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Russians advance in the Kharkiv and Bakhmut directions, were repulsed and then retreated
Today's Headlines
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Page 1: WoT Operations
0 [18] 
2 15:28 Grotle Snore3355 [13] 
0 [12] 
0 [12] 
0 [12] 
3 13:44 Skidmark [25] 
3 13:47 Skidmark [13] 
0 [21] 
0 [28] 
1 13:49 Skidmark [13] 
0 [10] 
16 21:18 Secret Master [17] 
0 [7] 
0 [15] 
2 15:48 Grotle Snore3355 [23] 
0 [21] 
0 [22] 
0 [27] 
0 [23] 
0 [22] 
2 15:14 Skidmark [28] 
Page 2: WoT Background
1 14:42 Whiskey Mike [14]
4 19:34 irish rage boy [25]
14 23:37 Omineling Forkbeard1962 [29]
0 [11]
0 [20]
Page 3: Non-WoT
0 [14]
5 19:13 Procopius2k [31]
9 20:41 Super Hose [16]
28 20:15 Phons Omert2327 [17]
2 06:51 Mullah Richard [14]
7 16:53 DarthVader [13]
5 15:31 Skidmark [20]
14 19:03 Procopius2k [9]
7 14:04 swksvolFF [16]
5 22:34 trailing wife [26]
2 15:48 Procopius2k [11]
9 20:55 Super Hose [18]
4 21:02 Super Hose [13]
4 12:13 Mercutio [12]
1 02:35 DooDahMan [13]
2 22:36 trailing wife [14]
4 21:11 Super Hose [15]
9 13:06 Rex Mundi [12]
Page 4: Opinion
9 21:58 Chris [21]
11 16:02 Lord Garth [23]
1 10:19 Warthog [28]
0 [19]
1 14:35 swksvolFF [22]
1 01:05 Glenmore [19]
5 22:44 trailing wife [23]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
0 [13]
2 14:00 badanov [11]
0 [8]
0 [10]
2 18:00 ruprecht [27]
0 [9]
1 16:08 Lord Garth [16]
4 12:30 Abu Uluque [10]
0 [12]
4 22:09 Skidmark [11]
0 [12]
1 10:06 Skidmark [8]
Page 6: Politix
8 20:13 Sock Puppet of Doom [18]
13 22:26 trailing wife [29]
3 14:32 DooDahMan [20]
1 08:40 Vespasian Ebboting9735 [20]
4 21:02 746 [17]
1 08:04 DarthVader [14]
0 [13]
27 22:35 Jak the Ripper [14]
13 20:27 Super Hose [27]
14 23:43 trailing wife [26]
8 23:55 Grotle Snore3355 [18]
5 15:53 Sloluse Slutle9788 [15]
4 18:13 swksvolFF [23]
Good Morning

Judge Orders Department of Justice
to Respond to Requests to Unseal FBI's Trump Warrant
Thursday August 11th, 2022

Complaint of a resident of Dagestan
Shavri Gadzhiev filed with the ECtHR
Exchange of fire near army camp in J&K%u2019s Rajouri
Pakistan smuggling narcotics
to give shape to their nefarious designs
Turkish drone strike in the countryside of Syria's Qamishli killed two SDF fighters and one civilian
Local militants of the town of Tafas, west of Syria%u2019s Daraa destroyed a tank of the Syrian government forces in fierce clashes
Counter-Terrorism Department affiliated with the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition started chasing six students in the cities of Azaz and Marea, north of Syria's Aleppo, on charges of insulting Turkey
Video: Murder suspect appears to
slash tires in parking lot of Albuquerque mosque

Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Those shoes look heavy. Here, put them on my shoulders...
Posted by: Frank G || 08/11/2022 9:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Speaking of heavy feet and backfilling the last of the Bonds...

One worked with an agent from Cork
Who was overly fond of his pork,
And maybe too easy.
His SIG, big and greasy,
Was all that we found in that Nork.
Posted by: Grotle Snore3355 || 08/11/2022 15:28 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
IED Explosions near Kismayo leaves four dead
[ShabelleMedia] Four people were killed and 11 others maimed in multiple kabooms in Kismayo
...a port city in the southern Lower Juba province of Somalia, at the extreme southern end of the country (always assuming Somalia can be called a country). It is the commercial capital of the autonomous Jubaland region....
district, southern Somalia Tuesday.

The State media quoted local security officials as saying that the dear departed was killed by al-Shabaab
...... the personification of Somali state failure...
Lions of Islam who had targeted civilians near Bula-Haji village.

"Four people including two women were killed and 11 others maimed in nine separate landmine attacks in which gunnies targeted civilians near Bula-Haji village under Kismayo district," the state-owned radio reported.

The attacks continue despite the Somali security forces backed by allied forces having stepped up operations against the Lions of Islam in the country.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 07:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Suicide blast reported in Jowhar city
[ShabelleMedia] An explosion struck Jowhar, a strategic city in southern Somalia on Wednesday evening.

The explosion was carried out by a bomber who let 'er rip up at a city hotel gate in the town with no immediate reports of the casualties.

The security of the city, which is the presidential palace of HirShabelle state has been worsening for the past few weeks with al-Shabaab
...... the Islamic version of the old Somali warlord...
targeting key areas.

More soon.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 07:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Two officers injured in attack at Wajir police station
[ShabelleMedia] At least two coppers were Monday injured when al-Shabaab
...... an Islamic infestation centering on Somalia attempting to metastasize into Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and similar places, all of which have enough problems without them...
holy warriors launched a motor attack on a cop shoppe in Wajir county.

Another group ambushed and burnt three vehicles and five cycle of violences in coordinated attacks in the Konton area.

This is likely to affect the planned polls on August 9, police said.

Locals and police said a group of holy warriors had invaded the area and launched attacks targeting security agents and locals.

The injured officers were evacuated to a nearby hospital for attention, police said.

The group first targeted vehicles on a route in Konton in the morning hours and burnt the vehicles and cycle of violences.

No injuries were reported.

At about 3 pm another group launched a motor on the Korof Harar cop shoppe which blew up part of the facilities there injuring police who were present.

The gang targeted a communication mast that is within the station. Security was mobilized to repulse the gang that is on the rampage, North Eastern police boss George Seda said.

Last week the same group tried to attack Korof Harar cop shoppe using Rocket Propelled Grenades but were repulsed.

Another group of bandidos gunnies set up an IED on the Mandera-Rhamu Road in Qumbiso but residents alerted the police.

Police fear the bandidos gunnies are planning a bigger attack in the area and have called for heightened vigilance.

On August 1, three coppers were maimed in a kaboom on their camp at the El-Ram, Kutulo in Mandera.

It was the second such attack by the holy warriors on the Anti-Stock Theft Unit base. Police said they attacked the camp using six HE bombs and followed with gun attacks.

Three officers sustained deep cuts as others fought off the incursion. The team in the camp managed to repulse the attackers after about 20 minutes of battle.

Kenya Defence Forces jet had to come to the aid of the officers who were fighting to contain a planned overrun by the gang that had crossed from the nearby Kenya-Somalia border.

A similar incident happened there on July 25 leaving three officers with injuries.

This comes days after another team of security agents escaped death narrowly after a herder alerted them of bombs on the road in Liboi, Garissa.

Police said their intelligence had indicated there are dozens of al-Shabaab bandidos gunnies who have invaded the area to attack residents.

Seda called on residents to help them tame the movements of the bandidos gunnies who are crossing from the main Kenya-Somalia border which is porous.

It is the latest such incident to happen in a series in the past months. This is despite campaigns to address the incoppersace in the area.

This has affected the education sector, forcing tens of teachers who are non-locals to leave.

Other professionals also escaped amid mounted security operations.

The border region has borne the brunt of repeated attacks from the holy warriors who are at times aided by locals.

Somalia has not had a stable government after the fall of Siad Barre in 1991.

The area is near the Somalia border and the holy warriors usually cross at will and stage attacks before escaping back.

The bandidos gunnies have been planting explosives on the routes used by the security agencies.

Kenyan troops are in Somalia to pursue and suppress the activities of the terror group.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 07:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

US conducts drone strikes against Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia
[Garowe] The US Africa Command has confirmed three Arclight airstrike
s targeting al-Shabaab
...... Somalia's version of the Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...

Death Eaters within Somalia, just a few weeks after the group stormed Æthiopia, causing anxiety within the region.

In a statement, the US Africa Command said in coordination with the Somali National Army, it targeted the Death Eaters near Beletweyne town in the Hiran region, Central Somalia, where the Death Eaters have been dominating for the last couple of years.

The airstrikes, AFRICOM added, took place on Tuesday, and left at least four al-Shabaab Death Eaters dead. This was the third airstrike in Somalia since February 2022 and it comes after Biden authorized AFRICOM last May to re-start the counter-terrorism in the country.

"The command’s initial assessment is that the strikes killed four al-Shabaab turbans and that no civilians were maimed or killed. U.S. forces are authorized to conduct strikes in defense of designated partner forces," the statement noted.

The Federal Government of Somalia and U.S. Africa Command, the statement further read, "take great measures to prevent civilian casualties. These efforts contrast with the indiscriminate attacks that al-Shabaab regularly conducts against the civilian population".

In recent weeks, the US has reaffirmed support to the country in the fight against al-Shabaab, including through the deployment of about 500 special forces. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has repeatedly pledged to invest resources in the fight against the holy warriors.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 03:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

#1  Multiple Choice, pick your answer(s).

1. President having major issues in Office, possible removal from office?

2. DNC election predictors indicate record low approval ratings?

3. Need to waste some $$$$$ to feed the right Elite Pockets?

4. Have a few Pro-USA DC-DOD types and etc... that need to be cleaned out?

5. Have some Liberal DNC DOD Officers that need a CBI to enhance their future Political Resume?

6. Big Oil worried about Suez Channel?

Let's go to Africa.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 08/11/2022 7:17 Comments || Top||

opps. shb CIB not CBI.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 08/11/2022 12:12 Comments || Top||

#3  just a few weeks after

Faster than the Benghazi response.
Posted by: Skidmark || 08/11/2022 13:44 Comments || Top||

Alleged British Islamic State ‘Beatle’ arrested on return to UK — reports
[IsraelTimes] Aine Davis, accused of being part of terror group’s notorious kidnap-and-murder cell, detained in Britannia after serving prison sentence for terrorism offenses in The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the decaying remnant of the Ottoman Empire...

A British man accused of being part of an Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
kidnap-and-murder cell known as the "Beatles" was reportedly arrested on his return to the UK on Wednesday.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 02:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Caribbean-Latin America
Arrest of plaza boss would have started fires in Jalisco and Guanajuato
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Facebook] Unofficially, it is reported that the detention by federal elements of Ricardo 'N', alias "the double R" and head of the plaza in Jalisco, Guanajuato and Michoacán of a criminal group, is what would have unleashed the fires in Oxxo shops and vehicles Outing in the municipalities of Jalisco and Guanajuato.

On the one hand, the National Guard reports on the arrest of 7 people on the Guadalajara - Morelia road, in the municipality of Tizapán el Alto, to whom they also secured an arsenal.

National Guards carried out security patrols when they came into contact with two vehicles parked on the side of the road.

Being an area of important vehicle influx, three units of the GN approached the trucks to ask the crew if they required any support, realizing that in both units there were armed people on board, so immediately performed security maneuvers closing the passage and preventing their escape.

People were detained and vehicles inspected, locating inside the following:
· eight rifle type long guns
· two Fragmentation Grenades
· 99 magazines for various calibers
· 2,058 useful cartridges of different calibers
· nine Tactical Vests
· 18 ballistic plates

The detainees were read the Bill of Rights Assisting Persons in Detention, their registration was made in the National Register of Detention and, along with the military material, were put at the disposal of the FIS delegation General of the Republic (FGR) at the entity, to continue the relevant investigations.

For️ For his part, the governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, mentioned on his social networks about a confrontation this Tuesday afternoon between Ixtlahuacan del Rio and Cuquío, between federal elements and a criminal group.

In Guanajuato, the Secretary of Government, Libya Denisse Garcia Muñoz Ledo, confirmed tonight the arrest in the State of alleged aggressors who intended to set fire to vehicles and establishments. They were wearing military-style tactical gear and identified themselves as part of a crime group.

Posted by: badanov || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  2,058 useful cartridges of different calibers

Posted by: Mullah Richard || 08/11/2022 6:35 Comments || Top||

#2  eight rifle type long guns
· two Fragmentation Grenades
· 99 magazines for various calibers
· 2,058 useful cartridges of different calibers
· nine Tactical Vests
· 18 ballistic plates

That's about all Glenmore's bookshelf would hold.
Posted by: Skidmark || 08/11/2022 15:14 Comments || Top||

Around 50 missing after migrant boat sinks near Greek island
[IsraelTimes] Greek rescue effort hampered by strong winds; passengers were traveling from The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
to Italia on shipwrecked vessel

Around 50 people are missing after a boat carrying migrants colonists sank off the Greek island of Karpathos in the Aegean Sea, a coastguard official told AFP Wednesday.

"According to the statements of 29 rescued people, there were 80 people on the boat, so up to 50 people are missing," he said.

The Greek coastguard is searching for the missing following the shipwreck which happened after the boat left Turkey on Tuesday heading for Italia.

The rescue effort included four vessels that were already sailing in the southern Aegean, two coastguard patrol boats and a Greek air force helicopter.

if you can't say something nice about a person some juicy gossip will go well...
strong winds of up to 50 kilometers per hour (30 mph) were hampering the operation, coastguard spokesperson Nikos Kokalas told Skai radio.

Greece is often the country of choice for migrants colonists fleeing Africa and the Middle East to try to reach a better life in the European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
Many come to Greece via Turkey over the narrow and perilous sea crossing separating the traditional enemies.

Sixty-four people have died in the eastern Mediterranean since January, the International Organization for Migration says.

Eight people died off the Greek island of Mykonos on June 19 when 108 more were rescued, according to the UN migration body.

Athens says migrant arrival numbers have climbed this year and accuses Ankara of not doing enough to stop smugglers from sending them across the border — often in flimsy boats that make for dangerous journeys.

Turkey pledged under a 2016 deal to cut migrant numbers leaving its shores in return for financial aid from the European Union.

At the end of June, the EU urged Ankara to halt "violent mostly peaceful and illegal expulsions" from its territory.

Charity groups and media accuse Athens of illegally turning back migrants colonists, a charge Greece’s conservative government denies.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 02:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Migrants/Illegal Immigrants

#1  Were they strafed?
Posted by: Skidmark || 08/11/2022 13:49 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Indiana home explodes leaving at least three dead and 39 homes damaged
  • [Daily Mail, Where America Gets Its News] Three people are dead after a house explosion rocked a neighborhood in Evansville, Indiana

  • The blast happened around 1 p.m. Wednesday on North Weinbach Avenue and had a 100-foot radius

  • At least 39 houses were damaged in the massive explosion that was caught on camera

  • Authorities say there could be more victims but say they have not yet completed their search
Or it could be a gas leak — let us together await further information, dear Reader.
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Gas leak. Or meth lab. Or bomb factory.
Posted by: Glenmore || 08/11/2022 0:51 Comments || Top||

#2  /\ Or a combination of all three.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/11/2022 3:29 Comments || Top||

#4  I thought gas leak explosions were more of a horizontal blast. This one went up.
Posted by: Vespasian Ebboting9735 || 08/11/2022 8:32 Comments || Top||

#5  /\ Basement workbench project gone bad.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/11/2022 9:33 Comments || Top||

This guy, Marty McFly,
his own room was a pigsty.
So he didn't know the worth...
of walls, chairs, sock drawers,
tubs, y'know home n' hearth.

One day that little runt
thought he'd go on a jaunt,
with this Kaczynsky type.
They left in a big explody fuss,
homes wrecked, scorched earth.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 08/11/2022 13:55 Comments || Top||

#8  ^My question to you is: Ted? Or Jersey?
Posted by: Secret Master || 08/11/2022 14:31 Comments || Top||

#9  My checkered past with explosives tells me this is not a gas leak exploy
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 08/11/2022 16:04 Comments || Top||

#10  You know, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but... Could the FBI have given some genuine explosives to set someone up, and they set it off by accident? Because I could see the FBI trying to get a bomb plot going, but screwed it up.
Posted by: Charles || 08/11/2022 16:11 Comments || Top||

#11  To #8

Secret Master, who's that? I only know about Ted.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 08/11/2022 16:45 Comments || Top||

#12  A bright Polak buzzard ["BAD BIRD!"]
Once wrote an original word,
Then it painted itself
And shat out half a shelf,
That magnificent bustard! ["ABSURD!"]
Posted by: Grotle Snore3355 || 08/11/2022 17:14 Comments || Top||

#13  Oh... Kōsinski!
Posted by: Dron66046 || 08/11/2022 17:51 Comments || Top||

#14  Thanks, Z.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 08/11/2022 17:51 Comments || Top||

#15  Thanh you both for reminding me that I hadn't so much as ruffled the pages since I was a kid. Chronologically, I mean. Off to see if he's still cuckoo.
Posted by: Grotle Snore3355 || 08/11/2022 18:44 Comments || Top||

#16  #13^ Possibly it sounded funnier in my head. But, you know: double agents and such!
Posted by: Secret Master || 08/11/2022 21:18 Comments || Top||

Pakistan smuggling narcotics to give shape to their nefarious designs
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: New Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (IS)

Exchange of fire near army camp in J&K’s Rajouri
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistain Proxies

Security forces seize 8 shotguns from Palestinian smugglers on Jordan border
[IsraelTimes] Four men arrested after crossing border, another detained after brief chase; police say officers have been following smuggling network in area

Israeli security forces arrested five Paleostinian men overnight suspected of smuggling guns from Jordan, confiscating eight shotguns in the process, the military said Tuesday.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, four suspects were identified approaching the border in the Jordan Valley by troops operating security cameras. Soldiers and coppers dispatched to the scene arrested the four, and they were found to be in possession of eight shotguns.

A fifth suspect was arrested after a brief chase, Israel Police said Tuesday morning.

The five Paleostinian men were taken by police for further questioning.

Police said they had been following a network of smugglers in the area for some time as part of an "undercover investigation." Monday’s arrest was a joint effort between various police and military units operating in the area.

Law enforcement officials have previously indicated that guns smuggled in from Jordan are often sold to Arab Israelis, for both criminal and terrorist purposes.

The military and police have stepped up efforts to halt smuggling attempts along the Jordanian border in recent months.

Unlike Israel’s other frontiers — with Egypt, Lebanon Hezbollahstan
...the home of Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity™, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade...
and Syria — its border with Jordan is largely open, often without significant fencing, and is relatively unguarded, making it an easy channel for large-scale smuggling.

Chief Superintendent Ronen Kalfon, commander of the police anti-smuggling Magen unit, said Monday’s incident was the tenth smuggling attempt it had thwarted this year, with more than 170 weapons seized.

"This is a real arms race and we are burning the midnight oil in an ongoing struggle against this challenge," Kalfon said.

"It is clear to us that such weapons can easily be used to kill innocents by criminals and terrorists," he added.

Authorities have increasingly sought to crack down on the unmitigated spread of illegal weapons in the Arab Israeli community, which have been used to carry out a record-breaking number of murders in recent years.

According to the Abraham Initiatives, a group lobbying against violence in the Arab community, last year 125 Arabs were killed in Israel in community violence — an all-time record. Since the beginning of 2022, another 67 have been killed in incidents of violence.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 02:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Clandestine FBI source within exclusive Palm Beach resort has videotaped shipments of shotguns and ammo via fast boats to Jordanian flagged freighters loitering off-shore.
Posted by: Besoeker || 08/11/2022 3:15 Comments || Top||

#2  "But we wuz gonna hunt Wabbits!"
Posted by: ed in texas || 08/11/2022 11:23 Comments || Top||

#3  exclusive Palm Beach resort has videotaped shipments of shotguns and ammo

They need those to fight off the homeless!
Posted by: Skidmark || 08/11/2022 13:47 Comments || Top||

Palestinian teen shot dead during Hebron clashes with Israeli troops
[IsraelTimes] Two others said maimed by live fire in skirmishes, hours after 3 turbans killed during IDF operation in Nablus; 2 settlers lightly injured by stones thrown at their cars nearby

A Paleostinian teen was killed and two others were maimed on Tuesday during festivities with IDF soldiers in the West Bank city of Hebron, Paleostinian media reported.

The Paleostinian Authority Health Ministry identified the victim as 17-year-old Moemen Yassin Jaber, who had been rushed to the hospital at death's door after taking a live bullet to the chest. The teen departed this vale of tears shortly thereafter.

The official Paleostinian Authority Wafa news agency reported that a 15-year-old and another unidentified individual were maimed during the festivities. The report did not specify whether the casualties were armed.

The IDF did not immediately issue a statement on the matter.

Near the location of the clash, two Israeli settlers were lightly injured when Paleostinians hurled stones at their vehicles, according to the Ynet news site.

The Hebron festivities came hours after three armed Paleostinians were killed during an Israeli counterterrorism raid in the West Bank city of Nablus.

During the operation, Ibrahim Nabulsi, a wanted al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades operative, was killed.

In separate raids across the West Bank overnight, troops detained four wanted Paleostinians, the IDF said Tuesday morning.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 02:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Palestinian teen charged with murder for ramming cop in stolen car
[IsraelTimes] Prosecutors file murder charges against a 17-year-old Paleostinian for fatally ramming a police officer at a checkpoint in central Israel last month.

The suspect is accused of entering Israel illegally and driving well over the speed limit in a stolen car, with which he ran over Master Sergeant Barak Meshulam.

The indictment includes a charge of aggravated murder, along with illegally entering Israel and driving a stolen car without a license, among others.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 01:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Sri Lanka
ISIS militants threatens to kill the employees who work within the AANES institutions in Deir ez Zor Governorate
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Syria kills ISIS leader in operation: State media
[Rudaw] Syria on Wednesday announced a leader of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) group was killed after he went kaboom! during an operation in the country’s southwestern Daraa province, state media reported.

SANA said the Syrian army carried out a "qualitative security operation" which resulted in the takedown of Abu Salem al-Iraqi in Adwan town after he went kaboom! after being surrounded.

The operation also resulted in the death of a member of the security forces and a civilian, SANA’s statement added.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) war monitor said Iraqi was killed on Tuesday.

Iraqi’s death marks the second ISIS leader killed in the war-torn country in under a month.

In July, the top ISIS leader in Syria Maher al-Agal was killed by a US Central Command dronezap in Afrin district, with another top jihadist associate also injured in the strike.

Daraa province, where the Syrian revolution in 2011 originated, has been under regime control since 2018, but some areas still remain under the influence of rebel groups.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/11/2022 09:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

An armed opposition faction in Aleppo countryside suspends work with Turkey on the background of statements by Turkish officials regarding rapprochement with Damascus

Members of an armed faction of the Ottoman Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) withdrew on Tuesday from the joint checkpoints and military posts with the Ottoman Turkish forces in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

A source close to the SNA told North Press that Ahrar al-Sharqiya faction withdrew its members from the joint checkpoints with the Ottoman Turkish forces in the northern and eastern countryside of Aleppo Governorate.

It suspended its contact with the Ottoman Turkish forces in the aftermath of the recently statements regarding rapprochement between The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
and Syrian government, according to the source.

The source added that "What the Ahrar al-Sharqiya has done is an introduction to steps that could reshuffle the situation and complicate the relationship between the factions and the guarantor."

"There is a concern that the Turks could change their position and hold a bargain with the Russians and Iranians in favor of the regime and at the expense of the Syrian people and the opposition," he noted.

He indicated that fears were raised after the remarks made by Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu at the end of July of the possibility of rendering political support to the Syrian government and confirming the intelligence sharing between the two sides.

"The opposition forces in the area believe that these are grave developments that are not in their interests," the source said.
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

Iraq's Ministry of Migration says about 500 families are being returned from aal-Hole Camp

Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  At first i read it as 'anal-hole' camp!

Took me a little while to realize the "n" was missing...

Posted by: Seeking Cure For Ignorance || 08/11/2022 1:59 Comments || Top||

#2  Doktor Freund to the brown courtesy banana, please!
Posted by: Grotle Snore3355 || 08/11/2022 15:48 Comments || Top||

Counter-Terrorism Department affiliated with the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition started chasing six students in the cities of Azaz and Marea, north of Syria's Aleppo, on charges of insulting Turkey
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

Local militants of the town of Tafas, west of Syria’s Daraa destroyed a tank of the Syrian government forces in fierce clashes
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Turkish drone strike in the countryside of Syria's Qamishli killed two SDF fighters and one civilian

In a statement published on Wednesday, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said that two of their fighters and one civilian bit the dust in a Ottoman Turkish drone attack on a car near a village in southwest of Qamishli city, northeastern Syria.

The strike killed SDF fighters Dijwar Kobani and Chiya Qamishlo, in addition to the civilian Adib Youssef in the village of Malla Sibat, southwest of Qamishli, the statement said.

Both fighters were killed while heading to their military posts after finishing their furlough, the statement added.

The SDF concluded that they would respond and avenge the death of their fighters within the framework of the right of self-defense.

On Tuesday, four members of the Self-Defense Forces (compulsory recruitment), affiliated with the SDF, bit the dust and three others were maimed in a Ottoman Turkish drone assault, while five others, including two children, were killed in a similar attack on Saturday.
Posted by: Fred || 08/11/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

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