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30 al-Qaeda suspects identified in London bombings
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Saudi Arabia seizes eight terror suspects
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, July 11 (UPI) -- Saudi security forces arrested eight people suspected of links with terrorist activities in the city of Arar in northern Saudi Arabia, reports said Monday. The daily al-Watan quoted Interior Ministry spokesman Brig. Gen. Mansour Turki as saying, "The detainees are being interrogated to verify the suspicions which led to their arrests."
It was not immediately known if any of those arrested were included in an official list of 36 wanted terror suspects issued by the Saudi authorities last month.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 09:29 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Terror Teachers Target Rural Schools
As more details emerge about the suspects on the Ministry of Interior’s new terror list, it is clear that radical groups have systematically been targeting poor rural areas and infiltrating recruiters into public schools in the guise of teachers who set up camps using brainwashing techniques and perverting the messages of the Qur’an to create terrorists.
Well, shucks. When did that start?
I confess I find this guy frightening. Not because he's a ferocious Lion of Islam™, but because he looks like he packs a switchblade. Clean him up and he might pass for a down-on-his-luck tango instructor, but that's the most he'll ever amount to. If he lived in Alabama he'd be behind in the payments on his trailer house.
Naif Al-Shammary, suspect No. 13 on the new terror list, grew up in Hafr Al-Batin’s narrow alleys. His family was unfamiliar with radical Islam. The people of his region descended from Bedouin tribes, most of them being immigrants who left Iraq decades ago and returned to the Arabian Peninsula after leaving for economic reasons. According to those close to the suspect, his views were never an exception to the moderate Arab tribe norms living in the region.
"Yeah, they'll thump the old lady, maybe despoil an occasional camel caravan, but other than that they're just folks. The cops ain't there but once or twice a week."
From the period of his education in Abu Moussa Al-Ashaari district until his last years of high school, his actions were much like any other Saudi schoolboy’s. However, they said his life slowly started to change to a radical one when he forsook his old companions, and joined a religious group. At first, the man’s relatives welcomed the move, assuming his involvement in the new religious group would strengthen his faith.
"He's such a good boy, Paw! Lookit how he's memorizin' the Koran!"
Area residents also said extremism started to creep into their villages in the mid-1990s. Religious teachers coming from areas known for extremism began to teach in public schools, where they started forming student groups called “scientific groups,” which would meet during non-school hours to avoid detection. Members of the group would gather on a regular basis, and no one outside of the group would be welcome.
"You ain't holy like us! Beat it!"
Those who heard of such camps were told that students were given disciplinary lectures to encourage them to stay on God’s path during adolescence along with religious lectures to help guide their lives. According to those who attended these camps where Naif and other young Saudis were radicalized, military training was given to the young men under the auspices that “a Muslim must be strong.” Radical teachers at these camps used brainwashing techniques to turn the young men to new ideologies while discrediting less radical schools of thought. One common characteristic of the camps was screening videos billed as “heroic venues of jihadi fighters in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Chechnya.”
Showing the little brats snuff flicks, were they?
The teachers targeted the poor communities in the area. They also were responsible for collecting zakah. Poor families that sent their sons to the camps on a regular basis received large sums of money from the organizers and promises that the young men would later get help enrolling in colleges and universities. Naif never made it beyond high school.
You can guess that from his photo, can't you?
He dropped out before completing 12th grade. His relatives who noticed the change in his behavior and views say that he disappeared less than a year ago. They were shocked when they saw his name on the list of most wanted terror suspects.
"Maw! Lookit dat! Naif made the 36 Most Wanted list!"
"Dang, Paw! I'm shocked! I never thought he'd amount to anything!"
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Lol, Fred! The inline is hysterical, lol!

And the guy? He really does look like a thug I once, um, "knew", lol. Heh, Fred - the switchblade observation is spot-on. Of course those things were crap, though - blades broke on the first contact with anything more solid than butter. All flash and no cash, as we used to say, heh.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 7:38 Comments || Top||

#2  A six pack of beer and a hot piece of gash would do these guys a world of good.
Posted by: Ebbomoger Shaving6065 || 07/11/2005 8:12 Comments || Top||

#3  Lol, ES! In your heart, folks, you know he's right! Lol!
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 9:14 Comments || Top||

#4  the cheesy moustache gives it away - he's a month away from getting that mullet haircut he always wanted. Just in time for the new Dukes of Hazzard flick release
Posted by: Frank G || 07/11/2005 10:19 Comments || Top||

#5  Wasn't this guy an extra in West Side Story? (The one put on by the dinner theater in the suburbs)
Posted by: Steve White || 07/11/2005 12:10 Comments || Top||

#6  I once met a Muslim who left Pakistan because he couldn't drink alcohol there. He said "God is merciful and maybe I need to give him something to be merciful for". I liked him.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 07/11/2005 12:54 Comments || Top||

#7  Wait a minute...

Isn't that David Copperfield?
Posted by: mojo || 07/11/2005 16:28 Comments || Top||

Twelve Saudi citizens extradited
Within the framework of the existing cooperation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, 12 Saudi citizens, who were earlier stopped in various cases, have been extradited, said an official source at the Interior Ministry.
"I don't wanna go back to Soddy Arabia! Soddy women are nothin' like Yemeni women!"
"Shuddup and get on the bus!"
"G'bye, girls!"
"G'bye, Mahmoud! We'll miss you!"
Meanwhile, the Saudi security authorities have been informed by their Yemeni counterparts that the Yemeni citizen who was residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the name of: Zaid Hassan Mohammed Humeid, and whose name was included in the list issued after the incidents which took place in the Kingdom, is currently detained in Yemen under the name of Zaid Hasan Omar Al-Jueidi.
Just couldn't keep your nose clean, could you, Zaid?
These developments come within the framework of the existing coordination between the Kingdom and Yemen for enhancing the pillars of security in both countries.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the name of: Zaid Hassan Mohammed Humeid"

"in Yemen under the name of Zaid Hasan Omar Al-Jueidi"

But everyone knew her as Nancy...
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 7:40 Comments || Top||

Balkan military explosives used in UK bomb
A SINGLE bombmaker using high-grade military explosives is believed to be responsible for building the four devices that killed more than 50 people last week, The Times can reveal.
Similar components from the explosive devices have been found at all four murder sites, leading detectives to believe that each of the 10lb rucksack bombs was the work of one man. They also believe that the materials used were not home made but sophisticated military explosives, possibly smuggled into Britain from the Balkans.

“The nature of the explosives appears to be military, which is very worrying,� said Superintendent Christophe Chaboud, the chief of the French anti-terrorist police, who was in London to help Scotland Yard.

News of the breakthrough comes as a Times poll conducted in the aftermath of the bombings indicates that an overwhelming majority of the British public favours a tough approach to terrorist suspects. Almost 90 per cent of people want the police to be given new powers to arrest people suspected of planning terrorist acts, tighter immigration controls and strict baggage inspections.

Londoners, who bore the brunt of last Thursday’s carnage, were not as supportive of draconian measures as people in the rest of the country.

The public anger will strengthen Tony Blair’s hand as he prepares to speed up new anti-terrorist laws to help the hunt for the bombers. “If, as the fuller picture about these incidents emerges and the investigation proceeds, it becomes clear that there are powers which the police and intelligence agencies need immediately to combat terrorism, it is plainly sensible to reserve the right to return to Parliament with an accelerated timetable,� he said.

More than 800 police officers were being drafted in to assist Scotland Yard’s anti-terrorist branch in Britain’s largest criminal inquiry. Film from 2,500 CCTV cameras in the centre of the capital is being examined and more is being taken from cameras across Greater London. Detectives are also searching for a vehicle, flat or garage that the terrorists may have used as a bomb factory.

It is understood that the examination of the No 30 bus at Tavistock Square has yielded vital fragments that have sharpened the focus of the police inquiry. Forensic pathologists have been paying particular attention to the remains of two bodies found in the mangled wreckage of the double-decker.

A senior police source said: “There are two bodies which have to be examined in great detail because they appear to have been holding the bomb or sitting on top of it. One of those might turn out to be the bomber.� A decapitated head was found at the bus scene which has been, in Israeli experience, the sign of a suicide bomber.

The confirmed death toll stands at 52 but is expected to rise. Police family liaison officers have been assigned to 74 families. As London prepares to hold a two-minute silence and mass vigil on Thursday to commemorate its dead, 12,000 United States service personnel have been ordered not to visit the city for security reasons.

Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 07/11/2005 21:17 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Another rememberence from the Clinton Presidency?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 07/11/2005 23:24 Comments || Top||

#2  Another rememberence from the Clinton Presidency?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge || 07/11/2005 23:24 Comments || Top||

Terror plot known weeks ago
AL-QAEDA threatened to launch attacks in Europe in an internet warning posted five weeks before the London terrorist bombings that British intelligence services claimed to have no knowledge about.
But the Spanish secret service only forwarded the May 29 message to Britain's MI5 spy agency at the weekend -- two days after the attacks.

The Spanish national intelligence centre, called CNI, sent a copy of the Arabic-language message - signed by "Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades - European division" - on Saturday to MI5, according to Spain's El Mundo newspaper.

The same group - named after an al-Qaedaleader who was killed in Afghanistan - claimed responsibility for the Madrid train bombings of March 11 last year, in which 191 people died, and twin bombings in Istanbul in November 2003 that killed 63 people.

The message, entitled "Letter to mujahedeen in Europe", states in part: "We now call on the mujahedeen around the world to launch the expected attack". Spanish intelligence officials believe this was a reference to the attacks in London last Thursday, which claimed at least 49 lives and wounded more than 700.

The revelation came as it emerged the severed head of a man had been found near the bus torn apart at Tavestock Place in the London bombings, strengthening suspicions that a suicide bomber was behind the blast. Suicide attacks in Israel have shown that a head is often the only remnant of a suicide bomber, as an explosion close to the torso can force the head to fly up and remain intact while the rest of the body disintegrates.

London's Daily Telegraph reported yesterday that the head found near the bus had almost certainly been blown out of the upper deck where a rucksack-sized bomb is believed to have been planted on a seat. The head may be that of an innocent passenger who picked the bomb up just before it exploded, but police have believed from the start that the bus could have been hit by a suicide bomber.

One passenger who got off the bus just before the explosion had noticed a nervous young man behaving oddly on the bus and frequently dipping into a bag at his feet.

Investigators are convinced that three other terrorists escaped after leaving bombs on three Underground trains about 47 minutes before the bus blast.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday rejected Opposition calls for an inquiry into whether the bombings could have been prevented, saying it would disrupt the hunt for perpetrators.

Home Office Minister Hazel Blears said the "last thing" the security services needed was an inquiry, as they were too busy with a massive investigation into the bombings.

"Security services and the police have actually protected us for many years. They have disrupted a lot of operations. It is impossible to anticipate everything," she said.

A spokesman for Mr Blair, who was due to present an update on the bombings in a statement to parliament overnight, said: "The Prime Minister has confidence in the intelligence services and he won't be holding an inquiry."

Britain's terrorism threat status was yesterday raised to its highest level yet as police believe the rush-hour bombers are alive and planning another attack.
Posted by: tipper || 07/11/2005 12:59 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is half the problem with terrorism, people who want to blame the British gov. for the bombing and not the terrorist shitwads who did the killing. You can't really do a google search on terrorist threats every morning when you get to work. Who ever said that any terror attack can be avoided or derailed? If they do it right, it probably cant be stopped. I don't thing the liberals would let them do half the things they need to do to stop most of the plots. If they don't get mean and nasty with those bastards they arent going to stop any of them.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 07/11/2005 13:19 Comments || Top||

#2  That's about the most misleading story title imaginable, if the details in the story are what news.com.au had to go on. If they have something more substantive to back up the title, fine, say so. They didn't, much less tell us what it was. A "terror attack in Europe" and "launch the expected attack" is about as useful as saying there are grandstanding assholes in the MSM. Wotta bunch of asstards.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 13:30 Comments || Top||

#3  How about if we pass a law that all acts of terrorism mut be registered (and a permit issued) at least 48 hours before the slaughter begins?

Posted by: CrazyFool || 07/11/2005 14:07 Comments || Top||

#4  Boy did I jump to the wrong conclusion. When that threat was posted - I mistranslated Europe as syrup and stocked up with 3.5 cases of Aunt Jemima. Now what am I gonna do?
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/11/2005 14:35 Comments || Top||

30 al-Qaeda suspects identified in London bombings
Counter-terrorism officers involved in a massive police inquiry to track down those responsible for last Thursday's bomb attacks on London's transport system have identified about 30 alleged al-Qaeda fighters and sympathisers as the most likely suspects behind the attacks, the local daily The Independent reported on Monday. Among those fingered is the alleged mastermind of the train bombings in Madrid last March. The suspects are both foreign and British born, and the cell believed to have planned the attacks is thought to number from four to 12 people, the Independent said, citing unnamed anti-terrorist sources.

It too early to know whether the terrorists responsible for Thursday's atrocity are home-grown British-born Muslim radicals, or foreign al-Qaida fighters, according to security sources quoted in The Independent.

Anti-terrorist officers have used hundreds of pieces of intelligence collected, including phone taps and reports from foreign agents and police forces.

Among the suspects being investigated is the terrorist believed to have masterminded last year's coordinated train bombings in Madrid, in which 191 people died and 1,500 were injured. Mustafa Setmariam Nasar, 47, a Syrian, is believed to be in hiding in Iraq, or on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. He is considered a likely suspect, because he has lived in London and has longstanding contacts there. He is also known to have organised terrorist training camps in Afghanistan.

Spanish intelligence officers have flown to London to help investigators, and 100 senior policemen from 30 countries gathered at the Metropolitan police headquarters in London over the weekend to share information.

Another suspect named by The Independent is Mohammed al-Gerbouzi, a Moroccan, who is wanted for questioning in connection with attacks in Casablanca and Madrid. He has been granted British citizenship but is believed to be in hiding in London.

Al-Qaeda suspects are growing wise to how intelligence agencies operate and are taking counter-espionage measures, such as avoiding using mobiles and telecommunications that can be bugged, anti-terror investigators say.

Detectives revealed that that three bombs on underground trains at Aldate, Edgeware Road and King's Cross had exploded almost simulataneously at 8.50 am. Technical data from London Underground showed there was a gap of about 50 seconds between the first and third explosion. The fourth bomb on a bus at Tavistock Square in central London, which killed 13 people, went off nearly an hour later at 9.47 am. It is unclear whether the bomber was still on the bus.

Most terrorist experts believe from the initial details of the attacks that an experienced bomber with skills, probaby gained from an al-Qaeda training camp was involved. Lord Stevens, former Metropolitan Police commissioner, said: "We believe that up to 3,000 British born or British-based people have passed through Osama bin Laden's training camps over the years."

On Sunday, three people were detained at Heathrow airport under Britain's controversial anti-terrorism laws, after being turned back from the United States. The men were not linked to the attacks and were later released without charge, police said.

Last Tuesday, the radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri went on trial in London's Central Criminal Court on charges of soliciting people at his religious gatherings to murder non-Muslims, including Jews, and seeking to incite racial hatred. A final charge under the UK Terrorism Act alleges al-Masri possessed a document containing information "likely to be useful" to someone who was plotting an act of terrorism.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 07/11/2005 12:48 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I have read theories that TWA-800 was a terrorist attack timed to help gain a mis-trial for a terrorist on trial at the time in NY. It will be interesting to see whether Capt Hook tries to parlay the attack into a change of venue motion - if that's possible in the UK. May I suggest the Bronx as an acceptable alternative venue?
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/11/2005 14:43 Comments || Top||

'Police shot bombers' reports New Zealander
Does this leads any credence to the report of "gunbattles" seen here, or is this just some more rumor-mongering? Grain of salt, I suppose.

A New Zealander working for Reuters in London says two colleagues witnessed the unconfirmed shooting by police of two apparent suicide bombers outside the HSBC tower at Canary Wharf in London.

The New Zealander, who did not want to be named, said the killing of the two men wearing bombs happened at 10.30am on Thursday (London time).

Following the shooting, the 8000 workers in the 44-storey tower were told to stay away from windows and remain in the building for at least six hours, the New Zealand man said.

He was not prepared to give the names of his two English colleagues, who he said witnessed the shooting from a building across the road from the tower.

Reports of attacks carried out by suicide bombers have been rife in London.

Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper reported an unconfirmed incident of police shooting a bomber outside the HSBC tower.

Canadian Brendan Spinks, who works on the 18th floor of the tower, said he saw a "massive rush of policemen" outside the building after London was rocked by the bombings.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 07/11/2005 10:06 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  New Zealander working for Rooters.

Sorry, there, bub - I need about 10 corroborating sources that actually have a reputation for honesty before I'll buy anything you or your lying Moonbat Socialist Tranzi Jihadi / Paleo symp employers have to say, including "the sky is blue".
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 13:42 Comments || Top||

#2  What, did the bombers hang around the building for an hour waiting for the London police to get permission to use guns, then an hour more while the guns were brought from their safe lock-up, loaded, and used?

I'd love it if this were true. However, given the lack of guns among British police, and the fact that Rooters is involved in the reporting, entire salt shaker, methinks.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 07/11/2005 13:52 Comments || Top||

#3  Well, the average Bobby on the beat don't carry guns, but the Special Branch does, I believe. Plus, any anti-terrorism unit would have them. They are not all running around weaponless as some of the press would have you believe. But, there has been no report at all in the British press of any boomers being shot.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 16:01 Comments || Top||

#4  i have heard from a friend that this was the case, my friend who sister works for a government agency rang her brother who is my friend to say that two people had been shot and this was about 5.20pm when he rang me to say this and said look out on the news at 530pm, this reporting did not happen. Spooky, however
Posted by: Angoper Elminesing2589 || 07/11/2005 16:07 Comments || Top||

#5  Nope. That's not a corroboration. Sorry. Nice try.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 16:30 Comments || Top||

#6  no when i was watching the news conferences with the police, and journalist did mention it as a question and teh police did not know the answer and was caught of guard
Posted by: Angoper Elminesing2589 || 07/11/2005 16:43 Comments || Top||

#7  While I don't give a lot of credence to this report, the UK does have by American standards severe laws to control what the press can print on security issues and they are used.
Posted by: phil_b || 07/11/2005 17:22 Comments || Top||

#8  The police spokesperson not knowing the answer could as easily be because it didn't happen. this feels more and more like an urban legend.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 19:22 Comments || Top||

Police hunt 'mercenary' terror gang recruited by al-Qa'ida
By Sophie Goodchild, Severin Carrell and Raymond Whitaker

Police and intelligence agents areinvestigating the theory that a gang of white "mercenary terrorists" was hired by al-Qa'ida to carry out last week's devastating attacks on London.

The Independent on Sunday can reveal today that investigations into the bombings of three Tube trains and a bus, which left at least 49 people dead, are focusing on the possibility that criminal gangs were paid to mount the worst atrocities in British history.

Last night, amid fears of further attacks, police evacuated the centre of Birmingham after receiving intelligence of a threat. A spokesman estimated up to 30,000 people were being cleared from the Broad Street area, packed with clubs, bars and restaurants.

Among new revelations about the highly sophisticated nature of Thursday's attacks, intelligence officials disclosed that they were examining the prospect that so-called "clean skins" - who could have been Muslims from the Balkans with no previous links to terror groups - were recruited to evade heightened security in the capital.

The theory was given credence by the fact that the security services had no advance warnings, suggesting that the bombers were not known extremists. Police and intelligence agencies admitted yesterday they were caught off guard.

The Metropolitan Police's investigation team is analysing hours of CCTV footage from around the targeted train stations and from the bus wreck, as well as checking lock-ups and garages for any clues that may lead them to the bombers. There is growing fear that the cells involved could be about to carry out further attacks. There was also alarm at the sophisticated nature of the explosives.

Alarm about the terrorists' expertise sharply increased after it emerged yesterday that all three of the Underground bombings took place within seconds of each other.

Detectives ruled out the possibility that suicide bombers were involved, but police sources indicated there was the risk that attackers had further supplies of explosives amid reports that up to four cells could be active in the UK.

A global search is under way for a number of known Islamist radicals and terrorist suspects, such as Mohammed al-Garbuzi, a Moroccan accused of involvement in the bombing of Casablanca killing 33 people in 2004.

The claims by the so-called Secret Organisation of the al-Qa'ida Jihad in Europe, posted on the internet on Thursday, are being taken seriously. Two other groups have also claimed responsibility. The Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigade posted the claim on an Islamist website where similar claims for responsibility have appeared in the past. Its authenticity could not be verified, but the statement promised more attacks on London.

The little-known Organisation of al-Qa'ida - Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula also claimed responsibility, and threatened to attack Rome.

The Met said they now had new evidence which clearly indicated that the blasts on the Tube trains had happened "almost simultaneously".

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick said this indicated that the terrorists would have used timing devices to trigger the bombs. Mr Paddick said, "We are not looking for any specific individuals at this stage. We are pursuing a whole series of investigative lines."

Senior officers have said they received no warning from the intelligence services. Sir Ian Blair, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said that intelligence gathering was "an imperfect science".

His comments were echoed by Tony Blair who cleared the police and intelligence services of any blame. In an interview with the BBC's Today programme yesterday, he said: "If people are actually prepared to go on to a Tube or a bus and blow up wholly innocent people ... you can have all the surveillance in the world and you couldn't stop that happening. That is why ultimately the underlying issues have to be dealt with too."

He also denied that he had made London a terrorist target by sending British troops into Afghanistan and Iraq.

Forty-nine people have been confirmed dead, but it is expected to be several days before an exact death toll can be provided because there are still bodiesat least 500 feet underground at King's Cross.

The IoS has learnt that Britain's leading Muslim scholars are to issue a "fatwa" condemning the terrorists behind Thursday's bombings.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 07/11/2005 09:46 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

The IoS has learnt that Britain's leading Muslim scholars are to issue a "fatwa" condemning the terrorists behind Thursday's bombings.

Oh, look. More meaningless noise!

Action, not words, is what's needed.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 12:22 Comments || Top||

#2  :: white "mercenary terrorists"

The armed-wing of the revolutionary Quaker brigade (Wesley branch)?

Posted by: Alastair || 07/11/2005 18:38 Comments || Top||

January 2005 : Britain's online imam declares war as he calls young to jihad
Got this reminder from one of my ML. Three parts article about Omar Bakri "welfare-funded jihad" Mohammed, see at link.
London cleric is using live broadcasts on the internet to urge young British Muslims to join al-Qaeda and has condoned suicide terrorist attacks. Omar Bakri Mohammed, who has lived in the UK for 18 years on social security benefits, pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden and told his followers that they were in a state of war with Britain.

The Times monitored Mr Bakri Mohammed’s nightly webcasts in which he declared that the “covenant of security” under which Muslims live peacefully in the UK had been “violated” by the Government’s tough anti-terrorist legislation, The Syrian-born radical said: “I believe the whole of Britain has become Dar ul-Harb (land of war). In such a state, he added, “the kuffar (non-believer) has no sanctity for their own life or property.”

In his broadcasts, conducted through an internet chatroom, Mr Bakri Mohammed stopped short of calling for terrorist attacks in Britain. But he said that Muslims should join the jihad “wherever you are” and told one woman that she was permitted to become a suicide bomber.

Mr Bakri Mohammed, 46, has indefinite leave to remain in the UK but could be detained without trial under the Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act if the Home Secretary were to decide he is a terrorist associate.

Last Monday he told his listeners: “Al-Qaeda and all its branches and organisations of the world, that is the victorious group and they have the emir and you are obliged to join. There is no need . . . to mess about.” Two nights later he said that the voices of dead Mujahidin were calling young Britons to fight. “These people are calling you and shouting to you from far distant places: al jihad, al jihad. They say to you my dear Muslim brothers, ‘Where is your weapon, where is your weapon?’ Come on to the jihad,” he said.

Posted by: anonymous5089 || 07/11/2005 09:49 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Guys like this need to be taken out, regardless of wherever they are. A bullet, a bomb, whatever it takes.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 07/11/2005 10:13 Comments || Top||

#2  This mook should be considered a "mine canary" -- when (if) the UK decides he and his ilk are no longer welcome, then we'll know the UK is, indeed, changing. Up to now he's gotten a full pass, on taxpayer funds, no less. That's pretty close to the height of gullibility and PC idiocy. We'll see.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 10:22 Comments || Top||

#3  "Excuse me, Mr. Bakri, your train is waiting."

"Train? What train?"

"The one to France."

"I'm not going to France!"

"Oh yes you are. Come along quietly now, there's a good lad."
Posted by: mojo || 07/11/2005 10:32 Comments || Top||

#4  "Excuse me, Mr. Bakri, your plane is waiting."

"Plane? What plane?"

"The one to France."

"I'm not going to France!"

"Well, you're not arriving in France, but you are departing on the plane. Come along quietly now, don't make us use duct tape."
Posted by: Neutron Tom || 07/11/2005 11:35 Comments || Top||

#5  Human refuse like this needs to be dealt with by teh Government. If teh GObvernment refuses to act then the people must act.

Track this scum down an remove his ability to speak with whatever tools are handy.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 07/11/2005 13:13 Comments || Top||

#6  They say to you my dear Muslim brothers, ‘Where is your weapon, where is your weapon?’ Come on to the jihad,” he said.

Or as Darth Vader said to Luke Skywalker,
"Come to the dark side of the force."
Posted by: BigEd || 07/11/2005 13:37 Comments || Top||

Thank Tony
You can go to the link and send Mr. Blair a note of thanks. Some 77,000 folks have, (it says there,)as did I.

Gee, is there a "Thank You George" site out there? How about a "Drop Dead Mikey" site?
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 07:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

A defiant Islam rises among young Britons

Since the bombings, the media and Muslims have been at pains to explain that most of the country's 2 million Muslims are peaceful. But the attacks are turning attention to the increasing numbers of young British Muslims who are rejecting their parents' traditional culture in favor of a radical and expansionist Islam. This strikingly Western version of Islam combines an independence of thought with a contempt for established traditional scholarship and a theme of teenage rebellion. In Dalston market in north-east London on Thursday, "Abdullah," a Muslim watch-mender and evangelist, was in a pugnacious mood. "We don't need to fight. We are taking over!" he said. "We are here to bring civilization to the West. England does not belong to the English people, it belongs to God." Two days later in a prosperous West London cafe, Mr. Helbawi pondered the attacks. "It's not a surprise but I am still shocked," he said. "How can they do this? London is a city for all the world. This is not Islam." Hours after the bombings, Helbawi logged onto an Internet chat room run by British Muslim extremists. "They were all congratulating each other on the attacks," he said. "It was crazy. They were talking about how they had won a great victory over the infidels, as if they had just come back from a battle."

Although so far, there is no evidence that British Muslims were involved in the bombs, there is little doubt that many British Muslims feel that Britain "deserved" the attacks for supporting the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. "Because Muslims explain the conflicts in Iraq, Kashmir, and Israel through Islam, every Muslim feels involved," said Helbawi. "People watch television and see Palestinian women being hit and pushed around by Israeli soldiers, and get angry and feel that they have to do something." But beyond anger, a sense of alienation often drives radical Islam. Many second- and third-generation immigrants find themselves cut off not only from their parents' cultures but also from a British one that includes alcohol and looser sexual mores. "If you don't drink, it really cuts you off from English society," says Ummul Choudhury, a London-based Middle East analyst for the Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies. "The view of the older generation is also that you do not integrate. If you do, you are told you are betraying your culture and religion."

The resulting isolation makes it easier for young Muslims to develop a contempt for British society. "There is also a lot of racism toward white British people," says Ms. Choudhury. "It's not really something that people want to talk about, but there are definitely some things that Muslims say between themselves that they would never say in front of white people." For frustrated and isolated young Muslims, radical Islam is not difficult to find. Girls in particular are often prevented from going out at night and can be easily drawn into online Muslim communities where they come into contact with other disillusioned Muslims from across Europe. One leading analyst of the Islamic diaspora even compares the lure of extremist Islam to 1950s teens listening to Elvis in an attempt to shock their parents. "The son of a Pentecostal preacher in Brixton was recruited by the radical Muslims," says Nadhim Shehadi, acting head of the Middle East program at Chatham House. "This young man initially tried to upset his parents by becoming a rapper," says Shehadi. "But when his parents stopped objecting, he became a jihadi instead."

The antiestablishment nature of this new Islam and its apparent status as an alternative to capitalism and secularism is also winning converts among native Britons. While the estimated 1,000 British Christians, atheists, and members of other faiths who convert to Islam every year are often attracted by Islam's clearly defined teachings, this minor trend is overshadowed by Muslims' highbirth and immigration rates, which to many Muslims promises increased political and social influence in the future. Indeed, taking advantage of Britain's rapidly expanding and increasingly Muslim population are new parties that aim to promote ethnic and religious agendas. One is Respect, a left-wing party founded by former Labour MP George Galloway, that aims to unite Muslims and socialists around opposition to American foreign policy and globalization.

Linked to the desire for increased political power are attempts by some radical Muslims to begin a process of Islamicizing British cities. Last month, Muslim groups in Glasgow petitioned the City Council to ban an Italian restaurant from serving alcohol to diners seated at outside tables. Hospitals in Leicester considered banning Bibles from hospital wards to avoid offending Muslim patients. In Birmingham, a group called Muslims Against Advertising began a campaign of painting over billboards that they deemed offensive to Islam - targeting ads for Levi's jeans, perfume, and lingerie. But these small campaigns are polarizing public opinion along ethnic and religious lines - and creating support for Britain's far-right groups, who present themselves as defenders of Britain's hard-won freedoms.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 07/11/2005 03:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [38 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "We don't need to fight. We are taking over!" he said. "We are here to bring civilization to the West. England does not belong to the English people, it belongs to God."

I think the gloves need to come off.
Posted by: Dave D. || 07/11/2005 6:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Does it ever seem like we are living in a moon god version of 'A Clockwork Orange'?
Posted by: glenmore || 07/11/2005 7:33 Comments || Top||

#3  Last month, Muslim groups in Glasgow petitioned the City Council to ban an Italian restaurant from serving alcohol to diners seated at outside tables.

There's a simple message for those Muslim groups: "FOAD. If you don't like our customs, go back to the third-world shitholes you crawled out from."
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 7:40 Comments || Top||

#4  There are 50 odd million Aboriginal English.

We conquered half the worlds land mass.

Don't think we can't get i-slam to go the way of the neanderthal worldwide.

Don't push us, our only restraint is that we will feel a bit guilty AFTER.
Posted by: Ulereger Clavigum6227 || 07/11/2005 7:41 Comments || Top||

#5  2 million, huh? Drop in the bucket - start the expulsions
Posted by: Frank G || 07/11/2005 8:09 Comments || Top||

#6  "Defiant"?

Pray tell, when will the assholes of the MSM stop romanticizing murderers and barbaric cretins?

As for the Muzzies, better get over yourselves. I've got a feeling about this... You live in a fantasy - as your "chat room" banter shows. The cousins won't bare their bellies to you over this pathetic show - and that is all it was, media coverage and PC protests notwithstanding. More people were killed in a single mortar attack on a market in Sarajevo. All you've managed, Young Wimps of London, is to cause a tough and spirited people to begin sobering up. You think you're playing some sort of Islamic Dungeons and Dragons? The cousins have been drunk on permissiveness and PC, but your cruelty will awaken them to their folly. They will shake off the lethargy that inflicts people who've forgotten what it means to be hungry. They will realize their immigration policies have been foolish, close the door, and begin throwing you asswipes out - those will be the lucky ones. Go ahead - try hitting them again, as you know you must - you know nothing else but cowardly murder and destruction... see what happens. Same goes for the US. We will both repay you in kind 100-fold for your arrogance and brutality. My cousins made a wrong turn awhile back, but they'll figure it out and correct their course - by rolling right over you. We've been headed the same way, but most of us get it, now. Soon the same will be true of our cousins. You fucked up here in the US and now you're repeating the mistake in the UK. We will both throw off the blinders of PC and that thin decorative candy shell we call civilization regards you lot.

Something very nasty this way comes, Young Wimps of London.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 8:11 Comments || Top||

#7  Pray tell, when will the assholes of the MSM stop romanticizing murderers and barbaric cretins?

Never. It's in their blood, it's their highest aspiration. Why, you do enough boot-licking and you'll get a Pulitzer.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 8:20 Comments || Top||

#8  .com -- your estimation of the odds that civilization will fight back are, I'm afraid, much rosier than mine.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 8:21 Comments || Top||

#9  I agree. There are moments in time when you can feel the wind shift. It has shifted and you can feel it.
Posted by: 2b || 07/11/2005 8:50 Comments || Top||

#10  Does it ever seem like we are living in a moon god version of 'A Clockwork Orange'?
Every time I turn on the MSM....

I don't doubt the West will fight back. We aren't as demoralized as the western Roman empire was as the barbarians overran it. (If the extreamists had waited 15-20 years so more self hating liberal crap had taken over more of our culture, might be a different story)
However, while I do believe that we have the will, the demon of the left still holds sway in our national (both ours and england) thinking. It will take more blood to fully purg it from our collective minds and finally push it to the nutty extreamists where it belongs. A slow series of attacks, malls blowing up, school killings, subway bombs will eventually bring the west to its full anger. A large attack, especially a WMD attack will also fully rouse our anger. And when the majority of people are finally mad enough to say, "Fuck them. I don't care what it takes, just get rid of these assholes!", we will finally see the military might of the west overrun the wastes of the middle east. We might even see Mecca raised.
This war is far from over, and more and more people are starting to realize it and see that the liberal side is the side of appeasement and cowardness. And the libs are in a panic about it.
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 8:54 Comments || Top||

#11  All trends continue until they encounter one or more limiting factors. Its fairly clear what the limiting factor is here - tolerance of 'diversity'. It remains to be seen how far the trend goes before the limiting factor stops it.
Posted by: phil_b || 07/11/2005 8:55 Comments || Top||

#12  Ignorant nutter scum. Deport them so they can give life in Egypt, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Algeria, Morrocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Yemen, or Sudan a try to see if it suits them.
Posted by: Tkat || 07/11/2005 9:12 Comments || Top||

#13  I don't doubt the West will fight back.

London papers are back to talking about "militants" and people are shocked -- and angered! -- when terrorists are called "arseholes" and "sub-human filth". We continue to believe in the mythical moderate, just as those moderates keep funding jihad and cheerfully listening to jihad-uber-alles imams.

And, of course, the first major movie about 9/11 is going to be made by Oliver "I Hate America" Stone.

As a society, we have no interest in fighting. We won't even admit to ourselves what we're fighting.

Why should we think that yet another atrocity will wake the world up? There were 3,000 dead on 9/11. Another 180 in Bali. Another 190 in Madrid. Another 344 in Beslan. Thousands in Iraq. Over 500 in Israel. More beheadings every week in Thailand...

If none of this is enough to wake people up, even more corpses aren't going to do it.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 9:13 Comments || Top||

#14  Respect, a left-wing party founded by former Labour MP George Galloway, ... aims to unite Muslims and socialists around opposition to American foreign policy and globalization.

Suddenly I have visions of Western Europe erupting into civil war and descending into anarchy. Am I the only one who believes that the formal collaboration of lefty lunacy and Islamofascist ideology in the pursuit of political power just might, if it gains any traction at all, be hook that finally sinks this problem so far into the flesh of Europe that there will be no peaceful way back?
Posted by: AzCat || 07/11/2005 9:19 Comments || Top||

#15  Our leaders need to drop the pretense of "multiculti" and start talking the truth. This is a clash of the past with the present, a blood feud of death cult of the moon god against all other philosophies and cultures. It either quits it's insanity or it will be wiped out. I personally have reached the tipping point. It will not quit so it must be wiped out. My problem is I am no good at explaining the evil of this cult to others. I just hope the tipping point is reached to western civilization before many more are killed and maimed.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 07/11/2005 9:30 Comments || Top||

#16  Tough one, AZC. If RC is right, and I don't yet think so - when it gets personal, shit happens - then it's too late. If there is enough of a population left who aren't Moonbats, toolfools, or dhimmis-in-waiting then I think you're right. Hell, I expect it to happen here in the US. I won't be around to see it, but I have little doubt we will have a something akin to a civil war here. When? I dunno, but it won't happen (without accelerants) for another 5-10 years. You guys can identify the accelerants, lol!
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 9:32 Comments || Top||

#17  Your comment on diversity got me thinking. It's not diversity - per say - that is the problem, it is the refusal to expose our enemies - our willingness to allow them to hide in plain sight.

To win this war, there is one thing that we as a society need to be able to do - which as yet - we can't seem to fathom. We need to have the help of our security services in defining WHO the enemy is. In the old days, it was easy. They talked differently, they looked different, they wore uniforms of another color. Not anymore.

But today we walk down the street and we don't know who the enemy is. I went to see the fourth of july fireworks and a muslim family was there. Just mom, pop and the kids. Are they the enemy? I doubt it, but who knows? And it is not just Muslim fanatics who are our enemy. It is Robert Fisk, BBC reporters, and that man at the dinner party who thinks this is a parlor game of one-upsmanship to see who can best convolute logic to explain away terror and evil. So much fun.

We have to somehow confront the enemy and those who aid and abet him. But we don't know who he is. I made an analgoy in another post about how the British Redcoats could not adapt to the rebels in the bushes. And in many ways, this is the same. These people are right here, but where are they? We can't see them and if we can see them, we can do little to fight them. Something has to change. We can't just keep marching in line and allow them to hide among us. Unless our security services, tasked with determining who is a true enemy - ie: someone receiving funds and cooperating with terrorist states or groups vs who is just a stupid fool spouting stupid words, we can't fight the war. Our security services need to stop hiding all of that information from us for their own greedy purposes so they can make pretty little flow charts of who-is-who in the terrorist world and start sharing that information. But they just sit on it. It's outrageous.

Long ago, I used to follow crime stories. And the other day I linked to the Missing Children site and was surprised to see how few children were on the list. It used to be pages of them. And then I noticed that the Amber Alert had recovered a large number of children. The police departments fought that tooth and nail because they were afraid that if they gave out information, it would interfere with their ability to work the case. How many children died horrible, terrible deaths because of that foolish policy?

This mentality of greedily hoarding information from the public has got to change.
Posted by: 2b || 07/11/2005 9:37 Comments || Top||

#18  re; the PC diversity game. I see the problem as the inability to call it as you see it. If I wanted to go on local TV and call Islam the religion of hate, citing suras, practices such as stoning or honor killings, etc., I would be called a hatemonger and liar. Given another attack on US soil, I could do the same, and would be called a visionary as the PC burka gets shredded. People (not the MSM or Hollywood) have minds, and I think they're changing - waking up. Wanna bet the Oliver Stone movie sucks at the box office even more than Alexander?
Posted by: Frank G || 07/11/2005 9:48 Comments || Top||

#19  Given another attack on US soil, I could do the same, and would be called a visionary as the PC burka gets shredded.

Yet another instance of the "more bodies will wake people up" idea.

Sorry, I still don't buy it.

Wanna bet the Oliver Stone movie sucks at the box office even more than Alexander?

Hollywood's banking on the foreign receipts. It'll be a blockbuster in Pakistan. They'll particularly love the scene where the brave jihadi slits the throat of a stewardess with her hands tied behind her back.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 9:55 Comments || Top||

#20  Frank - you make a very good point. But I still think that if they exposed to the public which mosques had connections to terrorists - which mosques were preaching firey sermons of hate - it would be easier for good people to speak up without fear of being shouted down.

But I have to conceed your point because the British knew about the Finsbury Mosque and yet it was allowed to stay open for the very reason you state.
Posted by: 2b || 07/11/2005 9:58 Comments || Top||

#21  Robert,
I don't think it is the body count that will do it. It is the frequency of attacks. One attack every 4 years isn't gonna piss people off enough. One attack every 4 months, different story. People have short memories, unfortunately. Wealth and lazyness breed forgetfullness and contempt for self in the liberals....
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 10:05 Comments || Top||

#22  Yet another instance of the "more bodies will wake people up" idea.

Sorry, I still don't buy it.

There has to be enough bodies, and apparently 3,000 in one sitting isn't enough.

In the event that another attack occurs on U.S. soil, and the body count is indeed much, much higher, there's going to be hell to pay, and it's not going to be confined to other countries. Home-grown terrorist apologists will become an endangered species overnight.

Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 07/11/2005 10:10 Comments || Top||

#23  In the event that another attack occurs on U.S. soil, and the body count is indeed much, much higher, there's going to be hell to pay

I think that's completely wrong. I think the US government will reach levels of dhimmitude never before seen outside the State Department.

I hope we never find out which of us is right.

Remember, there were more deaths on 9/11 than at Pearl Harbor -- and on 9/11 every one of them was a civilian. Now, just 4 years later, half the country spits on you if you mention 9/11.

I hope I'm wrong. I just don't see any more people aware of the threat -- and convinced we have to do something about it -- than I did in the months after 9/11. I think there are less now, thanks to the treasonous press and Democrats.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 10:31 Comments || Top||

#24  I don't know why people are confused about what to do! if you read Laurence R. Iannaccone you will find that jihadists don't spring from the soil, like mushrooms after a rainfall. They are "demand' driven. You need only look at three areas to determine who are driving the demand, family/tribe, mosque, or group. What need to be then done, is to exterminate whichever group is responsible. If the tribe radicalizes the jihadist, simply eradicate the tribe. If it is the mosque, simple eradicate the whole congration and if the group.. ditto. I know most people might find this solution heavy-handed, but as a descendant of the Vikings who delighted in taking the longboat out for a weekend of murder rape and pillage, I find that ice cold revenge stirs my stirs primordial juices.
Posted by: tipper || 07/11/2005 10:42 Comments || Top||

#25  Only in Kuwait:

'From the Al-Siyasah newspaper (received June 6):

"The Imam of al-Jabiriyah preached against the Americans and the Worshippers shouted 'O' Allah, make America stronger!"

"The Al-Siyasah newspaper has received news that several mosques in Kuwait have begun to exhibit a new phenomenon manifested in the rejection by worshippers of extremist prayers expressed by some of the Imams during their Khutbah [friday prayer]. These prayers included invitations to fight the Americans and to become more hostile towards them. An example of this [phenomenon] was when Nabil al-Awadi, who is an Imam at one of the mosques in the southern region of Al-Surrah, began preaching against the Americans in his last Friday Khutbah. As a result, the people at prayer cut off his speech and demanded that he stop talking. Additionally, the worshippers at the mosque of Aisha Shabib in the Al-Jabiriyah neighborhood shouted, 'O' Allah, make Islam and America stronger' in response to what the Imam of that mosque had said during friday prayer about America and the current war [in Iraq]."'

Posted by: liberalhawk || 07/11/2005 11:23 Comments || Top||

#26  It'll be a blockbuster in Pakistan. They'll particularly love the scene where the brave jihadi slits the throat of a stewardess with her hands tied behind her back.

RC - With Oliver Stone that jihadi is going to a Haliburton-Mossad Young Republican.
Posted by: Laurence of the Rats || 07/11/2005 11:24 Comments || Top||

#27  I personally have reached the tipping point. It will not quit so it must be wiped out. My problem is I am no good at explaining the evil of this cult to others. I just hope the tipping point is reached to western civilization before many more are killed and maimed.

SPoD - Right there with you. It seems like I've read so much that it has become too much to explain to others when the chance comes up. I always end up frustrated because feels like the key piece or two of information that will just nail the point home eludes me. After a conversation I always end up thinking up exactly the example I needed to make my point.

What's really frustrating to me is that I spend all day writing for work (technical training material), and even on the rare occasions I'm moved to post a message or update my lonely little website, I'm burned out on the physical requirements of just typing.

Rantburg sometimes is very frustrating because I see people making points and comments that make me go "Yes, I need to remember that one," and of course I never remember in time when the chance comes up to make somebody else notice the threat we are facing.

Something I have found myself doing, though, is immediately turning to this site when something happens. Not only for the CROSSFIRE GAZETTE, but because so many people have good insights on events, and most important (to me at least), people here remember previous events and tie them into current ones very quickly. When the London bombings happened I happened to be awake (wretched dog wanted out) and the first thought I had when I saw the news on tv was to check out Rantburg. With all the crazy stories on TV those first hours I figured this place would have a fast track on what was really up, and it quickly did.

Hmm, I appear to be rambling now so maybe I better go to lunch. :)
Posted by: Laurence of the Rats || 07/11/2005 11:41 Comments || Top||

#28  Last month, Muslim groups in Glasgow petitioned the City Council to ban an Italian restaurant from serving alcohol to diners seated at outside tables. Hospitals in Leicester considered banning Bibles from hospital wards to avoid offending Muslim patients. In Birmingham, a group called Muslims Against Advertising began a campaign of painting over billboards that they deemed offensive to Islam - targeting ads for Levi's jeans, perfume, and lingerie.

Therein lies the difference. Even the most intolerant westerners in western societies pale by comparison. For the most part, the west has learned to accomodate differing religions, politics, worldviews. We don't scream for the removal of that which offends us (except if it has health implications). We are free to choose. Is there something so horribly wrong with simply offering a choice of koran or bible? Does the bible have to be removed? How tyrranical, how intolerant is that!?

To all muslims:
How is my drinking in public offending your religious sensibilities? What about my eating pork? Or anything that's not Halal? Should all nonmuslim women be required to cover up, too, to make sure you're not offended? Radical Islamicism aside, even this "moderate muslim" demand is a slippery slope. Stop it now.
Posted by: PlanetDan || 07/11/2005 12:18 Comments || Top||

#29  LH -- So what? A few examples IN ONE COUNTRY are nice, but what about mosques in the US?

Like Amir Taheri(sp?) said, you go into ANY MOSQUE in the West and you'll hear the pro-jihad, anti-west raving. Yet the muslims in the West only speak out when a kaffir catches wind of what their imam is saying.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 12:31 Comments || Top||

#30  Expecting "moderate Muslims" to rise up and rescue Islam from the grip of the hateful fanatics that have taken it over is as much a fool's dream as expecting "moderate Democrats" to rise up and rescue the Democratic Party from its own hateful fanatics like Kos and Michael Moore.

Ain't gonna happen.
Posted by: Dave D. || 07/11/2005 12:49 Comments || Top||

#31  "To all muslims:
How is my drinking in public offending your religious sensibilities? "

Si, I ask that one myself. why da cops gotta hassle me and my amigos all the time?
Posted by: Jose, having a cerveza on the corner || 07/11/2005 13:55 Comments || Top||

#32  "So what? A few examples IN ONE COUNTRY are nice, but what about mosques in the US?"

A journey of a thousand miles .....
Posted by: liberalhawk || 07/11/2005 13:57 Comments || Top||

#33  A journey of a thousand miles .....

So speaks part of the problem.

You'll notice, LH, that the muslims speaking out about the anti-American speech in their mosques are in KUWAIT. Not in the US.

See a problem there?
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 14:41 Comments || Top||

#34  A journey of a thousand miles .....

Some of the blogs and small time arabs are saying the same thing. Is it the few snowflakes before the blizzard, or just a freak summer storm that melts away almost instantly? It is up to the arabs themselves. They choose between joining the rest of the world and the 21st century, or falling behind and rotting in urban decay.
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 14:45 Comments || Top||

#35  Yep, it's about their refusal to accept the broader society... violently. I rarely drink alcohol (having the physical tolerance of a small guppy doesn't encourage such behaviour), I simply order a club soda and socialize with people (including Mr. Wife) who do. I just get to be the designated driver all the time. ;-) On the other hand, I've never been invited to an orgy, which shows commendable discretion on the part of all concerned.

Not partaking in some of the pleasures of the broader society is not the same as being rejected by the same society. These people are brown up to their eyeballs.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 14:46 Comments || Top||

#36  #33 Robert - just last week (7/06),even Amnesty International decried the kidnapping of the Egyptian Ambassador, (but not Matt Maupin, and I don't disagree) - see http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=123309&D=2005-07-06&HC=2. Not much, but I thought it was a start.

Trying for a little perspective here, my complaints about the Moslem "Ethnic Cleansing" in 1995 were confined to a handful of people I knew. I never called a press conference, but found it abhorrent, ghastly, inexcusable, and regularly prayed somone would do something. Slick Willie finally did something. The "outcry" is not what *I* made of it then, or what some Mulims say today, but what our friends at the MSM chose to make of it. Do you think LAT is out there looking for Muslims who complain about terror? If they found one, would he allow his name to be printed, so he could get wacked by the next Jihadi up the street?

I don't expect much outcry here in the US, but hope that is not a good measure of the nausea many intelligent people must feel.... Even now, our "outcry" at Rantburg tends to be along the lines "this will never work" with the occasional "how dare they?"

Color me hopeful about humanity.
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 15:05 Comments || Top||

#37  Bobby, the mythical moderate muslim should be MOST free to speak out here in the US. If they cannot attach their names to it, they can certainly do it anonymously.

OK, so the press isn't pushing the "Muslims against terror" angle -- mainly because it counters their "Islam is peace" BS -- but the MSM isn't the only game in town. All the mythical moderate muslim has to do is take an inventory of the materials distributed in his local mosque, or tape the Friday prayers, then pass it along to a blogger willing to get the word out.

Do we see that happening?


I can think of two cases where the rantings and ravings of imams have been exposed and they've been removed. In Cleveland and in Lodi -- and in both cases it was outsiders -- kaffirs -- who brought the ranting and raving to the public's attention.

Similarly, we only know about the pro-jihadi literature passed out in many "moderate" mosques because (AFAICR) a group of anti-Saudi activists publicized the material and some of the places it was distributed. It wasn't the local community. It wasn't the muslim-in-the-street.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 15:46 Comments || Top||

#38  I like that - mythical moderate muslim(s). Can we use mmm as a standard abbreviation? Not capitalized, like MSM or LLL, but lower-case letters....
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 16:12 Comments || Top||

#39  www.prophetofdoom.net buy this book for all the doubting friends, they will then see that its not about Iraq or Palistine at all. It is driven by a quest for peoples souls. This is good and evil lord of the rings shit..
Posted by: nockeyes nilberto || 07/11/2005 16:16 Comments || Top||

#40  "All the mythical moderate muslim has to do is take an inventory of the materials distributed in his local mosque, or tape the Friday prayers, then pass it along to a blogger willing to get the word out."

and all you need to do to show that your minister isnt a ranting racist calling for the deaths of muslims, is tape his sunday sermon, and post in on jihad unspun, or daily kos, or whatever? See, people who KNOW they are moderates dont feel a burden of proof.

And theyd just be disbelieved anyway. Just the other day, a commentator here said words to the effect "Why dont more moderate muslims condemn terror? and when they do, why dont they mean it?" If your words of condemnation are going to be dismissed as self serving, why bother.

Ive long since given up trying convince Juan Cole and his ilk that Im a moderate Sharon supporter:)
Posted by: liberalhawk || 07/11/2005 16:21 Comments || Top||

#41  "You'll notice, LH, that the muslims speaking out about the anti-American speech in their mosques are in KUWAIT. Not in the US.

See a problem there?"

Er, I suspect the antiamerican sermons are more the staple over there than here. Also here the hatefilled sermons are likely to be at smaller mosques that get a self-selected membership. There its gonna be the big official mosques, so its much more likely that a hateful preacher will have a proAmerican congregation.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 07/11/2005 16:24 Comments || Top||

#42  Whoa on the big official moskkks thingy. In Saudi, almost anyone who wants to can crank up a moskkk. If people come, he gets to be an imam. The rules are very very loose. There are many anecdotal bits about loonies who went out and bought the amplifier and speakers and just went to work from some shed or hut. Eventually they were "given" a venue. Perhaps to control them. But, in any case, it's like wildcatting, lol! The small fry can play just like the big boys. BTW, the joke about the Kuwaitis is that they try to out-Saudi the Saudis - in other words, they're pluperfect loonies in many ways.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 16:35 Comments || Top||

#43  The European people proved in the early part of the last century that they are very good at killing people. Far, far better than the wildest fantasies of the Jihadists. Sooner or later they will be pushed to far and things will get ugly.

The longer the Muslims wait to stand up to the Jihadists amung them the more likely the Europeans will eventually go berserk. Remember that even the peace loving socialists that infect much of Europe were quick to excuse mass murder at times.
Posted by: rjschwarz || 07/11/2005 18:31 Comments || Top||

#44  Radiation sometimes works on Cancer. I'll bet a high enough dose would work on Islam. Worth a try. Calling all muslums back to Meca.
Posted by: FeralCat || 07/11/2005 20:26 Comments || Top||

#45  3000 dead Americans, on American soil, made about 45% of Americans willing to bend over and take it like a Sally.

Or maybe they were going to make me "take it," because I'm a Republican and "deserved" it, or something. The context escapes me at the moment.

Seat of the pants guess---whaddya think it'll take? Another 3000 dead, per percentage point?

Honestly, I think we'll be fighting the Left in the streets before we fight Islam.
Posted by: Asedwich || 07/11/2005 21:29 Comments || Top||

#46  "many anecdotal bits about loonies who went out and bought the amplifier and speakers and just went to work from some shed or hut"

-that's f*cking hillarious. I had no idea. Kind of like their own version of an islamo-nut garage band. Too funny.
Posted by: Jarhead || 07/11/2005 22:22 Comments || Top||

#47  whaddya think it'll take?

If some of them lose their jobs because of a large scale islamo-jihadi terror attack, it might get them to think.
"Dude, where's my job?"
"Blown up by the jihadis you've been apologizing for."
Posted by: R || 07/11/2005 23:28 Comments || Top||

London Police Release 3 Nabbed at Airport
Britons gathered in churches Sunday and piled bouquets of flowers at an Underground station to mourn victims of last week's bomb attacks on London's transport system as police sorted through hundreds of tips from the public. Three men arrested at Heathrow airport on Sunday under anti-terrorist laws were released later in the day without charge, police said.
"We are but simple shepherds, sir!"
"Awright. You can go!"
"Can we have our guns back?"
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  These are the ones turned back by the U.S. for being on a watch list, I assume.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 14:47 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Police Raid in Volatile South Russia Region Ends in Bloodshed
A civilian and a gunman were killed and two policemen were wounded early on Wednesday during a raid in Makhachkala, the capital of Russia’s southern republic of Dagestan, bordering restive Chechnya, the Itar-Tass news agency reported. The raid was aimed at neutralizing a group of gunmen who had seized a private residential house, a spokesman for the Dagestani republic’s Interior Ministry told Itar-Tass.

According to Khabib Magomedov, a civilian invited to act as a witness during a search was killed in an exchange of fire between police and gunmen. According to the press service, a gunman was killed and another was wounded. Immediate reports have said that two policemen were also wounded in the operation. Police examined a three-story residence where the gunmen were hiding and found Islamist books there. Unofficial reports said some of the gunmen had managed to escape.

The internal republic of Dagestan has suffered a spate of terrorist attacks in recent days, with two police killed in an attack on a police post on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, engineers defused a powerful explosive device found near a theater in Makhachkala and on Monday, a regional lawmaker was shot dead in his car in a western part of the province. 10 Interior Ministry troops died last Friday in the capital Makhachkala when their truck was blown up outside a public bathhouse. On Monday the heads of the police force in the republic’s capital Makhachkala were fired over their inability to cope with the situation.
Posted by: ed || 07/11/2005 14:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Is it just me, or has just about everything the Russians done lately ended in bloodshead?
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 14:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Why limit it to "lately"?
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 14:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Good point.
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 14:46 Comments || Top||

#4  Unofficial reports said some of the gunmen had managed to escape. Do the Rooskies have Soddi advisers now?
Posted by: Brett || 07/11/2005 15:24 Comments || Top||

Terrorist involved in raid on Budyonnovsk 10 years ago arrested
Another member of Shamil Basayev's terrorist group which attacked a hospital in Budyonnovsk, Russia's Stavropol region neighboring on Chechnya, has been arrested, the press service of the North Caucasian interior department reported. The law enforcement authorities refused to reveal the detainee's name in the interests of investigation. The arrested person admitted he had joined Shamil Basayev's (a Chechen terrorist leader) group and took part in the seizure of a hospital in Budyonnovsk, which continued for nearly seven days, threatening to kill hostages, if they did not obey, the press center said.

On June 14, 1995, a militant group led by Shamil Basayev entered Budyonnovsk and captured a hospital, taking hostage over 1,500 people. The raid took the lives of 129 people, injuring 415. Deputy Prosecutor General in Russia's Southern Federal District Sergei Shepel said the investigation established that Basayev's group included 195 people. Over this decade 20 terrorists were arrested and convicted, other 30 were destroyed in the course of an anti-terrorist operation and 40 men were placed on the wanted list.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yes little Shamil junior, your daddy was a wonderful man who took whole hospitals hostage and planned the killing of hundreds of civilians and specifically schoolchildren like you. All in the name of a demented god and the warped dream of a greater caliphate where ever gun toting thug like himself could have a bright future of graft, intimidation, theft, murder, kidnapping, and the unrestrained madness of meglomania. Look at all the good he inflicted upon our own people in Chechnya. You've got alot to be proud of thanks to your Old nasty pegleg Daddy. Remember, a culture that celebrates it's murderous sociopaths together is a culture that dies and rots together. Don't forget to say a prayer for him so that he gets each and every one of his 72 little boys to bugger in sociopath martyr heaven.
Posted by: Tkat || 07/11/2005 9:28 Comments || Top||

Theo van Gogh's murder trial begins
The man charged with killing Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh went on trial in Amsterdam Monday and instructed his lawyer not to defend him. Mohammed Bouyeri, 27, a dual Moroccan and Dutch citizen, is charged with the killing last Nov. 2 and indicated to a pre-trial hearing he takes sole responsibility for the assassination. Bouyeri was arrested following a shootout with police just minutes after van Gogh had been shot several times and stabbed.
A note spiked into Van Gogh's body carried threats against his co-author, Somali-born Dutch member of Parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali. A critic of Islam, she wrote the script for his short film "Submission," which offended many Muslims. After van Gogh's slaying, Ali went into hiding for several months. The killing also sparked a wave of revenge attacks on mosques and counterattacks against Christian churches in the Netherlands. The BBC said there will be no summation made at the trial, which is expected to last two days.
UPDATE, EFL: AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - The man accused of killing Dutch film producer Theo van Gogh quoted Arabic prayers at judges as his trial began Monday and walked out of court holding a Quran above his head. Mohammed Bouyeri, the only suspect on trial for Van Gogh's killing, refused to answer questions about his possible motivation and said he has no plans to fight the charges. Bouyeri confirmed his identity for the three-judge bench, but his lawyer, Peter Plasman, has said his client doesn't recognize the court's authority. "My client wants no defense by him, nor on his behalf, and that's a very thoroughly considered decision," Plasman said. "This is probably the last thing I'll be saying at this trial."
Silent through most of the proceedings, Bouyeri said one phrase in Arabic when asked by judges to explain why he seemed to hate the Western society that gave his parents work and asylum. Bouyeri answered: "I pray that God protect me that I should ever think differently than I do now." Reading from police recordings, judges said Bouyeri laughed and told his younger brother, Hassan: "I knew what I was doing, and I succeeded." "I swear to God, if there were a death penalty, I would be begging for it," he was quoted by the judges as having said.
The day's main witness was Rudolph Peters, a professor of Islamic Culture at the University of Amsterdam, who said Bouyeri's writings showed he became radical more than 18 months before the killing.
Bouyeri, allegedly a member of a terrorist cell known as the Hofstad Network, is said to have attended private prayer sessions with a Syrian spiritual leader, Redouan al-Issar, who disappeared shortly before the Van Gogh murder. Twelve other suspected group members are awaiting trial on separate terrorism charges. "My conclusion is that Mr. Bouyeri saw himself as an instrument of God," when he allegedly carried out the killing, Peters said.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 09:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Mr. Van Dyke, how does your client plead?"

"No excuse, your honor."

"That's not a plea. Try again."

"No defense, your honor?"

"One more chance, Mr. Van Dyke, and then you join your client in jail on the charge of contempt."

"It's not my fault, you honor! He won't even talk to me!"

"Right. I hereby find you and your client in contempt. Bailiff, take them away and toss them in a hole somewhere until they see the light."
Posted by: mojo || 07/11/2005 15:41 Comments || Top||

Turk terrs boom garbage can, wound 20
A militant Kurdish group claimed responsibility for a bomb Sunday in a resort town on Turkey's Aegean coast that wounded 20 people, including two foreign tourists, a pro-Kurdish news agency reported. The Germany-based Mezopotamya News Agency, which often reports rebel statements, said the shadowy Kurdistan Freedom Falcons Organization, or TAK, claimed responsibility for the blast in the town of Cesme.
Yeah, yeah. They're always "Falcons" and "Lions" and "Tigers" and "Bears" and other noble carnivores. By now they're always tiresome, too.
An anonymous caller bravely said TAK "had warned authorities before the attack and that they will continue to target touristic areas," the news agency said on its Web site.
"That's cuz we're important. We got explosives. Inconsequential shitbags that couldn't get paper hat jobs wouldn't have explosives, would they?"
The explosives were stashed into a soda bottle that was placed in a garbage can in downtown Cesme, a popular tourist destination about 45 miles southwest of the port city of Izmir, police said.
Rather appropriate, that...
Anatolia identified the foreign victims as John Willoghby, 63, of Britain, and Aleksander Daniluk, 44, of Russia. Willoghby suffered a light flesh wound, while Daniluk was injured in his left arm, Anatolia reported. It said three Turks with serious injuries were taken to a hospital in Izmir. The militant Kurdish group had warned foreign tourists to stay away from Turkey after claiming responsibility for a similar bomb attack that killed a police officer and injured four others in the Aegean resort town of Kusadasi on April 30. The guerrilla group, considered as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union, says revenues from Turkey's lucrative tourism industry help fund its military drive against the guerrillas. An injured witness, Ramazan Mert, told Anatolia he saw two men heroically drop a bag in the garbage can before the explosion, which happened at around 2:30 p.m. near the mayor's office on Cesme's main square.
They then ran off, telling each other 'Huh huh! This is sooooo kewl!'"
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So shall be remembered the Battle of Cesme
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 07/11/2005 2:51 Comments || Top||

#2  If the Kurds want to be taken seriously they have to weed this feces out of their ethnic group. Seeing how well they can do when they put their ethnic group behind something I know they can. I would be better if tourists stayed away from Turkey because of there treatment of the Kurds, not fear of their terrorist acts.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 07/11/2005 3:09 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
Al-Qaeda answers the CIA's hiring call
As many as 40 possible terrorists may have attempted to infiltrate U.S. intelligence agencies in recent months, CIA expert Barry Royden reported at a national counterintelligence conference in March. If that news isn't sufficiently terrifying, consider this chilling paradox: Though the agencies caught the potential spies at the job application stage, post-Sept. 11 pressures to quickly boost staffing make it increasingly likely that a terrorist could sneak into the intelligence community's ranks.

Since Al Qaeda's attacks on New York and Washington four years ago, the Sept. 11 commission and other investigative bodies have criticized intelligence agencies for failing to hire enough qualified personnel. President Bush ordered the CIA to increase analytic and operational personnel by 50%.

In response, intelligence agencies have launched ambitious campaigns to attract new recruits, even enlisting advertising agencies and running glitzy commercials. But this scramble to hire leaves agencies vulnerable, as a woefully small number of security analysts attempt to vet the flood of applicants. Job seekers with the native language skills and overseas experience that much intelligence work requires are among the most difficult to screen for security.

This conundrum comes to light as intelligence agencies have finally recognized that Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups operate like traditional intelligence services. Terrorists spy before they terrorize. They case and observe their targets. They collect intelligence about their enemy's vulnerabilities from publicly available information and by eliciting secrets from unwitting sources. Like intelligence officers, terrorists also practice tradecraft — the art of blending seamlessly into a society's fabric for months or years before striking.

Consider two men whom U.S. officials have linked to Al Qaeda: Iyman Faris, a naturalized U.S. citizen, exploited his job as a truck driver to plan ways to sabotage bridges and derail trains across the country. And Jose Padilla, a former Chicago gang member and a convert to Islam, could maneuver in Western society without the scrutiny given those of Middle Eastern background. Padilla's ultimate mission, allegedly, was to explode a "dirty bomb" in a U.S. city.

Considering their backgrounds, these recruits would presumably have failed to pass muster if they attempted to find jobs in U.S. intelligence.

But what about John Walker Lindh? Dubbed the American Talib, Lindh was of a different mold. He came from an affluent Marin County suburb, had decent academic credentials and no criminal record. If the U.S. hadn't captured him in Afghanistan, if he'd simply returned home to the U.S. after his secret training and indoctrination, his knowledge of Arabic and Middle East travel may have made him an attractive candidate for U.S. intelligence. That others with similar experience will infiltrate intelligence agencies is a real risk.

In the war on terrorism, intelligence has replaced the Cold War's tanks and fighter planes as the primary weapon against an unseen enemy.

A single mole in the CIA, the National Security Agency or the FBI could inflict far more damage to national security than Soviet spies did during the Cold War. Because the U.S. and Soviet Union never went head-to-head in war, the Soviets never fully exploited the advantages from its spies.

Now, however, our nation is at war. Imagine the damage Al Qaeda could do with the help of an infiltrator such as FBI spy Robert Hanssen or CIA traitor Aldrich Ames, each of whom passed a wealth of classified material to the Russians.

To prevent that sort of catastrophe, our intelligence agencies need to strike a difficult balance. Starting immediately, they need to develop common databases to share hiring information, and they need to add investigators and counterintelligence experts to bolster security screening.

Senior officials must resist political pressure and exercise patience in investigating each applicant thoroughly. U.S. counterintelligence safeguards must remain impregnable even as agencies push to replenish the depleted ranks of intelligence professionals.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 07/11/2005 12:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "If the U.S. hadn't captured him in Afghanistan, if he'd simply returned home to the U.S. after his secret training and indoctrination, his knowledge of Arabic and Middle East travel may have made him an attractive candidate for U.S. intelligence"

so where did you get your knowledge of Arabic, John, you studied at the University of Michigan?

Er, no, I picked it up in the region.

Oh? Where, in Egypt? Lebanon? Or did you work in KSA, like so many?

Well, er, no, I learned my Arabic in Afghanistan, theres a big arab community there, you know?

Seriously, I hope our vetting for CIA types actually includes checking on foreign travel, and accounting for where people were, etc.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 07/11/2005 14:14 Comments || Top||

#2  Actually, LH, I think Lindh learned Arabic domestically and went to Yemen to work on his accent. Apparently the dialect there is closer to what Mo' spoke.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 14:28 Comments || Top||

#3  Why LH! That would be profiling!

Wasn't there some arabic translators in the FBI who celebrated 9/11?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 07/11/2005 14:48 Comments || Top||

#4  Wasn't there some arabic translators in the FBI who celebrated 9/11?

Dunno about that, but there were some who were/are members of the organizations they were tasked with monitoring. They reportedly sanitized the translations they produced.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 14:50 Comments || Top||

#5  Naturally. Remember the stories about the translators cheering 9/11? I'm glad to see the CIA is on top of this, at least.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 14:51 Comments || Top||

#6  "Why LH! That would be profiling!"

Where did I say they should only carefully vette arabs or muslims? :)

Im not saying somebody might not successfully infiltrate (which is why you need careful internal security on your own people, need to know and all that) but I think the fears in the above post are a tad overblown - some of this would come in routine vetting, I would think.

I mean the guy gives Jose Padilla as an example for crying out loud - a former gang member!!!! I mean I hope the CIA isnt scraping bottom of the barrel THAT badly!! Now maybe as an FBI informant Padilla would make sense - but you dont give an informant top secret material, do you?
Posted by: liberalhawk || 07/11/2005 15:10 Comments || Top||

#7  Of course, the other thing that makes the entire article overheated is that it overlooks what entry-level intel analysts do and have access to.

Achmed: What have you learned about the infidels in the CIA, Omar?

Omar: They love Powerpoint presentations!
Posted by: Dreadnought || 07/11/2005 15:22 Comments || Top||

119 incarcernated terrorists, no Arabic speakers to listen to their calls
The federal Bureau of Prisons is holding 119 persons with "specific ties" to international Islamist terrorist groups, yet has no full-time Arabic translators or a system to monitor their communications, The Washington Times has learned.

A congressional aide said Bureau of Prisons officials maintain an informal list of 17 employees who are proficient in Arabic. The prison officials acknowledge, however, that none of the workers had been tested to determine Arabic fluency or undergone a special screening or background check, the aide said.

Capitol Hill is starting to notice.

"It's ludicrous to think that the Bureau of Prisons doesn't have a single full-time translator to monitor their communications," said Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican, in a statement given to The Washington Times before Thursday's multiple terror bombings in London.

Mr. Grassley called the current system "a recipe for disaster."

"There is no question that the number of Arabic translators should be beefed up as quickly as possible -- the very last thing that prisoners should be able to do from behind bars is write a letter to encourage, recruit or aid terrorists in their plans to attack here or around the world," Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, said in a separate statement to The Times.

After inquiries from members of Congress and The Times, prison officials said last week that they had hired one designated, full-time Arabic translator and plan to hire one more. But the employee had not begun work as of today and there was no indication of any fluency test or special background check.

Since the September 11 attacks, authorities have identified prisons as security threats because of recruitment efforts by al Qaeda and other terror groups. But convicted terrorists in federal penitentiaries, including those behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, retain communication privileges and have had direct contact with other terrorists.

The 119 inmates linked to terror groups include 40 thought to be members of al Qaeda and 23 who are "identified as linked to 9/11," according to a document prepared by the Bureau of Prisons. It is not clear from the document how many fall under both categories.

Although the agency limits the use of Arabic in some communications within prison walls, the lack of full-time translators makes it difficult for the bureau to learn efficiently and promptly the contents of phone calls or letters, which are monitored and can be in Arabic.

"There are several known instances in U.S. prisons of known or suspected terrorists communicating with terrorists overseas, or with their followers or other networks that share their ideologies and goals," counterterrorism consultant Daveed Gartenstein-Ross said. "Probably the best example is the 14 letters that were exchanged between the convicted World Trade Center bombers and a Spanish terror cell."

A February 2003 letter from convicted bomber Mohammed Salameh to the Spanish terror cell read in part: "Oh God! Make us live with happiness, make us die as martyrs, may we be united on the Day of Judgment."

Bureau of Prisons spokesman Michael Truman said all inmate phone calls are recorded and all incoming and outgoing letters are scanned or copied. He was not able to say what portion of correspondence of the 119 prisoners tied to Islamic terrorists is monitored promptly.

Although the agency does not employ full-time Arabic translators, Mr. Truman said, it uses outside contractors as needed. He did not provide specifics.

The congressional aide said the prison officials acknowledge not having a formal procedure for using translation services of other agencies.

The Justice Department inspector general also warned that federal prisoners were being "radicalized" during religious services conducted in Arabic, and that the prison agency lacked Arabic-speaking employees to monitor the sessions.

To address concerns raised in that audit, the Bureau of Prisons six months ago issued regulations saying that all "sermons, original oratory, teachings and admonitions must be delivered in English."

Regulations allow each inmate five hours of phone calls per month and unlimited written correspondence, with some exceptions.

Three prisoners are barred from outside communication except with legal counsel. One is Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind sheik and spiritual mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Another 16 inmates have limited outside contact.

The imprisoned World Trade Center bombers have had regular contact with other inmates in the general prison population, "where they radicalized inmates and told them that terrorism was part of Islam."

The whistleblower who brought the lack of Arabic translators to public attention fears reprisal from inmates at the federal prison in Lee County, Va., where he is scheduled to return to work this month after an eight-month medical leave.

The whistleblower, Joe Mansour, was interviewed on camera by NBC in March and discussed his role in translating Arabic communications of prisoners, including in terror-related cases.

His attorney, Mathew Tully, said Mr. Mansour, who is Muslim, is seen as a traitor by the Muslim population at the prison and is in personal danger.

Despite repeated requests, Mr. Mansour has been denied a transfer to any other prison facility. Mr. Tully says transfer requests are commonplace. "It is extremely uncommon not to grant a transfer," he said.

When questioned by aides to Mr. Grassley, an ardent advocate of whistleblowers, Bureau of Prisons officials complained that Mr. Mansour was not a true whistleblower, a person in attendance said.

The officials suggested that Mr. Mansour was attempting to bootstrap the whistleblowing onto a 2004 discrimination complaint in which he charged harassment from other employees because of his Arab ethnicity.

Mr. Mansour is not seeking monetary damages. He first wrote a letter to supervisors in April 2003 saying that Arabic phone calls and letters from suspected and convicted terrorists were going "unmonitored due to a lack of Arabic speaking staff."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 07/11/2005 12:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under:

#1  He first wrote a letter to supervisors in April 2003 saying that Arabic phone calls and letters from suspected and convicted terrorists were going "unmonitored due to a lack of Arabic speaking staff."

Great. Two years later and a few Congressmen and a backwater of the MSM have taken note. Anyone ever think of cutting off there arabic communications until there are translators available? That would certainly rate a front page somewhere! Howsabout we transfer 'em to Gitmo? (Well, yeah, there'd have to be some funds change hands, too.)
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 12:32 Comments || Top||

#2  I cheaper solution might be to prevent incarcerated terrorists from communicating other than to their lawyers.
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/11/2005 12:33 Comments || Top||

#3  Beat me to it, SH.

Better watch the lawyers, too, considering the 5th columnist Lynne Stewart.

When is that bitch going to jail?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 07/11/2005 18:15 Comments || Top||

#4  The cheapest solution might be to prevent incarcerated terrorists from communicating at all. But, for those of us who can't stomach that, how about just branding their foreheads with "T" and throwing them overboard off the shores of Yemen or Somolia.
Posted by: Neutron Tom || 07/11/2005 19:37 Comments || Top||

#5  The way to deal with these terrs is to set them free on Howland Island together with the perverts who molest children. Once a month air drop supplies, if there is any sign of life.

The government should also pass a scholarship program that provides a free ride if you major in Arabic and become fluent. Just a regular student loan if you don't attain fluency.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 07/11/2005 19:50 Comments || Top||

#6  The way to deal with these terrs is to set them free on Howland Island together with the perverts who molest children. Once a month air drop supplies, if there is any sign of life.

The government should also pass a scholarship program that provides a free ride if you major in Arabic and become fluent. Just a regular student loan if you don't attain fluency.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 07/11/2005 19:50 Comments || Top||

#7  The way to deal with these terrs is to set them free on Howland Island together with the perverts who molest children. Once a month air drop supplies, if there is any sign of life.

The government should also pass a scholarship program that provides a free ride if you major in Arabic and become fluent. Just a regular student loan if you don't attain fluency.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 07/11/2005 19:50 Comments || Top||

#8  Apologies for the multiple posts. Now I know how it happens.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis || 07/11/2005 20:17 Comments || Top||

#9  Tell me again about the Arabic speak Jews the Feds won't take on as translators because we are afraid of hurting feelings...
Posted by: Classical_Liberal || 07/11/2005 21:19 Comments || Top||

#10  C_L - we gotta follow the PC rules, yes? No matter how much it hurts, even until the death. How silly.
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 21:42 Comments || Top||

#11  Apologies for the multiple posts. Now I know how it happens.

When in doubt as to whether a post took, pop up another window (or another tab, if using Firefox) and check the comments. Most of the time the machine swallowed it, and is simply tardy in dispensing an acknowledgement.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama || 07/11/2005 22:03 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Indonesians bust man who harbored Top
Indonesian police have arrested a man accused of sheltering one of the most wanted men in Southeast Asia, a senior police spokesman said on Monday.

"Ahmad Fauzan was arrested on July 7 in Mojokerto, East Java, for hiding Noordin Top around February to March 2005," Inspector General Aryanto Boedihardjo told reporters.

Police have been hunting for Noordin M. Top, a Malaysian man they say played key roles in the Bali nightclub bombings in 2002, and blasts at a Jakarta hotel in 2003 and the Australian embassy in the Indonesian capital last year.

Boedihardjo said police would determine how to proceed against Fauzan in the next few days. He said the arrested man had hidden Top for 14 days, but did not reveal the location.
Posted by: Dan Darling || 07/11/2005 12:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Militia commander takes over Iran's police, crackdown announced
The Medes and the Persians are getting the gummint they deserve, I see...
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appointed a former Revolutionary Guards and Basij militia commander as the new head of the national police force. Police in Tehran declared they were to embark on a fresh crackdown targeting "open examples of corruption in tourist and recreation resorts" around the Iranian capital. Quoted by the student news agency ISNA, a top police official said his forces would be on the hunt for "badly-veiled or unveiled individuals in and outside cars", "sound pollution" and "shops and public places that ignore public chastity and Islamic values".
In other words, any place people are having fun.
The report said the summer anti-vice police sweep -- a regular event -- would also involve "collecting runaway girls and vagabond women and identifying places where corrupt people gather".
I always cruised for corrupt vagabond women in the summer myself
State television said Brigadier General Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam, 44, will take over from Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, who quit as police chief to make a run for the Islamic republic's presidency in last month's elections.
"No, you can't have your old job back!"
According to state television, Ahmadi-Moqaddam was appointed because of his "revolutionary record and commitments in the past years".
"He's a consistent nutbag. None o' that waverin' for him!"
"One of the most important duties of this force is to establish the nationwide security that the Islamic republic deserves and a calm and secure atmosphere for everyone," the supreme leader noted in the order.
"We do that by cracking heads."
Ayatollah Khamenei, who as Iran's commander-in-chief also appoints key law enforcement and military officials, called on Ahmadi-Moqaddam to promote the quality of the police by hiring "faithful, revolutionary and efficient elements."
"No more Mister Nice-guys!"
Iranian media said Ahmadi-Moqaddam has served as commander of the Basij militia in Tehran and as acting Revolutionary Guards chief for the Basij militia, a hardline volunteer force. He was on the frontline for the entire period of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, battled Iranian opposition groups and has also held senior commanding positions in the national police. He also holds a doctorate in strategic management from a military academy.
He's made his bones and just got promoted to top enforcer. It's gonna be a long hot summer in Iran.
Qalibaf had headed the police since 1999, during which he was credited with sprucing up the force by acquiring a huge fleet of Mercedes Benz police cars and a wardrobe of neat uniforms. Under Qalibaf's command, women also joined the police for the first time, and he acquired a populist image by reportedly visiting Iranian cities in plain clothes and getting himself arrested as part of a personal bid to root out corrupt officers. But Qalibaf also came under fire for continued reports of police brutality and his alleged backing of a crackdown on pro-democracy student demonstrators six years ago.
That would be one of his good points to the mullahs
His expensive presidential bid -- which saw him reinvent himself from a uniformed hardliner into a populist technocrat -- was unsuccessful.
And that was the bad
He came a disappointing fourth out of seven candidates in the first round of the polls. The presidency was eventually won by hardliner Mahmood Ahmadinejad, who thrashed top cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in the June 24 run-off.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 11:50 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The crackdown on Iranian resorts should be good news for Disney. I look for the Mouse's stock price to kick it into gear.
Posted by: Super Hose || 07/11/2005 12:28 Comments || Top||

#2  "... and he acquired a populist image by reportedly visiting Iranian cities in plain clothes and getting himself arrested as part of a personal bid to root out corrupt officers."

This guy's a politician through-and-through. Reminds me of the stunts pols sometimes pull where they dress as bums and "live" on the streets for a night or two.
Posted by: Xbalanke || 07/11/2005 12:28 Comments || Top||

#3  Iran is going backward not foreward. How long will they be able to hold back the floodwaters of progress? Will it be a bloddy and violent revolt when it comes? And it will come.
Posted by: Sheamble Unairt5149 || 07/11/2005 12:32 Comments || Top||

#4  The report said the summer anti-vice police sweep -- a regular event -- would also involve "collecting runaway girls and vagabond women and identifying places where corrupt people gather".

That won't last. Too many of the imams get a percentage off the prostitution temporary marriage business.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 12:44 Comments || Top||

#5  That seems an easy way to refresh their stock in trade, RC.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 14:55 Comments || Top||

#6  Good point. They may be focusing on the free-agents, just like any other pimps.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 15:47 Comments || Top||

1300 terrorists caught in Syria
Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat: According to a high level Syrian source security forces in Syria have apprehended over 1300 terrorist, from different Arab nationalities, mostly from the gulf, Tunisia, and Algeria, and that they have been handed over to security forces in their respected countries.
Bagged 1300 huh? Over the weekend, last month, last year?
The source that spoke to Asharq Al-Awsat on the condition of anonymity, also stated that these terrorists entered Syria legally, because citizens belonging to Arab countries do not require a visa to enter Syria. Asharq Al-Awsat has also learned that Syrian authorities have told their Lebanese counterparts that the delay of thousands of cargo trucks at the northern Syrian Lebanese border and the Bekka Valley is because of increased tight security measures.
Nothing to do with the fact you got tossed out and are pissed?
The tight security measures have been put in place after two cargo trucks were found to be carrying explosives and weapons. One truck traveling by way of the Bekka Valley was found carrying 100 kilograms of the explosive TNT. While the other truck, which tired entering from the northern boarder was carrying large amounts of weapons hidden in cement containers.
Also doesn't say if they were coming or going. Really doesn't say much at all.
Posted by: BrerRabbit || 07/11/2005 10:46 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Oh, yessss, but it proves what a great job Syria is doing to combat terrorism! Do they collect some UN grant now? Iraqi reparations, maybe?
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 11:56 Comments || Top||

#2  I think Assad is scared of these guys, really scared. He's not nearly radical or islamic enough for them. I know that sounds stupid, but he is a fairly secular leader, and he does like to score a buck whenever he can. He's an asshole, I'd grant you that, but not on the order of the islamists who want a worldwide caliphate. That would be a real problem for him unless he sent away for some kind of imam correspondence course or something.
Posted by: bigjim-ky || 07/11/2005 13:31 Comments || Top||

Afghanistan/South Asia
Afghans protected wounded SEAL from the Taliban
Afghan villagers sheltered a U.S. Navy SEAL wounded in a battle last month with the Taliban until they could get word to American forces to rescue him, a military official said Monday.

The SEAL was part of a four-man reconnaissance team that went missing June 28 after calling for help during a firefight in the mountains near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

The other three members of the team died in the fighting, and a MH-47 helicopter crashed as it brought reinforcements, killing all 16 people on board.

The military said it believes insurgents shot down the chopper.

Military officials said a rocket exploded near the surviving SEAL, knocking him off his feet and down a mountainside in steep terrain. He then managed to stay out of sight of the insurgents, officials said.

The commando suffered multiple leg wounds but was able to walk about two miles (three or four kilometers) through the mountains to get away, according to a U.S. military official, who insisted on anonymity.

An Afghan villager found the SEAL and hid him in his village, the official said.

According to military accounts, Taliban fighters came to the village and demanded the American be turned over, but villagers refused.

The SEAL wrote a note verifying his identity and location, and a villager carried it to U.S. forces, the official said. The note indicated to U.S. troops that they wouldn't be entering into a trap. The commando was rescued July 3.

The military has not revealed his identity.

The bodies of two of the other SEALS were recovered July 4, and the fourth man's body was found Sunday with the help of local Afghans, the military said.

An initial assessment indicated the three SEALs were killed in a gunbattle, a senior U.S. defense official said Sunday, adding there was "no way" the fourth SEAL had been abducted.

The Taliban had claimed to have captured the SEAL.

"The final member was located during a combat search-and-rescue operation July 10 in Kunar province," the military said in a statement Monday. "The location and disposition of the service member's remains indicate he died while fighting off enemy terrorists on or about June 28."
Posted by: Dan Darling || 07/11/2005 15:40 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Our children are dying in a conflict that was based on lies; they are the true patriots unlike Novak and Rove. I am a life-long Republican and I cannot abide the hard-ball employed by this administration with people who disagree with the "party line". What in the world has happened to "patiotism" in our country? Washington is like a septic tank where the really big pieces rise to the top. Those who knew, those who attempted to cover it up and those who gave out the information should go to the federal prison as traitors to the national security and the American people. Lock them up just as you would a despicable thief who cares not for those he injures. Washington has become a whore house where everything is for sale. Like they say " the man with the gold makes the rules". Everyone on the white house staff should have to make a casualty assistance call and feel the pain of the families who have lost a loved one. Maybe some would begin to get a glimpse of what "patriotism" means to those of us who love our country and were willing to die for the freedoms others give lip service to.
Posted by: 0KOKOK || 07/11/2005 16:05 Comments || Top||


Life long Republican? Most of the ones I know speaka da english pretty good. Where'd you learn yours? Pakistan?
Posted by: tu3031 || 07/11/2005 16:14 Comments || Top||

#3  just when i want to make a comment about the nobility of Afghan villagers, some troll has to get in the way - sheesh.
Posted by: liberalhawk || 07/11/2005 16:14 Comments || Top||

#4  St John's Wort would do you a world of good, OKetc.
Posted by: Dr August Balls of Nice || 07/11/2005 16:16 Comments || Top||

#5  Note to 0KOKOK: These brave men and women are NOT children. The Taliban had their asses handed to them and if it weren't for the Pakistanis hiding their remnants they would be wiped out. Maybe you would like to go live under the Taliban where a 14 year old boy was beaten to death because he had a soccer ball. The Taliban is the face of absolute evil. I think you should lighten up on the mushroom lade kool-aid.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 07/11/2005 16:17 Comments || Top||

"What in the world has happened to "patiotism" in our country?"

Well, I don't know about you, but I switched to verandatism!

Posted by: Analog Roam || 07/11/2005 16:18 Comments || Top||

While the Iraq war's worth is debatable, the Afghanistan war is completely neccessary. This is Osama Bin Laden we are dealing with. We should not stop fighting until every last one is dead...including those in US custody. KILL 'EM ALL!
Posted by: 0KOKOK || 07/11/2005 16:38 Comments || Top||

#8  We know what you mean, Lh. Same thing happens on the other side of the aisle. Sigh.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 16:41 Comments || Top||

#9  I didn't know they allowed internet hookups in the padded room that the life long nutjob OKOK is in...
Posted by: Omimp Speque7351 || 07/11/2005 16:42 Comments || Top||

#10  What's a "bull disinformation?" Is that where you feed disinformation to cattle?

On to more meaningful topics: God bless those Afghans, watch over them, and all the other friendlies in that part of the world!
Posted by: Mike || 07/11/2005 16:48 Comments || Top||

#11  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... looks like we've a multiple personality here. Achmed El-Biff Skiffington III.
You know, they got shit you can take for that now 0OKOK. If that is your real name...
Posted by: tu3031 || 07/11/2005 16:49 Comments || Top||

#12  Well,it's time to reveal myself:
becouse of your fanatical rants and posts in this toilet paper blog of indu,pack and retaired reed-necks or other never hear militant minority:

I am a U S Navy vet. Six years, 4 of those 1500 miles or less away from the Russian/Chinese borders during the Cold War. Acting as part of a deterant from invasion forces of those countries when they weren't our close friends.

And, yes, I have talked to a recruiter. Too old to get back into active duty, but he can get me into the reserves. Just got to get back into shape.

I was an Electronics Calibration Technician in active duty working on equipment of submarines that guarded our waters. I also spent three more years, after the 6, in the U S Naval Reserves working on equipment for the jets that guard our skies.

If it weren't for the heightened security around the planet, due to governments not backing down from fighting terrorism, I believe the destruction in England would have been much greater. The terrorists can't get their hands on civilian jet liners anymore.

Also, in Iraq, there have been schools put up for all children to learn to read and write. Christians were able to celebrate Easter and Christmas over the past few years. Something they were not allowed to do for 30 years. Women in Iraq and Afganistan have been given much more freedom than they have had in quite a while. I don't think our time there in Iraq has been the failure you say it has been.

Something tells me you never served our country, just served yourself of our country. I apologize if I've read you wrong here.
Posted by: OKOKOK || 07/11/2005 17:08 Comments || Top||

#13  Something tells me you never served our country, just served yourself of our country

This ain't the democratic underground dickwad. There are many vets here.

Myself: 11BC2
101st Airborne Airassault, 3/502 Bco. 1991-1993.
Vets, Sound off!
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 17:20 Comments || Top||

#14  Oh, and something tells me you ain't a vet either. You are a pretender, a wisher and a looser.
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 17:22 Comments || Top||

#15  You can't prove I'm not Queen of the Space Unicorns!
Posted by: mojo || 07/11/2005 17:29 Comments || Top||

#16  Vets, sound off!???
Air Force, E-6, 1976-1996. AFRTS, in too many overseas locations to count.
Posted by: Sgt. Mom || 07/11/2005 17:32 Comments || Top||

#17  Funny, I thought I heard the last of the "I am a life-long Republican" once the '04 Prez election was over.

This loon joins the ranks of Richard Clarke, Michael Moore, and the rest of those idiots. Somehow they like to cover their sorry asses by claiming to have been life-long Republicans.

Screw 'em all.
Posted by: Captain America || 07/11/2005 17:39 Comments || Top||

#18  Ah, the short bus made another stop, I see.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/11/2005 17:42 Comments || Top||

#19  LH: It was great news to discover that for once the Afgan culture (taking and protecting their "guests") worked in our favor.

Let's pray for a speedy and full recovery for our brave SEAL.
Posted by: Captain America || 07/11/2005 17:54 Comments || Top||

#20  What do we have here? Some sort of tag-team trolling? The first two posts have atrocious grammar and spelling, which suddenly clears up in the third post. Also, the first two posts are signed by "0KOKOK" (note the first char is a ZERO, not an "OH"), which by the third post has been changed to "OKOKOK" (all OH's).

Troll boys, you need to get your s**t together. Like MMurray sez, this ain't the DU!
Posted by: Dar || 07/11/2005 17:58 Comments || Top||

#21  Bingo Dar.

Plus, the verbiage in the 3rd post was probably copy/pasted from some comments section in some other blog.
Posted by: Carl in N.H. || 07/11/2005 18:12 Comments || Top||

#22  Sorta back on topic: what do you suppose would have happened if the MSM learned of this ahead of time?
Posted by: slo jim || 07/11/2005 18:29 Comments || Top||

#23  Another dead SEAL, probably.
Posted by: Dave D. || 07/11/2005 18:40 Comments || Top||

#24  Lifelong Democrat (on paper). Did not serve in the military (& too old now.) And neither fact makes any difference in regard to discussion of the war on (Islamofascist) terrorists. One thing I agree with OKetc. on is - we do need to kill a bunch more of those b**stards.
Posted by: Glenmore || 07/11/2005 18:49 Comments || Top||

#25  Troll is the same old COVAD wankroid. Lately he was "cook the rabbi."
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 19:03 Comments || Top||

#26  It's not clear to me why the troll keeps coming back to a place that he hates. Sort of like it's not clear to me why fanatical Muslims choose to live in Dearborn or London rather than some Islamic paradise like Syria or Yemen.
Posted by: Neutron Tom || 07/11/2005 19:32 Comments || Top||

#27  pretty obviously Wesley Clark has found RB
Posted by: Frank G || 07/11/2005 20:31 Comments || Top||

#28  United States Air Force, 78-98.
- Six of those years babysitting B-28s, B-61s, SRAMs, and ALCMs in SAC
-One of those years two hundred miles and ten minutes flight time from the DMZ in Korea
-Six of those months at Al-Kharg AB, Saudi Arabia.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski || 07/11/2005 20:53 Comments || Top||

#29  What was that exchange in Kentucky Fried Movie?

"You _____ _____! You'll never get me to talk!"

"Take him to Detroit."

"No! Not Detroit! AAARRRGGGGHHhhhhh...."
Posted by: Phil Fraering || 07/11/2005 21:00 Comments || Top||

#30  ima serv in em boy scowts
Posted by: muck4doo || 07/11/2005 21:39 Comments || Top||

#31  mucky - Did you get your taxidermi merit badge? ;)
Posted by: Laurence of the Rats || 07/11/2005 22:12 Comments || Top||

#32  Troll is the same old COVAD wankroid. Lately he was "cook the rabbi."

Appears he scraped enough empty bottles together to pay the internet bill.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/11/2005 22:26 Comments || Top||

Iraqi security forces detain seven Egyptians
BAGHDAD - Iraqi security forces have detained seven Egyptians as part of a counter insurgency operation in the Baghdad area, the government said on Monday. They also captured members of a terrorist cell linked to Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, according to a statement from Iraq’s council of ministers. Iraqi security forces also found a truck that had been turned into a launching pad for rockets, the statement said. No further details were made available.
Separately, Iraqi forces detained a cell leader, another two Egyptian nationals and four members of the militant Mujahedeen Brigade as part of Operation Sword, a military offensive that ended recently in the western town of Hit, the statement said. The detentions were part of Operation Lightning, a major counterinsurgency sweep that began in late May with more than 40,000 Iraqi police and soldiers. The government announced on Thursday that the operation was winding down, though three new efforts in the Baghdad region would begin soon.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 13:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

Afghanistan/South Asia
Indian security forces defuse bomb, gun down five militants
NEW DELHI - A serious tragedy was averted when the Army defused a bomb planted inside a crowded bus-stand in the Indian administered state of Jammu and Kashmir, even as five suspected militants were killed in separate encounters, agency reports said on on Monday. The Indian army defused a powerful home-made explosive device planted in a scooter inside the main bus stand at Baramulla, 54 kilometers north of the state capital, Srinagar, the IANS news agency said. The bomb would have created mayhem had it exploded as hundreds of commuters were at the bus stand, police said.

Meanwhile, security forces shot dead a self-styled district commander of the Pakistan based Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist group in an encounter on Sunday night. He was identified as Momin Khan of Pakistan, officials told PTI news agency. He was killed along with his local associate, Mohammad Iqbal Wani, in a two hour long encounter Sunday night at Chhatawach-Shopian village, some 55 kilometres from Srinagar.

In another incident three JeM militants, including the Pakistani nationals Umer Gazali and Hamza Bhai, were killed at the village of Bapura in the Baramulla district Sunday night, officials said. However, residents of the area held protests on Monday morning, alleging that one of the slain men was not a militant but an imam at a local mosque.
There's a difference?
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 12:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [9 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Everyone : (5 + 3) X 72 = 578 (VIRGINS)
Posted by: BigEd || 07/11/2005 13:12 Comments || Top||

#2  BigEd - I believe you have that wrong. Let me correct your math: (5+3)x 1 = 8 (72-year-old virgins) ;-p
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 07/11/2005 18:10 Comments || Top||

Tales from the Crossfire Gazette
Janojuddha cadre killed in crossfire
JHENIDAH, July 10: A young man allegedly cadre of underground Janojuddha died in encounter with police early hours of Sunday, reports UNB. Police said they raided a den of underground terrorists at Batpukuria, 20km away from the town, at 3-30am and faced with gunfire. They returned the fire in which Nazrul (27) died on the spot.
His accomplices managed to flee.
Don't they always?
Two constables were also injured in the encounter.
A resident of Durgapur in sadar upazila Nazrul was wanted in four criminal cases including two murders, police said. Locals said Nazrul used to drive Nasimon, a three-wheeler, in the area.

Huge ammo haul in Bandarban
July 10: Security forces have recovered huge amount of ammunition early Sunday from Naikhkhangchhari and Thanchi border areas after an hour-long fierce gunfight with the criminals. Official sources here said the Army and BDR personnel, in a joint drive under a combing operation in Naikhkhangchhari, raided the area at the dead of night resulting in a gunfight with the criminals.
Of course it was in the "dead of night", they have fewer witnesses then
More than 40 teams of the joint forces cordoned 288 kilometres area of the Bangladesh-Myanmar border to wipe out the criminals after they were engaged in a gunfight with them at Tengra Murang Para of Naikhkhangchhari, another source said. The fighting over, the security forces detected a cache of weapons. They recovered weapons, included five hand-grenades, eight high-frequency walkie-talkie sets, 750 bullets of AK-47 rifle, 265 rounds of ammunition of Indian LMG and five rounds of pistol bullets. "Uniforms and hardware used by the criminals and some documents were also recovered from the scene," a security source said.
According to the security forces, some 100 bullets were traded between the two sides during the encounter, but another source claimed that both the sides exchanged more than 300 rounds of bullet in the gun battle. Although none of the joint forces was injured in the gunfight, it could not be known whether any criminal was killed or injured in the incident.
You'd think with all that shooting somebody would turn up dead. That is, of course, unless they were just shooting in air to make it sound like a gunfight
In a separate incident, the BDR members recovered a grenade, a pistol and five rounds of bullet from an abandoned house at Baro Madak Paiyya of Thanchi upazila carrying out a copycat operation. Earlier, the joint forces had netted huge quantities of explosives, ammunitions and magazines from Lembuchhari hills in Naikkhyongchhari.

Phensidyl factory unearthed at NGO office
BARISAL, July 10: Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) personnel unearthed a spurious phensidyl factory raiding an NGO office at Sanuhar bus-stand on the Barisal-Dhaka highway in Uzirpur upazila today, reports UNB.
In guise of drug-peddlers, members of the elite force went to the office of Rural Economic Development Organization (REDO), which runs as an NGO, at about 3:00 pm to receive delivery of 200 bottles of the narcotic syrup.
During the raid, they seized 600 liters of adulterated phensidyl, 200 bottles of prepared phensidyl, 2100 empty bottles of phensidyl, and huge quantities of powder, chemicals and other raw materials. RAB said Kamol Haldar alias Kamol Daktar, a rural medical practitioner, and his associates used to produce the contraband item under the signboard of the pseudo-NGO for a long time. Kamol was arrested and a case filed.

Two dacoits lynched
FENI, July 10: Two suspected robbers were killed while one of their accomplices was critically injured in mass beating at Mohodia village in Sonagazi Upazila early on Sunday, reports UNB. The deceased were identified as Rubel, 18, and Sujan, 25, of Daulatpur village in sadar upazila while the injured as Faruk Hossain, 25, of Sheikhpara in Sitakunda Upazila of Chittagong district.
Police said a gang entered the house of Abul Bashar making hole into the wall at about 3.30 am and looted valuables from the house at gunpoint.
"Hey, what's that noise? Sound's like we got some really big rats in the wall."

"As the family members raised alarm, local people rushed in and chased the dacoits. They caught three of them and gave them a heavy beating, leaving Rubel and Sujan dead on the spot," says a spot account of the lynching.
And a fun time was had by all.
Police super visited the spot shortly after the incident.

Suspected criminal killed
A top terrorist was shot to death by armed assailants at Brahmandi mahalla in the district town this (Sunday) morning. The deceased, identified as Wadud, 30, was the leader of `Wadud Bahini'' and wanted in 11 cases, including five murders, reports UNB. Police said Wadud came under attack when he was passing through Brahmandi area near the Brahmondhi Girl’s High School at 10:15 am. The assailants first shot Wadud at his head and neck from point blank range, then slaughtered him to confirm his death and left the place without any resistance.
Sounds like they really didn't like him
Wadud died on the spot. Suman was taken to the Narsingdi General Hospital and then sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital in critical condition.
"He's not quite dead, Jim"
The police suspected that conflict over the sharing of illegally earned money might be reason for the incident. Meanwhile, Wadud Samarthak Goshthi called a daylong shutdown in the town for Monday protesting against the murder and punishment of the culprits.

2 culprits held, arms & wine seized in Ctg
CHITTAGONG, July 10: - Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) in separate raids conducted late last night at city’s Bizid area and Comilla detained two culprits and seized arms and wine from their possessions. The detainees were identified as Nur Alam (25), son of Mohammad Aminur Rahman and Jashim Uddin, son of Abdul Wahab.
The RAB personnel said that they had seized a cut-rifle, a Light Gun (LG), a Pipe-gun including wine from the detainees possessions.
"A bottle of wine, a shutter gun, and thou"
The detainees were handed over to the respective police stations after primary quizzing and separate cases were recorded in these connections.

Drug queen shot dead in city
An alleged drug queen was gunned down by unidentified assailants in the city''s Kafrul area on Sunday. The assassinated was identified as Nazma Akter Kakoli (35), wife of Alamgir Hossain. The brutal killing took place just in front of the victim''s residence at house-7,block-D, line-3, section-13 under Kafrul police station. Police said unidentified assailants, numbering three to four, pounced on Kakoli while she keeping her little daughter in her lap was standing in front of her residence at about 7-15 am.
That's cold blooded
In no time, the gangsters shot her from a close range. The attackers fired two bullets of which one hit her chest, leaving her critically injured. Hit by bullet, the victim with her child fell on the ground in a pool of blood. Immediately, she was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) where the attending doctors declared her dead.
"She's dead, Jim"
Soon, the attackers fled the scene with no resistance, sources said.
Police said Kakoli was a listed drug trader. She was involved in drug business like phensidyl and heroin for long. Kafrul police arrested her last year for her alleged involvement in running drug business, police said. Kafrul police when contacted on Sunday night said Kakoli, accused in several cases of illegal drug dealings, used to sell heroin in the locality along with her husband, Alamgir Hossain, and her brother, Sirajuddin Liton. Her father Nurul Islam is also a listed drug trader, police said.
Another "Family Affair" moment
Police suspected that Kakoli might have been killed by her rivals as a sequel to old enmity over drug business. Morium Begum, aunty of the victim said that earlier members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested one Manik, also a drug trader. Manik thought that Kakoli was behind his arrest.
"The bitch ratted me out!"
As a sequel to it, Manik along with his accomplices might have killed Kakoli, Marium added. A case was filed with Kafrul police station in this connection. But none was arrested so far.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 09:46 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Prisoners escape US Afghan base
Four "dangerous enemy combatants" have escaped from the main US base in Afghanistan, the US military has said. A huge manhunt was launched around the Bagram air base, north of the capital Kabul, after the men escaped at about 0500 (0030 GMT). The US says it is the first time any prisoner has escaped from Bagram. Hundreds of detainees, most of them Afghan nationals but a number of senior foreign al-Qaeda suspects, are held at the detention centre. The US military said helicopters were assisting ground forces and local Afghan officials in search efforts. "We have on operation to recover four individuals who escaped from our detention facility," said US military spokesman Lt-Col Jerry O'Hara. He would not say how the men escaped.
"I can say no more!"
The two-storey building that houses prisoners is in the centre of the Bagram facility, not far from the main runway. Coalition forces, police and Afghan troops have surrounded several villages near the base. The BBC's Andrew North in Kabul says the prisoners would have had to negotiate various checkpoints to reach the perimeter.
Yes, it's almost like they had help.
There are reports from Afghan sources that all four escaped detainees are Arabs. Additional:The four are Arabs from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Libya, said Kaber Ahmad, the government chief in Bagram, which is adjacent to the vast U.S. base by the same name, and whose security forces are helping in the search.
Tap, tap....nope
Col O'Hara refused to comment but a government official in neighbouring Bagram town said coalition forces had handed out photographs of the four men. "They all have short hair, long beards and are wearing yellow prison clothes," said Kaber Ahmad.
By now they'll have short hair, no beards, and be dressed as policemen...
The detention facility is said to house senior al-Qaeda suspects from countries such as Pakistan. Col O'Hara said there were no US casualties in the escape. The Bagram facility has proved controversial. US soldiers there have been accused of a number of abuses of prisoners - including torture and the deaths of two inmates - sparking criticism from human rights groups and a thorough investigation by the US military. The details of the investigation were leaked to the New York Times in May.
I'm not saying it happened, but an "escape" could be a cover for a lot of things. Anything from someone covering up an "accidental death" to them being turned and needing a cover story.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai said he was shocked by the report and called for the guilty to be punished. Seven US servicemen have been charged in relation to the two deaths at Bagram in 2002. Monday's escape came as the US pledged another 700 extra troops to bolster security ahead of September's parliamentary elections. The airborne battalion would arrive "very soon", said US military spokesman Col James Yonts.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 08:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This is why they should be shot on capture.
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 9:16 Comments || Top||

Back in business - Pakistan's oldest terrorist training camp reopens
An hour’s drive north-west of Mansehra, opposite a beautiful village nestled on the slopes of a ridge, a jeep track branches off from the road and snakes up a hill that is home to the oldest militant training camp in the region. "Until 2001, thousands of fighters trained here for operations in Kashmir and Afghanistan," says our guide, requesting that his name and that of his organisation be withheld. After the September 11, 2001, attacks, though, the militant activities dwindled. Last year, the camp was abandoned following an unequivocal warning from the government. "But now we can start again," he says.

According to a top manager of the training camp in Mansehra, all the major militant organisations, including Hizbul Mujahideen, al-Badr Mujahideen, Harkat ul Mujahideen and others, began regrouping in April this year by renovating training facilities that were deserted last year. Ironically, this regrouping comes amid the high-profile composite dialogue with India and when institutional arrangements for non-interference in Afghanistan have been put in place...Meanwhile, in Mansehra, the camp appears to be fully rehabilitated despite stray signs of disuse and decay accumulated over the past few years. A 15-minute drive up the jeep track from the village, a road barrier and a small shelter for those who man the checkpost have been renovated and freshly painted. Past the barrier, around the bend, the jeep track opens into two acres of levelled land that was carved out of the mountain and cleared of trees eight years ago. Shrubs that sprouted in recent years have now also been cleared. A volleyball net stands in one portion while a few four-wheel-drive pickups are parked.

"Our transport fleet is back, electricity has been restored and the communications system is in place," says the guide. The main building — a concrete and timber structure which houses a prayer hall, four residential halls, a library and office space — is also back in shape. Militants on duty carry automatic weapons and wear shalwar-kameezes printed with a camouflage design. Those who are off duty rest in the four halls, each equipped with 15 to 20 sleeping bags laid out on thin mattresses that cover the floor. An intercom system in the library connects various parts of the vast training camp. Enquiries reveal that at least 13 major camps in the Mansehra region were revived during the first week of May. These camps are located in the areas of Pano Dheri, Jallo, Sufaida, Ogi, Khewari, Jabba, Batrasi, Naradoga, Akherilla, Hisari, Boi, Tanglaee and Achherian. As the camps reopen, managers claim trained militants as well as new aspirants are flocking to enlist for jihad. One recruiting office is located in a building behind a dusty market in a small town of the Lower Dir district. A sombre atmosphere marks an otherwise crowded office, where youthful aspirants make hushed enquiries about training updates from a bearded clerk.

Repeated bans on militant activity since 2002 have caused dozens of small jihadi outfits to close shop, leaving five major groups in the field, namely Hizbul Mujahideen, Harkat ul Mujahideen, al-Badr Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad. "Following a ban on the public collection of donations and increased difficulties in obtaining mosque funds from the Middle East, we managed with whatever little official funding was still coming," explains one of the top leaders of a militant outfit. Militant operations did suffer considerably since a bulk of their financial needs would earlier be met by private donors and organisations in Pakistan and abroad. But now it seems as if the government crackdown is history. As one militant leader puts it, the organisations are now under a "regime of controlled freedom".

`Report baseless’
Federal Minister for Interior Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao dismissed the report on the training camp. "I have no information on that. The claim is totally baseless. We have no such information stating that training camps have restarted. Let one thing be clear: we will never allow militancy and terrorism to flourish on our soil," he said.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 07/11/2005 03:11 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Arghlight redux.
Posted by: raptor || 07/11/2005 6:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Damn,Archlight
Posted by: raptor || 07/11/2005 6:49 Comments || Top||

#3  Sounds like a MOAB candidate to me...
Posted by: DanNY || 07/11/2005 7:14 Comments || Top||

#4  I like the way you think, raptor. In fact, while reading the first paragraph, I also thought, "time for an arclight."
Posted by: Robert Crawford || 07/11/2005 7:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Sometimes you just don't need the precision of a JDAM, when a daisy-cutter will do - one for each of Pano Dheri, Jallo, Sufaida, Ogi, Khewari, Jabba, Batrasi, Naradoga, Akherilla, Hisari, Boi, Tanglaee and Achherian.
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 10:32 Comments || Top||

#6  Hey there's a fine philosophical debate -- which sticks in memory more for the poor bastard at the receiving end, Arclight or MOAB? (That is, if he has any functioning mental capacity left.)
Posted by: jolly roger || 07/11/2005 17:20 Comments || Top||

#7  Arclight. The MOAB is memorable only for bystanders.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/11/2005 17:49 Comments || Top||

A Reveal All Interview with a Maoist Rebel
South Asia is seen as the great red hope for the Maoists. The mixing of the caste system with Class Warfare have made a virulent little combination that seems to promise continued violence.
The Maoists have been nowhere near as succesful in Bangladesh because the Jihadis will eat them alive

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers as they are commonly known, are providing military training to the Maoist rebels of Nepal in [Indian] Bihar near the Nepalese borders. Some French trainers have also been hired, a Maoist rebel leader revealed to the South Asia Tribune. Talking to this correspondent in a recorded conversation, the Maoist rebel said the Tamil Tigers were helping in formation of human bomb squads for suicidal missions. Women and teenage boys and girls were being recruited for these squads. They also carry cyanide capsules with them. This Maoist leader had recently visited Delhi from Purniya, Bihar. He has a link here with a Naxalite intellectual-activist whom the Indian security agencies often use to harass for his sympathies with Naxalites.

The rebel leader told the South Asia Tribune: “The decision to assist the Maoist rebels of Nepal was taken at a secret meeting of the Maoist activists of eight countries held in Kolkata in India. They also discussed the present status of rebellion in India. The Maoists of Peru, Netherlands, Norway, France, Germany, Sri Lanka, Nepal and India participated in the meeting. The Tamil Tigers and rebels of the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) were present as special invitees,” he added. The rebel leader told this correspondent that this meeting, under the auspices of the Coordination Committee of Maoists Parties and Organizations of South Asia (CCOMPOSA) was held last year. “The meeting paved the way for the merger of the PWG (People’s War Group) and MCC (Maoist Communist Center), and an organization, namely the Friends of Indian Revolution (FOIR) was formed. It was decided in the meeting that the LTTE would provide full support to the Indian and Nepalese Maoists and Indian Maoists would provide shelter and training camps to the Maoist rebels of Nepal,” he said. The leader said: “The task of training the rebels was entrusted to the LTTE and French Maoists.”
I'm guessing the Frenchie Maoists are more concerned with ideological training

Tamil Tigers have formed four Human Bomb Dalams (squads) of women. Each Dalam has 20 women. Similarly, 12 Dalams of the Suicidal Squads have been formed. Each Dalam has 40 young boys and girls. Indian and Nepalese Maoists are being jointly trained in this camp. French trainers are providing training to Nepalese rebels in the hilly terrain of Uttaranchal. When asked if the Maoist forces of India and Nepal would assist the Tamil Tigers in their operations, he said: “They are much more resourceful than us. We are seeking their help in the training and other logistic supports.”

The Red Zone and a safe corridor is being made by the rebels that starts from Nepal, and covers all of the Northern hilly area of Uttaranchal, East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, South Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh up to Sri Lanka... The Maoists of India and Nepal have also begun joint operations. Recently in a hamlet Madhuban at Bihar-Nepal border, the rebels of the two countries simultaneously attacked two banks, a post office, a petrol pump and the house of a Member of Parliament Sita Ram Singh (from Laloo Prasad Yadav’s political party RJD) in broad daylight. There were some women rebels also who were in shalwar-qameez with red dupattas (scarfs), while others wore jeans and shirts. According to witnesses, some of them had Mongoloid features and they were talking in Nepalese. When asked if similar operations would also be carried out in Nepal in the near future, the leader said: “Of course. Why not? We have to make the whole region, right from Nepal to the deep South, including some parts of Sri Lanka as an Independent Red Zone where the rule of the masses would be established.”

Maoists are also strengthening their positions in the Terai region of Uttaranchal that has jeopardized the affluent peasantry of the region, which greatly consists of Sikh migrants. In this regard, the rebel leader said: “The Terai region is adjacent to Nepal, and it falls under the Independent Red Zone. I daresay that whosoever would resist, he has to pay the price.” The Nepalese Maoists and their Indian sympathizers and counterparts, Naxalites, have made the Terai region a base from where they are waging a war against Sikh farmers, because they consider them as exploiters of the tribal and the local deprived natives.
Posted by: Paul Moloney || 07/11/2005 02:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This calls out for wet work, I don't know if the Indians have it together enough to tackle this problem. It's festering badly if they can organize meetings and training camps like this.
Posted by: Sock Puppet 0’ Doom || 07/11/2005 3:20 Comments || Top||

Last Seal body recovered
The body of the SEAL was found near the other two bodies and all three had died in a shootout with insurgents, according to an initial assessment from the field, the senior official said. This senior official said that "no way" had the SEAL ever been in captivity, contrary to Taliban claims that he had been abducted.

HT to Indepundit
Posted by: Frank G || 07/11/2005 00:31 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The Taliban couldn't tell truth, even when the truth might better serve them. In this case, it certainly wouldn't. The Seals fought honorably, to the end. Thats more than can be said of those "brave" geehody taliban: consider this, at the battle to take the island of Iwo Jima, Japan soldiers defending the island were killed 4 to 1, thats 24,000 japanese killed, 6000 American Marines killed. Guess how many japanese taken prisoner? Answer: 3. Didn't work the Gitmo psychological front. The Japanese soldier was at least the real thing. He put these geehoddy cowards to shame. He wore the uniform, and when he said he would not surrender you could take him at his word
Posted by: Annie War || 07/11/2005 0:57 Comments || Top||

#2  And in addition Japanese didn't believe in afterelife. No virgins waiting for them (1). It was purely a thing of honor.

(1) How would we qualify people ready to commit mass murder because they want to fuck
Posted by: JFM || 07/11/2005 3:02 Comments || Top||

#3  JFM: evil perverts isn't nearly strong enough a description, is it?

Bless this man for the sacrifices he made to keep us all safe. And even more so for the family who shared him with us all. And bless those who refused to leave him behind.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 6:32 Comments || Top||

#4  Brave,Honorable men is nowhere near discriptive enough.
Posted by: raptor || 07/11/2005 6:53 Comments || Top||

#5  Nothing perverted about wanting to get it on with 72 gorgeous ladies. (Well, except that they are ghosts or angels or whatever, that's a little weird for my tastes.)

Evil virgin losers is closer to the mark.
Posted by: Carl in N.H. || 07/11/2005 8:11 Comments || Top||

#6  I knew they wouldn't get a live SEAL. Time to storm the area with a couple of light infantry divisions. Fuck the Paks if they can't get their shit together on their side of the border. Roll in.
Posted by: mmurray821 || 07/11/2005 8:32 Comments || Top||

#7  I told you guys that idiot who said they beheaded him was talking out his ass.

The lone SEAL survivor -- whom the military has not identified publicly -- was aided by Afghans who found him and sheltered him until he could be rescued by the U.S. military, the senior official said

Remember what I said about "Blood Chits" being effective?

The hard part is that the last team member died before extraction. But at least he is coming home. And if you want to know anything more, ask how many dead Taliban were found around him (and the others).

I cannot comment further than to say that I'm really depressed over this, and the deaths of the men in that helicopter. I'm out of here for a mandatory day off (first one since the helicopter went down). But I feel like crap in that we didnt get the ending we wanted. See you tomorrow. Maybe. I'm getting tired of seeing the war at work and at home: it wears down your soul seeing all that evil "let slide" by the press and the left in their political bullshit games, and the good men fighting it getting little to nothing from those outside the community. Prime example: we found the last man, and all the Post and MSM are doing is headlining an attempt to smear Bush by grinding Karl Rove with false charges about lying hack Democrat partisans (Wilson & Plame).

Can our nation survive with traitorous asses in the press driving it down for the political gains? Do the troops ever matter to the MSM? Did they ever matter?

God rest them, all those good troops who died doing the right thing.
Posted by: OldSpook || 07/11/2005 9:43 Comments || Top||

#8  He certainly was a brave man; God bless him and his family, and the same goes for all who have died in that battle and in that crash.
Also, I'm so glad the "beheading" propaganda was just hard boyz having vivid fantasies and blowing hot air. I'm sure they fought up to the very last moment.
Posted by: anonymous5089 || 07/11/2005 10:06 Comments || Top||

#9  For all their bullshit about fighting to the death for jihad, it's the SEAL who fights to the death while the Lions of Islam push each other out of the way trying to be the first into the deepest cave. Stack 'em up like cordwood, OS.
Posted by: Matt || 07/11/2005 11:38 Comments || Top||

#10  I believe this is what Liberalhawk is talking about as regards the "Plame Affair". It appears that Karl Rove only told Matt Cooper that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA which was common knowledge, not that she was an under-cover CIA operative. It seems the "journalists" are probably covering for other "journalists".
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 07/11/2005 12:33 Comments || Top||

#11  Dang it, not Liberalhawk, Oldspook! Dopey me.
Posted by: Deacon Blues || 07/11/2005 13:26 Comments || Top||

#12  Sleep yourself out, Old Spook, and spend time with the family that loves you. As for the mainstream media working to undermine the war effort, several things work to oppose them:

1. Worldwide, how many troops, honest newsies, and civilians of one sort or another have now been to Afghanistan and/or Iraq, and saw the true situation? How many people have they told back home, who now no longer believe what they read in the papers or see on television?

2. Since 9/11 how many people have found Rantburg, Little Green Footballs and the many other websites/blogs devoted to winkling out the truth about what's happening out there? Back when Fred kept count of #people online, I several times saw the counter near 10,000. Most of those were learning new things, not venturing out of their caves to troll. Again, these are people who no longer believe the mainstream media's pronouncements.

3. With each attack outside the battlefields, eg. New York, Madrid, London, there are fewer and fewer who accept that it is our fault, not that of the attackers. It's one thing when Israelis are being killed -- that is their role in this world -- but quite another when my life is being ruined, and my friends and family threatened simply for existing (for the I that is your typical Western apologist).

In the end, each lie and exaggeration promulgated by the MSM and intelligencia fellow travellers speeds the time when they will be totally ignored for what they reveal themselves daily to be. Scales are falling from eyes at an accelerating rate -- and piling up to clog the footsteps of the smug Fourth Estaters.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 14:25 Comments || Top||

#13  Nicely said, TW. I sure hope so!
Posted by: Bobby || 07/11/2005 15:11 Comments || Top||

#14  here here, TW ;)
Posted by: Red Dog || 07/11/2005 15:21 Comments || Top||

#15  Let me make a few corrections. First, "pervert" isn't the best word to describe a Muslim extremest It refers more to one who pursuses more socially deviant sexual practices such as sodomy or bestiality. Satyr, or libertine would be a more suitable word to describe an Islamic terrorist. Second, contrary to your liberal beliefs, "Carl in N.H.", wanting to be intimate with many women is a wicked desire. I have nothing more to say.
Posted by: Educated || 07/11/2005 15:44 Comments || Top||

#16  WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Afghan villagers sheltered a U.S. Navy SEAL wounded in a battle last month with the Taliban until they could get word to American forces to rescue him, a military official said Monday. The SEAL was part of a four-man reconnaissance team that went missing June 28 after calling for help during a firefight in the mountains near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. The other three members of the team died in the fighting, and a MH-47 helicopter crashed as it brought reinforcements, killing all 16 people on board. The military said it believes insurgents shot down the chopper.
Military officials said a rocket exploded near the surviving SEAL, knocking him off his feet and down a mountainside in steep terrain. He then managed to stay out of sight of the insurgents, officials said. The commando suffered multiple leg wounds but was able to walk about two miles (three or four kilometers) through the mountains to get away, according to a U.S. military official, who insisted on anonymity. An Afghan villager found the SEAL and hid him in his village, the official said. According to military accounts, Taliban fighters came to the village and demanded the American be turned over, but villagers refused.
The SEAL wrote a note verifying his identity and location, and a villager carried it to U.S. forces, the official said. The note indicated to U.S. troops that they wouldn't be entering into a trap. The commando was rescued July 3. The military has not revealed his identity.

I expect some of our Special Forces will drop by the village to thank them.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 15:49 Comments || Top||

#17  I'm not sure your definitions are complete, Educated. Certainly the perversion I referred to was the eagerness to commit mass murder for the purpose of sexual fulfillment. Notwithstanding, it is my understanding of human sexuality that the demands of 72 sexually active females will quickly lead to male inability, not to mention the skin being abraded off key bits. The fun is short-lived, gentlemen, which is why y'all are fondly referred to as the weaker sex. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/11/2005 19:19 Comments || Top||

Jihadis ready for action against government
Jihadi organisations have reportedly decided to launch operations against the government for its pro–US stance and for cracking down on them (jihadis). Sources told Daily Times on Sunday that intelligence reports given to the Interior Ministry said members of defunct jihadi organisations including Harkatul Mujahideen al-Alami, Harkatul Jihad-e-Islami, Harkatul Ansar, Jaish e-Muhammad (Khuddamul Islam), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan were planning to target American, British and Iranian diplomats and other foreign dignitaries in Pakistan. The reports said government officials including Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister of State for Religious Affairs Dr Amir Liaqat Hussain, National Bank of Pakistan President Syed Ai Raza, Muttahida Qaumi Movement Senator Allama Ghulam Abbas Kumaili and Irfan Ali Abdi were also targets, sources added.

Reports said jihadi organisations had selected churches countrywide to carry out suicide attacks and car bombings against, sources said. “It has been reported that five churches in Rawalpindi and Islamabad have been selected by the jihadi outfits. These churches are the St Andrew’s Church in Gowalmandi, Rawalpindi, St Paul’s Church in Rawalpindi Cantonment, UP Church in Raja Bazaar, Rawalpindi, Priest Nasir Church in Islamabad, and St Thomas Church in Islamabad,” sources added. The reports also said the jihadi outfits had formed groups of three to carry out the attacks and that they were armed with automatic weapons, sources said, adding that the jihadi outfits possessed explosives as well as people ready to carry out the attacks.

Sources said the jihadi outfits planned to carry out suicide attacks and car bombings to pressure the government into reconsidering its policies on jihad and cooperating with the US and other western countries in the war on terrorism. In light of these reports, the Interior Ministry has asked all home secretaries and provincial police officers to strengthen security around worship places and foreign dignitaries, ministers and other government officials.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sources said the jihadi outfits planned to carry out suicide attacks and car bombings to pressure the government into reconsidering its policies on jihad

Umm yeah..let me think about that one.
Posted by: Grush Shomogum2379 || 07/11/2005 1:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Ah, the "special" logic of Islam.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 7:26 Comments || Top||

#3  I wish upon a star that every muslim in the world would commit suicide in one way or the other. Those of us who are left will be in a much better world.
Posted by: Ebbomoger Shaving6065 || 07/11/2005 8:05 Comments || Top||

#4  for its pro–US stance and for cracking down on them (jihadis)
If only that were true.
Posted by: Spot || 07/11/2005 8:17 Comments || Top||

#5  A world without Islam would be, well, like a world without polio or disappearing penises.
Posted by: .com || 07/11/2005 9:26 Comments || Top||

#6  They left the Hindus and Joooooz off the list. Clerical error or is that the much touted tolerance factor?
Posted by: Tkat || 07/11/2005 9:35 Comments || Top||

No Kashmiri Link to Ayodhya Attack Found
Investigators have found no link yet between Kashmiri rebels and gunmen who attacked a disputed religious site last week, Indian Home Minister Shivraj Patil said yesterday. “We would not like to blame anybody or we would not like to spare anybody if they are involved. We have yet to come to any conclusion,” he said in Srinagar, Indian Kashmir’s summer capital, at the end of a day-long trip to the region. “We do have some information but prematurely we would not like to disclose that,” Patil added.

Five heavily armed militants were killed last week after they blasted their way into a religious complex in Ayodhya and tried to attack a makeshift temple to the Hindu deity Ram built by Hindu fanatics in 1992 after they demolished the 16th century Babri Mosque. A sixth person, whose identity is still unknown, also died in the attack. Indian media reports have pointed finger of blame at Kashmir’s hard-line Lashkar-e-Taiba group but no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. Kashmir’s dominant rebel outfit Hizbul Mujahedeen has denied any role and blamed “Hindu extremists” for the attack.

Kashmir police said they have received photographs of the Ayodhya attackers with a request by investigators to try to find out if they were Kashmiri rebels. In the past, New Delhi has blamed militant groups it alleges are backed by Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) for armed strikes not only in Kashmir but also in other parts of the country.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Six Afghan police beheaded by Taleban insurgents
KANDAHAR - Six missing Afghan police were found beheaded after they were snatched away from their convoy in a Taleban attack, which left four other police killed and three wounded, officials said on Sunday. The convoy of about 30 policemen was on a routine patrol when it came under attack Saturday in the Bahramcha area of Deshu district in Helmand province, some 690 kilometers (431 miles) south of the capital Kabul. “Four police were killed in the two-hour exchange of fire and six other missing police were later found beheaded with their heads atop their chest after a long search for them,” Mohammed Rasoul the border brigade commander of Deshu district told AFP.
They have weapons. Dammit, fight back.
Initially 16 police went missing soon after the fighting, six police were found immediately, four were killed on the spot and six police were taken by Taleban, Rasoul said. The headless bodies of the captured six were later found close to the Pakistani border, he added.
As the brave Lions™ of the Taliban ran away.
Provincial governor Mullah Shir Mohammed blamed the attack on Taleban insurgents and said they had crossed into Afghanistan from Pakistani soil, quoting local witnesses. “The Taleban attacked our border police in four vehicles, they came from Pakistan and escaped back into Pakistan and left the beheaded bodies close to the border,” said Mohammed.

On Saturday a man claiming to be speaking on behalf of the ousted Taleban regime called AFP from an unknown location and claimed responsibility for the attack.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

U.S. Releases Filmmaker Detained in Iraq
An aspiring Iranian-American filmmaker who has been detained by the U.S. military for nearly two months without being charged was released Sunday, officials said. Cyrus Kar, 44, of Los Angeles, was taken into custody May 17 near Balad when potential bomb parts were found in a taxi in which he was riding. His family had filed a lawsuit accusing the federal government of violating his civil rights and holding him after the FBI cleared him of suspicion. "Kar was detained as an imperative security threat to Iraq," the military said Sunday in a statement. "After his initial questioning, the military notified the FBI, who initiated an investigation to determine if Kar had engaged in terrorist activities." The U.S. military then convened a review board hearing on July 4 to determine whether Kar was an "enemy combatant."
"Based on the FBI investigation, the testimony of Kar and the witness he called, and other witness statements, the board determined Kar was not an enemy combatant and recommended his release, which was approved," the statement said.
Then there is this view, from the Irainan press:
Released Iranian film-maker to arrive home soon
Tehran, July 11, IRNA-Iranian Film-maker Farshid Faraji, who has recently been released from US prison in Iraq, is expected to arrive in Iran within the next 48 hours, his mother said here Monday. Iranian-born film-maker, Cyrus Kar, and his cameraman Farshid Faraji were detained on May 17 near Baghdad by US troops and were released 53 days later, the Society of Iranian Youth Cinema reported.
According to the report, Faraji informed his family over phone on July 9 that he and his colleague Kar had been released and that they were staying in a hotel in Baghdad. Faraji and Kar had traveled to Iraq to work on a documentary film titled 'In Search of Cyrus the Great' in archaeological sites in Iraq.
Going "home" to Iran, isn't that "interesting"?
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

Suicide Attacks Kill at Least 48 in Iraq
A man strapped with explosives blew himself up Sunday at an Iraqi military recruiting center in Baghdad, one of a series of suicide attacks that killed at least 48 people and ended a relative lull in violence in recent days. The deadliest bombing hit the army recruiting center at Muthana airfield in central Baghdad when a man dressed in civilian clothes detonated two explosive-laden belts among a crowd of recruits, killing 25 others and wounding nearly 50, U.S. and hospital officials said. Most of the dead were believed to have been recruits.

Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility in a Web posting, but the statement's authenticity could not be verified. In February, a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the same garrison, killing 21 people. Sunday's Baghdad bombing was the deadliest since July 2, when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a recruiting center in west Baghdad's Yarmouk neighborhood, killing 20.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under:

#1  what no washer timers
Posted by: Jan || 07/11/2005 0:30 Comments || Top||

#2  umm hello, why don't they make a thin line
Posted by: Grush Shomogum2379 || 07/11/2005 1:47 Comments || Top||

#3  Whatever happened to "take a number"? What's so difficult about this? Why keep lining up like lambs to slaughter? When they're ready for #35, hang the number out a window or use a bullhorn. Sheesh.
Posted by: KBK || 07/11/2005 10:37 Comments || Top||

Today's boomer count
—At the Walid border crossing into Syria, two suicide car bombers killed at least seven Iraqi customs officials.

—Near the northern city of Mosul, a suicide car bomber rammed into a police convoy carrying an Iraqi brigadier general, killing five policemen, the U.S. military and police said. The senior officer was not injured.

—A suicide car bomb in Kirkuk killed at least four civilians, according to police. A second car bomb was rigged to explode as rescuers rushed to the scene, but it was found and detonated by American troops, police reported.

—Two other suicide car bombers struck near Fallujah, killing an Iraqi civilian and wounding a Marine, the U.S. Marines said.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Lions of Islam bump off Mom, kids
A Shiite mother and seven of her children were found shot dead in their beds Sunday in Baghdad. One boy survived, police said. The father, who was not at home at the time, blamed the killings on sectarian hatred. "This is because we are Shiites. I have no enemies," the distraught father, Hussein al-Tarash, told reporters. "We have no political leanings." Tensions between minority Sunnis and majority Shiites have risen. Most insurgents are believed to be Sunnis, and Shiites dominate the new Iraqi government.
Posted by: Fred || 07/11/2005 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

#1  such heroes of Islam™
Posted by: Frank G || 07/11/2005 0:31 Comments || Top||

#2  "I have no enemies"
You hear the same thing from gang bangers and drug dealers all the time. Might even be one of those "honor" killings islam is noted for. I'd check on dad's backround/.
Posted by: Steve || 07/11/2005 8:36 Comments || Top||

Who's in the News

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On Sale now!

A multi-volume chronology and reference guide set detailing three years of the Mexican Drug War between 2010 and 2012.

Rantburg.com and borderlandbeat.com correspondent and author Chris Covert presents his first non-fiction work detailing the drug and gang related violence in Mexico.

Chris gives us Mexican press dispatches of drug and gang war violence over three years, presented in a multi volume set intended to chronicle the death, violence and mayhem which has dominated Mexico for six years.
Click here for more information

Meet the Mods
In no particular order...
Steve White
Bright Pebbles
trailing wife
Frank G

Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2005-07-11
  30 al-Qaeda suspects identified in London bombings
Sun 2005-07-10
  Taliban behead 6 Afghan Policemen
Sat 2005-07-09
  Central Birminham UK Evacuated: "controlled explosions"
Fri 2005-07-08
  Lodi probe expands - 6 others may have attended camps
Thu 2005-07-07
  Terror Strikes in London Underground - Death Toll Rising
Wed 2005-07-06
  Gunnies Going After Diplos in Iraq
Tue 2005-07-05
  Three Egyptians on trial for Sinai bombings
Mon 2005-07-04
  Egyptian envoy to Baghdad kidnapped
Sun 2005-07-03
  Al-Hayeri toes up
Sat 2005-07-02
  Hundreds of Afghan Troops Raid Taliban Hide-Out
Fri 2005-07-01
  16 U.S. Troops Killed in Afghan Crash
Thu 2005-06-30
  Ricin plot leader gets 10 years
Wed 2005-06-29
  The List: Saudi Arabia's 36 Most Wanted
Tue 2005-06-28
  New offensive in Anbar
Mon 2005-06-27
  'Head' of Ansar al-Sunna captured

Better than the average link...

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