like other people's bad habits...
there was no defence lawyer for the other two accused.

Hafez told the court that his client was mentally imbalanced and had come to Bangladesh from the UK to visit his ailing mother.

Some people introducing themselves as DB men picked up Touhidur from his sister's Dhanmondi residence on May 28, the counsel said, adding that Touhidur's family members later filed a general diary and case with Dhanmondi cop shoppe in this connection.

Aminul, one of the detainees, told the court that he worked in a computer shop in Dhaka's Nilkhet and had been tortured and blindfolded by unknown men who picked him up on May 26. The other accused, Sadek, told the court that he worked at a printing press and was picked up by DB men on May 21. He added that he was coerced by the police who threatened of killing him in a crossfire unless he confessed to being involved in the blogger's murder.

On Tuesday, the Rapid Action Battalion told news hounds that the three suspected gunnies had been locked away
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
from the capital's Nilkhet and Dhanmondi areas on Monday and Tuesday in connection with the murders of bloggers Avijit Roy and Ananta Bijoy.

At a press briefing, RAB authorities said Sadek and Touhidur had already confessed to RAB about planning the blogger killings.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

Shakila Farzana, two others allegedly financed a militant group
[Dhaka Tribune] The daughter of a former BNP whip and two of her associates, held allegedly for providing Tk1.08 crore to hybrid bad boy organization Shahid Hamza Brigade, were placed on a four-day remand yesterday.

RAB has claimed that Supreme Court lawyers barrister Shakila Farzana, 39 and Md Hasanuzzaman Liton, 30, and Dhaka Judge's Court lawyer Mahfuz Chowdhury Bapon, 25, were placed in durance vile
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
when they came out of their chamber "Law Cornerstone" on Dhanmondi 27 of the capital around 11pm on Tuesday.

Shakila is the incumbent joint general secretary of the Supreme Court wing of pro-BNP Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Ainjibi Forum. She is the daughter of Wahidul Alam, a former BNP politician from Chittagong.

Members of Rapid Action Battalion 7 made the arrests with the help of RAB 2 and 4 based on information given by its members now in jug, and disclosed the matter before the media yesterday.

In April, RAB discovered the activities of Hamza Brigade after they detained four of its members along with 10 firearms including five AK47 rifles and a large cache of ammunition from a hill in Lotmoni area under Banshkhali upazila.

Since February 19 until June first week, RAB 7 detained 29 members of the outfit including its second-in-command, wing chiefs and arms suppliers in several drives.

Formed in 2013, it aimed at launching an armed revolution in greater Chittagong including the hill tracts to protest against the oppression of Moslems in Myanmar and across the world.

During a press briefing at the RAB 7 Headquarters in Patenga of Chittagong, its Commanding Officer Lt Col Mifta Uddin said that apart from the trio, a Dubai resident named Allama Libdi had also been financing the bad boy group.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Down Under
Australia detains seven young citizens suspected of seeking to join militants
[Rooters] Australian authorities have detained seven young nationals as they were attempting to fly to the Middle East, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Thursday, over suspicions they wanted to join Islamist militant groups.

"We have stopped at the airport, seven young Australians who were planning to travel to the Middle East it seems to join terrorist groups over there," Abbott told reporters in Canberra.

It is unclear where the seven Australians were detained.

Australia is on high alert for attacks by radicalized Muslims, including home-grown militants returning from fighting in the Middle East, having raised its threat level to "high" and unleashed a series of high-profile raids in cities.

In addition to attempts to safeguard against any domestic attacks, Australian officials have intensified efforts to prevent radicalized citizens from joining organizations such as Islamic State.
Link to poster and famous air raid shelter song.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/20/2015 02:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  australia is totally doomed. our leadership here cannot tell the difference between "secular" and "theocrat". They cannot name and target the Islamist theocratic fascist enemy. they pretend that we have to "reach out" to "muslims" who "feel marginalised" - this pap is the problem. We need to publicly target the actual enemy and do it while publicly, visibly standing together with secular Muslim allies. As in every press conference.
Posted by: anon1 || 08/20/2015 7:06 Comments || Top||

#2  The Moslems seem to have a handle on it: Iran and Hezbollah consistently refer to the enemy (accurately) as takfiri. They point out the link between takfir wal hijra and salafism. The Russians refer to them as Wahhabis. Salafism is the recruiting pool for takfir, and Islam is the recruiting pool for salafism.

Hezbollah, Hamas, that whole Teheran-Damascus axis, are a different problem. The Moslem Brotherhood is still another problem.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 10:16 Comments || Top||

The Grand Turk
Reports: 17-Year-Old Killed in Istanbul Clashes with Police
[AnNahar] A Turkish 17-year-old has been killed in festivities in Istanbul between police and a group allied to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), the official Anatolia news agency reported Wednesday.

The festivities erupted late Tuesday when a group of around 20 people sought to hold what was described as an unauthorized demonstration in the Esenler district of Istanbul and opened fire on the police, the report said.

The incident came amid soaring tensions in The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
's Kurdish-dominated southeast where the Turkish military are waging an unprecedented "war on terror" against the PKK.

The group involved in the Istanbul festivities, said to be members of the PKK's youth wing, the Revolutionary Patriotic Youth Movement (YDG-H), had their faces masked and were carrying Molotov cocktails and bomb-making equipment.

The 17-year-old was named only as F.E. and described as a member of the hard boy group. Other media reports suggested the teenager was male.

Police defused an unwent kaboom! bomb at the scene, Anatolia said. Four people were placed in durance vile
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
, with the rest of the group fleeing into alleyways.

Tensions in Turkey's southeast regularly spill over into Istanbul, which is a major hub for Kurdish hard boy groups like the PKK as well as the outlawed Marxist Revolutionary People's Liberation Party--Front (DHKP-C).
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/20/2015 08:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Eight Turkish Soldiers Killed in PKK Bombing in Southeast
[AnNahar] Eight Turkish soldiers were killed on Wednesday in the deadliest attack by Kurdish faceless myrmidons since the government began an anti-terror offensive last month, as the country battles its most serious security and political crises in years.

An honor guard on duty outside the fabled Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul was also attacked by suspected Marxist Lion of Islams, with the country on edge after a wave of attacks in the last month.

The eight soldiers were killed by remote-controlled bomb laid by faceless myrmidons on a road in the Silvan district of the province of Siirt, the army said.

The army blamed the "Separatist Terror Organization", its customary phrase for the PKK which it never refers to by name.

Seven soldiers were also maimed in the attack and military helicopters and ambulances were dispatched to the area, the official Anatolia news agency said, adding that the festivities between the faceless myrmidons and soldiers were continuing.

Including the latest fatalities, around 50 members of the security forces have been killed in attacks blamed on the PKK over the past month, although Wednesday's strike was by far the deadliest single incident.

The military in the last days has refrained from air strikes on PKK bases in northern Iraq that were a hallmark of the campaign so far but launched large-scale operations on PKK strongholds in southeast The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
Two faceless myrmidons earlier Wednesday launched an attack with guns and explosives on the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul, one of Turkey's main tourist attractions which also houses offices of Davutoglu, the Istanbul authorities said.

The two attackers -- carrying two hand grenades, an automatic rifle, a gun and other ammunition -- were caught by police, the statement said, adding that there were no fatalities.

One policeman was reported to have been lightly maimed.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but Anatolia said that the suspects were members of the radical left wing Revolutionary People's Liberation Front (DHKP-C).

The DHKP-C claimed a similar attack on the Dolmabahce Palace on January 1 where two grenades were hurled at the guards which failed to explode.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Military air strikes kill 25 'suspected militants' in North Waziristan
[DAWN] At least 25 suspected bully boyz were killed on Wednesday when the military carried out air strikes in the Shawal Tehsil of North Wazoo, military sources said.

Air force jets targeted and bombed Death Eater hideouts in the deeply forested ravines of the Shawal Valley, which straddles the Pak region of North and South Waziristan along the border with Afghanistan, and is dotted with Death Eater bases.

Aerial bombing on Wednesday destroyed four hideouts and killed 25 Death Eaters, military sources added.

This is the fourth consecutive day since the terror attack that killed Punjab
1.) Little Orphan Annie's bodyguard
2.) A province of Pakistain ruled by one of the Sharif brothers
3.) A province of India. It is majority (60 percent) Sikh and Hindoo (37 percent), which means it has relatively few Moslem riots....

home minister Shuja Khanzada that the military has carried out multiple aerial strikes in North Waziristan and Khyber Agency. With today's air raids, forces have taken out over a hundred suspected bully boyz since Sunday alone, destroying ammunition depots and hideouts.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Case registered against unknown men for Rashid Godil attack
[DAWN] KARACHI: New Town police on Wednesday night started the paperwork but haven't done much else against unknown suspects on terror charges for Tuesday's brutal attack on Muttahida Qaumi Movement
...English: United National Movement, generally known as MQM, is the 3rd largest political party and the largest secular political party in Pakistain with particular strength in Sindh. From 1992 to 1999, the MQM was the target of the Pak Army's Operation Cleanup leaving thousands of urdu speaking civilians dead...
(MQM) MNA Rashid Godil.

"Police have registered FIR 254/2015 on complaint of Mr. Godil's brother-in-law under section 7-ATA (Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997), section 302 of Pakistain Penal Code and other sections against unknown suspects," said Gulshan Superintendent of Police (SP) Abid Qaimkhani.

Police has also decided to conduct forensic examination of Mr Godil's car in addition to 'geo-fencing' the area, he said.

Statements of witnesses were also recorded.

The Gulshan SP said Mr Godil was on his way from Baloch Colony area to his residence in Bahadurabad when he was attacked. He added that the police had provided four guards to the MQM politician's family after the attack.

Qaimkhani went on to say that Mr Godil had not informed police about any threats to him and had not demanded police security.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Policeman, Civilian Killed in Shooting in India's Kashmir
[ALMANAR.LB] A policeman and a civilian were killed Tuesday when suspected rebels opened fire outside a Moslem shrine in Indian Kashmire, police said.

The bully boyz targeted the police officer guarding the shrine of Tujjar Sharif, 55 kilometers (35 miles) northwest of the main city of Srinagar.

"The policeman unfortunately lost his life, and a civilian who was shot during the attack departed this vale of tears later," deputy inspector general of police for the area, Gharib Das, told AFP.

It was not clear if the 70-year-old disabled civilian was shot by the bully boyz or he was hit by a bullet when police returned fire.

The bully boyz fled the area after the attack and the dead police officer's automatic rifle was missing, Das said, adding security forces had launched a hunt for the attackers.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

IS says American suicide bomber carried out Iraq attack
[AlAhram] The Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
Lion of Islam group said Tuesday that an American was among four jacket wallahs who carried out attacks against Iraqi security forces in the Baiji area north of Baghdad.

IS, which has been battling Iraqi forces for control of Baiji for months, said in an online statement that "Abu Abdullah al-Amriki" detonated an explosives-rigged four-by-four near the town.

The other three attackers -- two Tajiks and an Iraqi -- blew up other explosives-rigged vehicles in the Baiji area, the jihadist group said, without specifying when the attacks took place.

The Islamist group said another American carried out a suicide kaboom against Iraqi forces fighting to retake the city of Tikrit earlier this year.

IS launched a devastating offensive in June 2014, sweeping security forces aside and overrunning around a third of the country. Baghdad's forces have since regained significant ground north of the capital from IS, but much of western Iraq remain outside government control.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/20/2015 08:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Damn, inbred rednecks!
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 08/20/2015 9:09 Comments || Top||

#2  And Dearborn mourns.
Posted by: Pappy || 08/20/2015 18:17 Comments || Top||

ISIS Kirkuk governor, dozens of militants, killed in coalition airstrikes
[RUDAW.NET] The Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
's (ISIS) Kirkuk governor and 80 other jihadis were killed in US-led coalition Arclight airstrikes on the snuffies east of Kirkuk province on Wednesday, Iraq's defense ministry said.

"The coalition warplanes conducted attacks on ISIS military bases in Riyaz, east of Kirkuk province, killing the ISIS governor and some of the jihadists," the ministry said in a statement.

The warplanes conducted 13 attacks on ISIS bases, inflicting large casualties and destroying heavy-weapons depots, the statement added.

The Arclight airstrikes took place after Iraq provided intelligence on ISIS numbers and movements in the province, according to the statement.

On Wednesday, the coalition pounded ISIS on the Gwer front, hitting targets in the villages of Salhiya, Kbrouk, and Kanhash, killing and wounding some 40 jihadis and destroying an ISIS rocket launcher, according to the Kurdish Peshmerga.

After the advancement of ISIS in Iraq and its seizure of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
province, the US-led coalition was established to defeat ISIS, and it continues targeting ISIS fighters at different districts in Iraq and Syria.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

IDF soldier wounded in terror attack near Jerusalem
[Ynet] Soldier maimed by bomb, soon after another attack near J'lem in which anonymous individuals threw stones at vehicle, lightly wounding 22-month-old and her father.

An Israeli soldier was maimed by an bomb thrown by the Patriarch's Way security checkpoint near Jerusalem on Wednesday night.

The soldier was taken to Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem in moderate condition. The terrorist expeditiously departed at a goodly pace, and police began searching the area.

Only a few hours earlier, a 22-month-old and her father were lightly maimed after unknown individuals threw stones at two vehicles on Route 45 next to Jerusalem. IDF troops began searching for the perpetrators soon after.

The father was lightly maimed in the shoulder and did not require medical treatment. The toddler was maimed in face by glass fragments. Her father took her to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, where she was treated and released.

On Tuesday evening, a bus and two private cars were pelted with stones evening in the At-Tur neighborhood in East Jerusalem, leaving five people lightly maimed.

Four of the maimed -- three Jordanian teens and a Jewish boy, all aged 16-17 -- were taken to Hadassah Medical Center.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/20/2015 00:00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
Foreign suspect sought in Bangkok bombing

Take away the hairdo (a wig?) and the prop glasses and you're left with a non-descript Asian male face. Using the note says that he either spoke not a word of Thai or English, or that he wanted the hack driver to think that. The note adds emphasis to the suggestion. English is pretty widely understood in Thailand. Most people understand at least a few words. If he's a foreigner he had to arrive in the country, which would imply a handler ready and waiting for him at the airport, which is possible, or that he drove up, parked his car and took the samlor to do his dirty deed. The pipe bomb was assembled from local parts, meaning it was built in-country. The beard suggests our favorite religion of peace. The phone conversation could have been in Malay or Burmese or Gibberish to push the "foreigner" identity.

My opinion (worth every cent you paid for it): He's too ostentatiously "foreign." He's actually a Thai male who doesn't wear glasses.
[CNN] According to an arrest warrant issued by a court in Thailand, the primary suspect in the deadly bombing of Bangkok's Erawan Shrine is "an unnamed male foreigner". A Thai motorbike taxi driver who believes he picked the suspect up shortly after the explosion also said he did not seem to be Thai.

Police think the suspect probably had accomplices. Surveillance video footage indicates that at least two others may have helped the chief suspect in the attack that killed 20 people and injured more than 120 on Monday evening.

Security forces are searching for the man seen on the video putting a backpack under a bench in the shrine and then walking away before the blast went off. Beyond the yellow T-shirt and dark-framed glasses he was wearing, little is known about him so far.

Investigators say they think the device was assembled in Thailand because many parts, including the pipe, were made in the country. Security and intelligence analyst Bob Baer said it was rare for a pipe bomb to kill so many people and cause so much damage. He said, "It would be a very sophisticated pipe bomb."

Police spokesman Prawut said another blast near a river pier in Bangkok on Tuesday was caused by a similar device. That blast went off in the water and caused no casualties, but it was still "quite big," he said.

Asked if there was any information on a possible motive, police spokesman Prawut said earlier this week it was too soon to reach any conclusions.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  'Big network' behind Bangkok shrine bombing
Posted by: ryuge || 08/20/2015 4:54 Comments || Top||

Syrian Army Restores Several Towns and Points in Hama
[ALMANAR.LB] The Syrian army continued its crackdown on terrorist organizations, with its units striking hard on the terrorists' positions and supply routes, backed by the air force, State-run SANA news agency reported Wednesday.

In Hama, the army air force destroyed terrorists' dens in al-Inkawi, Dukmak, al-Hamidia, Kaston and Tal Zajram in Hama countryside.

Army units carried out a large-scale operation in al-Ghab plain in the northwestern countryside of the central Hama province in which they retook a number of towns and areas from the terrorists, a military source told SANA on Wednesday.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Suicide bomber kills 16 in northeast Syria
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] A jacket wallah killed at least 16 people on Wednesday in an attack on Kurdish security forces in northeastern Syria claimed by the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
jihadist group, a monitor said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the blast in the city of Qamishli killed 10 members of the Kurdish forces, called the Asayish, and six civilians.

"A suicide bomber in a vehicle targeted the Asayish's local headquarters in Qamishli," said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the British-based Observatory.

IS claimed the attack in an online statement, saying a suicide bomber had used a "water tanker rigged with explosives to infiltrate an Asayish command base".

Syrian Kurdish militia have been some of the most successful forces fighting IS in northern parts of the country.

The jihadist group has targeted Qamishli and other Kurdish bastions with suicide operations in the past.

The charred wreckage of several vehicles was seen at the site of the blast in the industrial district of Qamishli, a majority-Kurdish city in Syria's northeastern province of Hasakeh.Abdel Rahman described Wednesday's kaboom as "massive" and said at least 14 civilians had been maimed.

Syria's state news agency SANA said 15 people were killed but did not specify whether they included civilians. It said 50 people were maimed.

Arin Shekhmos, a local journalist in Qamishli, said the blast could be heard throughout the city.

"I wasn't close, but I could hear it from where I was," Shekhmos told AFP by telephone shortly after visiting the blast site.

"There is a lot of destruction -- the buildings on at least two streets have been completely destroyed," he said.

Qamishli, under the shared control of Kurdish authorities and the Syrian regime, has been targeted by several kabooms this year. In late July, bombs struck the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and the Asayish, wounding at least three people.

Syria's conflict, which began in March 2011, evolved from peaceful demonstrations to a multi-front war involving Kurds, rebels, jihadists and the regime.

Both pro-regime and opposition forces have been criticised by human rights
...which are usually entirely different from personal liberty...
groups for indiscriminate attacks that have killed civilians.

On Wednesday, aerial bombardment by the government of a rebel stronghold east of Damascus left at least 10 people dead, the Observatory said.

The attacks on Harasta, in the Eastern Ghouta region, killed members of the town's council, civil defence, and police force, it said.

As the largest rebel bastion near the Syrian capital, Eastern Ghouta is often targeted by government forces. On Sunday, nearly 100 people were killed in regime air strikes on the town of Douma.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Zabadani may fall in coming hours as rebels trapped with no reinforcements, ammunition
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Well-informed sources said on Wednesday Syrian regime army backed by Lebanese ally Hezbollah may take full control of the besieged city of Zabadani in the few coming hours after a 50-day campaign to capture it from rebels.

Rebel sources said the fall of the city, about 45 km (30 miles) northwest of the capital Damascus, is very imminent since rebels have been trapped in few buildings amid lack of ammunition and weapons.

The rebels in Zabadani have appealed to their counterparts near Damascus to send reinforcements and ammunition as well to escalate attacks to relieve pressure on them.

Hezbollah bully boyz and the army have controlled most of Zabadani city after intense aerial bombardments and heavy artillery fire on rebels hideouts.

The control of the city is seen as crucial to consolidate government-held areas linking Leb and Syria. Zabadani is a former popular resort on the main Beirut-Damascus highway, according to Rooters.

Its capture would be a strategic gain for al-Assad, whose army is battling on several other fronts with groups including non-jihadist rebels and hardline Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
holy warriors, Rooters added.

A victory over the rebels would also secure a corridor for Hezbollah to transport fighters and arms. The Shi'ite Moslem group's military role inside Syria has been growing steadily since the start of the conflict in 2011.
Posted by: Fred || 08/20/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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Thu 2015-08-20
  Foreign suspect sought in Bangkok bombing
Wed 2015-08-19
  ISIS Beheads Elderly Archeologist In Palmyra, Syrian Official Says
Tue 2015-08-18
  Yemen: More than 80 dead in 24 hours of fighting for Taiz
Mon 2015-08-17
  Punjab home minister Shuja Khanzada killed in terror attack
Sun 2015-08-16
  God strikes Hamid Gul dead
Sat 2015-08-15
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