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Yemen’s Houthis claimed to target two vessels in the Red Sea
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Page 4: Opinion
4 15:05 Super Hose [109] 
2 15:38 M. Murcek [49] 
5 16:10 Besoeker [141] 
8 16:42 M. Murcek [165] 
3 16:25 Glenmore [78] 
1 21:38 Lord Garth [81] 
4 19:28 NN2N1 [82] 
7 17:58 swksvolFF [144] 
2 15:51 Bobby [73] 
Page 1: WoT Operations
5 20:08 swksvolFF [93]
3 14:33 alanc [72]
2 11:55 M. Murcek [122]
8 20:12 Ulolurong Bonaparte7637 [214]
2 01:09 Grom the Reflective [95]
3 08:33 alanc [122]
2 16:05 Glenmore [101]
0 [212]
5 17:46 swksvolFF [181]
Page 2: WoT Background
0 [41]
0 [27]
11 15:42 Procopius2k [243]
5 16:12 Richard+Aubrey [107]
4 12:43 Grom the Reflective [67]
1 10:07 ed in texas [46]
1 07:15 Skidmark [37]
10 20:25 swksvolFF [221]
1 10:34 Skidmark [42]
Page 3: Non-WoT
17 19:57 swksvolFF [275]
7 20:43 Canuckistan sniper [161]
7 16:14 Glenmore [157]
3 10:38 Skidmark [78]
8 15:51 Vinegar+Greque3942 [105]
8 16:17 Glenmore [152]
4 16:06 Besoeker [87]
0 [55]
0 [31]
6 14:15 NoMoreBS [122]
6 14:58 Rex Mundi [126]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
0 [23]
0 [28]
0 [20]
2 10:27 ed in texas [49]
0 [24]
0 [22]
2 03:06 Anon1 [51]
1 00:29 badanov [43]
0 [24]
1 10:41 badanov [47]
1 05:41 Skidmark [39]
Page 6: Politix
10 13:34 Throlush Dark Lord of the Nebraskans2736 [198]
3 14:31 Rex Mundi [91]
3 13:01 Rex Mundi [120]
4 08:45 Super Hose [117]
7 20:04 swksvolFF [120]
1 08:41 Super Hose [58]
15 14:28 Rex Mundi [192]
0 [36]
6 14:45 Super Hose [158]
3 14:38 NoMoreBS [84]
2 18:17 Lord Garth [78]
1 08:28 Super Hose [49]
2 09:47 Raj [53]
-Short Attention Span Theater-
Doomberg - 'Be Like Ike'
[Doomberg] Serving as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force during World War II, General Dwight D. Eisenhower became intimately familiar with German infrastructure and logistics. He was impressed by the effectiveness of the Autobahn highway system in facilitating the rapid movement of civilians and military personnel alike. As the Allies captured more German territory, they leveraged that system to enhance their mobility, and the general’s experience there would forever alter the course of US economic development.

Eisenhower believed that members of the professional military class should refrain from direct participation in politics and initially resisted calls to consider running for US President. Eventually succumbing to persistent encouragement, he won both the 1952 and 1956 elections by landslide margins. Eisenhower’s many outstanding contributions to the country include the passage of the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956. The Act became the foundation upon which more than 48,000 miles of highways were constructed, forming economic arteries that facilitate modern commerce in what is still the world’s largest economy. Amazon, FedEx, Walmart, and the family road trip owe debts of gratitude to the 34th president.

The build-out of the Interstate Highway System was not without its controversies, including the substantial disruptions imparted upon urban centers across the country. The project also irreversibly cemented the automobile’s role in the cultural and economic development of the US.

While Eisenhower literally paved the way for broad automobile adoption and mobility, today’s shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) requires robustness in yet another public good: the electrical grid. Efforts to mandate this transition have unveiled the grid’s convoluted history and its grossly inadequate current state of operation. As outlined in Emmet Penney’s expansive essay, "The Rise and Fall of the American Electrical Grid," the US grid’s journey is deficient in the type of discipline a project spearheaded by a talented general would bring. Decades of policy flip-flopping, disastrous market reforms driven by the likes of Enron with the full backing of Wall Street, and the expansion of intermittent renewable sources of electricity like wind and solar have left this all-important national asset on the brink of crisis. Here’s Penney’s gloomy assessment:

"It is not clear how the grid can be fixed. The rules governing it grow more arcane by the day. Various universities, utilities, NGOs, major financial institutions, politicians, and industry interests have too much at stake to turn back now. FERC [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] wants to create more and bigger electricity markets. And those who deal in quick fixes, like delusional transmission buildouts, hypothetical black-box modeling, or various other wonkish tabletop role-playing games, ceased being honest brokers long ago. The political force that could meet the challenge of fixing the American grid would have to be both powerful enough and competent enough to achieve its aims."

Into this foray enters US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, who inspired little confidence early in her tenure when she appeared before Congress to push for electrifying much of the US military vehicle fleet. (One can imagine how the late general would have responded to that proposal!) To her credit, she has partially redeemed herself of late by spearheading a campaign to return nuclear power to a central role in providing baseload electricity. While doing so would not fix every problem ailing the US grid, it would go a long way toward stabilizing a situation that teeters on the brink. Last week, she raised eyebrows while celebrating the startup of Vogtle Unit 4 in Waynesboro, Georgia, the second of two nuclear reactors recently brought online at the facility and the first new units to be constructed in the US in over 30 years (emphasis added):

"Plants like this one, obviously, are economic magnets, because clean, 24/7 power is now irresistible to companies that are looking to build big manufacturing facilities, big data centers. Those facilities mean even more jobs and even greater opportunities...

Southern Company and Waynesboro, they have led the way here. But it is now time for others to follow their lead. To reach our goal of net zero by 2050, we have to at least triple our current nuclear capacity in this country. That means we’ve got to add 200 more gigawatts by 2050. Okay, two down, 198 to go!"

As much as pro-nuclear advocates welcome this about-face from the Biden administration—this publicaton included—tripling the national nuclear operating capacity over the next 25 years poses a gargantuan challenge for an industry that "quivers like a litter of beaten puppies under the routine flogging carried out by radical environmentalists." Well, the dog finally has the opportunity to catch the car. Now what?...
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/09/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [73 views] Top|| File under:

#1  This would require that any of the 'leaders' be inclined to put the good of the country ahead of themselves.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/09/2024 10:29 Comments || Top||

#2  From Sec. Granholm's May 31 remarks -

Since the President signed the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, companies across the nation have announced 29 new or expanded nuclear facilities—across 16 states—representing about 1,600 potential new jobs. Full text
Posted by: Bobby || 06/09/2024 15:51 Comments || Top||

What happens if the far right gains in EU elections?
[BBC] “The far right is on the march” is something you often hear said across Europe right now. “This feels like Europe of the 1930s.”

So perhaps it is no surprise that with 350 million people across the European Union currently voting for their direct representatives in the European Parliament, there’s nail-biting by many a Eurocrat in Brussels. But are fears - and media headlines - exaggerated? Millennials and first-time Gen Z voters are among those predicted to pull rightwards. Figures gathered recently for the Financial Times newspaper suggest around a third of young French voters and Dutch under-25s, and 22% of young German voters, favour their country’s far right. This is a significant increase since the last European Parliament election in 2019.

Far-right parties are predicted to take up to a quarter of the total seats, and if they do win big, the optics will be clear. But the granular detail of what impact it could have on life and policy-making in the EU is more nuanced. And that is because the nationalist right itself is nuanced - different nationalist right politicians in different countries hold different positions. Some have toned down former far-rightist rhetoric to try to widen their appeal to voters.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/09/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [49 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The BBC is wishcasting.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/09/2024 15:32 Comments || Top||

History according to Macron. The memory of the Soviet contribution to the defeat of Nazism is being erased
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Oleysa Orlenko

[REGNUM] From June 5 to 7, France hosted solemn commemorative events to mark the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy during World War II. President Emmanuel Macron attaches particular importance to this event. Leaders and representatives from different countries of the world, as well as surviving veterans and eyewitnesses of the events, gathered for the celebration. However, behind the solemn speeches and strong emotions lies an attempt at political manipulation. The significance of the anniversary events for the French President can be assessed from the fact that he began preparing for them two months in advance. Macron's focus is on the actions of French members of the Resistance movement and civilian casualties of the war.

Continued on Page 49
Posted by: badanov || 06/09/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [82 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Not much different than Stalin making sure the Russian people never knew the extent of aid in massive raw material to equipment that armed the Soviet Army.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/09/2024 7:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Molotov?
Posted by: Frank G || 06/09/2024 8:31 Comments || Top||

#3  The Russians indeed contributed vastly to the defeat of Germany. But they didn't contribute to D-day.
Matter of fact, Stalin repeatedly complained about the delays in getting to it.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/09/2024 10:25 Comments || Top||

My father was a Sgt. in the Yankee Division.
Yes, the division that saved the 10-worse butts ☺.

Because he spoke the dialects he was used to do the horse trading with the Russians and yes even negotiate with common small German soldier platoons to withdrawn to avoid getting themselves killed as the 26th advanced.

He said one the Red soldiers, while doing some trading. Said the Nazi camp looked like something they had for their own problems back home.

The only deference between Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia was the USSR won its war and Hitler did not. Soviet Russia was just a viscous as 1934-1945 Germany

Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/09/2024 19:28 Comments || Top||

Government Corruption
The Bidens Are A Horrible Bunch Of People
Posted by: Frank G || 06/09/2024 09:45 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [109 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

#1  Yeah, but Frank Sheerhan liked him. (Read "I Hear You Paint Houses", aka The Irishman. Towards the end, Joey Biden running for congress shows up at Sheerhan's Teanster office.)
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/09/2024 10:16 Comments || Top||

#2  All of Biden's children were/are substance abusers.

That should say it all.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 06/09/2024 12:30 Comments || Top||

#4  There would probably be more sympathy for Joe if he hadn’t acted despicably for decades.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/09/2024 15:05 Comments || Top||

Unveiling ‘Big Intel': How the CIA and FBI became deep state villains
[BLAZE] Michael Waller’s latest book shows how America’s top intelligence agencies were infected with politically correct and Marxist ideology — and how we rebuild them to serve the national interest.

J. Michael Waller and I became acquainted exactly one week after the events of January 6, 2021. We both published our first observations of that day on January 13. Waller’s account, "Covert Cadre: What I saw leading up to the US Capitol attack," was published on the Center for Security Policy website. My story, "What I Saw on January 6th in Washington, DC," was posted to my blog.

Readers began to cross-pollinate the two articles, sending Waller and myself messages suggesting we should "check out" each other’s work. We did, and a friendship was born. As such, I’ll dispense with the stylebook requirements and henceforth refer to him as "Mike."

Amazon review follows:

How the Left Subverted the CIA and FBI
Once upon a time, the FBI and the CIA fought America’s enemies at home and abroad. Now they are tools of a growing police state, attacking the left’s political enemies and spying on ordinary American citizens—even parents who push back against radical public schools. How did we get here?

In this revealing and thoroughly documented book, a former operative for the CIA traces the origins of Big Intel to a loose network of Marxist academic agitators known as the Frankfurt School. Their ideology appealed to the Ivy League elites populating the CIA, but the subversion of the FBI took longer, impeded for a time by the bureau’s staunchly anti-Communist director, J. Edgar Hoover. Eventually both institutions succumbed, and today Big Intel is controlled by the cultural Marxists.

Chronicling the parasitic infiltration of the CIA and FBI, Big Intel shows how normal intelligence functions have given way to political correctness and never-ending “pride” propaganda, trapping agents in the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” house of mirrors.

Most chilling of all is the emergence of the leftist security state. Big Intel has become Bad Intel. There are hard times ahead, but if Americans remember what freedom once was, we can still defang Big Intel and return our intelligence services to the service of democracy.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/09/2024 01:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [165 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Conquest's laws.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/09/2024 1:38 Comments || Top||

#2  If you take all the woke out you still have a massive problem

The woke is just wrapping paper. A disguise.

The real monster you are dealing with is the merger of the billionaire-corporate elite with the security state, which has been given the power of black budgets with no civilian oversight

They do not serve YoU anymore, they serve themselves.

Operating in secrecy means total power. James Clapper lied to congress about NSA spying on americans. Snowden revealed it. Snowden is in exile. Clapper is on CNN.

They used Ukraine as a bioweapons sandbox and provoked a war with russia. No consequences.

They do whatever they like. They run US foreign policy (under constraint of saudi petro dollar)

They have made billions out of the covid scam through moderna patents held by secret partnership buy-ins of venture capital firms that bought into Moderna.

They run a racket making money wherever they want around the world by starting wars and insider trading off them.

They send your children off to die overseas for the profit of favoured partners like Raytheon, Lockheed, General Dynamics,

The woke face is just corporate PR spin used to create brownshirts of civil unrest

Corporations all donated to BLm to burn america down before 2020 election so Trump would not win

This is their orange revolution at home

So your problem is not woke - which is just corporaations in greenface, blackface and rainbowface

Your problem is textbook fascism.

The merger of state security agencies with big corporations/billionaires

Somthey run the place and sideline or buy off your elected government and bureaucracy

So they no longer serve you. They are no longer your employees as citizens. You no longer hold a check over their power.

They do what they want.
Posted by: Anon1 || 06/09/2024 2:57 Comments || Top||

#3  How can you be so full of shit this early in the morning?
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/09/2024 7:58 Comments || Top||

#4  Many people are until the coffee gets things moving....
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/09/2024 8:15 Comments || Top||

#5  Whoever would have expected that we would actually miss old J Edgar?
Posted by: Bigfoot Chising1641 || 06/09/2024 12:07 Comments || Top||

#6  The aren’t accountable to Congress or to us. The defied and attacked the President we elected. They are our enemy.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/09/2024 15:30 Comments || Top||

#7  They know everything about the politicians and use it to control them. If there is no 'dirt,' they make some and use THAT to control them. That's why seemingly good people go to DC and act fine for about a year at most before they get called in for the 'talk.' (I can't prove this but it is the simplest available explanation of all the observations.)
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/09/2024 16:23 Comments || Top||

#8  Nobody gets to the big show without selling their soul.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/09/2024 16:42 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Hillary Clinton's Insulting D-Day Post Reminds Us Why She Lost
[TOWNHALL] If there was any doubt remaining that Crooked Hillary Clinton
...former first lady, former secretary of state, former presidential candidate, Conqueror of Benghazi, Heroine of Tuzla, formerly described by her supporters as the smartest woman in the world, usually described by the rest of us as The Thing That Wouldn't Go Away. Politix is not one of her talents, but it's something she keeps trying to do...
is a contemptuous unelectable partisan, the loser of the 2016 presidential election provided another clear reminder on Thursday.

According to the twice-failed candidate, voting against Donald Trump
...Oh, noze! Not him!...
this November is the same heroic act in defense of democracy as storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.

"Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy," Clinton wrote in the post on X. "This November, all we have to do is vote."

Voting is important and a right that's sadly often taken for granted — something we're only able to do because of the real heroism of those like the men who fought and died fighting actual evil on D-Day. Shlepping over to the local library to check a few boxes in a voting booth on your way to work is key to preserving our ideals, but it is not the same as sacrificing, fighting, and dying for the freedom of people halfway around the world.

When Americans cast their ballots this November, they will not have to take an amphibious landing craft across perilous, mine-filled waters. They won't have to sprint onto a beach clutching a firearm under heavy artillery fire from above. Voters won't face the task of scaling the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc with grappling hooks. They won't lose their friends in bloody chaos. And, if they defeat Trump, they will not have liberated millions from tyranny.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [144 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ahahhaa Cankles is still being overpaid and given awards? Why?
Posted by: Anon1 || 06/09/2024 3:03 Comments || Top||

#2  It's a Russian conspiracy.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/09/2024 8:09 Comments || Top||

#3  At the convention, the Dems will have the opportunity to can Joe. No one can beat Trump anyway, why not let Hillary get obliterated again? If you have a 72 Impala wagon in your front yard, why not run it in the demo derby?
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/09/2024 8:59 Comments || Top||

#4  And to think that disgusting pig Hillary might be the Dem nominee for prez. Good gawd is this nutso.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 06/09/2024 9:41 Comments || Top||

#5  So much experienced, so little learned.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/09/2024 10:21 Comments || Top||

#6  Hillary Clinton blames fellow women for costing her 2016 election: 'I’m supposed to be perfect'

Prob not just 'fellow' women.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/09/2024 11:03 Comments || Top||

#7  Saying the same shit during Covid.

"Your forebearers had to save the world by storming Normandy, all you have to do is stay home." or some such merde.

Imagine being a socialist, and having to pretend to celebrate the beginning of the end of a socialist government.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/09/2024 17:58 Comments || Top||

Condolences to the Jew-haters
[IsraelNationalNews] Shabbat had finished, I switched on the radio, and heard the wonderfully uplifting news: This morning, our Special Forces located and rescued four of our hostages who had been held captive by the Hamas for eight months!

Along with the rest of the nation, I am rejoicing.

Inevitably, of course, some people are devastated at four Jews being rescued. And if you are one of those, then I address my words here to you.

Whether you’re honest about supporting the Hamas — maybe as an Islamist, maybe as a European or American neo-Nazi, maybe as a college-educated liberal, maybe as an official of the Iranian regime, or maybe as a die-hard Irish nationalist in the Sinn Féin mould;

or whether you like to portray yourself as "pro-Israel but anti-Netanyahu", maybe as J-street, maybe as Jewish Voice for Peace, maybe as a writer or editor of Jewish Currents;

or whether you pretend to be neutral, maybe as Secretary General of the United Nations, maybe as a Red Cross official —

I understand that you’re devastated at Israel’s successfully rescuing these four and bringing them home to safety. I understand that it doesn’t fit your "narrative" — your constantly-repeated mantra that Israel (or Netanyahu, depending on how dishonest you are) doesn’t care about the hostages. I understand that you are distraught because this dramatic rescue reduces the Hamas’s bargaining power.

But please, dear Jew-haters...oops, sorry, I meant to say "anti-Zionists", take heart. All is not lost. There is much from which you can draw solace.

First, the fact that that the genocidal psychopaths of the Hamas whom you so dearly love are still holding some 126 of our hostages. There are still plenty of Jews for them to continue torturing and abusing.

But better than that, for you Jew-haters...oops, sorry, I did it again, I meant to say "anti-Zionists":

This dramatic rescue-mission took place in the Nuseirat refugee camp; that’s where the Hamas were holding these hostages. So inevitably, there were civilian casualties among the Gazans: more than two-hundred killed according to the Hamas — a number which may well rise as either more details become known, or as the Hamas’s accounting department gets to work inflating the figures while differetiating between terrorists and so-called civilians. (Questions: How could 4 hostages be held for months without one "uninvolved" Gazan reporting it? Can it be they did not care?)

This has already led to massive condemnations of Israel.

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the PA, condemned Israel’s operation as a "bloody massacre", and called for an emergency UN Security Council session.

Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, wrote on X (formerly Twitter): "Reports from Gaza of another massacre of civilians are appalling. We condemn this in the strongest terms. The bloodbath must end immediately".

Jordan and Egypt, Israel’s two best friends in the Middle East, both condemned the rescue:

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry said that it "condemned the brutal Israeli assault" on the camp, "a practice that reflects the systematic targeting of Palestinian civilians, the Israeli persistence in violating international law and international humanitarian law, and the continuation of committing war crimes".

And the Egyptian Foreign Ministry stated that Egypt "condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli attacks on the Al-Nuseirat camp".

And so, dear Jew-haters...oops, sorry, I did it yet again, I meant to say "anti-Zionists" everywhere, take heart. All is not lost. Yes the Jews managed to rescue four of their hostages, but dead Gazans make such excellent Jew-bashing TV footage that it was well worth it.

Let’s be honest: whether you’re an Islamist, or a neo-Nazi, or a college-educated progressive or liberal, or an official of the Iranian regime, or a die-hard Irish nationalist, or a left-wing Jewish activist, or a UN or Red Cross official, you don’t really care about the "Palestinian Arabs" at all, do you. It’s not, and never has been, about them; it’s about hating Israel.

So take solace, Jew-haters...oops, sorry, I did it yet again, I meant to say "anti-Zionists", in the knowledge that while we here in Israel are rejoicing in the rescue of four of our captives, and while we have confidence in our Army that it can defeat the genocidal psychopaths of the Hamas who are fighting your fight, the world will still continue to condemn us.

Enjoy it.

And here in Israel, we couldn’t give a damn what you think.
Actually, we do care that you think. We remember that Globalist/Islamists are as much enemies of Am Israel as the Nazis were. And most of us beginning to realize that "Peace Process" was a huge mistake - the only "Peace" Arabs understand is a threat of a superior force applied with ruthless brutality.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/09/2024 01:15 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [141 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Wrll written but for the last par i would say “the only peace Arabs Muslims understand is superior force ruthlessly applied”

It isnt the arab christians atheists druze or jews doing this

It is religiously animated, the driving force being the diktats of a certain religion of peace
Posted by: Anon1 || 06/09/2024 3:02 Comments || Top||

#2  #1 But, most of the Islamism in the World is driven by Arab petrodollars (Iran is more like Soviet Union with Islam instead of Communism).
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/09/2024 3:17 Comments || Top||

#4  Get everybody in Congress’s opinion on the record.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/09/2024 15:22 Comments || Top||

#5  ^ Not possible, they're still shopping in Paris and tell jump stories.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/09/2024 16:10 Comments || Top||

Analysis finds flaws in Hamas data, drop in rate of Gazan women, children killed
[IsraelTimes] Such reported deaths were 64% in October, but fell to 38% in April; Hamas-run health ministry still claims most deaths are women and kids, contradicting its own daily figures

The proportion of Paleostinian women and kiddies being killed in the Israel-Hamas
..always the voice of sweet reason...
war appears to have declined sharply, an News Agency that Dare Not be Named analysis of Gazoo
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/09/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [78 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Lips are moving?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/09/2024 1:31 Comments || Top||


Just run the stated UN stated population figures for the area. Then the Media articles for the masses of evacuees and etc.

Even using the NEA's New Math, the Hamas Math does not add up.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/09/2024 6:41 Comments || Top||

#3  They're running out of women and kiddies?
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/09/2024 16:25 Comments || Top||

Depleted Hamas switches to insurgent tactics in Gaza, posing steep challenge
[IsraelTimes] Change from direct confrontation to ambushes and bomb attacks could prolong fighting for months with no ‘quick fix’ available, officials and analysts say

Hamas has seen about half its forces wiped out in eight months of war and is relying on hit-and-run insurgent tactics to frustrate Israel’s attempts to take control of Gaza, US and Israeli officials told Reuters.

Hamas, the enclave’s ruling group, has been reduced to between 9,000 and 12,000 fighters, according to three senior US officials familiar with battlefield developments, down from American estimates of 20,000-25,000 before the conflict. By contrast, Israel says it has lost almost 300 troops in the Gaza campaign. Hamas fighters are now largely avoiding sustained skirmishes with Israeli forces closing in on the southernmost city of Rafah, instead relying on ambushes and improvised bombs to hit targets often behind enemy lines, one of the officials said.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/09/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [81 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  hit and run insurgent tactics won't protect the Hamas leadership very well

to do that they need some organized Praetorian Guard to do that otherwise there is more danger from within and without
Posted by: Lord Garth || 06/09/2024 21:38 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Sun 2024-06-09
  Yemen’s Houthis claimed to target two vessels in the Red Sea
Sat 2024-06-08
  IDF rescues four hostages in stunning operation in central Gaza
Fri 2024-06-07
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Thu 2024-06-06
  Hamas says 'will agree to deal with permanent ceasefire, Israeli withdrawal'
Wed 2024-06-05
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  Fire rains down from the sky as Israel launches missile attack on Gaza
Mon 2024-06-03
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Sun 2024-06-02
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  Israeli military denies carrying out strike in Al-Mawasi
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Mon 2024-05-27
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Sun 2024-05-26
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