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Egypt army dumps Morsi
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1 14:31 Shipman [13]
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56 23:51 Beavis [21]
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14 21:55 Barbara [20]
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Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Birthday Gam Shot

Olivia Munn[Filmography](age 33)

Design Improperly Installed

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 07/03/2013 1:34 Comments || Top||

#2  IMNSHO Ms. Munn is all-time hawt(tm)!
Posted by: Scooter McGruder || 07/03/2013 8:17 Comments || Top||

#3  ...did you watch her gig on AOTS?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 07/03/2013 8:50 Comments || Top||

#4  There's an Isle of Mann joke in here somewhere.
Posted by: Iblis || 07/03/2013 10:32 Comments || Top||

#5  No speed limit on the Isle of Mann and lots of curves. Great place to open up the Ferrari.
Posted by: AlanC || 07/03/2013 13:09 Comments || Top||

#6  #3 P2K-

Once or twice. Pretty piggy. Her looks do not compensate for her general pigginess. Two thumbs down. No matter what she is or isn't wearing.
Posted by: no mo uro || 07/03/2013 13:47 Comments || Top||

#7  Great place to open up the Ferrari.
Or the Country Squire

Roll, roll, roll on Beeeg Momma!
I had one, actually a low rent counter-part, the Country Sedan, slapped on rain tires and let the poor Windosr breathe and I won class at the local Gymncana, course weren't many entries in that particular class.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/03/2013 14:07 Comments || Top||

#8  UFF DA!

Posted by: Thor Snomoter3849 || 07/03/2013 15:31 Comments || Top||

--Tech & Moderator Notes
Roll-overs for July 3 to 4
Quick note at 22:15 CT: we're rolling over several of the Egypt stories into July 4th. So if a post you're looking at suddenly disappears for an hour, that's why.

Posted by: || 07/03/2013 23:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Horn
Govt calls for calm after protests over terrorist chief's arrest
MOGADISHU - Somalia's federal government has called for calm on Mogadishu streets after protesters took to the streets demanding the release of terrorist chief Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, Garowe Online reports.

"Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is in good health and is currently in the custody of the Somali Federal Government," Somali Interior and National Security Minister Abdikarim Hussein Guled told a Tuesday press conference in Mogadishu, adding: "Sheikh Aweys will not be transferred over to any foreign government and we call upon the Mogadishu public to calm down".

Minister Guled warned against "some groups who are inciting the public with false information, and public incitement is a threat to peace, stability and governance".

On Monday, hundreds of people protested in Mogadishu between Banadir and Tarabunka junctions, with protestors shutting down local businesses, chanting anti-government slogans and demanding the release of Sheikh Aweys from prison.

Interior Minister Guled apologized for the violent incident on June 29, when Sheikh Aweys was transported by plane from Adado town in Galgadud region of central Somalia to Mogadishu by a group of parliamentarians, elders and warlords.

Somali security forces at the Mogadishu airport reportedly "used force" to arrest Aweys upon landing at the airport, while the group of parliamentarians, elders and warlords who accompanied Aweys to Mogadishu were "beaten up and arrested" by the security forces, but everyone was released except Aweys.

"This was an unfortunate and unplanned incident, and we apologize to the affected individuals," said Minister Guled.

Aweys escaped to his native region of Galgadud in late June 2013, after Al Shabaab death squads were sent to assassinate senior members of Al Shabaab militant group in Barawe coastal town of Lower Shabelle region, in southern Somalia. Al Shabaab death squads sent by Godane reportedly assassinated other senior Al Shabaab members, including Ibrahim Afghani and Moallim Burhan.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Arms ship seized by Yemen may have been Somalia-bound
An Iranian ship laden with arms seized by Yemeni authorities in January may also have been bound for Somalia, according to a confidential U.N. report seen by Reuters on Monday. Yemeni forces intercepted the ship, the Jihan 1, off Yemen's coast on January 23. U.S. and Yemeni officials said it was carrying a large cache of weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, being smuggled from Iran to insurgents in Yemen.

The confidential U.N. report, by the U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea, cited Yemeni officials as saying that it was possible diesel carried aboard the ship could have been intended for shipment to Somalia.

The group, which tracks compliance with Security Council sanctions, raised concerns in the report about the flow of weapons to Islamist al-Shabaab militants since the U.N. Security Council eased an arms embargo on Somalia's fragile Western-backed government earlier this year.

The report did not explicitly say that weapons on the ship were headed for Somalia, but one U.N. Security Council diplomat said that if it was true that the diesel was intended for Somalia, it could not be ruled out that other items on the ship, including weapons, might also have been intended for there.
What the Iranians should have done was to allow the ship to be 'hijacked'. Then they would have delivered the weapons and diesel, and gotten world sympathy to boot...
Alireza Miryousefi, a spokesman for Iran's U.N. mission, rejected the suggestion that Iran could be connected in any way with arms supplies to al-Shabaab.

"These are some baseless allegations and ridiculous fabrications about the Islamic Republic of Iran," he said. "This alleged report by the Monitoring Group on Somalia on arms shipments from Iran carries no basis or the minimum rationality."
"No, no, certainly not!"
A Western diplomat said that the fact that there were 16,716 blocks of C4 explosive on the Jihan 1 suggested a potential connection between Iran and al-Shabaab in Somalia, as Huthi rebels, unlike al-Shabaab, were not known to use C4.

The U.N. experts wrote that according to Yemeni security officials, the arms and ammunition were well-packed in small containers concealed inside several large compartments filled with diesel fuel.

"Yemeni officials indicated that this arms consignment was to be delivered to the Huthi rebellion in north Yemen," the report to the Security Council's sanctions committee said. "However the Monitoring Group investigated if some of the Jihan 1 cargo could have been intended for delivery in Somalia."

"When asked about this, security officials confirmed that the diesel could have been bound for Somalia," the report said. "Members of the crew have also divulged to a diplomatic source who interviewed them in Aden that the diesel was bound for Somalia."

The potential Somalia connection was not raised in a recent report by the U.N. Panel of Experts on Iran that monitors compliance with the U.N. sanctions regime against Tehran. That report said five of the Iran panel's eight members found that all available information clearly placed Tehran at the center of the Jihan arms smuggling operation. But three panel members - who U.N. diplomats said were from Russia, China and Nigeria - said the Jihan incident was a "probable", not definite, violation of the U.N. ban on Iranian arms exports.
Thus allowing them to close their eyes to the whole situation.
The latest experts' report said Yemen was the top source of arms in Somalia.

The group wrote that authorities in Puntland - a semi-autonomous region of Somalia which has a fractious relationship with Mogadishu - had said that one reason they had passed a law banning Yemeni petroleum imports the ease with which arms were smuggled in diesel containers like the ones on the Jihan 1.
So everyone except the U.N. knows how the scam works. Typical...
"Additional evidence indicates the involvement of an individual entity based in Djibouti as part of a network that supplies arms and ammunition to al-Shabaab in Somalia," it said.

The monitoring group said it was concerned about the possible export from Somalia of know-how in the manufacture of suicide vests and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to Kenya and Uganda. It said it had analyzed a suicide vest discovered in Kenya in March, which was similar to ones used by al-Shabaab.

This, the group said, "suggests a transfer of know-how between al-Shabaab in Somalia and al-Shabaab members or its sympathizers operating in Kenya."

Although piracy off Somalia's coast had decreased, it said some of the demobilized pirates were providing private security services to unlicensed fishing vessels off Somalia's coast.

"Puntland officials estimate that tens of thousands of metric tons (1 metric ton = 1.1023 tons) of illegal catch has been fished from Puntland's coastline between 2012 and 2013 by hundreds of illegal fishing vessels," the report said.

"The vessels are predominantly Iranian and Yemeni owned and all use Somali armed security," it said.

The Monitoring Group said it was investigating reports that illegal fishing vessels were also being used to smuggle weapons. While the reports were unconfirmed, the group had established "other connections between the illegal fishing networks and networks involved in the arms trade and connected to al-Shabaab in northeastern Somalia," the report said.

The Monitoring Group said Puntland officials estimated that as many as 180 illegal Iranian and 300 illegal Yemeni vessels were fishing in Somali waters, along with a small number of Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean and European-owned vessels.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa North
Islamic TV channels off air, police arrest crews
[Al Ahram] The Muslim Brotherhood-owned television channel Misr 25 went off air along with several other Islamist-run channels, including the controversial Hafez and Al-Nas, shortly after the military statement announcing the ouster of president Mohamed Morsi.
Everybody's gonna be cheesed when they miss the Sura of the Cow Comedy Hour.
Police forces went to the Media Production City in Cairo's 6 October, where the offices and studios of these channels are located, and evacuated them, according to Al-Ahram's Arabic-language news portal.

The police also arrested some of the personnel working for these channels.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 18:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

#1  Has anyone thought about how nice it would be if we could do this to NBC, MSNBC, PMSNBC, CNN, and CBS?
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 07/03/2013 18:45 Comments || Top||

#2  Al Jazeera, other TV stations forced off air in Egypt
Posted by: tipper || 07/03/2013 19:47 Comments || Top||

#3  I'd be happy with public defunding of NPR
Posted by: Frank G || 07/03/2013 21:01 Comments || Top||

#4  They shouldn't be on the air anyway - TV is very unislamic.

After all, Mo-HAM-head didn't have TV.
Posted by: Barbara || 07/03/2013 21:51 Comments || Top||

Egypt military deploys across country
[Al Ahram] Egypt's Armed Forces is stepping up its presence in the capital and across provincial towns as Egyptians await a planned military statement.

The two-day deadline given by Egypt's army for feuding politicians to forge a power-sharing consensus ended almost three hours ago. Egypt is on edge, waiting to see how the situation will unfold.

Military sources have told Ahram Online that a meeting between leaders of the armed forces and representatives of political, religious and national groups has finished and a statement will be released shortly.

A large number of armoured military vehicles have been positioned around the presidential palace, the Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque, and the iconic Tahrir Square, where rival mass rallies are being staged, a military source told Ahram Arabic news website.

Tens of armoured personnel carriers headed towards Cairo University where thousands of Morsi supporters are rallying to defend the president's "legitimacy."

The army has also erected barbed wire and barriers around the Presidential Guard barracks where embattled President Morsi is working, eyewitnesses told Rooters.

In the canal city of Suez, twenty armoured vehicles and soldiers carriers have been deployed in the vicinity of a local mosque where Morsi's supporters are rallying.

The number of military helicopters hovering above the city and over the Suez Canal has also soared.

Dozens of armoured personnel carriers have filled streets of the Giza province, Ahram Arabic added.

In an official statement, the army said that such measures are meant to secure the citizenry and denied reports that it was attacking Morsi's supporters, saying "The Egyptian army belongs to all Egyptians" and "The deployments are intended to protect all citizens without bias."
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 18:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Live: Crisis in Egypt
Posted by: tipper || 07/03/2013 13:02 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Looks like the Mamluks have taken over. Iraq next?
Posted by: tipper || 07/03/2013 13:29 Comments || Top||

#2  So, there's always a "Crisis in Egypt">
Posted by: Redneck Jim || 07/03/2013 13:59 Comments || Top||

#3  So, there's always a "Crisis in Egypt"
Seems so RJ
“And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread.” - Genesis 41:55.
Posted by: tipper || 07/03/2013 14:12 Comments || Top||

#4  RJ has nailed it.
Altho never underestimate the value of a strategic rock-pile or 10.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/03/2013 14:24 Comments || Top||

Morsi, Brøderbünd prepare 'defense' force
CAIRO — With millions of Egyptians in the streets for a third straight day demanding his resignation, a defiant President Mohammed Morsi took to Egypt’s airwaves early Wednesday morning and vowed to fight to remain in office, even if “the price is my blood.”

In a 40-minute call to arms to his supporters, Morsi angrily declared his right to serve out his term as the first democratically elected president in Egypt’s long history.

“I am the president of Egypt,” he shouted at one point. “There is no substitute for legitimacy, no alternative.”
Strange use of the word 'legitimacy' there...
The speech seemed to augur the likelihood of violence when a 48-hour deadline issued by the military calling for Morsi and his opponents to find a solution to their impasse expires at 4:30 p.m. (10:30 a.m. EDT).

“The price can be my life,” he said.
There are plenty who will collect that, and I think he knows it, so this is just rhetoric. There's a comfortable dacha villa waiting for him in Riyadh...
The speech was likely to be read as a call to arms by thousands of Muslim Brotherhood members who’ve been forming their own security force, armed with sticks, helmets and Molotov cocktails, even as police and the country’s military seemed to be withdrawing their support from Morsi.

Keeping their distance from anti-Morsi protests that have brought millions into the streets, Brotherhood forces have been preparing for days, chanting, lining up in formation, and hoisting sticks, chair legs and two-by-fours in mock combat drills.
If the Army comes down against the Brøderbünd chair legs aren't going to help much...
Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency who leads the largest opposition group, the National Salvation Front, was reported to be negotiating with the Morsi government. But whatever, if anything, emerges from that effort is unlikely to satisfy everyone, portending, under the best of circumstances, even more instability.
If ElBaradei becomes the next leader Egypt is even more screwed then it is now...
Elsewhere in Cairo, the Muslim Brotherhood seemed determined to secure Morsi’s legitimate place as Egypt’s leader with its illegitimate security force.

“Strength, determination, faith, Morsi’s men are everywhere!” they screamed while stomping their feet and doing air punches in the air. Overweight men in beards then dropped down and began doing pushups.

The tension was high as they waved their sticks in the air and stomped their feet in front of the presidential palace. Their numbers had clearly grown from Friday, when they’d formed up in squad-size units of 15 to 20; on Tuesday, they were organized in platoons, 50 or 60 men to a unit.
It's downright .. paramilitary. They just need to borrow the yellow flags and the palm-down salutes from Hezbollah...
One group donned blue construction helmets and orange life vests to serve as protection from rubber bullets.
Life vests .. they'll save your life...
Another wore red and silver motorcycle helmets; its members carried green pipes. They vowed to battle to the death.
So they're sorta like a deviant, Islamicist "Hell's Angels"...
Some had written “martyr” on their knuckles orange vests. Others carried signs that read: “Martyr Project.”

“I am prepared to be martyred,” one man told another.

If they succeed in defending Morsi’s hold on the presidency, it’s unclear what Morsi would control.

“That the Brotherhood is ostensibly forming a militia reinforces the fact that Morsi has no control over the police and is increasingly the titular head of a failed state,” said Eric Trager, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/03/2013 11:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Obama's been selling Morsi to the world since day one. You think he'll go stand shoulder to shoulder with his bro' on the front lines?
Posted by: AlanC || 07/03/2013 13:08 Comments || Top||

#2  the Muslim Brotherhood seemed determined to secure Morsi's legitimate place as Egypt's leader

Kinda funny, considering Morsi had 'officially' disassociated himself from the MB.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/03/2013 13:41 Comments || Top||

#3  My money is on the side with the M1A3s.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/03/2013 14:14 Comments || Top||

#4  Fox is reporting that Morsi is out and the Military says it's now running the country.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 07/03/2013 15:35 Comments || Top||

#5  Yup, all over for Morsi. Military has released a "roadmap" already. The only question remaining is whether the MB will resort to Terrorist strikes.

Which I'd bet, yes, they will.
Posted by: Charles || 07/03/2013 15:53 Comments || Top||

#6  More proof obooboo has the reverse Midas touch, bigtime...
Posted by: M. Murcek || 07/03/2013 16:10 Comments || Top||

#7  Hopefully, next Erdogan.
Posted by: tipper || 07/03/2013 16:24 Comments || Top||

#8  Which I'd bet, yes, they will.

Only if they have bad memory.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/03/2013 16:28 Comments || Top||

#9  Grom that entry has been seriously scrubbed by the "Brothers", it was more than a few "Brothers" what found a new way of thinking.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/03/2013 16:53 Comments || Top||

#10  The salifist, jihadi and Islamist groups will be majorly pissed off LOL. They will turn violent as they don't like losing/dialogue.

I hope this is the beginning of the end of MB in the Middle East. Time for a beer!
Posted by: Paul D || 07/03/2013 18:24 Comments || Top||

Egypt artists stage second anti-Morsi march to Tahrir Square
[Al Ahram] Egyptian artists gathered once again outside the culture ministry in Cairo's Tamale district, later walking towards Tahrir Square to join a massive crowd gathered there. Protesters' demanded that President Mohamed Morsi step down and that the Moslem Brüderbund be removed from power.

Tuesday's march comes only two days after artists and intellectuals staged the largest protest march since the January 2011 revolution.

Though this time smaller in size, the march still counted several hundreds and was met with cheers by passers-by as the crowd walked through 26 July Street, through Saray El-Gezira Street along the Nile towards Qasr El-Nil Bridge from where it entered Tahrir Square.

The march included artists of all generations and fields: filmmakers, theatre makers, musicians and visual artists, among others. The protesters were led by a car with speakers, as artists sang patriotic songs and stopped occasionally to sing the Egyptian national anthem.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Egypt's sports minister hands in resignation
[Al Ahram] El-Amry Farouk becomes the sixth Egyptian minister to step down in the wake of massive rallies against President Mohamed Morsi's rule
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

#1  Took the ball with him, I hear.
Posted by: Muggsey Mussolini || 07/03/2013 11:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Yes, he did Muggsey, turning out the lights in 3 villages.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/03/2013 14:15 Comments || Top||

#3  I see what you did there, Shipman. It was one of those special Obama soccer balls. ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/03/2013 19:49 Comments || Top||

Egyptian presidency, cabinet spokesmen resign
[Al Ahram] The spokesmen for the Egyptian presidency and the cabinet quit on Tuesday, the latest in a string of resignations from the administration of President Mohamed Morsi, who is facing massive public pressure to step down.

Presidential front man Ehab Fahmy - who was seconded to the presidency from the foreign ministry - has tendered his resignation, a foreign ministry official told AFP.

Cabinet front man Alaa El-Hadidi told the official MENA news agency he had also given his notice to Prime Minister Hisham Qandil.

Five Egyptian ministers have resigned since Sunday's mass nationwide protests demanding the president's removal.

On Monday, eight members of the Islamist-dominated Shura Council stepped down in protest at the simmering political stand-off in the country.

Former armed forces chief-of-staff Sami Anan also stood down as a presidential advisor on the same day, in solidarity with the opposition's demands.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Live updates: Millions on streets in Egypt; 2 dead in Giza clashes
[Al Ahram] 22:00 Ahram's Arabic website reports that numbers are increasing at the Qobba presidential palace in Heliopolis. At a nearby underground metro station, crowds are so large the station workers have opened the metro barriers to allow people to exit more easily. Groups of people wearing high-visibility jackets are spreading out securing the rally, reports Ahram.

Qobba only became a major location for protests this weekend; previously, anti-Morsi marches headed to Tahrir Square or to Ittihadiya presidential palace (also in Heliopolis), where the president's office is officially based. On 30 June, however, the president moved his office to Qobba, and as a result the palace is becoming a popular destination for rallies and marches.

21:45 More festivities in Upper Egypt. Violence broke out between pro- and anti-Morsi supporters in the city of Minya after a number of Morsi supporters reportedly fired at anti-Morsi protesters during rival protests, according to Ahram Arabic.

Thousands of Morsi supporters had gathered in front Al-Rahman mosque, known in the city as an Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya spot, in a march towards the city's Palace Square where hundreds of anti-Morsi protesters had been staging a sit-in against the recently-appointed Islamist affiliated governor, when a number of people from the pro-Morsi protest reportedly fired at protesters in front of the governorate building.

An account of injuries has not yet been provided.

Police fired rounds of teargas in the perimeter of the governorate headquarters to disperse the two camps.

21:40 Clashes erupt in Luxor in front of the governorate headquarters after pro-Morsi demonstrators attacked an anti-Morsi protest, reports Ahram Arabic. Several have been reported injured, although the official number is still unconfirmed. Security forces apparently intervened to contain festivities.

In Beni Suef, pro-Morsi demonstrators retreated from the main square after anti-Morsi demonstrators approached.

21:30 Ministry of health announces one dead in festivities in Giza that took place between opponents and supporters of President Morsi. In total, 72 have been injured during the Tuesday festivities over nine different governorates.

21:05 We should stress that the injuries and deaths that are being reported are happening at the margins, not in the main protest sites. Tahrir Square, Ittihadiya, and Qobba are all so far free of any festivities, as is the main Islamist rally in Rabaa Al-Adawiya.

The festivities have been occurring in locations where smaller numbers and marches are taking place. The two reported deaths were in Kit Kat in Giza, which is located on the western side of the Nile river, opposite Cairo.

21:00 The Minister of Health Mostafa Hamed has announced that 39 people have been injured in festivities in seven governorates: Cairo, Alexandria, Qalioubiya, Giza, Daqahliya, Damietta and Fayoum, which saw the highest number of injuries per governorate at 21.

Hamed said that 17 out of the 39 injured have been discharged from hospitals. The two deaths in Giza have yet to be confirmed officially.

20:50 Thousands of anti-Morsi demonstrators are gathered in El-Horreya Square in the city of Damietta, reports Ahram Arabic. Earlier on Tuesday evening, hundreds of Morsi supporters had gathered near the square to demonstrate but retreated when scuffles broke out with residents. Police forces are still deployed around the square to form a buffer between the two camps.

20:45 There have been a number of political resignations today, including six ministers, a cabinet spokesperson, and a number of others.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

#1  Appears there was a bit more to it than a small Gezi Park protest. The presidential Africa tour appears to have become lost in the news.
Posted by: Besoeker || 07/03/2013 4:39 Comments || Top||

#2  perhaps he can give a speech in Tahrir Square. Recycle that Brandenburg Gate BS
Posted by: Frank G || 07/03/2013 8:17 Comments || Top||

#3  Or hand out those soccer balls...
Posted by: Pappy || 07/03/2013 13:42 Comments || Top||

Bahrain jails 7 Shias to 15 years over murder bid
[Al Ahram] A Bahraini court sentenced seven Shia men to 15 years in prison on Tuesday for the attempted murder of a police officer in August 2012, a judicial source said.

An eighth Shia was sentenced to three years in prison while two others, on trial over the same case, were acquitted, the source said.

The group were also accused of setting a cop shoppe ablaze in the Shia village of Sitra using petrol bombs and of taking part in an "unauthorised gathering," according to the charge sheet.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Jail for 69 in UAE sedition case
In a case that has hogged the headlines for months, those who plotted against the UAE and its institutions have got what they deserved Four months and 13 sessions later, the Federal Supreme Court sentenced 69 Emiratis to jail for five to 15 years on charges of plotting to overthrow the government.

The court sentenced 56 of the 94 defendants to 10 years in prison each. Five defendants were jailed for seven years each while eight tried in absentia were sentenced to 15 years each. A total of 25 people were acquitted including all 13 women arrested in the crackdown and who had been on bail since the start of the trial on March 4.

Prosecutors said the accused were linked to Al Islah group, which has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Their trial was the largest in the history of the UAE. The defendants, among them lawyers, university professors and students, were arrested between March and December 2012 for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government.

In February, UAE Attorney-General Salem Kobaish said the defendants were being tried for “having created and led a movement aimed at opposing the basic foundations on which the state’s political system is built and at seizing power”.

The group had formed a “secret organisation” which was in contact with individuals and organisations “abroad”, including the Brotherhood, and had also created or invested in real estate firms to finance their organisation, he said.

The verdict cannot be appealed.
Posted by: Steve White || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

Shibir men blast cocktail in capital
[Bangla Daily Star] Activists of Islami Chhatra Shibir
... the student wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh...
blasted a cocktail on Satmasjid Road in the capital on Tuesday on the eve of tomorrow's countrywide daylong hartal
... a peculiarly Bangla combination of a general strike and a riot, used by both major political groups in lieu of actual governance ...

Shibir, the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...
, has called the hartal demanding the release of its leaders and activists including central president Delwar Hossain.

Witnesses said around 20 to 25 Shibir men brought out a procession on Satmasjid Road around 1:00pm in favour of the hartal.

As the procession reached the Government Graphics Arts Institute, the pro-hartal activists torched several tyres on the street and blasted the cocktail before leaving the place, they said.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under: Jamaat-e-Islami

Great White North
Canadian Police Arrest 2 on Terror Charges
[ABCNEWS.GO] Police have incarcerated
Drop the rosco, Muggsy, or you're one with the ages!
a Canadian man and a woman and charged them as terrorist suspects for attempting to leave a suspicious package at British Columbia's provincial legislature on Canada Day.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Asst. Com James Malitzia says John Stewart Nuttall and Amanda Marie Korody were arrested Monday. The pair has been charged with conspiracy, facilitating a terrorist activity and making an bomb.

Malitzia spoke at a news conference Tuesday.

Police said the plot was inspired by al-Qaeda ideology, but called it a domestic threat without international connections. Police said the public was never at risk and the threat was detected early.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

17 (supposedly) Killed in North Wazoo Drone Strike
At least 17 people were killed and two others injured in a US drone attack which targeted a house in the North Waziristan tribal region late on Tuesday night.

Sources told Dawn.com that the drone fired four missiles on the house near Miramshah bazaar in Sirai Darpakhel area, targeting the Haqqani residential compound and a car. The head commander Haji Shahrifullah of Haqqani, a militant network, is said to be safe, whereas 17 people were killed and two others injured in the attack.
So we missed the target and killed 17 innocent women and children? I guess we need more practice.
They might have been 17 subordinates and camp-followers...
Intelligence sources confirmed the death toll.

The drone attack was the biggest launched this year and the second since Nawaz Sharif took office as prime minister following his victory in the May 11 elections.

Posted by: Glenmore || 07/03/2013 08:23 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I remember when USA condemned targeted assassinations.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/03/2013 8:54 Comments || Top||

#2  That was back when the inmates weren't in charge of the asylum.
Posted by: Pappy || 07/03/2013 10:50 Comments || Top||

#3  More, please. Bring it on.
Posted by: Lex || 07/03/2013 10:54 Comments || Top||

#4  No, Chomsk-, I mean Glenmore, we didn't "miss the target and kill 17 innocent women and children."

From those running- dog lackeys of US imperialism at the Times of India:

"Most of those killed were fighters for the Haqqani network, according to three Taliban commanders and security officials...."
Posted by: Lex || 07/03/2013 11:01 Comments || Top||

#5  Lex, I was just reporting the news as it will be reported later. Maybe it won't be women and children, but goats and fluffy bunnies; that's always how it ends up reported, so I just cut out the intermediate step.
Posted by: Glenmore || 07/03/2013 11:17 Comments || Top||

#6  Faire un oeuf, G.
Posted by: Lex || 07/03/2013 12:16 Comments || Top||

#7  Lex, I'm curious, since I confess I have been reading RB for years and may have missed your prior visits that you made mention of some time back. You seem to have made it a mission to offer an alternative to many of the voices here I have come to respect and enjoy on an array of topics. Perhaps some CV, anonymous of course, to suggest your experential basis for some of your assertions? Sarcasm and innuendo have power when based on knowledge and experience, but seem shrill and shallow when clueless. I'm sure a number of us would like to know, since you seem to enjoy extensive oratory....
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 07/03/2013 12:25 Comments || Top||

#8  Nat sec'y liberal. Tech industry.

Pro-socialized medicine, anti-illegal immigration/swamping our low-end labor market with an imported underclass, pro-war on terror ruthlessly prosecuted in the shadows and from the skies. Pro-strong gov't, both at home to protect the weak and abroad, to protect liberal democracy from the likes of the ChiComs and Norks, the Islamists, Putin, the shitty little Latin American caudillos etc.

Me, I don't understand the paranoid hatred of a president who is ruthlessly taking the W oT to the Islamists. Never thought I'd see national security types imitating Chomsky and Mikey Moore. Weird. Also troubling.
Posted by: Lex || 07/03/2013 12:42 Comments || Top||

#9  The problem is simply that Obama LIES, anything and everything is suspect, we don't know where his lies end, Soo anything he says is a lie until proven otherwise.

Now how can you believe what he says, Or can you.

Posted by: Redneck Jim || 07/03/2013 13:56 Comments || Top||

#10  Lex, have you any insight into the spot price of AK-47s in Peshawar?
Posted by: Shipman || 07/03/2013 14:18 Comments || Top||

#11  Why does the Pak army never try to invade North Waziristan the way they did in South Waziristan?

Too many Pak army/ISI assets there?
Posted by: Paul D || 07/03/2013 15:12 Comments || Top||

#12  Me, I don't understand the paranoid hatred of a president who is ruthlessly taking the W oT to the Islamists. Never thought I'd see national security types imitating Chomsky and Mikey Moore. Weird. Also troubling.

No, not following you around, just making the rounds. My dislike for the man, well that random appearance on the football game was obnoxious, but the pooch on Greensburg. See, I watched that thing form and my department was the first on scene. Yeah, so what, he just read the prompter and someone didn't care to get the number right, whatever. Now it took then Governor Sebilius three days to even acknowledge the disaster, and when she did it was a totally scripted party line, and I can get into that if you want - shorthand she blamed Bush for having the KANG overseas and when that unit returned she skipped it for a rainy parade in Lawrence. But the KANG was there within hours - the then Adjutant General of the KANG supposedly grabbed his gear and left the second he heard about it. She flat out lied.

Sebilius made her career in Kansas as the Insurance Commissioner. She also tried to funnel money around Congress by executive order. With the defeat of HillaryCare! and control of Congress by the Democrats it was pretty easy to deduce that some sort of major push on health insurance was going to happen. When Sebilius was put on Team Obama as HHS, plus the shitpot of czars - and yes I had disagreements about Bush's czar - I knew what kind of people were being put in charge.

No, what I really dislike was the total flip by my peers who spent 8 years Bush-whacking me were now high-fiving things Obama was doing x2 what Bush did. After his typical racist Kansan deal, suddenly me peers found my discussion racist, so I could see where this was going.

Drone theory is ok in my book, hopefully we are hitting the bad guys. I didn't like his breakfast kill list, mostly because he has made it clear his values and mine are very different. I didn't like waking up to find cruise missiles landing in Libya with a president which had to be shamed into making a comment about it, breaking up his va-cay. I don't like his Attorney General threatening my state. As for the paranoids I know, I don't like that they are saying, "Told ya so." as the NYTs reports that yes, they are scanning our mail.

*fun fact about Sebilius: she was the keynote speaker at the Greensburg graduation. Their mascot used to be The Rangers. Her crescendo was "Rangers lead the way!" with a fist pump. So ridiculous the news who had been breathless reporting this event failed to mention that she was even there.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 07/03/2013 18:19 Comments || Top||

Third suspect of Diamer attack nabbed
[Pak Daily Times] GILGIT: Security forces on Tuesday claimed to have apprehended another suspect in connection to the killing foreign tourists in Diamer on June 23. His arrest came a day after another suspect, a worker of Water and Power Department, was caught from Chilas. The suspect is member of a 16-memebr terrorist gang allegedly involved in the Diamer attack. He was tossed in the slammer
Please don't kill me!
while he was on duty. Security forces have so far arrested three suspects and all are the locals.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Drone stirke kills 2 in NWA
[Pak Daily Times] A drone strike in Danday Darpakhel area near North Wazoo tribal region's Miranshah
... headquarters of al-Qaeda in Pakistain and likely location of Ayman al-Zawahiri. The Haqqani network has established a ministate in centered on the town with courts, tax offices and lots of madrassas...
area killed two persons early on Wednesday. Media sources said that the drone fired two missiles at a residential compound killing at least two persons. Drone stirkes have been a contentious issue between Pakistain and the US. Paksitan terms them violative of its illusory sovereignty, while the US says the strikes have helped kill several high profile krazed killers. Civlian casualties from the attacks have also been one of the main points of contention.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

MQM activist killed in Karachi
[Pak Daily Times] KARACHI: Two people including a political activist were rubbed out in separate acts of targeted attacks across the city, while a body was also recovered, here on Tuesday. Worker of Muttahida Qaumi Movement
...English: United National Movement, generally known as MQM, is the 3rd largest political party and the largest secular political party in Pakistain with particular strength in Sindh. From 1992 to 1999, the MQM was the target of the Pak Army's Operation Cleanup leaving thousands of urdu speaking civilians dead...
(MQM) was rubbed out while two bystanders were maimed in Sector-11, Orangi Town within the remits of Iqbal Market cop shoppe. Police identified the dear departed as Shahzad, 25, and injured as Shakeel and Adnan.
Police informed that deceased was standing at bus stop, where armed riders resorted indiscriminate firing on him. Resultantly, Shahzad and two bystanders sustained bullet injuries and were taken to hospital, where doctor pronounced death of Shahzad while admitted others for treatment. The body was handed over to heirs after autopsy. A vegetable vender was bumped off in Gulistan-e-Jauhar within the limits of Shahra-e-Faisal cop shoppe. Police said that victim Jawaid, 30, was standing at his vegetable stall, when unidentified culprits targeted him, killing him on the spot. His body was handed over to his family after autopsy. Police suspected that motive behind Jawaid's killing was personal dispute. Meanwhile,
...back at the Senate, the partisans of Honorius went for their knives and the partisans of Stilicho went for the doors...
Jackson police found a shot-dead tortured dead body near ICI Bridge. The body was shifted to morgue for identification after autopsy.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under:

Iraq Attacks against Shiites Kill 46
[An Nahar] A wave of attacks in Iraq, mostly targeting Shiite Mohammedans, including a spate of market bombings, killed 46 people on Tuesday, raising fears of a revival of the country's brutal sectarian conflict.

Nationwide unrest is at its worst level since 2008, with the U.N. saying more than 2,500 people died from April through June, as Iraq grapples with a protracted political deadlock and months of protests among its Sunni Arab minority.

No group immediately grabbed credit for the attacks, but most of the violence struck Shiite targets.

Sunni forces of Evil linked to al-Qaeda frequently target Shiites, whom they regard as apostates.

Tuesday's deadliest violence struck the capital, with several boom-mobiles ripping through markets, mostly in Shiite areas of Storied Baghdad
...located along the Tigris River, founded in the 8th century, home of the Abbasid Caliphate...
, where 34 people were killed, security and medical officials said.

Vehicles rigged with explosives went off minutes apart at around 6:00 pm (1500 GMT) in packed shopping districts of the Shuala, Kamaliyah, Shaab, Hurriyah and Abu Tcheer neighborhoods.

"I was watching TV and then I heard a very loud kaboom," said Ahmed Ibrahim, a day laborer whose apartment balcony was completely destroyed by the nearby boom-mobile in Kamaliyah, where pools of blood had formed on the ground.

"Most people expeditiously departed at a goodly pace, they were afraid of a second boom-mobile," he said, referring to a common myrmidon tactic to target those who try to help the maimed in an effort to maximize casualties.

"God will take Dire Revenge™ on those who attacked us," the 31-year-old said. "Those who did this are terrorists, they are not Mohammedans, they are unbelievers."

Car bombs also went off in the predominantly Shiite southern cities of Basra, Amara and Samawa, killing a total of three people and wounding nearly 50 more.

Shootings elsewhere in Storied Baghdad killed four more people, while bombings in the cities of Kirkuk,
... a thick stew of Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, and probably Antarcticans, all of them mutually hostile most of the time...
Baquba and djinn-infested Mosul, north of the capital, killed five people and maimed 17.

The violence came a day after a series of attacks north of Storied Baghdad left 45 people dead, among them 23 people killed in a suicide kaboom at a funeral in a Shiite religious hall.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

#1  raising fears of a revival of the country's brutal sectarian conflict

Every day there's a terror attack in Iraq, and every day there are fears of a revival of the country's brutal sectarian conflict.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 07/03/2013 5:00 Comments || Top||

IDF Arrests Hamas Senior Official Mohamed Abu-Tir
[Ynet] IDF forces tossed in the calaboose
I ain't sayin' nuttin' widdout me mout'piece!
overnight the Paleostinian parliament member for Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,, Mohamed Abu-Tir in his home in the Aqab village between Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Abu-Tir was banished from Jerusalem's municipal borders in 2010 after his Israeli citizenship was revoked.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/03/2013 00:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  There can only be one and Joe was first with the MOST.
Posted by: Shipman || 07/03/2013 1:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Not to mention that the just-evaporated wannabe is some sort of weird spammer, Shipman. So I evaporated him.
Posted by: trailing wife || 07/03/2013 21:05 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Bomb blast injures two volunteers in southern Thailand
Posted by: ryuge || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

Detainee in Shaker's Video Confessed to Smuggling Arms into Lebanon
[An Nahar] The Army Command announced on Tuesday that the man placed in durance vile
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
for appearing in a video alongside former singer Fadel Shaker had confessed to smuggling weapons into Leb.

It said in a statement that Ghali Haddara confessed to smuggling arms and ammunition into the so-called security zone in Abra in the southern city of Sidon.

He revealed that some of the weapons were smuggled into Abra two days before the eruption of the two-day festivities with the army on June 22, it added.

Haddara who was arrested in a tourist resort on June 28 was found possessing equipment to make explosives, announced the Army Command.

Eighteen soldiers were killed and 50 were maimed in festivities in Sidon between the army and armed supporters of Salafist holy man Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir on June 22 and 23.

More than 20 of al-Asir's supporters were killed, according to a security official.

Dozens of them were also arrested, but there was no sign of the holy man.

On Monday, unrest erupted in the northern city of Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
in light of Haddara's arrest.

He was arrested for interrogation after he appeared alongside singer-turned-Islamist Death Eater Fadel Shaker in a video circulated in the wake of the Abra battle.

Shaker is now on the run with fellow runaway al-Asir.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Salafists

14 Killed in Army Shelling near Damascus
[An Nahar] At least 14 people were killed in army shelling on a rebel village near the Syrian capital on Tuesday, as violence raged in flashpoint areas of Damascus and in the central city of Homs, a watchdog said.

The shelling comes a day after a powerful boom-mobile rocked the district of Kafr Sousa in southwest Damascus.

The blast killed an unknown number of members of the security forces, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which said that at least 14 people died in Tuesday's shelling.

"The number of people killed in Kafr Batna has risen to 14, including three women and three children, after regime troops shelled" the village, said the Observatory.

Kafr Batna is located in the Eastern Ghouta area east of Damascus, home to several rebel bastions.

In late spring, the army launched an unprecedentedly fierce onslaught on the area, aimed at cutting off rebel supply lines into Damascus.

The army has meanwhile kept up a bid to crush Death Eaters already operating in the capital.

On Tuesday, state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
said the army has "restored security and stability in most of Jubar" in eastern Damascus.

The district has seen heavy fighting in recent weeks, and according to the Observatory, the army renewed shelling on the neighborhood on Tuesday.

Troops also shelled Qaboon in northeastern Damascus and Barzeh in the north, the group added.

In central Syria, rebels in besieged districts of Homs city held out, four days into an army assault in which Hizbullah is also taking part, said the Observatory.

The army shelled the rebel neighborhood of Khaldiyeh while festivities raged in Bab Hud, the Observatory said, adding that an unknown number of fighters on both sides were maimed.

More than 100,000 people have died in Syria's raging war, which broke out more than 27 months ago when a peaceful movement for change morphed into an insurgency after the army unleashed a brutal crackdown on dissent.

Millions have been displaced as a result of the war, and poverty has ravaged the country.

Since March 2011, Syria's public sector has registered losses of $7.5 billion, according to the country's local administration minister Omar Ghalawanji.

Direct losses due to material damage and other tangible destruction caused by the conflict accounted for $1.25 billion alone, Ghalawanji said.

More than 9,000 public buildings have been "partly or completely destroyed" during the conflict, according to Syria's Committee for Reconstruction, which was established to evaluate war damage and calculate compensation.
Posted by: Fred || 07/03/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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17Arab Spring
3Govt of Pakistan
3Govt of Syria
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Two weeks of WOT
Wed 2013-07-03
  Egypt army dumps Morsi
Tue 2013-07-02
  Guards of senior Muslim Brotherhood figure arrested in Egypt
Mon 2013-07-01
  Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood, political forces
Sun 2013-06-30
  Boomers kill 43 in Pakland on Sunday
Sat 2013-06-29
  Muslim Brotherhood, FJP offices attacked throughout Egypt
Fri 2013-06-28
  Dagestani lawmaker arrested for ties to Islamist insurgents
Thu 2013-06-27
  Top Somali militant leader flees former Shebab comrades
Wed 2013-06-26
  FBI pulls ‘Faces of Global Terrorism’ ads after Muslims get offended
Tue 2013-06-25
  Taliban attack Afghan presidential palace
Mon 2013-06-24
  Pak Talibs kill 10 foreign tourists in Diamer
Sun 2013-06-23
  Dutch Say Time of 'Ever Closer' Union in Europe is Over
Sat 2013-06-22
  Britain OKs Treaty Clearing Way to Deport Abu Qatada to Jordan
Fri 2013-06-21
  Today's Pakaboom: 15 Dead in Peshawar Mosquaboom
Thu 2013-06-20
  Hizbullah Leader's Brother Killed In Syria Clashes
Wed 2013-06-19
  20 killed after militants storm UN compound in Somalia

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