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29 Soldiers among 58 Dead in Violence across Syria
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1 17:31 Grunter [11] 
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9 16:03 Canuckistan sniper [12] 
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1 00:18 chris [10] 
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1 12:49 Glenmore [16] 
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1 10:03 Lord Garth [19] 
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1 15:48 49 Pan [11] 
1 10:39 Frank G [10] 
Page 2: WoT Background
0 [13]
4 20:47 Barbara [17]
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1 00:15 JosephMendiola [8]
4 12:04 Secret Master [12]
1 12:43 American Delight [10]
2 22:58 JosephMendiola [14]
3 18:32 Water Modem [13]
3 20:37 kelly [17]
2 13:55 SteveS [15]
0 [15]
Page 3: Non-WoT
7 22:55 JosephMendiola [8]
3 22:17 Frank G [15]
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1 15:37 Zhang Fei [8]
14 22:46 newc [14]
1 19:09 American Delight [15]
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4 18:59 Shinter Javirong9154 [9]
4 21:24 DarthVader [12]
3 19:05 Shinter Javirong9154 [9]
Page 4: Opinion
17 18:48 Hellfish [9]
12 23:22 SteveS [18]
1 00:42 JosephMendiola [12]
1 08:44 Redneck Jim [13]
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Page 6: Politix
1 21:12 Angie Schultz [24]
17 22:38 junkiron [16]
13 20:58 Barbara [21]
4 10:44 AlanC [13]
Good morning
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Errol Flynn's first wife.
Posted by: Water Modem || 06/21/2012 7:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Welcome, Instapundit readers!

It seems the Blogfather has mentioned us again -- he is very generous with his attention.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/21/2012 9:44 Comments || Top||

#3  Birthday/Daily Gam Shot

Judy Holliday aka Emma 'Billie' Dawn in "Born Yesterday (1950)" aka Doris Attinger in "Adam's Rib (1949)" aka Gladys Glover in "It Should Happen to You (1954)" aka Ella Peterson in "Bells Are Ringing (1960)" aka Ruth Miller in "Winged Victory (1944)" aka Laura Partridge in "The Solid Gold Cadillac (1956)" aka Emily Rocco in "Full of Life (1956)" (Died in 1965 at age 43)

Women Who Bathe
Posted by: Kofi Trotsky7399 || 06/21/2012 10:55 Comments || Top||

#4  Kofi Trotsky7399 aka GolfBravoUCMC

From the twelfth floor of Harrah's Lake Tahoe using a new Laptop. You can't be too careful when you are surrounded by a bunch of gamblers.
Posted by: GolfBravoUCMC || 06/21/2012 11:01 Comments || Top||

#5  nice! been down to the water yet?
Posted by: Frank G || 06/21/2012 11:05 Comments || Top||

#6  "Michael's Mansion" is on the Nevada side of the border, about 5 miles from Stateline on the way to Carson.

And the water? It's cold. Guaranteed.
Posted by: mojo || 06/21/2012 12:33 Comments || Top||

#7  Judy is showing some seriously poor trigger discipline there. And with the hammer back, too.
Posted by: SteveS || 06/21/2012 13:04 Comments || Top||

#8  "Women who accidently discharge a weapon and lose their hearing"
Posted by: Frank G || 06/21/2012 13:05 Comments || Top||

#9  Could be a trick shot over the shoulder while sighting through three mirrors.
Posted by: Canuckistan sniper || 06/21/2012 16:03 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Kenya on high alert as troops target Kismayu
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] Security has been stepped up on the Kenya-Somalia border as Kenyan troops prepare to seize control of Kismayu, the last remaining Al-Shabaab
... the personification of Somali state failure...

Police were on high alert to stop infiltration of the bully boyz both via land and sea routes. Coast deputy provincial police officer Jacinta Kinyua said adequate measures had been taken to enhance security at the border.

She said more officers had been sent to monitor the borders and carry out patrols across the region. Community policing would also be used to catch any suspicious people, she said.

"I urge the public to report to us any suspicious people in their midst. We welcome their sentiments," Ms Kinyua told the Nation in a telephone interview on Tuesday.

The Coast region has, just like many other parts of the country, witnessed a number of grenade attacks linked to Al-Shabaab bully boyz believed to be avenging the Kenya Defence Forces incursion into Somalia.

Kenya shares a long, mostly non-existent border with Somalia and gunnies routinely sneak into Kenya to launch attacks. The gunnies are holding a district officer and a registration of persons official whom they kidnapped in a cross-border raid in Wajir County.

This has forced security agents to closely monitor the border, resulting in a number of arrests in the recent past. Kismayu port is the lifeline of the terrorist group because its port business brings in millions of dollars in revenue. (READ: Operation Kismayu)

A significant amount of goods, including sugar and charcoal, pass through the port and are taxed by the thugs.

Al-Shabaab accuse NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A collection of multinational and multilingual and multicultural armed forces, all of differing capabilities, working toward a common goal by pulling in different directions...
of leading war against cut-thoats
The recent fall of Afmadow to Kenyan forces and their Somali Transitional Federal Government allies opened the way for a move on Kismayu. Kenyan and Somali government troops are now reported to be less than 75 kilometres from the port town.

Also bracing for the impeding attack are African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
forces composed of troops from Uganda, Burundi and Djibouti. The highly anticipated fall of the port city, the economic and political capital of southern Somalia, is expected to end Al-Shabaab's influence in the region.

KDF has said Kismayu will fall before August. Many of Al-Shabaab's imported muscle are reported to have massed in Kismayu. Lamu East DC Pius Murugu said three people who were trying to sneak foreigners into the country through the Boni forest had been placed in durance vile
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!

He said nine people had been placed in durance vile
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
since January as they tried to enter the country illegally. Three of them are facing charges and are currently held at the Lamu Police Station as hearing of their cases continues.

Kenya has been on a state of high alert since her forces crossed into Somalia on October 16, 2011 to fight Al-Shabaab, sparking reprisal attacks, mostly against civilian targets.

Last week, Al-Shabaab leaders were reported to be fleeing Kismayu, heading to Puntland
...a region in northeastern Somalia, centered on Garowe in the Nugaal province. Its leaders declared the territory an autonomous state in 1998. Puntland and the equally autonomous Somaliland seem to have avoided the clan rivalries and warlordism that have typified the rest of Somalia, which puts both places high on the list for Islamic subversion...
and Yemen. A price of Sh2.9 billion has been put on the heads of the leaders of Al-Shabaab by the United States government.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Police fire tear gas at Khartoum protestors
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] University students staged anti-regime protests in Khartoum for the fifth straight day on Wednesday, with Sudanese riot police using tear gas and batons to disperse them, witnesses said.

The demonstrations, which began on Saturday and have spread to different parts of the capital, come amid a rapidly deteriorating economic situation that has forced the government to make drastic spending cuts and driven up the cost of living.

Groups of students gathered in streets around the University of Khartoum, located next to the Blue Nile river in the city centre, shouting slogans such as "Khartoum, rise up! rise up!" and "The people want to change the regime!"

Riot police responded by firing tear gas to scatter them, while one witness said plain-clothes men carrying sticks and whips, and some wearing masks, had closed the street in front of the main university campus.

At a private business college nearby, riot police again used tear gas and batons against student protesters, thought to number about 100, who were trying to close off a main street in the centre of the capital.

In Omdurman, Khartoum's twin city, hundreds more demonstrated outside Ahlia University, as they had on Monday, denouncing the sharp rise in food prices and calling for regime change, witnesses told AFP.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

Al shabab militants battle local farmers in Southern Somalia
(Sh. M. Network)-Deadly Armed festivities between Al Qaeda-affiliated Al shabab and local farmers are reportedly occurred on Wednesday at villages near Qorioley district, a rebel-held town which lies just 120 kilometers south of Mogadishu, reports said.

Mohammed Nur Gabow, a Local resident confirmed to Shabelle Media via phone from Qorioley district that at least one person was killed and two others injured after Al shabab fighters attacked on farmers near the district under unknown circumstances.

"Locals are fed up of Al shabab fighters who have become familiar with committing acts against locals, including robbing and killings. I call on Somali government to take strict actions to halt such from continuing," added Gabow.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab

Africa North
Timbuktu couple gets 100 lashes for child out of wedlock
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] The Islamists occupying northern Mali on Wednesday gave a couple 100 lashes of a whip for having a child out of wedlock as they continue enforcing sharia law, witnesses told AFP.

"At Sankore Square in Timbuktu, a man and a women got 100 lashes for having had a child outside of marriage," said local official Mohamed Ould Baby.

"People were watching it was like a show. I was there, I saw the youths arriving at the square, I saw them being whipped, it is the first time I have seen something like that."

The official said Islamist group Ansar Dine (Defenders of Faith) carried out the punishment.

Ansar Dine, which seized control of the north of Mali flanked by other rebel groups, has been implementing strict Islamic law, sharia, since late March, but this is the first time a couple has been punished in this fashion.

They have asked women to wear veils, whipped smokers and destroyed cartons of cigarettes while banning the sale of alcohol.

According to sharia, 100 lashes of a whip is the punishment for "fornicators" or those who have sex outside of marriage.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: Ansar Dine

#1  100 lashes for that, but none for the illions of inbred children produced in the muslim world every year
Posted by: chris || 06/21/2012 0:18 Comments || Top||

Algeria Forces Kill Eight Islamists in Kabylie
[An Nahar] Algerian troops killed eight Islamists gunnies in the Kabylie region, where al-Qaeda-linked groups remain active, the official APS agency reported Wednesday, updating an earlier toll of six.

Soldiers opened fire on a van carrying suspects near blood-stained Tizi Ouzou, the main city in Kabylie, APS said, quoting a security bigshot. The van veered off the road and crashed into a ravine.

The security forces recovered five assault rifles and two shotguns after the operation that left five gunnies dead late Tuesday, the source added.

Algerian forces killed three further suspects on Wednesday and captured one more.

Troops continued to comb the area for remaining members of the cell, believed to be responsible for a June 15 attack on a cop shoppe in a nearby town that left two officers dead.

Soldiers killed six gunnies with suspected ties to al-Qaeda in the same region on June 5.

Following the brutal decade-long war that left up to 200,000 people dead, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
... 10th president of Algeria. He was elected in 1999 and is currently on his third term, which is probably why Algerians are ready to dump him...
started a process of national reconciliation and offered amnesty to all Islamists.

Former members of the Armed Islamic Group and its offshoots who have since proclaimed their allegiance to al-Qaeda have largely been flushed out, but incidents remain frequent in Kabylie, east of Algiers.

Algeria's police chief, General Abdelghani Hamel, said last month that "the terrorist threat remains in all regions of Algeria".
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Yemen Foiled Plot against Embassies
[An Nahar] Yemen's security forces have foiled a Death Eater plot to attack embassies in Sanaa, state news agency SABA said on Wednesday, just days after the army forced al-Qaeda out of their bastions in the country's south.

"Security forces have managed to foil a terror plot targeting foreign embassies in the capital," SABA news agency said citing a top security official.

According to the unnamed official, "three suspects armed with weapons, explosives and maps showing the location of foreign embassies," were tossed in the slammer
Drop the rosco and step away witcher hands up!
He said the residences of "military commanders and other important people" were also marked on the seized maps.

The report comes two days after a jacket wallah killed Salem Ali Qoton, the army general who spearheaded a month-long offensive against al-Qaeda in Yemen's Abyan
...a governorate of Yemen. The region was a base to the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army terrorist group until it dropped the name and joined al-Qaeda. Its capital is Zinjibar. In March 2011, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula declared the governate an Islamic Emirate after seizing control of the region. The New York Times fastidiously reported that those in control, while Islamic hard boyz, are not in fact al-Qaeda, but something else that looks, tastes, smells, and acts the same. Yemeni government forces launched an effort to re-establish control of the region when President-for-Life Saleh was tossed and the carnage continues...
and Shabwa provinces in the south.

The offensive, launched on May 12, ended more than a year of al-Qaeda control in a string of towns and villages in the troubled south and east.

The jihadists are believed to have fled to the lawless mountainous regions of the eastern Hadramawt province.

In May, an al-Qaeda suicide bomber went kaboom!" in the middle of a battalion of soldiers rehearsing for an army parade in Sanaa, killing more than a 100 people and wounding dozens of others.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Qaida Leader, Would-Be Bombers Killed, Terrorist Cells Dismantled in Yemen
[Yemen Post] The Supreme Security Committee on Wednesday said a senior Al-Qaeda leader was killed in an Arclight airstrike along with two would-be bombers in Baidha province.

Salah Al-Jawheri, dubbed Al-Thalaja, was the leader of Al-Qaeda in Yafi in south Yemen and the commander of suicide cells in Sanaa and Baidha provinces, a source at the committee said.

The two, killed in the Arclight airstrike which came within an ongoing hunt for gun-hung tough guys in several parts of the country, had been prepared to attack military and security officials in Baidha, the source said.

Within the upgraded counterterrorism efforts after the huge victory on Al-Qaeda in Abyan
...a governorate of Yemen. The region was a base to the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army terrorist group until it dropped the name and joined al-Qaeda. Its capital is Zinjibar. In March 2011, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula declared the governate an Islamic Emirate after seizing control of the region. The New York Times fastidiously reported that those in control, while Islamic hard boyz, are not in fact al-Qaeda, but something else that looks, tastes, smells, and acts the same. Yemeni government forces launched an effort to re-establish control of the region when President-for-Life Saleh was tossed and the carnage continues...
, the authorities also thwarted a plot to target foreign embassies in the capital Sanaa, the source added.

"The authorities seized a car inside which three terrorists, explosives and maps showing the locations of foreign embassies and houses of senior military commanders in Yemen were captured," the source continued.

Furthermore, the authorities have set to sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock, in a pestilential prison with a life-long lock
Maw! They're comin' to get me, Maw!
a terrorist cell led by Nizar Abdulrahman Al-Jumai, a Tunisian who was one of the most dangerous foreign hard boyz wanted by Yemen, the source said.

"The cell was spotted while moving among the provinces of Abyan, Shabwa and Hadramout."
...the formerly independent Qu'aiti state and sultanate, annexed by Communist South Yemen in 1968, encompassing a region along the Gulf of Aden, extending eastwards to the borders of the Dhofar region of Oman. The people are called Hadhramis and speak Hadhrami Arabic. The city Tarimis estimated to contain the highest concentration of descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (PTUI) anywhere in the world, approximately seven in every square yard...
Yemen has launched a massive hunt for myrmidons, who escaped after the forces drove Al-Qaeda out of its strongholds seized last year in Abyan province.

Many gun-hung tough guys including big shots have been killed in the hunt in provinces adjacent to Abyan so far.

Hundreds of gun-hung tough guys including leaders were killed in the Abyan offensive over the past few months.

After its severe defeat, Al-Qaeda vowed to retaliate through attacking key US and Yemeni targets.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

30 Qaida Fighters Dead in Yemen Air Raids
[An Nahar] Thirty suspected Death Eaters were killed as Yemeni aircraft pounded al-Qaeda positions between the southern provinces of Abyan
...a governorate of Yemen. The region was a base to the Aden-Abyan Islamic Army terrorist group until it dropped the name and joined al-Qaeda. Its capital is Zinjibar. In March 2011, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula declared the governate an Islamic Emirate after seizing control of the region. The New York Times fastidiously reported that those in control, while Islamic hard boyz, are not in fact al-Qaeda, but something else that looks, tastes, smells, and acts the same. Yemeni government forces launched an effort to re-establish control of the region when President-for-Life Saleh was tossed and the carnage continues...
and Shabwa on Wednesday, a local official told AFP.

The aircraft carried out several strikes, the mayor of Mahfed town on the outskirts of Abyan and Shabwa, Yaslam al-Anburi, told AFP by telephone. "There were 30 deaths in al-Qaeda ranks for sure."

"Yemeni aircraft carried out a series of raids against concentrations of al-Qaeda gunnies, mainly in the Wadi Dhiman and Dayda valleys, killing 30 and wounding many others," he said.

Earlier, a tribal chief said three suspected Death Eaters were killed and four maimed in an air raid targeting a group of al-Qaeda gunnies in a desert region between Abyan and Shabwa provinces.

Yemen's military launched a campaign in May against al-Qaeda in the south which succeeded in ending more than a year of jihadist control over a string of towns and villages in Abyan and Shabwa provinces.

The group's fighters are believed to have retreated to safe havens in the country's mountainous regions in Shabwa, Marib and Hadramawt provinces where they enjoy tribal protection.

Residents of the area where the raids occurred said dozens of jihadists had been concentrating in the region since fleeing the villages and towns lost in Abyan and Shabwa.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Arabia

Caribbean-Latin America
Son of Sinaloa drug cartel's Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman captured
The son of Mexico's most wanted man, drug Lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, has been captured, officials have claimed.

Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, 26, was detained by marines in an early morning raid in the western state of Jalisco, the Mexican Navy said in a statement.

Earlier this month the US Treasury placed financial sanctions on Guzman Salazar and several other family members.

That allowed authorities to freeze any assets they had in the US and barred Americans from doing business with them.

Guzman Salazar, who is suspected of links to drug trafficking, was taken to Mexico City amid a heavy security force presence.

Posted by: || 06/21/2012 14:55 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Then there is the good news, congratulations on the recent birth of his twin daughters, in Los Angeles, California.
Posted by: Grunter || 06/21/2012 17:31 Comments || Top||

Toulouse gunman who claimed al-Qaida link captured, hostages released
[Haaretz] A gunman who had past psychiatric problems took four people hostage Wednesday in a bank in Toulouse
...lies on the banks of the River Garonne, half-way between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The Toulouse metropolitan area is the fourth-largest in La Belle France...
, claiming he was acting for religious reasons, then was captured in a police raid about six hours later, authorities said.

The hostages were released unharmed, and the hostage-taker was lightly injured, regional police official Frederic Tamisier said. Another police official said he was hurt in the leg, though the cause of the injury was unclear.

Gunshots were heard from the site around the time the gunman was captured.
The incident plunged this city in fear for the second time in recent months.

Tensions have been high in Toulouse since March, when a gunman who police said claimed links to al-Qaeda killed three Jewish schoolchildren, a rabbi and three paratroopers in the area. Those were La Belle France's worst terrorist attacks in years, and led to a crackdown on suspected Islamist hard boyz around La Belle France.

In Wednesday's incident, a man with a firearm entered a CIC bank branch in central Toulouse at about 11 a.m. (0900GMT) and took the bank director and three other bank employees hostage, police officials said.

Authorities started negotiations with the gunman, and he released one hostage mid-afternoon, a woman in her late 20s who was feeling ill, a police union official said.

French media reports say the gunman is claiming allegiance to al-Qaeda. Police officials who spoke to The News Agency that Dare Not be Named could not confirm this claim.
Toulouse Mayor Pierre Cohen said the gunman had been known to authorities for having psychiatric problems.

French Prosecutor Michel Valet said that during negotiations, the gunman said he wanted to advertise the religious motivation behind his act.

"The hostage-taker ... wants us to make it known that he is acting not for money, and that his motivations come from his religious conviction," Valet told news hounds at the scene. He did not say what faith the gunman adheres to.

French media reports say the gunman is claiming allegiance to al-Qaeda. Police officials who spoke to The News Agency that Dare Not be Named could not confirm this claim.

The neighborhood around the bank was cordoned off, and neighboring buildings were evacuated. Officers from GIPN specialized police units were brought to the scene from Bordeaux and Marseille.

The bank is in the same neighborhood where Mohamed Merah, the suspected gunman in the March attacks, was shot and killed by police. It is near the cop shoppe where authorities were overseeing the operation to surround and negotiate with Merah.

The mother of a child evacuated from a neighborhood school said on RTL radio that she had received a text message in the morning saying the CIC bank was being robbed.

Doriane Clermont, 23, lives across the street from the bank with her 3-year-old son ... and said she's "thinking of moving."

"I'm worried about the climate that reigns in this city," she said, waiting behind the police barrier to be able to return home after she was evacuated.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Europe

Karachi Korpse Kount: 6
[Dawn] Six people, including a truck driver and a teenager, were killed in different parts of the city on Tuesday, police said.

They said that the trussed-up body of a young man stuffed in a gunny bag was found in Federal B Area on Tuesday.

The body was found near the coconut ground in F. B Area's Block 15 within the remit of the Jauharabad cop shoppe.

The victim was identified as Shahid Memon, 35. He was a resident of F. B Area Block 3, Hussainabad Azizabad. He was the father of two, working as a salesman at a general store.

The victim's face was muffled in polythene bags, the police said, adding that he had been missing since Monday evening.

The body was shifted to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for medico-legal formalities, where doctors said that the victim had been strangled to death and the body did not bear any torture marks.

The police said that the motive for the murder could not be ascertained immediately.

A case (FIR 151/2012) was registered against unknown persons on a complaint of the victim's father at the Jauharabad cop shoppe.

Truck driver rubbed out
A truck driver was rubbed out in a North Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It may be the largest city in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
area on Tuesday, police said.

They said that the incident took place near Madiha stop in North Bloody Karachi within the remit of the Khawaja Ajmer Nagri cop shoppe.

They said that Abdul Sattar Khan was driving his truck (JU-1270) when gunnies on cycle of violences fired at him and rode away.
He died before he could be shifted to hospital, the police said. The body was shifted to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for medico-legal formalities.

The police said that the victim was a resident of North Bloody Karachi and might have been killed due to some personal enmity.

Bullet-riddled body found
The body of an unidentified man, also stuffed in a gunny bag, was found along the Malir river within the remit of the Korangi Industrial Area cop shoppe on Tuesday, police said.

They said that the trussed-up body was shifted to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre for medico-legal formalities.

Area SHO Malik Ayub said that the victim had been shot in the head and the body bore torture marks.

He said that apparently the body was thrown at the scene and he was kidnapped before being murdered somewhere else.

The police said that the victim's appearance suggested that he originally hailed from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
... formerly NWFP, still Terrorism Central...
. Nothing was found in his possession which could help the police ascertain his identity.

Later, the police shifted the body to the Edhi morgue for want of identification.

Paperwork was started but nothing else was done against unknown persons on behalf of the state.

Man found murdered in Quaidabad
In another incident, the body of a teenager was found in the Quaidabad area on Tuesday.

Police said that the body was found in Star ground in Quaidabad. It bore torture marks on the head. He was killed with some sharp-edged weapon.

They said that he was clad in shalwar-kameez. The body was shifted to the JPMC and later moved to the Edhi morgue for identification, the police added.

Teenager bumped off
A teenage boy was rubbed out in Landhi's Future Colony within the remit of the Sharafi Goth cop shoppe on Tuesday, police said.

They said that Saleem Sultan, 19, a resident of Mansehra
...a city and an eponymous district in eastern Khyber-Pakthunwa, nestled snug up against Pak Kashmir, with Kohistan and Diamir to the north and Abbottabad to the south...
Colony Landhi, was targeted in Future Colony by unknown assailants. He was struck down in his prime.

The body was shifted to the JPMC for medico-legal formalities.

A duty officer at the Sharafi Goth cop shoppe said that the victim's uncle, Fazal, was killed along with three people a few weeks ago during a clash over theft of sandals in Quaidabad.

He said that the teenager's killing could be linked with that case.

Later police handed over his body to his heirs.

Till late in the night, no case was registered.

...back at the argument, Jane reached into her purse for her .38...
a man was rubbed out and another was maimed in Cattle Colony on Tuesday.

The Sukhan police said that the incident took place in Cattle Colony Road No.6 after Mohammad Adnan came to the house of Abdul Hameed.

After an altercation, Adnan shot Hameed, 32, and his cousin Abrar Ali, 28, the police said, adding that Hameed or his cousin also shot Adnan as he also suffered gunshot wounds.

The police shifted the maimed to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre where Abrar died.

The police said that Hameed had contracted a freewill marriage with Adnan's sister a few months back. However after a fight with her husband, she had returned to her parent's house. Adnan had gone to Hameed's house to resolve the issue.

Adnan was taken into custody and the police were questioning him.

ST man maimed
An activist of the Sunni Tehrik
...formed in Karachi in 1992 under by Muhammad Saleem Qadri. It quickly fell to trading fisticuffs and liquidations with the MQM and the Sipah-e-Sahaba, with at least a half dozen of its major leaders rubbed out. Sunni Tehreek arose to become the primary opposition to the Deobandi Binori Mosque, headed by Nizamuddin Shamzai, who was eventually bumped off by person or persons unknown. ST's current leadership has heavily criticized the Deobandi Jihadi leaders, accusing them of being sponsored by Indian Intelligence agencies as well as involvement in terrorist activities...
, identified as Anwar Siddiqui, was maimed in an armed attack in Khudadad Colony within the remit of the Brigade cop shoppe on Tuesday, police said.

They said he was admitted to the JPMC where his condition was said to be critical.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under:

Zardari nominates Makhdoom Shahabuddin for PM
[Dawn] President Asif Ali President Ten Percent Zardari
... sticky-fingered husband of the late Benazir Bhutto ...
on early hours of Thursday nominated Makhdoom Shahabuddin for the post of prime minister, while, Raja Pervez Ashraf will be a covering candidate, DawnNews reported.

The president, after consulting coalition parties and Pakistain People's Party's (PPP) Parliamentary Party members, has nominated Shahabuddin for the post which became vacant after disqualification of Yousuf Raza Gilani
... Pakistain's erstwhile current prime minister, whose occasional feats of mental gymnastics can be awe-inspiring ...
by the Supreme Court.

Both, Shahabuddin and Ashraf will submit their nomination papers today.

Earlier, addressing the meeting of the PPP's Parliamentary Party members at the Presidency, the president said that the decision to nominate a new leader of the House would be taken in consultation with the coalition partners and in the larger national interest.

Zardari said that the PPP did not want confrontation among state institutions, and that it would ensure that the democratic process continues without any disruption.

Presently a member of the National Assembly (February 2008 onwards) and textiles minister, Shahabuddin has earlier held the portfolios of federal minister for finance and health in the Gilani-led government.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Turkish Jets Strike Kurd Rebel Bases in North Iraq
[An Nahar] Turkish warplanes bombed Kurdish rebel hideouts in northern Iraq in retaliation for a deadly attack in Turkey's southeast, the military said Wednesday.

The strikes come after rebels on Tuesday attacked Turkish military units in the town of Yuksekova in Hakkari province near the Iraqi border. The fighting between Turkish soldiers and rebels claimed 34 lives.

"The targets belonging to the separatist terrorist organization across the border in the north of Iraq were effectively hit by Turkish Air Force aircraft," the general staff said in a statement posted on its website.

The jets safely returned to their bases in Turkey after fulfilling their mission successfully, it added.

Twenty-six rebels who were shot dead by the military belonged to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and crossed into Turkey from their bases in northern Iraq to attack Turkish military posts.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I read one of those miltary techno-yarns (Dale Brown?) that started this way.
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/21/2012 12:49 Comments || Top||

Car Bomb Wounds Iraqi Judge in Kirkuk, Kills 2
[An Nahar] A car boom on Wednesday in the north Iraq city of Kirkuk went kaboom! as a judge's car was passing, wounding him and nine others and leaving two people dead, security and medical officials said.

The bomb went kaboom! as Judge Aziz Abdullah of the Kirkuk criminal court was driving near the Kirkuk Palace hotel in the center of the city, police Brigadier General Sarhad Qader said.

Qader, who put the toll at two dead and a total of 10 maimed, said the judge was in a stable condition.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah of Kirkuk General Hospital meanwhile put the toll at two dead and 12 maimed.

Details of those killed and others maimed in the attack were not immediately available.

The latest killings bring to at least 141 the number of people killed in attacks in Iraq since June 13 -- more than were killed in all of May, according to official figures.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Iraq

Hamas announces cease-fire with Israel
(CNN) -- The Paleostinian group Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, says its military wing has agreed to an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire with Israel following a sharp increase in violence between the two sides.

In a statement posted early Wednesday, Hamas -- which controls the Paleostinian territory of Gazoo -- says it will observe the cease-fire as long as Israel remains committed to the agreement.

There was no immediate response to the cease-fire announcement from Israel, which said more than 75 rockets had been fired into its territory from Gazoo in the past three days.
The Israeli news service Ynet puts it at more than 120, but clearly they are too close to have CNN's perspective on the situation.
Six Paleostinians and one Israeli died between Sunday and Tuesday in a spate of rocket attacks and Israeli Arclight airstrikes, officials on both sides reported.

Israeli warplanes struck two targets in Gazoo on Tuesday in response to the rocket fire, the Israel Defense Forces said. Hamas security sources told CNN the strikes targeted a site used to train Paleostinian forces of Evil to launch rockets and another training facility run by the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas, with two people injured.
Update from The Times of Israel:
Rockets hit Israel hours after Hamas says itÂ’s ready for ceasefire

Five rockets hit southern Israel early Thursday morning, hours after Hamas announced it would be willing to cease its fire on Israel. There were no reports of injuries or damage after the Kassam rockets slammed into the Eshkol region. A number or rockets hit open areas near the Gaza Strip later in the day, with no reports of injuries or damage.
Taqqiyah and hudna, all in one.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  " Ok Ok, cease fire, we are out of rockets and Iran is late in the resupply"
Posted by: 49 Pan || 06/21/2012 15:48 Comments || Top||

Israeli Army: Air Strike Kills Gazan behind Egypt Border Attack
[An Nahar] An Israeli air strike on southern Gazoo on Wednesday killed a "global jihad" myrmidon who put together a bushwhack on Israel's border with Egypt, the military said.

The strike targeted a man riding a cycle of violence in the southern city of Rafah which lies on the border with Egypt, killing 21-year-old Ghaleb Ermilat, Paleostinian medics said. Another person was maimed in the strike.

Residents said Ermilat was an activist with the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Gazoo's ruling Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, movement.

His death raised to seven the number of Paleostinians killed in three days of violence in and around Gazoo. Another six people were maimed.

In a statement, the military said the air force had targeted "a global jihad terror operative involved in the planning and execution of a terror attack on Monday, June 18 against Israeli construction workers on the Israel-Egypt border, in which an Israeli civilian was killed."

During Monday's attack along the Egyptian border, at least three hard boyz sneaked into southern Israel from Sinai and ambushed two civilian cars carrying Israeli construction workers, killing one and sparking a firefight in which two of the gunnies died.

The third is understood to have fled back to Egypt.

On Tuesday, a previously unknown Islamist group grabbed credit for the attack in a video message reported by the U.S.-based monitoring service, SITE Intelligence.

The video, which was made by the "Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem," showed two gunnies standing in front of al-Qaeda's black flag saying they were poised to carry out an attack against Israel.

One claimed to be from Egypt, while the other said he was from Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in their national face...
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [10 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda

#1  "thanks to Hamas for providing the intel on his name and location!"
Posted by: Frank G || 06/21/2012 10:39 Comments || Top||

Southeast Asia
Sectarian violence claims 12 more lives in Myanmar
Posted by: ryuge || 06/21/2012 05:56 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Thai officer killed as bomb blasts armored car
Police are hunting a key terror insurgent suspect believed to have masterminded the bombing in Si Sakhon district yesterday that killed a border patrol police officer. The bomb also injured two other border patrol officers. A rebel group led by Bangsop Tolueno is thought to be behind the incident.

The bomb, buried in the middle of the road and set off by a detonation chord, destroyed the armored car in which the three officers were travelling. The wounded officers were treated at a local hospital and are now in a safe condition.

The attack occurred as the police team was patrolling on Tuesday evening to provide security for teachers.

Police have launched a manhunt for Mr Bangsop, whose group is thought to have planned the attack for a week. Police had heard the bombing might take place, but did not know when or where, said the chief of Si Sakhon district.

Soldier, civilian wounded by bomb

One soldier and a villager were injured by a bomb explosion in Narathiwat's Sukirin district on Thursday morning.

Sgt Maj Worawit Inta, chief of the special unit providing security for teachers in Sukirin, told police that about 7:50 a.m., he sent 12 soldiers out to provide protection for local teachers as usual. While the soldiers, on motorcycles and a pickup truck, were travelling on a local road, a bomb buried in the middle of the road exploded, seriously wounding Pvt Wuthichai Chamruang, 21, and slightly wounding a woman who was passing by.

They blamed separatist terrorists militants.
Posted by: ryuge || 06/21/2012 05:46 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

29 Soldiers among 58 Dead in Violence across Syria
[An Nahar] Twenty-nine soldiers and a Shiite Mohammedan holy man were among 58 people killed in violence across Syria on Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

At least 20 troops died in festivities in the northwestern province of Latakia, while another five were killed in fighting that erupted late Tuesday in the Kurdish Mountain region, the watchdog said.

"The majority died in direct fighting... while other soldiers were killed in a rebel attack on two buildings which the army was using to launch mortar attacks against the Kurdish Mountain," the Observatory's Rami Abdel Rahman said.

In Idlib, another northwestern province, five troops were killed when a car boom went kaboom! at their checkpoint. Two civilians were also killed in the region.

The Observatory reported kabooms and shooting in the town of Maaret al-Numan, where the Local Coordination Committees activist group said there was fierce shelling and gunfire aimed at residential areas.

Fighting in the Hama province town of Kernaz left three soldiers dead, the Observatory said. Five non-combatants were killed elsewhere in the central region.

"Unidentified gunnies assassinated a Shiite holy man in Sayyida Zeinab," it said, referring to an area of south Damascus
...Capital of the last overtly fascist regime in the world...
that houses a revered Shiite shrine of the same name and is home to many Iraqi refugees.

Nearer the city center, festivities broke out between rebel fighters and government forces in Tadamon, the Observatory said.

Also in Damascus, a military doctor was killed by an bomb planted in his car.

Northeast of the capital, troops shot a civilian dead in Harasta, while a rebel died of wounds suffered in an earlier attack. Six civilians died in Douma, including three executed by regime forces, Abdel Rahman told Agence La Belle France Presse.

Troops also shelled villages in the northern province of Aleppo
...For centuries, Aleppo was Greater Syria's largest city and the Ottoman Empire's third, after Constantinople and Cairo. Although relatively close to Damascus in distance, Aleppans regard Damascenes as country cousins...
, killing one civilian, the Observatory said.

"There are festivities near the Hreitan and Anadan villages, and the regime is trying its hardest to make people turn against the revolt," an activist told AFP via Skype. "They burnt all the fields, leaving us with nothing to eat."

In the eastern city of Deir Ezzor, sniper fire killed a civilian in the al-Qusour district, while in the southern province of Daraa, four non-combatants were killed.

One child was killed in shelling of the Homs province town of Rastan, the Observatory said.

In Homs city, a rebel died near Baba Amr district amid fierce festivities between troops and rebels. Baba Amr was in rebel hands until it was pounded relentlessly for a month in March.

The opposition Syrian National Council warned at the weekend of a looming massacre in Homs, which it said was besieged by 30,000 troops and pro-regime militiamen.
Posted by: Fred || 06/21/2012 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  total civilian fatalities as of most recent estimates

14k - UN
15k - Syrian Human Rights Org
16k - Victim Documentation Center
17k -Syrian Martyrs

total combatant fatalities
4k - Syrian Govt armed service and Police
2k - Syrian anti Govt (former civilians)
1k - Syrian anti Govt (former Govt armed services)
Posted by: Lord Garth || 06/21/2012 10:03 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Thu 2012-06-21
  29 Soldiers among 58 Dead in Violence across Syria
Wed 2012-06-20
  'Al-Qaeda militant' takes hostages at bank in Toulouse
Tue 2012-06-19
  IDF hits terror cell near Gaza fence
Mon 2012-06-18
  Nigeria: 21 killed, 100 wounded in church blasts
Sun 2012-06-17
  Baghdad bombs target Shiite pilgrims, 32 killed
Sat 2012-06-16
  Yemen army seizes Shuqra after Qaeda pullout
Fri 2012-06-15
  Syria Violence Kills More Than 60
Thu 2012-06-14
  Army takes over in Egypt
Wed 2012-06-13
  At Least 73 Dead in Shelling and Clashes across Syria
Tue 2012-06-12
  Helicopter Gunships Deployed as More Than 100 Dead in Syria
Mon 2012-06-11
  Church Bombing Kills 15 in Nigeria
Sun 2012-06-10
  Syria Army Kills 70 Civilians in Protest Cities
Sat 2012-06-09
  Tuareg Rebels, Islamists, Clash in Northern Mali
Fri 2012-06-08
  UN monitors shot at trying to get to Syria massacre
Thu 2012-06-07
  47 Die in Hama Countryside 'Massacre' as Clashes Rock Damascus

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