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Bangla Jamaat rampage
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Happy Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Beverly Tyler aka Sylvia Clarkson in "Chicago Confidential" (Died in 2005 at age 78)

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 07/05/2010 0:35 Comments || Top||

Letter to the Troops from Gen. David H. Petraeus
Click to see the hand written note to the troops

From the letter:
Protecting those we are here to help nonetheless does require killing, capturing, or turning the insurgents. We will not shrink from that; indeed, you have been taking the fight to the enemy and we will continue to do so. Beyond that, as you and our Afghan partners on the ground get into tough situations, we must employ all assets to ensure your safety, keeping in mind, again, the importance of avoiding civilian casualties.
Posted by: Sherry || 07/05/2010 15:34 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Top Taliban Commander Killed in NATO Attacks
13 Taliban militants, including a top Taliban commander, were killed in the NATO air-strikes in the central province of Maidan Wardak on Saturday, officials say

A report by the province's media office reveals that one of the two attacks occurred in the province's Shikhabad district, in which 11 Taliban insurgents were killed.

The second attack happened in the province's Saidabad district in which two Taliban militants were killed.

Coalition troops have recently increased their attacks on Taliban havens, in an effort to wipe out insurgents from the country's volatile regions.

The new US top commander of foreign forces in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, told Afghan officials on Saturday: "Your success is our success."

Petraeus added that the campaign to strengthen the Afghan government in the face of the insurgent threat "is an effort in which we must achieve unity of effort."
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Petraeus formally assumes command in Afghanistan
[Dawn] Gen. David Petraeus formally assumed command of the 130,000-strong international force in Afghanistan on Sunday, telling Nato and Afghan officials ''we are in this to win'' despite rising casualties and growing skepticism about the direction of the nearly nine-year-old war.

Petraeus received two flags -- one for the US and the other for Nato -- during a ceremony marking the formal assumption of command.

''We are in this to win,'' he told a crowd of several hundred Nato and Afghan officials at the ceremony at a grassy area just outside coalition headquarters.

''We are engaged in a contest of wills,'' he said. ''We have arrived at a critical moment.''

Petraeus succeeded Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who was fired last month for intemperate remarks he and his aides made to Rolling Stone magazine about Obama administration officials who were mostly on the civilian side.

''Upfront I also want to recognise the enormous contributions of my predecessor, Gen. Stanley McChrystal,'' Petraeus said. He said the progress made reflects McChrystal's ''vision, energy and leadership.''

Speaking before Petraeus, Gen. Egon Ramms, German army commander for the Allied Joint Force Command, also praised the work of McChrystal, saying he took the coalition ''forward at a very difficult time.''

''We wish Stanley McChrystal well,'' Ramms said.

Ramms lamented the deaths of civilians due to military operations by coalition forces, but said people should not forget the Afghan citizens who died at the hands of insurgents whose actions are ''unlawful.''

June was the deadliest month for the allied force since the war began in October 2001 with 102 deaths, more than half of them Americans. Britain's Ministry of Defence reported that a Royal Marine was killed Thursday in southern Afghanistan -- the fifth international service member killed this month.

Petraeus has sought to make cooperation between the civilian and military parts of the international mission a top priority.

''Civilian and military, Afghanistan and international, we are part of one team with one mission,'' Petraeus told about 1,700 invited guests, including Afghan government and military and police officials gathered at the US Embassy for a pre-Fourth of July celebration marking American independence.

They were Petraeus' first public comments since he arrived Friday night to take command of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan. He said he would work to improve coordination between troops on the battlefield and civilians trying to bolster the Afghan government and improve the lives of the people.

His message to the Afghans in the audience: ''Your success is our success.''

Petraeus, widely credited with turning around the US war effort in Iraq, faces rising violence and growing doubts in Washington and other allied capitals about the effectiveness of the counterinsurgency strategy, which the general himself pioneered.

Later Saturday, Petraeus met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Corruption was one of the issues the two discussed, according to a statement issued by the presidential palace. Karzai used the meeting to complain about what he said were ''baseless'' allegations made by US Rep. Nita Lowey, a Democrat from New York, who suggested Afghan government officials had misused or pocketed donor funds, Karzai's office said.

Karzai asked Petraeus to review international contracts for private security companies to help keep money from flowing out of the country. According to the statement, Petraeus told the president he would begin his job by emphasizing ''unity, accountability and transparency.''

The Saturday gathering was upbeat. A rock band played. Dignitaries sat in tents eating popcorn, hamburgers, and ice cream. The positive tone, however, was dampened by talk of Friday's attack on a four-story house used by an American aid organisation in the northern city of Kunduz, and the accidental killing of civilians during a raid in the south.

Taliban suicide attackers stormed the house, killing four people before dying in a five-hour gunbattle with Afghan security forces. The pre-dawn attack appeared part of a militant campaign against international development organisations at a time when the US and its allies are trying to accelerate the civilian aid effort to turn back the Taliban.

During the picnic, Nato issued a statement acknowledging the deaths Friday of two Afghan civilians, including a woman, in a joint raid with Afghan troops to arrest a Taliban deputy commander in the Kandahar area.

During the raid, an Afghan man left a compound and ''demonstrated hostile intent,'' Nato said. Troops opened fire, wounding him. When troops entered the compound, they found an Afghan woman dead from stray rounds and another man wounded, the alliance said. One of the two wounded men later died.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  ''We are engaged in a contest of wills,''

He knows it, we here know it, the enemy knows it, but I don't have much confidence that the C in C does.
Posted by: Glenmore || 07/05/2010 2:28 Comments || Top||

This is what Rubin said here and I think he has a valid point


Nor can they solve Afghanistan’s problems and establish a strong, effective and democratic central government there. So what constitutes winning? It simply isn’t clear and that is a bad situation. I get the feeling that the main purpose of the Afghan war is to provide one place in the world where the Obama Administration shows itself willing to use force.

But perhaps here, too, the trick is the concept of the moderate Taliban purveyed by some high-ranking U.S. officials. If the Taliban is coopted into the government, then victory can be declared. Of course, it’s only a matter of time before the Taliban would take over large parts of Afghanistan again. The Taliban, though, may believe they can do so without even having to play America’s game.
Posted by: Bernardz || 07/05/2010 9:55 Comments || Top||

#3  "...remarks he and his aides made to Rolling Stone magazine about Obama administration officials who were mostly on the civilian enemy's side."

Posted by: abu do you love || 07/05/2010 12:33 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Tebessa bomb kills 2 hunters
[Maghrebia] Two Algerian civilians were killed by a roadside bomb near Tebessa, Liberte reported on Sunday (July 4th). The victims were returning from a hunt in the Boudjelal mountains when their car hit the concealed explosive device. Two passengers were injured in the attack. In related news, an army officer was injured in a bomb blast late Thursday near Draa El Mizan, Tizi Ouzou province, Tout sur l'Algerie reported.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

#1  What do hunters hunt in the Boudjelal mountains?
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/05/2010 16:55 Comments || Top||

Africa Subsaharan
Nigeria gunmen free foreign hostages
[Iran Press TV Latest] Nigerian gunmen have released a dozen foreign seafarers, who were taken hostage two days ago in Nigeria's restive oil rich Niger Delta.

Gunmen stormed a cargo vessel off the coast of the Delta late Friday, wounding one of the crew -- reportedly a Ukrainian -- in a shoot-out and capturing 12 including Germans and Russians.

"I can confirm to you they have indeed been released," Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Antigha, spokesman for a special security force deployed in the area, told AFP on Sunday.

No one has claimed responsibility for the capture of the BBC Polonia, registered in the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda, and its multinational crew.

Navy spokesman David Nabaida said the men were dropped off on a fishing trawler and the navy went to collect them.

The latest incident comes as hostage-taking has become rampant in recent years in the Niger Delta, home to Africa's largest oil and gas riches, with hundreds of foreigners and local officials kidnapped each year.

Ransom is largely believed to have been the main force behind the attacks, which have forced foreign oil and construction firms to spend millions of dollars to stave off the ongoing threats to the lives of their workers.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Verdict Date Set in Yemen Trial of Qaeda Suspects
[Asharq al-Aswat] A Yemen court said it will on Wednesday announce a verdict in the trial of two alleged Al-Qaeda members accused of being part of an armed gang that killed military and security officials.

Prosecutors, wrapping up the trial on Sunday, demanded death sentences for Mansour Saleh Salem Daleel, 18, and Mubarak Ali Hadi al-Shabwani, 23, who were arrested on December 11 in eastern Marib province.

The two defendants are being tried by a Sanaa court that specialises in terrorism cases.

They are accused of "participating in an armed gang which carried out criminal actions against military and security officials and members of the armed forces," according to the list of charges.

"The defendants used arms to resist men of the public authority who were responsible for ... arresting them in Al-Shabwan in Marib province, killing two soldiers and a civilian and wounding five other soldiers," the prosecutor said in a previous hearing on June 15.

The two men were also accused of killing three officials along with their two companions while they were driving in a vehicle on November 3 in the southern province of Hadramut.

In addition, the prosecution alleges they killed one soldier when they attacked a Yemeni army truck carrying weapons and ammunition in July last year.

The defendants have denied all charges.

Yemen, the ancestral land of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, has witnessed a number of attacks in past months claimed by Al-Qaeda on foreign missions, tourist sites and oil installations.

In October 2000, Al-Qaeda militants on a small explosives-packed boat blew a hole in an American warship, the USS Cole, in the southern port of Aden, killing 17 US sailors.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

#1  Inquiring minds want to know, has the ESCAPE DATE been set yet?
Posted by: Guillibaldo Unusing2147 || 07/05/2010 7:38 Comments || Top||

AL men ransack Jamaat office in Barisal
[Bangla Daily Star] Activists of ruling Awami League (AL) and its front organisations yesterday ransacked and 'set fire' on inventories of Jamaat-e-Islami's Hizla upazila office, alleged the upazila Jamaat Ameer Maulana Abul Hashem.

The ruling party men, who brought out a procession demanding trial of war criminals in the town, went on the rampage around 11:00am, he said.

Maulana Hashem, also the chairman of Gobindapur union parishad, said that the AL activists chanted provocative slogans from the procession led by Hizla upazila chairman and AL secretary Sultan Mahmud Tipu before attacking the Jamaat office.

The attackers broke the lock to enter the office and looted valuables before they ransacked religious books, furniture and documents and set fire on them, the Jamaat leader alleged adding that all these took place in front of police.

Upazila Awami League leader Sultan Mahmud Tipu, however, denied any attack being carried out by any one participating the procession although the admitted leading the procession demanding trial of the war criminals.

"We did not even go up to the Jamaat office. We stopped short due to rain," he told The Daily Star.

Asked who might have done this, Tipu said Jamaat men themselves or locals might have done this.

Hizla police station Office in Charge (OC) Rafikul Hossain acknowledged the account of ransacking the Jamaat office but denied that there was any incident of looting or setting fire on anything.

Police controlled the situation, he told The Daily Star.

Jamaat-e-Islami used to use it as an office that had a signboard inscribing Bakibullah Smrity Pathagar (library) under an Islamic Foundation project, the OC said.

Prof Abdul Jabbar, Jamaat's district Ameer of Barisal (east) condemned the attack and demanded arrest and punishment of those involved although no cases was filed at the time of filing this report at about 10:30 last night.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-e-Islami

Bangla Jamaat rampage
[Bangla Daily Star] Jamaat-Shibir men yesterday rampaged through streets in the port city, vandalising over 100 vehicles.

They carried out the destruction on a stretch of about two kilometres from Port Connecting Road near Halishahar H-block to Agrabad access Road near the district police lines at Chhotopole.

A group of over 60 activists of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and Islami Chhatra Shibir, student wing of Jamaat, brought out a procession on Port Connecting Road at around 4:30pm, witnesses and police said.

While marching the streets, they chanted slogans demanding the release of detained Jamaat leaders Nizami, Mojahid and Sayedee, and damaged the vehicles in their way indiscriminately.

Several other groups of Jamaat-Shibir men from different lanes and by-lanes in an apparently pre-planned way joined the procession and continued the vandalism causing traffic congestion on Port Connecting Road, Agrabad Access Road and Sheikh Mujib Road.

Armed with firearms, other weapons and sticks, they also damaged windowpanes of roadside shops and commercial establishments.

Besides, the activists attacked passengers of city service buses while they were fleeing for safety.

The sudden aggression created panic among the city people at Halishahar and Boropole, police sources said.

However, a mob of transport workers, pedestrians and affected people put up resistance around 5:10pm to stop Jamaat men doing any further destruction, said traffic constable Pradip who was on duty at Baropole intersection at that time.

The mob chased the activists when the procession reached near the district police lines, said Sub-Inspector Zakir of Halishahar Police Station.

The activists fired one shot and threw stones at the mob, injuring a few, said the SI who was among the injured.

A few Jamaat men entered Samobai Singapore Market and a mosque opposite to the police lines while escaping from the attack, and police and Rab members picked up around 41 people from the places, he said.

One Abu Bakar was shown arrested with a firearm, he mentioned.

Locals claimed that most of the detainees were innocent and the culprits had managed to flee the scene.

Three cases were filed with Double Mooring Police Station in this connection.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-e-Islami

Caribbean-Latin America
More Mexican Mayhem
13 Die in Northern Mexican Drug and Gang Violence

Thirteen people died in ongoing gang and drug violence including a state police investigator in Sonora and six unidentified men inn Chihuahua.
  • Three unidentified men and one prison official abducted yesterday afternoon were found hanging from two bridges in Juarez, early Sunday morning, according to Mexican press reports. The two bridges were at Vialidad Los Nogales and Puentes del R Almada.

    José Manuel Scott Gonzalez, chief of Trustees in the Chihuahua state CERESO in Juarez, was abducted at gunpoint by six armed suspects at a hair salon, was found dead and hung this morning at one of the bridges.

  • Six unidentified men were found shot to death on the Chihuahua-Delicias highway Sunday afternoon, say Mexican press reports. The dump site was about 500 meters from the highway on a road leading to Estación Horcasitas, near Km. Marker 189. The victims were bound and gagged, and shot in the head.

  • A young mother in her 20s was found shot to death and burned near Juarez Sunday morning, according to Mexican press reports. The victim was found on Electrolux highway between calles Mar de Plata and Fundadores de America. Investigators think the victim was shot and burned in the same spot.

  • A Sonora state police investigator was found shot to death on a remote highway in Sonora, according to Mexican news accounts. Arnoldo Quintero Alcantar, of Ciudad Obregon, was found on the Agua Prieta-Naco highway shot multiple times. Alcantar was based in Cananea.

  • An unidentified 39 year old man was found shot to death in his pickup truck in Hermosillo, Sonora Saturday afternoon, according to Mexican press reports. The assault took place at a grocery store near the intersection of
    Fuerza Aérea Mexicana and Hidroavión in the La Manga district. Witnesses say the victim was just leaving the grocery store when armed suspects aboard a luxury vehicle shot him.
Posted by: badanov || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Gunmen kill two Russian soldiers
[Iran Press TV Latest] Gunmen have opened fire on vehicles transporting soldiers in Russia's restive region of Ingushetia, killing two troops and wounding five others, Russian sources said.

Attackers armed with automatic weapons opened fire on two vehicles of soldiers close to the village of Iandar in the Nazran region on Sunday night, AFP quoted local security official as saying

"A motorized convoy of two Ural trucks with policemen from the Interior Ministry was fired upon at about 23:45 Moscow time on Sunday [19:45 GMT] on the Kavkaz federal highway near the village of Yandara," RIA Novosti quoted a local Police spokesman, as saying.

He added that investigators are currently probing the cause of the incident.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Pakistan kills wanted Taliban commander
Pakistan said Monday that a Taliban commander with a 234,000-dollar price on his head had been killed in a shootout with soldiers in the country's notorious North Waziristan region.

The military said Ameerullah Mehsud was one of the top commanders in the Pakistani Taliban, the group blamed for some of the deadliest bomb attacks of a three-year campaign that has killed more than 3,400 people. He also went by the alias of Qari Gud, which means "the man who limps", and Mazloomyar, which means "friend of the oppressed" in the Pashtu language.

Mehsud was reportedly shot dead at a checkpoint in Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan, where Pakistani commanders have felt under increasing US pressure to launch a decisive campaign against Islamist strongholds. "His head money was 20 million rupees (234,000 dollars). Two soldiers were also wounded in the shootout," the military said in a statement. The gunbattle took place in Miranshah on Sunday, it added.

Mehsud was listed 11 out of 19 most-wanted Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commanders for whom the government last November posted combined rewards worth five million dollars for information leading to their capture, dead or alive. He was wanted for attacking security forces, kidnapping for ransom and "other anti-state activities," it added.

Pakistan said he was TTP commander for Makeen and Razmak, a Taliban stronghold in South Waziristan about 430 kilometres (270 miles) southwest of the capital Islamabad.

It was not immediately clear whether anyone would be rewarded in connection with Mehsud's death.
Posted by: ryuge || 07/05/2010 13:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under: TTP

#1  must be the bad taliban
Posted by: Paul D || 07/05/2010 16:41 Comments || Top||

India comes up with six new names in Mumbai case
[Dawn] The government has started examining a list of six suspects given by New Delhi during talks between the two foreign secretaries in Islamabad last week.

Most of the suspects have been identified by their aliases and cover names.

"A list of six more suspects -- Sajid Mir, Maj Abdur Rehman, Brig Riaz, Abu Kafa, Abu Qama and Abu Hamza -- has been given by India," a security official said.

The names of the alleged handlers and controllers of the attack's perpetrators emerged from interrogation by India of American suspect David Coleman Headley, who is being tried in the US for a plot to attack offices of a Danish newspaper that published blasphemous caricatures in 2005.

Indias National Investigation Agency (NIA) is likely to again get access to Mr Headley for further questioning.

According to the sketchy details provided by the Indians about the new suspects, Sajid Mir is allegedly an ex-armyman and the international operations commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

He is supposedly the 'Individual A' in the Headley affidavit and 'Individual B' in another suspect Tahawwur Hussain Rana's affidavit submitted in a US court and is associated with both LeT and Ilyas Kashmiri. He is also reportedly wanted by the US and Australian law-enforcement agencies.

Maj Abdur Rehman alias Pasha, as per the Indian information, retired from the army in 2007 and had been arrested by Pakistani security agencies in September last year for his suspected involvement in the Headley case. He was, however, released.

The third military man pointed out by the Indian side, Brig Riaz, is allegedly an ex-official of the SCO, the army wing dealing with telecommunications.

The other three -- Abu Kafa, Abu Qama and Abu Hamza -- have been identified by their aliases and were allegedly the handlers of the Mumbai attackers.

Abu Kafa is also the alias of Mazhar Iqbal, one of the seven suspects currently being tried by the Rawalpindi anti-terrorism court in the Mumbai case.

An investigator said it was practically unworkable to find the people identified only by their aliases or cover names.

Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram, who last week held talks with Interior Minister Rehman Malik and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Islamabad, asked Pakistan to rigorously follow up leads that had emerged from Headley's questioning and arrest other suspects in the Mumbai carnage.

The Indian minister had also cautioned that substantive progress in the trust-building process, initiated after a meeting between the prime ministers' of both countries in Bhutan in April, would not be possible unless the Mumbai case was resolved.

He had hinted that India would expect forward movement from Pakistan on the issue before the July 15 meeting of the foreign ministers.

However, a diplomat said: "Islamabad is committed to proceeding with the Mumbai trial, but to expect everything to be pegged on the Mumbai issue is unfair and against the spirit to normalise bilateral ties." He urged India to look at the trust-building process from a larger angle rather than just through the Mumbai prism.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Benazir accused requests to complete 'religious' education
Anti-Terrorist Court (ATC) has adjourned hearing till July 10 in an appeal for permission to Aitzaz Shah of completion of education, one of the accused in Benazir Bhutto assassination case.

Aitzaz Shah, who is in Adiala Jail, has filed an application in the court of Judge Akram Awan seeking permission to complete his religious education.

The lawyer of applicant, Naseer Tanoli pleaded the court that when his client Aitzaz Shah was apprehended by the law enforcing agencies, he was getting religious education from a seminary at Karachi. Now Aitzaz Shah wants to complete his education since his one year of education has already went waste.

"Now either the arrangements may be made for completion of his education in the jail or he may be released on bail so as to save another educational year," Tanoli requested the court.

The FIA could not present a challan against the accused including Aitzaz Shah, Abdul Rashid , Hasnain Gull, Rafaqat and Sher Zaman in Benazir Bhutto assassination case even after a lapse of almost one year.

The FIA took stance in the court that due to the importance of the case, the agency is investigating the matter carefully.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

#1  ohfergawdssake
Posted by: Frank G || 07/05/2010 11:42 Comments || Top||

#2  "You killed Benazir?"
"Congrats! You just graduated!"
Posted by: Grunter on Lord Howe Island || 07/05/2010 20:04 Comments || Top||

Eight more killed in Karachi
Eight people, including a former Pakistan People's Party (PPP) councillor and an Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) activist, were gunned down in various parts of Karachi on Saturday.

PPP activist Shoaib Baloch was shot dead on the Bakra Piri Road in the Malir City police precincts. Police said Baloch, a resident of Mullah Essa Goth, was a former councillor of union council No 1 Essa Goth, Gadap Town. Following the incident, angry protesters blocked the roads and protested against the murder in various areas of Malir City.

Separately, Abdul Aziz, 28, was shot dead at Ikhlaq Chowk, Macchar Colony in the Docks police precincts.

In another incident, Ramesh Kumar, 35, was murdered near the Tipu Sultan signal at the Shaheed-e-Millat Road. In a separate incident, Nasir Khan, 27, was killed in Bhains Colony in the Sukhan police precincts.

Police said Khan, a resident of Baldia Town, was at a wedding ceremony where he was killed after a guest resorted to aerial firing. In another incident, a security guard, Ahmed Ashraf, 21, was killed at the Civic Centre Parking in the New Town police precincts. Police said the victim had accidentally shot himself.

Meanwhile, a man identified as Ali Muhammad, 35, was shot dead outside his house located near Kiran Cinema in Old Golimar.

The body of Gul Sher, 27, was found from Sahib Dad Goth in the Saudabad police precincts.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

#1  A vigorous political process.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/05/2010 6:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Who do these people think they are, Mexicans? Only the motivation is different, and even that's pretty shaky.

Posted by: Old Patriot || 07/05/2010 13:25 Comments || Top||

Four die in Iraq attack by female suicide bomber
[Dawn] A female suicide bomber blew herself up at the entrance to government offices in the western Iraqi city of Ramadi on Sunday killing at least four people, the interior ministry said.

The attack comes amid a surge in violence which in past weeks has swept the province of Anbar and its capital Ramadi, shattering a long period of relative calm in what was once the epicentre of Al-Qaeda activity and Sunni insurgency.

"At least four people were killed and 23 others wounded, including women and children, by a female suicide bomber at the entrance to the provincial government building," an interior ministry official said.

Local officials could not immediately confirm the toll.

Mohammed Fathi, a spokesman for the Anbar provincial authorities, quoting initial hospital reports, told AFP earlier that at least 10 people were hurt in the attack west of Baghdad.

Anbar, which in the first years after the US-led invasion became the theatre of a brutal war focused on Fallujah and Ramadi, calmed dramatically after Sunni Arabs there turned against Al-Qaeda in 2006 and began what was to grow into a nationwide anti-Qaeda Sahwa, or "Awakening", militia.

But the past weeks have seen a resurgence of violence, with troops on Tuesday killing a suicide bomber east of Ramadi, thereby foiling a multiple attack on Muslim worshippers gathering before dawn for prayers.

That same day a roadside bomb killed the vice chancellor of Ramadi's Islamic University, Ahmed Jumaa, and wounded two other people in the nearby Euphrates Valley town of Hit.

And on Wednesday two gunmen attacked Major Salam Khalifa, a police commander from Ramadi, as he was walking with his wife and friend in the centre of Hit.

Seven Iraqi soldiers were killed on June 18 in an ambush in Akashat near the Syrian border.

US and Iraqi officials had warned of the dangers of an upsurge of violence if negotiations on forming a new governing coalition some four months after an inconclusive general election drag on too long, giving insurgent groups an opportunity to further destabilise the country.

Government statistics released Wednesday however indicated an opposite trend, showing that 284 people were killed in political violence across Iraq in June, compared with 337 civilians, police and soldiers who died in violence in May.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State of Iraq

US Embassy In Baghdad Attacked With Biden In Country
The U.S. embassy in Baghdad came under fire Sunday from artillery, Fox News reported, citing a source inside the Iraqi interior ministry.

According to the source, three mortars or rockets were fired at the embassy, located inside the International Zone in Baghdad, at approximately 10pm local time Sunday.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is currently in the country to meet with U.S. troops and talk to Iraqi political leaders. He is believed to be staying in the embassy compound.

The U.S. network pool producer in Baghdad reported hearing "advisories on the embassy loudspeakers to remain undercover after artillery of some sort impacted the western area of the embassy compound."

Two soldiers inside the compound reported there was an impact from the incoming fire.

An all clear was given after the attack. The extent of the damage or the possibility of injuries was not immediately clear via official channels, though a civilian on the base said she had heard that there were no injuries or deaths.

She added that the impact occurred on the embassy grounds near the Marine House.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  Now there'el be hell to pay,..."cause nobody messes with Joe!"
Posted by: Skidmark || 07/05/2010 2:05 Comments || Top||

#2  This is a BIG F*cking Deal!!
Posted by: Secret Asian Man || 07/05/2010 7:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Maybe a so-so BIG f*cking deal as BIG f*cking deals go.
Posted by: JohnQC || 07/05/2010 10:26 Comments || Top||

#4  Great. Joe's got another personal "war story" for 2012. And you'll know we'll hear about it...
Posted by: tu3031 || 07/05/2010 11:07 Comments || Top||

#5  "so I caught the mortar from over my back, like Willie Mays, and threw it back. Killed, 90 or a thousand of them. Hard to tell"
Posted by: Frank G || 07/05/2010 11:44 Comments || Top||

#6  Hard indeed, Frank. ;-)
Posted by: lotp || 07/05/2010 13:17 Comments || Top||

14 wounded in Kirkuk blast
KIRKUK / Aswat al-Iraq: The final count of casualties from a car bomb in central Kirkuk on Sunday reached 14 wounded, including the director of the awqaf (endowments) in the province, according to a security source at the Kirkuk Public Hospital.

“The casualties from an earlier car bomb attack that targeted the motorcade of Kirkuk Awqaf Director Mulla Mustafa Hussein,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“Hussein and four of his bodyguards are among the wounded,” he added.

Earlier today (July 3), a security source told Aswat al-Iraq that a booby-trapped vehicle blast took place near the provincial administration building has left five civilians wounded in an initial count of casualties.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Iraqis Kill Terror Financier, Arrest Suspects
Iraqi security forces killed an al-Qaida in Iraq financier and arrested three terrorism suspects in recent operations with U.S. advisors, military officials reported.

Iraqi forces and U.S. advisors conducted a vehicle stop in eastern Mosul yesterday to apprehend the financier, who is believed to be responsible for the movement of foreign fighters into Iraq and allegedly has assisted in vehicle-borne bomb attacks.

The wanted man exhibited hostile intent toward Iraqi forces that then initiated escalation-of-force procedures and killed him and a criminal associate. Information and evidence gathered at the scene led Iraqi forces to identify and arrest an additional suspected criminal associate of the financier.

Today in Jalula, northeast of Baghdad, Iraqi forces and U.S. advisors searched several buildings for a suspected al-Qaida in Iraq member allegedly responsible for conducting attacks on Iraqi and U.S. forces. Information and evidence gathered at the scene led Iraqi forces to identify and arrest two suspected criminal associates of the wanted man.
Posted by: Anonymoose || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Whuh? But U.S. Treasury officials say that Treasury is responsible for bankrupting Al Qaeda and reducing their ability to raise funds, never once giving credit to the U.S. or Iraqi military. You mean Timmy Geithner and David Cohen lied to us, and that killing financiers actually works better than freezing one of their bank accounts??
Posted by: American Delight || 07/05/2010 10:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Well, if you freeze their accounts, you force an actual money-man to carry cash from cell to cell, exposing the financiers to arrest or physical harm, and hopefully exposing the cells as a bonus. So I'd call it a definite force-multiplier.
Posted by: Mitch H. || 07/05/2010 12:39 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
3 ex-students tried for harboring terrorists in Indonesia
Prosecutors on Monday demanded seven-year sentences for three former students of a state Islamic university on trial for their alleged role in last year’s twin hotel bombings in the capital that killed seven people.

The three defendants — Afham Ramadhan, Sonny Jayadi and Fajar Firdaus, who all attended Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) in Ciputat, Tangerang — are being tried separately at the South Jakarta District Court. They are charged with harboring two militants, Saefudin Zuhri and Syahrir, who were wanted by police for their alleged involvement in the July 17 attacks on the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta.

In September last year, the defendants allegedly rented a room at a boarding house for Saefudin and Syahrir, and occasionally brought them food. Despite knowing they were sought by the police, they failed to report the suspected terrorists to the authorities, prosecutors said.

Saefudin and Syahrir were eventually killed during a police raid at their boarding house in Ciputat, near the UIN campus. Afham and Fajar, who were Saefudin’s nephews, paid for the room. Sonny, meanwhile, is a friend of Afham’s.

Prosecutor Iwan Setiawan said Saefudin had told Sonny, 24, who was a part-time employee at the State Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) at the time, that he was involved in the bombings. During their stay in the boarding house, Saefudin and Syahrir also discussed jihad with Sonny and asked him to monitor radio and television news concerning the hotel bombings, including reports about the death of terror mastermind Noordin M Top during a raid in Solo, Central Java.

Fajar, 26, became suspect in the case after police discovered a letter from Saefudin asking him to bring him food to the boarding house. He was introduced by the prosecution as a recent psychology graduate from UIN.
Posted by: ryuge || 07/05/2010 13:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Jemaah Islamiyah

Not unlearning jihad in Indonesia
Recent arrests reveal failure of country's de-radicalization program.
Posted by: ryuge || 07/05/2010 12:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "... Of the 73 suspects police have arrested or killed since the discovery of a secret paramilitary training camp in the country’s northernmost province of Aceh in February, 15 have returned to criminal activity after being released from jail...."

I wonder how many of the ones killed returned to criminal activity.
Posted by: lord garth || 07/05/2010 17:40 Comments || Top||

One killed, four wounded in Thai roadside bomb attack
A roadside bomb killed one and seriously wounded four paramilitary rangers while conducting a routine foot patrol in Yala's Banang Sata district Sunday afternoon amid a spike of violence in this southernmost province.

The five men were from Ranger Unit 47 in the district. They were dispatched in what appeared to be an attempt to counter a spate of insurgency-related violence that erupted in Yala and surrounding districts following the June 7 shooting death of a local Islamic teacher, Dora-mae Da-che, 51, also known as Ustaz Mae, in Banang Sata.

Mae was said to be connected to the local militant cell who retaliated with a series of bomb attacks on soft targets, including restaurants. His assassination was said to be a violation of a "gentlemen agreement" between the local cell and the military unit. According to informed sources, the agreement stipulated that there would be no target killing of suspected terrorists militants or sympathizers in exchange for taking soft targets off the militants' hit list. Mae was believed to have been killed by a pro-government assassin.

Yesterday roadside bomb attack in Banang Sata came just two days after similar back-to-back attacks on Friday and Saturday in Yala's Yaha district, and Narathiwat's Rusoh district, respectively. The two incident resulted in the death of eight people, six of whom were members of security forces.
 Last Monday, a soldier and two teachers were injured when a bomb, also buried under the road, exploded in Narathiwat's Si Sakhon district.
Update: Yala bomb attack's death toll rises to two
Posted by: ryuge || 07/05/2010 02:13 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

#1  The MSM ignores clashes between Islamic and government forces in Thailand becomes it undermines the preferred narrative that the Israeli-Arab conflict is the motivating factor in conflicts between Islam and the rest of the world.
Posted by: Odysseus || 07/05/2010 8:15 Comments || Top||

Indonesian Islamists open front against Christians
Days after rumors spread across this industrial city that Christians were conducting a mass baptism, hard-line Islamic leaders called for local mosques to create a youth guard to act as moral police and put a quick stop to forced conversions.

They started training early Saturday morning, around 100 young men turning out in a field in Bekasi wearing martial arts uniforms. Leaders stressed that there was no plan to arm them, but they do not shy away from saying they'll act essentially as thugs.

"We're doing this because we want to strike fear in the hearts of Christians who behave in such a way," said Murhali Barda, who heads the local chapter of the Islamic Defenders Front, which pushes for the implementation of Islamic-based laws in Bekasi and other parts of the archipelagic nation. "If they refuse to stop what they're doing, we're ready to fight."

Although this secular country, with more Muslims than any other in the world, has a long history of religious tolerance, a small extremist fringe - of which the front is the vanguard - has become more vocal in recent years as it tries to root out everything it considers blasphemous.

Though big, vice-filled cities, like Jakarta, traditionally have been easy targets, changing demographics have put areas like Bekasi, on the outskirts of the capital, in the hard-liners' cross hairs. The shift reflects a greater problem in Indonesia, which is struggling to stamp out extremist movements without losing the support of moderates, who condemn violence but are sensitive to perceptions that the government is subservient to the West.

Outsiders have steadily poured into the Jakarta suburb in search of work, bringing with them their own religions, traditions and values. That has made conservative Islamic clerics nervous. Some have used sermons to warn their flock to be on the lookout for signs of proselytization.

The front, known for smashing bars, attacking transvestites and going after minority sects with bamboo clubs and stones, is now leading a charge against Christians in the area.

A spate of attacks has rocked Bekasi: Mobs have forced shut two churches this year. Last month, a statue of three women was torn down by authorities after hundreds of hard-liners wearing skull caps and white robes took to the streets, claiming the monument symbolized the Holy Trinity.

Weeks earlier, black-clad youths attacked a Catholic-run school over an anonymous blogger's "blasphemous" website.

In this context, it wasn't surprising that when 14 busloads of villagers arrived last week at the Bekasi home of Henry Sutanto, who heads the Christian-run Mahanaim Foundation, rumors quickly spread that he and one of his colleagues, Andreas Sanau, were planning a mass baptism.

A spokeswoman for the group, Marya Irawan, insisted the crowds were invited as part of efforts to reach out to the poor.

But the front was not convinced. Video footage provided by the group shows hundreds of people getting off buses and entering the residential complex, many of them women in headscarves holding babies in slings, and milling about the pool. When a questioner thrust the camera in their faces, demanding to know why they came, most just looked bewildered.

"Someone asked if I wanted to come," one woman said with a shrug. Others accepted a ride into the city because they were bored, and thought they would at least get a free lunch out of it.

When the questioner found Sanau, who had one ear to a phone, he asked if baptisms would be taking place. The 29-year-old Christian's brow furrowed. He shook his head, "No, no." Asked if he had an ID card, Sanau flashed it at the interviewer, who zoomed in on his home address. The house has since been abandoned. His bespectacled face now appears on a banner - draped in front of a mosque - with a fiery noose around his neck and the words, "This man deserves the death penalty!"

"He should be executed!" said Barda, the local front leader. "He tried to carry out mass baptisms!"
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Global Jihad

#1  Let's make a deal: any hard-working Christian from ANY muslim country can come to the West (the US, Canada, Australia, maybe Europe), but in exchange for each Christian, a muslim in the West must go to where the Christian came from. Also, those that must leave should be the most recent arrival who's been in the West a year or more. Saudi Arabia buys the plane tickets.

This says it all: "We're doing this because we want to strike fear in the hearts of Christians who behave in such a way," I.E., in any way but as a dhimmi. In my personal opinion. ALL muslims should be forced to live for ten years in Saudi Arabia, without outside assistance. Let's see how much they really love Islam after spending that time in the "home" of Islam.
Posted by: Old Patriot || 07/05/2010 14:25 Comments || Top||

Iranian Planes Denied Fuel in UK, Germany, UAE
A top Iranian airline official says Iranian planes have been refused fuel at airports in other countries, since the United States implemented new sanctions against Iran last week.

The Iranian news agency ISNA quoted Mehdi Aliyari as saying airports in Britain, Germany and the United Arab Emirates have refused fuel for Iranian planes. He said the refusals began after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a new sanctions package into law that targets Iran's energy and banking sectors.

At the same time, Iran is dismissing the economic impact of the sanctions.

Speaking Monday at the opening of a steel plant in Azerbaijan province, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the Iranian people will prove the sanctions to be a failure. Oil Minister Massoud Mir-Kazemi said the sanctions were "nothing new" and would not affect Iran's energy sector.

The new U.S. sanctions aim to make it harder for Iran's government to buy refined petroleum and exclude from U.S. markets companies involved in selling gasoline, jet fuel and other such products to Iran.

The sanctions also prevent foreign banks from accessing the U.S. financial system if they do business with key Iranian institutions or Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

Mr. Obama said the new sanctions will strike "at the heart" of Iran's ability to fund and develop its alleged nuclear weapons program.

Last month, the U.N. Security Council approved a fourth round of sanctions on Iran because it has refused to stop its uranium enrichment program. The European Union then imposed its own sanctions against Iran, including a ban on transfers of technology to Iran's oil and natural gas sector.

Iran says its nuclear program is peaceful, but Western nations suspect Iran is trying to build weapons.
Posted by: tipper || 07/05/2010 18:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under:

#1  a start if we can get uniform compliance. Hello, China!
Posted by: Frank G || 07/05/2010 18:37 Comments || Top||

#2  Glad to see we still have a few companies that support us. For all that are taking advantage of us, just remember, this is a one term president and the shift to the right will be swift and the blade sharp.
Posted by: 49 Pan || 07/05/2010 18:39 Comments || Top||

#3  "United Arab Emirates have refused fuel for Iranian planes"

Interesting. Guess Arab really don't like the Mullahs.

Did they sat least sell them enough fuel to get out of the country?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut || 07/05/2010 18:58 Comments || Top||

#4  Britain, Germany and the UAE deny this report.

Britain, Germany, and the United Arab Emirates denied reports Monday that their airports were refusing fuel to Iranian planes, according to AFP.

A secretary of the Iranian Airlines Union told the ISNA news agency earlier that "since last week, after the passing of the unilateral law by America and the sanctions against Iran, airports in England, Germany, the UAE have refused to give fuel to Iranian planes."

All three countries denied the report. In London, a British government spokesman said: "At present Her Majesty's Government is not aware of any occasions when fuel has been refused in the UK."
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/05/2010 19:49 Comments || Top||

#5  glad that's cleared up! Thx Oblahblah and Hillary(!)
Posted by: Frank G || 07/05/2010 20:55 Comments || Top||

#6  Smells like bullshit. If they couldn't refuel then how could they fly home? There should be Iranian planes stacking up at airports throughout Europe, and breathless press stories about the poor, oppressed pilots & crew.
Posted by: gromky || 07/05/2010 23:58 Comments || Top||

Lebanese, UNIFIL forces clash
Angry Lebanese villagers have blocked UNIFIL vehicles from entering a village in south Lebanon over the arrest of a local youth by the French patrol.

The villagers of Kabrikha were outraged after a French UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) patrol arrested a youth following an argument on Saturday. According to reports, the villagers stopped two UNIFIL vehicles, including an armored personnel carrier, and threw eggs and rocks at the French convoy.

UNIFIL forces then took the young man who opposed their presence to the nearby town of Toulin where they were also met with angry residents. The residents clashed with the French forces after the convoy began to take photos of their houses, IRIB reported on Saturday.

Stones were also hurled at UNIFIL forces in the town where a local man and a UNIFIL member were also injured.

The latest incident was drawn to a close after Lebanese army forces intervened and settled the issue with the release of the youth.

"We don't accept this act by the UN peacekeepers and this is a message to the Israelis that we are brave and we can defend ourselves," one of the protesters said.

UNIFIL troops are under a UN mandate to patrol the south Lebanon area but locals have accused them of provocative acts.

The Islamic movement of Hezbollah in Lebanon has urged UNIFIL troops to stick to their directives, following a wave of recent protests by villagers.

"UNIFIL should always carry out its role... in a way so as not to arouse mistrust and worry of citizens as was the case during the latest exercises," AFP quoted Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem as saying recently.

The French forces "must stick to their mission as prescribed by (UN Security Council) Resolution 1701. Then there will be a return to normal," he further said.
Posted by: Fred || 07/05/2010 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

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Mon 2010-07-05
  Bangla Jamaat rampage
Sun 2010-07-04
  Ayatollah Fudlullah dies at 75
Sat 2010-07-03
  Obama signs toughest-ever US sanctions on Iran
Fri 2010-07-02
  37 people killed in bomb blasts at Pakistan shrine
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  Protests rock Bangla capital
Wed 2010-06-30
  Bangla Jamaat big turbans held on court order
Tue 2010-06-29
  Kabul dismisses report Karzai met Haqqani
Mon 2010-06-28
  Drone strike kills six Taliban in N Wazoo
Sun 2010-06-27
  15 insurgents killed by their own bombs in Afghan mosque
Sat 2010-06-26
  Mir Ali dronezap waxes two
Fri 2010-06-25
  7 Afghan construction workers killed in bombing
Thu 2010-06-24
  Iranian Flotilla Backs Down
Wed 2010-06-23
  President Obama Relieves Gen. Stanley McChrystal of Afghan Command
Tue 2010-06-22
  Guilty Plea to all Counts in Times Square Bomb Plot
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