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U.S., Iranian envoys meet in Baghdad
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3 00:00 gorb [28] 
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6 00:00 Super Hose [22] 
4 00:00 RD Anti Troll [12] 
20 00:00 Super Hose [35] 
4 00:00 Skunky Glins5285 [16] 
13 00:00 JustAboutEnough [11] 
7 00:00 Barbara Skolaut [20] 
48 00:00 Seafarious [29] 
8 00:00 twobyfour [16] 
1 00:00 Glenmore [13] 
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2 00:00 Jack is Back! [19] 
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2 00:00 Abu do you love [17] 
2 00:00 Abu do you love [21] 
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9 00:00 trailing wife [10]
Insurgents fail again in ambush of ANA, Coalition forces
Elements of the 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 209th Afghan National Army Corps, advised by Coalition forces, along with a squad of Afghan National Police were ambushed by an unknown number of insurgents while conducting a combat patrol near the village of Sarizkay, Kandahr province this morning.

The ANA-led patrol was about to pass through the village when the Taliban attempted the ambush. ANA and Coalition forces repelled the attack with small-arms fire and requested Coalition close air support to destroy the enemy positions. Coalition aircraft dropped a total of four bombs and made several strafing runs on positively-identified insurgent positions. Several insurgents were believed killed during the skirmish.

One ANP officer was wounded and one ANP ambulance was destroyed in the engagement. No civilian casualties or collateral damage was observed by the combined force.

Intelligence suggests that Taliban forces are likely attempting to reassert their presence in northern Kandahar after their recent defeats from ANA and Coalition operations in the area during the past several weeks.

“The insurgents continuously demonstrate their intentions to kill Afghan civilians and destroy Afghanistan by attacking from civilian compounds,” said Army Maj. Christopher Belcher, a Combined Joint Task Force-82 spokesperson. “It is utterly ridiculous that anyone believes that these insurgents are trying to protect the Afghan population through their despicable actions.”
Yup. Kilt a bunch. Not worth counting bodies.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 07/25/2007 20:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Third ambush has also gotten a presser. 20 more Talibs dead. No good guys killed or injured.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins || 07/25/2007 20:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Quagmire.
Posted by: NYT Reporter || 07/25/2007 21:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Allahu akbar!
Posted by: gorb || 07/25/2007 23:10 Comments || Top||

Bullet-riddled body of S. Korean found
The bullet-riddled body of a South Korean hostage was found by police Wednesday in central Afghanistan after a purported Taliban spokesman said the militants had killed one of the captives. Some of the other Koreans were released, however. The male victim had 10 bullet holes in his head, chest and stomach, and was discovered in the Mushaki area of Qarabagh district in Ghazni province, said police officer Abdul Rahman.

The Taliban spokesman, Qari Yousef Ahmadi, said earlier that the hostage was killed because Afghan authorities hadn't met their demands to release other militants from prison. A police official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the situation said militants told him the hostage was sick and couldn't walk and was therefore shot.
At least ten times.
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 12:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  We had to have our elderly dog "put to sleep" because he couldn't walk any more. You don't do that to human beings.
Well, humans don't do that to humans.
Posted by: Rambler || 07/25/2007 14:15 Comments || Top||

#2  who said these ppl where humans
Posted by: sinse || 07/25/2007 14:38 Comments || Top||

#3  Islamic Warriors credo, alway killed a tied up helpless victim 10 times or more.
Posted by: RD Anti Troll || 07/25/2007 17:27 Comments || Top||

#4  always kill islamic slime.
Posted by: RD Anti Troll || 07/25/2007 17:28 Comments || Top||

#5  had to let everyone get n on the fun... that is why there were so many bullet holes.

taliturbans know they may never actually get to shoot someone before nato finds and whacks em, so they had to get it up while the getting was good.
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 18:07 Comments || Top||

#6  It is as if several thousand of Tamerlane's flunkies have stepped into a singularity and wound up in our century.
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/25/2007 23:28 Comments || Top||

26 Taliban, 2 cops killed
Six NATO troops were killed in Afghanistan, where around 60 Taliban rebels were also reported dead in two days of fighting. In two days of fighting that ended on Monday in Helmand province around 50 of the rebels were killed, the US-led coalition said. A roadside bomb killed four troops in the east, and injured another, as their vehicle passed by. The Norwegian army in Oslo said one of its special forces troops was killed by Taliban. Two policemen and 26 Islamist fighters were killed on Monday during an operation to clear the main road from the southern province of Kandahar to neighbouring Uruzgan, police said.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  I'm willing to bet a pile of fresh lefse that the Norwegian killed a hundred before his demise to the porKoranimals.
Posted by: Icerigger || 07/25/2007 8:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Norwegian SpeOps are probably the fittest mountain troops outside the Ghurkas. Must be real high country they are operating in which means getting close to something big.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:30 Comments || Top||

Hostage crisis to end 'peacefully'
(CNN) -- Taliban talks with South Korea over the fate of kidnapped South Korean volunteer aid workers in Afghanistan are progressing well, a Taliban spokesman said, adding that he thinks "the situation will be solved peacefully."
The SKors are gonna pay up, huh?
The kidnappers have threatened to kill the 23 South Koreans, most of whom are women, if their demands are not met. They want Afghanistan to release a group of prisoners and South Korea to withdraw its 200 non-combat forces from Afghanistan, which Seoul already plans to do by the end of the year. "Negotiation is going well between the Taliban and the Korean government, but not the Afghan government," Taliban spokesman Qari Mohammad Yousif Ahmadi said. "We're optimistic that the situation will be solved peacefully. We hope it will be finished before 7 p.m. If not, we might give them more time."

The Taliban said on Monday that "since the Afghan government has not sincerely tried to solve the problem, this time we give another 24 hours to the Korean government to solve the matter." After talks stalled Monday, it was announced that a new group of Afghan negotiators would begin talks with the Taliban kidnappers' representatives on Tuesday, Ghazni district governor Khawaja Mohammed Siddiqui told CNN.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  www.abcnews.com - nothing mentioned
www.nbcnews.com - nothing mentioned
www.cbsnews.com - nothing mentioned
www.foxnews.com - nothing mentioned

Posted by: CrazyFool || 07/25/2007 1:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Of course it will end peacefully; Islam is the Religion of Peace™
Posted by: Gary and the Samoyeds || 07/25/2007 8:58 Comments || Top||

#3  From FoxNews

"KABUL, Afghanistan — Taliban militants claimed they shot and killed one South Korean hostage on Wednesday while a group of abductees was freed and taken to a U.S. military base, officials said.

Purported Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi claimed that one of the hostages had been shot and killed around 4 p.m. (7:30 a.m. EDT), and a police official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the situation said militants told him the hostage was sick and couldn't walk and was therefore shot.

Some of the 23 Korean hostages, meanwhile, had been freed and were taken to a U.S. base in Ghazni, two Western officials said who asked not to be identified. The officials did not know how many had been freed. The South Korean news agency Yonhap said eight Koreans had been freed."

ROP indeed.....
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 07/25/2007 9:14 Comments || Top||

#4  "Negotiations are going well". Translates to "Their offer was below our reserve".
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:31 Comments || Top||

#5  According to JPost, Lions(TM) have already killed one of the hostages.
Posted by: gromgoru || 07/25/2007 11:58 Comments || Top||

#6  Yep, Islam is the Religion of Peace, all right - the "peace" of the grave. No thanks. I'd rather remain as I am.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 07/25/2007 14:37 Comments || Top||

Norwegian special forces soldier killed in Afghanistan
Norway's second casualty and the first from their special forces. Rest well, sir.
The Norwegian Defense Ministry reported that the soldier was killed during an exchange of fire at around 9am Norwegian time, in Lowgar Province. The Norwegian patrol was on assignment along with Afghanistan's special forces when they came under fire, believed to be from rebel Taliban forces. Birgitte Frisch of the defense ministry said the units were working to prevent a terrorist attack on Kabul. She declined to reveal further details of their mission but one official said the patrol was "routine" and wasn't connected to any operations surrounding a group of South Koreans who have been kidnapped by the Taliban.

The casualty is the first among Norway's special forces in Afghanistan and the second among all soldiers taking part in ISAF operations. Another Norwegian soldier was killed while on patrol outside Kabul in 2004.

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg expressed "deep sorrow" after receiving word "that we have lost one of our soldiers in Afghanistan." Stoltenberg extended his "deepest sympathy" to the soldier's family and colleagues on behalf of the government. Defense Minister Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen said the Norwegian special forces were making a "formidable contribution" to efforts to secure stability in Afghanistan and boost security.

"We have always known that this assignment was dangerous," she said, "but this loss nonetheless makes a deep impression."
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I'm willing to bet a pile of fresh lefse that the Norwegian killed a hundred before his demise to the porKoranimals.

God Rest Ye Sire.
Posted by: Icerigger || 07/25/2007 8:08 Comments || Top||

#2  A Viking Prayer.

Lo, there do I see my father
Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers
Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
Lo, they do call to me
They bid me take my place among them in the Halls of Valhalla
Where the brave may live forever.
Posted by: Bunyip || 07/25/2007 8:22 Comments || Top||

#3  Gudsrest du godt, helt, og takker du.
Posted by: sofia || 07/25/2007 9:05 Comments || Top||

#4  May his memory be for a blessing to those who knew him.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/25/2007 11:22 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Algerian army kills 20 Qaeda militants
The Algerian army killed 20 members of Al Qaeda when militants attacked in the troubled Kabylie region, prompting a major counter-offensive by security forces, newspapers reported on Tuesday. The militants were killed over the past two days after the army surrounded them in a forest, El Watan and Liberte said. The fighting began on July 14 when the army foiled an Al Qaeda attack on two police stations in Yakourene village in Tizi Ouzou province about 100 km (60 miles) east of Algiers.

Two hours of fighting ensued in which four members of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb were killed and some 60 others fled to a nearby forest. The military then used night vision equipment to locate the militants before starting to bomb them on Sunday, forcing some to surrender, the newspapers said citing sources close to the troops carrying out the operation. The army later found a computer containing files listing the names of 572 militants, all thought to have attended a meeting of Al Qaeda’s North African wing days before the attack on the police stations, the newspapers said.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

#1  "containing files listing the names of 572 militants"

Why do we know this so soon? They can't possibly have rolled up all 572 already. I wonder how many of those names are people in the military or government? And whether the minimum 33% are named Mohammed?
Posted by: Glenmore || 07/25/2007 7:32 Comments || Top||

Schoolboy guilty of terrorism offences
A schoolboy who ran away from home to become a Muslim martyr and three students who recruited him are facing jail after a jury found them guilty of terrorism offences.
Hey! That's *not* in the Koran!
Raja and three others were found guilty of possessing articles useful for terrorism after a three-month trial at the Old Bailey
Mohammed Irfan Raja was supposed to be on his way to school in Essex when he ran away to join a group of radicalised students in Bradford. Raja, from Ilford, who was then 17, caught a bus to West Yorkshire as part of a plan to travel to Pakistan for terrorist training. He left his parents a note which said: "If not in this (world) we will meet in the Garden of Paradise, Inshallah [God willing]. The situation is such that you will live another 30 years, maybe 40 years. When death will befall you, maybe then you will appreciate what I have done now." A "PS" added that he was going abroad.

Officers found material on their computers which included al-Qa'eda manuals, speeches by Osama bin Laden and justifications for suicide bombings
Raja's distraught parents called the police in February last year. Officers found a "profusion of Islamic propaganda" on the schoolboy's computer which showed he had been talking to Bradford University students in a chatroom. Raja's family managed to contact him on his mobile phone and persuaded him to telephone them from a phone box in Manchester. His distraught mother went on a hunger strike until Raja agreed to return home. "Irfan Raja was not as firm in his purpose as he hoped he would be, and as the people in Bradford hoped he would be," said Andrew Edis QC, prosecuting.

The defendants, who had spent much of the trial laughing and giggling together, looked shocked as the verdicts were announced.
Yesterday Raja and three others were found guilty of possessing articles useful for terrorism after a three-month trial at the Old Bailey. He had become involved with a group of radical first-year students who would allegedly meet at a student house in Bradford.

Raja had been introduced to Aitzaz Zafar, 20, from Rochdale, Lancs, over the internet by a 17-year-old student called Ali, from New Jersey, who was planning to join them. The court heard how Zafar and Akbar Butt, 19, from Southall, West London, discussed travel arrangements over the internet with a contact called "Imran" in Lahore, Pakistan.

Butt used a computer in Bradford University library to plan a trip to a training camp on Pakistan's North-West Frontier. But Raja was arrested when he went home on February 26 and counter-terrorism police soon rounded up the Bradford ring, which also included Usman Ahmed Malik, 21, from Wolverhampton, West Mids. During raids on their homes officers found material on their computers which included al-Qa'eda manuals, speeches by Osama bin Laden and justifications for suicide bombings. The other members of the gang denied plotting to train for jihad.

The defendants, who had spent much of the trial laughing and giggling together at the stupid kufrs, looked shocked as the verdicts were announced.
Because it's all a great Islamic spree of fun and holiness they were planning.
Jurors are still deliberating over a charge faced by a fourth Bradford university student Awaab Iqbal, 19.
Posted by: lotp || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Islam and his desire to become a Muslim Martyr are incidental to each other, or so I have recently heard.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 07/25/2007 9:20 Comments || Top||

#2  There must be something in the water in Northwest England. The gardens there are growing more than radishes.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:34 Comments || Top||

#3  The defendants, who had spent much of the trial laughing and giggling together, looked shocked as the verdicts were announced.

Ya failed at being a martyr and a terrorist. Let's see if you succeed at being the cellblock imam's fucktoy.
I'll bet you'll succeed at that...
Posted by: tu3031 || 07/25/2007 12:34 Comments || Top||

#4  How do you take a bus to Pakiland?
Posted by: Steven || 07/25/2007 13:25 Comments || Top||

#5  Steven, to quote the late Johnny Cash: "...One piece at a time...."
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 07/25/2007 13:59 Comments || Top||

#6  Don't send him to jail. Send him to Pakistan, put his passport in the woodchipper and revoke his citizenship. It's a win-win. Pakistan is worse than prison and it's free.
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/25/2007 23:56 Comments || Top||

UK reporters held over fake bomb attempt
Two Daily Mirror nimrods journalists were arrested yesterday after attempting to plant a fake bomb on a train in what the newspaper called a "legitimate and justified journalistic experience".

The reporters were arrested at Stonebridge Park depot in north-west London after railway staff noticed the men carrying fake equipment and approached them to ask what they were doing on the site before contacting the British Transport police to report the trespass. A police spokesman said the men were arrested at the depot yesterday afternoon and taken to a police station nearby. The matter was still being investigated and no charges had yet been laid, police said.
Have they at least earned an anti-social behaviour order?
The Mirror defended its reporters yesterday. It said they were carrying out the investigation to test security and were following up on a similar story last year when its reporter Tom Parry planted a fake bomb on a train bound for Sellafield.
See? It didn't work. You have your story, and the police have two of your reporters. Such a deal!
"Last year Mirror journalists attempted and succeeded in planting a fake bomb on a nuclear train, which highlighted serious security lapses," a spokesperson for the paper said. "We felt that it was a legitimate and justified journalistic exercise to repeat the action in the interests of public safety. We are happy to see that the security procedures have now improved."
Now, won't the nice constables release our civic-minded employees?
Mr Parry is understood to be one of the two men held yesterday.

Following the arrests a spokeswoman from the Ministry of Defence said that security was a top priority.

In January a Mirror journalist also placed a fake bomb on an unguarded train at Didcot Parkway station in Oxfordshire, an exercise which prompted a review of security on MoD trains.
How about an anti-social behaviour order for that reporter?
Posted by: lotp || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  You want a "legitimate and justified journalistic experience"?
How about a coupla years exploring pound me in the ass British prisons?
Posted by: tu3031 || 07/25/2007 8:41 Comments || Top||

#2  Coffee/keyboard warning there tu3031.
Posted by: Excalibur || 07/25/2007 9:33 Comments || Top||

#3  This is typical "participatory journalism" as practiced by the deceptive left around the world. Unfortunately, for them, they decided to practice in a nation under severe threat from within its own borders by useful idiots such as these reporters. For them to demonstrate any lack of security and publicise it makes them enablers of terrorism propaganda as much as the terrorist themselves. We all know, as rational and pragmatic human beings, that security in any public environment is fool-proof as proved by these fools.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:38 Comments || Top||

#4  ....mean't NOT foolproof.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:39 Comments || Top||

#5  These UK reporters are IDIOTS.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 11:34 Comments || Top||

#6  HEY! What you got against us?
Posted by: National Association of Idiots || 07/25/2007 11:42 Comments || Top||

#7  I don't really have anything against idiots. We have plenty of them in the media. I just think they often exceed their first amendment rights in the U.S. They [media] are in a position of responsibility and they don't act responsible.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 12:30 Comments || Top||

#8  They need to be charged with every possible terrorist law. Bunch of asshats could have really started a panic and gotten people hurt. Not to mention now all AssholesForAllah™ know about the security holes.


Better yet just shoot them and save the money from trial and incarceration.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/25/2007 12:33 Comments || Top||

#9  Let us hope those folks in the US that recently did something similiar at various airports get the same treatment (wire-wrapped cheese blocks and cell phones / battery packs all duct taped together testing security). but i have not heard of any such action.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 07/25/2007 14:02 Comments || Top||

#10  USN, that's different. Those incidents are just dry runs by Mooselimbs. Nothing to see here, just move along.
Posted by: Rambler || 07/25/2007 15:16 Comments || Top||

#11  Rambler; thanks for that reminder. and to think i used to work as one of the 'Thousands Standing Around' dumping Gramma's suitcase at the airport searching for knitting needles......
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 07/25/2007 17:08 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Murtha pushes new troop withdrawal plan
So where we pulling back to this time, Johnny? Milwaukee?
WASHINGTON - A leading Democratic House Iraq war critic said Wednesday he'll soon push legislation that would order U.S. troop withdrawals to begin in two months and predicted Republicans will swing behind it this time.
And I predict monkeys holding million dollar bills will fly outta my ass...
A vote on Rep. John Murtha's proposal likely will come in September, when Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus delivers a long-anticipated assessment on the war and members of Congress weigh some $600 billion in defense spending requested by President Bush.
So I guess Murtha doesn't even want to hear what he's got to say? I mean, I knew that, but it's nice of him to go on the record...
Under his plan, Murtha, a close ally of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said that he envisions troop withdrawals to start in November and take about a year to complete.
I have spoken! Empress Nancy, wave your magic wand!
The House has passed similar proposals in the past, including one that Bush vetoed. But Murtha said he predicts this vote will be different because of mounting voter frustration with the war and a lack of progress in Iraq. "This is big time," Murtha, D-Pa., told reporters of the upcoming war debate in September. "When you get to September, this is history. This is when we're going to have a real confrontation with the president trying to work things out."
"Work things out", my ass...
Bush has not given any indication he is open to a dramatic shift or a major redeployment of troops after September. He instead has talked at length about the need to remain engaged in Iraq to fight al-Qaida and has repeatedly appealed to lawmakers for more patience. For their part, top U.S. military officers also have indicated that the troop buildup initiated this year may be needed through next summer.
Oh, what do they know?
Congressional Republican leaders have been willing to support Bush so far, although they concede keeping their rank-and-file in line behind the president will become considerably tougher come September. In response to Murtha's proposal, House Republican Leader John Boehner said Democrats were ignoring progress in Iraq."If they are not listening to reports from our generals today, how does anyone believe they will make an honest and objective decision in September?" Boehner, R-Ohio, said. "Our national security is not a political football, and Republicans aren't going to treat it as such."

Murtha counters that he thinks Bush and GOP members will have no choice. To maintain current troop levels through 2008, Murtha predicted that combat tours would have to be extended from 15 months to 18 months — a politically unsavory position to take on an already deeply unpopular war. The Defense Department has said that extending combat tours of troops would be a last resort.
It's a volunteer military, Johnny. It'd suck, but I doubt it'll be Kent State revisited again. If it even happens.
Murtha said he will propose his measure as an amendment to the $460 billion annual military funding bill, which the House will begin debating next week and probably finish in September. The bill does not include the $142 billion that Bush requested for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which the House plans to consider separately. Dividing military spending into two bills leaves open the possibility that Congress could withhold all or portions of the combat funds."We may decide in September we're not satisfied with what Gen. Petraeus says and we may hold it up," Murtha said.
Oh, I think you've already made up your mind, Johnny. Maybe Prataeus should just save the plane fare. And if my kid was over there and you pulled this shit, I'd come looking for you with an axe...
In addition to the anti-war measure, Murtha said he also wants to add a provision that would require troops meet certain standards before being deployed and cut in half the $225 million budget for the Guantanamo Bay military prison.
So what does cutting Gitmo's budget have to do with bringing the boys home, Johnny? Got some pork in "the district" you need to free up some swag for?
Murtha's proposals keep with the Democratic strategy of taking an all-or-nothing approach on Iraq — a tack that leaves the party's members empty-handed for now but keeps it in lockstep with demands by anti-war groups.
Accomplish nothing and feel good about doing it. It's the Democratic Way...
Earlier this month, the House voted 223-201 to order troops out of Iraq beginning in 120 days. But the bill stalled in the Senate, where Democrats hold a thinner majority and Republicans blocked the measure from advancing.

Instead of embracing bipartisan alternatives, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid dropped the Iraq debate altogether. Pelosi, D-Calif., turned her attention to other war-related Democratic bills.
Must've left their ten foot poles at home...
The House on Wednesday voted 399-24 to pass a bill by Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., that would ban permanent bases in Iraq.
Really? Didn't hear anything about that one. Must've been a secret...
By week's end, the House Armed Services Committee planned to draft legislation for a vote next week that would insist troops be given sufficient time at home in between combat tours.

Left on the cutting room floor are several bipartisan proposals that could challenge Bush on Iraq and which have attracted GOP support. Among them is a House proposal that would require Bush to deliver within 60 days a new military strategy that would end major combat and refocuses troops on fighting terrorists.
Hmmmm? I would think major combat and fighting terrorists are kinda related in some way. But maybe that's just me...
Rep. Phil English, R-Pa., this week signed on as a co-sponsor.
Sens. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and John Warner, R-Va., support a similar proposal.
Posted by: tu3031 || 07/25/2007 14:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  Oh great. More propaganda for our enemy to hold on a bit and we will give up. Right when we are winning. Send him back to the Marines. They'll fix his ass.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/25/2007 15:28 Comments || Top||

#2  You have to give them credit, the anti-war lefties just refuse to give up on their efforts to lose the war. If they were as determined to win the war, then there might actually be peace there now. Instead, they have managed to keep alive the Islamist's only hope of preventing a free government in Iraq - that hope being that the US will become weary and run.
Posted by: Hank || 07/25/2007 16:15 Comments || Top||

#3  What's his new slogan? "Support the Cold-Blooded War Criminals: Bring Them Home!"?
Posted by: Mike || 07/25/2007 17:37 Comments || Top||

#4  Has Lardass apologized yet for defaming our US Marines?
Posted by: doc || 07/25/2007 17:39 Comments || Top||

#5  Maybe Rep. Murtha will steer the funding for earmrks destined for his brother to fund the withdrawal.
Posted by: anymouse || 07/25/2007 18:10 Comments || Top||

#6  "More propaganda for our enemy to hold on a bit and we will give up. "
Think it could be possible, even the enemy is getting tired of these guys trying and failing?
Posted by: plainslow || 07/25/2007 19:32 Comments || Top||

#7  DV, I dunno bro. Obviously we screwed up the first time with him. I can't figure how that puffed up weasel made it through recruit trng or Quantico. We got our 10% as well -- dudes who slimed through that should've never made it across the parade deck.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 07/25/2007 21:14 Comments || Top||

#8  Murtha served during a time when, in some instances, military service was an alternative to jail time. Currently every recruit is background checked to weed out anyone who has a significant criminal past. I don't write this to belittle anyone's VN era service just to point out that the standards have changed.
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/25/2007 23:18 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Flight Returns to Sea-Tac After Someone Claims Bomb on Board
Let's hope this is a false alarm
A flight that had taken off from Seattle-Tacoma Airport returned and landed after a report of a bomb aboard the plane. The Northwest Airlines Flight 980 was bound for Memphis, Tenn.
Posted by: Sherry || 07/25/2007 16:38 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  More attempts to stress the system?
Posted by: lotp || 07/25/2007 16:47 Comments || Top||

#2  More info --

Airport spokeswoman Terri-Ann Betancourt says Flight 980 was on its way to Memphis, when it was turned around as a precaution. She says police do not believe the bomb claim was a credible threat.

The plane left SeaTac at 12:33 and returned around 1:15. Betancourt says the man didn't have any luggage checked on the plane and made his threat to a gate agent inside the airport after the plane took off.
Posted by: Sherry || 07/25/2007 16:48 Comments || Top||

#3  This is where the passengers of 980 should get to deplane and take one (1) swing each at the man who made the claim.
Posted by: eLarson || 07/25/2007 17:00 Comments || Top||

#4  And again, there is no nationality attributed to this whackjob. or fanatic.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 07/25/2007 17:10 Comments || Top||

#5  The man was never on the plane and had no luggage on the aircraft, Betancourt said. She said the man's motive was unclear, but "it was clear he wanted the plane to come back."

This guy not be collecting $200.

Posted by: DoDo || 07/25/2007 17:11 Comments || Top||

#6  "We've got a special prize for you!"
Posted by: mojo || 07/25/2007 17:12 Comments || Top||

#7  that is: "should not be collecting $200".
Posted by: DoDo || 07/25/2007 17:13 Comments || Top||

#8  wonder if this is one of the dry runs they have been warning about
Posted by: sinse || 07/25/2007 17:26 Comments || Top||

#9  USN,ret....c'mon, we all know the guy who made the threat was probably Swedish. Maybe Australian aborigine. And a Methodist.
Posted by: Swamp Blondie || 07/25/2007 19:14 Comments || Top||

#10  He's also going to get an all expenses paid vacation to Club Fed for several years.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 07/25/2007 20:14 Comments || Top||

#11  This is where the passengers of 980 should get to deplane and take one (1) swing each at the man who made the claim.

Hell, why wait to land? I say, line 'em up down the aisle like in "Airplane!"
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 20:21 Comments || Top||

#12  hmmm, OK, except: "The man was never on the plane and had no luggage on the aircraft"
Posted by: Frank G || 07/25/2007 20:42 Comments || Top||

#13  "The man was never on the plane and had no luggage on the aircraft"

And somehow the boarding hatch managed to burst open while in-flight and suck out only a single passenger.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 20:47 Comments || Top||

Taqiyya: Sharon Mass. Man Charged With Immigration Fraud
Delphi: your comments go in hilite, not italics. Please respect the formatting guidelines. AoS.
BOSTON, July 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A Sharon man was charged today in federal court with fraud and misuse of documents required by the immigration laws, and with making false statements.
Note the source and the editorializing.
United States Attorney Michael J. Sullivan, Bruce Foucart, Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) -- New England Field Office and Warren T. Bamford, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -- New England Field Division announced today that MUHAMMAD MASOOD, age 49, of 74 Chase Drive, Sharon, MA, was charged in a Criminal Complaint with fraud and misuse of documents required by the immigration laws and with making false statements to Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Muhammed Masood first came to the U.S. in 1987, via a J-1 Visitor Exchange Visa. That visa allows foreign nationals to visit the U.S. temporarily. Participants are expected to return to their home countries after their temporary stay. In fact, participants must return to their countries for at least two years prior to re-entering the U.S.

Masood attended Vanderbilt University in 1987, attending for the fall semester. He then transferred to Boston University to study economics in 1988. Masood was sponsored for a J-1 visa by the U.S. Agency for International Development (US AID), a federal government agency that paid for Masood's expenses through the program. According to the Academy of Educational Development, which administered the grant that sponsored Masood, the total amount of taxpayer funds provided for Masood's program was some $85,800 . According to AED, Masood did not complete his MA degree at BU, he did not return to Pakistan, and he was reported as a "non-returnee."

Masood claimed in repeated, sworn testimony that he returned to Pakistan from 1991 to 1993, as required by the J-1 visa. He claimed that he worked in a mosque in Faisalabad. He claimed that he was a professor of Islamic Economics at the University of Agriculture in Pakistan between 1991-1993. He said that he lived in a small apartment, that it was very hard for him to be away from his family. He said that he missed the birth of his son in March 1992. But according to evidence uncovered by federal agents, none of this is true. The affidavit presents page after page after page of falsehoods. What sort of religious leader conduct himself this way?
Footnote: Michael Graham interviewed Miss Kelly this morning on his radio talk show. The DOJ statement is linked off of her website at Miss Kelly, where there more information about this case and Mahmood. Her surprise; or lack of, is how little of this case is being picked up by the local and regional papers including the two big ones in Boston.
Posted by: Delphi || 07/25/2007 08:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  MASOOD lied repeatedly, both orally and in writing, to the Immigration Service

What goes on in islam stays in islam...
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 10:46 Comments || Top||

Posted by: doc || 07/25/2007 10:51 Comments || Top||

#3  I noticed that Miss Kelly's link is not working.
This is the full URL to the site via TinyURL:
Posted by: Delphi || 07/25/2007 10:58 Comments || Top||

#4  Good pic doc.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 11:12 Comments || Top||

#5  Thanks AoS. Are the formatting guidelines posted somewhere on Rantburg?
Posted by: Delphi || 07/25/2007 11:25 Comments || Top||

#6  According to the Academy of Educational Development, which administered the grant that sponsored Masood, the total amount of taxpayer funds provided for Masood's program was some $85,800 .

WTF!!??!!?? I'm on my own when it comes to putting my kids through college but the government pays Paks to come here and take up places in the same colleges? And then they make jihad against us? This is infuriating. Whose idea was this? My tax dollars at work to make life miserable for me and my kids? Whatever happened to taking care of our own first?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 07/25/2007 11:36 Comments || Top||

#7  I notice they don't mention that he's Hafiz Saeed's brother.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 11:41 Comments || Top||

#8  What's that got to do with anything?
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 11:46 Comments || Top||

#9  I'm on my own when it comes to putting my kids through college but the government pays Paks to come here and take up places in the same colleges?

Part of the Washington bureacratic PC puzzle palace. Part of what's wrong with Washington.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 11:47 Comments || Top||

#10  I just kind of follow everyone else's guidlines here. Post your snarky comments in 'Hilite'.
Posted by: gromky || 07/25/2007 11:49 Comments || Top||

#11  Islamic Economics? Convert, pay infidel tax or be beheaded. The free market at work
Posted by: Steven || 07/25/2007 13:22 Comments || Top||

#12  Guidelines

And anyone can hang out at the O Club, so long as they don't start breaking chairs. They even let me in. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/25/2007 18:07 Comments || Top||

#13  Please tell me this isn't accurate. We paid $85k for a foreign stident's education (which he didn't finish) and then the ungrateful buttcake violates the law and stays here. God in Heaven, is there no end to the insults we endure from foreigners who abuse our kindness. I'm incensed that we paid that kind of money for this guy, and that we aren't holding a public flogging or his unspeakable bad manners.
Posted by: JustAboutEnough || 07/25/2007 19:06 Comments || Top||

Airports Warned About Terror Dry Runs
Airport security officers around the nation have been alerted by federal officials to look out for terrorists practicing to carry explosive components onto aircraft, based on four curious seizures at airports since last September. The unclassified alert was distributed on July 20 by the Transportation Security Administration to federal air marshals, its own transportation security officers and other law enforcement agencies. Security officers were urged to keep an eye out for "ordinary items that look like improved explosive device components."

The seizures at airports in San Diego, Milwaukee, Houston and Baltimore included "wires, switches, pipes or tubes, cell phone components and dense clay-like substances," including block cheese, the bulletin said. "The unusual nature and increase in number of these improvised items raise concern."

The 13-paragraph bulletin was posted on the Internet by NBC Nightly News, which first reported the story. A federal official familiar with the document confirmed the authenticity of the NBC posting but declined to be identified by name because it has not been officially released. "There is no credible, specific threat here," TSA spokeswoman Ellen Howe said Tuesday. "Don't panic. We do these things all the time."

The bulletin said the a joint FBI-Homeland Security Department assessment found that terrorists have conducted probes, dry runs and dress rehearsals in advance of previous attacks. It cited various types of rehearsals conducted by terrorists before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; the July 7, 2005, London subway bombings; the Aug. 2, 2006, London-based plot to blow up trans-Atlantic flights using liquid explosives and the 1994 Bojinka plot in the Philippines to blow up multiple airliners over the Pacific Ocean.

The bulletin said the passengers carrying the suspicious items seized since September included men and women and that initial investigation had not linked them with criminal or terrorist organizations. But it added that most of their explanations for carrying the items were suspicious and some were still under investigation.

The four seizures were described this way:

- San Diego, July 7. A U.S. person - either a citizen or a foreigner legally here - checked baggage containing two ice packs covered in duct tape. The ice packs had clay inside them rather than the normal blue gel.

- Milwaukee, June 4. A U.S. person's carryon baggage contained wire coil wrapped around a possible initiator, an electrical switch, batteries, three tubes and two blocks of cheese. The bulletin said block cheese has a consistency similar to some explosives.

- Houston, Nov. 8, 2006. A U.S. person's checked baggage contained a plastic bag with a 9-volt battery, wires, a block of brown clay-like minerals and pipes.

- Baltimore, Sept. 16, 2006. A couple's checked baggage contained a plastic bag with a block of processed cheese taped to another plastic bag holding a cellular phone charger.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  Airports Warned About Terror Dry Runs

jeeze TW, great timing we can't "alert" the airport/airline authorities thanks to demoC*rap legislation.
Posted by: RD || 07/25/2007 0:12 Comments || Top||

#2  I hope that each person in the above examples—plus their known acquaintances, relatives, mail, email and telecom traffic—is now living under a 24/7/365+¼ government issue scanning electron microscope with EDAX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis). These are flat-out blatant attempts at testing for preflight detection of plastic explosives.

While we simply cannot pass laws about "flying while in the possession of cheese or clay", there needs to be some determination made about inordinately suspicious materials being introduced into a passenger flight's luggage stream. Refrigerant gel packs with their contents replaced by clay simply scream "terrorist dry run!"

Plainly put—in these matters—statistics just are not on our side. They're not supposed to be. Lobbing lightweight airframes loaded with hundreds of people and tons of jet fuel several miles up into the sky on transcontinental trajectories defies the odds in more ways than can be counted.

Civilized society depends upon coherent adoption of the social contract. This is something that Islam—quite obviously—absolutely refuses to do. Unless we are prepared to see a certain percentage of fully booked passenger flights disintegrate in mid-air, slam into occupied buildings or plunge to zero altitude—all of which already have happened at Muslim terrorist hands—we'd damn well better come up with a Plan B because Plan A sure as shit ain't working.

Islam must be read the riot act. In no uncertain terms it must be spelled out that the continuing existence of this world's Muslim population entirely depends upon a complete and total cessation of this crapulence. Clear penalties must be delineated, prepared for and implemented at the slightest indication that Muslims do not take these threats promises seriously.

I no longer give a damn if this involves shooting fully loaded MME (Muslim Middle East) passenger jet airliners out of the sky each time some Islamic bastard even tries to bring down one of our planes. We need to make Muslims so terrified of the West's unannounced, swift and irreversible retaliations arising from radical Islamist violence that they begin to stack up their oh-so beloved jihadis like just that much cordwood behind every damned effing mosque on this entire planet.

I REFUSE to see the Western world's hard-won and extremely high quality of life deteriorate at the hands of some feckless Islamic bastards. They have no effing right to do so and we must make it quite clear to this world's entire Muslim population that they'd damn well better begin doing something about it or start to suffer some very serious and exceptionally unpleasant consequences.

All fellow contributors, would you please, please post your own ideas about how to abate this monstrous and crippling threat to our world's air transport and tourism industry. The unwarranted and deleterious constraints placed upon global air travel by this handful of Islamic psychotics cannot be tolerated.

Better that all Islam pay the price for such crapulence than endure another millisecond of this horseshit.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 0:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Zenster. Dial down the rhetoric.

Starting now.

For the record, the editorial policy of Rantburg is strictly opposed to the shooting of passenger planes from the sky.

Any further speculation along these lines will be deleted.
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 1:15 Comments || Top||

#4  For the record, the editorial policy of Rantburg is strictly opposed to the shooting of passenger planes from the sky.

Thank you. I do not expect my advocacy of such reprisals to receive the most receptive of audiences.

I would hope that it is understood how I am trying to arrive at definite alternatives to such drastic measures. That is the gist and explicit purpose of me inviting others to "please, please post your own ideas about how to abate this monstrous and crippling threat to our world's air transport and tourism industry."

I seek some sort of useful resolution regarding how to counter Islam's constant threat and not just employing the savagery utilized by so many of our Muslim enemies. Calculated retaliations are not "mindless". I would hope that such a point remains clear in the midst of discussing this admittedly nettlesome issue.
That doesn't cut it. Stop waving your hands and talking about 'definitive alternatives', that just makes you sound like a liberal who's been caught. You've been warned not to do it, so don't do it. AoS.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 1:42 Comments || Top||

#5  Personally, I like to wring my hands rather than doing anything effective about it. /sarc

Perhaps we need a law that goes something like "Only normal stuff and normal packing arrangements when it comes to public transportation. No weird bomb/weapon-like devices. If you get caught with one, you rot in jail until (A) you satisfactorily explain your 'dry run' behavior or bomb/weapon-like item's existance; or (B) you agree that you and your family and after investigation maybe the entire string of pearls brought into this country by them get permanently booted and put on a no-fly list".

If that makes too much sense, perhaps flying rules can be changed to allow only medicines/etc. in carry-on, and baby stuff can be bought pre-packaged on the airplane. Of course, that would necessitate more trustworthy stewardship of the usually valuable carry-on luggage. Perhaps carry-on luggage could be brought to the airport a day or two before and processed more thoroughly before it is allowed on the plane instead of in a long line of anxious fliers. Again, there would have to be some serious procedures in place to safeguard the more valuable stuff in this pre-checked carry-on luggage. That would allow a more serious check of any carry-on luggage that shows up with other passengers at flight time, with a possible penalty being "if we can't get to yours in time, it goes in checked baggage, minus any medications, and you can buy baby stuff on the airplane."

And if you act weird in-flight, your fellow passengers get to vote on whether or not you get cuffed to your seat or separated and stuck between the two biggest passengers on the flight until they land and can decide what to do with the guy then.

And they don't have to worry about lawsuits for reporting odd behavior.
Posted by: gorb || 07/25/2007 3:33 Comments || Top||

#6  I'm sure flying naked and drugged has been suggested already.
Posted by: Howard UK || 07/25/2007 3:40 Comments || Top||

#7  I know it's a bit "out of the box" and would do little to ease the current pilot shortage, but has anyone give consideration to passengers boarding in disposable hospital gowns provided by the carrier, with baggage and normal carry ons placed in a towed glider that could be cut-away? Provided ladders were available, and with proper weight limits, the overheads could be used as sleeping birth upgrades for some.
Posted by: Besoeker || 07/25/2007 4:46 Comments || Top||

#8  The airlines would probably like that, Besoeker -- they could crowd more seating in what formerly was the luggage hold. Of course, bringing that towed glider back to zero altitude would be a bit interesting, so perhaps they could staff it with a junior grade pilot tasked just for landings; or it could be a bit of extra money for a regular pilot who needed extra sleep between flights. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/25/2007 6:27 Comments || Top||

#9  I was watching the news yesterday when they mentioned this. I noted they said nothing of the individuals. No race, no religion. Wanna bet they weren't Mormon grandmothers?
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 07/25/2007 6:41 Comments || Top||

#10  They confiscated my peanut butter Monday (wife has digestive problems that ban pretty much all airline and airport 'food' so we carry emergency rations.) I was actually surprised they didn't take it away the preceding Tuesday flight. Then swabbed and tested everything for explosives. They were apologetic (but kept the peanut butter), and it was 2/3 gone already, so no real problem. Glad they didn't take me to jail though (would have if I had used that pack as a range bag at some point!)
Posted by: Glenmore || 07/25/2007 7:43 Comments || Top||

#11  8 days ago I was sitting behind a middle east passenger who from the get asked for a blanket saying he was cold. The plane wasn't. Turns out he was an OK guy but make no mistake about it, I did take the time to figure out which side of his head was best suited to use in case of emergency.

Zen is absolutely right to a fashion. The Muslims are going to hit us again that is a certainty. Islam demands our deaths and the Dhimmicrats will blame Bush and Americans will be in shock, again.

The only way this is going to be resolved is if with every smaller attack inside our borders, we inform the public as to what really is the evil nature of Islam. That intent being in preparation for the final nuke attack. Which is coming. Upon said Muslim terrorist attack, we Americans will have to rise up in a Jeffersonian fashion and take back our country, our world. By whatever means necessary.

Destroying Mecca, outlawing the Koran, closing down every single mosque, deporting anyone Muslim that was not born here. Sending with them, every single "liberal" Democrat that has made Islam, CAIR's vision of America a reality.

A global Crusade will have to happen.

One thing that has made Islam's invasion possible is modern communication. Using whatever means necessary our military should shut down all internet and phone going to and from all Muslim nations.

Gentlemen I give you the "Jihad Certainty Principle".

In the mean time be sure to check out the aviation nation's dry run news site. There is an interview with TSA spokeswoman Ellen Howe. She is the best friend Muslim terrorist could have. I feel comfortable using the term traitor for that POS.
Posted by: Icerigger || 07/25/2007 7:47 Comments || Top||

#12  Travel Report Card:
USAir: Good job. Polite personnel. On-time flights. Bags made it undamaged etc.
One passenger out of Reagan had an 'unusual' carry-on (probably some kind of technical instrument case, past or present) and 'looked' Arab (sounded like a Portuguese accent to me, so likely Brazilian); stewardess spoke with him about the case in a 'curious' not 'suspicious' manner, which was (I think) a very appropriate thing to do. I suspect (and hope) she was evaluating his mannerisms in his response (I was, and they seemed ok to my untrained senses.)
(Hertz check-in woman was a b*tch.)
Posted by: Glenmore || 07/25/2007 7:50 Comments || Top||

#13  Glen the next time someone pulls that crap in the airport I'm going to look the TSA folks in the face and say, "I'm not a Muslim".

Posted by: Icerigger || 07/25/2007 7:51 Comments || Top||

#14  IMHO, a cold pack filled with anything but the original material supplied by the manufacturer is an attempt to induce panic and should be prosecutable.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 07/25/2007 8:17 Comments || Top||

#15  What astonishes me about this entire subject of conversation is that we take it for granted an airline should be able to carry the jihadis to their destination in safety. Provided they pay their fare and do not successfully commandeer the plane and murder its passengers and crew then no harm no foul.

Why should we give up any liberty whatsoever? Why should I be refused the right to carry water onto the plane so that muslims should continue to fly? Better to deport all of them - born here or not - and bar any from entering the country for travel, business or study.

I understand this is an unrealistic proposal. For now. If we carry on our present course it will be the only option left to us bar surrender and assimilation into a new world of the 7th century. But by then art, democracy, history itself will be dead and nothing left but to mutter Orc chants until the end of days.
Posted by: Excalibur || 07/25/2007 9:24 Comments || Top||

#16  What if this is a diversion? What if they want us to think - aviation? I came back to Florida via the Auto-train. I could have taken whatever I wanted on the train plus what was in my car. Okay, not a big hit - only about 250 passengers but add up all the Amtrak services for a single day and what do you get? What do you get when they sit in Penn Station or Grand Central? Add up the numbers. Sometimes we have to look at the obvious and think like the terrorist - what is his motivation and how can he accomplish this in plain sight? I think aviation is difficult at this time because that is what we are expecting. But there are other big targets out there in multiples if not individually.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:54 Comments || Top||

#17  It's possible that the "dry runs" are dither put into the system to impact our economy. The muzzies know we have to take each threat seriously.

I wonder who owns the luggage? Can it be tracked to an owner?

I also worry about baggage handlers putting stuff in luggage after passengers check it through. Who checks out the airport workers?

I'd be for execution (immediate) of anyone pulling any such $hit as trying to blow up an airliner. Richard Reid should have been executed immediately (No relative of Harry Reid except maybe ideologically). During WWII, we had Nazi terrorists come to our shores via sub. Their mission was to create havoc in our country during the war. These people were shot.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 11:09 Comments || Top||

#18  I no longer give a damn if this involves shooting fully loaded MME (Muslim Middle East) passenger jet airliners out of the sky each time some Islamic bastard even tries to bring down one of our planes. We need to make Muslims so terrified of the West's unannounced, swift and irreversible retaliations arising from radical Islamist violence that they begin to stack up their oh-so beloved jihadis like just that much cordwood behind every damned effing mosque on this entire planet.

I'll ask it be noted that my statement is suppositional and not unconditional. I'll also note that others here suggest far worse horrors—which I have rather consistently objected to—without garnering moderator objections. While selective moderation is certainly your privilege, it conspicuously erodes any moral authority involved.

Zen is absolutely right to a fashion. The Muslims are going to hit us again that is a certainty ...

The only way this is going to be resolved is if with every smaller attack inside our borders, we inform the public as to what really is the evil nature of Islam ...

Destroying Mecca, outlawing the Koran, closing down every single mosque, deporting anyone Muslim that was not born here ...

A global Crusade will have to happen.


Believe it or not, this is what I'm trying to avoid. While I do advocate mass deportation of America's Muslim population, I still hold out hope that if the West finally begins to react with sufficient harshness and vigor we might be able to avoid nuclear incineration of the MME (Muslim Middle East). To date there is no such indication, which is why I continue to predict this atomic holocaust.

As noted by Icerigger, America's politicians simply refuse to name our enemy. They insist upon engaging in egocentric relativism and thereby sidestep the otherwise inescapable conclusion that Muslims simply DO NOT think like we do. This moral relativism is going to get a huge number of us killed. That is a prospect I find totally unacceptable.

By now, it is pretty clear that we are in another World War. During WWII it proved both necessary and effective to destroy civilian targets solely as psychological blows to our enemies. Whether those targets are cities on the ground or planes in the air really makes no difference. If our civilian aviation is subjected to attacks it only makes sense to counterattack at the same level. It would certainly make clear to our Muslim foes their extreme vulnerability while in the air and perhaps that might goad them to act against their radicals.

Above all, it has been my constant goal to devise some way of inspiring this globe's Muslim population that time is swiftly running out for any movement against their jihadist co-religionists. I do not maintain that my positions are the only ones that will work and routinely solicit—exactly as I have done here—suggestions from other participants as to how this can be achieved.

Confronted by an enemy that simply has no respect for human life, the West will be required to rethink its own strategies in how to combat this foe. It seems almost unavoidable that we will eventually have to adopt measures equally if not even more harsh than those directed against us. This was my central point and I stand by it. Only when Islam experiences the exact same predations upon it that we are subjected to by them will they finally begin to appreciate the consequences of their acts.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 11:11 Comments || Top||

#19  Remember Mr. Chertoff saying he had a gut feel and asking us all to pay attention? And the Israeli author Mr. Aviv who claims it'll be malls or amusement parks this time? Let's just all be aware and willing to do something should it become necessary -- and those of you licenced for concealed carry, please do. The rest of us will throw whatever is at hand at the miscreants, as a first step.

See something, say something, do something. Let's worry about CAIR suits afterward, when I'm sure those Rantburgers who are lawyers will have some interesting thoughts. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/25/2007 11:14 Comments || Top||

#20  It seems all the passengers were legal US residents, although better monitoring of those with expired visas and lying about requirements to leave and return, etc. could be better done with biometric national ID cards. The UNHCR is responsible for sending many of our immigrants here and the federal subsidies they get are a further indignity to American citizens. The Somalis who contacted CAIR & sued Swift in Nebraska were replacing illegal Hispanics rounded up by ICE; Swift is Brazilian owned. Knowing who is here and where they are, especially if they are taking taxpayer dollars, seems like a good start.
Posted by: Danielle || 07/25/2007 11:40 Comments || Top||

#21  Zenster relax---the tragicomedy must be played out. Judging by the Israeli experience, no way will US public get off their holier-than-thou high horse until thousands are dead and millions are afraid to go out. Nothing you can do about it, so learn to relax---I did during Intifada-II.
Posted by: gromgoru || 07/25/2007 11:48 Comments || Top||

#22  Thank you, gg. How sad to think that a preventable tragedy simply cannot be avoided.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 11:59 Comments || Top||

#23  I retired a couple of years ago. Before that I was flying a lot in a consulting business. I seldom fly anymore. It's not that I am afraid to fly. It's just that the pi$$ off factor is too great. I don't like being herded around in a ovine like manner. I realize that most people don't have this luxury of not flying. I can remember a time when passengers carried a "piece" in their briefcase if they so chose.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 12:37 Comments || Top||

#24  Zenster. Frustrated and angry, like you, but, um, 'crapulance' means 'the ill effects of excessive drinking', not a fancy variation on 'crap'.
Posted by: Peter Carroll || 07/25/2007 13:21 Comments || Top||

#25  I am personally that the dry runs were even caught. i have found close to half a dozen blatant security holes that would allow someone of that mindset to bring down a plane... i have also worked out at least a dozen easier and more effective terror strikes that fortunately the terrorists seem to be to stupid to consider on thier own.

every day i thank God our enemy is inept.
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 13:25 Comments || Top||

#26  should have read I am personally suprised that the dry runs were even caught.
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 13:26 Comments || Top||

#27  'crapulance' means 'the ill effects of excessive drinking', not a fancy variation on 'crap'.

Well, well, I've only seen it used in the latter form of expression. We learn something every day. I wasn't aware it was even a real word. Now I know how Mark Twain felt when he found out that gotterdammerung only meant "twilight of the gods." Thank you, Peter Carroll.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 13:43 Comments || Top||

#28  It would be interesting to be able to travel back in time and re-examine all the various bags presented for security screening throughout the entire US on the days those 4 were detected; i am willing to bet that there were not just 4 attempts and that there were several successful; those success stories are even now being analyzed by the bad guys to refine their tactics. The recent revelation of the laxness at Sky Harbor only emphasizes the fact that we will see a repeat of an aviation terror hit.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 07/25/2007 14:19 Comments || Top||

#29  I understand and appreciate Zen's angst.

A big tragedy is coming for the US. It is inevitable. It will be islamic and almost certainly Middle Eastern in origin. My real fear, as the UK events have shown, is that the purps will be aided and abetted by muslims in the US.

What happens after that is anyone's guess.
Posted by: anymouse || 07/25/2007 14:44 Comments || Top||

#30  A U.S. person??? Riiiiight. Can we please do some profiling now?
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305 || 07/25/2007 14:44 Comments || Top||

#31  Zenster relax---the tragicomedy must be played out. Judging by the Israeli experience, no way will US public get off their holier-than-thou high horse until thousands are dead and millions are afraid to go out. Nothing you can do about it, so learn to relax---I did during Intifada-II.

This is a very important point. The U.S. public won't support anything other than political blather. The challenge here is to educate the public.

Personally, I would like to see churches taking a position on this that is a little more critical of Islam than it currently is.

The press is shit, everybody knows that. A more aggressive domestic stance toward Muslims is going to have to come from the people. Our leaders have long ago stopped doing what is right. Shades of Common Sense are what is now needed.
Posted by: Mike N. || 07/25/2007 15:11 Comments || Top||

#32  What if this is a diversion? What if they want us to think - aviation?

I also personally think these may be little diversions to target our economy while a MAJOR simultaneous attack is in the works. Think water-borne this time. The talking heads always say they tend to use what has worked in the past and focus too much on commercial airlines with legit passengers. What about the night hours when TSA are gone and the keystone cops patrol the airports. There is zippo security on the tarmacs, baggage, and cargo areas. Focusing all the attention on segments of the Mexican border totally ignores the bigger Canadian problem but exhausts our Border Patrol agents. I fear the suitcase nukes and large chemical bombs in our ports or coming in on containers, especially those that may already be here sitting in a warehouse or on a RR sidetrack. Profiling at the very least should be implemented NOW and an immediate halt to all immigration, legal and illegal, as contrary to what the President has been told, we are not fighting the terrorists in Iraq to keep us safe here; they are not contained by mere borders and AQ has long forewarned us they were coming here. They know too well that it will be the last terrorist act they pull off, as a single catastrophe will bring the full ire of Zenster and other like-minded Americans on them wherever they may be found. Catering to European opinion and legal hamstringing from Dhimmicrats is going to be the death of America. Whatever happened to upholding the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic?
Posted by: Danielle || 07/25/2007 15:39 Comments || Top||

#33  Whatever happened to upholding the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Nobody has the stones to confront the "domestic" component of our enemy contingent--namely the far left and the media that support it.
Posted by: Crusader || 07/25/2007 16:06 Comments || Top||

#34  Personally, I would like to see churches taking a position on this that is a little more critical of Islam than it currently is.

I cannot possibly agree with you more, Mike N. Every other major religion is under physical and violent assault at the hands of Islam. As a matter of sheer survival one would think that a confab of world religious leaders could convene and demand a cease to both terrorist predation and the complete lack of religious freedom throughout the MME (Muslim Middle East).

Just as importantly, such a group could also take the lead in condemning Islam's institutionalized gender apartheid as a massive violation of human rights. Of equal importance would be a similar excoriation of taqiyya in Koranic doctrine. All of these issues pose a direct threat to the legitimate faiths of this world. Islam must be exposed and labeled as a cult until Muslims abandon the moral tresspass whereby they absolve themselves of offenses that they would punish others for.

On a personal note, I would also like to express deep appreciation for those of you here who have demonstrated an understanding of why I am so outraged at Islam's intolerable aggression upon the West. While its vileness is compounded by the traitor elite who pass for political leadership these days, all blame must be laid at Islam's door. They are the sole author of these horrors and must be made to pay the piper.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 16:35 Comments || Top||

#35  PS: I concur with gorb, Rob and others about how bringing items made to resemble bomb components should result in prolonged detainment plus the immediate expulsion of non-citizens and all their relatives.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 16:38 Comments || Top||

#36  There's a report out of San Diego that says the
TSA report overstates the facts of the case.
It's a false alarm.

The San Diego director of the Transportation Security Administration said Wednesday that a recent report of a possible terrorist “dry run” at Lindbergh Field stemmed from what turned out to be a false alarm.
But local TSA Security Director Michael J. Aguilar – and the chief of the police agency that patrols the airport – said Wednesday that while screeners initially thought the packs held a clay-like substance, it was quickly determined they contained the usual blue gel. Aguilar said he didn't know why the TSA memo, issued in Washington, reported the substance as clay.
...the incident involved a bag checked by a woman in her 60s flying out of Lindbergh Field.
Sanfilippo said a routine swab test of the bag indicated the presence of a chemical that is sometimes used in explosives or medications. Inside the luggage, inspectors found cold packs, wrapped in clear packing tape, that were old and leaking. The TSA bulletin said the ice packs were covered in duct tape and had clay inside of them. Sanfilippo said they weren't covered in duct tape and didn't have clay inside of them. “It is a little bit off,” he said of the bulletin.

Np mention of "wires, switches, pipes or tubes, cell phone components..." being found in her luggage as the TSA bulletin reported. seems some of us got a little worked up over some bureaucrat's dramatization of events.

Posted by: GK || 07/25/2007 17:47 Comments || Top||

#37  GK, did you actually read the article?

- Milwaukee, June 4. A U.S. person's carryon baggage contained wire coil wrapped around a possible initiator, an electrical switch, batteries, three tubes and two blocks of cheese. The bulletin said block cheese has a consistency similar to some explosives.

- Houston, Nov. 8, 2006. A U.S. person's checked baggage contained a plastic bag with a 9-volt battery, wires, a block of brown clay-like minerals and pipes.

- Baltimore, Sept. 16, 2006. A couple's checked baggage contained a plastic bag with a block of processed cheese taped to another plastic bag holding a cellular phone charger.

Dismissing the San Diego incident, there remain another three widely distributed and separate events that still bear all the hallmarks of a serious test for our airport security checks.

Who the hell carries a brick of cheese bound up with a cell phone charger? Why would someone congregate "a 9-volt battery, wires, a block of brown clay-like minerals and pipes"? What possible use is a "wire coil wrapped around a possible initiator, an electrical switch, batteries, three tubes and two blocks of cheese"?

These are bomb mockups and nothing else. Unless a traveler is able to provide one helluva convincing explanation for such anomalous assemblies of nominal IED components, they'd better be prepared to undergo thoroughly proctological levels of interrogation.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 18:00 Comments || Top||

#38  I checked at Dictionary.com, and it's crapulence that means getting sick from overindulgence. Crapulance doesn't have a meaning yet, so Zenster is free to claim coinage should he like.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/25/2007 18:15 Comments || Top||

#39  What about "craptastic"? ;)
Posted by: Swamp Blondie || 07/25/2007 19:17 Comments || Top||

#40  I have to support zenster's right to rant.

Unless this is a mirror site for www.compromiseburg.com
Posted by: flash91 || 07/25/2007 19:18 Comments || Top||

Rants are fine.

Calls for genocide, downing of civilian aircraft on general principles and other such actions are not. They are against the rules which Fred has asked us mods to help monitor while he is busy maintaining the site and defending it against cyberJihadis, scriptKiddies, hax0rs and purveyors of purience who haven't the decency to offer him royalties on the click throughs.

Zen hasn't exactly had his bandwidth usage restricted here at the Burg. We need his -- and your -- help in staying within the guidelines Fred has established here. They are not onerous.

And, most importantly, they make the site work.
Posted by: lotp || 07/25/2007 19:34 Comments || Top||

#42  Fred sets the rules, flash91. This site is private property -- we're here as his guests. Dear Zenster has often stated his appreciation of that fact, and clearly works to bring his best to the table.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/25/2007 19:39 Comments || Top||

#43  The enemy needs periodic reminders that forcing America's hand could result in an extreme devaluation of enemy life. There is nation building and nation destruction. Both can happen.
Posted by: McZoid || 07/25/2007 19:39 Comments || Top||

#44  What about "craptastic"?

Thank you for the thoughtful suggestions, ladies. There is also a modification of the above adjective, i.e., "craptacular".
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 19:55 Comments || Top||

#45  Zen hasn't exactly had his bandwidth usage restricted here at the Burg. We need his -- and your -- help in staying within the guidelines Fred has established here. They are not onerous.

Agreed on all points and without any dispute. With ZERO irony I would like to take another opportunity to thank Fred and all of the moderators here for their efforts. Mebbe I need to change my nick over to something more appropriate like Anti-Islamic Rage Boy.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 19:59 Comments || Top||

#46  How about Anti-Islamic Rage Boy with his own blog?
Posted by: Pappy || 07/25/2007 21:05 Comments || Top||

#47  How about Anti-Islamic Rage Boy with his own blog?

Garsh, Pappy, didn't you mean "How about Anti-Islamic Rage Boy with his own blog?", at 23:59:59?
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 22:34 Comments || Top||

#48  Dial down the rhetoric. It's not hard, and it's not too much to ask.
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 23:17 Comments || Top||

Muslim charity accused of terror funding in US court
A jury Tuesday began hearing evidence in a terrorist financing trial involving what was once the nation’s largest Muslim charity in a case that will test the US government’s newest tool in the war on terror.

The prosecutor opened Tuesday’s session by reading the 40-page indictment, which is an outline of alleged crimes.

Prosecutors contend the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
formerly known as the Occupied Land Foundation
sent at least $12 million to committees in Palestine controlled by Hamas out of funds it had collected at mosques and radical fundraisers throughout the United States.
The raid on HLF HQ was the one ruined by Judy Miller when she called them for comment the day *before* the raid; a lot of documents and a couple big fish went away.
The US government designated Hamas a terrorist organization in 1995, making it illegal to support the group, even in the form of humanitarian aid.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Thanks Judy, "Free Press" contributes to the WOT, NOT. I believe Judy was busy setting up "Scooter" Libby that fine day.

Now if the Gubmint caint prevail here against 'mooselimb terrorist charities', us little ole citizens caint with that thar new demoC*rap pending law and all.
Posted by: RD || 07/25/2007 0:31 Comments || Top||

#2  CAIR is going to be a topic of this trial.
Posted by: Icerigger || 07/25/2007 7:53 Comments || Top||

#3  One can only hope, Icerigger. Of course, a MSM blackout of this trial would lead the average Joe to understand CAIR about the same as he does today.
Posted by: BA || 07/25/2007 11:49 Comments || Top||

#4  Of course, a MSM blackout of this trial would lead the average Joe to understand CAIR about the same as he does today.

And that needs to change more than a baby's overloaded diaper.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 20:50 Comments || Top||

US bans dealings with Hezbollah supporters
THE US Treasury Department said overnight it had moved to block financing to Lebanese group Hezbollah by banning US transactions with a foundation in Iran and a finance company in Lebanon. The Treasury said it was designating the Tehran-based Martyrs Foundation and the Al-Qard al-Hassan finance firm in Beirut as providing financial support to terrorist organisations. The move invokes an executive order to freeze any assets they may have under US jurisdiction and prohibit any Americans from conducting transactions with them. Two individuals associated with Hezbollah support activities also were blacklisted.

The designation includes a Dearborn, Michigan-based fundraising office set up by the Martyrs Foundation under the name Goodwill Charitable Organisation. The Treasury said Goodwill is a "front organisation that reports directly to the leadership of Martyrs Foundation in Lebanon".

The Treasury said the foundation channels financial support from Iran to several militant groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. This included providing financial support to the families of killed or imprisoned Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad members, including suicide bombers in the Palestinian territories, the Treasury said. "We will continue to target those who form the financial backbone of Hezbollah, Hamas, PIJ and other terrorist groups that are attempting to destabilise Lebanon and target innocent civilians," said Stuart Levey, undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The Treasury said Hezbollah has used the Al-Qard al-Hassan firm to manage financial activities, adding that accounts of people and entities previously blacklisted by the Treasury were shifted to the firm and its employees.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

#1  US bans dealings with Hezbollah supporters

warms the cockles. yep.
Posted by: RD || 07/25/2007 0:33 Comments || Top||

#2  Does that include Jimmy Carter?
Posted by: Mike || 07/25/2007 6:29 Comments || Top||

#3  Too late. He's already a Hezbollah supporter...
Posted by: tu3031 || 07/25/2007 8:46 Comments || Top||

#4  So, then, ban dealing with Jimmy Carter. No more crappy and evil books, no more TV appearances. Works for Me.
Posted by: Gary and the Samoyeds || 07/25/2007 9:03 Comments || Top||

#5  That would include the EU and Russia.
Posted by: doc || 07/25/2007 10:53 Comments || Top||

20-kg bomb defused in Tank
The city police defused a powerful 20-kilogrammes bomb on the Tank-DI Khan road here on Tuesday. SHO Muzammil Khan told reporters that police had received information that some miscreants had planted an explosive device on the road. Police, with the help of the bomb disposal squad, rushed to the spot and defused the bomb. The bomb was locally manufactured, he added.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Mehsud was hiding in Fazl stooge's house
More detail on yesterday's story...
Taliban leader Abdullah Mehsud blew himself up to avoid arrest after he was surrounded by security forces in a house in Zhob, Balochistan on Tuesday. Police arrested three of Mehsud’s accomplices, including his brother Abdul Rehman Mehsud. Anti-terrorist Force (ATF) commandoes raided the house of Sheikh Ayub, a district leader of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (Fazl), before morning prayers after learning that Mehsud was inside. A gun battle ensued, and Mehsud was surrounded. “The ATF asked Abdullah Mehsud to surrender and take off his shirt when they had almost overpowered him. However, he refused to surrender and blew himself up with explosives,” said a source in Quetta. The ATF also arrested Sheikh Ayub’s younger brother, Sheikh Azam, and his son, Sheikh Sheryar. The whereabouts of Sheikh Ayub were unknown.

Interior Ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema told a news briefing in Islamabad that Mehsud was wanted for the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers in 2004 and for “many terror attacks”. He was also an “active Taliban commander and staunch Al-Qaeda supporter,” Cheema said. He said an autopsy performed at Zhob district hospital confirmed Mehsud’s death.
"What do you make of this, Dr Quincy?"
"Hmmm... Looks like part of a kidney. The northern half, I'd say."
"And this?"
"Part of a testicle, I think."
"And this?"
"Three quarters of a head."
"Could you make a diagnosis based on the available forensic evidence?"
"I'd say he was deader'n a rock."
He denied the US had shared any intelligence with Pakistan about Mehsud’s hideout. US-allied Afghan forces captured Mehsud, who earlier lost a leg fighting for the Taliban, in Afghanistan in December 2001. He was incarcerated in at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and was released in March 2004. He took up arms again, leading militants in South Waziristan. Mehsud’s brother Baitullah is a leading Taliban commander in the tribal regions.

Agencies add: A Pakistani intelligence official said Mehsud was intercepted on his way back from Afghanistan’s Helmand province, where the official said he led supporters fighting alongside the Taliban against Afghan and US forces. The intelligence official said Mehsud had been in Afghanistan for more than a year and that there was no evidence he organised violence in Pakistan.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Requiem.
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 0:10 Comments || Top||

#2  Nice. I wonder how many other jackwads we let go from Gitmo are back in business like this guy was.
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 17:57 Comments || Top||

Two FC men killed in Bajaur Agency
The bodies of two security personnel were found on Tuesday in Inayat Bazaar, Bajaur Agency, with a letter saying those spying for the US and its allies would meet the same fate, sources said. Unknown militants kidnapped the two Frontier Corps soldiers, 55-year-old Siad Gul Khattak and Muhammad Riaz from Punjab, from the Kagai area on Monday night. The militants slit their throats and dumped their bodies at the bazaar with the note written in Pashto attached. Two bombs in Miranshah bazaar in North Waziristan destroyed a government office of the Communications and Works Department and a Khasadar check-post at about 8:30pm on Tuesday. There were no casualties.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: TNSM

4 FC men killed, in N Waziristan attacks
Four security personnel were killed in an attack by militants on the Kambar check post in Dattakhel, North Waziristan, on Thursday, according to a private television channel.

At least seven FC soldiers were wounded in two bomb attacks in North Waziristan, whereas a Khasadar check post in Miranshah was destroyed, reports another private TV channel. Militants targeted a Frontier Constabulary (FC) convoy with remote-controlled bomb at Razmik Road in Dosli, some 40 kilometres from Miranshah, wounding five soldiers and damaging a vehicle. Two FC soldiers were also wounded in an attack on the Dangeen check-post. Militants also targeted the Gosh check-post near Miranshah, which resulted in the suspension of electricity in a number of areas due to fallen electricity wires.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Rockets kill 10, injure 35 in NWFP
Assailants fired four rockets into a city in northwestern Pakistan on Wednesday, killing 10 people and wounding 35, police said. The rockets hit two houses, a mosque and a shop in Bannu, a troubled city in North West Frontier Province at about 2 a.m., said Khwaja Mohammed, a city police official. Mohammed said 10 people died and that another 35 were wounded, including five police officers. Mohammed described the attack as "terrorist activity," but said it was too early to say more about who was behind it.

A doctor at the main hospital in Bannu said the bodies of nine people killed in the attack were brought there, while a resident said the death toll was higher because relatives had kept some of the bodies. Both asked not to be named because of sensitivities surrounding the attack.
Posted by: lotp || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

Mehsud's brother arrested in Pakistan
The security forces here arrested three suspects in the operation that lasted for 30 minutes in Zhob district of Southwestern Baluchistan province, said sources. The arrested suspects included Abdul Rehman Masood, the brother of Abdullah Masood, the brother of JUI (F) leader Sheikh Azam Mandokhel, and nephew Shehar Yar Khan Mandokhel, security sources told KUNA. Key Taliban leader Abdullah Masood blew himself up to avoid his arrest in the operation.

Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Turki Shoot
Surveillance video of Khalid, Khalil and Khattab al-Turki killed June 23, 2007. Via http://strategypage.com
Rantburg background link: 3rd Senior al-Qaeda in Iraq foreign terrorist identified.
Hope the doggy made it through unhurt and got a good bite into one of them.
Posted by: ed || 07/25/2007 12:27 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  How did you come up with such a pithy title! ed rocks!!
Posted by: Steven || 07/25/2007 13:16 Comments || Top||

#2  He flew in the Marianas.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble || 07/25/2007 13:37 Comments || Top||

#3  Sigh, just not Prince Turki al-Faisal. Be still my beating heart.
Posted by: Zenster || 07/25/2007 16:54 Comments || Top||

#4  ed
Hope the doggy made it through unhurt and got a good bite into one of them.

ehh.. ed, doggy OK, KKK's pet rat wasn't so fortunate.

/KKK = Khalid, Khalil and Khattab
Posted by: RD Anti Troll || 07/25/2007 17:41 Comments || Top||

Haditha Marine Father has a Conversation with John Murtha
H/T Mudville
Throughout this Haditha investigation our family has believed in the innocence of our son L/Cpl Justin Sharratt, we knew he was innocent. There are things I do not understand and I would like to find the answers. We do not seek revenge, but we would like to see justice. In a conversation with Congressman John Murtha, my questions still remain unanswered. With the help of the American people, I hope to find justice.

On Wednesday morning, July 17th I spoke with Congressman John Murtha via telephone from his Washington, DC office. We had a courteous conversation. I knew what to expect from a career politician and Congressman Murtha did not disappoint. Mr. Murtha avoided answering the hard questions and I was unable to press him for the answers. I wanted the conversation to remain amicable and decided to let him speak and avoid a heated confrontation.

At no time during the dialogue would Mr. Murtha acknowledge the impending exoneration of my son. I pressed him to use the word exoneration but the best I could get was “things seem to have gone well in your son’s Article 32. The General is a fair man and I believe he will do the right thing.” I replied, “Lt. Col Paul Ware presented a strong recommendation for exoneration and we are anticipating Lt. Gen James Mattis following this recommendation.”

Mr. Murtha asked me if I had served in the military. He recalled his visits with injured Marines, soldiers and sailors. He said he supports our troops and it is the war he does not condone. Mr Murtha believes combat operations in Iraq have put an enormous strain on our Armed Forces. The stress of combat situations has led our troops to kill innocent civilians. I pointed out to Mr. Murtha, “Our Haditha Marines are innocent until proven guilty.” It seems he is again denying our Marines their Constitutional rights of due process and the presumption of innocence. Mr. Murtha replied that we have a Marine (Mendoza) testifying that innocent women and children were killed in Haditha. I retorted that he is again believing the reports of the media and Mendoza was granted immunity for his lies. Mendoza has changed his testimony at least two times. NCIS may have threatened him with deportation and denial of US citizenship. This time I scolded him, “I witnessed their(NCIS) conduct first hand in my son’s Article 32.”

I questioned Congressman Murtha as to his statements of 17 May 2006. On national television, in front of millions of Americans, he stated “Marines killed innocent civilians in cold blood.” I asked him why he denied these Marines their Constitutional rights of due process and the presumption of innocence. Again the Congressman used his experience to side step the answer. Mr. Murtha stated his intentions were to point out the stress our military was under in Iraq. He replied we would not win the hearts of the Iraqi people by killing women and children. I again snapped, “Our Haditha Marines have not been convicted of killing innocents and are innocent until proven guilty.”

I believe this conversation was the first step in obtaining justice for Our Haditha Marines. I did not expect Mr. Murtha to admit to or apologize for any wrongdoing in his role to railroad my son and his Marine comrades. The American people now know that his unfounded and untruthful allegations were used to further his political agenda. It is my intention to ask the Congress of the United States to censure Representative John Murtha and hold hearings to explain his conduct in respect to the Haditha incident. I will ask the American people to question his blatant disregard for the Constitutional rights of Our Haditha Marines. I will campaign to the voters of Pa Congressional District 12 to oust Representative Murtha from his elected office. The American people deserve better, we must demand better representation from our elected officials.

Darryl Sharratt
Proud American, Proud father of L/Cpl Justin L. Sharratt

Editor’s note: Mr. Sharratt lives is Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional district which John Murtha represents.
Posted by: Sherry || 07/25/2007 11:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [35 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  Splendid letter...and a very calm and rational approach to dealing with Murtha. I do NOT believe that I could be so calm and rational, were I in Darryl's shoes.

I will wholeheartedly support his censuring and ousting of Murtha...including with financial support!!

Murtha is scum...and needs to GO!
Posted by: Justrand || 07/25/2007 12:46 Comments || Top||

#2  My son is a Marine. If that was my boy, I would not have been as nice to that pompous jerk.
Posted by: anymouse || 07/25/2007 13:41 Comments || Top||

#3  I see Murtha has trotted out his latest surrender/troop withdrawal plan today. Tool.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 07/25/2007 14:22 Comments || Top||

#4  C'mon, Haditha was what it was. Those Marines were pissed and wanted blood, that's the general biology of a Marine. There's little difference in this parent and Cindy Sheehan. Both wish thier children recieved better treatment from the shabby Bush government that put them in the situation to begin with.
Posted by: been there, done that || 07/25/2007 14:50 Comments || Top||

#5  I should not have mentioned Bush personally, I mean the government as a whole.
Posted by: been there, done that || 07/25/2007 14:58 Comments || Top||

#6  I knew what to expect from a career politician and Congressman Murtha did not disappoint.

Ouch - Mr. Sharrat is sharp.
Posted by: xbalanke || 07/25/2007 15:39 Comments || Top||

#7  C'mon, Haditha was what it was.

I would respectively argue you don't have a clue "what Haditha was". A lot of the official testimony, the gun camera footage from the Predator, comms transcripts, etc. are not on the public record. Thus to make any judgment...unless you are/were an officer sitting on the board, a JAG officer involved in the case, or a dependent...you are disingenuous.

Those Marines were pissed and wanted blood, that's the general biology of a Marine

I would respectivley say you are full of $h*t. Obviously you don't know the Marines.

There's little difference in this parent and Cindy Sheehan.

No. Apparently you have no observational skills, or a poorly hidden agenda. Sheehan is a media whore using the tragedy of her son as a vehicle to push her agenda on an international stage. Mr. Sharratt is keeping a very low profile and appears only concerned about his son.

Both wish thier children recieved better treatment from the shabby Bush government that put them in the situation to begin with

Everyone in the military...myself, my son, Justin Sharratt, Casey Sheehan...are/were all volunteers.
Posted by: anymouse || 07/25/2007 15:43 Comments || Top||

#8  Not to worry 'mouse, allow me to be the one to disrespectfully say that BTDT is full of shit.
Your full of shit, troll.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 07/25/2007 15:49 Comments || Top||

#9  I add my concurrence that "been there" is a troll and a fool: he doubtless bloviates against "stereotypes" of Muslims and terrorists, but operates under the Liberal Media programmed stereotypes of Democrats and Marines.

Also note that he shies away from the obvious disregard for "civil rights" that Murtha, and he himself, seems to demonstrate. Typical hypocrisy, but then again, he wouldn't agree that he was because hypocrisy implies living in violation of a moral code, and he probably doesn't have a moral code worth more than spit.
Posted by: Ptah || 07/25/2007 16:12 Comments || Top||

#10  Not to worry 'mouse, allow me to be the one to disrespectfully say that BTDT is full of shit.

I bet he tells his less liberal friends that he "supports the troops" too. What an asshole.
Posted by: Crusader || 07/25/2007 16:14 Comments || Top||

#11  Dear BTDT:

When not writing for The New Republic, what do you actualy do for a living.
Posted by: Total War || 07/25/2007 16:19 Comments || Top||

#12  re: Sen. Murtha

How in the Hell have we reached a point so low in our history that a sitting Senator can break his sworn duty and oath to protect our Constitution and yet escape the full scrutiny from our MSM's elect Hellary at all costs “free press” while doing so?

How in the Hell have we reached a point so low in our history that a sitting Senator could break his sworn oath to protect our Constitution and escape the sword of Justice for doing so?

Is our Justice System so dysfunctional that our trusted servants within cannot stand with and help that blindfolded Lady Justice holding her sword and scales?

Is our Citizen government so broken that it cannot at least strangle censure the Senator until we can eject him from the Senate?

How in the Hell has leadership of the once mediocre great Democrat Party permitted one of their own to repeatedly stab our Heroic Marines in the back even though they are in the midst of a vicious War in Iraq fighting against Terrorism?

It all points to a corruption so foul that it makes this American’s homicidal tendencies to kill blood boil.

Yes The Truth has singled out the one who has tarnished the honor of the United States Marines.

We must stand united against Sen. Murtha and vanquish him, for he and his ilk represents a greater danger to America than the hate-filled terrorist who pierced our Nations Heart on 9/11.

/this is as nicist/politest letter that i can write reguards f'g murtha, because if I told you how I really feel I'd be sink trapped for a week.

//the real Rage Boy me, RD
Posted by: RD Anti Troll || 07/25/2007 17:21 Comments || Top||

#13  For the record.. Murtha is not a senator. he is a representitive in the house.
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 18:02 Comments || Top||

#14  Rex__ he's not a troll. His opinions are offensive but he's entitled to them. Note that he did not froth, drool, sputter or leave other bodily fluids on the site. No death to bush, cuss words, stupid slogans etc. I don't want to see people banned for expressing an opinion contrary to the local standard.... on the other hand, he IS full of diaper fruit.
Posted by: Pliny Craiting8203 || 07/25/2007 18:27 Comments || Top||

#15  Pliny Craiting8203...and I agree with you 100%. He can believe the moon is made of green cheese. Whether he is ignorant or just trolling for feedback...a good portion of what he said is either unsubstantiated or KosKidKrap.
Posted by: anymouse || 07/25/2007 18:33 Comments || Top||

#16  Good points...and he did corrct himself to some small degree. So, perhaps not a troll - but the characterization of the biological makeup of your typical marine did not sit well. If BTDT has enough brass to grace us with additional wisdom, we'll have a better measure.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 07/25/2007 19:06 Comments || Top||

#17  Snipers + IEDs = Self Preservation + Hair Triggers
Posted by: McZoid || 07/25/2007 19:14 Comments || Top||

#18  Thanks! Abu do you love, DUH you'd think i'd remember damn it!

Posted by: RD || 07/25/2007 19:49 Comments || Top||

#19  "Those Marines were pissed and wanted blood, that's the general biology of a Marine."

-haha, sometimes yeah -- we do like to fight, however, we often prefer to do it within the confines of the ROE and geneva. Sure, shit happens sometimes -- does so in every war. I know of things that prolly could've been construed as violations by the p.c. media clowns (btw - I can't overstate how much I despise the msm) and the jagoffs, but were done w/the intent of saving Marines and eliminating turds. Gross violations get pushed up the chain, usually -- too hard to cover them up & our pre-dep trng is pretty solid which minimizes most b.s. Hell, every time my guys did a convoy and shot a round or a flare at some hajji vehicle too stupid to stay back more than 50m -- we had to make a report -- in order to avoid possible investigations --borderline insane.

In the haditha case -- where it seems the prosecution can't get it's act together they need to dismiss the charges.

Doesn't change the fact that Murtha's a slimy pork loving disgrace of a former Marine -- in his case I'll use the negative connotation as EX-Marine. No self-respecting jarhead condemns his bro's until all the facts are in. F*ck you John Murtha -- ass clown.
Posted by: Broadhead6 || 07/25/2007 21:09 Comments || Top||

#20  BTDT has a point in only one respect. BTDT likens this father to Cindy Sheehan. Id don't think they are the same, but they certainly have the same opportunity. This father has the potential to seriously damage Murtha in his home state during his next election. His son should be cleared by then and probably will be out of the military. I don't necessarily recommend that option to the dad but the option is there. Murtha is smoking a stick of dynamite if he messes with this dad.
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/25/2007 23:44 Comments || Top||

Interpreting danger in Iraq
Dalia loved her job at the British Embassy in Baghdad. Her work as an administrator was satisfying and she enjoyed improving her English by reading the foreign magazines that arrived in the post.

"Before the war I didn't have contact with people from other countries so I liked working with the British. We both want to develop our country and we learnt from each other's culture," she explains.

But as an Iraqi employee of the British and American coalition, Dalia perhaps held one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

Every day working in Baghdad's international 'green zone' brought worries that Iraqi insurgents were watching and waiting to strike against someone they regard as a collaborator with the enemy.

"Sometimes I couldn't go back home," she recounts. "The militias were watching."

In lawless Iraq, those who work as interpreters, translators or administrators for the British and American governments are often at the top of the militia hit lists. Kidnappings and brutal beheadings are common.

Dalia says she never doubted the dangers. "When you become known, you will be executed as a traitor for working with the British and the Americans, for working for the invasion."

Her name, and those of the other Iraqis mentioned, has been changed to conceal her identity.

On three occasions she has been followed home from the office. Her brother was kidnapped and quizzed about Dalia's work.

Finally, when she was in Amman for a conference, her family went to her home in Baghdad and discovered an envelope containing a death threat and a bullet. A militia had found her. She decided she couldn't return to her country.

Let down

Every time you go out on a mission with them, they become a soldier with you and leaving behind another soldier is something we're told never to do

Dalia is now one of approximately 2m Iraqi refugees forced to flee to elsewhere in the Middle East. The Jordanian government won't allow Iraqis to work.

In her gloomy apartment in Amman, she told me that she now has to live off her rapidly diminishing savings. She reckons the cost of living to be five times that in Baghdad.

The worry is that her work for the British may also have put her family in Baghdad at risk. She feels let down by her former employer.

The government agency she worked for offered a month's paid leave but then told her she was on her own.

The government's position is simple - local staff are paid for a job in Iraq and are owed nothing beyond their contract.

Eyes and ears

Shelaine Tuytschaevers shares the disappointment with the British and American governments. She was a US Army reservist based in Mosul, in northern Iraq, during 2005.

Her duties as a Public Affairs Officer meant she relied on her Iraqi interpreters as her eyes and ears in a foreign land, interpreting and explaining the local culture and tribal loyalties.

"They go out on missions every day with us," she explains. "They go out by our sides and a lot of the time they don't have the luxury of body armour, helmets or weapons. But they're happy to do it."

"Every time you go out on a mission with them, they become a soldier with you and leaving behind another soldier is something we're told never to do."

Some say the US and UK have a duty of care when interpreters are threatened
After a year's duty she returned to her home in Des Moines, Iowa but kept in touch with three interpreters - two brothers and a sister. In their cramped flat in Amman, Tika made me a cup of tea using a small camping stove. The two brothers, Salam and Mazen, have to share a bedroom.

Salam passed me an e-mail from Shelaine detailing the latest instalment in her battle with the American government. She is trying to secure visas to allow the three interpreters to settle in the United States.

"I've been in Amman for about nine months," Mazen told me. "I'm still waiting for the case to be processed. Our residency visa here has expired and you feel unsafe¿ because a Jordanian policeman could stop us at any time and could take us back to the Iraqi border."

US visas

Despite the fact that she is a former Army officer and that she has mobilised her local Senator on their behalf, Shelaine still finds the process desperately slow. The American government has recently offered an extra 7,000 visas for vulnerable Iraqi refugees but there is still a battle against the bureaucracy.

Some question whether it is acceptable to push an Iraqi to the front of the queue for a visa just because he or she worked for the coalition. Others argue that there might be a political price to be paid in Iraq if Britain does not assist those Iraqis endangered because of their work.

Shelaine Tuytschaevers says that the plight of the Iraqi interpreters dents the morale of troops on the Iraqi frontline. "We all feel the loss when all of a sudden an interpreter who has been working for us doesn't show up to work the next day and their decapitated body is found a week later," she wrote in an e-mail.

"We end up feeling guilty, like we couldn't protect them and we didn't thank them enough."

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 07/25/2007 11:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Iraqi Insurgency

#1  I often wonder what happened to our "terps" over there. One was a former Iraqi NBC officer. The other was a 19 year old former student. Funny thing about it was I trusted the former Iraqi soldier more than the kid!

They both would tell us of threats against them and their family, but the money was good and at least the former Iraqi soldier thought he was making a difference.

Posted by: 0369Grunt || 07/25/2007 13:37 Comments || Top||

#2  this is how our next attack will happen. The Democrats will win in 2008 and soon after we will absorb thousands of Iraqis who have "suffered under the U.S. invasion". Many in this exodus will be Iraqis who have every intention of attacking us when they get here. Rough seas ahead.
Posted by: ******** || 07/25/2007 14:55 Comments || Top||

#3  I agree **********.

The State Dept. will asign a GS-$^# for the job.

He/She will be given a map of the USA and a box ot thumb tacks.

Then some morning he/she will stick it to us, 50,000 here and 50,000 there....

"It's now your problem and your communities problem, ABSORB THEM and BE GRATEFUL ASSHOLES, YOU ARE LOWLY CITIZENS SO STFU! "

Thank you foggy bottom and Congress for all the fuck overs of the past and the future.

/hummm.. gotta use mo caps next time...
Posted by: RD Anti Troll || 07/25/2007 17:57 Comments || Top||

#4  Last time we checked, there were still thousands upon thousands of Saddam era documents still waiting for translation. Seems like we could use some help.
Posted by: Skunky Glins5285 || 07/25/2007 21:14 Comments || Top||

IAF bombs house in Gaza, injuring nine
Israeli warplanes on Tuesday bombed a house on Nasr Street West of the city of Gaza. Eyewitnesses said an F-14 warplane fired at least one air-to-ground missile on a three-storey house in Nasr Street owned by the Al-Khatib family near the Al-Quds Open University. The house was completely destroyed and damage was caused to neighboring homes and properties including some private cars.

Nine people from the house and passers-by sustained light injuries, the eyewitnesses said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Muawiya Hassanein Director General of Emergency Services, called on people not to gather around the site of the bombing in order to pave the way for medical staff to do their job and move the injured to hospitals.
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Meanwhile, Dr. Muawiya Hassanein Director General of Emergency Services, called on people not to gather around the site of the bombing in order to pave the way for medical staff to do their job and move the injured to hospital

"C'mon, ya savages! Leave a piece or two for the ambulance video!"
Posted by: Frank G || 07/25/2007 7:24 Comments || Top||

#2  AFAIK teh only user remining of F14 is... Iran.

So the IAF who bombed that GAza house is the Irani Air Force. :-)
Posted by: JFM || 07/25/2007 8:43 Comments || Top||

#3  Eyewitnesses said...

Lemme guess - they all said something different.
Posted by: mojo || 07/25/2007 11:02 Comments || Top||

#4  I personally like the part where the house is 'bombed' with a missile..
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 13:59 Comments || Top||

11 Lebanese soldiers wounded in clash with militants
Eleven Lebanese soldiers were wounded Monday in clashes with Islamist militants holed up for more than two months in a refugee camp in northern Lebanon, hospital sources said. An army spokesman confirmed that a number of soldiers had been wounded but refused to specify how many.

He said that the clashes between the army and Fatah Al Islam militants at the Nahr Al Bared Palestinian camp intensified after a morning lull in the fighting. "The army is responding to the source of fire from inside the camp and continues to remove booby-traps left behind by Fatah Al Islam in destroyed buildings," he said. Army cannons fired a shell every three minutes at the positions of the die-hard militants who responded with machine-gun fire, a witness said.

Almost all of the camp's 31,000 residents have been evacuated, as have Palestinian militants not involved in the showdown. However, around 20 women and 45 children related to the Islamists have stayed inside the besieged settlement despite the military having blared messages to them through loudspeakers to leave the largely destroyed camp.
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Fatah al-Islam

#1  Isn't it the same camp that was completely occupied last month, and completely destroyed last week?
Posted by: gromgoru || 07/25/2007 11:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Napalm... you need Napalm.
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 14:00 Comments || Top||

10 Days to Rantapalooza
The bar is getting crowded but there's still room for *you*! Join me, Fred, a special celebrity guest moderator, a special celebrity guest poster, and a constellation of Rantburg posters and lurkers on Saturday, August 4. Drop me an email or leave a note in comments if you want the address. (Note to @howyoudoin.com person - my email to you bounced)
Posted by: Seafarious@yahoo.com || 07/25/2007 09:01 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sea:

Don't worry about recording the Rantapalooza. I have conacted the voyeurs at Ft. Meade and they will do the honors and then make the cd available on-line for $9.99 each.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:27 Comments || Top||

#2  Sounds like fun.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 10:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Sounds awesome.

One of these days I'll actually get to one of these . . .
Posted by: The Doctor || 07/25/2007 12:59 Comments || Top||

#4  Who will hold the cops, while the others scuttle from the back door, after the neighbors will have called the police because of the disturbance and the drunks falling asleep or vomiting in the alleys?
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 07/25/2007 16:54 Comments || Top||

#5  What do you think Fred's tipjar is for?
Posted by: Seafarious || 07/25/2007 17:15 Comments || Top||

#6  i really wish this was in my neck of the woods...

have fun gang
Posted by: Abu do you love || 07/25/2007 17:28 Comments || Top||

#7  Well, quit necking in the woods and come on down, #6 Abu! ;-p
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 07/25/2007 21:26 Comments || Top||

Good morning....
Algerian army kills 20 Qaeda militants26 Taliban, 2 cops killed Mehsud was hiding in Fazl stooge's houseU.S., Iranian envoys meet in Baghdad US bans dealings with Hezbollah supportersHafiz Saeed's brother facing criminal chargesEgypt's religious adviser says Muslims can change religion
Posted by: Fred || 07/25/2007 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Hey babe, what's a nice place like this doing in a girl like you?
Posted by: Ol Dirty American || 07/25/2007 0:06 Comments || Top||

#2  The pic has been featured already a while ago. Just sayin...
Posted by: twobyfour || 07/25/2007 0:12 Comments || Top||

#3  2x4... must you constantly seek new adventures?
Posted by: Besoeker || 07/25/2007 4:48 Comments || Top||

#4  She one of group of babes they called the "sweater girls." As in, looks-great-in.
Posted by: McZoid || 07/25/2007 7:12 Comments || Top||

#5  Which reminds me. I forgot to take in the pillows off the redwood furniture.
Posted by: Jack is Back! || 07/25/2007 9:28 Comments || Top||

#6  2x4: Vouja Deus, the feeling you've never seen something before, is grossly over-rated....
Posted by: OyVey1 || 07/25/2007 12:41 Comments || Top||

#7  Lovely lady.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/25/2007 15:55 Comments || Top||

#8  Eh, next time I'll be quiet... ;-)
Posted by: twobyfour || 07/25/2007 19:08 Comments || Top||

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Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2007-07-25
  U.S., Iranian envoys meet in Baghdad
Tue 2007-07-24
  Abdullah Mehsud: Dead again
Mon 2007-07-23
  Summer Offensive: More than 50 Talibs killed in Afghanistan
Sun 2007-07-22
  N. Wazoo Peace Jirga Rocketed
Sat 2007-07-21
  Afghan Talibs kidnap 23 S. Koreans
Fri 2007-07-20
  6 dead in rocket attack on Somali peace conference
Thu 2007-07-19
  Hek declares ceasefire
Wed 2007-07-18
  Qaida in Iraq Big Turban Captured
Tue 2007-07-17
  Bombs kill at least 80 in Kirkuk
Mon 2007-07-16
  Major Joint Offensive South of Baghdad, 8,000 troops
Sun 2007-07-15
  N Korea closes nuclear facilities
Sat 2007-07-14
  Thai army detains 342 Muslims in southern raids
Fri 2007-07-13
  Hek urges Islamist revolt in Pakistain
Thu 2007-07-12
  Iraq: 200 boom belts found in Syrian truck
Wed 2007-07-11
  Ghazi dead, crisis over, aftermath begins

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