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Boomers kill 43 in Pakland on Sunday
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1 02:16 g(r)omgoru [19] 
5 18:12 Dopey Sinatra9196 [23] 
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1 18:07 Dopey Sinatra9196 [16] 
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4 19:36 Frank G [16]
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8 17:46 Shipman [14]
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7 19:33 Frank G [11]
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1 09:55 Omons Slagum1678 [19]
11 13:29 3dc [14]
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36 23:16 Thing From Snowy Mountain [22]
1 17:26 Richard Aubrey [14]
3 18:14 Uncle Phester [10]
1 09:16 Redneck Jim [12]
4 10:47 Hupuque Bucket2093 [13]
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1 00:18 Au Auric [14]
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3 11:44 Uncle Phester [12]
2 22:22 JohnQC [22]
2 11:53 3dc [16]
3 11:09 Besoeker [9]
6 12:09 Chuck al ameriki [10]
5 15:37 Thing From Snowy Mountain [14]
Page 4: Opinion
5 20:05 Secret Master [13]
3 12:27 Uncle Phester [12]
8 23:09 European Conservative [23]
2 09:24 Frank G [14]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Valerie Ritchie Perrine (born September 3, 1943) is an American actress and model. Perrine was born in Galveston, Texas, the daughter of Winifred "Renee" (née McGinley), a dancer who appeared in Earl Carroll's Vanities, and Kenneth Perrine, a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. Owing to her father's career, Perrine lived in many locations as the family moved to different posts.

She was Carlotta Monti in the biopic W.C. Fields and Me (1976) and one of her best remembered movie roles came as Miss Eve Teschmacher, moll of criminal mastermind Lex Luthor, in Superman (1978). For this role she was nominated for the 1979 Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress. She reprised her role as Miss Teschmacher in Superman II (1980). http://www.valerieperrine.com/
Posted by: Au Auric || 06/30/2013 0:11 Comments || Top||

#2  The hell with Superman. She was Montana Wildhack in Slaughterhouse 5.

She is in the water and the dome in this trailer.
Posted by: 3dc || 06/30/2013 1:19 Comments || Top||

#3  Birthday Gam Shot

Anette Michel [Mexico][Filmography](age 42)

Designed South of the Border

Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC || 06/30/2013 2:33 Comments || Top||

#4  42? she is special. Himmmm special diet?;
Posted by: Dale || 06/30/2013 7:05 Comments || Top||

6 Taliban killed by own bombs
Six Taliban accidentally blew themselves up with their own bombs June 27 in separate incidents, Bakhtar News Agency reported, citing an Afghan Interior Ministry statement.

They were trying to plant bombs to target security forces, but the devices detonated prematurely, the statement said.

The incidents occurred in the Tanay District of Khost Province, the Zankhan District of Ghazni Province and the Zhamkani District of Paktia Province.
Posted by: tipper || 06/30/2013 00:25 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Sniff. I love stories with happy endings.
Posted by: Rambler in Virginia || 06/30/2013 3:06 Comments || Top||

#2  Hoisted, as it were by their own retard.
Posted by: Shipman || 06/30/2013 7:33 Comments || Top||

#3  Three separate accidents? Once is an accident, twice a coincidence, three times.... good job, CIA, I didn't know you had it in you.
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/30/2013 8:43 Comments || Top||

#4  Leave it to the CIA to be the low cost bidder on fuses. :-)
Posted by: Zenobia Munster9880 || 06/30/2013 8:58 Comments || Top||

#5  "'Buy local', you said."


"'Our Pakistani brothers make fuses just as good as the Europeans', you said."


"You could have at least taken a look at the Chinese-"

Posted by: Pappy || 06/30/2013 9:27 Comments || Top||

#6  From the book of universal languages: "Ooops"
Posted by: Gratch Chomomble3095 || 06/30/2013 10:24 Comments || Top||

#7  "No virgins for you!"
Posted by: Frank G || 06/30/2013 10:56 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Jubaland forces clash with illegal militia and Al Shabaab in Kismayo
KISMAYO, Somalia - Armed clashes erupted in Somalia's southern port town of Kismayo on Friday afternoon as Jubaland government forces clashed with an illegal militia, Garowe Online reports.

The armed confrontation began after an armed gang of hard boyz illegal militia attacked Jubaland forces in Kismayo, with local reports saying that the illegal militia was angered by the arrest of Col. Abbas Ibrahim Gurey (Abbas Dheere), who was detained by Kenyan-AMISOM troops in Kismayo on Friday morning.
"Cheez, they nabbed the Colonel!"
"We shall have dire revenge!"
Some reports tell Garowe Online that Col. Abbas was detained and transported to Wajer, Kenya, by AMISOM forces with local sources reporting that AMISOM forces suspected Col. Abbas of involvement in yesterday's roadside bombing that led to AMISOM casualties in Kismayo.

Col. Abbas is leader of a armed gang of hard boyz militia that came from Gedo region earlier 2013 and Somali Federal Government recently appointed him as commander of Jubba regions. Col. Abbas recently travelled to Mogadishu and returned to Kismayo, and was involved in "meetings against Jubaland administration of President Ahmed Mohamed Islam" sources in Kismayo tell Garowe Online.

Col. Abbas is a close ally of Col. Barre Hirale, who arrived secretly in Kismayo earlier 2013 claiming to "visit his family" and surprisingly declared himself as Jubaland president in May 2013. Political groups accuse Col. Hirale, a former warlord, of fomenting violence and destabilizing the Jubaland regions.
Not that he had to work very hard at that...
There were no reliable reports of casualties from Friday's armed clashes, but local sources confirmed that Jubaland forces removed the armed gang of hard boyz illegal militia from Kismayo and the militia fled ran away skedaddled was chased to the outskirts of the port town.

Some 200 Al Shabaab masked fighters were "fighting alongside Col. Abbas militia" witnesses in Kismayo reported. Jubaland Vice President Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail Fartag had previously accused the political opposition in Kismayo, "funded" by Somali federal government, of cooperating with Al Shabaab militants in attempting to fight the Jubaland administration.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Abbas Dheere -- inventor of the styrofoam plow.
Posted by: Dopey Sinatra9196 || 06/30/2013 18:07 Comments || Top||

Africa North
Egyptian police officer gunned down in Sinai
Gunmen shot dead a senior police officer Saturday in Egypt's volatile Sinai Peninsula, security officials said, dpa reported. Colonel Mohammed Hani was killed in a drive-by shooting outside his house in the city of Al-Arish in northern Sinai, they said.

No one claimed responsibility for the attack.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [14 views] Top|| File under:

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Rebels kill policeman, injure 14 others in Chechnya
[Pak Daily Times] Rebels have killed a Russian policeman and injured 14 others in Chechnya, police said on Saturday, a rare clash in the now mostly calm North Caucasus republic, which lies near to the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Moscow waged two wars against separatist rebels in mainly Musselmen Chechnya in the 1990s but the province has been fairly peaceful in recent years as Death Eaters have turned their focus to the nearby regions of Dagestan
...a formerly inoffensive Caucasus republic currently bedevilled by low-level Islamic insurgency, occasional outbreaks of separatism, ethnic tensions and terrorism, primarily due to its proximity to Chechnya. There are several dozen ethnic groups, most of which speak either Caucasian, Turkic, or Iranian languages. Largest among these ethnic groups are the Avar, Dargin, Kumyk, Lezgin, and Laks. While Russers form less than five percent of the population, Russian remains the primary official language and the lingua franca...
and Ingushetia.

This month, President Vladimir Putin
...Second and fourth President of the Russian Federation and the first to remain sober. Putin is credited with bringing political stability and re-establishing something like the rule of law, which occasionally results in somebody dropping dead from polonium poisoning. Under Putin, a new group of business magnates controlling significant swathes of Russia's economy has emerged, all of whom have close personal ties to Putin. The old bunch, without close personal ties to Putin, are in jail or in exile or dead...
put Russia's security forces on high alert to safeguard the Games due to take place next year in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

A police front man said by telephone from the Chechen capital Grozny that a police patrol had run into a band of rebels in the southern Shatoi district.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Islamic Emirate of Caucasus

#1  "Rebels". "Freedom fighters"
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/30/2013 2:16 Comments || Top||

Boomers kill 43 in Pakland on Sunday
Bombings killed at least 43 people in three different areas of Pakistan on Sunday, just as Britain's prime minister was in the capital pledging to help to fight extremism.
"thanks, but we *BOOM* are fully capable of enforcing our sovereign peace"
In the deadliest of the attacks, twin blasts near a Shiite natch Muslim mosque in Quetta, the capital of southwest Baluchistan province, killed at least 22 people, including two women and several minors, and wounded 65 others, said senior police officer Ishtiaq Ahmed.
Allan will be pleased
Initial reports indicated a hand grenade caused the first blast, forcing people to run in the direction of the mosque, where a suicide bomber detonated his explosives, said another police officer, Fayaz Sumbal said. Radical Sunni Muslims have stepped up attacks in the past two years against minority Shiites, whom they consider to be icky heretics.
Posted by: Frank G || 06/30/2013 14:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under:

75 terrorists killed in 34-day Kurram operation
[Pak Daily Times] At least 75 snuffies have been killed in a 34-day operation that was launched in Kurram Agency
...home of an intricately interconnected web of poverty, ignorance, and religious fanaticism, where the laws of cause and effect are assumed to be suspended, conveniently located adjacent to Tora Bora...
on May 11. Briefing news hounds from Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
, Col Wasim Zafar Bhatti said that security forces had cleared the Para Chamkani area and established the government's writ by flushing out forces of Evil from their bastion in the wake of a successful operation in the restive areas of the agency. He said that 21 soldiers had also died in the line of duty, while 86 were maimed in the operation launched against snuffies who penetrated the Para Chamkani area from Khyber Agency on May 6. The forces were deployed on May 8 in the restive areas, while the operation formally started on May 11. He said the operation was conducted in 28 small and big villages falling in Para Chamkani area, and the forces successfully accomplished the task assigned to them. He said that more than 15,000 people of around 1,700 families were dislocated due to the operation, who were accommodated in the New Durrani Camp in Sadda tehsil of Kurram Agency. Col Wasim said that around 1,300 families, consisting of 10,500 individuals, had been repatriated to their native areas after clearance, while 400 remaining families would be repatriated before the start of Ramazan. He said that the families had been provided three-month ration and free transport by the FATA Disaster Management Authority.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [29 views] Top|| File under: TTP

Former advocate general survives shootout
[Pak Daily Times] LAHORE: Former advocate general Punjab, Ashtar Ausaf narrowly escaped when two robbers opened fire on his vehicle in Garden Town police area here on Saturday. Police has registered a case against unknown persons on the complaint of ASI Muhammad Ashraf under section PPC 393/186/353. However, sources said that CIA police has arrested two suspects near Bund Road who could be involved in this incident. Earlier, Ashtar Ausaf was traveling in a car from Garden Town to his residence in Defence when the incident took place. The car has been damaged due to the firing. Police said two robbers were looting a woman, when Ashtar Ausaf's police guards intervened, which triggered shooting by the robbers. Police said that window of his vehicle was smashed in firing by unidentified persons. Police said that the unknown persons fled the scene immediately afterwards. The police further said that assailants had previously robbed large sum of money in two separate incidents in Garden Town area. Upon being informed, home secretary, senior police officers and other officials reached the residence of former advocate general. DIG Operations Rai Tahir said one bullet also hit the vehicle of Ashtar Ausaf, however, the former advocate general remained safe.a
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [26 views] Top|| File under:

5 bodies recovered in Quetta
[Pak Daily Times] The police recovered three bodies from the eastern bypass area of the picturesque provincial capital on Saturday. An official from the Satellite Town Police Station said that some passers-by spotted the bodies in Sasti Basti area, located in the premises of Quetta Development Authority (QDA) graveyard, and informed the police. The police rushed to the spot and cordoned off the area. The dear departed were moved to the Civil Hospital. In another incident, two bodies were recovered. The victims are said to be the residents of Pashtunabad. "The dear departed received the bullets in their head and chest," a hospital source said."The bodies were handcuffed and killed in same area," the police officials said and added they recovered a TT pistol and five bullet shells of a 9mm pistol from the area. The police started the paperwork but haven't done much else and started investigation.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [25 views] Top|| File under:

Rangers unearth terrorist network inside Karachi jail
[Pak Daily Times] KARACHI: Rangers personnel conducted targeted operation at Central Jail Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
(CJK) on receiving information about gunnies operating a network from inside the jail.

There was report that terrorist operating from jail had planned the attack on senior Judge of Sindh High Court on June 26 at Burns road, which claimed at least nine lives of rangers and police personnel, several others were maimed. As per detail, Rangers recovered cell phones, knifes and other materials from the possession of prisoners. Extra contingent of rangers' personnel participated in the operation here on Saturday, they also interrogated the inmate who along with his lover companions had planned to attack senior judge in 2011. Rangers' personnel also questioned several other krazed killer outfit members including outlawed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
... a 'more violent' offshoot of Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistain. LeJ's purpose in life is to murder anyone who's not of utmost religious purity, starting with Shiites but including Brelvis, Ahmadis, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Rosicrucians, and just about anyone else you can think of. They are currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of al-Qaeda ...
former chief Akram Lahori. CJK's deputy superintendent Nazeer Shah said six cell phones, knives, mp3 players and Jihadi material was recovered from the possession of prisoners, adding that he denied the recovery of any laptop found during the operation. Shah also denied that no mobile related to be used for the kaboom on Justice Baqar Maqbool was found from the prisoners. According to CID officials, two alleged members of the outlawed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Farhan and Azeem Sheikh after their arrest during interrogation confessed to have attacked the senior judge Maqbool Baqar in 2011, adding that one of them, Sheikh, was later released in June 2011 while Farhan remained imprisoned at CJK. CID officials further said, besides attacking senior judge the accused persons had also confessed to have attacked various senior coppers including chief of the Anti-Extremist Cell SSP Chaudhry Aslam Khan and SP Khurram Waris. Sources said that the analysis of the cell phones and contact numbers of the key suspects involved in the attack is underway.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: Lashkar e-Jhangvi

Dozen suspects detained from Lyari, Usmanabad, Garden
[Pak Daily Times] KARACHI: Law enforcers tossed in the calaboose
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
around one dozen suspects during targeted operations in different parts of city on Saturday. As per detail, the raids were conducted in Lyari, Usmanabad and Garden against alleged culprits involved in firing and killing five people, including a woman, and wounding several in Kharadar, Agra Taj Colony and Machar Colony. The officials claim to have detained about one dozen suspects and recovering weapons from their possession. The suspects were shifted to some holy man's guesthouse an undisclosed location for further interrogation.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under:

Iraq Attacks Kill Six
[An Nahar] Attacks in Sunni Arab towns surrounding Storied Baghdad
...located along the Tigris River, founded in the 8th century, home of the Abbasid Caliphate...
killed six people on Saturday, the latest in spiraling violence that has left more than 420 dead this month and sparked fears of renewed sectarian war.

The surge in unrest comes as Iraq grapples with a prolonged political deadlock and months of protests by the Sunni Arab community alleging discrimination at the hands of the Shiite-led authorities.

Analysts warn that the political standoff may persist until general elections due next year.

In Abu Ghraib, just west of Storied Baghdad, a bomb in a market killed three people and maimed at least 10 others.

In nearby Garma, gunnies opened fire on a group of coppers and killed three of them before fleeing, security and medical officials said.

Another bombing at a vehicle repair garage in Taji, north of the capital, maimed at least five people.

Three anti-Al-Qaeda snuffies were also maimed by a blast in Sharqat, north of Storied Baghdad, a day after a series of attacks targeting the militia fighters killed at least eight of them.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Market bomb, shooting kill 7 in Iraq
Iraqi officials say a bomb has gone off in an outdoor market in west Baghdad, one of two attacks in the country that have left seven dead. Police officials say that the blast on Saturday morning in the capital’s western suburb of Abu Ghraib killed four people and wounded 12 others.

Also, police said that attackers using guns fitted with silencers killed three off-duty policemen in a drive-by shooting near Fallujah, 65 kilometers (40 miles) west of Baghdad.

Health officials confirmed the casualties. All spoke anonymously because they were not allowed to brief reporters.
Posted by: Steve White || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Protesting non-organic veggies?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/30/2013 14:54 Comments || Top||

#2  The free market is haram.
Posted by: Pappy || 06/30/2013 16:43 Comments || Top||

Two Killed, Four Wounded in Tripoli Clashes
[An Nahar] Two people were killed on Saturday and six others were wounded in clashes in the northern city of Tripoli after clashes erupted between al-Baqqar neighborhood and Jabal Mohsen.

One person was killed by an explosive device he was handling, a security source told Agence France Presse.

The dead man, Abdullah al-Shmaytiyeh, died when the home-made bomb detonated prematurely, the source said adding that two other people were wounded in the blast in the west Tripoli neighborhood of al-Baqqar.

Following the incident, gun battles broke out between Baqqar, a Sunni Muslim neighborhood, and Jabal Mohsen, an Alawite district, wounding four residents.

Another person was killed, identified as Khaled al-Trabulsi, in the sniper activity that took place between the two neighborhoods.

The state-run National News Agency reporter earlier that the clash initially started as a dispute with the army, but escalated into an armed clash when gunmen intervened to resolve it.

was killed and an unidentified woman wounded in the ensuing shootout in Tripoli's al-Baqqar neighborhood.

Soon after the incident, youths blocked the main road in al-Baqqar.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "Miss me yet?" Muammar.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/30/2013 2:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Ooops---another part of Tripoli. But even better news.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/30/2013 2:17 Comments || Top||

#3  So it's not just newscasters that don't know their Tripolis... :-)
Posted by: Steve White || 06/30/2013 11:58 Comments || Top||

#4  Never been there.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/30/2013 14:07 Comments || Top||

#5  If they're "Tri-polis", does that mean there is one more lying around somewhere?
Posted by: Dopey Sinatra9196 || 06/30/2013 18:12 Comments || Top||

Syrian army, backed by jets, launch Homs assault
[Pak Daily Times] Syrian Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Before going into the family business Pencilneck was an eye doctor. If he'd stuck with it he'd have had a good practice by now...
's forces launched a major offensive on Saturday against rebels in Homs, a centre of the two-year uprising, in their latest drive to secure an axis linking Damascus to the Mediterranean.

Activists said jets and mortars pounded rebel-held areas of the city, which have been under siege by Assad's troops for a year, and soldiers fought battles with rebel fighters in several districts.

"Government forces are trying to storm (Homs) from all fronts," said an activist using the name Abu Mohammad.

There were no immediate details on casualties but video uploaded by activists showed heavy kabooms and white clouds of smoke rising from what they said were rebel districts. Loud, concentrated rounds of gunfire could also be heard.

Syrian state media said the army was "achieving great progress" in Khalidiyah neighbourhood.

The attack on Homs city follows steady military gains by Assad's forces, backed by Lebanese Hezbollah krazed killers, in provincial Homs villages and towns close to the Lebanese border. Three weeks ago Hezbollah spearheaded the recapture of the border town of Qusair, a former rebel bridgehead for guns and fighters smuggled into Syria, and last week secured another border town, Tel Kalakh.

Those gains have consolidated Assad's control over a corridor of territory, which runs from the capital Damascus, through Homs, to the traditional heartland of his minority Alawite sect in the mountains overlooking the Mediterranean.

They have also alarmed international supporters of the rebels, leading the United States to announce it will step up military support. Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
has accelerated deliveries of sophisticated weaponry, Gulf sources say. The interventions by Sunni Moslem Saudi Arabia, a staunch backer of the mainly Sunni rebels, and Shi'ite Hezbollah highlight how the 27-month-old uprising has divided the Middle East along sectarian lines.

Gulf Arab States, Turkey and Egypt support the rebels while Shi'ite Iran and Hezbollah are actively helping Assad's military. Assad's family, which has dominated Syria for four decades, is from the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shia Islam.

More than 100,000 people have been killed in the civil war, which has driven 1.7 million refugees abroad and displaced another four million within Syria's borders.

Hopes of holding a U.S. and Russian-backed peace conference have faded, with rebels reluctant to negotiate while they are on the defensive militarily and tensions between Moscow and Washington exacerbating their deep differences over Syria. Despite losing ground around Damascus and Homs, rebels registered a symbolic victory on Friday when they overran a major military checkpoint in Deraa, the southern city where the uprising first erupted.
Posted by: Fred || 06/30/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [31 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  I still wonder if it's Syrians doing that are doing the flying.
Posted by: Pappy || 06/30/2013 13:56 Comments || Top||

#2  think vodka's being served in the O-Club?
Posted by: Frank G || 06/30/2013 14:10 Comments || Top||

#3  If not at the club, certainly at the maintenance shed.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/30/2013 14:12 Comments || Top||

#4  That's not vodka, Besoeker, that's raisin juice.
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/30/2013 18:11 Comments || Top||

#5  Raisin or Resin???



So it comes down to the KSA versus Same as per war $$$???

Posted by: JosephMendiola || 06/30/2013 22:35 Comments || Top||

Who's in the News
4Govt of Pakistan
3Arab Spring
2Govt of Syria
1Lashkar e-Jhangvi
1Palestinian Authority
1al-Qaeda in Iraq
1Islamic Emirate of Caucasus

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2013-06-30
  Boomers kill 43 in Pakland on Sunday
Sat 2013-06-29
  Muslim Brotherhood, FJP offices attacked throughout Egypt
Fri 2013-06-28
  Dagestani lawmaker arrested for ties to Islamist insurgents
Thu 2013-06-27
  Top Somali militant leader flees former Shebab comrades
Wed 2013-06-26
  FBI pulls ‘Faces of Global Terrorism’ ads after Muslims get offended
Tue 2013-06-25
  Taliban attack Afghan presidential palace
Mon 2013-06-24
  Pak Talibs kill 10 foreign tourists in Diamer
Sun 2013-06-23
  Dutch Say Time of 'Ever Closer' Union in Europe is Over
Sat 2013-06-22
  Britain OKs Treaty Clearing Way to Deport Abu Qatada to Jordan
Fri 2013-06-21
  Today's Pakaboom: 15 Dead in Peshawar Mosquaboom
Thu 2013-06-20
  Hizbullah Leader's Brother Killed In Syria Clashes
Wed 2013-06-19
  20 killed after militants storm UN compound in Somalia
Tue 2013-06-18
  Today's Pakaboom: 18 dead at Mardan funeral
Mon 2013-06-17
  LeJ claims twin attacks
Sun 2013-06-16
  Double blasts kill 25 in Pakistan

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