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40 GAI snuffies snuffed in Algeria...
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News from the Other Side: Taliban May Stage Comeback
Source: SANA, via Jihad Unspun
Afghanistan's former defence minister, Shahnawaz Tanai [defense minister under the Najibulla regime], has spoken of a possibility that the country's former ruling Taliban Islamic militia might stage a come back.
They'll keep looking for an opening. Tanai admitting they could make a comeback — anything's possible — is a far cry from calling for such a comeback...
In an interview with SANA, Tanai said, however, it would be difficult for Taliban leaders to face the Afghan nation. He criticized Taliban policies and said their political policies were against the interests of Afghanistan as well as international norms. "I had stated several times in the past that Taliban are sons of the soil and could not eliminated," he said. Tanai believed the war-ravaged country cannot see a stable central government unless the armed groups are disarmed. In a veiled reference to the Northern Alliance, Tanai said that the interim government of Hamid Karzai faces problems to disarm warlords.
You might say that. Most people have been saying that, to include some of the warlords...
Afghanistan still have Northern Alliance and Shura-e-Nazar of Qasim Faheem, Junbish-e-Milli of General Rashid Dostum and his own fiefdoms by Governor Heraat Ismail Khan and Pacha Khan Zadran in Paktia.
Zadran's got to be rooted out and killed eventually. The other three at this point do more good than harm. Ten years from now things might be different...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 12:34 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Axis of Evil
Ayatollahs lift communications clamp-down...
The Islamic republic regime has canceled at this time, 05:30 US PST, the limitation on inbound-outbound calls that can be made from-to Iran. This limitation started at about 12:00 PM US PST and intended to offer a better control of the communications in order to help the regime in its represive measures.
Looks like they're reestablished control...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 08:05 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Parcel bomb wounds policeman in pilgrimage city
A policeman was slightly injured Tuesday as he attempted to defuse a parcel bomb discovered in a busy hotel district of the northeastern pilgrimage city of Mashhad, IRNA said. "The suspect package blew up injuring the policeman's fingers as he attempted to defuse it," the news agency reported.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 01:03 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

Ark Royal to leave for Gulf next month...
As a strongest signal Britain is preparing for war against Iraq the navy's flagship fighter aircraft carrier Ark Royal is to sail for the Mediterranean next month, with 1,300 crew and a full complement of Harrier jets and helicopters, is to leave the port of Portsmouth in five weeks time accompanied by a destroyer. But the government says the ship will take part in what it calls a "long-planned" exercise, and the navy says there are no plans to sail on to the Gulf.
Where's the Carl Vinson right now?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 06:21 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  As of 21-June, it was home:

Posted by: Brian || 08/07/2002 7:25 Comments || Top||

#2  I hope this is an omen of great things to come. Swordfish biplanes of the Royal Navy in May, 1941 to put a toprdo into the steering gear of the Bismark. This daring exploit evenjtually led to the sinking of the German battleship.
Posted by: Ray || 08/07/2002 12:19 Comments || Top||

#3  Sorry, I left out a clause. The Swordfish flew off the deck of the HMS Ark Royal, namesake of the present carrier.
Posted by: Ray || 08/07/2002 12:24 Comments || Top||

Yesterday still didn't happen...
Still nothing on any news service about the events in Iran yesterday. Mac's seen nothing, either. No ABCNBC coverage. It wasn't fit news for the Noo Yawk Times to print. It didn't get Posted in Washington. Did we miss something?
Or did they miss something?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 07:39 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The Shahs kid tonight on CNBC Capital Report revealed a possible reason why this weeks pattern of riots broke the usual "after fridays call-to-prayer blowout" - August 6th is ( or was ) "Constitution Day" in Iran during the shahs reign.might explain the signing of that god-awful national anthem. (heres a hint to reformists, go find a pub, find the loudest drinking sunofagun in it, ask him to bowlderize a drinking song. It worked for us, it should work for you.)

I am in no way backing the Shahs kid, just reporting what I saw. ( I dont think much of tin horn despots of any stripe - and as a rule, their kids are usually worse )
Posted by: Frank Martin || 08/06/2002 22:46 Comments || Top||

Central Asia
Tajikistan: 10 Muslim clerics banned from preaching
Ten Muslim clerics in Tajikistan's northern Isfara district have been banned from service for activities incompatible with their status. The head of Tajikistan's Religious Affairs Council, Said Akhmedov, said the clerics involved were members of the Islamic Renaissance Party and their preaching in mosques is therefore a violation of the constitutional prohibition against clergy participating in politics. Tajik authorities have targeted Isfara since President Imomali Rakhmonov visited the district last month and noted there are more than 50 mosques, dozens of mullahs, and not enough schools in the small district. He also said two of the prisoners captured in Afghanistan and held by the United States at the Guantanamo base in Cuba are Tajik citizens from Isfara.
"50 mosques, dozens of mullahs, and not enough schools." That should tell somebody something...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 12:56 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

East/Subsaharan Africa
Sudanese government accuses rebels of preparing offensive
The Sudanese government on Monday accused the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) of preparing to launch an offensive in southern Sudan despite drawing up a roadmap for peace last month. The state-run SUNA news agency quoted a "high-ranking" official in Sudan's defense ministry as saying the SPLA "continues assembling its men, moving heavy weapons, equipment and supplies" into Eastern Equatoria in southern Sudan. The official, who was not named, warned the SPLA of heavy retaliation if it attacked. However, the SPLA not only denied the charges but accused the Sudanese government of using them as a "cover" to launch its own offensive in Eastern and Western Equatoria as well as continuing its assault in southern oil regions.
I have a difficult time believing either side in this dispute. There's lots of bad faith on both sides.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 04:41 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Home Front
Pentagon brief sez Soddies are the Bad Guys...
A briefing given last month to a top Pentagon advisory board described Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States, and recommended that U.S. officials give it an ultimatum to stop backing terrorism or face seizure of its oil fields and its financial assets invested in the United States.
They finally noticed, did they? And it's only been eleven months... Nope. Ten, since it was a month ago. That's blinding bureaucratic speed...
"The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot-soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader," stated the explosive briefing. It was presented on July 10 to the Defense Policy Board, a group of prominent intellectuals and former senior officials that advises the Pentagon on defense policy.
Lessee, here... 15 of 19, check. Binny's a Soddy, check. Soddy charities supporting terror groups, check. Soddy charities supporting jihadi-producing madrassahs, check. Soddy controllers within al-Qaeda, check. Soddies financially supporting the Paleo Bad Guys, check. Soddies supporting killing in Chechnya, check. Soddy preachers calling on God to destroy us all 'cuz they hate us, check...
"Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies," said the briefing prepared by Laurent Murawiec, a Rand Corp. analyst. A talking point attached to the last of 24 briefing slides went even further, describing Saudi Arabia as "the kernel of evil, the prime mover, the most dangerous opponent" in the Middle East.
Not mobilizing divisions, but mobilizing money and hired killers...
The briefing did not represent the views of the board or official government policy, and in fact runs counter to the present stance of the U.S. government that Saudi Arabia is a major ally in the region. Yet it also represents a point of view that has growing currency within the Bush administration — especially on the staff of Vice President Cheney and in the Pentagon's civilian leadership — and among neoconservative writers and thinkers closely allied with administration policymakers.
And most people reading blogs...
One administration official said opinion about Saudi Arabia is changing rapidly within the U.S. government. "People used to rationalize Saudi behavior," he said. "You don't hear that anymore. There's no doubt that people are recognizing reality and recognizing that Saudi Arabia is a problem."
Eventually you quit rationalizing. Eventually you quit giving second chances. Eventually you quit "not noticing" in the hope they'll clean up their act so we won't ever have to admit there was a problem...
The decision to bring the anti-Saudi analysis before the Defense Policy Board also appears tied to the growing debate over whether to launch a U.S. military attack to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. The chairman of the board is former Pentagon official Richard N. Perle, one of the most prominent advocates in Washington of just such an invasion. The briefing argued that removing Hussein would spur change in Saudi Arabia -- which, it maintained, is the larger problem because of its role in financing and supporting radical Islamic movements.
Replace stagnation with instability in the hope that eventually there will be stability. Once kick over the Soddy traces and there will likely be a succession of equally squalid regimes. One day they may become civilized, but under the skin they're just North Yemen...
Murawiec said in his briefing that the United States should demand that Riyadh stop funding fundamentalist Islamic outlets around the world, stop all anti-U.S. and anti-Israeli statements in the country, and "prosecute or isolate those involved in the terror chain, including in the Saudi intelligence services." If the Saudis refused to comply, the briefing continued, Saudi oil fields and overseas financial assets should be "targeted," although exactly how was not specified.
No details are needed at this point. Letting this brief out is a larger-caliber shot across the Soddy bows. If they want to save themselves, the right reaction will be to note this publicly as an aberration, and behind the scenes get busy on the cleanup and the disposal of those who know too much. I suspect that what they'll actually do is react with their usual arrogance, which'll be an indication they think they have enough call on the ummah to bring about a jihad in which we'll face the Entire Muslim World® protecting the wahhabis. It'll definitely shake out the for-us, against-us split.
Asked for reaction, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, said he did not take the briefing seriously. "I think that it is a misguided effort that is shallow, and not honest about the facts," he said. "Repeating lies will never make them facts."
Hmmm... Bandar thinks it's an aberration...
"I think this view defies reality," added Adel al-Jubeir, a foreign policy adviser to Saudi leader Crown Prince Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz. "The two countries have been friends and allies for over 60 years. Their relationship has seen the coming and breaking of many storms in the region, and if anything it goes from strength to strength."
Another view that it's an aberration... We'll see what Arab News has to say.

Thhis is the most important news item that will come out today, unless the ayatollahs fall in Iran in the next few hours. The article goes on to discuss who agrees (Perle) and who disagrees (Kissinger) with the premises. But it lays the groundwork for a break with the Sods and it provides a bit more reason to push against Iraq. I still think that, unless the Iraqis are actually closer to getting the WMD that Sammy wants, we should be concentrating on tracking down and wiping out the jihadi groups wherever they are, to include Paleostine, Kashmir and Indonesia. But if Iraq is a lever to break the Soddies' hobby of subverting the entire world then I'm all for it.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 08:07 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Thanks for emphasizing why this is important. Those of us who have been reading blogs since 9/11 will find this old stuff, but the fact that this story appeared in the WAPO, with as much detail and atribution as it has, is just one more sign that the gloves are coming off, and that the administration isn't even trying to maintain appearances any more.
Posted by: Old Grouch || 08/06/2002 19:16 Comments || Top||

9 Killed in Kashmir Attack
Suspected Islamic militants lobbed a grenade and opened fire Tuesday on Hindu pilgrims in Kashmir, killing nine of them and wounding 27 others, police said. Six Islamic militants sneaked into the pilgrimage transit camp in Nunwan, about 55 miles southeast of Srinagar, said Nirmal Raj, commander of the Central Reserve Police guarding the camp. He said police killed one of the snuffies.
Thousands of unarmed Hindoo pilgrims! How Islamically heroic! Too bad about the armed coppers guarding them, isn't it?
The annual pilgrimage from the city of Jammu has been targeted by Islamic militants in the past. Guerrillas killed 15 pilgrims last year and 35 in 2000. So far this year, 24 have died in six attacks, including Tuesday's ambush. No group claimed responsibility for this year's attack.
"Who's up this year to attack the Hindoos?"
Indian Deputy Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani blamed the attack on Al-Mansuriya ("the Victorious"), a militant offshoot of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Tayyaba.
How can you get more "militant" than Lashkar?
Chamanlal Gupta, India's junior minister for defense, went the scene of the attack and said the dead militant carried a suicide note declaring the aim of the mission was to disrupt the pilgrimage. In it, he asked to be buried at a Muslim shrine in the same area. Gupta said the man carried an AK-47 with an inscription of "Mujahedeen Cassette House, Lahore," Pakistan's second-largest city.
If I was the insidious head of RAW, the Indian intel agency, there would be a mysterious explosion that destroyed the Mujahedeen Cassette House and its proprietor and all his arms and ammunition in Lahore...
In other parts of the disputed region, four suspected militants and three soldiers were killed, a news report said. In northern Kashmir, two suspected militants in army uniforms opened fire at an army camp and tried to enter it in the border district of Kupwara, 45 miles north of Srinagar. They were killed by army guards, the report said. There were no immediate details on the two other clashes.
Just the typical day-by-day body count in J&K. Sure hope they don't have a Minister of Tourism, cuz he'd die of boredom really quickly...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 08:24 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  You know, if the Mexicans shot up Texas and the rest of the Southwestern US the way things are going on in J+K, we'd have a million men on the southern border just as India mobilized their army. What is different though is that we didn't stop there in 1847 and 1916, and we wouldn't be deterred from going south now if needs be. So exactly what is the reason behind India's restraint?
Posted by: Tom Roberts || 08/06/2002 12:37 Comments || Top||

#2  One word, Tom. Nukes.
Posted by: David Gillies || 08/06/2002 14:01 Comments || Top||

Al Qaeda Moves To Eliminate 120 FBI Spies
Source: Jihad Unspun
Al-Qaida has formulated a "hit"list that contains the names of 120 Pakistani and Afghan nationals they say are FBI spies and are making $100,000 available to their operatives that succesfully eliminate them. Sources say the warning came early Monday in the form of pamphlets that said each spy would be tracked down by Al-Qaida members who had been provided with their photographs and that all those appearing the list would be killed one by one.
That's certainly frightening...
One such alleged spy, Mohammad Ali, was already killed last Tuesday at a bazaar by a member of Al-Qaida who was subsequently arrested by the authorities and sent to Peshawar for interrogation.
So he was okay at killing people, not so good at evading capture...
Al-Qaida has also warned Pakistans government officials not to take action against any of their tribal affiliates. Security had been heightened around the residences of government officials as Pakistani troops continue searching for Al-Qaida and Taliban Mujahideen in the mountainous regions bordering Afghanistan.
Even the Pak government's eventually going to have to find this kind of puffing and blowing from the Bad Guys tedious. Since they keep saying, over and over again, not to mess with the thugs and minor league autocrats running NWFP, maybe it would be a good idea to actually do so...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 12:21 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

SSP, TJP thugs arrested for stupidity...
At least 36 activists of the banned Sipah-i-Sahaba and Tehrik-i-Jafria were arrested after the rejection of their bail applications by an Anti-Terrorism Court. SSP activists had attacked a procession and beat up the TJP activists last year in Rasul Nagar village. Police had booked 14 accused, including former SSP president Javed Iqbal. Later, the TJP activists retaliated, pelted stones and damaged the mosque in the same village. Some people sustained injuries in the attack. Police booked 82 activists of the TJP besides arresting some of them. However, activists of the SSP and TJP later got interim bails from a local court. On Monday, police arrested all accused of the SSP, including its former president, and sent them to jail along with 25 activists of the TJP after the rejection of their bail applications. At least 34 activists of the TJP managed to escape from court. Police parties are raiding their houses and hideouts for their arrest.
If you've lost track, SSP is the intolerant, xenophobic, Sunni organization, and TJP is the intolerant, xenophobic, Shi'ite organization. Both groups have nothing better to do that stupid stuff like this.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 06:35 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Another car accident in Arabia, another deader...
Dr. Mane'a bin Hammad Al-Juhani, who was a member of the Consultative Council (Majlis Al-Shura) as well as Secretary-General of the Riyadh-based World Assembly for Muslim Youth (WAMY), was killed in a car accident in Riyadh early today. Funeral prayers will be performed at Al-Rajhi Mosque in Riyadh following afternoon prayer tomorrow.
Another deader... Probably nothing.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 06:56 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Middle East
Al Aqsa thug iced near Jenin...
Near the northern West Bank town of Jenin, two Palestinian militiamen were tracked by Israeli forces as they left a home in the village of Ja'a around midnight Monday. Armored vehicles and helicopters moved into the area, and there was sustained fire. Walid Hafez, a grocery store owner, said he and other members of the village on Tuesday found two bodies under a tree and behind a rock, where they apparently tried to take cover. "We found a lot of bullet casings near the bodies," Hafez said. Both were members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. One was Ali Ajouri, 23, accused by Israel of having sent two suicide bombers who blew themselves up in Tel Aviv on July 17. Three foreign workers and two Israelis were killed in the attack. The military recently demolished the home of Ajouri's family in the Askar refugee camp near Nablus. A brother and sister of Ajouri have been ordered deported to the Gaza Strip, but the order is being challenged in court.
I'm actually uncomfortable with the home demolitions, not that my opinion's worth any more than you pay for it. I'm very supportive of killings like this one, though. Hamas, al-Aqsa, and Islamic Jihad are all waging a war of extermination on Israelis. The counterwar, to be effective, has to be a war of extermination against Hamas, al-Aqsa and Islamic Jihad. That doesn't mean againt the entire Paleostinian people, no matter how much they support the killers; perfectly law-abiding Germans used to support the SA and SS. Once those Bad Guys were defeated, most forgot that they ever liked that guy with the Charlie Chaplain moustache.

Being affiliated with any one of those three groups — be it military wing, political wing, or shaking a can asking for donations — has to become a death sentence. Offer an amnesty every six months or so, maybe, so anyone who's changed his mind and hasn't killed anyone yet can repent and be saved, but otherwise kill them on sight, root them out in their homes, their places of work, their government offices, wherever they are, and kill them. Mere membership in any of those three organizations has to be made just as fatal as strapping on a dynamite belt.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 08:26 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Egyptian (intended) killer nabbed near Eilat...
An intensive manhunt in the south of Israel ended early Tuesday evening when Israeli forces captured an Egyptian citizen who had infiltrated Israel. He was hiding in a cave when he was caught. Security forces discovered a bag containing weapons during the massive search taking place in the Be'er Ora area, about 20 kilometers from the port city of Eilat.
I'd guess off the top of my head that he was an amateur, reading too much jihadi material at the local mosque...
A large number of Israeli troops, police and helicopters participated in the search efforts. A state of heightened alert was declared in the area, in particular in the resort town of Eilat, and the Arava road, from the Beit Ora area extending to the south, was closed to traffic.
All that fuss and expense for a goober with a gun.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 11:34 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Yet another ceasefire plan...
Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer met late Monday night with the Palestinian interior minister, Abdel Razak Yehiyeh and Yasser Arafat's senior security advisor, Mohammed Dahlan to discuss plans for a cease-fire that would allow for Israeli troops to leave Palestinian areas.
Soon as that starts to happen, Hamas and al-Aqsa will be booming and shooting just as hard as they can...
A statement from Ben-Eliezer's office said the minister presented the Palestinian representatives with his "Gaza First" proposal, which calls for Palestinians to take over security in the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank Israel has occupied in exchange for Israel easing restrictions on Palestinians. That proposal would also allow for Israeli troops to withdraw once Palestinians assume full control. According to the plan, the Israeli forces will withdraw from “quiet” areas in which the PA infrastructure has not been so severely damaged - such as Gaza and Jericho, and possibly Bethlehem and Hebron - if the Palestinians assume responsibility for security in these areas.
Worked like a charm when they were in charge there before, didn't it?
The plan is aimed at serving as a "pilot project" and if the Palestinians manage to prevent attacks in these cities that the Israeli army vacates, it will be extended to include other PA-controled areas.
But they won't prevent attacks from there, so why bother?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 11:39 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Israeli Tanks Thrust Into Gaza Strip
A column of 30 Israeli tanks pushed into the Gaza Strip with heavy machineguns blazing early on Wednesday and advanced to the edge of a Palestinian refugee camp outside Gaza City. The incursion underlined the serious obstacles to peace that remain after Israeli-Palestinian talks resumed this week and Washington announced high-level meetings with Palestinians in a new attempt to end Middle East violence.
Tanks'll do that...
Palestinian witnesses said tanks swept into the fenced-in Gaza Strip under cover of darkness, entered the village of Beit Lahiya and moved to the outskirts of the Jabalya refugee camp, a stronghold of Palestinian militants. They said tanks fired machineguns as they pushed one mile into the northern Gaza Strip but faced mostly light resistance from Palestinian gunmen. Hospital sources said two men were wounded by Israeli fire, one critically with a gunshot to the head.
Yup. Those head shots can be pretty critical...
Mohammed al-Masri, mayor of Beit Lahiya, said Israeli forces had surrounded his village and were conducting house to house searches. "We're under siege," he told Reuters. The Israeli army had no immediate comment.
'Course, the tanks kinda said it all...
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had been bracing for an Israeli response after a suicide bomber from the Islamic militant group Hamas killed nine people on a bus in northern Israel on Sunday.
Gaza's where they keep the head thugs. Sure hope they go after the head thugs...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 08:21 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

North Africa
40 GAI snuffies snuffed in Algeria...
Algerian newspapers say government troops killed 40 Islamic extremists in a mountainous area of western Algeria Friday. One of the newspapers, El Watan, said two emirs, or local leaders, were among those killed in the army sweep of militant hideouts. El Watan said those killed were believed to be members of the Armed Islamic Group, which is blamed for numerous massacres of Algerian civilians.
GAI's chief was reportedly zapped about a week ago. The Algerian military is carrying out these operations under pretty primitive conditions — as in, mostly on foot, meeting the Bad Guys face-to-face, up close and personal.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 12:49 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
Students Demand Change in Indonesia
Water cannons dispersed thousands of protesters who stormed the gates of Indonesia's parliament and demanded sweeping constitutional reforms, including the right of voters to elect the president directly and an end to the military's official role in politics. It was the third straight day of demonstrations in front of the heavily guarded parliament where the country's supreme legislature is holding its annual two-week meeting. About 7,000 people, mostly students, demanded the 700-member body introduce direct presidential elections and eliminate a block of 38 seats reserved for representatives of the security forces. There were no injuries or arrests, and the demonstration ended peacefully.
Even though they didn't proceed peacefully...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 08:05 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But you gotta like the fact that the legislature meets only two weeks a year. How much harm can THEY do?
Posted by: Steve White || 08/06/2002 11:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Just ask their Vice President, Steve, they are coddling nicely with the Soddies viz. JI...
Posted by: Brian || 08/06/2002 14:16 Comments || Top||

Terror Networks
34 new guests at Club Fed...
Thirty-four men were transferred from Afghanistan to the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, meaning there are 598 in the Camp Delta facility planned for a little over 600. The men are being held as enemy combatants and being interrogated, mostly for any information they have on planned terrorist attacks. Though not all have been positively identified, they are believed to be from some three dozen countries, and some of their governments have sent delegations to try to verify their identities and help in interrogations.
I'd guess the majority of them come from Pakland. They were working like beavers in the wake of the consulate bombing and the assassination attempt on Perv. Bad time to be an Arab in Punjab or Sindh...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 11:57 am || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

News from the other side: Abu Zubaydah not as lively as we thought?
Reliable sources have disclosed that Abu Zubaydah, alleged senior Al-Qaida operative who was arrested by US and Pakistani authorities in March earlier this year, may have died shortly after his arrest as a result of injuries sustained in a shootout. In the morning of 28 March 2002, Pakistani and US Special Forces raided a house next to a madrassah in the Punjabi town of Faisalabad in order to capture Abu Zubaydah. Abu Zubaydah refused to surrender and fired on his Pakistani attackers saying to them, "You are not Muslims." Pakistani forces shot Abu Zubaydah in his stomach several times and then captured him. What happened next is the subject of a cover-up by US authorities and the truth remains to be seen.
Pretty weak example of propaganda. From the U.S. standpoint at the time, killing or capturing him would have been equally ducky. Had he died of his wounds, the Bad Guys would have propagandized that we'd killed him because we hate Muslims. Since he didn't die, and since he was at that time Binny's designated successor, nabbing him was a coup. The Bad Guys, let's face it, hate to admit that anybody's dead except for the dozens of Americans they're slaughering every day in Afghanistan.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 12:11 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Zaeef Appeals For Prayers For Guantanamo Prisioners
Former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, Mulla Abdul Salam Zaeef, has made a passionate appeal to friends and family members to pray that Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners in the US detention facility, Guantanamo, Cuba, do not waver, Zaeef's family sources said on Monday. "I have been taken away from Afghanistan. You might know where I have been taken. I appeal to all of my friends and relatives to pray for the steadfastness of all prisoners in American jail," Zaeef wrote in his letter delivered to his family five days ago by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Guess he wasn't tortured quite to death, huh?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt || 08/06/2002 12:24 pm || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2002-08-06
  40 GAI snuffies snuffed in Algeria...
Mon 2002-08-05
  Islamist shoot each other up at Ain el-Hilweh...
Sun 2002-08-04
  Train boomed in Thailand...
Sat 2002-08-03
  Angola's UNITA rebels lay down arms
Fri 2002-08-02
  Yasser squeals like a pig...
Thu 2002-08-01
  Hamas leader's wife to 'shahid' recruiter: not my kid!
Wed 2002-07-31
  Israel sez Shehadeh's successor's been named...
Tue 2002-07-30
  Another Soddy prince goes toes up...
Mon 2002-07-29
  Indonesia's VP Calls For Islamic Law
Sun 2002-07-28
  Four Beheaded in Kalimantan
Sat 2002-07-27
  Indonesia Bomb Blast Injures 53
Fri 2002-07-26
  Greeks nab another November 17th crazed killer...
Thu 2002-07-25
  Colombian plot to crash plane into buildings foiled
Wed 2002-07-24
  Hamas Threatens All Out War
Tue 2002-07-23
  Two days, two dead Soddy princes...

Better than the average link...

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