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1 08:08 Procopius2k [17]
3 22:50 phil_b [24]
5 16:57 Iblis [31]
Rival Taliban factions fighting in Badghis
Infighting has been reported among the militants of Mullah Hebatullah Akhundzada and his rival Mullah Rasool fighters in northwestern Badghis province of Afghanistan.

According to the local government officials, the incident took place on Friday afternoon in the vicinity of Jawand district.

Provincial governor’s spokesman Zahir Bahand confirmed the incident and said at least seven militants were killed from the both sides and six others were wounded,
...pray for sepsis...
citing preliminary information received by the government.

He said four of the insurgents belong to Mullah Hebatullah group while three others belong to Mullah Rasool group.

In the meantime, Bahand said three of the wounded militants belong to Mullah Hebatullah group and three others to Mullah Rasool.

The anti-government armed militant groups have not commented regarding the report so far.

This is not the first time an infighting has taken place among the two groups of the Taliban but scores of people have been killed or wounded in similar clashes, specifically after the confirmation of the death of their founder Mullah Mohammad Omar.

In a similar clash, involving suicide attacks, dozens of fighters from the two sides were killed and several others were wounded in southern Helmand province last month.
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Noteworthy Nangarhar Naughtiness
ISIS and Taliban militants die in airstrikes in Nangarhar

The Taliban insurgents and militants affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group suffered heavy casualties in the drone strikes conducted in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.
Oooohhhh, drone strikes -- how utterly delightful!
The provincial police commandment in a statement said a total of thirty two militants were killed or wounded in the airstrikes.

The statement further added that the first airstrike was carried out in the vicinity of Awghiz area of Haska Mina district, leaving at least fourteen militants dead and eleven more wounded, all belonging to the ISIS terrorist.

The second airstrike was carried out on Friday in the vicinity of Golai area of Ghani Khel district, leaving three militants dead, the police commandment said, adding that the dead militants belong to Afridi group and the militants killed in the airstrike have been identified as Abdullah, Zakir, and Kochi Afridi.

According to the police commandment, the Taliban insurgents also launched coordinated attacks on various check posts in Hesarak district and at least two militants were killed and two others were wounded after the Afghan forces responded to their attack.

The local officials are saying that the local residents and security forces have not suffered any casualties in the operations.

5 die in bombing attack in Nangarhar

At least five people including a tribal elder were killed or wounded in an explosion in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.

The incident took place earlier today in the vicinity of Pekha district, leaving a local tribal elder dead and four others wounded.

Provincial governor’s spokesman Ataullah Khogyani confirmed that explosives planted in the vehicle of Malik Abdul Rauf went off around 7:30 am local time, leaving him dead and two others accompanying him wounded.

Khogyani further added that two other civilians were also wounded in the explosion.

No group including the Taliban insurgents or militants affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has so far claimed responsibility behind the incident.

The Taliban insurgents frequently use IEDs and magnetic bombs as the weapon of their choice to target the security forces and government officials but in majority of such incidents the ordinary civilians are targeted.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UANAMA) released its latest civilian casualties report late in April, covering a period of three months since the start of 2017.

According to the report, the Anti-Government Elements caused 62 per cent of civilian casualties – 1,353 civilian casualties (447 dead and 906 injured), reflecting a five per cent increase compared to the same period in 2016.

The UN mission also added it recorded a 12 per cent increase in civilian casualties caused by pressure-plate improvised explosive devices – 218 civilian casualties (86 dead and 132 injured).
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

2 Afghan kops die in Zabul fighting
Two Afghan policemen were killed in clashes with the Taliban on Friday in Zabul province, local officials said Saturday.

Security police Chief Ghulaam Jilani Farahi, confirmed the incident and said that the policemen were killed in clashes with Taliban insurgents in Shahre-e-Safa and Arghndab districts.

Two other policemen were wounded, Farahi added.

Farahi did not provide information about any Taliban casualties.
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Taliban forces attack checkpoints in Parwan
Parwan officials said the Taliban carried out a coordinated attack on checkpoints along the Ghorband highway in Jabal Saraj district early Saturday.

The district police chief Mohammad Masoom Farzayee said the Taliban launched an attack from several directions at about 5am against checkpoints.

The incident took place in Pul-e-Ashaba area in Jabal Saraj district and resulted in the closure of the highway to traffic.

According to Farzayee, the Taliban also tried to kidnap bus passengers traveling along the road but security forces were able to rescue them.

However clashes between the two were still ongoing later Saturday, officials said.

According to them, one insurgent was killed in the clash.
Taliban have not commented on the incident.

There is no report of security forces or civilian casualties.
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa Horn
Al-Shabab behead 9 civilians in Kenya
[IsraelTimes] Al-Qaeda-aligned terror group has carried out a wave of attacks near the border with Somalia.

Kenyan officials said al-Shabaab
... the personification of Somali state failure...
forces of Evil from neighboring Somalia have beheaded nine civilians in an attack on a village in the southeast.

James Ole Serian, who leads a task force of security agencies combating al-Shabaab, says the attack early Saturday morning occurred in Jima village in Lamu County. Beheadings by al-Shabaab in Kenya have been rare.

The attack occurred in the same area where al-Shabaab engaged security agencies in a day-long battle three days ago.

A senior officer at police headquarters in Nairobi confirmed the incident. "It is true, we have lost nine people in today’s attack," the officer said, without providing further details.

Earlier in the week, three police were killed in an attack on a police post in Lamu, blamed on the al-Qaeda aligned Shabaab.

The Shabaab is fighting to overthrow the internationally-backed government in Mogadishu but also carries out regular attacks in neighboring Kenya which has troops in Somalia as part of an African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
Al Ahram adds:
"They raided Jima and Poromoko villages and killed nine men. They were slaughtered like chickens, using knives," said the witness.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Africa North
LNA pays a high price in the last stage of the Battle for Benghazi
[LibyaHerald] At least 18 Libyan National Army (LNA) soldiers were killed today as the fight to conclude the Battle of Benghazi went into its third day. It was the heaviest confirmed LNA corpse count within a twenty-four hour period for some weeks.

Saiqa Special Forces
...Libya's elite army unit, insofar as they have one, formed from a mixture of paratroopers and commandos. The group emerged from a militia with the same name in 2010. It now numbers a few thousand and reports to the Ministry of Defence. It deployed in Benghazi in an attempt to control the carnage. As a result, it has been attacked and several of its officers murdered. The force is popular in Benghazi for its stance against Ansar al-Sharia group...
published a list of the names of the dead, but it is unclear if this included the shooting of a part-time member of the LNA in an area which is now supposed to have been cleared of bad boys. Abdullah al-Arabi, a 23 year-old player with the al-Nasr football club, was shot by a sniper in Suq al-Hout. It is not known if the gunman was apprehended.

The mopping-up operation in Sidi Akribesh is clearly taking longer and proving more costly than LNA commanders expected. Cornered snuffies appear to be fighting ferociously.

It is understood that a woman given safe passage out of the fighting shot and maimed two soldiers who were welcoming her. She was in turn shot and taken to hospital. Two other snuffies were reportedly captured trying to escape.

The LNA is claiming that during their advance they killed another leader of the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia
...a Salafist militia which claims it is not part of al-Qaeda, even though it works about the same and for the same ends. There are groups of the same name in Libyaand Yemen, with the Libyan versions currently most active. Tunisia's Shabaab al-Tawhid started out an Ansar al-Sharia and changed its name in early 2014. It still uses the old name now and then, probably because the stationery's not all used up and the web site hasn't expired yet...
, Nasser al-Tarshani, also known as Abu Khaled al-Madani, who came from Sebha.

Troops found ten rotting bodies in a school in Sabri, which have not yet been identified.

Also today two young men died and a third lost a leg in a boobytrap blast when apparently entering their Sabri home.

those who apply themselves too closely to little things often become incapable of great things...
another Sabri resident returned to his property to find his dusty car still decorated for the wedding three years ago that was due to be held on the very day the snuffies moved in. The unnamed individual and his family fled but he was later married elsewhere in the city.

Benghazinos took to the beaches today in a festive mood but five kilometres away they could hear the sound of artillery fire and see plumes of black smoke rising from the last corner of the battle.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 01:20 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Ansar al-Sharia

#1  The most recent sixty years might indicate nearly everyone 'pays a high price in and around Benghazi.'
Posted by: Besoeker || 07/09/2017 2:41 Comments || Top||

#2  For some, it was just part of the cost of doing business.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/09/2017 12:36 Comments || Top||

Two Egyptian policemen killed, 9 injured in North Sinai attack: Security source
[AlAhram] Two Central Security Forces (CSF) conscripts were killed and nine were maimed when their vehicle was hit by a roadside explosive in North Sinai's al-Arish city, al-Ahram Arabic news website reported on Saturday.

A security source told al-Ahram that an improvised bomb (IED) planted on the roadside went off as the APC was moving in al-Arish’s Safaa neighborhood.

The source said the corpse count might increase, adding that unknown assailants had detonated the IED remotely.

No group has yet grabbed credit for the attack that comes only one day after 26 army personnel were killed or injured by boom-mobiles that targeted a security checkpoint near Rafah in North Sinai.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)

14 militants killed in Ismailia linked to North Sinai attack on Friday: Egypt's interior ministry
[AlAhram] Egypt’s interior ministry has announced the killing of 14 gunnies Saturday near Ismailia governorate was part of security raids after Friday's attack that killed and injured army personnel in North Sinai.

In an official statement Saturday, the ministry said that forces raided a holy warrior hideout after intelligence received showed that a holy warrior training camp for new recruits was being held. The operation came "in the framework of the ministry's efforts to prosecute runaway holy warriors involved in the recent attacks in the country in North Sinai governorate that included targeting some police and armed forces."

During the raid, the gunnies fired heavily at the forces. Some 14 gunnies were killed, five of whom were identified and nine remain unknown, the ministry said.

Some weaponry was found in the holy warriors' tent, including a machine gun and rifle.

Egypt’s army said in a statement Friday that boom-mobiles targeted a security checkpoint near Rafah in North Sinai and that the army killed 40 gunnies in subsequent operations. Some 26 army personnel were killed during the attack.
Deutsche Welle adds:
In a separate encounter on Saturday, police shot and killed two suspected snuffies in the city of Gazoo, the ministry said. The men were inside an apartment and fired on the officers who were approaching the building to arrest them.

The ministry said the two men were members of a new turban group called Hasam, which has emerged recently and taken responsibility for several attacks around Cairo over the past year targetting police and judges. Rooters reported that Hasam had grabbed credit for the killing of a homeland security officer on Friday in the north of Cairo.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)

2 Yemen rebel commanders die in Taiz, al-Jouf
[Asharq Al-Awsat] Taiz- Two military commanders have been killed along with other elements in battlefronts in Yemen’s al-Jouf and Taiz during the past two days.

Meanwhile, fighting escalated between the national army and the coup militias of Houthi and Saleh in al-Masloub district as seven militants were killed and 12 others wounded.

Among those killed was pro-Houthi commander Saeed bin Jaber, whose corps arrived with a number of dead and wounded to a market, which compelled the militias to increase security measures in the area surrounding a Houthi-run medical center, according to military sources.

The sources explained that the army targeted the militias with artillery fire at all its sites, forcing them to flee.

In a common matter, informed sources said that the west coast front witnessed clashes late on Thursday, during which a number of militia members were killed and wounded, including a coup commander and his bodyguards, in Kahboub near the coastal city of Mokha, west of Taiz.

Confrontations continue on various battlefronts in west and east Taiz in light of the escalation of shelling by the national army on different locations held by Houthis and Saleh’s supporters.

For their part, the insurgents also stepped up their continuous shelling of residential neighborhoods in Taiz and rural areas.

According to a source in Taiz, the national army continued to carry out attacks on the putschists in the eastern front, especially on Mohammed Ali Osman school and the special forces camp.

The source confirmed that pro-Houthi Commander Abdul-Ahad al-Jabri was killed by an air strike as coalition forces targeted him. Jaber is the field commander and was in charge of coup militias in Mesrakh Front (south of Taiz) before their defeat by the national army forces.
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

2 Soddys die in Qatif attacks
[Asharq Al-Awsat] Two security men were injured on Saturday when a patrol came under a terrorist attack at Al-Naserah District in Qatif Province, the Security Spokesman for the Saudi Interior Ministry said.

The Saudi Press Agency quoted the spokesman as saying that the attack took place at 12:15 am when the patrol was targeted with an explosive while passing near a building under construction.

In a statement to SPA, the spokesman said the terrorist attack resulted in the injury of two security men who were transferred to a hospital for treatment.

He stressed that the security authorities launched an investigations into the terrorist crime.
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

Britain migrant colonist briefs

UK Muslim Radio Station Claims it Broadcast 25 Hours of Violent Al Qaeda Speeches ‘By Mistake’
8 July
[Breitbart] A Sheffield-based Muslim radio station has had its license suspended after broadcasting 25 hours of sermons “encouraging and condoning” violence against non-Muslims. Ofcom investigated Iman FM after a complaint that the radio station had, during Ramadan, aired lectures by Anwar

ALL newborns will be given a hepatitis B jab after health watchdog says 96% of cases are among immigrants
8 July
[DailyMail] All babies are to be vaccinated against a deadly cancer-causing virus which experts fear is becoming increasingly common due to immigration.

Knifeman wearing a black balaclava who said he wanted to 'kill Asian b*******' in revenge for the Manchester bombing is jailed for 22 months
8 July
[DailyMail] Christopher Gordon (pictured) donned a black ski mask and armed himself with a knife before heading for Birchfields Park, south Manchester, where there is a large Asian community nearby.

British ISIS punk Sally Jones 'will find a way to get back to Britain if she can escape the terror group in Syria' claims relative
[DailyMail] Sally Jones, who is from Kent but fled to Syria in 2013, will find a way to get back into this country according to a family source who described the mother as 'cunning' and 'talented'.

From Breitbart - immigration:
Police Chief Warns Slavery Rife in London: ‘We Can’t Police Our Way Out of This’
8 July
The head of Scotland Yard’s anti-slavery police unit has warned that London is now a global hotspot for modern-day slavery with victims forced to work in the construction and hospitality industries. “Everyone realises now we’re never going to police our

Over 5,000 New FGM Cases in England Last Year, Still No Prosecutions
5 July
More that 5000 new female genital mutilation (FGM) cases were recorded in England last year, with more than 9000 women and girls attending the National Health Service (NHS) due to the gruesome practice.

From the Daily Mail - migrant and refugee crisis:
Three illegal immigrants smuggle their way inside Sandhurst after sneaking onto a coach full of cadets
Two men were grabbed as they were discovered inside the baggage compartment of a coach at Sandhurst in Surrey. But the third one ran away and a huge security operation was launched. The third man was caught and all three were handed over to police. The nationality of yesterday's stowaway is not known, although sources said the coach will have travelled via Calais.

Illegal immigrant is jailed for leading gang of Nigerian fraudsters who pretended to be MPs, police and even judges in £10million benefits scam
Illegal immigrant Kayode Sanni, pictured, from Nigeria was jailed for five years and three months by the Old Bailey for his involvement in the elaborate tax credit scam.

Iraqi refugee, 17, who feared his family would be killed by ISIS was crushed to death by a lorry he was hiding under as it arrived in Britain from France
Mohammed Hassan hid under the lorry in Dunkirk, France and was crushed to death as the driver reversed while trying to make a delivery in Banbury, Oxfordshire.

EU tells Britain to take in more Med migrants: Thousands could gain asylum as Brussels looks to ease 'unprecedented' crisis in Italy
The UK will be expected to hand asylum to potentially thousands of refugees to ease the 'unprecedented' migration crisis in Italy, Brussels chiefs said yesterday.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  Queen picks Ghanaian-born equerry
Posted by: Lampedusa Big Foot6650 || 07/09/2017 8:49 Comments || Top||

#2  And with the http bit this time.

Queen, etc.
Posted by: Lampedusa Big Foot6650 || 07/09/2017 8:55 Comments || Top||

#3  Queen picks Ghanaian-born equerry

Ghana is 71% Christian/18% Muslim, according to the CIA World Factbook, and the gentleman's name in Lampedusa Big Foot6650's article suggests he is not one of the Muslim ones, for what it's worth.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 11:51 Comments || Top||

#4  Anomalous Sources, please note that we have the UK Muslim radio station broadcasting Al Qaeda speeches story in this round-up, which is why your submission won't be published tomorrow.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 15:57 Comments || Top||

Europe migrant colonist briefs

Cyprus Police: 85 Syrian Migrants Took Boat from Turkey
8 July
[AnNahar] A Cyprus police spokesman says 85 Syrian migrants who arrived by boat to the island's northwestern coast have now been taken to a reception center. Police spokesman Michalis Ioannou said Saturday the boat that brought the 64 men, nine women and 12 children to Cyprus set sail from Antalya, Turkey. He said it had been sailing for three days and was spotted eight miles (13 kilometers) off the coast before landing near the village of Pomos on Friday. Ioannou said that seven men have been taken into custody because they had been deported from Cyprus in the past.

Here come the mob: How the mafia are moving in on aid money being poured in to deal with Europe's migrant crisis
8 July
Not everyone, it seems, is troubled by the migrant crisis engulfing Sicily. It now [DailyMail] emerges the Mafia are attracted by the hundreds of millions in EU cash that has been given to Rome.

Muslim imams "march" against terrorism in Europe
8 July
[DW] Around 60 imams from several European countries are on a bus tour of cities hit by Islamic terrorism in order to condemn extremism committed in the name of religion. Their message is that Islam is a religion of peace.

The "March of Muslims against Terrorism" kicked off on Saturday in Paris with a prayer at the site on the Champs-Elysees where a policeman was murdered by an Islamist militant in April. The imams will then travel by bus to other cities hit by major terror attacks over the past several years, including Brussels, Toulouse and Nice. The action will end in Paris on July 14 to mark Bastille Day.

The organizers of the peace march are Imam Hassen Chalghoumi of the Parisian suburb of Drancy and the French Jewish writer Marek Halter. Chalghoumi told French broadcaster France Inter on Sunday that violent groups like "Islamic State" are trying to take Islam "hostage."

"It is important that Muslims can express themselves to say that my religion has nothing to do with these barbarians," Chalghoumi said.

Norway asylum agency posts marked drop in arrivals
7 July
[TheLocal.no] The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration says it is downsizing operations after 2,380 asylum seekers came to the country in the first half of 2017 – the lowest number since the 1990s.

French policeman suspected of being Isis follower is charged
7 July
[TheLocal.fr] A French police officer who works in the Paris area who is suspected of having expressed support for terror group Isis has been charged for allegedly helping his brother aid jihadists travelling to the Middle East. The policeman, who works in the Paris region was charged on Saturday for criminal conspiracy and fraud in connection with a terrorist group, according to various reports in French media. The brother is already serving time in prison.

He was arrested in front of shocked colleagues when he turned up to work at the police station in the suburb of Kremlin-Bicêtre on June 27th.

Stockholm terror suspect subject of racial agitation investigation
6 July
[TheLocal.se] Rakhmat Akilov is currently being detained while a public prosecutor looks into the suspected terrorist crime in the Swedish capital, in which five people were killed and several injured after a truck ploughed into a crowd on Stockholm's busy Drottninggatan. He admitted to carrying out a "terrorist crime" during a remand hearing on April 11th.

Aftonbladet now reports that the Uzbek national has been reported to the police for a number of incidents during his detention, including being racist towards prison officers, shouting "sieg heil" and "heil Hitler" and making Nazi salutes. Sweden's Prosecution Authority (Åklagarmyndigheten) confirmed to The Local that Akilov is now the subject of a preliminary investigation into racial agitation (hets mot folkgrupp).

EU countries decline to help Italy with Mediterranean refugee crisis
6 July
[DW] Overwhelmed by refugees, Italy has threatened to bar boats carrying migrants from its ports. EU interior ministers have agreed to develop a code of conduct for rescue ships. They are refusing to show any more solidarity.

Lee Rigby's killer and hate preacher Anjem Choudary will be among first inmates of jihadi jail within a prison to stop spread of extremism behind bars
5 July
[DailyMail] Lee Rigby's killer Michael Adebolajo and hate preacher Anjem Choudary will be among the first inmates in three special 'jihadi jails' set up within prisons.

Moroccan failed asylum seeker is jailed for brutally raping three women at knifepoint in Amsterdam
5 July
[DailyMail] The man, named only as Mustafa A., 35, was sentenced to 14 years in jail after he raped three women multiple times at knifepoint while they walked home late at night in Amsterdam.

France Identifies 100 Registered Gun Owners on Terror Watchlist
5 July
[AnNahar] Authorities in France have identified some 100 people believed to legally own firearms despite being an anti-terror watchlist, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said on Wednesday.

The announcement comes two weeks after a known gun enthusiast rammed a car laden with weapons and gas canisters into a police van on Paris' Champs-Elysees avenue, the latest in a string of jihadist attacks to hit France since 2015. The attacker, Adam Djaziri, was the only person killed, but the attack raised questions over how the 31-year-old was able to legally possess several guns despite having been flagged as a potential radical Islamist two years ago.

Head of ‘Liberal’ Berlin Mosque Under 24-Hour Police Guard After Multiple Death Threats
4 July
[Breitbart] The female founder of a new “liberal” mosque in Berlin has found herself under 24-hour police protection after receiving over a hundred death threats.

From Breitbart - Europe migrant crisis:
Coastguard: 35 Migrants Feared Drowned After Boat Sinks in Mediterranean
8 July
Thirty-five migrants, including seven children, were feared drowned after their inflatable boat sank on Saturday off the Libyan coast, the coastguard said. Eighty-five migrants, including 18 women, were rescued with the help of fishermen who alerted the coastguard, said Issa

Major German Parties Ignore Migrant Crisis During Election Campaign
8 July
The two largest parties in Germany, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SPD), have largely refused to acknowledge migrant issues in their campaign ahead of September’s national election.

EU Expects UK to Take Migrants from Africa in New Relocation Scheme
8 July
The first vice president of the European Commission has said he expects the UK to take in migrants from North Africa as part of a new European Union (EU) programme.

Spain Warned to ‘Prepare’ as Migrant Sea Landings Via ‘Safer’ Route Double
8 July
The UN’s refugee agency has warned Spain to prepare for an increase in migrants arriving from North Africa as landings double since last year, with more asylum seekers preferring the “safer” route to Europe from Morocco.

Economists Propose ‘Economic Zones’ in Africa to Halt Migration
7 July
President of the Institute for the World Economy (IfW) Dennis Snower and his colleagues say the best way to stop migration from African countries is to develop “economic zones” funded by European Union subsidies.
IMF and World Bank funding, it's worked so bloodly well in the past.
Majority of Poles Would Rather Leave EU than Be Forced to Take Muslim Migrants
5 July
Most Poles would rather leave the European Union (EU) than have Brussels force migrants from third world nations on their country, a poll has shown.

Spain Brings 3 Migrants to Europe, Searches for 49
5 July
Spain’s maritime rescue service says it has rescued three migrants from a deflated rubber boat that is believed to have set sail from Morocco with 52 people aboard.

UN Study: Libyan Migration to Europe is Up, Mainly Young Men and Economic Migrants
5 July
Migration from Libya to Europe has increased in the last year, is expected to increase further, and consists overwhelmingly of young men, who are mostly economic migrants, a new United Nations study has found.

‘Escalating Violence’ in Calais After Clashes Between 100 African Migrants
2 July
Authorities have described “escalating violence” in the transit city of Calais, France, following two days of fighting when over 100 Eritrean and Ethiopian migrants clashed, attacking one another with stones and sticks leaving over a dozen hospitalised.

Romania: Police Detain 21 Iraqis Trying to Reach EU Schengen Zone
2 July
Romanian border police have detained 21 Iraqi migrants hiding in a corn field near the Hungarian border who say they were trying to reach the visa-free Schengen travel zone.

From Breitbart - immigration:
France Prosecutes Hundreds for FGM, Zero in the UK
6 July
Hundreds of people have been convicted of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) offences in France, yet none in the UK have, despite the practice being illegal for 31 years.

Special Investigator: Berlin Police Did Manipulate Files, Could Have Arrested Berlin Terrorist Before Attack
5 July
A special investigator into the case of the Berlin Christmas Market terrorist Anis Amri claims police manipulated files and could have captured Amri before the attack took place. Former Federal Prosecutor Bruno Jost gave his interim report to the Berlin

95 Per Cent of Gang Criminals in Stockholm Have a Foreign Background
4 July
Amidst a wave of bloody, gang-related murders in Stockholm, and police warnings that the situation is likely to get worse, a report has found 94.5 per cent of people identified as being involved in the Swedish capital’s violent, organised crime scene have a migration background.

Swedish Intelligence: Country Now Has 2,000 Radical Violent Islamists

4 July
The Swedish security agency Sapo revealed there are 2,000 violent Islamic extremists in the country – skyrocketing from 200 in 2010.
The other 450,000 to 500,000 thousand are simply Radical Violent Islamist auxiliary.
Poland: EU Will Not ‘Impose a Social Catastrophe’ with Migrant Quotas
3 July
The chairman of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) delivered a message of defiance to the European Union at his party’s annual conference.

From the Daily Mail - Europe migrant and refugee crisis:
Europe is 'underestimating' scale of migrant crisis and could be flooded by millions of Africans in 'biblical exodus' unless urgent action is taken says top official
President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani said there would be an exodus ‘of biblical proportions that would be impossible to stop if we don’t confront the problem now’.

UN admits 7 out of ten migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libya are NOT refugees as crisis sparks hostility and violence in Italy
UNHCR says 84,830 migrants and refugees reached Italy this year from Libya, a 19-percent increase from last year, so wider Europe may face increased migrants and refugees soon.

Italy begs other European countries to take migrant ships as the nation struggles to deal with record numbers and threatens to close its ports… while 69 more die off of Costa del Sol
Refugee arrivals in Italy are up nearly 19 per cent over the same period last year and Rome has threatened to close its ports to privately-funded aid boats.

Italy plans to seize aid agency boats in new crackdown on migrants - and push for new processing centres in Libya and voluntary repatriation
Italy are to seize aid agency boats in a new crackdown on migrants as it pushes to shift asylum application centres to Libya in a radical shakeup. Marco Minniti, Italy's interior minister, called for other European nations to pitch in with the immigration crisis and said Rome would be pushing for a way to move the process of registering migrants away from the country. Many asylum seekers who reach the Italian shores do so through privately-run aid boats, and unsourced Italian media reports said Rome was likely to call for a European code of conduct to be drawn up for the boats to give officials the right to seize those that do not comply.

Revealed: Tragic existence of desperate migrants who hide in the Calais woods as they try to avoid police who destroy their refuge and pepper-spray teenage girls in their sleep
As the holiday season approaches, hundreds of desperate refugees and determined migrants are hiding in forests around Calais in the hope of outwitting police and reaching Britain.

Aid agencies encourage migrants in the Med, says Italian senator: Official accuses relief organisations of providing a 'public transport' service which 'enriches' people
Lucio Malan said aid agencies and charities running rescue ships should stop bringing them to his country and take them to the nearest coast instead.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

Suspected Islamic State Fighter Arrested in Italy
[Breitbart] Italian authorities have tossed in the clink
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
a 38-year-old Chechen accused of fighting with the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group in Syria and participating in a deadly attack on foreign and Russian journalists in Chechnya, prosecutors disclosed Saturday.

Prosecutors told a news conference in the southern city of Bari that Eli Bombataliev, who had been living in nearby Foggia since 2012, was arrested three days ago on terror charges under emergency measures as he was preparing to depart for Belgium.

They said evidence indicates that he was in touch with the Islamic State network based in Belgium, where he intended to travel as soon as he received an Italian residency permit.

According to wiretaps, the man told his Russian wife that he was prepared to carry out an attack if ordered. "If tomorrow they call to offer myself up, I must do it," prosecutors quoted him as saying.

As part of the operation, authorities expelled the wife, identified as a 49-year-old Russian woman living illegally in Italia, and two Albanian brothers in their 20s who were legal residents.

According to prosecutors, Bombataliev was trying to get his wife to become a jacket wallah, which she was resisting by saying she was his second wife and the first wife should "sacrifice herself first."

Bombataliev allegedly responded that the first wife "is already ready." Authorities are investigating.

Prosecutors said evidence indicates Bombataliev participated in an attack on journalists in Grozny, Chechnya in December 2014 that left 19 dead and that he fought in Syria in 2014 and 2015.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Home Front: WoT
Clarion: Jihadi Cult Associate Arrested in NY With Firearms Stockpile
From July 3rd, but still of interest, I think. Muslims of America have appeared regularly in our pages since 2005.
[Breitbart] A long-time associate of a U.S.-based Islamist terrorist organization, Moslems of America (MOA),
... also known in English as Muslims of the Americas when they are talking about their Canadian and Caribbean ventures, and formally as The Muslims of America, Inc. (TMOA). The estimated 3,000 member group, mainly African-Americans, boasted 22 communities across the U.S. last year, and is one of the American front groups of Jamaat ul-Fuqra or Jamaat al-Fuqra, the other being Quranic Open University. Jamaat ul-Fuqra was listed as a terror organization by the State Department in 1999 and is banned in Pakistan. The Wikipedia page is quite interesting...
has been tossed in the slammer
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
in Johnson City, NY. Authorities discovered that he had a large cache of weapons inside a storage locker. A source inside MOA says the weapons were intended for the group’s "Islamberg" headquarters in Hancock, NY.

The suspect, 64-year old Ramadan Abdullah, was previously arrested in 1977 when he and another man tried to rob a candy store in Brooklyn and someone was murdered in the process. When police searched his home, they found enough material to build 50 bombs. In the end, the charges against Abdullah were strangely reduced (see below).

On May 31, Abdullah was arrested after trying to steal four boxes of ammunition from a local Gander Mountain store.
"I just can't help m'self, y'r honor. The doc said I'm a kleptomaniac."
When police questioned him about the purpose of the ammo, his answers made them suspicious, and they obtained a search warrant for a storage locker he was renting in the town of Union.

During that search, police found a large assortment of weaponry including:

  • 8 assault weapons

  • 4 loaded handguns

  • 1 loaded shotgun

  • 2 rifles

  • 64 high-capacity ammunition feeding devices

  • flak jackets

  • 1,000s of rounds of ammunition, including .50-caliber armor-piercing rounds
Searches of other residences linked to Abdullah turned up another loaded handgun, more high-capacity ammunition feeding devices and ammunition, including .38-caliber rounds.

New York State Police Major Jim Barnes would not say whether Abdullah was connected to terrorist groups or any organizations, but confirmed that police believe Abdullah had made trips overseas.
Oh? Was Pakistan or Afghanistan one of his destinations, or perhaps somewhere even more interesting?
"There’s no indications there was a plan in place to commit an act of violence. However,
death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate...
it begs the question, what was he doing with all this and what were his intentions down the road?" said New York State Police Maj. Jim Barnes.
It does, indeed.
Abdullah is currently being held in the Broome County Jail without bail.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

#1  what was he doing with all this

Kind of a standard Prepper inventory.
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/09/2017 0:52 Comments || Top||

Iran fingered for mortar attack in Balochistan
QUETTA: Iranian forces fired three mortal shells that landed inside Pakistani territory near Panjgur, Balochistan on Saturday. However, no injuries were reported.

Earlier in May, five mortar shells were fired into Taftan, Balochistan from the Iranian border. However, no casualties were reported as all the mortar shells landed in an uninhibited area.

Confirming the incident, Taftan Assistant Commissioner Zafar Kubdani had said: "Five mortar shells were fired from the Iranian side between pillars 104 and 106. Luckily, no casualties occurred."

Last month, the Pakistan Air Force had shot down an Iranian drone in Panjgur after it was found flying deep inside Pakistan airspace.

"The drone was hit by Pakistan Air Force as it was unidentified and was flying at around 3-4 km inside Pakistani territory," read a statement issued by the Foreign Office.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan had already shared the information about striking down of the drone with the Iranian authorities indicating that the drone was struck down by "our security forces as it was unmarked and there was no prior information about its flight".

Pakistan and Iran share a 900-kilometre-long porous border. Both the two countries had decided in 2014 to boost intelligence coordination to wipe out terrorists from the border region.
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

5 die in Line of Control shelling
As India-held Kashmir braced for stepped-up policing Saturday on the occasion of the first death anniversary of famed Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani, Indian troops resorted to heavy shelling in different areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir from across the Line of Control (LoC), officials said.

At least five civilians, four of them women, were reported killed and 10 others injured in the shelling incidents, the highest death toll in a single day in many months of cross-border violence.

“There has been heavy firing and shelling by Indian troops in different parts of Abbaspur and Hajira sectors since 5:30am in the morning,” said Raja Tahir Mumtaz, the deputy commissioner of district Poonch, where these two sectors fall in.

He said Mohammad Sharif, a 75-year-old resident of Bhaira village near the Tetrinote crossing point in Hajira sector, lost his life after a mortar shell landed on his mud-house, destroying it completely.

Apart from him, 70-year-old woman Sassi Begum was also killed in Tetrinote. She had come from Mandhol village in Battal sector to see her relatives in Tetrinote.

DC Mumtaz said Riyasat, 35, and Aqsa Iftikhar, 18, were injured in Tetrinote.

Meanwhile, a 26-year-old woman, Faiza Saleem, was killed and two young girls — Adiba, 22, and Mahnoor, 17 — were injured in Satwal village of Abbaspur sector. They belonged to the same family, Mumtaz said.

Another woman, Kulsoom, 35, was killed and her 14-year-old son Zahid injured in the Dhakki Chafar village of Abbaspur sector, he added.

“Initially, Zahid was injured and when Kulsoom rushed to rescue him, she too fell victim to the shelling and died on the spot,” the deputy commissioner said.

Abida Parveen, 22, was injured in Chafar and two teenaged boys, Rizwan Hanif, 16, and Faizan Ali, 14, were injured in Batol and Chaatra villages of the same sector, he added.

“These are the initial reports, but given the magnitude of shelling, I am afraid the casualties may rise,” the deputy commissioner said.

In Kotli district, a 22-year-old girl, Aniba Jamshed, was critically injured in Indian firing in the Lanjot village of Nakyal sector at about 6:30am.

"A bullet fired by the Indian troops hit her in the head, rendering her critically wounded," a police official told Dawn from Nakyal police station, adding that she was rushed to District Headquarters Hospital Kotli.

“The woman [later] succumbed to her injuries in the afternoon,” SSP Kotli Chaudhry Zulqarnain Sarfraz told Dawn.

Elsewhere in the same sector, two men — Mohammad Ilyas and Jahangir — were injured in the Oli Panjni village, he added.

The heavily militarised LoC that splits the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir between Pakistan and India has been extremely tense for quite some time, and as a result civilian casualties occur frequently.

The latest casualties have pushed the number of those killed in AJK in Indian shelling during the ongoing year to 18 and those injured to over 105, according to officials at the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA).

FO lodges protest with India
The Foreign Office (FO) summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner JP Singh to lodge a protest against the "unprovoked" ceasefire violation.

The FO's Director General (South Asia and Saarc), Dr Muhammad Faisal, lodged the protest.

"The deliberate targeting of civilians is deplorable and contrary to human dignity and international human rights and humanitarian laws," Faisal said.

He urged India to respect the 2003 ceasefire agreement, to investigate this and other incidents of ceasefire violations, to instruct Indian forces to respect the agreement, and to maintain peace on LoC.

Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

Mosul Offensive News

Iraqi forces take Mosul

Mosul (IraqiNews.com) Iraqi government forces on Saturday took control over western Mosul’s medieval Old City, the last bastion for Islamic State militants in Iraq’s second largest city, Iraqi media quoted the operations command saying.

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Yahia Rasoul, was quoted saying forces took control over the Old City, the birthplace of Islamic State’s self-styled “caliphate” in Iraqi and Syria which was declared in 2014, suggesting the end of IS’s three-year existence in the city.

The Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell said earlier that government forces killed 35 Islamic State members and wounded six others while sneaking from the western side of Mosul into the eastern side. It also said Federal Police forces finished their combat missions in the Old City by retaking Nujaifi street, Bab al-Toub and Souk al-Sagha (jewelry market), all previously marked as the last spots remaining in IS grip.

The statement said the militants were escaping the advancing troops in the Old City.

Iraqi government forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition, have been fighting IS out of Mosul since mid October. Late June, troops took over the Old City’s Nuri al-Kabir Mosque where IS first declared the establishment of its rule in 2014 in a sermon delivered by the supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Iraqi generals had said only a few hundred militants remain in a small area in neighborhoods overlooking the Tigris River, which bisects the city.

The war against IS in Mosul has displaced at least 900.000, according to Iraqi and United Nations authorities, and civilians continued to flee as operations reached the last hideouts in the Old City.

11 ISIS troops die in airstrike

Tal Afar (IraqiNews.com) Twelve Islamic State militants died in airstrikes that targeted their convoy west of Mosul, according to local sources, while the group killed 10 others for trying to flee.

The sources told Alsumaria News on Saturday that three consecutive strikes targeted a convoy of Islamic State members in the town of Tal Afar, aq major IS stronghold west of Mosul, killing twelve members including the group’s top “judiciary” official.

Meanwhile, Ahmed al-Shamri, from Nineveh Operations command, told Jordan’s Petra news agency that 10 other IS members were shot dead by comrades for trying to flee the town.

Islamic State have been holding Tal Afar since 2014, with the area becoming one of its most significant bastions in Nineveh province.

So far, offensives by the pro-government Popular Mobilization have isolated the town from the Syrian borders and from Mosul, and recaptured a main military base there.

Earlier on Saturday, government troops reportedly drove out IS militants in central Mosul’s Old City, where they group declared its rule in Iraq in 2014.

The issue of Tal Afar’s invasion has been controversial since Iraqi government forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition, launched an offensive in October to retake areas occupied by the Islamic State in Nineveh, most notably the city of Mosul.

The Shia-led Popular Mobilization has occasionally said its fighters were awaiting orders from Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to invade the mostly-Sunni Turkmen town. But regional Sunni powers, especially Turkey, had opposed the notion fearing sectarian consequences, obliging Abadi’s government to reassure that only the official forces would take up the mission.
Posted by: badanov || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Southeast Asia
3 Abus, trooper slain in Sulu clash
[PhilStar] At least three Abu Sayyaf militants and a trooper were killed, and 15 soldiers injured in a gun battle between rebels and Philippine troops yesterday morning in Patikul town, Sulu.

The clash broke out when troops zeroed in on the location of the Abu Sayyaf after getting a tip from two kidnapped Filipino fishermen rescued on Friday.

Military spokesman Cirilito Sobejana said troops engaged heavily armed Abu Sayyaf gunmen under the command of Almujer Yaddah in a one-hour firefight at Sitio Darayan at the boundary of Barangays Danag and Buhanginan yesterday morning.

During the clearing operations, soldiers recovered the body of an unidentified Abu rebel. Sobejana said, "Our forces on the ground also spotted the bandits dragging away two bodies of their companions who appeared to be dead."

Sobejana said the two rescued kidnap victims pinpointed the locations of the Abu Sayyaf group that is keeping captive 21 other kidnap victims. He said, "The soldiers are careful in their movements since it is believed that the Abu Syayaf group is still carrying with them around six to seven kidnap victims."

Rocabo and Leones were on board a motorcycle when intercepted and recovered by government forces at Daang Puti, Patikul town. Sobejana said the victims revealed that they were kept under the custody of Abu Sayyaf members Ben Tatoo and Almujer Yadah, along with other kidnap victims.

Rocabo and Leones, crewmen of FB Ramona 2, were seized by the Abu Sayyaf along with captains Noel Besconde and Roy Borja Ramos last December 20 at the Celebes Sea. Besconde was beheaded on April 13 by the Abu Sayyaf group under Yadah at Barangay Tanum, Patikul.

Ramos, on the other hand, was rescued on June 8 in the vicinity of Barangay Lagtoh, Talipao town after he escaped from his captors in Patikul two days earlier.
Posted by: ryuge || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

80 Maute militants left in Marawi
[GMA News] The number of Maute militants being pursued by security forces in Marawi City has gone down to 80. Joint Task Force Marawi spokesperson Lt. Col. Jo-ar Herrera said, "The remaining local terrorist group is more or less around 80, and they have still occupied vantage positions as we move forward to the center of gravity."

Herrera said the remaining Maute militants are holed up in an area within the city's business district with at least 800 buildings. He said the military will continue the air strikes to flush out Maute snipers, who have been slowing down the military advance into the rebel positions. Herrera added that Abdullah Maute is still in command of the remaining Maute militants.

As of July 8, the military spokesman said a total of 366 Maute rebels have been killed by troops. The number of deaths on the government side was at 87, while 38 civilians have been confirmed killed by the terrorists. A total of 1,722 civilians trapped in Marawi City have been rescued.

The conflict is now on its seventh week. Malacañang had said the government might spend at least P20 billion for the rehabilitation of the war-torn city.
Posted by: ryuge || 07/09/2017 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Maute group (IS)

New residents may soon be arriving Hotel GITMO
[The Hill] The Trump administration appears to be making its first moves toward fulfilling a campaign promise to fill the Guantanamo Bay prison camp with "bad dudes."

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein visited the prison on Friday to get an update on current operations, the first concrete action the administration has taken on the facility since taking office.

Up until now, Guantanamo has been running on autopilot; the executive order from former President Obama calling for the facility to be shut down is still technically the law of the land.

But President Trump promised during the campaign to "load it up with some bad dudes," and Sessions has called it a "very fine place" with no legal reason not to send new detainees there.

Supporters of keeping the facility open and sending new detainees there are confident Trump will fulfill that promise, even if little movement has been made.
Posted by: Besoeker || 07/09/2017 02:54 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under:

#1  But can someone please remind me what due-process is all about?
Posted by: DooDahMan || 07/09/2017 8:59 Comments || Top||

#2  Due process doesn't apply to captured enemy. See Geneva Conventions -- there are quite a few of them. Insurgents aren't "arrested" to be taken to court. They are "captured" to be interned until the war's over. While they're being insurgents and internees, they're also subject to the laws of the country they're being insurgents in.
that means they're liable for crimes of robbery, rape, torture, and that sort of thing. I'm not an international lawyer, but I think there are also laws of reciprocity: if they dont adhere to conventions the other side's bound only by its own laws.

Thank you fer yer interest.
Posted by: Fred || 07/09/2017 9:20 Comments || Top||

#3  Un-uniformed enemy combatants operate outside the protections afforded by the Geneva Convention - they do not offer any protections and do not deserve any. They do not belong to a nation state and most terrorists do not even fall within the definition of insurgent (rebel).

They are lucky to have the due process given to them by the military commissions.
Posted by: Tennessee || 07/09/2017 10:26 Comments || Top||

#4  In fact by extending GV protections to them we endanger our own men.
They (the enemy) have no reason to treat our people humanely and any future legal combatant (read: China, North Korea) would have no compulsion to do so either and would subject our people to ill-treatment, [real] torture, executions, etc...
That is why we need to enforce both sides: Extend protections to legal combatants and *not* extend any protections to illegal combatants.
Posted by: CrazyFool || 07/09/2017 10:43 Comments || Top||

#5  Due process for a pirate is still on the books for a lot of countries. It is immediate execution when caught doing or attempting piracy. Now consider a Jihadi.
Posted by: Ulains Thuque6389 || 07/09/2017 11:23 Comments || Top||

#6  Low occupancy rates are bigly bad, overhead becomes a killer.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/09/2017 14:36 Comments || Top||

#7  People complained because we are holding these people without trial. Yet they complain every time the government tries to go ahead with court martials. So, yeah, these prisoners are being held indefinitely. Who's fault is that?

And, if we ever did get to go ahead with the court martials, and the prisoners were given the death penalty they deserve, ...
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 07/09/2017 15:50 Comments || Top||

#8  Like Hasan Nidal in 2013
Posted by: Frank G || 07/09/2017 16:42 Comments || Top||

#9  There are some antifa financers and leaders that commit treason against the US that could go there.
Posted by: Alaska Paul || 07/09/2017 16:44 Comments || Top||

#10  Unfortunately, SCOTUS Kennedy decided to overturn Yamashita vs Steyr and extend 'due process' to war criminals rather than continue the precedent of the older military tribunals.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/09/2017 20:39 Comments || Top||

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4Islamic State
2Moslem Colonists
2Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (IS)
1Maute group (IS)
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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2017-07-09
  Iraqi forces take Mosul
Sat 2017-07-08
  Turkey detains 29 IS group militants in raids in Istanbul
Fri 2017-07-07
  40 ISIS troops die in battle with Iraqi forces in Salahuddin
Thu 2017-07-06
  Haftar's forces declare victory in battle for Benghazi
Wed 2017-07-05
  Baghdadi’s “mail man” killed in security ambush in Diyala
Tue 2017-07-04
  US-backed SDF breaches Raqqa's Old City wall
Mon 2017-07-03
  British soldier drowns ISIS thug in puddle after being ambushed
Sun 2017-07-02
  Palestinian Forces Hand Over Most Wanted Fugitive in Ain Hilweh
Sat 2017-07-01
  ISIS abandons Aleppo
Fri 2017-06-30
  Raqqa fully encircled
Thu 2017-06-29
   ISIS Number 4 and human shield deaths west of Mosul
Wed 2017-06-28
  Ottoman Turkish artillery opens fire on Kurdish forces across entire frontier in northern Aleppo
Tue 2017-06-27
  IS suicide bomber’s belt explodes, kills 12 well-wishing comrades in Diyala
Mon 2017-06-26
  High Court reinstates Trump travel ban, will hear arguments
Sun 2017-06-25
  Evolution theory to be scrapped from Turkish schoolbooks

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