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Saudi-led air strikes kill 44 in attack on Yemeni army compound
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Yemeni army, popular committees shell Saudi military bases in Jizan
[Iran Press TV] The Yemeni army and popular committees have launched rocket and mortar attacks against Saudi military bases in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern Jizan region.

Over 40 rockets and dozens of artillery shells were fired at the bases during the early Tuesday attack, al-Masira TV reported.

Later on Tuesday, Saudi jets carried out several raids on Yemen’s Defense Ministry in the capital Sana’a.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

#1  Welcome to Sderot, Soody pigs.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 06/09/2015 0:23 Comments || Top||

Saudi-led air strikes kill 44 in attack on Yemeni army compound
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Saudi-led air strikes killed at least 44 people during an air raid on the main headquarters of the Yemeni army in central Sanaa on Sunday, the Houthi-run state news agency Saba said.

The agency said that more than 100 people, including civilians, were also maimed in the attack which also destroyed private houses in Tahrir district in central Sanaa.

Residents had earlier said that four kabooms shook the compound, where soldiers allied with the Iranian-backed Houthi
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The Yemeni government has accused the Houthis of having ties to the Iranian government, which wouldn't suprise most of us. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews ...
group that dominates Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
had gathered since Saturday evening to get their pay checks.

"More than 44 citizens were martyred and 100 others including women and kiddies, according to preliminary figures," the agency said.

The agency quoted a source at the Health Ministry as saying that rescue teams where working to find people believed to be still under the rubble of houses destroyed by the raids.

The escalation of the violence came despite progress toward convening United Nations
...an idea whose time has gone...
-backed peace talks this month in Geneva. The exiled Yemeni government in Riyadh and the Houthis have agreed to attend the talks which start on June 14.

United Nations special envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed was in Oman for talks with the Omani minister of state for foreign affairs aimed at preparing for the Geneva meeting, Omani state news agency ONA reported on Saturday. Oman had been mediating efforts to convene the Geneva talks.

Saudi-led forces have been pounding the Houthi group since March 26 in a campaign aimed at restoring President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power.

Residents said Saudi-led aircraft also targeted other military camps east and west of the capital but there was no immediate word on casualties.

On Saturday, the Houthis and their army allies fired a Scud missile into Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
which the kingdom said it shot down.

It was the first reported use of a ballistic missile in the conflict. The Saudi military said it had targeted the city of Khamees Mushait in the kingdom's southwest and was intercepted by two Patriot missiles.

Arab air strikes and shelling after the attack killed 38 Yemenis in provinces near Saudi Arabia, according to Saba reports which could not be immediately confirmed.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [18 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

#1  Residents had earlier said that four kabooms shook the compound, where soldiers allied with the Iranian-backed Houthi had gathered since Saturday evening to get their pay checks

Another benefit to having direct deposit.
Posted by: Pappy || 06/09/2015 12:17 Comments || Top||

Photographer arrested over Bangladesh blogger murder
[NEWS.YAHOO] Bangladesh police said Monday they have jugged
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
a photo-journalist over the murder of an atheist blogger hacked to death last month by a masked gang wielding machetes.

The man was arrested Sunday in the northeastern city of Sylhet and remanded in jug by a local court over the murder of the blogger, the third to be hacked to death since February.

"A photo-journalist has been arrested in connection with the murder of Ananta Bijoy Das. He has been remanded into custody for seven days for questioning," Sylhet police chief Kamrul Ahsan told AFP.

He declined to give any other details, but private Jamuna TV station identified the man as Idris Ali, It said he was based in Sylhet and worked for a national and a local newspaper.

A gang of four killed Das, 33, a banker, editor and blogger, on May 13 as he headed to work in Sylhet in an attack that police suspect was carried out by Islamic bad boys.

The country has seen a rise in attacks by religious bandidos gunnies in recent years, with the assaults on the bloggers drawing widespread criticism that a culture of impunity has been allowed to flourish.

Police were also investigating an announcement by an unknown group that Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent was behind the killing of Das.

AQIS has already grabbed credit for the murder of Bangladeshi-born US citizen Avijit Roy, a writer and moderator of a blog. An Islamist has been arrested over that attack in February that also injured Roy's wife.

Bangladesh is an officially secular country but more than 90 percent of its 160 million people are Moslem.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Ananta Bijoy Das
For Allah did not care a toss.
His blog gave Mohammedans fits,
So four of them hacked him to bits.
Posted by: Shuting Gurly-Brown7975 || 06/09/2015 0:58 Comments || Top||

#2  photo-journalist

Apparently didn't like having "amateur competition."
Posted by: Pappy || 06/09/2015 12:18 Comments || Top||

London authorities detain five PIA crew over smuggling, money laundering
[DAWN] United Kingdom's customs authority on Monday detained five Pakistain International Airlines (PIA) crewmembers from a London-Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
flight on charges of smuggling and money laundering.

According to DawnNews, PIA flight PK-788 from London to Karachi was delayed when London airport authorities searched the crew's luggage for almost two hours, after which seven crewmembers were taken into custody. Two crewmembers were later released.

Sources said a large amount of currency and several insured mobile phones were recovered from the crew's bags.

Sources said the PIA aircraft flew to Karachi with a crew comprising only seven members, which is below the required number per international flight safety standards.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

The Grand Turk
Southeast Turkey army base attacked by mortar
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] A military base was targeted by mortar fire in southeast The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
on Saturday, the general staff said in a statement Sunday. There were no casualties.

The statement said bully boyz attacked the Daglica base close to the Iraqi border in Hakkari province at around 12.35 p.m. local time (1035GMT) on Saturday.

Troops on the base, home to the 7th Border Regiment Command, returned fire.

The separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) regularly launches mortar attacks on the base, rarely causing casualties or damage. The group, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and EU, is primarily based in the Qandil mountains in northern Iraq.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

Drone blame game
[DAWN] US DRONE strikes have continued relentlessly in the Fata region. Most recently, on June 6, a US drone strike killed at least nine suspected turbans in the Shawal valley of North Wazoo.

A few months ago, the US drone programme came under intense scrutiny. A drone strike conducted in January resulted in the deaths of two Westerners held hostage by murderous Moslems. Outcry followed in the West, which prompted President B.O. to issue a formal apology. In a welcome development, the US promised to provide compensation to the victims' families. The US, however, refuses to mete out the same treatment to drone victims of Fata origin. No apologies are issued or compensation promised. At times loss of civilian life is simply denied.

The events of the past few months confirm the observation that civilian life in Fata is less valuable and in turn elicits lower levels of grief compared to the loss of innocent life in conflict elsewhere. This blatant dehumanisation of Pak drone victims can be attributed to many external factors, but one cannot discount the role played by local actors.

There exists very little connectivity between Fata and the sprawling urban and political centres of mainstream Pakistain. Because of this, there is very little empathy for and understanding of the plight of Fata residents. Many urban dwellers view Fata residents as primitive. This opinion further contributes to the devaluation of Fata life. This apathy in society allows the state to shed its responsibility towards Fata civilians. The Pak state is not held to account for failing to protect innocent Fata residents, to ameliorate their suffering by providing compensation, or to prevent their deaths by effectively working towards halting such attacks. The state is being let off the hook and this allows it to pass the buck.

Let's take the political establishment. Barring one major political party, and that too during an election campaign, no party has seriously taken any measures that could end the drone campaign. The bureaucracy has also evaded the issue. Apart from the trite condemnation of drone strikes -- which increasingly looks like paying lip service -- in the form of a template and a brief statement decrying a violation of the illusory sovereignty of Pakistain issued by the Foreign Office, no other ministries, including those dealing with law and security, have publicly voiced their concerns or circulated an action plan.

No formal legal document or white paper has been prepared. In addition, the condemnation by the Foreign Office is primarily focused on the disregard for illusory sovereignty, and not on the violations of human rights
...which are often intentionally defined so widely as to be meaningless...
witnessed by Fata civilian residents.

Pakistain has ratified a number of international human rights conventions, notably the ICCPR, which upholds the right to life, provides protection against extrajudicial killings, requires the right to compensation, and guarantees the right of assembly and freedom of movement. All these rights are undermined by the state's inability to prevent drone strikes. Moreover, the ICJ has held in the Paleostinian wall case that inhabitants of any territory under the control of a state that has ratified the ICCPR -- whatever the legal status of the territory -- have to be accorded ICCPR protections. Fata's autonomous nature cannot be used to deprive its residents of the protections of fundamental rights.

The judiciary has played a more proactive and positive role in recognising the human rights of drone victims. In 2013, the Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
High Court in a seminal judgement recognised jurisdiction over drone attacks in Fata, and found them in violation of international law. The court held that constitutional fundamental rights were available to the people of Fata. The court further found both the US and the Pak government answerable and demanded damages for drone victims.

Subsequently, the court issued a contempt of court notice to the Foreign Office for failing to comply with its order. Many in government were not happy with these decisions as they viewed them as judicial intrusions in foreign relations matters -- an executive prerogative. Recently, the judiciary has backtracked on its judicial activism on drones. In April, a Supreme Court bench dismissed a constitutional petition against US drone strikes in Fata because it did not fall within the ambit of Article 184(3).

The US ostensibly perceives drones as an effective weapon to tackle terrorism. A plethora of human rights organizations in the US strongly disagree with this position and are exerting pressure on their government to protect human rights. Pakistain's civil society has a greater responsibility to pressure its government and hold it answerable, considering that it is Pak civilians who are caught in the midst of the drone campaign.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [24 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Rebels seize sprawling army base in Syria
[FOXNEWS] Syrian rebels seized a sprawling military base in a lightning assault Tuesday, marking the latest in a series of defeats for Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Supressor of the Damascenes...
's increasingly embattled forces, rebels and activists said.

Assad's forces have suffered a stunning string of setbacks over the past three months at the hands of bad boys, members of Al Qaeda's local affiliate and the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
holy warrior group. The government lost the northern city of Idlib, the central historic town of Palmyra and a southern border crossing point with Jordan.

The Western-backed rebel alliance known as the Southern Front led the dawn assault on the army base in the southern Daraa province, known as Brigade 52, said Ahmad al-Masalmeh, an opposition activist in Daraa. It is the biggest Syrian military base in the province and lies near a major highway running from Jordan to the capital Damascus. He said the rebels also captured the nearby village of Mleiha al-Sharqiyeh.

After a fierce six-hour battle, the rebels were in control of the air base, said Issam al-Rayyes, a front man for the Southern Front alliance.

"Brigade 52 is fully liberated after intense battles that saw regime soldiers rapidly collapse," he told The News Agency that Dare Not be Named by telephone. He said the base, which borders the government-controlled Sweida province, was used by the army to shell civilian areas with deadly barrel bombs and artillery. It houses an air base, an infantry unit and an artillery and T-72 tank battalion.

He said the capture of the base triggered celebrations in nearby villages.

The Syrian government did not comment directly on the battle for Brigade 52. But state-run news agency
...and if you can't believe the state-run news agency who can you believe?...
SANA said army units struck "terrorist" groups in Daraa province. It said fighters trained in camps in neighboring Jordan, as well as weapons and ammunition bound for "terrorist organizations," were flowing across the border into Daraa. The Syrian government refers to rebels fighting to topple Assad as terrorists.

Al-Rayyes said more than 67 soldiers were killed in the battle for Brigade 52, including seven officers. Eleven rebel fighters were also killed. The numbers could not be independently confirmed.

The Free Syrian Army
... the more palatable version of the Syrian insurgency, heavily influenced by the Moslem Brüderbund...
's Southern Front is an alliance of rebel groups backed by the U.S. and its allies, including Syria's southern neighbor Jordan, which offers the group logistical support. Earlier this year, the rebels captured a string of towns from government forces. They aim to carve out a swath of territory leading to the doorstep of Assad's seat of power in Damascus.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 13:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

#1  Getting to be near that time
Posted by: Shipman || 06/09/2015 19:22 Comments || Top||

18 people, including 4 children, killed in northern Homs: activists
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] Syrian regime air raids on northern countryside of Home killed at least 18 people, including 4 children, activists and monitoring group said Sunday.

Local activists and the Syrian Network for Human Rights said regime helicopters had dropped three barrel-bomb on a crowded neighborhood in al-Zafaraneh village, leaving 18 civilians dead and 30 others maimed.

The aerial attack caused a huge damage in local market as number of shops were totally burned.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

Idlib: Assad warplanes kill 21 people, including 5 children, in al-Janoudiya town
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] At least 21 civilians, including 5 children and two women, were killed in missile attack on a border town with The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
in northern Idlib province, activists and monitoring group said Monday.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights and activists said 21 civilians have been killed in al-Janoudiya town near the border line with Turkey.

The fierce aerial campaign came in response to the rapid advances of Fatah Army, an alliance of Islamist groups, near Latakia province, Bashir al-Assad's heartland.
Posted by: Fred || 06/09/2015 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

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Two weeks of WOT
Tue 2015-06-09
  Saudi-led air strikes kill 44 in attack on Yemeni army compound
Mon 2015-06-08
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Sun 2015-06-07
  Turkey ruling AKP 'loses majority'
Sat 2015-06-06
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Thu 2015-06-04
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Wed 2015-06-03
  ASWJ member shot dead
Tue 2015-06-02
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Sun 2015-05-31
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  4 dead as Saudi Arabia 'foils' attack on mosque
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  Rebels seize Assad's last stronghold in Idlib
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Wed 2015-05-27
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Tue 2015-05-26
  Suicide bomber blows himself up during Rangers operation in Karachi

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