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Taliban say hostage talks fail
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Afghan TV Shows Kidnapped German Woman
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 09:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  She's five months pregnant.
Posted by: Seafarious || 08/19/2007 10:23 Comments || Top||

#2  Hey Gertrude here's a little tip: European women 5-month's pregnant should stay out of 7th century muslim hell holes. Could it be she has a little Achmed bun in the oven? I smell set up.
Posted by: regular joe || 08/19/2007 10:41 Comments || Top||

#3  Send those checks and money orders to...
Posted by: Gary and the Samoyeds || 08/19/2007 11:07 Comments || Top||

Afghan kaboom kills 15
A suicide car bomber attacked a US convoy in southern Afghanistan on Saturday, killing 15 people, including 11 civilians, and injuring 26 others, police said. Police said the attack took place in a crowded area west of Kandahar. "Fifteen people, four Afghan security guards and 11 civilians were killed and another 26, including 19 civilians and seven guards, were injured in the suicide blast today," police chief Sayed Aqa Saqib told AFP.

The logistics convoy, which was guarded by a US private security firm, was heading to troubled Zehri district in Helmand province when the attack took place. The blast destroyed two vehicles belonging to the guards and a civilian minibus, police said at the scene. "The bomb was so strong that it ripped through the civilian minibus and several other vehicles," police officer Jan Mohammad said.

Body parts and pieces of metal from the suicide bomber's car were scattered 100 metres from the site of the blast, which partially destroyed the outer wall of a nearby mosque. Bloodied turbans, sandals and shoes littered the pavement. One of the convoy's security guards collected body parts and bits of flesh from the road. Ten passengers aboard the minibus were killed, an AFP reporter at the scene said. Only a woman and her baby daughter emerged from the bus unscathed. She leaned against the wall of the mosque, wailing uncontrollably.

On Friday, another suicide attacker blew himself up outside the house of a district governor in Kandahar, killing the official and three of his children, and injuring three others.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Taliban say hostage talks fail
Negotiations to secure the release of 19 Korean church volunteers being held in Afghanistan by the Taliban have failed and the insurgents' leadership council is now considering their fate, a Taliban spokesman said on Saturday.
If the talks had "succeeded," the Talibs would be able to just grab anybody at any time to get their guys out of jug. And since the prisoners are 19 pretty, for the most part, girls, they may still "succeed."
"The talks ended without any result and have failed as our main demand was not accepted," Qari Mohammad Yousuf told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location. "I don't think (further) talks will yield anything. I am awaiting for the decision (on the hostages fate) from the leadership council," he said. He said the talks between the Taliban and South Korean officials broke down last Thursday, the day they were reported to have started. The Taliban on Monday freed two women hostages, the first to be released since they seized 23 Koreans from a bus in Ghazni province on the main road south from the capital Kabul last month. They have killed two male hostages. They have threatened to kill the remaining captives if their demand for insurgent prisoners to be freed from jail is not met.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  So, you hold 19 hostages - Innocent women in order to free killers from prison? What kind of "Lions" are you? More like wolves.
Posted by: newc || 08/19/2007 2:54 Comments || Top||

#2  More like rabid dogs.
Posted by: mrp || 08/19/2007 7:08 Comments || Top||

#3  More like maggot larvae.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 08/19/2007 9:11 Comments || Top||

#4  Someone ought to tell the Chinese that the hostages are their nationals; they seem to know what they're doing in dealing w/these thugs. The Skoreans seem to have gone from being the "Irish of Asia" (tough, hard-drinking, pugnacious) to the British of Asia (Basra's babysitters) in one generation.
Posted by: regular joe || 08/19/2007 9:41 Comments || Top||

#5  More like the hyenas of Islam.
Posted by: Natural Law || 08/19/2007 9:46 Comments || Top||

#6  yes , maggot larvae

they are probably raping the women left, that's probably the only thing keeping them alive.

Posted by: Jan from work || 08/19/2007 12:47 Comments || Top||

#7  FREEREPUBLIC > Taliban threatening to start killing SOKOR hostages as early as this Monday [ today Guam time].
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/19/2007 20:14 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Well-known traditional elder slain in Mogadishu
(SomaliNet) A prominent traditional elder was shot dead in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia on Saturday night by unknown gunmen. Moalim Haaruun Moalim Yusuf, 60s, was killed in front of his home in Yaqshid district, north of the capital after the maqrib prayer, according to the local witnesses. "Three unidentified gun men shot my husband with bullets, one of the bullets hit on his head," said Madino Guled Mohamed, the wife of the slain elder. "I don't know he was killed but I can assure you that my husband was involving in the reconciliation congress in Mogadishu,"

It is not yet clear who was behind the latest killing of the elder. Earlier, the suspected Islamist-led insurgent groups vowed that they kill anyone who participated what they called 'the conspiracy conference' in Mogadishu. Moalim Harun was well-respected traditional elder from the Abgal-clan of Hawiye tribe in Mogadishu.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Courts

Howlwadag DC wounded in Mogadishu
The Howl-wadag district commissioner in south of the Somalia capital Mogadishu was wounded in roadside bomb attack that targeted his vehicle on Saturday ? as the Wardhigley DC escaped from grenade bomb explosion, local security official said. Yusuf Geelle Elmi and two of his body guards were injured when they convoy hit a remote controlled roadside bomb near the police academy in south of the capital, according to the Howlwadag deputy district commissioner Ahmed Mohamed Yusuf. The DC admitted to the Medina hospital where he is now being treated. Mr. Mohamed denied that the deputy Mogadishu Mayor Abdulahi Hassan Firimbi was injured in the explosion saying he was safe.

Also, the district commissioner of Wardhigley Hassan Ali Mohamed known as 'Hashash' has escaped from grenade bomb attack that targeted where he was standing with his security men near Bakara market today.

The incident came as the security forces were conducting search operations in parts of Wardhigley neighborhood. "Unidentified man sneaked through a group of young men who I was telling them to stop moving during the search for weapons and then threw two grenade bombs at me, one of it exploded far place from me but the other failed to detonate, I was very lucky because the bomb rolled between my legs as it went defused," said Ali Mohamed.

The forces opened fire in all directions to find the attackers but no one was arrested for the latest bomb attacks. Meanwhile, witnesses said an exchange of gunfire between government soldiers and local militants killed a woman who was selling a kiosk outside Mogadishu's biggest market.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Courts

Clan festivities kills 20 in central Somalia
(SomaliNet) At least 20 people were killed and dozens more were injured in fierce battle that renewed in the rural areas of Hiran region in central Somalia on Saturday ? as the fighting spread to the neighboring region of Galgadud. Sources say the fighting, which was between Murursade and Hawadle clans in same settlement, took place in Gorof and Goobo villages of Hiran province. Both clans belong to Hawiye, one of the four major tribes in Somalia. The rival clans have had clan-feud.

Reports from Beledweyne, the provincial capital of Hiran region told Somalinet that conflict has intensified and spread into nearby Galgadud region where the rival sides continue to kill each other.

The latest outbreak of the clan fighting came as negotiations under way to go between the warring sides to tackle the long-running conflict. They have long been fighting for pastoral and land ownership.

The current transitional government did not yet give comment about the clan fighting in central Somalia. On August 9, nine people were killed in revenge attack near El-Bur town of Galgadud region in central Somalia. Armed militiamen from Hawadle clan invaded Wabho village 40km east of El-Bur town killing nine men of Murursade clan.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Somalia: 3 cops wounded in roadside bomb attack
(SomaliNet) Three government soldiers were seriously wounded when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb near the police academy in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia on Saturday morning, witnesses said ? as there is mounting security concern in the city with constant bombing. It was a remote controlled bomb, which went off as the government car was passing the road around 7:15 am local time, according to the eyewitnesses. Suspected Islamist-led insurgent groups carried out the bomb attack.

The security forces did not open fire but sealed off the site of the blast searching for any suspects. No one has been arrested for the latest attack. On Friday night, the militants attacked the police stations of Wadajir and Waberi neighbourhoods using heavy machine-guns and rocket propelled grenades. No casualty was reported on the policemen.

Mogadishu has been a city of violence since the Ethiopian backed transitional government forces drove the Islamic Courts Union out of the country late December 2006. One third of the residents particularly the young people fled Mogadishu due to escalating violence.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Courts

#1  I'll bet that Rantburgers may be the only people on the face of the earth (outside your Somali interested in survival) that give an iota about what is happening there. Verrrry interesting that you never see this in MSM or even on cable news.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 08/19/2007 9:14 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Tajikistan convicts two ex-Gitmo detainees
Tajikistan handed down 17-year prison sentences on Saturday to two former Guantanamo Bay detainees convicted of fighting alongside Taliban forces in Afghanistan. Both men were detained by the US military in Afghanistan in 2001 and held in the Guantanamo military prison for five years before being returned to their home country to face charges of being mercenaries in a foreign country.

A Supreme Court judge said the men had belonged to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, a militant group active in Central Asia in the late 1990s. IMU guerrillas fought alongside Taliban forces in Afghanistan but the group was largely destroyed by the US-led military campaign there in 2001. "Tajik citizens Mukit Vokhidov and Rukhniddin Sharopov were found guilty of mercenary activity and illegally crossing state borders," presiding judge Musammir Urakov told reporters. He said the men would serve their sentences in a penal colony.

Tajikistan, a Muslim nation of 7 million in Central Asia, shares a 1,340 km (840 mile) border with Afghanistan. The ex-Soviet country remains flooded with weapons after a 1992-97 civil war between Islamist guerrillas and the secular government in which more than 100,000 people were killed. The foreign ministry says at least 10 Tajik citizens are being held in Guantanamo Bay, most of them detained by US troops in Afghanistan on suspicion of involvement with the Taliban or al-Qaeda. In the last five years, about 70 suspected members of the IMU have been arrested in Tajikistan. Most were put on trial and received sentences of between 15 and 25 years.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Turkey: Plane hijackers surrender
Two men wielding a fake bomb and claiming al-Qaida ties hijacked a Turkish plane Saturday, holding passengers and crew hostage before surrendering peacefully in Antalya more than four hours later, authorities said. It was the fifth hijacking or hijacking attempt of a Turkish plane in four years by people falsely claiming to be carrying explosives or arms - despite increased security at airports following the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.

The hijackers' motive remained unclear Saturday evening. One of the men was Turkish and the other was believed to be a Palestinian carrying a Syrian passport, Transport Minister Osman Gunes said. Earlier, Turkish Cypriot authorities said the men were Iranians protesting US policies.

The alleged bomb turned out to be made of play dough, CNN-Turk television reported, citing police sources.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  One hopes the Turkish prison depicted in Midnight Express continues to be in operation.
Posted by: regular joe || 08/19/2007 9:15 Comments || Top||

Indian Army to induct laser dazzlers against jihadis
Soldiers engaged in counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir [Images] and the north-east will soon have a new weapon to help them take on militants -- portable non-lethal laser dazzlers that can stun and blind their opponents. "Two versions of the portable non-lethal dazzlers, including a hand-held laser dazzler, are set to be inducted into the Indian armed forces for use in counter-insurgency operations. This will make the 21st century soldier a technology-driven jawan," a top defence source told PTI.

The laser dazzlers, which can be mounted on existing weapons used by the soldiers, were tested in Kashmir in October 2006 and will be inducted into the army possibly by 2008, sources said. They could be used against militants operating in the hinterland of Kashmir and against those infiltrating into the state across the Line of Control.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation's Laser Science and Technology Centre in Delhi has developed two variants of the PNLD suitable for counter-insurgency operations. The hand-held and weapon-mounted versions of the PNLD have a maximum range of 50 meters and 500 meters respectively, the sources said.

Both variants are completely non-lethal directed-energy weapons employing intense visible light and produce randomly a flickering green laser output that is sufficient to cause temporary blindness or disorientation. The dazzlers also have an in-built safety interlock to prevent misuse and the weapons do not cause permanent blindness, the sources said.
They do, however, lower reproductive rates for Muslims same as polio vaccine and iodinized salt.
The dazzlers also have an integrated low power red laser beam for aiming in twilight and dark conditions.

The weapon-mounted dazzler has an integrate daylight sight too.

After trials of the dazzlers in the north-east and Kashmir, a memorandum of understanding was signed for manufacturing the systems for the army, the sources said. Under the MoU signed by the Defence Research Development Organisation with SDS Electronics Pvt Ltd of Panchkula, the transfer of technology for the two versions of the PNLD was completed in November 2006, the sources said.

The laser dazzlers use "diode pumped solid state" lasers with a wavelength of 532 nm and weigh 850 g.

Blinding weapons are banned by the 1995 United Nations Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons. As these dazzlers do not cause permanent blindness, they skirt this regulation, the sources said.

On 18 May 2006, the US military announced it would issue dazzling lasers designed to be attached to M-4 rifles to troops in Iraq. This weapon is intended to provide a non-lethal way to stop drivers who fail to stop at checkpoints manned by US soldiers. However, this proposal attracted criticism from human rights groups, who said even these weapons can cause permanent damage.
Certainly worked on the HR groups.
The US forces also used the Saber 203 dazzlers in Somalia in 1995 during Operation United Shield.

The Chinese armed forces have fitted dazzlers to their Type 98 main battle tank to overwhelm the optical systems of enemy tanks. Chinese forces also use the ZM-87 portable laser disturber that can blind enemy troops at a range of up to two to three kilometres.
Posted by: john frum || 08/19/2007 12:47 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Interesting--

I wonder why we havent heard the usual deafining whine from the usual suspects?

Or has it been lost in the background noise?

or is it not very effective, and therefore of no interest to the moonbats?
Posted by: N Guard || 08/19/2007 13:58 Comments || Top||

#2  Dazzle them, then plug them, sounds fair to me.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 08/19/2007 13:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Glad you noticed, N Guard. If the innovation is from the United States, then the NGOs are loud in their opposition to it, but there is not a peep when China or India implements it. It's not about What is done, but who is doing it. Supposedly, "monitoring" style NGOs bill themselves as opposed to "illegal" behavior, but THEIR demonstrated behavior is that they are opposed to the Uniteds States or Israel, and actually feel that such a stance is inherently fair and right. IMHO, after informing them, and the attending reporters, of such blatant bias at their NEXT dog-and-pony news conference, the NGO bastards should be shoved against a wall, the double barrels of a shotgun loaded with blanks shoved into their mouths all the way to the back their throat, and the trigger pulled. Messy, so hazmat suits are required, but no ricochet.
Posted by: Ptah || 08/19/2007 14:12 Comments || Top||

#4  "The goggles, they do nothing!"
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 08/19/2007 15:03 Comments || Top||

#5  Chinese and North Koreans are especially bad about aiming blinding lasers at our pilots and satellites. BTW, highly illegal by international treaty, not that pieces of paper have ever deterred our enemies. Several have received permanent eye damage. So now visors have filters for the most likely laser wavelengths.

If we ever go to war with China or their proxies, I expect massive use of blinding lasers and a lot of blinded infantrymen (e.g. Iran-Iraq war), less for the protected vehicle operators.
Posted by: ed || 08/19/2007 15:45 Comments || Top||

#6  The standard US military goggle set includes laser filter lens. While the media and NGOs are not paying attention to the ChiComs' use of blinding lasers, the US military has been.
Posted by: Shieldwolf || 08/19/2007 16:30 Comments || Top||

#7  The Pak army will equip the jihadis with googles for sure. They already provide frequency hopping radios and insulating gloves and tools for dealing with the electrified LOC fence.
Posted by: john frum || 08/19/2007 17:04 Comments || Top||

#8  The dazzlers also have an in-built safety interlock to prevent misuse and the weapons do not cause permanent blindness, the sources said.

Personally, I was hoping for a few more megawatts of beamline strength.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/19/2007 19:29 Comments || Top||

#9  Zenster,

A line of Masers would be handy.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 08/19/2007 20:14 Comments || Top||

Four soldiers killed in N. Wazoo kaboom
A suicide bomber killed two soldiers on Saturday and two others died in a fierce clash with militants in North Waziristan, officials said. Two soldiers were killed and as many injured in the suicide attack at the Dharkhubi checkpost near the town of Mir Ali, a security official said. Two other soldiers were killed when militants attacked Isha and Qamar checkposts in North Waziristan.

The suicide attack near Mir Ali town came hours after troops attacked three suspected militant hideouts in South Waziristan, triggering a shootout that left at least 10 soldiers injured. Gunmen also killed a policeman on Saturday when they lobbed a hand grenade at a police checkpost in Bannu, police officer Dar Ali Khattak said. Five other officers were also injured in the attack.
A suicide bomber also blew himself to pieces in Bannu after being cornered by police, injuring a policeman and a civilian, Khattak said.
A suicide bomber also blew himself to pieces in Bannu after being cornered by police, injuring a policeman and a civilian, Khattak said.

Earlier, a soldier was injured when militants clashed with security forces near the Christian cemetery in Miranshah. Separately, militants fired up to 20 rockets before dawn at the Banda checkpost outside Miranshah, but there were no reports of casualties.

The Taliban of South Waziristan on Saturday abandoned the peace agreement they had signed with the government in 2005. In South Waziristan, a tribal jirga set off to negotiate the release of 15 paramilitary soldiers taken hostage by militants last week.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Interesting, the Taliban putting the 'squeeze on' up there in North Waziristan; smells like they're trying to hide or protect something...or someone. The hairs on Binny's neck are prolly standing up bout now!
Posted by: smn || 08/19/2007 21:03 Comments || Top||

Oil companies getting suicide attack threats
Unidentified militants in NWFP's Karak district have threatened some international oil exploration companies working in the area with suicide attacks if they did not withdraw Frontier Constabulary (FC) personnel from their offices. "The heads of some international oil exploration companies have told me that unidentified militants had sent letters and made threatening phone calls to them to withdraw the official security from their offices or face suicide attacks," Maulana Shah Abdul Aziz, member of the National Assembly from Karak and chairman of a local committee of oil explorers, told Daily Times on Saturday.

He said that Schlumberger, Mool and Tilo ? all international oil exploration companies ? had been threatened with suicide attacks. He added that Chinese company BJP, which is conducting a seismic survey in the area, had also been sent written threats.

Aziz said the companies had successfully explored four wells of crude oil in the area and three of them were under construction. He added that the four wells were producing 5,000 barrels of crude oil and 70 million cubic feet of natural gas every day. He said that more than 3,000 workers of these companies were engaged in the area. Aziz said the companies were considering leaving the area due to the threats. "These companies are working for the prosperity of Pakistan so I, my Khattak tribe and some other local tribes have assured them of full security. I am also contacting the federal and provincial authorities in this regard," he said.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  We don't need no foreigh workers in our soon-to-be Islamic Paradise. No oil, neither. Just the Innernet and cell phones to communicate with our Brother Lions of Islam™.
Posted by: Bobby || 08/19/2007 17:46 Comments || Top||

Beheaded body found
TANK: The decapitated body of a religious scholar was found near Jandola in South Waziristan on Saturday. The beheaded body of Maulana Zarma Khan was found on the road near Jandola a day after he was abducted. The deceased was the resident of Barwand area of Tiarza tehsil.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Wuz them chikens. Came back home to roost.
Posted by: twobyfour || 08/19/2007 0:51 Comments || Top||

#2  LOL 2x4!
Posted by: RD || 08/19/2007 23:07 Comments || Top||

Battle of Donkey Island
WaPo interviews 30+ US soldiers, shows courage and heroism with not too much spin and despair. Starts on front page (A01), but a long article. 2 US KIA (ironically, in the clean-up phase) and 11 wounded, 32 bad guys, including a couple of women and children. Worth the time and registration effort. I missed when this actually happened, but think I read about it here a while back? The bad guys were poised to retake Ramadi. Excerpts:
About 200 yards from the canal, Stark's Humvee crested a small dirt berm, and his driver, Spec. Kevin Gilbertson, saw something odd: two large semitrucks parked just to the left of the road ahead. "I wonder what they're doing?" Gilbertson called to Stark. Then they spotted a few men fleeing across the field to the south and accelerated toward the trucks.

Stark recalled that he turned and to his disbelief saw clustered behind the trucks -- only a few feet away -- at first 10, then 20, then as many as 70 heavily armed men. "Traverse left, open fire!" he yelled instinctively to his gunner. Startled, Pfc. Sean Groves unleashed a rapid burst from his M240 machine gun.

Young's gunner, Sgt. William Fellows, had nearly exhausted the 1,800 rounds he carried for his M240 machine gun. So the 24-year-old from Springfield, Mo., grabbed a Vietnam-era M-14 rifle and fired off five magazines. With only 100 rounds left, he was minutes from running out, he recalled: "We all basically went black on ammo."

At a mud-brick outpost a few miles southwest of the battle, a scout platoon set off in seven Humvees loaded with machine gun rounds. They arrived about 11 p.m., just in time to resupply Stark's patrol, and together the soldiers advanced toward the trucks.

"Spray it down!" ordered Capt. Jimm Spannagel, the scout platoon's leader. The trucks caught fire, munitions inside shooting off like fireworks, then exploded in gigantic red balls. Meanwhile, the insurgents, who outnumbered the Americans throughout the battle, were repositioning. Some swam across the canal to set up machine gun nests midstream on a small piece of land known as Donkey Island. Others dug in on the canal's beaches or behind its four-foot-high banks.
Sorry. I just had to make sure you saw this one:
Fighters in white tunics and running shoes moved like ghosts over the battlefield, displaying tactics that the Americans said mirrored their own. They signaled with flashlights, bounded into position and crawled to try to evade the superior U.S. firepower.
Yet the clever and adapatable enemy is wearing white in the moonlight.
The Humvee lurched forward, and Stark saw an insurgent curled in the fetal position but still moving. Wary after the grenade incident, Gilbertson recalled, he pulled out his 9mm pistol and shot the man, who then detonated his suicide vest. Flesh and ball bearings splattered the right side of Stark's Humvee, which was lifted off its wheels and thrown down, causing its third flat tire.

After that, the soldiers said, they decided to kill any wounded insurgents able to move. At 1:35 a.m., as a group of insurgents was evacuating casualties to tents to the north, Young ordered a Bradley Fighting Vehicle that had arrived on the scene to open fire. Eight insurgents and five civilians, three male and two female, were later found dead in two tents, the military said. In the end, the battle of Donkey Island left 11 U.S. troops wounded and two dead, while an estimated 32 insurgents were killed.
Not including the eight "civilians"?
The heavy fighting between the Americans and the al-Qaeda-affiliated insurgents had deep repercussions across Ramadi.

Iraqi police officers close to Buchan "lost it" when they heard of his death, Rosa said. "I love Sergeant Buchan. When he died, all of the police cried," Col. Jabbar Hamid Ajaj said in his Ramadi office, plastered with posters he had made featuring Buchan.

At his mansion near the main U.S. base in Ramadi, Sattar, the tribal leader, was alarmed to learn that he had been the insurgents' prime target but took comfort in the U.S. tank stationed outside his home. "If al-Qaeda gets away from the Awakening, they won't get away from the American forces," Sattar said. "We are allies," he added as he shared a tiny cup of bitter coffee with Lt. Col. Miciotto Johnson, commander of the 1-77. "I defend Col. Johnson, and Col. Johnson defends me."
The end of the article has the obligatory hand-wringing:
But U.S. officers in Ramadi say it is only a matter of time before al-Qaeda in Iraq strikes again. "We're still expecting attacks similar to this one," said Maj. Andrew Wortham, the 1st Brigade Combat Team's intelligence officer in Ramadi.

Soldiers who fought in the battle say they feel extremely lucky to have happened upon the insurgents -- and to have survived. They're concerned that if U.S. forces leave, the insurgents will return and easily kill local police and officials, who are obviously moronic and undertrained, compared to the Iranian-trained 'insurgents'. "I worry about pulling out of this area early. If we do, these guys are dead meat," Lauer said.

Spannagel, the scout leader, said the fighting revealed "a false sense of security that we'd won the battle in Ramadi." In fact, he said, "this shows the enemy is patient. This is his land. He's got all the time in the world. . . . They're going to continue to fight in Anbar."
It's a quagmire, I tellya!

Now if they had lots of pictures, and were there, this'd be almost as good as Yon's reporting!
Posted by: Bobby || 08/19/2007 07:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  June 30th was the battle. Right there on the front page, when I opened Mrs. Bobby's WaPo to get the comics.
Posted by: Bobby || 08/19/2007 9:17 Comments || Top||

#2  Bummer for the terrs. "months of planning", pre-positioned munitions, snooper&poopers finding out where to attack.
Accidentally encounter a small American patrol and...all gone for zilch.
For all the munitions they had, the terrs were using homemade grenades, bottles with shot and explosive. Either they didn't have enough grenades, or the grenades they had weren't adequate. Weren't, in other words, as good as the homemade kind in pop bottles.
Posted by: Richard Aubrey || 08/19/2007 10:09 Comments || Top||

#3  thanks Bobby, no need to register btw just x outthe ads...
Posted by: Red Dawg || 08/19/2007 10:38 Comments || Top||

#4  The Clever, Adaptable and increasingly sophisticated enemy is again becoming more and more powerful able to inflict heavy casualties in the surging violence.
Posted by: Thomas Woof || 08/19/2007 12:27 Comments || Top||

#5  except for the dead and captured ones

Posted by: Frank G || 08/19/2007 12:33 Comments || Top||

#6  Nice video at link. Title is "Renewed Threat in Ramadi", except that was six weeks ago.
Posted by: Bobby || 08/19/2007 13:55 Comments || Top||

#7  Very impressive ! First, 3 inexperienced men against 70, then improved to 9 vs. 55 (allowing for enemy deaths).
Very impressive. Hollywood will start filming next week......not.
Posted by: wxjames || 08/19/2007 18:18 Comments || Top||

#8  You catch the reference to "the Awakening"? I assume that refers to when the Sunni tribes got hit with the 44" cluebat and realized AQ was waxing their butts more than the infidel's.
Posted by: Cloling and Tenille6210 || 08/19/2007 18:50 Comments || Top||

#9  Cloling and Tenille6210; Spot on
Posted by: tipper || 08/19/2007 20:37 Comments || Top||

#10  After that, the soldiers said, they decided to kill any wounded insurgents able to move.

One of the first sentences in the WaPo that I agree with, LOL!
Posted by: BA || 08/19/2007 22:36 Comments || Top||

Two terrorists killed, 16 detained in operations against al-Qaeda in Iraq
Coalition Forces killed two terrorists and detained 16 suspected terrorists during operations in central and northern Iraq Saturday targeting senior leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq and its bombing networks.

Coalition Forces raided two buildings in Baghdad looking for a senior leader of the car bombing network there. As the ground forces arrived at the target location, a man came out of the building brandishing a weapon. Coalition Forces, responding appropriately to the hostile threat, engaged the man, killing him. Another armed man maneuvered onto the roof of a nearby building, and Coalition Forces engaged the second armed man as well, killing him.

In a related operation, Coalition Forces attacked the car bombing network during a raid in Tarmiyah targeting associates of the al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of the northern belts around Baghdad. The emir has directed car bombing and suicide attacks against Iraqi civilians. Coalition Forces detained six suspected terrorists for their alleged involvement with the network.

In Salah ad Din province, Coalition Forces targeted al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leaders and their foreign connections. During a raid in Bayji, ground forces captured an alleged weapons and logistics facilitator and one additional suspected terrorist. A precision raid in Tikrit nabbed an individual believed to be a senior al-Qaeda in Iraq operative believed to move large amounts of explosives and foreign terrorists into Iraq.

Iraqi and Coalition Forces detained five suspected terrorists southwest of Kirkuk based on information gained from an operation that killed three foreign terrorists Jun. 23 south of Hawija. The detainees are believed to be associated with senior-level advisers and leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

In Mosul, Coalition Forces detained two suspected terrorists based on information gathered from operations earlier in the week. The two suspects are believed to have ties to al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leaders. "We are constantly assaulting the al-Qaeda in Iraq network, from the highest levels of leadership to the operatives who carry out attacks," said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. "We will continue to target them until the people of Iraq can forge their own future without the threat of vicious and indiscriminate attacks."
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Bomb production facility destroyed
Multi-National Division ? Baghdad Soldiers discovered an improvised explosive device production facility in an abandoned building in the western Baghdad neighborhood of Khadra Aug. 16.

Iraqi Police officers from the 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment, 2nd National Police Division and Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, were led to the production site by an anonymous tip from a Khadra resident.

The search uncovered a kitchen area being used to produce homemade explosive material. Nine PVC pipes, three of which were ready-made pipe bombs, were discovered. Twenty pounds of half-inch ball bearings, 15 gallons of nitric acid, three high-powered rifles and various spools of cellophane and wire were also found. An explosive ordnance disposal team detonated the cache on site, destroying the facility.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

Tip leads to largest cache uncovered in western Baghdad neighborhood
Multi-National Division ? Soldiers uncovered the largest weapons cache found to date in the Ameriya neighborhood Aug. 14. Acting on a tip called in by a resident, Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces conducted a search in the western Baghdad neighborhood, uncovering the cache in a woodworking shop. The Soldiers uncovered the cache, after finding a fake floor board in the shop.

The cache contained 265 mortar rounds of various sizes, 47 rockets of various sizes, 22 rocket-propelled grenade rounds, more than 50 land mines, 300 pounds of homemade explosive, more than 150 pounds of other explosive material and more than 70,000 rounds of small arms ammunition. An explosive ordnance team was called in to evaluate the cache. EOD blew the ordnance and weapons on site.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  Yeesh. That's going to leave a mark.
Posted by: gorb || 08/19/2007 5:26 Comments || Top||

#2  "EOD blew the ordnance and weapons on site."

Ouch! Ya know, their "Neighborhood Watch" may not be the best, but I just have to believe SOMEONE in the neighborhood would have noticed:
265 mortar rounds...47 rockets...22 rocket-propelled grenade rounds...50 land mines...300 pounds of homemade explosive...150 pounds of other explosive material and more than 70,000 rounds of small arms ammunition!!

oh wait...someone DID!! :)

I sure hope one of the EOD guys drawled: "Ya'll have a nice day" as they drove away from the smoldering hole left behind!
Posted by: Justrand || 08/19/2007 10:05 Comments || Top||

IDF kills bomb-planting Paleo
IDF troops shot and killed three Palestinians over the weekend during operations in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

On Saturday, the IDF opened fire at three Palestinians, spotted near the Gaza security fence south of the Karni Crossing. One of the Palestinians was killed and the two others were wounded and taken for questioning. The army said soldiers fired when the Palestinians appeared to plant an explosive device along the border fence. The Southern Command was investigating the incident and had not ruled out the possibility that the three were not terrorists and were trying to cross illegally into Israel in search of work. "Every time someone approaches the fence we categorize it as a potential terror attack," explained an officer in the Southern Command. "Our mission is to stop anyone who comes close to the fence." According to the officer, the IDF has noticed a slight increase lately in the number of attempts by Palestinians to infiltrate into Israel.

Earlier Saturday, five Palestinians were caught after they had infiltrated into Israel near Kibbutz Be'eri. "This is a complicated mission since sometimes they are terrorists and sometimes they are civilians sent by terrorists to test us and to collect intelligence," explained a military source. "We view each incident as a potential terror attack and cannot afford to take any chances."

On Friday, two Palestinians were killed during one of two gunfights between IDF troops and Palestinian gunmen near Jenin. The first exchange of fire broke out after soldiers entered the village of Kafr Dan, local residents said. Two Palestinians were killed, an Islamic Jihad gunman and a civilian, doctors said. Several were wounded.

Earlier Friday evening, the IAF fired two missiles at Palestinian rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip shortly after three rockets and 12 mortars were fired toward Israel. The missiles missed the launching squad that was on its way back from firing rockets toward Israel and caused no casualties, Hamas said.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Jihad

Southeast Asia
Bomb injures two in southern Thai market
Insurgents detonated a bomb at a market close to a polling station in Rueso district of Narathiwat on Sunday, injuring a villager and a soldier. The five-kilogram explosive device, which was placed at the market located near Ban Laloh train station, went off at around noon. A soldier who was patrolling at the polling unit and a villager whose shop locating nearby were wounded from the blast. They were rushed to Rueso hospital.

The blast prompted security forces to step up security in the area, for fear that insurgents may stage an attack on the referendum day.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/19/2007 08:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

Philippines clashes kill 16 soldiers, dozens of militants
Sixteen troops and dozens of Muslim militants were killed on Saturday in clashes between government forces and Al Qaeda-linked rebels on the southern island of Basilan, the military said.

Nine soldiers were also wounded in the fighting that broke out in the jungle when Marines launched an attack on a rebel camp, said military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Bartolome Bacarro. Bacarro said that the Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf suffered about 30 wounded or dead but a military official in Basilan said as many as 42 members of the extremist group had been killed.

An airforce MG-520 helicopter gunship, which was sent to back up the troops, crashed in the waters off Basilan, killing the pilot but the co-pilot was rescued by a navy boat, air force chief Lieutenant General Horacio Tolentino said. Tolentino said the helicopter crashed after suffering from unexplained vibrations but asserted that "it was not fired upon." "It was not hit," by enemy fire, he said. Earlier, a military source said the helicopter went down after the pilot was shot by the Abu Sayyaf.

Details of Saturday's clashes remained sketchy because of a media blackout imposed by the military on Basilan, but sources said the gunbattle on the outskirts of the town of Unkaya Pukan turned into close-quarters combat. "The enemy suffered a lot of casualties. We are still trying to get the exact number but their casualties are heavy", regional military spokesman Major Eugene Batara said.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Abu Sayyaf

U.S. Forces Tracking Iranians in Iraq
So whatever happened to the Iranian General who defected to the west? Haven't heard anything lately from him.
BAGHDAD (AP) - American forces are tracking about 50 members of an elite Iranian force who have crossed the border into southern Iraq to train Shiite militia fighters, a top U.S. general said Sunday.

Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, whose command includes the volatile southern rim of Baghdad and districts to the south, said his troops are tracking about 50 members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps in their area - the first detailed allegation that Iranians have been training fighters within Iraq's borders. "We know they're here and we target them as well," he said, citing intelligence reports as evidence of their presence.
Posted by: Danking70 || 08/19/2007 13:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  hope that targetting is with crosshairs. Send the bits and pieces back via air express
Posted by: Frank G || 08/19/2007 13:53 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm in favor of just disappearing them. Then you police up anyone asking after them.

Of course, if you can turn some of them, then send them back home, who knows? Turn fanatics into assassins to kill specific al-Quds officers.

If done properly, they should never again trust any al-Quds who goes to Iraq and comes back. They could be a "Manchurian candidate."
Posted by: Anonymoose || 08/19/2007 16:41 Comments || Top||

#3  A-moose: I'm in favor of just disappearing them. Nacht and Nabel works for me.
Posted by: GK || 08/19/2007 18:21 Comments || Top||

#4  I'm in favor of lining the Iran-Iraq border with impaled iranians that are found. Make sure the ones coming across know the fate that awaits them. After all, since no Iranians are involved and they aren't iraqi's, then no one can complain about them.
Posted by: Silentbrick || 08/19/2007 18:26 Comments || Top||

#5  If done properly, they should never again trust any al-Quds who goes to Iraq and comes back. They could be a "Manchurian candidate."

Much as Silentbrick's "heads-on-spikes" public relations campaign is appealing on so many different levels, I'm still obliged to go with 'moose's Whack Plant-a-Mole strategy.

During WWII, it was a supreme irony that Russian soldiers who somehow managed to escape Nazi capture were instantly transported off to the Gulags. These brave and heroic individuals were deemed irreparably tainted by visions of advanced European weaponry and—even within the abhorent constraints of Nazi ideology—free-thinking individualism.

So we need to make it with Iraq. Tehran's mullahs must learn to tremble at the prospect of a democracy tainted operative showing back up on their doorstep. All the better if in the process such agents mysteriously pop a cap in some beturbaned cleric's overly ample ass.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/19/2007 18:47 Comments || Top||

#6  When I was 13, I used to track Rachel Welsh.
Posted by: gromgoru || 08/19/2007 18:52 Comments || Top||

#7  gg, I do believe you meant Raquel Welch. Truly, a Fantastic Voyage all by herself.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/19/2007 19:37 Comments || Top||

#8  Article also on FREEREPUBLIC > 50 Elite Iranians training Iraqi militias in Iraq.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/19/2007 20:12 Comments || Top||

#9  Yea, but that 'Tit For Tat' by the Iranians will be a bear for the US; being that they have said that all parts of the Straits are covered by their mobile missiles; it's interesting to see what will happen should the US react further than just watching their movements, especially since three of the carrier groups are playing away from the field at the moment!!
Posted by: smn || 08/19/2007 20:27 Comments || Top||

#10  Raquel Welch. My lost youth.
Posted by: gromgoru || 08/19/2007 22:49 Comments || Top||

Lebanon charges over 100 suspects with terrorism
Lebanon has charged over 100 suspected militants with terrorism, accusing them of belonging to an al-Qaida-inspired group that has been battling the army for almost three months, a court official said Saturday.

Prosecutor General Saeed Mirza filed the charges on Friday, targeting 107 suspected Fatah Islam members in police custody and an indeterminate number still at large, including group leader Shaker Youssef al-Absi, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Mirza accused the suspected militants of "establishing a gang with the aim of committing crimes against the people, stealing money, undermining the state's authority and attacking its military and security institutions," according to the official.
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Fatah al-Islam

Biplobi Commies, two Bahinis and a Fouz close ranks, regroupTaliban say hostage talks failAbbas sacks Hamas public servantsPhilippines clashes kill 16 soldiers, dozens of militantsClan festivities kills 20 in central Somalia Tajikistan convicts two ex-Gitmo detaineesTurkey: Plane hijackers surrender
Posted by: Fred || 08/19/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  What's that thing in the bottom center of the photo? It looks like one of the larvae from Aliens.
Posted by: Free Radical || 08/19/2007 0:36 Comments || Top||

#2  That's me. :-0
Posted by: gorb || 08/19/2007 5:25 Comments || Top||

#3  LOL. I think it's part of the soda-jerk's equipment.
Posted by: Thomas Woof || 08/19/2007 7:55 Comments || Top||

#4  The original 36D sweater girl. Can you imagine being the soda jerk who took her order at the Rexall on Hollywood and Vine?
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 08/19/2007 9:10 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2007-08-19
  Taliban say hostage talks fail
Sat 2007-08-18
  "Take us to Tehran!" : Turkish passenger plane hijacked
Fri 2007-08-17
  Tora Bora assault: Allies press air, ground attacks
Thu 2007-08-16
  Jury finds Padilla, 2 co-defendents, guilty
Wed 2007-08-15
  At least 175 dead in Iraq bomb attack
Tue 2007-08-14
  Police arrests dormant cell of Fatah al-Islam in s. Lebanon
Mon 2007-08-13
  Lebanese army rejects siege surrender offer
Sun 2007-08-12
  Taliban: 2 sick S. Korean hostages to be freed
Sat 2007-08-11
  Philippines military kills 58 militants
Fri 2007-08-10
  Saudi police detain 135
Thu 2007-08-09
  2,760 non-Iraqi detainees in Iraqi jails, 800 Iranians
Wed 2007-08-08
  11 polio workers abducted in Khar, campaign halted
Tue 2007-08-07
  Suicide bomber kills 30 in Iraq, including 12 children
Mon 2007-08-06
  Benazir willing to join Musharraf in govt
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  Explosives + ME men near Naval Station in SC, FBI on scene

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