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Sudanese army strikes RSF troops in Khartoum and North Kordofan
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6 11:48 Deacon Blues [28] 
1 08:15 Slavising Unineting5672 [30] 
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6 12:28 trailing wife [23]
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3 15:13 irish rage boy [18]
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7 17:22 Jeremiah Jomosing7109 [25]
11 12:56 M. Murcek [12]
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3 12:32 Old Salty [11]
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12 14:24 M. Murcek [21]
1 08:13 Super Hose [22]
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4 18:57 Thing From Snowy Mountain [25]
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3 16:56 Enver Slager8035 [21]
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9 21:33 Frank G [27]
1 19:27 Flater Forkbeard8651 [19]
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5 21:31 trailing wife [18]
1 08:17 ed in texas [17]
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Good Morning

North Korea launches 'several
cruise missiles' amid escalating tensions
Saturday July 22nd, 2023

Betty Davis 1930-001
Resident of Nalchik suspected of financing terrorism
Army Claims Slain Neighborhood Watchmen were 'Terrorists'
How Pakistani Hindus Are Facing After-Effects
Of Seema Haider's Illegal Entry To India
Mohamad Barakat: Serious Omissions by Legacy Media
NIA Arrests 19-Year-Old AMU Student For 'Link' With ISIS
Turkey in Idlib: military convoy to
'de-escalation zone', border guards arrest 17,

Posted by: Fred || 07/22/2023 12:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The eyes have it.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 07/22/2023 8:07 Comments || Top||

#2  "Someone wrote a song about it" is always a good tell:

Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/22/2023 8:11 Comments || Top||

#3  "She's got Marty Feldman eyes"
Posted by: Frank G || 07/22/2023 9:07 Comments || Top||

#4  Personally, a good whiskey and cigarettes voice is sexy as hell to me. Unfortunately, the rest of the whiskey and cigarettes package is usually hard to take.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/22/2023 9:36 Comments || Top||

#5  Re:#4: that’s what whiskey glasses and beer goggles are for.
Posted by: USN, Ret. || 07/22/2023 9:51 Comments || Top||

#6  She's got Marty Feldman eyes.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 07/22/2023 11:48 Comments || Top||

Daily Evacuation Brief July 22, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • CENTRAL BANK AUDIT – A US-funded audit has determined that the Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) has yet to implement reforms and safeguards that must be in place to unlock access to the $3.5 billion in frozen assets currently parked in a Swiss trust fund. According to anonymous sources, the primary problem is the inability to ensure the funds would not be pilfered by Taliban leaders and the failure to replace 3 Taliban members of the board who have no banking experience. There are concerns shared by many in the international community that DAB could engage in money laundering and terrorism financing without stricter controls. The trust requires assent from all four board members to approve disbursements. DAB officials have yet to respond to the report as they say they need time to analyze it.

  • EU SANCTIONS ON TALIBAN LEADERS DRAWS CRITICISMS – The European Union slapped a fresh round of sanctions on 3 Taliban leaders yesterday which drew the immediate ire of IEA officials. Those added to the list include the Minister of Education, the Minister of Justice, and the Chief Justice of the Taliban Supreme Court. EU officials said the three men had been sanctioned for their roles in planning and implementing the draconian measures aimed at females in Afghan society. The sanctions ban the three officials from traveling in EU territories and freeze any assets they may have in EU member states. Responding to the sanctions, the Taliban claimed the bans would not facilitate dialogue and that pressure would not force them to relent on their Deobandist interpretations that are now state policy.

  • IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER SOUNDS WARNING BELL OVER ISIS MIGRATION TO AFGHANISTAN – Amir Hossein Abdollahian, the Foreign Minister of Iran made a bombshell announcement when he claimed that both leaders and soldiers of ISIS had recently arrived in Afghanistan from Iraq, Syria, and Libya. While the Foreign Minister neglected to provide any proof that ISIS was flocking to Afghanistan, many in the international community are taking his words as proof positive that ISIS is building up its forces there. The Taliban have yet to respond to the Minister’s remarks.

  • US DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTSOURCING VETTING OF AFGHAN VISAS – The US Government as a whole has done a poor job of processing visa applications for Afghan refugees seeking asylum. All agencies involved in the process were/are clearly unprepared to deal with the situation. For its part, the Department of Defense set up its DOD Afghan Special Immigrant Visa support team (DAS-T) to assist with the workload. When it was officially unveiled in 2021, it was called PROJECT RABBIT and was established after the State Department requested help in verifying the employment histories of SIV applicants who had worked for US Defense contractors. The portal was initially open to anyone but was taken offline shortly after launch due to ‘overload’. Last week, the DOD appealed to private companies to submit bids for contracts to try and get things moving faster. The announcement has been received with cautious optimism by those groups and individuals working to help Afghans process their applications. The Department of Defense is hoping a contracting company will be able to process up to 500 SIV cases per month. With a backlog that is estimated to sit at around 25,000 cases, an immediate impact is not anticipated. Many of the private case managers who have been working on these issues since late 2021 say the public offer fails to solve the main problem which is a lack of communication between the Departments of State and Defense that have contributed to the lack of progress from the start.

Parwan: The Front of the Unknown Soldiers said it had conducted an operation yesterday evening that succeeded in killing 2 Taliban security forces members in an undisclosed location in the province.
Laghman: Taliban forces reportedly engaged a unit from the National Battle Front of Afghanistan (unverified group) in the Alingar district. In the battle that ensued, both sides reportedly took casualties. It is not immediately clear how many were killed/wounded on either side.

POSSIBLE COUNTER ISIS-K OPERATIONS IN AFGHANISTAN EXPECTED – In the wake of the Foreign Minister of Iran’s remarks about ISIS terrorists flocking to Afghanistan, we assess the Taliban will launch counter-ISIS operations over the coming days. Although there is no specific information about where Taliban security forces could act, they have shown a proclivity to conduct ‘clearing operations’ after receiving criticism over their lack of will to tackle terrorism threats. At-risk Afghans should avoid any concentrations of Taliban security vehicles/personnel in urban areas as these are likely indicators of a coming attack. If specific information is received we will issue an alert notice through our regular channels.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 04:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Africa Horn
Sudanese army strikes RSF troops in Khartoum and North Kordofan
[SUDANTRIBUNE] The Sudanese army launched air strikes on Thursday against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Khartoum and North Kordofan states as ground troops continue to engage with paramilitary fighters.

Since the eruption of the conflict, the Sudanese air forces have targeted the RSF positions in Khartoum and have reduced the arrival of their reinforcements from reaching the capital. However,
a poor excuse is better than no excuse at all...
recently, they operate also in strategic North Kordofan.

On Thursday, aerial bombardments were concentrated near Sports City in the south of Khartoum and in Ombada, west of Omdurman, as well as in North Khartoum and East Nile cities of Khartoum state.

Eyewitnesses reported that the Arclight airstrike
s persisted into Thursday evening, with additional bombings in Omdurman’s Libya’s Market and the al-Jeraif East and Southern Belt areas.

The escalating military attacks unfolded in parallel with renewed mediation efforts by U.S. and Saudi officials in Jeddah, seeking a ceasefire agreement to pave the way for political negotiations between the conflicting parties.

The army also accused the RSF of shelling residential areas south of Khartoum with mortar shells and spreading false videos to deceive the public.

The Sudanese army accused the RSF of seeking to use the bombs that inadvertently hit some houses during the attacks on the position of the paramilitary position in residential neighbourhoods.

Posted by: Fred || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

#1  The location of aerial bombing indicates that the Arab-led Army is losing ground to the RSF. It is likely that Saudi Arabia, or Turkey, or some Gulf government will move to try to effect a cease-fire and end to warfare. However, such a move will not resolve the issue of Arab-African tribal hatred that exists. The Arab Army is now faced with the same problem it had with South Sudan. It fought the southern Sudanese for decades but eventually had to lose that region to the African tribes it hated.
Posted by: Slavising Unineting5672 || 07/22/2023 8:15 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
Army Claims Slain Neighborhood Watchmen were ‘Terrorists'
More injustice in Plateau state.
[TruthNigeria] The killing of three neighborhood watchmen in Central Plateau State by Nigerian soldiers has outraged citizens in Plateau State and human rights observers as far away as Washington, D.C.
Plateau State straddles the dividing line between Nigeria's mostly Moslem north and predominantly Christian south, which makes things interesting...
The Nigerian soldiers don’t deny the killings and announced on July 12 that three armed men killed in Panyam, a village 42 miles southeast of Jos were bandit terrorists who set up an ambush in the east of Mangu County in an area called Ampang East. But witnesses of the killings who declined to give their names for fear of retribution tell Truth Nigeria that the young men killed were heroic defenders against terrorists. They are known locally as "vigilantes," but in fact are neighborhood watchmen who only use weapons to defend their villages from attacks.

The vigilantes were attacked after dismounting from a disabled motorcycle on a local highway during a routine patrol, the witnesses said. A series of Islamic terrorists attacks in Central Plateau counties has claimed more than 350 deaths since 16 May according to town leaders.

The incident prompted a leader of the Plateau State Assemblyman to call for a public investigation of the killings. "I call for a thorough and impartial investigation into the alleged human rights violations committed by the Nigerian military in central Plateau State," said Del. Dewan K. Gabriel in a one-on-one interview with Truth Nigeria, referring to what he termed "the recent reported murder of three self-defense volunteers, who were shot while courageously protecting Christian villages from terrorists."

The killing of the three vigilantes has sparked calls for a probe of war crimes by the military against helpless residents struggling to survive a mass of terrorists attacks in the State.

"One thing is certain, the Nigerian military is not empowered to commit street-side execution of suspects whether they are terrorists or vigilantes," said Dede Laugesen, executive director of Save the Persecuted Christians in a text to Truth Nigeria.

"This case demands immediate international attention and review by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial killings," Laugesen added. "The embattled people of Plateau—mostly Christian populations enduring officially unrecognized Islamic jihad—deserve far more professional concern, compassion, and response from Nigerian security forces who unfortunately are often compromised and complicit with the terrorists bent on their exile and extermination."
More at the link, but it's the usual
Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under:

Saudi Authorities Thwart Three Captagon Smuggling Attempts
Everybody makes the stuff in the region, and as far as I can tell, everyone uses it — illegally, of course.
[Shafaq News] On Friday, the General Authority of Zakat and Tax reported the successful prevention of three attempts to smuggle a significant quantity of Captagon pills, totaling over 539,000, concealed within two trucks and a vehicle at a border crossing in Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
The Saudi al-Ekhbariya channel revealed that customs authorities intercepted the smuggled drugs at the Haditha port between Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The operation was able to locate and extract the hidden pills from the smuggling vehicles.

In the first thwarted attempt, customs officials discovered 187,200 Captagon pills concealed in various compartments of a truck arriving through the port. The second incident involved an attempt to smuggle 210,400 Captagon pills, which were ingeniously hidden inside the truck's trailer cooling system radiator.

The third smuggling attempt, intercepted at Haditha Customs, involved 142,200 Captagon pills concealed inside the wheel of a vehicle entering through the port.

The General Authority emphasized its unwavering commitment to maintaining strict customs control over the Kingdom's imports and exports, particularly in combating drug trafficking.

Captagon is a stimulant drug with amphetamine-like properties commonly associated with abuse in the region. Its abuse has been a significant concern in Saudi Arabia, leading to reports of illegal production, trafficking, and consumption. Smugglers often attempt to bring Captagon into Saudi Arabia through various channels, necessitating the vigilance of law enforcement agencies to combat its trafficking and distribution.

To address the issue of drug abuse, including Captagon, the Saudi Arabian government has implemented stringent measures. Law enforcement agencies conduct regular raids to apprehend smugglers and dealers involved in the illegal drug trade. Penalties for drug-related offenses in Saudi Arabia can be severe, including lengthy prison sentences and, in some cases, the death penalty
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 01:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under: Narcos

#1  I suppose that the locals don't have the resources to cook meth, so captagon is the alternate.
Posted by: ed in texas || 07/22/2023 13:09 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Resident of Nalchik suspected of financing terrorism
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] The investigation suggested that a resident of Nalchik transferred 200,000 rubles
...not nearly impressive when converted to US$2,209.40,but no doubt a great deal of work went into collecting it...
to members of a terrorist organization in Syria. The suspect has been put on the international wanted list. 

A criminal case has been initiated under the article on assistance to a terrorist organization (Part 1 of Article 205.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) against a resident of Nalchik. According to investigators, in April and May 2015, in order to assist members of a terrorist organization operating in Syria, he transferred 200,000 rubles to two of his acquaintances "for them to purchase weapons, equipment and further participation in the activities of a terrorist organization," the department of the Russian Investigative Committee for Kabardino-Balkaria reported today.

"The suspect has been put on the international wanted list," the ministry's Telegram channel said in a statement. The name of the suspect was not included in the message.

The "Caucasian Knot" also wrote that a court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced Asker Khamukov, a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria, to 18 years in prison, and his sister Lianna was sentenced to 16.5 years in prison for assisting a terrorist organization. According to investigators, they organized a fundraiser on the Internet and transferred 1,402,900 rubles to a terrorist organization.
They originally joined the Caucasus Emirate in 2013, then continued supporting and fundraising for ISIS, in 2015 sending the equivalent of almost US$22,000 to Syria.
Posted by: badanov || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Police thwart late-night ambush of terrorists on Peshawar checkpost
[Dawn] The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa police thwarted a late-night terrorist ambush on a police checkpost situated on the outskirts of Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistain's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire...
, an official said on Friday.

Superintendent Police (SP) Cantt Waqas Rafiq told Dawn.com that gunnies tried to approach the Sarband police checkpost under the cover of darkness late at night on Thursday.

a person who gets all wrapped up in himself makes a mighty small package...
the quick response from the vigilant officers foiled their attempt.

The officers, whom he said were equipped with modern weapons, promptly retaliated, driving the bully boyz away. "The police’s timely action foiled the terrorists’ plan," the officer stated.

As per the KP police statement, a group of six to seven bully boyz made an attempt to reach the checkpost.

Pakistain has seen an uptick in terror activities, especially in KP and Balochistan
...the Pak province bordering Kandahar and Uruzgun provinces in Afghanistan and Sistan Baluchistan in Iran. Its native Baloch propulation is being displaced by Pashtuns and Punjabis and they aren't happy about it...
, after the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
Pakistain (TTP) ended its ceasefire with the government in November last year.
Khaama Press quantifies:
Police officers fought back as the gunnies sought to attack the Riaz Shaheed Police Post in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar’s Sarband district, sending eight gunnies fleeing for their lives.

Separately, Khaama Press has more about yesterday’s attack on the Khyber district’s Bara police station:
At least four Pak coppers were killed, and 12, including seven coppers, were maimed after two jacket wallahs attacked Pakistain’s north-western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Thursday.

The attack occurred in the tribal district’s Bara, which borders Afghanistan. According to the police, one of the jacket wallahs went kaboom! at the compound’s gate, located at a cop shoppe and other government offices. In contrast, the boom jacket of the other attacker detonated after the police shot him.

The Tehrik-e-Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
Pakistain grabbed credit for the attack.

Recently, the militants, including TTP and BLA groups, have intensified their attacks targeting police officers in Pakistan.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 01:41 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Pak Taliban (TTP)

NIA Arrests 19-Year-Old AMU Student For 'Link' With ISIS
[OneIndia] A 19-year-old student of the Aligarh Moslem University (AMU) has been arrested by the NIA for allegedly being a member of global terrorist group ISIS after searches at his house in Jharkhand and rented accommodation in Uttar Pradesh, an official said on Thursday.

The arrest of Faizan Ansari alias 'Faiz' followed an ongoing crackdown against ISIS modules operating in the country after registration of a case to thwart any terror attack, a spokesperson of the federal anti-terror agency said.

The official of the National Investigation Agency said the searches at Ansari's house in Lohardaga district of Jharkhand and rented room in Aligarh, UP were conducted on July 16 and 17 and several electronic devices and incriminating material and documents were seized.

"Ansari had hatched a criminal conspiracy, along with his associates and other unknown individuals, through social media platforms to support ISIS activities in India and disseminate the outfit's propaganda over various social media platforms. The conspiracy was aimed at carrying out violent mostly peaceful terror attacks in India on behalf of ISIS," the spokesperson said.

The official said the investigations have revealed that Ansari and his associates had pledged their allegiance to the ISIS, also known as Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
"Ansari was also active in the process of radicalizing neo-converts and attracting them to the terrorist fold for enriching the cadre base of ISIS in India. He was in contact with foreign based ISIS handlers, who were guiding him on recruitments to the banned outfit.

"Along with other members of ISIS, he was planning violent mostly peaceful actions and was contemplating doing 'Hijrat' (migration) to a ISIS conflict theatre abroad," the spokesperson said.

The case was registered by the NIA on July 19 under relevant sections of Indian Penal Code and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, the official said, adding the agency will be progressing with its investigations to unravel all the facets of the international conspiracy.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Turkish Defense ''neutralizes'' three PKK militants in Iraqi Kurdistan
[Shafaq News] On Friday, the Ottoman Turkish Defence Ministry announced the "neutralization" of three Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) snuffies in its military operations against the party in the Kurdistan Region.

The ministry stated today that its army forces were able to neutralize three PKK members spotted in the Matina area as part of the "Claw-Lock" operation.

On April 17, 2022, The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the decaying remnant of the Ottoman Empire...
launched Operation Claw-Lock against PKK strongholds in the areas of Matina, Zab, and Afshin Basyan in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 01:07 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Nine Years After Speicher Massacre, Iraqi Authorities Capture Key Perpetrator
[Shafaq News] On Friday, Iraqi authorities announced the arrest of one of the perpetrators of the Speicher crime in northeastern Syria. The arrest culminated in a nine-year pursuit to bring the accused to justice.

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command explained that the arrested, identified as "Izzat Ibrahim Muhammad Rabie," was wanted in connection with the terrorist crime at Speicher, which had sent shockwaves across Iraq and the international community.

The arrest was made possible through a well-executed operation carried out closely with the Iraqi National Intelligence Service.

According to the Command, the pursuit was fraught with challenges, as the perpetrator had resorted to adopting a false identity to evade capture and had attempted to flee to a neighboring country.

As the legal proceedings against the accused unfold, the arrest will likely provide solace to those affected by the Speicher crime.

The Speicher crime was a massacre of hundreds of young military cadets in 2014 by ISIS. The victims were taken prisoner and then executed in cold blood. The crime significantly blew the Iraqi military and sent shockwaves nationwide.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 01:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Palestinian teen killed, 3 Israeli troops hurt in separate West Bank clashes
[IsraelTimes] IDF and Border Police say forces shot up rioters in Umm Safa and Beit Ummar; one officer hurt by improvised bomb

A Paleostinian teenager was killed and three Israeli security force members were lightly hurt in separate festivities in the West Bank on Friday afternoon, Paleostinian health officials and the Israeli military said.

In a joint statement, the Israel Defense Forces and Border Police said masked Paleostinians hurled stones and "life-threatening rocks" at Israeli forces in the West Bank Paleostinian town of Umm Safa.

A Border Police officer shot up the Paleostinian suspects, hitting at least one, the statement said.

The Paleostinian Authority health ministry said two people were seriously maimed by gunfire in the village, one of whom later died.

The fatality was named by Paleostinian media outlets as 17-year-old Muhammad al-Bayed from the nearby Jalazone refugee camp.

Separately, an IDF officer and two Border Police officers were maimed during festivities with Paleostinians in the southern West Bank town of Beit Ummar.

According to the joint statement, a Paleostinian hurled an bomb toward Israeli forces in the town, lightly wounding an on-duty IDF reservist officer.

A Border Police officer opened fire and hit the suspect who hurled the improvised bomb, the statement said. His condition was not immediately clear.

The IDF officer was taken to the Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem with shrapnel wounds to his leg, according to the Rescuers Without Borders emergency service.

Another two Border Police officers were lightly hurt by stones hurled by Paleostinians in Beit Ummar, the statement added.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 06:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

Shin Bet says stabbing in Jerusalem’s Gilo was terror, 3 Palestinians arrested
[IsraelTimes] 3 suspects aged 17-19 from Bethlehem detained by security agency, IDF; Or Sayer’s uncle says he was taken to hospital with knife embedded in his back, says he’s not out of danger

The Shin Bet said Saturday that a stabbing earlier in the week in which a man was maimed in Jerusalem’s Gilo neighborhood, was a terror attack.

Three Paleostinian teens aged 17-19 from the West Bank city of Bethlehem were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the attack, the Shin Bet said. The three were detained in a joint operation between the security agency and the Israel Defense Forces.

Authorities had previously said they believed the Thursday incident was terror, but had not yet confirmed the motive.

The family of 25-year-old Or Sayer said Friday that they were sure it was a terror attack, despite the apparent delay by officials in declaring it as such. Sayer’s uncle Boaz Weiner told Channel 12 news on Friday that his nephew was stable but not out of danger after he was brought to a Jerusalem hospital with a knife still embedded in his back.

"We have no doubt that it was an attack. Three people attacked him and he arrived at the emergency room with a knife stuck in his back," Weiner said.

"The surgery was complex and they brought in a neurologist to pull the knife out of him," he said. "We are entering two critical days, we will spend Shabbat at Shaare Tzedek Medical Center. We are praying for his life and hope to hear good news after the initial assessment of the situation."

"Or is an outstanding student of chemistry and biology at the Hebrew University, a gifted child who worked in the laboratories at the university. He helps everyone, he volunteered with Holocaust survivors," Weiner told the Ynet news site.

"Before the attack, he had gone to his grandparents’ house to help them tidy up, he went there after a test," Weiner said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 06:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Palestinian killed by IDF troops in alleged attempted car-ramming in West Bank
[IsraelTimes] Military says soldiers operating in village near Nablus shot up vehicle speeding toward them, killing 18-year-old driver and wounding and arresting passenger

A Paleostinian man was killed by Israeli forces and another was arrested in an alleged attempted car-ramming attack in the West Bank late Friday night, Paleostinian health officials and the Israeli military said.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, a Paleostinian-owned vehicle accelerated toward troops who were carrying out "proactive activity" in the village of Sebastia, close to Nablus.

"The forces returned fire at the two suspects in the car," the IDF said, calling the incident an attempted car-ramming attack.

The IDF said the driver was "neutralized" and the second Paleostinian in the car was maimed and detained by the soldiers.

No troops were hurt in the incident.

The Paleostinian Authority health ministry said the driver of the car, 18-year-old Fawzi Hani Mukhlafa, was brought to the Rafidia Hospital in Nablus where he was declared dead.

The official PA news agency Wafa named the maimed and detained Paleostinian as Muhammad Omar Mukhaimer. His condition was not immediately known.

Footage circulating online showed dozens of bullet holes on the car the pair were in.

Earlier Friday, another Paleostinian teenager was killed during festivities with Israeli forces in the West Bank village of Umm Safa.

Three Israeli troops were also hurt in separate festivities in the southern West Bank town of Beit Ummar.

According to a tally by The Times of Israel, 155 West Bank Paleostinians have been killed since the beginning of the year — most of them during festivities with security forces or while carrying out attacks, but some were uninvolved civilians and others were killed under unclear circumstances.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 05:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Olde Tyme Religion
How Pakistani Hindus Are Facing After-Effects Of Seema Haider's Illegal Entry To India
[OneIndia] Even as the authorities are trying to dig deep into the past of Pak woman Seema Haider after she illegally entered India to be with her boyfriend Sachin Meena, the situation in her country seems to be getting worse for minority Hindus. The Hindus and their temples have become the easy target of the snuffies who are upset with Haider for ditching her husband to be with her Hindu boyfriend in India.

Last Friday, a 150-year-old-holy shrine Mari Mata Temple was demolished in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
's Soldier Bazaar. Locals have claimed that the operation took place late Friday night while there was no electricity in the area. They razed the entire inside structure while leaving the outer walls and the main gate intact, PTI reported.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [44 views] Top|| File under: Devout Moslems

6 Iranian militiamen killed, wounded in clashes with clans in Deir ez-Zor
[NPAsyria] Two Lions of Islam of an Iranian-backed militia were killed on Thursday night and four others were maimed in festivities with rustics in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, eastern Syria.

Fierce festivities with machine guns erupted between the Iranian-backed Liwa Fatemiyoun militia and a group of members of al-Qar’an clan in the town of al-Qoriya, east of Deir ez-Zor, a source from the town told North Press.

Liwa Fatemiyoun is an Afghan Shia militia formed in 2014 to fight in Syria on the side of the Syrian government. It is funded, trained and supported by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and it fights under the commands of Iranian officers.
...drawn from Afghan Hazera Shiites, both from the home folks and among the refugees in Iran. The Taliban really don’t like that some of the Hazera minority are getting military training and experience...
The festivities resulted in the killing of two members of the "Fatemiyoun" and the wounding of four others, however, the Fatemiyoun arrested dozens of the residents of the town and imposed a security cordon.

Since then, the IRGC conducted patrols in the town to raid the neighborhoods and arrest people to suppress any possible rebellion against it, according to the source.

Created after Iran’s 1979 revolution to protect the new Islamic regime, the IRGC has become one of the most powerful paramilitary organizations in the Middle East. It has provided assistance to krazed killer groups in Afghanistan, Iraq, Leb
...an Iranian colony situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozeen flavors of Christians. It is the home of Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
, the Paleostinian territories, Syria, and Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
. Its control over large sectors of the Iranian economy helps it fund its activities.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [37 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

Unknown assailants attack IRGC, Hezbollah in Syria causing casualties
[NPASyria] Unidentified assailants attacked on Tuesday patrols and headquarters of Iranian-backed militias and Leb
...an Iranian colony situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozeen flavors of Christians. It is the home of Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
’s Hezbollah in different parts of Syria, killing three bully boyz and wounding seven others.

A military source of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said that unknown button men riding a cycle of violence attacked with machineguns the patrol of the Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada’ (Master of Martyrs Battalions),
...one of the original militias that stood up by Iran to form Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces in 2014. The group has close ties to the Badr Organization...
affiliated with the IRGC, near the Arba’in Street in the town of al-Mayadin in eastern Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria.

The source told North Press that the attack killed two bully boyz and injured four others.

In another incident, unknown assailants targeted with machineguns the Iranian al-Shifaa Hospital in the town of al-Asharah in eastern Deir ez-Zor, injuring two of the hospital’s guards, according to the source.

This is the third attack against the hospital in a week, even though the IRGC usually takes strict security measures, the source added.

In central Syria, an attack against the headquarters of the Lebanese Hezbollah left behind one Death Eater dead and another injured in a town in southern Homs Governorate.

According to a military source from the Syrian government forces in Homs, rocket attacks targeted a military training headquarters for Hezbollah bully boyz in the town of Shinshar in southern Homs, killing one Hezbollah Death Eater and injuring another.

Two days earlier, an RPG shell attack targeted Ishara Battalion, affiliated with the Syrian government forces. The attack took place in Shinshar and resulted in material damage to the battalion’s property.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

Israeli airstrikes on Damascus result in casualties
More about the airstrikes from a few days ago — see here and here.
[NPASyria] Two soldiers of Syrian government forces were injured on Wednesday at dawn in Israeli airstrikes that targeted the vicinity of the Syrian capital of Damascus. Material damage was recorded.

State-run SANA news agency said, citing a military source, that around 12:25 midnight, the “Israeli aggression” carried out several airstrikes from Golan Heights targeting particular sites in the vicinity of Damascus.

The Golan Heights have been occupied by Israel since 1967 and were officially annexed in 1981. The United States recognized Israeli sovereignty over Golan in 2019. Most of the international community considers it an illegal occupation.

Government’s Air Defense Forces intercepted the missiles and shot down most of them, according to SANA.
"Most" being a vague number between "many" and "zero"
It only takes one to get pretty secondaries...
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the attacks targeted military posts near Dimas military airport and al-Sabboura area in Damascus. Fires broke out in targeted posts as there are stockpiles for the Lebanese Hezbollah and battalions of the government’s Fourth Division.

Israel has intensified strikes on Syrian airports and air bases in recent months to disrupt Iran’s increasing use of aerial supply lines to deliver arms to allies in Syria and Lebanon, including Hezbollah.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran Proxies

#1  Theater of the Absurd Headline - Why else would you initiate airstrikes?
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 07/22/2023 11:31 Comments || Top||

Kurdish Syria: going after ISIS in Hasakah with Iraqi Kurdistan CTG, Asayish fighter toes up in Deir ez-Zor

SDF, CGT launch counter-terrorism operation in Syria’s Hasakah
Jul 20, 2023
[NPASyria] On Thursday, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced the launch of a security operation against a sleeper cell of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) in Hasakah Governorate in northeast Syria.

According to the SDF Media Center, the Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG) of Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) participated in the operation. The operation led to the arrest of three ISIS members who were deeply involved in terrorist activities that aimed at disrupting the security and stability of the Deir ez-Zor and posing a serious threat to innocent civilians.

"The operation resulted in the elimination of two terrorists, and one was successfully apprehended. Additionally, several weapons and ammunition were seized," The SDF Media Center read.

Asayish fighter killed in western Deir ez-Zor
Jul 20, 2023
[NPASyria] On Wednesday, unknown button men rubbed out a member of the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria (Asayish) in a town in western Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria.

According to an Asayish military source from the in the town of Muhaimideh in western Deir ez-Zor, unknown button men riding a cycle of violence shot at and injured Hussein al-Khabur, 26, on the main road in the town. He was then transferred to a hospital in Raqqa for treatment, but he died before reaching there.

Such operations are common in Deir ez-Zor countryside, despite the intensive security operations carried out by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US-led Global Coalition.

On Tuesday, an SDF fighter was killed similarly in the town of al-Azbah in northern Deir ez-Zor. The Islamic State (ISIS) later grabbed credit for the attack.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Fighting erupts between two SNA factions in Syria’s Afrin
Idle hands are the Devil’s playground.
[NPASyria] Fighting erupted on Thursday evening between two factions of the Ottoman Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) in the city of Afrin in northwest Syria.

An exclusive source told North Press that fierce festivities took place between Harakat Ahrar al-Sham
...a Syria jihadi group made up of Islamists and salafists, not that there's that much difference, formed into a brigade. They make up the main element of the Islamic Front but they don't profess adoration of al-Qaeda and they've been fighting (mainly for survival) against the Islamic State. Their leadership was wiped out at a single blow by a suicide kaboom at a crowded basement meeting in September, 2014...
and Ahrar al-Sham al-Qate’ al-Sharqi in al-Ashrafiyah neighborhood, eastern Afrin.

The festivities led to the injury of a murderous Moslem, and a state of panic prevailed in the neighborhood.

The SNA-held areas live in a state of security chaos represented in repeated infighting and murders, amid the factions’ inability to it under control.

Afrin has been under the occupation of The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
and the SNA factions since 2018 following a military operation dubbed "Olive Branch" against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) under the pretext of preserving Turkey’s national security.

The operation caused the displacement of about 300,000 of the original inhabitants of the Kurds of Afrin who have been taking shelter in 42 villages and five camps in Aleppo northern countryside, locally known as Shahba region, since then.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

Al Nusra in disarray in Idlib: arrested own turbans, more killed and kidnapped, arrested 24 civilians while looking for killer

HTS arrests own members on charges of dealing with Coalition, government
Jul 20, 2023
[NPASyria] On Thursday, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly al-Nusra, before that it was called something else
...al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate, from which sprang the Islamic State...
(HTS) launched a raid and arrest campaign in Idlib and its countryside targeting its own members, including security and military personnel, on charges of dealing with the US-led Coalition and the Syrian government.

A source, who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons, told North Press, "The arrests targeted 11 security and military members in the town of Maarrat Misrin and Kefraya in northern Idlib, adding that eight members managed to flee."

The source explained that those who escaped headed in two directions, the first towards the Ottoman Turkish border to flee Syria, and the second towards Afrin which is held by the Ottoman Turkish-backed opposition factions, also known as the Syrian National Army (SNA).

In addition, Ottoman Turkish intelligence handed over two HTS security personnel who were detained yesterday trying to cross the border towards The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...just another cheapjack Moslem dictatorship, brought to you by the Moslem Brüderbund...
. They were arrested by Ottoman Turkish border guards off the village of Khirbat al-Jouz in northwest Idlib, along with some civilians.

Unidentified gunmen kill, kidnap HTS members in Syria’s Idlib
Jul 19, 2023
[NPASyria] Unidentified button men killed on Tuesday a member of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) and kidnapped another in Idlib Governorate, northwestern Syria.

An exclusive source told North Press that unknown individuals targeted, with light machine guns, Obada al-Hassoun, a security investigator within the HTS’ General Security Apparatus, while he was on his way from the village of Arab Saeed, west of Idlib, towards the city, where his body was found, according to some residents.

Another member called Khalifa al-Awad, has been missing since Tuesday evening on the Ariha road, south of Idlib, where his cycle of violence was found dumped on the side of the road. No information was reported about his fate.

The source pointed out that the General Security Apparatus cordoned off the targeting site and began to search and check cars and identities, without obtaining any new information.

On Friday, an officer in charge of HTS patrols, was shot by unidentified button men in Jisr al-Shughur, 24 hours after the liquidation of a top HTS security official named Ibrahim Mahmoud al-Ali by unknown attackers operating under the name of Saraya Dir’ al-Thawra.

The HTS, rebranded in 2017, controls the city of Idlib and western Aleppo Governorate, under the guise of the Salvation Government.

From the first months of the Syrian conflict against the Syrian government in 2011, Idlib witnessed brutal fighting that quickly ascended into civil war. The governorate has become a transit hub for the imported muscle who travelled to Syria through The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire...
to join jihadist groups. The HTS and the SNA share the control of the governorate.

HTS arrests 24 people in search for killers of investigator
Jul 19, 2023
[NPASyria] On Wednesday, the General Security Apparatus of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) raided the village of Arab Saeed in western Idlib and arrested 24 people, including former members of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA), following the killing of an HTS security official a day earlier.

An official from the General Security Apparatus was killed and another was abducted by unknown assailants on Tuesday night, pushing the HTS to deploy in the area in search for the killers.

According to local sources, the General Security Apparatus arrested 24 individuals in Arab Saeed, including three former fighters of SNA’s Ahrar al-Sham.

On Tuesday night, Obada al-Hassoun, one of the General Security Apparatus investigators in Idlib, was killed by unidentified attackers in the same village.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra)

Turkey in Idlib: military convoy to ‘de-escalation zone’, border guards arrest 17

Turkey sends military reinforcements to Syria’s Idlib
Jul 19, 2023
[NPASyria] Ottoman Turkish forces sent on Tuesday a military convoy carrying military and logistic equipment to the de-escalation zone in northwest Syria in conjunction with a military escalation occurring in the region.

Military sources told North Press that a convoy consisting of over 40 military and logistic vehicles, armored vehicles, rocket launchers, and tanks entered through the Kafr Lossin border crossing into Syrian territories and headed to the Ottoman Turkish positions in Zawiya Mountain in the south of Idlib.

The sources noted that the convoy carried four tanks, 15 armored vehicles, rocket launchers, several trucks, and vehicles carrying military bulldozers. It is expected the convoy will be deployed in positions opposite the contact lines with the Syrian government forces in Zawiya Mountain.

On July 15, the Ottoman Turkish forces sent a military convoy consisting of 15 military vehicles to their military positions in the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo in northwest Syria amid continuous escalation in the region.

Although the de-escalation zone in northwest Syria is subject to a Russian-Ottoman Turkish ceasefire agreement signed in March 2020, the area witnesses frequent mutual bombardment despite the entry of the ceasefire into force.

In March 2020, Russia and The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
reached an agreement in Moscow that stipulated a ceasefire, the establishment of a safe corridor, and the conduct of joint patrols on the M4/Aleppo-Latakia Highway.

Turkish border guards arrest 17 Syrians incl. 2 Al Nusra turbans
Jul 19, 2023
[NPASyria] On Wednesday, the Ottoman Turkish border guards arrested 17 people, including two members affiliated with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly al-Nusra, before that it was called something else
...al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate, from which sprang the Islamic State...
(HTS), while they were attempting to cross the border into The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...just another cheapjack Moslem dictatorship, brought to you by the Moslem Brüderbund...
northwestern Idlib.A source told North Press, "The Ottoman Turkish border guards did not pay attention to the individuals scaling the border wall, only to arrest them upon entering Ottoman Turkish territory. They were then transported to an observation center located near the village of Khirbat al-Jouz."

The source added that among those detained were two members affiliated with HTS who were trying to leave Idlib and defect from the murderous Moslem group.

The source mentioned that the total number of detainees reached 17, including three women with their children.

The source indicated that it is expected that the Ottoman Turkish intelligence will hand over the detained HTS members to the group via the Bab al-Hawa crossing, given that both parties engage in near-daily coordination.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Sublime Porte

Terror Networks
Morocco, Spain arrest 2 people in touch with ISIS in Syria
[NPASyria] Two supporters of Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) "active between Morocco and Spain", were arrested on Wednesday in a joint operation of both countries.

An ISIS supporter "active between Morocco and Spain", was arrested by special forces of the General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance, in the town of Nador, Morocco.

Simultaneously, an accomplice had been arrested at the same time by Spain’s Civil Guard in the northeast Spanish town of Lleida.

"It’s a joint operation with Morocco which is ongoing. We have arrested one person on terrorism charges in Lleida," a police spokesperson in Madrid said.

The two suspects were in touch with ISIS bandidos murderous Moslems in Syria, and they were preparing to carry out terrorist operations in Europe," the source added.

Morocco’s General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DGST) said Sherlocks found that the two suspects had contacted an illegal immigration network to get false identity documentation.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/22/2023 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2023-07-22
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Wed 2023-07-19
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Tue 2023-07-18
  Gunmen Kill 10, Injure Two In Terrorised Northwest Cameroon
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  At least 18 Al-Shabaab members killed in Danab force operation
Sun 2023-07-16
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  Is Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin dead? (Damfino)
Thu 2023-07-13
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Wed 2023-07-12
  Sudanese government declines to attend peace talks in Ethiopia
Tue 2023-07-11
  Spain possibly locates missing boat carrying 200 migrants, sends help
Mon 2023-07-10
  American drone strike kills ISIS leader: US Central Command
Sun 2023-07-09
   Gunmen Attack Benue State Communities, Kill 24 Residents, Burn Several Houses
Sat 2023-07-08
  Drone attack kills former ISIS leader, wounds civilian in Aleppo

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