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Hezbollah's number two leader, Hashim Safi al-Din was eliminated in an airstrike in Lebanon
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Page 6: Politix
3 19:20 ed in texas [99] 
0 [83] 
5 17:26 NoMoreBS [198] 
6 12:18 Grom the Reflective [154] 
3 12:40 Grom the Reflective [121] 
7 13:45 Abu Uluque [158] 
4 12:03 Super Hose [152] 
11 12:01 Super Hose [186] 
Page 1: WoT Operations
9 22:15 trailing wife [161]
3 22:33 trailing wife [70]
2 12:22 Abu Uluque [120]
0 [71]
0 [65]
1 20:43 Skidmark [98]
3 08:46 ed in texas [112]
0 [96]
0 [65]
0 [58]
4 11:02 Rex Mundi [148]
2 08:49 ed in texas [114]
2 12:35 Frank G [117]
2 11:30 Huputle+Cherelet4131 [76]
4 22:08 Lord Garth [244]
4 16:31 NoMoreBS [135]
3 09:36 Grom the Reflective [139]
0 [53]
0 [73]
1 10:17 Tom [66]
Page 2: WoT Background
0 [52]
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0 [46]
8 16:50 NoMoreBS [181]
5 11:25 M. Murcek [162]
2 23:32 Skidmark [85]
0 [154]
Page 3: Non-WoT
2 20:47 Skidmark [81]
1 12:34 DooDahMan [51]
0 [29]
4 13:41 SteveS [150]
6 15:37 Grom the Reflective [183]
8 18:29 M. Murcek [184]
1 11:41 Huputle+Cherelet4131 [79]
3 12:33 Super Hose [157]
0 [56]
2 09:14 M. Murcek [121]
Page 4: Opinion
4 23:42 Skidmark [154]
3 18:51 Bobby [127]
0 [88]
0 [56]
0 [78]
9 18:30 M. Murcek [246]
2 15:12 Fester Schwarzeneggar3620 [121]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
4 19:18 ed in texas [132]
0 [52]
0 [44]
0 [44]
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0 [53]
0 [79]
1 10:04 European Conservative [70]
0 [51]
0 [54]
-Great Cultural Revolution
Woke California: U-Turn Signs Are Homophobic. And Stuff.
[LI] "Street signs that officials said previously targeted LGBTQ community members were taken down from a Silver Lake neighborhood Monday."

Posted by: Frank G || 06/15/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [154 views] Top|| File under:

#3  Some people are just WAY too hypersensitive.

Also, how does the Babylon Bee stay in business?
Posted by: Tom || 06/15/2024 10:27 Comments || Top||

#4  Something tells me street signs are ignored anyway.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 06/15/2024 10:28 Comments || Top||

#5  Not sure that I want an explanation of why these signs are homophobic.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/15/2024 12:14 Comments || Top||

#6  ^Actually, now that you mention this ...
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 12:18 Comments || Top||

Trust in British Political System Falls to Record Low (why does this sound familiar)
[Breitbart] Trust in British politics has fallen to an all-time low as nearly half of the public believes politicians put the interests of their party over the betterment of the country.

After 14 years of Conservative Party rule and just three weeks out from a general election, the public is more jaded than ever according to the British Social Attitudes (BSA) report released this week by the National Centre for Social Research, which found that people’s trust in governments and politicians is at its lowest level in at least 50 years, The Guardian reports.

The survey found that 45 per cent of the public said they “almost never” trusted “British governments of any party to put the needs of the country above the interests of their own political party”. This was up from 34 per cent in 2019 and the highest percentage on record since the question was first posed over 30 years ago.

Professor Sir John Curtice of the National Centre for Social Research said: “The next government will not simply face the challenge of reviving Britain’s stuttering economy and its struggling public services. It will also need to address the concerns of a public that is as doubtful as it has ever been about the trustworthiness and efficacy of the country’s system of government.

“Addressing some of the policy challenges will help in that endeavour. However, it is likely to require much more than that – in particular, a style and manner of governing that persuades people that the government has their interests at heart after all.”

The BSA said the lack of faith in the UK political system has come amid “significant changes in the public mood” since the last general election in 2019. The previous election, a vote very much defined by Brexit, saw the public give an 80-seat majority to Boris Johnson’s Conservatives to finally “get Brexit done”.

However, while the Johnson government did successfully remove the UK from the EU, it failed to deliver on the actual promises of the Brexit movement. While pledges were made to “take back control” of the nation’s borders, the opposite happened, with over 120,000 illegal migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats from France since Brexit.

Rather than taking a hardline approach with Paris and sending the illegals directly back to the French coast, the “Conservative” governments not only use the border force to ferry the illegals to British beaches but also have paid hundreds of millions of pounds sterling to Macron’s government for the pleasure.

The government also betrayed the public on the promise of reducing net legal migration to the country after leaving the EU’s open borders scheme. Instead, Boris Johnson’s post-Brexit immigration bill opened up easy access to migrate to the UK to the rest of the world, crucially without an annual cap, and therefore unsurprisingly leading to record numbers of foreigners flooding into the country, with over two million allowed in over the past two years.

This comes despite the Conservatives promising to reduce net immigration to the “tens of thousands” in their 2010, 2015, and 2017 election manifestos, and promised that immigration would “come down” in their 2019 manifesto. Former Chancellor and David Cameron’s right-hand man, George Osborne admitted in 2017 that “none of the senior members” of Cameron’s government believed in the promise they made to the public and had no intention of actually fulfilling it.

Trust in the political class was also eroded significantly during the Chinese coronavirus crisis, during which the supposedly libertarian Boris Johnson imposed some of the harshest lockdown restrictions in the Western world. However, while normal citizens were being arrested and fined for breaching the draconian rules, it was later revealed that top members of the government, including Johnson, had violated their own convoluted rules during a series of Downing Street parties.

Despite also being fined for breaking lockdown rules, Rishi Sunak was later installed as prime minister. The Conservative Party membership expressly rejected Sunak during the 2022 summer leadership race to replace Johnson, however, a globalist-organised palace coup cut the Liz Truss administration short and saw Sunak put in her place. Unsurprisingly, the unelected prime minister has struggled to connect with the public since.

Amid the failures and betrayals, the British Social Attitudes report found that the public is coalescing around ideas of change to the political system. For example, 49 per cent said they would support some form of devolution in England, such as the creation of an England-specific parliament or assembly, as is the case in Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

A record 53 per cent also said they would change the first-past-the-post voting system for the House of Commons to allow for smaller parties to “get a fair share of MPs”. A proportional representation system — the norm in most parliamentary systems in Europe — would likely serve to bolster upstart political parties like Nigel Farage’s Reform UK.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/15/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [186 views] Top|| File under:

#1  A proportional representation system — the norm in most parliamentary systems in Europe — would likely serve to bolster upstart political parties like Nigel Farage’s Reform UK.

In "winner take all" system extremists, eventually, take over major parties. For example: American Democratic Party.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 5:31 Comments || Top||

#2  It seems in the British system, politicians on the left don't hide their plans and the voters are fine with that. The so-called "conservatives" announce conservative policies that they not only abandon but work actively against once elected. And for a long time, the voters seemes to be fine with that also.

Maybe that's changing now. I'm not holding my breath.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/15/2024 7:42 Comments || Top||

#3  Whatever the outcomes, the general populace loses.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 06/15/2024 8:51 Comments || Top||

#4  South African foes unite in uneasy coalition
...But the prospect of the African National Congress - the liberation movement that freed the country from apartheid - governing alongside the white-led Democratic Alliance (DA), does not sit well with many Black South Africans.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 9:44 Comments || Top||

#5  ^ There will never be lasting peace until the last white man leaves the country. Anyone who hasn't figured that one out is living in an illusion.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2024 9:55 Comments || Top||

#6  ^Can they survive without whites running the tech?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 9:56 Comments || Top||

#7  p.s. Like there WILL BE peace once whites are gone?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 9:59 Comments || Top||

#8  Can they survive without whites running the tech?
Yes. Kind of. See Rhodesia...
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/15/2024 10:01 Comments || Top||

#9  I wish the main stream media would stop with all of the reporting and stories of how the ANC, et al., are killing the Boer.

Unfortunately, I recently missed the two-hour documentary on how Zimbabwe was transformed into an agricultural and economic power house.

/sarc (just in case....)
Posted by: DooDahMan || 06/15/2024 10:18 Comments || Top||

#10  Let the Chinese and Russians have it. New and more current definitions of geo-political quagmire will be forthcoming.

Stay out of it and enjoy the popcorn.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2024 10:33 Comments || Top||

#11  Polling results would probably be similar in Canada except they would jail the pollsters for hate crimes.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/15/2024 12:01 Comments || Top||

Government Corruption
Four Democratic operatives are charged with election offenses including one caught 'ballot-stuffing'
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] Four Democratic operatives in Connecticut were charged with election fraud months after one was seen in shocking footage that allegedly showed evidence of ballot stuffing.

Two campaign workers in Bridgeport, along with Bridgeport City Councilmember Alfredo Castillo and the town's Committee Vice Chair Wanda Geter-Pataky, were charged this week with election offenses.

The charges relate to the Democratic primaries in the 2019 Bridgeport mayoral election, with three of those charged reportedly supporting the eventual winner, Joe Ganim.

The charges come months after footage also alleged to show Geter-Pataky ballot stuffing in the 2023 mayoral primary, with the surveillance footage leading a judge to order the election be re-held last November.

The charges have been presented almost five years after an investigation was launched into the alleged misuse of absentee ballots in the 2019 mayoral election.

The Connecticut Attorney General's Office arrested Castillo and Geter-Pataky alongside election workers Nilsa Heredia, 61, and Josephine Edmonds, 62, for alleged offenses in the contentious election. They are charged with unlawful possession of absentee ballots, and Edmonds, Geter-Pataky, and Heredia are also charged with tampering with a witness, per the Stamford Advocate. According to prosecutors, the latter three misrepresented eligibility requirements for constituents to be allowed to vote by absentee ballot in the election.

The four accused are also charges with a litany of other election fraud-related crimes, including Geter-Pataky and Castillo allegedly failing to sign as an assister on an absentee ballot. It is unclear if they entered pleas, as all four were released and are scheduled to be back in court on June 24.

While unrelated to the charges, the Bridgeport mayoral election previously made national headlines in 2023 when a state judge sensationally overturned the primary election following the emergence of surveillance footage.

In the footage, Geter-Pataky and another woman were allegedly seen making several trips around the city to stuff absentee ballots into drop boxes.

At the time, Superior Court Judge William Clark said the surveillance 'calls the result of the primary election into serious doubt and leaves the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary.'

The judge cited statistics showing that abnormally large numbers of absentee ballots were cast in certain voting districts and video evidence shows multiple people shoving stacks of ballots into drop boxes, in violation of state law.

Ganim won the original election by just 251 votes out of 8,173 cast, but went on to win more convincingly in the re-count and the subsequent general election. The Bridgeport Mayor has denied any knowledge of the alleged ballot stuffing.

Following the charges related to the 2019 contest, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont insisted that 'justice will be served.'

'This has gone on too long and I'm really glad the state’s attorney stepped in,' Lamont said.

'I think the fact that the state's attorney is bringing charges... I think that's going to make any of those that want to commit fraud like this think twice. We're going to hold them accountable.'

Mayor Ganim - who previously served seven years in prison on federal corruption charges - said in a statement following the charges that the alleged offenses were 'unacceptable.'

'We all agree that the integrity of the voting process is vital to our democracy. Charges that question that integrity are of concern,' he said.

'I always stand for maintaining the rights of the voters and a fair election. The investigations pertaining to both 2019 campaigns are now in the hands of the courts and will be addressed through the justice system.'
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/15/2024 08:18 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [99 views] Top|| File under: Mob Rule

#1  You will likely be spared the viewing of these clips on US media outlets. Ask me how I know.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2024 14:38 Comments || Top||

#2  Hang them or imprison them. No mercy
Posted by: Frank G || 06/15/2024 18:33 Comments || Top||

#3  Can't be true. Never happens. They told me on TV.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/15/2024 19:20 Comments || Top||

Smoking Gun: Rep. Andy Biggs Releases Timeline Proving Biden's Direct Collusion with Prosecutors to Take Down Trump (VIDEO)
[Gateway] In an explosive revelation, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) disclosed a meticulously detailed timeline during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, casting a glaring spotlight on a concerted effort between the Biden regime and key prosecutors to undermine former President Donald Trump.

The committee convened on Thursday to dissect the political motivations behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s legal actions against Trump.

Per the House Judiciary Committee’s webpage:
"On April 4, 2023, after campaigning on his experience in investigating President Trump and in response to intense pressure from left-wing activists, Bragg charged President Trump with 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. Falsifying business records is ordinarily a misdemeanor subject to a two-year statute of limitations, which would have expired long ago. While Bragg is systematically downgrading most felonies in Manhattan to misdemeanors, he used a novel and untested legal theory—previously declined by federal prosecutors—to upgrade the charges against President Trump to felonies. Bragg’s case against President Trump has beset by due process and procedural irregularities."

During the hearing, Rep. Andy Biggs presented this timeline as evidence of an orchestrated collusion between the Biden regime and prosecutors to take down Trump.

Biggs suggests that the sequence of events—Biden’s controversial remarks, Trump’s presidential bid announcement, Colangelo’s resignation and subsequent move to Bragg’s office, Smith’s appointment, and Wade’s meetings with White House lawyers—indicate a coordinated effort to prevent Trump from becoming President again.

Timeline of Collusion:
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2024 00:22 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [83 views] Top|| File under:

Why does Michigan have MORE registered voters than citizens?!
[BLAZE] After Biden’s supposed victory in 2020, Americans’ faith in our election system has waned significantly. With November 5 just around the corner, people across the country are skeptical about whether or not we will have a fair election this time around.

BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales along with the Blaze Originals team recently headed to Michigan to investigate the state’s voting system, granted the swing state heavily altered its voting laws after Trump’s victory in 2016.

What they uncovered suggests that a fair 2024 election is highly unlikely.

For starters, "In 2018 Jocelyn Benson replaced Ruth Johnson as Michigan’s secretary of state."
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/15/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [198 views] Top|| File under:

#1  On the other hand - On June 12, Judge Christopher Yates ruled that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Director of Elections Jonathan Brater didn’t follow the state’s election laws when they issued rules presuming signatures attached to absentee ballot applications and submissions were valid.

The order granted partial declaratory relief to the Republican National Committee, the Michigan Republican Party, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and others involved in the case
Posted by: Bobby || 06/15/2024 8:04 Comments || Top||

#2  Like most states, Michigan does not routinely remove the dead and the moved-away from its registered voter list. We should not presume that they vote (nor would it be polite to try to prevent them from voting.)
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/15/2024 9:54 Comments || Top||

#3  Why is there air?
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 06/15/2024 11:00 Comments || Top||

#4  Rex, there's air to blow up basketballs and foot balls and volley balls.
Posted by: alanc || 06/15/2024 17:24 Comments || Top||

#5  ^^^^
Bill Cosby line, from many, many years ago!
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 06/15/2024 17:26 Comments || Top||

Fani Willis begs court to throw out Trump's motion to remove her from his case
[THEPOSTMILLENNIAL] Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis's Office filed a motion in Georgia's Appeal Court on Wednesday to throw out former President Donald Trump
...Oh, noze! Not him!...
's motion to remove Willis from his Georgia 2020 election case, the New York Post reports.

Willis argued that she should be allowed to continue as lead prosecutor in the case because her secret lover Nathan Wade resigned as special prosecutor after Judge Scott McAfee decided in March that only one of them could remain on the case.

Trump's legal team said the embattled district attorney's motion is a "last ditch effort to stop any appellate review of DA Willis' misconduct."

Willis's Office argued in court documents that Judge McAfee's "concern with any potential 'questions' stemmed from Wade's continued presence in the case, a concern that was addressed when Wade withdrew." The defendants' "remaining evidence therefore relates to possible concerns about future appearances of impropriety that can no longer even come to pass," the court filing stated.

Judge McAfee was highly critical of Willis and Wade when he made his decision after hearing conflict of interest arguments about their secret relationship. Willis hired Wade as a special prosecutor on the 2020 election case against Trump and 18 co-defendants - in which they have been accused of attempting to overturn state election results - despite having a romantic relationship.

It was later revealed that Willis financially benefitted from dating Wade, who treated her to exotic vacations after raking in a lucrative salary on the case. However,
it's easy to be generous with someone else's money...
the duo refuted allegations that they financially benefited from the case.

According to Willis' office, the arguments supporting the motion to disqualify her were rendered "a room without walls" after McAfee disregarded the testimony of star witness Terrance Bradley, Wade's former law partner and divorce attorney, due to credibility concerns.

Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [121 views] Top|| File under:


Given all the discovered and well documented illegal activities of the Fulton DA's office.

Given all the well documented audits, clear videos of illegal activities videotaped, and admissible as evidence.

Why hasn't GA. Gov. Kemp ordered a GBI investigation of Fulton Co. Board of Elections, and its banana republic run and operated DA's office already?

Is it because Kemp's claimed victory is by less than the estimated fraudulent cast votes, of which many have disappeared?
And is there some truth to the conspiracy theory that Gov. Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger (Secretary of State), worked out a deal with the "Coup"?
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/15/2024 5:44 Comments || Top||

#2  She had a WH or DOJ handler on her staff just like Bragg. It’s election interference.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/15/2024 12:11 Comments || Top||

Hunter's baby mama Lunden Roberts claims he kept drugs at Joe Biden's home, slept with her friends
[THEPOSTMILLENNIAL] The mother of Hunter Biden's estranged daughter has revealed that during her time in his inner circle, she witnessed a number of shocking behaviors, and that on at least on occasion, he nearly died from a drug overdose. Lunden Roberts explained that the first son kept a stash of drug paraphernalia "locked up" in President Biden’s Virginia home, and that Hunter often slept with her friends, including almost immediately after she told him she was pregnant with their child.
Ick. Being a side piece is one thing, but pimping out your friends for the guy …
Roberts' memoir, "Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden," is being published by Skyhorse, which is run in part by the Tony Lyons, the co-founder of American Values 2024, a super PAC and the primary supporter of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is set to hit shelves later this summer.

According to the New York Post's review of the memoir, Roberts was exposed to Hunter's drug problems from the moment they met in 2017 at a party hosted by his investment firm, Rosemont Seneca, in Washington, DC. She first saw him shortly after arriving with a friend who had invited her.

He was by himself in an office wearing only boxers "with parrots all over them" organizing his drug paraphernalia, which consisted of glass tubes and copper wire. She said when they locked eyes, his were "the most beautiful" she'd ever seen, and she was immediately drawn to his "complex" nature.

Not long after, they began sleeping together. At the time, Hunter was still seeing his late brother's widow after breaking things off with his first wife, Kathleen Buhle. Roberts eventually introduced him to a group of her friends she called the "Amoeba," with whom he also had sex, often at fancy hotels.

Over the next year, Roberts witnessed him twerk on a stripper pole, constantly purchase and use drugs, and act erratically. She maintained, however, that he was still a kind person, highlighting a time where he gave a homeless man his jacket.

During one particularly bad drug binge, Hunter appeared at a hotel where Roberts and her friends were and proceeded to collapse in front of them. She stayed with him the whole night to make sure he was ok, but decided not to call for help out of fear it would cause a scene for Hunter and his family.

Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [158 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I know nothing about drugs. Why would he need a bunch of wire?
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/15/2024 12:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Why would any woman sleep with a crack head unless she is a crack head too?
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/15/2024 12:24 Comments || Top||

#3  Research for a book?

Goodness gracious, I am cynical!
Posted by: Bobby || 06/15/2024 12:48 Comments || Top||

#4  Why would any woman sleep with a crack head $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 12:49 Comments || Top||

#5  That'd make her a whore.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/15/2024 13:28 Comments || Top||

#6  Yea, so?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 13:44 Comments || Top||

#7  Just so we know all the pertinent facts.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/15/2024 13:45 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Pete Buttigieg claims Pride flag symbolizes 'love,' flag praising Jesus is 'insurrectionist symbology'
”Pay attention to MEEEEE!!!!!” But still, nobody does.
[THEPOSTMILLENNIAL] On Wednesday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

...the testicleless former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Buttigieg graduated from Harvard College and, on a Rhodes Scholarship, from Pembroke College, Oxford. From 2007 to 2010, he worked at McKinsey and Company, a consulting firm. From 2009 to 2017 Buttigieg served as an intelligence officer in the United States Navy Reserve, attaining the rank of lieutenant and deploying to Afghanistan in 2014. Buttigieg was first elected mayor of South Bend in 2011 and was reelected in 2015. During his second term, he announced he was gay, which surprised no one. Buttigieg also campaigned for Indiana state treasurer in 2010 and for chair of the Democratic National Committee in 2017, losing both elections. He ran for the Dem nomination in 2020 on the theory that being mayor of a nondescript medium sized city is qualification to run the country. He lost that one too. Biden appointed him Secretary of Transportation, which he turned into shambles...

said, when talking about a recording of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's wife wanting to fly a "Sacred Heart of Jesus flag," that the pride flag is about "love and acceptance" while the other flag representing Christ is about "insurrectionist symbology."

The comments from Buttigieg came during an appearance on CNN
...formerly the Cable News Network, now who know what it might stand for...
where he was addressing a secret recording of the justice's wife speaking to left-wing activist Lauren Windsor at a dinner. Martha-Ann Alito told Windsor, who took the recording, that she wanted to fly a "Sacred Heart of Jesus flag" in response to a pride flag.

"I also hope that most Americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they're going to be okay and insurrectionist symbology," Buttigieg said.

The transportation secretary added that trusting in the Supreme Court is partially based on the justices to make "enormously consequential decisions that shape our everyday lives with a sense of fairness."

Windsor published the recordings on her activist site, the Undercurrent, after deceptively claiming that she was a fan of Martha-Ann Alito’s husband and engaging her in conversation. Alito committed to flying the Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in the month of June to protest Pride Month. The recording comes after left-wing media has gone after Justice Samuel Alito for the different flags that his wife has flown at their different properties, including an upside-down American flag and an "Appeal to Heaven" flag.

Senate Democrats
...every time you hear the phrase white people, white supremacy, white anything but paint, you're listening to a Democrat. Ask him/her/it to reimagine something for you; they do that a lot, though not well. They can hear a dog whistle a mile or two away. They invented the spoils system and Tammany Hall, and inspired the addition of the word (Thomas) Nasty to the English language. They want to stop continental drift and repeal the law of unintended side effects...
attempted to force Alito out of his post for the actions, which they claim connect him to the January 6 riots and protests at the Capitol.

Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [152 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Behold the Monster You Created
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/15/2024 2:17 Comments || Top||


How Long before Sodom and Gomorrah II?
1 good Earthquake and resulting Tsunami could take out most of San Fran and LA's oddities.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/15/2024 5:56 Comments || Top||

#3  The Alphabet tribe must be destroyed. Nothing against the individual, but their collective has gone decidedly anti-human/Satanic. Their choice, their consequences.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 06/15/2024 10:47 Comments || Top||

#4  Pete wants no part of Judge Alito’s wife. She would wipe the floor with him while wearing dishwashing gloves.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/15/2024 12:03 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2024-06-15
  Hezbollah's number two leader, Hashim Safi al-Din was eliminated in an airstrike in Lebanon
Fri 2024-06-14
  Suspected NYC jihadist was caught near major airport as new details of averted ‘disaster’ are revealed
Thu 2024-06-13
  Boat capsizes near Yemen: At least 49 dead, 140 others missing
Wed 2024-06-12
  At least 80 people killed by suspected ADF rebels in DRC
Tue 2024-06-11
  UNSC passes resolution for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
Mon 2024-06-10
  In India, a bus carrying pilgrims fell into a gorge after being attacked by militants
Sun 2024-06-09
  Yemen’s Houthis claimed to target two vessels in the Red Sea
Sat 2024-06-08
  IDF rescues four hostages in stunning operation in central Gaza
Fri 2024-06-07
  Sudan: RSF kills at least 100 in attack on village
Thu 2024-06-06
  Hamas says 'will agree to deal with permanent ceasefire, Israeli withdrawal'
Wed 2024-06-05
  Somalia: Over 40 Shaboobs Killed in New Military Operation
Tue 2024-06-04
  Fire rains down from the sky as Israel launches missile attack on Gaza
Mon 2024-06-03
  Turkey arrests over 500 for alleged Gulen ties
Sun 2024-06-02
  Biden says Israel has agreed to 'enduring' Gaza ceasefire proposal
Sat 2024-06-01
  Israeli military says it has completed operations in Jabalia

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