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Federal officers in Portland may have been permanently blinded by lasers
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3 15:02 g(r)omgoru [10] 
12 20:05 trailing wife [32] 
7 23:58 trailing wife [19] 
1 03:41 Procopius2k [24] 
1 09:23 Chris [26] 
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1 08:32 Frank G [12] 
1 00:13 Rob Crawford [12] 
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1 05:13 g(r)omgoru [18] 
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5 15:10 g(r)omgoru [14] 
14 23:43 CrazyFool [28] 
Page 2: WoT Background
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5 10:23 SteveS [12]
1 09:26 Chris [14]
1 14:43 Skidmark [17]
2 19:59 trailing wife [20]
1 08:39 b [28]
1 09:58 Mercutio [27]
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1 08:48 b [8]
1 11:47 Alaska Paul [10]
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1 04:38 g(r)omgoru [20]
Page 3: Non-WoT
17 23:56 gorb [21]
9 22:45 Bangkok Billy [17]
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9 18:36 swksvolFF [15]
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5 18:38 Clem [8]
4 14:54 charger [12]
3 19:09 trailing wife [13]
5 21:51 Alaska Paul [18]
3 14:27 Skidmark [21]
4 22:07 DooDahMan [17]
2 20:13 swksvolFF [23]
4 09:47 Procopius2k [14]
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4 14:29 Skidmark [18]
Page 4: Opinion
7 19:29 swksvolFF [9]
1 10:04 Mercutio [12]
1 07:27 Sonny Black [14]
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16 21:03 Frank G [20]
4 19:37 Frank G [19]
19 23:59 gorb [20]
14 21:41 Frank G [25]
3 07:35 Skidmark [17]
0 [18]
1 08:11 Mullah Richard [26]
Good morning
Dem Chicago Alderman: Mayor’s ‘Grandstanding’ and ‘Pettiness’ Costing Lives

Friday July 24th, 2020

Muslim Brotherhood cell got busted in Alexandria, according to investigations it was run by MB leaders who are in Turkey
Israeli army sends reinforcements to Lebanese border amid fears of Hezbollah retaliation
Afghan teen who shot Taliban attackers reportedly killed own husband
Former Unaoil boss jailed for five years over Iraq bribery
US Military Strikes ISIS In Somalia
Tunisia's parliament to start confidence-withdrawal procedures against Ennahda's Al-Ghannouchi
Disturbing video shows six young
men pummel 12-year-old boy in Brooklyn deli
Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Barbra Parkins - always liked her
Posted by: Frank G || 07/24/2020 7:27 Comments || Top||

#2  So that's the valley of the dolls.
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/24/2020 8:26 Comments || Top||

#3  Barbara Parkins was best known for her roles in Peyton Place (1964) and Valley of the Dolls (1967). Valley of the Dolls also featured Sharon Tate, a victim of the Charly Manson family. Tate was married to Roman Polanski at the time.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/24/2020 10:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Classic kick. It was a required skill in those days.
Posted by: jpal || 07/24/2020 18:08 Comments || Top||

#5  I always had a thing for dancers.
Posted by: AlanC || 07/24/2020 19:33 Comments || Top||

#6  I think I'm developing more of a thing for dancers ....
Posted by: gorb || 07/24/2020 23:40 Comments || Top||

#7  Not a kick — that’s a heel lift. Lift foot, grab the heel, and extend upward, other arm. out for balance. A fun stretch, once basic flexibility is attained.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/24/2020 23:58 Comments || Top||

Avg. 50 Security Incidents/Day Since US-Taliban Deal
[ToloNews] 50 security incidents took place per day day on average in Afghanistan from around the Reduction in Violence (RiV) week and the signing of the US-Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
deal in late February until late June, according to the statistics provided by the Afghan government.

The government data shows that the Taliban and other anti-govt groups are behind 40 attacks a day while the other 10 are attributed to the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANDSF) and Resolute Support (RS).

Under the Doha peace deal, the Taliban committed to reduce violence to help cement concrete steps for intra-Afghan talks.

Five months have passed since the Doha deal, but there has been no announced date for the start of the intra-Afghan talks and violence has also increased--taking many lives of Afghan civilians and security force members.

The Office of National Security Council (ONSC) says that the scale of violence has increased by 34 percent compared to last year.

The Taliban in the peace agreement with the US committed to avoid launching attacks on the placid provincial capitals and main highways, but has been accused of violating the Doha agreement because of attacks initiated by the group over the last 20 days.

The Afghan forces were also blamed for some deadly attacks in various regions of the country, including an air strike in Herat
...a venerable old Persian-speaking city in western Afghanistan, populated mostly by Tadjiks, which is why it's not as blood-soaked as areas controlled by Pashtuns...
on Wednesday night.

Acting Defense Minister Asadullah Khalid on Thursday said that "Taliban were killed in yesterday’s Herat Arclight airstrike
" and "we will share evidence--including footage--with the media."

Khalid was refering to an incident on Wednesday, in which "at least six Taliban local commanders were killed" in an airstrike in Adraksan district of Herat province, according to local officials.

But the residents claim that "at least eight non-combatants were killed and nearly 20 others were maimed" in the airstrike, which they say targeted a wedding party.

Human rights organizations have been expressing their concerns over a rising number of casualties among the Afghan civilians.

There have been deadly festivities between the Afghan cops and the Taliban over the past ten days in Ghazni, Daikundi, Parwan, Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
, Kandahar, Herat, Pashtun-infested Logar, Maidan Wardak, Ghor and Kunduz provinces.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  Sort of like here.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/24/2020 3:41 Comments || Top||

Released Taliban Prisoners Returned to the Battlefields: ONSC
[ToloNews] In defiance of their commitments not to rejoin the war, a number of Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
prisoners who were released from the Afghan government jails have reintegrated their colleagues on the battlefields,
No, reeeeeaally?! Who woulda thunk it?
the Office of National Security Council (ONSC) said on Thursday as violence continue to expand in multiple fronts across the country despite international calls on the Taliban to reduce violence.

"The Taliban fighters signed on the papers and committed that they will not return to the war, regrettably some of these inmates have returned to the war fronts in defiance of the expectations of the Afghan people," said Jawed Faisal, a front man for the ONSC.

The Taliban however have rejected such reports.

...back at the abandoned silver mine, there was another explosion...
some former Taliban commanders have urged the Afghan government to ensure the release of the remaining 600 Taliban prisoners from the total of 5,000 demanded by the group under the Doha peace agreement.

In the northern Jawzjan province, local officials have said that the Afghan cops have captured at least two Taliban prisoners who were released from the Bagram jail nine years ago.

The two Taliban fighters were arrested by the security forces after they were trying to stage attack on a convoy of the Afghan cops in the area, said the officials in Jawzjan.

"They confessed to have spent nine years in jail and released from the facility under an agreement and now operating as members of the Taliban in Chimtal district of Balkh. The two were gathering information on the security forces on Jawzjan-Balkh highway and wanted to ambush the convoy of the security forces, they were nabbed yesterday," said Maroof Azar, a front man for the Jawzjan governor in northern Afghanistan.

According to the Afghan intelligence agency—the National Directorate of Security
...the Afghan national intel agency...
(NDS), the security forces also killed two Taliban operatives in Musahi district of Kabul last week and the two were released from the jails.

Afghan security officials have said that another key Taliban leader Qari Mustafa who was released from the jail 11 years ago has returned to the battlefield and serving as Taliban’s military commander in Dushi district of Baghlan.

"We have reports that Taliban members who released from the jails have returned to the war and they were killed, despite that, the process of prisoners release continue and this demonstrates our goodwill gestures for peace," said Assadullah Khalid, the Afghan acting Minister of Defense.

"The government is lying about this---from the president to the lower employees---the country is in blood---they (govt officials) say that we are at the meeting. 200 people are being killed in Afghanistan on daily basis, theya re all our sons," said Mawlavi Qalamuddin, a former Taliban official.

"The prisoners must be released before the Eid, we call on the Taliban to stop killing their brothers," said Mohammad Amin Weqad, a former Jihadi commander.

Under the US-Taliban peace deal which was signed in Doha, the Taliban demanded the release of their 5,000 inmates, the Afghan government has so far released 4245 prisoners from the jails.

In exchange the Taliban have released over 860 government hostages.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  never would have guessed it
Posted by: Chris || 07/24/2020 9:23 Comments || Top||

Pakistanis among 46 Taliban militants killed, wounded in clashes in East of Afghanistan
[KhaamaPress] The Afghan cops killed or maimed at least 46 Talibs including many Pak nationals during a clash in eastern Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..

According to a statement released by provincial government, the security forces carried out retaliatory attacks in Qelghoo area of Khogyani district, killing at least 31 Talibs.

The statement further added that the security forces also 13 Pak nationals during the same clash.

The security forces arrested a Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
krazed killer and maimed at least 15 others during the clash, the Nangarhar government’s office added in its statement.

...back at the comedy club, Boogie ducked another tomato...
the provincial government said the security forces destroyed at least 10 vehicles of the Talibs together with some weapons and munitions.

The security forces and ordinary civilians did not suffer casualties during the clash, the statement added.

The Taliban group has not commented regarding the incident so far.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Afghan teen who shot Taliban attackers reportedly killed own husband
A little more detail on how F'd up Islamic Afghan Society is. The Desert Game of Thrones edition. More like primitive Hatfields and McCoys
[NY Post] One of the Taliban attackers killed by Afghan teen Qamar Gul ‐ who was later hailed on social media as a hero ‐ was in fact her own husband, according to a new report.

Qamar's husband, Mohamed Naeem, was fighting on the Taliban's side and apparently seeking her forcible return after a falling out with the family, relatives and local officials told the New York Times.

Qamar's father, Shah Gul Rahimi, had struck an agreement with Naeem, a resident of an adjacent village, about four years ago. Naeem would marry Qamar as his second wife, and Rahimi would take Naeem's second niece as his own second wife, according to the report.

Tensions began when Rahimi's new wife visited her family and refused to return to her husband, the paper reported.

So when Qamar came home, her father opted to hold her until the family returned his wife and Naeem paid a $3,000 debt, according to the report.

However, Naeem decided to handle things a different way: with the help of a Taliban commander he had gotten to know who would help him take his wife home at no cost.

Naeem, along with about a dozen other fighters, showed up at the family's hillside home in the early hours of July 17 for the surprise attack. Both Rahimi and Qamar's mother, Fatima, were gunned down.

Qamar jumped into action and grabbed her father's weapon ‐ killing her husband and another assailant, according to the Times. She also wounded the senior Taliban commander, the paper reported.

The insurgents took off after a group of villagers and pro-government militiamen engaged them in a gunfight.

Afghan security forces have since moved Qamar and her 12-year-old brother, Habibullah ‐ who was alongside his sister during the hour-long ordeal ‐ to a safer place.

In a statement two days later, the Ghor provincial governor lauded Qamar and Habibullah for defeating an "offensive attack" by the "Taliban terrorist group" and forcing the "bloodthirsty Taliban to flee, leaving behind two of their dead in the battlefield," the paper reported.

The statement also attached photos of two bodies ‐ one of them Gul's husband with his tunic soaked in blood.

"Hats off to her courage!" Najiba Rahmi posted to Facebook. "Well done."

"Power of an Afghan girl," wrote Fazila Alizada, another Facebook user.

"We know parents are irreplaceable, but your revenge will give you relative peace," Mohamed Saleh posted.
Posted by: Frank G || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
US Military Strikes ISIS In Somalia
[RADIOSHABELLE] U.S. forces conducted an Arclight airstrike
against ISIS in Somalia on Tuesday, the U.S. military said.

The airstrike happened after the bully boyz attacked partner forces in a remote location near Timirshe in the northeastern part of the country, U.S. Africa Command (Africom) said in a news release Wednesday.

U.S. forces were in the area at the time of the strike "in order to advise and assist Somali and partner forces," Africom said.

"We continue to apply pressure on terrorist groups and assist our Somali partners in disrupting their operations," Brig. Gen. Miguel Castellanos, Africom’s deputy director of operations, said in a statement. "We continue our support to rid Somalia of the likes of ISIS and al-Shabaab
...... Somalia's version of the Taliban, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...
The strike killed seven ISIS members, according to the news release.
The U.S. military does not believe any civilians were maimed or killed in the strike, the release added.

Tuesday’s airstrike marks the U.S. military’s first reported one against ISIS in Somalia since October. U.S. forces more often strike al Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab in the country.
Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Al-Shabaab Operative Slapped With Life Imprisonment In Somalia
[RADIOSHABELLE] Mustaf Mohammed Hussein known as [Abu Abdalla] has been slapped with life imprisonment on Thursday by a Somali military court in Mogadishu for being al-Shabaab
...... the Islamic version of the old Somali warlord...

The court said the krazed killer has already served five years in jail for kabooms in Mogadishu, the Somali capital before he was arrested by police last year.

Abu Abdalla was released from custody in 2018 but he returned to al-Shabaab and restarted operation by attaching IEDs to eight vehicles.

He was re-arrested in 2019 after his phone number has been found fitted into a bomb.
Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

#1  Make it short
Posted by: Frank G || 07/24/2020 8:32 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Muslim Brotherhood cell got busted in Alexandria, according to investigations it was run by MB leaders who are in Turkey
Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Muslim Brotherhood

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Armenia must abandon its hostility and withdraw from occupied Azerbaijani lands: Turkey
Oooooohhhh, President Erdogan is playing at being sultan again.
[ALMASDARNEWS] On Wednesday, the Ottoman Turkish National Security Council called on Armenia "to abandon its hostile positions and withdraw from the occupied Azerbaijani lands."

According to the state-owned Anadolu Agency, this came in the final statement of the Ottoman Turkish National Security Council meeting, which was held Wednesday, chaired by Ottoman Turkish President His Enormity, Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan the First
...Turkey's version of Mohammed Morsi but they voted him back in so they deserve him. It's a sin, a shame, and a felony to insult the president of Turkey. In Anatolia did Recep Bey a stately Presidential Palace decree, that has 1100 rooms. That's 968 more than in the White House, 400 more than in Versailles, and 325 more than Buckingham Palace, so you know who's really more important...
The agency added that "the Ottoman Turkish National Security Council strongly condemned the aggressive behavior of Armenia, which has occupied Azerbaijani lands for many years."

Earlier, Erdogan said that Ankara could not leave "brotherly Azerbaijan" alone in the face of Armenian attacks.

The Ottoman Turkish president added that he would not hesitate to "stand against any attack" on Azerbaijan and that Armenia "is in a difficult position that it cannot deal with" in the conflict.

...back at the cheese factory, all the pieces finally fell together in Fluffy's mind...
Ismail Demir, director of the Ottoman Turkish Defense Industries Authority, said, "Our defense industry, with all its expertise, technologies and capabilities, from our drones to our ammunition, missiles and electronic warfare systems, is always at the disposal of Azerbaijan," according to Rooters.

This new escalation comes after a period of calm, following a clash in the region that began on July 12, on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, in the adjacent areas of Tuvuz and Tavush, which are on the border with Georgia.

Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

#1  Countdown to the Turks threatening another Armenian Genocide, which of course they'll claim never happened in the very next sentence...
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 07/24/2020 0:13 Comments || Top||

Fifth Column
Protesters gather outside Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's home and demand she defund police ahead of Columbus statue removal as unrest continues in Portland and Trump vows to send 60,000 federal troops onto the streets of America
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Chicago removed the controversial Columbus statue from Grant Park under cover of darkness early on Friday More than 2,000 gathered outside Mayor Lori Lightfoot's house in Logan Square Thursday night

  • Chants turned from 'f*** CPD' to cheers of elation when the city's plans to remove the statue were announced

  • The move was met with outrage from the Italian-American community who felt 'betrayed' by the mayor

  • Sources said both the Grant Park and Little Italy figures would come down Thursday night but they remain up

  • Chicago is gearing up for federal agents after President Trump threatened to send in hundreds of troops

  • Trump warned Thursday night he will 'go into all of the cities' and could send in up to 60,000 federal troops

  • Agents were also sent in to Seattle Thursday night, despite local officials saying they didn't want them there

  • In Portland, protesters and feds faced off another night, as a judge banned agents from arresting journalists

Posted by: Skidmark || 07/24/2020 07:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Build a statue of Columbus 10 foot taller!
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 07/24/2020 9:02 Comments || Top||

#2  How very ISIS-ish.
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/24/2020 14:12 Comments || Top||

#3  Well, that explains why Lori, suddenly, agreed to Trump sending troops to Chi. She knows her own cops won't fight to protect her.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/24/2020 15:02 Comments || Top||

Businesses looted, pair of fires started on Capitol Hill, Seattle police say; judge orders local news media to turn over protest images
[SEATTLETIMES] A group of about 150 people broke windows, looted businesses and started a pair of fires on Capitol Hill Wednesday night, according to Seattle police.

The group gathered at Cal Anderson Park around 9 p.m. and proceeded to wander around the neighborhood. Some members of the group broke away and shattered windows at a business in the 1400 block of East Olive Way and started a fire inside, which Seattle firefighters extinguished, police said.

At an Uncle Ike’s location on Capitol Hill, windows were broken and the word "GENTRIFIER" was scrawled on the front of the building.

The group then smashed windows and broke into another business, Rove Vintage, in the 1500 block of 11th Avenue, police said. They took merchandise from the business, placed it in the middle of the street and lit it on fire, according to police and a live video stream from the scene.

City and state business records show Rove Vintage is owned by the wife of one of the Seattle coppers who fatally shot Charleena Lyles, a pregnant Black woman, in 2017.

Additional windows were broken Wednesday night at a business at Broadway and Madison Street, and the business was looted, police said.

Two banks were also damaged near Summit Avenue and Madison, police said.

Police said they made no arrests.

"Life safety is our primary focus," a statement from the department said. "When people damage property and the SPD moves in, there’s a likelihood that someone — whether an officer or someone else — could be injured. The SPD is trying to avoid that. However,
the hip bone's connected to the leg bone...
this doesn’t mean that suspects in crimes won’t be arrested at a later date. We are trying to find the safest ways to enforce the laws without making the situation worse. If lives are at risk, you can expect a swift response by the Seattle Police Department."

King County judge ruled that five Seattle media outlets must turn over images of arson and theft of police equipment during May 30 protests

Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

Portland insurgency roundup: Nicholas Kristof sez ‘Come to beautiful Portland’
[PUBLISH.TWITTER] “Mostly peaceful” https://t.co/ER6lWlc8j9

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 23, 2020

Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  I lived there in 1990. Loved it. Sadly Would never go back.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 07/24/2020 8:20 Comments || Top||

#2  Charleston is a beautiful city. Just ignore that little problem down in the harbor. - circa 1861
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/24/2020 10:20 Comments || Top||

#3  I've heard that most of France was peaceful in the '40's too. The wine country was beautiful most of the time.
Posted by: AlanC || 07/24/2020 12:21 Comments || Top||

#5  "Come to beautiful Portland. Bring a full load of ammo & double load for squad weapons".
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/24/2020 15:10 Comments || Top||

Federal officers in Portland may have been permanently blinded by lasers
[FOXNEWS] At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after earlier this week demonstrators, who have shown up in crowds of over 1,000 for more than 50 consecutive nights, shined lasers in their eyes and threw fireworks at a federal courthouse, officials said.During Monday night's confrontation, one person also threatened to cut off the water supply to federal officers inside the building.

Federal Protective Service (FPS) Deputy Director of Operations Richard "Kriss" Cline said at a presser on Tuesday that a crowd of more than 1,000 "rioters" surrounded the Hatfield Federal Courthouse and began removing plywood coverings before attempting to throw objects — some of them incendiary — through the windows at federal officers inside.

They also vandalized the building with spray paint, blocked adjacent intersections and set several fires.

"When officers responded to put out these fires, glass bottles were thrown and lasers — which can cause permanent blindness — were shined in their eyes," Cline said. "We have three officers who currently have eye injuries and they may not recover sight in those eyes from those laser attacks."

The FPS has purchased anti-laser glasses that federal officers are now wearing to prevent eye injuries.

Federal officers responded by deploying pepper balls and tear gas. Cline said officers observed one individual taking pictures of a water intake system to the Edith Green Federal Building, which is also under FPS protection. Earlier in the evening Monday night, a Twitter user said "So we can shut off the water to the buildings the feds are staying in to make it a nightmare for them."

Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Lasers? Or collimated light?
Posted by: gorb || 07/24/2020 0:51 Comments || Top||

#2  Time for "eye for an eye".
Posted by: Clem || 07/24/2020 7:09 Comments || Top||

#3  are 'anti-laser glasses' just run of the mill reflective sunglasses with a high dollar price tag for the gubmint?
Posted by: Bob Grorong1136 || 07/24/2020 7:59 Comments || Top||

#4  TAC glasses™ from Bell & Howell as seen on TV?
Posted by: Frank G || 07/24/2020 8:03 Comments || Top||

#5  "Demonstrators" rarely take steps to cut off necessities like water. That's the act of besieging troops.

Treat them accordingly.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 07/24/2020 10:32 Comments || Top||

#6  Sounds like it's getting close to time for a small whiff of grapeshot.
Of course, that's probably what the rioters want - martyrs.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 07/24/2020 11:23 Comments || Top||

#7  A thing that strikes me as really odd is the lack of response, as far as I can see, from any of the federal judges whose courtrooms and chambers are in one of the buildings under attack. (I've seen lawyers get fined for plopping their briefcases down on a federal judge's new table.) So I guess they're good with this.
Posted by: Matt || 07/24/2020 12:10 Comments || Top||

#8  Take a page from the SAS dealing with the IRA. Vanish these people and drop them in Gitmo before sending them to some 'stan. for local contractor interrogations.
Posted by: Silentbrick || 07/24/2020 13:51 Comments || Top||

#9  Take a page from the SAS dealing with the IRA. Vanish these people and drop them in the bay.
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/24/2020 14:15 Comments || Top||

#10  And deny them the joys of electric drills, electrodes on the naughty bits and whatever else the medieval mindset of the Stan's can dream up? I think not. They need to get the FULL ride before they get to escape.
Posted by: Silentbrick || 07/24/2020 15:24 Comments || Top||

#11  Dear Santa: I want a Red Ryder bb gun with laser sight and a compass in the stock for Christmas.

Santa: No way you'll shoot someone's eye out.
Posted by: jpal || 07/24/2020 16:09 Comments || Top||

#12  "I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic".

The people who permanently blind federal officers are enemies. They need to be dealt with to the full extent of our laws. Enough of this leftwing crap.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/24/2020 17:33 Comments || Top||

#13  half way helicopter rides work for me.

High diving is a skill they need to learn....quickly.
Posted by: AlanC || 07/24/2020 19:35 Comments || Top||

#14  Just deny them access to the internet. Chances are its the only life most of them have.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 07/24/2020 23:43 Comments || Top||

Iraqi security forces have captured a drone carrying a 2 kilogram projectile that was flying over buildings in Baghdad
Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

Israeli army sends reinforcements to Lebanese border amid fears of Hezbollah retaliation
Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

US fighter jets near Iranian passenger plane over Syrian airspace
[Jpost] Israel and the United States have long accused Mahan Air of ferrying weapons for Iranian-linked guerrillas in Syria and elsewhere.

Several passengers on an Iranian airline were maimed on Thursday over Syria after the pilot changed altitude to avoid collision with a US fighter jet, according to Iranian media, but the US military said its F-15 was at a safe distance.

The Iranian plane, belonging to Mahan Air, was heading from Tehran to Beirut when the pilot staged a safety maneuver, in an incident that Iran's Foreign Ministry said would be investigated.

Iran's official IRIB news agency quoted a passenger describing how his head had hit the roof of the plane during the change in altitude, and video showed an elderly passenger sprawled on the floor.

All the passengers left the plane, some with minor injuries, the head of the Beirut airport told Rooters.

The plane arrived back in Tehran in the early hours of Friday, the Fars news agency reported.

The US military's Central Command, which oversees American troops in the region, said the F-15 aircraft was conducting a visual inspection of the Iranian aircraft when it passed near the Tanf garrison in Syria where US forces are present.

Captain Bill Urban, the senior Central Command front man, said the F-15 "conducted a standard visual inspection of a Mahan Air passenger airliner at a safe distance of about 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) from the airliner this evening."

"The visual inspection occurred to ensure the safety of coalition personnel at At Tanf garrison," Urban said. "Once the F-15 pilot identified the aircraft as a Mahan Air passenger plane, the F-15 safely opened distance from the aircraft."

He added the intercept was carried out in accordance with international standards.

The pilot of the passenger plane contacted the jet pilots to warn them to keep a safe distance and they identified themselves as American, IRIB reported.

Iranian Foreign Ministry front man Abbas Mousavi said the necessary legal and political actions would be taken, according to the ministry's website.

Israel and the United States have long accused Mahan Air of ferrying weapons for Iranian-linked guerrillas in Syria and elsewhere.

The United States imposed sanctions on Mahan Air in 2011, saying it provided financial and other support to Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards.
Data from the flight recorded by website FlightRadar24.com showed the airliner climbed from 34,000 feet to 34,600 feet in under two minutes around the time of the incident, then dropped back down to 34,000 feet within a minute after.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/24/2020 01:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#2  600 ft in two minutes? Pussies
Posted by: Frank G || 07/24/2020 8:01 Comments || Top||

#3  On twitter several claimed Iranians were saying some top IRGC generals, and quite a few Hezbollah were on the plane. The pilot was afraid we knew and wanted to capture them.
Posted by: 3dc || 07/24/2020 8:27 Comments || Top||

#4  Hard to capture people on a plane.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 07/24/2020 8:42 Comments || Top||

#5  That's why you're supposed to wear seatbelts, sillies!
Posted by: Bobby || 07/24/2020 9:00 Comments || Top||

#6  The Hezbollah guys were fighting over the drinks cart.
Posted by: Matt || 07/24/2020 9:28 Comments || Top||

#7  Pictures look a little to much like Iranian propaganda.

Funny as hell if true.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/24/2020 9:29 Comments || Top||

#8  Iranian passenger jet goes into terrifying nose-dive when pair of US fighter jets 'came too close over Syria' leaving screaming passengers bloodied and injured after being sent flying around the cabin

IOW: Iranian jetliner pilots are idiots.
Posted by: gorb || 07/24/2020 10:09 Comments || Top||

#9  You don't bang your head on the cabin ceiling when the plane climbs 600 feet. You get pressed into your seat.
Posted by: KBK || 07/24/2020 11:06 Comments || Top||

#10  If the plane was full of IRGC and Hezb tough guys, why were they all screaming like little girls?
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/24/2020 13:08 Comments || Top||

#11  why were they all screaming like little girls?

Because that's what they do.
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/24/2020 14:13 Comments || Top||

#12  600 ft in two minutes? Pussies

About the speed of a standard elevator...
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/24/2020 20:05 Comments || Top||

Ershad Karimi, of MEHR engineering company, has been identified as the person responsible for the blast in Natanz
Posted by: Fred || 07/24/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  There always must be a scapegoat.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/24/2020 5:13 Comments || Top||

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