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Blair Announces Measures to Combat Terrorism
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Police Seize Weapons in Madinah
Police seized weapons and explosives during a raid in Kuraidah, an area south of Madinah, Al-Watan newspaper reported. The weapons found inside an abandoned well were kept there a few days ago, the newspaper quoted sources as saying. Police described the operation as a big success that foiled a terror attack at a time when the government machinery was busy making security arrangements for the funeral of King Fahd. Police sources do not rule out the possibility that the weapons could be concealed there by Saleh Al-Oufi, one of 26 most wanted terrorists.
Alternatively, the cache could have been for the wedding of his second son by his third wife.
Sources said Al-Oufi might have hidden the weapons and explosives for a terrorist operation. They said that there was a strong link between the discovery of the weapons and the investigation of Muhammad Al-Amri, another wanted suspect, who was arrested two weeks ago in Madinah. The sources pointed out that Al-Oufi was hiding somewhere in Madinah area. They said that since he is originally from Madinah and very much familiar with places there, he has been able to dodge the police for so long. He fled to Madinah after police mounted search in Riyadh and Jeddah. A large number of police and fire department units took part in the operation that yielded the weapons and explosives.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Conspiracy charge for July 21 suspect
BRITISH police charged a 24-year-old man overnight with conspiracy to murder on London's public transit system on July 21, and possession of an explosive substance.

Yassin Hassan Omar, 24, from north London, will appear in court on Monday over the charges -- the first stemming directly from a failed attempt on July 21 to repeat the July 7 bombings, which left 56 people dead.

In a statement, the Metropolitan Police said Omar was charged with conspiring with others unknown, on or before July 21, "to murder passengers on the transport for London system".
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 19:16 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Saudis say they warned U.K about Attacks
SAUDI officials alerted Britain several weeks before the deadly July 7 bombings in London that a terror attack was being planned, two Sunday newspapers reported.

The Observer quoted a security official in the Saudi capital Riyadh as saying that information was passed to MI5 and MI6, Britain's domestic and foreign intelligence agencies respectively.
The Sunday Telegraph quoted the Saudi ambassador to Britain, Prince Turki al-Faisal, as saying that details of a possible conspiracy to attack London -- apparently extracted from terrorism suspects in Saudi Arabia -- had been given to British intelligence.

"There were reports passed on to your authorities several months ago (in April-May) in general terms of a heightened expectancy of attacks on London," said the ambassador, a former chief of Saudi intelligence.

Security sources played down the reports. The Observer quoted one source as "categorically" denying that any specific information had been received that could have averted the July 7 attacks.

The source said they "did not recognise" the details of the Saudi claims, which came to light one month to the day after the attacks.

There was no immediate comment from the Foreign Office or the Home Office, but Prime Minister Tony Blair has previously rejected suggestions of an intelligence failure.
Fifty-six people were killed, including four apparent suicide bombers, in the July 7 morning rush-hour bombing of three Underground subway trains and a double-decker bus.

It was the deadliest attack ever in the British capital, and was followed two weeks later by an attempted copycat attack in which the explosives, stuffed into rucksacks, failed to go off.

Saudi security sources were reported Sunday to be investigating whether two al-Qaeda operatives were in phone contact with a British ringleader of the plotters of the July 7 bombings.

Money transfers were thought to have been made from Saudi Arabia to Britain in the first six months of the year through businesses in the two countries, it was reported.

The Observer and the Sunday Telegraph said the investigations revolve around two Moroccans, identified as Kareem al-Majati and Younes al-Hayari, both alleged to have been senior figures in Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.

The two were killed in separate shoot-outs in Saudi Arabia in the weeks before July 7.

The Observer quoted a Saudi official as saying: "It was clear to us that there was a terror group planning an attack in the United Kingdom. We passed on all this information to both MI5 and MI6."

The official was quoted as saying that investigations were underway into whether calls made by the two Moroccans to Britain were directly to the London bombers.

"It is our conclusion that either these were linked or that a completely different terror network is still at large in Britain," he added.

Prince Turki was quoted in The Observer as saying in a statement: "There was certainly close liaison between the Saudi Arabian intelligence authorities and the British intelligence authorities some time ago, when information was passed to Britain about a heightened terrorist threat to London."

To the Sunday Telegraph, he said: "In the course of an exchange of information between the kingdom and the UK, there were reports passed on to your authorities several months ago (in April-May) in general terms of a heightened expectancy of attacks on London."

"This information came in the form of statements made under interrogation from terrorists who had been arrested in the kingdom and other places," he said, without indicating where the "other places" were.
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 19:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

#1  in general terms of a heightened expectancy of attacks on London Not exactly specific enough to be actionable, is it. Not even specific enough for MI5/6 to even do follow-on investigations of their own.
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2005 22:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Another CYA moment brought to you by the House of Saud. No, no, don't thank us. It's the least we could do...
Posted by: Pappy || 08/06/2005 22:48 Comments || Top||

Blair Announces Sweeping New Measures to Combat Terrorism
British Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday declared an all-out war on extremists and foreigners who come to Britain and abuse their responsibilities. In an uncompromising tone and hard-line stance on extremists, the prime minister announced sweeping new powers in the wake of the 7/7 London suicide bombings and the failed 7/21 attacks. And he gave notice that he will recall Parliament early in September to debate the powers and to push them through.

Already he has confirmed that Britain is to ban extremist organizations such as Hizbut Tahrir and Al-Muhajiroon, whose unofficial head is Omar Bakri Mohammed. Omar fears a retrospective application of the new powers, which would mean deporting him to his native Syria, where he is wanted on various charges. The announcement signaled the government's intention to tackle this issue head on and to keep the momentum of the fight against terrorism going, at a time when Blair is poised to go on his annual holiday, and his two senior ministers are already away.

“We are today signalling a new approach to deportation orders. Let no one be in any doubt, the rules of the game have changed,” stressed Blair. “We welcome people here who are peaceful and law-abiding. People who want to be British citizens, should share our values and our way of life. But if you come to our country from abroad, don’t meddle in extremism. Because if you meddle in it, or get engaged in it, you are going to go back out again. Coming to Britain is not a right. And even when people have come here, staying here carries with it a duty.”

The sweeping new measures include a new law making it an offense to “condone or glorify violence and extremism”. There will also be a database of individuals involved in hate and terror, and anyone on the list who is a foreign national will be kept out of the country or deported. There will be a maximum time limit for extraditing terrorist suspects. One Algerian has been held in the maximum-security Belmarsh Prison for 10 years and has still not been extradited to France for trial.

The measures will make it easier for the government to deport foreign nationals who advocate terrorism, and Blair warned that if necessary, he may amend Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which is incorporated into the UK Human Rights Act. Article 3 refers to the Shalal Case in 1996 when the European Courts ruled that where deportees were faced with torture or the death penalty on return to their home countries, this outweighed any national security considerations for the sending countries.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I watched it on CSPAN. Quite nuanced and interesting. Some say ... but that position would be reprehensible... however ... then he gives the justfication one could have for that position and jumps to the next point. Very very nuanced.
Posted by: 3dc || 08/06/2005 0:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Tony man among euro boyz
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 1:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Talk is cheap, I want to see the action.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 08/06/2005 7:34 Comments || Top||

#4  Introducing Big Balls Tony.
Posted by: Criling Glomose9307 || 08/06/2005 10:15 Comments || Top||

#5  ...a new law making it an offense to “condone or glorify violence...

But what will Quentin Tarantino do for a living?
Posted by: Zpaz || 08/06/2005 11:03 Comments || Top||

#6  ..database of individuals involved in hate..

I'm in trouble then. I hate my Mother-in-Law. So what if she's having my baby, I'm not lettin' her back in the house.
Posted by: Zpaz || 08/06/2005 11:06 Comments || Top||

#7  One Algerian has been held in the maximum-security Belmarsh Prison for 10 years and has still not been extradited to France for trial

Tony: I'm not takin' 'em. You take 'em.
Jacques: No, I'm not takin' 'em, you take him.
Tony: No you.
Jacques: No you.
Tony: Wait, I know. We'll get Pervy to take 'em.
Jacques: Naw, he won't take 'em. He hates everything.
--munch, munch, munch--
Tony: Hey Pervy. He likes 'em! He likes 'em!
Posted by: Zpaz || 08/06/2005 11:13 Comments || Top||

Down Under
Australia to compile terror list
AUSTRALIA is working with Britain to compile a database of suspected extremists who could be deported from the country.

It will also examine Britain's new laws, which give authorities the power to close places of worship which are being used as centres for inciting extremism.
The move comes ahead of next month's national terrorism summit in Canberra, which will focus on the need to increase security measures.

The Sunday Telegraph can also reveal that the Prime Minister has planned a meeting with Islamic leaders in a further measure to combat hate-preaching.

It is understood the Federal Government wants to enter both meetings with a fresh approach and does not want to be committed to following Britain's lead.

The meeting with Islamic community members will be held in Sydney or Canberra.

Senior ministers will also be invited to attend.
The discussions will focus on ways the Government and the community can counter apologists for terrorism and people who advocate violence as a solution to problems.

In other measures to prevent a terrorist attack, Australia's security agencies are understood to be working closely with Britain to compile a more comprehensive database of suspected extremists from around the world.

The list will include overseas-born extremist Islamic clerics, people inciting terrorism on websites, and those known to have trained in Pakistan or Iraq.

Senior ministers and members of the Islamic Council, in addition to community leaders, will be among those who will be invited to attend the talks.

In the UK yesterday, Tony Blair announced new powers to deport or deny entry to foreign nationals who "foster hatred" and an automatic refusal of asylum to anyone who has participated in terrorist activity.

A spokeswoman for the Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, said the issue of deporting individuals was complex because of citizenship.

Many people who became citizens of Australia did so after relinquishing their citizenship from their birth country.

Among those who could be at risk are Abu Bakr, a militant Muslim living in Australia since 1989, who describes Osama bin Laden as "a great man".

He has had his passport confiscated by ASIO. [Australian Security Intelligence Organisation]

Sheik Mohammed Omran, who said the US Government, and not the al-Qaeda leader, was responsible for the September 11 attacks will also be a target of authorities.
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 19:12 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Maybe Thugburg could be useful Down Under
Posted by: SwissTex || 08/06/2005 22:08 Comments || Top||

Hizb ut-Tahir islamic under investigation in Aust.....
THE Federal Government has ordered an urgent ASIO report into a radical Islamic organisation in Sydney.

The Hizb ut-Tahir group which has been banned in Britain describes suicide bombers as martyrs and denounces Western values.
A Sydney newspaper has reported that Attorney-General Philip Ruddock asked for the investigation into the group, which has been meeting secretly in western Sydney.

Islamic community leaders have already complained the group, known also as the Party of Islamic Liberation distributes anti-Western literature.

The paper reports the group will be banned in Australia if the ASIO report finds it poses a threat to security or encourages terrorist behaviour.
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 19:37 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It looks like the London attacks were the straw that broke the camel's back ... at least for the Anglosphere. This is good!
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2005 22:38 Comments || Top||

John Howard to meet with Muslim leaders
Prime Minister John Howard will host a meeting of Australia's senior Muslims to discuss ways of dealing with those who encourage violence.

Mr Howard is this week expected to write to the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) and other senior Muslims, inviting them to a summit on the issue.

The move comes after the London bombings and after concerns were raised about a Melbourne cleric, who says he would be betraying his faith if he advised his students not to attend terrorist training camps.

Mr Howard announced on Friday plans for a summit on terrorism with the state and territory leaders.

The meeting will consider measures including identity cards, transport security and tougher anti-terror laws to curb the threat of terrorism.
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 19:40 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Sydney unveils terror attack plan
Text messages on mobile phones will alert hundreds of wardens to begin evacuating office workers and shoppers from Sydney's central business district in the event of a terrorist attack, according to a plan unveiled on Friday. Modeled on the strategy used in the aftermath of the recent London bombings, people in Australia's largest city will be told to gather at three open-air evacuation sites in the business district where they will be directed to the best transport route home. "Our counter terrorism agencies have moved quickly to learn from the recent attacks in London," New South Wales state Premier Morris Iemma said in announcing the evacuation plan. Iemma said publicizing the three evacuation sites risked making the areas, which would be crowded with thousands of people, potential targets. "It is about managing the risk. People are entitled to get information as to where they go, because we know if an attack does occur, there is confusion, there is fear," said Iemma.

Australia, a staunch U.S. ally with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, has steadily strengthened security and anti-terrorism laws since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. The country has never yet been the target of a major attack, but 88 Australians were among 202 people killed in the October 2002 nightclub bombings on the Indonesian island of Bali and the Australian embassy in Jakarta was hit by a suicide bomb in 2004. Prime Minister John Howard is expected to beef up counter-terrorism laws in the aftermath of the London bombings and following a recent review of Australian security.

This week security authorities said up to 60 suspected Islamic extremists were under surveillance in Australia's two largest cities, Melbourne and Sydney. Two Australians, one a former Qantas baggage handler and the other a Pakistan-born architect, are awaiting trial on terrorism charges in Sydney. Architect Faheem Khalid Lodhi faces nine charges, including planning to carry out attacks in Sydney "involving the bombing of one or more establishments". Bilal Khazal, 35, is charged with compiling a terrorist manual from the Internet.
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wipe your feet before entering the mosque, please. Thanks.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 08/06/2005 1:19 Comments || Top||

#2  The wardens are a good idea. I wonder, though, if the emphasis on "evacuation" is just a leak for the benefit of the public. If there is a truly serious attack, setting up roadblocks/checkpoints should be the first priority, to catch perps, and control the movement of infected, contaminated, or simply panicked victims. A panicked crowd might unwittingly flee into a kill zone.
Posted by: Rory B. Bellows || 08/06/2005 2:34 Comments || Top||

Finnish Police: No explosives have been found
FINNISH police sealed off ports in Helsinki and searched heavy vehicles on board ferries from Estonia today after receiving a tip-off that a truck loaded with explosives might be on its way to the capital.

Police said their search found nothing suspicious.
"We came here to make sure that there is no threat and now we've done what we came here for, and now we are leaving," Helsinki police sergeant Ari Eskola said.

Helsinki is on the south coast of Finland 80 kilometres across the Baltic Sea from the former Soviet republic of Estonia.

"We received a tip-off that a truck on a ferry that should be on its way here from Estonia has been loaded with explosives," Helsinki police chief inspector Mika Poyry said earlier.

Finland has stepped up security amid the athletics world championships, which began in Helsinki today and continues until August 14.

About 3,000 athletes and officials from almost 200 countries are taking part in the championships.
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 19:33 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Dutch freeze proceedings against jihad boy
The Dutch national prosecutor’s office yesterday froze proceedings against a Dutch man of Iraqi origin, Wesam Al-Delaema, accused of planning attacks on US convoys in Fallujah, Iraq with a weapon of mass destruction. Proceedings were stopped pending Washington’s decision to extradite him.
Conventional bombs are not weapons of mass destruction. But I repeat myself...
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  weapon of mass destruction? In Iraq?

Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 1:10 Comments || Top||

#2  But that just isn't possible, Babs Boxer said so.
Posted by: Criling Glomose9307 || 08/06/2005 10:18 Comments || Top||

#3  I am wondering if this act freezes things in such a way that he can't be extraditied?
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 08/06/2005 18:34 Comments || Top||

Fifth Column
George Galloway and Michael Moor are doing a great service to the terrorists
I think the latest message from Alqaeda that was sent through Ayman Al Zawahiri did not carry anything that new to us but it did confirm, in my opinion, what many of us believed regarding the relation between terrorism and the war in Iraq.
Read the rest
Posted by: Glavimble Thomosh1217 || 08/06/2005 19:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I thought this site was for NEWS!

Still, interesting to hear an Iraqi poin of view!

Posted by: Bobby || 08/06/2005 23:03 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Horrors of Horrors: The 9/11 Commission that Refuses to Die
The White House has failed to turn over any of the information requested by the 10 members of the disbanded Sept. 11 commission in their renewed, unofficial investigation into whether the government is doing enough to prevent terrorist attacks on American soil, commission members said.

The members said that the Bush administration's lack of cooperation was hindering a project that was otherwise nearly complete.

Thomas H. Kean, the former Republican governor of New Jersey who led the bipartisan Sept. 11 commission, said he was surprised and disappointed that the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and several other executive branch agencies had failed to respond to requests made two months ago for updated information on the government's antiterrorism programs.

The requests came not from the disbanded commission, which was created by Congress, and had subpoena powers, but from its shadow group, which the members call the 9/11 Public Discourse Project. It was established by the members of the Sept. 11 commission when the panel formally went out of business last August, shortly after releasing a unanimous report that called for an overhaul of the nation's counterterrorism agencies.

"It's very disappointing," Mr. Kean said of the administration's failure to cooperate with the group. "All we're trying to do is make the public safer."

Mr. Kean said there had been no response of any sort to interview requests for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld; Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; Porter J. Goss, the C.I.A. director; Robert S. Mueller III, the F.B.I. director, and Andrew H. Card Jr., the White House chief of staff, among others.

A White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, would not answer directly when asked if the administration intended to respond to the project's requests for information before next month, when the group is scheduled to publish an updated report that assesses the progress of the government's counterterrorism.

Ms. Perino said that much of the information sought by the private group was available from public sources.

"We welcome their interest in seeing their recommendations implemented," Ms. Perino said. "There is ample public information available for them to review about all of the actions we continue to take to better protect the American people."

She said that the administration had provided "unprecedented" cooperation to the commission during the official investigation, including access to more than two million documents.

Several executive branch agencies had no immediate comment when asked Friday whether they intended to provide additional information to the project, but the Department of Homeland Security said it intended to provide a package of information.

In telephone interviews in which he repeatedly expressed his frustration with the White House, Mr. Kean said the Public Discourse Project intended to publish its "report card" next month with or without the administration's assistance, although he said that "obviously it's most helpful to have the information from the agencies that are trying to implement the reforms."

"Honestly, I thought they would want to cooperate," he said of the White House and the agencies. "I thought it would give them a chance to tell their story. They have made some progress."

Mr. Kean would not forecast the conclusions of the new report, except to say it would be "tough but fair" in assessing the work of government agencies involved in counterterrorism.

Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 19:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go."

Oliver Cromwell

Posted by: Mark E. || 08/06/2005 20:29 Comments || Top||

#2  "I beseech ye, in the bowels of Christ think ye that ye may be mistaken"

Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 08/06/2005 22:02 Comments || Top||

#3  I think it's a power deal.
Yes let it go, if you want to work on homeland security, call them and see what you can do to help if anything. Don't waste their time having to report to you Mr. Kean.
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 22:15 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Bashir's Bali sentence stands
INDONESIA'S supreme court had rejected a final appeal by militant Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir to overturn a 30-month sentence for his role in instigating the Bali bombings, his lawyer said today. "We have not received an official letter of the ruling from the supreme court, but we did receive a verbal confirmation," Muhammad Assegaf said.

In March, a Jakarta court sentenced Bashir for his involvement in a criminal conspiracy that led to the October 2002 Bali bombings, in which 202 people, including 88 Australians, were killed, but cleared him of more serious charges of planning terrorist attacks. In May, the Jakarta High Court upheld the ruling against Bashir, whom some foreign governments accuse of being the spiritual leader of the Southeast Asian extremist group Jemaah Islamiyah, blamed for a series of deadly attacks in recent years. Today, Mr Assegaf said the 66-year-old cleric "flatly rejected" the supreme court ruling and deemed it an "act of injustice".
Ummm... He's the one in jug, not them. He can reject or accept or ignore, the result remains the same...
"Ustad's (teacher) stance is clear. He said he would not sign any paper confirming the ruling and saw it as an intervention by foreign countries on Indonesia's legal system," the lawyer said. "He has been oppressed from the start by this government or the previous one. He said he would not seek a presidential pardon." No immediate confirmation from the supreme court was available.

Bashir's lawyers had argued the guilty verdict against him was solely based on an uncorroborated police statement submitted in his trial that was attributed to a key convicted Bali bomber named Utomo Pamungkas, alias Mubarok. Mubarok appeared in the witness stand at one of Bashir's trial sessions but refused to answer questions.

Judges said Bashir's words to Mubarok and another convicted Bali bomber Amrozi during a meeting in the Java island city of Solo in 2002 constituted conspiracy. Bashir, according to a statement allegedly made by Mubarok during police questioning, told them, "I leave it up to you," when he was notified by Amrozi that he and his friends were planning "a program" in Bali.

Australia and the United States have criticised the sentence as too lenient. They insist Bashir is the spiritual leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah militant group blamed for Bali bombings and other deadly attacks. Bashir was arrested a week after the Bali bombings and was first put on trial the following year, but the terrorism charges were thrown out. However he was found guilty of immigration offences and jailed. Police rearrested him in April last year as he left prison after serving the immigration sentence, citing new evidence of terrorist links and of his Jemaah Islamiyah leadership. He will now be freed from prison in September 2007.
Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 06:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  When this mook is done with his state paid for rest and hospital care, which is what his sentence amounts to, the day he is released should be the last one he breathes.

Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 08/06/2005 18:32 Comments || Top||

The Sri Lanka Peace Processor
Violence broke out in Sri Lanka as Norwegian negotiators arrived to try and save the countries disintegrating peace process. Unidentified assailants hurled at least four grenades at a Tamil Tiger rebel office in the island's volatile east on Friday, officials said. The grenades were thrown in through the window and open door of the one-story building in Batticaloa, 220 kilometers (135 miles) east of the capital, Colombo, said Rohan Abeywardene, eastern region police chief. There were no reported casualties but a part of the office roof had collapsed, he said. The attack took place as Vidar Helgesen, Norway's deputy foreign minister, flew by helicopter to the northern rebel-held town of Kilinochchi and began talks with S. P. Thamilselvan, the Tigers' political chief. Norway has played a pivotal role in Sri Lanka's peace efforts, brokering a cease-fire between the government and the Tigers three years ago that halted the island's two-decade civil war. Scores have been killed in the violence, including security forces, rebels and civilians since a top rebel commander split from the mainstream group last year. Abeywardene blamed Friday's attacks on factional fighting among the rebels. Residents in Sri Lanka's Tamil heartland were forbidden from leaving their homes Friday and the main road was closed, a day after a mob of angry Tamils hacked a top police officer to death and threw stones at military vehicles. The curfew, imposed late Thursday on the entire Jaffna Peninsula, the home of most of the island's 3.2 million Tamils, was expected to be lifted later Friday, said police spokesman Reins Pourer.
Posted by: Seafarious || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

US may deny visa for Iran leader's UN address
The Bush administration is considering taking the unprecedented step of preventing a visting head of state from addressing the United Nations in New York by denying a visa to Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, Iran's new elected conservative president. Officials said a decision rested on investigations into whether Mr Ahmadi-Nejad was involved in the 1979 US embassy hostage crisis and the killing of an Iranian-Kurdish dissident leader in Vienna in 1989. Iran denies his involvement in either event.

A top Iranian official confirmed Thursday that Mr Ahmadi-Nejad, who took office on Wednesday, planned to address the UN Millennium Summit and its annual General Assembly next month. Ahmadi-Nejad’s visa application was submitted on Thursday, the Iranian official said. The trip would be “mutually beneficial to the US and Iran”, the official added.

A White House official said that visa applications were confidential under US law and therefore he could not comment on the outcome. Asked if the president’s alleged involvement in the 444-day-long embassy hostage crisis, if proven, would be sufficient reason to deny him a visa, the US official replied: “That is something we are looking at.” A US official who asked to remain anonymous said agencies were examining whether there was sufficient evidence to deny a visa and how this would be justified under international law.

Stephane Dujarric, UN spokesman, said: “The host country agreement calls on the US not to impose any impediment to the travel to the UN of any representative of a member state on official business.” Yasser Arafat, Palestine Liberation Organisation chairman, was denied entry in 1988. He addressed the UN in Geneva. Mohammad Khatami, Iran's previous president, spoke at the UN several times, most notably just weeks after the September 2001 attacks, which he condemned. Former US diplomats allege they recognise Mr Ahmadi-Nejad as one of their captors, but the Central Intelligence Agency has found no confirmation of this.
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 02:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The trip would be “mutually beneficial to the US and Iran”, the official added.

That's awfully mild for them.

but the Central Intelligence Agency has found no confirmation of this.

The Agency couldn't find its ass with both hands.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 08/06/2005 2:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Can the White House intervene or is it up to State?
Posted by: Jake-the-Peg || 08/06/2005 4:03 Comments || Top||

#3  Yeah, and while they are denying the visa, blow up the UN building at the same time.
Posted by: Vlad the Muslim Impaler || 08/06/2005 4:21 Comments || Top||

#4  First, the State Dept is part of the Executive Branch and, thus, works for the President - so if the "White House" determines this asshat is persona non grata then that is that.

Second, I see a wonderful opportunity here. Postively Rovian, in fact.

1) Deny the visa.

2) Let the bruhaha develop, egg it on with some followup guaranteed to tweak Tranzi noses, and soon there will be a rolling and rising cry that the US can't deny the visa.

3) Make it crystal clear that, while the UN is in the US, we certainly can and do. End of story.

4) This will lead the brainless dupes to begin screaming about "International Law", blah³. The UN must be moved to a site where "International Law" applies. The UN must be moved out of the US! Officially - the US should only assert US sovereignty.

5) Tease it along, feed the fire, let the mousies roar...

6) Then simply agree with them, yes this would be for the best. Fill the ensuing silence with a 48 hour eviction notice.


Posted by: .com || 08/06/2005 5:10 Comments || Top||

#5  I like the way your plan sounds .com
Sadly, it won't progress past step 2. and he'll be let in.

Posted by: JerseyMike || 08/06/2005 7:27 Comments || Top||

#6  I think you are right. The administration always caves to pressure like this.
Posted by: mmurray821 || 08/06/2005 10:41 Comments || Top||

#7  Sigh.
Posted by: .com || 08/06/2005 10:43 Comments || Top||

#8  Lightning Bolton strikes?
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 11:06 Comments || Top||

#9  Leave it to Bolton to come up with a diplomatic copmpromise. No visa but the MM can come to the UN as long as he is under U. S. military custody at all times.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 08/06/2005 11:08 Comments || Top||

#10  Can we route him through King County as a condition of entry? I hear there's a lonely horse there that's in need of .... ummm ... "attention".
Posted by: AzCat || 08/06/2005 11:28 Comments || Top||

#11  The US is going to let him in..."W" is on his touchy feely side lately! I'm wondering if even Iran, is still a leg of the Axis Of Evil any more?!
Posted by: smn || 08/06/2005 13:33 Comments || Top||

#12  Next time, try saying something of substance?
Posted by: Pappy || 08/06/2005 14:18 Comments || Top||

#13  I wonder if letting him in is just a ploy too arrest him? If he was among the terrorists who took the embassy in 1979, then he's guilty of invading a sovereign nation. We just might be able to prosecute him...
Posted by: Charles || 08/06/2005 14:20 Comments || Top||

#14  Damn Charles, I like that idea.

Either that or arrange for some of our 'students' to hold him hostage....
Posted by: CrazyFool || 08/06/2005 15:24 Comments || Top||

#15  unfortunately, if he comes in on a diplomatic passport, he can't (legally) be touched regrdless of his sins; nice idea though
Posted by: Flaviger Glugum5488 || 08/06/2005 16:52 Comments || Top||

#16  A diplomatic passport?

Like the ones the diplomats had when they were taken hostage?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 08/06/2005 17:19 Comments || Top||

#17  the last few comments stole my thunder. Yeah Chas.
Yes after he gets here proscecute him.
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 22:46 Comments || Top||

#18  prosecute
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 22:48 Comments || Top||

#19  "Iran's new elected conservative president."

Aren't there rules about when reporters can reference someone as "elected" when the "election" was largely staged? Am I missing something that the "reporters" at FT know about the Iranian "election" that included only candidates that were pre-approved by the mullahs?

"Conservative President"

Somehow, we are lacking precision in terminology here. GWB is generally considered a "conservative president" but GWB and this Mahmoud are like day and night with Mahmoud being on the "dark side."
Posted by: GRock || 08/06/2005 22:59 Comments || Top||

#20  Mayhaps he gets taken hostage?
Posted by: Choter Flith6810 || 08/06/2005 23:28 Comments || Top||

Israel Considers Ways to Curb Extremists
Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Saturday he would consider holding Jewish extremists bent on derailing Israel's upcoming Gaza Strip withdrawal without charge or trial, after a Jewish army deserter opposed to the pullout shot four Israeli Arabs to death.

Israel has frequently employed the procedure, known as administrative detention, against Palestinians, but rarely uses it against Jews.

Mofaz acknowledged in an interview with Channel 2 TV that an intelligence desk set up to deal with the withdrawal "didn't operate well" in the case of Thursday's attack, when the soldier opened fire on a bus in a northern Arab town.

"We will also consider something that I oppose but the Shin Bet (security service) recommends: We will consider administrative detentions ... of all those the Shin Bet recommends," he said.

He would not estimate how many people might be detained under such circumstances, but said the detentions would be "pinpointed."

Soldiers went to the extremist West Bank settlement of Tapuah, where 19-year-old Eden Natan-Zada fled after he deserted, but did not find him there, Mofaz said.

"That doesn't mean that everything was done," he said. "When you have a deserter missing for 45 days, gun in hand, in the Tapuah area, and parents who cautioned (the military) about him, that should have set off alarm bells."

The boy's father told The Associated Press he had asked the army to find his son. He said he was concerned his son's weapons would fall into the hands of fanatics in Tapuah.

Israeli Arab leaders meeting in Nazareth criticized the government for failing to intercept Natan-Zada before he attacked. The soldier, who was wearing the skullcap, beard and sidelocks of an ultra-Orthodox Jew, opened fire on the driver then killed three other passengers before he was subdued and beaten to death by an angry crowd.

"This man's name was known to the Shin Bet, and the army didn't let police know he had deserted. ... He had a uniform and a gun, and was wandering free," said Mohammed Barakeh, a lawmaker.

"Just as they go after act against Palestinian 'ticking bombs,' so should they act against Jewish 'ticking bombs,'" the Haaretz newspaper cited Ibrahim Sarsur, a leader of Israel's Islamic Movement, as saying.

The two were among hundreds of Arab leaders who met to discuss how their angry community should respond to the slayings. They agreed to hold a mass protest, but did not set a date.

Somebody throw the monkeys a banana.SPAN>

Although the mood among Israeli Arabs is grim, they "don't want to respond in an incendiary way," Barakeh said.

Sarsur called on the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which has threatened retaliation for the attack, to "mind its own business and let the (Israeli) Arab public handle the matter," Haaretz reported.

Although meeting participants advocated nonviolence, the potential for friction was inherent in the Islamic Movement's call for a mass turnout at a Jerusalem shrine that is a flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Barakeh said the Islamic Movement issued a statement urging Israeli Muslims to turn out in force at the Temple Mount, or Haram as-Sharif, compound on Aug. 14, a Jewish holy day when many observant Jews are expected to visit the site to pray for the cancellation of the withdrawal.

Posted by: God Save The World || 08/06/2005 19:43 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "compound on Aug. 14, a Jewish holy day when many observant Jews are expected to visit the site to pray for the cancellation of the withdrawal.

For the non observant jewish RBers, the holiday is Tisha B'Av. A day of mourning commemorating the losses of both the first and second temples. All them yids will be fasting from the previous sundown, so I doubt it will be they who will start any rioting.

Posted by: Penguin || 08/06/2005 21:12 Comments || Top||

Belmont Club: The Battle for the Border
From Thursday, but still interesting. Some highlights:

Making it harder for the enemy to move around while making it easier for US units has the effect of lowering apparent enemy numbers while correspondingly increasing apparent American troop strength; but this is only a means to an end. Another LA Times report on the Rawah operation, Rebels on the Run, Locals Too describes some of its effects as observed by the correspondent.

Since arriving in mid-July, the 2nd Infantry Division's 2nd Squadron of the 14th Cavalry Regiment has defeated the fighters here and will now spread out to seal the border with Syria, said Lt. Col. Mark Davis, the unit's commander. ... Having wrested control of Rawah, the division's Stryker Brigade Combat Team now hopes to press westward toward the border and, for the first time, gain control of a broad swath of the land north of the Euphrates that has eluded the U.S.-led coalition for more than two years. On Thursday and Friday, soldiers searched every one of the town's estimated 3,000 to 5,000 homes, capturing some suspected insurgents and a bounty of weapons, including mines, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, bomb-making equipment, sniper rifles and rockets.

"Since then, there has been no enemy attack, no explosions, nobody shooting at us in Rawah," Davis said. The town might be quiet now, but it's not necessarily friendly. On an outer school wall, spray painted in Arabic, is a note of defiance: "Praise the people of Fallouja" — a former insurgent stronghold where U.S. and Iraqi forces prevailed in November. Davis acknowledged that most Iraqis had left town but said they didn't leave under instructions from U.S. troops. The insurgents apparently had held the town hostage, American officials said. There were no police, a dormant city council, a compound of schools with no children and no teachers inside.

italics mine - pgf

(Speculation alert) There are probably many similar operations that are taking place along the river and to its north, as per the Di Rita briefing. One of them may have been undertaken by the US Marines at Haditha, during which 21 Marines were killed. One possible reason why this operation has been kept low key, despite its size, is that it may be literally ripping up the insurgent base of support along the upper Euphrates. If the LA Times article is accurate, the insurgents essentially took the whole population of Rawah with them; if the phenomenon is being repeated elsewhere, the displacement of the Sunni population must be huge. To the north there is the unsustaining desert; to the south across the river there is the sweep of the Marines; for the insurgents to leave the population in place would risk leaving intelligence in the hands of the Americans. This has got to hurt and it is only the beginning. The LA Times notes the abandonment of RPGs, sniper rifles, mortars -- stuff you wouldn't leave behind -- not willingly. The whole point of strangling the enemy lines of communication while building support bases is to set up the stage for pursuit. And they will be pursued. The focus of newspaper coverage in the coming days may abruptly shift from 'poor helpless Marines from Ohio' to 'we're slaughtering them! We're killers!' These are the hard choices of war, and as Hemingway once wrote "all stories, if continued far enough, end in death, and he is no true-story teller who would keep that from you."

This scenario is not making sense to me. Assuming two people per home, you're talking about something like 8000 people, being moved against their will? And not being picked up by whatever surveillance the town was under?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 08/06/2005 19:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  “We are here to project combat power into an area where there hasn’t been much in the past,” said Lt. Col. Mark Davis, commander of 2-14’s taskforce.

Thank you Turkey.
Posted by: AzCat || 08/06/2005 20:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Phil, most likely the townspeople faded away themselves ... went to stay with relatives, maybe some of the men and boys held essentially as captives by the insurgents but not the women, kids, older people. They wouldn't want to be burdened with them.
Posted by: leader of the pack || 08/06/2005 21:32 Comments || Top||

#3  Thanks, LotP; that makes more sense.

It also makes sense that maybe it didn't happen just yesterday, but over a longer time period.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 08/06/2005 22:16 Comments || Top||

"avis acknowledged that most Iraqis had left town but said they didn't leave under instructions from U.S. troops."/I>

the fact that it wasn't american driven them leaving, and that they found so many weapons left behind is curious.
Were most of the folks living in this town sympathetic to the insurgents? It's hard to follow the logic that the town was held hostage, that's alot of people. I don't think the insurgents are that organized, are they?
I think not.
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 22:33 Comments || Top||

#5  Also, it kind of boggles the mind, that they could take the civilians with them, but not the weapons?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 08/06/2005 22:52 Comments || Top||

#6  SO in other words, LotP is probably right, as I said earlier.
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 08/06/2005 22:52 Comments || Top||

#7  Instant comment from a friend: This is like if we were able to take and hold the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 08/06/2005 23:23 Comments || Top||

#8  just a wild thought, what if "all the weapons" was really only a small percentage of what they did take with them.
That in their minds the few weapons left weren't that many.
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 23:33 Comments || Top||

Insurgent Attack Foiled in Baghdad
BAGHDAD, Iraq — U.S. and Iraqi troops repelled a series of coordinated insurgent attacks in southern Baghdad, killing six rebels and capturing 12, the U.S. military said Saturday. There were no U.S. casualties.

The fighting began about 8 p.m. Friday when insurgents attacked an Iraqi army position with mortar rounds and small-arms fire, the command said. U.S. attack helicopters engaged the insurgents with rockets and gunfire.

At nearly the same time, a homicide attacker drove a truck loaded with explosives into a nearby Iraqi army checkpoint, killing an Iraqi soldier.

A suicide car bomber tried to attack another Iraqi position in the area, but a U.S. tank fired and hit the car, killing the driver and causing the car bomb to explode prematurely, the U.S. command said. Iraqi police said three bystanders were wounded.

Minutes later, insurgents at a fourth location fired two rocket-propelled grenades and a mortar round at another Iraqi army post in south Baghdad (search). None of the rounds caused any damage, the U.S. statement said.

Over the next two hours, insurgents tried to regroup for further attacks on the two Iraqi army posts but were driven off by U.S. and Iraqi fire, the statement added.

"The enemy came to fight us with no success," said Maj. Listen Edge (search) of Kennesaw, Ga., an operations officer with the 48th Brigade Combat Team.

Posted by: Bobby || 08/06/2005 15:19 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Good!
Posted by: 3dc || 08/06/2005 18:01 Comments || Top||

#2  "Major Listen Edge"

Cool name.
Posted by: Carl in N.H. || 08/06/2005 18:13 Comments || Top||

#3  don' t try too fight a GA boy
Posted by: Thraing Hupoluper1864 || 08/06/2005 18:59 Comments || Top||

#4  Especially someone from Kennesaw: the city REQUIRES you keep a gun in the house AND get trained to use it. Guess which city has the lowest break-in rate in the country?
Posted by: Ptah || 08/06/2005 19:18 Comments || Top||

#5  "U.S. tank fired and hit the car, killing the driver and causing the car bomb to explode prematurely"

I hate it when that happens. Although, I think the secondary explosion was not a car bomb. I believe it is the new Zionist Halliburton Induced Time Delay 120mm shell.

three bystanders were wounded"

Bystanders? Riiiiight. Hopefully, a CNN or BBC crew.
Posted by: Poison Reverse || 08/06/2005 19:55 Comments || Top||

#6  woohoo.
Our guys are the best.
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 22:39 Comments || Top||

#7  Going out to get my Sunday paper... just know, this news report will be on the front page!!! with the headline... American GIs Once Again Foil the Terrorists

Okay... so it's bedtime... and I'm attempting to channel my dreams.
Posted by: Sherry || 08/06/2005 22:43 Comments || Top||

Thugburg: Pop. 6,441
I've finished going through 2003 article by article. Thugburg's population is now over 6,000. The list of Classix has grown a bit, too, though I tried to control myself.

I've added in a column for a "formal" name, since once that list of 6441 aliases and mispellings is whittled down the population's considerably lower. I'm still fiddling the format, so suggestions are appreciated.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 00:36 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  You might want to crossreference/check with this database: Tracking the Threat
Posted by: 3dc || 08/06/2005 0:46 Comments || Top||

#2  While there check out their new "Threat Graph Explorer". very pretty.
Posted by: 3dc || 08/06/2005 0:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Interesting, though I can't figure out how to use the Threat Graph Explorer.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/06/2005 1:00 Comments || Top||

#4  way cool!!
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 1:00 Comments || Top||

#5  Choose and entity and add it.
Then expand it
then expand those
move the elements about and make your relationships
click on full details
Posted by: 3dc || 08/06/2005 1:01 Comments || Top||

#6  A quick question about Thugburg: should it contain "persons of interest" in groups that the US currently isn't at war with, for instance Ramzan Kadyrov?

Also, is there a way to cross-reference all of this with the "who's active" list of old (which seems to only have one member at present)?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 08/06/2005 1:10 Comments || Top||

#7  If they're not a member of a bad guy org they don't go on the list.

The "who's active" list looks at everybody who's flagged in the day's Rantburg. I didn't do a lot of flagging last night before I went to bed.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 10:16 Comments || Top||

#8  I don't know what "flagging" means, but if it means what I think it may mean, then it is very naughty.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 08/06/2005 10:25 Comments || Top||

#9  How hard would it be to set up an automagic flagging system?
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 08/06/2005 10:32 Comments || Top||

#10  Lol, A5089!

A word-matching system against a DB? Prolly find the scripts to adapt / piece together at PlanetSourceCode.com.
Posted by: .com || 08/06/2005 10:41 Comments || Top||

#11  An automatic "flagging" system seems very attractive... Btw, I'm typing this with both hands, why do you ask?
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 08/06/2005 10:48 Comments || Top||

#12  If it's got a hyperlink to one of the Rantburg routines it's flagged.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 11:15 Comments || Top||

#13  And, it's pretty, too! :-)
/end silliness

Fred, I know you started this project way back when for your own amusement, but with each iteration Rantburg becomes more ... anti-Kool-aid isn't a word, but I'm uncertain how to express it properly. Certainly your growing audience, and the number of new posters who start out with, "I used to ___, but now" is a measure of the tremendous service you provide. The new & improved Thugburg is yet another way you enable us all to think more effectively about this war that is being waged against us, and how we can go about winning it. Thank you!
Posted by: trailing wife || 08/06/2005 15:10 Comments || Top||

#14  Outstanding Fred
Posted by: Steve || 08/06/2005 16:21 Comments || Top||

#15  I can see how a list like this could really get out of control in a hurry. My first thought was for central and South America, both Islamists and MS-13, which is showing all signs of behaving like a secular al-Qaeda. It then starts to overlap with organized crime and even get into the realm of dangerous religious cults (and the great online cultist databases). Then I thought about threat ratings, like a 1-5 star for how dangerous they were or are. This leads to catagorizing them by wheather they actually commit acts, instigate and train others to act, direct the acts of others, or provide material support.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 08/06/2005 16:48 Comments || Top||

#16  This is excelent Fred! BTW Abu Sabaya is dead, killed by Phil Seals and is now fish food. I believe it happened in 2002. Thanks for the great links!!!
Posted by: 49 pan || 08/06/2005 17:54 Comments || Top||

Israel Orders Cruise Ships Away From Turkey
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel on Friday ordered four of its cruise ships carrying thousands of tourists not to dock at the Turkish port of Alanya after receiving warnings of a possible terrorist attack, officials said.

Israeli Transportation Minister Meir Sheetrit gave the order to the cruise vessels not to dock at the Turkish port. Army Radio said the ships were carrying 3,500 Israeli tourists.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev confirmed the ships were rerouted, saying, "There was a warning." He declined to discuss the nature of the warning; Israeli media reported there had been information of a possible al-Qaida attack.

Two of the ships arrived in the Cyprus port of Limassol Friday evening and a third vessel was expected to dock at Larnaca, said the Limassol police chief, Antonis Shakalis. He said the ships were expected to stay overnight. He added that extra security and police patrols have been ordered for the port. The destination of the fourth ship was not immediately known.
Ronit Kitai, a passenger on one of the ships in Limassol, told Israel's Channel 10 television that passengers were informed of the threat by the ship's staff. "Everybody accepted the decision with understanding and happiness," Kitai said.

A spokesman for Turkey's Interior Ministry had no information about ships being diverted or any threats in Alanya.

Islamic militants in Turkey affiliated with al-Qaida bombed two synagogues, a London-based bank and the British Consulate in attacks in November 2003, killing 58 people and wounding hundreds more. More than 60 people currently are being tried in connection with the attacks.
The suspects said they originally planned to attack an Israeli ship in the Mediterranean, according to the indictment.
Posted by: Steve White || 08/06/2005 00:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I have been to Turkey, and I can tell you that it is full of Seculars who would like nothing better than to conduct a very bloody liquidation of all Islamofascists. The problem is: it is US policy to include these in one-time democratic processes. Twenty years ago the fascists were a marginal group. Now they are close to power everywhere in the Muslim pigpens.
Posted by: Vlad the Muslim Impaler || 08/06/2005 4:01 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
4 arrested for hate material
ISLAMABAD: Police on Friday arrested four men outside mosques here for distributing hate material among people. Police said they had been informed that hate material was being distributed among the people coming out of mosques after Friday prayers. Margalla and Shalimar police officials rushed to Jamia Qasmia and Jamia Al-Rashed and arrested Mohammad Imran, Mohammad Afzal, Tanver Abasi and Kashif Mahmood. However, the mosques' imams rejected police claims, saying the men were distributing pamphlets which was condemning police raids on women's seminary Jamia Hifsa. Jamia Al-Rashed imam Jamelur Rehman said the pamphlets asked the Pakistan chief justice to look into this matter.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Better build more and bigger jails, half the PakiWaki North population is infested with hate mongers.
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 1:02 Comments || Top||

#2  They were distributing Korans?
Posted by: Jackal || 08/06/2005 9:51 Comments || Top||

#3  New York Times
Posted by: Steve || 08/06/2005 14:39 Comments || Top||

#4  even caught red handed, and to think that condemning police raids on women's seminaries with the obvious slant isn't hate material.
They aren't taking off their shoes, they aren't letting us hide our weapons, etc etc.geeeezzzz
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 23:02 Comments || Top||

250 Shabab-e-Milli activists attack alleged brothel
LAHORE: Around 250 Shabab-e-Milli activists attacked an alleged brothel in Gulberg on Friday afternoon. Naseerabad police said that the activists gathered in front of House No 181-M, Gulberg-III, shouted slogans against vulgarity and demanded that the brothel be shifted from the area. They later entered the house and fired in the air on which inmates called the police. The police rushed to the scene and controlled the situation. The inmates and Shabab-e-Milli activists were called at the police station for investigation, which was underway till this report was made late at night.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Are brothels leagal in Pakistan?
Posted by: 3dc || 08/06/2005 0:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Do they still wear their burqas to "entertain" guests?
Posted by: Captain America || 08/06/2005 1:05 Comments || Top||

#3  Saudi and Kuwaiti sporting men are being chased out ofall the islamic world's scenic spots. At least they will always have Paris.
Posted by: ed || 08/06/2005 2:50 Comments || Top||

#4  Do they still wear their burqas to "entertain" guests?

Sometimes, it's the best option...
Posted by: Raj || 08/06/2005 9:56 Comments || Top||

#5  this is rich
probably inspecting this very thouroughly eh?
Posted by: Jan || 08/06/2005 23:07 Comments || Top||

Nuggets from the Urdu Press
Meaning of ‘mullah’
Writing in the Jang, Ataul Haq Qasimi commented on an interview of Aitzaz Ahsan in the Nawa-e-Waqt magazine, saying that mullaiyat (mullahism) was not proving itself capable of tolerating other people’s point of view and not taking a no for an answer to one’s own. Qasimi totally agreed with the opinion and said that in Pakistan, people held strong views and were intolerant of others’ views. In his experience leftwing persons never had the patience to hear him out and were true to Aitzaz Ahsan’s yardstick.

Shaukat Aziz will go after the budget!
Talking to the Nawa-e-Waqt, PMLN leader Javed Hashmi said from jail that after the 2005-06 budget, Musharraf would get rid of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, after which the National Assembly would be dissolved and Musharraf would rule for one year as a dictator on permission of the Supreme Court. Musharraf will head a national government, he said.

Expatriate Pakistanis don’t want culture
According to the Nawa-e-Waqt, Pakistanis in Dubai asked religion minister Ijazul Haq to put a ban on cultural troupes going to the Gulf area. The federal religion minister was inaugurating a mosque there. They said such cultural delegations were spreading immoral activities in the Gulf. The minister promised that there would no such cultural troupes in the future. He praised the Pakistanis for building such a grand mosque with their hard earned money.

Benazir will rule again!
Quoted in Khabrain, famous astrologer Yaseen Wattoo stated that new elections would be held before April 2006 after which Benazir Bhutto will rule as prime minister while Nawaz Sharif would be the opposition leader. However, his brother Shehbaz Sharif would be the chief minister of the Punjab once again. The future of PMLQ was bleak and it will suffer its worst fate. Majlis Amal (MMA) will go into decline and Rao Sikandar will go back to the PPP. He said Imran Khan will be nowhere near power while Ijazul Haq and Manzur Wattoo will also be nowhere. There will be an Indo-Pak war before 2012 and the Kashmir dispute will never be resolved.

Masked examinees not allowed
According to the Nawa-e-Waqt, several masked (naqab posh) women candidates taking MA exams at the Punjab University, Lahore, were not allowed into the exam hall by the administrators. The masked ladies raised slogans outside the exam hall and rang up the governor in protest.

General Zia was best
Quoted in the Jang, a son of General Zia, Anwarul Haq, said that General Zia was the best ruler of Pakistan. Zia warded off the domination of Christians (Nusrani) and Jews (Yuhud) and was the liberator of Afghanistan and Kashmir. He asked the critics to talk to the Afghans and the Kashmiris for a proper opinion about Zia. He said the Friend of Pakistan (Mohsin-e-Pakistan), Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan was patronised by Zia, which made Pakistan impregnable. He said if the state institutions had broken down, Zia was not to blame for it. According to the Khabrain, Anwarul Haq said that Zia breathed new life into the dead horse of the Muslim League. Later many politicians rode this horse to power a number of times and killed it.

Quranic verses taken off from Mall Road
According to the Nawa-e-Waqt, Maulana Muhammad Islam Saeedi of Majlis Ulema Nizamiya condemned the government’s measure of taking off the Quranic verses hung earlier on the trees and poles on Lahore’s central road, the Mall Road. He said it was a question for the entire Muslim community in the world. He said it was an insult to their faith. The ulema gathered at the Press Club and raised angry slogans against America.

A secret pact about Nawaz Sharif
Writing in the Jang, Nazeer Naji stated that in recent statements, it had finally come to light that a secret pact existed about Nawaz Sharif but it was between the Musharraf government and Saudi Arabia. According to this pact, Nawaz Sharif and family would have to stay in Saudi Arabia till 2010.
Posted by: Fred || 08/06/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ferst!
Posted by: muck4doo || 08/06/2005 1:37 Comments || Top||

#2  The ulema gathered at the Press Club and raised angry slogans against America.

For lack of anything better to do. Also...the default reaction to just about anything.
Posted by: Rafael || 08/06/2005 2:26 Comments || Top||

#3  many politicians rode this horse to power a number of times and killed it

My nomination for quote of the day.
Posted by: Rafael || 08/06/2005 2:29 Comments || Top||

#4  Day? The week, at least.
Posted by: Pappy || 08/06/2005 11:43 Comments || Top||

#5  Better to ride a horse than have it ride you.
Posted by: Steve || 08/06/2005 16:23 Comments || Top||

#6  Yaseen Wattoo
Off to the RB courthouse a for 72 Olema Malonga. (name change for the oportunist)
Posted by: Shipman || 08/06/2005 16:51 Comments || Top||

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