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Photo Appears to Show Black Lives Matter Supporters Holding Down and Kneeling on Neck of White Baby
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Page 1: WoT Operations
22 23:17 Clem [15] 
20 18:29 Clem [18] 
10 17:02 charger [17] 
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7 16:45 swksvolFF [18] 
2 13:43 Tom [13] 
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1 18:42 Clem [18] 
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1 18:43 Clem [13] 
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1 11:11 swksvolFF [17] 
12 20:29 swksvolFF [24] 
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1 07:02 Frank G [22] 
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4 07:49 AlanC [12] 
Page 2: WoT Background
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12 20:36 Jan [33]
1 08:48 b [17]
4 11:58 magpie [12]
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4 18:37 Clem [17]
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4 18:36 magpie [13]
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1 01:48 Besoeker [25]
Page 3: Non-WoT
3 18:13 Seeking Cure For Ignorance [12]
13 18:00 Frank G [11]
4 17:07 swksvolFF [15]
0 [14]
3 19:59 Frank G [18]
0 [19]
0 [17]
1 16:14 Frank G [16]
11 20:39 swksvolFF [23]
10 16:54 Dron66046 [16]
9 22:12 trailing wife [20]
0 [15]
1 10:45 49 Pan [21]
8 22:13 swksvolFF [19]
6 15:37 ed in texas [9]
0 [14]
6 16:29 Cromoth Sheatch5463 [18]
6 18:33 Clem [23]
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Page 4: Opinion
1 19:15 Seeking Cure For Ignorance [15]
4 15:31 Procopius2k [15]
3 11:53 magpie [15]
3 18:50 trailing wife [14]
Page 6: Politix
4 23:34 DarthVader [23]
17 20:14 trailing wife [30]
1 06:57 Clem [15]
2 06:59 Clem [26]
12 11:10 JohnQC [17]
3 14:21 Tom [12]
14 19:59 Frank G [27]
7 23:19 Clem [15]
21 20:39 charger [19]
10 13:47 SteveS [10]
0 [18]
-Lurid Crime Tales-
Woman Shot Dead After Following Community Leader's Advice To Settle Disputes With Rioters Without Police
[DailyWire] A Brooklyn woman was killed after attempting to reason with several people illegally setting off fireworks in the neighborhood of East New York.

The victim, 33-year-old Shatavia Walls, was just following the advice of Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams to try resolving non-violent disputes through "community policing," which does not involve calling actual police officers, Walls’ mother told the New York Post.

"She watched the news. Yes, she heard it," Walls' mother Helen Testagros said, referring to Adams' advice. "It was probably in the back of her mind."

"It's not a good idea. You don't know who you are approaching," she added. "These kids are not respectful anymore. … They're more ruthless."

For weeks leading up to July 4, New York City residents were plagued by people setting off illegal fireworks displays and, at times, turning firecrackers into weapons by firing them off at others. On the Fourth of July, Walls confronted a few people setting off one such illegal display, and told them to move their fireworks away from the children who were playing in the area.

During the confrontation, one person chased Walls into her mother's apartment building, firing a single shot at Walls while she fled. The bullet missed Walls, and she was able to recover the spent shell casing and the driver's license of the alleged gunman, which the person had dropped during the chase, Testagros said.

Walls reported the alleged gunman to New York police, though nothing was done, according to Testagros. The New York City Police Department disputed the claim, saying they did not hear about the incident involving Walls and a gunman until July 7, when the same suspect allegedly shot Walls eight times after she confronted another group of people setting off fireworks in the neighborhood. Walls later died at a nearby hospital.
Posted by: Cromoth Sheatch5463 || 07/23/2020 01:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Don't bring goodwill to a gun fight?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/23/2020 2:01 Comments || Top||

#2  A Brooklyn woman was killed after attempting to reason with several people illegally setting off fireworks in the neighborhood of East New York.

Attempting to "reason" with unreasonable people seldom results in much.
Posted by: Besoeker || 07/23/2020 2:16 Comments || Top||

#3  Well, much that might be desirable, anyway.

I'm reminded if that line in The Longest Yard: "Was it worth it?" Odd that these criminals don't even consider it before they pull the trigger.
Posted by: gorb || 07/23/2020 4:56 Comments || Top||

#4  Chalk up another one for Wilhelm.
Posted by: Clem || 07/23/2020 5:38 Comments || Top||

#5  These kids are not respectful anymore. … They're more ruthless

No lessons learned here.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 07/23/2020 6:41 Comments || Top||

#6  The victim, 33-year-old Shatavia Walls, was just following the advice of Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams to try resolving non-violent disputes through "community policing," which does not involve calling actual police officers, Walls’ mother told the New York Post.

So much for another cockamamie left-wing notion. She might have tried calling in a social worker before dying.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/23/2020 8:26 Comments || Top||

#7  Just open fire.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/23/2020 9:05 Comments || Top||

#8  F.A.I.L. Slips.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 07/23/2020 10:21 Comments || Top||

#9  Only took one day.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 07/23/2020 15:15 Comments || Top||

#10  #4 Chalk up another one for Wilhelm
natural selection.

Posted by: charger || 07/23/2020 17:02 Comments || Top||

-War on Police-
Trump Stops Playing Around With Chicago, Expands "Operation Legend" Into the City
[Red State] - With Chicago’s out of control homicide rate not slowing down and its leadership playing politics rather than actually leading, President Donald Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr have decided to expand the "law and order" project known as "Operation Legend" into Chicago.

"This bloodshed must end, this bloodshed will end," Trump said during a speech at the White House.

"Today I am announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime," he announced.

Trump said that due to the rate of homicides and crime in Chicago, he felt the federal government has no choice but to get involved.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/23/2020 02:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Somebody-- city government, state government or federal government-- has to take charge and end this madness in the cities; it cannot continue indefinitely or they will end up as depopulated, lawless ghost towns.

It seems to me the Democrat city governments and state governments are sitting on their hands with the intent of forcing Trump to act, in hopes that they and their paid Democrat propagandists in the media will be able to turn public opinion against him and result in his defeat in the November election.

Will they succeed in painting him as an out-of-control tyrant stomping on our civil liberties? Or will their efforts backfire and result in Trump being re-elected as the "law and order" president?

Who knows? We live in interesting times.
Posted by: Dave D. || 07/23/2020 5:02 Comments || Top||

#2  Already seeing leftie articles harrumping about how "law and order" won't play well this time. That's whistling past the graveyard if you ask me.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/23/2020 6:34 Comments || Top||

#3  The laws are defunct. I think it's time to stress on the 'order'.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 07/23/2020 6:39 Comments || Top||

#4  Why send in the uniform military? He, like Lincoln, can call upon the citizen militia to restore order. Bring your weapon, 200 rounds of ammo, and three days dry food. Simple rules of Engagement. Don't f*** with them or be shot.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/23/2020 7:36 Comments || Top||

#5  @4

To be fair, the concept of the militia being used by governors or others is something so outside the living memory of people it seems scary and foreign. Armed people outside the set up command and control? Scary.

Been that way since at least WW1 after the formalized nation guard was set up.

As a former member of the military and a current member of a local militia, I would be very hesitant myself about calling them up for front line use. Security for neighborhoods? Yes. Active law enforcement? Nope.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/23/2020 8:36 Comments || Top||

#6  If they are not on the ballot in NOV someone screwed up months ago when they should have begun a recall drive.

I'd bet every mayor or governor on the ballot in November has stopped the nonsense.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 07/23/2020 8:56 Comments || Top||

#7  #5 you know how many prior military would show up and sort themselves out rather quickly. The non-vets would simply fill out the ranks. Use the latter for point defense and the former for area control.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/23/2020 9:03 Comments || Top||

#8  It seems to me the Democrat city governments and state governments are sitting on their hands with the intent of forcing Trump to act, in hopes that they and their paid Democrat propagandists in the media will be able to turn public opinion against him and result in his defeat in the November election.

I doubt this will work. IMO, it will turn more people against such causes as BLM, Antifa and those left-wing politicians who mollycoddle these groups. The MSM fake suppression polls are not trustworthy and can't be taken as an indication of who is going to vote for Trump or Biden. There is likely a huge, growing number of convert Trump supporters among the voters.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/23/2020 9:18 Comments || Top||

#9  #4
Shooting protesters/rioters dead didn't work well at Kent State and will not work in these days and times. I'm glad too. Politically it would be a disaster.
I have not served in the military, but know quite a few who have. I doubt they would shoot to kill fellow Americans, beat the crap out of them and toss them in the paddy wagon, yes.

Antifa are scum and the libs deserve the problems caused by them. But that is no reason to kill them.

It is important that LEO keep Antifa undead (at least until after the election). Soccer moms and snowflakes on the fence this election will not stand for dead antifa.
Posted by: Vespasian Ebboting9735 || 07/23/2020 9:59 Comments || Top||

#10  Shooting protesters/rioters dead didn't work well at Kent State

Really? They burned down the ROTC building on campus prior to the shooting. How many universities burned after Kent State?

After the shooting in Albuquerque the local mob has been rather quiet about taking down statues.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/23/2020 10:26 Comments || Top||

#11  I went to Ohio State at the time that Kent State occurred. There were protesters at OSU who were not particularly violent. There was another group of hard-core Marxists who traveled around the university circuit burning down ROTC buildings. These people were hard-core instigators and caused and participated in much violence. It was found that later, many of them had traveled to Cuba to cut sugar cane and get trained in insurrection methods.

These hard-core Marxists need to be identified, separated from the non-violent crowd and prosecuted as warranted. BTW, I wouldn’t put it past these Marxists to instigate a shooting incident or to shoot one of the non-violent protesters to incite an incident. We’re not talking about nice people.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/23/2020 11:00 Comments || Top||

#12  ^ class of 73 here. Was there too. If you stayed away from the circus you never got gassed. Otherwise the Columbus police would toss first and ask later.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/23/2020 11:10 Comments || Top||

#13  We’re not talking about nice people.

Hear, hear.

Posted by: Abu Uluque || 07/23/2020 11:39 Comments || Top||

#14  If memory serves, the college rioting mostly stopped after Kent State.
Posted by: warthogswife || 07/23/2020 12:30 Comments || Top||

#15  I wouldn’t put it past these Marxists to instigate a shooting incident or to shoot one of the non-violent protesters to incite an incident.

Posted by: Vespasian Ebboting9735 || 07/23/2020 12:57 Comments || Top||

#16  The student riots did stop right after Kent State. There was one last outpouring that week--but then dead silence. And the spring of 1971 was the first one in 4 years without student protests.
Posted by: Tom || 07/23/2020 13:40 Comments || Top||

#17  Shooting protesters/rioters dead didn't work well at Kent State and will not work in these days and times. I'm glad too. Politically it would be a disaster.

After Kent State, Nixon won 49 states.
Posted by: Zhang Fei || 07/23/2020 16:44 Comments || Top||

#18  Armed people outside the set up command and control? Scary.

Oh, wait ....
Posted by: gorb || 07/23/2020 16:58 Comments || Top||

#19  #14
I think your memory may need to be refreshed. See the Spiro Agnew quote.

Posted by: Thimp Clusort2035 || 07/23/2020 17:58 Comments || Top||

#20  If I remember, Columbus cops had a reputation of ticketing jaywalkers. I guess technically correct, but......

Meanwhile, GO BUCKEYES!
Posted by: Clem || 07/23/2020 18:29 Comments || Top||

Three Key Security Officials Killed in Uruzgan Blast
[ToloNews] Three key security officials and four other security force members were killed in a roadside mine blast in Uruzgan province on Wednesday morning, local officials said.

The incident happened around 9:00 am local time after the security forces vehicle struck a roadside mine in which the police chief of Khas Uruzgan, Dad Gul, and also a local police commander and an army forces commander along with 4 other security force members were killed, said Zargai Ebadi, a front man for Uruzgan province's governor.

"The security officials were on the way to the police headquarters and had just left a military camp in the district," said Ebadi, adding that "two coppers and two army soldiers were also were killed in the blast."

we can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by...
no group including the Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
has grabbed credit for the blast.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

'6 Taliban Commanders' Killed In Herat Airstrike: Officials
[ToloNews] At least six Taliban
...Arabic for students...
local commanders were killed on Wednesday in an Arclight airstrike
in Herat
...a venerable old Persian-speaking city in western Afghanistan, populated mostly by Tadjiks, which is why it's not as blood-soaked as areas controlled by Pashtuns...
province, local officials said.

Jelani Farhad, the governor's front man, said that the strike was conducted in "Zeyart Kham" area of Guzara district of Herat province and several other commanders were maimed.

Based on preliminary information, those reported killed: "Abdullah Akbari, Mawolavi Haidar, Mullah Rahmatullah, Zabiullah Akbari, Mullah Mohammad--known as Idres--and Mullah Abdulhaq--known us Osama," were the Taliban local commanders for Guzara, Adraksan, Pashton Zarghon districts of Herat province.

According to Farhad, the commanders were gathered and making plans to attack government installations and to conduct attacks in Herat city, when they were targeted in the airstrike.

Several other Taliban were also maimed in the strike and also their weapon caches were destroyed, Farhad said.

...back at the the conspirators' cleverly concealed hideout the long-awaited message arrived. They quickly got to work with their decoder rings...
the residents claim that at least eight non-combatants were killed and nearly 20 others were maimed in the airstrike attack, which they say targeted a wedding party.
Where is it written that a jihadi attack cannot be planned at a Taliban-adjacent wedding?
A number of witnesses and maimed in the incident say that aircraft also targeted those who were fleeing the area after bombing the wedding ceremony.

Women and children are also among dead and maimed, residents said.

Officials at the Herat District Hospital say that five people injured in the airstrike have been transferred to the hospital, and that so far a woman is reported to be at death's door.

The Taliban said in a statement that civilians have been killed in the attack.

At the same time, a car carrying civilians was reportedly hit by a Taliban mine planted in the Osto village, on the border between Guzara and Adraskan districts, killing or injuring a number of civilians.

Several maimed were transferred to health centers, Farhad said.
The Jerusalem Post reports 45 dead from two airstrikes, at least eight of whom were civilians, with more wounded, adding:
A front man for U.S. forces in Afghanistan said they had not taken part in Wednesday's Arclight airstrike

Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi, a Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
front man, said in a statement that two airstrikes in Heart had killed eight civilians and maimed 12.

Two local officials confirmed there had been two rounds of airstrikes.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Baghlan Residents Raise Alarm Over IEDs, Shootings
[ToloNews] A number of Baghlan residents on Wednesday voiced alarm over an increase in killings and magnetic mine explosions inside the city of Pul-e-Khumri, the lovely provincial capital.

They say more than a dozen magnetic mines have went kaboom! in the city in the past two months, most of which have targeted military vehicles.

The very last incident was on Tuesday where a mine went kaboom! just a few meters away from the Baghlan police headquarters, killing one person and injuring two others.

In the blast, the building of Adib radio, a local radio station in the city, was also damaged and even the antenna of the radio was damaged.

"The windows of radio Adib building were destroyed, even the antenna of the radio was damaged in the blast, said Hakim Khaliqyar, the radio publication manager.

"There were a lot of explosions and we call on the security forces to take more measures so that people can roam freely," said Hamid, a resident of the Pul-e-Khumri city.

At the same time, unknown button men assassinated a civilian inside the city on Wednesday.

"The city is in a bad situation and this government is fragmented and it is not a government at all, because if there was a government, how could a person be killed inside the city, but there is no one to arrest and interrogate the perpetrator?" said Haji Wazir, another resident.

Along with Pul-e-Khumri, the Baghlan-Kunduz highway and Baghlan and Mazar highways have also recently witnessed increased Taliban
...Arabic for students...
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

2 Security Personnel Killed in Helmand Amid Increased Violence
[ToloNews] At least two Afghan security force members were killed and six more maimed as a result of two separate boom-mobile blasts in the southern province of Helmand
...an Afghan province populated mostly by Pashtuns, adjacent to Injun country in Pak Balochistan...
, local officials have said.

The officials said that the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
intended to block the Kandahar-Lashkargah highway by plotting the two attacks.

"Six of our soliders were maimed in defense of the country, two of our officers were martyred," said Yasin Khan, the governor of Helmand province.

Reports from the frontline in Helmand indicate that the Afghan cops and the Taliban outfits engaged in fierce battle after the two incidents.

"The enemy wanted to explode a car full of explosives on our base," said Sediqullah Zuwak, an officer of the National Directorate of Security
...the Afghan national intel agency...

"After the earth-shattering kaboom, they started fighting with us and the fighting lasted for 20 minutes," said Laal Mohammad, an NDS officer.

Residents in Helmand have also voiced deep concern over the dramatic surge in the level of violence in the province.

"It was around 9:30 pm when the first explosion occurred, our house roof collapsed and several people were maimed," said Mohammad Khan, a resident in Nahr-e-Saraj district.

"Houses were damaged, there was destruction," said Ezatullah, a resident in Nahr-e-Saraj.

New waves of violence grips Helmand following a relatively peaceful period over the past couple of months.

...back at the barn, Bossy's udder had begun to ache...
in Uruzgan province, three key security forces leaders and four other security force members were killed in a roadside mine blast in Uruzgan province on Wednesday morning.

Data collected by TOLOnews shows that 13 provinces have witnessed violence in the last two weeks, which the Afghan government calls "unacceptable."

The data shows that festivities between the Afghan government and the Taliban have happened in Kunduz, Balkh, Samangan, Baghlan, Parwan, Maidan Wardak, Ghazni, Zabul, Uruzgan, Kandahar, Ghor, Badghis and Herat
...a venerable old Persian-speaking city in western Afghanistan, populated mostly by Tadjiks, which is why it's not as blood-soaked as areas controlled by Pashtuns...
in the last two weeks.

The Taliban, according to officials and sources, have carried out attacks in cities, highways and strategic districts, which they had agreed not to do as part of the peace agreement.

In Kandahar, at least seven security force members were killed in a Taliban attack on Tuesday.

The festivities started in Takhta Pul as the Taliban attacked security checkpoints, and seven security force members were killed, the statement said.

The Taliban has not yet commented on the attack.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

250 Afghan Soldiers Killed in 3 Weeks: TOLOnews Investigation
[ToloNews] Assessments conducted by TOLOnews indicate that 250 Afghan security force members were killed and over 300 more were maimed in 220 attacks staged by the Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
over the past three weeks in eleven provinces of the country.

The assessment indicates that the majority of casualties among the government forces occurred in the north and southeast regions of the country.

The Afghan government does not want to provide an exact detail about the casualties of the government forces, but insists that the Taliban’s casualties "are double" that of casualties among Afghan forces.

Under the US-Taliban peace agreement which was signed in Doha on February 29, the Taliban committed to not stage attacks on the key highways and historic provincial capitals. However,
if you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning...
over the recent days, Zabul-Kandahar, Baghlan-Samangan and Kabul-Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
highways have witnessed massive attacks by the Taliban.

"Always there is war going on, our cars are hit the bullets, there is war everywhere, where should we go?" asked Ahmad Manan, a driver on the Samangan-Baghlan highway.

"Over the past two weeks, nearly 100 security force members were killed," said Amruddin Wali, a member of the Kunduz provincial council.

Kunduz is one of the unstable areas which have suffered heavy festivities over the past few months.

Eleven provinces of the country have suffered a massive corpse count in the past three weeks.

"As a result of a mine explosion by the armed opponents, the police commander of Khas district of Uruzgan, the commander of local police and a unit commander of the army were martyred," said Zalgay Ebadi, a front man for Uruzgan's governor.

"Over the past two weeks the armed opponents have increased their attacks on the provincial and district level," said Aminullah Ahmadzai, the commander of Ghor province's police.

It seems that after the signing of the peace deal with the US, the Taliban was not willing to capture strategic areas and instead the group focused on inflicting a massive casualties on Afghan forces.

"The Taliban leaders under the pressure of Qatar
...an emirate on the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It sits on some really productive gas and oil deposits, which produces the highest per capita income in the world. They piss it all away on religion, financing the Moslem Brotherhood and several al-Qaeda affiliates. Home of nutbag holy manYusuf al-Qaradawi...
, Pakistain and the US want to portray themselves as committed to the peace agreement," said Jawed Kohistan
...a backwoods district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa distinguished by being even more rustic than is the norm among the local Pashtuns....
i, a military analyst.

The recent waves of violence have also led to a surge in Afghan civilian casualties. Last week, the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) expressed alarm over a "rising number of civilian casualties."
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

U.S. airstrike kills 36 Taliban militants in Kandahar
[KhaamaPress] An Arclight airstrike
conducted by the U.S. forces based in Afghanistan killed at least 36 forces of Evil of the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
group, the local officials said.

Jamal Barekzai, a spokesperson for the Provincial Polie Headquarters said the U.S. forces conducted an airstrike around 1:30 am local time in Khakriz district.

According to Barekzai, the airstrike killed at least 36 forces of Evil of the Taliban group.

Barekzai further added that the U.S. forces conducted the airstrike after a large number of Talibs attacked the security posts in Darweshan area of the district.

The Taliban group has not commented regarding the incident so far.

This comes as the local officials said Tuesday that the U.S. forces conducted an operation in Takhta Pul district, killing at least 25 forces of Evil of Taliban.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Pakistani National ID cards recovered from militants killed in Kandahar operations
[KhaamaPress] The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces recovered Pak National Identity Cards from the slain hard boyz who were killed during the operations in southern Kandahar province.

Gen. Tadin Khan Achakzai, the Police Chief of Kandahar, said the security forces killed 5 hard boyz in Maroof and 9 other hard boyz in Arghistan districts.

He also added that the security forces recovered National Identity Cards of Pakistain from the slain murderous Moslems.

...back at the hanging, Butch continued with his last words, trying not to repeat himself too often......
the Afghan Military in the South said the security forces carried out Arclight airstrike
s in Takhta Pul district of Kandahar, killing at least 25 Talibs.

The Taliban
...Arabic for students...
group has not commented regarding the incidents so far.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  That can't be right. Pak denies they are supplying the terrorist Taliban with fodder
Posted by: Frank G || 07/23/2020 7:02 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Russia and Turkey agree to push for Libya ceasefire, says Moscow
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

#1  "Well, start pushing then."

"Well, you go first!"

"No, YOU go first!"

Posted by: Clem || 07/23/2020 18:42 Comments || Top||

Malta became a "financial gate" between Turkey and Libya
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Muslim Brotherhood

#1  Pretty big gate that that pretty big Russian embassy in Nicosia.
Posted by: Clem || 07/23/2020 18:43 Comments || Top||

Four Syrian Mercenaries Killed in Tripoli During in Quarrel Over US$48,000 in Unpaid Salaries
[ALMARSAD.CO] A Syrian opposition human rights
...which are usually entirely different from personal liberty...
source told Al Marsad that a clash between those killed and the leadership of their group resulted in the death of 4 and the wounding of 2 others. Al Marsad obtained pictures of some of them in the morgue at Mitiga Hospital.

The source, who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, revealed that the dead belonged to the pro-Ottoman Turkish militia called "Falcons of the North", which is one of the factions affiliated with the Syrian Moslem Brüderbund’s network, which claims openly to have arms operating under the so-called "Free Army".

He added that a terrorist named "Hassan Khairiya", who is loyal to Ottoman Turkish intelligence, is the leader of this brigade and has been present with his assistant, "Khalil Khairiya" in the capital, Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
, over the recent period. He lost many of his elements in the fighting at the hands of the Libyan National Army (LNA).

He pointed out that the four victims had raised the problem last week on Thursday, where they were stationed between Salah al-Din and Khallet al-Furjan on the Sidra Road, with their leadership against facing issues of salary delays and lack of money, while other factions such as "Sultan Suleiman Shah" dubbed "Amshat" got what they consider their dues for fighting in the ranks of Fayez al-Sarraj’s government.

He also stressed after the problem and the debate heated up and they showered curses on Sarraj and Erdogan for the delay of their salaries amounting to US$12,000 each per month, the four took out their weapons against their leaders and threatened to go to the government headquarters on al-Sikkah road. This forced their Syrian leadership to shoot them dead. Their bodies were transferred to Mitiga Hospital in preparation to move them to The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...Qatar's satrapy in Asia Minor...
and then to Northern Syria.

The same source confirmed that between 40 to 50 members of the "Falcons of the North" militia had escaped last Thursday after their rebellion and took refuge with the Sultan Murad militia and several Ottoman Turkish officers in both the Police College in Salah al-Din and Yarmouk Camp and Mitiga Air Force Base.

The Syrian criminal militias and gunnies of 13,000 fighters in Tripoli have repeatedly complained about the irregular salaries and demanded the Turks to find a solution, while al-Sarraj faces a dilemma because of the interruption of oil supplies and financial returns due to the closure, which drives him and the Ottoman Turkish forces to plan to control this area.

A Syrian terrorist in Tripoli boasts of having Libyan and foreign currency received from al-Sarraj’s government.

In a related context, the commissioned head of the National Oil Corporation (NOC) Mustafa Sanallah, in a statement issued last Friday, had renewed his demand to restart the oil fields, alleging "the presence of Syrian mercenaries therein" within the ranks of the LNA at a time when the GNA-affiliated Syrian militias are fighting meters away from his office demanding their outstanding salaries from oil revenues.
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

LNA Naval units will conduct tonight a Naval drills off Sirte coast
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

#1  Mines?
Posted by: swksvolFF || 07/23/2020 11:11 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
Islamist militants execute four aid workers in northeast Nigeria
[Jpost] Islamist bully boyz in northeast Nigeria
... a particularly crimson stretch of Islam's bloody border...
have executed four aid workers and a private security guard, according to a video seen by Rooters on Wednesday.

International Rescue Committee and Action Against Hunger, both aid groups, confirmed the killing of their colleagues and other humanitarian workers in statements condemning the executions.

Last month, the bully boyz released a video in which the hostages identified themselves.

"You that are working for infidel organizations, you are working to deliver their mandate but they do not care about your plight," said a man wearing a balaclava in the video, with the five captives wearing red blindfolds and kneeling in a row in front of him. "This is why whenever we abduct you, those organizations do not show any form of concern," he said.

When the man finished his speech, he and four other men in balaclavas and military fatigues shot the captives.

The execution underscores the increasing risk for aid workers in northeast Nigeria, where a decade-long conflict with Boko Haram
... not to be confused with Procol Harum, Harum Scarum, possibly to be confused with Helter Skelter. The Nigerian version of al-Qaeda and the Taliban rolled together and flavored with a smigeon of distinctly Subsaharan ignorance and brutality...
and Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
's regional ally has fueled one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. Since Nigeria's military withdrew into garrison towns they call "super camps," the northeast has become deadlier for many civilians, leaving previously safe major roads, much of the countryside and smaller towns unprotected.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:06 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Boko Haram (ISIS)

Gunmen kill 11 villagers in northern Nigeria
[THEBAGHDADPOST] Motorcycle-riding button men in northern Nigeria have killed 11 people, local government and community leaders said Wednesday, in the latest violence in the area.The attack on Monday came a day after assailants bumped off 18 wedding guests in a nearby village.

The button men stormed Gora Gan village in Kaduna state after dark and opened fire on residents, said Elias Manza, administrative head of Zangon Kataf district.

"The button men killed 11 people in the attack and left 15 with serious injuries," he said.

The attackers also torched houses, a church, a car and seven cycle of violences.
Community leader Jonathan Asake who gave a similar toll, said hundreds had fled their homes for fear of renewed attacks.

"We have a total of 559 people who are afraid to go back to their homes and are sheltering in a primary school in the (nearby) town of Zonkwa," he said.

Southern Kaduna has been wracked by a long-standing row between Moslem Fulani
... a peculiarly brutal tribe of Moslem herdsmen infesting Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and probably other places that are light on law and order and heavy on tribal identity...
herders and ethnic Christian farmers over grazing and water rights.

Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Fulani Herdsmen (Boko Haram)

Caribbean-Latin America
Honduran military intercepts plane that they claim was carrying over 800kg of Cocaine from Venezuela
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

Fifth Column
Feds tear-gas Portland mayor Ted Wheeler at police brutality protest
[NYPOST] After being tear-gassed when he joined a crowd protesting police brutality, the mayor of Portland said he "saw nothing that provoked this response" — even as rioters set the federal courthouse ablaze.

"I’m not gonna lie, it stings, it’s hard to breathe, and I can tell you with 100 percent honesty I saw nothing that provoked this response," Mayor Ted Wheeler said in a video shot by a news hound.

The Democrat, who said it was the first time he’d been gassed, coughed and drank water as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him while surrounded by a phalanx of journalists.

...back at the Hubba Hubba Club, Nunzio wondered: Where the hell was Chumbaloni? And where was his $600?...
rioters ignited a large blaze in the space between a nearby fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse — accidentally setting ablaze one of their comrades — as federal agents continued firing tear gas and stun grenades into the frenzied crowd.

"It’s nasty stuff, I’m not afraid but I am pissed off," Wheeler said. "This is an egregious overreaction on the part of the federal officers. There was nothing that I saw anybody do that warranted this reaction."

It wasn’t immediately clear if the federal officers were aware the mayor was in the crowd when they used the tear gas.

"As you can see, all it’s done is piss everybody off. It’s made everybody angry. They’ve come in and they kicked the hornet’s nest. This is not a de-escalation strategy. This is flat-out urban warfare and it’s being brought on the people of this country by the president of the United States," the Democratic mayor continued.

"This is a threat to our democracy," added the mayor, who arrived about 9 p.m. Wednesday to chants of "F— Ted Wheeler!" and "Do your job!"

Camouflage-clad agents from the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies were deployed to the city last week to protect federal monuments and buildings after nearly two months of demonstrations over police brutality and racism.
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 09:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  I'm 100% certain he was read to say "saw nothing that provoked this response" before he even arrived. Didn't matter what he saw.

But then the Antifa mob chanted he was a fascist.

Ball is in your court Mayor Ted. Do you continue to dance with the devil?
Posted by: rjschwarz || 07/23/2020 9:32 Comments || Top||

#2  Probably half the useful idiots shot while kneeling next to a ditch in Russia believed it was just a very intense loyalty test right up to the moment the lights went out. I'd imagine mayor Ted is thinking that way.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/23/2020 9:39 Comments || Top||

#3  This is not a de-escalation strategy.

And just how well have yours been working? Well enough to land you in the news next to Chicago and NY it seems.
Posted by: gorb || 07/23/2020 9:52 Comments || Top||

#4  my fav sentence in the post was,

... rioters ignited a large blaze in the space between a nearby fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse — accidentally setting ablaze one of their comrades...
Posted by: lord garth || 07/23/2020 11:24 Comments || Top||

#5  Too bad he wasn't hit by a bean bag.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/23/2020 11:25 Comments || Top||

#6  Seems this shepherd's sheep may have some wolves.
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/23/2020 11:31 Comments || Top||

#7  This is flat-out urban warfare

And it has been, Teddy, for the past two months.
Posted by: Bobby || 07/23/2020 11:39 Comments || Top||

#8  Bingo Bobby!
Posted by: warthogswife || 07/23/2020 11:56 Comments || Top||

#9  Mostly peaceful arson attack on the courthouse
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 07/23/2020 12:03 Comments || Top||

#10  De-escalation by removal and long jailing of criminals is a tried and tested solution.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles || 07/23/2020 12:04 Comments || Top||

#11  "We didn't know it was the Mayor. Honest! If we did, we woulda gassed him twice."
Posted by: SteveS || 07/23/2020 12:09 Comments || Top||

#12  So - the MAYOR was one of the rioters who were trying to burn down the Federal Building?

And no - if they are working to burn down a building, or tolerate and encourage those who do, they are not 'peaceful protesters - they are all rioters.
And the mayor's active participation makes it more of an insurrection.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 07/23/2020 13:29 Comments || Top||

#13  Do it a couple more times, just to be sure it takes.
Posted by: Iblis || 07/23/2020 14:25 Comments || Top||

#14  Seen the video of him walking with His Heroes, and they are up in his face and throwing things at him?

Good times.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 07/23/2020 15:33 Comments || Top||

#15  Teargas a commie for mommy.
Posted by: Cromoth Sheatch5463 || 07/23/2020 16:24 Comments || Top||

#17  So - the MAYOR was one of the rioters who were trying to burn down the Federal Building?

No, he didn't want to be seen as participating in riotous activity.
Posted by: gorb || 07/23/2020 16:49 Comments || Top||

#18  Via InstaPundit
‘He’s Lying’: Eyewitness Calls Out Portland Mayor Over Fabricated Tear Gas Incident
Holton argued Wheeler intentionally positioned himself “right in the middle” of the escalating clash. At that point, the CBN contributor recalled, federal agents began issuing loud warnings, notifying anyone in the middle of the mayhem — to include the mayor — that the protest had been declared a riot and they would soon begin exercising crowd-control measures.

Those messages rang out “probably at least five times.” “And Ted Wheeler stayed right there, in the middle, in the center, in the front, where the tear gas would certainly be shot first — knowing he was about to be tear-gassed,” explained Holton.

He added, “So the news you’re seeing that Ted Wheeler was viciously attacked and tear-gassed by federal agents without provocation is a lie. It’s wrong. I was there, and I actually have footage to prove it.”
Posted by: Cromoth Sheatch5463 || 07/23/2020 17:59 Comments || Top||

#19  Too bad a canister didn't bounce off the pavement and hit him square in the balls.
Posted by: Raj || 07/23/2020 19:18 Comments || Top||

#20  ^ be like shooting the eye out of a snake at 100 yds.
Posted by: Lumpy Smith2959 || 07/23/2020 19:21 Comments || Top||

#21  #19 - assuming Xer sex is verboten. By actions, it proves those were demonstratively removed years ago
Posted by: Frank G || 07/23/2020 19:56 Comments || Top||

#22  Cool!
Posted by: Clem || 07/23/2020 23:17 Comments || Top||

Antifa black bloc militant beats up BLM supporting photographer Mason Lake
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Not much of a beating. I think Andy knows what a beating is.
Posted by: RJ45ACP || 07/23/2020 0:27 Comments || Top||

#2  I gotta kinda enjoy both winner and loser.
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/23/2020 1:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Lower primates sorting out territory and hierarchical positions.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/23/2020 6:22 Comments || Top||

#4  So how come nationalist citizens aren't putting 'bounties' on these f#cks already ? There's gotta be takers for this sort of business.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 07/23/2020 6:44 Comments || Top||

#5  Win-win?
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/23/2020 8:28 Comments || Top||

#6  Lower primates sorting out territory and hierarchical positions.

Rampaging troop of monkeys savagely attack and kill 30 lambs after invading a farm in India
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/23/2020 12:13 Comments || Top||

#7  Black bloc bike loc blights Lake bloke.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 07/23/2020 16:45 Comments || Top||

Portland Cartch & Release Program
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  If only cartch was slang for ear and nose Bob plus brand on forehead.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/23/2020 3:27 Comments || Top||

#2  If "Dads," of which I am one, would raise their children better, we wouldn't be seeing this horrific stupidity.
Posted by: Tom || 07/23/2020 13:43 Comments || Top||

Photo Appears to Show Black Lives Matter Supporters Holding Down and Kneeling on Neck of White Baby
The man in the photo’s name is Isaiah Jackson and he resides in Ohio. A man with that name was arrested on July 20 in Ohio for a probation violation.

The paternal grandmother of the child wrote on Facebook that the photo was taken two days ago while the two-year-old was with his mother, who is dating Jackson. She told TGP that her son did not find out about it until yesterday morning.

The grandmother, who the Gateway Pundit has opted not to name for the child’s safety, provided us with screenshots of conversations in which the mother attempted to defend the photo when confronted about it, calling the person "ignorant" and claiming that "he wasn’t hurting him." She also claimed she was not present when the photo was taken.

The very angry grandmother said that the baby is now with her son and safe.

"My son is beyond pissed. He took his boy to the ER to get checked out and everything came back good," she wrote. "He better be glad nothing bad happened to my grandson and he better hide from all the people who will be coming for him when he gets out of jail."

She told Gateway Pundit that the baby had x-rays taken and that there were no injuries. She said that she does not think the mother has been arrested or that any charges have been filed against her. "She should have been charged," she said.

Child Protective Services is also involved, she explained, and the mother will only be allowed to see the child while the father is present for now. She is not allowed to be alone with him, the grandmother said.

When asked how the family is doing, the grandmother said that they are okay, but none of them slept last night.

"All we could see was that picture in our head," she explained. "We just want everyone involved charged for what they did. The guy hasn’t been charged for what he did yet. He did get charged for a probation violation."

She said that the mother is not normally like this and that she suspects it is because of the people she has been hanging out with.

"When I saw the person holding his arms back it made me so much more upset," she said. "The fact that he was crying, it makes my stomach hurt. He didn’t have anyone there to protect him or stop it."

WHIO TV 7 reports that "Sherlocks in Clark County said they are investigating the post, however no arrests have been made and charges have not been filed."
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  sick
Posted by: borgboy || 07/23/2020 1:14 Comments || Top||

#2  the mother attempted to defend the photo when confronted about it

Mothers like this is the reason I'm not anti-abortion.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/23/2020 3:33 Comments || Top||

#3  Sick maybe, but what are you going to charge him with other than some vaguely related parole violation or being stupid?
Posted by: gorb || 07/23/2020 5:01 Comments || Top||

#4  ^Charge him for decorating a lamp post without a licence.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/23/2020 5:05 Comments || Top||

#5  I think anything from the "he'll never do that again" range of punishments will suffice.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/23/2020 5:52 Comments || Top||

#6  what are you going to charge him with

Interesting how they keep pushing the edge of the envelope with excuses. You are watching civilization circling around the drain.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/23/2020 6:26 Comments || Top||

#7  Another case of BLDM; "Baby Lives Don't Matter?"
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/23/2020 8:32 Comments || Top||

#8  She also claimed she was not present when the photo was taken.

Well then who took the photo? And who's arm is that to the left?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 07/23/2020 8:48 Comments || Top||

#9  He is imitating the kneeling posture that led to George Floyd's death, with a BLM message.
By his own interpretation, he is endangering the child.
The charge should be a no brainer.
Posted by: flash91 || 07/23/2020 19:53 Comments || Top||

#10  Well then who took the photo? And who's arm is that to the left?

I'm going to guess mom took the photo and Dude is well known among all the actors, and that daisy futures are up.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 07/23/2020 20:00 Comments || Top||

#11  Looks a little like Colin Kaepernick.
Posted by: bbrewer126 || 07/23/2020 20:13 Comments || Top||

#12  That's it - threw a gang sign and the photo got intercepted.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 07/23/2020 20:29 Comments || Top||

Cops In Riot Gear Clear Out NYC ‘Occupy’ Camp Near City Hall In Pre-Dawn Raid
[DAILYWIRE] New York Police Department officers clad in riot gear emptied out an "occupy" protest that sprung up around NYC City Hall weeks ago in a dramatic pre-dawn raid, according to local media.The protest, which began on June 28 with just 100 protesters, had spilled over into the street as demonstrators demanded a massive cut to the NYPD budget. Although New York City mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio
...cryptocommie mayor of New York and for some reason a Dem candidate for president in 2020. Corrupt and incompetent, his qualifications for office seem to consist of being married to a black woman, with whom he honeymooned in Cuba. He has a preppy-looking son named Dante, whose Divine Comedy involved getting his back hair up when a police car drove past him slowly. New Yorkers voted for him, so they deserve him...
happily complied with demands to "defund the police," slashing the NYPD’s operating funds by nearly a billion dollars and canceling more than 1,000 planned hires, protesters remained unsatisfied given that de Blasio refused to officially sign the change into law.

The protest had dwindled in recent days, but early Wednesday morning, NYPD cleared what remained, tossing demonstrators out of a nearby park and dismantling the City Hall tent city.

"Lines of officers in heavy gear were seen at Lafayette Street and Leonard near the criminal courthouses. Some were telling protesters and others on the street to move back as the swarm of cops moved in. Officials said those in the encampment were given a ten-minute warning before the clear-out began," a local NBC affiliate reported. "Protesters say their tents, tarps, and other belongings were trashed by police."

Police expected to arrest at least one person — an unnamed individual who, days earlier, had thrown a brick at an NYPD officer — but ended up taking at least 7 people into custody. Protesters put up only a brief fight before completely clearing out.

Occupy City Hall protesters were ‘s—tting and pissing’ in subway grates
[NYPOST] The "Occupy City Hall" protesters left behind a foul mess after turning a series of sidewalk grates into makeshift latrines during their month-long encampment in Lower Manhattan, an MTA supervisor revealed Wednesday."All the people who were here were going to the bathroom in the vents," the transit boss said.

"They were s—tting and pissing in the vents. They were using this as a facility, as a bathroom. It’s unbelievable what’s in there."

The supervisor was overseeing several workers with the unenviable task of using poles to poke disgusting brown sludge from between the bars of the metal grates.

The workers were also using a hose and broom to wash away the filth, which was littered with paper, cigarette butts and other debris.

A sanitation worker assigned to clean up the area said the problem wasn’t confined to the grates, located near the Citi Bike rack on the plaza at the southwest corner of Chambers and Centre streets.

"Apparently there is human s—t everywhere," the worker said.

MTA spokeswoman Kayla Shults said that the grates "provide ventilation for the subway system" but noted that there’s "a pan that catches anything that goes through."

"The team that was down there at Chambers Street was a vac team, so they could get the vac out and make sure the grate was completely clear," Shults added.

De Blasio finally cleans up anti-cop graffiti from Dinkins building after prodding
Doesn't want the Federales sent in?
[NYPOST] Mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio finally took action Wednesday to clean the anti-cop graffiti from the David N. Dinkins Municipal Building in Lower Manhattan and to clear out the remaining Occupy City Hall protesters from a nearby park — after he was hounded by The Post and other members of the press.

"That graffiti on those public buildings is being cleaned up right now as we speak," de Blasio said during his daily morning City Hall press briefing, even though a day earlier he could not even provide a timeline for when the vandalism would be scrubbed when asked by The Post.

The scrawlings, including some that read "F—k cops" and "ACAB" (for "All cops are bastards"), popped up on municipal property, including the historic Tweed Court House and Surrogate’s Court on Chambers Street, when protesters began occupying City Hall Park last month to demand $1 billion in cuts to the NYPD’s budget.

De Blasio appeared in no rush over the past few weeks to clean off the graffiti from the Dinkins building — named after the city’s first and only black mayor — but he was quick to restore the Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower after it was defaced twice last week.

Early Wednesday, a line of NYPD officers in riot gear also dismantled the month-old encampment at City Hall Park — a move de Blasio said he and NYPD brass called for at 10 p.m. Tuesday even though he told news hounds during a briefing hours earlier that there were no plans to end the occupation.

"It’s something I’ve been evaluating over the last few weeks," de Blasio claimed Wednesday in reference to ending the encampment.
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

Federal agents deployed to Portland as part of ‘Operation Diligent Valor’
[NYPOST] More than 100 federal agents have been deployed to the streets of Portland, Oregon, to protect federal buildings in the city in a mission called "Operation Diligent Valor," a report said Wednesday.The camouflaged agents, who have received criticism for detaining protesters in the city, are part of the "Rapid Deployment Force" of the operation, which is lead by the Department of Homeland Security, Politico reported.

The operation was detailed in a court filing in a suit that challenged the tactics of the federal agents, according to the report.

"In response to the increasingly violent mostly peaceful attacks, on the morning of July 4th, the DHS Rapid Deployment Force implemented tactics intended to positively identify and arrest serious offenders for crimes such as assault, while protecting the rights of individuals engaged in protected free speech activity," Gabriel Russell, a regional director of the Federal Protective Service, wrote in the court filing.

He added the agents are from several federal law enforcement branches: the Federal Protective Service, ICE and the US Marshals Service, according to Politico.

On Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning in the city, protesters again clashed with police and federal agents.

A team of protesters propped several wooden beams and sandbags against a door to the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse in the melee, according to tweets from Clypian, an online news outlet run by South Salem High School students.

Videos posted by Clypian throughout the night show protesters yanking off plywood covering another entrance and the feds launching tear gas and pepper bombs at the crowds. At one point, someone tosses a firework at the officers, which explodes at their feet.

Another video showed the plywood facade of the courthouse — which has been routinely attacked as the feds stand guard inside — on fire, prompting a stream of officers to pour out.

Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Operation Get Some.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 07/23/2020 1:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Bring lots of rubber bullets.
Posted by: Cromoth Sheatch5463 || 07/23/2020 2:14 Comments || Top||

#3  If they're not allowed to kill terrorists attacking federal buildings and officers, you can call it 'Operation Mega Brave Viking's Holler', it's still no good.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 07/23/2020 6:50 Comments || Top||

#4  "Operation Diligent Valor,"

All this kind of shi* disgusts me.

They make it sound like middle school boys larping, it's not serious. Same with all the "gear". Play acting like they're storming the beaches as Normandy.

Go in kick ass and take names. Mainly the names of the money tree.
Posted by: AlanC || 07/23/2020 7:49 Comments || Top||

Protesters, outside the GreenZone in Baghdad, demand referring corrupt officials in the energy field to court
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

Iraqi-operated civilian logistics convoy carrying US/Coalition cargo was targeted by IED on Baghdad-Nasiriyah highway
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

Turkish bombs scorch grazing land, wild animals in Barzan: local officials
[Rudaw] Ottoman Turkish bombardments in the Barzan area this week sparked a fire that has burned for days, destroying farmlands and killing wild animals, according to local officials.

The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the decaying remnant of the Ottoman Empire...
dropped bombs on a hillside near Lere village, in the Sherwan Mazin subdistrict of Barzan, 90 kilometres northeast of Erbil, on Friday, according to villagers and local officials who said on Wednesday the fire is still burning because it is a rugged area.

"The vicinity of the village has been burning for five days. The fire has not been extinguished because firefighting vehicles cannot access the area," Ajeel Adil, mukhtar (chieftan) of Sherwan Mazin, told Rudaw English. Turkey bombs the area almost on a daily basis, he added.

Turkey launched a new offensive in the Kurdistan Region on June 15, with the stated aim of removing Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) fighters from its borders with the Region. Residents and wildlife of the mountains have borne the brunt of the campaign, however.

"Almost everything is gone," Omer Abd Ham, mukhtar of Lere village, told Rudaw English.

"The valley behind the village has been burnt. At least two mountain goats have been burnt in addition to the burning of trees. The loss is very big, costing millions of dinars," he said.

Photographs taken over the past few days and submitted to Rudaw show scorched bee hives, smoldering trees, and two dead animals, possibly mountain goats or bezoar ibex. The animals appear to have burn marks on their legs.

Mukhtar Ham criticized the government for "not doing anything to extinguish the fire. The forest rangers came and sat down under some trees without trying to extinguish the fire. We kicked them out of the area."

Satellite imagery shows a blackened area above the village, stretching at least two kilometres long. Villagers used to use this area for grazing their livestock, but now they do not know where they will bring their animals, said the mukhtar, calling on the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to compensate them.

Turkey’s new offensive has been focused on areas in Duhok province’s Zakho region. At least five civilians have been killed there and several villages have been abandoned under the bombardment.

These hillsides are restricted areas because of the PKK-Turkey conflict, but Abd said they would get permission from Ottoman Turkish military bases to graze their animals.

Ottoman Turkish bombs frequently spark forest fires that have devastated the Kurdistan Region’s mountains. A 2018 study found 2.2 million acres of forest has been lost, partially due to Ottoman Turkish and Iranian artillery fire.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Syrian military kills several ISIS terrorists in southern Raqqa
Posted by: Fred || 07/23/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2020-07-23
  Photo Appears to Show Black Lives Matter Supporters Holding Down and Kneeling on Neck of White Baby
Wed 2020-07-22
  At Least 14 People Wounded In Mass Shooting Outside Funeral in Chicago
Tue 2020-07-21
  BLM Beats Conservative Michelle Malkin With Clubs In Denver
Mon 2020-07-20
  Turkey says 27 IS suspects arrested in Istanbul
Sun 2020-07-19
  Minneapolis: ‘It’s 24-Hour Crime’
Sat 2020-07-18
  Jordan’s top court dissolves country’s Muslim Brotherhood
Fri 2020-07-17
  Nigeria: 602 Boko Haram terrorists surrender
Thu 2020-07-16
  Video footage from Iranian port after 7 ships caught fire
Wed 2020-07-15
  Explosion as fire breaks out at Iranian industrial complex
Tue 2020-07-14
  BLM activist claimed in ultra-viral tweet that racist messages were left on his car. Video shows he placed them there himself
Mon 2020-07-13
  Florida man crashes into Catholic Church,
sets it on fire with worshipers inside
Sun 2020-07-12
  Turkish military seizes strategic summit in Iraqi-Kurdistan
Sat 2020-07-11
  Turkey issues presidential decree to convert Hagia Sophia back into mosque
Fri 2020-07-10
  Latest explosions in Tehran reportedly hit warehouses of rockets that belong to the IRGC
Thu 2020-07-09
  Yemen's Ansarallah forces threaten to target Saudi palaces

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