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Leader Of ISIS In Afghanistan Killed By US Forces 3 Months After Assuming Command
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3 20:53 Richard Aubrey [52] 
5 17:40 trailing wife [22] 
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1 22:05 Frank G [34]
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7 08:22 Besoeker [24]
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20 23:57 rjschwarz [36]
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4 18:07 Iblis [38]
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15 23:39 Whiskey Mike [35]
4 19:11 Procopius2k [32]
2 18:23 Dale [33]
Leader Of ISIS In Afghanistan Killed By US Forces 3 Months After Assuming Command
[Task&Purpose] The leader of ISIS forces in Afghanistan was killed in a U.S. strike in eastern Afghanistan last week, the Department of Defense confirmed on July 14.

Abu Sayed had served as the emir of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria-Khorasan, known as ISIS-K, for less than three months when American troops raided the group’s headquarters in Afghanistan’s Kunar Province on June 11, killing him and an unspecified number of other militants.

Sayed’s predecessor, Abdul Hasib, suffered a similar fate. Hasib was killed on April 27 in a raid carried out by U.S. Special Operations troops in Nangarhar Province, where the group has been most active since surfacing in the region more than two years ago. Sayed is the fourth emir of ISIS-K to die in a U.S. strike.

Afghan and U.S. forces launched a campaign in eastern Afghanistan in early March to, as the Pentagon characterized it, “send a clear message to ISIS that there is no sanctuary for their fighters in Afghanistan.” Hundreds of ISIS fighters have been killed or captured in the operation, which has distracted from the bigger mission of beating back a resurgent Taliban.

There are currently roughly 8,400 U.S. troops in Afghanistan with several thousand more expected to deploy there in the coming months. Bolstered by about 5,000 additional NATO troops, their primary mission is to advise and assist Afghan forces fighting the Taliban, as the U.S. enters its 16th year in a war launched in response to the September 11 terror attacks.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/17/2017 14:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [52 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Hope they have a robust and strong chain of command.

They are going to need it.
Posted by: DarthVader || 07/17/2017 14:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Let's see if we can't get that down to 90 minutes.
Posted by: Iblis || 07/17/2017 15:48 Comments || Top||

#3  Said it before, they must be turning themselves trying to figure how we know where their bugs are.
Posted by: Richard Aubrey || 07/17/2017 20:53 Comments || Top||

Troops Set To Re-Take Helmand’s Nawa District
[ToloNews] After launching a large-scale offensive to re-take Nawa district in Helmand
...an Afghan province populated mostly by Pashtuns, adjacent to Injun country in Pak Balochistan...
, security forces are only two kilometers from the governor’s compound, officials said.

Afghan cops on Sunday continued their operation to re-take Nawa district of southern Helmand province and are now only two kilometers from the district governor’s compound, local officials said on Sunday.

The operation was launched early Saturday to re-capture Nawa which fell to the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
about nine months ago, Omar Zwak said.

"Security forces have re-taken [a stretch of] 10 kilometers of Nawa and only two kilometers to the district governor’s compound is left. The forces are advancing in the battle against the bully boyz and so far 18 bully boyz including their commanders have been killed," Zwak said.

"One security force member was also killed in the clash with the Taliban and six others were maimed," he said adding that "there are no civilian casualties. Our priorities are to prevent civilian casualties."

Zwak also said that foreign troops are supporting the Afghan cops by carrying out Arclight airstrikes on the affected area.

"Our operation is moving a little slowly because of mines that have been placed by the bully boyz along the roads. So far we have defused 150 mines but by the end of the day we will take control of the district," he said.

TOLOnews news hound, Abdullah Hamim who is with the security forces says "the mines are a key issue for the security forces and [in addition to mines] they have recovered bombs and weapons during the operation."
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Afghan forces once again foil militants bid to smuggle 13 children to Pakistan
[Khaama] The Afghan national defense and security forces have once again thwarted a bid by the anti-government armed Death Eaters to smuggle thirteen children to Pakistain.

According to the local security officials in Ghazni, the children were rescued in Qarabagh district as the Death Eaters were looking to smuggle them to Pakistain via Paktia province.

Acting provincial police chief Mustafa Mayar said the Death Eaters were apparently looking to smuggle the children so that they can be enrolled into the Madrasas for militancy trainings.

He said at least three people who were looking to smuggle the children were also locked away
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
by the security forces.

This comes as at least twenty five children were rescued during a similar operation in Ghazni province as the Death Eaters were looking to smuggle them to Pakistain.

The latest attempts by the Lion of Islam groups to recruit children for the militancy comes as the Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Taliban
...Arabic for students...
forces in Afghanistan have added scores of children to their ranks since mid-2015 in violation of the international prohibition on the use of child soldiers.

The rights group’s research shows that the Taliban have been training and deploying children for various military operations, including the production and planting of improvised bombs (IED).
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
Kenyan killed by Shabaab after fallout with commanders
[SHABELLENEWS] A Kenyan al-Shabaab
...Somalia's version of the Taliban, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...
Death Eater was killed in Somalia after he fell out with commanders of the terrorist organization.

Mustafa Hassan Mohammed, a former student at Isiolo Boys High School, was killed last week after he complained that Moslems and children died in kabooms that have rocked Mandera, Garissa and Mandera counties in recent weeks.

Dozens of security officers have also died in the attacks. Mustafa dropped out of school in 2015 to join al-Shabaab.

Previously al-Shabaab has killed other Kenyans within its ranks, accusing them of spying for Kenya Government.

A number of Kenyan al-Shabaab Death Eaters who have been jugged
Drop the rod and step away witcher hands up!
on return from Somalia and who have been interrogated have provided crucial details to security agents.

Other Kenyan Death Eaters have also been killed by Kenya Defence Forces in Somalia.

Noordin Gulam Fazilai aka Dinero, 23 was killed this month after an al-Shabaab group attempted to attack KDF camp in Kismayu.

He was born in Mombasa and lived in Majengo-Sokoni before moving to Somalia. "Before his death, Noordin had been reaching out to potential recruits from Majengo area, notably those associated with Musa mosque and coordinating their movement to Somalia," police said in a report seen by the Nation.

Other Kenyans are Ibrahim Adan Abdi, Mohammed Issa and Adan Ismail Khalid. The youngsters from Mandera crossed over to Somalia between March and May 2015 to join the terror group.

They were killed in a United States Arclight airstrike on June 11, 2017 in Sakow, Southern Somalia.
"It has also been established that Al-Shabaab is now using its imported muscle especially from Kenya to carry out suicide kabooms. Further, many imported muscle were removed from leadership positions," the report also says.
Posted by: Fred || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Clan battle leaves 4 dead in Lower Shabelle region
[SHABELLENEWS] A Somali official says at least four people, including children died in a heavy inter-clan fighting broke out Sunday in Lower Shabelle region of southern Somalia.

The deadly skirmish erupted ay Bulo-Yarey, a small settlement located approximately 15Km north of Afgoye near Mogadishu following deadlock over the possession of farming fields in the area.

Several people were reported to have been maimed in the festivities between the warring clan militiamen, and rushed to a hospital in Afgoye to receive medical treatment, according to residents.

...back at the pond, the enormous newt was trying to decide if Gloria was edible...
the district administration of Afgoye has released a statement, calling on the two sides to stop the fighting and seek a way out for their standoff that led to the hostility.

The escalating tribal conflict has caused a massive displacement by the locals who are in fear of the crossfire, according to a resident who spoke to Radio Shabelle over the phone.

Posted by: Fred || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Africa North
Knifeman attacks church guard in Alexandria
[DAWN] An Egyptian Moslem stabbed and maimed a security guard after being prevented from entering a church in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria on Saturday, a senior police official said.

The man was quickly subdued by the guard and others who rushed to help and is being questioned, the official said.

The incident came days after Egypt’s Christian minority leaders said they were suspending some activities such as conferences and religious trips for security reasons.

The Death Eater Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group has killed dozens of Coptic Christians in church bombings and shooting attacks in Egypt since December, and have threatened further attacks.

"We’re still checking," the official, who requested anonymity, said when asked whether the suspect in Saturday’s incident was an hard boy. He gave no other details about the assailant, apart from his religion.

CCTV footage of the incident showed a man wearing earphones and with a bag trying to enter the church when he was called back by a guard who asked to check the bag.

The man took out a knife and slashed the face of the guard, who quickly recovered to subdue his attacker with the help of others.

Posted by: Fred || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Security forces kill 3 "highly dangerous" militants in Sinai shootout
[AlAhram] The Egyptian military killed three "highly dangerous" Lions of Islam in a raid in the central part of Sinai, an official statement announced Sunday.

The military destroyed one SUV and five weapons storage facilities, according to the statement published by Egyptian military front man Colonel Tamer El-Refai.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)

Egypt's army foils militants attempt to cross Libyan border
[AlAhram] Egypt’s army forces foiled an attempt to smuggle arms into the country through its western border with Libya, the military said Sunday.

The Egyptian air forces launched a reconnaissance mission Saturday following intelligence received that "criminals" in 4x4 vehicles were in the process of crossing into Egypt, the army said in a statement

During the operation, which ontinued into Sunday, forces destroyed 15 vehicles "laden with weapons, explosives and other smuggled items."

Forces launched a hunt to catch the "criminals," the statement added.

The Egyptian army has been conducting operations in Egypt's Western Desert to stop the infiltration of faceless myrmidons or the smuggling of weapons through the Egyptian-Libyan border.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Yemen Troops Killed in Suspected Qaida Attack
[AnNahar] Five Yemeni soldiers were killed and three maimed Sunday when gunnies suspected of ties to al-Qaeda opened fire on a military checkpoint, an army source said.

The source said the gunnies managed to escape after the attack on the checkpoint in the northeast of Shabwa province, a southern stronghold of Yemen's powerful al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
...the latest incarnation of various Qaeda and Qaeda-allied groups, including the now-defunct Aden-Abyan Islamic Army that boomed the USS Cole in 2000...

Sunday's attack is the latest in a string of suspected AQAP shootings targeting military checkpoints and outposts in Yemen.

AQAP, seen by the United States as the global terror network's most dangerous branch, has exploited years of deadly conflict between Yemen's government and Houthis to expand its presence, especially in Shabwa.

A U.S. air raid on the province last month killed AQAP emir Abu Khattab al-Awlaqi, according to the Pentagon.

The United States has intensified its air attacks on suspected AQAP sites in Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
since President Donald Trump
...New York real estate developer, described by Dems as illiterate, racist, misogynistic, and what ever other unpleasant descriptions they can think of, elected by the rest of us as 45th President of the United States...
took office in January.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Britain migrant colonist briefs
'Show me your hair!' Thug launches vicious attack on Muslim woman on the tube as he tries to tear off her hijab
Photo of purported thug and the black, miniskirted woman with him at the link. But despite the widespread indignation, I'd bet the hijabed young lady made it up to excuse being out past curfew.
[DailyMail] A thug who launched a vicious attack on a Muslim woman shouted, 'Show me your hair!' as he tried to pull off her hijab, a witness said. Aniso Abulkadir, 18, was waiting for the Tube at Baker Street station as she headed home with friends after a night out in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Controversial Muslim school where child died and books say husbands can beat their wives is taken over by the Government
[DailyMail] The Al-Hijrah School in Birmingham is to become an Academy and the Department of Education confirmed to the MailOnline that an interim board has been appointed to oversee that multiple problems identified in a damning Ofsted report are addressed.

Hate-spewing ISIS supporter, who posted homophobic rants online has been working as a teaching assistant in British secondary schools
[DailyMail] Bangladeishi-Brit Imran Miah, 27, who has taught at a number of state secondary schools in Britain, set out his vile agenda on Facebook and Instagram under the name of Imran Ibn Fareed.

Radical Islam in UK Funded by Public Donations, Finds Government Report
14 July
[Breitbart] A classified report found that radical Islamic groups in Britain are raising huge sums of money through public donations, the Government has revealed.

Hate Preacher Who Called Jews ‘Agents of Satan’ Speaks at UK ‘Jew Hate Event’
11 July
[Breitbart] South African hate preacher Ebrahim Bham was allowed to enter the United Kingdom to speak in a government building despite calling Jews “agents of Satan” and quoting Nazi Joseph Goebbels who compared Jews to fleas.

From the Daily Mail - immigration:
Sikh gang who ‘completely undermined’ the immigration system by sneaking Afghan asylum seekers into Britain using their relatives’ passports are jailed for a total of 19 years
Daljit Kapoor, 41, his cousin Harmit Kapoor, 42, and Davinder Chawla, 44, provided passports belonging to British Sikhs to lookalikes who were attempting to get into the UK. Seventy people were smuggled in between 2009 and 2014 in the £620,000 scam before they were caught.

Taxpayers hit with £2.1m bill for flights to return failed asylum seekers that are CANCELLED before take-off
EXCLUSIVE: The bill, caused by last-ditch appeals, was the highest for four years - and has risen by a third over the past two years.

Polish lorry driver who pretended to work for an international haulage company as he smuggled 22 Afghan migrants including a seven-year-old into the UK is jailed for three years
Polish lorry driver Tomasz Cierniak, 32, was stopped by Border Force officers after his vehicle arrived at Harwich International Port on a ferry from the Hook of Holland.

Half of small British ports are left wide open: People traffickers and drugs smugglers face no ‘visible deterrent’
Dozens of small ports are unguarded – leaving Britain wide open to illegal migrants. A report showed nearly half the entry points on the east coast were not visited by Border Force staff for more than a year.

Shocking moment a gang of up to 40 suspected illegal migrants climb out of a French lorry parked up at an M25 service station
A shocking video showing 'at least 30 or 40 men' climbing out of a lorry at Cobham Services in Surrey as another person appears to whip them with rope has emerged.

Armed US immigration officers set to be stationed at UK airports to 'speed up queues' for passengers heading to America
Armed US immigration officials could be stationed at UK airports under plans being considered by the government that would see visa paperwork checked before boarding the plane.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

1000 Migrants Rioting In Schorndorf, Germany (pop. 39000) - MSM Mostly Silent
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660 || 07/17/2017 01:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  "17-year-old has been arrested on Saturday by three asylum seekers and has been greeted at the Po"

Ahem... automatic translations still have some work to do :-)

It's not true that the media has been mainly silnt about this. The incident bhas been reported in all major papers.

Three Afghan "refugees" touched a 17 yo girl's derriere.

In an unrelated (?) event, quarrels broke out, bottles were thrown. When police tried to arrest a German, others solidarized with him.

Police said several groups of 40-50 people started fights, but the majority of participants were Germans.
Posted by: European Conservative || 07/17/2017 6:51 Comments || Top||

#2  Quaint cultural customs, imported to a culture near you...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/17/2017 7:07 Comments || Top||

#3  It's not a clash of civilizations, it's a clash between civilization and barbarism.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 07/17/2017 10:36 Comments || Top||

#4  Here is Deutsche Welle's English-language take on events:

Rioting breaks out at festival in southern German town

Police in the southern German town of Schorndorf have increased their presence after violence at a public festival. At least two cases of sexual harassment were reported.

Authorities in the town of Schorndorf in the German state of Baden-Württemberg have called in more police to supervise a festival following riots and at least two cases of women being sexually harrassed over the weekend.

Guests and police were attacked with bottles thrown from a crowd of some 1,000 young people during the night to Sunday, police said. They said groups of 30 to 60 rioters then left the castle park where the festival was taking place and continued to make trouble in the center of the town.

A police spokesman said on Monday that the violence against officers was "horrifying," adding that the aggression had taken on a new quality. He said the excessive consumption of alcohol had played a large role in the violence.

Police said a number of the young people present were of a migrant background.

Sexual attacks
Two young women, one aged 25 and the other 17, were also sexually harrassed at the festival, according to police. A 20-year-old Iraqi man was being questioned in connection with the first case, while three Afghan asylum seekers aged from 18 to 20 were detained over the second.

The mayor of Schorndorf, Matthias Klopfer, expressed his sympathy with the victims of the harrassment, saying such attacks were "not trivial offenses."

Police have called on anyone else who was the victim of similar attacks to come forward.

The issue of sexual harrassment has become increasingly sensitive in Germany in the wake of mass attacks on women in the western city of Cologne and other cities on New Year's Eve 2015/2016.

The festival in Schorndorf, which began on Friday, is due to end on Tuesday.

This particularly resonates with the op-ed posted yesterday, where the lady wrote that Afghans would try to blame their misbehaviour on alcohol consumption, rather than both drinking and molesting being due to feeling entitled to take what they willed from those they'd conquered.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 17:38 Comments || Top||

#5  This op-ed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 17:40 Comments || Top||

Europe migrant colonist briefs

Chancellor Angela Merkel rejects refugee limit for Germany in TV interview
16 July
[DW] The German chancellor has defied calls from her sister party to limit the number of refugees entering Germany. In a wide-ranging interview she defended the G20 summit in Hamburg and spending on infrastructure.

Quiet Italy hamlets struggle with migrant 'human warehouses'
15 July
[TheLocal] Two years with hundreds of asylum seekers packed into overcrowded centres are taking their toll -- on both migrants and villagers.

'I feel great shame': Swedish police chief's Facebook post slamming asylum policy goes viral
13 July
[TheLocal.se] A Swedish police chief's Facebook post slamming the country's asylum policy has struck a chord, provoking more than 13,000 reactions and over 7,000 shares in two days.

"We deport kids who have integrated into Swedish society at the same time as we take in people who come back from fighting in Syria who have no other plan than to destroy our safety. We also fail to enforce the deportation of major criminals, who instead are allowed to stay because their lives are at risk if they’re sent back. The lives of young people are also in danger. No one can guarantee their safety after they land in Addis Ababa, Mogadishu or Kabul," the Swede elaborates.

Romanian police detain 16 migrants from Iraq, Iran, Syria
12 July
[AlAhram] Romanian border police have detained 16 migrants from Iraq, Syria and Iran who were hidden in a truck transporting dishes to Sweden. Police stopped the truck that was driven by a Turkish citizen early Wednesday at the Romanian-Hungarian border and discovered the migrants in the back.

A police statement said they found nine men and seven women, most of them asylum-seekers in Romania. They told police they wanted to illegally cross the border to reach a country in the visa-free Schengen travel zone. Hungary is a member of that zone but Romania is not.

The truck documents said the metal dishes were to be delivered to a company in Sweden. The driver told police he didn't know about the hidden migrants.

From Breitbart - Europe migrant crisis:
Italy Considering ‘Nuclear Option’ to Send Migrants Into Northern Europe
15 July
Senior Italian government figures are threatening to issue European Union visas to 200,000 migrants, allowing them to travel throughout the bloc’s Schengen Zone.

As Migrant Crisis Intensifies, Italy Debates Citizenship Rights
14 July
With a flood of migrants arriving on Italy’s shores, a bitter debate has erupted over whether children born on Italian soil to foreign parents should have citizenship rights at birth.

Migration Agency Slammed After Asking Homosexual Asylum Seekers To Prove They Are Gay
14 July
The German Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has come under fire for asking asylum seekers intimate sexual questions in order to prove they are homosexual. Gay and Lesbian groups have criticised BAMF after a report claimed that the agency

Four Thousand African Migrants Picked Up off Libyan Coast, Shuttled to Italy
13 July
Between Wednesday and Thursday, the Italian Coast Guard coordinated more than 20 rescue operations off the coast of Libya, bringing some 4,100 African migrants to Italy.

Migrant Crisis: EU to Fund Libyan Coastguard to Combat People Smuggling
13 July
European Union member states have agreed to pay 100 euros a week to new recruits in the Libyan coastguard to boost the number of officers to tackle people smuggling.

Leftists Slam ‘Special School’ for Undereducated Migrants as ‘Apartheid’
13 July
The Berlin refugee council has criticised the opening of a special school for asylum seekers who have little to no education saying that keeping them separate from other students is like “apartheid”.

Italy to Meet with Libyan Mayors to End People Smuggling
12 July
Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti plans to fly to Libya later this week where he is expected to meet with mayors of various Libyan cities to discuss bringing an end to people smuggling in the country.

Italians Say Government Committing ‘Ethnic Replacement’ — Poll
11 July
The majority of Italians want to see migrant arrivals stopped completely, and believe the ‘ius soli’ law being pushed by Italy’s globalist government is “ethnic replacement”, enacted to boost the proportion of left wing voters in the nation.

Viktor Orban: European Union Is Following ‘Soros Migrant Plans’
10 July
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has claimed the European Union are implementing migration plans designed by left-wing billionaire Geroge Soros to bring in a million migrants per year to Europe with the help of his army of NGOs.

85 Syrian Migrants Arrive on Cyprus in Boat from Turkey
9 July
A Cyprus police spokesman says 85 Syrian migrants who arrived by boat to the island’s northwestern coast have now been taken to a reception centre.

Italy Makes Demands for Migrant Rescue NGOs Wanting to Use Ports
9 July
The Italian government has released its eleven-point migrant code of conduct which must be followed by pro-migrant NGOs or they will not be allowed to use Italian ports.

From the Daily Mail:
EU border agency warns that 85,000 migrants have reached Italy - mostly on boats from Libya - in 2017, a rise of 21% from last year
Most of the migrants came on boats from Libya, with 24,800 coming in June alone. The majority were from Guinea, Nigeria, Bangladesh and the Ivory Coast.

Sweden intensifies its crackdown on illegal immigrants with sweeps on workplaces after a failed asylum-seeker killed five people in Stockholm attack
Swedish police have been handed increased powers to raid workplaces for illegal migrants and handed an extra $95m in funding as the country cracks down following the Stockholm truck attack.

Police are accused of POISONING migrants at Calais by contaminating water supplies with tear gas in a bid to stop a new build-up of asylum seekers heading for Britain
A leading charity in the French port town of Calais sparked outrage after tweeting a photo of two jerrycans allegedly full of contaminated water.

The £15million migrant farce: EU naval mission aimed at stopping mass migration has made the flow WORSE and has led to an increase in deaths
The £15.2 million operation – which includes the UK – to tackle people-smuggling operations had not ‘in any meaningful way’ deterred migrants or disrupted the criminal networks.

Fire breaks out in a Lesbos refugee camp that houses more than 1,000 migrants ‘who had just been told they were to be deported’
Images show huge flames coming out of buildings as a fire broke out at the Moria Refugee Camp, which houses more than 1,000 refugees, on the Greek Island of Lesbos on Monday.

From Breitbart - immigration:
Gay Couple Brutally Attacked in German Asylum Home
15 July
A Serbian homosexual couple who applied for asylum in Germany were brutally beaten almost to death by residents in an asylum home earlier this week, according to a gay rights activist.

Denmark Will Fund Contraception Aid for Africa to ‘Limit Migration Pressure on Europe’
14 July
Denmark has committed to spend 91 million kroner (£11 million) funding contraceptives in Africa, asserting that the measure could help “limit the migration pressure on Europe.”

‘Junior Jihadi’ Was in Care of Known Islamist Before Attempted Attack
13 July
The 13-year-old “junior jihadi” who attempted to plant nail bombs at a German Christmas market was in the care of a known Salafist psychologist according to new reports. The organisation involved has now changed their policy so that volunteers will have to submit a background check first before they will be able to work with children as a result of the case.

Germany Expecting up to 300,000 More Syrian, Iraqi Migrants in 2017 Through Family Reunification Rules
12 July
The Federal Government has estimated that family reunion rules will see Germany receive hundreds of thousands more Syrian and Iraqi migrants this year.

Dutch School Gave Muslim Pupils 500 Euros Compensation Because Class Photo Day Fell During Ramadan
12 July
Two Muslim children, both sisters, missed a school class photograph in the Hague during Eid al-Adha and as a result, the school has compensated the pair 500 euros. Their parents had demanded 10,000.

Sweden’s Population Growth Second Highest in EU Due to Mass Migration
12 July
Newly released European Union statistics show that Sweden’s population has grown by over one per cent in 2016 largely as a result of mass migration rather than an increased birthrate.

Austrian City Bans Pork in Kindergartens to Accommodate Muslim Children
11 July
Salzburg has banned pork in city-run kindergartens in what local officials have defended saying it meets the needs of Muslim children.

‘Sanctuary City’ Plan for Poland Fails as Opposition Party Clashes With Public Opinion
11 July
Plans by the opposition party to present a list of towns and cities in Poland who are ready to welcome refugees, in a bid to undermine the government’s tough stance on migration, have fallen through after local authorities refused to back the initiative.

French Archbishop on ‘the Great Replacement’: ‘Muslims Calmly Tell You France Will Be Theirs One Day’
11 July
The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel has called attention to the demographic shift in France saying Muslims are having far more children than native French and slammed the widespread “promotion” of abortion.

Islamist ‘Morality Police’ Using Violence, Intimidation to Enforce Shariah Law in Germany
9 July
Islamist gangs are using violence and intimidation to enforce Shariah law in parts of Germany, particularly against Chechen and Chechen-origin women in Berlin, according to reports.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

2 Iranian civilians killed in alleged cross-border attack
[DAWN] Two Iranian non-combatants were killed in an alleged cross-border attack by suspected forces of Evil on Saturday, according to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

A statement on the Guards' Sepah News website said, "On Saturday evening, a terrorist team... fired (ammunition) from within Pak territory towards the Iranian border region of Saravan. Two local workers in the region were martyred in this terrorist attack," read the statement.

The attack allegedly took place in the Sistan-Balochistan
...the Pak province bordering Kandahar and Uruzgun provinces in Afghanistan and Sistan Baluchistan in Iran. Its native Baloch propulation is being displaced by Pashtuns and Punjabis and they aren't happy about it...

According to the statement, personnel of the Quds force, the Guards' foreign operations wing, killed one of the attackers and maimed two, while others reportedly fled back into Pak territory.

Posted by: Fred || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Four terrorists killed in Balochistan as FC foils attack: ISPR
[DAWN] Four suspected bad boyz were potted during an exchange of fire with the Frontier Constabulary (FC) troops late Saturday night after they attacked a post in Zhob, Balochistan
...the Pak province bordering Kandahar and Uruzgun provinces in Afghanistan and Sistan Baluchistan in Iran. Its native Baloch propulation is being displaced by Pashtuns and Punjabis and they aren't happy about it...
, according to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

The bandidos Lions of Islam fired rockets and used machine guns during the attack on Shoaib Nikka post in the Qamar din Kerez area of Zhob, said the army's media wing. The FC troops, however, foiled the attack, killing four terrorists, said ISPR.

Posted by: Fred || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

4 Pakistan Army soldiers drown in Neelum River after India targets military vehicle
[DAWN] Indian troops targeted a vehicle of the Pakistain Army moving along the Neelum River at Athmuqam on Sunday. "The vehicle fell into the river and four soldiers embraced martyrdom in the Line of Control (LoC) ceasefire violation," said the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

The body of one martyred soldier has been recovered while search for the other three is underway.

The attack was similar to an earlier assault on a civilian bus in the same area last year, according to the army's media wing.

The ISPR said that Pak forces had responded to the ceasefire violation.

Posted by: Fred || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Army launches Operation Khyber-4 in Rajgal Valley
[DAWN] Director General (DG) Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor on Sunday announced the launch of Operation Khyber-4 under Radd-ul-Fasaad (RuF) to "wipe out terrorists" in the Rajgal Valley area of Khyber Agency
... the place to go if you've got an Indiana Jones hat and whip. Chock full of high adventure and treacherous Pathans. You should really train up to it, though...
"An operation to wipe out Death Eaters has been launched in Rajgal valley in Khyber Agency," Maj Gen Ghafoor said.

Khyber 4 seeks to target terrorist hideouts in what the DG ISPR called "the most critical area in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata)".

There is no timeline for the operation as yet, Ghafoor said in response to a question.

The army had informed Afghan forces ahead of the launch of the Khyber-4 operation in Rajgal, he said, which the Afghan army would be able to support on their side of the border if they wished.

"No other force will have boots on the ground in our country. All operations are conducted by Pak security forces," he asserted.

The army's front man observed that reports of a joint border operation with Afghan forces had surfaced during a visit made by a top-level United States Congressional delegation.

Clarifying the reports, Ghafoor said, "The true meaning of this [joint operation] is when both forces conduct operations at the same time. There is a coordinated and complementary operation on their respective sides of the border."

Information would be shared with Kabul if the Afghan leadership wished to conduct supporting operations and coordination in this regard is ongoing, he elaborated.

Posted by: Fred || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Mosul reconquest: mopping up and after action report

Iraqi command: 25.000 IS fighters killed throughout Mosul operations

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Security operations against the Islamic State militants in Mosul left 25.000 militants killed, according to the Iraqi command that led the war to retake Iraq’s second largest city.

Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir Yarallah, head of the Nineveh Operations at the Joint Operations Command, said in a briefing on Saturday that more than 25.000 militants were killed over the nine months of battles, including more than 450 suicide bombers.

Iraqi forces destroyed 1247 booby-trapped cars and shot down 130 drones belonging to the group besides more than 1500 diverse vehicles, Yarallah said.

The JOC fought the battle with more than 100.000 government and paramilitary troops, Yarallah added. “The Iraqi army fought a battle that no army in the world had fought,” the commander said.

Only the regions of Mahalabiya, Ayyadia and Tal Afar still witness an Islamic State existence, and with their recapture, the province becomes fully liberated, according to the commander.

In a separate statement, Iyad al-Assali, an Iraqi police lieutenant, told Turkish agency Anadolu that security arrested 245 suspected IS militants in western Mosul’s Old City since Iraqi troops took over the medieval area.

Foreign IS female member arrested in Mosul’s Old City, Yazidi boy freed

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) Iraqi troops have arrested a foreign woman with a sniping gun in her possession in Mosul’s Old City, an army officer said.

“While combing regions in the Old City, Iraqi troops arrested a woman, below 20 years old inside a house in al-Shahwaniya region in the Old City. She was possessing a sniping gun,” Cap. Haidar Ali al-Waeli told Anadolu Agency.

“We couldn’t identify her nationality, but she doesn’t seem to be Iraqi. She knows only few Arabic words. She was speaking a foreign language, maybe German or Czech,” he added.

Arrested, “the member was taken to security headquarters in Mosul for investigations,” Waeli said.

In related news, security troops were able to free a 10-year old Yazidi boy, who was held in al-Qulai’at region in the Old City.

According to Lt.Gen.Fathi al-Assali, of local police, the boy, from Sinjar, suffered injuries as part of the house, where he was held, collapsed. He was taken to hospital for treatment.

On Saturday, Iraqi troops found a Chechen girl with burns onher body under rubble of a house in the same region in the Old City.

Iraq arrests Islamic State’s fiercest female member, south of Mosul

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) Iraqi security services have arrested one of the most dangerous female terrorists of the Islamic State’s terror group, Shafaq News reported on Sunday.

The detainee, Ahlam Mohsen Ali, is considered by the world’s intelligence services as the leader of the Islamic State’s female terrorists.

Ahlam grew up in al-Houd village in Qayyara district, south of Mosul, before becoming a fierce terrorist who pushed her son to join militant group. She also helped the group in the seizure of Mosul in mid-2014.

Ahlam, who paid allegiance to IS on June 10, 2014, was arrested with her brother, a prominent IS member, in an operation by the security forces on a bridge that links the eastern and western halves of Mosul, during the liberation of the city on July 10.

A security force revealed information about Ahlam’s work as an IS sleeper cell and a leader for the female terrorists since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003.

“I saw Ahlam once in my life in 2006 when we raided the house of her family after a terror attack executed by one of her brothers,” the source told Shafaaq News.

“During the investigation, Ahlam admitted that she provided IS with information about police officers and al-Houd village before the fall of Mosul,” he said.

Ahlam belongs to a poor family. Her father is a retired military officer and she has four brothers and sisters. “She escaped her husband because he used to work as a police officer before the IS occupation of Mosul, and he refused to pledge his allegiance to the group,” the source added.

Two wounded by IS war remnants explosion in Mosul’s Old City

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) An improvised explosive device (IED) from the Islamic State’s war remnants exploded on Sunday in the Old City of Mosul, leaving three injured, a security source told Shafaaq News.

“Three civilians were wounded after an IED from the Islamic State’s war remnants exploded, while leaving the Old City of Mosul,” the source said.

On another note, a medical source said that bodies of two women were pulled from the rubble in Mosul’s Old City, noting that the two women may have died during an air strike, which is believed to be carried out more than 10 days ago.

IS fighters’ children to be sent to orphanage or home country: government

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) The children of Islamic State fighters are facing deportation to home countries or retention in orphanages, the Iraqi government has said in a statement.

The Nineveh province council said children belonging to foreign IS fighters will be handled based on “Iraqi laws”.

Aljournal News quoted council member Hassan al-Allaq saying that, based on Interior Ministry laws, an Iraqi mother with children from a foreigner should provide courts with a parenthood evidence, after which the court should decide on citizenship rights for the kids.

“If the wife is a Daesh (IS) member, as is the case with her deceased husband, she will be referred to justice based on the anti-terrorism laws, while her children will be referred to an orphanage,” Allaq stated. “If the the father and the mother are both Daesh members, and also non-Iraqis, their home country will be approached to receive the children back. If that fails, they will be sent to an orphanage”.

Iraqi forces have been vetting hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians for suspected IS links, and have occasionally declared arresting several suspected members of the group hiding in the middle of refugees.

Nineveh’s local government declared plans last month to deport IS members’ families to camps for rehabilitation, and said it would no longer allow receiving migrant Islamic State fighters families arriving from other provinces.

Parliament committee: unregistered refugees in Nineveh exceed 1 million

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) More than one million displaced civilians are not registered by the migration authorities in Nineveh, an Iraqi parliament committee said Sunday.

“Since the beginning of Nineveh operations, there had been a large-scale migration movement that reached more than one million from Mosul, besides more than 954.000 from the rest of non-liberated Nineveh regions,” Zahed al-Khatouni, a member of the Iraqi parliament’s Migration and Displacement Ministry, said in a press statement quoted by AlGhad Press.

“We have approached the migration ministry to register more than one million migrants who are not registered despite staying at camps,” said Khatouni.

He, however, gave the ministry the excuse for that registration failure, saying that the daily volume of migration, which reached 17.000 people per day, had overwhelmed the ministry.

According to Khatouni, civilians repatriated in Mosul stood at 230.000, while the total of those displaced from the city reached 940.000.

Over 25 female ISIL terrorists captured in Mosul

[AlMasdar] The Iraqi Army captured over 25 female Islamic State (ISIL) terrorists inside Mosul while conducting a cleansing operation this weekend, the security forces announced Sunday.

Among the 25 female Islamic State members captured by the Iraqi Army this weekend were three terrorists from Turkey, five were German, three were Russian, two were Canadian, one was Chechen, and the remaining were Libyan and Syrian.

These ISIL members were apprehended during a cleansing mission carried out by the Iraqi Army inside a tunnel built by the terrorist group.

In addition to the ISIL members, the Iraqi Army also confiscated a large supply of weapons that were present in the tunnel during their cleansing operation.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Anbar Antix: dozens of ISIS casualties in airstrikes
Not an Arclight, but it'll do.
Three IS militants killed in airstrike western Anbar

Anbar (IraqiNews.com) Three Islamic State militants were killed while booby-trapping roads in western Anbar, according to a military source from the army’s seventh division in the province.

“The U.S.-led coalition shelled three IS members in al-Wata’ desert region, in east of Rawa city, which caused their immediate death,” the source told AlSumaria on Sunday.

The militants, according to the source, who preferred anonymity, “were booby trapping the roads leading to Rawa town to hinder advance of security forces when launching operations to free the western regions of the province.”

Dozens of IS militants killed, injured in coalition, army airstrikes, west of Anbar

Anbar (IraqiNews.com) Dozens of Islamic State militants were killed and injured in an airstrikes launched by the Iraqi army and U.S.-led coalition in western Anbar, sources said.

Speaking to the Russian Sputnik news agency, the source said “the coalition jets shelled IS locations in Hasiba region in Qaim town, western Anbar, leaving more than 15 members killed.”

The shelling, which occured early on Sunday, left some members injured, the source added. Most of the members killed were from al-Tash and Ankour, west of Ramadi.

In related news, twelve militants were killed on Sunday as army jets targeted an IS convoy in westof Ramadi.

A source from Anbar Operations Command told Al-Ikhbariya news website that an airstrike by army targeted IS convoy as the militants were attempting an attack against troops deployed in al-Malha region, north of Haditha town, which left more than twelve militants killed.

Haditha city is fully controlled by security forces and tribal fighters, however, IS launches attacks there every now and then. The regions in the north of the lake are desert ones with a number of houses that are used by IS militants as hideouts.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Islamic State closes its last restaurant in Kirkuk amid supply shortage
Get ready for private food poisonings...
Hawija (IraqiNews.com) Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
has closed the last restaurant catering for the group’s fighters in Kirkuk,
... a thick stew of Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, and probably Antarcticans, all of them mutually hostile most of the time...
a local source in the province said Sunday.

The group shut down the last of a chain of restaurants it had run in the town of Hawija, southwest of Kirkuk, a local source was quoted saying by Waradana website. He said the closure came as food supply scarcity deepens, and with the bandidos Death Eaters hampered by debts.

"ISIS (Islamic State) had relied in a chain of local restaurants that occasionally served banquets for the group’s emirs and big shots, but rapidly shrunk due to the bad boys’ inability to pay their debts and the scarcity of foodstudd supplies," said the source.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Baghdad Bomb and Bullet Bulletin: 1 dead
Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) A civilian was killed in an IED blast in western Baghdad, al-Ikhbariya news website quoted a local source as saying.

"A bomb, placed under a car of a civil servant who works for Health Ministry, went kaboom! as he was passing on the highway in Abu Ghraib region in western Baghdad, which caused his immediate death," the police source said.

"Security troops cordoned off the blast spot and transferred the victim to the forensic medicine department," the source added.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

Civilian wounded in IED explosion northeast of Diyala
Diyala (IraqiNews.com) One civilian was maimed in an improvised bomb (IED) kaboom in northeast of Diyala لovernorate, a local source told AlSumaria News.

"An IED, planted on an agricultural road in northeast of Diyala, went kaboom! early Sunday near a car, leaving the driver injured," the source said. "The victim was taken to hospital for treatment".

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity
... for fear of being murdered...
, added that security forces has opened an investigation into the incident.

Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
has stepped up attacks in Diyala over the past months, tagreting security members, paramilitary groups and civilians.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Salahuddin: 6 ISIS dead, ISIS families to be expelled
Six IS members killed in attempt to attack security troops, south of Mosul

Salahuddin (IraqiNews.com) Six Islamic State militants were killed after attacking security troops at the outskirts of a village, in northwest of Shirqat town, DPA reported.

Using weapons, IS attackers attempted lifting the beseige imposed by security troops on al-Imam Gharbi village, a source of Salahuddin Operations Command told DPA on Sunday.

Iraqi authorities deport IS fighters families from Shirqat

Salahuddin (IraqiNews.com) The local administration of Shirqat, Salahuddin Governorate, has decided to deport the families of Islamic State (IS) fighters from the town, Anadolu Agency reported on Sunday citing an Iraqi military source.

“The local council of Shirqat has issued a decision to deport the families of the IS fighters from the town and called for an immediate implementation of the decision,” Army Major Yasser al-Tamimi told Anadolu Agency.

Al-Tamimi noted that there is great dissatisfaction inside the council of Shirqat with the presence of the families of Islamic State (IS) fighters inside the town. The deportation decision aims at maintaining the security.

Earlier in June, Mosul city council decided to deport the families of IS fighters and to relocate them to special camps in order to rehabilitate them mentally. It added that it would no longer allow receiving migrant IS fighters families arriving from other provinces and the existing families are to be deported and sheltered in camps where they will be psychologically and ideologically rehabilitated and integrated with society once they prove responsive to that process.

The IS terror group has a grip on key areas that link Diyala, Salahuddin and Kirkuk governorates.

The eastern coast of Shirqat, which lies on the west bank of the Tigris river in Salahuddin province, is still under the IS control, after liberating the western coast few months ago.

In September, Iraqi army said its forces recaptured the town, located south of Mosul, after being surrounded for months by Iraqi troops and the pro-government Shi’ite militias.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

The rump caliphate of Tal Afar: Emir and his team poisoned, several cooks locked up
Tal Afar (IraqiNews.com) Five Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
Lion of Islams, including a prominent leader, were killed as they were poisoned in Tal Afar, west of djinn-infested Mosul
... the home of a particularly ferocious and hairy djinn...
, a local source said.

"Five IS members, including an Asian deputy chief of the group’s Hisbah (vigilantism) department, died in Tal Afar as they were all poisoned after eating a meal during a ceremony for one of the leaders," the source told AlSumaria News.

"The total number of the poisoned members were more than 30, in accordance with available information," the source, who preferred anonymity, said adding that several members who are involved in preparation of food were locked away
Into the paddy wagon wit' yez!
and transferred to unidentified destination.

Last week,news reports mentioned that the group announced in a brief statement that Tal Afar has become an independent state from the caliphate.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  ... Somewhere, Lucretia and Cesare smile.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 07/17/2017 6:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Someone is in line for a culinary award or maybe Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen reality cooking show.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/17/2017 6:49 Comments || Top||

#3  I dunno. Gordon would have to behave himself.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/17/2017 10:17 Comments || Top||

Police uncover weapons, but no guns, in Temple Mount searches, Al Aqsa partially reopened
[IsraelTimes] Eight people locked away
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
, including one suspected of assisting gunnies in terror attack that killed two coppers

Police have arrested eight suspects and uncovered dozens of weapons following a deadly terror attack by three Arab Israelis just outside the Temple Mount compound on Friday in which two officers were killed, the Jerusalem Police chief said.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Muslim Brotherhood

#1  Wonder if they checked the 2000 year old pre-ruin sub-foundation tunnels?

No? That would compromise faiths and corrupt believers? Oh, OK. Good thing you held back!
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/17/2017 10:57 Comments || Top||

Full map of battle for southern Syria
Map can be seen at the link. It's pretty, but I don't know what it means.
[AlMasdar] The battle for southern Syria recently heated up following the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) large-scale assault on the eastern countrysides of al-Sweida and Damascus.

Led by the 5th Corps of the Syrian Arab Army and Liwaa Fatemiyoun (Afghani-Iranian paramilitary), the pro-government forces have captured hundreds of square kilometers of territory that was once controlled by the Free Syrian Army
... the more palatable version of the Syrian insurgency, heavily influenced by the Moslem Brüderbund...
(FSA) and their allies.

While the battle for the southeastern territories continue, the fight for the quiet provincial capital of Dara’a has stalled, as all parties involved agreed to a ceasefire that was mediated by Russia, Jordan, Iran, and the United States (U.S.).

With the Dara’a front remaining stagnate, the Syrian Arab Army has move its elite 42nd Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division to Damascus, where they will either resume the offensives at Beit Jinn or Jobar.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  Black ISIS. Red Assad. Green anti-Assad. Yellow contested
Posted by: BigEdLB || 07/17/2017 10:47 Comments || Top||

#2  I prefer the following map as you can zoom down to low level and get some feel for the terrain.
Posted by: magpie || 07/17/2017 13:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Very cool map tool magpie. Do you have any info on the tool? Manufacturer, etc?
Posted by: Besoeker || 07/17/2017 16:30 Comments || Top||

#4  Liveuamap is at github

Info about the company.

Posted by: Seeking cure for ignorance || 07/17/2017 22:04 Comments || Top||

Syrian Air Force rains airstrikes over eastern Syria
[AlMasdar] The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) conducted a multitude of Arclight airstrikes over the Deir Ezzor and Homs governorates this morning, targeting the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
’s (ISIS) positions at several sites.

Flying out of the Shay’rat Airbase in Homs, the Syrian Air Force began the day by targeting the Islamic State’s positions in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor, hitting Islamic State targets in al-Hawiqah, al-Kanamat, Panorama area, and Jabal Thardeh.

Following the Arclight airstrikes in Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Air Force targeted Islamic State positions near the gas rich city of Sukhnah, paving the way for another Syrian Army attack along the Homs-Ezzor Highway.

With the battle with Raqqa City taking a turn for the worse, the Islamic State continues to move fighters into Deir Ezzor, as this province has become their new capital inside Syria.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Jihadists make peace in Idlib, turn their attention to ISIS and Syrian Army
Blast hits rebel-held Idlib, scores injured

[AlMasdar] A huge kaboom rocked the center of the jihadist heartland of Idlib as the city was on high security alert for search for ISIS sleeper cells.

Local activists reported that an IED planted into a car went off near the city’s main hospital.

The kaboom maimed 5 people ‐ including 2 children ‐ and caused a substantial material damage to the hospital and adjacent buildings.

No one has yet grabbed credit for the attack.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, al-Qaeda-affiliate jihadi group which controls most of Idlib, launched a wide-scale campaign to crackdown on Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
sleeper cells across the city.

Jihadists make peace in Idlib, promise offensive against Syrian Army

[AlMasdar] Harakat Ahrar al-Sham
...a Syria jihadi group made up of Islamists and salafists, not that there's that much difference, formed into a brigade. They make up the main element of the Islamic Front but they don't profess adoration of al-Qaeda and they've been fighting (mainly for survival) against the Islamic State. Their leadership was wiped out at a single blow by a suicide kaboom at a crowded basement meeting in September, 2014...
and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham have made a truce in the Idlib Governorate following a turbulent two weeks that involved heavy clashes between these large jihadist factions.

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s Shari’ah Spokesmen, ‘Abdullah Al-Muhaysni, announced via his social media page that he welcomes the truce between the two factions after weeks of fighting.

The radical Saudi cleric then promised a new offensive against the government forces that would involve both jihadist factions; however, he did not specify where this said offensive was going to be.

Both Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham have a rather large front with the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah in southern Aleppo, so it is expected that this area will be the target for their offensive operations.

Huge convoy of foreign jihadists enter Jisr Shughour

[AlMasdar] A large convoy of foreign jihadists entered the city of Jisr Shughour in the Idlib Governorate, Saturday, local opposition media reported.

The foreign jihadists were members of the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP), which is one of the largest factions loyal to the Al-Qaeda linked Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham group.

Jisr Shughour was already under the control of the Turkestan Workers Party, despite some Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham checkpoints in and around the city.

However, some opposition activists have reported that Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham retreated from those checkpoints after the large convoy entered Jisr Shughour.

The reason for the reinforcements is still unknown; however, some activists stated via social media that TIP is taking precautions after the recent infighting between HTS and Ahrar Al-Sham.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Ahrar Al-Sham breaches ceasefire to attack Syrian Army troops in Latakia
[AlMasdar] Harakat Ahrar al-Sham
...a Syria jihadi group made up of Islamists and salafists, not that there's that much difference, formed into a brigade. They make up the main element of the Islamic Front but they don't profess adoration of al-Qaeda and they've been fighting (mainly for survival) against the Islamic State. Their leadership was wiped out at a single blow by a suicide kaboom at a crowded basement meeting in September, 2014...
launched an attack against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the northeastern countryside of Latakia, Sunday, violating terms of the ceasefire that was mediated between Russia, The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
, and Iran.

According to a military source in Latakia, Harakat Ahrar al-Sham fired a barrage of Katuysha missiles and artillery shells at the Syrian Army’s positions in the Kurdish Mountains (Jabal al-Akrad).

The source added that the primary target for the jihadist rebels was the Shalf castle, which sits atop of the Kurdish Mountains.

This abrupt attack resulted in the wounding of at least a half dozen men, prompting the Syrian Arab Army to reinforce the area, despite not responding directly.

Harakat Ahrar al-Sham’s attack in northeastern Latakia comes just hours after Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham’s Shari’ah front man, ’Abdullah al-Muhaysni, stated that the two jihadist factions will be launching an offensive against the Syrian Army in the near future.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Iranian president’s brother arrested on financial crime charges
I'm sure this is meaningful, even if it escapes me exactly how...
[IsraelTimes] Hossein Fereydoun, who is also a close adviser of Hassan Rouhani, is being held in jail after failing to post bail

The younger brother of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Hossein Fereydoun, has been incarcerated
Drop the rod and step away witcher hands up!
on financial crime charges, the judiciary said on Sunday.

"Multiple investigations have been conducted regarding this person, also other people have been investigated, some of whom are in jail," deputy judiciary chief Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejeie said in a televised presser.

"Yesterday, bail was issued for him but because he failed to secure it he was referred to prison," Ejeie said, adding that he would be released if he secures bail, pending trial.

Fereydoun has acted as a key adviser and gatekeeper to Rouhani.

News of his arrest comes a year after the head of the General Inspection Organisation, Naser Seraj, accused him of financial violations.

Conservatives have demanded Fereydoun be put on trial, accusing of him of receiving zero-interest loans and influencing the appointment of a bank director who Rouhani had to dismiss for taking a enormous salary.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

Reconquest of rebel-held eastern Damascus: offensive on East Ghouta as reinforcements arrive
Syrian rebels attack Russian embassy in Damascus

[ARA News] Syrian rebels on Sunday launched a mortar attack against the Russian embassy in the capital Damascus, causing material damage, local sources reported.

According to the state news agency SANA, at least two shells were fired at the Russian embassy, one hitting the compound while the other fell nearby.

Syrian rebels in the suburbs of Damascus have previously struck the Russian embassy.

The attack in Damascus came hours after a bomb went kaboom! near a hospital in the rebel-held north-western city of Idlib. At least six civilians were reportedly maimed in the kaboom, including two children.

Syrian Army launches offensive to capture large East Ghouta town

[AlMasdar] The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a massive attack this afternoon in the East Ghouta region of Damascus that targeted Jaysh Al-Islam’s last positions in the town of Hawsh Al-Dawahra.

Backed by the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF), the 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard stormed Hawsh Al-Dawahra using six armored vehicles to break-through the Islamist defenses at the eastern axis of the town.

According to preliminary reports from the military, the Syrian Arab Army has advanced through Jaysh Al-Islam’s defenses at Hawsh Al-Dawahra’s eastern axis, inflicting heavy damage on the latter’s fortifications in the process.

A military source told Al-Masdar News that the Syrian Arab Army is attempting to reach Al-Shufouniyah, which is the second largest town in the East Ghouta region.

Russian jets launch heavy airstrikes over East Ghouta: opposition media

[AlMasdar] The Russian Air Force launched several heavy airstrikes over the East Ghouta region of Damascus, Sunday, pro-opposition Ghouta Now News reported.

According to Ghouta Now, the Russian airstrikes struck the East Ghouta towns of Zamalka, Hazah, and Al-Shifouniyah.

While Ghouta Now posted pictures of explosions in the aforementioned East Ghouta towns, they did not provide any proof to corroborate their claims that these airstrikes were conducted by the Russian Air Force.

The Russian Air Force does not usually carry out airstrikes over any part of Damascus, unless they have direct coordinates of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s positions.

Pro-government reinforcements pour into east Damascus

[AlMasdar] The Shadi Regiment of the National Defense Forces (NDF) announced on Saturday that they have sent reinforcements to the eastern suburbs of Damascus to aid the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in their ongoing offensives at Jobar and ‘Ayn Tarma.

The Shadi Regiment was previously in the Homs Governorate prior to their deployment to the Syrian capital of Damascus on Saturday.

With many buildings recently captured in the ‘Ayn Tarma Triangle, the Syrian Arab Army needs reinforcements to fortify their positions in the area.

In the coming days, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies are expected to intensify their attack on eastern Damascus, as the recent arrival reinforcements frees up many soldiers.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Raqqa reconquest -- Kurds to the left and the Syrian Army to the right

Islamic State set oil fields in Raqqa ablaze
Apres moi, le deluge. This is why they don't have nice things for long.
Raqqa (Syria News) The self-proclaimed Islamic State group, on Sunday, set several oil wells ablaze in the southern countryside of Raqqa, after being recaptured by the Syrian regime forces yesterday.

Qasioun News reported that the Islamic State group burned the oil wells and gas lines extended from al-Rasafa area till al-Akrishi village, in the southern countryside of Raqqa.

After invading the city of Raqqa, the radical group captured the oil fields of al-Wahab, al-Fahd, Debisan and al-Kabeer, and the oil wells of al-Qusier, Abu al-Qetat and Abu Katash, in addition to the villages of Mashrafa Anbah, Falah Rajab, Kharbet Muhanad, Souh Albukhamis, Mansoura Shuwaihan, Halima and Somihan, and used them as funding sources.

Yesterday, regime forces, backed by foreign militias, managed to recapture several oil fields from the Islamic State group, including Wahib, Fahda and Dubisan oil fields in the western countryside of Raqqa.

Three gas fields liberated as Syrian Army brushes ISIS aside in southern Raqqa

[AlMasdar] Smashing through the Islamic State’s defenses in southwestern Raqqa, seasoned assault troops of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) overran an additional three ISIS-held gas fields late on Sunday afternoon.

Following the capture of the al-Fahd oil field earlier in the day, the SAA’s Tiger Forces secured the Zamleh Sharqiyah, Bir Zamleh and al-Khalaa gas fields in the desert between Raqqa and Palmyra, east of the town of Khirbet Halul.

Following the latest blitz assault, over 20 ISIS corpses were retrieved by the SAA and a large number of vehicles destroyed, including 2 tanks, 1 boom-mobile and 4 technicals.

Reaching the outskirts of the Kadeer area, the Tiger ’Suheil al-Hassan’ and his well-armed troops are advancing several kilometers a day towards ISIS’ stronghold of al-Suknah while restoring vital energy resources under government control.

ISIL launches counter-assault against Kurdish forces in southeast Raqqa

[AlMasdar] The Islamic State (ISIL) launched a counter-assault southeast of Raqqa City, Sunday, targeting the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) base near the town of Al-Akirshi.

ISIL began their assault using a suicide bomber to penetrate the SDF’s defenses at the base; this attack was followed by their forces storming the installation.

According to the Islamic State’s official media wing, the suicide bomber was identified as Abu Dujana Al-Darawi, a Syrian from the Dara’a Governorate.

The terrorist group managed to capture the base and seize all of the weapons stored inside of it before retreating safely back to Raqqa City on Sunday afternoon.

Syrian government, Kurdish forces agree to repair Tabaqa Dam together
See, President Trump -- we're cooperating with your team. Please don't hurt us anymore!
[AlMasdar] The Syrian government and Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have agreed to work together in order to repair the Tabaqa Dam in the western countryside of al-Raqqa.

According to a report from the government, Damascus sent a group of engineers to repair the turbines at the Tabaqa Dam after an agreement was put in place.

The report added that the government and SDF have also agreed to share the electricity generated by the Tabaqa Dam in the future.

This deal comes just weeks after the U.S. Coalition attacked the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) just south of the Tabaqa Dam in southwestern al-Raqqa.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

2 IS landmines kill 3 persons in eastern Homs
Homs (Syria News) Three persons were killed, on Sunday, in the kaboom of two landmines planted by the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
bad boys, in eastern Homs.

SANA reported that two landmines, emplaced by the Islamic State bully boyz on Umm Haratayn Village ‐ Masoudiyah road, located 80 km east of Homs, went kaboom! while two cycle of violences were passing in the area, killing three persons.

...back at the pie fight, Bella grabbed the cocoanut cream...
a woman was maimed due to the Islamic State rocket shelling on al- Mukharram Town, east of the city of Homs.

It is noteworthy that the Islamic State bully boyz are stationed in a number of villages and towns in the eastern countryside of Homs, from where they launch several attacks on civilians in the nearby areas.

Syrian Army within striking distance of key ISIL-held town: video

[AlMasdar] Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops have seized control over al-Hayl Field and its oil pumping station in the suburbs of Homs, Sunday, after regaining control over several locations between the cities of al-Sukhnah and Palmyra.

An SAA military commander said that Syrian troops were able to repel forces of Evil of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIS) from the southeastern direction of al-Sukhnah, paving the way for the troops to further advance towards this city in a bid to score further gains.

The Syrian Arab Army is now within 11km of al-Sukhnah, leaving just a small stretch of highway that is under the control of the Islamic State forces.

Once al-Sukhnah is liberated, the Syrian Arab Army will be at the provincial border of the Deir Ezzor Governorate and within striking distance of the first town in the western part of the province.

Seven villages sign ceasefire agreements with Syrian gov’t in Homs

[AlMasdar] Another seven communities have joined the ceasefire in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said in its information bulletin on Sunday.

“Within the last 24 hours, 7 ceasefire agreements have been signed with representatives of populated areas in the Homs province. The total number of communities, the leaders of which have signed reconciliation agreements, is 2,022,” the bulletin says.

Within the last 24 hours, the Russian Centre for the Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides has held 7 humanitarian actions.

Six actions were held in the Aleppo city.

Civilians received 2.2 tonnes of drinking water. One action was held in the Latakia province where civilians received 0.9 tonnes of food packages. The total weight of the humanitarian cargo reached 3.1 tonnes.

A total of 966 people received humanitarian aid while the number of humanitarian events reached 1,490.

In the course of the humanitarian actions, Russian military physicians provided medical assistance to 274 people, according to the bulletin.

Within the last 24 hours, the Russian party of the Russia-Turkey Commission on violations of the Joint Agreement has registered 6 cases of firing in the provinces of Latakia (2) and Aleppo (4).

The Turkish party has registered 5 cases of ceasefire violations in the provinces of Damascus (3), Aleppo (1) and Daraa (1).

Most cases of unselective firing from small arms have been registered in the areas controlled by militants of the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist groupings outlawed in Russia, the bulletin says.

On May 4, Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed to set up four de-escalation zones in Syria. Under a memorandum signed at the talks in Kazakhstan’s capital of Astana, these four zones include the Idlib province and some areas in the neighboring provinces of Aleppo, Latakia and Hama, an area north of Homs, the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, and a couple of provinces in southern Syria – Daraa and Al-Quneitra.

In those areas, outlawing combat operations, along with the establishment of a no-fly zone for military aircraft, were set as of May 6. The memorandum was concluded for six months and can be extended automatically.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Daraa: IEDs blasts hit Majadil-Umm Zaitoun road in As Suwayda, 8 casualties
As Suwayda (Syria News) Eight persons were maimed in improvised bombs blasts, emplaced by snuffies on Majadil-Umm Zaitoun road, northwest of As Suwayda, in a new violation to the de-escalation zones agreement.

A source in the province’s police command told SANA that three improvised bombs, emplaced by snuffies on the roadside of Majadil-Umm Zaitoun road, in al-Lajat area, northwest of As Suwayda, went kaboom! this morning, while a microbus was passing in the area, injuring eight persons and inflicting damage to the vehicles.

The maimed were transferred to the National Hospital to receive treatment, and the severity of their injuries range between mild and medium, the source added.

Furthermore, the source informed that the bomb squad dismantled another two bombs in the area, containing 20 kilograms of explosives each.

It is noteworthy that the northwestern countryside of As Suwayda and the eastern countryside of Daraa are witnessing frequent attacks on civilians, leaving dozens of casualties.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under:

American accused of ‘infiltration’ in Iran sentenced to 10 years
[IsraelTimes] Unnamed individual with dual citizenship said to be among some 70 alleged ’spies’ locked away
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
by Tehran

A United States citizen accused of "infiltration" in Iran has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, a front man for the judiciary said on Sunday.

"The person was identified and placed in durance vile
Please don't kill me!
by the intelligence forces. The court has sentenced the person to 10 years," deputy judiciary chief Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejeie said in a televised presser.

The individual, whose name was not provided, has appealed the sentence, he added.

The foreigner holds dual nationality of the United States and another country, he said, promising to give more details once the appeals court confirms the sentence.

In January, Tehran’s chief prosecutor said as many as 70 "spies" were serving sentences in the city’s prisons -- the identities of only a handful of which have been made public.

Most are thought to be Iranians who hold another passport from Europe or the United States.

In October, US-Iranian business consultant Siamak Namazi and his 80-year-old father Baquer, a former UNICEF official, were given 10 years in prison for "espionage and collaboration with the American government."
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/17/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2017-07-17
  Leader Of ISIS In Afghanistan Killed By US Forces 3 Months After Assuming Command
Sun 2017-07-16
  400 rebels killed by the Syrian Army during east Damascus offensive
Sat 2017-07-15
  Islamic State's Afghan 'emir' killed in raid, US says
Fri 2017-07-14
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Thu 2017-07-13
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Mon 2017-07-10
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Mon 2017-07-03
  British soldier drowns ISIS thug in puddle after being ambushed

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