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Syrian Army Targets ISIL, al-Nusra Gunmen, Kills Top Leaders in Hama, Damascus
Today's Headlines
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Page 1: WoT Operations
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1 10:01 Frank G [18] 
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1 07:49 Shipman [17] 
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4 17:52 borgboy [19] 
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Page 2: WoT Background
4 19:44 Abu Uluque [28]
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3 09:02 Procopius2k [13]
1 11:06 Clyde Borgia7976 [24]
2 08:43 Raj [14]
2 11:18 Mike Kozlowski [14]
1 08:05 Shipman [14]
1 08:13 Shipman [14]
3 10:44 Steve White [13]
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1 01:12 JosephMendiola [13]
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4 17:59 borgboy [24]
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1 12:47 gorb [12]
3 23:24 CrazyFool [16]
5 11:56 junkiron [12]
3 18:10 Cheaderhead [22]
9 22:26 Shipman [17]
2 13:45 badanov [12]
6 22:33 Shipman [19]
3 20:50 Procopius2k [19]
1 06:58 Skidmark [13]
Page 4: Opinion
6 15:45 BrerRabbit [19]
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2 22:41 Shipman [27]
1 08:30 Shipman [16]
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Page 6: Politix
8 22:23 Silentbrick [24]
ISIS affiliates kill tribal elders in Nangarhar province
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] The affiliates of Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group have assassinated a number of tribal elders in eastern Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
province of Afghanistan.

Malik Amin a local resident and tribal elder in Mamand area of Achin district said three tribal elders were rubbed out by the ISIS affiliates.

He said the tribal elders who were rubbed out by the ISIS affiliates have been identified as Rozha Gul, Shamal Khan and Mazar Haji.

In the meantime, another official said at least five tribal elders were executed by the ISIS affiliates and a number of civilians were maimed.

The provincial governor front man Hazrat Hussain Mashriqwal confirmed that sporadic festivities takes place between the Talibs and ISIS affiliates in remote areas of Achin district. However,
facts are stubborn; statistics are more pliable...
he said the exact number of casualties is not clear so far.

Nangarhar is among the relatively volatile provinces in eastern Afghanistan where anti-government armed Death Eaters are actively operating in a number of its districts and frequently carry out insurgency activities.

Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Africa Horn
Car bomb near Italian consulate in Cairo kills one
[Reuters] A bomb blew up in front of the Italian consulate in Cairo today, killing one person. A security official said the blast was caused by a car bomb.

State news agency MENA cited a senior security official as saying preliminary investigations indicated that a bomb was placed under a car near the consulate and detonated remotely.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the early morning blast, which caused heavy damage to the consulate. It shook other buildings downtown and could be heard in surrounding neighborhoods.

Italy's Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said there were no Italian victims in the blast. He said, "Italy will not be intimidated."
Posted by: ryuge || 07/11/2015 04:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Foreign Journos questioned on how and why they got there so quickly to cover it
Posted by: Frank G || 07/11/2015 10:01 Comments || Top||

Ethiopian troops advance on Al Shabaab-held town
BARDERA, Somalia -- Hundreds of Ethiopian soldiers in battle tanks have advanced towards strategic Bardera town in southwestern Somalia by Thursday, Garowe Online reports. Ethiopian troops crossed the border to intensify anti-militant push and liberate areas remaining under the control of Al Shabaab fighters.

The military maneuver comes in reaction at a series of seizures made by militants since the start of the holy month of Ramadan. Somalia government and Jubaland officials previously pointed to fresh military offensives against Al Shabaab.

Sierra Leonean peacekeepers headed home from their positions in Jubaland in the aftermath of Ebola in late 2014. African Union forces in Bay, Bakool and Gedo regions have similar moves.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Battle tanks = APCs?
Posted by: Pappy || 07/11/2015 8:46 Comments || Top||

#2  We all know that to j-school grads, any vehicle with treads is a tank. Some Wheeled vehicles are tanks too.
Posted by: Nguard || 07/11/2015 11:43 Comments || Top||

#3  But stock tanks aren't tanks, they are small ponds. Ain't English great, thank you Winston Churchill for making that entire category of wordery up.

Posted by: Shipman || 07/11/2015 12:42 Comments || Top||

#4  Tank you, Shipman.
Posted by: borgboy || 07/11/2015 17:52 Comments || Top||

Somali troops end hotels siege in Mogadishu
MOGADISHU -- After one hour of fighting at two hotels in the Somali capital, Somali forces say they have killed the last of a group of heavily-armed Al-Shabab assailants who attacked Siyad and Weheliye hotels on Friday evening. Two hotel guards, one civilian and five militants died in the attack.

The assault underscores the potency of the Al-Shabab even after losing its key strongholds in offensive by African Union and Somali forces.

Al-Shabab claimed the responsibility for the attack, vowing more attacks during Ramadan, a month the group usually steps up attacks against government and African Union forces.

In recent weeks, security has been tightened across Mogadishu as government deployed hundreds of soldiers to prevent attacks by the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Shabab group.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Africa North
Tunisian security forces kill five militants in mountain region: source
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Tunisian security forces have killed five Islamist hard boyz in festivities in the mountains near the central town of Gafsa, and military helicopters were pursuing more in the area, a security source said on Friday.

Tunisian forces are on high alert after last month's attack on a beach resort that killed 38 holidaymakers, most of them British, and the Bardo museum massacre by Islamist gunnies three months earlier.

"The operation is still ongoing in the Awled Omrane mountains," the source said, adding that there had been no casualties among army special forces.

Local gang Okba Ibn Nafaa, which is aligned to al Qaeda, has been fighting a low-level insurgency against Tunisian authorities near the Algerian border. But Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
hard boyz have also claimed attacks in Tunisia.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Algeria Arrests 38 over Deadly Ethnic Violence
[ALMANAR.LB] Algerian authorities nabbed
Please don't kill me!
38 people in connection with deadly ethnic unrest between Berbers and Arabs in the south of the country, police and the gendarmerie said Friday.

Police also said a hunting rifle, dozens of knives and Molotov cocktails were seized during a probe into unrest in the southern province of Ghardaia that left 22 people dead on Tuesday.

Police said 27 people were tossed into the calaboose Thursday "for harming public order, citizen's security and property."

State television, citing the gendarmerie, said 11 more people were rounded up, bringing the total to 38.

Algerian media reported that masked gunnies went on a killing and arson spree in the town of Guerara Tuesday night and into the early hours of Wednesday.

Guerara is in the M'zab valley, a UNESCO world heritage site on the edge of the Sahara desert, where tensions between Mozabite Berbers and Arabs have flared on and off since December 2013.

But it was the first time firearms were used in confrontations between members of the two communities.

The highest corpse count in years has prompted President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
... 10th president of Algeria. He was elected in 1999 and is currently on his third or fourth term. Maybe it's the fifth. He'll likely die in office of old age...
to order the army to move into Ghardaia and restore order.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

The Grand Turk
Turkey detains 21 suspected ISIS militants in raids
[RUDAW.NET] The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
's state-run news agency
...and if you can't believe the state-run news agency who can you believe?...
says police carried out raids in Istanbul and three other cities, detaining at least 21 people suspected of being members of the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
turban group.

The Anadolu Agency said three of the suspects detained in the simultaneous raids on Friday were foreign nationals who were planning to cross into Syria to join ISIS. Their nationalities weren't disclosed.

Other suspects were believed to have been working to recruit fighters for the group, the agency said.

Anadolu said police seized two rifles, large amounts of ammunition, documents and military uniforms during the raids.

Under pressure from its allies, Turkey has recently tightened security along its border with Syria in a bid to thwart Lions of Islam from crossing into the country to join the turbans.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Great White North
Canada: Othman Ayed Hamdan arrested, facing terrorism charges
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 07/11/2015 03:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Home Front: WoT
Mass. state charges planned against Tsarnaev
Posted by: Anguper Hupomosing9418 || 07/11/2015 15:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Policeman gunned down in Peshawar
[DAWN] Unknown assailants bumped off a policeman in the limits of the Gulbahar cop shoppe here on Friday, while another policeman managed to escape unhurt.

An official at the Gulbahar cop shoppe said two personnel of the rider squad were on a routine patrol near Anam Sanam Chowk in Gulbahar area of the city, when unknown attackers opened fire on them, leaving one of the coppers named Janat Gul seriously maimed.

Gul was later taken to the city's Lady Reading Hospital, where he departed this vale of tears. However,
denial ain't just a river in Egypt...
the other policeman remained unhurt. Police started the paperwork but haven't done much else against unknown attackers and started investigations.

Janat Gul's funeral prayers were later offered at the Malik Saad Khan police lines and his body was dispatched to his ancestral Jhagra village on the outskirts of the Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
city for burial.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  Unless you are a cool kid and in the know (wink) the auto parser might make you think Peshawar isn't a fine family town.

Does this have anything to do with the spot price of Kalishnikovs-47?

Posted by: Shipman || 07/11/2015 7:49 Comments || Top||

Seven 'TTP men' arrested
[DAWN] Police on Friday claimed to have placed in durance vile
You have the right to remain silent...
seven suspected murderous Moslems belonging to the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain in the Maripur area.

"The anti-extremism cell of the counterterrorism department of police arrested local Taliban capo Haji Sher Muhammad along with his six associates in Maripur," said official in charge of the anti-extremism cell Ali Raza.

Commander Muhammad had close links with Mohmand TTP chief Umar Khalid Khurasani
...intel chief of the Jamaatul Ahrar TTP splinter group, or whatever it's calling itself these days...
and on his directions he along with his associates was planning a terror attack in the city, claimed the officer.

"They are involved in collection of extortion from the business community for the TTP in the city."

A huge quantity of arms and ammunition was also seized recovered from them.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Iraq's Shi'ite militias target Falluja in Anbar campaign
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Iraqi Shi'ite militia fighters are tightening a noose around the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
-held city of Falluja west of Baghdad as the first stage of a counter-offensive in the Sunni province of Anbar, likely to determine the course of the conflict in coming months.

Islamic State seized Anbar's capital Ramadi two months ago, extending its control over the Euphrates river valley west of Baghdad and dealing a major setback to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and the U.S.-backed army he entrusted with its defense.

While the government initially vowed to swiftly recapture Ramadi, it now appears to have turned instead to Falluja, a city located further downriver and closer to Baghdad, meaning supply lines for a counter-offensive would be less vulnerable.

Colonel Ali al-Yasiri, commander of Iraq's 4th armored regiment, 1st division, which is fighting near Falluja, said plans for a quick offensive to retake Ramadi were shelved in June after commanders concluded that Falluja would be "a dagger pointed at the army in Ramadi" unless it was tackled first.

"Our commanders gave us orders one week after losing Ramadi to regroup ... in order to launch a counter offensive to retake Ramadi," he told Rooters. "This decision failed to win support from all military commanders."

As the government seeks to claw back territory, Abadi has turned to the mainly Shi'ite Hashid Shaabi militia fighters who have proven more successful than the army on the ground.

In April, the militia recaptured the city of Tikrit, former dictator Saddam Hussein's home town on the Tigris river north of Baghdad. But until the fall of Ramadi in May, the government was reluctant to deploy the Shi'ite fighters west of Baghdad in the valley of Iraq's other great river, the Euphrates, where Sunni tribes have been hostile to outsiders for generations.

The army seems to be taking advantage of the extra capabilities offered by the militia umbrella group, which includes Iranian-backed elements. Yasiri welcomed the Hashid's involvement, saying the army had struggled unsuccessfully for 18 months to contain Sunni Death Eaters in Anbar.

Abadi and the army can also rely on U.S.-led air support, more closely coordinated since U.S. officers moved into a military base less than 10 miles (15 km) from Falluja and started overseeing training of Sunni tribal recruits there.

Jets and artillery have been pounding both Falluja and Ramadi, inflicting heavy daily casualties on forces of Evil and civilians alike according to medical sources.


Shi'ite militia figures say they will take the lead on the ground, not the army.

"Hashid forces are closing in on Daesh holy warriors inside Falluja after seizing almost all supply routes around the city," said Muen al-Kadhimi, a senior aide to Hadi al-Ameri, commander of the Iranian-backed Badr organization, the most powerful of Iraq's armed Shi'ite groups.

Shi'ite fighters and army troops have made gains north of Falluja this week, although they faced heavy resistance from Islamic State fighters who sent boom-mobiles to stem the advances. Authorities say they already control Falluja's eastern, southern and western approaches.

Tribal and bully boy sources in Anbar reported an Islamic State attack early on Friday in villages between Falluja and Ramadi, which lie about 40 km (25 miles) apart on the Euphrates. But their opponents insist the campaign to retake Anbar is on track.

"Now we are only 5 kilometers (3 miles) from the center of Falluja and the plan to liberate the city is going perfectly." said Kadhimi.

He confirmed the strategy of retaking Falluja before the bustling provincial capital: "We can't go to Ramadi first and leave our back exposed. This is why Falluja is a prior target."

Falluja saw the fiercest fighting of the U.S. occupation which followed Washington's 2003 invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, and has also been a center of Sunni hostility to the Shi'ite-led government in Baghdad.

Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Iraqi troops, militias repel IS attack on town in Anbar
[RUDAW.NET] Government forces and Shiite Death Eaters repelled an Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group attack Friday that left 10 soldiers dead in western Iraq's Anbar province, officials said.

The Lions of Islam attacked the government-held town of Khalidiyah with mortars and five suicide boom-mobiles, Anbar councilman Athal al-Fahdawi said. They retreated after an hours-long battle, leaving behind 12 dead fighters. Some were hiding in houses in nearby Abu Flais village, Al-Fahdawi said.

Police and army officers said at least 10 soldiers were killed. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

...back at the wrecked scow, Agent 49 felt gingerly for his head. It was still there. He had been hoping differently...
the Islamic State group's Radio al-Bayan said IS Lions of Islam seized positions in the Khalidyah area after attacking Iraqi troops and Shiite militias with boom-mobiles.

Iraqi forces, backed by Shiite militias, have been struggling to recapture areas lost to IS in the country's west and north. In May, the bad boy group scored a stunning victory when it overran Ramadi in Anbar province, capturing large amounts of ammunition and armored vehicles from fleeing government troops.

Also Friday, a representative for Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's top Shiite holy man, urged countries in the region to take "decisive measures" to stop the flow of imported muscle into Iraq.

"The continuation of the policy of carelessness and giving a blind eye on the flow of these fighters to Iraq will increase the danger of these gangs to Iraq and they will represent a threat to their countries," Abdul-Mahdi al-Karbalei said during a Friday sermon in the city of Karbala.

Foreign fighters have been streaming into Syria and Iraq by the thousands to join IS and other krazed killer groups.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Southeast Asia
NPA bomb kills engineer in South Cobato
[GMA] An engineer was killed and three other people were injured when an improvised explosive device thought to have been planted by the New People's Army went off Thursday morning in South Cotabato. The victims were providing security on the farm-to-market road project connecting Surallah town and Lake Sebu when the incident occured in Upper Sepaka, Surallah.

Heavy gunfire from the militants followed after the blast, prompting the military to fire back. Local officials reported that two unidentified NPA members were killed during the gun battle.
Posted by: ryuge || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Commies

Abu Sayyaf militant arrested in Zamboanga
[ABS-CBN] A suspected Abu Sayyaf militant was nabbed Friday afternoon in Barangay Talabaan in Zamboanga City.

The suspect was identified as Basit Balahim, alias Ballan, who is allegedly among those responsible for the Dos Palmas kidnappings in Basilan in 2002. Balahim was spotted in the village along with another suspected Abu Sayyaf member who was arrested last month.
Posted by: ryuge || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Abu Sayyaf

Syria says Islamic State bomb set fire to government HQ in north
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] A mortar round fired by Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
faceless myrmidons caused a major blaze at a Syrian government headquarters building in the northeastern city of Hasaka and firefighters had put it out, state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
said on Friday.

The ultra hardline jihadists hit a civilian ID and passport office building in Hasaka, where the army has fought off several major incursions in recent weeks.

Earlier a Syrian army source said the faceless myrmidons had blown up a third car bomb in the eastern part of the city. It said there were casualties and gave no further details.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Nusra Front recaptures district in Yarmouk Camp
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Al Qaeda's Syria wing, the Nusra Front, has recaptured districts that lost last April in Yarmouk refugee camp after a counter attack on regime forces in the embattled district in Damascus, killing 25 soldiers and murderous Moslems, activists said on Thursday.

Activists said Nusra had taken buildings were under the control of Aknaf Beit al-Maqdis that aligned with Syrian regime against al-Qaeda offshoot.

Zaman al-Wasl news hound said fierce festivities erupted between Syrian regime army and Nusra.

Eye witnesses said regime hospitals has filled up with maimed from Paleostinian hard boyz who fight under regime's banner.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Syrian Army Targets ISIL, al-Nusra Gunmen, Kills Top Leaders in Hama, Damascus
[ALMANAR.LB] Syrian Army units inflicted more losses and casualties upon terrorist organizations in continued operations backed by air strikes in various areas across the country on Friday, state-run SANA news agency reported.

In Idleb, army units targeted gatherings of holy warriors in al-Sermaniyeh and Jannet al-Qura villages in southern Jisr al-Shughour in the southwestern countryside of the northern Idleb province.

A military source said many of the bad boyz were potted, while an armored vehicle was destroyed in al-Sermaniyeh and a bulldozer in Jannet al-Qura.

In the meantime, SANA quoted field sources as saying that many holy warriors of al-Nusra
...formally Jabhat an-Nusrah li-Ahli sh-Sham (Support Front for the People of the Levant), also known as al-Qaeda in the Levant. They aim to establish a pan-Arab caliphate. Not the same one as the Islamic State, though .. ...
Front and the so-called "Ahrar al-Sham
...a Syria jihadi group made up of Islamists and salafists, not that there's that much difference, formed into a brigade. They make up the main element of the Islamic Front but they don't profess adoration of al-Qaeda and they've been fighting (mainly for survival) against the Islamic State. Their leadership was wiped out at a single blow by a suicide kaboom at a crowded basement meeting in September, 2014...
Movement (Free People of Syria)" were killed as the army targeted their hideouts in the towns of al-Taman'eh and Kafr Oweid in southern Idleb province.

In the neighboring Hama province, five terrorist leaders were killed as the army artillery targeted their hideout while they were holding a meeting in Toloul al-Homr village to the east of Salamiyeh city in the countryside of the province, according to field sources.

An ammunition depot and a logistic supply route were hit and destroyed at the Agricultural Research building and Bawadi al-Azib in the eastern countryside of Salamiyeh.

In Quneitra, an army unit targeted dens of al-Nusra holy warriors in Mas'hara village, 12 km to the east of the city.

The army operation left a number of holy warriors dead and injured, and their arms and ammunition destroyed.

In al-Zabadani city in Damascus Countryside, the army air force destroyed a rocket depot and artillery bases and killed many holy warriors in a series of air strikes on their positions.

...back at the shouting match, the spittle had reached unprecedented levels...
a number of terrorist groups' leaders were killed and an ammunition depot was destroyed during army operations in Douma, Harasta, Masraba and al-Rihan in Eastern Ghouta.

In Hasaka, SANA news hound told that assembly points of the so-called 'Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
of Iraq and the Levant' (ISIL) takfiri
...an adherent of takfir wal hijra, an offshoot of Salafism that regards everybody who doesn't agree with them as apostates who most be killed...
group and their hideouts were targeted in al-Villat al-Homr neighborhood and the area between al-Bassel and al-Panorama roundabouts in Hasaka city.

Syria was hit by a violent unrest since mid-March 2011, where the western media reports accuse countries, mainly the USA, The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
, Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
and Qatar
...an emirate on the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It sits on some really productive gas and oil deposits, which produces the highest per capita income in the world. They piss it all away on religion, financing the Moslem Brotherhood and several al-Qaeda affiliates...
of orchestrating the civil conflict in the country and providing terrorist groups with money, weapons and trained mercenaries.

On May 2011, Syrian army launched a wide-scale operation against gangs and gunnies operating in the country, who started to escape the army blows and infiltrate illegally to Leb.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Who's in the News
13Islamic State
3Govt of Iran
2Govt of Syria
2Govt of Pakistan
1Arab Spring
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1Govt of Saudi Arabia

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Meet the Mods
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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2015-07-11
  Syrian Army Targets ISIL, al-Nusra Gunmen, Kills Top Leaders in Hama, Damascus
Fri 2015-07-10
  Newest drone strikes kill 25 insurgents in Nangarhar
Thu 2015-07-09
  Syrian Army Establishes Control over Hasaka, near Palmyra
Wed 2015-07-08
  French Special Forces Kill Top Al-Qaida Militant in Mali
Tue 2015-07-07
  49 ISIS affiliates killed in Nangarhar drone strikes
Mon 2015-07-06
  Egyptian army kills 63 militants in North Sinai
Sun 2015-07-05
  At least 25 Nusra members dead in mosque blast in Syria's Idlib
Sat 2015-07-04
  Official: Drone kills 4 Qaida Suspects in Yemen
Fri 2015-07-03
  Bangladesh police arrest 'top Qaeda militant'
Thu 2015-07-02
  Al Qaeda Pakistan chief killed in Lahore raid: Punjab home minister
Wed 2015-07-01
  Tunisia says resort gunman was trained in Libya
Tue 2015-06-30
  Mosul resistance group 'kills 23 Saudi fighters'
Mon 2015-06-29
  US air strikes target militants near border in east Afghanistan
Sun 2015-06-28
  Activists: ISIS fighters kill 200 civilians in Kobani
Sat 2015-06-27
  UN chief condemns 'appalling' attacks in France, Tunisia, Kuwait

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