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Photolog: We will not forget, we will not forgive: Moscow and St. Petersburg mourn for the murdered children of Donbass
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2 03:37 Dron66046 [17] 
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8 22:16 Sgt.D.T. [14]
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4 18:39 SteveS [20]
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5 15:54 Procopius2k [21]
16 18:51 Skidmark [16]
25 23:20 DooDahMan [15]
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5 17:38 irish rage boy [11]
1 14:34 Rex Mundi [15]
2 18:55 Skidmark [14]
1 16:47 trailing wife [17]
4 10:15 Skidmark [6]
6 09:15 M. Murcek [21]
5 10:29 M. Murcek [24]
3 09:14 Skidmark [11]
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9 22:19 Muggsy Uneter9727 [14]
8 21:44 Sock Puppet of Doom [15]
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1 07:08 M. Murcek [25]
2 10:42 M. Murcek [16]
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8 21:40 Sock Puppet of Doom [26]
12 13:26 Regular joe [7]
6 20:55 Frank G [15]
5 18:57 SteveS [18]
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1 17:43 M. Murcek [9]
4 19:33 Frank G [29]
2 13:44 SteveS [9]
12 15:45 Besoeker [13]
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4 16:54 Lionel Chinesing1866 [14]
3 19:29 Spealet Elmeagum1872 [22]
1 13:54 Aca Joe [13]
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2 13:02 CrazyFool [7]
2 15:40 Dron66046 [15]
7 14:51 NoMoreBS [14]
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3 16:21 trailing wife [17]
7 10:37 Frank G [9]
5 12:59 CrazyFool [19]
15 12:27 Chris [23]
0 [15]
18 11:27 Deacon Blues [23]
1 01:39 Black Charlie Slairt1430 [13]
Africa Subsaharan
Suspected rebels kill 13 in DR Congo hospital terror attack
[AlAhram] Allied Democratic Forces
...the ADF is one of several murderous Moslem groups in NE Congo. In 2019 the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on them for the usual reasons. They don't appear to be affiliated with al-Qaeda or Islamic State, though ISIS claims their work from time to time — they just like killing infidels....
(ADF) rebels have killed 13 people and torched a clinic in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
...formerly the Congo Free State, Belgian Congo, Zaire, and who knows what else, not to be confused with the Brazzaville Congo aka Republic of Congo, which is much smaller and much more (for Africa) stable. DRC gave the world Patrice Lumumba and Joseph Mobutu, followed by years of tedious civil war. Its principle industry seems to be the production of corpses. With a population of about 74 million it has lots of raw material...
, local officials said Friday.

Kasereka Ise Mighambo, the mayor of Lume in North Kivu province, said ADF fighters entered the town Thursday night and burned down a health clinic, killing four patients inside.

He added that the bandidos Lions of Islam killed nine more civilians before retreating into Virunga National Park, a world-renowned wildlife haven in Congo's conflict-torn east.

Local nurse Kule Bwengue also said health authorities had registered 13 deaths in the attack.

A Congolese army front man, Captain Antony Mualushayi, reported the loss of nine lives, including those of three children.

He added that an gang "that supports ADF terrorists" conducted the raid.

AFP was unable to independently confirm the details of the attack.

Claimed by the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group as its Central African offshoot, the ADF has been accused of massacring Congolese civilians and carrying out terrorist attacks in neighbouring Uganda.

The DRC and Uganda launched a joint offensive against the ADF in November 2021 to crush the rebels, but violence against civilians continues.

More than 120 gangs roam eastern DRC.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: Allied Democratic Forces

ISIS wounded an Iraqi soldier in the Tarmiyah
[Shafaq News] On Thursday, an Iraqi soldier was injured by an ISIS sniper in the Tarmiyah district.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that the terrorist targeted an army checkpoint in the al-Mashahda district of Tarmiyah district, which resulted in the injury of a soldier.

The Iraqi forces launched an operation on the scene. The source added.

In 2017, Iraq declared final victory over ISIS after Iraqi forces drove its last remnants from the country; the murderous Moslem group captured about a third of Iraq's territory.

The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the murderous Moslems. About 3.2 million people remain displaced.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Olde Tyme Religion
Muslims Attack Christians for ‘Sin’ of Opening a Church in Egypt
[PJMedia] On the evening of June 23, 2022, Moslem mobs attacked the homes and property of Coptic Christians in al-Hilla, a village in Luxor governate, Upper Egypt.

The occasion of this latest Moslem mob attack on Egypt’s indigenous Christian minority was the legalization of the Church of Michael the Archangel. Although the church was originally built in 2003, it only received formal recognition last week — a wait of 17 years. As soon as the decree (signed by the prime minister) was issued to legalize and open the church — and in anticipation of the expected fanatical Moslem ire — the responsible committee dispatched a security force to set up barriers around the church and protect it.

Upon learning that the church that had been built nearly two decades earlier was finally going to start functioning as a church, Moslems throughout the village "rejected the matter," says one report, "and the process of charging and inflaming the people’s feelings began." Moslems cried out that the building or renovation of a church contradicts shari’a, or Islamic law (as well as the principles captured by the Conditions of Omar, a document purportedly drawn up by Caliph Omar I, which, among several other severe stipulations placed on Christians, holds that new churches can never be built, and preexisting but dilapidated churches can never be repaired).

Before long, the angry mobs, which were augmented by Moslems from neighboring villages, had grown very large and, "amidst hostile chants" — which no doubt included Islam’s jihadist war-cry, "Allahu Akbar!" — began hurling stones through the windows of Coptic homes. According to the report, "the security force charged with protecting the church tried to rebuff them, but the number of assailants was too large."

Before peace could be restored, many Christian homes had been damaged. Several vehicles and cycle of violences parked in front of Coptic homes were also "smashed" or set aflame, including the village priest’s vehicle.

On the following day, Luxor police forces reinforced their presence in the village in anticipation of more Moslem anger following Friday mosque prayers, when imams habitually whip the faithful into a frenzy concerning the alleged sins of the "infidels" who need to be punished. Armed security and national forces, including several armored vehicles, were also deployed all throughout the region, especially around the Church of Michael the Archangel, Christian homes, and surrounding mosques.

...back at the abandoned silver mine, a triangular dorsal fin appeared in the water. Then another...
as the report notes, the traumatized Copts maintain that their "only sin" was to have "obtained an official decision to legalize the church."

It is worth noting that the above scenario has played out countless times in Egypt: whenever a church is built, legalized, or repaired — or is merely rumored to be built, legalized, or repaired — local Moslems riot and attack the Copts. Authorities frequently respond by appeasing the rioters and rescinding the church’s legal status, effectively shutting it down.

Time will tell if the law will, once again, collapse before Moslem mob rule, or if justice will prevail for the Church of Michael the Archangel in Egypt.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Devout Moslems

#1  Primitives
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/09/2022 9:02 Comments || Top||

#2  DECOLONIZE EGYPT!! Arabs back to Arabia!
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 07/09/2022 9:54 Comments || Top||

#3  ^ Right.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/09/2022 9:55 Comments || Top||

#4  Coexist - right.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/09/2022 10:34 Comments || Top||

Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/09/2022 10:39 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Troops kill 2 linked to PULO militant group in Thai Deep South
[BenarNews] A counter-insurgency operation in Thailand’s Deep South led to the rare killing on Friday of two PULO
...formally the Patani United Liberation Organization, one of the original members of the Thai insurgency. They went dormant in 2016 before reappearing recently...
rebels and arrests of eight others linked to the mostly dormant krazed killer group that has recently expressed interest in joining peace talks.
There were only about 100 of them before — this is a significant loss.
The operation in Yala province brought to five the number of suspected turbans killed by the military since Tuesday, officials said, making it the deadliest week of violence in the border region since the government and BRN rebels observed a 40-day ceasefire starting in early April, during Ramadan.

"At about 6 a.m., when officials reached the houses, a shootout broke out, killing two suspects ... another eight surrendered. We believe they were hiding to launch attacks somewhere there," said police Col. Ratpolchai Pensongkram, chief of the Kota Bharu cop shoppe in Yala province.

He and other officials said the eight who surrendered admitted that they and the two slain suspects were members of "PULO G5" or the fifth iteration of the Patani United Liberation Organization rebel group, which was most powerful in the 1990s.

Troops recovered an AK-47 rifle, an M-1 carbine and a 9mm handgun along with two bodies in a field in Mai Khan village, officials said, adding that leaflets inscribed with PULO G5 were found in a nearby house.

The deaths follow a Tuesday operation where different security forces killed a suspected Barisan Revolusion Nasional (BRN) member and captured another during a clash in Pattani. On Wednesday, security forces killed two suspected BRN cell members in Narathiwat province.

The regional army commander confirmed that those killed and captured on Friday were PULO members.

"Today eight men surrendered, admitting they are PULO. They also collaborated with a drug ring to create violence but there must be further investigation," said Lt. Gen. Kriangkrai Srirak, the commander of the 4th Army Region which oversees the Deep South.

Kasturi Mahkota, the head of PULO-MKP (Majlis Kepimpinan Pertubuhan or Party Leadership Council) questioned the army commander’s statement.

"I haven’t heard a report from the ground about the incident yet. But the accusation of PULO’s drugs involvement is not true," Kasturi told BenarNews.

On April 15 as Kasturi, who leads one of three PULO factions, expressed interest in joining BRN in peace talks with the government, PULO members took credit for twin bombings that shattered the negotiators’ 40-day ceasefire tied to the Moslem holy month.

Those explosions in Pattani province killed a villager and injured three police bomb squad members.

On Friday, Kriangkrai, the regional army commander, dismissed concerns about the deadly week.

"I acknowledge the summary killings are a concern ... but people forget about the attack on the marine cop shoppe in Tak Bai which took place after Ramadan ended. Security forces have to enforce the law though we try to practice restraint," he said.

Authorities said three officers were maimed when 10 button men armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a cop shoppe near the border with Malaysia.

Still, regional officials said the military seeks peace in the Deep South.

"We continue with the sentiment of Ramadan peace initiative which remains intact and we will have a peace talk this month but I cannot remember the dates," Kriangkrai said.

The Deep South encompasses Pattani, Narathiwat, Yala provinces and four districts of Songkhla province in Thailand’s majority-Moslem Malay southern border region. Since the insurgency reignited in January 2004, more than 7,000 people have been killed and 13,500 others injured in violence across the region, according to Deep South Watch, a local think-tank.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

Poland confirms scientist being detained in Iran
[BBC] A Polish scientist is being held in Iran, Poland has confirmed, after Iranian state TV reported that several Europeans had been caught spying.

Poland's foreign ministry said the man was detained in September. A Polish university named him as Maciej Walczak.

Iranian news agencies said Mr Walczak was arrested for taking soil samples in a restricted area, along with British deputy ambassador Giles Whitaker and the husband of an Austrian diplomat.

The UK and Austria denied the reports.

Iranian authorities have detained a number of European nationals on spying charges in the past year, amid escalating tensions with the West over stalled efforts to revive a 2015 nuclear deal.

Iranian state TV reported on Wednesday that the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Intelligence Organisation had identified several foreign nationals carrying out "espionage in forbidden zones".

It said Mr Walczak - head of the environmental microbiology and biotechnology department of Poland's Nicolaus Copernicus University - and three Polish colleagues had travelled to a prohibited military zone near the south-eastern city of Shahdad, in the Lut Desert, while an IRGC air defence missile exercise took place nearby.

"The pictures published by IRGC intelligence show that [Walczak] took samples of soil, salt, rocks, clay and water," it alleged.

The Polish foreign ministry issued a statement on Thursday confirming that a "highly reputed scientist" was taken into custody in Iran
...Formerly a fairly civilized nation ruled by a Shah, it became a victim of Islamic revolution in 1979...
in September, but it provided no further details about his case.

"Consular and diplomatic steps have been taken to make it possible for him to return to Poland as soon as possible," it added.

A Copernicus University spokesperson confirmed to BBC Persian that Mr Walczak had been arrested along with two other Polish citizens in September. The other two had been released and had returned to Poland, they said.

A spokesperson for the UK Foreign Office spokesperson told the BBC that the "reports of the arrest of a British diplomat in Iran are completely false".

"These reports that our deputy ambassador is currently detained are very interesting," tweeted Simon Shercliff, the British ambassador to Iran. "He actually left Iran last December, at the end of his posting."

The Iranian state TV report said the Austrian cultural attaché's husband was filmed collecting soil samples in the north-eastern Damghan area. It added that he had previously been caught taking photos in a military area of Tehran.

The Austrian foreign ministry said: "All of our staff and their relatives in Tehran are fine. No-one has been detained or arrested."
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  A curious case indeed.
Posted by: Grung Gurly-Brown3261 || 07/09/2022 0:23 Comments || Top||

"We must study Iranian soil if we are to cure mass hysteria. I just know it! It's right here somewhere!"

Posted by: Dron66046 || 07/09/2022 3:37 Comments || Top||

Israeli drone kills Hezbollah collaborator in Syria's Hadar
[AnNahar] An Israeli drone has killed a man who hails from the Syrian town of Hadar in Quneitra's northern countryside, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

"The targeted person worked for Hezbollah in the field of surveillance and monitoring in the town of Hadar, which borders Syria's occupied Golan," the Observatory said.

"He was targeted by the drone as he was present near his home in the west of the town of Hadar," it added, noting that the strike took place on Wednesday evening.

Israeli drones had previously dropped leaflets across Quneitra that warned regime troops and residents against cooperating with Hezbollah, the Observatory said.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2022-07-09
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Thu 2022-07-07
  Mass Shooting By Two Illegal Immigrants In Richmond Foiled by Tipster
Wed 2022-07-06
  Antifa 4th of July attacks in Portland, FBI finally called in
Tue 2022-07-05
  Day 2: At least 6 dead, dozens hurt in Highland Park July Fourth parade shooting
Mon 2022-07-04
  Happy 4th of July everyone!
Sun 2022-07-03
  Grenade Explosion at an Islamic Seminary in East Afghanistan Wounds Eight People
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  Day 2: Pro-Abortion Democrats Riot in Democrat-Run Cities LOL
Sat 2022-06-25
  Iran replaces Revolutionary Guards' intelligence chief amid recent deaths of officers

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