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Frenchman held for planning terror attack with Belgian pair
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Page 1: WoT Operations
5 23:17 Snavimble Omeart9524 [24] 
3 16:20 Frank G [26] 
1 23:18 Snavimble Omeart9524 [26] 
1 10:50 Frank G [18] 
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Page 2: WoT Background
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1 11:47 Skidmark [17]
6 10:29 Skidmark [11]
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2 23:20 Snavimble Omeart9524 [19]
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2 08:47 Besoeker [9]
Page 3: Non-WoT
8 19:14 newc [18]
4 15:08 Pappy [22]
3 10:10 magpie [10]
10 20:26 Seeking cure for ignorance [26]
1 10:37 magpie [18]
10 12:38 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy [16]
4 12:05 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy [14]
5 14:11 746 [16]
10 20:04 3dc [19]
1 20:09 3dc [18]
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4 10:22 rjschwarz [11]
2 14:27 swksvolFF [16]
Page 4: Opinion
3 09:21 g(r)omgoru [18]
7 14:15 trailing wife [15]
2 11:49 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy [13]
11 15:04 Anguper Hupomosing9418 [24]
0 [14]
11 10:35 Abu Uluque [13]
Page 6: Politix
3 11:23 Canuckistan sniper [12]
2 10:38 gorb [11]
12 21:09 Whiskey Mike [19]
7 militants die in US drone attack in Paktia
At least seven militants were killed in a drone strike apparently carried out by the US forces based n Afghanistan.

The airstrike was carried out late on Saturday night in Paktia province in southeastern parts of the country, located along the Durand Line.

Provincial governor’s spokesman Abdullah Hasrat confirmed the report and said the airstrike was carried out in the vicinity of Zurmat district.

He said the militants were carried out in the vicinity of Mamozo area of Zurmat.

It is yet not clear to which group the militants were belonging to as both the Taliban insurgents and militants affiliated with the foreign insurgent groups, including Al-Qaeda and the Haqqani terrorist network are actively operating in various parts of the province.

Two senior leaders of the Haqqani terrorist network were killed in a similar airstrike in this Paktia province late last month.

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) said the two top Haqqani network leaders were killed in the vicinity of Orgun district earlier today.

A statement by MoI said the two leaders of the terrorist network identified as Abdul Azizi and Ghalchakai were targeted in Shikhan area of Orgun around 5:30 am local time.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Wait -- when did the Haqqani network become a foreign insurgent group?
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/10/2017 14:18 Comments || Top||

#2  Couple of weeks back, IIRC.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/10/2017 15:04 Comments || Top||

#3  Now in the Essex Senior League.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/10/2017 16:18 Comments || Top||

#4  Well, given the times, I'd guess it would depend on what you mean by the words "foreign", "insurgent" and "groups". Words have meaning, sometimes.
(/s if it wasn't obvious, love ya TW)
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 07/10/2017 21:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Only 7?
What's the cost of a missile?
Posted by: Snavimble Omeart9524 || 07/10/2017 23:17 Comments || Top||

5 ISIS troops smoked in air attack in Jawzjan
At least five key Daesh insurgents were killed in an Afghan air force operation in northern Jawzjan province, the National Directorate of Security (NDS) said in a statement.

The operation was launched in Qoshtepa district of the province and led to the deaths of Mullah Abdul Ahad, a key Daesh commander; Qari Mohibullah, a leader of that group; Damullah Sadruddin, a group commander; Qari Mawdoud, the financial chief to the district; and Faiz Mohammad, another leader of the group, read the statement.

The Daesh insurgents were killed when an Afghan Air Force plane targeted a vehicle the insurgents were traveling in, in Chaqma village of Qoshtepa.

No further details were released.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Africa Horn
Somali forces say they kill 18 insurgents in northern Puntland region
[AlAhram] Somali security forces said on Sunday they had killed 18 Islamist bully boyz during an operation in the northern region of Puntland
...a region in northeastern Somalia, centered on Garowe in the Nugaal province. Its leaders declared the territory an autonomous state in 1998. Puntland and the equally autonomous Somaliland seem to have avoided the clan rivalries and warlordism that have typified the rest of Somalia, which puts both places high on the list for Islamic subversion...
, although the snuffies denied sustaining any casualties.

"We killed 18 snuffies and burnt six of their bases in Galgala hills in an operation over four days to eliminate al-Shabaab
... the personification of Somali state failure...
," said Colonel Mohammed Ismail, a senior officer in the Puntland Security Force.

"We also took their weapons. We burned their food and medicine stores."

Puntland's security forces are trained and supported by a small number of U.S. operatives based in the semi-autonomous northern region. It was not clear whether the United States had any involvement in the operation.

Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda-linked myrmidon group that wants to impose strict Islamic law, confirmed there was a raid but denied there were any casualties.

"Puntland attacked us today but we repulsed and chased them away. No casualties at all," Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, the front man for al-Shabaab's military wing, said by phone.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Africa North
12 die in Benghazi fighting
Cairo – The Libyan National Army (LNA) announced on Saturday that it was still pursuing the remaining extremists in the northern city of Benghazi only days after it announced that it was liberated from the gunmen.

Military and medical officials announced that 12 members of the army were killed and 35 others injured in battles that had erupted in the city.

LNA commander Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar had announced the liberation of Benghazi on Wednesday after three years of battles with extremists.

An official spokesman for the special forces said that five terrorists were arrested and nine others were killed during an operation to liberate the republican hospital in the city.

The special forces succeeded in securing the facility and nearby areas, as well as al-Nouran hotel and other neighborhoods in the Sidi Akherbish area.

Haftar’s forces have meanwhile been sweeping the final extremist pockets in al-Sabri neighborhood, which is still held by the army’s opponents.

The LNA was forced to abandon the use of heavy artillery in its fighting for fear of mistakenly targeting locals due to the narrow streets in the area.

At least five of the LNA’s opponents were killed and 11 arrested, including six Libyans, four Egyptians and a Tunisian, LNA officials said.

Haftar launched his “Operation Dignity” campaign in May 2014, slowly gaining the upper hand against militants and former rebels who fought slain leader Moammar Gadhafi in the 2011 uprising.

Libyan Herald sez the butcher's bill is much higher
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

ISIS claims Israeli UAV hovers over Sinai
[Ynet] In a video uploaded by the terror group showing a recording of Friday's deadly terror attack in northern Sinai which left 23 Egyptians dead, ISIS claims Israeli UAV can be seen hovering in the skies as it provides succor to Egyptian military.

The Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(ISIS) uploaded a video clip to the internet Sunday showing a terror attack it carried out Friday in northern Sinai in which a UAV can also be seen, which the group claims belongs to Israel.

According to the organization, the Israeli drone was hovering over the area as part of the assistance it provides to the Egyptian government.

It is not the first time ISIS has accused Israel of assisting the Egyptian military in its fightback against the terror movement.

On Friday, ISIS Death Eaters unleashed a suicide boom-mobile and heavy gunfire on an Egyptian military checkpoint in northeastern Sinai Peninsula, leaving 23 security troops including a special forces colonel dead and wounding at least 33, authorities said.

In light of the attack, Hamas, a contraction of the Arabic words for "frothing at the mouth", in Gazoo announced Sunday that it was beefing up security on its southern border.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)

Frenchman held for planning terror attack with Belgian pair
[IsraelTimes] Suspected jihadis nabbed in wave of arrests after weapons cache sparks fear of ’imminent attack in La Belle France or Belgium’
When did three arrests become a wave?
A 42-year-old French national appeared in court Sunday on suspicion of plotting a terror attack with multiple weapons alongside two Belgian brothers who were charged in Brussels this week, judicial sources said.

According to a source close to the inquiry, the man -- whose name was not given but who was known to the authorities for being radicalized -- was placed in durance vile
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
near the northern city of Lille.

Gay Paree prosecutors have opened an inquiry on suspicions of terrorist conspiracy.

The suspect is believed to be connected to Akim and Khalid Saouti, two brothers who were charged in Brussels on Wednesday with belonging to a "terrorist group" and were believed to be planning an attack with a large stash of weapons including Kalashnikov rifles.

The pair, who were arrested the previous night in the Brussels suburb of Anderlecht, are brothers of convicted jihadist Said Saouti, a member of the Kamikaze Riders, a notorious bikers’ club based in Brussels.

Last year, Saouti was incarcerated
Into the paddy wagon wit' yez!
for six years for recruiting people to jihadist organizations and supporting the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(IS) group on social media.

The French suspect has been incarcerated
Into the paddy wagon wit' yez!
four times for acts of violence and theft and was put under surveillance after leaving prison in May 2015 where he was believed to have been radicalized.

He was then observed making several trips to Belgium, where he met the Saouti brothers with all of them seen handling bags at a garage in Anderlecht.

"The fear of an imminent attack in La Belle France or Belgium led to a wave of arrests," a source close to the probe said, referring to last week’s raids.

Inside the garage, they found a box containing three Kalashnikov rifles, a pump-action shotgun, three handguns, four detonators and ammunition as well as uniforms from the police, the security forces and the emergency services.

One of the bags they were seen handling was found at the French suspect’s home, containing several kilos of jewels, the source said. Jihadist propaganda and footage of suicide kabooms were also found on his computer.

Investigators from a joint Franco-Belgian operation had on Wednesday confirmed arresting a 42-year-old man just outside Lille on suspicion of links to the Kamikaze Riders who was planning a "violent attack."
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Journalist disappears in Karachi
Abdullah Zafar, a journalist associated with English daily The Nation, was allegedly taken away from his residence in Lawyers’ Society, Karachi in the early hours of Sunday.

Abdullah's father, Zafar, told Dawn that around 10 to 15 people came to his house at around 3:30am and took away his son after blindfolding him. Two of the men were in police uniforms while the remaining men, who had arrived in three vehicles, were in plain clothes, he added.

According to Zafar, the men had also detained his brother after raiding his residence in Shah Faisal Colony.

The plain-clothed men accused Abdullah of giving a "fake cheque" worth Rs50 million, which they said later "bounced". Zafar, however, claimed that his son was innocent and such allegations were "laughable", adding that his son has no association with any religious or political party.

Zafar alleged that an officer at the Sachal police station received his application but "appeared to be reluctant to register the FIR" on his complaint.

Senior Superintendent of Police, Malir, Rao Anwar, told Dawn that the police was not involved in Abdullah's alleged abduction, adding that the Inspector General of Police, A.D. Khawaja, had also asked him to look into the disappearance of the journalist.

Rao Anwar said that he has directed the Sachal police SHO to lodge the case if the family submitted an application.

Zamir Shaikh, resident editor of The Nation in Karachi, told Dawn that Abdullah has been covering the political beat in the newspaper for the last three years.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I read this as "Journalism disappears in Karachi." I thought, "Here (USA) too." My bad.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/10/2017 8:34 Comments || Top||

#2  I was hoping for Brian Stelter.
Posted by: Raj || 07/10/2017 11:53 Comments || Top||

#3  No, Raj. They said "Journalist"
Posted by: Frank G || 07/10/2017 16:20 Comments || Top||

4 Indian soldiers die in Pak Line of Control artillery attack
In response to "unprovoked Indian firing from across the Line of Control (LoC) that killed five civilians" on Saturday, Pakistan Army on Sunday destroyed two Indian army posts and killed four soldiers, its media wing said.

"Pakistan Army befittingly responded on July 9, causing substantial losses to men and material. Two Indian Army posts firing on innocent civilians have been destroyed, four Indian soldiers killed," read a statement issued by Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of Pakistan Army.

The Army also reiterated its resolve to "protect [the] civil population against unprovoked Indian aggression" at any cost.

The ISPR also released a video purporting to show the two Indian army posts being destroyed.

On Saturday, July 8, the first death anniversary of famed Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani, Indian troops had resorted to heavy shelling in different areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir from across the LoC. At least five civilians, four of them women, were reported killed and 10 others injured in the shelling incidents, the highest death toll in a single day in many months of cross-border violence.

According to officials at the State Disaster Management Authority, the latest casualties pushed the number of those killed in AJK in Indian shelling during the ongoing year to 18 and those injured to over 105.

Subsequently, the Foreign Office (FO) had summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner JP Singh to lodge a protest against the "unprovoked" ceasefire violation.

The FO's Director General (South Asia and Saarc), Dr Muhammad Faisal, lodged the protest.

"The deliberate targeting of civilians is deplorable and contrary to human dignity and international human rights and humanitarian laws," Faisal said.

He urged India to respect the 2003 ceasefire agreement, to investigate this and other incidents of ceasefire violations, to instruct Indian forces to respect the agreement, and to maintain peace on LoC.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  Too slow?
Posted by: Snavimble Omeart9524 || 07/10/2017 23:18 Comments || Top||

Frontier Corpsman dies in landmine attack in Mohmand
GHALANAI: An FC personnel was killed and another seriously injured in a landmine blast in Mohmand Agency on Sunday.

Political administration sources said that unidentified miscreants had planted landmine by roadside in Suran Dara locality of Safi tehsil in Mohmand Agency which exploded when FC men were passing by the area.

One FC man was martyred in the landmine blast while another critically injured, and rushed to Agency Headquarters Hospital for treatment. The security forces cordoned off the area after the blast and conducted search operation in the area but no arrest was made.

Separately in Balochistan province, three suspected militants affiliated with banned organisations were arrested by the Frontier Corps (FC) in raids carried out in Quetta and Zhob, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Sunday.

Two suspected terrorists were arrested in the Killi Ismail area of Quetta while the third was rounded up in Gawal Ismal Zai in Zhob. One sub-machine gun, four rifles, pistols and other explosive material were seized from the their possession. Further investigation into the case was under way, the statement added. The raids come two days after a Balochistan Constabulary official was martyred in Quetta in the same area. Police said official Khuda Buksh was on the way to a mosque near his house when unidentified men opened fire on him.

On Thursday, two men including the son of a well-known Pashto poet Professor Dr Syal Khan Kakar were martyred in the provincial capital.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Truly a Corpseman, Obama?
Posted by: Frank G || 07/10/2017 10:50 Comments || Top||

ISIS Big Turban wounded in Salahuddin airstrike
Salahuddin (IraqiNews.com) A Syrian national designated by the Islamic State as a governor of combined Iraqi areas was seriously wounded Sunday in an airstrike in Salahuddin.

A local source told Alsumaria News on Sunday that the commander, whose identity was was not revealed, was seriously injured, while two of his assistants were killed, in an airstrike that targeted their rest house in Zuweya, northeast of Salahuddin.

The commander was holding a secret meeting at the facility, the source told the network, citing available security information.

The Islamic State appointed the Syrian in mid February as its new commander in the stronghold town of Hawija, southwest of Kirkuk, but also charged him with the group’s commands in Salahuddin and Diyala provinces which had been relocated to Hawija.

Islamic State has lost hundreds of its senior local and foreign commanders since Iraqi government troops, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and paramilitary forces, launched an offensive in October against IS pockets, especially at the city of Mosul where the group is reportedly hours away from losing its previously-proclaimed capital.

The Iraqi government is expected to charge at other Is havens across Iraq, including Salahuddin, once it finishes its campaign in Mosul.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Baghdad Bomb and Bullet Bulletin

1 dead in small arms attack in al-Radwaniyah

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) A civilian was killed in an armed attack near his house in southern Baghdad, a police source said.

“Gunmen opened fire against a civilian near his house in al-Radwaniyah, southern Baghdad, leaving him killed,” the source, who preferred anonymity, told AlSumaria News on Sunday.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Mosul Offensive News

Iraqi forces tighten noose in Mosul

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) Iraqi government forces advanced Sunday in the last few meters held by Islamic State militants in western Mosul as Iraqis prepare to celebrate the group’s three-year-old occupation of the city.

Shafaaq News website quoted security sources saying the troops took over 50 percent of Qleyat and Shahwan regions, the last remaining areas under IS control near the western bank of the Tigris River which bisects Mosul. The remarks were supported by a map published by the Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell, marking the two areas.

The WMC said earlier that 30 IS members were killed while fleeing western Mosul to its liberated eastern side via the Tigris River.

On Saturday, troops killed 35 militants and arrested six others on the same route.

Commanders from the Iraqi and U.S.-led coalition commanders said less than 250 meters remained under Islamic State’s control in western Mosul. Military media reported earlier on Saturday that police and army troops converged at Tigris’s western bank.

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command’s spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Yahia Rasoul, was quoted Saturday saying forces took control over the Old City, the birthplace of Islamic State’s self-styled “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria which was declared in 2014.

Iraqi media reports said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was expected to make an official statement sooner declaring the end of Mosul operations and victory over IS.

Iraqi government forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition, have been fighting IS out of Mosul since mid October. Late June, troops took over the Old City’s Nuri al-Kabir Mosque where IS first declared the establishment of its rule in 2014 in a sermon delivered by the supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

ISIS move HQ to Tal Afar

Tal Afar (IraqiNews.com) Islamic State has considered Tal Afar town, located west of Mosul, as an alternative headquarters for its main departments, after admitting its defeat in Mosul.

AlSumaria News quoted a source as saying that “IS issued a brief statement in Tal Afar announcing that all the IS departments are working through alternative headquarters at Tal Afar, which indicates the group’s defeat.”

“IS admitted its loss at its last stronghold in Mosul’s Old City after a battle between its militants against security troops,” the anonymous source added.

“The shock caused by losing the Old City was hard as the militants used to call it as Baghdadi’s [the group’s supreme leader] strongest lair in Mosul for the many Arab and foreign militants and suicide attackers there,” the source added.

In late June, a top leader in the town declared during a a sermon of Friday prayer that the town has become a temporary headquarter for the Caliphate.

On Friday, the group reportedly canceled the Friday prayers at all mosques in the town after a curfew was imposed in the wake of heavy shelling against procession of a prominent Arab leader there.

A source was quoted last week as saying that non-Iraqi IS militants executed the last local leader in Tal Afar and the town is currently run by Arab and foreign members after eliminating all the Iraqi leaders.

Tal Afar is one of the important strongholds still held by IS in Nineveh since August 2014.

ISIS continues to hold most of Imam Gharbi

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) Islamic State still controls 60% of the Mosul (IraqiNews.com) Islamic State still controls 60% of the Imam Gharbi village in al-Qayara neighborhood located in southern Mosul, which was liberated several months ago, a security source told Shafaaq News.

“Joint military units have managed to liberate 40% only of the Imam Gharbi village after six days from the IS seizure of the village,” the source said.

Last week, twenty-five tribal forces personnel were killed and injured in an attack launched by the IS in the Imam Gharbi village.

The Tribal Mobilization Forces confronted the fighters, which left two personnel killed and 25 others wounded.

Iraqi troops liberated Qayara in August.

Earlier on Sunday, the office of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the prime minister headed to Mosul to declare the elimination of Islamic State extremists from the city, ending a three-year-old occupation under the extremist group. Government forces said they took over the Old City district from which IS supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the establishment of its rule over Iraq and Syria in 2014. village in al-Qayara neighborhood located in southern Mosul, which was liberated several months ago, a security source told Shafaaq News.

“Joint military units have managed to liberate 40% only of the Imam Gharbi village after six days from the IS seizure of the village,” the source said.

Last week, twenty-five tribal forces personnel were killed and injured in an attack launched by the IS in the Imam Gharbi village.

The Tribal Mobilization Forces confronted the fighters, which left two personnel killed and 25 others wounded.

Iraqi troops liberated Qayara in August.

Earlier on Sunday, the office of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the prime minister headed to Mosul to declare the elimination of Islamic State extremists from the city, ending a three-year-old occupation under the extremist group. Government forces said they took over the Old City district from which IS supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the establishment of its rule over Iraq and Syria in 2014.

3 ISIS suicide bombers die in Mosul

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) Three suicide bombers were killed as they sneaked from the western flank of Mosul city toward the eastern side, the military intelligence department announced.

In a statement on Sunday, the statement said the 16th division killed three suicide attackers, including a leader and his assistant, who were wearing suicide belts and possessing explosives after they sneaked from western Mosul heading toward the eastern side of the city to target civilians and security personnel.

Ealier, a statement by the War Media Cell said that 30 IS members were killed while fleeing western Mosul to its liberated eastern side via the Tigris River.

On the same day, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi arrived in Mosul and congratulated Iraqi forces and citizens on the victory over IS militants who had held the second largest Iraqi city since 2014.

The victory in Mosul comes after eight months of fighting by Iraqi government forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition, against IS militants.

On Saturday, Iraqi Joint Operations Command’s spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Yahia Rasoul, was quoted as saying forces took control over the Old City.

Iraqi troops took over the Old City’s Nuri al-Kabir Mosque, where IS supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi first declared the proclaimed caliphate covering parts of Iraq and Syria in 2014, in late June.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Hezbollah spoiling for a fighting near Arsal
Bekaa (eastern Lebanon) – “Hezbollah” will likely wage a new battle along the Lebanese-Syrian border in order to assert its control over the Syrian town of Fleita that lies near Lebanon’s northeastern region of Arsal.

Lebanese sources stressed that the upcoming battle will strictly take place within Syria and not on the Lebanese side of the border.

“There are no indications in Lebanon that preparations for any battle are being made,” they told Asharq Al-Awat.

“There are no gatherings for ‘Hezbollah’ members and the Lebanese army is deployed in the area as is required for it on the border,” they added.

“No extraordinary reinforcements have been witnessed,” they explained.

Circles close to the militant party have however spoken of the arrival of the elite so-called “Radwan forces” to Fleita, which lies five kilometers away from the Lebanese border.

Members of the Nusra Front are deployed on the hills in the area.

“’Hezbollah’ is seeking to carry out limited operations on the Syrian side of the border against al-Nusra Front in order to stop the group from launching attacks against it,” said the Lebanese sources.

They made their statements in reference to repeated attacks al-Nusra Front has staged against ‘Hezbollah’ locations in Fleita.

On Saturday, Syrian regime jets carried out airstrikes against al-Nusra Front’s positions in the area. It had made similar raids two days earlier in wake of an attack the group had carried out against a “Hezbollah” position in the area.

“Hezbollah” circles told Lebanon’s Markazia news agency that a battle in the region was imminent “because what is taking place on the outskirts is no longer bearable.”

“A fast decisive battle is linked to how prepared and fortified the armed groups are,” they said.

In addition, they said that “Hezbollah’s” militants will attack from Syria, not Lebanon. They will be backed by Syrian regime forces in order to surround the ISIS and al-Nusra Front members that are present in uninhabited areas.

The Lebanese army will meanwhile surround them from Lebanon, they added.

“We are coordinating our actions with the Lebanese army in order to limit human casualties as much as possible,” they stressed.

“There can be no turning back from this battle and it will not end until all gunmen have left the outskirts,” they added.

“Hezbollah” had also blamed al-Nusra Front for the recent failure to “voluntarily” return five Syrian families to their hometowns of Aasal al-Ward. The families were residing in Lebanon’s Arsal.

The militant group blamed al-Nusra for the failure, saying that it was using this file as a means to pressure it.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

40 ISIS troops die in fighting in Homs
Homs (Syria News) The Syrian government forces killed more than 40 members of the Islamic State, this morning, in clashes, east of Homs.

Qasioun News reported that more than 40 members of the Islamic State were killed in violent clashes that broke out with the Syrian regime forces, near Maksr al-Husan Village, east of Homs, in an attempt made by the Islamic State to advance into the area, amid mutual rockets and artillery shelling.

Meanwhile, Russian warplanes carried out air strikes on the Islamic State’s headquarters, destroying several vehicles and military mechanisms belonging to the terrorist group, but no casualties were reported.

Noteworthy, Syrian regime forces, backed by foreign militia, are seeking to reach al-Sokhna area, northeast of Palmyra, in preparation to move toward the city of Deir Ezzor.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Syrian rebels continue push into Raqqa
Raqqa (Syria News) The Syrian Democratic Forces imposed their control over new military locations belonging to the Islamic State group in the old city in the city of Raqqa.

Qasion News reported, on Sunday, that the Syrian Democratic Forces advanced into the old city area in the city of Raqqa, and imposed their control over new locations and headquarters belonging to the Islamic State group, after fierce clashes between the two sides, amid mutual rockets and artillery shelling.

Meanwhile, US-led coalition aircraft carried out several air strikes on al-Dareya neighborhood, west of the city, without causing any casualties.

It is noteworthy that the Syrian Democratic Forces, backed by the international coalition, managed to retake several villages in the southern countryside of Raqqa, and isolated the IS-held areas from the countryside of the city.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Syrian al-Qaeda group captures ISIS Big Turban in Idlib
Idlib (Syria News) Media sources close to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham informed, on Sunday, capturing the Islamic State security official in the province of Idlib.

Qasioun News reported that Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham carried out an extensive security operation in Idlib, in order to capture the Islamic State cells and members in the city, arresting dozens of the group’s members, including the security official Abu Soliman al-Russi, after attacking their headquarters and meeting points in the city.

The security members also seized large quantities of cash, weapons and explosives in the group’s headquarters that were attacked in the cities of Idlib and Sarmin, the sources added.

Furthermore, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham also called the citizens to cooperate with the security office and stay at their houses till the end of the operation.

It is noteworthy, Idlib City and its countryside is witnessing several attack and bombings, especially in the headquarters of the rebels and popular markets in the city.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Syrian Warplanes Pound Arsal's Outskirts
[AnNahar] At least ten Syrian Arclight airstrikes targeted the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal on Sunday, media reports said.

The Syrian fighter jets bombed the al-Kassarat area, the reports said.

Similar raids had targeted the area in recent days.

The development comes amid reports that Hizbullah
...Party of God, a Leb militia inspired, founded, funded and directed by Iran. Hizbullah refers to itself as The Resistance and purports to defend Leb against Israel, with whom it has started and lost one disastrous war to date, though it did claim victory...
is preparing to launch a military campaign aimed at ousting the jihadist groups Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
and Fateh al-Sham
...formerly al-Nusra, the current false nose and mustache of al-Qaeda in the Levant...
Front from the area.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Terror Networks
The Beatings Will Continue: Iraqi Edition

Kurd government fingered for expelling Yezidi families

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com): Human Rights Watch (HRW) has accused the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of expelling Yezidi families from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region to Sinjar as their relatives joined al-Hashd al-Shaabi.

The KRG had expelled at least four Yezidi families and threatened others since June because their relatives’ joined al-Hashd al-Shaabi, HRW said on Sunday.

HRW stressed that the expulsion of Yezidi families from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region because a relative joined al-Hashd al-Shaabi ‘amounts to collective punishment in violation of international law’.

Lama Fakih, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, said, “Kurdistan Regional Government authorities should stop expelling Yezidi families because of their relatives’ actions, a form of collective punishment,”

“These displaced families have the right not to be forcibly returned to their still-damaged home villages,” she added.

The HRW said that it spoke to three Yezidi commanders who said that Yezidi forces had been merged into al-Hashd al-Shaabi under the name Yezidi Brigades Kata’ib Ezidkhan, and control four areas in Sinjar.

In 2016, HRW had documented cases in which the KRG’s security forces, Asayish, force families to leave the camps and areas in and around Dohuk and threatened to expel others from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region after knowing that their children had joined forces affiliated with the armed wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Sinjar.

ISIS lets up on the beatings

Tal Afar (IraqiNews.com) Islamic State has raised the ban on tackling the issue of the survival of the group’s supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , in west of Mosul.

“IS militants has lifted the ban on Baghdadi’s murder in Tal Afar town, located west Mosul, which indicates an indirect intention to confirm the news on his death in an airstrike few weeks ago in Syria,” a local source from Nineveh province, told AlSumaria News.

“The group canceled the punishment of 50 lashes over publicly tackles Baghdadi’s survival, a decision that was taken few days ago,” the source added indicating silence on Baghdadi’s death. “However, the recent decisions show that the leaders in Tal Afar received important information that made them cancel the ban.”

Earlier this month after the group ordered the 50 lashes punishment, the militans burnt a top leader to death in Tal Afar over charges of “stirring sedition” through suggesting Baghdadi’s possible demise during a Friday prayer sermon.

On Friday, the group reportedly distributed brief statement in Tal Afar, vowing to post a new audio recording for its leader to show he is still alive.

News reports circulated over the past few weeks have claimed that Baghdadi was killed in an airstrike in Syria.

ISIS kidnaps civilians in Mosul

Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) The Islamic State (IS) has detained a number of civilians in the Old City of Mosul, while stressed that security forces are close to liberate the whole city, Mawazin News reported, citing statement by Khalaf al-Hadidi, a provincial council member in Nineveh.

“The security forces are continuing to move towards the liberation of the whole Mosul, especially the Old City in western Mosul,” al-Hadidi said.

“Russian and Afghan members belong to the IS are detaining a number of hostages to tackle the advance of the security forces towards its targets,” he added.

On another note, Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, arrived to the Nineveh Operations Headquarters to meet security leaders.

Abadi congratulated Iraqi forces and citizens for victory over Islamic State militants who had occupied Iraq’s second largest city for three years.

The Prime Minister’s media office said he congratulated “the heroic fighters and the Iraqi people for the great victory”. State TV aired scenes of the Prime Minister’s arrival at Nineveh Operations Command’s office in the city in preparation for a press conference.

The long-awaited victory in Mosul ends an eight-month campaign, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and paramilitary forces, which has displaced more than 900.000 civilians. It also means an effective collapse of the Islamic State’s self-styled “caliphate” declared from Mosul’s Old City by the group’s supreme leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Posted by: badanov || 07/10/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2017-07-10
  Frenchman held for planning terror attack with Belgian pair
Sun 2017-07-09
  Iraqi forces take Mosul
Sat 2017-07-08
  Turkey detains 29 IS group militants in raids in Istanbul
Fri 2017-07-07
  40 ISIS troops die in battle with Iraqi forces in Salahuddin
Thu 2017-07-06
  Haftar's forces declare victory in battle for Benghazi
Wed 2017-07-05
  Baghdadi’s “mail man” killed in security ambush in Diyala
Tue 2017-07-04
  US-backed SDF breaches Raqqa's Old City wall
Mon 2017-07-03
  British soldier drowns ISIS thug in puddle after being ambushed
Sun 2017-07-02
  Palestinian Forces Hand Over Most Wanted Fugitive in Ain Hilweh
Sat 2017-07-01
  ISIS abandons Aleppo
Fri 2017-06-30
  Raqqa fully encircled
Thu 2017-06-29
   ISIS Number 4 and human shield deaths west of Mosul
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  Ottoman Turkish artillery opens fire on Kurdish forces across entire frontier in northern Aleppo
Tue 2017-06-27
  IS suicide bomber’s belt explodes, kills 12 well-wishing comrades in Diyala
Mon 2017-06-26
  High Court reinstates Trump travel ban, will hear arguments

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