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Boat capsizes near Yemen: At least 49 dead, 140 others missing
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Page 3: Non-WoT
9 21:35 NN2N1 [240] 
7 14:31 Super Hose [205] 
5 09:58 alanc [89] 
2 07:50 Skidmark [42] 
2 02:20 Grom the Reflective [108] 
11 17:05 Mullah Richard [228] 
1 10:33 NN2N1 [59] 
0 [51] 
3 10:04 swksvolFF [125] 
5 16:38 Bobby [112] 
Page 1: WoT Operations
5 21:10 trailing wife [134]
5 15:58 swksvolFF [142]
8 13:09 NoMoreBS [161]
2 14:21 SteveS [92]
0 [45]
0 [41]
0 [51]
0 [39]
0 [44]
1 02:28 Cromonter Spawn of the Faeries8107 [50]
1 03:20 Pancho Poodle8452 [264]
3 16:55 Mullah Richard [96]
1 06:48 Grom the Reflective [55]
1 07:22 Skidmark [84]
0 [28]
0 [31]
1 06:14 Skidmark [59]
0 [26]
0 [25]
0 [29]
1 07:39 Skidmark [54]
6 13:17 NoMoreBS [172]
Page 2: WoT Background
1 07:33 Grom the Reflective [58]
3 20:40 Black+Bart+Ebbusogum2981 [82]
3 08:06 alanc [69]
0 [20]
0 [19]
0 [28]
3 04:50 Grom the Reflective [64]
1 12:48 mossomo [37]
1 06:50 MikeKozlowski [35]
1 10:17 NN2N1 [51]
7 15:42 swksvolFF [136]
Page 4: Opinion
3 14:21 Super Hose [99]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
6 12:35 swksvolFF [210]
0 [17]
0 [25]
0 [18]
0 [18]
0 [22]
3 13:00 mossomo [73]
4 16:39 swksvolFF [77]
2 20:36 M. Murcek [52]
0 [22]
0 [22]
3 08:34 Mullah Richard [71]
0 [30]
2 14:15 SteveS [63]
1 02:31 Cromonter Spawn of the Faeries8107 [47]
Page 6: Politix
5 19:20 Frank G [134]
1 06:29 NN2N1 [69]
11 14:17 Super Hose [218]
3 14:16 Super Hose [110]
-Lurid Crime Tales-
Atlanta Bus Hijacking - explained 10 different ways.
[DuckDuckGo] How to expose the slanted media as it plays agendas.

Google / Duck-Duck "Atlanta Bus Hijacking".

Depending on the media sources you will read as many as 10 different tales of the incident. Each spinning its own narrative for agenda purposes.

However, having spoken to 1st Responders who were at the scene, here are some facts:

A Bipolar drug addict, off his mental meds, with a pistol boarded and Hi-Jacked an Atlanta - Gwinnett co. bus. A passenger attempted to take Joseph Eric Grier, the Hijacker, down. But Grier shot and killed the passenger.

Spike Strips were used and deflated 5 tires. Yet it continued to flee for many more miles. Lesson Learned: Spike Strips are useless against larger vehicles with tons of weight behind them.

The Bus hijacker rammed and caused about 2 Dozen car accidents with injuries, tying up police and 1st responders at each accident scene.

Eventually, DeKalb Police SWAT rammed the bus head on with a tactical vehicle hidden in a residential area waiting for it. Then Breached the bus door Delta-Force style and took the hijacker alive.

Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett and Ga Hwy Patrol (GSP) aka Gods Special People were all involved.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/13/2024 05:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [240 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Put him in an electric chair on trickle charge.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues || 06/13/2024 11:22 Comments || Top||

#2  Don't forget the sprinkler hose.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/13/2024 11:35 Comments || Top||

#3  His "rights" apparently came ahead of everyone else's.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/13/2024 11:39 Comments || Top||

#4  According to one of the articles listed at NN2N1’s link, the miscreant has 19 prior arrests and diagnoses for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. There is no indication he thought he was committing jihad, so I’m moving this to Page 3: Non-WoT. It’s definitely a lurid crime, though.

Nice summary plus original reporting, NN2N1.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/13/2024 11:48 Comments || Top||

#5  According to one of the articles listed at NN2N1’s link, the miscreant has 19 prior arrests and diagnoses for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

And so the question becomes: How did he get his hands on a gun? Did any of the "10 different tales" explain that? Probably not a part of their agenda.

With my tin foil hat on, it's enough to make me wonder if this is just another disturbed individual who was programmed to do what he did and handed a gun to do it.

Removing the tin foil hat, it certainly does prove that we don't need more gun control laws, we need to enforce the laws that are already on the books, hold people accountable when a nut case like this one "slips through the cracks". But don't count on media or government to do that. It's not a part of their agenda.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/13/2024 13:13 Comments || Top||

Thanks TW....
I totally agree.
I got ahead of the "released" data.
Leaving the area tonight, more later.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/13/2024 13:19 Comments || Top||

#7  Happy travels, my dear.

And so the question becomes: How did he get his hands on a gun?

Abu Uluque, the same link as my comment above reported that he took the gun from the passenger who stood up to him, and turned it against its owner — one of the reasons regularly given by those against private gun ownership.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/13/2024 14:49 Comments || Top||

Actually, a 1st responders I spoke with, said other passengers said he brought the gun on the bus. THE Passenger tried to disarm him and failed.

But I can understand how the LEFT ANTI GUN media would want play being armed was useless.

Either way the media is controlling the narrative 10 ways like I said.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/13/2024 16:17 Comments || Top||

#9  There were 2 shooting on that day.
The Bus shooting was the second incident.
A man boarded a Gwinnett County Transit bus and shot a passenger before forcing the bus driver to lead police on a 45-minute chase across at least two counties. The bus was eventually stopped, and the hijacker was taken into custody. Unfortunately, the passenger who was shot died. No other passengers were injured.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/13/2024 21:35 Comments || Top||

Unmasked, the hitwoman in the hijab: On-the-run American whose double life as an assassin-for-hire...
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] … was exposed after jammed gun saw her botch a contract killing in Birmingham.

These are the first pictures of the seemingly unassuming American tourist whose secret double life as an alleged assassin-for-hire was exposed after a jammed gun saw her botch a contract killing in Birmingham.

Aimee Betro, 44, flew over from her native Milwaukee to kill boutique clothing store owner Sikander Ali on the orders of rival Mohammed Aslam, 56, and his son Mohammed Nazir, 30.

A trial in the UK heard how the hitwoman, who worked as an administrator for the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team, disguised herself in a hijab before trying to gun Ali down outside a house in Acocks Green, Birmingham on September 7, 2019.

She fled the scene when her gun jammed, but later returned in a taxi and fired three shots at the property before texting their principal target - Mr Ali's father Aslat Mahamud: 'Stop playing hide and seek' and 'Where are you hiding?'.

Betro - who studied early childhood education at a local college in Milwaukee - flew back to the US two days after the failed contract killing and today West Midlands Police said efforts to find her 'continue'. There is no suggestion Betro stands accused of any other attempted hits.

Nazir and Aslam, who were found guilty of conspiracy to murder on Monday, held a grudge against Mr Ali's family following a violent dispute at his boutique clothing store in Birmingham on July 21, 2018, which saw windows smashed and the interior 'trashed'.

Police arrived to find Nazir and Aslam had been injured.

In September 2019, the pair flew Betro over from the States to Birmingham in a bid to kill Mr Ali and his family.

On September 6, Nazir and Aslam travelled from their home in Derby to Birmingham city centre, with Nazir spending more than two hours in Birmingham's Rotunda hotel with Betro - who ordered a takeaway from Deliveroo.

Birmingham Crown Court heard how Betro - disguised in a hijab - pulled up in a Mercedes before Mr Ali pulled up in an Audi nearby.

Kevin Hegarty KC, prosecuting said: 'As he did the would-be assassin came from the driver's side of the Mercedes.

'As she left the Mercedes she left the driver's door open. She walked quite calmly towards Sikander Ali and was pointing a gun at him at head height.

'As she got closer to Sikander Ali he saw her and he saw the gun and she pulled the trigger to fire the gun at him. Mercifully and luckily for him the gun jammed.'

Mr Hegarty said Mr Ali rapidly reversed his car and drove off, while Betro abandoned her Mercedes nearby - where it was later found by police.

The next morning, she took a taxi to the house and fired three shots at the property before returning to the taxi and going to a McDonald's in Bordesley Green. No one was hit.

Afterwards, Betro sent Aslat Mahamud a text saying 'you want to rip me off, you want to be a drugs kingpin go look at your house. I will show you. Watch your back. I will be shedding blood soon'.

The father replied: 'What are you talking about? I'm a family man I have never sold drugs in my life.'

Betro fled to the US two days later.

Police launched an investigation into the shootings, with the trail leading to Aslam and Nazir. Detectives were able to piece together their involvement through their phones, CCTV and financial investigations.

The jury heard Nazir flew out to America a few days after Betro, who he put down as his point of contact on travel documentation, but he was arrested after his return to the UK the following month. Aslam was also arrested.

Nazir was found guilty of conspiracy to murder, possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence on Wednesday, June 5.

He was also found guilty of perverting the course of justice and illegally importing firearms over a plot to bring guns into the country and then blame it on another person to frame them.

Guns had been sent by Betro from Illinois, according to a tipoff received by police.

Aslam was found guilty of conspiracy to murder. He was cleared of a firearms offence.

The pair will be sentenced on August 9.

Detective Inspector Matt Marston, from West Midlands Police, said: 'Aslam and Nazir were determined to take revenge following a fall out where they were injured.

'The lengths they went to in trying to make sure they weren't implicated in pulling the trigger are immense.

'However, thanks to some great police work and support from our Derbyshire colleagues we were able to place them firmly in the middle of the attempted murder plot.'
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/13/2024 00:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [205 views] Top|| File under:

#1  W...T...F?
Posted by: Frank G || 06/13/2024 4:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Another episode of Homeland
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/13/2024 6:12 Comments || Top||

#3  Very little Milwaukee area news coverage about this for some reason.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 06/13/2024 6:44 Comments || Top||

#5  She get the gun from Boris the Blade?
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/13/2024 11:29 Comments || Top||

#6  Is it time to re-define what a Milwaukee Brewer is, for these modern times?

Replace Bernie with Aimee here, have her go down the slide on a carpet into zamzam, sausage race into kebab run, Hand the Dog is right out, 2 bases at first like they do in softball.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/13/2024 11:53 Comments || Top||

#7  Marquette must have one strange early child education curriculum if this is how she understands hide and seek. Is she going to duck duck goose somebody’s brake lines for her next job? Did she cover her missed days at the Brewers with PTO time? With that kind of skill set on the payroll, you would think that the Brewers would have a better record
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/13/2024 14:31 Comments || Top||

-Great Cultural Revolution
The @nytimes posted a false story about Starlink and an Amazon Tribe becoming addicted to porn

Posted by: trailing wife || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [108 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Always with the pr0jection...
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452 || 06/13/2024 0:28 Comments || Top||

#2  Call me when NYT posts a true story.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/13/2024 2:20 Comments || Top||

Three Philly Coffee Shops Forced To Close After Unionization Attempts Result In "Staggering" Costs
[ZH] Turns out trying to extort the person paying your salary isn't the best way to go about making sure a business is successful.

Take Philadelphia, for instance, where a chain of three OCF Coffee Houses are closing down "immediately" after its workers informed the owner of their intent to unionize.

Instead, now, none of them have jobs.

Real estate developer Ori Feibush, who owns the shops, met with employees on Monday said the shut down was a "difficult decision" and said that rising costs and reduced sales contributed to the decision, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

He wrote in a letter to staff: "But we pushed forward because we understood the positive impact we were making in our communities and the importance to maintain a level of compensation and benefits ... that you each deserved."

Then he wrote that "the administrative and legal costs associated with your desire to organize has regrettably moved us beyond any cost that we could sustain."

Feibush said about 45 people worked at OCF’s three coffee shops. He noted that workers, earning $20 to $25 per hour plus benefits, would receive three months of health, vision, and dental coverage, with some eligible for severance.

On June 3, 23 OCF employees presented Feibush with a letter seeking voluntary union recognition and went public with their campaign on social media. They intend to join Local 80, which represents several Philadelphia cafés. They filed for a union vote with the National Labor Relations Board on June 5.

The owner told the Inquirer when reached by phone: "This is a significant part of my personal and professional life. I’m sad that it’s abrupt as it is and this is certainly not the narrative or the story that I had hoped for. This just feels like everyone’s a loser."

He said of the costs of responding to the unionization were "staggering beyond anything — tens of thousands of dollars in just the [last] week and a half."

"It put its finger on the scale in such a profound way as it relates to the finances of the organization that it was just a strain that we couldn’t reliably overcome."

One barista (former) told the Inquirer: "This does feel like retaliation." Another said: "It’s all just so incredibly sudden. We’re all just in the lurch trying to figure out what to do."

"There was some talk of shutting down but we genuinely believed that our connections with the community, especially in Fairmount, are so strong that he wouldn’t do it — we’re where people get their drinks and their lunch and have meetings every single day," the first barista continued.

He continued, railing on the owner: "I just think it’s really reflective of how little Ori actually cares about the community to shut down these locations."

Alex Riccio, a Local 80 spokesperson and the organizing coordinator of the Philadelphia Joint Board (PJB) of Workers United added: "OCF workers took a courageous stand against a bully boss ... That same bully boss chose to shutter his operations, without even the grace of advance notice."

It looks like now the baristas will have find a new "bully boss".

Posted by: Frank G || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [228 views] Top|| File under: Commies

#1  They learn nothing from this. They hate capitalists so shut them all down!
Posted by: Cromonter Spawn of the Faeries8107 || 06/13/2024 2:36 Comments || Top||

#2  Ori Feibush is not Bezos. Can't afford to throw away 77 million a year on a hobby.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/13/2024 7:55 Comments || Top||

#3  The kidz who are so baffled that their actions made their jobs vanish learned everything they know about economics in gummint schools. Up until now.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/13/2024 8:11 Comments || Top||

#4  "rising costs and reduced sales"
There's no situation so bad that you can't make it worse if you try.
"This does feel like retaliation."
No, you just priced yourself out of the market, Bubba.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/13/2024 8:31 Comments || Top||

#5  People who will pay $10-15 for a cup of coffee are economically illiterate also.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/13/2024 9:06 Comments || Top||

#6  Looking at the menu, I don't think the target clientele has to be economically literate.

What I see, is local businessman entrepreneur defeats Starbuck's three times, just to be undercut by retarded children.

That part of the decision was difficult; the numbers part was easy.

Now instead of working for a trendy local cafe, they will now work for corporate who has the resources to tell your local worker's club to piss off, and will open its doors to the walking homeless and they will be picking needles out of the toilet.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/13/2024 10:38 Comments || Top||

#7  They called his bluff. He wasn't bluffing.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues || 06/13/2024 11:40 Comments || Top||

#8  Looking at the menu, at the ambiance, the neighborhood, OCF wasn't selling coffee or sandwiches, but an experience. So even though each and every one of these chucklehead employees could be replaced by a machine right down to the custom picture on the top of their coffee and without the drama, that doesn't work for the experience. Conversely, can't sell three slices of French Toast for $40 no matter how fancy the lads are.

But these loser children wanted their coffee making and table clearing to be lifelong sustainable careers they broke something nice, and Ori was smart enough to not play footsie with some social media crap and try to drag along for three months losing his ass, waiting for that massive social media commitment to patronize the stores in support of the crybullies, which never comes.

I hope he sells to Panera, and Panera starts bussing in the walking homeless for free meals and a photo op which gets all of corporate nodding their heads in approval as a photo inside the end of year report, while the walking homeless set up camp in the fancy lad neighborhoods, and this former barista works there and now has to clean crap off of the bathroom ceiling, as soon as the junkie in there gets narconed and removed.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/13/2024 12:28 Comments || Top||

#9  The workers won’t get 40K - 50K per year from the competition. That’s for sure.
Posted by: KBK || 06/13/2024 12:44 Comments || Top||

#10  Gee - more bad luck in Philly? It's a mystery.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 06/13/2024 13:24 Comments || Top||

#11  Commenter at ZH states "Turns out trying to extort the person paying your salary isn't the best way to go about making sure a business is successful."
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 06/13/2024 17:05 Comments || Top||

Oklahoma Supreme Court Rejects Reparations Claim for Tulsa Race Massacre
[LI] The court rejected the "new ’unlimited and unprincipled’ form of liability" siding with the massacre victims would have created.

The Oklahoma Supreme Court today rejected a reparations claim from survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre.
…over a century ago. How many survivors still live?
The plaintiffs made two claims: public nuisance and unjust enrichment.

The high court affirmed a lower court’s dismissal of the claims, which resulted in this appeal, as Legal Insurrection reported.

The plaintiffs’ public nuisance claim alleged they "continue[d] to face racially disparate treatment and City-created barriers to basic human needs" after the massacre.

The plaintiffs’ unjust enrichment claim "alleged that Defendants appropriated the name ’Black Wall Street,’ a moniker for the [destroyed] Greenwood neighborhood" in tourism materials "without returning any of those benefits to members of the community" and thus unjustly enriching themselves.

"We . . . hold that Plaintiffs’ grievances do not fall within the scope of our state’s public nuisance statute," the decision reads, "and Plaintiffs’ allegations do not support a claim for . . . unjust enrichment."

The court rejected the plaintiffs’ argument that the "lingering consequences" of the massacre created a public nuisance: "The continuing blight alleged . . . implicates generational-societal inequities that can only be resolved by policymakers—not the courts."

"Today’s holding," the court continued, "is consistent with our recent public nuisance jurisprudence: expanding public nuisance liability to include lingering social inequities from historical tragedies and injustices runs the risk of creating a new ’unlimited and unprincipled’ form of liability."
Posted by: Frank G || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [59 views] Top|| File under:


The Question is legitimate.

How many survivors are still live? - ZERO.

How many attackers still are still live? - ZERO.

So why should any follow up generations be responsible for the EVIL done by previous generations of the past?

Why should current and future Innocent Taxpayers foot the bill to hand $$$ to people that never even seen or touched some victimized possible distance relation from 100+ years ago?

If allowed, shouldn't US Citizens be allowed to sue the DC politicians for all of their civil rights crimes against us?
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/13/2024 10:33 Comments || Top||

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Take care of your banana
[Jpost] Experts advise cautious approach to summer fun as drug-resistant STDs increase globally

The World Health Organization announced at the end of May that there were “major concern[s]” over a dramatic increase in Sexually Transmitted Infections across the globe.

The WHO report found that chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis were responsible for over 1 million daily infections among people aged between 15-49 years.

Syphilis in particular has become a major cause of health concern with cases having increased from 7.1 million in 2020 to 8 million in 2022.

Additionally, mother-to-foetus syphilis infections, known as congenital syphilis, are also on the rise. Between 2020 and 2022, the rate per 100,000 live births per year rose from 425 to 523, according to the WHO.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released in early 2024 mirrored the findings of the WHO, according to ABC News. The report found that the total number of syphilis cases increased by over 17% between 2021 and 2022 - this is the greatest number of cases reported since 1950, ABC News claimed.

Another “concern” the WHO report brought to light was the increased number of cases of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea. In nine different countries the rate of ceftriaxone-resistant strain increased from 5% to 40%.

"The rising incidence of syphilis raises major concerns," WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement. "Fortunately, there has been important progress on a number of other fronts including in accelerating access to critical health commodities including diagnostics and treatment."

The drug resistant-STI has was identified in the UK, the government announced in 2022.

Dr Katy Sinka, STI Section Head at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA,) said: "After a couple of years without any cases of this hard to treat form of gonorrhoea, we have now seen 4 cases in the last 2 months. It’s too soon to say whether this will be the start of a longer-term trend, but we do know that STIs are on the rise in general.

"Getting an STI isn’t as simple as taking some medicine and moving on with your life – if not properly treated, they can have long term impacts on your and your partner’s health. Adding antibiotic resistance into the mix makes the impact on your life even greater.

"There are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of gonorrhoea and other STIs. Use condoms consistently and correctly with all new or casual partners,
…or don’t have casual partners — promiscuity is not a requirement for the modern guy/girl/ ??, no matter what he/she/whatever says…
test regularly for STIs and if you have any symptoms such as unusual discharge, don’t have sex until you are tested."

"We have the tools required to end these epidemics as public health threats by 2030, but we now need to ensure that, in the context of an increasingly complex world, countries do all they can to achieve the ambitious targets they set themselves," the statement continued.

Posted by: Skidmark || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [125 views] Top|| File under:

#1  among people aged between 15-49 years.

Oh, good. I don't have to worry!
Posted by: Bobby || 06/13/2024 8:29 Comments || Top||

#2  The problem going exploring, is sometimes you don't like what you find.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/13/2024 8:35 Comments || Top||

#3  Bet its all connected by Monkey Pox.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/13/2024 10:04 Comments || Top||

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Riots erupt in drought-stricken Central Algeria over water shortages
[AFRICANEWS] Riots erupted in Algerian desert city last weekend after months of water shortages left taps running dry and forced residents to queue to access water for their households.

In Tiaret, a central Algerian city of less than 200,000 located 155 miles (250 kilometers) southwest of Algiers protestors wearing balaclavas set tires aflame and set up make-shift barricades blocking roads to protest their water being rationed, according to pictures and videos circulating on social media.

The unrest followed demands from President bdelmajid Tebboune to rectify the suffering. At a council of ministers meeting last week, he implored his cabinet to implement "emergency measures" in Tiaret. Several government ministers were later sent to "ask for an apology from the population" and to promise that access to drinking water would be restored.

The rioting comes as Tebboune is expected to vie for a second term as president of the oil-rich nation — Africa's largest by area. Northern Africa has been among the world's worst-hit regions by climate change. A multi-year drought has drained critical reservoirs and reduced the amount of rainfall that has historically replenished them.
Multi-year is merely normal weather cycles. Come back when it’s been multiple decades, and then we’ll re-evaluate.
Posted by: Fred || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [89 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Third world suffers from overpopulation. The effort to export their problems to first world is, ultimately, futile.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/13/2024 1:20 Comments || Top||

#2  ^In fact it hastens the collapse by undermining First World ability to provide "humanitarian" aid to Third World starving billions.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/13/2024 2:30 Comments || Top||

#3  Next, Yemen.
Posted by: Ululating Platypus || 06/13/2024 3:27 Comments || Top||

#4  ^ nope. Idaho.
Posted by: Mercutio || 06/13/2024 8:53 Comments || Top||

#5  because they are not in compliance with a state plan.

There's your problem right there. What state plan is that? Sounds very Stalinesque.
Posted by: alanc || 06/13/2024 9:58 Comments || Top||

A fire in a building housing workers in the city of Mangaf in southern Kuwait has killed at least 41 people
[X] Inshallah. Do stop fussing about your god’s choices, people!
Posted by: Fred || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [42 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's OK. Plenty more in Pakistan.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/13/2024 2:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Forty Indians among 49 dead as blaze engulfs residential block
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/13/2024 7:50 Comments || Top||

Science & Technology
Henry Repeating Survival Kit (video)
[Henry Outfitters] The Henry Arms U.S. Survival Kit is there when disaster strikes. Inside you will find one of the most complete, and high quality compact survival kits made. Assembled in the USA specifically to save lives, many included items are U.S. Military Issue and/or NATO Issue. For those of us who love the outdoors and prefer to spend our time a little outside of civilization, the Henry Arms U.S. Survival Kit will be there when trouble strikes.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [51 views] Top|| File under:

'Insane' amounts of data spurs new storage tech
[BBC] The year 2039 might seem like a long way off, but Ian Crawford is already planning for it. It will mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War Two - a big year for his employer, the Imperial War Museum.

Mr Crawford is chief information officer at the museum, and oversees a project to digitise its huge collection of pictures, audio and film. With a collection of around 24,000 hours of film and video, and 11 million photographs, it's a vast task. And in the run-up to 2039, World War II material will be a priority. Making digital copies of those historical sources is vital as the original copies degrade over time, and will, one day, be lost forever.

"When you've got the only copy, you want confidence that your storage system is reliable," says Ian Crawford.

The amount of data needed for such long-term storage is growing all the time, as the latest scanners can record documents and films in great detail.

This deluge of data is not just hitting museums - it's pouring down everywhere.Businesses are buying more space for back-up data, hospitals need somewhere to store records, government needs a place to stash increasing amounts of information.

"We are continuing to create insane amounts of data," says Simon Robinson, principal analyst at research firm Enterprise Strategy Group.

"For most organisations - it varies a lot - their data volume is doubling every four to five years. And in some industries it is growing much faster than that," he says.

Data that needs to be held for a long time is not stored in traditional data centres, those vast warehouses, with racks of servers and blinking lights. Those operations are designed for data that needs to be accessed and updated frequently.

Instead, the most popular way to keep data for the long-term is on tape. In particular a format known as LTO (Linear Tape Open), the latest version being called LTO-9. The tapes themselves are not unlike old VHS tapes, but a bit smaller and more square. Inside the cassette is a kilometre of magnetic tape, capable of storing 18 terabytes of data. That's a lot - just one tape can hold the same amount of data as almost 300 standard smartphones.

The Imperial War Museum in Duxford uses a tape system from Spectra Logic. The machine, around the size of a large wardrobe, can hold up to 1,500 LTO tapes.

Such LTO systems dominate the market for long-term storage. They have been around for decades, and have proved themselves to be reliable. It's also pretty cheap, which is important as generally customers want to pay as little as possible for long-term storage.

Nevertheless some are convinced it can be done better.

In a former wallpaper factory in Chiswick, west London, a start-up firm has been developing a long-term storage system that uses lasers to burn tiny holograms into a light-sensitive polymer. Chief executive Charlie Gale points out that with magnetic tape, data can only be stored on the surface, whereas holograms can store data in multiple layers.

"You can do things called multiplexing, whereby you can layer multiple sets of information in one space. That's really kind of the superpower of what we're doing. And we believe we can put more information in less space than ever before," he says.

HoloMem's polymer blocks can handle extreme temperatures, without the data becoming corrupted - between -14C to 160C.

By comparison, magnetic tape needs to be kept between 16C and 25C, which means significant heating and cooling costs, particularly in countries with extreme temperatures. Tape also needs replacing after around 15 years, whereas the polymer is good for at least 50 years.

Mr Gale notes that, as the laser chemically changes the polymer, the data can't be tampered with, once it has been written.

Holomem's prototype system, which will be able to store and retrieve data, will be ready later this year.

Mr Gale says the cost of the system has been kept down by using standard, widely available components, including the laser - so, he's confident that HoloMem will be able to match, or beat the costs of magnetic tape.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/13/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [112 views] Top|| File under:

#1  To anyone who ever had a VHS player, tape storage is a non-starter.
Posted by: Mercutio || 06/13/2024 8:57 Comments || Top||

#2  Archiving WWII typewriters sounds so much better than storing everyone's phone data.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/13/2024 10:23 Comments || Top||

#3  I can assure you that LTO tapes will deteriorate over time. After about 6 years we were seeing 5% loss--only partial read. Possibly we could have recovered more with a more sophisticated tape reader with the capability of skipping bad spots and re-orienting itself, but the drives' controllers didn't allow that.
Posted by: James || 06/13/2024 12:55 Comments || Top||

#4  The chance much of that data ever needs to be looked at again is small. As the volume of historical data climbs with the passage of time it's a damn good thing AI agents can be thrown at the job of recovering any potential needles from those haystacks.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/13/2024 13:10 Comments || Top||

#5  Tape also needs replacing after around 15 years, whereas the polymer is good for at least 50 years.
Posted by: Bobby || 06/13/2024 16:38 Comments || Top||

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