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President of Tajikistan has banned wearing the hijab
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6 12:38 Besoeker [173]
7 20:00 swksvolFF [142]
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8 19:52 M. Murcek [124]
2 16:03 Lord Garth [60]
13 19:11 Crusader [230]
-Great Cultural Revolution
Our Elites Are So Deluded By Moral Relativism They're Excusing Mayan Human Sacrifice
[Federalist] Corporate media and elite institutions from The New York Times and CBS to National Geographic and Smithsonian Magazine are celebrating a recently published study in the scientific journal Nature cataloging the genetic analysis of a subterranean mass burial site in the ceremonial center of Chichén Itzá, Mexico, notorious for human sacrifice during the Mayan civilization. Yet rather than trying to deny or downplay the existence of human sacrifice among indigenous American peoples, our multiculturalist institutions are actually charting a bolder route: recasting this behavior as justified and even civilized.
Planned Parenthood? No, it's not the same.... it's much WORSE!
As incredible as such a rhetorical tack may be, it’s made even more incoherent by the fact that those willing to defend such brutal societies are the same ones who offer knee-jerk condemnations of Western sins as unequivocally evil, regardless of culture or context.

According to the new research, all identified buried victims in Chichén Itzá were male, and several of them were closely related, including two pairs of twins. These findings track with the prominent role of twins — often representing deities and heroes — in both Mayan and broader Mesoamerican mythology. Rodrigo Barquera, a lead author of the new paper, called the research "a breakthrough," as the biological kinship and the similar age of the victims suggest an intentional ritual practice, possibly associated with a sacred Mayan text, the "Popol Vuh," which describes the sacrifice of a pair of twins after they lost a ballgame.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/21/2024 01:44 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [128 views] Top|| File under:

#2  You mean the people who want to kill babies to please Gaia?

The people who actively support a flesh trade?

They are the same, except uglier, out of shape, poorly dressed, and charge taxes three-four times the rate as the Mayans.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/21/2024 11:18 Comments || Top||

#3  Modern Canaanites sticking up for the OGs.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/21/2024 12:39 Comments || Top||

#4  Mrs Mundi n I just witnessed similar efforts in recent doc, completely excusing the scale and depravity of their practices. The volume of murder during the consecration of the Chichen Itza complex showed the Maya murdering on a scale eclipsing the daily totals at most nazi death camps. Carnage on a scale rarely seen on this planet. This is who we are now.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 06/21/2024 13:33 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Trailer for the new Ukrainian film "Bucha"
Data on the film is in the link.

Ya'll probably already know my views on the events portrayed. This obviously is the Ukrainian view. That said, the film looks pretty good to me.

Found on, of all sites, vk.com

Posted by: badanov || 06/21/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [39 views] Top|| File under:

How the Third Reich hid its evil plans
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Alexander Tikhonov

[RedStar] Goebbels' office conducted a large-scale disinformation campaign aimed at concealing Nazi Germany's preparations for an attack on the Soviet Union.

No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten.

On the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow (June 22) and the 83rd anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, the Public Relations Center of the FSB of Russia published on the official website of the department on the Internet in the “Archival materials” section of the “History” section a digital copy of a special message from the head of the city’s NKVD operational sector Berlin, Major General Alexei Sidnev to the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Colonel General Ivan Serov.

This declassified archival document is further evidence of the treachery of the leadership of the Third Reich, which falsely declared friendly intentions towards the Soviet Union on the eve of the war. The special report is based on the testimony of a senior official of the Reich Ministry of Education and Propaganda, SA Gruppenführer Werner Wächter, who was arrested on May 2, 1945. As chief of staff of the state propaganda department of the NSDAP, he had detailed information about disinformation activities both within Germany and throughout Europe in order to conceal preparations for an attack on the USSR.

Tomorrow it will be 83 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The treacherous attack of Hitler's Germany on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 for the majority of our citizens, including soldiers and commanders of the Red Army, came as a bolt from the blue. It must be admitted that the enemy managed to use the factor of surprise. How did he do it? Largely due to well-thought-out large-scale disinformation measures of both the leadership of the USSR, the world community as a whole, and its own population, carried out in the pre-war period.

On January 30, 1940, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler gave a big speech at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the seventh anniversary of the National Socialists coming to power. One of the fragments of his speech was dedicated to Soviet-German relations: “For many centuries, Germany and Russia lived in friendship and peace. Why can't this happen in the future? I think this is possible because both peoples want it. Any attempt by the British and French plutocracy to provoke us into a clash is doomed to failure.” (“Pravda”. 1940. February 1. No. 31. P. 4).

Was it possible to take the word of the leader of National Socialist Germany? Subsequent events gave a clear answer to this question - it’s impossible! Already in the middle of the summer of 1940, practical preparations of the Wehrmacht for war against the USSR began.

From the testimonies of the then leaders of German military intelligence (Abwehr) published today, it follows that the Germans, through many channels (intelligence, political, diplomatic, etc.), were engaged in masking aggressive plans against the Soviet Union. To this end, they carried out a series of complex disinformation activities both within Germany and throughout Europe.

An important role in this large-scale disinformation campaign was played by the Imperial Ministry of Public Education and Propaganda, headed by Joseph Goebbels. A high-ranking official of this ministry, SA Gruppenführer Werner Wächter, who appears in the published declassified document from the FSB archive, was one of Goebbels’s closest confidants. In 1935–1940 he was deputy for propaganda of Gauleiter Berlin Goebbels, and from 1943 to 1945 he served as chief of staff of the main propaganda department of the NSDAP. So Wechter was well aware of the content and forms of disinformation activities of the Third Reich. He had the opportunity to share this information with our security agencies on May 2, 1945, when counterintelligence officers arrested him in Potsdam.

Let us explain that after the Red Army occupied the capital of Germany, to clear the city of fascist elements and carry out other counterintelligence work, an NKVD task force of the city of Berlin was created, which was subordinate to the headquarters of Colonel General Ivan Serov, Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, located in Berlin, and from June 1945 – authorized representative of the NKVD of the USSR in Germany. At the same time, 20 regional task forces were created - according to the number of administrative districts of the city. In this regard, the main task force in a number of documents was called the Central Task Force (COG). Later, the NKVD-MVD operational sector of the Soviet military administration of the city of Berlin was created on the basis of the Central Operations Center.

The tasks of the operational sector employees included, among other things, the search for Nazi war criminals, prominent figures of the Nazi regime, representatives of the German intelligence services, administration and employees of prisons and concentration camps, traitors to the Motherland. Counterintelligence officers of the Central Intelligence Agency of the NKVD of the city of Berlin arrested a major official of the Imperial Ministry of Public Education and Propaganda, SA Gruppenführer Werner Wächter.

A little over four months later, namely on September 12, 1945, the head of the NKVD operational sector of the city of Berlin, Major General Alexei Sidnev, sent a special message to the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Colonel General Ivan Serov, about the progress of the investigation in the Wechter case.

Agents of the Goebbels department were supposed to report that, according to a secret article of the agreement with the Soviet Union, the latter leased Ukraine to Germany for 90 years

This is what Wächter showed about the provocative forms and methods used by Goebbels’ department during a large-scale disinformation campaign to prepare a surprise attack on the Soviet Union:

“...In order to deceive public opinion and convince everyone that the treaty with the Soviet Union is stronger than ever, the Ministry of Propaganda and The main propaganda department of the NSDAP, through peripheral organizations and agents, spread various provocative rumors developed in Goebbels’ circle. Firstly, the agents had to report that, according to a secret article of the agreement with the Soviet Union, the latter leased Ukraine to Germany for “90 years, and for this he himself received a free hand against England and India.” Secondly, by order of Goebbels, rumors were transmitted about the supposedly upcoming visit of Stalin and Molotov. To make these rumors more likely, Goebbels ordered various German factories to produce Soviet state flags, and warned of the particular urgency and importance of this order.

After this, many German ordinary people became convinced of the veracity of such rumors.”

In order to convince world leaders that Nazi Germany was planning an invasion of Great Britain (Operation Sea Lion), Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler took part in the propaganda campaign. The above-mentioned document published on the website of the FSB of Russia says the following about this:

“The fascist officialdom “Völkischer Beobachter” published an article by Goebbels “The Lesson of Crete”, in which he quite transparently hinted that in the coming days another island would be captured just like Crete with the help of parachute landings, i.e. England.

This issue of the Völkischer Beobachter was sent out in large quantities abroad, and then Hitler pretended that he was dissatisfied with Goebbels for revealing important state plans. The entire circulation of the newspaper was ordered to be confiscated, no matter where it was located. These events caused particular unrest abroad and convinced many foreign politicians that the real military plans had really been revealed and that Germany was going to fight not in the east, but in the west, and at that time preparations for war with the Soviet Union were almost completely completed.”

The main propagandists of the Third Reich ended badly.

Goebbels, as you know, went to another world of his own free will.

On September 20, 1946, by the verdict of the Military Tribunal of the Soviet Military Administration of the Province of Brandenburg, Werner Wächter was sentenced to capital punishment on charges of committing crimes under Part 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943. On November 20 of the same year the sentence was carried out. And on October 18, 2002, according to the conclusion of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, this prominent propagandist of the Third Reich was declared “not subject to rehabilitation.”
Posted by: badanov || 06/21/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [130 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Nazis tried to conceal their crimes - Hamas filmed theirs. Progress.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/21/2024 2:39 Comments || Top||

Looking back on History.
I see the US Nazi Political party had loads of support in Washington, DC. prior to the outbreak of WWII.

NYC was one of its largest strong-holds.
Note: February 20, 1939, a Nazi rally took place at Madison Square Garden, organized by the German American Nazi Party, where more than 20,000 attended.

Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/21/2024 6:25 Comments || Top||

#3  They hid Mein Kampf?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/21/2024 8:52 Comments || Top||

#4  About those NY Nazis....
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/21/2024 13:41 Comments || Top||

Consumer Watchdog: Tether Has Become a Crypto of Choice for Cartels, Terrorists, and Human Traffickers
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/21/2024 07:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [35 views] Top|| File under: Mob Rule

#1  That’s an interesting sales pitch. I guess the Dems were looking for a new crypto.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/21/2024 12:38 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Biden's new amnesties show his 'border crackdown' was smoke and mirrors
[NYPOST] President Biden’s policy on the border crisis: Say one thing, do the opposite — and hope no one notices.

Just 14 days after signing a "border-tightening" executive order that amounted to little more than a publicity stunt, the prez on Tuesday announced two "reforms" that would streamline legalization for two groups of illegal migrants colonists: some "dreamers" (adults brought to the country as children, protected from deportation under an Obama-era executive order) and half a million illegal immigrants colonists now married to US citizens — shielding the latter from deportation and granting them work permits in the meantime.

To add insult to injury, in the same address, he claimed "every nation must secure its borders."

These moves (and others likely to come) are meant to reassure the open-borders left that his feint toward enforcement is only a feint.

Thing is, potential border-jumpers get the message too: If you can end-run the legal immigration process, US progressives will eventually find some way to kosherize you anyway.

The actual law requires illegal immigrants colonists with citizen spouses to return to their home countries to apply for permanent residency; some are banned from reentry for 10 to 20 years.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [83 views] Top|| File under:

Posted by: Skidmark || 06/21/2024 0:06 Comments || Top||

#2  There wasn't a crackdown on Border Patrol?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/21/2024 2:40 Comments || Top||

#3  So far, 100,000 Illegals have been granted blanket amnesty.
13.9 Million to go.

How many more does the LSD's need to start a Cuban style revolution?
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/21/2024 7:49 Comments || Top||

#4  Mirrors of very low quality. Not even Spencer’s would carry something so cheesy.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/21/2024 12:42 Comments || Top||

'There is an atmosphere of pederasty.' How the Pope is preparing the way for a successor
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Ruslan Kalinchuk

[REGNUM] Before the scandal had time to subside after the words of Pope Francis that there are “too many homosexuals” in Catholic seminaries (“C’è già troppa frociaggine”) (the Vatican even had to apologize for these homophobic statements), the word came out of the pontiff’s mouth again: considered extremely obscene in Italy.

The Italian website Silere Non Possum wrote that in a conversation with priests, the pope said: “Yes, there is an atmosphere of pederasty. This is true, this is how it is in the Vatican” (“Si, c'è un'aria di frociaggine. È vero, in Vaticano c'è”).

The scandal, among other things, was caused by the word Francis chose from among the many terms describing homosexuality. Initially, they tried to attribute this to the pope’s insufficient knowledge of the Italian language. The word frocio is of Roman origin; different regions of Italy have their own synonyms for it. And the pontiff’s childhood, they say, passed in a Piedmontese-speaking environment. So he didn’t know what kind of dirty curse he used. However, the repeated use of this particular term suggests that this is not a matter of translation difficulties.

The pope's statements have caused some confusion in the Catholic world, as Francis is seen as sympathetic to left-wing ideas.

In the first years after Francis ascended the papal throne in 2013, it seemed that the only people criticizing the pontiff were those who were dissatisfied with possible reforms of bureaucratic structures, the reorganization of the Vatican Bank, the launch of an investigation into sex scandals involving the clergy and the resignations associated with all this.

But in fact, the pope is most often subjected to theological criticism for attempts to soften his attitude towards the LGBT* community. In 2020, Francis supported civil same-sex unions, saying gay people have the right to a family.

And in November 2023, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly the Inquisition) wrote in its clarification that transsexuals and homosexuals can be baptized and be godparents. The same document also discussed allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples.

And despite the fact that the Vatican officially emphasized the meaning of marriage as a union of a man and a woman and we are not talking about the wedding of same-sex couples, even within the Catholic Church many perceived this step as a kind of “Overton window.”

This policy of Pope Francis became the reason for the formation of internal opposition within the curia itself (the administrative structures of the Vatican) both among ordinary believers and senior prelates in different countries of the world.

Thus, in 2017, in a letter to Francis entitled Correctio filialis (“Filial Instructions”, Latin), more than 60 priests and theologians essentially reproached the pope for distorting or misinterpreting the teaching of the Catholic Church on the family. This letter remained unanswered.

Moreover, many conservative politicians have found it difficult to understand why the pope is ignoring the views of those Catholics who want to preserve their religious and cultural identity.

First of all, we are talking about the leader of the Italian Northern League party Matteo Salvini. The Vatican not only regularly ignored the politician’s requests to meet with the pope, but also condemned his use of Christian symbols in the League’s election campaign for the European Parliament elections (Salvini raised his rosary to the sky and said that he dedicated his life and the whole of Italy to the Virgin Mary and the saints).

The pope's main opponent in defending conservative values ​​was the Archbishop of St. Louis (USA) Raymond Leo Burke, who headed the Vatican Supreme Tribunal from 2008 to 2014.

He demonstratively communicated with Donald Trump through his ex-adviser Stephen Bannon, met with Matteo Salvini and spoke very kindly of him.

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who formerly headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, also supported Salvini: “There are countries that want to de-Christianize Italy and Europe, while Salvini returns to the patron saints of the European Union, to its Christian roots.”

Willem Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht (Netherlands) called Salvini an inspiration.

It should be noted that traditionalists (Salvini, Trump) cause enthusiasm among the Catholic community, because they provide an opportunity to directly support people who stand for Christian values.

This is why most Catholics in the United States voted for Trump. And even in Italy, conservative Catholic publications expressed support for him (Tempi newspaper).

Other traditionalist movements, Forza Nuova and Militia Christi, also did not support Pope Francis' rhetoric.

But the real turning point, which united the conservative opposition to the pontiff, was the preparation and holding of the Amazon Synod in Rome.

The scandal was caused by the use of figurines of Pachamama, the goddess of fertility of the Amazon Indians, in prayer ceremonies. About a hundred priests from Germany addressed Pope Francis with a letter in which they accused him of paganism, and the former apostolic nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, against the backdrop of what was happening around the Amazon Synod, announced the possibility of a deepening schism among Catholics.

But it would be very premature to think so. Conservatives are now more diverse than conventional liberals.

Some critics of the pope are not satisfied with the softening of attitudes towards homosexuals and the liberalization of the teaching on the family, others are dissatisfied with certain forms of mission, and still others are upset that the pope does not support those Catholics who are fighting for the national identity of their countries. But for all traditionalists, the preservation of the papacy as a conservative institution is important.

It is obvious that the contradictions between conservatives and “liberals” in the person of Pope Francis and his entourage go far beyond internal church disputes and reflect general political discussions in the world around “left-wing populism” and traditionalism.

Between these poles the pope is forced to maneuver, making statements about the “atmosphere of pederasty.”

On the one hand, on the eve of the final session of the synod of bishops (the meeting is scheduled to take place in October and continue the discussion of the concept of synodality), Francis needs to reassure the conservative part of the Catholic world, concerned about a possible revolution in the moral teaching of Catholicism.

On the other hand, it is quite logical that, at 87, Francis is thinking about a successor and, in order to clear the way for him, is trying to enlist the support of the center-right clergy, convincing them that the program he is promoting is not so radical.

In other words, we are talking about forming a coalition for the future conclave. Do not forget that the current pope is a Jesuit and acts with all the cunning inherent in representatives of this order (which many consider simply a specific intelligence service).

His words are not enough to cast doubt on the entire previous course towards liberalizing the church’s attitude towards LGBT* people, but it may be quite enough to soften the attitude towards the pontiff and his possible successor.

Posted by: badanov || 06/21/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [107 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Meanwhile, "ROME — He has called Pope Francis a liberal “servant of Satan,” demanded his resignation and suggested that the Vatican’s Swiss Guard arrest the 87-year-old pontiff. Now, after receiving years of withering verbal attacks, Francis appears to have struck back against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Vatican ambassador to the United States and the pope’s most ardent internal critic."
Posted by: Gromble+Dribble4342 || 06/21/2024 2:26 Comments || Top||

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