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Iranian boat fired missile at US drone prior to tanker attack, US official says
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Africa Horn
Kenya says Al-Shabaab members died in premature bomb blast
[RADIOSHABELLE] Four al-Shabaab
...... the personification of Somali state failure...
snuffies were killed after an improvised bomb (IED) they were setting up apparently detonated prematurely in Kenya’s coastal Lamu region early Thursday, the police confirmed.

A number of snuffies were also injured in the 3 a.m. incident near a bridge in Lamu East, said Lamu security operation director Joseph Kanyiri.

"I can confirm that four of the snuffies died from an IED kaboom," he said. "It seems the device went off before they were done setting it up, killing three snuffies on the spot while another died a few minutes later.
"Perhaps their mothers will miss them,...but I doubt it"
"Three badly charred bodies were recovered on the scene while another was picked up a few meters away. It seems he was trying to get away but succumbed to injuries," Kanyiri added.

The area falls within the infamous Boni forest where a security operation, dubbed Linda Boni, has been underway since 2015 to flush out snuffies there.

The snuffies have been using the forest to stage attacks on local civilians and security personnel.

Kanyiri said three loaded AK-47 magazines, 12 loose rounds of ammunition and a magazine pouch were also recovered at the scene.

The tourism resort region of the coast has been a target of terror attacks in the past, often staged by al-Shabaab bully boyz who waged a war against Kenya soon after it deployed its military to war-ravaged Somalia in October 2011.

Kenyan police believe al-Shabaab remains a major threat in the border areas, noting that the terror group’s targets include security personnel and establishments along the border as well as commuter vehicles plying routes along the border and coastal regions.
Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

Africa North
Libyan National Army resumes push to capture Tripoli
[ALMASDARNEWS] Renewed festivities were reported between forces loyal to Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA) and forces loyal to Libyan National Army (LNA) commander Khalifa Haftar
...Self-proclaimed Field Marshal, served in the Libyan army under Muammar Qadaffy, and took part in the coup that brought Qadaffy to power in 1969. He became a prisoner of war in Chad in 1987. While held prisoner, he and his fellow officers formed a group hoping to overthrow Qadaffy, so it's kind of hard to describe him as a Qadaffy holdover. He was released around 1990 in a deal with the United States government and spent nearly two decades in the United States, gaining US citizenship. In 1993, while living in the United States, he was convicted in absentia of crimes against the Jamahiriya and sentenced to death. Haftar held a senior position in the anti-Qadaffy forces in the 2011 Libyan Civil War. In 2014 he was commander of the Libyan Army when the General National Congress (GNC) refused to give up power in accordance with its term of office. Haftar launched a campaign against the GNC and its Islamic fundamentalist allies. His campaign allowed elections to take place to replace the GNC, but then developed into a civil war. Guess you can't win them all...
, on Tripoli
...a confusing city, one end of which is located in Lebanon and the other end of which is the capital of Libya. Its chief distinction is being mentioned in the Marine Hymn...
’s southern district on Thursday.

Misrata forces, who are loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA), were filmed fighting south of the capital.

The two parties reportedly clashed at Tripoli’s airport and al-Khula area, with multiple kabooms heard in different areas.

Last week, pro-Haftar forces also announced they had shot down a GNA warplane near Misrata, killing the pilot.

Libya’s Haftar campaign to capture Tripoli from the UN-backed GNA, launched in April, was met by the resistance of local gangs’ backing the UN-recognised government.
Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [19 views] Top|| File under: Arab Spring

#1  Did they start their push in the Halls of Montezuma?
Posted by: AlanC || 06/15/2019 7:57 Comments || Top||

Indian police accuse man of spreading ideology of the militant Islamic State group
See also this arrest in Sri Lanka.
[DAWN] Indian police said they have arrested a Facebook friend of the suspected criminal mastermind of the Easter Sunday kabooms in Sri Lanka for spreading the ideology of the murderous Moslem Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group on social media to recruit young people to participate in a terrorist attack in southern India.

A criminal case was filed against Mohammed Azarudeen after authorities raided his home in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu on Wednesday, according to the National Investigation Agency, which oversees counterterrorism efforts.

Authorities conducted six other raids and took five other people in for questioning, it said in a statement Friday. It said Azarudeen was friends on Facebook with Zahran Hashim, the alleged leader of the suicide kabooms in Sri Lanka on Easter that killed more than 250 people.

The statement said Azarudeen and other members of his group shared "radical contents" attributed to Hashim on a Facebook page.

Hashim, who died along with six others after detonating bombs at three churches and three high-end hotels in Sri Lanka, was known for violent speeches in the Tamil language on social media that Moslem community leaders said they had flagged to authorities long before the attack.

Indians from Tamil Nadu share cultural and linguistic ties with Sri Lanka's ethnic Tamil community.

Police were investigating suspected sympathisers of the murderous Moslem Islamic State group in southern India when they stumbled onto the Easter plot. India shared intelligence about the people involved in the plan and some of the targets with officials in Sri Lanka at least three times before the April 21 attack.
Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [41 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  One good thing about being a third world police state is, we get to go medieval on these elements. When we say 'questioning', it can imply anything from a sit down and chat, to hours of inventive assault.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 06/15/2019 8:28 Comments || Top||

#2  A police state and the world’s biggest democracy? Goidness!
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/15/2019 11:57 Comments || Top||

#3  The worlds biggest democratic police state?
Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2019 12:38 Comments || Top||

#4  Or goodness. If only I drank coffee...
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/15/2019 12:38 Comments || Top||

#5  These are just words for Indians to believe in, to continue to blindly trust the rulers. We get to choose from a handful of repeating autocrats and pompous ideologues, every five years. That's about all.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 06/15/2019 12:51 Comments || Top||

#6  We get to choose from a handful of repeating autocrats and pompous ideologues, every five years. That's about all

Hey, we resemble that remark!
OK, it's every 4 years, but still...
Posted by: SteveS || 06/15/2019 13:07 Comments || Top||

Several thousand Gazans in Friday border riots launch dozens of arson balloons, set off 7 fires in Israel
[IsraelTimes] Paleostinians rioting on the Gazoo border Friday launched dozens of arson balloons into Israel, setting off at least 7 fires near border communities.

An estimated 6,500 Paleostinians gathered along the border for weekly protests, with several hundred taking part in violent riots. Rioters threw bombs and rocks at troops and also tried to storm the fence in one place.

Three Paleostinians briefly breached the fence in one spot before returning to Gazoo, Israel Radio reported.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [34 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Oh GEE!
More IDF airstrikes!
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/15/2019 16:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Several thousand Gazooks set off 7 fires in Israel lol. What's the Moslem world come to if that's all they got?
Posted by: jpal || 06/15/2019 17:19 Comments || Top||

#3  Asking for a Napalm Run?
Posted by: Frank G || 06/15/2019 19:25 Comments || Top||

#4  Advice for Wardens
If Gaza heats up and its attitude hardens,
Just crank up the gas and add more Dorot Gardens;
When its crazies sit down at the table like Jordan's,
Then dole out more cholent and loosen the cordons.

Not a product I use (sadly, I'm more about paying for INconvenience), but I've always admired (and envied) its creators, not so much for the idea as for the solid, stolid execution), and it's fun to recommend it to "cooking and politics are impossibly complicated and difficult" types. Anyone know offhand if the Walmart stuff's all Israeli? Shoot, I might buy a pile just to be an asshole on principle.
Posted by: Dino the Tiny9687 || 06/15/2019 19:25 Comments || Top||

#5  Jinx. And speaking of cooking, and (captcha pic) pork...
Posted by: Dino the Tiny9687 || 06/15/2019 19:26 Comments || Top||

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka bombings: Suspected ringleader arrested in Middle East
See also this arrest in India.
[DW] One of the main suspects behind the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka has been extradited to the country. More than 250 people were killed in a string of attacks at churches and hotels across the island.

A man accused of being one of the ringleaders behind the Easter Sunday kabooms that killed more than 250 people in Sri Lanka on April 21 has been arrested, Interpol said Friday.

Hayathu Mohammed Ahmed Milhan, a 29-year-old Sri Lankan national, was arrested in the Middle East and has been extradited to Sri Lanka.

Interpol said he and four other men connected to the bombings were en route from Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
to the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo.

"The arrest and extradition of one of the key suspects in the Sri Lanka kabooms is an important step in the ongoing investigation, and one which Interpol is proud to have supported," Secretary General Jurgen Stock said.

No details were given as to where exactly in the Middle East the men were arrested.

In the attacks, nine jacket wallahs targeted three churches, three luxury hotels and two other locations. Most of the victims were Catholic.

In the immediate aftermath, ethnic tensions flared in Sri Lanka, pitting majority Sinhala residents against the country's Moslem minority. At least one person was killed in the resulting festivities.

Though "Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
" (IS) grabbed credit for the attacks, the Sri Lankan government blamed local Islamist groups. The 29-year-old that was arrested is said to have been in line to take control of one of those groups, the National Thawheedh Jamaath (NJT).

The NJT, which draws on ultraconservative Wahhabi tenets associated with Saudi Arabia, was founded in 2014 by the radical preacher Mohammed Zaharan. Authorities say Zaharan was one of the suicide bombers in the coordinated attack.

Sri Lankan authorities have arrested some 2,000 people in connection with the attacks, 634 of whom are still in jug, while the rest have been released on bail.

On Wednesday, Indian authorities announced that they had seized electronic devices and arrested seven men during raids on seven homes in the southern city of Coimbatore. Police suspect the men are part of an Islamist cell in the area.

In recent months, India's National Investigation Agency (NIA) has also arrested more than a dozen individuals thought to be planning attacks in New Delhi.

Last month, after festivities between Indian security forces and jihadis in Kashmire, "IS" claimed that it had established a "province" in India. The group has been seeking to establish a presence on the Indian subcontinent since being driven out of Iraq and Syria.
Relatedly, I highly recommend Dron66046’s comments on the subjects of radical Muslims and Jamaat organizations from a few days ago.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [30 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Hayathu Mohamed Milhan (30) alias Abu Seelan, the successor of Thowhid Jammat's leader Zahran Hashim, along with four of his associates - Mohamed Marsook (34,)Mohideen Sabri(47),Mohammed Ismail(29) and Aboosally Abubakar(37) were arrested and extradited from Jeddah to Colombo and reached this morning at 4 am (IST). The entire operation was possible only due to timely intervention by interpol and their coordination with Saudi police. According to Srilankan National Security officials, with the arrest of the Milhan’s group, the total number of suspects in their custody are 106 including 25 held by the Terrorist Investigations Division.

Also, vigilante groups have carried out their own 'cleanse' on certain known islamism prone areas and neighborhoods. A total of 12 people, including family members of the Easter conspirators have been lynched and numerous shops and businesses destroyed. The tamil and moor muslim community has had to leave many neighborhoods and ultimately the 'division' of society that politicians try to protect against by appeasing these people is complete.

Proves that the division always exists, whether you choose to see it or not. If you won't segregate and profile them, they will have you do it anyway, but at greater cost.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 06/15/2019 8:55 Comments || Top||

#2  Oh good. I googled the name in the article last night, but there were no hits. Do you have a link for that, Dron66046?

Using Hayathu Mohamed Milhan threw up only one hit:

Mohammed Zahran’s Key Deputy Hayathu Mohamed Milhan (30) Along with Four Associates Mohamed Marsook (34)Mohideen Sabri(47)Mohammed Ismail(29) and Aboosally Abubakar(37) Arrested and Deported From Jeddah to Colombo

[DBSJEYARAJ] The police have begun questioning five persons, including Hayathu Mohamed Milhan, who had alleged links with the Easter Sunday suicide bombers.

The suspects arrested in the Middle East, following the April 21 attacks, were extradited yesterday.

They were the first Easter Sunday suspects to be extradited since the high profile investigation began. Police headquarters said that all suspects were hardcore members of the group responsible for the Easter attacks.

Police Superintendent attorney-at-law Ruwan Gunasekera said that a team of officers from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) brought the group of suspects from Jeddah.

The plane carrying them touched down at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) at 4 am, Friday, SP Gunasekera said.

Police described Milhan as a key leader, who had been closely involved with Zahran Hashim, widely believed to be the leader of the now proscribed National Thowheed Jamaat (NTJ).

The police said that 30-year-old Milhan had been responsible for the killing of two police constables at Vavnativu, Batticaloa in Nov 2018. The suspect from Kattankudy had been one of Zahran’s closest associates and knew what was happening on the ground. Earlier police arrested two others, including Zahran’s driver over their involvement in Vavunativu killings. Since then, the police have recovered two weapons taken by Milhan from the murdered police officers.

Initially, the police blamed ex-LTTE cadres for Vavnativu killings. One ex- LTTE suspect arrested in connection with the double murder was recently released on a magisterial directive after the police informed Batticaloa court of the latest developments.

Police identified Milhan’s associates as 34-year-old Mohamed Marsook (Maradamunai), Mohideen Sabri (47) of Wellampitiya, Mohamed Ismail (29) of Kattankudy and Aboosally Abubakar (37) of Kebitigollewa.

The police said that with the arrest of the Milhan’s group, the total number of suspects in the custody of the CID was 77 whereas there were 25 held by the Terrorist Investigations Division.

The nom de jihad Abu Seelan, however, was much more fruitful.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/15/2019 12:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Abu Seelan gives us this from SL Media, among others:

The armed wing leader Mohamed Milhan alias Abu Seelan was also said to have been ready for a suicide attack.

At the time Zahran and his group carried out the Easter Sunday attacks; Milhan had been to Mecca on a pilgrimage. According to information revealed through investigations, Milhan had been prepared to carry out a second spate of attacks.He was scheduled to arrive in Sri Lanka for this attack on April 30. However, although he had arrived at the Saudi Airport, he had not boarded the flight and had been at the airport.

However, after the Interpol and the International Intelligence units had alerted the Saudi officials, Milhan who was hiding at the airport was apprehended the same day. Although the Saudi law enforcement officials had said they would deport Milhan on a flight that same evening, even after a week no action had been taken to have him deported. A special team comprising CID and SIS officers had gone to Saudi Arabia to bring Milhan back but they returned without success.

The Saudi Authorities had agreed to hand over Milhan to Sri Lanka after diplomatic overtures and the special CID team had gone to Saudi Arabia on June 11 based on that agreement, according to informed sources.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/15/2019 12:30 Comments || Top||

#4  There's the facebook trail he left as Milhan. In 2009, a terse little record of conversations in translated arabic with an individual known only as Asad. Possibly the recruiter. Then the account lies unused. On medical and legal records the name is Ahmed Milhan Hayathu. Then on passport and network subscription it's Hayathul Mohamed. His associates from India refer to him as Ahmed, but in video threats he wants to be known as Abu...these rats. You get the picture. Can't say more.
Posted by: Dron66046 || 06/15/2019 13:28 Comments || Top||

Russian Air Force bombs jihadist high command meeting in Idlib
[ALMASDARNEWS] The Russian Air Force bombed a jihadist high command meeting in the Idlib Governorate this week, the Arabic language service of the Sputnik News Agency reported.

According to the Sputnik report, the Russian Air Force, along with their Syrian partners, bombed Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, formerly al-Nusra, before that it was called something else
...al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate, from which sprang the Islamic State...
’s high command as they were meeting in the Idlib Governorate town of Taftanaz.

In particular, the Russian Air Force bombed the jihadist commanders inside the Taftanaz Airport, which was captured by the jihadist rebels in 2013.

On Thursday, a military source in the Hama Governorate said the Russian Air Force was given coordinates of a jihadist site by their Ottoman Turkish partners.

Sputnik did not specify if this was the bombing; however, it is very likely that The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...just another cheapjack Moslem dictatorship, brought to you by the Moslem Brüderbund...
notified the Russian Air Force of this Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham meeting.

Despite their disagreements about the Idlib operation, Turkey and Russia still share intel on the movements of certain terrorist groups operating in northwestern Syria.
Posted by: Fred || 06/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [28 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Iranian boat fired missile at US drone prior to tanker attack, US official says
[CNN] In the hours before the attack on the two tankers in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday, the Iranians spotted a US drone flying overhead and launched a surface-to-air missile at the unmanned aircraft, a US official told CNN.

The missile missed the drone and fell into the water, the official said.

Prior to taking fire, the American MQ-9 drone observed Iranian vessels closing in on the tankers, the official added, though the source did not say whether the unmanned aircraft saw the boats conducting an actual attack.

Still, it is the first claim that the US has information of Iranian movements prior to the attack.

The same official also said in the days prior to the attack, a US reaper drone was shot down in the Red Sea by what is believed to be an Iranian missile fired by Houthi rebels.

The Pentagon had tough words for Iran on Friday as the US continues to assert its claim that Tehran was responsible for the attack on the two oil tankers in international waters after releasing video footage its says shows an Iranian patrol boat removing an unexploded mine from one of the vessels' hulls.

"We're making sure that General McKenzie and the central command has the resources and the support that they need to conduct their missions," acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said, adding that the US continues to work on building an international consensus that Iran was behind the attack.

The United Kingdom released a statement Friday saying it is "almost certain" that a branch of the Iranian military -- the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) -- attacked two tankers

The IRGC is an elite wing of the Iranian military that was established in the aftermath of the country's revolution in 1979. In April 2019, the US officially designated it as a foreign terrorist organization, a move which was rejected by authorities in Tehran.

No other state or non-state actor "could plausibly have been responsible," the statement added.
Posted by: Frank G || 06/15/2019 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [46 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

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