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Two killed in Afghanistan
Taliban attacked a police patrol in southern Afghanistan overnight, with an intelligence official and a militant killed and two police wounded in the ensuing gunfight, police said on Saturday. The patrol was attacked in Ghazni province late on Friday, provincial police chief Tafsir Khan said. “One intelligence official and two police were wounded in the fire fight,” Khan said. “One Taliban was also killed and four were wounded.” Police arrested 15 suspects in a subsequent sweep of the area.

A Canadian solider with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)-led peacekeepers died on Saturday and three others were wounded in a traffic accident in southern Afghanistan, a statement said. The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) soldiers were travelling in an armoured jeep as part of a convoy when the accident took place. The cause is not known but “enemy action has been ruled out”, it said.

“One ISAF soldier is dead and three others are wounded following a vehicle accident at noon today in Kandahar province,” according to the NATO statement said. The wounded soliders were evacuated by helicopter to the multinational forces hospital at Kandahar Airfield after receiving first aid by a ISAF soldier at the site. NATO took control of southern Afghanistan, which is hard-hit by an ongoing insurgency waged by remnants of the Taliban regime, this week from their American predecessors. The coalition is maintaining a counter-terrorism force alongside NATO in the restive area.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ten lay down arms in Chechnya in past 24 hours
Ten more people have voluntarily laid down their arms and surrendered to the authorities in Chechnya in the past twenty-four hours. "Three people have reported to the Grozny district police department. A resident of Grozny, who headed the Staropromyslovsky district police department in Grozny from April 1997 to April 1999, said he was not involved in armed actions against federal forces. A resident of the community of Alkhan-Kala served in the national guard of the so- called republic of Ichkeria in 1998. A resident of the community of Oktyabrskoye procured food and medicines for members of illegal armed groups from April to May 2000," a source from Chechen law enforcement agencies told Interfax Saturday.

Two residents of Argun surrendered to the city police department, confessing that they had been involved in combat activities against federal forces as members of a unit led by Damayev from January 2000 to December 2001, the source said.

Four other men reported to the Gudermes district police department. One of them a local resident, served in the Ichkerian national guard from June 1997 to October 1999. Another local was a member of a militant unit led by Tamayev from February 1995 to February 1997. A resident of the community of Engel Yurt was involved in armed actions against federal forces within a group led by Salman Raduyev from September to December 1996. Another local said he was a member of a militant unit led by Eskerkhanov from October to November 2001. A former militant reported to the Urus-Martan district police department and confessed that he had taken part in armed clashes with federal forces between December 1999 and February 2000.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 10:02 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Pakistani gas pipelines damaged in explosion
Islamabad, Two gas pipelines were damaged in explosions in Pakistan's Balochistan province early Saturday, disrupting gas supply to several cities in Punjab, the GEO television reported.

The explosion occurred near Doli check post in Sui, some 285-km south-west of Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan, the private television report stated.

Authorities have cordoned off the area, and a bomb disposal squad was called to ascertain the nature of the explosion, according to the report.

In Balochistan's Dera Bughti district and adjoining areas especially Sui, gas pipelines and electricity lines have been attacked by anti-government tribal militants, disrupting gas and power supply to the region
Posted by: john || 08/06/2006 17:02 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  other cyclists?
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 17:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Pakistani gas pipelines damaged in explosion

Nothing a competent gastro-intestinal specialist can't cure.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/06/2006 19:07 Comments || Top||

5 Lashkar men arrested in J&K
Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday said it had unearthed a Lashkar-e-Taiba module with the arrest of five terrorists of the outfit involved in a series of grenade throwing incidents in Doda district over the past three months.

The five — Mohammad Qasim, Javid Ahmad, Mohammad Hussain, Javid Iqbal and Riyaz Ahmed — were involved in separate grenade throwing incidents in the district which claimed two lives and left 69 others injured, Inspector General of Police, Jammu range, SP Vaid told reporters in Jammu on Sunday.

He said Mohammad Qasim, a hard core terrorist, was working as a guard with the chairman of Jammu wing of Hurriyat Conference and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Saidullah Tantray.

"It is obvious that Tantray would be knowing about the activities of his domestic servant and investigations are going on in the matter," Vaid said.

Asked whether police would initiate action against Tantray, he said nobody would be allowed to go unpunished if found involved in the heinous crime of attacking innocent people.

He said two persons were killed and 69 others injured when these terrorists hurled series of grenades during the past three months in Doda.

The IGP said the terrorist, who fired on an ex-serviceman Ghulam Ali deployed on duty at Jamia Masjid, Doda on June 20 with an intention to snatch his weapon has also been identified.

Efforts are on to arrest Irshad Ahmed of Kashrian in Doda.

Two more terrorists Gul Nawaz Mangnoo, a tailor by profession, and Javed Sofi of Doda, wanted in militancy related incidents were absconding, he said.
Posted by: john || 08/06/2006 12:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  no pliars n panties graphic?
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 13:34 Comments || Top||

#2  What a surprise, they're Muslims.
Posted by: Icerigger || 08/06/2006 15:31 Comments || Top||

Suicide Bomber Dies in Pakistan When Belt Explodes Prematurely
A suicide bomber was killed early Sunday in southwestern Pakistan when the explosives belt he was wearing exploded prematurely, police said. No one else was injured in the blast in Hub, an industrial town in Baluchistan province, local police official Munir Hussain said.

"This man was riding a cycle. He had strapped explosives to his body for a suicide attack and they exploded," Hussain said of the blast in Hub's Zehri Street neighborhood. The man's intended target was not immediately known, and police were investigating, Hussain said.

Hub is about 580 kilometers (360 miles) southeast of Quetta, Baluchistan's capital. Baluchistan has been the scene of attacks targeting security forces, gas pipelines and gas fields. Authorities accuse ethnic Baluch tribesmen of engaging in violence to press demands for increased royalties for resources — mainly natural gas — extracted from their territories. However, tribesmen haven't been known to launch suicide attacks.

Police found the severed head of the man, Pakistan's Geo television station reported. "From his face and dress, he appears to be a Baluch," police officer Mohammed Rafiq told Geo.
Posted by: ryuge || 08/06/2006 10:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  dontcha hate it when the splodeydope vest straps get caught in your bike spokes?
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 10:47 Comments || Top||

#2  Blow'd up real good!
Posted by: xbalanke || 08/06/2006 11:19 Comments || Top||

#3  "This man was riding a cycle. He had strapped explosives to his body for a suicide attack and rode too fast and his hat flapped up and blow'd off UP!"

Posted by: RD || 08/06/2006 11:23 Comments || Top||

#4  No virgins for you!
Posted by: The Paradise Nazi || 08/06/2006 11:40 Comments || Top||

#5  I wish all operations went this smoothly.
Posted by: newc || 08/06/2006 11:56 Comments || Top||

#6  He just got too excited... With more experience he'll learn to calm down, control himself and last longer.

Wait, what are we talking about here again.
Posted by: rich || 08/06/2006 12:40 Comments || Top||

#7  Allahu akbar!
Posted by: gorb || 08/06/2006 13:52 Comments || Top||

#8  Don't you just hate that when it happens..hehe.
Posted by: steven || 08/06/2006 14:52 Comments || Top||

#9  What's not to like about this story?
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 08/06/2006 14:57 Comments || Top||

#10  The poor Muslim suffered from premature ejackoffultion at the thought of those 72 raisins, or was it the Koran's promise of "young boys, fine as pearls". Having been nn Pakistan I'm guess the later.
Posted by: Icerigger || 08/06/2006 15:34 Comments || Top||

#11  They have ice in Pakistan? But even the schools have no electricity! ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 15:54 Comments || Top||

#12  They have ice in Pakistan?

yep, Paks steal it from Jammu and Kashmir.
Posted by: RD || 08/06/2006 16:18 Comments || Top||

#13  360 miles bike ride on the tour de Baluchistan? Well, put his head on a pike and see if anyone recognizes him.
Posted by: Inspector Clueso || 08/06/2006 17:05 Comments || Top||

#14  How do you explain to the family that your sonny-boy screwed up a a homicide bombing...he gets no virgins and there's no monetary reward from the Saudis via the Madrassa?
Posted by: anymouse || 08/06/2006 22:30 Comments || Top||

NGO-run school attacked in Khyber Agency
A grenade attack on Friday shook up Da Khwendo Kor, or sisters’ home – an education centre run by a civil society organisation in Landikotal, Khyber Agency – but no one was hurt, the centre’s administration said on Saturday. “Apparently, religious extremists were behind the attack,” Mariam Bibi, the centre’s director, told Daily Times.
Gee. Golly. Shucks. Y'think?
“Fortunately, there was no one in the centre during the time of attack. Only the building is damaged,” she said. Landikotal’s political agent, Riaz Mehsud, when contacted, also confirmed that the education centre had been attacked. This was the second attack in less than two months on the centre, that teaches development skills to tribal men and women. Last month, a British civil society organisation vehicle was blown up in Darra Adamkhel, 25 miles south of the provincial capital.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

Military suspects suicide attacker targeted Waziristan base
The military suspects that Friday’s attack on a security forces’ command base in South Waziristan was a suicide attack, army spokesman Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan
... the very model of a modern major general...
said on Saturday. “We suspect it was a suicide attack,” Sultan told Daily Times. The attack is the first of its kind in South Waziristan and comes when a grand tribal jirga is trying to broker peace between militants and the government in the neighbouring North Waziristan.
Surely that's coincidental...
Official sources said a suicide bomber rammed his explosives-laden vehicle into the boundary wall of the base in Shakai Valley, once a stronghold of foreign militants. Five soldiers were reported injured in the attack, which also left a dozen military vehicles “damaged”. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. “The base has been set up in the private rest house of slain tribal elder Faridullah Khan and the attack appears to be the work of foreign militants,” sources said. A tribal source in Wana said that foreign militants were roaming around in Rustam Bazaar, a few hundred yards from the Zarinoor military base.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  excellent combover.
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 8:54 Comments || Top||

#2  Sharp eyes Frank.
Posted by: 6 || 08/06/2006 10:24 Comments || Top||

#3  are those nuts in his cheeks?
Posted by: RD || 08/06/2006 11:50 Comments || Top||

Gays flee Iraq as Shia death squads find a new target
Hardline Islamic insurgent groups in Iraq are targeting a new type of victim with the full protection of Iraqi law, The Observer can reveal. The country is seeing a sudden escalation of brutal attacks on what are being called the 'immorals' - homosexual men and children as young as 11 who have been forced into same-sex prostitution.

There is growing evidence that Shia militias have been killing men suspected of being gay and children who have been sold to criminal gangs to be sexually abused. The threat has led to a rapid increase in the numbers of Iraqi homosexuals now seeking asylum in the UK because it has become impossible for them to live safely in their own country.

Ali Hili runs the Iraqi LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) group out of London. He used to have 40 volunteers in Iraq but says after recent raids by militia in Najaf, Karbala and Basra he has lost contact with half of them. They move to different safe houses to protect their identities, but their work is incredibly dangerous.

Eleven-year-old Ameer Hasoon al-Hasani was kidnapped by policemen from the front of his house last month. He was known in his district to have been forced into prostitution. His father Hassan told me he searched for his son for three days after his abduction, then found him, shot in the head. A copy of the death certificate confirms the cause of death.

Homosexuality is seen as so immoral that it qualifies as an 'honour killing' to murder someone who is gay - and the perpetrator can escape punishment. Section 111 of Iraq's penal code lays out protections for murder when people are acting against Islam.

'The government will do nothing to tackle this issue. It's really desperate when people get to the stage they're trading their children for money. They have no alternatives because there are no jobs,' Hili says.

Graphic photos obtained from Baghdad sources too frightened to identify themselves as having known a gay man, and seen by the Observer, show other gay Iraqis who have been executed. One shows two men, suspected of having a relationship, blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs - guns at the ready behind their heads - awaiting execution. Another picture captured on a mobile phone shows a gay man being beaten to death. Yet another shows a corpse being dragged through the streets after his execution.

One photograph is of the mutilated, burnt body of 38-year-old Karar Oda from Sadr City. He was kidnapped by the Badr Brigade in mid-June. They work with the Ministry of Interior and are the informal armed wing of the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq, who make up the largest Shia bloc in the Iraq parliament. Oda's family were given an arrest warrant signed by the Ministry of Interior which said their son deserved to be arrested and killed for immorality as a homosexual. His body was found ten days later.

Dr Haider Jaber is currently seeking asylum in the UK after fleeing Iraq in 2004. He says the abuse started to escalate in his neighbourhood after the invasion. One night, walking home from work, he was surrounded by five men, who told him he had to become a heterosexual Muslim. He says they abused him for wearing jeans and a T-shirt with English writing, and told him he should adopt traditional robes. As a crowd gathered to watch, he was then beaten and kicked to the ground.

The threats continued. Armed militiamen broke into his family home and then his workplace looking for him. Jaber finally left the country in April. His partner, Ali. was not so lucky. Jaber learned of his Ali's murder a few days after leaving Iraq. 'They didn't send the body to the family to have a grave or a flower garden. They said he didn't deserve it because he was an animal,' he said.

Ibaa Alawi has also fled Iraq. A former employee at the British embassy in Baghdad, Alawi met Tony Blair on one of his surprise visits to Iraq. He said Blair was concerned about the safety of the Iraqis working there and praised their bravery. 'Tony Blair said the British government was thankful for our efforts and knew we were putting our lives at risk working for the British embassy in Baghdad.'

Alawi is upset the same government is not willing to help him out. He believes the Home Office will refuse him asylum because it would have to face up to the level of chaos in Iraq, and how much influence is being waged by radical Islamists - and face the fact that, for some, there is still no freedom in Iraq.

· Jennifer Copestake's film on homosexual executions in Iraq will be shown on More4 News on August 7 at 8pm
Posted by: john || 08/06/2006 12:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  gotta be real unsafe for Saudis in Iraq, then
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 12:25 Comments || Top||

· Jennifer Copestake's film on homosexual executions in Iraq will be shown on More4 News on August 7 at 8pm

That should drive up ratings. Too bad it's not a sweeps month.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/06/2006 12:26 Comments || Top||

#3  I'm sure Andrew Sullivan will get right on this - Blame Bush.
Posted by: Uneger Sninegum8575 || 08/06/2006 12:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Oh noes!!!11!!!1 Get em out! Get em out! Or we might catch "teh ghey!!!!11!!!1!!1"
Posted by: Thoth || 08/06/2006 12:57 Comments || Top||

#5  Here's a question. This article is specifically about Shia killing suspected homosexuals. Does this have anything to do with the queer Sunni jihadis? There were articles that many suicide bombers were closet homosexuals.
Posted by: Penguin || 08/06/2006 13:21 Comments || Top||

#6  Sounds like Iraq needs the equivalent of the "Lavender Panthers", mostly as a PR stunt. The propaganda puts out that they torture and murder those who torture and murder gays.

If that is too blunt, then expand the PR to a vigilante movement that murders honor killers and buries them with pig offal. No matter who is murdered, homos, girls, children, they hunt down the killers.

Since honor killers are cowardly in character, this would scare the hell out of them.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 08/06/2006 13:32 Comments || Top||

#7  This is indeed shameful, but bespeaks the evil that is the Shia militias supported by Iran, rather than the morality of invading Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein. In fact, this clarifies the dilemma of the "Progressives"; in order to protect their favoured population (who do deserve protection -- agree or disagree with their behaviour, nobody should be tortured and killed for it) they have to demand that their country not only stay in Iraq, but increase its control of the country, not decrease it, since clearly most Iraqi homosexuals and child prostitutes will not be able to flee to Britain for asylum.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 15:05 Comments || Top||

#8  "man" pajamas

'nuff said
Posted by: RD || 08/06/2006 16:11 Comments || Top||

#9  knew they'd get it in the end
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2006 16:13 Comments || Top||

#10  They are all hysterical.
They need a slap.
a Nagasaki slap.
Posted by: J. D. Lux || 08/06/2006 19:23 Comments || Top||

#11  Democracy in its original meaning.
Posted by: gromgoru || 08/06/2006 20:09 Comments || Top||

12 killed in Iraq violence
At least people including a US soldier were killed in violence across Iraq on Saturday. Iraqi insurgents gunned down five soldiers and killed two police in a separate bomb attack on Friday, as government forces stepped up their campaign to regain control of a war-torn country.

Captain Mahmud al-Jiburi of the Kirkuk police said gunmen had ambushed an Iraqi army patrol in the town of Hawija, in the north of the country, and killed five of them. “This clash came after police captured 23 insurgents affiliated with Tawhid wal Jihad and Ansar as-Sunna,” he said, referring to two Sunni Muslim extremist groups with ties to Al Qaeda.

Further south in Khalis, 80 kilometres northeast of Baghdad, a roadside bomb killed two Iraqi police and wounded eight people, police said. And in Baquba, a town just north of the capital notorious for sectarian attacks by rival Sunni and Shiite extremists, three bombs detonated in a crowded street market, wounding 10 people.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

IDF nabs kidnapper
One of the Hizbullah captives held by the IDF was involved in planning and perpetrating the kidnapping of Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, head of IDF intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told cabinet ministers on Sunday during the weekly cabinet session.

According to Yadlin, the captive was a mid-level operative in the Hizbullah hierarchy. Few reports have since generated about the fate of the kidnapped troops. Last week, special forces conducted a raid in Baalbek following information that the kidnapped soldiers were treated in a hospital in the area. The battle lasted for several hours, following which the elite force of close to 200 soldiers, returned to Israel carrying loads of intelligence information and without any casualties. At least 10 Hizbullah gunmen were killed.
Posted by: GK || 08/06/2006 10:34 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good. Now ransom him back. A little bit at a time.
Posted by: DarthVader || 08/06/2006 11:10 Comments || Top||

#2  IDF nabs kidnapper

know'd thr-out the bizneth as a double reverse snatch.

kidz don't be trying this at home leave thisun up to the pros.
Posted by: RD || 08/06/2006 11:27 Comments || Top||

#3  Yeah and let everyone know! Brlliant!
Posted by: Clerert Uneamp2772 || 08/06/2006 11:51 Comments || Top||

#4  hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stup MF???
Posted by: Legolas || 08/06/2006 12:20 Comments || Top||

#5  The Hezbapussies are in way over their diaper heads.
Posted by: Icerigger || 08/06/2006 15:36 Comments || Top||

#6  Good. Now ransom him back. A little bit at a time.

as IF hezzie leadership cares about whether their cannon fodder come back alive, dead or dismantled.

although they probably care about their fighters a smidge more than they care about innocent civilians.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 08/06/2006 17:42 Comments || Top||

10 killed in rocket strike near Kiryat Shmona
At least ten people were killed, and four others were seriously wounded after a rocket hit a community near Kiryat Shmona on Sunday afternoon, MDA reported.

Other casualties included one with moderate wounds, and three who were lightly injured.

MDA said that those who were badly hurt were treated on location, and were airlifted to hospitals in the region. Rockets also landed in Nahariya and Karmiel, Rosh Pina and Safed.

On Sunday morning, At least seven rockets were fired at northern Israel on Sunday morning, causing no injuries or damage. Two rockets struck the Golan Heights, three landed near Ma'alot, and two fell in an open area in the city of Safed.
Posted by: phil_b || 08/06/2006 06:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  TV say 10 dead 9 injured in attack.
Posted by: 3dc || 08/06/2006 6:51 Comments || Top||

#2  DEBKA says the dead were IDF reservists.

It seems like Kiryat Shmona is getting hit with dozens of rockets every day. How is it that the IDF can't get a location on their launch points by now?
Posted by: Glenmore || 08/06/2006 8:24 Comments || Top||

#3  This struck me as a key point, although I imagine the IDF is fully aware of it:

Iran and Syria are constantly restocking Hizballah’s diminishing supplies of rockets of all types, launchers and operating manpower by a round- the-clock airlift from Iran via Syrian military air fields. Some of the incoming supplies are destroyed by Israeli air attacks as they cross into Lebanon, but a substantial part is conveyed to Hizballah by smuggling networks employing mules to traverse Lebanese mountain paths.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 8:42 Comments || Top||

#4  So shoot the mules, I remember that in Vietnam they used Elephants and we shot them. (Some spectacular secondary explosions were reported)

Smaller targets, but better shots and better rifles now.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 08/06/2006 8:52 Comments || Top||

#5  So where's the Qana-like media tearfest over this incident? I don't see photos of dead Israelis on the front of every MSM website.
Posted by: WhiteCollarRedneck || 08/06/2006 9:14 Comments || Top||

#6  Redneck, You won't see them because they were 'just jews' in the MSM's eyes.

Now if someone had farted in the presence of the Koran now... that would be splashed over every headline!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 08/06/2006 10:14 Comments || Top||

#7  The Israeli home front seems to be holding up well. Lotsa Jooooooooooos are being reminded in a not so subtle fashion of why they are fighting.
Posted by: 6 || 08/06/2006 10:23 Comments || Top||

#8  Doesn’t the Israeli arsenal consist of AC - 130 Spooky's. These seem perfect for this kind of war.
Posted by: long hair republican || 08/06/2006 15:54 Comments || Top||

#9  It's 12 now.
Posted by: gromgoru || 08/06/2006 19:53 Comments || Top||

Debka analysis of change in IDF tactics
Posted by: phil_b || 08/06/2006 01:46 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hey! Anybody noticed that we haven't seen our old buddy Levant around here lately? Guess he got tired of having his head (and other body parts) handed to him on a regular basis, particularly now that Israel is soundly kicking Hezb's butt. AMF!
Posted by: mac || 08/06/2006 4:33 Comments || Top||

#2  lotta hand-wringing. As if Mugniyeh can turn the tide by himself. His appointment signals desperation, rather than Debka's take
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 8:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Mugniyeh's career could be short-lived. No loss to mankind--actually a great improvement if he does get one dropped on his head by the Israelis. Mugniyeh was linked to Saddam Hussein as far as I can tell. Mugniyeh is AQ. Thought there was no love lost between Bin Ladin's AQ and Nasserallah. Goes to show there are linkages between these terrorists organizations that was and is being denied in the MSM. As is said, blood is thicker than water. All of these groups are terrorists and need to be regarded as the enemy. Nasserallah said he had no issue with the U.S. There should be a movie made along the lines of algore movie entitled "A Convenient Lie." The terrorists would lie to their mothers if convenient to their end goal which is the end of the West. I have heard the MSM refer to the islamofacists as "rebels and insurgents" and believe it or not "freedom fighters." These people are murderous thugs. They are the worst of the worst and should be treated accordingly. The true freedom fighters are the found in the West. The islamofacists enslave countries like a cancer rather than liberate them. The islamofacists create nothing but chaos and destruction--they destroy everything and build nothing. Darkness falls around them wherever they go.
Posted by: JohnQC || 08/06/2006 8:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Poor Mr. Levant ran out of steam after mocking my luxuriant moustache, mac. And oddly enough, he'd somehow got the idea that I might want to dance with him at some imaginary party. Very confusing -- perhaps he'd taken some of the drugs his daddy was transhipping from the Bekaa for Cousin Bashir? I did wonder how a Syrian boy with such good English got internet access to the West...
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 15:13 Comments || Top||

#5  Rockets on Haifa Launched from Kana
22:42 Aug 06, '06 / 12 Av 5766

(IsraelNN.com) The IDF has stated that Hizbullah terrorists used the village of Kana as a launching site for the deadly rocket attack on Haifa Sunday evening. Air Force planes destroyed one of the rocket launchers.

More than two dozen people, including children, were killed in the village more than a week ago when Israel bombed Hizbullah terrorist sites in the village. The IDF has released aerial photographs showing that terrorists used the village's buildings as a cover for trucks carrying rocket launchers.

Posted by: Legolas || 08/06/2006 15:48 Comments || Top||

#6  Stop lying "trailing wife." All of your readers can check the earlier post where you most kindly requested me to be on your dance card on the Halloween ball that you Rantburgers hold yearly. And all of your readers can also check the post where one of your writers talked about your problem with facial hair. And here are some excellent sites for you to post your verbose articles on...fasthorses.com, adiorondackracetrack.com, hairybears.com (Children's series by Enid Blyton), selfconfidencebooster.com (This is a sight for unattractive women who also have extensive political/historical knowledge-I mean lady nerds).

As for the war-today was another day for massive "Israeli" casualties-16 dead and over a 100 injured and many more in shock. Don't get decieved by the low number of deaths on the "Israeli" side and the high number of deaths on our side. I consider western weapons "sissy pant" weapons. They are great for us. Tons of explosives causing us painless death and instant transportation to the next life with its awesome sensual pleasures. Yaaahoooo and Thank You!!!
As for our weapons-our rockets and missiles have their warheads filled with ball bearings-these are, upon impact, shot out at incredible velocities over hundreds of meters, ripping open testicles and eye balls. They leave their victims alive but in the MOST EXCRUCIATING PAIN. No wonder millions of "Israelis" are running to bomb shelters, and hospital wards are full of shock victims. They are dead scared as if a killer is always stalking them. Hardy Har HAAR HAAAAAAR HAAAAAAAR!!!!!
Posted by: the Levant || 08/06/2006 15:59 Comments || Top||

#7  very nice, coward. Still hiding in Syria?
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 16:02 Comments || Top||

#8  Hey Oscar, good to see you didn't OD.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/06/2006 16:02 Comments || Top||

#9  Moderators, can we track his IP address, then forward the address and this post to the FBI?
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 08/06/2006 16:07 Comments || Top||

#10  My error, never mind the Freaking Bureau of Idiots, forward it to MOSAD.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 08/06/2006 16:09 Comments || Top||

#11  #6 "levant" - Nice try, but not very good. I'd give it a score of no more than 4.

Try again?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 08/06/2006 16:19 Comments || Top||

#12  The poor, deluded thing is posting via Syria, Redneck Jim. Definitely Mossad territory... or just straight to the IDF Intelligence boys. Perhaps when Oldspook pokes his head in he can give one of his old friends a heads up.

I wonder what I said that hit such a nerve. And so quickly after I posted, too, y'all will note -- he must have been lurking here for days, hitting Refresh at frequent intervals... the last sentence in my post perhaps?

Mr. Levant, the readers here can indeed read the archives to see exactly what was said. Which is why I'm not worried, and you should be; big talk and windy insults do not pursuade here like they do in your part of the world, a critical detail you've not managed to absorb along with your extensive English grammar lessons. Perhaps Cousin Bashir's government will survive long enough for you to learn to live in the bigger world.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 16:27 Comments || Top||

#13  Probably ran out of local gals to beat up, while attempting to purge his fixation with you, TW.
Posted by: bombay || 08/06/2006 16:43 Comments || Top||

#14  When Levant dies, he is going where there is awesome sensual pleasures. The problem, bubblehead is you will be dead. When you're dead, can you see ? Can you hear ? Can you taste ? Can you feel ? Can you smell ?
I think most would agree with me that when you are dead, you will smell. I also think that you are far too stupid to understand what I'm writing. Allah sucks, live with it. You see, I can write about Allah and this god of yours does nothing about it. He, Allah is powerless. He like Mohammed is a fake and you are too stupid to figure it out. Death will be a step up for you won't it ?
Posted by: wxjames || 08/06/2006 16:47 Comments || Top||

#15  Oh, I hope not, bombay. Normal men do not fixate on other people's wives; they form a healthy relationship of their very own.

wxjames, only successful jihadis go to that Paradise, and Mr. Levant shows no signs of qualifying. Besides, he's an Alawite, and everyone knows they are damned heretics.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 16:59 Comments || Top||

#16  Hey Levant. Have you ever wondered why those 72 virgins you have your heart (or whatever) set on so much cannot be 'deflowered'? Allan has promised you that they will be 'forever virgin' didn't he?

Do you think maybe they cannot physically be deflowed because -- some vital piece of equipment is missing? Has Allen promised you they would be 'complete'? That you would be complete and functional? Has he promised you viagra? No?

Hmm.... sounds like that might be hell for a person as fixated on 'sensual pleasures' as you are.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 08/06/2006 17:05 Comments || Top||

#17  Oh FFS Levant, get a grip. In other words try a bit harder...and I quote;

As for our weapons-our rockets and missiles have their warheads filled with ball bearings-these are, upon impact, shot out at incredible velocities over hundreds of meters, ripping open testicles and eye balls. They leave their victims alive but in the MOST EXCRUCIATING PAIN. No wonder millions of "Israelis" are running to bomb shelters, and hospital wards are full of shock victims. They are dead scared as if a killer is always stalking them. Hardy Har HAAR HAAAAAAR HAAAAAAAR!!!!!

Quite apart from sounding like some bad mixture of Yosemite Sam and Marvin the Martian, you are missing the point, which is; Hizbollocks are having theirs handed to them on a silver platter, the Israelis are being giving the green light by the US (at last), the Syrians can't find their arses with both hands and are realising that they've bought into a bigger game than their mortgage can handle and the Iranians are still waiting for some dork to come out of a friggin well!

And there's still the carrier groups...where are they?

Got any thoughts?
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 08/06/2006 17:14 Comments || Top||

#18  Dang, #15 Tony - don't hold back.

Tell us what you really think! ;-p
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 08/06/2006 17:22 Comments || Top||

#19  Quite apart from sounding like some bad mixture of Yosemite Sam and Marvin the Martian

I'd include Foghorn Leghorn for sheer Arab/Islamo braggadocio that doesn't approximate reality
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 17:26 Comments || Top||

#20  Levant is a whack job like the rest of his ilk. You are all too kind to him.
Posted by: JohnQC || 08/06/2006 17:29 Comments || Top||

#21  Levant must be very proud. Like the mortars fired by Hizb'allah into Syria, their rocket aim is just as good. It seems Levant's heroes can no more hit Jews than the Syrian army, but they are quite proficient at killing fellow Arabs. Israeli Arabs: Finish off Nasrallah

Perhaps Hizzbie's aim will improve if Bashir gave each and every one an eye exam.
Posted by: ed || 08/06/2006 17:51 Comments || Top||

#22  Coming from you Barbara, that's a distinct compliment! ;)
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 08/06/2006 17:56 Comments || Top||

#23  "Don't get decieved by the low number of deaths on the "Israeli" side and the high number of deaths on our side."

We aren't: it means you're losing.

"Tons of explosives causing us painless death and instant transportation to the next life with its awesome sensual pleasures."

Headed for Pimp Daddy Allah's Cosmic Whorehouse In The Sky, are ya? Don't forget to take condoms (hint: they're NOT virgins).

"Yaaahoooo and Thank You!!!"

You're welcome, Idiot.

"As for our weapons-our rockets and missiles have their warheads filled with ball bearings-these are, upon impact, shot out at incredible velocities over hundreds of meters, ripping open testicles and eye balls."

That's true enough, in principle; except your rockets seldom manage to hit anything. In four weeks of fighting, and after firing some 3,000 rockets, you've managed to kill barely three dozen Jews. Why? Are you too stupid to aim at something?

Posted by: Dave D. || 08/06/2006 18:18 Comments || Top||

#24  No, no, they are aiming just fine. The Zionist pigs with their American allies are using space ray weapons to re-aim the rockets on Arabs in the area. Damn, don't you know anything?
Posted by: bombay || 08/06/2006 18:57 Comments || Top||

#25  Don't get decieved by the low number of deaths on the "Israeli" side and the high number of deaths on our side.

We aren't. You're succumbing at a much greater rate. The Arab fixation on past greatness also seems to include desperately clinging to ineffective, outdated technology and warfare strategies.

I consider western weapons "sissy pant" weapons. They are great for us. Tons of explosives causing us painless death and instant transportation to the next life with its awesome sensual pleasures. Yaaahoooo and Thank You!!!

They are "great for us" too. You die in large numbers and we don't. And good riddance to you, as well. It must do wonders for your legendary detestation of humiliation to have such effete "sissy pant" weapons blowing your collective @sses straight to he|| while we sit back and have another cold beer.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/06/2006 19:05 Comments || Top||

#26  Besides, this needs to be pointed out to at least one of them that can read (I assume he's one of them, as the defence of them is so strong)

Your heroic martydom tactics are actually useless. Your motivated poplutation, the ones that can actually make a difference, and would make your future leadership are sacrificed early.

This leaves the bottom of the barrel, cowardly masses, to um, hold the tourch. Good job.

Problem is, once the West truly has enough (not like today's turning over when bit by a mosquito and going back to sleep), we'll pull out the stops and it is peace out big time.

Imagine a Japan back with divine wind tactics, only this time on our side. Or America willing to firebomb, or even nuke again - you think we are evil colonialist empire now, just wait.

Give up, it is your only chance to actually meet your salvation.
Posted by: bombay || 08/06/2006 19:14 Comments || Top||

#27  dang go work out and come back and sheeesh ... this levant character, he (?) is what we call in middle earth elvish - a man-bitch (rough english transaltion)
Posted by: Legolas || 08/06/2006 19:44 Comments || Top||

#28  #22 Tony - :-D
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 08/06/2006 19:46 Comments || Top||

#29  What, ranting against terrorist supporters and Hiz worshipers (them) requires a workout?

Nah, workouts are for better reasons. We just need to exterminate this class of vermine, then we can all workout!
Posted by: bombay || 08/06/2006 20:03 Comments || Top||

#30  I for one am truly pleased Levant appears on RB and makes comments like the last. Besides the obvious that someone of his persuasion should be carrying a weapon and doing Lion of Islam tasks (I mean the heroic things they talk about, not the actual hiding behind women and children and pretending to be civilians when not backshooting). We are arriving at a tipping point in the world, and not a moment too soon. War with much of Islam is upon the West, and most of our compatriots are either asleep, ignorant, too frightened to act, or a combination of the three. The islamic fifth column is already here, and it is going to be damn hard to root it out without some outrage. So rant on you dumb Sh--head, wake my nation up, actually get us angry, and then watch the mass transit system we set up to send you and yours to your moonbat, B.S. god.....
Posted by: Just About Enough! || 08/06/2006 20:09 Comments || Top||

#31  Levant, before I was being flippant, now I'm serious.

Read what bombay has said - the West is not as weak as you think, and unless things change, there will be carnage. Example; read up on the Rand corporation, and Herman Kahn, he wrote a book On Thermonuclear War where he envisaged a winnable general nuclear war with hundreds of millions of deaths (some people don't like him because he thought 'the unthinkable', but his reasoning was sound). By the way, Donald Rumsfeld and Condaleeza Rice amongst others have been associated with the Rand corporation... Also, the United States has plans for fighting almost every conceivable war, and you can be certain that those plans have been changed since 9/11. My point is, the West has had 60 years of living with the ability to kill everyone on the planet, and has come up with various weapons systems and protocols to ensure that ability would always be available. At the moment, ability is not married to intention - pray it remains that way.

Do not be taken in by idiots screaming 'no blood for oil', the West is not weak, and if necessary it will coldly and clinically do what has to be done.

You would be well advised to pass that message onto as many people as you can, because time is running out (eg see the other post today about a Pak scholar ruminating about 'pious men in beards' and nukes in the US - this would be a marrying of ability and intention and it would be...unwise)

If this carries on, that old joke about Arabs and Star Trek might be seen to be quite prescient.
Posted by: Tony (UK) || 08/06/2006 20:21 Comments || Top||

#32  I had to look it up.

The Saudi Ambassador to the UN has just finished giving a speech and walks out into the lobby where he meets President Bush.

They shake hands and as they walk the Saudi Ambassador says, "You know, I have just one question about what I have seen in America."

President Bush says, "Well your Excellency, anything I can do to help you, I will do.

The Saudi whispers, "My son watches this show 'Star Trek' and in it there are Russians, Blacks, and Asians, but never any Arabs. He is very upset. He doesn't understand why there are never any Arabs in 'Star Trek.'"

President Bush laughs and leans toward the Saudi, and whispers back, "It's because it takes place in the future...."
Posted by: J. D. Lux || 08/06/2006 20:30 Comments || Top||

#33  Ah, yes. Levant. L'eunuque lâche - willing to fight to the last Lebanese.

Posted by: Fordesque || 08/06/2006 20:33 Comments || Top||

#34  there's still the carrier groups...where are they?

If you mean the US carrier groups, it appears the navy hasn't been updating its status of the fleet page quite as often as it sometimes does. No doubt they're out and about on training missions or such.

Uh huh.

can we track his IP address

Yes, of course. But there's no need to pass it along to authorities. As TW correctly points out, in Syria connections of that particular sort are monitored by several agencies already. If Levant manages anything other than his adolescent neener-neener taunts, it is already known and if now, well then his hot air here is the (rather unimpressive) biggest achievement.
Posted by: lotp || 08/06/2006 20:57 Comments || Top||

#35  Surprisingly,with our committmens, there are three Carriers in port in SD - guess we aren't too worried
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 21:48 Comments || Top||

#36  They must have heard you were back.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/06/2006 21:49 Comments || Top||

#37  Arabs and Star Trek

A young King Abdallah does Star Trek

Posted by: SwissTex || 08/06/2006 22:15 Comments || Top||

#38  I have a friend in Israel, someone I trade postage stamps with. He's a colonel in the Israeli Army, and some kind of judge. We haven't discussed his duties... He knows I worked in Air Force intelligence, and sends me tidbits from time to time. It's interesting just what Israel DOES know. They're not QUITE as far-reaching as NSA and a few other places, but they do keep close tabs on the Middle East. I doubt they have to read Rantburg to keep tabs on what "Levant" and any other arab on the internet say.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 08/06/2006 23:40 Comments || Top||

Hamas barred Red Cross from visiting Gilad Shalit
Hamas did not allow representatives of the Red Cross to visit kidnapped soldier, Gilad Shalit, sources said Saturday. The humanitarian organization had requested last week to see Shalit in order to assess his health condition, and were denied the visit by Hamas. "We will not allow visitors to see the soldier while the families of thousands of jailed Palestinians cannot see their loved ones," Hamas officials said.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But the Red Cross IS in GTMO.
Posted by: newc || 08/06/2006 0:41 Comments || Top||

#2  At least the ICRC tried, which is more than I expected. How likely is it that he's still alive?
Posted by: ST || 08/06/2006 3:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Funny, I didn't see this on the front pages of MSM?
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2006 6:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Unfortunately I think the poor guy was killed soon after capture. No videos, pictures, nothing has been released since then showing him in the land of the living. I hope he isn't but I'm afraid he is.

I think Ham-ass would be hard pressed to cover up the fact that he's dead.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 08/06/2006 8:34 Comments || Top||

#5  I'm with CF. Can't ever hand him back cuz he's dead
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 8:55 Comments || Top||

#6  But the Red Cross IS in GITMO

Yes, and don't expect any of the critics of Gitmo to acknowledge it or the refusal of terrorist groups to 'play by the rules'. You know of course the Supremes said that regardless of them not playing by the rules, and therefore not covered by the Geneva Convention, they are entitled to GC treatment. Enablers, one and all.
Posted by: Unaitle Elmegum6850 || 08/06/2006 9:03 Comments || Top||

#7  typical pali bs
Posted by: Legolas || 08/06/2006 9:29 Comments || Top||

#8  Sadly, Shalit was probably dead within less than an hour after capture. All that has gone after is the usual terrorist smoke and mirrors.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/06/2006 19:46 Comments || Top||

Four Palestinians killed in Gaza offensive
TWO Palestinian teenaged siblings and two militants were killed by Israeli fire in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, as the Israeli military pressed an incursion in the southern city of Rafah. Omar al-Nuri, 17, and his 15-year-old sister Kiffah were killed by a missile fired from a drone as they fled an Israeli tank near their house in the Egyptian border town of Rafah, hospital officials said. Their mother Huda, 45, and another unidentified family member were in critical condition after being wounded in the strike, hospital officials said. A third family member was lightly wounded.

Earlier, two armed militants were also killed in separate Israeli air strikes in the area, hospital and security officials said. Mohammed al-Khawajih, 23, belonged to the military wing of the hardline Islamic Jihad group, while Sharif Ayyash, 23, to that of the governing Islamist movement Hamas.

An Israeli army spokesman said that "four armed terrorists were hit by army fire in two separate incidents in the Rafah sector." The Israeli army has been involved in a major incursion around Rafah since early on Thursday, which has involved dozens of armoured personnel carriers and bulldozers backed up by aviation.

According to an AFP count, a total of 15 Palestinians have been killed in the operation, including a 12-year-old boy and at least 11 militants. An army spokesman said that "more than 35 Palestinian terrorists have been eliminated in army operations in the Gaza Strip over the past 48 hours."

The Rafah incursion was aimed at destroying "terrorist infrastructure," an army spokesman said. The Israeli military says that Palestinian militants use tunnels dug between Gaza and Egypt to smuggle arms into the coastal strip. The Rafah incursion is part of a wider offensive in the coastal strip that Israel launched on June 28, three days after Palestinian militants from Gaza killed two soldiers and seized a third in a cross-border raid. The military says it aims to recover the soldier and to stop militants from firing rockets from the strip onto Israeli territory.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli forces kidnap two Palestinians
(BNA) Israeli forces kidnapped two Palestinians this evening in the North of Gaza Strip after shooting them. Medical Sources said that Israeli forces refused granting medical staff access to the two injured men or revealing their identities. The men were moved to an unknown location, added the sources.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Little thin on details here, aren't we?
Posted by: WhiteCollarRedneck || 08/06/2006 9:16 Comments || Top||

#2  kidnapped two Palestinians this evening in the North of Gaza Strip after shooting them

Seems like some sorta double jeopardy deal, is that legal?
Posted by: 6 || 08/06/2006 10:26 Comments || Top||

#3  The "kidnapping" was after shooting them. So technically, it's not kidnapping, its "post trauma ambulatory service" for special wound treatment.

I call it the Texas "self-defense" policy. Kill the burgular in the yard then drag the dead body inside the house.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 08/06/2006 11:52 Comments || Top||

Palestinian security station demolished
Israeli forces opened fire today at a Palestinian security force station south of Rafah and then removed it completely. Palestinian sources indicated that Israel sources penetrated towards the centre of Rafah towards Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Two homes in Ma'alot struck by rockets
Hours after Saturday's first barrage of rockets on the cities surrounding Haifa, two houses in Ma'a lot were also struck by Katyushas. The residents, who have been alert by an alarm that sounded in the area, have already left the buildings, and so no one was wounded in the attack, Army Radio reported.

IDF identifies, destroys launcher aimed at Ma'alot
IDF troops identified and destroyed a rocket launcher in the village of Bint Jbail, in the central sector of southern Lebanon on Saturday. The launcher was aimed at the northern town of Ma'a lot, the IDF said. Eleven rockets were fired at the Haifa area earlier in the morning.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Heavy Rocket Barrage Hits North: Mother, Two Daughters Killed
An estimated 120 katyusha rockets landed throughout the north within a 90 minute period late Saturday afternoon. A mother and her two daughters were killed in the village of Arab al-Aramshe. Fadya Juma, 60, and her daughters Samira, 33, and Sultana, 31 were killed when their home in the Arab-Israeli village of Arab-al-Aramshe suffered a direct rocket hit just after 4:00 PM. Members of the village located near Shlomi along the Lebanese border grieved openly, mourning the loss of the three family members.

Some 170 rockets were thrown at northern Israel during the day on Saturday, landing in Kiryat Shmona, Safed, Nahariya, the Tiberias area, Shlomi, and Ma'alot. During the heaviest bombardment 120-130 rockets fell within a one and a half hour period in the late afternoon between 4:00 and 5:30 PM. According to Israel Radio security sources confirmed that long-range rockets were launched and hit Israel in the Hadera area on Friday.

Two people sustained light injuries in Kiryat Shmona and an ammonia leak was reported after a rocket hit a factory in the city's industrial zone. Authorities cautioned residents to stay clear of the area while they determined the extent of the leak and whether it would be harmful to the public.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [35 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Of the estimated 34 Israel civilians killed thus far by Hezbo-fired rockets, about 10 have been Israeli Arabs, proving beyond a shadow of doubt that the Hezbos don't give a damn about any life but their own.
Posted by: Lancasters Over Dresden || 08/06/2006 14:14 Comments || Top||

#2  This will go far to remind Arab Israelis which side they want to be on, although many are already quite clear on the matter despite the best efforts of the Palestinian re-unitees to poison the well. I'm always pleased by the little stories of the exploits of Arab volunteers in the IDF, especially the Beduin and Druze. The vicious nihilism isn't in the blood.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 15:18 Comments || Top||

#3  "proving beyond a shadow of doubt that the Hezbos don't give a damn about any life but their own".

Why aren't you embarrased by the stupidity of your statement. Firstly, using your reasoning Israel also "don't give a damn about any life but their own", it's military has killed about ten times as many innocent civilians. Secondly, a more obvious and well known alternative explanation is that the rockets have very limited guidance capabilitities, as such it is not a proof beyond doubt of anything.

I know you're all excited about the killing going on and stuff but why can't you at least spout your nonsense with some basic reason.
Posted by: Strangelove || 08/06/2006 15:36 Comments || Top||

#4  Mr. Strangelove, the Geneva Conventions make clear that when one of the combatants emplaces troops and weaponry amongst the civilian population instead of well away, *they* are the ones responsible when the inevitable retaliation strikes against the civilians. Thus, under the Geneva Conventions, it is the fault of Hizb'allah that Lebanese civilians are harmed when the Israelis shoot back at their rocket launchers shooting from kitchen windows and back gardens.
And, in fact, Hizb'allah has been boasting about the fact that most of the deaths are civilians they've gotten killed rather than their own bully boys.

I realize your insistence on this 1984-style moral equivalence is the hallmark of an antisemite (see that lovely study which demonstrated the strong link between "anti-Zionism" and antisemitism -- it just came out a few days ago, and the story is archived here at Rantburg. It won't be hard for a clever lad like you to browse through the last few days and find it), but polite people do not display such attitudes so openly.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 15:53 Comments || Top||

#5  Why aren't you embarrased by the stupidity of your statement. Firstly, using your reasoning Israel also "don't give a damn about any life but their own", it's military has killed about ten times as many innocent civilians.

Yoohoo! Your slip bias is showing. When the Palestinians legitimately elect a terrorist government, they become complicit in all ensuing acts of terrorism committed by their leadership and its minions. Similarly, when a population willingly tolerates the open conduct of warfare from civilian areas, they suddenly become military bases and are subject to proper reprisal.

Have you bothered to notice that Israel hasn't simply begun flattening large tracts of civilian neighborhoods? They could have exterminated the Palestinians and all of their terrorist neighbors long, long ago. The only thing restraining them is some sense of humanity and decency. Things entirely lacking in their genocidal foes.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/06/2006 19:44 Comments || Top||

#6  "Secondly, a more obvious and well known alternative explanation is that the rockets have very limited guidance capabilitities, as such it is not a proof beyond doubt of anything."

So by your logic, if they are given more accurate munitions, they will refrain from killing Israeli Arabs and only kill the Jewish ones?
Posted by: Fordesque || 08/06/2006 20:45 Comments || Top||

#7  I seriously doubt that '10 times the number of innocent civilians' claim.

First of all not all those 'civilians' are innocent. In fact I would guess that most of them are Hizbos. You see YOU CANT TELL! They aren't brave enough to be clearly identifiable. No uniforms, no insignia, armbands, etc... They hide among the civilians. That in itself is a war crime.

You see one of the main reasons for the Geneva Convention is to protect innocent civilians. That is why it has rules against firing from civilian areas, or hiding among the civilians and not being clearly identifiable. That is why its perfectly legal to shoot 'spies' and others (illegal combatants) who dress like, and hide among the civilians.

That is also why I advocate sumarily shooting illegal combatants in the field.

The Hezos break all those rules. They dress as civilians. They hide in civilian houses. They fire their rockets from behind civilian homes, hospitals, schools, etc... In fact they often build a 'school' on top of an ammo dump hoping to hide behind the children. What brave 'Lions of Islam'.

And they are deliberately targetting civilians. Their leadership has all but said so. Their orders are to 'Kill as many civilians' as possible. If they had precision rockets do you think they would target military targets? I dont think so.

And like a rabid dog the only thing you can do is put it down.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 08/06/2006 21:08 Comments || Top||

Kassam Rocket Lands Near Nir Am
(IsraelNN.com) A Kassam rocket fired from northern Palestinian Authority (PA) controlled Gaza landed in an open area near Kibbutz Nir Am on Saturday night. There were no reports of injuries or damage.

IDF foils female suicide bomber near Nablus
IDF soldiers from the Herub Brigade confiscated two explosive belts late Saturday night near Nablus. Forces stopped two cars at a checkpoint and arrested five Palestinians who attempted to throw a bag containing explosives. One of the suspects, a Palestinian woman, was apparently on her way to perpetrate a suicide attack in one of the cities in central Israel. The explosive belts were detonated safely. As a result of the attempt, the terror warning level was raised in Judea and Samaria and the surrounding area.

Palestinians throw explosive device at IDF troops
An explosive device was thrown at IDF troops operating east of Tulkarm early Saturday morning. Also, Palestinians opened fire at an IDF base south of Nablus, the army said. No one was wounded in either attack, nor was there any damage.

10 terrorists taken out in Gaza Strip
IDF forces killed ten armed terrorists during an operation in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday night. Sources said the terrorists were involved in the launching of Kassam rockets towards Israel.

Kassam lands in western Negev
A Kassam rocket fired from the northern Gaza Strip into Israel landed in an open territory near a Kibbutz in the western Negev Saturday night. No casualties were reported. Several cars parked in the area were damaged.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

IDF arrests Hamas parliament speaker
Palestinian officials said IDF forces arrested the speaker of the Palestinian parliament at his house early Sunday. The officials - the director of the speaker's office and security officers - said about 20 Israeli army vehicles surrounded the house of parliament speaker Abdel Aziz Duaik, a member of Hamas, and took him into custody. The army said that as a Hamas leader, he was a target for arrest.

Duaik was the most senior Hamas official arrested by the IDF since forces in the West Bank rounded up dozens of Hamas officials on June 29, including eight Cabinet ministers. One was released earlier this week. Since then, IDF forces have twice surrounded Duaik's house but failed to arrest him. In a statement, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas called the arrest "another crime of piracy by the [Israeli] occupation against the elected representatives of our people" and called for international parliamentary action to win release for him and the other arrested officials.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Only 499 more of these for one Israeli solder
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2006 16:21 Comments || Top||

#2  hey! how unfair.. Momma told me life's was going to be Bitchen!
Posted by: Abdel Aziz Duaik || 08/06/2006 16:26 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Philippine Troops Seize Terrorist Training Camp in Southern Island
Government troops hunting suspected Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines have overrun their jungle camp but the rebels escaped, the military said yesterday. The camp, near the town of Indanan on the southern island of Jolo, was believed to have been used for training in bomb-making by members of Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI). “The explosive-making facility overrun by the ground troops is said to be the place where the JI militants teach the Abu Sayyaf members how to build and create improvised explosive devices,” Brig. Gen. Alexander Aleo, the military commander in Jolo, said in a statement. The military said the camp, in the foothills of Mount Bud Kapok, contained fortified bunkers and ground shelters.

Filipino soldiers, backed by US intelligence and equipment, have reported killing 12 Abu Sayyaf members since fighting in Jolo began on Tuesday, army Maj. Mabini Abduhadi told a news conference in Zamboanga City in southern Philippines. He said the bodies of five of the dead had been recovered. On Friday, Aleo said six Abu Sayyaf members were wounded, seven captured in ground and air assaults on Jolo since Tuesday, with seven soldiers wounded. Hundreds of villagers have fled the fighting.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 10:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Sri Lanka
Tamil Tigers halt offensive in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels (LTTE) have halted an offensive on the eastern town of Muttur, putting an end to recent hostilities in the predominantly Muslim town. "The offensive operation in Muttur has stopped and the LTTE is going back to its former positions in our own territory," a Tiger source told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

According to the same source, the LTTE was pulling back because they want thousands of Muslims who fled their homes on Friday to return. "It was a limited operation, and we are doing this on humanitarian grounds," the source told Reuters.

“'The government can play with semantics, but it's hard to see what's going on as anything but a war,' said one Western diplomat...”
Although the Tigers are pulling back a cease-fire has not been reached yet. The government officials said that they would not chase the Tigers but would continue to clear landmines from around a sluice gate, where they say Tigers have blocked the flow of water to farmers in government areas. "We are not going to chase them ... We wanted certain areas cleared of terrorists and we have done that," said Keheliya Rambukwella, a spokesman for the ministry of defence. "Once the last single Tiger leaves [government territory] the firing will stop. But if they come back again we will have to hold the territory and safeguard the civilians," he said.

The government insists it is committed to the 2002 truce, and said that hostilities would stop if the Tigers kept their word. Analysts, however, fear that more clashes are in store. "The government can play with semantics, but it's hard to see what's going on as anything but a war," said one Western diplomat.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But I thought it was a war. I mean, isn't that the whole point of an insurrection?
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 8:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Poor Tamil Tigers---no oil rich relatives, and either MSM, or international NGOs are not on their side (I wonder if there is a relation?).
Posted by: gromgoru || 08/06/2006 20:01 Comments || Top||

Newsweek: Israel's surprisingly high-tech foe. Inside the new Hizbullah.
Posted by: gorb || 08/06/2006 15:14 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Israel's surprisingly high-tech foe.

Posted by: gromgoru || 08/06/2006 19:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Israel needs to get tough. Send in overhwhelming numbers of troops and open up the rules of engagement. Does Israel not realize this is a war it must win for its national survival? "Set phasers on kill" and don't come back until the job is complete.
Posted by: Thique Phaise6471 || 08/06/2006 19:57 Comments || Top||

#3  I believe Olmert is fighting THIS war the way Al Gore would have "fought" alQueda after 9/11 if HE had been President. And Olmert is just as wrong now, as Gore would have been then.

Bush did it right in Afghanistan...and took the Taliban down hard and quick. Yes, the place is still screwed up. But alQueda no longer has access to an entire nation-state with full freedom of movement. Exactly what Hezbullah now enjoys in Lebanon.

I think Olmert's government will fall soon after hostilities end anyway. It's a shame he get a chance to screw this up first.
Posted by: Justrand || 08/06/2006 23:22 Comments || Top||

Iran 'tried to import uranium' from DRC
IRAN tried to import uranium for its nuclear program from the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the shipment was intercepted in Tanzania, The Sunday Times reported today, citing a senior Tanzanian customs officer.
A huge shipment of uranium 238 bound for the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas was intercepted on October 22, 2005, by customs officials in Tanzania making a routine check, the officer told the newspaper.

The British weekly also cited a UN report, due to be considered by the Security Council, which said there was "no doubt" that a large shipment of uranium 238 was transported from the Lubumbashi mines in the DR Congo.

The customs official said the uranium shipment was found hidden in a consignment of coltan, a rare mineral, which was destined for smelting in Kazakhstan after being transported through Bandar Abbas.

"There were several containers due to be shipped and they were all routinely scanned with a Geiger counter," he said.

"This one was very radioactive. When we opened the container it was full of drums of coltan. Each drum contains about 50kg of ore. When the first and second rows were removed the ones after that were found to be drums of uranium," he said.

"The container was put in a secure part of the port and it was later taken away, by the Americans, I think, or at least with their help. We have all been told not to talk to anyone about this."

The Sunday Times also quoted a source with access to security service assessments as saying that there was "great concern" about Iranian sleeper cells in Britain conducting reconnaissance at nuclear power plants in preparation for a possible attack.

Iran's top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said today his country would not suspend uranium enrichment, in a clear rejection of a UN resolution calling for a freeze of the sensitive nuclear work.

Iran insists it wants to enrich uranium only to make reactor fuel for power stations but the US and other countries suspect Tehran wants the capacity to make weapons-grade uranium.

The UN resolution requires Iran to halt uranium enrichment and other sensitive nuclear fuel work by August 31 or face the prospect of sanctions.
Posted by: tipper || 08/06/2006 08:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Smuggling a few containers of yellowcake?

Desperate. The Iranian mines must be nearly depleted?

Posted by: john || 08/06/2006 12:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Is the tea by the pool at the hotel cold? I'd be happy to check this story out.
Posted by: Ambassador "Honest" Joe Wilson || 08/06/2006 12:20 Comments || Top||

#3  That's OK Wilson. You can do your Muslim terrorist PR work someplace else. Like at the DNC headquarters.
Posted by: Icerigger || 08/06/2006 15:37 Comments || Top||

#4  The Iranian uranium is only about a third as concentrated as the stuff from the Congo. It's much easier to use Congolese uranium for a bomb than Iranian uranium, which needs extensive refinement. Also, most of the Congolese uranium is already partially enriched. It's radioactive enough to use in a crude "dirty bomb".
Posted by: Old Patriot || 08/06/2006 15:51 Comments || Top||

#5  ...IIRC the uranium in the first three US atomic bombs came from the Congo because of its relative purity.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 08/06/2006 18:34 Comments || Top||

#6  This has got to be the dumbest thing they've ever done.

Why would they do this? Did the US bait the Iranians with Congolese help?

Suppose there will be any consequences?
Posted by: gorb || 08/06/2006 18:47 Comments || Top||

#7  Congolese?

Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner available?
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 19:14 Comments || Top||

Hezbollah firing from hospitals
Sonia Verma
National Post
Saturday, August 05, 2006

TYRE, Lebanon - When Dr. Fouad Fatah emerged bleary-eyed from the ruins of his hospital during a pause in Israeli air strikes last week, it felt like the first time in forever.

He counted himself as the last living soul in the five-room clinic, the only hospital serving this devastated swath of Lebanon's south. His surviving patients had already been evacuated.

The surgeon led a group of journalists over what remained: mangled debris, shredded walls and a roof punched through by an Israeli shell.

"Look what they did to this place," Dr. Fatah said, shaking his head. "Why in the world would the Israelis target a hospital?"

The probable answer was found a few hours later in a field nearby. Hidden in the tall grass were the burned remnants of a rocket-launcher.

At last, the truth comes to light !

Confronted with the evidence, Dr. Fatah admitted his hospital could have been used as a site from which to fire rockets into Israel.

More details in the continuation of this very good article...

Posted by: leroidavid || 08/06/2006 01:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under:

#1  18:12 Aug 06, '06 / 12 Av 5766

(IsraelNN.com) Hizbullah terrorists have received weapons hidden beneath goods and supplies in trucks ostensibly destined for humanitarian aid, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told reporters Sunday afternoon. He instructed intelligence officers to explain to the press Hizbullah tactics.

The IDF has begun sending to the media films from ground troops and from pilots on Hizbullah actions, including the use of residences as storage centers for rocket launchers. One film shows a truck with rocket launchers entering a building.
Posted by: Legolas || 08/06/2006 12:23 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/06/2006 12:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Oh, those rockets...
Posted by: tu3031 || 08/06/2006 13:09 Comments || Top||

#4  I don't care if Hezbollah launches from daycare centers. Only consistent counter-battery is going to persuade the locals just how fatal unwise it is to tolerate the presence of these terrorist cretins. When apartment blocs open fire on arriving Hezbollah trucks, only then will a corner have been turned.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/06/2006 19:11 Comments || Top||

#5  It is not just Hezbollah - Lebanon and the people in southern Lebanon are guilty too. Every sovereign nation has the responsibility to abide by international law. Lebanon's claimed position as an innocent bystander is belied by the facts. It has allowed the Hezbollah terrorists to become entrenched in southern Lebanon where it is permitted to freely conduct its illegal terrorist operations. The idea that terrorists can conduct murderous terror operations from safe havens within willing sovereign nations ended with 9/11. Nations must make choices - they are either for or against the fundamentalist Islamist terrorists. A decision by a government to allow terrorists within its sovereign borders to accumulate rockets and arms and then discriminately fire those rockets into civilian populations of a neighboring state cannot be tolerated. When the terrorist forces within a country become so powerful they cannot be ontrolled by the government, then the government and the people within the country who by choice or acquiescence allowed this to happen have assumed the position of human shields protecting the terrorists. The consequences of such decisions assure that innocent people on both sides of the border will be become casualties, and those casualties are the responsibility of the terrorists and human shield government.

Posted by: Hank || 08/06/2006 19:46 Comments || Top||

#6  The idea that terrorists can conduct murderous terror operations from safe havens within willing sovereign nations ended with 9/11.

I heartily agree, Hank. All that remains is killing convincing the terrorists.
Posted by: Zenster || 08/06/2006 19:51 Comments || Top||

#7  Hank's got it
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 20:12 Comments || Top||

#8  Hezb'Allah was put into the government in an election by the Lebanese people. They are not innocent, they are complicit. The adults deserve what they get. The only innocents in Lebanon are the children.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/06/2006 20:50 Comments || Top||

#9  Let's not forget that the Lebanese civil war was one of the opening rounds in the current Islamic world war against the rest of us. Up until relatively recently, Lebanon was a majority Christian country. However, because of the formidable reproductive capacity of their captive females, the Islamists are now the majority--that and the propensity for the Christian Lebanese to immigrate to the west. Unfortunately, I think Lebanon is probably the Islamic model for the future of the west.

I'm sure that we will soon see the Muslim refugees from the south being sheltered in the Christian areas of Lebanon in "refugee camps". Once they are in place the whole area becomes Islamic property...
Posted by: Snick Thravise5199 || 08/06/2006 23:05 Comments || Top||

6 mortar shells launched at Israel, land in Syria
Six mortar shells that were fired from Lebanon on Saturday cleared the Golan Heights and landed in Syrian territory. The IDF assessed that the launch, the second that landed in Syria in the past 24 hours, was meant to encourage Damascus to join the fight against Israel.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  return to sender
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2006 6:58 Comments || Top||

#2  The Syrians can just darn well cheer for joy, like the Palestinians, as the things fall about their ears.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 8:50 Comments || Top||

#3  I would the Syrians would just give the Israelis an excuse to punish them
Posted by: Legolas || 08/06/2006 10:28 Comments || Top||

Israeli Strikes Hit Dozens of Targets in Lebanon
Israeli warplanes struck dozens of targets throughout Lebanon into the early morning hours today, and an Israeli commando raid in Tyre turned into a fierce gun battle. The aerial bombardment was particularly heavy in the southern port city of Tyre, where journalists could hear jet fighters, helicopters, the boom of bombs and the rattle of heavy machine-gun fire in the darkness. Helicopter gunships raked the streets leading into the city All told, the Israeli military said, its aircraft struck at 70 targets in Lebanon overnight, from Tyre in the southwest to the Hermel, at the upper end of the Bekaa Valley to the northeast, where they bombed a road leading to the Syrian city of Homs.

By late this afternoon, about 40 rockets had been fired into Israel, the police said, with one large cluster of about a dozen hitting Haifa. There were no serious casualties.

The air attack raging around Tyre for much of the night appeared to be cover for a raid by Israeli naval commandos on a four-room apartment used by Hezbollah guerrillas, leading to some of the most intense face-to-face fighting of the war so far. While details were still sketchy, and the accounts from both sides differed, it appeared the commandos landed by helicopter near an orange grove around 3 a.m. and crept up to the apartment, cutting their way through a chain link fence to reach it. Afterward, bloodstains on a wall and a parking lot indicated at least two mortal struggles, with bullet holes pocking the walls near the deep red marks.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  “We see them being launched from different places,” he said by telephone from his observation post in the border town of Naquora. “It’s not a pattern. They’re mobile.”

How very observant of you. Job well done UNIFIL! You must be so proud of your work. Did ya note any of the "positions" and pass it on? No? Didn't think so.
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 08/06/2006 8:55 Comments || Top||

#2  I like the two guys drone-zapped on a scooter..
for once, a true cycle of violence™ heh heh
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 9:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Hezzies are masochistic buggers.
Posted by: JohnQC || 08/06/2006 17:36 Comments || Top||

Beirut dismisses UN draft resolution
Lebanon has rejected a draft UN resolution proposed by the US and France that calls for "full cessation of hostilities" between Israel and Hezbollah. Nouhad Mahmoud, a Lebanese foreign ministry official, said on Sunday that the government "would have liked to see our concerns more reflected in the text" of the draft resolution.
“...the government "would have liked to see our concerns more reflected in the text...”
"Unfortunately, it lacked, for instance, a call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces which are now in Lebanon. That is a recipe for more confrontation." He said the government was also unhappy that the resolution does not call for the Shebaa Farms area to be put under UN control, as Lebanon has asked, while its future status is figured out.

The UN draft resolution was released on Saturday after Washington and Paris reached an agreement on the document's details. Mahmoud said Lebanon had proposed some amendments to make the draft more acceptable to Beirut. "It must address the concerns of the Lebanese people. Otherwise it won't fly," he said. He added that Beirut remained committed to the seven-point plan adopted last month by its cabinet, which includes Hezbollah ministers. The plan calls for an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon, the return of Lebanese people driven from their homes by the fighting and the deployment of UN and Lebanese forces in the south, along with the disarmament of Hezbollah.

Speaking after a cabinet meeting held to discuss the document, Ghazi Aridi, the Lebanese information minister, said:
“None of us will give up anything to do with national sovereignty, rights, dignity™...”
"Even this draft is not final ... we will not discuss the intentions of this side or that. None of us will give up anything to do with national sovereignty, rights, dignity," he said, affirming the government was committed "to Lebanon's territory, Lebanon's liberation, the withdrawal of the occupation from Lebanese land".

Mohammed Fneish, one of two Hezbollah cabinet ministers, said: "We [will] abide by it on condition that no Israeli soldier remains inside Lebanese land. If they stay, we will not abide by it."

“We will abide by it on condition that no Israeli soldier remains inside Lebanese land. If they stay, we will not abide by it...”
John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, said the draft was the start, not the end. "This is not a resolution that provides the comprehensive solution. I'm sure there are aspects of it that are displeasing to almost everyone but the point is this is a way to get started and that's what we hope to do."

An Israeli cabinet minister said the draft resolution put pressure on his country to complete its military operation quickly. "We have the coming days for lots of military moves. But we have to realise the timetable is getting shorter," said Isaac Herzog, the tourism minister and a member of the security cabinet. "It is a fact that we have to accept and act in accordance with," he said on Israeli Channel 1 television.

“... a full cessation of hostilities based upon, in particular, the immediate cessation by Hezbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations...”
The draft resolution's central demand is for "a full cessation of hostilities based upon, in particular, the immediate cessation by Hezbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations". The document charts a detailed path for the two sides to follow to achieve a lasting peace, envisioning a second resolution in a week or two that would authorise an international military force for southern Lebanon. Among those steps would be the creation of a large buffer zone in southern Lebanon free of both Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters, monitored by the Lebanese army and international peacekeepers. But it sets no timetable for the withdrawal of thousands of Israeli troops that have moved into southern Lebanon in recent days.

Nassir al-Nasser, Qatar's ambassador to the UN, the Security Council's only Arab member, said: "If we call for cessation of hostilities, then what after that? The Israeli forces are on the territory of Lebanon. They should go back."

“The draft also called for Hezbollah to be disarmed and for Lebanon's borders to be solidified, especially in the disputed Shebaa Farms area...”
The draft also called for Hezbollah to be disarmed and for Lebanon's borders to be solidified, especially in the disputed Shebaa Farms area, occupied by Israel since 1967. Another element was an arms embargo that would block any entity in Lebanon except the national government from obtaining weapons from abroad. That was aimed at blocking the sale or supply of arms to Hezbollah from Iran and Syria, which are believed to be the group's main backers. The resolution would put significant pressure on Lebanon's government, which ceded control of the south to Hezbollah.

A vote on the resolution is expected within the next few days. Some political analysts said the UN initiative would be difficult to put into practice. "There's going to be a huge gap between the content of this resolution and the military and psychological reality on the ground [which] will make it hard to implement," said Shibley Telhami, a Middle East expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington. Telhami said one problem was that Hezbollah has not been involved with drafting the resolution. "It isn't clear that they (Hezbollah) have any input in this, and it's hard to see how you're going to implement something like this [without it]."
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  IOW, the Lebbies demand, Demand, DEMAND, D-E-M-A-N-D to be Iranians, Shias, repressed and regresssed and anti-democratic in the name of God.
Posted by: JosephMendiola || 08/06/2006 1:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Inshallah Joe, inshallah.
Posted by: Seafarious || 08/06/2006 1:16 Comments || Top||

#3  The Lebanese government thinks it can make demands -- instead of apologizing for letting a bunch of terrorists use their land to attack Israel. Maybe more destruction is what they need.

I predict no resolution passed in the next 10 days. Not saying one will be passed on the 11th day either...
Posted by: Kalle (kafir forever) || 08/06/2006 1:29 Comments || Top||

#4  The Lebanese just broke the world record of pretentiousness...
Posted by: leroidavid || 08/06/2006 1:33 Comments || Top||

#5  The resolution was rejected? Darn the luck. Better go back and start all over again..and invite the Ambassador from Chad and Pago Pago.

Im sure they will have a lot to contribute!
Posted by: Oldcat || 08/06/2006 1:34 Comments || Top||

#6  Telhami said one problem was that Hezbollah has not been involved with drafting the resolution. "It isn't clear that they (Hezbollah) have any input in this, and it's hard to see how you're going to implement something like this [without it]."

Normal people don't discuss with terrorists: they kill them. That's the only treatment for this plague.
Posted by: leroidavid || 08/06/2006 1:37 Comments || Top||

#7  This is shaping up to be a major defreat for Hizbollocks, Iran and Syria. We may well see Hizb substantially disarmed. Much humiliation and seething to precede and follow.
Posted by: phil_b || 08/06/2006 2:34 Comments || Top||

#8  Muzzies keep DEMANDING, they never take responsibility for any mess of their own making.
Posted by: Duh! || 08/06/2006 4:41 Comments || Top||

#9  Scrub down Lebanon and start over
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2006 7:03 Comments || Top||

#10  Just don't forget to send in the archeologists to restore the historic bits, after. Mankind's heritage, and all that -- and Israel has some of the world's best archeologists for the key periods. Who know? They may find more evidence of the House of David, especially the key, semi-mythical Solomonic Period. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 8:53 Comments || Top||

#11  Being done as we speak.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 08/06/2006 8:56 Comments || Top||

#12  sorry, it posted out of context.

#9 Scrub down Lebanon and start over
#11 Being done as we speak.
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 08/06/2006 8:58 Comments || Top||

#13  None of us will give up anything to do with national sovereignty, rights, dignity," he said, affirming the government was committed "to Lebanon's territory, Lebanon's liberation, the withdrawal of the occupation from Lebanese land".

Lebanon has already given up sovereignty, dignity and rights to Hezb. They've given up the country to terrorists.

Israel is in the process of liberating you from terrorist control. Wanna take the blinders off and lend a hand?
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412 || 08/06/2006 9:04 Comments || Top||

#14  Hey Mahmoud! Shebaa Farms is Syrian by UN order, asshole. They just lost it along with the Golan. Don't start wars you can't win is the message, that's why Assad lets your country take the beating. Proxy loser!
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 9:10 Comments || Top||

#15  I was watching some of the UN resolution blather on Fox. What a bunch of crap. I remember in, what was it, 1958, when Eisenhower sent in troops to Lebanon, the UN Lebanese rep was going on and on with the same blather. The problem is that the UNies will not admit that these terrorists are terrorists. Good and evil. These countries try negotiating with murderers. It is truly a mad hatter's tea party. I could not stand it any more and watched a show about making an aircraft carrier.....and I felt a whole lot better.
Posted by: Alaska Paul in Hooper Bay, AK || 08/06/2006 12:53 Comments || Top||

#16  Lebanon is signatory to the Geneva Conventions. Does that mean they are responsible for Hezb'Allah's war crimes? As far as I am concerned, they are because they aren't doing anything meaningful to control Hezb'Allah. Perhaps this ought to be factored into their rejecting this resolution.
Posted by: gorb || 08/06/2006 14:00 Comments || Top||

#17  Technically, it makes sense that the Lebanese government should be, gorb. After all, Hizb'allah is the largest single party inside the government, even controlling two cabinet ministries. And, the Lebanese government has not only never openly disavowed Hizb'allah antics, but has said the Army will back them if necessary and in another article the PM is looking for Pakistani troops to fight for the Fatherland.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 15:23 Comments || Top||

#18  Perhaps we should get someone in Brussels to file a law suit.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 08/06/2006 15:34 Comments || Top||

#19  I'm sure three or four ARCLIGHT strikes down through the center of Beirut would convince them to sign ANYTHING, just to get them to stop. We don't fight wars, we play games. I'm disgusted. Nuke Tehran, nuke Qom, and nuke Damascus. Run ARCLIGHT strikes down through the center of the Bekaa valley until it's nothing but ground sand. Screw Baalbek and its "roman ruins" - it's just another hiding place for arab perfidity. Eliminate Tyre and Sidon. Show these idiots what real war means, and make them wet themselves just for thinking about it. George Patton is spinning at 70,000rpm.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 08/06/2006 15:58 Comments || Top||

#20  Looks like it might come to that OP. There's 2 things we can do, solve the problem now or pass it down to the next guy. What do you thing W ? What do you think Olmert ? Solve or pass ?
Posted by: wxjames || 08/06/2006 17:06 Comments || Top||

#21  John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, said the draft was the start, not the end

I've got to take the kids to camp. I think I'm going to have some important family matter to attend to. I haven't taken any vacation and need some time off. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Talk amongst yourselves while I'm gone. Thanks. Sincerely, John Bolton
Posted by: JohnQC || 08/06/2006 17:52 Comments || Top||

#22  Over at the Counterterrorism blog, Walid Phares is saying that REUTERS IS HIJACKING LEBANON'S ANSWER TO THE UN
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 08/06/2006 22:03 Comments || Top||

Clashes between IDF and Hizbullah in Ita A-Sha'ab
Heavy exchanges of fire were taking place between IDF and Hizbullah in the Lebanese village of Ita A-Sha'ab Saturday afternoon. No casualties were reported.

IDF uncovers 100 mortar shells in s. Lebanon
IDF forces uncovered mortar weaponry with a diameter of 120 mm. aimed towards Israel in the village of Mehaviv in south Lebanon on Saturday night. Found next to the mortar, were approximately one hundred mortar shells ready for use.

Barrage of rockets strikes Haifa area; 10 wounded
A barrage of some three rockets was fired on Saturday from Lebanon, landing in the Haifa area. MDA reported that they had treated ten people who were wounded in the attack, including five who sustained light wounds from shrapnel and five others who suffered from anxiety.

Rocket barrage disrupts Haifa-area power supply
The electrical supply to cities in the Haifa area was disrupted by the barrage of rockets that fell in the area on Saturday morning. The Israel Electric Company asserted that power should be restored within some two hours.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

IAF Attacks BeirutŽs Bridges and Bekaa Valley Power Station
IAF fighter jets attacked at least 15 targets around Beirut on Friday - three bridges linking Beirut with north Lebanon and a bridge linking Beirut to the south. It was the first time Israel struck a major Christian population center to the north of the Lebanese capital. Four civilians were killed and ten wounded in the strike, according to the Lebanese Red Cross.

The IAF also attacked a power station in the southern Bekaa Valley, causing a blackout in the area of Kiraoun. Four bridges on the main north-south coastal highway were hit. The road links Beirut to Syria. Three more bridges, linking Beirut to northern Lebanon were also destroyed. The bridges were located in Maameltain, Madfoun and Halat.

South of Beirut, a Lebanese soldier was killed in an air strike on an army base near the airport. Three were also killed as warplanes targeted a building, a 'safe house' and an office used by Hizbullah terrorists in the Dahiyeh neighborhood in south Beirut. The IAF also flew 15 sorties over the neighborhood of Ouzai, another Hizbullah stronghold. The highway to the south begins in the southern Beirut neighborhood.

The attacks come in the wake of a threat by Hizbullah chief terrorist Hassan Nasrallah, who warned on Thursday that Tel Aviv would become the next target if Beirut was attacked. “If you bomb our capital Beirut, we will bomb the capital of your usurping entity,” he said. “We will bomb Tel Aviv.” The White City, as Tel Aviv is known, remains untouched thus far.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Great Photoshopped picture! Reuters, I presume? ;-p
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 08/06/2006 14:37 Comments || Top||

#2  that's an actual pic....excellent work for bridge builders in Lebanon in the future :-)
Posted by: Frank G || 08/06/2006 14:52 Comments || Top||

#3  It's a still shot taken from a video. I saw the video on Fox. Looks like an earth-shattering kaboom.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 08/06/2006 18:08 Comments || Top||

#4  "Looks like an earth-shattering kaboom."

I certainly hope so, Deacon. ;-p
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 08/06/2006 19:48 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
Al-Qaeda recruits Egyptian group
Al-Qaeda's deputy leader says an Egyptian group has joined its network. The Egyptian group, Jamaa Islamiya, is apparently a revived version of a group that waged a campaign of violence in Egypt during the 1990s but was crushed in a government crackdown. "We announce to the Islamic nation the good news of the unification of a great faction of the knights of the Jamaa Islamiya ... with the al-Qaeda group," Ayman al-Zawahiri said in a videotape aired on Aljazeera on Saturday.

“We announce to the Islamic nation the good news of the unification of a great faction of the knights of the Jamaa Islamiya ... with the al-Qaeda group...”
Al-Zawahiri said the Egyptian group was led by Muhammad al-Islambouli, the younger brother of Khaled al-Islambouli, who assassinated Anwar al-Sadat, the then Egyptian president, in 1979 and was later executed. Muhammad al-Islambouli left Egypt in the mid-1980s and was believed to have been in Afghanistan working with al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, said Diaa Rashwan, an Egyptian expert on armed groups.

It was the first time that al-Qaeda has announced an Egyptian branch, but it was not clear whether the new version of Jamaa Islamiya really has a presence on the ground in the country. The Egyptian government detained many thousands of Jamaa Islamiya members or sympathisers in the 1990s, when the group was waging a low-level guerrilla war against the security forces, mainly in the south of the country. Hundreds have come out of detention over the years after renouncing the use of violence to overthrow the government. And its leaders declared a truce with the government in 1997, after an attack on tourists in Luxor. The group has not claimed any attacks since the late 1990s.

Egypt has seen a string of bombings against tourist resorts in the Sinai Peninsula since October 2004, killing 98 people. Egyptian authorities have said those attacks were carried out by a group calling itself Monotheism and Jihad [al-Tawhid wal Jihad], with links to Palestinian fighters.
Actually, the links would be with Zark's al-Tawhid organization, but close enough.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This reminds me of the the illusions fostered by local political groups concreting on the web. A 10-person lefty group in upper Washington State meets up with another 10-person group in lower WA and suddenly they have 20-person protests. From their perpective they've doubled in numbers; but the independent reality is that they are not more, and the actuality is that several are about to lose their dead-end jobs because they've skipped out of work too often. Besides, they are all going broke because they are spending considerably more on gasoline driving all over the landscape to protest the cause du jour.

Is it so also in this case, do y'all think?
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 2:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Since the evil doctor is an Egyptian who was also jailed for the killing of Sadat, I see very little newsworthy in this merger.
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2006 7:05 Comments || Top||

#3  This sounds like an extension of the practice of taking name of fallen comrades. Now they are using the names of defunk terror groups. I vote the next be called red september, it always had a frightening ring to it. Or Saladin.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 08/06/2006 9:31 Comments || Top||

#4  Or Crimson Jihad.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 10:24 Comments || Top||

#5  When you run into recruiting problems, you announce a merger.
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2006 16:28 Comments || Top||

Good morning...
Ringleader of Internet scam arrested in NigeriaBeirut dismisses UN draft resolutionAl-Qaeda recruits Egyptian groupAl-Qaeda recruits Egyptian groupPlot to bomb Hyderabad mosque foiledUganda rebels declare ceasefireSudan refuses international forces in DarfurBritons to stage 'masturbate-a-thon'
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  101565 articles and 475000 comments are archived on Rantburg at 00:34

Congrats RB! 475K comments, some of them even worth reading!
Posted by: Seafarious || 08/06/2006 0:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Wowzers. Joe was #475,000.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2006 0:38 Comments || Top||

#3  Kat Woman purrrrrrr me!
Posted by: RB scholar || 08/06/2006 0:39 Comments || Top||

#4  Joe 2008
Posted by: RB scholar || 08/06/2006 0:39 Comments || Top||

#5  She was mucho hot befre Batman.
Posted by: Sock Puppet of Doom || 08/06/2006 1:11 Comments || Top||

#6  I reckon close to 10,000 of those comments are mine.
Posted by: phil_b || 08/06/2006 1:50 Comments || Top||

Posted by: 6 || 08/06/2006 6:00 Comments || Top||

#8  Should've included the link from LGF that shows Reuters doctored photos. Get some chuckles out of that for sure.
Posted by: Charles || 08/06/2006 7:45 Comments || Top||

#9  Joementum really nails it again!
Posted by: Inspector Clueso || 08/06/2006 8:33 Comments || Top||

#10  18:12 Aug 06, '06 / 12 Av 5766

(IsraelNN.com) Hizbullah terrorists have received weapons hidden beneath goods and supplies in trucks ostensibly destined for humanitarian aid, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told reporters Sunday afternoon. He instructed intelligence officers to explain to the press Hizbullah tactics.

The IDF has begun sending to the media films from ground troops and from pilots on Hizbullah actions, including the use of residences as storage centers for rocket launchers. One film shows a truck with rocket launchers entering a building.
Posted by: Legolas || 08/06/2006 12:23 Comments || Top||

#11  Nice find, Legolas. Israel has to keep pounding away at Hizb'allah perfidy if they are to keep their winnings this time around, as they absolutely must. Hopefully they'll be sure to mention that these are *not* falsified Reuters photos -- R. couldn't possibly be more of an enemy than they already are.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2006 14:56 Comments || Top||

#12  Thank you, Wang Foo.
Posted by: Scott R || 08/06/2006 18:58 Comments || Top||

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Sun 2006-08-06
  Beirut dismisses UN draft resolution
Sat 2006-08-05
  U.S., France OK U.N. Mideast Truce Pact
Fri 2006-08-04
  IDF Ordered to Advance to Litani River
Thu 2006-08-03
  Record number of rockets hit Israeli north
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  IDF pushes into Leb
Tue 2006-08-01
  Iran rejects UN demand to suspend uranium enrichment
Mon 2006-07-31
  IAF strikes road from Lebanon to Damascus
Sun 2006-07-30
  Israel OKs suspension of aerial activity
Sat 2006-07-29
  Iran stops would-be Hizbullah volunteers at border
Fri 2006-07-28
  Iranian "volunteers" leave for Leb
Thu 2006-07-27
  Ceasefire negotiations flop
Wed 2006-07-26
  Leb Paleos to join Hizbullah
Tue 2006-07-25
  Egypt: US Mideast plan 'preposterous'
Mon 2006-07-24
  Hamas, I-J rocket Sderot. Surprise.
Sun 2006-07-23
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